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PRIX DE L'ABONNEMENT: JOURNAL HEBDOMADAIRE, SpaA.ParaIssant le Samedi. Entered at the post-offie at Ber^ |CHAR LES LASSEIGE, La.. second claa ma matter. MAL Admintrateur. VOL. 57. RESERVE (PAROISSE ST. JEAN-BAPTISTE), LOUISIANE, SAMEDI 19 JUIN 1909. NO. 25. SCHOOL BUILDING TAI Favorably Approved by the Big Tax-Payers of the Parish. A petition has been circulated thru. out the entire perish to present to the Police Jury to get a special two.mill-tax election ordered for the building and supporting of the Public Schools in the entare perish. The election is tor a two mill tax for 10 years and this money to be devoted to nothing else but the building and supporting of better public schools. The School Board has created the parish into one school district, and the tax will be devoted thru the whol parish. In the entire parish we hear that there have not been a half dosen citisens to retuse to sign this petition., and from appearan- ces it seems that it is the unanimous will of the people that this tax should be levied and better schools be built. This has been done and is being done ii every parish in the State, and these taxs ranging from two anad a hel mills to ten mHlll besides the regular parish tea mill tax, this parish only has msevl mills, so it is esily seen that this isso small a item that the people will only be glad to avaithmselves• o the oppor- tumiy to get bett shool at so small a ot yearly. In tt there are families with u oor iee ebildre in, school whose a wll not exeaed twent, thirty or ty -seat e-year, yet their children wi enjoy .a sere comfrts as the m ity bi s, Ord so this abase emanet be he. sig tax-payers ealise S'itmes to Us parish and the E working br them and the in- + r aetkm at Ueir prparty, so ermy e , ad I am -f eL a sbue. .. sd.lhlm tod I t - mle _e t how w4ht I wet *S the M -the l Board d b ealsaet iseeso a larg, sas bmiMding s very %ee wrwher ' We Nt every sin. s riaquslats pportuaMnes ws . el Uas y411d a , ad omamt a v Sa ii a ish voted, sthsol S=I Srins to 41et be tr. ,r a high echeoi, q s f ~e, as arl a eaed i _ 1UrLL y, s ._ 4 :Vt. 2 'r" I1 "S t ti y r+ In addition to the flying-horses, there will be tombola, candy-wheel, grab-bag, different ball-throwing games, ice cream, cakes and all kindes of re- freshments. Father Badeaux wishes to announce that the tickets for the moving pictures are good for both nights. In our next issue, we hope, we will be able to give the names of those who have so generously offered their help in this good cause. A Success. The dance given last Sunday at the N.. Sugar Belt Club, by the Merry Widow Olub, proved to be a financial as well as an enjoyable affair. The Merry Widow Club wish to thank their many friends and also the young ladies who amisted so much to make the affair a success. The next dance will be given to-night by the Merry Widow Club in the New Sugar elat Ban. Base Ball. The double header at Garyvlle Park, last Sunday, resulted in an even break. The locale capped the ftat game, which was fut of excitement and enthusiasm and which proved ;to the Lumbertown fans that Garyville possesses a'team of which she can be proud of. The score being 5 to S. The second gams was ensed in the ffth inning to allow the visitors to eatch a train. The score standing 2 to 1 in favor of F•licianas. Th-morrow, an the -ame diamond, the locals will tackle the machtalk-oft St. Gabriel team who outplayed the White Castles last Sunday The battle wil start at$8 o'ctolk prompt. Bairetdar Pkeemut.- ma..*ead itas amamsod te haes LC i. perish a beautiful surplie sadL a iver mouted toilet s .. eather Castl was muh surprised, sad after hatkig them a bia graceful niar, an rremd istiseed end wiebing Mm may happy r tsers of t bday. ageeble Visit. Lm ' Wedamaidy we w . bo eel w& as ,it bwm ow eau lmt tdId, bU Gleen eo, t Udgwd. J*, who w u. o evwythhgs going lb way an bohb to pjktue o good beetm: fhwintbw ed e mo Ih Y Qaeeetr a ao o g ei~erabeor elr ea.rjs dg- .um~-fa~. hg40 dpoae ta o4Evny L~rllie 'b'am m*. aea btg liSIIP4ts t' LLLrrtLL! '#.L~~~LLL~ ~dr rVOMPCQi~lj S orlip~at*.. ;en iidtsal aS~IQ . iC~ii ~ i~a ei A X -j a -~5 mIc '"i ' ~qss deaim he was heavily under the influ. mae of liquor at the time and it he made euch attempe as he is charged with, it was while in an irresponsibl onditiomn. Grand Festival JUNE 29 and 30, 1909, - FOR THE COMPLETION OF- ST. PETER'S CHURCH RESERVE, LA. The feature of this Festival will be an Illustrated Lecture by Dr. Felix Gaudin of New Orleans, consisting of the Life of Christ, views of Jerusalem, Rome and other famous cities of Interest to the people. Music, Flying-horses and other amusements will be found and also refreshments of all kinds. NIGHT FERRY FROM EDGARD, ROUND TRIP, 25 Cts. Proceedings of the Board of School Directors of th Parish of St. John the Bapis Edgard, La., June 7, 1909. The Board met this day in reguala monthly sitting with the following mem- hem present: Moers. Dames, Absdie, Oneagne, Biiabrmse, St. Martin and Gendron; absent, none. Ibs minutes of the previous meeting were rea d n approved. Moved by Mr. Abadie, ssouded by SDames ain samed tht thin body Be it resolved, the tide whole mi satire parish o St. John the Bapti"t be a-d i is hereby created into one Sbeool Diriot, and thi District to be known m Sdiool District No. 1; and thins ho the purpose that a special tax be voted nd levied therein by the proper body. Moved by Mr. Dumes, secuoded by Mr. aesQygue ad earried, thb •ndry be be approved nd paid. hfare being no tarthe bsiness, the Bed adjourned. GCA& B:. xAatIN, k tree epy: Prid. A. . BIRNARD, ES-nw. I- hi i of die pefIt .m WU~inDAY. JUNE 16, 1909. $s Nlei. JU L.. 1 this day i. p. dfi5 rlrb with tha f+ llo ' t ppbbeis Ueeea LB arlr~a XLrd and Nagai; abmust Y bjry Xf lnbd and as.ended by L Yrgmi.. L -signs be masd. -wodsn pm Us by X hue.~ fle ~. Ia. Juty ad: toMmday, June 2L low_ at u .sa eai*e. d Mru XL ovs Gus. , st _t bibody, be mu M. b e at.:. .si muib = dsOIyasmmded.Jm - - M .n t~b~wgi ~fk A~L - married men; it is generally believed that married men are so wicked that they oDnly enjoy swearing, drinking whisky and chewing plug tobacco. A great deal is done by young women to entertain unmarried men, but a married man, particularly it he has children, is a wretch it he wants to be entertained beyond allowing the children to climb on his back and play horse. Married women have their afternoon parties, and enjoy themselves, but a married man is not trrted in the sacred precincts of his own home when there is company; it is feared that even his wife may fail to keep him from acting up, and posibly shooting some of the guests. Creditors' Notice. UNITED BTATEB DISTRICT COURT, EASTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISILAA. ofhisbond, owe ea r iat umia dlhw bin~u in pauljah JOHNI.. PZYTA#IW. U nn It, JNki 4 mpicy Skeri 5'. Salmi STATE OF LOUISIANA, Twmte-inhth Julebi UI~bu Omit. ?ma a i t at. kha tpe, ROBET 3. -P V NSPPP~~~~~PPPPP~~~~ tUYWAL I AND PCO MM( Q., Lm ao. r.s. By and lwme 4aem .met& asombmmihrin so atu aud , flul amlbb warna mi rll m isw wbo r .a d 3a.M..., as 0TM1C lbs 3rd N q d JULY , 9 li.bp damand d'ofbe u damide. antlbs CsRYSTA ICE AND POP MAoNU- ]Cb~fMYUR COMPANY, 1mTB In and mb bno swIug&.mabsduto pb1 ".-wit: Sl~frM-4n(1) Imum. (1 TIRINGSeve SAE-Wao- b 1;1. .r arsunsiril N 1 i o W psbWmp t.ay rde af oWpuh mL-mgd;fna u. b. Viorarie F~mo * wki una~a to be ners ng.da rd ai an a a swelvearoaf far " ens. REWARD. ]Ref4lf. arc -- l .wu~rr buprd~rt3isa is+r rya r F 0 Or 7- I!:47 Im I - Tableau of 'robable Expenditures FOR THE YEAR 1900. Adopted by the Police Jury of the Pariah of St. John the Baptist at the sitting of May , 1909. Road Fund .................................... ,258 Justices of the Peace, salary........ ....... 1,820 Constables, salary......... .. ...... 1,440 Official Journal .................................... 600 Coroner's salary....................... ........... 500 President Board of Health, salary......... 500 Grand and Petit Jurors.................... 750 Fees of witnesses in criminal cases........ 150 Members of Police Jury ...................... 00 District Attorney, salary ............. . 900 Sheriff, attending court, fees............... 150 Asesor's commission......................... 800 Secretary of the Police Jury .................. 00 Parish Treasurer, salary...... ................ 000 Sheriff , in criminal cases....................... 500 Sheriff, feeding and maintaining prison- era..................................... ..... 2,'00 Collector of taxes, commission ........... 690 Clerk of Court, salary........................ 600 For public schools purpose ................. 3.600 Contingent fund............................ 2.600 STATE TAX SALES. STATE OF LOUISIANA AND PARISH OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST vs. DELINQUENT TAX DEBTOBS, PARISH OF ST. JOHN TEE BAPTIST. By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, I will sell at the principal front door of the Courthouse in which the Civil District Court of said parish is held, within the leigal hours for judicial ales, beginning at 11 o'clock A. M. on SATURDAY, THE 19th DAY OF JUNE, and eontinuing on and each sueceeding day until sid sales are completed, all movable and immovable property on which taxes are now due to the t of Loulesana, and parish of St. John the Baptist_ to enforce collection of taxes sseassed in thb year 1908. together with the interest, thereon from the thirty- fiAt day of December, 1908, until paid, anad all esat. The names of said delinquent tax payers, the amount of taxzes due by eash for the a enetof amId r y and the p O tSWI -ad r VEA 1 ORAL HEN~l~~RY-1 `ep Ip.o1, bounded S by Let 1l Nesh by Lot, West by Main Street and Jtby D. I.bie. ...... 17T woUr•r wArm. B•OWN, LLOYr--Oe b•ildain..... s On ~nsda da te,I will selselk pestles of alm d-paperty as eachs debtor will point cat and iL ease the debtor will met pbte at samf eleet I wll at smese. wilst fede. c " dueky thu caiel dgtor. Terle will be dwtlbet q ar hr e'st Se ass csh .and eab e pm tzs fOiesr. Eha,1s fe 1 eS. Jeha the aagels s Nq ', 1w. e6ti. a.t B waMl I r. urmv m Delsi Owes in thb .Al.. IA& BaIr Oh ~is Ar Nrr' 1 33W. GASoWNl jja~l 4g.,Bi ?.GMamt m-rssmr~qse . 1vY- wumm iar ''hM-~dt~-i~~~ am3 f IP.r S . +rg8:. Itwr9 .w ail .eft- -- IS' car II List of Persons Selected to serve as Grand Jurors and drawn to serve as Petit Jurors for thesecond and third weeks of the session of the Twenty-eighth Judicial District Court in and for the parish of St. John the Baptist to be held and begun on the first Mon- day (7th day) of June next, 1909. LIST OF GRAND JURORS. No. Names. Ward. 1. P. J. Ganier ........................... 3rd 2. Gaston Gaillot..................... 3rd 3. P.G. Sougy........ ...................... 3rd 4. Ulysse Tr gre................ ............ 3rd 5. Osear Bossier............ ............... 1st 6 Jean Lousteao.......................... st . Rend Pancaire........................... 1st 8. Louis Rodrigne........................ and 9. Edgard Bodrigue, Jr ................ and 10. Fernand Webre ..................... nd 11. Lucien Montgut Jr.................. 4th 12. Briee Nod Millet ................ . 4th 13. T. D. Dyer............................. 5th 14. Edmond Triche......................... 5th 15. Olivier M. Edrington............. 5th 16. J. M. Vicknair.................... ..... 5th 17. Winceslas L. Lions................. 5th 18. Clarence P. Millet................... 6th 19. Albert Labiche........................ 6th 20. Bell Ricker............................... 6th LIST OF PETIT JURORS. for the Second Week, beginning Monday. June 14, 1909. No. Names. Ward. 1. Victor Jacob.... ..................... th 2. Elis6 Schexnsydre.................... 2nd 3 Frank Battard....................... 5th 4. Claude Maitr6me..................... lt 5. Emile Webre ............................. nd 6. Jean K6tine .............................. 4th 7. Walton D'Areishourg ................ let 8 Fernand Casenve....................... 2nd 9. Thee. J. Nagel........................ 1st 10. Francois Chases......................... 1st 11. Etienne Casenave................... 3rd 12. Mareelin Durant.... .................. 1st 13. Olivier Barr6....................... 2nd 14. Joseph Ronquillo................. . 4th 15. 8ylvestre Simon...................... 3rd 16. D6sir6 Falcon .......................... F kh 17. Denis HaydeL.................. lt 18. Elis Williams....................... th 19. Wilfred •uny......................... h 20. Am6de Duh6, Jr ... a.............. t 21. Stanley P. Haydol.... ........ a d lot 22. Luien Desroche................ . la 28 Louis Marin.... .... ..... 2. ArtharCOsmbre.......... ... .5 lh 25. Massli I Viekir, Jr. ..... Re Auteja. 2. tDakh ........... h......" a7. iea.d -L Dama J Ei se................ - -eeqe Pl- 5 All sr=:=; Eli Dad s wl rl aosi a r ii ! srmiiinuu or iCt ma, d Il.s pes &w. it f wu ee es' k,lr-dIWY- gMtm a` - g-- busi L . -~ hrn~2tbbm buuhS~m~m.p a4t~ -L a tIL LE !- -UU. * IOIWLAZ - ._ lIILB g art"--4

Tableau of 'robable Expenditures Grand Festival...the a enetof amId y r and the p O tSWI r-ad VEA1 ORAL HEN~l~~RY-1 `ep Ip.o1, bounded S by Let 1l Nesh by Lot, West by Main Street

Jan 31, 2021



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    Entered at the post-offie at Ber^ |CHAR LES LASSEIGE,La.. second claa ma matter. MAL Admintrateur.


    SCHOOL BUILDING TAIFavorably Approved by the Big

    Tax-Payers of the Parish.

    A petition has been circulated thru.out the entire perish to present to thePolice Jury to get a special two.mill-taxelection ordered for the building andsupporting of the Public Schools in theentare perish. The election is tor a twomill tax for 10 years and this money to bedevoted to nothing else but the buildingand supporting of better public schools.The School Board has created the parishinto one school district, and the tax willbe devoted thru the whol parish. In

    the entire parish we hear that there havenot been a half dosen citisens to retuseto sign this petition., and from appearan-ces it seems that it is the unanimouswill of the people that this tax shouldbe levied and better schools be built.This has been done and is being doneii every parish in the State, and thesetaxs ranging from two anad a hel millsto ten mHlll besides the regular parishtea mill tax, this parish only has msevlmills, so it is esily seen that this issosmall a item that the people will onlybe glad to avaithmselves• o the oppor-tumiy to get bett shool at so small aot yearly. In tt there are families

    with u oor iee ebildre in, schoolwhose a wll not exeaed twent, thirtyor ty -seat e-year, yet their childrenwi enjoy .a sere comfrts as the m itybi s, Ord so this abase emanet be

    he. sig tax-payers ealiseS'itmes to Us parish and the

    E working br them and the in-

    + r aetkm at Ueir prparty, so

    ermy e , ad I am

    -f eL a sbue. .. sd.lhlm tod It - mle _e t how w4ht I wet

    *S the M -the l Board

    d b ealsaet iseeso a larg,sas bmiMding s very

    %ee wrwher ' We Nt every sin.s riaquslats pportuaMnes

    ws . el Uas y411d a , ad omamt av Sa ii a ish voted, sthsol

    S=I Srins to 41etbe tr. ,r a high echeoi,

    q s f ~e, as Uri.sharl a eaed

    i _1UrLL

    y, s ._ 4 :Vt.

    2 'r" I1 "S t

    ti y r+

    In addition to the flying-horses,there will be tombola, candy-wheel,grab-bag, different ball-throwing games,ice cream, cakes and all kindes of re-freshments.

    Father Badeaux wishes to announcethat the tickets for the moving picturesare good for both nights.

    In our next issue, we hope, we will beable to give the names of those whohave so generously offered their helpin this good cause.

    A Success.The dance given last Sunday at the

    N.. Sugar Belt Club, by the MerryWidow Olub, proved to be a financial aswell as an enjoyable affair. The MerryWidow Club wish to thank their manyfriends and also the young ladies whoamisted so much to make the affair asuccess.

    The next dance will be given to-nightby the Merry Widow Club in the NewSugar elat Ban.

    Base Ball.

    The double header at Garyvlle Park,last Sunday, resulted in an even break.The locale capped the ftat game, whichwas fut of excitement and enthusiasmand which proved ;to the Lumbertownfans that Garyville possesses a'team ofwhich she can be proud of. The scorebeing 5 to S. The second gams wasensed in the ffth inning to allow thevisitors to eatch a train. The scorestanding 2 to 1 in favor of F•licianas.

    Th-morrow, an the -ame diamond, thelocals will tackle the machtalk-oft St.Gabriel team who outplayed the WhiteCastles last Sunday The battle wilstart at$8 o'ctolk prompt.

    Bairetdar Pkeemut.-

    ma..*ead itas amamsod te haes LCi. perish a beautiful surplie sadL aiver mouted toilet s .. eather Castl

    was muh surprised, sad after hatkigthem a bia graceful niar, an rremdistiseed end wiebing Mm may happy

    r tsers of t bday.

    ageeble Visit.Lm ' Wedamaidy we w . bo eel

    w& as ,it bwm ow eau lmt tdId,bU Gleen eo, t Udgwd. J*,

    who w u. o evwythhgs going lbway an bohb to pjktue o goodbeetm: fhwintbw ed e mo Ih

    Y Qaeeetr a ao o g ei~erabeor

    elr ea.rjs dg- .um~-fa~. hg40dpoae ta o4EvnyL~rllie 'b'am m*. aea btgliSIIP4ts t' LLLrrtLL! '#.L~~~LLL~ ~drrVOMPCQi~lj

    S orlip~at*.. ;en iidtsal aS~IQ

    . iC~ii ~ i~a ei A X -j a


    mIc '"i '~qss

    deaim he was heavily under the influ.

    mae of liquor at the time and it hemade euch attempe as he is chargedwith, it was while in an irresponsiblonditiomn.

    Grand FestivalJUNE 29 and 30, 1909,



    The feature of this Festival will be an IllustratedLecture by Dr. Felix Gaudin of New Orleans, consistingof the Life of Christ, views of Jerusalem, Rome andother famous cities of Interest to the people.

    Music, Flying-horses and other amusements willbe found and also refreshments of all kinds.


    Proceedings of theBoard of School Directors

    of th Parish of St. John the BapisEdgard, La., June 7, 1909.

    The Board met this day in regualamonthly sitting with the following mem-hem present: Moers. Dames, Absdie,Oneagne, Biiabrmse, St. Martin andGendron; absent, none.

    Ibs minutes of the previous meetingwere rea d n approved.

    Moved by Mr. Abadie, ssouded bySDames ain samed tht thin body

    Be it resolved, the tide whole misatire parish o St. John the Bapti"t bea-d i is hereby created into one SbeoolDiriot, and thi District to be known

    m Sdiool District No. 1; and thins hothe purpose that a special tax be votednd levied therein by the proper body.

    Moved by Mr. Dumes, secuoded byMr. aesQygue ad earried, thb •ndry

    be be approved nd paid.hfare being no tarthe bsiness, the

    Bed adjourned.GCA& B:. xAatIN,

    k tree epy: Prid.A. . BIRNARD,


    I- hi i of die pefIt .m

    WU~inDAY. JUNE 16, 1909.$s Nlei. JU L..1 this day i. p.

    dfi5 rlrb with tha f+ llo ' t ppbbeisUeeea LB arlr~a

    XLrd and Nagai; abmustY bjry Xf lnbd and as.ended by

    L Yrgmi.. L -signs be masd.-wodsn pm Us

    by X hue.~ fle ~. Ia. Juty ad:toMmday, June 2L low_ at u

    .sa eai*e. d Mru XL ovs Gus., st _t bibody, be mu M.

    b e at.:. .si muib

    = dsOIyasmmded.Jm

    - -M .nt~b~wgi~fk A~L -

    married men; it is generally believedthat married men are so wicked thatthey oDnly enjoy swearing, drinkingwhisky and chewing plug tobacco. Agreat deal is done by young women toentertain unmarried men, but a marriedman, particularly it he has children, is awretch it he wants to be entertainedbeyond allowing the children to climbon his back and play horse. Marriedwomen have their afternoon parties, andenjoy themselves, but a married man isnot trrted in the sacred precincts of hisown home when there is company; it isfeared that even his wife may fail tokeep him from acting up, and posiblyshooting some of the guests.



    ofhisbond, owe ea riat umia dlhw bin~u in pauljah


    U nn It, JNki 4 mpicy

    Skeri 5'. SalmiSTATE OF LOUISIANA,

    Twmte-inhth Julebi UI~bu Omit.?ma a i t at. kha tpe,

    ROBET 3. -P V NSPPP~~~~~PPPPP~~~~

    tUYWAL I AND PCO MM( Q., Lmao. r.s.

    By and lwme 4aem .met& asombmmihrinso atu aud , flul amlbb warnami rll m isw wbo r .a d3a.M..., as

    0TM1C lbs 3rd N q d JULY , 9li.bp damand d'ofbe u damide.antlbs CsRYSTA ICE AND POP MAoNU-]Cb~fMYUR COMPANY, 1mTB In andmb bno swIug&.mabsduto pb1 ".-wit:

    Sl~frM-4n(1) Imum. (1

    TIRINGSeve SAE-Wao- b1;1. .r arsunsiril N 1 i o WpsbWmp t.ay rde af oWpuhmL-mgd;fna u. b.Viorarie F~mo * wkiuna~a to be ners ng.da rd ai

    an a a swelvearoaf far "

    ens. REWARD.]Ref4lf. arc-- l .wu~rr buprd~rt3isa

    is+r rya

    r F

    0 Or 7-I!:47

    Im I -

    Tableau of 'robable ExpendituresFOR THE YEAR 1900.

    Adopted by the Police Jury of the Pariah ofSt. John the Baptist at the sitting of May, 1909.

    Road Fund .................................... ,258Justices of the Peace, salary........ ....... 1,820Constables, salary......... .. ...... 1,440Official Journal .................................... 600Coroner's salary....................... ........... 500President Board of Health, salary......... 500Grand and Petit Jurors.................... 750Fees of witnesses in criminal cases........ 150Members of Police Jury ...................... 00District Attorney, salary ............. . 900Sheriff, attending court, fees............... 150Asesor's commission......................... 800Secretary of the Police Jury .................. 00Parish Treasurer, salary...... ................ 000Sheriff

    , in criminal cases....................... 500Sheriff, feeding and maintaining prison-

    era..................................... ..... 2,'00Collector of taxes, commission ........... 690Clerk of Court, salary........................ 600For public schools purpose ................. 3.600Contingent fund............................ 2.600






    By virtue of the authority vested in me bythe Constitution and laws of the State ofLouisiana, I will sell at the principal frontdoor of the Courthouse in which the CivilDistrict Court of said parish is held, withinthe leigal hours for judicial ales, beginning at11 o'clock A. M. on


    and eontinuing on and each sueceeding dayuntil sid sales are completed, all movableand immovable property on which taxes arenow due to the t of Loulesana, and parishof St. John the Baptist_ to enforce collectionof taxes sseassed in thb year 1908. togetherwith the interest, thereon from the thirty-fiAt day of December, 1908, until paid, anadall esat. The names of said delinquent taxpayers, the amount of taxzes due by eash forthe a enetof amId r y and the p

    O tSWI -ad r

    VEA1 ORAL HEN~l~~RY-1`ep Ip.o1, bounded S by Let

    1l Nesh by Lot, West by MainStreet and Jtby D. I.bie. ...... 17T

    woUr•r wArm.

    B•OWN, LLOYr--Oe b•ildain..... sOn ~nsda da te,I will selselk pestles

    of alm d-paperty as eachs debtor will point catand iL ease the debtor will met pbte at samfeleet I wll at smese. wilst fede.

    c " dueky thu caiel dgtor. Terle willbe dwtlbet q ar hr e'st Se ass

    csh .and eab e pm tzs fOiesr.Eha,1s fe 1 eS. Jeha the aagels s Nq

    ', 1w.

    e6ti. a.t B waMlI r. urmv m Delsi Owes in thb

    .Al.. IA&

    BaIr Oh ~isAr Nrr' 1 33W. GASoWNl jja~l

    4g.,Bi ?.GMamt m-rssmr~qse .1vY- wumm iar

    ''hM-~dt~-i~~~ am3

    f IP.r S

    . +rg8:. Itwr9 .w

    ail .eft- --

    IS' car


    List of PersonsSelected to serve as Grand Jurors and drawn

    to serve as Petit Jurors for thesecondand third weeks of the session of theTwenty-eighth Judicial District Court inand for the parish of St. John the Baptistto be held and begun on the first Mon-day (7th day) of June next, 1909.


    No. Names. Ward.1. P. J. Ganier ........................... 3rd2. Gaston Gaillot..................... 3rd3. P.G. Sougy........ ...................... 3rd4. Ulysse Tr gre................ ............ 3rd5. Osear Bossier............ ............... 1st6 Jean Lousteao.......................... st. Rend Pancaire........................... 1st

    8. Louis Rodrigne........................ and9. Edgard Bodrigue, Jr ................ and

    10. Fernand Webre ..................... nd11. Lucien Montgut Jr.................. 4th12. Briee Nod Millet ................ . 4th13. T. D. Dyer............................. 5th14. Edmond Triche......................... 5th15. Olivier M. Edrington............. 5th16. J. M. Vicknair.................... ..... 5th17. Winceslas L. Lions................. 5th18. Clarence P. Millet................... 6th19. Albert Labiche........................ 6th20. Bell Ricker............................... 6th

    LIST OF PETIT JURORS.for the Second Week, beginning Monday.

    June 14, 1909.No. Names. Ward.1. Victor Jacob.... ..................... th2. Elis6 Schexnsydre.................... 2nd3 Frank Battard....................... 5th4. Claude Maitr6me..................... lt5. Emile Webre ............................. nd6. Jean K6tine .............................. 4th7. Walton D'Areishourg ................ let8 Fernand Casenve....................... 2nd9. Thee. J. Nagel........................ 1st

    10. Francois Chases......................... 1st11. Etienne Casenave................... 3rd12. Mareelin Durant.... .................. 1st13. Olivier Barr6....................... 2nd14. Joseph Ronquillo................. . 4th15. 8ylvestre Simon...................... 3rd16. D6sir6 Falcon .......................... F kh17. Denis HaydeL.................. lt18. Elis Williams....................... th19. Wilfred •uny......................... h20. Am6de Duh6, Jr ... a.............. t21. Stanley P. Haydol.... ........a d lot22. Luien Desroche................ . la28 Louis Marin.... .... .....2. ArtharCOsmbre.......... ... .5 lh25. Massli I Viekir, Jr. .....

    Re Auteja.2. tDakh ...........h......"

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