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Tawalt - LEXIQUE ANIMAL (Français - Amazighe - Arabe) (Mohamed Oussous)

Jul 07, 2015



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: : ( ) . ( ) 2 () () ( ..).. 3 1

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1 - ( ) . 2 - - 0002. ( ) 3 - : ! : !. () .



: 7 8 9 ... () ( ) ( ) 01 . ( ) .7 - () ( ) : turu tifkert yan ifker , inna yas ifker : isefnckker ifenckker n ifker lli turut a tifkert, ar talla tifkert, teddu s yan ifker tini yas : inna yi ifker isefnckker ifenckker n ifker lli urugh 8 - ( ) . 9 - ( ) ( ) zoologique gris ras brun () () . .87 .10 - J. Servier Traditions et civilisations berbres p

4 Gravures rupestres . : : 1 - : : - 5 6 07 (). 844 .Servier traditions et civilisations berbres p : - - - . : Ouhami Ould-Braham - Sur Une Chronique Arabo-Berbre Des Ibadites Mdivaux - in Etudes et 4 documents berbres - n ,C.Motylinski - le nom berbre de dieu chez les ibadhites-Revue Africaine-2me trim 141.1905 ,148-pp igerd . 4 - : Camps, Gabriel Berbres : mmoire et identit 5 - Autour de quelques noms danimaux domestiques en berbre in Manuel de linguistique berbre- II syntaxe et diachronie .6 - M.Akli Haddadou - Trsor de la langue berbre - Le vocabulaire des animaux



..) ()61 () () ()... - ( ) Neutre Expressif : ( ..) ( ..) . 71 021-111 .16 - Serra, L - Vocabulaire berbre de la mer - in ACECM, 1, 1973, p 71 - .

: ( ) ( )11 ( ) : () ( )Langouste ( .)Murne 21 31 ( ) 41 ( ) 51 (). - ( 11- ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . 21 - . 31 - 63-56 : ( ) () ( ) ( ) ... : ( ) ( )... : ( ) - : - : ( ). 41 - () : : .. 51 - : ( ) Antichrist () .



.Fables ( ) Truxiale () Mythe Amazigh 32. Mante religieuse ( )42 ( 52 (). 32 - Diurne : ( (! Nocturne . adggwal n- ehd . 42 - . ( . 52 - Alojaly - .Takzukzt Engoulevent : .-Tte chvre

( ) .. ( .. )81 Euphmismes 91 ( )02 12 22 ( ) . 512 .18 - Destaing, Edmond - Interdictions de vocabulaire en berbre - p 91- () Renard famelique 02 - corneille choucard . 12 - 01 ( ..) ( ) (= + ) : ). 22 - 01 .Rhinolophe .



manchettes Gazelle Idmi chien aydi . Corriente Tagarot ( ) Atahorma 72 Servier Raton 82 : Sellift Selluf ( )29 Periploca angustifolia( aigiu ). ( ) ( ) () ( ) Ichtyonymes () ( 9991)03 ( : ) . .-572962.27 - Corriente, Federico - Le berbre en al Andalus - pp 8491 ,5 ,28 - Servier - Trois mots lybiques dans Hrodote - groupes detudes chamito-smitiques.-2717.51, p 92 - asellif .aselluf 30 - Lattaoui, Abderrahim - Ichtyonomie marocaine-Etude historico-linguistique des noms des poissons marins au Maroc- Publications de la facult des lettres et des sciences humaines-Rabat9991

( () ) () () () () 62. . : .Falco Faucon Mergus Grive ,Pullus Coq . .Asinus ne () .Cattus Chat Tassergal Mouflon Udad Mouflon 62 - ( ).



() : ( ) ( )Sauriens Ver blanc Gupier () (). ( ) : (+ ) (+ ) : . () : : Celui Nominatif : (+ 63 )Rgime Pejoratif 83 Amelioratif : () 73 () () 93 ( ..)Gros bec. () () : ( ) ( ) ( ).. * : +Nom dagent :Nominal: ( ( ) + (+) . (+ ): () (+ : ) ()04

+ R+R : 1 : Lagglutination : * Prefixe Regime ( +P )R : Adjectif 13 : (+ ) Taon (+ ) Verdier (+ : ) (+ ( : ) : : + () .. () 23 : ( + 33) : (+ : Bouc barbu () (+ +) 53 43 () Suffixe . ( ).13 - - : - .14 , 32 - K. Ait Zerrad - Les prfixes expressifs en berbre - in Articles de linguistiques berbres 353 .Harmattan, 2002 - p 33 - . 43 - : .. .. 53 - : ( ) ( ).

( ) +

() + ().

.553 .36 - Ait Zerrad - p


73 - : . 83 - : + () (). 93 - . 04 - .


: ( ) : (). : ( ) ++: (++)= . + : ( ): + ( ) () : + ( + ) . : + Prposition: : + ( ) . . Syntaxique : 2 - : * ()44 Synapsis : (1 + + 2)54 :44 - : - ( ). 45 - M.Seghoual - Le lexique amazighe : forme et sens )cas de tarifit( in Hafriyat Maghribiya - numro .71-61 .spcial - juin 2003 - pp

14 ( ) 24 ( ) 34 ( ) : : () + () Luciole : () + Papillon .de nuit + Adverbe: : + () Stomoxe ()+ + () . :: ()+ () . : () + () . : () + ( ): Le poisson de sable : + : ()+ (): .Taupe : ( ). : ( ).14 - : : . . 24 - . 34 - .



Schmes ( )64 : ( ) . ( ) () : : Ratel : Raton : ( ): . Consonne () : .. . Mtathse : (). ( : )

: (): ... ( ): ( ): .. (): .. (): .. : .. () : .. (): .. : () ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ().. : .. : ( ). : : .. Affixes

( ) 46 - Lattaoui, Abderrahim - Ichtyonomie marocaine-Etude historico-linguistique des noms des .35-25.poissons marins au Maroc - pp



: (): - (): - Libellule (): - Lombric (): - Roitelet (): 74 - . Serpent cendr ( ): - . 2 - . 74 - () .

Lepisme . ( ) ( ) () ( ) ( ) ( ) .. Bombardier () ( ) Gupier ( : (). ( ) ( ) : : . ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . Onomatope Redoublement du son ( ).



* : Grizzli Sarigue Vison Oppusum ..Lemming : Raton Laveur Livre siffleur Punaise deau Coq de bruyre- Oiseau-mouche ( ) ( Veuve noire ..)Gele de mer Rhizostome. : Ornithorynque Ornitho ( ) rynque () : ( Geogale ) : Geo/Akal Gale/Tarddi Acanthocephale + : . Di Bi : Bicphale .. () Macro 84 : Macrodactyle Macroglosse ( )A() : Apode (..)Aglosse Megapode : ( Otocyon )Chien oreillard ( ) .Macroure 84 - macro (: ) () .hyper

Imddukkal inu Ighersiwn-Mes amis les animaux (*) Animal (: ) ( )Alojaly : ( )Bison ( )Boa ( ) ( )Hamster ( ) ( (Iguane ( )Limande ( )Panda () ()Poney ( )Lama ( )Otarie ( (Renne ( )Toucan ( )Yack ( )Tamanoir ) ( )Morse ( .)Tatou ( )neo Neologisme ( ..) : : :* : Anakonda Thylacine Tlagon Wumbat Ayra Tamandua



* : ( ) . (: ) : 15 ( ) . ( ). ( )- ( ) : . : ( ) () Index . ()Toutenon commun )ommatostrephes sagittatus, todarodes sagittatus () ().

94 () Phage Vore ( ) : () Carnivore () Herbivore ( ) insectivore, entomophage ( ) Piscivore Ichtyophage ( ) .. Granivore : Heloderme 05 . Mille Pattes Myriapodes ( Lithobie Iule Scolopendre Scutigre )Geophile . : : ( ) ()- - ( ) (: ) - . : : ( ) ( ) . 94 - mcc imdanen anthropophage . : . 05 - heloderme .

15 - .



: ann (annlide) : arach (arachnen) : ceta (ctac) : crus (crustace) : ins (insecte) : mam (mammifre) : mars (marsupial) : moll (mollusque) : myr (myriapode) ois (oiseau) : pois (poisson) : rept (reptile) : ron (rongeur) :



3111 401 394 764 611 3521 6701 979 6601 66 769 619 0811 219 / 33 205 ( ) 9421 421 838 2701 414/ 3701 881 94 326 2501 678 817 489 412 512 612 ( )759 312 0101 1 492 838 373 56 652 2821 348 056 6031 336 4911 0011 63 636 9911 989 218 5611 826 6101 ( ) 449 815 95 45 106 086 3501 295 538 746 136 06 493 09 288 188 404 637 409 509 598 3821 742 4401/ 682 909 2811 051 942

37 ( ) 464 / 319 6221 0131 986 096 617 876 438 616 616 074 ( ) 964 077 3611 3611 478 2801 2801 2621 844 605 446 546 52 2131 2131 2131 453 239 6801 462/ 368 987 252 025 631 935 5211 277 0301 51 791 012 992 8821 ( ) 718 605 / 279 656 674 3421 1221 925/ 6101 879 3311 578/ 5001/ 4501 529 4611 029 995/ 019 () 983/ 525 08 49 277 19 4701



1811 9201 7521 5101 8511 374 8511 206 9511 7721 271 171 486 552 544 43 559 812 ( ) 888 362 475 239 442 873 209/ 6311 ( ) 969 0911 309 347/586 /2031 2711 912 729 729 237/ 9921 2501 2101 679 655 621 808 908 861 256 / 9011 047 578 134 0321 929 1311 391 966 491 614 46 775 371 0401 382 382 9221 587 385 193 6511 3021 ( ) 684 626 293 6511 786 786 8721 293 037 11 6 845 845 0121 707 137 9901 792 139 6221 0221 2121 4121 927 714 884 1821 4221 () 4711 6721 ( ) 1901 404 593 835 () 6121 8121 3421 344 344 344 529 961 961 961 961 438 961 0421 605 / 279 744 167 6011 6711 933 6011 8011 ()0111 7011

348 5701 6901/6701 0801 571 5821 844 5821 5821 5821 102228 149/ 169 512 638 13 55 411 851 /502 079 349 21 951 248 248 248 ( ) 8621 361 716 406 103 744/ 375 /816 661 248 6521 551 0901 088 978 ( ) 169 999



989 2501 234 / 2501 231 2501 2501 2501 456 558 629 894 ( ) 1331 ( ) 189 089 754 ( ) 2911 945 272 ( ) 734 061 ( ) 452 () 3711 924 ( ) 1421 323 396 471 669 3401 3401 714 3011 634 /244 ( ) 75 / 477 4921 6921 89 0421 7921 3031 ( ) 2301 287 148 /058 4721 4101 372 472 119 5911 0311 4331 38/ 547 823/ 1401 689 ( ) 977 7401 923 123 5721 162 144 374 ( ) 565/ 2401 203/ 278/ 7701 5231 27/ 0721 281 174 043 245 241 429 429 429 919 429 429 644 429 6301 265 / 865 2131 663 736 2131 2131 442 291 16 16 94 16 16 2111 16 16/ 7511 441 5031 594 172 /436 225 ( ) 392 7021 1721 9501 237 / 9921 219/ 33 ( ) 807 386 938 986 994 141 732 4031 4031 495 395 7021

214 173/ 8221 112 71/ 4021 307 218 5611 201 98 262 846 946 83 226 673 573 439 263 363 1501 474 / 506 8131 574 25 606 0601 26 6321 556/ 7111 7401 75 0331 813 451 6001 998 514 32 263 052



001 2411 61 0511 529 002/791 4611 99 9521 521 7621 9521 9521 7621/ 613 572 7211 083 384 579 6621 3001 2511 06 907 017 017 2921 287 387 602 215 804 / 447 3201 3 014 2511 8111 8811 23 2411 658 114 365/ 238 ( ) 993 095 195 3021 503 762 564 085 246 686 78 768 127 0411 3921 1221 1411 364 879 655 541 802 516 021 3721 9411 8001 036 454 931/ 839 083 622 589 631 867 6411 7601 939 242 7801 16 ( ) 701 345 7421 4801/6421 5421 3801 29 2221 258 479 818 7131 53117301 1111 708 785 073/ 098/ 1011 893 858 ( )858 6111 1201 703 071 915 227 2311 253 948 713 3331 455 184/ 5411 6301 935 345

618 934 4311 334 3401 205 537 147 793 789 528 549 346 73 8021 755/ 828 032 548 222 /928 831/ 496 266 3621 6511 779 394/ 8311 455 994 5801 5801 5801 5801 941 434 31 651 ( ) 642 ( ) 88 0011 3011 3011 3011



9801 229 283 869 821 6101 788 695 /588/747 428/ 4621 289 9031 , 388 849 949/ 1511 028 077 7211 567 385 809 1521 1521 0521 071 7121 7221 7221 7221 7221 7221 ( ) 164 0621 357 154 337 8821 497 488 6131 7821 748 922/ 317/ 5711 3401 2521 668 ( ) 062/041/ 859 343 /543 082 2001 775 313 851/ 502 ( ) 186 9621 9111 138 996 3601 905 927 927 2901 595 394/ 886 795 99 223 6701 ( ) 0021/425/694 5501 728/ 7411 057 039 02/ 905/ 4821 836 936 046 2001 7101 233 575 984 569 5611 427 ( ) 753 532/ 904 756 997 4201 457 755/ 828 881 1101 4421 0001 033 332 9101 097 878 659 659 698 8801 231 486 492 692 331 431 213 2121 5131 479 864 514 354 262 42 722 718

54 8621 55 087 3331 158 497 554 0821 7231 654 5301 151 155 562 662 713 426 726 526 273 091/ 055 54 162 9131 191 902 204 305 0301 674 583 4 ( ) 947 04 381 381 381 381 381 381



974 806 998 075/ 8601 159 059 868 / 4231 ( ) 379 8 3101 389 113 6021 326 326 972 ( ) 566 872 707 602 934 774 () 968 539 1601 671 3131 852 7031 773 399 054 359 3501 005 985 2011 4131 854 105 665 785 835 751 285 335 435 4401 235 735 235 649 0201 955 954 473/ 1911 216 722 765 9901 9901 9901 8701 948 948 924 3911 548 797 5601 6701 6701 652 () 8521 128 579 022 212 4421 445 676/ 5511 117 921 7201 72 9611 8611 036 066/ 1001 991 6521 124 8411 283 482 722 402 79 4211 911 182 182 264 18 609 28 564 557 9811 944 102 228 422 053 897 4321 9211 843 003 251 653 115/ 466 2101

( ) 976 398 198 498 298 388 86 952 338 6331 9321 109 601 4411 4321 294 () 402 ( ) 48 016 49 4201 () 724 ( )318 413 1921 545 399 ( ) 523 77 97 7 22 754 093/ 783 803 5101 2601 468 914 771



9211 604 721 ( ) 504 047 311 666 712 833 766 866 9401 276 99 223 ( ) 163 784 3111 3111 7801 1131 702 076 176 093 633 9 432 156 896 527 407 574 437 9301 247/ 628 955 903 803 603 763/ 2611 254 15 988 617 34 518 023 168 965 965 965 1301 935 063 973 () 625 785 476 ( ( 302 ( ) 795 7901 068 731 366 /887 5501 107 558 044/ 339 /8211 698 4111 958 036 863 963 678 ( ) 459 181 882 092/ 064/ 018 608 608 137 99 822 487 423/ 623 652 153 76 342 461/ 5901 8711 004 581 081 871 971 047 306 725 9601 8231 7711 066 232/ 913 132/ 249 356 418 4701 1501 27/ 0721 0501 ( ) 8301 /0211 14 632 ( ) 03 116 529 216

033 1001 1211 6231/ 2 562 568 216 959 4011 898 1501 121 94 053 ( ) 316 355 84 24 723 473/ 1911 853 2331 6611 733 639 152 006 561 0921 556/ 5521/7111 899 69 5811 457 901 901 4811 322/ 975/ 3111 3111/ 2021 3111



( ) 44 9121 4711 925/ 6101 899 9101 9101 585 855 649 / 107 015 / 767 9021 215 515 215 415 605 / 279 065 365 ( ) 329 36 693 35 / 513 105 813 536 325 2211 2211 6211 4211 / 099 55 8901 3411 3411 8911 ( ) 1021 8821 832 145 638 () 657 6101 4211 501 691 752 899 315 727 393 / 024 324 758 ( ) 57 333 068 99 / 223 358 035 752 5121 615 373/ 838 799 878 / 9821 4811 101/ 084 405 2 895 47 6821 9311 9311 0921 757 798 906 187 303/ 596 254 777 0121 ( ) 848 697 ( ) 048/ 697 534 05 616 519 8101 369 211 6821 187 3111 135 522 125 133 39 883 53 / 7811 847 932 56 555 7911 85 165 5011 1711 ( ) 5621 297 ( ) 7501/1611 648 767 131 715 41 3501 3501 102 228

8801 815 868 / 4231 027 696 796 286 ( ) 577 842/ 508 741 () 857 416 367 521 829 ( ) 553 875 3311 , 236 93 0701 042 443 6501 6501 675 257 196 87 687 643 /814 934 597 891 891 791 877/ 3901 439 377 4111



: Rfrences : - - - - . - - - - 9991. - . - : - - 0002. - - -1991 - - . - - - 3991 - .. - .- - - 5791. - - - -1 4002. - : -- : - : . - : - - 6002. - - . - : : - . - - 0002. 251 114 ( ) 1231 031 4111 594 / 641 8621 049 / 4901 433 ( ) 699 8821 395 59 647 9621 372 122 438 063 468 ( ) 0231 094 ( ) 2231 889 ( ) 782 ( ) 681/ 582 269 347/586 /2031 945 749 74 ( )009 296 772 ( ) 672 12 217 ( ) 166 433 533 994



- - - 2002 . - -- --5991


Fondation Culturelle Tawalt - Srie Lexiques (1)

LEXIQUE ANIMAL(Franais - Amazighe - Arabe)

Mohamed Oussous

A(2) 1. Abdomen des sauterelles, des insectes: aguni - aguni 2. Abeille: tizzwit, tizizwit tizzwit, tizizwit - Essaim dabeilles sauvages: arur, alif arur - aerur, aglif aerur - Abeille charpentire, xylocope: TIZIZWIT TADRVALT tizizwit taderalt 3. Able, ablette (pois): aslm amllal, amllal - aslem amellal, umlil 4. Acanthocphale: asnnanixf asennanixef (isennanixefen) (neo) 5. Acarne, bogue ravelle, pageau blanc (pois): tanagt - tanagt 6. Acarus, sarcopte de gale: tillict - tillict 7. Acre: airar - agirar 8. Achigan (pois): acigan - acigan

9. Acranien: war iqlquln war iqelqulen (neo) 10. Acrida ( criquet non grgaire): amzil wurtan - amzil wurtan 11. Acridiens: iburqsn iburqesn 12. Acrobate (marsupial): afraksi - afraksi (neo) 13. Aculates, porte - aiguillon: id bu isuqqas id bu isuqqas (neo) 14. Addax (antilope, mam): amllal, amlal - amellal, amlal 15. Addax nez tachet (Addax nasomaculatus, mam): tasgint tasgint 16. Aeschne (ins): abrzggu - aberzeggu

all copy rights reserved Tawalt cultural foundation California, U.S.A [email protected]

(14) 17. Agame (rept): talmvudi talemudi - amtvtv Agama colonorum: amtete (imteteen) 18. Agame variable (rept): tamklklt - tamkelkelt


29. Aigle pcheur: igidr anmar igider anegmar (neo) 30. Aigrette: taquqact taquqact ( ( 31. Aigrette garzette: mlal avu - mlal au, ablbal abelbal 32. Aiguillat commun (pois): bu tait - bu tait 33. Aiguillette, aiguille de mer, orphie (pois): isgni isegni - tissgnit n ilel - tissegnit n ilel - 34. Aile: ifr, afraw, afriw ifer, afraw, afriw, tibillut tibillut 35. Alauda desertorum (ois): aaluj aaluj (ialujen) 36. Alcyon: alsyun alsyun (neo) 37. Aleurode (mouche blanche): izi umlil - izi umlil 38. Alezan: atlav atla 39. Alifre: amafraw amafraw (neo) 40. Alose (pois): acbuq, ablav acbuq, abla 41. Alouette (ois): asmayun asmayun - Alouette de passage: afrgvul afergul 42. Alouette des champs (Alauda arvensis), ois: takoyust, tamkyut, aloyu takyust, tamkyut, alyu 43. Alouette huppe (cochevis), Galerida cristata (ois): tanpbat, tavaydut, amvayud, tizirra tanebat, taaydut, amayud, tizirra 44. Altise, tiquet, puce de terre (ins): aggurdi wakal aggurdi wakal (neo) ( ( 45. Alucite des crales (teigne du bl), Sitotroga cerealella: imiyyl imiyyl 46. Ambystome: tagdst llmiksik tagdest llmeksik (neo)

56. Androctonus (espce de scorpion) : - Androctonus mauretanicus: buvardm buardem - Androctonus amoreuxi: ivirc iirc 57. ne: avyul, ay ayul, ayed ai aid - ne de couleur fonc: avyul advmum (idvmumn) ayul ademum (idemumen) - Petit ne qui ne grandit pas: apnsur aensur 58. Ange de mer, Squatine (pois): talfsa talefsa 59. Albinos (mouton, chameau): amanar amanar 60. Anguille (pois): tazlmt, tizlmi, tazilma, ifivr n ilel, aslbap tazelmt, tizelmi, tazilma, ifier n ilel, aselba

(20) 19. Agame de bibron (rept): tafunast iblankiwn - tafunast iblankiwn. 20. Agame queue pineuse, uromastix, fouette queue (rept): ajjim, aprdan, agizam, agzzaram agjjim, aerdan, agizam, agezzaram 21. Agami (ois): agami - agami (neo) 22. Aglosse: war ils - war iles (neo) 23. Agneau: alqqav, anugu alqqa, anugu - Agneau qui ne tte plus: izimmr izimmer. 24. Agnelle: tavla, taratt, tizimmrt, tala, taratt, tizimmert 25. Agouti (rong): aguti - aguti (neo) 26. Agrobate roux, Cercotrichas galactotes (ois): tlbakku, tljjim telbakku, telgjjim. 27. Aigle: igidr - igider Aigle ibrique: tawayya igadrn tawayya igadern 28. Aigle de mer, raie-aigle (pois): tafunast n ilel - tafunast n ilel

(44) 47. Ammomane (ois): tabgnst tabgenst 48. Ammomane Isabelline- Ammomanes deserti (ois): tagit umrdul - tagit umerdul 49. Amphibien: amannkal - amankal* (imankalen) 50. Amphipodes: iyugarn iyugaren (neo) 51. Amphisbne (rept): agrawal agrawal 52. Ampullaire (gros escargot): abuprar- aburar 53. Anatife (moll): tifnzit, tifnzit n twayya - tifenzit, tifnzit n twayya 54. Anakonda (eunecte, rept): anakunda - anakunda 55. Anchois (poi): tabina, acun tabina, acun

(52) 61. Animal: amudr amudr - Sauvage: axxu axxu - Carnassier sauvage nuisible (lion, hyne, chacal..): tawwa tawwa - Domestique: aywal aywal - Aquatique: amudr n waman amuder n waman



- Nocturne: amssrdal amsserdal - Tachet: abrar abrar 62. Annlides: ibutcln ibutceln 63. Anodonte (moll): aruxsan aruxsan 64. non: asnus, apjud akrcun asnus, ajud akercun 65. Anophle, moustique de la fivre (ins): abiba n tawla abiba n tawla (neo) 66. Anoures: igrin, ijan igrien, igjaen 71. Anolis (lzard des forts dAmrique du Sud, rept): anulis anulis. 72. Aoutt, trombidion, rouget: fuqqs fuqqes 73. Aphidiens (puceron): anbub, axuxxu, buzgav, busaf aenbub, axuxxu, buzegga, bueaf 74. Apids: ibrzzwan iberzzwan 75. Apivore: abaqzzwi abaqezzwi ( ( 76. Aplysie, livre de mer (moll): bu uslham bu uselham 77. Apode: war aar war aar (neo) 78. Apprivois: amgrud amegrud 79. Aptre: war ifr war ifer (neo) 80. Ara: ara ara (neo) 81. Arachnides: ibvaynusn ibaynusen (neo) 82. Araigne: takkalt takkalt, tabakkalt tabakkalt, tissist tissist, tastit tastit, tabaxxa tabaxxa, tabluvma tabluma, asaras asaras, tivivit tiiit, tumvi tumei, wazrvan wazeran, tiblaquc tiblaquc 83. Araigne-loup, lycose, tarentule (arach): tabvaynust tabaynust 84. Araigne mle (arach): awnenni, awlelli awnenni, awlelli ( (

98. Asopie (ins): tawkkat n ugrn, tabxxuyt n uwrn tawkkat n uggren, tabexxuyt n uwren 99. Aspic, serpent de Cloptre (rept): iffil, iffil, 100. Asticot (larve de mouches): aktca, zuzo aktca, zuz 101. Astrie, toile de mer: itri n ilel, itrill itri n ilel, itrill 102. Athrine: bi izvla bi izla 103. Atropos, sphinx tte de mort , Achrontia Atropos: tanulya tanulya 104. Autour: afalku afalku Autour des palombes (accipiter gentilis): amdda n ifullusn amdda n ifullusen 105. Autruche: asid, asil, anhil, akayc, advdav asid, asil, anhil, akayc, adeda, taewawt (autruche femelle)

(82) 85. Araigne sauteuse (saltigrade): tabanrama, tanrama tabanrama, tanrama 86. Arapde: tafult, tigmt tafult, tigemt 87. Arboricole: mzdvddag mzdeaddag (neo) 88. Arenicole: mzdvmlal mzdamlal (neo) ( ( 89. Arte de poisson: tait n islm tait n iselm (tia) 90. Argope (grande araigne): ivivi iii. 91. Argus: argus - argus (neo) 92. Argyronte: taysusut waman takkalt waman - takkalt waman, taysusut waman 93. Arthropodes: ivlifarn ilifaren (neo) 94. Artison (ins): aramud aramud 95. Ascalabotes: iqqlan - iqqlan 96. Ascidie: tayddidt tayddidt (neo) 97. Asile (ins): abarzzi abarezzi

(64) 67. Antenne dinsectes: taska taska 68. Antilope (mam): amllal, tamlalt, tabarit n tamsna amllal, tamlalt, tabarit n tamesna 69. Antilope addax (mam): amrur, amllal, amlal amrur, amllal, amlal (imruren) 70. Antilope cheval (mam), hippotragus equinus: acamul acamul (icumal), ajmul ajmul (ijmlan), ajamul ajamul (ijumal)

(105) 106. Autruche (mle): asid asid (isiden), isidi isidi (isidan), anhal anhal (inhal), abal abal (abalen), wavuss wauss



107. Autruchon: akrt akert ( ( 108. Auxide, melva (pois): azduz n ilel azduz n ilel

(pois): tasargalt, asargal tasargalt, asargal - le petit du bar Marocain (pois): tisktit tisktit 123. Bar truit, loup truit (pois): uccuk, ablav uccuk, abla. 124. Bardot, bardeau: acardan acardan, asrdvyul aserdyul Bardot inutile faible ou malade: aavur aaur 125. Bariol: abrbac, abrar aberbac, abrar 131. Bec: avnbu, avnbub, aqabub, akuskum, akmkum aenbu, aenbub, aqabub, akuskum, akemkum - Bec de la cigogne ou autres chassiers: tatna tatna iyugawn tamekrazt, tabuzgrazt, tamsaysut, amsaysu, tagit n wulli, agi iyugawn - Bergeronnette grise, motacilla alba: tagzmimit tagzmimit 139. Bernard lhermite (Crust): aku aku Bernard lhermite sp. Gonfaron (Eupagurus prideauxi): avufal aufal 140. Bernicle, bernache, barnache, bernique, chapeau chinois: ti n tvyult, ti n uvyul, tazvurt ti n teyult, ti n uyul, tazurt (( 141. Bestiole: tawina tawina 142. Bte: taywalt taywalt

109. Babouin: ahrrandu - aherrandu 110. Babouin dogura, Papio cynocephalus: iwrkd iwrked 111. Babiroussa: ilf n babirusa - ilef n babirusa 112. Babine: babouine: axmum axmum 113. Baie: awras - awras, aras aras 114. Balane (moll): tifnzit - tifenzit 115. Balaou (demi-bec), scombrsoce (pois): izi n ilel izi n ilel 116. Baleine (ceta): tizmkt, tavava - tizmekt, taaa 117. Baleine bosse: alvm n ilel alm n ilel 118. Balestrine, milandre: aydi n ilel aydi n ilel 119. Baliste (pois): ilf n ilel, uccn ilef n ilel, uccen, li ijjan 120. Banc de poissons: advar n islman, adga n islman adar n iselman, adga n iselman 121. Bar, loup de mer (pois): amtwar, azziw amtwar, azziw 122. Bar marocain, tassergal


(131) 132. Bcasse, bcassine (ois, echa): avbub, avyul n tskwrin, tafullust n wakal abub, ayul n teskwrin, tafullust n wakal 133. Bcassine commune: tissgnit waman tissegnit waman 134. Bcassine des marais (ois): tafullust n waman tafullust n waman 135. Bcasse de mer, trompette de mer (pois): arabu arabu 136. Belette, mustela numidica (must): talaman, izm ivrdayn, tazgaga, awartiw, tarddi (tirddiwin), tadvavat, tadqqat, wumaz taelaman, izem ierdayn, tazgaga, awartiw, tareddi (tireddiwin), tadaat, tadeqqat, wumaz 137. Blier: izimmr, ikrri abrkus izimmer, ikerri, akrar, abrkus - Jeune blier: avla ala (ilwan) 138. Bergeronnette (ois): tamkrazt, tabuzgrazt, tamsaysut, amsaysu, tagit n wulli, agi

(126) 126. Bartavelle (ois): askkur aumi asekkur aumi (neo) 127. Basset: icnr icener 128. Batraciens: imqrqurn imqerquren 129. Baudroie, lotte de mer, poisson pcheur (pois): abvbav abeba, agrgr agerger 130. Bauge: amlas amlas

(139) 143. Bte de somme: amktar, amaytar amektar, amaytar Bte faisant partie dun attelage: afllu afellu 144. Btes fauves: imzubav, iuras imzuba, iuras ( 145. Bte de proie, bte froce: amulas, tawwa amulas, tawwa 146. Btes sauvages: iuras, axxu iuras, axxu (axxuten)



147. Btail: tawti, tamaint tawti, tamaint 148. Bettongie, rat-kangourou, potorou: avrda-kanguru aerda - kanguru (neo) 149. Bicphale: asinixf asinixef (neo) 150. Biche: tizrzrt, tamlalt, taznt tizerzert, tamlalt, tazenkt 151. Bigorneau, (Littorina nerioides), moll: abrkawc aberkawc (ibaneriwn), tabapcuct tabacuct 159. Boa: aVzfiVr aezfier * 160. Boa des sables, boa javelot, eryx jaculus, jaculus, eryx javelot: tifiVra tadrValt tifira taderalt 161. Blennie, baveuse (pois): amugur amugur 162. Buf: afunas, azgr, ayug afunas, azger, ayug - vieux buf: abVaw abaw 163. Bogue: awurdm, acmcaw, tarVzlt awurdem, acemcaw, tarzlt 164. Bois (cornes de cerf): ackan ackaen 165. Bombardier (brachinidae: espce de carabe): ibi, bubi, aqrcam ibei, bubei, aqwrcam 169. Bouc: aqlwac, azalaV, ahuk aqelwac, azala, ahuk - Jeune bouc: abukir, aqtrib, amkkartu, ankkur, abukir, aqetrib, amekkartu, anekkur - Bouc dun age moyen: anugu, alabaq, abrri anugu, alabaq, aberri - Bouc grandes cornes droites: abaska abaska - Bouc barbu: abava abaa - Vieux bouc: ava aa

172. Bousier: brroziz, izinzr, ajnkikr, su^^lu berrziz, izinzer, ajenkiker, sulu 173. Bouvillon: ayyug, afntus, agayz, agagz ayyug, afentus, agayz, agagez 174. Bouvreuil (ois): tadayma tadayma 175. Bovins: izgarn, ifunasn, imugayn izgaren, ifunasen, imugayn 176. Brachine, brachyne (brachinidae): agrctal agerctal 177. Brachipodes: ivilarn iilaren (neo) 178. Brachycres: awzlisk awzelisk (iwzlisken), azlisk agzelisk (igzelisken) (neo) 179. Brachydactyle: awzl^a, azla awzela, agzela (neo) 180. Brachyoures: awzlmvil awzelmil (awzelmilen) (neo) 181. Bradype, paresseux: amxuyn amxuyn (neo) 182. Branchies, ouies: afuck afuck (ifucken, ifucka) 183. Brebis: tili, tixsi, tahruyt tili, tixsi, tahruyt (ulli, tatten) - Jeune brebis: tavla tala - Vieille brebie: tamdrast tamdrast -Brebis noire ou tte noire: tapggant taggant -Brebis dont la laine est blanche: tazrrift tazerrift

(170) 170. Bourdon: ardi, biri, axrziz, abarduz, axrzuz, wagganziz, aganziz, afraj ardi, biri, axerziz, abarduz, axerzuz, wagganziz, aganziz, afraj - Bourdon des jardins: wagganziz n wurtan wagganziz n wurtan (neo) - Bourdon des prs: wagganziz n ilmatn wagganziz n ilmaten (neo) - Bourdon forestier: wagganziz n tagant wagganziz n tagant (neo) - Bourdon lapidaire/des pierres: wagganziz n iran wagganziz n iran (neo) 171. Bouse: tarfa, arffuc, tiskin tiskin, tarfa, arffuc

(126) 152. Bihoreau ou hron de nuit (ois, cha): irk n i irek n i (neo) 153. Binturong ou chat ours: amucc abubba amucc abubba (neo) 154. Biset: au au 155. Bison: aramul umadav aramul umada* 156. Bivalve: ijvlaln ijelalen 157. Blaireau (must): isirru, awal isirru, awal 158. Blatte, cafard: azglallu azeglallu (izeglulla), axadc axadec (ixudac), ibini ibinei

(169) 166. Bonite: irVl, tannit irel, taennit 167. Bonite dos ray, plamide: abayrun abayrun 168. Bosse: tara, tayyu, turin, tuya takra, tayyu, tukrin, tuya



-Brebis (ou chvre) qui a perdu son petit: tavummat tammat 184. Brme de mer, hirondelle de mer ou castagnole: tiflillst, aVrda n ilel tiflillest, aerda n ilel 185. Brvilingue: azlils agzliles (neo) (igzlilesn) 186. Brocard, broquard, chevreuil, cerf daim (mam): izrzr izerzer ( ( 187. Brouteur: anfrad anefrad 188. Bruant (ois): tibib tibibe 189. Bruant striol (ois): tattngbiwt, tibiqqct, timtcbibit tattengbiwt, tibiqqect, timtcbibit - Bruant fou: busmmun busemmun tazart wituk, ayul n tazart 196. Bupreste: azbbnbr, aznbibr azebbenber, azenbiber 197. Busard (ois): takrmdda takermedda (ikermeddiwn), Payay ayay 198. Busard des marais (ois): tafrma taferma 205. Cafard, blatte, cancrelat: ibini ibinei (ibaneriwn), azglallu azeglallu (izeglulla), axadc axadec (ixudac), tabaxcuct tabaxcuct, agrlellu agerlellu, amillus amillus 206. Caille: tazrklla, abayp, tazrkrakt, abral arur tazerkella, abay, tazerkrakt, aberal aerur - Caille des bls (Coturnix coturnix): tamryust tameryust 207. Caiman: akayman akayman (neo) 208. Calamar, acalamar: amrm, amarma, amwad, ifis n ilel amerme, amarma, amwad, ifis n ilel 209. Calandre (charancon): akuz akuz

tabuezrant, tembawc, mswazwu, tatizran, tayyu izran 212. Campagnol, rat des champs: avrda n tra arda n trga 213. Cane (ois): tabrikt tabrikt 214. Canard: abrik, tafullust n waman abrik, tafullust n waman Canard colvert (Anas platyrhynchos): ajrlaw ajerlaw

(204) 199. Busard des roseaux: tininit tininit 200. Buse: takrmdda takermedda (ikermeddiwn), tamdda tamedda, taskla taskla 201. Buthus atlantis (scorpion jaune): iVirdm ufza iirdem ufza

(219) 215. Canard sauvage (ois): taknjamumt takenjamumt 216. Canard souchet: wavnja wanja 217. Canari (ois): akalalyus akalalyus 218. Canasson: afkraw, ahnaqqar afekraw, ahenaqqar 219. Canepetire (ois): tasninnayt tasninnayt 220. Caneton: aftakka aftakka (iftakkaten) 221. Canon: avnsi ansi (insiwn) ( ( 222. Cantharide: tamsnvalt, izi lhnd tamsnalt, izi lhend 223. Canthre, griset (pois): azgza azgza

(189) 190. Bruche: timtcit timetcit 191. Bruche de fve: akuz ibawn akuz ibawn 192. Bubale: argmim, tafunast n tagant aregmim, tafunast n tagant 193. Buffle: amugay amugay 194. Buflesse: tamugayt tamugayt 195. Bulbul des jardins, Pycnonotus barbatus (ois): wituk, avyul n

202. Cabillaud, morue fraiche, aiglefin (pois): abadix, tavyult abadix, tayult 203. Cabiai, cochon deau, hydrochre: aladay n waman aladay n waman (neo) 204. Cachalot (ceta): gaga, aglmum gaga, agelmum Cachalot mle: abban aebban


(211) 210. Calao gris (oiseau - rhinocros), ois: asllifuk asellifuk (isellifuken), tyllaku tyellaku - Calao bec noir (lophoceros nasutus, ois): tallifa tallifa - Petit Calao a bec jaune (Lophoceros semifasciatus): tiquqt tiquqet 211. Camlon: tata, tayyu, taka, tahrra, tawu, taslwaxxa, tabuvzrant, tmpbawc, mswazwu, tatizvran, tayyu izvran tata, tayyu, taka, taherra, tawu, taslwaxxa,



224. Capelan, tacaud (pois): afanka, tawlkt afanka, tawlkt 225. Caprins: avan aaen 226. Carabe: tamanvast tamanast 227. Caracal (fel): wawi^lt, awdan, akujil wawielt awdan, akujil 228. Caracul: ikru asas, asas ikru aksas, aksas 229. Carangue, liche, seriole (pois): tasargalt, asargal tasargalt, asargal 230. Carapace de la tortue: ackuf, ifrvs, tagra n ifkr ackuf, iferes, tagra n ifker 231. Cardite, clovisse, cardium, coque: aful aful 232. Cardium: aful aful 233. Carcajou (must): akrkaju akerkaju (neo) 238. Cauris: tazrruft, tavlalt, tamgllut, tamwant, azazav tazrruft, talalt, tamegllut, tamwant, azaza (izazaen) 239. Cavernicole: mzdvifri mzdeifri (neo) 240. Cavicornes: icnbisk icenbisk (neo) 241. Ceinture dargent, sabre (pois): tagst taggst 242. Cphalopodes: ixfarn ixefaren (neo) Cerf des marais (Blastocerus dichotomus): izrzr n iglagaln izerzer n iglagalen (neo) 248. Cernier: uccn waman uccen waman Cernier de latlantique, mrou gris (pois): acxa acxa 249. Cervids: izrzrn izerzern 250. Cetac: alkkaman alkkaman 251. Chabot, cabot (pois): agurr agurr 252. Chacal, loup dor: uccn, ibggi, aggur uccen, ibeggi, aggur 253. Chacma (babouin queue de cochon): acakma acakma (neo) 254. Chalcide (rep): aslulf, wislulfn aslulef, wislulefn ( (

257. Chamelle: talvmt, taamt, taomt talemt, taamt, tamt - ieille chamelle: tarujjamt tarujjamt 258. Chamelon: akoaw, aao, akasu akaw, aka, akasu 259. Chamois: tavat udrar taat udrar (neo)

(244) 243. Crambycid (ins): tazglallut, ajlic tazeglallut, ajlic 244. Craste, vipre corne (rept): tacclt, tafivra mm taskiwin, tablinka mm taskiwin taccelt, tafira mm taskiwin, tablinka mm taskiwin 245. Craste d avicenne, vipre des sables, vipre de lerg: tahra umlal, tafrnit tahra umlal, tafernit 246. Cercopithque: adagl adagel 247. Cerf: izrzr, idmi izerzer, idmi Cerf porte-musc (Moschus moschiferus): ahrmuc umusk ahermuc umusk Cerf laphe (Cervus elaphus), (mam): ardan akrkdan

(255) 260. Chapeau chinois, patelle, bernicle: ti n tvyult, ti n uvyul, tazvurt ti n teyult, ti n uyul, tazurt 261. Charanon (ins): akuz, taqibuct akuz, taqibuct haranon rouge: tamkat tamkat 262. Chardonneret (ois): tukrurv, amqnin, mtc asnnan, agi n tsnnant, taslit n iga tukrure, ameqnin, metc asennan, agi n tsnnant, taslit n iga 263. Charogne: afkak, miru, tammarat, tamxsuyt afkak, miru, tammarat, tamexsuyt 264. Charognard, mangeur de cadavre: amccfkak ameccfkak (neo)

(235) 234. Carnivore: amccksum ameccksum (neo) 235. Carpe (pois) : anfvur, tanfvurt anefur, tanefurt 236. Castor (rong): agbur waman, anzi waman agbur waman, anzi waman 237. Castr : azuzal azuzal

(252) 255. Chameau: alvm, aam, arom, alm, amagur alm, aam, arm, alem, amagur 256. Chameau deux bosses: amaynag amaynag



265. Chat (fel): amucc, amaccu, amcic, amnic amucc, amaccu, amcic, amnic Chatte: tamucca, tamaccut tamucca, tamaccut 266. Chat gant, Felis libyca (fel): tavda, aban tada, abean assaylal, azuenennay, agierda, tilillut n yi, bu teglimin, abubar (ibubar) 274. Cheiroptres, chiroptres: ifrfusn iferfusen (neo) 275. Chloniens: id bu tgra, ibutgratn id bu tegra, ibutegraten (neo) 276. Chenille (ins): tawkkat, ilal tawkkat, ilal (ilalen), talft taelft (tielfin), bugif bugif (( 277. Chenille de sphinx: tandrar tandrar 281. Chvre: tava taa (tiaen) - Petite chvre ayant moins dun an: tamkkartut tamekkartut 282. Chvre des montagnes Rocheuses (Oreamnos americanus): tavat iqcmirn taat iqecmiren (neo) 283. Chevreau: ikru, ivid, ivjd, imiy ikru, iid, iejd, imiy (imiyn), ikru ikru (ikerwan), abatac abatac, abrcni abrcni Chevreau, ou agneau qui vient de naitre: ilifiv ilifi 284. Chevrette: tividt tiidet (tiidin, tiidad) 285. Chevreuil, brocard, broquard: izrzr izerzer ) ( 286. Chevrotin, chevrotin porte musc, cerf porte-musc (Moschus moschiferus), porte musc: ahrmuc umusk ahrmuc umusk 287. Chiasse, chiure: tazagra tazagra ( (

- Vieu chien, mauvais chien: ablbbun abelbbun - Petit chien domestique: aarus aarus 289. Chien crinire: aydi bu uzagg aydi bu uzagg (neo) 290. Chien de mer, missole pois): ayi, agllus ayi, agellus 291. Chien de buissons, speothos (cani): aydi icddirn aydi iceddiren (neo) 292. Chien de prairie (rong): aydi n ulma aydi n ulma (neo) 293. Chimre (pois): avunja aunja ( ( 294. Chimpanz: acumbanzi acumbanzi 295. Chinchard, saurel (pois): aclal, taclalt aclal, taclalt 296. Chinchilla, abrocome: acnclla acnclla (neo) 297. Chiot: ablbbuz, ikzin, awarrud, aykar, aqzin, aqjun abelbbuz, ikzin, awarrud, aykar, aqzin, aqjun 298. Chironome (espce de moucheron): akawni akawni 299. Chocard (ois): avalg aaleg Choucard bec jaune: tiqajjut tiqajjut 300. Choucas, Corvus monedula (ois): acacca acacca 301. Chouette (ois): tawukt, tanupt tawukt, tanut

(265) 267. Chat sauvage, felis sylvestris (fel): abaay, amuccba abaay, amuccbea 268. Chat des sables, chat de Margueritte, Felis margarita (fel): arksim areksim (ireksimen) 269. Chat de la jungle (fel): amucc n tagant amucc n tagant 270. Chat pcheur, ou chat viverrin (Felis viverrina, fel): amucc anmar amucc anegmar (neo) 271. Chat-huant (ois): alagu alagu (iluga), amyaruf amyaruf 272. Chaton: aqu, aqi n umucc aqu, aqi n umucc 273. Chauve- souris: afrta, tihlimt, amtcuvlal, amtcuvyul, amtcuryay, assaylal, azuvnennay, agivrda, tilillut n yi, bu tglimin, abubar afertea, tihlimt, ametculal, amtcuyul, amtcuryay,

(273) 278. Cheval: ayis, agmar ayis, agmar - Vieux cheval fatigu: ahnaqqar ahnaqqar - Cheval de mauvaise race: afkraw afekraw - Cheval de bt: akiar, aqcmar akiar, aqecmar - Cheval de race, pur-sang, beau cheval: asrti, ailal aserti, agilal 279. Cheval gristre: apdadiy adadiy 280. Chevche: tifivrt, tanupt tifiert, tanut

(287) 288. Chien: aydi, avrzul aydi, aerzul - Chien qui dvore tout: ablhassu abelhassu



302. Chrysalide, nymphe: tawlkt ibxcac, tawlkt tawlkt ibexcac, tawlkt 303. Chrysomle (ins): tanurvt tanurt (tinura) 304. Chuckwalla (Sauromalus obesus): ackwalla ackwalla (neo) 311. Cigogneau: afraray n ucfcaq afraray n ucfcaq 312. Cingle- plongeur, merle deau (ois): agaman agaman 313. Circate, jean le blanc (ois): mm ifivrawn mm ifirawn 314. Ciron (ou tyroglyphe, mite du fromage): tukmt tukemt 315. Cirripde: tifnzit tifenzit ( ( 316. Cistude: ifkr wasif ifker wasif 317. Civette: taydit, taltt, taydit n asuf, azundar taydit, taltt, taydit n asuf, azundar

330. Cocon: takaurt, tagmmut takaurt, tagemmut 331. Coloptres: ajvnvl ajnl (ijnlen) 332. Colibri ou oiseau-mouche (ois): agi-izi agi-izi (neo) 333. Colin, merlu, merluche (pois): tavyult tayult 334. Colombe: timilla, tamalla timilla, tamalla

(322) tfala, aseffeltes, uu, afeltas, aswami 323. Coccinelle, bte bon Dieu: agazu agazu (igazuten), iklff ikelff (ikelfifen), tikunda tikunda (tikundawin) : tafunast igujiln, mrim igran, mamas igran tafunast igujilen, mrim igran, mamas igran 324. Coccus, gte-bois (ins): takkawt takkawt 325. Coccyx: tamllawvt tamellawt ( ( 326. Cochenille, coccus (ins): takkawt takkawt 327. Cochevis (ois): tapbbaT, tanpbaT, tavaydut, amvayud taebba, taneba, taaydut, amayud Cochevis hupp (ois): tizirra tizirra Cochevis de Thkla: mm ukui mm ukui 328. Cochon, porc domestique: aladay aladay 329. Cochon deau, capibara: aladay n waman aladay n waman (neo)

(301) 305. Cicadids: ibin ibien 306. Ciconiids: icfcaqn icefcaqen 307. Cigale : aug, awajij, abi, abaa, arjujn, iwijj, wiugn, wawiay, bubi, warjejji, wa ign, mg, arjuj aug, awajij, abi, abaa, arjujen, iwijj, wiugen, wawiay, bubi, warjejji, wa iegen, meeg, arjuj 308. Cigogne: tadkut, aafu, ablbaqquc, acfcaq, avrratum tadkut, aafu, abelbaqquc, acefcaq, aerratum bellarej . pelargos 309. Cigogne blanche: aswu aswu 310. Cigogne tte de baleine: aswu bu ixf n uzyam aswu bu ixef n uzyam (neo)

(323) 335. Colombe sauvage: tamandurt tamandurt 336. Colostrum: adxs adexs 337. Concombre de mer, holothurie: arnaku arnaku 338. Condor: akundu akundu (neo) 339. Congre (pois): asivav, azlm asia, azelm 340. Coq: afullus, ayazi, asrduk afullus, ayazi, aserduk - Coq dpourvu de poils au niveau du cou: afullus ajaqlal afullus ajaqlal - Jeune coq: abrkuk aberkuk (iberkak) 341. Coq de bruyre (ou grand ttras): afullus n trbibit, ayai n

(316) 318. Cloporte (crust): tiftti, tavyult n wakal, tavyult imakrn tajddrmut tajddermut, tifetti, tayult n wakal, tayult imakern - 319. Clovisse, clovisse, cardium, coque: aful aful 320. Coati: akwati akwati 321. Cobaye, cochon dInde: akubay, aladay llhnd akubay, aladay llhend (neo) 322. Cobra (naja cracheur), rept: aparfa aarfa (iarfiwn), bu tfala, asfflts, uu, afltas, aswami bu



trbibit afullus n terbibit, ayai n terbibit (neo) 342. Coq de mer: ayazi n ilel ayazi n ilel (neo) 343. Coque (moll): tafult tafult 344. Coquillage: amjun, abbuc, tabbuct, tawaylt amjun, abbuc, tabbuct, tawaylt (tiwiyal) 351. Corne: isk isk 352. Corneille (ois): alaway, ajarfi, agrfiw, iqijjw alaway, ajarfi, agerfiw, iqijjw 353. Corneille noire, corbine (ois): abalva, azrku abala (ibalaten), azerku 354. Cornu, encorn: amaskaw, asmaccaw, bu waskiwn amaskaw, asmaccaw, bu waskiwn 355. Coronelle (rept): mm isni mm isni (neo) ( ( 356. Corvids: ihaqqarn ihaqqaren 357. Casoar: asid n Ustralya asid n Ustralya (neo) ( ( 358. Cossus (ronge- bois, gatebois): tawkka isvarn tawkka isaren 359. Couscous (marsupial): akskus akeskus (neo) 360. Coucou (ois): akkuk, atkkuk, 362. Couleuvre (rept): bu tuga, amzawwu, amigl bu tuga, amezawwu, amigel (amigeln), taccelt 363. Couleuvre de grande dimension: tamma, aflani tamma, aflani 364. Couleuvre viprine, Natrix maura (rept): abnkal n waman, tifivra waman abenkal n waman, tifira waman 365. Couleuvre de shokar, serpent des sables, psammophis de Forsskal (rept): iiw, imnw iiw, imenew 366. Couleuvre raye du sable, Couleuvre sifflante (rept): azrrag, bucrri azerrag, bucerri Couleuvre diadme: ifivr bu tisatin ifier bu tisatin 367. Courbine, maigre, haut bar, scine (pois): anjjakru anejjakru 368. Courlis, corlio, Numenius phaeopus (ois): anmmannu anemmannu (inemmunna) 369. Courlis cendr, Numenius arquata (ois): rri krri 370. Courreurs (ois): imvirn imiren 371. Courtilire, taupe-grillon (ins): tsrvint teserint 372. Courvite isabelle, Cursorius cursor: tazrawrawt tazrawrawt, msgn amksa msgen amksa, Syllel ibaran Syllel ibaraen

373. Cousin, culex (ins): abiba, wabiba abiba, wabiba 374. Couteau , solen: ackrf ackerf 375. Couvain: awan awan 376. Couvaison: asdal, asgui asdal, asgui 377. Couve: asufv, asfriry asufe, asfriry 378. Couveuse: tamasdalt, tamsguit, tasgaayt tamasdalt, tamesguit, tasgaayt 379. Coyote (Canis latrans, cani): akuyu akuyu (neo)

(343) - Tout coquillage comestible autre que la moule: abapu abau 345. Coquille: tazrugt, tavlalt, tajvlalt, tafult, afru tazrugt, talalt, tajlalt, tafult, afru 346. Corail: apurri aurri Corail des jardins: apurri wurtan aurri wurtan (neo) 347. Corbe, maigre tambour: imackr, tavat imacker, taat 348. Corbeau (ois): agaywar, ahaqqar, ahaqqay, tagarfa, tabavla, taslaft agaywar, ahaqqar, ahaqqay, tagarfa, tabala, taslaft 349. Corbine (ois): abalva abala (ibalaten) 350. Cormoran (ois): aflcu afelcu

(373) 380. Crabe (crust) : tabvaynust n waman, aoqric, tikkurzma, ivirdm n ilel tabaynust n waman, aqric, tikkurzma, iirdem n ilel Crabe chinois (crust): tuvzamlal tuzamlal Crabe deau douce (crust): ifiraqs ifiraqs 381. Crache-sang (ins): ssufs idammn ssufes idammen (neo) 382. Crapaud (batr): aqrqur, amqrqr, alfa aqerqur, amqerqer, alefa (ilefan)

(362) dikkuk aekkuk, atekkuk, dikkuk 361. Couguar, puma: akugar akugar (neo), avilas n marikan ailas n marikan ( (



Crapaud vert: amqrqur waman amqerqur waman Crapaud-criquet (Acrys grillus): aqrqur aburqs aqerqur aburqes (neo) Crapaud-buffle (Kaloula pulchra): aqrqur amugay aqerqur amugay (neo) 383. Crapaud de mer (pois): abvbav abeba 384. Cratrope fauve (ois): tuts, tiwtiw tuts, tiwtiw burqs, tibbt aburreg, abarru, burqes, tibeebt 392. Criquets migrateurs, locuste: tamurvi tamuri - Jeune criquet: ibiu ibiu (ibiiwn) - Jeunes criquets migrateurs: awi awi 393. Croc: uvb ueb (uban), ivmz imez (imazen), aznzv azenze (izenza), u uk (ukaen), tindfst tindfest (tindfas), tigiwlt tigiwlt (tigiwal), uhr uher (uhran) 394. Crochets: uvban, iznzav uban, izenza 395. Crocodile (rept): avucaf aucaf (iucafen), azutr azuter (izutar), avanba aanba (ianban) 400. Crustacs, crustacea: tiruca waman, tirac, tiruca tiruca waman, tirac, tiruca 401. Ctenodactyle, goundi (rong): tilut tilut 402. Curculionids: iwakuzn iwakuzen 403. Cycloptre (lump, mollet, poule de mer): tafullust n ilel tafullust n ilel (neo) 404. Cygne (ois): tikikla tikikla

(382) 385. Crcerelle, mouchet (ois): tayninna, tamrrbict tayninna, tamerrbict 386. Crnilabre ou paon de mer: tayja n ilel tayja n ilel (neo) 387. Crte: ajayc, ticiddit ajayc, ticiddit 388. Crt: bu tciddit, bu ujayc bu tciddit, bu ujayc 389. Crevette (crust): aqmrun aqemrun 390. Crinire: azagg azagg Crinire dun lion: azagg n izm azagg n izem 391. Criquet: aburrg, abarru,

(404) 405. Cynocphale : abukar abukar ( ( 406. Cynomys (chien de prairie, rong): aydi ulma aydi ulma (neo) 407. Cynoptre (esp. de chauve souris): aydifr aydifer (neo) 408. Cynhyne, lycaon, chien loup, loup dEthiopie, loup peint: aguli, avs, avsi aguli, aes, asi 409. Cyprin, carpe (pois): anfvur, tanfvurt anefur, tanefurt 410. Cyprin dor: anfvur wurv anefur wure (neo)

411. Daman (mam): akawka akawka 412. Damalisque, damaliscus korrigum (mam): idri, idar idri, idar 413. Damier ou pigeon des mers: atbir n ilaln atbir n ilalen (neo) 414. Daphnie, puce deau, Daphnia pulex (arach): tabba taebba (tiebbawin) 415. Dard, aiguillon: asaqqs, asbbaqqs asaqqs, asbbaqqes 416. Dasyure (mars): azulay n imvil azulay n imil (neo)


(391) 396. Crois: argna, amsahar aregna, amsahar 397. Crotale (serpent sonnette, rept): ifivr bu unayna ifier bu unayna (neo) 398. Crottin : axsas, amzzur, amazir axsas, amezzur, amazir 399. Croupion: tamllawvt, tajjimt, timvilt tamellawt, tagjjimt, timilt ( (

(418) 417. Dauphin (ceta): azyam azyam Dauphin bosse (ceta): talvumt n ilel talmt n ilel 418. Daurade, dorade (pois): amul amul 419. Dcapodes: imrawarn imrawaren (neo) 420. Dfense: uvb, upf, aznzv ueb, uef, azenze 421. Demodex (Demodex follicu-



lorum): timni timni ( ( 422. Demoiselle: tawt n tala tawt n tala 423. Dentale (moll): tavmuzt tamuzt (neo) 424. Dendrobate (amph): agru isla agru isekla (neo) 425. Dendrocygne (ois): tikikla n isla tikikla n isekla (neo) - Dendrocygne veuf (Dendrocygna viduata): ina ina 426. Dent, dentex (pois): amzzuv amzzu Dent bossu, gros dent rose (pois): abrag aberag Dent gros yeux (pois): agrfal agerfal 433. Dinosaure: adinuu adinuu 434. Dipode: asinar asinar (isinaren), (neo) 435. Diptre: asinifr- bu sin ifraw asinifr- bu sin ifrawn (neo) 436. Diodon, ou poisson porcpic: aslmaruc aslemaruc (neo) Distome (douve): idawdiwn idawdiwn Dragon volant: awsa amaylal awsa amaylal (neo) Dragon deau, dragon chinois, Agame aquatique: awa waman awa waman (neo) Dragon barbu: awa bu wamar awa bu wamar (neo) Dragon de Komodo: awa n kumudu awa n kumudu (neo) 444. Dragonneau, ver de Guine: akrknu, atlb akerknu, atelb 445. Dromadaire: alvm alem 446. Drosophile ou mouche du vinaigre (ins): tizit umavus tizit umaus 447. Duc (ois): akujil, azggazda,

(437) 437. Dogue: ahbba, ahbbu ahebba, ahebbu ( ( 438. Douroucouli, singe de nuit, singe-hibou: iddw-awwuk iddew awwuk (neo). 439. Dorade, dorade royale (pois): aknyaw, amul, aynanaz, bu isni, amzil akenyaw, amul, aynanaz, bu isni, amzil 440. Dorade rose, rousseau (pois): afurgl afurgel 441. Doryphore: iglgizn n baaa igelgizen n baaa 442. Douve (ann): idawdiwn, tabrruyt idawdiwn, taberruyt 443. Dragon: awa awa

(447) gguw akujil, azggazda, gguw - Petit duc: akujil akujil - Moyen duc: gguw gguw - Grand duc: azggazda azggazda 448. Dugong (sirne, vache marine): tafunast n yill tafunast n yill (neo) 449. Dytique (ins): tizit n waman tizit n waman

(427) 427. Dermeste: timtcit n ilm timtcit n ilem 428. Dermoptres: ilmifr ilemifer (neo) 429. Desman, rat musqu: adsman adesman (neo) 430. Diagramme (pois): tavwalt tawalt 431. Didactyle: asina asina (neo) 432. Dinde: abibi abibi

450. cailles: ikr iker (ikeren), tifzvlt tifezelt (tifezal) 451. chassier (ois): avllangum aellangum (iellangumen) 452. chidn, ou fourmilier pineux: insi n iwfan insi n iwfan (neo) 453. chinoderme: insilm insilem (neo) 454. crevisse: azaffan, tikurrzma azaffan, tikurrzma 455. cureuil: anzi anzi, agbur agbur (ikbar), avur aur (iuran), akulan akulan (ikulanen) 456. cureuil volant: agbur amaylal agbur amaylal (neo) 457. Edents: afrmac afermac (ifermacen)


(458) 458. lphant: ilw ilew (ilwan), idjid idjid (adjaden) lphante: tilwt, tawtmt n ilw tilewt, tawtemt n ilew



459. lytre: alssi alessi (ilessiten) 460. missole lisse, chien de mer: ayi, agllus, akaccu ayi, agellus, akaccu 461. mouchet, crecerelle (ois): tayninna, wawip tayninna, wawi (id wawi), tamrrbict tamerrbict (( 462. Empuse (insecte voisin de la mante): tajjunt, taojjunt tajjunt, tajjunt 469. ponge: tajuut tajuut ( ( 470. Eponge de mer: tarbst tarbest (tirbas) 471. Equids: imarn igmaren 472. rmiaphile: takalafa, ayyis ubnkal takalafa, ayyis ubenkal 473. Escarbot: iglgiz igelgiz 474. Escargot (moll): avlal, abujvlal, abrjvlal, ablbbuc, ababbuc, abuxbux, aglaz alal, abujlal, aberjlal, abelbbuc, ababbuc, abuxbux, aglaz 479. talon: agmar, akiar, akiar agmar, akiar, akiar 480. toile de mer (asterie): itril itril (itri n ilel) (neo) 481. tourneau sansonnet: amsbrid, imsfr, mssfrd izgarn, abrbac, amesbrid, imsfer, messferd izgaren, aberbac 482. tourneau unicolore: tawayya n urtan, tawrtant tawayya n urtan, tawrtant 483. trille: apnnqric aenneqric 484. Eugaster (ins): wagnim, mvrs ticlin mers tigclin wagnim. 485. Eumeces de schneider, scinque de schneider: ssummsitan, ssummizgarn, m tifunasin ssummsitan, ssummizgaren, me tifunasin.

490. Faon doryx, faon dadax: abaray abaray Faon dantilope mohor: alamum, ajalay alamum, ajalay Faon de gazelle rufifrons: awdmit awdmit (awdmiten) 491. Faucheur, requin renard: atbir atbir

(493) 492. Faucheux, opilion: abroman, abllvman aberman, abellman 493. Faucon: afalku, amstv, abrni afalku, amest, aberni - Faucon hobereau: afalku afalku - Faucon plerin: abrni aberni - Faucon sacre: warllim warllim - Faucon lanier: alullam alullam - Espece de faucon connu sous le nom de tagarot en Espagnol et en Portugais (mot dorigine amazighe): taqrru taqerru 494. Faucon delonore (pois): aflkay afelkay 495. Faune: iuras iuras

(460) 463. Engoulevent (ois): mis azal, igni, mguni mies azal, igni, mgn ies - Engoulevent du dsert, Caprimulgus aegyptius: abkt abkt 464. Epaulard, orque (ceta): acrblaw, acrbraw acrblaw, acrbraw ( ( 465. peire (araigne des jardins), arach: tivivit, wazrvan tiiit, wazeran 466. Eperlan du large: bi izvla bi izla (mme nom pour l athrine) 467. pervier (ois): tamdda, tafrma tamedda, taferma 468. Epine dherisson: afrrum aferrum (474) - Grand escargot non comestible: abuprar aburar - Escargot de petite taille: akrrbub akerrbub (ikerrbubn) - Escargot des haies: abujvlal ifrgan abujlal ifergan 475. Escargot de mer: ajvur, amjun ajur, amjun 476. Espadon, Xiphias, pe de mer, empereur (pois): issgni, bu tfrut issegni, bu tfrut 477. Essaim dabeilles: alif aglif 478. Essaimage: asufv ulif asufe uglif

(486) 486. Exocet, hirondelle de mer, poisson volant (pois): tiflillist tiflillist ( ( 487. Eyra (fel): ayra ayra (neo)

488. Faisan: ifrd iferd 489. Faon: awzim awzim




496. Fausse teigne, Gallerie (Galleria): tasvlt taselt 497. Fauve: wamnsdda wamensedda 498. Fauvette: tibrdfflt, adssiw, abran, tasdayt, asdaw, sin izlan tiberdeffelt, adessiw, aberan, tasdayt, asdaw - Fauvette tte noire (Sylvia atricapilla): asaflaw asaflaw 501. Filaire (filaria), ann: imisdid, amtwal imisdid, amtwal 502. Fissipde: bu ifnckkr bu ifenckker 503. Flagells: id bu izflan id bu izflan 504. Flamant (ois): acabruc acabruc (icabrucen) 505. Floricole: amzdvjjig amzdejjig (neo) 506. Forficule (neo): ibbirwl, iqqsrwl, imrzl, bu tuzlin, taoiu, tagrnina^t ibbirwl, iqqsrwl, imrzl, bu tuzlin, taiu, tagrninat 507. Fossa, civette de Madagascar: afuss, talt n Madagaskar afuss, talt n Madagaskar (neo) 508. Fou (ois): amu amu (neo) 509. Fouette queue, uromastix, Agame queue pineuse: ajjim, aprdan, agizam, agzzaram, amkacaw agjjim, aerdan, agizam, agzzaram, amkacaw - Jeune fouette queue: axlayyu axlayyu 510. Fouine (must): tadvava, tadviva, tadvavat, tislit ivrdayn tadaa, tadia, tadaat, tislit ierdayn 511. Foulque, judelle: tasninnayt tasninnayt 512. Fourmi: awuf awuf (iwfan), aguf ageuf (igfan), tawuft, tufit tawuft, tufit

516. Fourmilier: amccuf, bu iwfan ameccuf, bu iwefan (neo) 517. Fourmilire: tawlga, awf, tansa n tufin, tabayrart, tasauft, agadir n tufin, vasru n tiqtfin asru n tiqetfin, tawlga, awef, tansa n tufin, tabayrart, tasauft, agadir n tufin 518. Fourmi-lion (chenille): tavyult iblis, iblis n tufin tayult iblis, iblis n tufin 519. Frelon: avnzggu, tavnzga, ibarzzwi, ahrru aenzggu, taenzegga, ibarzzwi, aherru 520. Furet (must): asbs, asbsb, avrda n urtan, anssas anssas, asebes, asebseb, aerda n urtan

(514) (tufin), taguft tageuft (tigeufin), tifuzrt tifuzert Fourmi moissonneuse (grosse fourmi trs rapide): amgzazal amgzazal - Esp. de fourmi (jaune rouge): avuzaw auzaw - Esp de fourmi grosse blanche ou jaunatre, construit des fourmilires: amzurag amezurag - Esp de fourmi petite jaune- rouge et noire, par ext tte fourmi petite: anllug anellug - Petites fourmis: ikkaydkkumn ikkaydekkumen, (sing: akkaydkkum akkaydekkum) 513. Fourmi rouge: amcddal amceddal 514. Fourmi aile: abrriq aberriq 515. Fourmi tisserante: tawuft tamawt tawuft tamawt (neo) Fourmis cadavres: iwfan ifkkiwn iwfan ifekkiwn (neo) Fourmi de miel: tawuft n tammnt tawuft n tamment (neo) Fourmi dArgentine Iridomyrmex humilis, chasse les autes fourmis, brune: ifis n tufin ifis n tufin

(504) - Fauvette mlanocphale: walvu walu - fauvette orphe (Sylviahrtensis: tajja tajja. 499. Faux bourdon: agaymru, agamrru, asrdun n tzizwa agaymru, agamrru, aserdun n tezizwa 500. Fennec, renard des sables, Fennecus zerda, cani: axurzal axurzal (ixurzkalen), axuncki axuncki (ixunckiten), avrci aerci (ierciwn), avrciw aerciw, ivctr iecter (iectiren), arkal akrkal (ikrkalen)

(524) 521. Fuseau (moll): izi izi (neo)

522. Galode, arachnide venineux: amim aemim 523. Galeopithque (lemur volant, galeoptre, belette aile, belette-




singe, colugo): wadqqa amaylal wadqqa amaylal (neo) 524. Gallrie (fausse teigne des ruches): tasvlt taselt 525. Gammare (crevette deau douce, puce deau): aggurdi waman aggurdi waman (neo) ( ( 533. Gazelle dorcas, gazella dorcas: aznku azenku 534. Gazelle du cuvier, gazella cuvieri: ahrmuc ahermuc (ihermac) 543. Genette, Genetta genetta: asraru, cbbirdu, ijbbirdu, tasrda asraru, cebbirdu, ijebbirdu (ijebburda), taserda

553. Gsier: apgru agru 554. Girafe: amddv amdde Girafe male: akaynun akaynun 555. Gte: apgun agun (pour un lapin, livre), asgn, amdlas asgn, amedlas - Volailler: angu angu anvr aner. 556. Glarole (perdrix de leau, hirondelle des marais), ois: askkur n waman asekkur n waman (neo) 557. Glossine, mouche ts-ts: tagugamt tagugamt 558. Gloussement : agrir agrir

(541) 535. Gazelle front roux, gazella rufifrons: admu admu (idma), tadmut tadmut (tidma) 536. Gazelle du Sahara, Gazella leptoceros: ajdir ajdir 537. Gazelle Mohor: anir, inir anir, inir (iniren) 538. Gavial: avucaf lhind aucaf lhind (neo) 539. Geai (ois): ajafviv ajai (ijua) 540. Geai des chnes: amucc wasaf amucc wasaf 541. Gecko: iqqli iqqli (iqqelan), acrmcal acermcal, ajrmcal ajremcal, tajrdeddimt tajerdeddimt Gecko casqu: buqlal buqlal Gecko des murailles (lacerta muralis): tiqqlit taknakart, tavrbiba, tanjdamt, bukccac tiqqlit taknakart, tarbiba, tanjdamt, bukccac. 542. Gelinotte, coq des marais (ois): tavnduzt, avnduz taenduzt, aenduz

(548) 544. Gniteur: amalay amalay 545. Genisse: tawmmatt, tagayzt, tavuyt tawmmatt, tagayzt, taiyt 546. Geogale: tarddikalt tarddikalt (neo) 547. Geophile (myri): faqqs fdnin faqqes fednin 548. Gerbille, Gerbillus gerbillus (rong): klmmu, akutay, akuti kelemmu, akutay, akuti - Gerbille du Sous (Gerbillus hoogstraali): klmmu kelemmu 549. Gerboise (rong): iwi, idwi iwi, idwi - Petit de la gerboise: azvud azud 550. Gerce: timtcit, timidi timtcit, timidi 551. Gerfaut: (sens: vautour faucon) iviwrfalku iiwrfalku (neo) 552. Gerris, patineur deau, araigne deau (ins): avyul waman ayul waman

(504) 526. Ganga (ois): takawt takawt (tikawin) ( ( 527. Ganga cata, petrocles alchata (ois): tagrni tagerni (tigerna) 528. Ganga de Lichteinstein (ois): tintamat tintamat 529. Garde buf, pic boeuf: asalwa asalwa (asalwaten), asawwa, agi ivwawn asawwa, agi iwawn 530. Garenne: tansa, tifrit tansa, tifrit 531. Gastropodes: iblobba ibelbba 532. Gazelle: azn, amlal, ivid uzval, ivrt azenk, amlal, iid uzal, iert -Gazelle ayant atteint sa croissance et de belle taille: akukri akukri (ikukriten), takukrit takukrit (tikukritin)

(554) 559. Glouton: amddurdu amddurdu (neo) 560. Gnou: agnu agnu (neo)



561. Gobe mouche (ois): mnqc izan, brqc izan mnqc izan, brqc izan 562. Gobie, goujon noir (pois): agawgaw agawgaw 563. Goland (ois): aylal, taaywalt aylal, taaywalt 564. Gonelle, gonnelle ou papillon de mer: afrtill aferteill (neo) 565. Goret: afrkul aferkul 566. Gorfou: agurfu agurfu (neo) 567. Gorille: abraybaray abraybaray 568. Goujon noir: agawgaw agawgaw 572. Grande castagnole, hirondelle de mer (pois): tiflillist tiflillist 573. Grand duc du dsert (esp de hibou): azggazda azggazda (izeggazdan) 574. Granivore: amccaqqa ameccaqqa (neo) 575. Grenouille: agru, aliga agru, aliga - Grenouille verte: agru waman agru waman - Grenouille fleur: agru ajddig agru ajddig (neo) - Grenouille lopard: agru agrzam agru agerzam (neo) - Grenouille-taureau: agru azgr agru azger (neo) - Grenouille volante (genre Rhacophorus): agru amaylal agru amaylal (neo) - Grenouille- mouton (Hypopachus cuneus): agru izimmr agru izimmer (neo) 576. Griffes: ibbackarn, acxarn, acbarn, axbacn ibbackaren, acxaren, acbaren, axbacen 577. Grillon: aburxs, aburjij, afru, akarray, tgrs, tiwrgit, rttsnus, igijji aburxs, aburjij, aferu, akarray, tegrgs, tiwrgit, krttsnus, igijji 578. Grimpereau, sittle: amsitv amsite 579. Griset , canthre, daurade grise, cantre: azgza, azgzaw azgza, azgzaw 580. Grive (ois): amrgu amrgu (imerga), akaya akaya (ikayaten), utazart utazart 581. Grivet ou singe vert: abavus azgzaw abaus azegzaw (neo)

(590) aiddu, taiddut, aberzizzw, wahu 591. Gupe- maonne: aviddu, taviddut aiddu, taiddut 592. Guenon: tibkit, tabavust tibkit, tabaust 593. Gupier (ois): abaqzwa, agamum, fayfu, blgamum, ablyamun, ablgamu, ayamun, imvwi, aduru, agurgut, agi n udayn abaqzzwa, agamum, fayfu, belgamum, abelyamun, abelgamu, ayamun imewi, aduru, agurgut, agi n udayen 594. Gupier deurope: awruq awruq 595. Gupier, nid de gupe: tasusna, tawasna, tusna, aza n ividdu tasusna, tawasna, tusna, azea n iiddu 596. Guitare, violon de mer (pois): ardin n ilel ardin n ilel (neo) 597. Gypate barbu: afalku, mr ixsan afalku, mer ixsan .( (

(589) 582. Grizzli, grizzly: agrizli agrizli (neo) 583. Grondin, trigle: agwal, avunja agwal, aunja 584. Grogneur, pristipome (pois): askarray askarray 585. Gros bec (ois): abufis, agmums abufis, agmums

(575) 569. Goundi, rong: tilut tilut -Goundi de lAtlas: axrtun axertun (ixurtan) - Goundi du Sahara: tilut tilut 570. Grain moth, psych des gramines: tettamccu, imiyyl, brbllu, tamsparct tettameccu, imiyyl, berbellu, tamsarct 571. Grand bubale (alcelaphus major) : argmim aregmim

586. Gros yeux, rousseau (pois): sndrwal senderwal 587. Grue (ois, echa): avlavlu, avrravru agi n isan agi n isan alalu, aerraru (ierrara) 588. Grue couronne (ois): tanigit, tagingilit tagingilit, tanigit (tinigitin) 589. Gupard (fel): agrzam, amsdda, amayas, anaba, tafazi, aksil agerzam, amesdda, amayas, anaba, tafazi, aksil 590. Gupe: ar, arva, iri, iri, waran, waru, aviddu, taviddut, abrzizzw, wahu ar, ara, iri, irei, waran, waru,



598. Halicte: tizizwit usgriw tizizwit usegriw 599. Haliotide (ormeau, oreille de mer): tallunt tallunt 600. Hamster (rong): amaklas amaklas 601. Hase: tawtilt, tayarzizt, tamrwalt tawtilt, tayarzizt, tamerwalt 602. Hanneton (ins): grgjju, taa gergejju, taa (taatin)


fer (izgenifern), neo 610. Herbivore: amcctuga amecctuga (neo) 611. Hrisson: insi insi (insan), inikf inikef 612. Herrisson du dsert: insi iknsi (ikwnsan) Hrissonne: tinsit tinsit 613. Hermine (must): tarddi isla tareddi iskla (tireddiwin isekla) ( ( 614. Hron : irk, ablbal irek, abelbal 615. Hexapode: asisar asisar (neo) 616. Hibernant: asggaras aseggaras Hibernation: assgrs assegers Hiberner: isggrs iseggers 617. Hibou (ois): wigzzuln, bururu, buzan, iga yun wigezzulen, bururu, buzan, iga yun 618. Hibou grand duc: azggazda azeggazda, iga yun iga yun 619. Hibou moyen duc: gguw gguw 620. Hippelates, mouche des yeux: izi walln izi wallen 621. Hippotrague (mam): acamul acamul (icumal), ajmul ajmul (ijmlan), ajamul ajamul (ijumal) 622. Hippocampe: ayisil, ayyis n ilel ayisil, ayyis n ilel 630. Homard (crust): taruct, azaffan n igirw, taruct n wama taruct, azaffan n igirw, taruct n waman n 631. Homme: afgan, amdan afgan, amdan 632. Hutre (moll): awayl, tawaylt, abbuc, tabbuct awayl, tawaylt, abbuc, tabbuct , 633. Huitrier (bcasse, pie de mer): abvayc n ilel abayc n ilel 634. Hulotte ou chat-huant (ois): alagu alagu 635. Huppe: warm izan, ma n wizan, dundun, dudus, xdudut, cibubuk warm izan, ma n wizan, dundun, dudus, xdudut, cibubuk

(635) 623. Hippopotame, cheval des mers: azzmur, azamur, abanvu azzemur, azamur, abanu 624. Hirondelle (ois): tiflillst tiflillest (tiflillisin, tiflillas), taflallast, timzilt tafelallast, timzilt (timzilin), taylulut, tamslulaft taylulut, tameslulaft . 625. Hirondelle de fentre: cactfu cactfu 626. Hirondelle de mer, grande castagnole, exocet: tiflillist, tiflillist n ilel tiflillist, tiflillist n ilel 627. Hirondelle de chemine: tiflillist n tnzllat tiflillist n tenzellat (neo) 628. Hochequeue, bergeronnette grise: tamkrazt, tabuzgrazt, tamsaysut, amsaysu, ablbnna, suffgunnir, tallaa, tajit n wulli tamekrazt, tabuzgrazt, tamsaysut, amsaysu, abelbnna, suffgunnir, tallaa, tajit n wulli 629. Holothurie, concombre de mer, bche-de-mer, courge de mer: arnaku arnaku

(611) 603. Haret: amuccbrra amuccberra 604. Harfang des neiges (chouette blanche): tawukt n idflawn tawukt n idflawn (neo) 605. Hlix: abujvlal abujlal 606. Hlicids: ibujvlaln ibujlalen 607. Hloderme, monstre de Gila (lzard venimeux, rept): amcllv amcelle (neo) 608. Hmione ou okapi: azulil n ttibit, ukabi azulil n ttibit, ukabi (neo) 609. Hmiptres: azgnifr azgeni-

(638) Huppe fascie: icidi, butut, icibib, tibibut icidi, butut, icibib, tibibut 636. Hydrophile: fatn aman fan aman 637. Hydrophis: azrmill, azrm n ilel azermill, azerm n ilel (neo) 638. Hyne : ifis, mjjvyul, tursra, arkni ifis, mejjyul, tursra, arekni



639. Hyne raye: aridal aridal 640. Hyne mle: avuray auray 641. Hyne crocuta: tazuri tazuri usune (neo) 653. Isocarde: tult tult (tulawin), neo 654. Iule (ins): tastawt ismvan, alma n umazir tastawt iseman, alegma n umazir 655. Ixode, ricin, ixodes ricinus (ins): afu, arml afu, agrmel 656. Ibis (ois): adanay adanay 665. Jument: tagmart tagmart (tagmarin), tavyalt, tavallt tayalt, taallet (tiallin) ( (

642. Ichtyophage, piscivore: amccaslm ameccaslem (neo) 643. Idie: tizit n tmurvi tizit n tmuri (neo) 644. Iguane: azyagur azyagur * 645. Iguane du dsert, iguane des sables (rept): azyagur n tnruft azyagur n tenruft (neo) 646. Iguane pineux: azyagur bu isnnann azyagur bu isennanen (neo) 647. Indri: indri indri (neo) 648. Insecte: abuxxu, abxxuc abuxxu, abexxuc 649. Insecte minuscule (qlq), tre vivant minuscule, microscopique: azurra azurra 650. Insectivore, entomophage: amccbxxuc ameccbexxuc (neo) 651. Invertbrs: id war tizgitin id war tizgitin (neo) 652. Isatis, renard bleu, renard polaire (fel): ikob n usun ikb n


657. Jabiru: jabiru jabiru (neo) 658. Jacamar: ajakamar ajakamar (neo) 659. Jacana: ajakana ajakana 660. Jacasse (pie): abvayc, ijilm abayc, ijilem (ijilmawn), abral, abran, wasslva, takakayt, wavuct, afcgi, avacvac aberal, aberan, wassela, takakayt, wauct, afecgi, aacac 661. Jaguar (fel): amsdda amesdda (( 662. Jars (oie mle): awzziw awzziw 663. Jubarte (baleine bosse, mgaptre), ceta: alvm n ilel alm n ilel 664. Judelle, foulque: tasninnayt tasninnayt


666. Kamichi (ois, echa): akamici akamici 667. Kangourou: aknguru akenguru


674. Labre: askkur asekkur ( ( 675. Labre vieille, labre merle, labre vert (poi): askkur asekkur 676. Lacertids: izrmummuyn izermummuyn


(699) 677. Lachsille ou pou de bois: tilkit usvar tilkit usar (neo) 678. Lagomorphes: iyarzizn iyarzizen 679. Lagopde, glinotte des armoises, poule des neiges: tafullust idflawn tafullust ideflawn (neo) ( ( 680. Laie: tilft, tamuda tileft, tamuda 681. Laitance: abalal abalal (ibalalen) ( ( 682. Lama: amis amis (neo) 683. Lamantin: ikrrill ikerrilel (neo) 684. Lamproie (pois): tazlmt n igirw tazelmt n igirw 685. Lampyre, ver luisant (ins): ittliurv, slliur, trurq itteliure, selliur, terurq

(690) 668. Kangourou arboricole (dendrolague): aknguru isla akenguru isekla (neo) 669. Krabu, karbau: akrabu akrabu (neo) 670. Kinkajou: aknkaju akenkaju (neo) 671. Kiwi, aptryse: kiwi kiwi (neo) 672. Koala: akwala akwala (neo) 673. Koudou: akudu akudu (neo)



686. Lanon (anguille de sable), pois: tazlmt umlal tazelmt umlal 687. Langouste: azaffan azaffan 688. Laneret (male du lanier): amdda, amstv amedda, ameste ( ( 697. Lmuriens (prosimiens): ilimurn ilimuren (neo) 698. Lemming: almmin alemmin (neo) 699. Lente: iw iw (iwen) 700. Leontopithecus, le tamarin lion: iddwizm iddewizem (neo) 701. Lopard (fel): avilas, agrzam, aksil ailas, agerzam, aksil - lopard dafrique: agiw agiw 702. Lopard des mers (Hydrurga leptonyx): avilas n ilaln ailas n ilalen (neo) 703. Lpidoptre: ikrifr ikerifer (neo) 704. Lpisme, poisson argent (ins): islm n tufin, islm n tau iselm n tufin, iselm n tau 709. Lvrier: ukay, uka, abaykur ukay, uka, abaykur 710. Lvrier de race crois: igrzm, ibirks, abrhuc igerzem, ibirks, aberhuc - Vieux levrier: ablhaw abelhaw 711. Lzard: azrmummuy, almummuy, iqqli, taxsi, avaslm, taplist azermummuy, aelmummuy, iqqli, taxsi, aaselm, talist - Petit lzard: tazrmummuyt tazermummuyt, tazlmumit tazelmumit. - Gros lzard des sables: aka, abvur, avllu aka, abur, aellu Lzard vert: aprbebbu, asbbariwn, amulab, abryun aerbebbu, asebbariwn, amulab, aberyun Lzard gris: tazrmummuct, abrzgun tazermummuct, aberzgun Lzard de brousse peau lisse: tiqqlit tamjjut tiqqlit tamejjut Lzard des murailles (lacerta muralis): tiqqlit taknakart tiqqlit taknakart Lzard panthrin (Eremias pardalis): tablplupt tabellut Lzard collier: azlmummuy bu tazra azelmummuy bu tazra (neo) 712. Libellule: tatlullvt, izi n tawla tatlullet, izi n tawla 713. Liche, seriole, carangue: aclvi, asargal aceli, asargal 714. Liche amie, fausse palomte (pois): irvl irel

715. Liche glauque (pois): awlap awla 716. Livre: (awtil, awtul,) ayarziz, abkni ayarziz, abekni 717. Livre du cap (lepus capensis): timrwlt, imrwl timerwlt, imerwl 718. Limace: aburbbu, burbbu, burggi, abizzu, baobula, aficlul, buccl aburebbu, burebbu, bureggi, abizzu, babula, aficlul, buccel - Limace rouge: tazigma tazigma (izigmawn, tizigmawin), tizigmawin 719. Limace de mer: brggi n ilel bureggi n ilel (neo) 720. Limande (pois): albba alebba

(711) 689. Lapin (rong): aqnin, agwnin aqnin, agwnin - Jeune lapin: acluv, axrbuc aclu, axerbuc 690. Lapin de garenne, Oryctolagus cuniculus: awtil awtil 691. Lapinire: tifrit n ininn tifrit n igninen 692. Larve: tagcca tagecca (tigecciwin), titknt titkent (titknin, pour la larve des abeilles) 693. Larves de moustique: tizdaz n waman, aoawc tizdaz n waman, aawc 694. Lavandire (ois): amsaysu, tazgrazt, tamissit amsaysu, tazegrazt, tamissit 695. Leaf beeper: tanurvt tanurt (tinura) 696. Lmur: alimur alimur (neo)

(712) 705. Leptotyphlops algeriensis (serp): tamvart ubnkal tamart ubenkal 706. Leptotyphlops macrorhynque: tissgnit wakal tissegnit wakal 707. Lrot, liron, Eliomys quercinus (rong): tafrirut tafrirut 708. Levreau: aluv, ayluv alu, aylu ( (

(723) 721. Limicole: mzdvamda, mzdvaglagal mzdeamda, mzdeaglagal (neo) 722. Linot (ois): akulkla akulkela Linotte: aqlqul azgzaw aqelqul azegzaw 723. Lion (fel): izm, ayrad, ar izem, ayrad, ar (arawn), awar, ahr, awqqas awar, aher, awqqas



724. Lionceau: alias, aknuz yizm alias, aknuz yizem 725. Lionne: tasdda, tizmt, tart tasedda, tizemt, tart (tarawin), tahrra, tahrt taherra, tahert 726. Lion de mer (phoque crinire): izm n ilel izem n ilel (neo) 727. Limule, crabe des mollusques, crabe fer cheval: tasila wayyis tasila wayyis (neo) 728. Lithobie (myri): bu icua bu icua 729. Loriot: faruru faruru Loriot deurope (Oriolus oriolus): amksa wulli ameksa wulli 730. Locuste: abaa, awug abaa, awug Locuste verte, grande sauterelle verte, locusta viridissina: abaa abaa 731. Loir (rong): acbcal acebcal 732. Lombric (ver de terre, ann): adan n tmurt, azrm wakal, tawkka wakal, azrmttuc, ijirm adan n tmurt, azerm wakal, tawkka wakal, azermettuc, ijirme 733. Longicorne: avzzaf waskiwn, azgrar n waskiwn, avzfisk aezzaf waskiwn, azegrar n waskiwn, azfisk (neo) 734. Lotte (pois): acwrav, awrav acwra, awra 735. Loup (cani): agulz, avsi agulez, asi 736. Loup-cervier (lynx): tawurta tawurta (tiwurtawin), iblin ibline 737. Loup crinire Chrysocyon brachyurus: avsi bu uzagg asi bu uzagg (neo) 738. Loup, labrax lupus (pois): tabucawkt tabucawkt 739. Loup truit, loup tachet, bar truit (pois): ablav abla 745. Lycose: tabvaynust tabaynust 746. Lynx, loup-cervier (fel): tawurta tawurta (tiwurtawin), iblin ibline 747. Lyre: agi ardin agi ardin

755. Maia (araigne de mer): amaya amaya (neo) 756. Mainate: amaynat amaynat (neo) ( ( 757. Maigre (ou courbine, hautbar, scine), pois: anjjakru anejjakru 758. Maki: amaki amaki ( ( 759. Mallophage (pou doiseaux): lsmi klsmi 760. Mamelle: tii tii 761. Mammifre: amsu amsue (imsua), tasuragt tasuragt

748. Macaque, magot: azvu azeu 749. Maon: amakaw amakaw ( ( (754) 740. Loutre (must): aydi waman, aqzin waman aydi waman, aqzin waman 741. Louve: tavsit tasit 742. Lucilie (mouche verte, mouche dore), ins: izi azgzaw izirkki, izi n tfkka izi azegzaw izirekki, izi n tefkka 743. Luciole: timdifawt timdifawt, (itteliur), tundufut tundufut, (itteliur), azanfa, fawt, mmf azanfa, efawt, mmf 744. Lycaon (Lycaon pictus), cani: akuln, agulaz, avs, avsi akulen, agulaz, aes, aesi (768) 750. Macrodactyle: amvra amera (neo) 751. Macroglosse (chauve souris): amvrils ameriles (neo) 752. Macrosclide (rong): bancuc bancuce Macrosclide de Rozet, rat trompe (Elephantulus rozeti): aknuc, alvncuc akenuc, alncuc 753. Macroure: ablbnna, abljjim abelbenna, abelgjjim (neo) 754. Magot: azvu azeu


(780) 762. Mammifre placentaire: tasuragt mm timattn tasuragt mm timatten (neo) 763. Mammouth: amamud amamud 764. Man, larve du hanneton, ver blanc: ablawkka, aqawsas, tafaska ifullusn ablawkka, aqawsas, tafaska ifullusen 765. Manchot: waravil warail 766. Mange- mil (Esp. de moineau, oiseau granivore): tuznba tuzenba 767. Mangouste: izirdi izirdi



778. Marouette (rale deau): azrklla waman azerkella waman (neo) 779. Marsouin (ceta): taorabt n ilel tarabt n ilel ( ( 780. Marte, martre (must): tazlka tazelka 781. Marteau, marteau requin, hammer head: izimmr izimmer 782. Martinet (ois): isfdl, tiflillist, usrdun tiflillist, userdun isefdel 783. Martinet noir (Apus apus) (ois): tajugju, aqmmud tajugju, aqemmud 784. Martin pcheur (ois): imsfr waman imsfer waman 785. Marsupial: awlkan awlkan (neo) 786. Mduse: tacblblt, axnti tacbelbelt, axenti 787. Mgapode: abrar aberar (neo) 788. Mgaptre, jubarte, baleine bosse (cta): alvm n ilel alm n ilel 789. Mhari: abjaw, akarzud abjaw, akarzud - Jeune mehari: abllbun abellbun 790. Mlophage (ins): timtcit n tattn timtcit n tatten (neo) 791. Melva, auxide (pois): azduz n ilel azduz n ilel 792. Mendole (pois): tata n ilel tata n ilel 793. Mnure, lyre: agi ardin agi ardin (neo) 794. Menuise: tacaqlut tacaqlut 795. Mergule (ois): amrgul amergul (neo) 796. Mrinos: - laine courte: ayrar ayrar - longue laine: abuyidd abuyidd 797. Merione (espce de gerbille, Meriones unguiculatus): akundr akunder 798. Merlan (pois): tavyult tayult

803. Merle de roche, Monticola saxatilis: ajpmum usulil ajemum usulil 804. Merlou, colin, merluche (pois): tavyult tayult 805. Mrou (merot): uccn waman, uccn uccen waman, uccen 806. Msange charbonnire (ois): budznit, abupdad abudad, budznit - Msange bleu: tamzilt tamzilt 807. Meute: ahuttil, tagrumma ahuttil, tagrumma 808. Milan (ois): asiwan, taswwant asiwan, tasewwant 809. Milan royal: tamdda tamdda 810. Milanais, missole, chien de mer: ayi, agllus ayi, agellus 811. Milandre, balestrine, h: ayi n ilel ayi n ilel 812. Mille pattes (myr): azrrvml, asraytg n isan, tisksit n tfivra, alalam, tims wau, tazgmi, taimi azrrmel, asraytg n isan, tisksit n tfira, alalam, times wau, tazegmi, taimi 813. Mite, papillon de nuit: frtllis, mjdr ixf ns fertellis, mjder ixef ns - Mite (ins): tiffrt, timdi, timidi, takukkuct tiffert, timdi, timidi, takukkuct ( ( Mite de la laine, Mite des tapis

(782) 768. Mante religieuse: asataf, tislit wuccn, masitnt, taamt n baba rbbi, talvmt n baba rbbi asataf, tislit wuccen, masitnt, taamt n baba rebbi, talmt n baba rebbi 769. Maquereau, scomber scombrus (pois): assawru assawru 770. Maquereau bleu (pois): arrug, tunina aerrug, tunina 771. Mara, livre de Patagonie: amara amara (neo) 772. Marabout (ois): tagarawt tagarawt 773. Marbr, perdrix de mer, mourme, pagel mourme (pois): tagba, tagwa tagba, tagwa 774. Marcassin: aknuz yilf, abrurq aknuz yilef, abrurq ( ( 775. Margay (chat-tigre), fel: amargay, amucc-avilas amargay, amuccailas (neo) ( ( 776. Margouillat, agame commun ou agame des colons: iqjdr, ijdddr iqejder, ijdedder 777. Marmotte (rong): amrmut amermut (neo)

(825) 799. Merle: ajagju, amjtkku, arkur ajpmum, asqsaq, azurkif, abrvg^al, auaw ajagju (ijugja), amjtkku, akrkur (ikrkar), ajmum, aseqsaq, azurkeif, aberggal, auaw 800. Merle noir: abbar abbar 801. Merle collier: ajpmum uru, tablvwit ajemum uru, tabelwit - Merle planstron: bu tzra bu tzra 802. Merle bleu, monticole bleu, Monticola solitarius: tarazt, tajackunt tareazt , tajackunt



(Trichophaga tapezella): tumt, tummt, tunt tumet, tummet, tunet - Mite sengendrant dans les fourrures et les lainages: amlul, imluln amlul, imlulen 814. Mite du fromage: tukmt tukemt 815. Mite des tissus: tazura, tunya, tivzvzt tazura, tunya, tiezezt (sorte de mite, insecte rongeur des tissus) Mite des fourrures; Tinea pellionella: tivzvzt tiezezt 816. Moineau: taukki, taikka, iikki, aawc, abucam, ajarac taukki, taikka, iikki, aawc, abucam, ajarac - Moineau domestique: tagrmmat tagergmmat 821. Morse : ilwil ilwil * 822. Morue (pois): tavyult, abadix tayult, abadix 823. Mostelle, moustelle (pois): tawlkt, tawayya tawlkt, tawayya 824. Motteux (ois): agbs, blvu agbes, belu 825. Mouche: izi izi 826. Mouche verte, lucilie: izirkki, izi n tfkka, izi azgzaw izirekki, izi n tefkka, izi azgzaw - Esp. de mouche bleu violette du sahara: tiwant tiwant - Mouche vers: izi n tbxxuyt izi n tbexxuyt - Mouche de cheval: izi waydi izi waydi 827. Mouche grise, sarcophage: izi n tfiyyi izi n tfiyyi 828. Mouche tse-tse: tagugamt tagugamt 829. Mouche dEspagne (Cantharide): tamsnvalt tamesnalt 830. Mouche Wohlfahrtia magnifica: tamna tamna - larve de Wohlfahrtia: imnwan imenwan 831. Moucheron: abudac, tizit abudac, tizit (tizatin), akawni akawni - Moucheron (petite mouche): alaa alaa 832. Mouette: abufuck, aji n ilel aji n ilel, abufuck 833. Moufete, moufette, sconse: avafaf aafaf 834. Mouflon: udad, ikrri udrar udad, ikerri udrar 835. Mouflon manchette: udad, afuctal, afital udad, afuctal, afital - Moufflon argali: udad argali udad argali (neo) - Mouflon femelle: tacbkant tacbkant - Mouflon solitaire (mle): amyan amyan

- laine courte: ayrar ayrar , utrib utrib - longue laine: abuyidd abuyidd 841. Mufle, gueule, groin: agamum agamum 842. Muge (pois): aburi aburi - Muge cphale, muge cabot, mule grosse tte, mugil cephalus (pois): azawla azawla - Mugil monodi (pois): agmil agmil - Mugil auratus (pois): tagawa tagawa 843. Mule: tasrdunt taserdunt - Mulet: asrdun aserdun - Jeune mulet: acni acni (mle), tacnit tacnit (femelle) 844. Mulet (pois): aburi, tifrgast aburi, tifergast Mulet dor (pois): amawrav, awrav amawra, awra - Jeune mulet (pois): azgzaw azegzaw - Mulet grosses lvres, mulet lippu (pois): bulgav bulegga 845. Mulot (rong): tazvutt, tazvuda tazutt, tazuda 846. Muntjak: amunjak amunjak (neo) 847. Murne (pois): tizlmt, azmmar, asivav tizelmt, azemmar, asia

(845) 836. Moule : tigri, amccal, buzrug, wizrug tigri, ameccal, buzrug, wizrug 837. Moure, sar tambour (pois): tintt tinett 838. Moustique: abiba, wabiba, tadast abiba, wabiba, tadast - Sorte de moustique quon ne peut mme voir: ava aa 839. Mouton: ikrri, ufrik ikerri, ufrik - Mouton tte blanche: arrif aerrif - Mouton dont le lainage est marron: admman ademman 840. Mouton mrinos: ( (

(834) 817. Moine: ajalan, izifr ajalan, izifer ( ( 818. Mollusques: tigri tigri 819. Monticole bleu, merle bleu, Monticola solitarius (ois): tarazt tareazt 820. Morpion, phtirius: tagrmumt tagermumt



848. Murex commun (pois): abugil abugil Murex: aglaw aglaw (aglawn) (( 849. Musaraigne: amna amenta (imentaten) Musaraigne aquatique: amnta n waman amenta n waman (neo) Musaraigne errante; musaraigne du dsert: amna n tnruft amenea n tenruft (neo)

(864) 850. Museau: axnfuf, axnfur, agnfur axenfuf, axenfur, agenfur 851. Mustlids: arddiwn arddiwn 852. Mygale: tijdmnni tijdemnni 853. Mylabre: tazugant, tamna tazugant, tamna 854. Myomorphe: amvrda amerda (imerdayn) (neo) 855. Myriapodes: irrvmln irrmeln

856. Nageoire: tasaccaft tasaccaft 857. Naja, serpent lunettes: izi izi (izien) 858. Nandou: anandu anandu (neo) ( ( 859. Narval, licorne de mer (ceta): azara n ilel azara n ilel (neo) 860. Nasique: abavus bu inzar abaus bu inzar (neo) 861. Natice: abou, aboiw abu, abiw 862. Natricine, couleuvre viprine, aspic deau: abnkal waman abenkal waman 863. Ncrophage: amccfkak ameccfkak (neo) 864. Nid: adf, asddi, usud, iskki, angu akdef, aseddi, usud, iskki, angu 865. Nid du gupe: tawassna, tasussna, aza n ividdu tawassna, tasussna, azea n iiddu 866. Nidificateur: amsusd amsused - Nidification: asusd asused 867. Nidicole: mzdv asddi mzd asddi 868. Noctuelle: amncvlul amencelul


869. Nonpareil (ois): war anaw war anaw (neo) ( ( 870. Numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus, must): anumba anumba (neo) 871. Nyala: anyala anyala (neo) 872. Nymphe, chrysalide: tawlkt ibxcac tawlekt ibexcac 880. ufs dombrine: tazlma tazelma 881. Oie: awzziw awzziw 882. Oie sauvage, oie des moissons: awzziw n tagant awzziw n tagant 883. Oiseau: aylal aylal agi agi - Oisillon, jeune oiseau qui commence voler: afraray, amsaylal, isrrifg, isifg afraray, amsaylal, iserrifeg, isifg - Oiselle: tagit tagit 884. Oiselet: agi agi 885. Oiseau-lyre, mnure: agiardin agi-ardin (neo) 886. Oiseau berceaux: agi bu uhlallu agi bu uhlallu (neo) 887. Oiseau de paradis: agi n umaglal agi n umaglal (neo) 888. Oiseaux carnassiers, oiseaux de chasse: iga ilillan iga ilillan 889. Oiseaux migrateurs: imsbridn imesbriden 890. Oiseaux coureurs ou ratites: aylaln imvirn aylalen imiren 891. Oiseaux nicheurs: aylaln imsusudn aylalen imsusuden 892. Oiseaux diurnes: aylaln n uzal aylalen n uzal 893. Oiseaux nocturnes: aylaln

873. Oblate, oblade commune (pois): azgid azgid 874. Ocelot (fel): uslut uslut (neo) 875. Octopode: acrmu acermu 876. dicnme: anmmannu anemmannu (inemmunna)


(864) 877. Oedicnme criard: trrvi, irvi, millu, turruz terri, iri, millue, turruz 878. Oestre: anfr, azb anfer, azeb 879. uf: taglayt, tamllalt, tazdlt taglayt, tamllalt, tazdelt



imssrdal, aylaln n i aylalen imesserdal, aylalen n i 894. Oiseaux chanteurs: aylaln isawsawn aylalen isawsawn 895. Okapi: ukabi ukapi (neo) 896. Ombrine, ombre (pois): azllamza, azalmaz azllamza, azalmaz 897. Ombrine sombre (pois): tawayya tawayya Ombrine ctire, umbrina cirrosa (pois): imskr imsker 898. Omnivore: amcca ameccak* 899. Onagre: azulil azulil 905. Ophiure: armvil aermil (neo) 906. Opilion (faucheur, faucheux), arach: abrrddoman aberrddman 907. Oppossum: ubusum ubusum (neo) 908. Oreillard (chauve-souris): afrta bu imav afertea bu imea (neo) 909. Orignal (elan): izrzr n kanada izerzer n kanada (neo) 910. Ormeau, ormet, oreille de mer, haliotide: tallunt tallunt 911. Ornithorynque, bec-de-canard: avnbugi aenbugi (neo) 912. Orphie, aiguillette, aiguille de mer, bcassine de mer (pois): isgni isegni 913. Orque (ceta): abrar, actim, axccal abrar, agctim, axeccal ( ( 914. Ortie de mer: ifdnill ifdenill (neo) 915. Orthoptre: mavdifr madifer (neo) 916. Orvet (rept): azrrat, sllyafan azerrat, sellyafan 917. Oryx algazelle, oryx dammah: izzm, tizzmt izzem, tizzemt 918. Oryx blanc: icg n usuf icg n usuf 919. Otarie (ceta): tagnduzt n yill tagenduzt n yilel Otarie crinire, lion de mer,

Otaria flavescens (ceta): izm n ilelizem n ilel (neo) 920. Otocyon (chien oreillard, renard oreilles de chauve-souris): ablmuv abelmeu (neo) 921. Ouakari chauve: wakari afra wakari afera (neo) aqu n ububba 927. Outarde: adi, tirinna adi, tierinna - Outarde cafra: agays, aayg agays, aayg (iuyag) Outarde de Nubie, neotis nuba: ajuvr ajuer (ijuern) 928. Ovaire: agad agad 929. Ovibos (buf musqu): azgr umusk azger umusk (neo) 930. Ovins: ulli, ihray ulli, ihray 931. Ovipare: amsar amesar 932. Oxyure (ann): tawkka wadan tawkka wadan

(946) 922. Ouaouaron: wawarun wawarun 923. Ouistiti: wistiti wistiti (( 924. Ours: abub