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Rudston Primary School School Development and Improvement Plan 2014/2015 1

Target 1 - Rudston Primary School · Web viewThere have been significant changes since the amalgamation which have been in the main embraced fully - the most significant changes has

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Page 1: Target 1 - Rudston Primary School · Web viewThere have been significant changes since the amalgamation which have been in the main embraced fully - the most significant changes has

Rudston Primary School

School Development and Improvement Plan



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The School Development Plan enables the school’s vision to be shared and understood by the whole school community. Our aim is to work and learn together as a community in order to improve and be the best that we can be. The School Development Plan should give everyone an understanding of where the school is going and what actions will be taken to ensure we get there. We set clear timescales for implementation and determine how to effectively use both human and material resources to support specific goals. It also helps us plan and prioritise our budget and guides how we plan and organise staff training. The School Development Plan is designed to give a sharp, clear focus to those aspects of our work which we believe are most in need of improvement.

Everyone has the chance to contribute ideas as to how our school can improve. Staff and Governors meet termly to review how successful our improvements have been and agree priorities for the coming year. We ask parents, staff and children to share their ideas through questionnaires and the school council. We want everyone to support us and help us improve and this can only happen if we are all involved.

Once we have agreed the priorities, the Leadership Team identifies targets for improvement by writing the School Development Plan. This is then shared with everyone.

There are three Key Priorities for the plan. We wish to achieve each target as fully as possible; therefore they will drive our training, resources, teaching and learning, monitoring, evaluation and review over the next year.

Professional development INSET days are an important part of this process. In addition to this, all staff are keen to keep up to date with new initiatives. Therefore, individual teachers and support staff have undertaken training throughout the year in order to further their own professional development and to strengthen the subject expertise on the staff.

Phase Leaders and Subject Leaders develop their own Subject Leader Plan which identifies key areas for development within their own curriculum area for the academic year.


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School Development Plan 2014/2015

Safeguarding StatementMission Statement Long Term VisionStrategic Development Plan (Sycol)Summary of PrioritiesPriority 1 Action PlanPriority2 Action PlanPriority 3 Action PlanEYFS Action PlanBehaviour Action PlanSEN Action PlanPupil Progress Action PlanSchool Self Evaluation and Monitoring PlanManagement and Organisation PlanBest Value StatementGovernors Policy and Procedure timetableEquality Action Plan & Access Action PlanBuilding and Premises Development PlanPolicy Review Timetable


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“Rudston Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and

volunteers to share this commitment”.


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Rudston Primary School Mission statement

‘To develop a love of learning, enabling all children to reach their full potential’.

Respect, Responsibility, Challenge, Enjoyment, Resilience

Rudston Primary School Aims


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We aim:

1. To be an inclusive school and to put into place the practice in all aspects of our work that ensures that all learners are given equality of opportunity and treated fairly.

2. To promote and achieve high standards for all by providing teaching and learning of the highest quality.3. To use data and tracking to ensure all pupils make outstanding progress and they are involved in understanding their next steps to learn. 4. To treat learners as individuals and to differentiate teaching and learning to take account of their individual and special needs .5. To provide well for learners’ physical, mental, social, spiritual, moral and cultural needs.6. To provide well for learners’ care, health and safety.7. To ensure that all learners benefit from a rich, broad, balanced curriculum presented in an interesting, exciting and imaginative manner with lots of

opportunities for purposeful experiences that enable pupils to learn to learn. 8. To teach basic skills and core subjects well and to give great emphasis to the foundation subjects and RE through a thematic and creative approach.9. To make connections between subjects and aspects of learning and to apply basic skills across the curriculum. To give consideration to pupils input

into the direction of the learning and to listen to their feedback acting accordingly. 10. To enliven and enrich the curriculum by visits, visitors and extensive use of the environment 11. To make parents and the wider community partners with the school and to involve them in the evaluation of its success.12. To build an ethos marked by a welcoming, friendly, bright and lively, happy place where learners feel secure. A place where good behaviour and

attitudes to learning are expected and where learners enjoy growing up and staff feel valued.To make this school a place of enjoyment where success is celebrated and acknowledged and we continually strive to improve and be the best we can be.

We will continually strive to achieve the school’s aims through the formal curriculum and through all the other experiences offered to our children. High quality education will raise the children’s standards of attainment, enabling them to:

develop their use of English and Maths which provide the foundation for all their other learning learn social skills that encourage agreeable interactions between their peers as well as adults treat everyone in an equal manner, irrespective of gender, race, class or disability develop personal and moral values that are respectful of others, leading to their appreciation and toleration of other religions and other ways of life learn in a safe and secure environment, in keeping with Health and Safety Regulations that are in the interests of all whom work in the school.School Context


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This is a larger than average Primary school (NOR 419) with a PVI Nursery –Bright Stars and Children Centre on site. The school serves an area of low levels of deprivation(0.13) compared with national (0.24) and low FSM entitlement (14.9) compared with national (26.6). The number of pupils on roll has increased following amalgamation in January 2012 to 419 pupils. We have a high waiting list and have been oversubscribed for admissions into Reception in the last 3 years. We were 7th in Liverpool out of over 100 schools for ration of applications per place. Our data for Ethnicity indicates 8.3% of our children belong to other ethnic groups which is lower than the national average(29.3). Our recent in year transfers have predominantly been EAL children into school . A proportion of pupils have barriers to learning and additional needs (15.1%) which is slightly below averages (16.6). We have significantly more than national SEN at School Action and less statemented.

There have been significant changes since the amalgamation which have been in the main embraced fully - the most significant changes has been to the number of staff changes. The new head teacher and governors have since deployed a new leadership team including a new DH, and 3 new assistant heads. There have been 5 NQTs taken on since 2013 and further 2 class teachers. PPA is covered by specialist teachers in Music, Art, MFL (Spanish) and PE. The Chair of Governors remains the same and there has been stability to the membership of the Governing Body. There have also been changes in catering and support staff. Business and admin staff have remained the same although adjustments have been made to times and duties.

The Learning Challenge Curriculum has been put in place at Rudston and Thinking Maps and Communication Friendly Spaces has been rolled out across school. The school has had to address raising standards as a matter of urgency over the two years and has been effective in achieving this through a range of initiatives and approaches. Performance Management, staff development, coaching and mentoring have been instrumental in ensuring staff progress and professionally develop further.

Since the recent Ofsted (Jan 2014) all school stakeholders have continued to commit to the newly developed Mission -DREAM, BELIEVE, ACHIEVE and Values – Respect, Resilience, Enjoyment, Challenge and Responsibility. Standards in all areas have risen across school now being above national in EYFS Good Levels of development, Phonics Screening at Year 1 ,EOKS 1 L2b+ Reading, Writing and Maths and EOKS 2 L4+ Reading Writing ,Maths, SPG . Year 1 now need to ensure they build on the good level of development to maintain 85% at ARE at the end of the year in RWM.We still need to improve standards across KS 2 consistently to ensure better progress and more than expected progress by the EOKS2- particularly in writing. Maths at KS1 and KS2 needs further focus on development which includes raising expectation and challenge for pupils in classes. Feedback and marking needs embedding consistently and individual staff need to share good practice . The new Phase Leaders (Assistant Heads) will need to lead ther phase , identifying with staff the areas of focus and interventions and strategies necessary. ‘Assessing without levels’ along with the delivery of the new National Curriculum is crucial to maintaining good provision moving toward outstanding over a 3 year plan.


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SDP Spotlight Review 2013/014Priority 1: Developing a Love of ReadingWhat (Action) Impact

Parent WorkshopsBooklets, homework support, website support

Reading – Morning 8.30 sessions World Book Day SPG Basic Skills sessions Phonics – application using and

applying Planning Support from LA

Consultant Writing through the curriculum Working Walls, marking (AfL) Communication Friendly – book

corners, books displayed etc Moderation sessions between yrs Guided Reading planned daily in all

year groups Planned Learning walks by Literacy

Coordinators and SLT Reading Quality Mark being

worked towards by whole school Library Visits Paired Reading between buddies New guided Reading books Volunteers trained to organise and

coordinate Libraries Volunteer reading advocates trained across school

All staff and children identifying their favourite books

Shelfies from staff, govn, children Govn Literacy Leads working

alongside coordinators Reading opportunities planned for

across school . Including planning with a ‘text’ linked to curriculum challenge.

The significant majority of parents and families fed back that they engaged with reading at home with their child. A small minority of parents accessed the parent workshops but the vast majority of parents of EYFS and KS 1 accessed Early reading and phonics workshops. This has resulted in children being supported by all school stakeholders. The different initiatives put in place, developed and monitored have resulted on creating reading spaces in all classes, a new system for the library, guided reading taking place across school and reading areas around the school for children to access and use. Through book scrutiny , it is evident there are lots of opportunities through the LCC . However, this needs further development and greater consistency in terms of applying skills across subjects and marking giving feedback in writing and LCC that is productive and allows progress. The vast majority of visitors come to Rudston to see the CfS Learning environment and we are recommended as a school for its success. The moderation sessions have become more secure from outside moderation. However, at KS 2 there may be further work to secure levelling in writing which may be over cautious. The impact has been significant. At the EOEYFS we were 17.3 % above national for chn at a good level of development (80%) . APS is slightly below national as the number of children attaining exceeding fell this year in our school cohort. Year 1 will find broader and more depth in the level of expected children. This is a focus for this year group 2014-2015 for new cohort. In Literacy 81.7% were at Exp compared with 61% (Nat)- a difference of +20.7. Year 1 still need to focus on ensuring get to 85% at expected for Literacy and Numeracy at Y1 ARE. Developing the communication and Language skills for the cohort in a variety of ways, including EAL children and Sp and Language needs. FS provision must continue to find strategies to improve CL and Literacy, Maths. Whole school focus on reading will need to be explored with appropriate strategies in FS and utilising power of parental involvement and home learning. Meetings already held for parents. Compared to last year there are more children at expected levels, less at emerging and exceeding. This is indicative of this year group. Most exceeding is in writing in which children are writing their own simple books and a range of writing in child initiated. More at expected in maths than literacy, following national and school trend last year.In the Phonics screening Rudston achieved 85% (51/60)compared with 74%national. 9 pupils currently in Y2 having not met the standard- this will be addressed through a support catch up programme. Standards have risen as a 3 year trend. Children at EOKS1 achieved well in Reading and writing – standards have risen to be above national average (Significantly above in RWM). Attainment at the end of KS1 as measured by APS was significantly higher in 2014 than the national average overall and this is an improvement on 2013. Reading, writing and maths are all just above national average, again an improvement on 2013 standards. Reading is the strongest subject. Nationally there is a 0.1 gap in favour of girls. Reading and writing gaps are smaller than national gaps. Wr & Reading: In school gap is 2.1 in Rd and 1.9 in writing. There is a 1.6 pts gaps when compared with all other pupils nationally.At EOKS2 school exceeded the floor standard in Maths, Reading and Writing (MRW) at 87% (floor std = 65%). At L4+ Rudston was significantly above in Reading (the strongest subject at L4+) Just above national in maths and writing and well above in EGPSL4B+ - EGPS significantly above national and reading and maths well above national but not significantly so. The attainment has improved significantly. Girls did less well than boys at L4+ in all subjects .The FSM pupils did better than the non FSM pupils at L4+ except in EGPS.At L5+ girls did better than boys in writing with 52% achieving L5+, boys and girls similar in reading and EGPS but boys much better than girls at L5+ in maths – 69% as opposed to 42%. Progress data suggests there are still developments to be made particularly in writing. We need to establish the expectation and quality across KS 2. This data suggests that pupils accelerate their progress across KS2 but more able pupils need to be given further challenge to help them reach the higher levels in reading and writing. We need to ensure teaching is consistently good enough across KS2 to


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ensure they make rapid progress.Priority 2 : Developing the Learning Challenge CurriculumWhat (Action) Impact

Pitch and Expectation Training Book Scrutinies and moderation Targets for English and Maths developed Maths home booklets , SATs home booklets Reading and writing opportunities through the LCC Timetable adjustments to address individual class needs Pupil Progress Meetings – ARE and expected progress Marking development and feedback Basic Skills training, LCC Training for SLT Pupil groups focus (incl pupils 2 sublevels away form exp Teachers visited similar school settings, SLT visited similar

school settings Maths and Literacy Workstations and working walls Learning Walk – classroom environment , display for LCC WOW starter and visitors LCC website information HMK Learning Logs and developed homework policy Floorbook – SMSC, Science, Maths through the Curriculum Thinking maps introduced – 4 Reviewed Teaching and Learning Policy , Curriculum Policy

approved in draft from. Lesson Observations and feedback for staff development –

linked to Perf. Man. target Case Studies of individual children, pupil consultations and

parent consultations Website updated with Curriculum overview and class

overviews of LCC provision Reporting to HT, staff and governors – leading a

Curriculum team, co coaching, mentoring and school visits Providing workshops in a range of curriculum areas. Outdoor areas in Year 2 and 3 completed outside

classrooms. Specialist teachers appointed to deliver Spanish, Art,

Music, PE and PSHE Circle time (Mentor) Experts to provide workshops in Literacy, Poets, Drama,

Scientists Visits to secondary schools for science and maths for KS2

Shared vision and understanding of the Learning Challenge Curriculum.Interventions implemented have seen an impact on the achievement of pupils across the school.Use of pupil premium funding shows an impact on the achievement of pupils in receipt of the funding. There is evidence of increased accelerated progress across the Improved pupil attainment: Data from 2013 and 2014 illustrated an increase in levels of attainment in school.Assessment of all subjects is in place and children demonstrate good progress (85%) in majority of areas.Learning walks shows displays across school evidence high quality learning experiences in all subjects.Pupil questionnaires and discussions demonstrate that children enjoy learning.Curriculum Policy developed and in place following a group SSE of curriculum and teaching and learning in all key stages. Long term , medium term and short term planning is in place. Pupils have access to direct experience and skill and concept based curriculum All staff have a clear knowledge of how to track pupils. All staff are able to level samples of learning with support and moderate work samples consistently. Staff are able to identify and plan for vulnerable groups. Staff work together to remove barriers to vulnerable individuals and groups .Outdoor planning in place to evidence learning opportunities in maths, literacy and foundation subjects.5.Planning, book scrutiny and floor book evidence demonstrates a broad and balanced delivery and shows learning opportunities across the curriculum are exploited Staff accessed and undertaken CPD opportunities. Targets are now evident in most pupils books and in the classroom. Each classroom has a maths working wall, maths area for continuous provision that promotes investigations and problem solving or a display. SEAL is evident through school and in learning challenge curriculum.Maths and literacy targets are met at the end of EYFS2, KS1 and KS2.10.Most pupils made 2 sub levels progress across the school in maths (1 APS per term) and this is demonstrated through pupil progress meetings. 30% made accelerated progress. All data shows to be above national average and for groups at least in line. Planning and evidence shows pupils can make connections in their learning; AfL is used including quality marking in all year groups. The learning challenge is well executed with meaningful connections and opportunities for learning. Children have had a voice in their own learning Children are encouraged to be ‘thinkers’ and a range of strategies are employed – Thinking Maps, Key Questions, Learning Logs, Book Art .Parents are well informed about the curriculum provision – newsletters, website, radio station , media room, assemblies.Further improvements will happen as a result of implementing the new NC and updated LCC plans alongside the Liverpool Maths and Literacy Scheme of work. Inconsistencies between year groups (particularly 2014 July Year 1 and Year 5) ARE highlight areas of support and issues to link to Performance Management cycle, new cycle will target ARE alongside progress. We need to encourage children to take responsibility in their own learning which will achieve further progress by developing independent learners through appropriate provision and encouraging problem solving and investigative strategies to support mathematical skills and concepts. The effective use of the learning environments indoors and outdoors will also support this and the implementation of the Forest School principles will promote accelerated learning for


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identified vulnerable groups . Developing the core values will aim to ensure a better behaviour for learning for all pupils along with Feedback marking being consistently a non- negotiable in all classes.

Priority 3: Developing ICT opportunities across schoolWhat (Action) Impact

Staff middle leader identified to lead priority across school Computing Policy and Scheme of work written and approved-

distributed to staff E Safety – policy and sessions delivered to KS 1 and KS 2 . Radio with Year 5 and 6 groups E Safety Session – Parent Workshop Staff Questionnaire / audit undertaken to inform cyclical

planning New broadband service provider Training with Adlib to use the Immersive Learning Suite Additional ipads purchased with a range of Apps Computing scheme of work in place with references to sites

to support used by all class teachers Coding Club for identified groups of children ICT and E Safety workshops for parents and families to help

support. Parent Questionnaire to establish use of IT and computing

expertise at home All staff trained to use i-track to input and monitor pupil

progress New system established by Computing lead to monitor

Foundation Subject data- this informs subject leads and class teachers

Displays in ICT suite developing to share good examples to whole school who use suite.

Computing Policy developed with a checklist. Scheme of work written and provided for all staff across school. Standardised quality with consistent expectations and progression in place.Staff meetings attended by all staff . Staff accessed and undertaken CPD opportunities which has developed confidence to deliver and use technology in school . Evidence of computing wide spread (although inconsistent) across classes through lesson observations. This has enabled more access and contextual learning opportunities for children. Improved indoor learning areas in classrooms that provide opportunities for communication and computingAreas for improvement identified and audit undertaken which results in the infrastructure being updated and well managed. Media room (radio station) used and developed for key groups (Year 6 and after school club. This now needs to be rolled out whole school. The use of computing and i-pads have ensured Inclusive practices -pupils have access to direct experience that have keyed into their learning styles. Digital Learning Journeys rolled out to from EYFS to Year 1. This needs to be shared with whole school.Website developed for school by the whole school (admin, teaching staff and SLT) that includes information and exemplification for all stakeholders including governors to access. Pupils are confident in computing and demonstrating good progress and standards across school. This is tracked through the questionnaires and data. Learning is evidenced photographic evidence, film footage and returned questionnaires and group consultation. Environment change responding to pupils voice, data and research. ICT is built on and used with all subject areas.Film, apps and computing is developing across the school and staff and children us e to enhance learning and teaching.Pupils use the skills that they learn in lessons to help them present, record or research in other lessons this is evidenced through work scrutiny and learning walks. This has been achieved by ICT being a target in the performance management process. It will continue to be a target with focus upon i-pads, film and the use of the radio station and immersive learning walk to move from an add on approach to learning to be an integral vehicle to learning across school.Whole-school approaches to the innovative design, adaptation or reorganisation of spaces to fully reflect the school’s vision for ICT. This has resulted in more imaginative and varied learning, teaching and working practices.All staff can upload, track and record their class’s data.Although the majority of children across school are at ARE, there needs to be a focus on delivering the computing curriculum with appropriate challenge and breadth to ensure we meet the target of 85% whole school


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to be at ARE in computing. The use of the Radio Station and the Immersive Learning suite needs to be rolled out by the Computing Lead through a planned approach in 2014/2015.

OFSTED targets:Raise standards, especially for the most able pupils, and increase the proportion of outstanding teaching by: - setting even more challenging targets for pupils, clearly stated in all their books and in teachers’ records so that pupils make exceptional progress in order to reach standards that are in the top 10% nationally - improving the quality of teachers’ marking so that each pupil is in no doubt about what exactly is required from them to improve their work and teachers check that pupils have acted on the advice given. Improve leadership and management from good to outstanding by: - increasing teachers’ knowledge of the highest National Curriculum levels, such as Level 6 and Level 7 in Key Stage 2 to enable them to plan work that will raise pupils’ expectations of themselves and stretch them even further.

Ofsted Key Judgement

Whole School Action

Proposed Outcomes Key Priorities

Leadership and



The pursuit of excellence to successfully drive the highest levels of achievement and personal development for all pupils over a sustained period of time.

Subject leaders including new to post are confident at leading their own subject, evaluating and embedding areas for development.

All Leaders focus relentlessly on improving teaching and learning and provide focused professional development for all staff, especially those that are newly qualified, at an early stage of their careers and new to post.

New SLT are effective in leading, challenging and supporting their phase to achieve outcomes

All Subject Leaders to have a clear understanding of their role and their contribution and impact in their subject based on pupils outcomes.

Development of Middle Leaders to support, challenge and hold to account as appropriate within their job descriptions.

Senior Leadership support and challenge to ensure quality of teaching is never less than good.

Ofsted Key Judgement

Whole School Action

Proposed Outcomes Key Priorities

Behaviour and safety

‘Good’To enable pupils to behave impeccably at all times, especially at unstructured time with excellent behaviour for

Parents, staff and pupils are positive about both behaviour and safety. Pupils are aware how good attitudes and behaviour contribute to school life, adult life and work.

Pupils’ behaviour outside lessons is almost always impeccable. Pupils’ pride in the school is shown by their excellent conduct and manners.

Pupils have a good awareness of different forms of bullying. There are few instances of bullying and these are dealt with effectively by the school.

Behaviour is managed consistently well using developed policy and strategies. There are marked improvements in behaviour

To develop and embed CfS practice further. To successfully work towards the Investors in

Pupils accreditation. Ensure the new curriculum promotes the Key

Drivers – Respect, resilience, enjoyment, challenge and responsibility .

To develop the LKS2 & KS1 outdoor areas to support pupils in developing positive attitudes whilst outside.

To promote awareness and understanding of all types of bullying to pupils, staff and parents.


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learning attitudes displayed .

for learning for all groups To increase attendance especially in key year groups to above 96.5%

Ofsted Key Judgement

Whole School Action

Proposed Outcomes Key Priorities

Quality of teaching‘Good’

To enable the quality of teaching to be judged outstanding by all pupils making rapid progress in their learning.

Teachers systematically and effectively check pupils’ understanding throughout lessons and through constructive feedback and high quality ‘in class intervention’ they may intervene providing notable impact on the quality of learning as evidenced in observations.

All teaching is judged to be good or better with much outstanding.

All teachers meet the teachers standards and receive incremental pay awards.

Pupil conversations demonstrate that the level of engagement and enjoyment is high.

Teaching over time demonstrates a higher proportion being outstanding using data and learning evidence. (Above 35%)

Whole school Marking and Feedback policy adhered to by all staff including support staff.

To embed Thinking Map Strategies, Computing and CfS to ensure outstanding progress in lessons by collaborative approaches, including peer mentoring and peer coaching.

To ensure Performance Management for all staff is effective in providing suitable support and challenge and linked to pay policy.

To ensure (5) new members of Teaching Staff are supported and meet expectations.(Teachers and LSPs)

Ofsted Key Judgement

Whole School Action

Proposed Outcomes Key Priorities

Achievement of pupils


To ensure achievement remains good with more outstanding with pupils making rapid progress across year groups and Key Stages.

Numicon in EYFS and KS1 is purchased and embedded in day to day teaching.

Attainment in Years 1, 3, and 5 becomes closer to National expectations. (ARE)

Ensure Reading attainment for more able becomes in line with National expectations and more make exceeding progress at KS 2

The % of pupils attaining the writing standard shows a significant rise at KS 1 and KS2 .

FFT D estimates (end of year 6) are reached or exceeded. The % of pupils closing the gap to ARE is improved through focused

intervention. Maths is improved for girls across school .

To ensure effective interventions are in place to support all pupils in making outstanding progress.

To ensure Writing strategies and opportunities and Guided Reading is consistent across the whole school.

Develop a thorough and systematic approach to teaching Reading across KS1 and KS 2 beyond scheme (incl Bug Club)

Enhanced phonic and SGP resources. Develop a new assessment system to track pupils


Ofsted Key Judgement

Whole School Action

Proposed Outcomes Key Priorities

Effectiveness of Early Years


To ensure children in Early Years are

‘school ready’ and make rapid progress through appropriate

GLD is above National GLD- maintained Expected level in Reading, Writing and maths is in line with National Gap is closed for EAL pupils and PP Parents receiving observations and responding by sharing

information. Children showing pride in their observations in school and at home

To provide a stimulating, engaging learning environment, both inside and outside, to develop children’s experiences and their potential for rich, learning opportunities.

To ensure that adults are maximising learning opportunities in all areas of provision

To support practise ensuring consistency and high standards 2simple - develop electronic system to include parents


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provision. BS staff confident in using 2simple system

Rudston Primary Priorities 2014/2015

Target 1 To develop a ‘Love of Reading’ for all children that impacts upon all literacy skills.School Aim 1, 2,3, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13

Expected Impact Improve standards in reading and writing to be above national average at EYFS,KS1 and KS2 by July 2014. All pupils make 2 sublevels progress . Systematic basic skills teaching is in place (phonics, SPAG, guided reading and writing ) Children show a love of reading for different purposes. Reading is a focus across the setting with an inspiring learning environment.

School Budget £5,000

Target 2 To further implement the new curriculum, developing further inspirational teaching (incl delivery through the Learning Challenge) so that it meets the needs of the pupils and enables them to meet the required expectations of achievement for all children.

School Aim 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,

Expected Impact Improved attendance and engagement. Improved progress in all year groups, high expectations and challenge. Teaching at least good and large majority outstanding. Curriculum policy and long term plan in place. Focus on Health & Wellbeing to secure good behaviours for learning.

School Budget £5,000

Target 3 To harness technology for outstanding learning provision and for exceptional communicationSchool Aim 1, 2,4,7,9,11,

Expected Impact Improved and developed ‘Young Leadership’- E safety, Radio Rudston, Economic awareness, good progress in IT and computing, improved staff subject knowledge, computing linked across curriculum, increased use of technology to enhance learning.

School Budget £15,000


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Rudston Primary School


School Development Plan for raising standards and bring about development and improvement in the provision made for all children:

Priority Target 1 : To develop a ‘Love of Reading’ for all children that impacts upon all Literacy Skills

Linked Plans: Early Years Foundation Stage, Equity Plan, Curriculum Action Plan 2014/5, Staff Development Plan, Achievement and attainment Plan, Policy Dev.PlanLiverpool Plan: Improve educational outcomes for all childrenEYFS: Principles of four themes from document

Priority Developments Actions Resources & Costs

Personnel Timescale

To refine our timetable to enable basic skills are a focus and more time is allocated to literacy including phonics and reading.

Following progress meetings – adapt a class timetable Ensure time dedicated to SGP, Phonics and guided reading x 4 min Develop literacy through LCC at least 1x during week Ensure all chn access library at least 1 per week

Time- None VP, SLT and Literacy Leads

End of each term

To raise standards in reading that will impact upon writing achieving the Reading Quality Mark .

Define criteria for staff and deliver a programme of staff meetings Ensure all classes have a reading area that is current and inspiring Update reading displays that promote a love of reading in school Use a text to develop literacy skills in reading and writing that is linked

to the Learning Challenge Curriculum Introduce Bug Club – home reading scheme Identify chn through progress meetings and target for support Give feedback through guided reading that impacts Ensure children write an extended piece at least 1 x week that bis

quality marked with next steps. Introduce Liverpool Literacy Scheme – new expectations Monitor pupil progress to ensure performance management targets are

met for pupil % at ARE through reviews and progress meetings for reading and writing.

Provide daily readers 8.30 am by LSPs and lunchtime clubs for identified children

Provide workshops for parents and families to provide details of how to

Staff TrainingTimeResources to purchasePurchase Bug Club SLA for 2 year trial

Time – non contact

TLR 3 postsManagement time 1 xper week Term 1

CT. Literacy Leads , SLT

September 2014October 2014Sept and ongoing 2014/5

Throughout yearBy July 2015By Jan 2015


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support. Provide booklets for parents for ARE and guidanceTo ensure we maximise reading opportunities across school to maintain and improve on reading standards

Guided reading and reading through the curriculum in place across school

Reading areas in class including in the outdoors and through shared areas in school

Develop the library in the JNR so that it can be used and highlight it to chn

Buddy system for all year groups to establish reading buddies Visit to the Library for all year groups and provide passes for parents Star of the Week work focus on readers and displayed in school Make e book or I movie to promote reading.

TrainingTime for release

Develop areas in outdoors - reading trees, benches, ampitheatre, woodland area

SLT, Literacy Leads, CT, LSPs and SLT


By Sept 2014By Dec 2014By Jan 2015

Whole school Marking and Feedback policy adhered to by all staff including support staff.

Review marking across school Visit other schools locally to look at their marking policies and

standards Undertake a pupil consultation to establish impact Implement a developed policy with clear strategies Support and co coach staff as necessary to mark consistently Ask chn 1 per ½ term to set their own targets following a review of the

progress they have made and put in Literacy books to evidence and aspire to.

During INSET, staff meetings Time for monitoring – leadership time

VP, SLTMeryl S,Literacy LeadsCT

By Nov 2014Dec 2014Jan 2014Jan 2014 – March 14½ termly

To develop the quality of teaching of reading and writing using agreed strategies and policies including the development of a consistent approach ensuring planning and teaching is focused on all aspects of the learning process in all classes

INSET, TWILIGHT and staff meetings dedicated to developing high expectations and subject knowledge for literacy and systems .

Implement new Literacy Scheme from Liverpool Support for planning from Meryl S for identified year groups Develop Literacy and CLL Policy in line with new National Curriculum Overview of Links to LCC and identified focus texts to be used on

website for parents and children Develop target system for children – in books Working Walls developed so that they are current- learning walks All class teachers to attend LA training – Literacy and moderation LSP to attend Literacy ‘Reading Into Writing Training ‘ Following monitoring and learning walks – Literacy Leads to produce a

termly focus plan of actions for staff Review of planning to ensure there is differentiation and opportunities

TimeLiverpool Literacy Scheme

Website links and Learning grids subscriptions

Release time for NQTs and CT for training,


Curriculum Govn team

Literacy GovnSBM

Sept, Nov 2014

Ongoing plan

By July 2015


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for More aAble to achieve well (Level 6 EOKS 2 and Level 2A and 3 for EOKS1, Exceeding –larger % or EPOEYFS).

visits and learning walks

To provide support for all staff to share good practice ensuring teaching is consistently good to outstanding and engaging to all pupils

Monitoring of quality of teaching and learning is at least good (100%) across the school and a large proportion (40%) is outstanding in phonics, guided reading and literacy.

Visits to local settings that are outstanding and show excellent pupil progress

Co coaching following identification of good outcomes by individual teachers and those who need further support to develop

Training needs identified and linked with Performance Management INSET, staff meeting times and training focused upon Reading and

Writing Learning Walks undertaken by all staff to see teaching across school Book scrutiny undertaken by all staff in pairs to see expectations and

standards year on year ensuring continuity and progression. Staff to identify their targets to embrace change to improve and to raise

expectations and challenge for children. Mentor to NQT to focus upon reading and writing provision

TimeLiverpool Literacy Scheme

Website links and Learning grids subscriptions

Release time for NQTs and CT for training, visits and learning walks

CT, Literacy Leads , SLT


Maureen Hints

Judy Boyce SIP


Through SSE plan over year

Nov 2014 and Jan 2015, March 2015

Nov 2014

Jan 2014

Throughout year 14/15

To develop teacher’s ability to moderate and level reading (and writing) and to feel confident about using APP

Monitoring and performance management ensures children and their progress are a key focus.

Levels are accurate for children and next steps are clear and understood by class teacher. Through co-coaching discuss through samples of pupils work. (What is ARE for each year )

Pupil Progress meetings discuss children in depth with a focus on those that are in need of support regardless of ability.

Pupil Progress information is visible to use as a prompt for all discussions in SLT room.

Moderation training through LA and in school sessions EYFS use 2 Simple to share assessments and observations with staff and


TimeLiverpool Literacy SchemeWebsite links and Learning grids subscriptionsRelease time for NQTs and CT for training, visits and learning walks

CT, Literacy Leads , SLT

ConsultantsMeryl S, John EMaureen Hints

Judy Boyce LSIP


Through SSE plan over year

Nov 2014 and Jan 2015, March 2015Nov 2014Jan 2014Throughout year 14/15

To use different contexts, stimuli and environments to inspire children to read.

Reading buddy system in place Use of i-pads and kindles to read and engage groups Visit to Gruffalo trail for Rec and Year 6 buddies – reading and writing

Time to deliver and monitor

Literacy Leads and CT

By Jan 2015


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Visits made to library, museum, etc through year with a reading and writing focus

Plan and use the outdoors at least 1 per week across school All staff to use radio station at least 3 in Term 2 All staff to use immersive learning suite to support writing development

at least 5 times in Term 3 All children to have made an I movie as a group and individually. Visitors including storytellers, poets, drama groups and video

conference a writer . All classes named after an author or book character for year & research

Management time

Trip contributionsNew I pads

Cost of visitors and groups

SBM and CTComputing Lead JL and CT

Nov 2014

By March 2015By July 15By July 15

June 2015

Sept 2014To use different media and resources to encourage reading.

Use I –pads for reading and research Use thinking maps for reading outcomes Use popplets to present findings from research or reading Create an I film that demands reading and writing skills and concepts Use of radio room and immersive learning suite at least 3 times in year Make books with their buddies and for their buddies Train groups of children to present to audiences about reading from

written forms Train children to tell stories to groups or individuals

Additional sets of i-padsApple Mac Educator cost

Management TimeStoryteller training cost

SLT, Literacy Leads

Class teachers

By July 2015For all actions

To ensure effective interventions are in place to support all pupils in making outstanding progress.

Working alongside all class teachers discuss which children need extra support groups or booster groups.

Create a timetable for the 1:1 teachers to follow. Monitor the progress of all children in intervention groups to ensure

that the extra intervention groups are effective. Monitor the children’s work to ensure that the work provided in the

intervention groups are challenging and effective for its purpose. Have discussions with the 1:1 teachers about the selected children.

Management time

LSP cost

Booster cost

SLT, Literacy LeadsSENCosClass teachers

By July 2015For all actions

Develop a thorough and systematic approach to teaching Reading across KS1.

Develop and agree Policy with procedures to follow Develop a set of non negotiables for all phases

Management time

Literacy Leads

By Feb 2015

To improve attainment in Year 1/ 2 /3 / 4 by ensuring adults provide effective level of challenge and that build upon skills learnt by the EO EYFS and EOKS 1 so that

Staff will use test data to track progress, identify gaps and arrange appropriate interventions

Audit planning to ensure that all the learning needs of the children are taught and that there is a solid indication of differentiation and challenge in the planning.

Create a timetable of interventions (including 1:1 tuition) for children to

Management time

Training – Focus, LA &

Phase Lead GM, IR, VP and WW

Literacy Leads

Throughout year and by July 2015


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they reach and surpass their expected attainment level.

have extra opportunities of learning. Monitor the progress of Year 3 and 4 children more regularly to ensure

that progress is being made.

ConsultancySchool Visits Curriculum

GovnTo improve attainment in Year 5/6 by ensuring adults provide effective level of challenge and that Year 6 reach and surpass their expected attainment level.

Staff will use test data to track progress, identify gaps and arrange appropriate interventions

Audit planning to ensure that all the learning needs of the children are taught and that there is a solid indication of differentiation and challenge in the planning.

Create a timetable of interventions (including 1:1 tuition) for children to have extra opportunities of learning.

Monitor the progress of Year 5 and 6 children more regularly to ensure that progress is being made.

Booster and intervention groups planned and delivered by all staff After school reading and writing club, Latin Club and Radio Club

Management time

Training – Focus, LA & ConsultancySchool Visits

Phase Lead JL, VP and WW

Literacy Leads

Curriculum Govn

Throughout year and by July 2015

Monitoring and Evaluation Key monitor Monitoring Strategy Date Evaluation Date Reported

to Governors

Vicky Pierce Headteacher

Claire Jones

Aimi Kinsey Jones

TLR 3Janet Kelly , Wendy Walters

Literacy Governors


1. Policy development Plan reviewed2. SSE Policy and system3. Monitoring by learning walks , lesson

obs, PM, book and planning scrutiny4. Discussion with staff5. Pupil Consultation6. Questionnaire for sample of parents7. Analysis & comparison of data

See SSE annual plan

Date as undertaken and reviewed


Rudston Primary School



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School Development Plan for raising standards and bring about development and improvement in the provision made for all children:

Priority Target 2 : To further implement the new curriculum, developing further inspirational teaching (incl. delivery through the Learning Challenge) so that it meets the needs of the pupils and enables them to meet the required expectations of achievement for all children.

Linked Plans: Foundation Stage, English & ICT, Curriculum Action Plan 2014/2015Liverpool : Improve educational outcomes for all children, Narrow the gap between groupsEYFS: Principles of four themes from document

Priority Developments Actions Resources & Costs

Personnel Timescale

To develop the curriculum vision and policy across the school for a consistent approach as an enquiry based learning challenge curriculum

Lead and support a cohesive team throughout the year – including through staffing changes.

Build team ethos and ensure that current team and new/returning members of staff have a clear idea of school policies and practice through Sycol approach.

Hold regular phase meetings and staff meetings and briefings Develop staff through, dialogue, training, coaching, mentoring

and support. Develop the challenge and use of questioning to underpin the

Learning Challenge Curriculum Update the long term, mid term and short term LCC planning

overviews and Literacy and Numeracy Plans Follow SSE cycle to monitor standards of delivery and address

individual training and development needs of staff and pupils

Management time

Visits to schools Focus courses for SLT and Staff

LCC updated materials and guidanceSubscription cost

WW, Phase Leads, Sycol Leads

Ongoing 2014/5

By Jan 2015

1 /2 TermlyBy March 2015Ongoing through academic year

Ensure the new curriculum promotes the Key Drivers – Respect, Resilience, Challenge, Enjoyment and Responsibility

Sycol Staff meeting – establish values Create a booklet of values for parents Celebration Assembly – identify 1 child per week who has

shown the focus value of the week. Create a values display in school Make reference to values in class and through planning

None VP, WW and CT

Sept 2014Nov 2014Ongoing

Jan 2015Ongoing

To ensure that all staff are applying the marking and presentation policy correctly to ensure children can take part effectively in their own progress.

Support staff in applying the marking and presentation policy Regular in-phase book scrutiny’s to provide each other with

feedback and share good practice. Ensure feedback with regards to books is given in a timely

manner. Ensure staff are supported in responding to feedback given by

Cover cost to visit schools

Management cover timeCoaching

VP, WW. Phase leads

By Nov 2014

Ongoing through year


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SLT after book monitoring time releaseTo develop the quality of teaching and learning in all areas and in particular in maths and writing .

Arrange opportunities for team teaching/ lesson studies/ observations so that staff can share good practice and creative ideas if required.

Use Phase Meetings as an opportunity to share what has gone well, what didn’t go well in lessons and reflect on why.

Ensure teachers meet to plan lessons and discuss the most appropriate direction to move the lessons forward.

Create 2 xBook Arts in academic year to evidence learning using cross curricular skills and knowledge.

Use different learning environments – GM to monitor and create planning samples and exemplifications

Visit local outstanding school settings to observe lessons, review books and compare .

Training programme for individual staff incl LSPs NQT to attend LA programme for NQTs and mento time 1 per


Training and course costs

Cover costs

NQT Courses and NQT time costs

Phase leads


Ongoing throughout 2014/2015 for all actions

To raise standards in maths (Attainment and Achievement) and writing for all pupils but with a particular focus on pupil premium pupils, SEN and above average pupil groups.

Establish gaps in teaching and learning through monitoring and case studies

First 4 Maths to undertake case study in Year 1 and Year 5. Fist 4 Maths to provide training for LSPs in maths and guided

reasoning First 4 Maths to provide palnning guidance for identifies year

groups and LA to provide maths consultancy support Implement the Literacy and Maths Liverpool Scheme SSE Monitoring Cycle to identify areas for improvement and

programme of support established termly by IR and CJ and AKJ SEN Learning Walks and identification of need through

progress meetings Develop and implement new intervention / catch up

programmes Set targets through Performance Management to improve

standards through increasing % ar ARE in each year group . Consider and implement a writing and maths programme

Cover cost to visit schools

Management cover timeCoaching time release

Training and course costs

Cover costs

NQT Courses and NQT time costs

Phase leads


IR, CJ and AKJCurriculum Committee

Pay Committee

Personnel committee

Literacy and Maths Governors

Oct 2014

Sept 2014

December 2014

September 2014

Ongoing throughout 2014/2015 for all actionsSep 2014

To develop practical opportunities to GM and IR to lead use of learning environments for delivering Managemen Phase leads March


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develop problem solving, applying and investigative maths learning and to develop more opportunities for child-initiated activities and independent learning , peer support and collaborate learning .

maths, reading and writing Marking to include peer assessment and support Coaching by peers in class (Power of 2) Have Working Walls in class, a maths help and enquiry desk,

Literacy help desk and a LCC interactive learning zone. Use Thinking maps throughout the curriculum Have ‘Work of the Week’ displayed outside each classroom Implement the Marking and feedback Policy consistently Training from LA and First 4 Maths Training from Dare to be different – VP source

t cover timeCoaching time release

Training and course costs

Cover costs

VP, WWIR, CJ and AKJCurriculum CommitteeLiteracy and Maths Governors

2015Feb 2015Feb 2015Sept 2014Sept 2014

OngoingJan 2015OngoingApril 2015

To develop children’s thinking skills and behaviour for learning attitudes.

Staff meeting time – Phases -what is a good behavior for learning? What can we do to facilitate it ? Policy created

Develop Behaviour rewards and sanctions Pupil Learning Walks termly Pupil Consultation and Monitoring through learning walks and

observations Improve attendance to above 96.5% through attendance plan Plan WOW starters or ends to LCC units Subject leads to plan visitors to enhance the curriculum WW1 Themed Unit of work, Science Themed Unit of Work,

Reading Themed Unit of work/ Week , Maths ( Number of the week )

Cover costs

Mr Potato Heads for each class

Visitors and Creatives



Subject Leads

March 2015

Nov 2014


By July 2015Throughout year 14/15

To ensure Health and Wellbeing is promoted and underpins the curriculum delivery across school

Audit CfS and provide training for new staff Research and training from Elizabeth Jardin Work towards and achieve the Healthy Schools Award Deliver SEAL circle time (PC and LSPs ) weekly in class Deliver Stepping Forward Programme Extend ‘Massage In Schools’ across KS2 (training for KS2 staff

incl LSPs Plan for using the outdoors 1 per week min and daily in KS 1

and use of Woodland school area Create a ‘Gardening group’ in KS 2 area Develop Eco Schools through Eco group and ambassadors. Extend role of young leaders e.g. School Council , Computer

consultants , Buddies Diversity Week / Unit of work focused upon equality

Elizabeth Jardin fee

Massage training costs

Gardening resources

Visits and





Oct 2014, Feb 2015, May 2015Jan 2015Oct 2014April 2015

Feb 2015Nov 2014

Sept 2014Sept 2014-July 2015


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visitorsTo ensure a curriculum is planned across school that is progressive and demonstrates coverage in all areas.

Inset to plan subjects and overview of Curriculum Subject Leads to monitor and check coverage – mapping out Analysis of Curriculum data to ensure standards are

maintained Monitoring by Curriculum Lead and Subject Leads

Management timeMaureen Hints fee

SLT, Subject Leads

Sept2014TermlyJuly 2015

OngoingTo involve parents and carers as partners in our children’s learning

Residential Trips and visits planned for different year groups incl Yr 4, 5 and 6. Trips for all children

Provide Curriculum plans for each year group- website Create a booklet for each year group with expectations Create a Learning Challenge booklet for each year group /

school Provide class assemblies to share learning in Term 2 Provide workshops / booklets in each subject area by subject

leads Source an on line Learning Platform for the website for

homework e.g. Bug Club, Mathletics etc Provide comparable evidence of learning in class section 1 per

week for parents to share learning as photographs, text or films.

Subsidy to trips

Website subscriptions

Paper and copy costs

Management time

SLTSubject Leads

Class teachers

Jamie LongIan, Clare and Aimi

Class teachers

Throughout the yearNov 2014

Oct 2014

March 2015

July 2015


Support staff confidence and raise expectations through enhanced training opportunities – courses, consultancies, visits.

Staff Audit of subject knowledge and confidence linked with quality of teaching evidence

NQT Courses and time Training – Focus, LA, Chris Quigly, Spelling G10, G10 courses

and collaboration Visits to local schools and settings. Staff audit at end of year and analysis of Quality of Teaching

and Pupil progress data . INSET, staff meeting time focused upon professional

development Individual staff training and development plan in place to

support performance management outcomes.

Non contact time

NQT time

Management time

Allocated training costs



LALSIP Judy Boyce

Dec 2014

Ongoing- July 2015

Ongoing- July 2015July 2015

Sept, Nov, June 2015Jan 2015

To investigate and develop and new method and system for ‘Assessing without Levels’ to be implemented by July 2015

SLT to attend training from Focus, Forum, Chris Quigley, Early Excellence i-track and LA

Visit local schools to share information and systems Staff meeting time dedicated to establish and become familiar with

ARE for current class and year group

Course and training costs

Management time




By Feb 2015

March 2015By March 2015


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SLT time dedicated to look at best system to use as a school Roll out training to moderate and make judgements about ARE Create standardization files for reading, writing and maths in Phases . Source and plan an action plan for implementation in all subject

areas. Moderate together in school and across the LA Attend moderation LA meetings

Non contact time

LSIP Judy Boyce

July 2015

By July 2015By April 2015

To investigate and source a Baseline Assessment for EYFS. 2 to use in Sept 2015

GM to attend training with VP to establish best baselines Visit to local settings to look at best systems Source a baseline Staff training to implement and undertake

Management TimeBaseline costStaff training


By May 2015June 2015July 2015

Monitoring and Evaluation

Key monitor Monitoring Strategy Date Evaluation Date Reported to Governors

Wendy WaltersDeputy HeadIan Robinson & Maths lead (Assistant Head / Phase Lead)

Ged MulhaneyAssistant HeadEYFS Phase LeaderJamie LongAssistant Head / Phase Lead

1. Monitoring by learning walks, lesson obs, PM, book and planning scrutiny

2. Discussion with staff3. Pupil Consultation4. Questionnaire for sample of parents5. Analysis & comparison of data6. Moderation7. SIP visits and monitoring/ review8. Curriculum Subcommittee (Teaching

and Learning )

See SSE annual plan

Date as undertaken and reviewed


Rudston Primary School


School Development Plan for raising standards and bring about development and improvement in the provision made for all children:


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Priority Target 3 : To improve computing opportunities and standards across school and to harness technology for outstanding learning provision and for exceptional communication.Linked Plans: Foundation Stage, Staff Development, Curriculum Action Plan 2012/2013, Equity Plan, Staffing Plan, Behaviour Plan, Attendance PlanLiverpool Plan: Improve educational outcomes for all childrenEYFS: Principles of four themes from document

Priority Developments Actions Resources & Costs

Personnel Timescale

To increase the importance of ICT / Computing within Rudston Primary School; supporting the vision of a highly advanced computing school.

All staff to have a greater understanding of the new computing curriculum by Computing Lead providing resources, support and training in collaboration with outside support e.g. MGL.

New computing plans to be given to all staff inclusive of a whole school overview.

ICT is a target in the performance management process. Incorporation of ICT / Computing within whole school

activities. Whole-school approaches to the innovative design,

adaptation or reorganisation of spaces to fully reflect the school’s vision for ICT. This results in more imaginative and varied learning, teaching and working practices.

Management time

Consultancy support from MGL

Release time for visits and collaboration

G10 network and deputies

MGL,Jamie Long

Wendy Walters and SLT



Sept 2014 and ongoing throughout the year

By Nov 2014

By Jan 2015

To implement a rigourous tracking system for ICT within the curriculum and Computing-based skills

All staff to use i-track regularly Class teachers to use i-track to bring information in

preparation for pupil progress meetings and performance management

All staff can upload, track and record their class’s data. All staff can analyse patterns and trends between groups and

individual of their class. All staff can match interventions to their pupils needs based

on the progress data.

Training and staff meeting time

Progress meeting cover

LSP progs



Curriculum Govn


By Sept 2014Oct, Jan, March, July 2015

July 2015Oct 2014July 2015

Radio station, media room and immersive learning suite fully implemented in use and planningTo ensure a range of high-quality, suitable resources to improve the use of ICT within all subjects.

All staff to be aware of the radio station possibilities - podcasting work.

Training to be provided during spring 1 as part of a staff meeting

Staff to use immersive learning suite in Term 2 and Term 3 Staff to recieve training and then use radio station in Term 3

Management time

School VisitsMGL SLA



Curriculum Govn

By July 2015March 2015July 2015


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After school clubs for radio station Use ICT room to deliver high quality learning opportunities

weekly Investigate the use of QR codes and develop a plan of

implementation for Sept 2015

Radio Station Training costs

Adlib costs

LSPs & CT Weekly

July 2015

To continue to ‘roll-out’ iPads across the Key Stages to enhance learning and supplement all areas of the curriculum.

All classes to have contributed to a ‘Rudston Interactive Learning Log’ (eBook).

iPad training (01/09/2014) from an Apple Distinguished Educator

Purchase necessary applications Compile and display evidence on school website Complete the roll-out of the new iPads across the school,

providing further computing opportunities. 15 iPads per KS for class / curriculum use Maintenance and updates to be managed by J. Long via

‘Apple Configurator’

Management time


Ipads purchased by PTA and SchoolResource costs -ICT



Curriculum Govn


July 2015

Sept 2014

OngoingOngoing – July 2015

Sept 2014, April 2015

To develop staff confidence / skills in order to promote and deliver such an ICT rich curriculum in a safe manner.

Staff audits to establish confidence and then impact of support and training

INSET – Apple distinguished educator training Radio Station Training Immersive Learning suite training Provide Computing scheme to support delivery Bug Club Training I-track training and progress training

Management time

Training costs

SLA costSubscription

JL, VP, Phase LeadsCJ, AKJ


Sept and July 2015Sept 2014OngoingOngoing – July 2015

Sept 2014, April 2015

To develop and embed E Saftey across school

To continue to raise awareness of e-safety across the school, working towards the ‘360 e-safety mark’ incl. parent info

E-safety plans written and distributed by J. Long showing progression through the key stages, assemblies and lessons

E Safety booklets produced and distributed by chn

Management time

JLongBy July 2015By May 2015By July 15

Monitoring and Evaluation

Key monitor Monitoring Strategy Date Evaluation Date Reported to Governors


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Jamie LongA/H

Wendy Walters, Vicky Pierce, Ian Robinson, Ged Mulhaney

Governors – curriculum and pay and performance

Melissa Green SBM

1. Staff Development and CPD audits2. Coaching reviews 1:1 sessions3. SDP review4. Communications and computing review5. Discussion with all staff, parents and

children6. Floor books, film evidence, website,

photographic evidence ,books evidence7. Observations and feedback to whole school8. Review assessment and tracking9. Data analysis

See SSE annual plan

Date as undertaken and reviewed



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Rudston Primary – Behaviour Action Plan 2014/2015

Overview: This Action Plan sets out the strategy for putting into place the Statutory requirements of the Education Act 2006, Ofsted’s guidance with regard to the new schedule 2012 and DCSF Guidelines for Behaviour Policies and guidance in light of AEI. It draws on the good practice and culture already in place and sets out foci for further development. It follows the Behaviour Review undertaken to develop a consistent approachECM : Enjoy & Achieve, Be Healthy, Stay SafeEYFS: 4 Principles

Key Emphasis : Positive Relationships and Experiences, being successful and achieving, children thriving.

Action People responsible

By When Evaluation

1. Review and update behaviour policy and procedures across the settings. Present to staff, govn, parents

2. Review , develop and agree all associated policies.

SLT incl PSHE Lead, children & All staff

28th December 2014

3. Policy followed using developed reward and sanctions system. - see ‘ Policy into Practice’. School wide consistency of classroom management. Staff model behaviour they promote. Agreed rules and expectations are displayed in all classrooms

All staff and presented to all school stakeholders

1st December2014

4. Following staff meetings , transfer section of Health & Safety and Safeguarding concerns into incident log for record / details of individuals. Log any Behaviour incidents into excel grid and file .

V.P / WW/ Phase leads –JL, IR, GM

1st September and ongoing

5. Share policy with parents and carers. Send home policy and reward and sanctions system. Home / School Agreements updated (Oct). Collate all relevant policies for parental and stakeholder access to view. Develop and distribute Values booklet

V.P and admin to collate. WW review home/ school policies and values

19th December 2014

6. Incorporate and embed SEAL into curriculum and assemblies. Review scheme and assembly log. Develop strategies and factors which influence good behavior for learning. Promote. Consider P4C to implement.

AP, WW V.P , SLT and all staff

January 2015

7. Review and develop tracking for behaviour and emotional development . WW, VP, PC, JK Intervention group s

January 2015 and ongoing

8. Review progress and attainment related to attendance and behaviour. Progress Meetings and EWO Attendance Meetings . Weekly Monitoring.

VP, TS, DEWO, Class Teachers

October 2014 and ongoing through 2015

9. Identify children with IBP in planning. IBP’s should run for 6 weeks and Class Teachers July 2015


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then be reviewed/ different approaches used etc. Provision mapping identifying IBP children and provision. Look at effectiveness of intervention.

and WW, J.K (SENCO)

10. Identify friendship groups of vulnerable children to try and promote and ensure positive relationships, feeling safe and awareness of vulnerable groups. Meet half termly and monitor.

11. Buddy system- whole school – review for Buddies in place(yr 5, 6, EYFS yr1) and leadership roles for Yr 6 children

GM, JL, CT and WW/JK, P.C

September 2014 and throughout year to July for transition

12. Develop the learning environment. MONEV room layout – all classrooms are safe, easy access and easy access resources. Children have access to workstations and learning, comfortable with minimum distractions. Develop a ‘Quiet Space’ for reading and relaxing in small area for children and continue to embed CFS principles . Induction for new staff . Create display for values, SEAL and interactive help desks in each class

All staffG.M , WW to monitor learning environment using MONEV checklist

October 2014

March 2015

June 2015

13. School proactively monitors the effect of organizational factors that influence behaviour , motivation and engagement. E.g. playtimes, movement around school, routines, pupil groupings.

VP, WW , Phase Leads and all staff incl support and chn

September, December 2014, Feb 2015, July 2015

14. Review budget allocation for SEN and Early Intervention for EYFS , KS1 and KS2.

V.P and M.GWW and JK (SENCO)

September20134Feb 2015

Rudston Primary Curriculum Development & Improvement Plan 2014/2015


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Dream, Believe, AchieveRespect, Resilience, Enjoyment, Challenge, Responsibility

Curriculum Development ensures children continue to be: Successful Learners who enjoy learning, making progress and achieve Confident Individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives Responsible Citizens who make a positive contribution to society.

Issues to consider : Development of wider personal skills and knowledge of staff in all subject areas to allow success for children required with new Learning Challenge Curriculum and New

National Curriculum . (SDP Priority 1,2,3) Improving expectations and standards in pupil progress and ARE throughout school Empowering and inspiring children to take responsibility for achieving and succeeding – being a resilient learner Multi- agency work to facilitate the delivery of additional needs through SEN consortium (SENCO’s lead ) High levels of parental engagement with schools through volunteer programme , workshops attended and questionnaires, website, Learning Logs, Bug Club Personalised learning that facilitates progression , inclusion and high standards – Focus on vulnerable groups and closing the gap Accountability for outcomes for all staff – pupil progress linked to performance management and monitoring and evaluating programme A highly skilled workforce that with three new staff members ,2 new leadership . Appropriate resources (training, CPD )to support desired outcomes of high performing staff and outstanding pupil progress and attainment

What will be developing? The central role of the curriculum in delivering learning relevant and in context with our community, children and their needs and the impact of the teacher and their

provisionon the quality of learning Multi- agency partnerships focused around the school and groups of schools Raised expectations and challenge to raise pupil attainment and achievement Safeguarding and the improvements of our child’s lives & the delivery of emotional health and well being strategies Quality of teaching and learning which will impact on pupil achievement and attainment – See Teaching Improvement Plan 2014/2015 Greater leadership focus with analysis and use of data and pupil information in all subjects.

SDIP Priority Targets 1,2 & 3Targeted Development Tasks/ Action Method / Resource Timescale Success and Outcomes

Develop and agree a clear vision and focus for school and its development and improvement

Through Sycol approach establish a new motto, values and mission statement.

All staff to commit to the Vision and Values booklet created to pass out to parents

Staff to develop , agree and make pledges to school

Identified staff to be associate consultants with LA through projects, Leadership opportunities and task through SLT, MLT, Children’s Centre and SBM, lead on areas lecturing with HOPE University

Staff to do moderation work with LA Liaise with LSIP to create a network with local

leaders D/H and A/H’s to lead with Deputy Heads

Continue supporting 1 member of staff to be lead with CC ProjectObserve and spend time shadowing in local / regional schools in specific rolesTime to attend coursesTime to visit other settingsTime to network and share / support others

SEN Consortia TAS meetings to attendSport Groups attendedNPQH, Hope Uni courses.G10 networkAppoint internally 3 x TLR 3 for Priorities

Restructure and appoint SLT team and

Sept 2014

Throughout year 2014/2015

Throughout year 2015

Jan 2015

Sept 2014, March 2015,

GM continue as EYFS Phase Leader whilst completing research for CC

IR, JL on NPQSL WW, GM complete NPQSL Group involved in G10 schools

as network WW supporting on Deputy

Network Local network set up to

support one another Children’s Centre meets

targets Bright Stars is viable and profit

making and contributes to EYFS development .

After school club is well


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network and forum HT and Governors to encourage and support

progression and leadership opportunities and training- staff on Leadership CPD linked to Curriculum Development

SLT to develop roles within school and beyond school through PM

HT to be actively involved with G10 and LPHA Business Manager to share expertise and

establish networks/ clusters for best value etc SBM and EYFS Phase Leader to work with local

schools to develop learning environment development to deliver Curriculum

Governors ton review curriculum development x 3 (termly )

Children, staff, governors, parents to commit to values and vision in school that will ensure effective delivery of curriculum

phase leaders to ensure delivery across school in a collaborative approach – time and financial implications

June 2015

Sept 2014Jan 2015

Ongoing throughout 2014/2015

Nov2014, Feb 2015, June 2015

subscribed Reputation of school is upheld Vision is clearly articulated and

evident across school Each classroom displays vision

and mission statement HOPE lecturing is reviewed

positively and teachers confidence is improved

School stakeholder receive Values booklet to commit to.

Leadership is secure and robust to impact on clear vision and focus for curriculum management. All staff take responsibility and are accountable for identified pupil achievements in class and in curricular areas. All staff are accountable for standards and recognise their role in determining the success of the school

Review roles and responsibilities and ensure all staff have a clear role and job description with clear targets

Review accountability through performance management and appraisal policy – linked to pupil progress

SLT and MLT to take responsibility for identified SDIP Priorities in key areas and this is within roles and identified tasks are undertaken each ½ term

Lesson Observation Training for QTQL development. SLT and TLR to undertake monitoring and feedback

individually Subject Leadership planning cycle to be undertaken

by ALL UPS 3 and evidence used to inform SSE and SDP

Performance management meetings to establish roles and responsibilitiesLeadership training – SSE, Leadership and accountabilityReview job descriptions and Core Duties and responsibilitiesAchieve identified Awards and MarksTraining and coursesAppraisal meetingsLA Job EvaluationsINSET & Twilights Management Time

By Nov 2014

Dec 2014

Ongoing 2014/2015

June 2015

June 2015

Review roles and strategic roles given to SLT include report feedback

Staffing Structure in place that meets school’s needs.

Healthy Schools Award, Inclusion Mark, Basic Skills and Eco Green Flag award achieved

Govn review subject files positively and are well informed

Investor In People considered to aim to being achieved

Curriculum Design and development is undertaken in order to develop, plan and implement the new NC and Learning Challenge curriculum that is challenging with high expectations . All pupils can access the curriculum at their own level and make at least good progress

Review & develop the curriculum with regard to Learning Challenge curriculum further with global and Eco dimensions

Curriculum to support core skills of literacy and numeracy as well as foundation subjects- intro Liverpool Schemes

SEAL to be delivered across school to underpin the PSHE curriculum- staff meeting and training

Philosophy 4 Children – training for staff and trial in year groups.

Consider groupings and timetable/ time allocation

Staff team development time

Year group lead dedicated time

Courses and training (CPD)INSET and Twilights dedicatedResourcesRegional and local school visitsMixed ability training – Quality first teaching.

Sept 2014

Ongoing across year

Sept 2014Oct 2014

Jan 2015Nov 2014

Staff meeting dedicated time used to develop plans and monitor

SLT and MLT meetings evidence review and developments with impact

Long term plan developed Timetable in place reviewed

and amended Courses attended. Impact on

QTQL and pupil progress Visits to settings positive

and have impact. SSE demonstrates literacy

and numeracy through


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Mixed ability groupings as well as setting Link and reference learning for new NC

coverage Develop a routine and methods of delivery

age appropriate and key stage appropriate Policies aligned to ensure consistent

delivery across the school. Use tracking and pupil data to plan and

provide to improve standards and narrow the gaps between vulnerable groups.

To maintain Communication Friendly Spaces across the school to support (INSET) behaviour and attitudes towards learning – Elizabeth Jarmin training to staff and research

Establish staff confidence in delivering all subjects to their year group and provide training as required following an audit

Create a systematic tracking system for all subjects that establish pupil progress and standards.

Coaching teacher to teacherDevelop subject leadershipSSE Cycle with feedback

Training – Maths and Literacy CLL including evaluation and monitoringUse non negotiables as agreed

Develop Phonic & SPAG sessions, Mental maths and Guided ReasoningINSET and staff meetings – SEALResources purchased to support development s

CfS – EJ cost £500 research and staff training

Jan 2014

Feb 2014

Sept 2014

April 2015

Ongoing through year

July 2015

learning Learning Environments

developed Behaviour of children shows

impact on Behaviour for learning evidenced through monitoring, lesson observations and achievement .

Learning environments and provision is outstanding and supports and enhances learning

Health & Wellbeing is secure and this is evidenced

Healthy Schools Award Arts Mark achieved Inclusion Mark achieved

ICT development targets creating 21st century learning opportunities that engage children . Computing is a focus and staff develop their confidence in providing high quality Computing provision

Develop radio, film and digital use across school including Digital Learning Journeys.

Develop and submit resources and learning on developed website for all subjects and for each year group for children and parents to access

Develop confidence and skills of using ICT and creating learning resources using ICT. – Monitor through an audit

Develop staff’s ability to use electronic tracking systems for assessments and tracking pupil progress- I Track programme

SBM to support ICT Lead (MG and JL) Infra structure developed to support teaching

and learning- Ipads, immersive learning suite, ICT suite, Radio station, netbooks, Kindles

Professional training for all staff – INSET, CPD All classes have contributed to a Rudston

Interactive Learning Log All classes access the Immersive Learning Suite Staff Training for E Safety, Computing

Staff team development time

Subject Lead dedicated time to team teach or provide coaching

Courses and trainingINSET and Twilights dedicated

ResourcesRegional and local school visitsTraining for all staff in use of IWB’s and resourcesICT tracking – use of programmes ( I track , RAISE etc)

By Oct 2015

By June 2015

By January 2015

July 2015

October 2015

October 2015

Nov 2014

Jan 2015

INSET attended – Apple Distinguished Educator

Successful Digital Learning Journeys Project rolled out to Year 1, Year 2

Use of I pads in class extended and for interventions and library

Use of IT room and IT in classroom demonstrates high quality teaching and learning

3D interactive provision building in dining centre used by all classes at least on 5 occasions through Term 2,3

Parents workshop and training

Returned staff audit demonstrates increased confidence.

New computing plans being successfully delivered


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Curriculum, e books and I movies Complete a roll out of i-pads Raise awareness of E Safety and achieve the

360 e safety mark.July 2015

July 2015

At least 85% of children are at ARE in computing by July 2015

Achieve e Safety 360 Mark

Assessing Without Levels is a priority . A school system will be developed and planned to be put in place for all staff to use for ensuring children attain well and make at least good progress

LSIP to consider action plan for HT Assessment without levels action plan Attend training from a variety of different

sources Attend LA meetings and group SLT to feedback and develop plan Dedicated staff meetings Examine and analyse what ‘Expected ‘ means

for each subject in each year group Develop success criteria Develop a system to track and record progress Subject leads to create an overview of

standards in their subject as a ‘Moderation/Standardisation File’

Create a booklet that defines ARE in each area for each year group.

Develop report to parents with criteria to understand their child’s progress and attainment .

Work with the SEN Consortium to develop success criteria and performance indicators for SEN children

LA Training and group meetings

Focus Education TrainingFocus MaterialsDeputy ResidentialHT G10 residentiali-track training

Consultancy supportINSET

Visits to local schoolsSupply cost

Supply for moderation and standardisation meetings

Jan 2015

Jan 2015

Jan – April 2015

May 2015

June 2015

June 2015

Assessment Action Plan in place

SLT attend training in Term 1 Year 2,6 staff attend

moderation Targets agreed in Literacy and

Numeracy Expected levels for each year

group are understood by class teachers

Key Assessment Criteria is established and a system is identified to track progress and attainment

A tracking system is sourced and in place for whole school

Ongoing teacher led assessment is a crucial part of effective teaching

Information is published for parents to support them in understanding where they child is and their progress

Feedback and Marking Policy and procedures secured and in place to improve the children’s understanding of

Review current marking and feedback Visit schools in local area to see their policies Staff meetings dedicated to development Agree symbols to be used Agree Quality mark with examples and quick

mark With examples Create a monitoring and development

programme throughout academic year Pupil Consultation – all chn to share their book

with SLT across year. Develop a policy and procedures for Marking

and Feedback Review impact on progress and attitudes

towards learning

Staff Meeting INSET time

Supply costs and time for release for visits

SLT timeLeadership time

SLT and leadership timeSubject lead time - release

Oct 2014Nov 2015Nov 2015Nov 2015Oct 2015Ongoing throughout yearBy Dec 14March 15, May 2015, July 2015

Pupil Feedback is positive and demonstrates children are benefitting and moving on as a result of marking

Marking is monitored and show impact upon achievement

Children show they are involved in each others learning

Children make further progress as a result of marking

Consistent marking

Extracurricular and extended Extracurricular provision for all pupils offered Encourage staff to provide or support extracurricular activities

By July 2014 Well attended after school clubs by all groups of pupils


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Services are equitable and offered regularly with a comprehensive programme that is diverse and interesting, supporting curriculum development and delivery.

Develop staff involvement in school clubs and get a timetable of staff providing extracurricular clubs.

Encourage development of TA delivering school clubs

SBM to co-ordinate the after school delivery

Staff to create link across Liverpool to enhance their own subject development.

Co-ordinated and tracked by SBMPupil groupings trackedPositive feedback parentsPupil Premium impact is reported on and shows impactMore able – clubs provided e.g Latin

All staff to be involved and recognise their responsibility in ensuring parental Involvement & Engagement is effective, positive and well delivered to support learners at home .

Volunteer programme in place – staff involved Develop pupil involvement in learning –

Targets set for each parent consultation Targets given in reading, writing and maths Family workshops in all curricular areas- staff

to deliver Open sessions to be involved in learning Class Assemblies Website with further info , newsletters and

subject info . Year group info developed Learning Logs to enable parents/ carers

involved in learning Analyse questionnaires and consider provision

for community and curriculum

Family Learning Team for parental support in children’s centre

Links and support from the EWO teamConsultation with the Behaviour and Attendance TeamHomework to support learningHome topic webs for home supported learning

Recruit new members PTA involvement and membership

Develop website and encourage use from all school stakeholders

Throughout 2014/2015

Set of pamphlets and support materials and resources given out

Positive feedback from parent consultations and groups.

Website in use and populated with relevant and useful information as well as statute information.

Feedback from Volunteer programme successful and volunteers maintained

Rudston Primary School Training Planner 2014/2015Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July



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Safeguarding New Inspection Oracy Communication Spaces

Literacy Maths Curriculum SEAL Phonics • Digital JourneysFirst Aid •SEN • • Intervention • • • • •Leadership • • • Subject leadership

RAISE Assessment & Tracking

Teaching & Learning

Sports Partnership

Forest Schools • Target Setting

Rudston Primary School


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IntroductionThe governing body is accountable for the way in which the school’s resources are allocated to meet the objectives set out in the school's development plans. Governors need to secure the best possible outcome for pupils, in the most efficient and effective way, at a reasonable cost. This will lead to continuous improvement in the school's achievements and services

What Is Best Value?Governors will apply the four principles of best value: Challenge - Is the school’s performance high enough? Why and how is a service provided? Do we still need it? Can it be delivered differently?

What do parents want? Compare - How does the school’s pupil performance and financial performance compare with all schools? How does it compare with LEA schools?

How does it compare with similar schools? Consult - How does the school seek the views of stakeholders about the services the school provides? Compete - How does the school secure efficient and effective services? Are services of appropriate quality, economic?

The Governors’ Approach

The Governors and school managers will apply the principles of best value when making decisions about: the allocation of resources to best promote the aims and values of the school. the targeting of resources to best improve standards and the quality of provision. the use of resources to best support the various educational needs of all pupils.

Governors, and the school managers, will: make comparisons with other/similar schools using data provided by the LA and the Government, e.g. RAISE, quality of teaching & learning, levels

of expenditure challenge proposals, examining them for effectiveness, efficiency, and cost, e.g. setting of annual pupil achievement targets require suppliers to compete on grounds of cost, and quality/suitability of services/products/backup, e.g. provision of computer suite, redecoration consult individuals and organisations on quality/suitability of service we provide to parents and pupils, and services we receive from providers, e.g.

Sex and Relationships Education, pupil reports, assigned inspector, OFSTED, maintenance consultant, borough Energy Group

This will apply in particular to: staffing use of premises use of resources quality of teaching


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quality of learning purchasing pupils’ welfare health and safety

Governors and school managers: will not waste time and resources on investigating minor areas where few improvements can be achieved will not waste time and resources to make minor savings in costs will not waste time and resources by seeking tenders for minor supplies and services

The pursuit of minor improvements or savings is not cost effective if the administration involves substantial time or costs. Time wasted on minor improvements or savings can also distract management from more important or valuable areas.

StaffingGovernors and school managers will deploy staff to provide best value in terms of quality of teaching, quality of learning, adult-pupil ratio, and curriculum management.Use of PremisesGovernors and school managers will consider the allocation and use of teaching areas, support areas and communal areas, to provide the best environment for teaching & learning, for support services, and for communal access to central resources, e.g. the library, children’s centre and Bright Stars integrated approach Use of ResourcesGovernors and school managers will deploy equipment, materials and services to provide pupils and staff with resources which support quality of teaching and quality of learning.

TeachingGovernors and school managers will review the quality of curriculum provision and quality of teaching, to provide parents and pupils with:

a curriculum which meets the requirements of the National Curriculum, , The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, the LA Agreed RE Syllabus, and the needs of pupils

teaching which builds on previous learning and has high expectations of all children’s achievement and progress LearningGovernors and school managers will review the quality of children’s learning, by cohort, class and group, to provide teaching which enables children to achieve nationally expected progress, e.g. setting of annual pupil achievement targetsPurchasingGovernors and school managers will develop procedures for assessing need, and obtaining goods and services which provide “best value” in terms of suitability, efficiency, time, and cost. Measures already in place include:


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procedures for accepting “best value” quotes, which are not necessarily the cheapest (e.g. suitability for purpose and quality of workmanship) procedures which minimise office time by the purchase of goods or services under £1000 direct from known, reliable suppliers (e.g. stationery,

small equipment)Pupils’ WelfareGovernors and school managers will review the quality of the school environment and the school ethos, in order to provide a supportive environment conducive to learning and recreation.Health & SafetyGovernors and school managers will review the quality of the school environment and equipment, carrying out risk assessments where appropriate, in order to provide a safe working environment for pupils, staff and visitors.

MonitoringThese areas will be monitored for best value by:1. In-house monitoring by the Headteacher, School Business Manager , SLT, governors and curriculum managers, e.g. classroom practice, work

sampling2. Annual Performance Management & Appraisals3. Risk Management and continuity planning4. Annual Budget Planning5. Analysis’s of school pupil performance data, e.g. SATs results, standardised test results, results against all schools, LA schools, similar schools6. Analysis’s of LA pupil performance data7. Analysis of DFE pupil performance data, e.g.Raise, FFT8. Analysis of Pupil Premium and accountability for expenditure incl review of impact9. OFSTED inspection reports10. SIP Reviews and Target Setting11. Governors’ full termly meetings12. Governors’ Annual Finance Review13. Governors’ Annual Development Plan Meeting14. Governors’ Annual Report to Parents15. New Financial Management Value Audit 16. LA Audit17. LA SLA Support – Monitoring and reporting

Rudston Primary School

Timetable of Policies and Procedures for Governing Body 2013/2014


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Autumn Term School Development and Improvement Plan Statutory Targets – Attendance Non Statutory targets – Key Stage 1 Assessment Statutory Targets KS2 Manual of Internal Procedures – any changes SEE review Scheme of Delegation SIC Budget Monitoring Reports Racist Incidents Violent Incidents Performance Management Policy HT Performance Management Teachers Pay & Conditions Pupil Premium Review and Impact Safeguarding Report HT Report to Governors

Spring Term Health & Safety policy Letting Policy Charges and Remissions Policy Disposal Policy School Profile SSE update SDIP – progress of targets Budget Monitoring Reports Finance Report Educational Visits Racist Incidents Violent Incidents Pupil Premium Review and Impact Safeguarding Report HT Report to Governors

Summer Term Approve Formal Budget Plan Best Value Statement End of Year Accounts for Unofficial Funds Finance Report Pecuniary Interests


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Use of Internet & E Safety Accident Incidents SSE update SDP – progress of targets Staffing Review Racist Incidents Violent Incidents Data, Pupil progress review Pupil Premium Review and Impact Safeguarding Report HT Report to Governors

Rudston Primary SchoolTimetable for Committee meetings 2013/ 2014Premises Committee Curriculum Committee


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Autumn Term Monitor maintenance of premises and capital works Approve Access plans Health & Safety Report

Spring Term Building Insurance Develop Maintenance Plan Review Access Plan Health and Safety Monitoring

Summer Term Review Maintenance Plan Review Health & Safety Audit

Autumn Term Review Pupil Achievement/ Attainment Set Non Statutory & Statutory targets Review Curriculum Development Plan

Spring Term Review Curriculum policy plan Review Teaching & Learning and EYRS Policy Review Holiday and Attendance Policies

Summer Term Monitor progress made towards non-statutory targets Monitor progress towards SDP priorities and impact on


Performance Management FinanceNovember

Review HT PM Targets from previous academic year Agree Performance Objectives for Headteacher

May Review of HT PM

Mid Year Review –Nov

Discuss SDP proposals and impact of any additional expenditures / economies

Review teachers pay in line with Teachers pay & conditions Document

Monitor School Fund

Budget Setting – March

Review current years budget including possible final balance /underspend

Review pupils numbers and forecast Discuss proposals for next financial year, including staffing

levels Consider information received about one line budget/source of

funds statement for next financial year Propose budget for next financial year

Equality Duty Objectives 2012-16

Aim: Linked Plans: School Development and Improvement Plan, Gifted & talented Action Plan


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To meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 by setting challenging improvement objectives that demonstrate Rudston’s desire to eliminate discrimination between groups of children.

Aims: AllECM: All

Actions Time Impact on Pupils Person(s) responsible and


Monitoring Evaluation and success criteria

Priority 1: To increase the number of children known to be eligible for FSM attaining L4+ in English and maths.

To ensure Pupil Premium spend targets the entitlement of all FSM children.

July 2015 Those children from disadvantaged backgrounds will be given the same opportunities as those who are more advantaged peers.

VP/WW/MG Termly tracking and intervention adjustments.Financial tracking to ensure best value.

The number of children attaining L4 in English and maths is at least 85% annually and that no significant difference exists with non-FSM children.

Priority 2: To increase the number of children attaining the highest levels in English & maths.To better meet the needs of the more able pupils by matching provision to level of need including differentiation.

July 2015 The more able children will receive a bespoke curriculum that better serves their academic level.


Termly tracking and adjustment of timetables.

The number of children attaining L6 in English and maths is at least 9% annually and that no significant difference exists compared to national and local scores.

Priority 3: To improve the attendance and punctuality of FSM children currently with less than 95% attendance.To specifically track the attendance & punctuality of all FSM children on a daily / weekly basis.

July 2015 Improved safeguarding, outcomes and sense of confidence in children by providing first day response and wrap around care.

VP/TS/PC Fortnightly reports to Headteacher.

The overall attendance of FSM children to show no significant difference to the whole school % figure.

Priority 4: To increase the numbers of girls participating in after school physical activity / clubs.To specifically target the involvement of girls in after school clubs and physical activity.

July 2015 Available provision better meets the interest levels of girls and participation is having a positive effect on their outlook of school.

HM / Sports Coaches and IR

Pre and post questionnaires used to gather statistical information.

The number of girls participating in after school physical activity has increased by at least 50%.

Priority 5: To improve the progress SEN pupils make within an academic year.To review the SEN IEP ‘s, intervention programmes being used and deployment of LSPs and LSO’s

July 2015 SEN pupils will achieve their IEP targets and make progress as targeted . Min 1 sublevel , expected 2 sub levels – contextual


SEN MonitoringMonitoring-QTQLLSP AppraisalsPupil Progress Meetings

The SEN group achieves in line with national as a minimum.Case studies demonstrate good progress for all SEN pupils


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Equality Action PlanEquality Objectives 2012 – 2015 in response to the Equality Act 2010

The General Duty Objectives Action Key Personnel Success Criteria Evaluation1. To eliminate

discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by and under this Act

To enhance the children’s and parents’ understanding and empathy for people who are protected by the Act.

To involve representatives from all stakeholders in the development of actions to meet the general duty.

To ensure zero tolerance to bullying. (Policy)PSHCE

Develop a steering group (membership including children) to develop,support and promote activities that highlight the Act e.g.Fair Trade, Inclusion Week, Sports , Art and Wellbeing Week.To invite people in / visitors to focus upon disability awareness.

Invite governors through their awareness and involvement in sub committees such as the Curriculum CommitteeInvolve parents through parent forums and family learning to become involved with the development and enhancement of the children’s learning.To feedback to staff and governors and parents through governor meetings, staff meetings and newsletters.To continue high focus on our kind hands, kind words- classroom promises , Massage In Schools.Participation and planned activities to promote ‘Anti Bullying Week . Programme of events and activities planned.To identify and further enhance appropriate curriculum links to promote awareness of understanding and celebrating cultures including each individual child’s own.

Vicky Pierce , Wendy Walters, Pat Charnock & SLT

Vicky Pierce

Vicky PierceGed MulhaneyWendy Walters

Vicky Pierce

Pat CharnockHelen McElhinney

All staff

Wendy Walters,All staff, SLT

Children, staff , governors and parents understand the importance of serving the common good and their responsibility towards others.Views of children are taken into account and acted upon.Representative of all groups across school

Fun workshops and activities enthusing commitment of whole community.Children celebrate cultural diversity and value each person as unique. The curriculum includes positive images of people from different backgrounds, ages and abilities.Participation positively promoting mutual respectEffective partnerships supporting work within the schoolNo or few Bullying incidents in school. All those dealt with sensitively and effectively.SEAL and Peer Massage supporting social and emotional development, independent children.


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2. To Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

To maintain existing high standards of inclusive practice and procedures

To narrow the gaps in attainment between boys and girls in writing, reading and mathematics at the end of KS1 and exit Foundation Stage.To narrow the gap between FSM children and non FSM children at the end of KS 1 in reading, writing and mathematics.

To narrow the gap of attainment of pupils with low attendance rates

To ensure the equality of physical access for all children and staff

Attend SEN accredited training , completing any tasks and assignments

Partner work with SENCO’s in LADeveloping portfolios, files and case studiesMaintain and further develop work and provision linked to SEN and personalised learning(Intervention Programmes and differentiated learning provided )

Target pupil premium to provide appropriate intervention and resources to make provision for FSM children.

Record and analyse attendance data weekly .Target families of children who have poor attendance with EWO serviceReview policies and procedures for improving attendanceEncourage children through improved curriculum and provision and communication.To enhance areas in school to ensure all adults , visitors, staff and groups of children have access to the facilitiesTo meet any outstanding requirements from our access audit (See Access plan)

Wendy Walters, Janet Kelly, Learning Support Practitioners

Wendy Walters, Janet Kelly, SEN ConsortiaMulti Agencies, Jamie Long,All staff

All staff

Wendy Walters, Janet KellyMelissa GreenVicky PierceLSP’sTeachers

Vicky PierceMelissa GreenAdmin TeamEWO ServicesSEN ConsortiaParentsVicky PierceMelissa GreenSimon, Ronnie and Liam (Site Maintenance and management)Governors, LA support

Dyslexia Training completed and expertise shared in the setting

SENCOs trained and continue to develop professionally keeping abreast with current advices and strategiesThis is disseminated at staff meetings

Provision mapping in place with entry and exit criteria being used effectively. Strategies in place ensuring progress and achievement of potential. IEPs/ IBPs used where necessaryAll pupils make 2 sublevels min progress in one academic year.

Improved attendance for all pupils (96% target)Attainment improved for poorer attenders.

Improved facilities throughout the school meeting the requirements of the access audit.

3. To foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected

To promote community cohesion through the curriculum

Promotion of

To further enhance the curriculum to include more frequent experiences and opportunities for the children to be aware of, understand and celebrate a

Vicky PierceAll staff

A developed and shared sense of belonging in the school, and in the school’s neighbourhood.


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characteristic and persons who do not share it.

Vision,Sporting and Art’s Values across the curriculum and during Arts Week

To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through the teaching of PSHE, thematic work , English and Literacy with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity

To maintain and continue to improve our relationships with parents and their involvement in school life.

variety of cultures (including their own ).

Explicitly include cultural experiences into Arts Week and throughout the curriculum.

Develop the Buddy system in school and liaise with Year 5 and Reception classes

Plan, deliver and evaluate Peer Massage In Schools programme on a regular basis. Question children about the impact and the value of it.

Health and Wellbeing Week organised and delivered in each class across the school and through a thematic approach.Annual surveys of children and undertaken and of parents and their attitudes and thoughts about Rudston Primary School and its provision.The website is used to promote and share relevant guidance and websites.E Safety involvement with the community through various agencies and brochures, curriculum etc.

Involve the Parents in developing ways to educate children about different cultures etc. To communicate suggestions to staff and governors.

Ian Robinson,All staff

Amanda Philips, Wendy Walters, , Ged Mulhaney

Claire, Ged and Amanda, Chris, Aimi

Helen McElhinney, Pat Charnock and Amanda Philips

Helen McElhinneyand all staff

Vicky Pierce

Melissa Green, Vicky Pierce and Jamie Long

Vicky PierceGed Mulhaney

Values understood and practiced supporting good relationships and mutual respect.

Children appreciate the positive role models represented by visitors to school and have more deepened understanding of cultures and their traditions.

Peer Massage is delivered in class on a regular basis by all staff.

Sports, wellbeing and Health Week is successfully delivered and evaluated . Children are consulted.

Questionnaires are collated and analysed. Actions are identified and shared with all school stakeholders.Parents, carers and children access and use the website.Parents and children understand the dangers concerning e safety and know how to deal with adverse situations or who to approach for help.Discussion and ideas developed through Family Learning forums, parent meetings and questionnaires.Parents information and suggestions are acted upon and this impacts teaching and learning in school.


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Evaluation of Building and Premises programme from August 2013 – September 2014

Introduction Rudston Primary School has now completed all the major works required for the alignment of the two previous schools. Huge investment by the LA and school, as reported last year, has ensured that we now have a school campus that provides the highest quality environment for our children. This year has seen the completion of the Year 3 classroom build. This project commenced in November 2013 and was occupied by Year 3 in term 3:1. The build was hugely successful and despite the challenging location of the build, close coordination with the construction contractor Nobles enabled the build to proceed without any disruption and finished a month ahead of schedule. The school purchased new furniture and invested heavily in state of the art touch screen whiteboards to prompt quality teaching and learning. Outside the school, the grounds have continued to evolve providing outstanding outdoor learning environments with a variety of spaces with different functions. The largest programme of work has been the Year 3 outdoor learning environment. This area was designed around the children’s ideas and leads on from EYFS and KS1. The outdoor programme also included works to KS2 playground which saw fencing removed and a reading area designed under the tree, to further embed Love of Reading, and new picnic benches installed. The opening of the area now allows access to the trim trail that was previously unused.

The Forest area is now also complete. A path leading from the covered area and through the wood allows year round use and will enable our Forest school programme to grow over the coming year. To enhance the provision further an Amphitheatre has been constructed which will allow children to participate in outdoor performances and lessons.

Led by the school development plan new internal areas have been created and revamped. These include the relocation of the Headteacher, Senior Management Team and School Business Manager. The Headteacher has now relocated to the Junior build and her previous office has been transformed into an imaginatively designed library for EYFS and KS1. The previous library has now been transformed into a learning zone for Year 1, enabling a smooth transition from EYFS. The infant based SENCO room now houses the Deputy Headteacher and allows members of the SMT a working space. The SBM has moved out of the main office and relocated into the Infant medical room. This has allowed the office, which was hugely lacking in space to be redesigned at no additional cost and the children centre staff are now in their own area previously occupied by the SBM. This has resulted in a quieter more efficient working area for all concerned and has been greatly received. To further utilise space, the old Year 3 mobiles are now being utilised to provide space for Art, Music, intervention and PPA for staff.


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Further internal works have also included new wooden flooring in both Year 4 classrooms, blinds in Year 1 learning zone (previously infant conservatory/library) and Year 2 learning zone. The KS2 PE cupboard has had new shelves fitted which allows for a much better organisation of PE equipment and resources. This year’s redevelopments across school have brought the accommodations up to date and meet the needs of our children. All works have been thoughtfully and attractively designed and continue to give the school a contemporary, warm, welcoming appearance that enhances both children, staff and visitors experience at Rudston Primary School.

When Tasks

Nov 13 Nobles Construction - Construction of Year 3 classrooms.

Jan 14 Relocation of Headteacher and creation of new EYFS Library – new location of library allowed Year 1 to have a designated learning zone to enhance provision.

Jan 14 Relocation of SMT – space for new deputy, SMT and meeting area

July 14 Redesign of mobile classrooms – music, PPA space and intervention area.

Aug 14 Year 3 Outdoor Learning Environment – Climbing wall, garden area, covered area, mirrored circle.

Aug 14 Forest Development – Lyon Landscapes New path, planting and Amphitheatre.

Aug 14 Development to KS2 Playground – Reading Area, access to trim trail and new picnic area.

Sept 14 Relocation of SBM and redesign of school office – larger working area and separate Children Centre office space.

What next?

Development of a school farm April 2015 Update of ICT provision in Infant hall October 2014 Installation of Electric Blinds in new canteen build October 2014 Revamp of KS2 school garden October 2014


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Supporting Data


Year School GLD Nat GLD Difference Outcomes in comparison

2013 80.0 51.6 +28.4 Sig above

2014 78.3 61 +17.3 Sig above

2013 TAPS 35 32.8 +2.2 Sig above

2014 TAPS 33.5 34 -0.5 Below

Maintaining above average GLD percentages. APS is slightly below national as the number of children attaining exceeding fell this year in our school cohort. Year 1 will find broader and more depth in the level of expected children. This is a focus for this year group 2014-2015 for new cohort.

Area of learning School exp+ 2014 Nat Exp+ 2014 Gap

Communication and language

86.7 72 +14.7

Physical development 93.3 83 +10.3

PSED 91.7 76 +15.7

Literacy 81.7 61 +20.7

Mathematics 86.7 66 +20.7

U t World 88.3 75 +13.3

EAD 96.7 78 +18.7

Year 1 still need to focus on ensuring get to 85% at expected for Literacy and Numeracy at Y1 ARE. Developing the communication and Language skills for the cohort in a variety of ways, including EAL children and Sp and Language needs.


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FS provision must continue to find strategies to improve CL and Literacy, Maths. Whole school focus on reading will need to be explored with appropriate strategies in FS and utilising power of parental involvement and home learning. Meetings already held for parents. The Bug Club will hopefully have some impact on this aspect. Understanding the World focus as well to improve CL skills, ICT and will follow whole school focus. Utilise experiences, visits and visitors to explore further. EAL children will continue to need language support in Y1.FS need to focus on new groupings and individuals who will need support.Area of learning School exp+

Listening and Attention 91.7

Understanding 91.7

Speaking 88.3

Reading 83.3

Writing 81.7

Numbers 90.0

Shape, space and Measure 86.7

2014 6 children 2013 8 childrenFSM nat%GLD School natAPS School Nat%GLD school natAPS SchoolFSM 16.7 28.3 36 20 29.9 28.2All others 61 78.3 34 33.5 55 80 33.5 35Attainment gap

-61.6 -5.2 -19 -60 -3.5 -6.8

Implication for FS and Year 1. (2014 figures unavailable yet)

Boys and girls nat%GLD School natGLD SchoolGirls 69 83.3 60 86Boys 52 75 44 62gap -17 -8.3 -24 -24Closing gap on gender need to continue with this by provision and methods.


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Page 50: Target 1 - Rudston Primary School · Web viewThere have been significant changes since the amalgamation which have been in the main embraced fully - the most significant changes has

Supporting Data

ASPR Data Predictions 2015


2015 Predictions against 2014 Unvalidated Data

2015 Reading 2014School National

3 8.6% 54 91.4% 7 96.8 88

4b+ 72.4% 55 63.8% 37 61.3 49

2015 Writing 2014School National

3 8.6% 54 91.4% 13 88.7 85

4b+ 69.0% 185 37.9% 22 38.7 33

2015 Maths 2014School National

3 6.9% 44 93.1% 17 90.3 87

4b+ 63.8% 145 39.7% 23 54.8 42