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tASfil Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up' LEnglandLsJar Deixt aoymSjVoWrin.'Pavbr./of'11011. - • Partisan/tfftilot,. in • Kepresontotiv(a‘'i''Alab .'Vote' Buppbri .'of OJn;Man&se _ '-'itep&aV'J'odar'' j'. • • liah^on' tneaHunw: ' move'-Uio coukb Irom W"" woro; unttt)lmou8iy,nppn)v6^' ;dcnhtb.l.>.ldfty/mortis -- --‘-iMR,,!?/-'" iiilP ":'.: r 'Fi(5rtVl>«jt-<l(^KKIlS •■,'’ Jmi. . 2 ." siag. jlidviiitftTiift-Unaer-Blftntoit-of " ,Whito;rSevcml Persons >,:vfAT 0.:missItr- Soon After March I • QeorBi Touut^cxplal,, HiailuK. iliHl'tnotrT'trP - • , removal otUh6V;cflurls,-,(rpin'|)oll- ■__ F m l u i f ^ A ‘iiuoasei'H—i ’., lA. U Froehbtar.^rtyelU coUnly,^ - «imm6nlcrt Uh'ai;ho;'rei«lvcrt cpn. / • ulrterAWo pcrBop»J.-aBt|»fn«l6D.l& , KupwrtlDe th m moa*uHs. liafer rccBllcd^lliht’ four, yofttii nfth ' , when'thoro •wiroVonly\13vD«mn-; cnHsiJn’.tbD Swaici a',Blmllar:T)«V V b8- actealod., Two.’ycaM'Ato;» : ■SKSSi;?!SSS.i?’w Itouno..;'-’ ;••• •DolhVblUBi.cflrrica-by .aivote. oC; rH3 • ttycB with CallohBii ^ r - ViT r'. rswaterCtark.Cflipininte. k '- n R W Nor-^ Jon., 20"7T7P)- [wBrHt •wiow.-Blorni of ilio v blnrikctcd jho- plains; ancl tnnyo' italnii.of;.'N<n-nilft (ind caHJorn Cnli' •ftrhla ;to*lB>‘: ns .H«Brchcr« Tesumul Iholr/diWcUlt liUDl for llirCfl'tulHS^ 'la’lor. Iioiiod'to l.toilay. lo'joln tlic *• • • :n..d, . ..»u=.»#drtl\-wUleli>»wo>ti:t!w _____ „ :tho;<lobpi.BiiW,-, .blanljor, ^tf-lnohfl^thlck'-ln, l>lncc(i., 'nccflmpMileil ••• tlio •fall ln.>,Vovwio. causlnc.-liUKO hbow • ."Some Jay,I may set loMt.I fnn;.lo lk..ciirt>; :Won GrMtf.iin«- .Tli^Oiithfiil, officeM'C yoorH^lrt—Wnii' 'IhcrM'nliiR fu""’ ■aflcr *Ulii twoV.flyltiK connianloim, did.-- ■■""• ;• I.Oto flow llio KcJIOKff pcav from VlKorlD.-;JI. ,Ci,' lo Now . thd .Bamo- ybat';. ntroaklnK-throiiirli. •a.bllnilinB lillwilriV; -lu.-.lho- rnr, wo»l.> III' fortuno.cominnciT ,lo fly. ^Tltli'hlfn, .biil. an Jn llio cnspa.of ■\vmiomH' n)id CornoUuB.' II -iitnicK .noV^lmr.liuthls;iCohii)iin|(3nB^-—. ftcctiml'anyhiK '.?rnft.; lioWlluc I -)clH«lHW«HlrlRifmoi:,i.--- - I 'Qrtiitlo^Marl^^ or ‘"."I iliiHkoleom.' Tin^'Vi'On ,ine nrm> n pAl?o B-d. .lh5^Bo,:Mclt«>W ...CrowdB' «it MIRMftlClCl'"!' An- Bolca„.clencli«a.'^(llelr Hands .... Stat^Legislatures Speed i35foTk in, EarmersLE^ VANCOimcn, ^ WaRli.. • Jan. (U!*)—Hnllevlni; t.Imi.r-co.ScIiIiiBlii-, or. Boclally promiiicnl liciid^of- ' ■ortfohil-dciinrlmenl^tore-iwlmi •foiuid ' -j «sai(j- law ‘^rttcjrdar.-from-yihclrl * I wtifrtm'nIiMn nf«nf flnlrl*' y<lBl^^o^Thoy fiaia7thoy*lm(l.'balJ ip^mTsmrit^BrroniiT.hoiira-th'ipi; lo Oii(rnU''tUd; ltllmrd Dnit rcacli OoldtlflVil.-. >Thoy/wcro.rcaciiC(l Ity. •JrfJ W ctar ;tlmt •haa-Aocii, mspatch- liimbln'rlvcr'licrc i)frcmUcr-2ii, U •ni1ll:nllvonaiicrlffIl.-^.-Mc<;ritn-to' dny^Qrdbrcil'a JiorlKHKi: l)iiraciiea‘'‘ friViii>;r» ' ' Hlion.scMlcm ___ In ’ rive-' Hlntes' c lDKl;iluliiro>. [iitHlicd forwiird nicuhures for . rfllcf, . fluanelHl iisal»unco and lieor, major pi)lii(R of n prosmm A^ljIch'.leHdors any inipclesHly. fiimlj1cd.__' Mainwlillo- ' imrpHt Joitiliinnxcil ... , iri iiTnl-iiiVntPiyl rtnU illsiiiipMr-'I'a , ..... .......... iicfHi’ikoiir Willi .n . laxpiiyerH’ mun:li on' lliu , leelsll-lni'o-HiiTmiBc<l-/«r-t«lny-4ii/| til ‘ancl -ronllnnfld'. iirotcnlfl ' ful-iii •fuic-cloaiirc «iilcs. In- ............................ . .. — lioiirs jaftur Uio• BclK'fftl nHiicnilily, ruijlind l*%\onHiohi^r7Uo' “llnol Hob or, V.liili-.'nf •noii.lhnrii Mliiiii-aoln' orKunlml'ii iiiolor^T*nvi«i ....... liiiavcnieiK. on llic IckIkUH Ini-ninliiir -^-ndmliilnlr.idoii wlll'lH'-Klail-lo-rccplVu ^IliiOr-rop- 'ri'K<‘iM(illvi-■(’nrly 'In’^ 'Mnrcli'-ffir ,'£JwUl lilontlin!-'-- .It nr on.irsQ.-niH)^ irttiitMlos.sary lo iIlimiii.H :it tUo luiitio linio :I crf>nomlu iirolilmni ' »«r,r<iinidlnc,lli«....... ................... ancq'^t'Ilia', tnrnior .Sail KnnicrKoii| Uu \llil ;iitV wiiuil lilx vur iiluiiKuil Idle cty ......................... ■Wlln/T liWl IH......................... ........ ...... Cooklit«l]aDi,.atU)rnoy far tlio y.niiiiKi 'incrylmyfH'wlfo, Bavfl.'iKillCii ' ilnm-lo protL'oil'wIlli. nil liiviw wh7frc:.-tQC.i;.wutiiln-,riumi'r;i,,Jiiiyo :i«indi'd toKoitiol-'to’ iircvciiWoyc^ ;olo.Mive sulcH. Oiiv.. Clyila ,l-..lU‘,i'- ring uuiicmnc'id Uo. .wan iiritpailtiK lirDClamutldoi dcHlgnoil for — It. V iiil 'Htviii'tiiri.'.i: A , lwo-w«ok linllilar-wiiKlliUuIfocl-ijLjLllnii Iowa, iiml n inonlli 3iii>iiDn;ilon we tfldVtc'il III Ilomili 't'orrc. Mo. I.pphc llio iirou-. Uir»1><>l»<lou p.crluils \ liiiii; oil, fn rn fcirtjcloimroH, • . :Jam';8r-:(9pBclaO. ,or'lUiiluvPBy llilor • in'-'aflp'-Hio' aiiio- PByB,>,»lmoo llnioB iovoriJ.-drtys. , li-nriied,’ ___________ ____ iUniin»1 -' liiKur^^incc, It' wux/rcjiorli'd; I .Cti^oUlTKlerloiis M ilitih t -Faniieri ' ....................... ..... 1'. ibelett^'etodi'Jfi ftoiifootioniryi UP<]tJVcontWfi{ mM r/.£md^<rctni> .obBl?r«du«lbt>':'la:-n«8M,W..yaim- U(in ■ dC ^tarmS.-/;•;•,■ / • V'.’.,'-. ' o u!.toft«Bdi,UJie#6, farmora.-cpn', ?5nfi;inorcm6nt'orfEliifi«i 'nt^'tho' ;!£te?'aasss ■lay;nndylB'«duW<^.^i«i8^ Jnyltcd.Jlo OlaroncBAt a'ropBfer. ........ ............ ............. " ___raclneJ?r.op.bs5 il_tp_ '-‘Incrensa Ecvenn'd' I Einstein Hunts 25 Brainiest Persons S -A!Sfil!U:S. Jan.'in '(HI’)— Uticri»ln«te1n. -tlio ({cirniai Ncl6iiil3t.,ls SflflklnK 11ii-;2-^ Kri'al 0( 11 / mliida.ln,<lio world "lu.fiiiic .llOnT in- tlmOictil;. lnt(irfli>t,,<>f-iMiiii' klod/' U^vji* ravoalml luilay. ,. Wr.Hli . J-Thp .1, Itj'j.tlils.-Oi,-......... tliat.-wo.'Ca^rr;: ot^all'KUW!'- •w.-Tocalollo- . by .... - 'pop.-.cBatl iranM.i .. .. ...... ....iw liiir?' 11 • fluar^ i.ralli.olonir,- _ __ ____ iQlc.v:«llvoni'/ ecarcliciV •Ibd-. •-rlvpr -jd. two' wpeka'ln -a^fiitllo'prfpn lo| iba...rlv(-r^^.\jl^ ChainUcr or CommcrcoM"- formoii; Qov. ,0. lien. Ilona -nnd-icil- *>Tiio fillhc iif'tho*'TnlHalnir' nifson IslalorB of- bannock coiiiivy. Tlium- lnc'S<:lilMlnRgr:fl-.Tclullvc^ .l.bllovo "III lip Wqry.;urde[ .to thorn, ..... lhB.-a;Jdlvp>co.ydecr6o,>a*k^ jJn/olV Uiii'ian 'of ■•Sw York. ...... '■nKlntJ'dlroclnl“ W-<hn'JpwlslirTVle- Rl'aiilili'..'nKnnfiy iinil « ,iior«oniil r'rlond'-of..l1iti'.!iliy»iti:l>*l. wl*'- will. raUn': lia volcd whonbrer iniinkind' ' • — frontfld witli' crcat . i>i Undiio bxnlalntfil. '.‘It. will mko aeil6nV.wlio«nvor:'.tti6 iioKun i>l Mio Vprla.IsUBDpardliiod .or wlionnvor !H(! 1ijT'o frrBrnvorlnjns 1 Over 100 Vets in CounMrJDraw $43,000 Yearly CQmpensation tlluloly 'in.ybWoHltlon: toTihe.airo^ lioMii; Btalo. «tj6;ir;,;Jilll.:r ;Ar :jliireaU.:iv'.,frtolo; muko;liix collcC- ....... .............. Ill ‘ mcrcliahtt) vori atatd;-.'.HD' Bl'alM :aa hlR'.oPln-' ^ I *«■> :'tKtti;-'ihB:inroinoMj\ collocjilonB l>PWn‘l « ^ h o u l dcductlo^^ S;lSi!£.i&™siiS— ........ ..... ..... ' ....... ; .■ ;ahb:ha^Eff^lrtii'Mb'ii'.:in8fcb<i:-of Blreot\'caVii,reatrsl)oMaliy^)M^llvr^ /,nhd;4jiiy_.;jal^6(':jiiado^ Mantime^'pisaster r 31oU Out 4:Live8 '^W .. YOUk'. ■ 'iron.';- M'- (UP)—A ,ra^^"BBf:UK:-ri.ld-.AUaiillc_J>ntL 'lirod .''lh6:-.intlo/-nrltlalv. frclsUJcr. Elx«ijr.ClfrTfl)nojit:lo ploccg.-sweiu tli«: captain; Bria.'-Uirjia::. 'BeBHmiHlTlitt^tfierKraft’TTeiplejR’ lodayj;a'i,:;';t|io,’ ni»rcy ;-ot- towcrlnK^ -'-^Udi'tii^a'v-iii'riior'ican-.M ;;^';iitatidlng-'»iy;. •wnltlng fnr-.o (>r l.'oiiisrcaH ulirciion’.oil Ml)l'i;l;ll HiiiBlOH . c-illod oarly In liri!H|ili'nl-i-1ri-l • Uil« iiiwruliiK iltk'liilcil ,tiy. KtTVrmrlon ailniHDiil Mr“ H(.0K(.v0l> us .riiivliic.'il wniilil liiivp to A|ii1l. Ooni’rfil .t<ilin J. I'<irBlilt)R. ■wlio . ................................ iiravtraraV:-;- ................. lcrOBt?rcJfB~ .lii(lnl Hiilto. ill? wun folluwcj liy \Villf»w Urooii,-pr»niil»nt ot tbw iConllniiiiil on ■.v'ai'i>'_.«ixV‘ miiliially inicroMoci. Senator Hoblii.'Dti. Ucpn, ........... . licaiuil Rlliick (III Franco anil otliar zwai-riebt-drfaiilUini-ioaay-.-:\irgoiI- itajMKo or.ii bill forWdillnK tinan- .' .'Uil .tranHncllonfi. wHli-'«iicli na- . tlntiK.' ' Local -Mcrchaiita .Will-Oalhcr Tcn{eht ;at.. Ohani,bpr 6r lorco : a . Hiaicnifnt. lHKiicil . today .‘•liy Clialri])»!u.lls_1i'!JiC._!im]ltJ<5filfi :liitln>.n.iiuulili-n nf ilitr T«v(n Kalin '; of.':Comiiiiiicc.'. |iroi«)a«.s tlinl.local. Imsltionn snon.lio rI vvii T?li-opi>orlimlts' in nr<;«»ni atill (or* nmla<o . Iliclr, vIowh. on' ■ Hio snica tax and nlhcr pondloR maltors be- fnrd: thn nliitc li'RlHlatilro.- at aii oiina nii?MljiK'- ai'7;30 nVlonk.'to. nlnlit lit Ibu <;liBinber- of romiiiBrrt Tiirmr— rr— — .. --- r’ .v.Potcft UrRCH Ilisrn«»Inn .'. . •Tlmj'.iitfWfflng .hiilcs.' tiix'inonii' .^.roiiBbl: nut’ imicb dla-1 ciiaiiinn ;iiy' oll •partlcB. concerood;'-: i I'otoo-Rayu.; " t f appears,froni .tho; press. rcporln.ithal4tia''r.>: cbandliio .fs . now |iroi«isoa .In '.ouo' M'lr ancIMt ls., 8onor?iU}-^,\m<loi>: srood.lbni-o lox-un.pcrmmar.Bprv'; Icrac, wlll'/.lia; covcrfd ; In: onoihcr ;:6'f^Gapitai0E iHop.VMorolicuitV.l Mmeni; , ,F-'- fi oconcmiyniy reiilhellnir .tho/oostrflf eonBre*i\lbnal.: fii.nornU.r; bf-a".ikcc(iBea-;r6»i^eM«'»M^lmHe«r- ■ IB IW.ccnt :0f not nior«'ihan'llirt>« per coiU of anniiol-. budffCt. an.l perhaps • mbro, thhn iBB^'anipor, ecnt' of.; .. oniouni - .Bho;. spoailif ’ nnnuallyrfi •iriiiaraunUi. ----— ' ipppnose-Guard----- TOKIoUjiin.-',. M :!'(UPJ4Rum-WU';'.’ :':- sj>onilb)o:;lorrt|)»rilor>;liist ■erlal' •JapaneB^:Dl6t^-;yi^q ^ ; ^ ,^ Jt^cli.pmihg.^itf.oiitrBtice^ m*

tASfil Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up' LEnglandLsJar

Mar 28, 2021



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Page 1: tASfil Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up' LEnglandLsJar

tA S fil Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up' LEnglandLsJar Deixt

aoymSjVoWrin.'Pavbr./of'11011. - • Partisan/tfftilot,. in •

Kepresontotiv(a‘'i''A la b .'Vote'

Buppbri .'of OJn;Man&se

_ '-'itep&aV'J'odar'' j'. •

• liah^on' tneaHunw: ' move'-Uio coukb Irom W "" woro; unttt)lmou8iy,nppn)v6^'

;dcnhtb.l.>.ldfty/mortis -- --‘-iMR,,!?/-'"

i i i l P " : ' . :r 'Fi(5rtVl>«jt-<l(^KKIlS ■ •■,'’ Jmi. . 2."

s i a g .


" ,Whito;rSevcml Persons

> ,:v fA T 0.:m iss Itr-

Soon A fte r March I

• QeorBi Touut^cxplal,,HiailuK. iliHl'tnotrT'trP - •

, removal otUh6V;cflurls,-,(rpin'|)oll-

■__ F m lu i f ^ A ‘iiuoasei'H—i ’.,lA. U Froehbtar.^rtyelU coUnly,

- «imm6nlcrt Uh'ai;ho;'rei«lvcrt cpn. / • ulrterAWo pcrBop»J.-aBt|»fn«l6D.l& , • KupwrtlDe th m moa*uHs.

liafer rccBllcd^lliht’ four, yofttii nfth ' , when'thoro •wiroVonly\13vD«mn-;

■ cnHsiJn’.tbD Swaici a',Blmllar:T)«VV b8- actealod., Two.’ycaM'Ato;»

: ■SKSSi;?!SSS.i?’wItouno..;'-’

;••• •DolhVblUBi.cflrrica-by .aivote. oC;rH3 • ttycB with CallohBii r

- V iT r'. rswaterCtark.Cflipininte.

k '-nRW Nor- Jon., 20"7T7P)- [wBrHt •wiow.-Blorni of ilio v blnrikctcd jho- plains; ancl tnnyo'

italnii.of;.'N<n-nilft (ind caHJorn Cnli' •ftrhla ;to*lB>‘: ns .H«Brchcr« Tesumul Iholr/diWcUlt liUDl for llirCfl'tulHS^

'la’lor. Iioiiod'to l.toilay. lo'joln tlic

*• • • :n..d,

. ..»u=.»#drtl\-wUleli>»wo>ti:t!w

_____ „ :tho;<lobpi.BiiW,-, .blanljor,^tf-lnohfl^thlck'-ln, l>lncc(i., •

'nccflmpMileil ••• tlio •fall ln.>,Vovwio. causlnc.-liUKO hbow

• ."Some Jay,I may set loMt.I fnn;.lo lk..ciirt>;

:Won GrMtf.iin«- .Tli^Oiithfiil, officeM'C

yoorH^lrt—Wnii' 'IhcrM'nliiR fu""’ ■aflcr *Ulii twoV.flyltiK connianloim, did.-- ■■ ""• ;•I.Oto flow llio KcJIOKff pcav from VlKorlD.-;JI. ,Ci,' lo Now . thd .Bamo- ybat';. ntroaklnK-throiiirli. •a.bllnilinB lillwilriV; -lu.-.lho- rnr, wo»l.> III' fortuno.cominnciT ,lo fly. ^Tltli'hlfn, .biil. an Jn llio cnspa.of ■\vmiomH' n)id CornoUuB.' II -iitnicK.noV^lmr.liuthls;iCohii)iin|(3nB^-—.

ftcctiml'anyhiK '.?rnft.;• lioWlluc

I -)clH«lHW«HlrlRifmoi:,i.----

I 'Qrtiitlo^Marl^^

or ‘"."IiliiHkoleom.' Tin^'Vi'On ,ine nrm> n pAl?o B-d. .lh5^Bo,:M clt«>W

...CrowdB' «it MIRMftlClCl'"!' An-Bolca„.clencli«a.' (llelr Hands ....

Stat^Legislatures Speed i35foTk in, EarmersLE^

VANCOimcn, WaRli.. • Jan. (U!*)—Hnllevlni; t.Imi.r-co.ScIiIiiBlii-, or. Boclally promiiicnl liciid of- ' ■ortfohil-dciinrlmenl tore-iwlmi

•foiuid ' ■

-j «sai(j- law ‘ rttcjrdar.-from-yihclrl* I wtifrtm'nIiMn nf«nf flnlrl*'y<lB l^^o^Thoy fiaia7thoy*lm(l.'balJ

ip^mTsmrit^BrroniiT.hoiira-th'ipi;lo Oii(rnU''tUd; ltllmrd Dnit rcacli

■ OoldtlflVil.-. >Thoy/wcro.rcaciiC(l Ity. •JrfJ Wctar ;tlmt •haa-Aocii, mspatch-

liimbln'rlvcr'licrc i)frcmUcr-2ii, U •ni1ll:nllvonaiicrlffIl.- .-Mc<;ritn-to' dny^Qrdbrcil'a

JiorlKHKi: l)iiraciiea‘'‘ friViii>;r» '

' Hlion.scMlcm ___In ’ rive-' Hlntes' c lDKl;iluliiro>.

[iitHlicd forwiird nicuhures for . rfllcf, . fluanelHl iisal»unco and

lieor, major pi)lii(R of n prosmm A^ljIch'.leHdors any inipclesHly. fiimlj1cd.__'

Mainwlillo- ' imrpHt

Joitiliinnxcil . . . , iri iiTnl-iiiVntPiyl rtnU illsiiiipMr-'I'a

, ............... iicfHi’ikoiirWilli .n . laxpiiyerH’ mun:li on' lliu ,leelsll-lni'o-HiiTmiBc<l-/«r-t«lny-4ii/|

til ‘ancl -ronllnnfld'. iirotcnlfl ' ful-iii •fuic-cloaiirc «iilcs. In-

............................. .. — lioiirsjaftur Uio• BclK'fftl nHiicnilily, ruijlind

l*%\onHiohi^r7Uo' “llnol Hob or, V.liili-.'nf •noii.lhnrii Mliiiii-aoln'

orKunlml'ii iiiolor^T*nvi«i .......liiiavcnieiK. on llic IckIkUH

Ini-ninliiir - ^-ndmliilnlr.idoii wlll'lH'-Klail-lo-rccplVu IliiOr-rop- 'ri'K<‘iM(illvi-■(’nrly 'In’ 'Mnrcli'-ffir

,'£JwUl lilontlin!-'-- .It nr on.irsQ.-niH) irttiitM los.sary lo iIlimiii.H :it tUo luiitio linio

:I crf>nomlu iirolilmni '

»«r,r<iinidlnc,lli«....... ...................ancq'^t'Ilia', tnrnior . Sail KnnicrKoii|

Uu \llil ;iitV wiiuil lilx vur iiluiiKuil Idlec t y .........................

■Wlln/TliWl IH......................... ........ ......Cooklit«l]aDi,.atU)rnoy far tlio y.niiiiKi'incrylmyfH'wlfo, Bavfl.'iKillCii ■ 'ilnm-lo protL'oil'wIlli. nil liiviw

wh7frc:.-tQC.i;.wutiiln-,riumi'r;i,,Jiiiyo :i«indi'd toKoitiol-'to’ iircvciiWoyc^ ;olo.Mive sulcH. Oiiv.. Clyila ,l-..lU‘,i'- ring uuiicmnc'id Uo. .wan iiritpailtiK

lirDClamutldoi dcHlgnoil for —It. V

■iiil 'Htviii'tiiri.'.i: A , lwo-w«ok linllilar-wiiKlliUuIfocl-ijLjLllnii Iowa, iiml n inonlli 3iii>iiDn;ilon we tfldVtc'il III Ilomili 't'orrc. Mo. I.pphc

llio iirou-. Uir»1><>l»<lou p.crluils \

liiiii; oil, fnrn fcirtjcloimroH, •

. :Jam';8r-:(9pBclaO.,or'lUiiluvPBy llilor• in'-'aflp'-Hio' aiiio-

PByB,>,»lmoo llnioB

iovoriJ.-drtys. , li-nriied,’___________ ____ iUniin»1 -'liiKur incc, It' wux/rcjiorli'd; I ■ .Cti^oUlTKlerloiis

M i l i t i h t - F a n i i e r i

' .......................


1'.ibelett 'etodi'Jfi



m Mr/.£md^<rctni>

.obBl?r«du«lbt>':'la:-n«8M,W..yaim- U(in ■ dC tarmS.-/;•;•,■/ • V'.’.,'-.' o u!.toft«Bdi,UJie#6, farmora.-cpn',

?5nfi;inorcm6nt'orfEliifi«i 'nt 'tho'

; !£ te? 'aasss■lay;nndylB'«duW<^.^i«i8^

Jnyltcd.Jlo OlaroncBAt a'ropBfer.

■ ........ ........... . ............. " ___raclneJ?r.op.bs5i l _ t p _

'- ‘Incrensa Ecvenn'd'

I Einstein Hunts 25Brainiest Persons

S -A!Sfil!U:S. Jan.'in '(HI’)— Uticri»ln«te1n. - tlio ({cirniai

Ncl6iiil3t.,ls SflflklnK 11ii-;2- Kri'al 0(11/ mliida.ln,<lio world "lu.fiiiic .llOnT in- tlmOictil;. lnt(irfli>t,,<>f-iMiiii' klod/' U^vji* ravoalml luilay. , .

Wr.Hli . J-Thp .1,Itj'j.tlils.-Oi,-.........tliat.-wo.'Ca^rr;:ot^all'KUW!'-

•w.-Tocalollo- . by


- 'pop.-.cBatl■ iranM.i

.... ...... ....iwliiir?' 11• fluar^ i.ralli.olonir,- _ __ ____

iQlc.v:«llvoni'/ ecarcliciV • Ibd-. • -rlvpr -jd. two' wpeka'ln -a^fiitllo'prfpn lo|

iba...rlv(-r^^.\jl^ ChainUcr or CommcrcoM"-formoii; Qov. ,0. lien. Ilona -nnd-icil-

*>Tiio fillhc iif'tho*'TnlHalnir' nifson IslalorB of- bannock coiiiivy. Tlium-

lnc'S<:lilMlnRgr:fl-.Tclullvc .l.bllovo "III lip Wqry.;urde[ .to thorn,



jJn/olV Uiii'ian 'of ■•Sw York. ......'■nKlntJ'dlroclnl“W-<hn'JpwlslirTVle-Rl'aiilili'..'nKnnfiy iinil « ,iior«oniil r'rlond'-of..l1iti'.!iliy»iti:l>*l. wl*'- ■■ will. raUn': liavolcd whonbrer iniinkind' ' • — frontfld witli' crcat . i>i Undiio bxnlalntfil. '.‘It. will mko aeil6nV.wlio«nvor:'.tti6 iioKun i>l Mio Vprla.IsUBDpardliiod .or wlionnvor !H(! 1 ijT'o frrBrnvorl njn s 1

Over 1 0 0 Vets in C o u n M r J D r a w

$ 4 3 , 0 0 0 Yearly CQmpensation

tlluloly 'in.ybWoHltlon: toTihe.airo^ lioMii; Btalo. «tj6;ir;,;Jilll.:r ;Ar

:jliireaU.:iv'.,frtolo;muko;liix collcC-

....... ..............Ill ‘ mcrcliahtt) voriatatd;-.'.HD' Bl'alM :aa hlR'.oPln-'

I *«■> :'tKtti;-'ihB:inroinoMj\ collocjilonBl>PWn‘l« ^ h o u l dcductlo^^

S;lSi!£.i&™siiS— ........ .......... '.......; .■ ;ahb:ha^Eff lrtii'Mb'ii'.:in8fcb<i:-of Blreot\'caVii,reatrsl)oMaliy )M llvr^/,nhd;4jiiy_.;jal 6(':jiiado

Mantime^'pisaster r 31oU Out 4:Live8'^ W .. YOUk'. ■' iron.';- M'- (U P)—A

,ra^^"BBf:UK:-ri.ld-.AUaiillc_J>ntL 'lirod .''lh6:-.intlo/-nrltlalv. frclsUJcr. Elx«ijr.ClfrTfl)nojit:lo ploccg.-sweiu tli«: captain; Bria.'-Uirjia::. 'BeBHmiHlTlitt^tfierKraft’TTeiplejR’ lodayj;a'i,:;';t|io,’ ni»rcy ;-ot- towcrlnK

-'-^Udi'tii^a'v-iii'riior'ican-.M ;;^';iitatidlng-'»iy;. •wnltlng fnr-.o

(>r l.'oiiisrcaH

ulirciion’.oilMl)l'i;l;ll HiiiBlOH .c-illod oarly In

liri!H|ili'nl-i-1ri-l • Uil« iiiwruliiK iltk'liilcil ,tiy. KtTVrmrlon ailniHDiil

Mr“ H(.0K(.v0l> us .riiivliic.'il wniilil liiivp to A|ii1l.

Ooni’rfil .t<ilin J. I'<irBlilt)R. ■wlio ................................. iiravtraraV:-;-

................. lcrOBt?rcJfB~.lii(lnl Hiilto. ill? wun folluwcj liy \Villf»w Urooii,-pr»niil»nt ot tbw

iConllniiiiil on ■.v'ai'i>'_.«ixV‘

miiliially inicroMoci.

Senator Hoblii.'Dti. Ucpn, ............licaiuil Rlliick (III Franco anil otliar zwai-riebt-drfaiilUini-ioaay-.-:\irgoiI- itajMKo or.ii bill forWdillnK tinan- .' .'Uil .tranHncllonfi. wHli-'«iicli na- . tlntiK.' '

Local -Mcrchaiita .W ill-Oalhcr

Tcn{eht ;at.. Ohani,bpr 6r


:a . Hiaicnifnt. lHKiicil . today .‘•liy Clialri])»!u.lls_1i'!JiC._!im]ltJ<5filfi :liitln>.n.iiuulili-n nf ilitr T«v(n Kalin '; of.': Comiiiiiicc.'. |iroi«)a«.s tlinl.local. Imsltionn snon.lio rIvvii T?li-opi>orlimlts' in nr<;«»ni atill (or* nmla<o . Iliclr, vIowh . on' ■ Hio snica tax and nlhcr pondloR maltors be- fnrd: thn nliitc li'RlHlatilro.- at aii oiina nii?MljiK'- ai'7;30 nVlonk.'to. nlnlit lit Ibu <;liBinber- of romiiiBrrtTiirmr— rr— — .. --- r ’

.v.Potcft UrRCH Ilisrn«»Inn . ' . . •Tlmj'.iitfWfflng .hiilcs.' tiix'inonii'

. .roiiBbl: nut’ imicb dla-1 ciiaiiinn ;iiy' oll • partlcB. concerood;'-: i I'otoo-Rayu.; " t f appears,froni .tho; press. rcporln.ithal4tia''r.>: cbandliio .fs . now |iroi«isoa .In '.ouo' M'lr ancIMt ls., 8onor?iU}- ,\m<loi>: srood.lbni-o lox-un.pcrmmar.Bprv'; Icrac, wlll'/.lia; covcrfd ; In: onoihcr

;:6'f Gapitai0EiHop.VMorolicuitV.l


, ,F-'- fioconcmiyniy reiilhellnir .tho/oostrflf eonBre*i\lbnal.: fii.nornU.r;

bf-a".ikcc(iBea-;r6»i^eM«'»M^lmHe«r- ■ ’


IW.ccnt :0f not nior«'ihan'llirt>« per coiU of anniiol-. budffCt. an.l perhaps • mbro, thhn iBB 'anipor, ecnt' of.; .. oniouni -. Bho;. spoailif ’ nnnuallyrfi •iriiiaraunUi. ----— '


TOKIoUjiin.-',. M :!'(UPJ4Rum-WU';'.’ :':-


■erlal' •JapaneB^:Dl6t^-;yi^q ^ ; ^ , ^



Page 2: tASfil Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up' LEnglandLsJar

filJOlaU.-Jfln.'20 (IT )—Thi I'., • vcy'of tlin’ tax altiiiiUon:ln Idiilio > • Jr.-in )ipgn_ cniiiluoifil t-v 1|)P[ : Klnlc CliaJjilJcr oC CoiUi»crco iliir-•t-- r-iiirth(n>4Bf/rc3.r WBH reviewed nlI • »ho'Tlmrisilny mornlns- noHslon of

■ 5 tfniiunl mcctlns nt Jho HoIho ■' ■ 'i. .Mirlln. B^actaH

- - — lTO’ Kllll-|

. foreman, clitrtrnian. of tlit- ijajio- llnc <ns cnnimlUvo, iilsn fl|iok« on ilio IiiTcxilcatlon itctlvltlCH ut Ilioir MHPCUllTC Rroiips. l Marliii ■dcclftrcil Hint tlie-rhlrf,

'v : ]iro1ilcni bcforndm pcnpto of Ida- li’n .it to kGup.Idnho.'Ai

; . iriVasurpil by Rrnsa lUComo 'iinU niO , iiosshblc, wcal li, from bccomlnfi

_._'-juni»llBr.—• .‘'Bnrliic IJtc piml Uiice yotim.

Healtli Unit Gets ■—EndorsBiaent j f _ i

Eincoln P.-T. A,lullon (uvorlnR tlie 'tv-

topHdn ot Uic Twia >’allK cniiiKj-'................... wan [iBRiiuil nt llio ■ iIi;iumi

iliiB-mcfMins cf the IVclc. Lincoln I’iircnt-Tcitilicr nn^nclii-' ovciili, 'Hon.-l-ilJlJowinB - prcaeiiLnl'ioij ot- rndld-ii jtbc miUJccfliy .Mc». H.‘A. .SiKdlfC, ' " itho jtroiip uBri'uil (o mmnnfn- '' iicllxMty KroHpii.' kiicIi oh i' nirdii . anil" ilii~Cjiiiiir rii - onllccUnn of MO.j-

•vlcos Tor JlrB.-Wlll., ^mlli Oniy Joiitii, ii3. whiow ot ^ n w Jonn«. will 1m Hold Sulut. ilay nfi.onionn al tliu . .Moi.liJnll»i K|il»copal cUurcli. »ov. ICIlJiili

men). '»'|ll ho in Twin KnII.s ciunv

ccmt li libido

..'^liQS filirunk fr«mi MB. ifdollnM lo IMS lliiin lOtL

n.inib* nhri.oil our uHBcaacO vii . ,t|oii'.Un« il«cre.ifi»l from «»ItnUl _,td,'J,OD million; A irorronpondlnif • ilucntasu . ,ln our t;<i'’ornmont;'

nnd. fimcilnnilid II

• JiearnlJlc."

e b ^ t Sets b a te for i .Trml in ContM^^

?E>i, Patrick>Will Suit. -•:m«>i1<W.'Jiin.-aof dl'in n. ni. wbn' . pict by-JlidRo G'l>" X ' Klniioyj

:-irt.‘ilirobalc court ««• ilio tlm>. for, ' tdal'lfi ■tUR'anU.Itronclit.' by lioIrHi

; -.>1' n'vlil^Tjiirlck, - cnrilcHtlntr tlioj

_prUfil.UioDl.jInLutiariL, nf(()'pitb'lb:'i-ei>rt!BCiitcir.l foi'r ;:,1h .MurL.iUls niornlni:.

ipleaiie Guilty H To Liquor :Vioiationi

;iiefaro R s. ndil', lliiliO<l:'Slntn« wrfinifMloncr,- Jii'TO tbl«-ftHprnoon,

-:;KmmPtf.:XpViHi>, pica.loll-'ftiilliy -.lo : .'lllcRnl'-.lK»i)s«ii«lon.;am)''niuniiffte-‘i •;M'iifo'?.;of ...JnWJilpaUnK liiiuor viind ■ wns •bdunl ' ovcr ;io • Hin- frOfml

tlliitflct-court'in :i;ond« or .»U#, ' ....-jFMlbwI.'.'nfflcorft ,wlili.- A. • Pjirhor.-Uuhl. eliicf.-(St iJi/Hci;. ji

J i'nn at n, loni Mocaied ;.'i>K[sr.iOio'nioiitli'of JJoop' Croclr.lri ;--'45iM»ho'Tlv>r-.cahyorii.unlrltiK '■- yd-BPVi»ii- rair<in>i flf tlnitnr

There AxeIn The llife of .Your Ford C^r

■/•p<lRur';t.'.Prttrlck.‘ /ed: Mccutbr;ot lli , . _ _ . .

Are~LegaI-aiici-Valid-Kny D. Akcc. of coiiii!r..ll

-■.for illAii'liiMrfl 'Who nltui'k iho :ibonilcUV;6r tlio will wiilcli


mfentj factory trained mechanics,economical tramportation. Av. -rv - Vv

‘ ‘ OUR


•'•'OV'itftl :v.nlvo.s v .’.';' ' , /

\Cnrboti: rt-mo.ycd, •,.jrolor tuiic .u|>; .' ''•'••:V ' ’'CO- 'OA-V''• Ijuljqr Jiiia .inn^Ci-inl ; ^$ 2 . 7 5

■^S’ow, ilijjH'Nc'v' vnlvits.if iicotlod . . ’ : ijpnrittjt** nitjiisloil ./..r '

. •,?roj)cr]y ndjiirt4;'(l-^ r . ' .'•i

.ObpiikM '.relink.„:niul-:ianterii>l'for.' , , ...........................................

G E N y n S E :^ ; ^ ^

$ 5 . 9 S

7 5 c-

, r o SEE Y p U R JFoip!; DEALER FIfor ecionomical'sei^^'e^


^ 1

Page 3: tASfil Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up' LEnglandLsJar

iiis I'vAVO'iliirluK l>iH ]n>i( cnmiiiilKU;In l!io norllt. no iR ii unlive Ciilmii-; HII.ICU (SpuHiili--’

' A ICciuiity I'oiiiuiiu Uraii):i - LA-U-VIIllA IK UK.SKKVK .^Jjouriivil xu olnn liorv

NKW.YOIllv. JAil. 20 ll.u lU'W mSladlBOii Sctv'nrc Corflmi Is liolAVnR.nrtoiitril a miuibvr ot,FidcI I^liarba ot..Ciilirqnila lii'Tt-uiniAim' lliciii, uiiu tu I sorvo'to box 'Sviiiuun wiiKon "t'nuiiilH;r'of‘im.'i'iliiFii BtiBlaiiU tiMl FrWuV nlBlil !n cn««,f,„if l« »lx. .KlU C1iotoUiteIs.umblc l,ov«-eHU'rr ottirtrHtlic-Uiiltol binicit r«r ll*« ; j-ccuiur. hluin Iccnirer. folH’v

fiL.rht riu./-ninif. o /w . JoliliBUii.'Mtirltiutflii.U cp: ovon'CtT, Teiii I’iirk«. V lir- ■'vlow: looiurer. Mrs, HiiiT)’ CaiiDfl.


, Mra^-U W. llillirrW n'r.' l. H .Sluusi'lK Hi'li'V

_< liiry . U. Cohli, CcdiirJjDraw; Koloki'tiicr. Oncar I’clor- P Uun. llolllsur; .C m « .' Jlr*- "

limiice»', HiiKO. tljer: B.pni,.. - — 7 ". •'o Ui-avywclglil (iUit; HIio-lot<

■ Program •.Aiinounc-;„,rf„ofi„:riu,vard. >!.■*,''^by 'N tttioE n rA n ia lo u r .. ......

I • -AtUlotictJiiion

..NBW' YOUK. Jmi.- .20 (UI*)- -SllmulBtca-b)“ Hie-(leiire»aloii^U.e- OHJ3 proKrBin-of luUfmr truck i\iul

« milQjif imiiutmcL'O i

Store tlmii‘ 30'Imiiurtuiit iniloor ■ a will j lie. hcin-wlllilii • tlio-Mffxl

j nioiitirH lii Now.York.-l’Ullii- lollilila, Ilostoii.'. Clilcnj;o. . Clorc'

. Inn<1. -.Now • Orleanii, .. Mnmlllon.i fOnt.);'i Xcw- lliivcn. -Albaionier citlOB.'i-'urriii .....

nulilij '.wm 1)0 la........licllllon Hcoiicr. Miitiy.UnltoaStnlcH Oljmiilo aliirk- rind: a'Mvy. forciKri, (ilhlntWwlll tompotoVMuiiy gamc«

....... ......................... itclier'lvlvtTjnori>. Cii1ir.r .Mnx wii'iiiiirr>- licr.-Alier n iw, ___irotlml. lie Ijroko l.V.offnmlj ,s',,t,<;iui)_At

Mnttr/!cU-l>orolli>U.9An.^'Jjai*L^c»iw>>l4Vu.a tliik.m'd:

..vorrod_Bact-la-aditdiJle<UuJlalll, Mu*.RnlimulliiK llilB.iiiiniijipr:uiii!or. Jiiclf Dcnnisey.'K uumilci'sJ.

liulilUi' iifriilni cnmiiilltCL-',' relative work. UoliiK ilimu li


'llovcil r.o,............. ............ .IliurOcn'.-runil If. ilils Ijo.Ooiio l-lm . . lwul« lias 110 ollior^nlleriiativo tUimk

mio' ot IW IntiinBiUlO; .wcnllli. II IH tlicrcforo;

ilcO iMt rovonui>i( from|

wlll.bu liDia. uniiur' th'n rccenllyl ntlbptcil iiiolrlo > iiion?ii|;o-| iifDitfB. anU in lliMO comnotUioiiK!

fund, to bu upl'orLloucil nclonUtl- Ically .10 .IlslrlclB ilirotiKlioiil tliu Immo ncturUlutf to Uiolr remiootlvo Hcnls «iim HWordliiK to ilioir abll- ](y to' jiiiinWl cluaxtloii.

Ktniliurly • Twin PallH III Oiikluy^

■' Hnui'rt III Allilou

UlolrU:li .111 Sllilii'mnc- . Kdon ul Hill

• lili'liUK at . . .I'liiil ut IluylJiirii

lliitlli>lvr 111 Mlirtuiiijli.I)<i 111 MMla

. UlcliIloUl.iil I'lilrtlcia

cinb-mid Imu Uwn |mrl___ ___l>lol«cl tUri>usIi tliii cfforiM of tlic

ilralluii. ,. ... \V. Hurijiuii; Klmlrnnin.ot,tbe )\'CHl lOnd ncllu( iihK'iulalloii, fiiivo n rciioriiOf iLo-.wclfiiru work Hint liiax been coniliirtvd In llnlil.llilswu»uii. f.~n.' StuiiHell, i.O)vly----

, , (.'(l/ftHuKM of llio,l}nlil Gi-iiiii;1 rliilrodnri'd iiH an lionorary lUbrof.llioRllili, ;

rcpslrliiR of 11 ___liio of Mm. I^’orell Mc.VpII, li

ciiviicr.duiinirrud nt llie |a.5D f... iipiileil. I.nUT- lio woniiMi ri'tiirficil.l

■lc lc<• llrv'■(< “'toko Om \Va'diln«:• tlioir ri'iKilr sliop. Mr.i, . M c N ' i ' I I ; / '

Page 4: tASfil Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up' LEnglandLsJar

its sputheni'branch of the uniVei'sity; su|)plied the present^governor; the, sUite auditor for the past 1.

.yeara; a present associate justice of the'siyjreme courtjrrnitnagei/or thtrstnte iiisuraTice~fund; und cm of Idaho’s' con^e^men-tlecti , - ■ ■

, At-Burley is llocated' a state ■fariii; and Cassia • 'cotinty>is the home of the retiring chief justice; as

' well; as the .Republib’ari. state chairman for many yeat^-whot'was also .that party’s candidate for gov-

— -ernoiu.wo^j^arsiago^ 7' . . . —

. ppntrastmg all this with tw in Palls county, only --pi^^anTbe'-feltj-when-it-is realized-there-is no-state

'institution here; and that th'o.c'bunty haa supialied . .only three state officials in all its history, in addition

to,a congressman. The chainnilnship of the Rej)ub- lican stflte central committee is considered a dubious

,, honor, while membership on the state 'board of edu­cation, as is well known, is without political hnpoi-t!; So-taking it all in> ll, this counly has.‘practically

nothing, in ’ the way of j)olitical prestige, excepting proof-reader in the'state senate, riotwthstanding plentiful supply-of aspirants^ for senator, reprfesent-


:hgir respective selves for .casting ■&^erei9ns on the =irugglihgr«y>m'ini^^ Twm, .Flails whose "cin-2^ without nymjjer stand ever ready, to sacrifice

uWiC’ office,/ having"'notiCG'd“ the' !sty of the Cassians and. the .- ^n

' ' PHILIPPINE FREEDOM.. , - •■ Action of. Congress in. f^ranting freedom to the I

Philippines is a step in the right direction.The principal .drawback is the postponelpent-of

. the realization of the act for a decade. "t?iem.^y6-:Wi«anta§:Qs to 1)6-§aine<l, ..................

• lyi certainly‘now is the time for thehnrealization; if the free_status, of the, people is desirable, there can be' little benefit accnie -by postponing- the .event' fo'r lb' long years. ’ • -

The next 10-ryeaf period is going to.see a great' shaiige in the. etionOlHlc and polUiouI..j»tatn5“of7TrH

-peoples, and among these is the demand for action,• for drastic methods, and for daring ...... ‘ Ifliieedbm of the Filipino peoi)le is as good a .thing, as Co%i*ess by Its act has indicated, then pro- . longed postponempnt hqs tlie. appearance of merely

. . dangling, before the Islandere. the pri^;.>yhiclv the j ---have:so~'3oiig"desiredrand-tcnd^o-rmtagQniz^-rath-

! {■ Few perebns e,\'ee))ting students ,pf the yiubject are' ___Ifajniliar as .to_.the_\vispst _cbui?e- to' pum ie Tegarding

freedom in the first; place j but'once tliat question is eliminated 'by the majority of the representatives of

>the]>5)eople of the United-States, as is .now the casti, Hhen the-situation Jt\)peare in an altogether differ­ent; light, and’ leaves the way open for this or.suc- cedding. Congresseg to shorten the time limit so thiit any. benefits that arc to be realized will not be. un­duly *i)rolonged.

. THE GREAT WALL CRUMBLES ' ^v^hoever itjivas-that fix^;th ings so that most.of the.fighting in the. new. Japanese attack on China

^ o t j l a center about the passes-'through the Great ^yalUbaid-at-leaBt^a^veiy^iih'e.Bense-ofrthoJitneSs-ot

i£X6n5:age5.ago,-canny-.OhineseJ.ejni)6joreJ;In:cu;^uiL iliari-.wall as A ban-ier against aggression, froin the ttp^n, . On'the plains;an(r:ruggetfinllg of Mandiuria •.ivefev^da^ning- maraudere who threuter^d the peace Bf iHfe'einpire.'-but the wallJuUdthem^baek, and be-

;i!^:fiina.:-'jt;;::jlJ:..:p.erfecfc-8ecMrity,JM .# • atbvreed. iti^vay through the centuries, js^hile tlie outr

SldBf.wbrld^ changed, unheeded by,.tlie• 'Ohifie3e;o ; ■ ' . ‘.s. ..... ■

• i-.Anxl' now,, from Manchuria, comes a jievv attack; -afid It;'like' tHe.old;ones, centere about the Great• WaJL 'Eut tho^Great W a llis not-the barriei^it ;Used

- to ber^nol.agaio'st a fo"e;equii3ped with airplanes and]heavy.' artiileiyy "The.- tide of the wprld's-change is a^ampii^g; the 1 ^ relie of a dtsa.d empire-’s greatness.

iyiil - never- ba ,a suc- ’ iiS^riihlete tfiey resp^ on the shins._ •

History . of Twin. Falls Gity aiid-Geunfy

-AS CiJJvAXJil) uK.Tlli-:-TI.MKS

15 Y e a ts A g o

■l,0.\l)0.s--Tlilnv-i;U-lit. ti«ni irfcoru werb klllcil liy il.tlr ii 1 a imiiliiy In ilu* (Jrrac Goni

lit ituwn U.v Idviil Hall(il;» Tlic >;cili<c of thi! .iiiiKlii}- wiiH KiiUI lu n llm uiirost over Iho extra .Iodk' nijROH till' KiibniarlliM lire ;cuin. nllcd In iilalttt.

T,. T. ‘ MiirliiuijU: \y.. UrucKoH. Klmlicrly,., Uoliorl • ind A, ,1. .Mills-»iilil:.J. II

irl. nier pllCj- :

(Joiiiitj'-Ai!"■ ■ wcoli.

ihur M. Wllacn rnprt-froiii ail f { ijcacll. (ihllf.

fB.onus - Baby' : Visit’s' C ity in M iddle West

■ VlAnA«». liiil..' iUl'MKrfiniiml Hcnr>“ I'lopoiibrinlt. Itic. 1-t-wcvk: pia VlioiiUM linby." flr'a .rlilUl ptni III tiio . rnikii 1if llip •ImfiiiH' iiriiiyciimn 111 WcislihiKjon, WiiH 11 tIhIHiTi •idro r ................ . .. 1litly Ii Uh II I, Mr

I, HClilii;; <l(iori>(u])ii'

^Tliiv fiilhnr.. '\'frft>rniiKof,K.

•il wllli II A. K. y. orpmcaj........................... I (IlD Mill lllfUJl'tb'- lie rpin'lio }<iliiD(l~lhc Jidiiur

- •![« fipme,lil .FlorWfi ntiil

j A g o .

Ilf l.iiili'l. till' ilKlml ^Uirlii . .I'cdiii iiiiioilK llio'o |iroK(ii wuro cluHCii. wllli Kri'illlai

iiitl Dun ' Ili',>'ali. iiH I’uiitiili

itn'K mull ri'iichriiK I nuullfylHK Xiil1n-''('i' jwiy wltli. liliTmp!'i..iiiTlv'-'miiuu • Intor iVlili

: ^ M a t i o n a L f f i h i E l i g a ^ ^

lii;;(uii kikI ,.V<nv .'voric — iiii iiitniuiio liislulii Into iliu Inner •worklliK of i>oilllcf, Xor Kvonlns Tliiioa Cfadera cvury' Oay -.. . ------T -»nil-.'_vcry\v-iitfro-.................................. .......

jro- I.H ;inlliiK< Ills I'nti'............. nil! clnspla i1Ii;lm-1 lllr’lmililllniu.einiiiiH’ii. Pf'f- « ■'ilii Ih linnillfni,' I!IJIli. iTof. Ilfx Tir br,iuu pliici! tmuillpil Ilip .\llolii;c

........... Hc.Trj" .Mc'.i;;-:liiuidlluF tlio I

t ']c;;liilntli|ii. All lii'.'li

Klljil i lui-a II'

.lililty.-/:' l;;ivv... Id.U 111

RealvEstatfi Jransfer#

.wiro-hllcli-blkcil. froni UcoiU-O. K.> n;>Miimn<U, tlio capMnl. lirrlvlnir Jl., nilnlnK'loaitlim.

II'litili.v wiK'Ipiii'ii. .Iiini'l' rtcoil: r.- .Wjirli ici.. K-...I . , ■ j'ciimvlilli, fJ'Ji'iV •‘<Y N"’ ifl.rtf.i


I. liiko nil.


Ho.: Is ni.l'.iitfli'liilly. .run todiiy.m an.'- ,<'f tim l(il;ij!:i I lcK<' prvfvsHOVi i il'iliv' <<S-<'. liAMUEXUI^- . —irpccntTairruummiB. inaili'SI'. Ljuo-cncu Tre'iiy ili> niv iiiryniTnff. • It; will ni-. tlil*-s6i':il(jn iif-Dmp.rcxi'; * , .-.'Aricr .Mnrtli i Ii nil dvin’ttil;i li" lipu-...Mi-.' »oi»*6>;pU-.fij»iJ>i iiUniil.jii.


fiiuil.MrKflliii wcilf I


.tUrow It'oui Ini

t i ' S i

• ItiuclcrM". coH.fcrti;*'


Tliuiufore tliiTi' wii« nd^camm toi-.liiuii iilHiiii II. Tliu Mo

. Hii' vioitlil. liiivc vnlnlli'O Kiu nmi'Ji wiiric Fur tlic'juint Con* «rtss|{rtial Tax i;(iiiiiii1lt«c. - It vidulrt liavo 111 wiir'lt iiIkIh aiij diiy tni; nionlliN.iu KiinillnUo all Ux rcTiinds. iiliDVu-Ju.iiim.

'riie'Joint '(•iimiiill-;«e aln'iii[”y Iuik Kcriitiiilzeil nil rcfltnild -aburo fT.'i.* 000. U liflM-never rojDctcil ii aln- slo rociimiiiciiOailun Itir a.roliinil., For that roBsn'n anil orliors tlio S'urrlH I'RurKo iiguinRt llio vvliato Klvuii Tro;uiuiy Scciolnry' .Mlllii

,>u<rii»i rus: on k»ihI fuiiiiil-Jtlnn. LMIIIh ■ roeelvoil • ttio-jiiilileniciit' fof


. for', your Mtnlo -l yim 1'- ollnn.

U.r It. TIiiirO' ifa'HrirrrBkulliIiiRBer; connccieil’ iYilir"'ir ‘'iici;oi‘01iiB' to IIIO.SO wiw luokwHi.ovor closely.'• ll' .wan iHVRCly <1- lio(ikk«6plnh'

m.iiler.'cl<mo;n!. clnniHlly ils . tlip Cltivcrnuii'iU. iiKiiitlly . iIoi'k , huoIi

IllTIk>. niiiv Kiillun. AiillncMiiilur

ItnAnd Ik Mi\. Muiif»illiir>i )>!» (loliiii uiicniavlCT* tiiiiii. 'TlmlaliowH'wlii 'MusHnlliil I'XpM'ts ti'Oiii Wniililni tiin durlni.'. Iliu. nuxl liw yearii. •

Uilr rcliltloiiH wllll iMimHOllnl ai Jiist •fliiu.itliaUk yiiii.- .TlioTlJircF viiiB. till!. Ilrnl',1(1 n«cei)l Oio’ iloii- v«)r. iii6riil(irluiii. 'Hfl wuV lliii only iinoi'ill Hit! Hoovi-r dlKarni.

I lu’ tiill.. Up ' S.tlK

._. iLtml niiiimn: 111 yiniiuvjir-:- ■ ■' . . .' .

Tlierc'ii'ro iirobiilily.-Rooir rcBaoiiH fill- tliiit: • •MuKsol(n1:’lins .mil. «y«, on l /'iincp <i'inr; In ■, vntoitniKhiif,

' 'Tlin now Ilnllan..': AiiitmHiiaito’r' lroaavi(.in'9rc;lt\l'ornii\llj;'-tljaii' (ho

to In-. «liHlliirly ilu-1 C.iiiyi;i(;!itJilcCliii'o-; N< oiincuil . . ; Tlicy .will lib .11)1110 . " ‘ hyndlcaie.,;

liny . . II liuV Imun (llnaivcruil ij-liy, lliD.i'irai aril oliJuclH 8


IIV JA.HKS 3nii:w,l\

lomltd_lji.:-.wJ ■ ■

»donii.rt r>ii;rj|At The THeatres'''M ’to nowMli.i'iiei-, + --r- —^.... ‘i.\XIJ S.UUUTjVi: i8

i.lCT(WXi -AT,r,gBWlEUM' Iiit of.Uic.nowspaDor hca l-

■lioi'lly.tclvoU .Ironi lil^li ci iunilmicil .c>:lxloi 'XciJulKtL ■- - ilty—untl inkcH ovi-

i:Ml1n’J.(>V.MKX'T ( :Looiil a'litiiuHllex nrtV^Diiverneil

, ilmnt lli««ii't Now V«nk SHltt.' .flsmtK cm factory omiiloynioiit Th«i.dr<:p 111 DuKunilmi- waH conalil. 4'hilily,(!i'oater -Ilian


al ppyrollj ber mid tui if onijilnycil.

stlirblnK ,riioli>r In lliut to-c-fnllqii I riirr

KlXA.XCi:...............,Tlio Treamiiy. flKii o!> , ,

iGXiiorliiicnt.ln Ioiik Oinu flnaiii a-’cliruury ,fir;tl. ' Oiii; Inind ly-four'juIUIoii. dullnrii. ol^

i jiurl^.cciil JiiilftA.Jt'.nl'icii.: .in.-.Umj:

uo.lcn-yiar linail«-;n< a>i.,

ticii and-ntlior lantieii in i]iio{<-..... ,jnil liuvo iMti'd llibnritK siiop;lorni’ stuff, bcciiuiie of. oarly nin-

II for tlio nltvriMl.jilr.;

.WKJlllX'- Xo»- U;.:C«iiM»oMoUlltliiit ... Cliiilrniiyi'iiAlborl^Wlsgln. of. Clinso wuK .iirliuii.' iiiiivor tiiwnril - nilHlbR i a’ . loan-, li.' bilnkliiR- clrclcH-ttrto-iHf tlia ' Lbilicd. Slu(«i

i' tin lid, Ilf

lliofe-ivliii .oppfntocr tlie .lotin. liavo .Jn''InhlnR-'cvcr BlneyMImt .Iticy,

lACMKT. . ,..., ■Anotlior;onRlo,(o liio-dobt-.proli-, lonr la -.1(10, m l . .oiiuie :iii6rii^t[b, ii()nd.riicktt.>jii.................

mma ara."..iliwaufio tlio- Bov'ornor ol Xow

X;l)iw-Jii*t riifuspd ^o'Iion>ll-:tlir' anullilon impors’.rrom Uic -iiQUlli-

I,In wlilcli lliihiH wua ii:- III llio cba'lii. Bo'iik-^wllbra. - llirmiKli nn.llii>:cipoH- ililinc. Ibrrop.uHd' rinrt'oW.;

wlilebM I’ hr.llil.i'

I’B gorid'..Mix M

........... -TIilH nliMui0'l8 lh0:aUruc-'UoYi.ut ilio,0>pboiim-.lioro.'-. r -

Addud<attrnctlan«.iiro.1i Clmvll'i miaho.coiiicily, •'N'nn- I’ll-.Tiill O no"^ 1111(1 tlio lutciii I’livdnioiinl':S6iinu ' i.Vowii. ^

i'ro.n ai*j*kaih .\« ! ' . - • OX.SCJlTIKNi.U'.'iDAJlO

I'vtolt, wlUi'UlB'iind- ' i|{H puoki'd'./all ot acUoiti’nll-l - ntid'laiiBliHt.. >. >•; .

;iire:-Jl.-i"li-|ajnlnff"CHihfr/-’ ^ iiiimiiiK »Ulii' Idulib.tlicatro't6ila>^'. miT' loaiorrnw. , v

, .• nrm Of all. Yum lirliis# wHH'lilm |Tmyii- -Uiinlor.rHi,or6stfpr td.VTo^^^

AMKAI,. IX '.J-UrrUitK-

jiucV..Slivo^. Ill's ivotlilcitiil'.wuuoilia

V.:Joii«f..rIdo«i.Ui,- lilK aUrr.. !9rn iilriiirea,': Is I'CKut Da-AtFi'. ,pu)9l^ lHlclll«Mir:,}iprj^o',’llidt:

■Ipday aiid S:iiiinlw-nl.Jou-k'ri?t6x>-’ ‘ "loalrc.' Jiiiiiiir-.wlia' oBnj'diioliedl)!-''''

or..nio,-l,iiilv(|r«lir!of Ho«1f5rn Odll- '.




j r g g l l l l p f p

Page 5: tASfil Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up' LEnglandLsJar

i .:Ja n u a ry 20, -I

,w a n t : ^ b s


I ,"'^\5AS5^^orDVY—ioflo Cfira lo L

- . is v i

FOR BALE OR TEADE' .■Uvralock " " "

niRMITURH roiv- SALE — All N'ntloiinl kinds of now and uucd furniture. Qiinrd , Coal.raiiRoi! lui low’nH J1Q.00 cncli.Wo ttaclo. buy, or Bcll. Will, pay l' >r Etp,

FOR SALI3 OK TRADE for WliltcUgliorn honn, 40 red pulIclH. 18 pgp Actualimrrcd JiocJtH, 12 nuf£ O- '.........laying. Hnyca Hatchorj'.

b^ns, Einonsca '..WC,77n,lO Ha.nSD.OO


nOOM AND nOAHD. ncnBonaWo , lUoam licnL Innui| o Mra.

'IGSn<iB 'Pund.-.f'2iC<7.«3 t <,c".0,00 In iIiB toiiil or tlio current cx-

|)Gnso rfitliii, tlio iIotUtctlonK iiiailo

LOOM M b ' noAilD m « ,„ a . « Mrs. l)nvld h\ Clark. t>l.ono,607.- oraaicallon_pa>m<5nia. refunds and

•• ■ M IS0ELLANE0U8 ; [“ “ s-i'al‘1 out but cbarscd t»n Ux rolU' for tocoIIocHoub, nnU

t CARHUnBTOllS , — Carbiirolor do hoi represent actual expenses. arbiirotor- aoj-_vite.-P.-0 , M, ’ *......' '

“ ^vln. t'nllB.ian,-newIy-<(lom<Ml-

counly troisiiror. wlio waa lioW up last v.-cck trom toklni; Over <lilx

•saSl"'’’ wm Z I Lf r o m .th a m ^ y d a f i^ w .

--------- ------ --- - lo'-hlm''by ChairmanXOTICB FOR runilCATrON OF '''ortlilnffton alia lie cntflrcd upon TI.1IK Al’POlNTEil. ro il I'JIOY* ,•'** ofllelal dutloa, rclnlninc Lav.-.

I.\Q'inLL.'Etc. . jrcnco C. '3Dunn, Jil*’ prcilcccsfior'In llie Probftlo-Court,'County of 'i* a.-Tfef dlcni employco until lio;

Twin ™ in , 8ta(o. of Idalib. . .iJMomcH faioHlar wlUi .bls-now •In tho matter of tlio'eitato ot atiU'deforrod .llio uppolnt-

Jftmca D. nieo-. DocciifleU.'- • ment ot a dcjiuty hatll «uch,tlmo.■ 'PiirauatiE^o‘ntj 'order, j iL tho'I‘«>‘'»i"'*'«>i" Mr Buch na' api lnt-*, JUdgo of (fflld-Court, m ad o ^ tho ment.boliiB Riven by tliq bpard.-,

I__ J.'tli -day oC Jflnunry Ji»3jl,_iiotlp>_- Tlio Oakley Herald wan deslK',' ! " 'Jiorebr'. Btton tlia't .-Wednesday i'll!®'' offlclnl foufity , newspaper I I— Uio.23Hi-<l}iy--of -Jnnuary.t 1033,-ot-BnU-afforded-, tbo ..lS33--co»lruut|

K at,;tlio Court Koom of m IU Court,- noilco.i, •. . . ,‘ titj 'tho eoartJiouso' In tho Bali] D. .WIlBoO, .clcrk ot Uio die-

.County. o( Tnln FUlla, Iuls been coiirl. appearcil <botprd. thu •appointed 'as tlio tlmo and plaetf l«*®rd- and •volunlnrlly' rcnuealed

.... fi,« Jinn i reduce i!s «iBla?y11,800, lilii-


o d ^ ’r t la r k e t and Finariciar N e w

___uucitii)_iaii-hiiiUi__J_______ _________(•liic.A<io, Jan. ii:i') (t: -s

1) A)-'Bliecp: U.nuo: liol- rtiSl"IWiiid; heavy liiinli'i s«‘'l"K l'" lion: dcHlriihln YatiWi: { lu f«

-■ .... ’-.'rHXlWdl,, « ' . « • ..iiirvf-n In. -nm„ A ................

lOlfO fell wcMurnR nniuiiil j wiii'nl |ik Jiinl iM'ftrro 1

fa'lllu; ciil\«'(i nOO; iiKiH inrires boI.I r»ff finm :<mI'crs oti'i ycarllnss V.'.7« f> t->'.Ivivvvhivms iw< Uvmuvx. i

1-sl .yciirltiisiii »«: .ii'vcnil ImidH r.-hitlvcly .ulKhly Mloorp SI In ll.fiO: cuttiTHj Ka»mrii Iihoumik. uiutovloiial!! (jik; liulhi iili'.idy to wi'ak I'lyljniid oibcr uitrlj-—eliM'r’' , t

r.lcnily I $r, I

I) choke I7«):

kHTeu |l(lI<l-rrcclK-334-)<Hl5U-po»IX


_ ■ C N t'

•tcllcrH niarlict._ At-tlio-cloau-Whual.

‘ lirommori'lHl SoIv.'iiih . .., • ll ' .^Conllntmiil Dll jicic warj.',

VailK, Jmii, 20 (UP)-fThc inovcil up ra'pldiv / l

I.' firHi hc.ur Ilf ifudlnc on uhort . >vi'rlnu. TIiKiUKliuui the reiiiaiiid- : <>( 111)- ilay It k'railiiiilly ca:ied

ill iiirnnver, 'but' n i»]c>i!iy lit rrt'iincd Hniall

iiiv.- fcr llic L'Tirly covorinB

to-tJ:(j«: ■ninoolh-tlKhtrTH-clsiiwl-


,(5.0 Al—UoRnr^l^eeip^rmn- top, j'liiy'. L$3,35 oil bm,drlvclnii 180 t'* nnl-c--... pounds; foft- . lots mixed- welfihta $X30:. paeliiilfc now»

lilown.■ .Culile: llecolptu ,312; fe»» - S2 to t;’.no; lu\/ ciitu'rH down JMIB; Into TliiirHdny - two lonciH 1Ilnh-fc<l-c(eor>i-' lOHO.-ohd-: Jl-niiiinilH fl. ■

Sheep: itoeelptH S15; all for

(jitAtx t a iim ;Open-HIcU (Tojp

;<71'40% „-ISi

OMAII.V Jan.'20 HokhIlc-coliitH' 12,000r"iuark«t'” Htuody; lOo higher; (op J3.10;, hulk |2,Cn lo » . .. Cude; Ilocclplfl ' l.SOO; market

(ly; \veok;,bullt J3.75 to

I ' It. > li/iiilsQii. and Harry 'vijea iho" a['■Eaton of-' lettora toatamonli^ tlocll.vo • oftlocra, --- ....' 'Wlicii and-whertf nny' person'may April by Uie former .board,

opikMr anil contcst-tho saino., ‘ -- -’Da cil, January 13, ,1 9 3 3 .‘


POnTBRf^ WITIlAH'O ''*' •.TF':- Attorno)-« for-Exocutor«."> ' , ;ne»ldc7ico!..Xwil^FallB,;'.I^o.—I

of Other,

AlthDUBh tUo' n>oard. laat week ruled that only Surety bon<lB x?ouia bo acceptable, they Wed-, neaitay ' aseopto,!!- lempororlly' . a. personal bond'submitted ,by U M. Grow, newly-clcctcd constable for iio_,jlmi_}iiiHcol.prccliiot,,_wJlli Jour-.............................................

.steady .to 10c blKhar;>othcr olassu,i ateady; bulk fcd wooled Iwuh.i 85 acvSS pouuds tll.7S to.)5.85;. 101 Bblbpers «.as; .fed dipped : IaUi-» » to $5.S0;' native Inmbfi. IR.2S Ui J5.75: ejYP.i lip to fccdlUK-

POrlQd. :

• sherJff.Ws'Kranlod auih.. .

swti. nB janitor work In _lecal .rcBld_on<lBl dlstrici^ro-i.iho court bouao and oUicr work In

. •• . " ’»''l‘Ioh- they ean-bo iiucd.-to advnn- II. Invaatlgatcil, -.j^d tagc.__* -- . .i- '. ■

^ < 1 . mat a follow, aouod: orfallnB • Selicdulo for road ■work', was by Uie .street when canl "woro tho board'redoced wlieroby a man

over It .waB caiiBOil by a Blhglo handed will rocolve »1.E0 .^faot-loDp. cavern, iO ; foef wide/per dayr.iman’ and foam « .60.por

botioath:tfle (lay:,man'oaa four.howos J3.50 pavement, ; .Wintor ralali-.iiourlng.: por..-day. • and ' • oversQcr, • elwtio throufih.n^iirokon'.draaiage^wor;,, handed »2.00'por. day.' ' — • liBd ■ vflshcd.oul Iho. cavltj-. -.,'. . . " •

' i L '.. J '.A n Inch of .ralnfan'.Jg.equal loot.;walpr to an acre.

tnffiJUnlted Stales , surreptHously Twelve InchBa of^aQowfaU'couaU e4eiii.tftv. ■ • •• ineJj. ©t -ffllnt ••• -■ -i •

-leflulBti. Riitliei

r bees.''17 Throe.,IJ Crowds.'

: ']9Te Bhollali.' .'SO Smooth.____...*j:Oppo8Uo o[~ '

'Winners.-21 Neither. • .^26Ia vietnr'. ' 44 Hlew, .f27KII;cr knots, 40 To perform. , ao I’flrlnblo Klenn, 47'A:hcllx.• aiNnlurul. • .• 43Aiflailc'cal.

Classified Directory

' for Quick Referoncis

. To- nropaKatc.'".4C Step'pod... , r. Not hriRhti • • : -l7 'Malhcmailcal 7 eilcatlicn Kod.-. . teriil.' . , TAriSTjoIiU, ^48'Leflrnlnij.v KSIlUiiKB oC a'..CUTrmiplneH. >.• court..•. —1' . ClOiio ot llie "O'SQercheSr:” ^ '. LakM^IDQuoltn inrRcla. ssnecnys,..l l Dain.. . '. ••• RaDoor ruir.* -12T0,W l,r ---

TdnnlB^nca*'’ ’:' i:6s

nominally aleady:...... loa'd medlUBi and,-lovr Rood1100 lb. Jioldover-OreBon -steJrs,

.51.23; few cuttur cows -»1.50. .hccp, BOO; medium , to' .-cliolco

Lnmbs (10 111. down niiotnble around 'jlT25 .nnd J ITVS: rdto-'Tlmniday ^SO h'cad-81 to 84.1b. woqled C.1II- fowla JunibB,»5.J3. , .

ljo8Tp.S',JrVn.' 20 (dr>H^Smod- leralo tfiouRh qulelor demand Is lielns <rccclvcd on .01s< and 'finer

..wools with prices- 'fairly, flrtu.'I Some ..strictly >;coBvblne •' Q4b ‘'ojuI , ■ finer Ohio 'nad >-«lmlloc.' riijccttl wool Is mbTlntrnt'iaVj'to 19.cents' ln:4ho-6rcaKo,-.or^4tf ,t6’47'^cchts,

>o5iired, basis. ' ........


FJBHaiiBliilljA irror ; iy > g ^ 0 D Y : ; W o ^

^:;'d*^laji.;'Aut6rtops:-»nd-cpW '-‘-'^'"■-.'•■oxavaiotna -/canTM

------ 'TliOTJStii' .Top>’,'ia'4Bodr:Tyotte,,t>ftdi-prD»incelM,a.

_ 'ANOBLeS, ‘ janr SfHuPA' a7aDA)^atUo:' ' sod:., two. Idads ■niedUim' to near • 'Bood 070-1130

• po'iii)d't!'lah-Rtocr8'|4;BOj fow--low' «ood cows'»3.33; ■.bulk.Tow.cattflr, to:tnedliun cow.':,.»1.60 4ov|3,00r mIvcb -BO;—foTT-::3ni!dliuii:±.Tjaiors

___ .1: Notiiji-ii^ium-W ciio ^li;n.-b3 • DO■. 'pound,-; down-'qnoUble

- •».7-br-'TOS8lVly':«bbTC.-'-" -good •

. n i h b f N o r iM ko t iK O B s i^ ^ :i'iind:,c)illln«r;'W<la:''«iinftTea;;'or .ferlate&-UaD7vcb^(:itjiM:

i'OiiTr,\S'i)', xn-KSTfl PK--f«!^0rV.vVjdhi;2();(UI>) fl«DA)r^Io(n;;CBO:'; carlotrsun- •ply-.178 ■,direct: ft-i'few .'drlvcltisi, TMirsday'f'-carJot.tfliipply'.^rftiighl

nolblnff »oHI •: (iarly.^nii^rkct quot-, .fSl6-«rouBd 'stciuly. • -,v ..i-i.-i.-.-f' ''-isiiocp, 9B0: rfili, 8iippl:«ili08idii rc^t! iio,,,fltlvelQr.«rrlveilV«rly._ ..

' J / l»E\vrit §IU!l.P » '


,.,.2695..:.2S% . .. ...29->i 30 '*:ov

2C-«- 20%

Corn—No. 3 nilxed y U : 2 yel­low 25W; 2 white oI(t 2fil4.

Oalfl—No. 2 white 17 to 17\S. Barley 24 to 20.Timothy 2.25 to 2.50. -'

.■ • COPPER.,NBW, YOUK. ,jaii; ,20. (UP)—In'

:no dumoBtlc copper market prlcesi A’ero steady at B conts a pound de- llvqred to tbo end of March nnd Bit cent- for second iiuarter ahln- ment.' A. further eaalng waa nolcii. lix ih'o foreign market with nuota-, tloaa.aa. 4.05 •^entii a pound, -in- rmauy. ' '


A)—Silver, »J; lead 25-Sc.

V a r i e t y O f & r e d

^ - - ' I n - S o c i a j l 'E ? 6 n t s I

■BlOU-' ...................................-u tbiH’community, during the pn:it week Jnctiidcd .a -skBtlns paity, a lUnoclile. jiarty, .anil, n-.Shower

‘ • '- Elbert , I-’arrar ontorUiiiiert « crowd of- Ills friends with a sknt' InK.pnrb'.on ;4hii Ico'ot. tho'lilKh ‘UnO'Oa'nal Sunday Qveolts&. ' Wein* Vrsr wmsled over.a-.hueo.'lionflre, and‘'‘bun«. .Wcre-'survcd n t'a laic hour. ■—-.’•■-r- . ,'•Mf.' and-Mrif.’'I*arley iJellvillo on* lortaln'cd-^ttelri'-^^clBhbors-^nd- trleada Thursday-.evonlnj; nt•their ho'aSHiwllU'n. pfOKteBslvo.idaoclilC

—'Sir. a^id -MrBit Clyde Allen-.---Bue'Ms o( bonor'at a. datKlns iwcly t»t> the. Loglbn' hall: Prldoy-^sifc;. nlna. .>'.TIia •■’pany ,whs r aponibrcd: fcy. M r : A l i e n - ' drun.V.Mc. *rfd -Mrs. .•-Ausust' O *,. vrloB.ianil.Mr.^anaitM.' Ause H«-.


'■'rP8iiiANTi.'?;Mi:cii’..--(upr ^ 'A faUiqri imother,'; wii, an^ dBujthUr- In'rtaw,-i-c6l6bratcai;:thclr..-wcddlnit

ChrtstfbM: vrtay';*.Tho^rat{fr'. .ond «ioUicr.:Mr.;ntid: Wr*'.-Edward-By-

f i f f i ^ -

Ooodyenr .Tire Inlerndtlonai Intcmatlunal ' John Ma jCennccoti con I.oeWfl Inc, lontKoniery v

.Vnllonol • Dalrj N6w'Yof I'nckarU. Moloi

Radio Keith OrDhenm .Rcytidlda'Tobapco 1) ...Sofeway-Btores .... .....Soar* nocbuck .........Shcimnlo 0SImniDns Co, ..;........ .....Socony Vacuum ...........Sbiilhern Pacific ...

bl ClIICACio POTATOES . - 5. CHJCACO, Jan. 20 '(UP)-Pola- ^.tbos: On track 233: arrivals' SB: • jKhlpmeats C47;' market dull: Ida-

10 RuMpt*' Ji;iB to-»1.20;,Wlacon- ln.KoundJWiUc3_07.14.'ti}.'..73}4«-:,

» Colorado McClures J1.55.



.. 41

-FIRST- W03iV»\-’ ErJPLOlSB-^-------. SllHS' Jonalo Ooiiftles waa.-tiib'-' -■ L--S1I


tniicd Statc.-«''»j " " -•sprlUB of-1862 she Was .appolntod-

iio irtm-I.Vmerlcan <urrei}07."'H«r'; Yi efficiency 16u to more feinato.;aPj.^ i p nnents

.. 18U I Local Marketsstandard Oil af Calif. ,..;....... 2B IStandard Oil ot-Ne« Jersey 30»Hi Tho »11Texas Corp. ...................... 13« aiTrtns - America ............ ,...- C'i. BUnlon Carbicie & Carbon ....- 27 -iUnion' Pacific :— ........u\i'Unllrd Aircraft ..............27-. IUnited Corp 9

market quoUllbns. i ’ •rectiSd dally,by. tlid-IdallO'-

•t.'voainB Times -and -jrepMsttot »h6-- averafltf prices pala. ac«ordlDB-to.. ili«,:-b«BL ■ avalifthle - IhformaHoniH

irlces ore subject-tovrnti^; [louUnoilco bytho-dealers,‘«

lonlrH:^ ti Co.

-V. Y. CURB EXCIIANfiB |-am(irican-3upM'’P(iwcr''rr;rr ClllM^rvle«.:eommon' Bond & Sliaro 'rord Motor Co. - ......Swift & CoUnllcii-l’\)undora .... ......... .

*).6fl.NVESTireXT TnU.STS

Corporato .Trust Shares bidAA':..-.:-.-.;..... ii.os i .s f>AAC-,; #|1.sbI-'endBmcninl Trust .Shares-.A i........ — $ 5 4ff»1 ■!i>; -.--;•••• _____»- eri'i i ^

- ' IIDKRTV nOKDS ... .NBW_Y0IIK,-Jan:-'20 '(UP)--' CloalnC' 'Uberlji Bonds;'MbcrtK.SWsi 47— ___;Mborty-iRt'-l«R".:... ................UVorty'4tli-4M's 3 8 ___103.1C.Treasury'•4ys C2'..._._:-;.;;;W0.l»

— -is::.Tronsuryi-3H8--<7: .^ .— .-.--lOM- .Tre.TSUrya^s 13 fiUit'ch •...j.l02.S- ;pca»iir>*-3?w-Juu6


D ck ow ilc I-e rat on J8b

. 31111 Fwd ;i \ !i.v l3ran. 100: lbs. --.,L-.i..l'..i..,.._.4.BDc ' Bran SOO lbs. BOc Stock, food.. 100> lbs. ;. Stock, food, so(MbB..i;-..-'--.....roo i:

SuM'r. beet,'.cwt^^-.;..'.—V4U0;... Sufcar, ctiuo. ' owt. 7

Turkeys; .dresscdi Xo;- 1 .4.-;Jller'. -Turkeys; drossed.-medlnni Turkeys; No..S'C__l.-l;._i.^U''.4e.-',. Colored bens.-. lJ4>to-5>4‘-lbB,;>i:..80wLiBht J ie n s ____ _ __ 6c

prlnKi _L.oghom MiensStags __ __ _ 4dOld coeks _ .

Great: JiortUorn- reaVNof tli'om-'7f5r2':r,^:?aSSd‘'r^ Quktaltons oC 'l dealers. Qnd^dea^-, -, .

er quotCB I I and 9fc r

Rod-;ci^dr, «wt,:v )Common. IQluo,;ilunii:G* I


BgBB.;;'sUndanl:;;i: t i.ECBs;'.mddlum':.'HU..:

Page 6: tASfil Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up Sehlesinger May Still Be Alive Booseveli to TaMe up' LEnglandLsJar


' Society and _Clwilb Slie's Marie Drfessler's Double

Aiixiliary Begins

i'iiiociilo wnM tlio muni! pliiypil. iiinii - inlilos, l>oli)K . iirriiiicnl ftn- llic; KnmrK,

Anilinrl siml I.. IVU'rHoii

loiilimpniH wuJl-

iV-H.rrvcil I'J II

iM IlfV MAKKS rsi;I' iml'K I'llKKK llll.l.

Murlo.llniiKi'li.'AiKliT)- llliikk-1, .....

■JiitaiL-lUclia_lii:i]i-HoUumli:.' IJiailHfol.l, MnrKiivui. M uk.-I

I It I..... Ill llCHIII'l.'chntKo ■ of iirraiiisouioiilx.

Itn f osslRUnU I'VP’ r Mp-.iliniu'. .lohii lliitm'H. Jiimf'-H Tiiyi'p Ci'urp MIlliT. CrniK nriK-kcii. A. V. Wil

' lliiiiiH. h. It. Minor. .Naliilli' iliilli' mill ,W..R-Zlllfoy.• TIui ni’roiiit iiniioril I'linl inu'i:

«win IjO Blvoli liiixi Tlii.rwliiy .'vi‘ iiiiiK. Jan. 20., w.llli .Mi>. W. I AkIi 118 uciioml dmlnmiri ut nr

- turiKemiiiilH. niiiilli'.-il.' ■ cmilrui'i

.................. ....... ■■

_______________H ilt rniTV - Ancimxlnii ICtilm'opnl Oiillil wll HpniiiKir ft rciril imriy at llui liiiii;i or MrK, ,Ur Ilotlin’cll SiUui

_(1ay HfjMnwi, Jnu.

l i l . l l lb ...........................' Mr«. n. L..- rrlco i>rpH!i1<'cl .......

hiiBlnoiiii HOMlnn. Mr«. J. H. Itnyvn . will' IK) In ohnr^e of rciicrvnilous

for. tho' curd • imrty. 'I’lio proKmii) Inchirlpil an-nccoimt •of-nilMHtoiiuo; work al AiicIioroKi-'. AliiRkii,; MrH,

iuH.lii)~ H.!hionii ui Hi.- iu.iiip II. Mi-h; K !|. III;:1ir>>. Mrx'. Kilillioll.V.ihiivy iiiKl ,Mi-. W. (!; Tl.aliiliMii«'<iii 111.- hrlitiic'ii' l*."! mill 'VA. .Mliinick lOi'l M1K..U. i:, I.oiKini.i I III! uriz.'K.


Motor Tran.sportiitian Hiw 'Re­

duced Preislit Ooats Con-‘

;cnda-0!(itn]e-R,-HiKli —


FranWin . D.\ Eoojovelt ITolds

Mcetlng:s on. Wide .Vnr-

lcty~of'S»i3jecia~ =

Ti:.i.>viiii' ir-A. o-.vo.ii-..f V«

.aid wiin iijiv M lluiHe wnvin Jinii- iii-vi'U luimmoiiAr 1.1 ui> n'liliiii- for iiKrlfiil iiral iplk-r.

JBu. UThippa

Sales Tax Plan(Coiitln'iicil I'Toiii r«KO Omi),

I, cHil

H'oiilliiiM'il Frniii 1'nKi' Oiii-)AiiigrliMti rc.ler.-itl(iii of UiUc.r

Spn;.lnr lUiItiruy _iif Olilo. ni.!i<.siii;ili' si; lliirv.iril of Ml.w.llV M...I' II,'.., I...... .. r Arl-

,-vvllh liliu;

iilViiiaii: . .I,. UnlC, \V.

............... \V.~C.. nn-iiiln'rs nf tlift fnimiilllrc I

.linrK.- of Ur.' llc-l ill. Jliiicaii 1 1‘ocalclH. •• -•


yriiiilii.'rii|irioliilnlciil.II «;is ii.(iilloV! Iliiii I

il. III .Mr. 'Vni...'Vi.|l . mi a Ii.vmi.ii. that a’ fri.riiil .nfJllKi Siiiili. K<. Hallrnail. In llilx It-N l-.-’iiii7..'il lalmr lie iiaVH'il. Iiliory. A ( ..if a.ITiUiMf liiinhiiTlif |in'rtl<lunt-o[('i’l*t(ilJi!iv.rd-VH-j iiiii'aily. Iiavc' lic-.’n nlilirpi'il Into iiiA liliaiii.'K of llio f;iHD altiia-lllilii iiica. .,• • • . . .

Frldoy^ J»buaiy 20~193^>'

ItlNKST .i)KX'mT-l)IK8•Ama

t tor.runkll

11. In iliu liliilio K

;i;r;v.s;;,;"s . i S E r x : ! ,.5- •Jlo Iiail lieoiiMlI'«-||li liliu illftpinpi "“''H'upvernl yu;irn niiil liiitl licen rnii-r .'.'IIJ—---!---- ----fliiPd 10 liiH ;l.od for ilip I

G U T S C O S T S Of G O U S•In cxleiislvo cllnitBl icsU, tbo .

• new.Vieks Plan lor bcttcr.Con- • irol ol Coldfl cut liia number,

' Imlfl How-J'ou.can follow Vleks Cfilds-ControL Plan li fully cx,- plalivfd In ,cach Vleks pRckaL’o. ..


0 A N C E

._,._WaU.’s-M arim i)aJand_^

: 'j:«iniiiy 'rit-i’rfs' .nsp


p l a y

\ .MiMlnnl SKIt

.\dlHN'>liiil ll'i;

I> IK. S. IlPrro'iilloii llnll

Of 11 >r ihillarh a


WIOOIH.M ON CIIIX.V . JNTEHE.STS nAP'l’IST (iHOUI’. :\nilto'> OroxH Kcwlnc InlfrpKlpd

_llm nnpUkt AVnil1i.n-K i.nt-l lv Tlnir, da.v-tnornliic nt Ihi- Imnuulu"-.. A p6t.l«ck liinchcoti-wnH. mir.veilnoon and ‘ ---- --- --- --tlio uftorudcVolIoiial.......................................cnv'o u iiapor. "ToUIiik llio Story in Ciilnn:" .Mr/I. Kiiy liiiiicy. "'vimt nollH llnvo Don'u la Ciili • - N'onli 'MciifllR,' ‘‘Fajiilly Chluft." .Mrs. XI. 0, , Knyktniinili read a cliat>(or froiii “Tiin Itovoiii' ilonlRl" hy IVari a..nnclt.-Tlip,f;roii[i lilnnK for <i dlHtrlcl kokhIoii nt Iviinll

,STITCH AMI’ CriATTEIl CIHCJiK H.VS S^NSIOX , 4l(iii"oliold Jilnlti WLTC roll call

.. 'r^aponse.H at Hio Stltcli aiul-Ciiat»

Mm:. Jainux. SwauKOn nrcsidc.l iitMJio/lniRinoMK KCBHlnn. 'Tim linn-

K- -:-niid-'SliBH • Jcimle •\\'altnrn; -«or\'ed ) , vnfrCHluiifnw. Mrs. Wlnkiu.wiH b#

e . Ijtfra :wlio‘Imvo not iiat.l Tnr .llioir 1 — ' imyfl iiro rp'intv'lod lo ' ’ ■

•i -- .I>KSfmi»KS KKXVA ' i'PIiOXY I.V A V n ia

V .n . Ia rioniPlM-l. witii <l|o'lmroftti of cHOUnoloKy iiiM'c. was

........... ikrr_at Jtic.nicetliiK

load tiaamiorliilli'ii. Soim Htii.iidlni; i-xiiin|do» iif iIiIh nminc'llmiK in lin- ricUlil lavtiri.itiH- voiiiinriiiilii'ii.

“l)rli-<l licuIlH kIiI|i|)I'i1 fr.iii:n .ll« to I'liriliiiiii, iillnr 111- .10. IIU:!. looii a rale uf » p. ii(H-licT I.... Ills. Tlipyiirr iii.w mm’liii; ...... I’m ';n.,ft0n idiK Nl tifly .(.III, Idl'Cd ]ioillidH.''Atl illli' in in 'iK-tllioii.

• l‘.italVlij_.lli-i|ii.'Uiii ■'■nnrmilniM nui. aii-Uil.._rai-

ronniioillly rniin Tivlii I'ailH l.Dii AiirpIph M'au at iiiic llmt- lir r iumdroil imiiniix, aii|i on Oi'to- lii-r li, liiU iva« tpiliin'dto fifiy-fivi- i'i'IKm iii-r liumiroil. TnirkH iiavi-. liHiiiciii oiii a ii<- ri'oiiKi! o f uvpnly-lao , i;i‘iilH ju-i iniiidrrd imiiiidH on [iic.wiioi rnli-. frmn Iloinc valley ti> I’orlluii.i. SiiKar iiaa Ijppii rcilnocii from nini:-'


h luc'xi-ior, ?liPii-Mni, UIhIc Hoiiiii- (•o-niiikiiiH"— nail .riii! Divu io 11 »!'<-.tiiu r('.-‘ii>niil:iii<'i'. .Mini .( (lip.JcfJ, .Si«UlivOi. fc,.a

President Agrees to Dis-i

CIM3 Debt-Problcm-With —-I

Britain in March '

I Sales Tax lo Be i Subject t)f Meet I

iiiinui'il Kroui-i’aKP Onci linn liiil I-....I III ill- lllli'i-

i-luhtm. 1i>

0 affodii

T K e s i e - E x c e p t i o n a r r y a l u e s W B e F e a t u r e d I n O i i i v S t o r e s I n T w i n I ' a l i ^ ^ S a t u r d a y j a n d

M o n d a y , J j a n u a r y 2 1 s t a n d z i r d

iiliy :ii loiiiiim’K i-xin-rK-ii -liitti—liir -I i< U'll ,n|ii.n afior lli

i|ii.'». <i

......f if iy ........... .drpd poiinil!.,

■•WV Kiii-nk 'of Ilk- iriK-ii iiK liiiPK an ImviiiK nniili-

voHlnioat in liii;tiwn>;'i.


IL Ki/ni.i t.ii

, I "Air... ..|„g'lMiiMv.- ni

.’ii nr

KFoiip. Mr. I’icmt-lKoi: >

.United i>laicH'dviinrinici>( of iiwri- - unliiiro. loM liiiorp.Hihmly-or--tiir

ICcliyii .colony. .Hl iiIbo dliiidayiil • .ii'lviinilicr ofpleliircs niifl

!■» of lliu nnintry,


-............... ...... .' ‘ . X iioii-di'il initiy.Tiioticiny cvi-i Kroiip wns'wcoinp.iiii«i[ .. ... . ilDloii Parrott. InHiniclnr in ilic Twin- FallH jaiilor liiRli Bfiiofi!

jl^ lu r rcfresliino'ntw wpie nerved a . vilio.Jtonu) ;iif Mri.,. Kllii Wiili.

IClKlilIt uvnnno jmrtli. ..

vj;:. ' t-Aj.'KxiiAn iiy rr.rit

11.111- U-lllP.1 -111!niiiKi-incnlH will In- laki-ii ii|i I

j,ni|.llii- rtPcriA’iiy of SIiilp wiiii li Irf-.l llrdiali ciivcnimciit." .

..................... ,, ’I'Jii) proKqiin aKrci-.l on miiliitiio lliiltcd .siiiir.H land of-:I' imixiW.- lo u'n iiiii<-liin.-i •111 hliow liial llin. fpitcral '"'' ni'onipl I’lini.iilpralKni nl iJ

eriimcnt. udiluli in tiiPHP hiiiiil’ dolit» and •i i'oiinini.- jirnlik-niK i 'i|*j!SJ: !L.>fli() .liulli aM llie tiovi^idmlHl3trati(i

, .TaU'd lci liii.‘ tnl|r.)a.ia ' . “. . . 7 " ^ . ^ ' ' . .... •'of HidialdlPv lo K.H tiiPiii idiirtpil. lllu' iioIIh, from I__UOi.iLj:riivj>, rnlsiftltu ai_iiiiy^iL u..................(Imc-tn.iirncecd oii' tiiH tiieory lii i i l l .................. ............ ... -Uio AiilpHcaii.imldlp dai'H iini iimi;- :ilUl,l) rOXKKIIlvXJ'i; ,

• ii.\-n-i0N, ,iaii. i-o (dc)-............. ........ ^ ‘iinfi'l'ri^ \fJMli*i(!KliI.-nt-plo(rl Ur.(«p»('i iJnlay, In liii. iilK. orIir Ui'il ro;iin of llio Wlilli- lioiiKo. rii; iii’Keiil lii'oiiipinit,

jofroroinn iirriiii'K,• Tlie eoiiferenoi! I;i.iiMil un ininr land W nilniups.'— • ••— ~-• .Mrf'llonviir'ii'Iiiijlfd in oijrp lo .iiJH-iifflc! ...iiid -I'vHiinu'd -'ii

til I . _ . . . .• .sii-. Hmi ipvidl- M'tiii from ilic '.VIiHi- UniiHi- III Ilia iif» i milic 111 J

■'.rerowil of xrveral liiiiidi'cd Ji 'iii.i..i::iUiiirpiI ituir liin Honliiwi :ala o fihp '\VIiil.i OlonHc II. • ilr. l{oo:ic-V(;II. dii-i.rcil as iila (iri

llrldce U'liiKi will iiitiiiOidft nnil (il

—liiiiK i>prcre II ': ropr,

hiiflwii In (Nm'.

for ilpjalli'it Kcriiliiiy. | f y a nnriilicr i.f oilier IcK- 11]|

i Inivo 'liu,inlu' r

fiirlli.-iII.. :mv fin lll.T siliiji'Cla.'iiiisiiirrnllaii al DliK uii'ClinK.

Minilil ('r}-liilU.-•ill]

nlil Cr}-liilil.'HlKl.lli\’p

iiiamniiliy >in varioii.. idiimr- ipRl.'.iilllx-c iiiatr.'i> ' _

.slhly mail,' lamie dIrecM .snKj;eK-. llliiiii of Kneplar i

li'/iWiilivi' delei; iir.n .111 itauir :i manner Ijial llie. wnnirrn7>nimiiii‘Tr!?-rn-‘t!iT>.'-\7iKiii'jrtnjn“ anil>enlUiirnl i.t-om- peo|ilit l l t i ; ' ' lion- a'. lionio ini ihf tiinKl- ini|iur-|

•'Ueiii-.i'RptitallvpH • of iilin-r ;nnlia1iiiim ar« Invited lu inrlici- lalc- In tin' ni.:etlnK ,loali;lil nl. I'ld.'ii .|ip nalo.i tax wiil l>e the. .linciiiai order of. Iinhinei.!..'’ |i

Idaho’s first quality - ; Aged right for a ‘ ^ good flavor •

s m

'B u tte r 'Max-i-mum brand

Fresh^^hoice peai\uts . In natural oil .

A irway brand

Try this.exeeUent flayor-

' eel coffee >at‘our risk

” H o m e f i i a k e r ! s ’' E - x r c l r a n ' ^


g K l ‘5.“

Alaska Pink

■ First <^ality

Fov table ’or cooking use

Ta il catis

E a c h

Spices-s-te .

Assorted'flavor^.' . ' 2 - 0 2 ; . ; < 5 a n 8 ..................

3'EarC lfi 8 4 S ■ Quality merchandise.

[§• - ' i', ..'.B Quart glass''jar ■

t;-~-MayonhaiS!e-; - •

" Libby’s fancy diU'.pickles

:Best"Fbodff~ 3i a c h :

j. q u a r t . S S « 5a p l

Cnrriil .Murnii One I'liiind tan;u\s

'inliKi-.. I enim HiiRar \Va«h ini.l Hriai'c i _

’|iiit IhrnnKh fdoil ehn]>|>iT. Stiineez. JuV:ii fruni lemoil.i and pnt rlinir lliroiiKli f.iod eiiopia-r. llareiy <«v«-r pnrrotri iinil imaoii rind u-alcr and ei.oic iinlil. tender ovaiiKo in wry tiiln xlires ni niiivp nepdH. if upc-cmiavy. Conddin- KiiKur'iinii k'fiion iiii.'e aml.a.Iil li: .rnp l»oliin«. wilier. Add • iirc-pareii

A iV Musketeers " ' K illed 'in Crash

((.'ontiiiucil From I’aRr Ono) iK'ilv.'f-H In in:!0. fiyliiK In •ribnL‘ fiinnalioii- wl-.ii tiip linen 'iniiloiH .diicint; iiowei'fiiiiy. In .nnl;iou. -



-■eldPiiili............Jir.aiLik. i Tjniiiil. 111.I enntrol nr iilshliin


o d fe n tu

RNSKMIILn IN .MINlATi;»K .. , Vnttcni or,n:i

Ton may 'liu. j-urc your kiddles will ,want a ncw.onBcniidc, n.lnio»i Jil{« motlicr’i!... for Sprlnx. ..N'n.v iH.irio.tlmc 10 make II. and liero'ri 1.1(0 porfcct iiaitern for il. Tlio . .Jackct - ls Hiniiile.-. wllh hIi-ovps tailioretl. n:llny .lii(. at tlia siioiild- i

! Ici:-<i>nuiUoii.I UA? o f_

c ; i . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . .itlcrn .'nriliri. dmy lip' or.iliirrd “ III. tiln-s i; 0, S, 1(1 !iiul' 12. •.

~:Bl»P-JU-re/<,-yiird*-W4iicli:_Ic nnir i'/i yards .rntitriislinu,- liiillL-o-and • corn. Hiiinc. Illai.- uil'...jitcu-llx-nlRt) ;.tiink1|iK ' (Hr, cllbnK iiioliidcd .wiili thU jiai*

•lO KOl a.n.i(tcfn of lliln inoripl,- i. ’BOIidsKIPTKKX' fiBXTS^.USc) .In ,


" iiT to .................................


•of liio •Hii ins.

!...« . lo'i.upd..-: ■triiiiafor. iint-..

i j . FOR YOUIt' • OP ^ CATAI.Ofl. ;•

■,;CATA1.0»‘ i TOQirrnKit...

iilrlni: i.inl. (rornelln side .m'ielily. •.Wililanw

! fr.l; <'harJe« liinliiniKh . .. . ilia pliICK ditrillK tile reini.inilei' >i! tlie air show.

l-'onr-'fidliM . or S7 per. ren( ol row's milk [» wnicr. Tho rwnfilie

iK.Tiiaiic-np nfiiiiili. mitjir. fa.I pioiein.' '

fdK Maxwell House •- UIJ “Good ,fb the Last drop”

In vacuum pack tin •

S ' E a c h

A s p a r a g u sDel Monte brand

fine granulated 1 5 ^ , ! • ,I,eet:»ugar;-

. C i g a r e t t e sIn: clolhvba’g^t^( 20 Jfc.;Hniit) .

IfdlaorsWi IhoxsriiUleoktorlhiMgp l«a pot*og*.

" -rlnipul.

-EATJ:]|IPRE;'mEAT'-^ . j ^ t e s e ^ C o ld i^ D a y s ^ ^ ^ ,.

Saturday Specials -Wc waht you to.siiop.'Saturday and,';-.

'. we’arc going to ninkc it worth'your whilo.-,^ '

■■ ~ -Wo^^wiir have':moro specials' Saturday’ ;

. tliiin wc liiivc'oyer'had. Bo^su're-nnd-SCO •

our win.dtfw 'display Saturday. niVrning be-

" ;- '" '. fdro 70u - l)uy your Sunday ;mpiit. f t is .

going'to Surpriso you. .

-'.r-'Wo ■buy..nic'-.bcBt. audJeavo'.Uhc ?kst. .

VSpmebody.buys wliat,wo lcnve'?'Bo.-8uro.'

■ . you gbf;lho bca't, You t|o i f iU'.'from '

T l j i e I n d e p e i i i d e h t ' T h e G e n t i ; ^ ^

• -i— OR-THEc-^:'v -v'Vv'';:^

. i C i t j r M a r k p t r K i m b e r l ^ ^

"■'■'■Salt.,;:Diamond Crystal

-Ipdiz'ed, free running in contfenient^

26 oz. package '

• ' E a c h '

. .i v , ,• ■■' New style package .

Assorted f la v o r s '• . « ' Easily rnk’de,.; ' . ' •

OatsS p e r r y ’^ y c i f tcoo jd^^

O its and-cKina/^premiums.’'.':- . -a ■

Large package

Eastern-cove' oysters? . Ideal for soup '

■ or dressing ' j . . '.'•.'8 bz,.cans:

' £ a c h ' '

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