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TAFSIR OF AHLUS SUNNAH Surah Al-Ikhlas 112 : Verse No. 1 SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 MUSJIDUL HAQ RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 48 Van Der Riet Street | Uitenhage | Port Elizabeth / Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (South Africa) The Research Department of MUSJIDUL HAQ is dedicated to provide the Muslim Ummah with Sound Islamic Education as it appears in the form of articles on website. Any constructive criticism, errors or improvements; albeit grammatical or spelling, please inform us via email or using the comment box below each article, we greatly value your feedback and comments. We hope the format of any Arabic script comes through correctly, for a better viewing experience we recommend downloading the PDF format of the article. An appeal is also made to all scholars to review and rectify by communicating with us where necessary. Ƃ ُ ا ی م ک م دà ِ دْ لُ وِ د ی سŞ ƻ عُ م الس وُ وۃٰ ل الص وÝ ċُ لْ ھ ا وُ ا ھ م کÏ ُ دْ م حْ ل اĈƻ ص ś ْ ن اِ بÓ ٰ ý ْ ر ی و بِ ح Ş ِċ ْ ی ل عThrough the Centuries

Tafsir of Ahlus sunnah - MUSJIDUL HAQ...revealed this Surah. Tafsir al-Baghawi (Ma’aalim al-Tanzeel) of Muhiyy al-Sunnah Imam Abu Muhammad Al-Husain ibn Mas’ood al-Baghwi al-Shafe’I

Jan 21, 2021



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Page 1: Tafsir of Ahlus sunnah - MUSJIDUL HAQ...revealed this Surah. Tafsir al-Baghawi (Ma’aalim al-Tanzeel) of Muhiyy al-Sunnah Imam Abu Muhammad Al-Husain ibn Mas’ood al-Baghwi al-Shafe’I

TAFSIR OF AHLUS SUNNAH Surah Al-Ikhlas 112 : Verse No. 1


48 Van Der Riet Street | Uitenhage | Port Elizabeth / Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (South Africa)

The Research Department of MUSJIDUL HAQ is dedicated to

provide the Muslim Ummah with Sound Islamic Education as it

appears in the form of articles on

website. Any constructive criticism, errors or improvements; albeit

grammatical or spelling, please inform us via email or using the

comment box below each article, we greatly value your

feedback and comments. We hope the format of any Arabic

script comes through correctly, for a better viewing experience

we recommend downloading the PDF format of the article. An

appeal is also made to all scholars to review and rectify by

communicating with us where necessary.

لم علی سید ولد ادم کما ی لوۃ والس صل الحمد للہ کما ھو اھلہ و الص علیہ ی حب ویرضی بان ی

Through the Centuries

Page 2: Tafsir of Ahlus sunnah - MUSJIDUL HAQ...revealed this Surah. Tafsir al-Baghawi (Ma’aalim al-Tanzeel) of Muhiyy al-Sunnah Imam Abu Muhammad Al-Husain ibn Mas’ood al-Baghwi al-Shafe’I




﴾۱﴿ احد الل ہو قل

Proclaim, “He is Allah, He is One.”

Tafsir al-Tabari تفسیر الطبری

کین أن ى الل رسول سألوا المش م علیه الل صل الل فأنزل العزۃ، رب نسب عن وسل هذه

ورۃ .لهم جوابا الس

The polytheists asked the Holy Prophet – peace and blessings

of Allah be upon him – about the lineage of the Almighty Lord,

so Allah Almighty revealed this surah in their response.

کون قال :قال کعب، بن أبی عن ى للنبی المش م علیه الل صل ربك، لنا انسب :وسل

مد الل أحد الل هو قل :الل فأنزل الص

Sayyiduna Ubai ibn Ka’b – may Allah be pleased with him – is

reported to have said: The polytheists said to the Holy Prophet

– may Allah send peace and blessings upon him, “Please tell

us about your Lord’s lineage, so Allah Almighty revealed Surah


الخلق، خلق الل هذا :له فقالوا سألوه، الیهود أن أجل من نزلت بل :بعضهم وقال

.لهم جوابا فأنزلت الل خلق فمن

Some said that the reason for its revelation was rather the

question of jews, they asked him, “If Allah created the entire

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creation then who created Allah?” This Surah was revealed in

their response.

Tafsir Al-Tabari (Tafsir Ibn Jareer / Jame’ al-Bayaan fi Taweel al-Quraan) of

Imam Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Jareer al-Tabri D. 310 A.H.

Tafsir al-Baghawi تفسیر البغوی

اك وقال ح أحبار من ناس جاء :ومقاتل وقتادۃ الض لى الیهود ى النبی إ علیه الل صل

م د یا ربك لنا صف :فقالوا وسل نا محم وراۃ، فی نعته أنزل الل فإن بك، نؤمن لعل الت

ب یأكل وهل هو شیء أی من فأخبرنا الل فأنزل منه یرث ومن ویش ورۃ هذه الس

Sayyiduna Dhahhak, Qatadah and Muqatil – may Allah be

pleased with them – said that a delegation of jewish rabbis

came to the Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and

blessings upon him – and said, “Describe your Lord to us, O

Muhammad, so we could believe in you, for Allah Almighty has

revealed His praises in Torah, so tell us what is He created from?

Does he eat or drink? Who are His heirs?” Allah Almighty then

revealed this Surah.

Tafsir al-Baghawi (Ma’aalim al-Tanzeel) of Muhiyy al-Sunnah Imam Abu

Muhammad Al-Husain ibn Mas’ood al-Baghwi al-Shafe’I D. 510 A.H.

Tafsir al-Kabeer التفسیر الکبیر

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ى الل رسول قال :قال أبی روى م علیه الل صل أ من » :وسل ، الل هو قل سورۃ ق أحد

ما أ فکأن آن ثلث ق من وأعطي الق حسنات عش الجر ك من بعدد بالل وآمن بالل أش

Sayyiduna Ubai – may Allah be pleased with him – reported

that the Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings

upon him – has stated, “Whoever recites Surah Al-Ikhlas, it is as

if he has recited one-third of the Holy Quran. He is given virtues

10 times the combined number of all the polytheists and

believers in Allah.”

لۃ علیه وقال لم الص أ من :والس من أعطي واحدۃ مرۃ أحد الل هو قل ق کمن الجر

من وأعطي ورسله وکتبه وملئکته بالل آمن شهیدا مائة مثل الجر

The Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon

him – has stated, “One who recites Surah Al-Ikhlas once is given

the virtues like that of the one who believes in Allah, His angels,

His books and His Prophets, and he is also given the virtues of

100 martyrs.”

لى رجل جاء :سعد بن سهل وعن ى النبی إ م علیه الل صل إذا :فقال الفق إلیه وشكا وسل

أ نفسك، على فسلم أحد فیه یکن لم وإن أحد فیه كان إن فسلم بيتك دخلت هو قل واق

جیرانه على أفاض حتی رزقا علیه الل فأدر الرجل ففعل واحدۃ مرۃ أحد الل

Sayyiduna Sahl ibn Sa’eed – may Allah be pleased with him –

reported: A man visited the Holy Prophet – may Allah send

peace and blessings upon him – and complained to him about

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poverty, so he said, “When you enter your house, pay Salam if

there is anyone inside, and if there is no one inside then make

Salam upon yourself and recite Surah Al-Ikhlas once.” The man

followed the instruction, so Allah Almighty bestowed upon him

abundance of wealth, so much so that he even exceeded his

neighbours (in wealth).”

وعن كان رجل أن :س أن أ ذلك عن الرسول فسأله أحد الل هو قل :صلته جمیع فی یق

ن ی الل رسول یا :فقال ك :فقال أحبها، إ الجنة یدخلك إیاها حب

Sayyiduna Anas – may Allah be pleased with him – narrated

that there was a man who only recited Surah Al-Ikhlas in all his

Salahs, so the Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and

blessings upon him – asked him about it, and he replied, “O

Allah’s Messenger, it’s because I love it.” He then said, “Your

love for it will enter you in paradise.”

:وجوه وفیه نزولها سبب فی

ل ها : الو کین سؤال بسبب نزلت أن المش

اك قال ح کین إن :الض فیل بن عامر أرسلوا المش لى الط ى النبی إ وسلم علیه الل صل

أغنيناك، فقیرا کنت فإن آبائك، دین وخالفت آلهتنا، وسببت عصانا شققت :وقالوا

جناکها، امرأۃ هویت وإن داویناك، مجنونا کنت وإن لۃ علیه فقال زو لم الص :والس

لست من أدعوکم الل رسول أنا المرأۃ، هویت ولا مجنون ولا بفقیر لى الصنام عبادۃ إ

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ن له قل :وقالوا ثانیة فأرسلوه عبادته، ة، أو ذهب أمن معبودك، س جن لنا بی فض

الل فأنزل ورۃ، هذه ون ثلثمائة :له فقالوا الس فکیف بحوائجنا، تقوم لا صنما وست

افات :فنزلت الخلق؟ بحوائج الواحد یقوم لى والص افات ] لواحد إلهکم إن :قوله إ :الص

ى، فأرسلوه [4 -1 ن :وقالوا أخ خلق الذی الل ربکم إن :فنزل أفعاله لنا بی

ماوات [54 :العراف] والرض الس

ها :یالثان سؤال بسبب نزلت أن الیهود

مة روى لى جاءوا الیهود أن عباس ابن عن عك ف، بن کعب ومعهم الل رسول إ الش

د یا :فقالوا لم علیه الل نبی فغضب الل؟ خلق فمن الخلق، خلق الل هذا محم الس

د، یا جناحك اخفض :وقال فسکنه جبریل فنزل ا أحد الل هو قل :فنزل محم تله فلم

غضبه من أشد فغضب ذراعه؟ وکیف عضده، کیف ربك لنا صف :قالوا علیهم

ل، حق الل قدروا وما :قوله ب جبریل فأتاه الو [91 :النعام ] قدره

ها :الثالث النصارى سؤال بسبب نزلت أن

أو زبرجد أمن ربك لنا صف :فقالوا نجران، وفد قدم :قال عباس ابن عن عطاء روى

ة؟ أو ذهب أو یاقوت ه شیء من لیس رب ی إن :فقال فض هو قل :فنزلت الشیاء خالق لن

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، هو :قالوا أحد الل ، وأنت واحد ، کمثله لیس :فقال واحد فة، من زدنا :قالوا شیء الص

مد الل :فقال مد؟ وما :فقالوا الص الحوائج، فی الخلق إلیه یصمد الذی :فقال الص

کفوا له یکن ولم :عیسی ولد کما یولد ولم :مریم ولدت کما یلد لم :فنزل زدنا :فقالوا

.خلقه من نظیرا یرید أحد

It was revealed due to the following reasons:

1. It was revealed in response to the questions of the


Sayyiduna Dhahhak – may Allah be pleased with him – said:

The polytheists sent Amir ibn al-Tufail to the Holy Prophet –

may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – to

represent them and instructed him to say, “You insulted and

disobeyed us and insulted our gods and turned against the

religion of your forefathers. If you were poor we would

make you rich, if you were mad we would take you for

treatment and if you desired a woman we would get you

married to her.” The Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace

and blessings upon him – then replied, “I am neither poor

nor am I mad, nor do I desire a woman. I am the Messenger

of Allah. I call you to turn to Allah’s worship instead of

worshipping the idols.”

They sent him the second time and instructed him to get

answers of these questions, “Tell us about the matter, his

God is made of; whether it’s made of silver of gold?” Allah

Almighty then revealed this Surah.

They then said to him, “If 360 gods are incapable of fulfilling

our needs then how would one God be able fulfil the needs

of entire creation?” It was then the following verse was


﴾۴ان الـہکم لوحد ﴿

Undoubtedly, your God is definitely One.

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(Al-Saffat 37, Verse 4)

They sent him again and said, “Tell us about his actions.” It

was then this verse was revealed:

موت والارض ان ربکم الل الذی خلق الس

Undoubtedly, your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens

and earth.

(Yunus 10, Verse 3)

2. It was revealed in response to the jews’ question.

Sayyiduna ‘Ikramah – may Allah be pleased with him –

reported from Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas – may Allah be pleased

with them – that the jews came to the Holy Prophet – may

Allah send peace and blessings upon him – accompanied

by Ka’b ibn al-Ashraf and said, “O Muhammad, if Allah

created the entire creation then who created Allah?” The

Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon

him – was enraged over it then Sayyiduna Jibreel –

comforted him and said, “O Muhammad, keep your hands

down.” Allah Almighty then revealed Surah Al-Ikhlas. When

he recited it for them, they asked for Allah’s bodily

description e.g. how are his limbs?” The Holy Prophet – may

Allah send peace and blessings upon him – became even

more furious than before, then Sayyiduna Jibreel – peace

be upon him - came to him with the verse:

ما قدروا الل حق قدرہ

They valued not Allah as He should be valued.

(Al-Hajj 22, Verse 74)

3. It was revealed in response of christians’ question.

Sayyiduna ‘Ata reported from Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas – may

Allah be pleased with them, he said, “A delegation of

Najran came and said, “Describe you Lord to us; is he made

of ruby, gold or silver?” So, he (The Holy Prophet – may Allah

send peace and blessings upon him) replied, “My Lord is not

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made from anything because He is indeed the Creator of

all things. It was then that the following verse was revealed:

﴾۱﴿ احد الل ہو قل

Proclaim, “He is Allah, He is One.”

(Al-Ikhlas 112, Verse 1)

They said, “(if) He is one then so are you.” He replied, “There

is nothing comparable to him.” They said, “Reveal some

more of His attributes to us.” He then said:

مد الل ﴾۲﴿ الص

“Allah the Independent, Care free.”

(Al-Ikhlas 112, Verse 2)

They asked, “What is Al-Samad?” He replied, “He is the One

the entire creation turns to in their needs.” They said to

enlighten them more and he said:

﴾۳﴿ ولد ی لم و لد ی لم

“He has no offspring” like (Sayyidah) Maryam (may Allah

be pleased with her) gave birth, “nor is He born from

anything” like (Sayyiduna) ‘Isa (peace be upon him) was


(Al-Ikhlas 112, Verse 3)

﴾۴و لم یکن لہ کفوا احد ٪﴿

“And there is none equal to Him.” (Al-Ikhlas 112, Verse 4)

He is unlike any of His creation.”

Names of Surah Al-Ikhlas:

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ید سورۃ : أحدها ف الت

1. Surah Al-Tafrid: i.e. the unique

جرید سورۃ :وثانیها الت

2. Surah Al-Tajrid: i.e. On its own, free from anything else

وحید سورۃ :وثالثها الت

3. Surah Al-Tawhid: i.e. pure Islamic Monotheism

الخلص سورۃ :ورابعها

ه فی یذك لم لن هذه ورۃ ة صفاته سوى الس لبی من ولن الجلل، صفات هی التی الس

ما ولن النار، من خلصه كان علیه مات من ولن الل، دین فی مخلصا كان اعتقده

أه من جزاء فكان لهب أبی ذم فی خلص قبله لهب أبی وبین بينه یجمع لا أن ق

4. Surah Al-Ikhlas: i.e. sincere devotion to Allah

Because in this Surah:

• He only mentioned the attribute qualities of

negation and it is the attribute of Dignity.

• The one who believes in it will be sincere in Allah's


• The one who dies believing in it, will attain

salvation from hellfire.

• The reader just cursed Abu Lahab earlier (in Surah

Lahab), so this Surah comes as a concluding

remark that the one reading it, Allah Almighty will

not unite him and Abu Lahab.

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سورۃ :وخامسها النجاۃ

ها شبیه عن تنجیك لن نیا، فی والکف الت فی النار وعن الد ۃ الخ

5. Surah al-Najah: i.e. the salvation

For it frees you from likelihood and infidelity in the world,

and in the hereafter, it will bring salvation from hellfire.

الولایة سورۃ :وسادسها

أها من لن ف من ولن الل أولیاء من صار ق فبعد والاه فقد الوجه هذا على الل عر

نعمة منحة بعد کما رحمة محنة

6. Surah al-Wilayah: i.e. protection

For the one who gains the recognition of Allah in this

way, He will protect him, for after trial comes mercy, as

every Mercy is followed by a blessing.

النسبة سورۃ :وسابعها

ینا ه لمارو ه ربك، لنا انسب :قال من لسؤال جوابا ورد أن لم علیه ولن لرجل قال الس

« خیرا الل بنسبة استوص سلیم بنی أخا یا» :سلیم بنی من

7. Surah al-Nisbah: i.e. the connection with Allah

As we have related that it was revealed in response to

the question about the lineage of the Almighty Lord.

The Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings

upon him – said to a man of Bani Sulaim tribe, “O the

person of Bani Sulaim, adopt good connection with


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المعرفة سورۃ :وثامنها

تتم لا الل معرفة لن بمعرفة إلا هذه ورۃ الس

ى رجل أن جابر روى أ صل لۃ علیه النبی فقال أحد الل هو قل :فق لم الص هذا إن :والس

ف عبد یت ربه عر لذلك المعرفة سورۃ فسم

8. Surah al-Ma’refah: i.e. Gnosis of Allah

For the gnosis of Allah will not be achieved except by

studying this Surah.

Sayyiduna Jabir – may Allah be pleased with him –

reported that a man performed Salah and recited Surah

al-Ikhlas, so the Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace

and blessings upon him – said, “Indeed this servant has

achieved the recognition of Allah.” It is for this reason

that it was named Surah al-Ma’refah.

الجمال سورۃ :وتاسعها

لۃ علیه قال لم الص أحد :فقال ذلك عن فسألوه «الجمال یحب جمیل الل إن » :والس

یولد ولم یلد لم صمد

9. Surah al-Jamal: i.e. the beauty

The Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings

upon him – has stated, “Indeed Allah Almighty is

beautiful and loves beauty.” They enquired about it, so

he said, “He is One, the independent, He has no

offspring nor is He born from anything.”

ها المقشقشة سورۃ :وعاش

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ا المریض تقشیش :یقال ف فمن به، مم ك من البرء له حصل هذا عر لن والنفاق الش

] مرض قلوبهم فی :قال کما مرض النفاق ۃ [10 :البق

10. Surah al-Muqashqishah: i.e. the cure

It is said that the patient is disgusted by the disease he’s

suffering from, so who knew this, got salvation from

polytheism and hypocrisy because hypocrisy is a disease

as the Almighty stated:

رض فی قلوبہم م

In their heart is a disease.

(Al-Baqarah 2, Verse 10)

المعوذۃ :عش الحادی

ه روی لم علیه أن ذه مظعون بن عثمان على دخل الس تین بها فعو ثم بعدها، وبالل

ذ :قال منها بخیر تعوذت فما بهن تعو

11. Surah al-Mu’awwidhah: i.e. the refuge

It is narrated that the Holy Prophet – may Allah send

peace and blessings upon him – visited Sayyiduna

‘Uthman ibn Maz’oon – may Allah be pleased with him

– and sought refuge for him with the two following Surahs

after it (Surah Al-Falaq and Al-Naas) and then said,

“Seek refuge from them, for you would not find anything

better than this.”

دالصم سورۃ :عش والثانی

ها ة لن مختص ه تعالى بذك

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12. Surah Al-Samad: i.e. The One Who is absolutely


For it is especially dedicated to the remembrance of

Allah Almighty.

الث الساس سورۃ :عش والث

الل هو قل على السبع والرضون السبع السموات أسست» :والسلم الصلۃ علیه قال

ا «أحد :قوله بدلیل والرض السموات لخراب سبب بالثلثة القول أن علیه یدل ومم

ماوات تكاد ن الس أن فوجب [90 :مریم ] الجبال وتخر الرض وتنشق منه یتفط

وحید یکون سببا الت لعمارۃ بب وقیل الشیاء هذه كان لو :تعالى قوله معنی فیه الس

[22 :النبیاء ] لفسدتا الل إلا آلهة فیهما

13. Surah Al-Asaas: i.e. the foundation

The Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings

upon him – has stated, “The 7 heavens and 7 planets are

founded upon Surah Al-Ikhlas.” This is evidenced by the

fact that trinity is the cause of destruction of the heavens

and earth evident from Allah’s words:

ا ﴿ ن منہ وتنشق الارض و تخر الجبال ہد موت یتفط ﴾۹۰تكاد الس

It is near that the heavens may burst by it and the

earth may crack down and the mountains fall down


(Maryam 19, Verse 90)

Then it is definitely the Oneness of Allah, reason to

uphold these things.

It is also said that the reason behind this are the words of

Allah Almighty:

لوكان فیہما الہة الا الل لفسدتا

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If there had been gods besides Allah in the heavens

and earth, then necessarily, they would have been


(Al-Anbiya 21, Verse 22)

المانعة سورۃ :عش الرابع

ه عباس ابن روى ج حین لنبیه :قال تعالى أن من وهی الخلص سورۃ أعطيتك به عر

شی، کنوز ذخائر عذاب تمنع المانعة وهی عر النیران ولفحات القبر

14. Surah Al-Mane’ah: i.e. the preventer (of punishment in

the grave)

Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas – may Allah be pleased with him –

narrated that Allah Almighty said to His Prophet – may

Allah send peace and blessings upon him – when he

had elevated him (in Me’raj), “I have granted you Surah

Al-Ikhlas, and it is from the treasures of My ‘Arsh. It is the

preventer, and it prevents punishment of grave and hot

blows of hell.”

المحض سورۃ :عش الخامس

ئت إذا لاستماعها تحض الملئکة لن ق

15. Surah Al-Mahdhar: i.e. the gatherer, for the angels

gather to listen to its recitation.

ادس ۃ :عش الس المنف

یطان لن اءتها عند ینف الش ق

16. Surah Al-Munaffirah: i.e. for the satan hates it when it is


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ابع البراءۃ :عش الس

رجل رأى السلم علیه أنه روی لنه أ یق ورۃ هذه ا :فقال الس من برىء فقد هذا أم

ك، الش

لم علیه وقال أ من :الس له کتبت غیرها فی أو صلۃ فی مرۃ مائة أحد الل هو قل سورۃ ق

النار من براءۃ

17. Surah Al-Bara’ah: i.e. the salvation For it is narrated that the Holy Prophet – may Allah send

peace and blessings upon him – saw a man reciting this

Surah, so he said, “This man has attained salvation from


The Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings

upon him – has also stated, “One who recites Surah Al-

Ikhlas 100 times in Salah or out of Salah, salvation from

hell is destined for him.”

امن سورۃ :عش الث ۃ المذك

ها لنوحید خالص العبد تذك اءۃ الت فق ورۃ ك كالوسمة الس

ا عنه تتغافل ما تذك مم

إلیه محتاج أنت

18. Surah Al-Mudhakkirah: i.e. the reminder

For it reminds the devotee of pure Tawhid, and the

recitation of this Surah works as a mark to remind you of

what you are neglecting for what you need.

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اسع النور سورۃ :عش الت

ماوات نور الل :تعالى الل قال للسموات المنور فهو [35 :النور] والرض الس

ورۃ والرض، قلبك تنور والس

لم علیه وقال آن ونور نور شیء كل إن» :الس نور أن ونظیره «أحد الل هو قل الق

فی النسان ورۃ فصارت الحدقة، وهو أعضائه أصغر آن الس للنسان كالحدقة للق

19. Surah Al-Noor: i.e. the light

Allah Almighty has stated:

موت و الارض الل نور الس

Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth.

(Al-Noor 24, Verse 35)

For He is the One who lights up the heavens and earth

and this Surah will illuminate your heart.

The Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings

upon him – has stated, “Everything has light and the light

of Quran is Surah Al-Ikhlas.”

To understand it by the example of human body– it is the

iris, so this Surah acts as the iris of the Holy Quran.

ون المان سورۃ :العش

لم علیه قال من أمن حصنی دخل ومن حصنی دخل الل إلا إله لا العبد قال إذا» :الس

. «عذابی

20. Surah Al-Aman: i.e. the safety

Hadeeth al-Qudsi:

The Holy Porphet – may Allah send peace and blessings

upon him – has stated, “When the devotee says, ‘There

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is none worthy of worship but Allah’ he enters My fort,

and the one who enters My fort has attained safety from

My punishment.”

Tafsir al-Kabeer (Mafateeh al-Ghaib) of Imam Fakhruddin Muhammad ibn

Umar al-Raazi al-Shafe’i D. 606 A.H.

Tafsir al-Qurtubi تفسیر القطبی

یك ولا ولد ولا صاحبة، ولا نظیر ولا له، شبیه لا الذی الوتر، الواحد أی .ش

i.e. the One and Only, the One there is none like Him, He has

no match, partner, child or associates.

Tafsir Qurtubi (Al-Jame’ Li Ahkaam al-Quran) Imam Shamsuddin

Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Qurtubi D. 671 A.H.

Tafsir al-Nasafi تفسیر النسفی

له ثانی لا واحد الل أن

Indeed, Allah Almighty is One, has none second to him.

Tafsir al-Nasafi (Madarik al-Tanzeel) of Imam Abul Barakaat Abdullah ibn

Ahmed al-Nasafi D. 710 A.H.

Tafsir al-Durr al-Manthoor تفسیر الدر المنثور

یخ أبو وأخج مرقندی بك وأبو العظمة فی الش أنس عن {أحد الل هو قل} فضائل فی الس

لى خیبر یهود جاءت :قال عنه الل رضی القاسم أبا یا :فقالوا وسلم علیه الل صلى النبی إ

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النار لهب من وإبلیس مسنون حمإ من وآدم الحجاب نور من الملئکة الل خلق

الل صلى النبی یجبهم فلم ربك عن فأخبرنا الماء زبد من والرض دخان من ماءوالس

جبریل فأتاه وسلم علیه ورۃ بهذه الل} تتشعب عروق له لیس {أحد الل هو قل} الس

مد ولد ولا والد له لیس {یولد ولم یلد لم} یشب ولا یأكل لا بالجوف لیس {الص

موات یمسك مكانه یعدل شیء خلقه من لیس {أحد کفوا له یکن ولم} إلیه ینسب الس

ورۃ هذه زالتا إن ۃ ولا دنیا ولا نار ولا جنة ذك فیها لیس الس حرام ولا حلل ولا آخ

أها من خالصة له فهی إلیها الل انتسب اءۃ عدل مرات ثلث ق ومن كله الوحی بق

أها نیا أهل من أحد یفضله لم مرۃ ثلثین ق ومن قال ما على زاد من إلا یومئذ الد

أها أها ومن یرضاه سکنا الفودوس من أسکن مرۃ مائتی ق ثلث منزله یدخل حین ق

أها رجل وكان الجار ونفعت الفق عن نفت مرات وعابوا به هزئوا فکأنهم صلۃ كل فی یق

یا قال ذلك على حملك وما :فقال وسلم علیه الل صلى الل لرسول فقالوا علیه ذلك

ن ی :الل رسول الجنة أدخلك حبها :قال أحبها إ

Imam Abu al-Shaykh mentioned it in Al-‘Azmah and Imam Abu

Bakr al-Samarqandi in the Fadhail of Surah al-Ikhlas from

Sayyiduna Anas – may Allah be pleased with them:

The jews of Khaybar visited the Holy Prophet – may Allah send

peace and blessings upon him – and said, “O Aba al-Qasim,

Allah Almighty created the angels from light, Sayyiduna Adam

– peace be upon him – from black mud, Iblis from the flame of

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hell, the sky from smoke, the earth from water bubble, so tell us

about you Lord.” The Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace

and blessings upon him – did not respond to them – and then

Sayyiduna Jibreel – peace be upon him – descended with this


﴾۱﴿ احد الل ہو قل

Proclaim, “He is Allah, He is One.” i.e. He does not have

veins spreading.

(Al-Ikhlas 112, Verse 1)

مد الل ﴾۲﴿ الص

“Allah the Independent, Care free.” i.e. He does not have

a stomach; He neither eats nor drinks.

(Al-Ikhlas 112, Verse 2)

﴾۳﴿ ولد ی لم و لد ی لم

“He has no offspring nor is He born from anything” i.e. He

has father or son as a lineage.

(Al-Ikhlas 112, Verse 3)

ہ کفوا احد ٪﴿ ﴾۴و لم یکن ل

“And there is none equal to Him.” i.e. there is none

amongst creation that can be parallel to His station. He

stops the sky from falling.

(Al-Ikhlas 112, Verse 4)

The paradise and hell are not mentioned in this Surah. Neither

the world nor the hereafter or lawful and unlawful are

mentioned. It is purely attributed to Allah alone. One who

recites it three times, it is as if he has recited the entire Quran.

One who recites it 200 times, will get an abode of his choice in

Jannat al-Firdaus. One who recites it thrice upon entering the

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house, poverty will be eliminated from him and even his

neighbours will benefit.”

There was a man who used to recite it in every Salah, and they

used to ridicule him and belittle him due to this. They related it

to Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon

him, so he said, “What has motivated you to do so?” He

replied, “O Allah’s Messenger, it is because I love it.” He said,

“Your love for it will enter you into paradise.” (The narrator says)

that the Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings

upon him – spent the whole night reciting it repeatedly until the

next morning.

برانی حاتم أبی ابن وأخج یق من الحلیة فی نعیم وأبو والط یوسف بن حمزۃ بن محمد ط

ن ی :الیهود لحبار قال عنه الل رضی سلم بن الل عبد أن سلم بن الل عبد بن أردت إ

لى فانطلق عهدا إبراهیم أبينا بمسجد أحدث أن وهو وسلم علیه الل صلى الل رسول إ

ا الناس مع فقام حوله والناس بمنی فوافاه بمکة علیه الل صلى الل رسول إلیه نظر فلم

أنشدك :فقال منه فدنا أدن :قال نعم :قال سلم بن الل عبد أنت :له قال وسلم

وراۃ فی تجدنی أما بالل قل} فقال جبریل فجاء ربك لنا أنعت :له فقال الل رسول الت

لى {أحد الل هو ورۃ آخ إ :سلم ابن فقال وسلم علیه الل صلى الل رسول فقأها الس

ك وأشهد الل إلا إله لا أن أشهد لى انصف ثم الل رسول أن إسلمه وکتم المدینة إ

Imam Ibn Abi Hatim, Tabrani and Abu Nu’aim mentioned it in

Hilyah with the chain of Sayyiduna Muhammad ibn Hamzah

ibn Yusuf ibn Abdullah ibn Salam – may Allah be pleased with

them. Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Salam – may Allah be pleased

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with him – said to the jewish rabbis, “I have decided to take an

oath in the Mosque of our father Sayyiduna Ibrahim – peace

be upon him. He went to the Holy Prophet – may Allah send

peace and blessings upon him – while he was in Makkah. He

found him at Mina surrounded by people. When the Holy

Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him –

looked towards him, he said to him, “Are you Abdullah ibn

Salam?” “Yes”, he replied. He said, “Come closer”, so he got

closer then he said, “I give you the oath of Allah, do you not

find the declaration about me as the Messenger of Allah in

Torah?” Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Salam – may Allah be

pleased with him – said, “Tell me about the attributes of your

Lord?” Sayyiduna Jibreel – peace be upon him – came and

read Surah Al-Ikhlas, so the Holy Prophet – may Allah send

peace and blessings upon him – recited it to him. Sayyiduna

Abdullah ibn Salam said, “I testify that there is none worthy of

worship but Allah and I testify that indeed you are the

Messenger of Allah.” He then returned to Madinah

Munawwarah but kept his Islam secret.

أن أنس عن الیمان شعب فی والبیهقی قوائده فی وسمویه والبزار الضیس ابن وأخج

أ من :قال وسلم علیه الل صلى النبی ذنوب له غف مرۃ مائتی {احد الل هو قل} ق

سنة مائتی

Imam Dharees, Bazzar, and Samwaih mentioned in his Fawaid,

and Baihaqi in Shu’ab al-Iman from Sayyiduna Anas – may

Allah be pleased with them – that the Holy Prophet – may Allah

send peace and blessings upon him – said, “One who recites

Surah Al-Ikhlas 200 times, his 200 years of sins will be forgiven.”

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رمذی وأخج له واللفظ الشعب فی والبیهقی عدی وابن نص بن ومحمد یعلى وأبو الت

أ من :وسلم علیه الل صلى الل رسول قال :قال عنه الل رضی أنس عن مائتی یوم كل ق

سنة خمسین ذنوب عنه ومحا حسنة وخمسمائة ألفا له الل کتب {أحد الل هو قل} مرۃ

دین علیه یکون أن إلا

Imam Tirmidhi, Abu Laila, Muhammad ibn Nasr, Ibn ‘Adi, and

Baihaqi mentioned in Shu’ab al-Iman, these are his words, from

Sayyiduna Anas – may Allah be pleased with them – that the

Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him

– has stated, “One who recites Surah Al-Ikhlas 200 times daily,

Allah Almighty writes 1,500 good deeds in his account and

erases 50 years of his sins except what he owed to anyone.”

أ من :وسلم علیه الل صلى الل رسول قال :قال عمر ابن عن أیضا وأخج الل هو قل} ق

ما {أحد أ فکأن آن ثلث ق أ ومن الق ما مرتین {أحد الل هو قل} ق أ فکأن ثلثی ق

آن أ ومن الق ما مرات ثلث {أحد الل هو قل} ق أ فکأن الل أنزل ما جمیع ق

(Same reference as above) Sayyiduna Ibn ‘Umar – may Allah

be pleased with them – is reported to have said: The Holy

Prophet – may Allah send peace and blessings upon him – has

stated, “One who recites Surah Al-Ikhlas is as if he has recited

one-third of the Holy Quran, and the one who recites it twice is

as if he has recited two-thirds of the Holy Quran, and the one

who recites it thrice, it is as if he has recited the entire Quran.”

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یق من أیضا وأخج أ من :قال وسلم علیه الل صلى النبی عن أنس عن نعیم ط قل} ق

یوم والمان العذاب من وأمانا النار من براءۃ له الل کتب مرۃ ثلثین {أحد الل هو

الکبر الفزع

(Same reference as above) From the chain of Imam Nu’aim,

from Sayyiduna Anas – may Allah be pleased with them –

reports from the Holy Prophet – may Allah send peace and

blessings upon him – to have said, “One who recites Surah Al-

Ikhlas 30 times, Allah Almighty decrees his salvation from hell

and safety from punishment and safety from the greatest


لی إن :وسلم علیه الل صلى الل لرسول رجل قال :قال أنس عن الضیس ابن وأخج

اءۃ إلیه حبب قد أخا بالجنة أخاك بش :فقال {أحد الل هو قل} ق

Imam Ibn Dharees reported from Sayyiduna Anas – may Allah

be pleased with him: A man said to Holy Prophet – may Allah

send peace and blessings upon him, “I have a brother who

loves to recite Surah Al-Ikhlas.” He said, “Give your brother the

glad tiding of paradise.”

Tafsir Al-Durr al-Manthoor Bi al-Tafsir al-Mathoor of Imam Jalaaluddin Abd

al-Rahman ibn Abi Bakr al-Suyooti al-Shafe’i D. 911 A.H.