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TATRC and MITRE to NwHIN Power Team 12 June 2013 RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

TATRC and MITRE to NwHIN Power Team 12 June 2013 RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

Dec 24, 2015



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TAT R C a n d M I T R E

t o N w H I N P o w e r Te a m

1 2 J u n e 2 0 1 3

RESTful Health Exchange(RHEx)

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Overview of RHEx FY12 Pilots FY12 Pilot Outcomes Additional Pilots with TATRC FY13 Focus: Sharing Medical Images Technical Deep Dive: OAuth and OpenID Connect Summary

RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

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OverviewWhat is RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)?

Open source, exploratory project to apply Web technologies to demonstrate a simple, secure, standards-based health information exchange – Builds the foundation for patient access to data via the Web and

mobile devices, removing barriers to broad electronic health data exchange

– Offers a new approach to health data exchange

– From moving documents to linking to needed information

Sponsored by the ONC Federal Health Architecture (FHA) program in FY12– Helps address NwHIN Power Team Sept 2011 recommendation to

develop a specification for RESTful exchange of health data

– Informs a path forward for a RESTful health data exchange

RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

RHEx technology enables secure, Web-based health data exchange

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Two RHEx Pilots in FY12

RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

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FY12 Pilot Outcomes

Pilots successfully demonstrated that:– Physicians can securely share health data over the Web

– High volumes of data can be moved over the Web securely in support of HIE patient data integration

New pilots with TATRC are underway in FY13

RHEx is being implemented across Maine to support small, independent providers and FQHCs in medically underserved areas

RHEx for secure mobile access was demonstrated at 2013 HIMSS Interoperability Showcase– Patients can be empowered by gaining access to their comprehensive health

history in the Maine Health Information Exchange (HIE) using mobile devices powered by hReader

Pilot with VHA soon to be underway– RHEx technology will support secure sharing of information between VHA and

third party providers in support of Veterans in rural Utah

RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

FQHC = Federally Qualified Health Center

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Additional Pilots with TATRCApply RHEx technology for…

Sharing images between AHLTA and third party provider systems

Providing patients access to their medical history in AHLTA using a mobile platform (hReader)

Securely migrating health data from AHLTA to VistA to explore methods to reduce risk for a seamless electronic health record for Service Members and Veterans

RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

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FY13 Focus: Sharing Medical Images

MHS = Military Health SystemPCM = Primary Care Manager

RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

MHS and third party providers can access relevant diagnostic images and associated records and metadata when needed

securely over the WebURL1 is a link to the radiology order.URL2 is a link to the radiology results.

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© 2013 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. For internal MITRE use

Comparison: Focus

Build a working prototype and field it on real systems. Proof of concept by adapting existing technologies (hData, OpenID Connect, OAuth).

Define a set of resources to represent health and healthcare administration related information and the protocols to go with them. Translatable to/from hData.

Enable patients access to their own data in human-readable and machine-readable formats and share them where they choose. Uses FHIR for data layer.

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© 2013 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. For internal MITRE use

Comparison: Network Style

Known providers and endpoints, unknown applications, registration and onboarding is out of band. No discovery or dynamic registration.

Undefined / out of scope.

Highly dynamic and distributed. Trust networks tied to “Registry” components, providers and clients can be outside of any registry and still may function.

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© 2013 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. For internal MITRE use

Comparison: Security

Transport: HTTPS

Authentication: OpenID Connect

Authorization: OAuth 2

Defines profiles for protocol use.

Transport: HTTPS

Authentication: Undefined (local to provider)

Authorization: Suggested OAuth 2

Defines security labels for data.

Transport: HTTPS

Authentication: Undefined (local to provider)Authorization: OAuth 2

Defines profiles and policies for protocol use.

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© 2013 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. For internal MITRE use

Comparison: Technology



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Technical Deep Dive:OAuthD e l e g a t e d A u t h o r i z a t i o n

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Ever seen these?


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Then you’ve used OAuth!

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Authorization protocol framework Built on deployment experience with OAuth 1, SAML, OpenID,

and others IETF Standard (as of 10/2012)

– RFC6749, RFC6750 Built for HTTP APIs Mobile friendly REST-friendly

– Not RESTful itself


OAuth 2

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Key components of OAuth2

Resource Owner(Controls stuff)

Client(Wants stuff)

Protected Resource(Has stuff)

User Agent(Web browser)

Access Token (Lets client get stuff)

Refresh Token (Lets client ask for access tokens without bugging the user again)

Authorization Server(Issues tokens)


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How do we connect them?


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Authorization Code

– Very secure

– Most common

– Good for web server and native apps Implicit

– Good for apps inside the browser Client Credentials

– When there’s no user involved Resource Owner Credentials

– Bootstrap username/password systems


Primary OAuth2 flows

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Refresh token

– Get more access tokens without bothering the user Assertion

– Extension

– Uses structured tokens: JWT, SAML Chain/redelegation

– Extension

– Trade one access token for another


Additional flows

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The Authorization Code FlowT h e m o s t c o m m o n O A u t h 2 P a t t e r n

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The players

Resource Owner &User Agent Authorization Server

Protected ResourceClient

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The goal:



Connect the Client to the PR

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End-user initiates Client action



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Client redirects User to AS



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User authenticates to AS



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User authorizes Client



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AS issues Authorization Code



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AS redirects User to Client



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Client sends code to AS



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AS issues token(s)



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AS issues token(s)



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Client accesses PR



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Avoiding password proliferation

– User’s credentials never go to the client API protection

– Hundreds of thousands of sites, projects, and systems … and growing

Mobile access to server systems Authentication (sign-on) protocols

– Facebook Connect, Log In With Twitter, etc.


What is OAuth used for?

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So, OAuth is a sign-on protocol?

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So, OAuth is a sign-on protocol?N o , i t i s n ’ t .

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So, OAuth is a sign-on protocol?

N o , i t REALLY i s n ’ t .

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A delicious metaphor

Metaphor from:

Chocolate Fudge


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Delicious on its own Versatile ingredient

– Useful in many circumstances Can be used to make fudge


OAuth is Chocolate

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A confection with several ingredients Can be made with chocolate

– But needs more than just chocolate

– Could be made without chocolate


Sign-on is Fudge

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Create an identity API, protect it with OAuth

– Authorization Server becomes Identity Provider

– Client becomes Relying Party Standardized user profiles

– Name, email, picture, etc. Session management

– Is the user still logged in?

– Log out Step up to high levels of authentication Keep compatibility with basic OAuth2


A recipe for sign-on with OAuth2

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Great idea!

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Great idea!W h y h a s n ’ t a n y o n e d o n e t h a t ?

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They are!D i s t r i b u t e d i d e n t i t y a t i n t e r n e t s c a l e

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OpenID Connect (OIDC) is built on experience with OpenID 2, OAuth, SAML, Facebook Connect, etc.

Developed by the OpenID Foundation



New generation identity protocol

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OAuth 2 authorization

– Authorization Server becomes Identity Provider

– Client becomes Relying Party JSON Web Tokens

– Structured token format Can work in fully-distributed mode

– Dynamic discovery and registration

– Self-issued identities “Make the simple things simple, make the difficult things



Start with a solid base

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Use OAuth2 to get a regular access token, as well as an ID token Use access token to call User Info Endpoint

– Standardized user profile

– Standardized scopes Parse and use ID token to manage current session and user



How it works

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Higher levels of assurance

– Signed and encrypted requests

– Signed and encrypted responses Fine-grained claims management Distributed and aggregated claims Self-issued identities IdP-initiated login

– Kicks off the standard flow “remotely” Can get very complex if you want it to

– “SAML with curly braces”


What else it can do

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OAuth 2 in the wild Real-life interoperability testing Real deployments, large and small Generalization of protocols

– OIDC Discovery -> Webfinger

– OIDC Registration -> OAuth 2 Dynamic Client Registration

– JWT Claims Subject, audience, authorized presenter


A protocol proving ground

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RHEx project has explored secure, Web-based health data exchange, building the foundation for future advances in health care

– Allows providers and patients to exchange health data securely over the World Wide Web

– Builds foundation for secure access via mobile devices Pilots with TATRC and HealthInfoNet suggest that RHEx

technology is a feasible solution for lightweight, secure exchange of health data over the Web

Work continues to pilot RHEx technology in new ways

RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

RHEx is informing a path forward for the future of health data exchange

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BACKUP CHARTSRESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

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What is REST?

Stands for “Representational State Transfer” – Coined by Roy Fielding, a principal author of HTTP

Lightweight architectural style for Web development that offers simplicity

Web resources represented by universal resource locator (URL) and accessible by HTTP methods


RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

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FY12 Pilots

Pilot with TATRC– Goal: Demonstrate simple, secure RESTful health data

exchange over Web– Use Case: Consults/Referral sharing – Pilot demonstrated that physicians can securely

share health data over the Web Pilot with Maine HIE (HealthInfoNet)

– Goal: Investigate use of RESTful approach to populate Maine HIE Clinical Data Repository

– Use Case: Population of single electronic health record for patients in medically underserved areas

– Pilot demonstrated that high volumes of data can be moved over the Web securely in support of HIE integration

RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

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FY12 RHEx Pilot with TATRC: Improving the Consultation/Referral Process

PCP = Primary Care Physician

PCP and Consulting Physician can access and retrieve current, relevant portions of each other’s records when they need them

URL-1 = Consult Requests Details URLURL-2 = Consult Results Details URL

RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

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RHEx Pilot with TATRCTechnical Approach

RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

NwHIN DirectNwHIN Direct

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RHEx Pilot with HealthInfoNet

Demonstrate secure, RESTful health data exchange from a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) to Maine HIE using RHEx



Medical Services

RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

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RHEx Pilot with HealthInfoNetTechnical Approach

© 2013 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. For internal MITRE use

RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

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HIE = Health Information Exchange.

HIMSS is the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society.

Demonstration at HIMSS:RESTful Health Exchange with HIEs for Patient Engagement

By securely accessing their health history, patients actively engage and participate directly in their own care

RESTful Health Exchange (RHEx)

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These diagrams illustrate the use of OpenID Connect and OAuth2 working in tandem to allow a client to access a protected resource.

In this scenario, the Identity Provider (IdP), Authorization Server (AS), and Client are all in separate security domains. The Resource Server (RS) is in the same security domain as the AS to the extent that the RS can validate and trust a token generated by the AS.

The user must log in to the AS using credentials from their IdP, then authorize the client to access the RS for them. The AS is therefore a client of the IdP in addition to being an AS in its own right (for the RS).

These diagrams do not show discovery or registration.

OpenID Connect and OAuth2: a distributed trust scenario

©2012 The MITRE CorporationJustin Richer, The MITRE Corporation

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Identity Provider Authorization Server

Resource Server



Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band

The user connects using a user agent at the client application which needs to access data at the resource server. Assumed: The client is registered and trusted at the AS and the AS is registered and trusted at the IdP.

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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band

Service URL

Client gets the service URL (out of band – configuration, through user)

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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band


Client fetches the service URL directly to access the data

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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band


Server sends back not authorized response, client must get authorization from user via OAuth

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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band


Client directs user to auth server


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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band


Auth server redirects user to their IdP


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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band

Authentication& Authorization

User authenticates to IdP and authorizes auth server for login

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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band

Authorization CodeResponse

IdP directs user back to auth server with auth code


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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band

Authorization Code

Auth server trades auth code for tokens

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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band

Access TokenID Token

Auth server trades auth code for tokens

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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band

Access Token

Auth server trades access token for claims about the user

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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band

UserInfo(Claims about user)

Auth server trades access token for claims about the user

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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band

User AuthorizesClient at AS

User is now authenticated at auth server, authorizes client to access resource server

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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band


Auth server redirects user back to client with auth code


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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band


Client trades auth code for access token

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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band


Client trades auth code for access token

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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band


Client presents access token to resource server

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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band

Resource server validates token with the authorization server (out of band: could be UMA, token introspection, or structured tokens)

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Front Channel

Back Channel

Out of Band


Resource server returns requested data to client, which can now process it, display it, etc.