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THE WEEl(LY EXPONJ;NT. THE WEEKf,y EXPOXEXT FRJD.\Y. ,J_\ ).T A RY rn13 AIN SPEAKS IN ASSEMBlY as jt was u11'1N·i1h•d ju:-.t what w:i-.. neede1l, no •ll'iini e :--tep..; Wt'rf t:1k1_•n. It h• probahlc that the sndt-t.Y will 3:.!"'t !l i urn ... 1 the u.u•l b:tnnt.>r:-. 11 ... Pd, a they did for :.he J:i ... t Jllfl"'r- s hol 1 ... f c> E'\ P.nt. t It' ... , rt'I.3.r) "":l"" f, nil lt on u v Be t )TC' :ldjuuruing iu,tructt>d .-o eariug the .. o,•i1 1 tv INHAEST IS DISPlAYED ARE IN SPEGIAl Gou As Es ' WORKI NP HARO man s rnom "eiln('-.;1lay. 0 H I The chit•f hrnught hC'iMt.· ''I meeting w:t!-l the of nu athlt·th- Practical Talk OD the DOES ARE SILENTLY repn·:-;eut:tth·t· tu fill the pihition va Squad Is Picked at a Tryout Saturday Value of Having a Purpose in Life-Opposes Consoli da tion PLANNING FOR PARTY l JJoe-, a t<. st. trU tl1at thE'tl' i!' to be :ihout th<' plnns tlwy ire mak rig for thc hig party that thl'.Y w II 1101·1 in th('t ruion on the ratea by George r.osman. El'l1e-.;t Bui .. 1 -Six Men Will Work on Ques .. Very der was unanimously e1ecte1l to this position. 1 t was agree•l t<l eon tribute five to the finances of the lion to Be Discussed. .)!ontanan. A pt•c al 11NH ng was helcl Tut .. 1 la\• «'H'DfnJ.! iJf .Tnnnar,\· :]1st. Il1H'lt'\'er, Work Commeneed at the College Wednesday With a Encouraging Attendance and Will Keep up for Entire Week--Many Good Talks Heard Fur th<' fir:o;t time the appointments The tryout for the t•o11t>g" drhatlng to the Hll.) :rnnnal staff mailf' tf'am whkh was he1cl in tlir assC'mblv puhilc hy Editor·ju·chief Ruo,.;en:•lt. Ht> hall of th(' r-nll<'g:e Saturday aftnnoon ;t P]eH•n ' 1 k tt w 1eh tin l're.. tliert• sPem .. "o lie ii .2t1•at rh•td of a1•·j\-. en" .\fa u of fln rnell ail itv am1rng tic girl" on tht• hill ::ind ese,.J t 1 Je 't 1•l,.11t ho•l\" .• \ no I the>) rr illannii1g: :i 11ar•y t11 1:X("t•I all rt1c."n ar 1 r w . inn 1111ct>cl a .. form h.Jf'"t of l'rf' 1:lent '!arn.'ll ,]j .. eour ... c. 1 Thl· ill1t ition rl1mmi1ter has heen t J•rrndpn top1s upon wlm h h(• touc hu-.' \' the past in pfon- \\re1lnesUay witnesseil the openirtg of of the :\fontana br:rnrh of the orgamza· -.tatt'd that no porti<'ttlar tiltP liaU l>eeH ten o "clol'k brought out n•ry good the wt•Pk e\"er htilil 1n tion. Con!'iderable dic::cuc::sion fol1nwed, conferred upon those he appointetl autl tnlent, whil•h matle the taRk of select· connection with th<' and :donμ: in which it was brought out that many he hacl only appointed ing members of the 11t•batiug wHh this the npl'ning of fir.;t. frauds had been practiced upon pur- Da\"idson , HohPrt Kelley and .John a difficult one for the iuUges. Not Countr.\· Life ('lln\·enti1111 ever helJ in chaser as :i. result of which ) f outana -belie\ ing thnt the staff woulil be many rtported for the tryout a::i hall the- · The opening da.v w:'ls Sl't hnd not the be'it of and more with only a few hel'n nntidpatef1, l•rinripally owing to aside for the :\Iontnna Ilorticultnral therefore lh<'y do not hol<l the than with a largP numher. the lack oi intPl'r:-\t on the part of th6 sotit•ty, under whosP ilireetion the pro· home market. .;\ dance eomruitt('e. consisting of student boil.Y. It was hopNl that a. gram or the Jay was f;:iYen. A .. J. Breit('nstein of Helena. secre· Le-.Jie Pettigrew, Alfred Eberle an(l Jarge number would Plltl'T the tryout tbt> \t1h1e of hh.:ht•r 1• 1 lu 1 ·at<ion. ning t.J lilt<'-; ht tlit:> fre.;;hm<'n. Jnvi· Dr. :\Jain fltltcd that hralns Wl'rc n •t I ati,ius ha,·e hl"e!l sent out to all the lf 511 im OJ:t int , h1zhc e 1 1ucatlon 1111 .m!Jf't,. or former of thP or· a f":xt••l B"J<l lete mineil po:11osi> .\1- ganization who rr.;iilt• in Bozem;_ln and ugl1 R Y l rnbl1• d. a _gon1l hraiu it "' l'Xpertecl thnt a good c·rowil will The first meeting of c:rate tnry of the )fontana State fair, re:'lcl a Louis Fi"hl, Wll:-. appointe<l tn i•onfn and thus arouse eu11siderahlc thon dt>.1·11te pur10 ... c is 1 t worth hf': in atten1l:\nee. Thr banquet will he in . }11..; \\11rld, whilt• a unmlwr oue llrlcl in the hornt• Sl'ie 1 11·f' rnom:- of tht." r110<1P. M 1•n it may he :l 1 "<'• 1 m collt>gc :i111l mo .. t of the rest of th(• rn· ganization was that of the :\fontann c:nefu1ly prepared study of the effec- with :i.. "imilar eommittee from thP asm. Ilorticu1tural society, w.hirh it$ I ti\·en.e:.c:: of in c::timu1:l-ting freshman <'la""' in reg:tnl to tht> nnnual The QUC'stion (liseu!'sed, '' HC'sohc<l, sixt.eentb annual gathering with nn ail-I any the ... 1s joint darH'e to he hehl n£>xt month . Thnt a minimum wage sea)(' to be oprr - h Di<•d by a poor hrnin. may :lei•om- tertainmeut will be in the club room-.. dress of welcome bv Pre,.itlent .T. :.\I. the of the fnut rn1lnsrry m I ath·e in all dC'partment c::h wond1•rs. aly iwr cent nf t11f' pPOf'lf' of at one prr t"Pnt lia-. tur11i .. he1J over 1f of t :1e pr.1fe .. si1n1:tl mrn in tht:' :.Ji] todil.''. <'t'rt<1iuly the 1•ollegt• nH'n e rn the nc::ren1laney. Tn J.:peaking of Dr. that thl' in..,titution" in Iowa TAllMAN AND GOAGH ADDRESS THE BOOSTERS Hamilton of the )Jo1;tnna State N•llf',!!P. )fontana. fartorips aml tlw sweated inUus- "·bo WC'lcomecl the Yisitorc:: :o the .... ol· A paper on "Ornamrntal P.haUe Trees []RO[ESSOR THAlER tri('S of thf' rnitea ::;t·1tPs .;honld ho lege as tlle place wl1ere al1 the ven1Jle of ).[ontnurt, 1) pr epared by 11. K. Feris r r I .t:o1,:.,, ht.,l.1c lao',',·.· might learn. The guests were c::tiJl of Col1inc::, wao;; then rend by Secretar:· ,. ., u further wekomed b:· :\Iayor n. s. Bue11 Denn. This was followed by some li\'e· TO ATTENn MEETING Ye.rs1ty .of :\.Iontana pn1p11secl •. the neg· on behnlf of the city of Bozf'man. A.nil ly in which Professor Whip· U atJ,-e of which tl1e eollegC' will upholJ. by Fred F. Willson, president oi t11e ple of the Rtate. college took part. again::;t that S('hool the of February Young lfen 's Busine% Jeague. f'oraial < 'ata1pa treec:: were YOted n failure in in Bozeman . faeinf{ a --onwwbat similar ni .. is Work that H as Already Been Done is responses on beha1f of the were aud one of the c:hade Rep rese nt atives of E ngineering Depar t- 'fho!o':P who trit•cl out wrrf' th1" follow· pre-.Pnt. Dr. )fain that from Outli n ed an d Work th at t he Boost- made by Prof. :\I. J. Elroll of the rni- wao;, saiU to be the Canadian pop· ment sof L and Gr ant Colleges Wi ll ing: Emmet Rinrilan, .\ . Paul Tbomp· ... knowlrd!!C of tht• he llid t helieYe t•ousolidation wouhl be !!'Oo1l thini.t for this -.tate or :rny 1;ther 1te. Particularly this "iO in thi . .; ctE'I, :ls it j-. s,1 Jart:re drnt one h1sti· tion would be in!o;uffkient tn e are:1. Tn 01•rmany, e1l· :ntion has renehed the highest '-t:tnd· dR, thti in"titutions are "'e}':tr:ltt>il anil maximum nuu1h<'r of ople. In connection witl1 hi:;?:ht•r e<lnentio11, '". )fain !'ai<l that ]'l'Ole Wl're ton lia· (> to it mo <'ht•nply 1 anc1 bet>ause et1uention rC'cei\·es the --maJI end tht' while c::ome her things of much lesr, Y::tlue. sueh a repreHntntion at some fair, ap- - als TnOH' to the imagiuatinn and thus forge apropriationi:;. It Pres- :.Unin ·s opinion that education is 'l bl('ssing and it eaunot be lned too highly. 1Tn conclniling, :\fain "aid nt education in broadest senc::e in· decl a de,·eJopment of health, social 11 fe 1 ClJristjan manhood and an appre· of beauty as well as the l!owJcdge which we gleam from texts. ! ONTANAN WORK IS PROGRESSING NICELY The 1914 )lontanan jq and the first <;et of pirtures ere expressed ro the engrcn·ers the part of this week . Another !->hjp. 1•nt wiJI bC' "'ent out again the Inst of is Wt'l'k. The printing l'llntral't lws >t been Jet, but it will in all prob- >ili t:v be g-i\"f'n to the Butre lliner of- ee . wl10 hatl c:harge of the Wllrk la"t " !Vil ENGINEERS TAlK ON ENGINEERING BOOK Jesire the Electril: Club to Assist in " Prepa.ration of thi s Year 's Journal. Also Discuss Tournament Plans A meeting of the Ci \"i l Eug in- ering was held }.,riday, at hich time definite -..teps were taken elnth 'e to the Engineerin g Journa1. wing to the fat.:t thnt it i::i hard to et mat erial and adYert ising if the ook .is strictly an eiYil engineering en- a eommittee wns appointed to lHifrr with the electriC'al engi ueera and -.k them to also in the ,f the J ournal. Edito rR. S. Bra brook unouncl'S that work \\i ll st art imme· iatdy n ordt:r tha t the publication dJJ not he tl('layeU t C'lO Jong in rt>nl!h· llJr readers. The t'ivils donated ffre dolars towar d ht:> finnucial :-.upport of the 1914 nan, which wi]J ai<l in the oyme nt for t he cut n.n d writ eup of t' in the junior book. T be nt ter of d ona ti ng their share towar d e t ou rname nt was a.lso taken up, but ers are to Cit re fo r Discussed versity of )fontana at ).! is!'oula. and 1nT. Arcording to Professor Whipple. Meet in Was hin gton son, Alfred Eherlp, Rowlaull Haegele, Hon . w. B. Harlan of Como. These there was DO first tree for fenee "\\'ilia nn\"hl HteC'l(', AJfred Lin- speeches were followed b.v the posts that wonltl gTow in 1Iontann. un· filel1. Flore111•e \Yight ana Brooke Uart- The held :in important met•!- dent's ndd res!'( by R. X. Ru·lierlin of ]eF.c; in of lhc wanner of the Profe,.sor . l. ..\. . Thain, henrl '1f t!i..! man. Endl ont• gn\'(' an pxplanaticrn of ing Friday ar tl1e stndrnt assrmhly Great. Ile re\·iewed the 11is·..,r:· -tare bJnck locust might grow rapiclJy elel'tl'il•al en.£.dne£>ring tlepartment of the q1wstinn and then dis1•11!<sed one hour in order to the basketball of fru it growing in :\fontana, enough. the left )JlHHla,\· afternoon fur point fully tl" in the short tournament which will he :\farc>h mauy interes.t iug reminisc>t'nees. The The eYening ses.::.ion was giYen to an Washington . D. <'., to attenrl a meeting tim<> them. 6. 7 antl The first'r was growing of tree fruits in )fontan:l, "aid illustrn.te<l lecture Prof. :\L .J. Elrod of reprr-;entatin•.., frum tht" f'll}!ineer ThMe who wpre st>lt1etrd by the Profec::sor T:dlmau. who at SOIJl(' length :?i.rr. Sutherlin, is pnce with the of tlie rnh·('rc::it,,· of )fontnna, il"" ::\[i:-- ing clep.nrrrnents of the land grant col· for 1h•hating- "«1nnll Wt>r(' .A.l- <lt•serihed the which han" rest of the man·elons lle\·clopment. !'riuJa, wl10 tnld about th(' Lrwi:'i. and 1C'gt.>.., throug-hout the rnitrcl StntC's. frNl F.herte: Br1wke Harfnrnn, Rowland taken to insure of the tourna· :\[r..;;. E. A. Johnson of Ha1nihon .h-1•1 Clark trail in )font:tna. Hi." wac; 2'reet- The Wth arrnuged to he lwlil A. Paul Thmnpson, Alfretl Lrn- ment. HeYeral committee mC'etings au intnesting paper on "\\?omnn 's ed by a crowclC'd house. During the ,ve ... terdny anil will probably rontinnC' fi('ld c1n<l Dade) Htrt>Jt>. _:\frs. HC'rrit·k, were held before the C'hristma:oi ntra· Sphe re on the Fruit Farm." She tc•und afternoon and S('C::!l:ionc::. piano until all the is 1.'0mpleted .. Pro· Ca11twell and :\Jr. Duddy aeted a.;;: tion at which the subject of finances that there were many opporhrnitiec:: for solos were pl ayed by ).fiSc::es Flossie Thaler will take a ]Htrt in the anil )fr. C:il.ruth as d1airurnn. W<1S Tbe Retail women, not only as housewi'"e"· bllt in 1Iartin. Sophia Kammerer, "rillie Lou· program. taking 35 his topic for di.::. me.n selectrd will met•t rn.•ry pos.· asRociation asked to gi\·e a cac::h the l abo rs of pick ing, sorting anU pack· ise Fenner, and Gladys Griffith. cnssion 1. The Re,.ponsibilit\· nf the>. mg ht at qnartt>r seven at guarantee Jarg-e la!)t year with· ing the fru it. :ll. B. L angohr of Boze· In addition to the country life work Land Grant C'nlleges for Ailnlllt'<"· I th·l' .t'olJegl' frn111 now on nutil the fir::;t. out receh·eing any tickets in exl'hnnge. man, who spoke on ''Greenhouse :.\Jan· that is being c>nrrietl on at the ment of the of their Stateo:i dtl.Mte. It was also decided to rharge $:L'>O agement. The t wo points that )fr. this week 1 the short in agrieul- by 1.Ieanc::. of Jnn•stigation Through I Owiug to the nf all old debat· for the season tickets. an incre:t"'C' of Lang ob r particularly dwelt npon were tnre and home seienre nre ha\·i ng a flat· State Engineering Expf>riment $.tatitrns ing- matC'rial, )fr. Gilruth Jia1, a hard fjfty cents OYC'r the prjce of last year. the need of absol ute cleanline!:s in the tering attendanC'e. The are he· or Otherwio;e . ., .-\ nnther matter which 1 task _before in orcler to C'Oach a T he money l eft in the terasury 3t the operations of the greenhouse in or der ing well attendrd a11d 1 frQm t he mnny Thaler to bring up dt'bating team, but all of the elose of the tournament will di\·id£>d to kee p down the inseet pests and plant about the ram· and wbkh will probnbJ ;v he up for ili-.- sq.und. haYe their firm clC'ter- pro rata among those who subscribed diseases, and the danger of too PU!', are meeting with the grentest ... uC'· <:uHsiou Is a }Jroposal that all of the en· m1nnbon to work their harclfl"lt :ind to the money for its support. Tile Ol'gan· much wa.ter. 1'I. L. Dean, secretary of cess. . . I gineering departments of the land grunt do their hest for the of the ization decideU to accept the proposi- the society, followed the talk with the \'\'ednesdny. afternoon :lf1s.!'. Harkrns <'Ollege;;;; sbouJd ..,rn. !iC'hool. ·if the stnUent bo< ly gets out tion 31111 their .hearty to statement that too much water had gaYe a .pract ical demonstration of the Hons for use in connection with the and the 1·ollege ought to ha\"e n. the tournament. The professional men done more harm to orchards in )Jon· work ot the home science d epartment regular work of the in ... titntinu and al so fair ebanre of repenting tht' dctories baYe not yet been inten·iewed, but they tana than any other one thing. There with some jelly made from drie<l apple.;. to be .:waiJable for tlie rniteil of yenr on the platform. ::ire certain to give the same Jiheral was also other Uiscussion . She showed each step of the operation goYernment nt nll tinhis. This is Utah ngrieultural <'i)Jlt>gc ha!' not as that the merchants of the town F. F. Powe11 of Ste\-enc::\·ille then and c::ome Yery useful instruction w;is new way in which th(> Janel grant eol- yet a i'hoieC' of bnt a ha\·e already done. ga,·e a report of the C'onfe r ence of fruit gi\•en. l ege.::. mny be of nse to the ft'drra l g'OY· rrply b P-xpe1.'tt'1l from them in a few But in order to make the affair the growers in Spokane on D ecember 16, at )! is::; Olh"e C'brk of the (;;cnior elass ernment a!' ·well as to the students fol- dnyl:i. The tc, tho huge snecess it should be it is abso· which steps had been taken to form a g:H·e a :-hort talk 011 "The W'oman lowing some eour"e ar th(> in ... titntions 1't11l1 !=.l•l10ol j., the i::nnw n<> that wh ich Jutely necessary that the student!; get great no r thwestern organization for \Yho SpenUs,'' U1king for the theme of affected. th(> co11ege · will met>t tl ie in and boost. Eeaeh vi sitor must be marketing fruit and guaranteeing qua1- J1er i;:;ubjeet the wrought by l>nr· Other matteri'l to come up for people on. entertained as if he were the particu lar ity. This organization 1 he was rnre, gain -.aJec::. Other memb<'r" of the up· sion are the reJation of the f'naiueer· In regard to tl1e (lt• askell for guest of each one of the students. was the only for fruit grvw- per in home economics al:-:o ing departmcnb of thesp t•olle;t>s to )fontana \\'eslrynu, nothing definite Prof. Tallman c·o1ninnrd hy sayinJ! that ing in this region, and he tolll 'be --11okt". the other mt•asure" now has been "<'ttl<'d on, a" it n•mains for in order to prc,·ent the further steps taken in the organizing 1<'ontinnt•d on Page Four) pending in and s1Hrgt:>sthms to the Debate 1.·ounl·.il to pnss \)U the mat· whfrh 01•currl"1l 1a:-l:t year in regard to tlie feclc>raJ J?tWC'rnlllrnt as to hilW the I trr of Jrnving- rhP dplrntc hefore fur· the t11rning :iwny of a large number. thN· 1 t 1 GOll[ r [ WI ll M [ [T H [l[N ft I F. O'. JA sG ;r K rS .O ·l<N •'ll. IS NOW A the numLH of tiekeb; to be :-.o1<1. .\ ll [ IJ [ [ [ [ [ H sio11 work will he dist"11sc::e1l nntl f'ngin- thO!'l" who wnul tickets shouhl purt•hnse .. ft TH l [Tl Gs TOM a A A nw [If [NIN r MEMBER OF FAGUlTY her desiring admi1.:sion wiJI be larger " [ u [ v [ IJ in the-.e schools more uniform. than lnst year . ::.\fr. 'rallman cloSe<l his This is the first mePting of tile ldrnl en t hu iastic tnlk by making n strong plea for a hea r ty spirit of eo·operntion lield, nnd H is expected tlrn.t a g-r at Will Lead College Orchestr a. and Give among the students and faeultY. Reports Have It That the Helena Aggregation Is One of amount of good can be nccomplishetl Coach Docks t ade r, chairman. of the for the land grnnt colleges. tournament committee, was the next the Strongest in the State--A Good Game is Ex- Professor Thaler ex pects to be gone H e em phasized the remark'3 for about two weeks and while on tile Instruction on Vi olin . Well Equip- ped for the Work Assigned Him of Professor Ta ll man and went on to pected--ls Second Contest on Home Floor trip wi ll Yi•it a number of Pf><tern (;;ay that there was no bi ge r ad\·er t be· He will probably <;:pend a tlny or The name of Fred O. Jacl<:sou bas at Wilkinsburg, Penn ... yhnniu, I' been addeU to the faculty list in ment for )f. S. C. t ha n the · h' b ment. The visitors see our e:xcel!ent For the :..erovd tune t I.le t ey tackle the collegia ns. where he will the strnrtor in \'iolin and Jen <l <'r of the grounds, equipment and Jab· eollege wm be se1 :1 in !ld1on The Jineup of the St>nators : Pangle " here fi'"e )fontnnn. Rtntf' rol· l'o11ege dr partment of this e\·ening ' 'hen they will mret flit! nnd Rowe, forwards; Gnn· i n, center : lege gradua t es nre now empJoyea. Th(' the ha-, been neglcclNl for the oratori es. E ven Glasgow, aw:iy up in H elena Athletics. The team ha bt?t>n Lewis and gonrd1.;, indicates fi \'e are \\'"illi:im Edsall, 'l 1. R. A. 'Wil last fe w .vearq, but '"NH thC' C'ollege t he nOr theas t eru corne r of tli{' c:rate .1 bas evinced a large amount of imer«'lit: working ha rd during the week and that tbey haYe one of the strongest ag· liamF, 'l l, F. Ilendl"r!'lon, '10, orche!'trn wa'i and tht• need of Thir t y·fi \·e schools have been will be in fair ly gooJ. condltion to in tht' stntr. Coaeh Dot•k· ll nrry Peek, 'll, and Earl Lannin, '12. an instructo r iu ,·iolin and lent.IC'r of make the Senators play the of etader has not gh·en out t.he <'l)llege Or YiJle ' Ofl l · the orchP trn , aq 1 t I to tea ms, an d the of !hem thei r ]i\·es. The Helena lineup, lmr it will nrobabJ.v be Rus..,, W h" · 1 J f. c in .., 1''•. m:H t' appart·n . 0 are taking up the proposition \Yith :l r lllg on 111 t e emp oy o the bu· )[r .. to rur(' for this grt>at deaJ of enthuc::fas m. :lt ,.-. Dock· comes highly touted and thejr Cutnf'r ur Fluhr. forwards; \Vikomb, renu of anJ Profeqsor Thal<'r work, the co1lt•ge hn"' lieen fortunate. is wf'l l known on the hBl ::.s 1t is eenter; lla1·tman and Hodgskiss. wilJ nlso him on hii-1 trip. n" Mr. ,Jacksun a of no stader also mentioned the that jt 1n:wti":tl1.1· the awe five th.nt admrn· h b f u .. ability an11 1 rn n<'Mition to s1wna- 3" een oun to change the istered defeat to the blue and gold in. Betwen hahC'c:: the speetator' will BOOSTERINES HOLD · l · 1 · 'f schedule of the elass baske t ba ll teamf' their first game last year to the tune bei treated to a wrestling 111ntd1 be· ELECTION OF OFFICERS practice. of 32 to 19. M. R C' . came baek twt>en Jacob:-. and t'onnor. Both meu :\Iadμv Rwitzer wns elertf'<l pre.,ldent he made mu:.i:ic l1jq p1·oft's!\iou and f The Boost ers then df>cided to gfre $.:i l ate r in the seaso n and rnrnt>a the are in tJood ooudition ancl both han:i of th1:1 Bl1osterine:;;; for tl1• t•lllo•·1·11a bn-.. tlon• a ·'1·al or' 1l1•at•r au·' or the space gi\'en to them in the tables, thus C\'ening up th e t-core. This a cruo<l of the gam'--" . con••· " " ,... ,- to> ,. u " " u J unior Annual. ,, " at n meeting of thnt Otj;{anization grnern.l or<'he:-.tra work. The lis t 'Of commjttee to meet tlie yt>ar the collegians have already played queutly a close and interesting match held dnrin£t tlit"' sturleut hour .:\fr. studied for fi\·e tr nins and proviile e nt er tai nm en t for the games and are playing a better jg Jouked for. After the game thf' col· The other officer<> a. t the Xational of )f uc::ic , tors will he posted th e earl.v pnrt game thnn they were duri ng the earJier kge band will musiC' for a were ns VioJa FowJer, \'i<'e· of Xew Yorlc < 'ity; Jour ,Y (' ars of this ot next week. It is hoped th at the pa rt of fa st season, an<l unle:;:'i the Hel· dance, w.hich js the first of a Rerie. oi Bazel llopkinll, secreta ry- time he al!'O played first \iolin in the t d irea ·u rer. and Ahnee PiednJue, Rer· ymphClny orcheistra of th e eon sprva· s uk e.n ts ""ill do all in their power to ena f lYe has improved consid erab ly dances to be g iven by th e band afte r geant-at.a r ms. .. o f ur t be r b usine B w:is tory unde r A nto n l horn k. Siuee then ma e the affair a great success · th ey will find their hands full when bask etball g ames thi s wint er. t ran sacted at t hi s time. ( Co ni Uiu ed 011 Pago Four)

).T A RY ~4. rn13 :~~;~~ ~~~~.;~~~~~;;)EBATERS … · to the Hll.) :rnnnal staff wen~ mailf' tf'am whkh was he1cl in tlir assC'mblv P]eH•n ' 1 k tt w 1eh tin l're.. tliert• sPem

Aug 16, 2020



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Page 1: ).T A RY ~4. rn13 :~~;~~ ~~~~.;~~~~~;;)EBATERS … · to the Hll.) :rnnnal staff wen~ mailf' tf'am whkh was he1cl in tlir assC'mblv P]eH•n ' 1 k tt w 1eh tin l're.. tliert• sPem



as jt was u11'1N·i1h•d ju:-.t what w:i-..

neede1l, no •ll'iini e :--tep..; Wt'rf t:1k1_•n.

It h• probahlc that the sndt-t.Y will

3:.!"'t !l i urn ... 1 the si~ns u.u•l b:tnnt.>r:-.

11 ... Pd, a they did for :.he J:i ... t Jllfl"'r-

s hol 1 ... f c> E'\ P.nt.

t It' ... , rt'I.3.r) "":l""

f, nil ~t lt on u v

Be t )TC' :ldjuuruing iu,tructt>d .-o or~h·r

eariug the .. o,•i11tv


' :o~~;~:':n~P":'~~::i;rii:'~;,:;~·;~~·;s;::;;:j WORKI NP HARO man s rnom "eiln('-.;1lay. 0 H I The chit•f busint~~s hrnught hC'iMt.· th~

''I meeting w:t!-l the l~le<'tiou of nu athlt·th-

Practical Talk OD the DOES ARE SILENTLY repn·:-;eut:tth·t· tu fill the pihition va Squad Is Picked at a Tryout Saturday

Value of Having a Purpose in

Life-Opposes Consolidation


l h~ JJoe-, a t<. st. trU tl1at thE'tl' i!'

not~in.(! to be ~aiil :ihout th<' plnns tlwy

ire mak rig for thc hig party that thl'.Y

w II 1101·1 in th('t f'ollegl~ ruion on the

ratea by George r.osman. El'l1e-.;t Bui .. 1 -Six Men Will Work on Ques ..

Very der was unanimously e1ecte1l to this

position. 1 t was agree•l t<l eon tribute

five dollar~ to the finances of the 191·~

lion to Be Discussed.


A pt•c al 11NH ng was helcl Tut .. 1la\• «'H'DfnJ.! iJf .Tnnnar,\· :]1st. Il1H'lt'\'er,

Work Commeneed at the College Wednesday With a

Encouraging Attendance and Will Keep up for

Entire Week--Many Good Talks Heard Fur th<' fir:o;t time the appointments The tryout for the t•o11t>g" drhatlng

to the Hll.) :rnnnal staff wen~ mailf' tf'am whkh was he1cl in tlir assC'mblv

puhilc hy Editor·ju·chief Ruo,.;en:•lt. Ht> hall of th(' r-nll<'g:e Saturday aftnnoon ;t P]eH•n ' 1 k tt w 1eh tin l're.. tliert• sPem .. "o lie ii .2t1•at rh•td of a1•·j\-.

en" .\fa u of fln rnell 1•11ll1·~'" ail itv am1rng tic girl" on tht• hill ::ind

ese,.J t 1Je 't 1•l,.11t ho•l\" .• \ 1l1<>u~h no I the>) rr illannii1g: :i 11ar•y t11 1:X("t•I all

rt1c."n ar 1 r w . inn 1111ct>cl a .. thl~ form ~r one~.

h.Jf'"t of l'rf' 1:lent '!arn.'ll ,]j .. eour ... c. 1 Thl· ill1t ition rl1mmi1ter has heen

t J•rrndpn top1s upon wlm h h(• touc hu-.' \' 1.~ng:a1;t<'•l the past ~n:1"k in pfon­

\\re1lnesUay witnesseil the openirtg of of the :\fontana br:rnrh of the orgamza· -.tatt'd that no porti<'ttlar tiltP liaU l>eeH ten o "clol'k brought out ~omr n•ry good

the fir~t Farmer~· wt•Pk e\"er htilil 1n tion. Con!'iderable dic::cuc::sion fol1nwed, conferred upon those he appointetl autl tnlent, whil•h matle the taRk of select·

connection with th<' roJJe~~w. and :donµ: in which it was brought out that many he hacl only appointed thret~-Lynil:tll ing ~ix members of the 11t•batiug ~quacl

wHh this w~rn the npl'ning of th~ fir.;t. frauds had been practiced upon pur- Da\"idson , HohPrt Kelley and .John Fi~ke a difficult one for the iuUges. Not a~

Countr.\· Life ('lln\·enti1111 ever helJ in chaser as :i. result of which ) f outana -belie\ ing thnt the staff woulil be many rtported for the tryout a::i hall

the- ~tatP. · The opening da.v w:'ls Sl't hnd not the be'it of reputntion~. and more ~UCC<'!'"ful with only a few m~m· hel'n nntidpatef1, l•rinripally owing to

aside for the :\Iontnna Ilorticultnral therefore lh<'y do not en~n hol<l the ber~ rnth~r than with a largP numher. the lack oi intPl'r:-\t on the part of th6

sotit•ty, under whosP ilireetion the pro· home market. .;\ dance eomruitt('e. consisting of student boil.Y. It was hopNl that a.

gram or the Jay was f;:iYen. A .. J. Breit('nstein of Helena. secre· Le-.Jie Pettigrew, Alfred Eberle an(l Jarge number would Plltl'T the tryout

wa~ tbt> \t1h1e of hh.:ht•r 1• 1lu1·at<ion. ning t.J lilt<'-; ht tlit:> fre.;;hm<'n. Jnvi·

Dr. :\Jain fltltcd that hralns Wl'rc n •t I ati,ius ha,·e hl"e!l sent out to all the

lf 511 im OJ:t int , h1zhc e11ucatlon 1111.m!Jf't,. or former memht"r~ of thP or·

a f":xt••l B"J<l lete mineil po:11osi> .\1- ganization who rr.;iilt• in Bozem;_ln and

ugl1 R Y l rnbl1• d. a _gon1l hraiu it "' l'Xpertecl thnt a good c·rowil will The first meeting of an~- c:rate n· tnry of the )fontana State fair, re:'lcl a Louis Fi"hl, Wll:-. appointe<l tn i•onfn and thus arouse eu11siderahlc enthu~i-

thon • dt>.1·11te pur10 ... c is n· 1t worth hf': in atten1l:\nee. Thr banquet will he

1~h in . }11..; \\11rld, whilt• a unmlwr oue llrlcl in the hornt• Sl'ie111·f' rnom:- of tht."

r110<1P. M 1•n thou~li it may he :l 1"<'• 1m collt>gc :i111l mo .. t of the rest of th(• rn· ganization was that of the :\fontann c:nefu1ly prepared study of the effec- with :i.. "imilar eommittee from thP asm.

Ilorticu1tural society, w.hirh ~pened it$ I ti\·en.e:.c:: of e~hibitionl;j in c::timu1:l-ting freshman <'la""' in reg:tnl to tht> nnnual The QUC'stion (liseu!'sed, '' HC'sohc<l,

sixt.eentb annual gathering with nn ail-I any :~dnc::try, 1llustratln~ b~-. the ... 1s ~y joint darH'e to he hehl n£>xt month . Thnt a minimum wage sea)(' to be oprr-

h Di<•d by a poor hrnin. may :lei•om- tertainmeut will be in the club room-. . dress of welcome bv Pre,.itlent .T. :.\I. the h1~tory of the fnut rn1lnsrry m I ath·e in all work~hop~, dC'partment

c::h wond1•rs.

aly Ont~ iwr cent nf t11f' pPOf'lf' of

at one prr t"Pnt lia-. tur11i .. he1J over

1f of t :1e pr.1fe .. si1n1:tl mrn in tht:'

:.Ji] todil.''. <'t'rt<1iuly the 1•ollegt• nH'n

e rn the nc::ren1laney.

Tn J.:peaking of con~oli1lation. Dr.

~in ~:;itl that thl' in..,titution" in Iowa



Hamilton of the )Jo1;tnna State N•llf',!!P. )fontana. store~. fartorips aml tlw sweated inUus-

"·bo WC'lcomecl the Yisitorc:: :o the .... ol· ~I A paper on "Ornamrntal P.haUe Trees []RO[ESSOR THAlER tri('S of thf' rnitea ::;t·1tPs .;honld ho

lege as tlle place wl1ere al1 the ven1Jle of ).[ontnurt, 1) prepared by 11. K. Feris r r I pcorOn\c·.:cd]~Jll, .t:o1,:.,, ht.,l.1c lao',',·.· w~Obl '., 'cthi.ht1htieonT~lllly1'· might learn. The guests were c::tiJl of Col1inc::, wao;; then rend by Secretar:· ,. ~ ., u

further wekomed b:· :\Iayor n. s. Bue11 Denn. This was followed by some li\'e· TO ATTENn MEETING Ye.rs1ty .of :\.Iontana pn1p11secl •. the neg·

on behnlf of the city of Bozf'man. A.nil ly di~cus!'ion, in which Professor Whip· U atJ,-e of which tl1e eollegC' will upholJ.

by Fred F. Willson, president oi t11e ple of the Rtate. college took part. again::;t that S('hool the la~t of February

Young lfen 's Busine% Jeague. f'oraial < 'ata1pa treec:: were YOted n failure in in Bozeman .

~rn faeinf{ a --onwwbat similar ni .. is W ork that H as Already Been Done is responses on beha1f of the ,.i~itnr" were ~fontana, aud one of the be~t c:hade Representat ives of E ngineering Depart- 'fho!o':P who trit•cl out wrrf' th1" follow·

pre-.Pnt. Dr. )fain ~aiJ. that from Outlined and W ork that the Boost - made by Prof. :\I. J . Elroll of the rni- tree~ wao;, saiU to be the Canadian pop· men t sof L and Grant Colleges Wi ll ing: Emmet Rinrilan, .\ . Paul Tbomp·

... knowlrd!!C of tht• ~nbjl'et. he llid

t helieYe th~1t t•ousolidation wouhl be

!!'Oo1l thini.t for this -.tate or :rny 1;ther

1te. Particularly i~ this "iO in thi . .;

ctE'I, :ls it j-. s,1 Jart:re drnt one h1sti·

tion would be in!o;uffkient tn ~ene

e va~t are:1. Tn 01•rmany, when~ e1l·

:ntion has renehed the highest '-t:tnd·

dR, thti in"titutions are "'e}':tr:ltt>il anil maximum nuu1h<'r of

ople. In connection witl1 hi:;?:ht•r e<lnentio11,

'". )fain !'ai<l that ]'l'Ole Wl're ton lia·

(> to ,~aJue it mo <'ht•nply1 anc1 bet>ause

thi~. et1uention rC'cei\·es the --maJI end

tht' ~tate nppropriation~, while c::ome

her things of much lesr, Y::tlue. sueh

a repreHntntion at some fair, ap­

- als TnOH' to the imagiuatinn and thus

cein·~ forge apropriationi:;. It i~ Pres­

~ent :.Unin ·s opinion that education is

'l expen~i,·e bl('ssing and it eaunot be

lned too highly.

1Tn conclniling, Pre~ident :\fain "aid

nt education in it~ broadest senc::e in·

decl a de,·eJopment of health, social

11fe1 ClJristjan manhood and an appre·

~ Ftti't'e sen~e of beauty as well as the

l!owJcdge which we gleam from texts.



The 1914 )lontanan jq progre~si11g

1~ely and the first <;et of pirtures

ere expressed ro the engrcn·ers the

r~t part of this week. Another !->hjp.

1•nt wiJI bC' "'ent out again the Inst of

is Wt'l'k. The printing l'llntral't lws

>t been Jet, but it will in all prob­

>ili t:v be g-i\"f'n to the Butre lliner of­

ee. wl10 hatl c:harge of the Wllrk la"t




Jesire the Electril: Club to Assist in

" Prepa.ration of this Year 's Journal.

Also Discuss Tournament Plans

A ~bort meeting of the Ci\"il Eugin­

e r ing ~ociety was held }.,riday, at

hich time definite -..teps were taken

elnth'e to the Engineering J ou rna1.

wing to the fat.:t thnt it i::i hard to

et mat erial and adYer t ising if the

ook .is strictly an eiYil engineering en­

t>rpri~e, a eommittee wns appointed to

lHifrr with the electriC'al engi ueera and

-.k them to also in the publi~ation ,f the J ournal. Edito rR. S. Brab rook

unouncl'S that work \\i ll start imme·

iatdy n ordt:r tha t the publication

dJJ not he tl('layeU t C'lO Jong in rt>nl!h· llJr th~ readers.

The t'ivils donated ffre dolars toward

ht:> finnucial :-.upport of the 1914 ~00 .

nan, which wi]J ~omewhat ai<l in the

oyment for the cut n.nd wri teup of

t' soeiet~· in the junior book. T be

nt ter of donat ing t heir share t oward

e t ou rnament was a.lso taken up, but

ers are t o Citre for Discussed versity of )fontana at ).! is!'oula. and 1nT. Arcording to P rofessor Whipple. Meet in W ashington son, Alfred Eherlp, Rowlaull Haegele,

Hon. w. B. Harlan of Como. These there was DO first c l a~s t ree for fenee "\\'ilia Snlz~r, nn\"hl HteC'l(', AJfred Lin-

speeches were followed b.v the prP~i· posts that wonltl gTow in 1Iontann. un· filel1. Flore111•e \Yight ana Brooke Uart-

The Boo~ter~ held :in important met•!- dent's nddres!'( by R. X. Ru·lierlin of ]eF.c; in ~ome of lhc wanner part~ of the Profe,.sor .l. ..\. . Thain, henrl '1f t!i..! man. Endl ont• gn\'(' an pxplanaticrn of

ing Friday ar tl1e stndrnt assrmhly Great. Fall~. Ile re\·iewed the 11is·..,r:· -tare bJnck locust might grow rapiclJy elel'tl'il•al en.£.dne£>ring tlepartment of the q1wstinn and then dis1•11!<sed one

hour in order to tlh.l'll"i~ the basketball of fru it growing in :\fontana, ~·1th enough. the l'olll·~e . left )JlHHla,\· afternoon fur point a~ fully tl" pos~ihlt" in the short

tournament which will he hel~l :\farc>h mauy interes.t iug reminisc>t'nees. The The eYening ses.::.ion was giYen to an Washington . D. <'., to attenrl a meeting tim<> gi,·~·n them.

6. 7 antl ~. The first'r was growing of tree fruits in )fontan:l, "aid illustrn.te<l lecture b:~ Prof. :\L .J. Elrod of reprr-;entatin•.., frum tht" f'll}!ineer ThMe who wpre st>lt1etrd by the

Profec::sor T:dlmau. who at SOIJl(' length :?i.rr. Sutherlin, is keepin~ pnce with the of tlie rnh·('rc::it,,· of )fontnna, il"" ::\[i:-- ing clep.nrrrnents of the land grant col· jutl~es for tln~ 1h•hating- "«1nnll Wt>r(' .A.l­

<lt•serihed the sh·p~ which han" hPl~n rest of the man·elons lle\·clopment. !'riuJa, wl10 tnld about th(' Lrwi:'i. and 1C'gt.>.., throug-hout the rnitrcl StntC's. frNl F.herte: Br1wke Harfnrnn, Rowland

taken to insure ::;ueres~ of the tourna· :\[r..;;. E. A. Johnson of Ha1nihon .h-1•1 Clark trail in )font:tna. Hi." wac; 2'reet- The nH't'tin~ Wth arrnuged to he lwlil Tint">~eJe, A. Paul Thmnpson, Alfretl Lrn­

ment. HeYeral committee mC'etings au intnesting paper on "\\?omnn 's ed by a crowclC'd house. During the ,ve ... terdny anil will probably rontinnC' fi('ld c1n<l Dade) Htrt>Jt>. _:\frs. HC'rrit·k,

were held before the C'hristma:oi ntra· Sphe re on the Fruit Farm. " She tc•und afternoon and en~ning S('C::!l:ionc::. piano until all the bu.,in('~'S is 1.'0mpleted .. Pro· ~[j:-:s Ca11twell and :\Jr. Duddy aeted a.;;:

tion at which the subject of finances that there were many opporhrnitiec:: for solos were played by ).fiSc::es Flossie fe~sor Thaler will take a ]Htrt in the ~uclge~ anil )fr. C:il.ruth as d1airurnn.

W<1S disru~~ed. Tbe Retail )[erchant~ · women, not only as housewi'"e"· bllt in 1Iartin. Sophia Kammerer, "rillie Lou· program. taking 35 his topic for di.::. ~ht" me.n selectrd will met•t rn.•ry pos.·

asRociation wn~ asked to gi\·e a cac::h the labors of pick ing, sorting anU pack· ise Fenner, and Gladys Griffith. cnssion 1. The Re,.ponsibilit\· nf the>. ~Ihle mg ht at qnartt>r p:'l~t seven at

guarantee a~ Jarg-e a~ la!)t year with· ing the fru it. :ll. B. L angohr of Boze· In addition to t he country life work Land Grant C'nlleges for th~ Ailnlllt'<"· I th·l' .t'olJegl' frn111 now on nutil the fir::;t.

out receh·eing any tickets in exl'hnnge. man, who spoke on ''Greenhouse :.\Jan· that is being c>nrrietl on at the Cl'llle~e ment of the TiHl u~tries of their Stateo:i dtl.Mte.

It was also decided to rharge $:L'>O agement. The t wo points that )fr. this week 1 the short cour~es in agrieul- by 1.Ieanc::. of Jnn•stigation Through I Owiug to the ah-.~•nt'(' nf all old debat·

for the season tickets. an incre:t"'C' of Lang ob r particularly dwelt npon were tnre and home seienre nre ha\· ing a flat· State Engineering Expf>riment $.tatitrns ing- matC'rial, )fr. Gilruth Jia1, a hard

fjfty cents OYC'r the prjce of last year. the need of absolute cleanline!:s in the tering attendanC'e. The leccun·~ are he· or Otherwio;e . ., .-\ nnther matter which

1 task _before h~m in orcler to C'Oach a

T he money left in the terasury 3t t he operations of the greenhouse in order ing well attendrd a11d 1 frQm t he mnny Profe~sor Thaler de:<ire~ to bring up "~1nn111g dt'bating team, but all of the

elose of the tournament will b~ di\·id£>d to keep down t he inseet pests and plant remark~ bein~ he~rd about the ram· and wbkh will probnbJ;v he up for ili-.- sq.und. haYe f!xpre~se<l their firm clC'ter­

pro rata among those who subscribed diseases, and the danger of 11~ing too PU!', are meeting with the grentest ... uC'· <:uHsiou Is a }Jroposal that all of the en· m1nnbon to work their harclfl"lt :ind to

the money for its support. Tile Ol'gan· much wa.ter. 1'I . L. Dean, secretary of cess. . . I gineering departments of the land grunt do their hest for the intnf'st~ of the

ization decideU to accept the proposi- the society, followed the talk with the \'\'ednesdny. afternoon :lf1s.!'. Harkrns <'Ollege;;;; sbouJd e~tabli~h wirele~-. ..,rn. !iC'hool. ·if the stnUent bo<ly gets out

tion 31111 gi\~e their .hearty ~upport to statement that too much water had gaYe a .practical demonstration of the Hons for use in connection with the and boost~, the 1·ollege ought to ha\"e n.

the tournament. The professional men done more harm to orchards in )Jon· work ot the home science department regular work of the in ... titntinu and a lso fair ebanre of repenting tht' dctories

baYe not yet been inten·iewed, but they tana than any other one thing. There with some jelly made from drie<l apple.;. to be .:waiJable for tlie rniteil ~t.ntes of la~t yenr on the dt•hatin~ platform.

::ire certain to give the same Jiheral was a lso other Uiscussion . She showed each step of the operation goYernment nt nll tinhis. This is ~ Utah ngrieultural <'i)Jlt>gc ha!' not as

~upport that the merchants of the town F. F. Powe11 of Ste\-enc::\·ille then and c::ome Yery useful instruction w;is new way in which th(> Janel grant eol- yet exprt,~c::ed a i'hoieC' of ~idf'o.:, bnt a

ha\·e already done. ga,·e a report of the C'onference of fruit gi\•en. lege.::. mny be of nse to the ft'drra l g'OY· rrply b P-xpe1.'tt'1l from them in a few

But in order to make the affair the growers in Spokane on D ecember 16, at ) ! is::; Olh"e C'brk of the (;;cnior elass ernment a!' ·well as to the students fol- dnyl:i. The qlll~stion ~nbmitt'tl tc, tho

huge snecess it should be it is abso· which steps had been taken to form a g:H·e a :-hort talk 011 "The W'oman lowing some eour"e ar th(> in ... titntions 1't11l1 !=.l•l10ol j., the i::nnw n<> that wh ich

Jutely necessary that the student!; get great nor thwestern organization for \Yho SpenUs,'' U1king for the theme of affected. th(> co11ege ·will met>t tlie nnh·t"rsit~-

in and boost. Eeaeh v isitor must be marketing fruit and guaranteeing qua1- J1er i;:;ubjeet the eY il ~ wrought by l>nr· Other matteri'l to come up for ili~t•ns· people on.

entertained as if he were the particu lar ity. This organization 1 he was rnre, gain -.aJec::. Other memb<'r" of the up· sion are the reJation of the f'naiueer· In regard to tl1e (lt• askell for

guest of each one of the students. was the only ~nlvation for fruit grvw- per elas~e:-;. in home economics al:-:o ing departmcnb of thesp t•olle;t>s to b~· )fontana \\'eslrynu, nothing definite

Prof. Tallman c·o1ninnrd hy sayinJ! that ing in this region, and he tolll al~o 'be --11okt". the other dep<1rln1t~uts. mt•asure" now has been "<'ttl<'d on, a" it n•mains for

in order to prc,·ent the eomphlint~ further steps taken in the organizing 1<'ontinnt•d on Page Four) pending in congrcs~ and s1Hrgt:>sthms to the Debate 1.·ounl·.il to pnss \)U the mat·

whfrh 01•currl"1l 1a:-l:t year in regard to tlie feclc>raJ J?tWC'rnlllrnt as to hilW the I trr of Jrnving- rhP dplrntc hefore fur·

the t11rning :iwny of a large number. thN· ~trr 1 t 1

:i':.~:tl:,i;:g ~I~:'\~;;~ o~e~,i~·:~· ;~'°i:'.~~~ GOll[ r [ WI ll M [ [T H [l[N ft I ;~:~'.el'.[i:n~:~E::;~<~'.;~:~'.;~;:.~::~;~~!: F. O'. JAs G;rKr S .O·l<N•'ll. IS NOW A

the numLH of tiekeb; to be :-.o1<1. .\ ll [ IJ [ [ [ [ [ H sio11 work will he dist"11sc::e1l nntl f'ngin-

thO!'l" who wnul tickets shouhl purt•hnse

~~:~.,~ .. r::"~t ~: ~~;ta~~\~:t \i~~e,'.~ni!~ ft TH l [Tl Gs TOM a A A nw [If [NIN r ~,:,::!~,;~'i;J::::,::~.~=: d:;~;':;:~·i:.F~:~: MEMBER OF FAGUlTY

her desiring admi1.:sion wiJI be larger " [ u [ v [ IJ course~ in the-.e schools more uniform.

than lnst year. ::.\fr. 'rallman cloSe<l his This is the first mePting of tile ldrnl

en t hu iastic tnlk by making n strong plea for a hea rty spirit of eo·operntion lield, nnd H is expected tlrn.t a g-r at Will Lead College Orchestra. and Give

among the students and faeultY. Reports Have It That the Helena Aggregation Is One of amount of good can be nccomplishetl

Coach Dockstader, chairman. of the for the land grnnt colleges.

tournament committee, was the next the Strongest in the State--A Good Game is Ex- Prof essor T ha ler expects to be gone

~peaker. H e em phasized the remark'3 for about two weeks and while on tile

Instruction on Violin. Well Equip-

ped for the Work Assigned Him

of Professor Ta ll man and went on to pected--ls Second Contest on Home Floor trip will Yi•it a number of Pf><tern

(;;ay that there was no biger ad\·er t be· poin t ~. He will probably <;:pend a tlny or The name of Fred O. Jacl<:sou bas

t~·o at W ilkinsburg, Penn ... yhnniu, I' been addeU to the faculty list a~ in

ment for )f. S. C. t han the to~u . 1a· · h' • b ment. The visitors see our e:xcel!ent For the :..erovd tune t i~ ~t>:t"on I.le t ey tackle t he collegia ns. where he will v i ~it the '\Ve~tinglwu~<> strnrtor in \'iolin and Jen <l <'r of the

build ing~, grounds, equipment and Jab· eollege quintt?t~-· wm be se1 :1 in !ld1on The Jineup of the St>nators : Pangle work~1 " here fi'"e )fontnnn. Rtntf' rol· l'o11ege orche~tra. Thi~ dr partment of

this e\·ening ' 'hen they will mret flit! nnd Rowe, forwards; Gnn· in, center : l ege gradua tes nre now empJoyea. Th(' the collc>~C' ha-, been neglcc l Nl for the

orat ories. E ven Glasgow, aw:iy up in H elena Athletics. The team ha bt?t>n Lewis and Sulgro\~e, gonrd1.;, indicates fi \'e are \\'"illi:im Edsall, 'l 1. R. A. 'Wil last fe w .vearq, but th1~ '"NH thC' C'ollege

t he nOrtheas teru corner of tli{' c:rate .1

bas evi nced a large amount of imer«'lit: working ha rd during the pa~t week and that tbey haYe one of the strongest ag· liamF, 'l l , ('}1 a~. F. Ilendl"r!'lon, '10, orche!'trn wa'i ~tartt'l1, and t ht• need of

Thirty·fi \·e schools have been in.~iteU will be in fairly gooJ. condltion to gr~gation<> in tht' stntr. Coaeh Dot•k· llnrry Peek, 'll, and Earl Lannin, '12. an instructor iu ,·iolin and lent.IC'r of

make the Senators play the ~amc..> of etader has not gh·en out t.he <'l)llege Or YiJle ~ Peter~ 'Ofl i~ loc>~tc> l · the orchP trn , aq 1 t I

to ~end tea ms, and t he majorit~· of !hem thei r ]i\·es. T he Helena ~tggregation lineup, lmr it will nrobabJ.v be Rus..,, W h" ~ . · ~· ~ 1

J ~ f. c in .., 1''•. m:H t' appart·n . 0

are taking up the p roposition \Yith :l r n~ lllg on 111 t e emp oy o the bu· ~ecuring )[r . . :1ek~un to rur(' for this

grt>at deaJ of enthuc::fasm. :lt ,.-. Dock· comes highly touted and thejr ~rbility Cutnf'r ur Fluhr. forwards; \Vikomb, renu of stnndnr<l~, anJ Profeqsor Thal<'r work, the co1lt•ge hn"' lieen fortunate.

is wf'l l known on the hBl ::.s 1t is eenter; lla1·tman and Hodgskiss. wilJ nlso ~ee him on hii-1 trip. n" Mr. ,Jacksun i~ a mu~ic•iao of no

stader also men t ioned the fa~t that jt 1n:wti":tl1.1· the a we five th.nt admrn· guard~. h b f u .. mt~an ability an11 1 rn n<'Mition to s1wna-

3" een oun nece~::ia ry to change t he istered defeat to the blue and gold in. Betwen hahC'c:: the speetator' will BOOSTERINES HOLD · l · 1 · 'f

schedule of the elass basketba ll teamf' their first game last year to the tune bei treated to a wrestling 111ntd1 be· ELECTION OF OFFICERS ~i~g t~1e ar'~i:1~~rtu~:1e~1 s~~o:l j~n~~;n;~:~~:

practice. of 32 to 19. M. R C' . came baek twt>en Jacob:-. and t'onnor. Both meu :\Iadµv Rwitzer wns elertf'<l pre.,ldent he ha~ made mu:.i:ic l1jq p1·oft's!\iou and

f The Boosters then df>cided to gfre $.:i late r in the seaso n and rnrnt>a the are in tJood ooudition ancl both han:i of th1:1 Bl1osterine:;;; for tl1• t•lllo•·1·11a bn-.. tlon• a ~r·at ·'1·al or' 1l1•at•r au·'

or the space gi\'en to them in the tables, thus C\'ening up the t-core. This a cruo<l ~nowle<lgc of the gam'--" . con••· " " ,... ,- to> ,. u " " u

J unior An nual. ,, " ~·rar at n meeting of thnt Otj;{anization grnern.l or<'he:-.tra work.

T he list 'Of commjttee to meet tlie yt>ar the collegians have already played queutly a close and interesting match held dnrin£t tlit"' sturleut a~~embh· hour .:\fr. ,Tnek~on studied for fi\·e year~

trni ns a nd proviile enter tainm en t for the Re\~eral games and are playing a better jg Jouked for. A f t er t he game thf' col· Frida~-. The other officer<> ~lP<'Cell a. t the Xational <'ons~"rvntory of ) fuc::ic

, tors will he posted the earl.v pnrt game thnn they were during the earJier kge band will furni~h musiC' for a were ns foJJow~: VioJa FowJer, \'i<'e· of Xew Yorlc < 'ity; Jour ,Y ('ars of this

ot next week. I t is hoped th at the par t of fa st season, an<l unle:;:'i the Hel· dance, w.hich js the first of a Rerie. oi pre~ident; Bazel llopkinll, secretary- time he al!'O played first \iolin in the

t d i rea ·urer. and A hnee PiednJue, Rer· y mphClny or cheistra of th e eonsprva·

s uk e.n ts ""ill do all in their power to ena f lYe has im proved consi derably dances to be given by the band after geant-at.arms. .. o f urtber b usine B w:is tory under A nton l horn k. S iuee then

ma e the affair a great success · they will find their hands f ull when bask etball games this winter. t ransacted at this t ime. ( Coni Uiued 011 P ago Four )

Page 2: ).T A RY ~4. rn13 :~~;~~ ~~~~.;~~~~~;;)EBATERS … · to the Hll.) :rnnnal staff wen~ mailf' tf'am whkh was he1cl in tlir assC'mblv P]eH•n ' 1 k tt w 1eh tin l're.. tliert• sPem

P.\GE 2 THE WEEKLY EXPO:\E:\l: FRID-~Y, JA:-."TARY 24. 1913

The Weekly Exponent. I 'bl· , .. tf1·nr •t •h~ Exp 1n('1 t .. pr 1mptt'fi ·u11 •n it (.'c1mpeltc-,1 r" tak{' ~lll {'srcpt I t 11 ''I_\" K ft'W \\Or•i'"> l nr r._: !ht' Dint• l'Tt•dit-. Of :t ~{'IU('~t('T·~ Wtirk U\t'T

Established Jan. 1, 1910. k l " / nor on 1hi'- papl'r. The.• Exp1111t•nt a~11.ln. 'fhi!" will me:1n that un< C'r "lll'u

OutgrowtlJ o! )fon!bl~· Exp1rnent, t•.. hope-. th:lt t "-:11 n11t hr nc.•1•t• .. .:;;:1ry to <'R."C'" tbt> ~tudrnl will be compelled to


tablii,bt'd .hn. 1, till'"' .1 "iaii:1t"" i .. -1u1• 'it th{' (':tpt'r thi)'i le:in• ~<'hi'lOI for n time at lf'a"'t. Tbi"

\'ear :tori ;tJ.,,l thut two tournament l.'X· .. uauld be ::i :-pur to makC' C'\'Nyone d 11

I1ubli~bed CYcry 1-'rnh,,- of the C'ol· tra~ t:1n l>f." put out Thi .. will l..11.: pn~ hi~ hr~t to make pR""'"~ ~radt·~ in all

1e~e ;ve::ir IJ,r an elliMriul staff cho en -,iblt• if en•rytbin!! l'<llllinnt'" :i.., it ha" subjN."t~ . .\d,·ice !'ht,uld hl' untu~ct·~

from th~ litudent of the )font:rna hen•iofnre this .'·c.·ar. °XC'W:-< hai::: ht.'t•n ::;,:lr,·. and it i~ ~eldnm followed. hut

$tnte <'ollege of .\~r1culture and plt>nliful. The p;.1rlding oft('n apprar· it ~1ight bC' q3id thHt n few hQur..: of

.fe\'.h:rnit.: Arts, Bozeman, :\fontnn:t. :n;? in nt"~.,p:1per-.. h:l" !i('en ahst•nt from ('nntentrall'd work on a i:;uhjl"'Ct in l'i""

practit•afh· pv~ry j ... ~nc t1f tht• E::<J"'· ,·iewing- the work of that 'iuhjl't'I ''·ill

Give you a delightful fra­grance and a most deli­cate odor. You enjoy the odor of the natural flow­ers in a more lasting form These Perfumes last long, and are noted for their distinctive and delicate odor. We have them in convenient size bottles as l~w as 25 cents; other sizes at $I .00 and up.

RT.\ FF. nl•nt thi!-! yrar. .\dq•rti<•~n!! '"'pat·e hn~ bt• found to hr well ~pent :ind m!l.' bt>

Editor inChief hN•n Wl'll fille1l. The men·h:111r-- elf thC' nH'an:o of kN'J•ing ._,,mt• of th(' -ttn ·

... -·--· ... ::o;elnlt.•r If. :--;:,..Jbt>n{. '14 Hozl•ma.n h·.1\ p in gt•U('ral re--p•1ndt"fl l•l rll'nt ... frnm :ih:indoning tht'ir l'OllC'g-1~

Bu~inei:-s Manflger .. f'.red i:;, ( 1ordon, '13 rh\' .pll">.h uf the hn:--ine ..... mtt11:1zt•r :111.J <'Ot1r"""-' :1-, mapp<'rl tlllt.

)fonagin ~ Editor • bi-. ..,taff nith tltt~ rt•<;;11Jt that tht• papt•r F;tiJurc in 11 '<t1h.iN't nH'<lll!( rnnrt' thnn

L.'·ndall P. David .. on, 'L} 1 ... ,Jt•ri,-ing- ;.1 fa.r :tnwnnt uf /('t't'llUt' 111 i .. 11T11in:1rily thought. The flunkln!! of

Ci:eulalion ).fanager. _ the ~.Ill' of sp:1t"e. thtl'· 1rn1king- J'd"'"'ihlt• :t't'I may nnt ht• "0 mul'h In it:;;elf.

..... J. Erue~t Border, 'lS it ... pnhhcation. The:! cclitor hope-; that but it nrnkC's sul'tl'"" thl' ne:xt tim(' ju<.t

Asst. Bu-.ines"" )fon:'lger l'n•n· "tu•lt•nt on tln• hill. l'\·av friencl :..; , mlll'h hanh•r. Th•• 1•111lcge ha..., .set :\

--·--· __ .•. -·· .... Gt:io. \\". Blinn. 114 11f the 1•1•lll'~l' and it" t-ntcrpri-.t•:.; will ,.NY high <;tancl:trd 1111 thC' work to be

A~st. Bu~iul':-.S ~lann.grr ... ··- . n•mt•mlit•r tht• ... c lllC'f('lwnt" ;1t :111 tim('". dvne antl ha~ nlwa_, . .., laid Slrt.'"~ on

Roy E. )fal:o:or. '15 \nil l:i...t the wMk of thl"' membN' !'<'holar,.hip. ll1lWt'Yl'l". the cnurst•~ :ire THE ROSE DRUG CO. Asst. C'irculati~rn ~tauaQ"er .. ,,f the st .. 1ff, en~ry •1nr 11( tht•m. ha"' ~o arr:tni;?l'rl that non<' of th€.' "tltdrnh

......... _ ..... ·-· Roy C. Clark, '14 ma•l1..• thC' l:H·k 11.t hour ... iu fl WMkin~ slMulfl compbin of too he<n·y a t:iour ... (' The •1e!gU Store Jntcreollegiate Editor . 1hy mudi Ir--~ notlcC':tble than is us if it i!' ta1•klC'<l right. F;.u·ulf_,. mem-

RhoJ:\ D:l\Yt''-l, '13 n:d.'" lht• t•a...;e. En•ry pr1 ... on on tht• ber::; ar(' alwa;·~ willinf! t(l help and if

Athletic Rei1orter. Robt. 'J'. Krllr;·. '15 :-t:1ff th>· .'t':H ha~ rr ... ponlkd to en·ry dail_,. :utention i" ai' t.'n to :i o;,nhje<'t

General Reporter . n•qur~t for l'npy :iml has Ul',·1•r .... uirkl•d no tronhle ~honlil he e:xpt•rie1H~t1 d. Ho"-.

··-·· -· .. R. Le~lic Pettig-rt•w. 'J,i tht• wMk and rt• .. p1111--1hility 1lf ).!l'tling- evt'r. if a prr-.cin b, fr.irful of the re·

G€'ncrnl Reporter . .... uut wh:ltC'n•r mig-ht ht• .1-..-.ignt•tl to him. suit ... of nrxt Wl't"'k. hf• ... 1ionl1l not for :rn

....... Ch:is . ,\. \\"hippJ 1-.. ·1.; ln fact. a lar~t' part nf the t11m .. • tlll'rt' in:-;tant g-iH• UJ• lmt ... J10ul'1 plug all thC'

General Reporter. ~fyrtlu .\.lderf:On, '13 ,i... nnt hN•n a-..~iznnwnt~ r111111!?h rn ":lt hanfor and thb m:l.'' bring ~tll'C'e~~

General llC'porter i:-fy th1• 't•Hf. Thl'.'" han• ni\t 1lfil,,· wht•r(' 1lht~rwi'"'l' fa "lurC' wnulrl re~ult.

. ..\. Priul Thrllnp .. 011 'J l lll'C'n williu}!" tn tlo wh.u w,i-.; a-.kt•a 1)f

GC'ncral Ht•porter thNn. htu h:1n• :t:-kt•11 Inr mnrt'. Thi ... LUNCH COUNTER REPORTS

lforrell H. Hihbard. "lG h:h ~rt'atly lightC'll('•l thl• "''rk of :he A FLOURISHING BUSINESS

Subscription Rate-Two Dollar~ per

;\'ear, fi,·e trnts pt•r cop.•. .\d\·ertb

ing rntes made known on applicntiou.

Entered a~ second cla~:-- mail mntter

at Bozeman. lfontan:i, under .\ct of

Congre~s of Mareh 3, l~i9.

l'tlitor anti tht• mau.i;.!in::t 1..••litor :ind

has nrnrle the prrparatinn of tht• p:q1l•r Thl' l11111•h rn1Hn in l'llnnrdlon with

l~;1rh \H'l"'k a plea .... urt~ ratht"'r than :1 the eollege rlnh roouH j...; lltlW in run

rn:.;k. En•ry pl•r .. on 011 :hr staft ft>t•J ... nincr Mrler nn11. :iccl"lnling t.i ~fe..,,,.r ....

prlllHl of till"' f:id th:11 ht' i" tht•rf• :lll1l l"ndt~m a111l 8111hC'rlnna. nwnagt•rs of the

th<rl'' to m:tkl' tht' p:tpt•r ~t1n11. .\rul entrrpri .. r. thr:· :ire ha,·ing :1 mo .... 1

th..., 1 .. !hi' '"'fiirit th:lt i" 111:1kin:.t it goiltl. flouri~hing- hu ... ine~ ... ThP nece,:--:1r_,. fix­

Xot onl." :ire thMl' on the staff mak· tnrt:i~. ~ud1 n~ ('lt•t•trl1• ~tOH'"'· l'Ountcr-.

The W eekly Exponent is stricUy a ing- th~' p:1p1•r g 111•1. hur 1ho-..l' 1lut:;;i1l1· and "hlHY ('.'l"'e'-. wl're in-,tal\("tl ~aturda'"

student enterprise. Its chief purpose :-irr ... 111lwin;:r u grC':lt inh'f\''"'t in the puh :ind e,·er_,·thing rnarle rt•ath for th(' oprr~­

is to present to its readers each week Jil':\tion. :tlld ~('\"('rt\l of th(' ::<Indent~ ng :\fond:t.''· .\ J;1n;~(1 C'rnwil anrenrcd

an accurate and complete record of the h:t,.t:' '<l to hr put 10 w~nk n"- sonn nt noon of tlrnt <lfl_,. :tnd th(' ("O\lntcr

developments in college affairs during .i-.. th1•rl' i., nny room for new repor· was. t:ixt•d tc\ it"- full ~apncity. ~peci:il

that period and it is intended that its ter,.;. Thr fre:--hnrnn cJa...;s ha" uot shown :irranf;!C'll1€'nb arr to hr made to crtrC'

influence shall be exerted for the UP· up 5tr~1n,!! for thi~ work, and that j.;: to for thr Jaclit•s who de3irt."' to secu re lunch

building of M . S . C. The p aper is the ho reirrott•'d. hut out,ide of that there at the college at noon. and b,- the <lo c

result of voluntary effort put forth by i'-l mort:' in1crr ... t bring <;Jwwn in rhr of F:irmers · week tht' e ar~ang-ement~

the students who compo_s_e _t_he_st_a_ff_._ p:tpl•r h_,. thost• on the st:iff and tho'-t" will prnhably b<.' eomp11..•ted.

in th" "tudent bod.'· th;tn ha"' eYer hr· It i~ prnbahlr Hl'-lO that at thi~ time

~ ......... .. C.\LE:>D.\R.

$aturJay~, .fonuary ~;-n., .. kt•lhall at

Drill hall, !I p. m.; lft:'lcna. A..thlctit":-i

YS. :Montana htate t'i11le.~~.

f.-.rr hren the <'3 .. l'. · One more mntter a .;:pec1:il grand openin~ will be held. at

. . to he eon11n('nte1l I which time mu$iC will lw furnishr<l b,·

upon .._ the rl'turn-.. that nu recein•tl the Euphonle nn·ht"'str:i, find a o;,peei~l

b_.Y the member_'.'.' of the ::-taff for thl' / mrnu pro,·i<letl. .\ full :-;upply of c:igars

tun~ the.\"'" Put in on the paprr. whil·h I and t•and_,. \\"iii he put in s t ot•k also

l'ritl:\.Y, .r.rnuar.'· 31-Stng and Dt•c ,·:in~" from nn 11our or two a we<'k up \·ery shortly and fhe mnnngcr.; of rhe

parties. ~,, l"' or ~0. anrl "'Oml'timC'" mort>. Thert' I Yentun' intend ru m:ike th€' eountt'r fill'

},ri1la,\•, February l.t, hn.-.kethall at 1 ~ ah~olntely no pecuniary rt'11rnnera· a fon~ frlt need at tlH.) l"Olit~l!t'.

drill hull. Unht•rsit\" of rtah '"'"'· )fon t~on _ ('0UllCC:t€'<l with nny -Of th(' ro .. i· I t ;;-1.11:1 :-'tatc t'ollt:'J?e. tion-.. on the \t:1ff. The mone\· rreei,·e(1 I PROGRESS OF COOK

f'rida.v. Pt.•llfuary ~I. h:.t~ketball <1t e:teh week frnm the sdn•rti.semrnts anrl BOOK rs VERY SLOW

drill hall. liuin•r:-1it,· ot )fontana '"'· other sourees is but enough to u1f\ kf' r

Montana ~t:tte l'ollt:igt'. the pnjler pa_,. for itself. Credit i!' :ii- The Y. \\'. c: .-\. Conk hook ·whirh

low('d for th\~ work on the paper ii wag to ha,·e hC't'n out (1efore th" holi­

Ba&ketball Tomorrow; Show a Little degirril. and is gi\"£•n afH•r eonsulrntion <ln.'·~ . f~ pro~res .. ing ~rowl_,. anrl from

Spirit. "-ith the focult."t" and to su('lt :\p :1mount what can he !?lt."anrd from the mrmber"

this .'"l':lr, it i~ expe<'ted that it~ selec­

tions will he of a high ei3.s!'. :X-ew

music has bren prepared by t:'H<'h of

the glee dubs anrl "Ome harJ. prttrliee

has. b!'cn put iu in prepflration for the


r. If. Bishop. direetor of the two or· g:.10iz:1tion" . lws also announced thtlt

the two club~ will jntntl y g-i,·e :la a~ ­

-..emhly program at the regular assem­

bh- hour of February 14th.



F11rmal im·irntiun'"' to he repre,.;ented

at the thirU :rnnunl bii..ketball tourn.i­

llH'nt and extt•mporanenu-, :-;pcok111,:? cuu­

t(':-:.1 t.-1 h<' belll at the l'Ollt•g-r the fi ri;;t

week of ).farrh ha,·e heea :-l'nt tlltt tn

the high 'lthools of the state. Tbe

high schools mu~t accept these invHa· tions on or before Februar'" 1~ in or·

cler to t<lkC' 3 part in the iourn11n11~nt This is neees<;;:Jry so that ti1e eollegr

people tan make the ncee::i~ary ar1anf;e­

ments for the. e\"eo t . Printed fl• lder::;

gi,·in,g the 1letalls of the e,·rnt :i r e now

in tbe prot:e'l;:; of prept:1ration <tnd n·ill

be sent out as soon a. possible.

Further than this hrrt little luc;; hee""n

<lonl'- besirle" that anno1m<·ed ln"r ''"eek.

'The different collegr orga n izations ha Ye

taken up the matter of a~~istin,; 1n the

entertainml'nt of the ,-j~ihlrS .rn tl are

planning on w hat to do to he lp make

the C\ ent a uet•ess. C'omm:ttee<;; will

lle announced nrxt week to ra kf chuge

<Jf the "·ork"""of thr Boosterq in [ht' meet.

Tnken altogether the outl1..1ok for the

lH•st tournament C'\·er held 1s vrrv




Tomorrn\v CVl'ninz tin• !"t'('un1l g:imt•

on the loc~tl f1,1or will bt• pl:n·ed bY tht•

college quint wlu•n 1he~· lllt'l:t the .. \th

leties of lfrh•n.t. ... \ gnll•l game ha:o.

hrtn generalJy ·rntit·1patrd :1" tht• lll•I·

('Ila :.1i..:a~1t'f.{:ttinn is <" 1n ... it1ert1d one of

Thl' bl'"t in thl' ::-;t<ttl'. .lust how tht•

colk·gi:1n:; .... how up will ht• dt•tt•rmin•••l

largl•ly h_,. t )(' w.1.v tJ1t•y 1•11tt•r tht." ~.ra111<"

wl11.1 n till• whi-.tlt• hl11\\ .... t1111111rrow l'\"t'll·

in~ ~llll'(' l)h• holi1l.1y ... a --piri! ~if in·

tl ffl•rt~llt'l' 'lf'l'lll'"' 10 hJ.\t h:i•l hulol t.if

tbt> t·ulil'l!l' pla_v.•1-... lutt.•n• ... 1 b.1 .. Ut•l>n

at .1 't'r.v low l•hU, h fad. tin• p:1 ... t

\\('t•k. n(tt 1•1w11;: 1 mt·11 h:t' t" :tpJ1l':tr1••l

:tll tht• t me t" n1.1k1• two 11111 lt'.ttu~.

<tntl thl• t llarh h:i..; h:1tl t 1 :tr•pPar in

the !'t'COJ1cl ti• Ill l1111'l I'· . "

a«i mn_,. be 3~r('e·l upon. Xonr 11f thf' of the \ibff it m.Ly not ht' out lor !'•lme

pr~,~~·iir Jlll'mhN~ nf thC' ~trtff ar(' re- tim(' yet. };,·erything WC'nt :-nwothh·

rt•1,·111u llflH:h <'r<'1~it. lwwe\·l'r Thn .... until it rr:irhed thC' hnna ... of the pri~- Tne:;da_,. :-tfternoon t he Grinntl ~rncl·

~11 that the:'· gN l" rhf' t•:xperi 1~nl'eo af· J ters anil tht-r(I it w;i~ def:n·ed and i" uate:J and e.l: ·';tttd('nb of this clt-r met

fn~tl('d b,,. thl~ \rnrk on the p:qiC'r an.! 'ilill in the prot·r~ of priuriui:t. ""ith Prf'.;ideut )fain of G-rinneri. and

). Th:tt "~IJllC '"'fllrit nt l1--tl1• ....... 111'"' ... \l.l•l

J1lll.fh•rt•nc·1• li,t.., lwltl full .... \\a\ 11\·er

t 1e entirt• student :t .. wl•ll. \:11\\,

if t ht' 1• •llt•:.:t 1 ... to 111 k • ·1 1' '-l}1 ~win''

1n tlH• c untl: .. r touwrr )W°, it w II ht• ne.:~ 1"·~nry i.11 that "'Pi:1t t11 hi• 1•·•..,t as:dt•.

Tht mt•n will h '1' t, ;.:1 t rn 111d 1;!.!ht

e' t·ry 111 11u·t• f pl.n \\it 1 111• 1lt'te1

minat 111 Jn " l :\ t 0111.' tu-tt. lint

"ht --t1chnt .. 1m .... r wnk u, frin 1 their

1t•tb~Ltg~. The' •HU ... t ,.!e u n~11 -..1

p11rt tli1• tl' :'l /U t •murruw t''l'll ni.,:: 11 tht•

collt":?•' ... 1,1 "111.

J'io ... pec· .. \\l' ~ 1'X'h nl'l) brl:.: · · 11

1 ,rJ_,. p.1rt ,,f 1h1• .. 1.:tl ... 1111. 111 :ad. t1\'.'"

\\('ft' Ill'\(' ill ,.!' ltt' . lI \\t \ t , f 1t'\

lun1 f h•n ilf .J' t u 1n t 11'' an L1r

from .ls h11ght , .. ' "i-; 1·)'.p1•1·t •,} th.It

tit•\ w ul(l ht• it ·b.. tl l' .. la ~on lt ... n 1\\

Hn•l1•nt .... 1u1l 1 l t u

~t \\ thi• oltl \I 1t 1u :-..t

" n champwn ... h ;1 in th1-• pao;,l.

Concerning t he Exponent Staff.

Tilt• h.1 11 n 1 .la n.t' Hi \\ II it·

th(' J.t .. 1HH' f lr t I' '"'l'Ql(..,-t'f, t l .1

FOO fvr s11~p,~n•l 11..: tlw puhli sfion 111•

ing. in it~ own w Jrtl ..... ··Tin• .. ran _,. of

11en .... , th,. :-1:1r11n or .i1•h1•t .. 1~- tnd

the .. ,·.ir1i1y of h1lllr .. in :t WHk111;.?

day.· · It :lJ .. ,, sl:th'" tbu :mo 11•• rt'.t

tin~. by thr Wtl_\·, "hnnltl not hf' ton J-:. B. Ifowen anrl J. L. rrempl1:•urnn of

k~htly \·;tl11e11, a" it i ... of hi,l!h Y:dut.• MUS!CAL ORGANIZATIONS Rutte. two gradut1tt'!=i of Grinnell. and

in l'('ri:\in wa_, .... tn dv rhil'.' work. Thi... TO APPEAR NEXT WEEK formetl an almnni a-.....;oriation. Tbe fol-

onl.'· "''n-11 .. to ~how rlu.• spirit nf ihi• Jnwin~ wer(" rlrrtC'd offi<'eri't fiu the

q3ff thi"' yc:ir :u11l. whilf' Mih'r ~··hnoJ... tiine liriug: E. B. Ilowrll. pre~ttlf'nt:

:ire haYill!! troul11 1• n thl' pnhlil·atiun 0111 of tht"' ft·atnrl"...; 111" U.t• 111N· ..... T L. Templeman, Yic:C·prc-..idt~zn: "t\'. F.

of lht• 'il·honl pnpC'r, tlH• Expnill'nt j-.. rLt'Xt \\1'1·k will h(' rht1 apr~·;n;111rcH;. of TirC'W('r. ~Cl'rernr.'-. and ('. (·. D:tYis.

u_ht'•r -"h.q•l' lhnn en•r with :i .., 1n,ng. :1 numhl•r of tht• nr::?:1lli7.~1tion" trl• a:-;ul"l'r. The uwttting 'w;ts hrlrl at

faahtul "-taff. plt•nty of :-;uppnrt nnd of flh' 1'<~ll1")?('. On ":\fun1b~· c•"\"f•n n~ thl' Prnfe..; Rre>Yl'r·s home. and a. ta lk

p1~ 1)pl1' anxi1111:-:. tn t;ikl· nr· rhi• \\ork at (,ir.:o.' (.Jt•r f"inh will gi'"r :-;r,1• "<'h't' ,~-:l'• gin•n 11_• Pn"•itlrnt Main 011 the

lh1• fir--t 11ppon11nn.' tinn-,. The rfnh is 1..•ompo-;p<f 11f ... ixh~t'U fnn<'tion of tfir toTie:?"t• and tedinie-al

Exams Next w6e-k.

Ti11s .. tlre time· (If rhl· ,·1·ar when

tht• fin:r.1 l'Xam~ are npj'1'rmu-.t HI thC'

ndn.h u( :i hr;.!'t' f't~r l"'t'llt of the ~tu rl.·u: .. on th1• hill :111(1 «"lh'n al an. .. l)l~-

111!? nr,t?t•1I ttl ;..''l'! iu :ind ~·ram. TherC'

a r1• :1 'i\ it'""' a fC'w '' t•nr·nr1· ..... t"Ol~h "('m-

1'""ll'r u1td ar1•onf1nz t11 tfii· pbn :iifopte~J

h,· t1ie f.H·ufty tr.1-.. ~-t·ar i.t'lll'ort'"-..'' will

n11 t l1l' arfoWt•tJ fu rt"ma:n ilt t°H" n~t'.t

~?irl:- .,f lht• r11llC'J.!t• :ind tbi''T 1·an lh• "-t'hool a~ ap:trr from th:1t tif thr uni,·er­

f'XJH.~l'"tl'il to furni:-h 11111:..i1· 1-ri' a hi,!!h sitt"".

<'ln:o;~ on thi;;i- o~C'~1'iinn. On the~ hC'Xt Dr. )fain I1:1s h('('ll makiu!! an e.\":ft.'U·

€'\"l'lli11}! th1' cnlk!?t' orch(' .... !r:1 w:ll :qi- '"in• tour of the "if'"t. org:rniziar,i al­

Jlf':lr 1ln thr pm~r:lm. Thi:- " ll ht• tlw umni duh:.; nnd ,-i .... iting j!ra1ln:1tf'"- fnun

f~rst puhli1~ llJ•.p1•anm·t'' of thi~ OI"!!aniza I (;rinnell. Pn».·ions to the vn('. in Rozl'·

tzon :in l ll 1 ... nnrlrrsto11d Urn.1 th<".'" man. lll• ha ... atten1k'7 llll'l'tin!!-.. of t•ia:ht

l1:n·f' a r1umhL"T ef gooll selet .1n"' r..:-ady '°'lttii vr!.!an1.:1ti.1n:o. Ift• ]l'i't lwrt• i~11 e,.·

for tlh•ir rniti:ll appr:ir:lUt:'t'.'. \\"f'1lnt'"· 1h_, £'\ 1•ni11!! for ":\rinm•apoli ... :uur from

d:1y rv1•11 Ill! tht~ .\Ieu ' .. Ult•e l'lnh will tln•r(• ht~ will gn to ('hil-agn antf thl'n

appt':tr. La'"<t ~l""cr tht• t'iuh :--nh).{ on h:wk 111 <· rin1wll.

S('\·('r:i.1 Otl'a~iOll• :-tnd. !IS lllll..;t o( I he• OlrJ

lfll"lllher-.; .1 •t., "to the t1r)?:rniz; i111n ~H!:aia Shakespearean Romance.

f h:ipil•r..::.

r. \Yim were thc- Jn,·er:sf

Romeo and .rnliN.

Our $22.50 Suit and Overcoat Line fT. \\"Ji:tl W;I"< tht•ir ('!IUrt-.;Ji1p J1"k,('"

• \ ":\fithnmmrr X ght ':-; Ort•am.

't 1b pc ·tion t'I o lf"

... ""11 Tra\\ inc hn•k111 ln ... izt··-. :111•1 \l'J .rL• offt"'ri11g tl ~

.... i."Ut rr- lin~ for

,. 1

$14.75 1·:\l"'n 11llC' llf tllr :-.uib are c1iarantt•i•1' co 111 ;111 wo of

ihi... .. e. --on ":.. :-.t.' k :uul pattern. ~EF FOU \"Ol"R:-o..E.Ll".


College Stationery, Fountain Pens, College Emblem

Pennants, Pillows, Table Scarfs, Etc.


T[f. \\ Jrnt W;t.._ lll~l' :\11..,Wl'r 111 hl"- )IT•l


.\ ... Yon Lik1"' Tr.

T\-. Of whom ilHl Homen hu' the rin·l',

Tht• ::\fn1•hant ·)f \"(•niet'. .., .

I Y. i;\·~at tinw of thr month Wt'rl1 they


I Twt•lfth Xii.rht

Two r.rntlt:'llll"n of ,-erona. I' L \\"h.1 Wl'Tl' tlll• tt"hcr ..

YIL \I hn "·er.- lh•• he<t m:<n "'"1 111ai1l f l1nnor•

• \ nthtln~· anil l'lrop:.i .. ra .

y rrr. \\"hn g:n·t~ t hl' rrt·f'pl i~ln'

:\Jerry \Y in•s (If "·in1bor.

rx. Jn what kintl llf a place <li1l


H nmlot.


X. " 'hat l'3usPd thrir tir"-t quarrel~ )ln<'h Atlo .\bout Xothing.

XT. ~·hat wa s brr diqposition lik ef

The Tempe.t.

xn. \\'hat did they gi,·l\ l'fll'h otht•r

when quarrelingt

I }.ff'asure for ){clHmre,

I xrrr. " 'hnt dirl their courtshir prove

I to be!

L o,·e 's Labor L o. t

Russell Freeman I :---C-OS-TL-Y -DE-LA-YS-....J


Headquarters at the Hub Both Phones

'l'he Exponent is the be!lt ml'diuru for

advertiser s to reach college titudcnts .

~fosi t p~oplt' intend to save SOME TIME. .\_nrl while putting it off ll't a. big s~greg~te of little sums slip throuu-h t b~ir finger-... The wa_,. to have su('Ct'~~full_r is to ~a.,·e NOW. \\~hy not begin to at this au~picious moment by opening a sn.nng:-- account ::it GALLATIN TRUST AND SA V­

INOS BANK Capital $100,000

W. S. DA YIDSOX, Coshier.





BOZEMAN CAB CO. Automobile same as hack for

city calls

H ome Phone, 132 B ell, 230-2

E. W. THOMPSON Four Chair Barber Shop

(Rucccs~or to F. E. D:tYis)

PLAIN AND TURKISH BATHS Corner of ·Main and Tracy.



28 West Main

3peclal Attention Pai d to Students



Everything that is new in Spring Boots are now on dis­play; all the latest leathers aird colors.

Champagne, brown and grey; Buck--white nubuek, blacks and tans of all kinds.

It costs no more to be fit righL



rirr M osr ACCURATE .2Z CllUBER Repeating Rifle in the WORLD. 1\ in two models: one for .iB Short J:'. F. cnr· lr!dgcs- tbc ot.ber for . .J-2 Long lllflc R. F .


Handles lS- -~2 ort nod 19- .22'

long r ifle cartridges~ Scod for hnad,omely

illu;trnted Rifle Cat.­Joµ: 3nd .. H ow to Shoot Wcll"' .

Onlc- r Stevens Rifles ­p is to Is and Shotgans

from your Dealer.


P. 0. Box 500~


\ I tH1h•1l~· of 'Error ....

Wh:1t did thrir fril•1111" ~:1.' !

Al ·, \l"<ll that Enoh ll"<ll.

-Ext"h:l~-!t~ .



If you are in the market for some


Bear Creek and )fount:tin Home

-lump aud egg; wood and kind· ling.

"·e ha\·e t he be!:it li\-ery in




We are in a position to

furnish all tools necess~ry in this department and

will be pleased to see you

in the store looking them


Owenhoase Hardware Company

We still have a lot of

r111e Candies, Fruits and

other good things to

eat at


Sugar Bowl Opposite L ym Theatre.




The1en & Hanh Up-to-date Livery and Automobile

Home Pboue 2J.! l Bell Phone ~7

WE Ht• ... ·~t fully Intl f1lT :1 !·:- o

".""<H"1r tr:\1le. 1n1l w 11 e1•rt:11nl

tr~at ~-on fr• r. Try u ...


Phone 20 Opp. Court Hou•

ThC' numlH'r of ion• ~ne .. 01

ini: ~t:lft' .d ... ,1 wa .. lh1."l n .... aa arz1t1

for the nlHllislmh'IT~ of 1he st.'1

in~ a. proposition t•l 1•11u .... tn11·t a

Mexico's N ational Schooi Has the Age tran ... <'ont111ent:ll hii!h\'.a,· rr11111 t'· 1•

Record. Wl'!tt n di~tnnce of 3.~011 mih• ...

The oldt•"t unin•rsity nn the Amer- mntcs indirate tht• ff\:hl l '\I built for about ":!tl,11110.11011 . . \""''wia

it•an t'<1nttn('nt "ill rrtain its titlt• for

awhilt" .'.t't. Th ,\ t'1llleg(• that po:-;-;esse~

th1~ tlb1indi11u in lvn!{e' it~· is th<' (Tni·

'C'r-tity of .:\I f'xiro. A hill wa~ proposecl

in the chamber of deputies, the nntlonal

ei,ng re.s~ of Mrxico. t o • boli::4h t he uni­

YN:-1ity1 but the measure fai led to pas".

lt wa!ll charged that the uniYer~it,·

w:-is not filling the neetls of the tountr;-.

Re.:nusc su('b a large percentage of Mex·

leo i!"! illiterate, it wa~ uqxed that the

nre heing fornwd tl1 l'laC'r the pr

tion in prartif'al form for pre .... en t

to the dominh)ll p:irlianwnt nntl t h

,·ocate~ an~ sanguinf' of !illt'•'f"'

Agency Spalding Athletic Goods

..,,,n h to :dl1lw tbt.~ h·l'i Lnthfnl nit•m

ber!ll of t ht• ~t:ttf l~l•ntl th1• hnnr'"

1l"3Ual!.\" ~IJt'nt in prrparin~ 1 ''JI.'" tor l th~ K:~imin in rne prt~parat on •lf l'OJl.V

-th)r the ill'"'l ntl·t.n .. , Thl' Ex1h1nl'nt b

trul_'.\· si>rry to m1~~ tht> \llll't'r ... tt'· 11r­

gan. for 1t b.t.... alwa~- .... ht•en mul·h l'n

J'-'·"""l. Howe\·H. :lftt•r re!IJ. n:_: the l'di

tor1JI page tl( t he K :iiruin tbb wl'e~. ·~~~~~~~~~~~--' I

XIY. Whal did their home life

semblef re· mone,v spent in this way .:tbo uld be de· I voted entirely t o elementar_,. education.

Sl,000 Scholarship to a W om

.\ one thousand doll nr ~ehol:ir.;ibi

bC'en offe red t o a woman nt the Ur

<;jity ol California bohlinf{ the d1

Ph. D., foT study 3nd research in

tc .. , chemistry or biolog_,- In either_

ien o r Europe.

Page 3: ).T A RY ~4. rn13 :~~;~~ ~~~~.;~~~~~;;)EBATERS … · to the Hll.) :rnnnal staff wen~ mailf' tf'am whkh was he1cl in tlir assC'mblv P]eH•n ' 1 k tt w 1eh tin l're.. tliert• sPem




Both. Phones FranB. K;yle, Asent

~ will be too late to take advantage of our extra trouser off er after February 1st Come in at once

H. R. HARRIS, the tailor

All this week

Three $2.00 Shirts for $4.00 l CERET ANA MEANS QUALITY l



r 3 lla e f Bi hnj?~. ha,.. found it

. to lea\e r wol und vnll ~prnd of t11f! winter un h•" fatht>t'::t

ar the !-'ng-.1r Br('t c t~-.




emf'nt ·Ht"' hPing m vle tor a ju"titutP. .t' :\( 1ou• the "f'~·on•l 1----------------:---------------Fchruary. l'rcJfP...,i;ior .\tkin :\Ii.;-.; Eliz:lhPtl1 Thor11l"', 'Ui. who b3:3 Harold Lurher, who wa~ registered

fe .... :-;oir \\'h l'file ::tnd :\(. L. Wil t3t1ght at X"°]•hi, et:ih, for the pn~t in the frf'shman ('}a~~ in ele<'trieal en­two \'Par:"". is thi~ _n:-nr IM:itNl nt Og· gineering. departed for hi~ home .j n den, r ah. Chouteau :\Jomla.'" )Ir. Luther had de·

- ·: cided to take a dentist n· rour'ie next

Profe~:-:ur Heherml'rh11rn. Dr. Taylor year ~o cleeided not to <'~ntinnc in bi~ I :ind Profe .. sor F. ~. Cooley gavt' seYcral pr<>sent eour~e an.'· long:Pr.

lectures lll"'fore the r~1rml'r::-. in~titute - ·:--at 8alC'~ville. There i:-. :in effort being mrHle to get

Am closing out my stock of shoes; $5 .50 values are gomg at $4.00 and $5.00 values are going a t $3.50. Bette• r.ome i1~ al once as I have only a few pairs left in each size.


n 1N:>turrrs rtn1l 1lrmon· :•- a bee im::peetion Jaw through th(' kg

H. B. Btrnrhri_ght spent a f('w Jay~ i!->lature this winter. If thi~ law is I , ______________ _,. --:- !l.t the Huntley im.iiet·t last week to p3ssed it will provt' of ~reat benefit to I

~ hall' 11

-.t frni'-'bt"'il a ma nu· irrigation work for h-i~ pamphlet on tion entomologist, "R. A. Cooley, will The entertainment to be offereJ this in~on n<l p ..

0re .... ~l'lr secure ~omc g0od pietures of modern the bee r3b<>r:-t of )font:i.nn . The sta-, promised.

n the nro~re-:.; 0r the work :it ''Irrigation in Prn.rtiee.' · be made inspel'tnr in rase the hill goe~ year is also expected to be ont of the

Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts

Practical coorses in Ch·il, Eleetrieal and "Mechanical Engineering )lechanic Arts, Agrieultu.rc, Dairy. Hnrticulture Domestic Science: Industrial Chemistry, Economic Biology Mathemafics Literature, For· estry, Pharmacy, Music aud Art. · J '

Beautiful. grounds, coi:nmodiuus bu~ldings, complete wood and iron ~~~ps~r~x::l~~t~·-e lsboratoncs, moclel k.1teben and sewing rooms, music

J. ~1. Hamilton, President BOZEMAN, MONTANA



Flint-Lynn Lumber Company 101 E ast Main Street Phone 82

us t·ount' expPrimi·1t'" -;.;tation. ---:·- through. ordinary, and rumor~ arc floating about


18 fnll,\· iJln

141ratt•d and Hilmer L. Dahl of Belt, lws returned _.:•- in regard to thi s part of the night's

<"work .tnd rr~nlt"' ,If that sta to his work with the sophomor(' ch1s~. For tl1at next part.v or dllnCe, get program. Most of it i8 shrouded in ----------------:-------------== During \·acatton lie underwent an oper- your in\·itation"I rrncl programs printed mystery. The early part of the next BUSINESS CARDS

- ·:·- ation at :.i hospitul in Great Fn11". Ile at the Superior Press, lOi \Vest 1'1ain morning will probabl,v be spt>nt in ~Ion· 9.ll t.•nfor<·l'd di~t'IU'l~ of two no\v appears to he a~ "'ell al;{ ever. street-Gracey 's old Rhop. ·we ha\-e te Carlo. the same as has been the case

Jue to a<otrat 1 ou -•:•- some new stock in that is something in the last few stag pa.rtie!S, when stage I , George Rllnn rtnd ~.,red Gurdon )1is" Hess was in Pony last week swell, and the price will he right. money was used and all the known

senior cl:i"~ in :igronomy, re· and ga,·e two lecture~ before the far- - ·:-- games used to lure money from the un·

to their work at the college mers' institute at th:it place. 0. C. THE PALM. wary were in evidence. Gregg of ifinnesotfl, and M. L. Wilson One thing that is not secret, how· nlso ga,·e lecture::. before the institute. We will open up an uptodate lunch e,·er, is that the treasurer of the organ-

n Spain, '11, has returned to n from the Fntveriilit,\· of Wi!\·

where he had gone to take post· e work. ~Ir. Rpnin could not

-·:-- counter and enfe S3torday morning, ization has appointed a staff of 3S-

The short course students and the January 25. Open d:iy and night. We sistants and is now busily engaged in

preps gave a dance at the drill hall also ha\"e ice cream and soft drinks the colleetion of dues from those who Friday night. E\"erybody had a fine and carry a fnll line of the celebrated are stags or anticipate becoming mem·

work he lwcl desirt>cl to take at time. :Music was furnished b.v the Pallas candies. Call and see us. \ Ve bers of the organization. One person Euphonic club orchestra. will treat ,vou right. has been appointed to look out for eaeh

- ·: 1reparatory department boys will ~ir second anuna1 i:;tag part.'· this

:MaxweJI 's ball, probably on

--}-- class and all are working under the

in ~~:n~he~ai:~;r;v~o;;~: ;:a~h;c~:1~'.";,:~ PRES~R::::z~~ ~THE COLLEGE :~p:~:;~~~1ni:fg~I)~~: ~~ii:b~e~:h:;ft~:


Of buying your Shoes



It will save you money



Office Michigan Bldg.

Suite No. l'i. Bozeman, Mou.t



Rooms 1 and Story Block

Phone 46 bik. Bozeman, Mont.


· 31, the ~ame e,·eoing on whfch ege students will hold their stag Committees have been appoiut­are now bul:\ily t>ngaged in mak­

.os for the c>vent.

found it necessary to lea\·e college for j two dollars and, aeeording to the se,·-a. time at least and has returned to his era! committees. it will be well worth home in Townsend. Under the supervision of ProfesMr the price. It is desired that all pay ----------------

- :--- W_ F. Brewer. a press bureau has been up these dues before the end of this


The experimentnl station is looking organized to send out dail,\· reports of week so that the committees in charge

for field leaders to take charge of work the mee~ings held on the I.Jill l!uring will know who to put on the program:; and for several demonstrators who shall Farmers Week to all of the,v w•ws- and c.:rn make arrangements for the

be graduates of some agricultural col· papers of the state. A la rge number eof I banquet. It is possible that those who lege and shall hrl\'e a few JC'3 rs' ex- students have been drafted th'! do not hand in their names and the

Golden Rule Bik. Bell Phone 97 b1k.

---:·- DR. W. C. DAWES.

meeting of the prrp Arg:ocs, the society of the preparator.v de-

1t, Bingham \\rellnrnn was eleet­'ill the office of vice-president

1 remainder of the year. A com-

perience. work. and it is desired to give the required fee will be left off the pro· -+- meetrngs ~s ~uch. publicit~· ns possible. gram. For th e benefit of raduatc

Tho e assisting 10 the work will be . · ~ . ~Ir- J. B. Nelson of the station members of the organ1zat1on, it 1s the


Office and Residence 201 S. Third

Phones-Bell 494 red-Home 296~

Bozeman, Montana.

consisting of 'Villiam :Monson ve~ter 'Vhite was al~o appointed e preparntinu~ for the work to

l? by thi~ orgnization during the

all tournament.

staff. wi11 de,·ote a portion of bis time exempt from handing in English themes, desire of ttie committee nil who

during the short courses to getting good ~het nu~be~ to hbe decided ou by the possibly can should attend, and they will pictures to be used in advertising the ins rue or Ill c arge. be permited to pay the sume fee a~ is

SOUVENIRS OF THE COLLEGE Tn Ilat Pins, Buttons, St ick Pins, Rings, Cuff Buttons, J'obs and SOtl\·enir Spoons; also the Blue and Gold in Pot· tery• Steins, Plate~, Ynses aud Tobacc:o .Tnrs.


short courses. 1'Ir. 'Yilsou hns had expected from the actiYc members.

- ·:·-

much experience in outdoor photog- ST.A.Gs ARE PLANNING •rhe B\'ent. will commence about 'i :30

raphy. TORTURES FOR FRESHMEN I on the evening of January 31 an<l will

etiug oi thl' ..\thlctie assoeiation ---:·- continue until some time the next thn- .

d :'\Io1ulay ''' discuss the matter Ray George, a. student in the prepar· Xothing new lrns de,·eloped in the So definite date for elo~iug has lH•;n


Ten per cent discoount to students Commercial NaUonal Bank Bldg.

Bozeman, Montana

""· iug preparatory team~ to pl ay ator~- department of the college, went preparations that nre being made for set.

~ams abont the !'tatr. Owing to o•er to Helena with his mothe a d tl 11 t t l · I 1~ that there was sometimes m;s. father last week and while in tli: :~~- tl::tc~s ::.~d.~- ~!r~'.~~b·;·i~ttt:~~.



Leslie E. Gage DR. A. D. BREWER. Jeweler and Graduate Optometrist

tation in c:t .... es whnr prepar:i.· irnl eity was taken ill with diphtheria. mittee on initiation, nn<ler the le:Hler· OF THE COLLEGE Y. W. C. A. PHTSICI.-\X AXD SURGEON

·dents lrn.\"l~ pla~·Nl on tP:tms from A:;; a re~ult he i~ !"till in TTelcn:i. antl ship of E .• T. ·w"illin.m ~ . ,,· 111 • " 'hitworth itution. it w:l'> thnught be<.;t not will not return to )font:rna State for nnd other old ~tng~. nnnnnuee that this Tue_s<lar. n~ou thl". Ill'\~ officer.s of Post Office Block. Bozeman, ~font

t their rrqm• .... t. ~ome time. :vrar the:- h:n-e planned a hMter trip the l . \\. (. A. \\ ure rnstalle<l and !•- - •:•- for the fawn~ than ha~ ever hC'en gi\'en j the old one:; .retired .. '!'he old officers

~ on T. Takot t, n mcmher of the ore <'lass in rhemi:-otry, has ~<'­

position in 1111(' nf thr bank" in ·on an1l 1lepnrh•d yt• ... terdny to n1rk then.•. )fr. Tnh·utr pl::t.H•a h drnm iu tht• hand anrl w:1s

1t of the Chemil':tl society at the H P will he mis..;eJ from thr

-•nu :i. new mnn will he worked ,., e bn:0..; drum po:-.ition at onee.

lcott bnd many friends on the o regr(lt hi" tlt>p:i.rture.



·' is is the big sale that you

' been waiting for. Sale

Is Friday morning.

Shoes for.

Shoes for.

D Shoes for.


. $4.45


Shoes for. . $2.95

[) Shoes for ...... $2.65

word to the wise is



s do your shoe repairing

F. B. l.infill"d left ~:1turlla,,· morning for 'Vashington, D. l' .. to attend a con­ference for farm m:rnagf'ment. Tt is

f'Xpec•ted that lhl~ farm managemf'nt of­fiee under ~pillman will ('n-operatt> with the experimental stnff in putting in district demonstracioa work the ~·oming


nny pr<>,~ion~ crop. A nnmhpr of new were seated 111 the front of tht! room nen•e-rarking stunt.;; nre to he pulle~ an_d w~:e led out by Helen ..b'isl11~_r, ·1.0. off in the initiati nu, antl it is C'xpeded ll.1 .ss l 1:;her then returned, kad111g lll that those who sun·i,·e the l"P<'Pption the new officers, who 111:.1.rcheJ urouu_d

~h·en thi:- year will at l1.1a:;t long- re- [ the ro~1111, once an_<l t!1t.:n took the11· member it. Contrary to the usual con places in front. :\l1ss l' ne<la Bull rca.d

dition, the rommittt•r is maintaining to each ouc ht.'r Jutit.•!; for thl' coming stri<'t silf'nre in rrganl to the prog-ram .)"Car, anJ tla.• meeting clo~eJ with all to he offered the new men. au<l onh- girls joiniag han1ls and singing "Blest

a few of the dl'tails of tht."' r1.1reptio~i he the Tie ThaL llinLh. · )Ir. H erbert J. RL•esr, ·oi. who has haYe lt"nkeil out. IJom .. ""\'C"r. llllH'h is The retired. offirer-; are: _\ Illa

been in Bartehille, Okla., for :-;eH•r:il ~mi th, presitlent; \\"ilia SuitZL'r, nce­

year~ a~ agl'nt of the Butte &. f-.iupl"rinr t 'opper ('o .. is ~pending the winter in Long Reach. l':.diforni:L :\fr. HN'i:iC' is LYRIC ::i. graUuate of the cliemi:-ttn· l'ourse and •



Vaudeville and wa~ a~i:;istant chemist 011° thl' station 1 High !-itaff for hi~ first two ,\'P<.ll"~ aft('r g-r:ul- 1

nation. I Moving Pictures

pre~ident; .)lyrtle .\lderson, se-.:rctary; Ucorgia <.'ullum, 11·eas11rcri JO:ll:t. Har· mun, Bible stutly chairman; l'earl lleight.on1 mi~!:iionary l1 hairmau; Hhud:1 Dawes, 111t•cting~ d1airma11; OJi,·t' l 'lark, social chairmau; JlaZl'I llvpkius, ~ntcr­

clilegi:HL• t'hainnan, and l"lon•nce Lin<l­~t rand. l'OOlllS.

The new offict•r~ are: Ella Jl arnwu, president; _\lntl~e Switur, 'il·l' presi




Cap;tal Stock ..... .. ..... . $1.>0,0clO.OO Surplus nud Profits .... 3j0,000.GO

GEORGE COX, Cashier Bozeman -:\fontana

th~ut; )lar:· B. (lr:1~-. seC'l'l'tary; :\larsa ---------------­




Hitltlell, trrasurer; .\.melia ~rnnlt'y, Bible stml~·: .\lherta Borthwil'ii.. mi .. :sionary; Olin• ~Plin, lllL'Cting..,: (il•orgia <'ullnm. social; FlnretH'L"' Pool, inlt•reollt>gi:He, and "~·11a l-\ultzl•r, rou111 ....


================================~ 'fhe electrical ~tud('nts attended a if very interesting talk and dcmonstra ti ou in the electrical laboratory during

Gold and Blue the student assembly hour Friday. 'l'he demonstr::ttion8 and discusl-lioos were on ''('omparati\·e •rests on High Ten~ioo

Insul ator~. 11

liax Kenck explained the ,•a riou ~

methods used in such test~ ancl discm~sed

WILLIAM H. WATSON'S .~i~tures, Stories, Lectures n.r3:1llas ~

1 ho 1•011"f'll!"'tts of pn•:-o" op11111111 ot lint h l't11111111•nt". spl'Hki ll_g' rloqm•nth· of Dr. \\"atson·~ work, is that ht• j, :t

ma .... t~·r of art :u11l litr~ratur<'. llighl_,. i.11:-.trn<'ti\"t', ill11111inati1~g and Yt>ry won­drom~ \)noks. J•::1rh pid11re H work llf .\r1 .·•


2317 Michigan Ave., Chicago. U. S. A.

current which oscillates very fast, sueh a~ lightning, pases over it than it does when the oscilations nre compnrativel.'° slow. On Crane's Highland Linen

the effect of different ,·o ltage~ on in· Fo11o·wing tho discussion te~t~ were

STATIONERY sulators and the difference in strnin an carried out on a number of insulators

insulator has to undergo wheb. earr\"ing ~ with the big 150,000 volt trBn~former. Th e G a I I t . D , c . . ~ t A short business meeting wa~ eon· a In r U g 0 • currents which oscillate nry fast. it ducted dndng the fore part of the hour

The Dra.C Store On Th• Corner is found that no insulator will break 3nd it w:is decided that the preqident

'>------------------------------_) I down very much more read;Jy when a should appoint a committee to deride




Bozemnn, ~Iontana.



Suite 5 .. nllatm Bloek

Nelson Cab Co. Oldest and most reliable in

the City Cabs for weddings, parties

and funerals a specialty Bell Phone 273 Home Phone 1962





LUMBER COMP ANY 320 West Main St.

whnt the Electric club •houid do to help the tournament >long.

Page 4: ).T A RY ~4. rn13 :~~;~~ ~~~~.;~~~~~;;)EBATERS … · to the Hll.) :rnnnal staff wen~ mailf' tf'am whkh was he1cl in tlir assC'mblv P]eH•n ' 1 k tt w 1eh tin l're.. tliert• sPem





PRICE OF $14.50?


From !I t<1 lt~-<'orn grt1wing, W il- COLLEGE GRADUATE TO

Q•Hl: Jlonu.• )lad~ Spray", Lanham: MAKE IMPORTANT EXPLORATION

Higlrn ttY )l:tinteu:t11\.'t'. I\: nea le; ('art'

and \lnna~ement of tht• ~tallinn, l lnrk: R1·mt"ml1t>r th:d Trifll'"' Uakf' Perfecrion :11111 P1•rfr t inn is lltl Trifle. ~(! .... Bal·


An ap1•t;>1trinl.!" in a recent l"'ll''

of a p<lpt•r in l'ruj!uay tt~ll ~ ol the Wl•ri-;

being- ~h1n(' lw a 2"r:1tl11att~ n.t )Joutau··

tit:llt' collt•gt•. ~auril't~ .\.. Lammti . of j



25c and 50c Sizes


THE HUB---"Howard's" Ed and Lou Howard, Props.

From Ill 1 0 11-lrrigation. Rnne hright: Strt•{'t .. tor ('itif'" of ,'),11011 ,,r Le""· snow; f't>rt•al Rrt•akfa'\t V\11ul .....

:.\li-.-; H1"-~: L:1mt'llt'''"l'"· \'l'h'rinary

tht• da ........ of Hlll3 . ). f r. J..;immt• i" now

1liredor of 1!'.t'•)loJ.?.r and 111inerall11.!Y :H th£' z,n-l'rn111t•nt uni,-t'r .. it,· of JJont• I \'iclt•,1, t·ru);!nay. Thi~ i11 .... t1tut10n 1Llt" ~· ~~~~~~=====~~~;:::==::~:::;==;::::=======~~ work ... i1111lar HI that of tht• tlt•part men~ I

From 11 to J~- :4tandar•I .\ ppl1• P;H'k"

La1111'llP"'""'· \\•tt•rinary 1 'lini1·"'· T.n·lnr; nn•l in thP after11<1on rht• 11ro;.rr:1m wa..-:

. '\\"Jt}i II '1 ft•W dll\'"· 'l''ihJy tht• fi:·--t

p:irt of Jh''.\t Wt't'k, :\ I r. ' r. A . L.1111~11t·.

a :'\1l1 t 1 .\m,•ri ·111 .... ,•i1•11ti-<!, w ll uunt

The Girl will Appreciate a Bouquet of Violets for that Dance. We have them .



Jn .... t'l'lil·i~l1·" 1101] F'un:.::i1.:l•l1·-... )ln.ris a111l

Parker; .ltulizin)! H lf"'t'"'· c l:1rl> :111.i

Jlnwaril; ('onkin_i! Dt•mou"itfll•ion wid1

:\I ilk ;u1d I 'h1·c"''" ,:\[j.,.._ 11:1 rk · n.,. an1l ).[i .. ._ Hi•:--;.

of agrit•ulturt• in thb r .mutr_\·. l rrht' :irt1t•J1• \\H" ill ""pa11!,]1 :tnd ti'..~

tr:\11<.;J:1twn 01 11 j .. t:-: fo}l11w--:

r:-tkt• :1 .... h·n 1f1t• t'x '•'•liri.111 iu tht> .11• B oth P hones F ree D eliveJ

11;.1rtmt•nt .. of th1 '\ 1r h :iud E;l'it, Tit• .2,:============================ F111l11wing 'hl' t•our"t'" offrn•d hy tlw ha" bt·t·n ,q•po :Ht•d l1\ our ~,,,·,•rnm.•1 ·


1•olk,:!1', tht• folo1wi11g- J•M!.! r:un wa..: gin~n 1 tel l.'arr.' un ;._!1·nln~i·· I '''t' .. tlt!,ltiOH" in in t}lC <1:-;..;1•mhl_\" hall: ~fu-<i4· ; ro\·1,_•r tbb l'•IUUtr_v, :lll•l \\Ill la• Jll,lilt 1Jirt••·tor

Crop!', hy R. \\w, Fi"ht•r nf \"il•tor ; ~ far- o( the l ustitutt• n( . \ j;!ronom:·, nsti·

keting \ ppks in tlit• J·:n"t. hy i ' . 0 . gated by l ht• .:\ Liui ... ter of lndu:-:try. nnol ~hirlpv 11f Yictn1: G11od Hn;H1". hy .l . II. )l('llc l ing legi..:latiY(' -<l\llCtinn.

Dnrst11n; l1i...t'<'t l\•.,.h :in1l tht~ir ('011- '''fh1• trip of the :Il ion• name•l l'ltien

trnl. liv H .. \. <'ooll'.'"· :wd TI!ig-ht and II tist , n.11 :n11 h'. 1r ity on g-t•ol.ogii:al mat­~1·:lli. hy I>. B. i"winghi . lt•r:-;, wall la~t frnm thr('(' tn four month.;..

Tnda_y 's Jir•1g-:1r111 ti~ nutlinl'll i:-< a.;;· :Ur. L:11um1.• will ht~ lh'1~omp:luit•d by 1Ir. I fo1lc1w..:: .Tuan 'frf'm11h•r:1..;. n~"i"tant direl'ttl r ,1f


Gives that distinction, style and individuali ty that we claim for all our work

SCHLECHTEN'S STUDIO Makers of Fine Photographs.

The High Class Barber Shop for College Men TUXEDO BARBER SHOP

C. A. McINTYRE Michigan Building

Notice, Students! Eat with "Red" and "Shorty"

At the College Union

Basketball===bv Bob fhc .lrill b:lll "ill ht• tlit:> .:~·t• It' of linenp ginn j .. : <:t·nai!'o n.nJ. '\Yoht~.

Ont' n11.nt• ba ... kt•tb.111 t"1mtt• .... t wht•n the !,!'u:n·h: Tab11r, t•entcr: :\kl ':irthy au1l

tollegC' :f.C:J:!l"l'J.!·ltion t:la..:1H'!o with the Whi:-;tlt1 r, forwanl.... \\"ith the e;.;cep­

Ht>lt'nn • .\.tbldh•..;. From rl"port..: rl'· tion of Tabor. who haih; from UelC'na

1~t'i' ell. dJt• l "apibl c:ity fin'.' is out• of am] who playt:>il with tlu:• Hel1•na high

1he fastest in tht~ ... tatt• :tntl ""ill t>:xtend during tht• Jast tunrnnnwnt, the Yar­the culleµi:ln:-. to the ntmo~t {l1 win . "ity i.; th,· ~amt• :ls pl::iyed here last

Prom the lint•up. the vi-.itors "l\'ill han.• ~ea..:ou.

the same tc:1111, with but line ext·eptilrn,

as walJoped tht:> eollt:>ge in their first game h-.t sea~on .

The first ~ame with the eollege will

be pla.Yt•1l in .\fh·-ioula {ID tht~ 3ht. Thc­

C'nlle~e team wall he in fir-.tcla:-s ~hapr On tht~ otht! r hand. thn.•e men ri:main ior thi" contest an1l w ill makt~ the Yar·

on 1he c•ollt.>gt' tive that pbyt'll thi:- sity pby hall rn•ry minute if tb£>y ~amc. As n. team. liowt:>n•r, th1• bluP carry uif tht• hig en<l of the "'Core. and gold :1rt,_1o ]'la,vintr l•l'ttt'r b:1ll than the~· Wt•rt• •lurinc: thl' t•arl.'· ]'f\rt ;i b~t :-e.t ... on and t':\n bt• 1l1•pt"Udt·•l upon to play a wh rlwinil game.

From fl ftl 10-l'l:ix (:r1)wing. Wil­

"•Hl: l"tr111•1ur1• .ind Xutrition of Trt:>e.,., Swing-It•: Ht•ayy Trnffif' Roa1lo:.. Knc:ik :

Pro1lm•ti1111 ol :\hrkf't :\Iilk, Jone<.;; A lff"lmt~ l\rohlem, '\ Li .... D:tWf'"-

From 10 to l l-Rnu111l Tahle DiM'U:-'·

"ion nf R1•t• Kt><'pi1111. ('onh·y : Pl:rnt Phy .... iolul!y in H+>l:1tiP11 to Pruning,

""hipplt•: Ho:t4l LL1gislatin11. Snow:

~ht't'JI 011 !IH• Farm. ) [ illt•r; Cooking D1•11101htr:ttinn wi1h :\Ct•:1t"l, ) [ i<.;sr..; Har-

rhe )fut>sum of "'.\atur:li ll i .. tory, :l.. vc;:­

t>r:ln iu tJij..., kintl of t1iffil'Ult "Citntifi~ inq~stigatit1n, i1rn..,m111:h as on different

Ol'<·nsi11us he h;'s traYt'r"'t'd our 1•uuntry.

prot·nrinA' 'Jlf'eirnt•n"' for hi.; nrnsemu. au.1 01we ht•r'ort', in the ,\'(':tr H111 ;

1 on :t

triJi ... imilar to tht• prt>-<Cnt. ttccompanie,1 hy Pr.1fl' .... -.or l·'los .... dorf, who trn,·er~'°'a

th<' CtH111rry from n11rth hl :-<nuth, even

pC'n<'trntin~ C'andeta, in tht" prndrwe nf

Rio Ur:lntlC'.

kiu .... a111l lfl''"'· I ' 1The 1•'.\:pC'dition whit•h ) I r. L:1mt1H'

Frorn 11 to !:?- ·""hat th(' Granµ-e j..:. anrl )fr. 'fn•mnlt~r:is wi ll nnd(>rtnke will

D11in::. l)!iv1•r Wil:-1\n: ('ooking Demon- l'onsi~t uf :111 explnrntit111 Qf roeky and

-.:ratiou wi!h ~h•:it. ':\ li-. ... t'" Jl :irk in" an~l nwnntaluou .. tnritoriC'". This is reall)

lft• ... o:..

Io th£' at'r1·rno<ln th1•re will he .A J,ahnratory ~tutly of Pl:tnt Di!'le:t!'le:-:, unil1~r l'r1if1 .:-.or ~wini;rl1•. :ind .luJging

Bt't'f ('at th', 1111•1C'r Prrlff's...,or I 'l~nk.

The ~tatt· lir:rng1,. h:t-. al-.o bt•en hold· ing- a nnmher nf nwdin.:t"' tht> ln-<t tw.1 day ...


thr fir-.t .... pri~111"' iin·e..:tig:1tinn carried

on in tht• to.rn~ry,



'·The tran•!-'t" iluriuq the entirt' triJ

will Jin~ .a nomadic life, camping ·wlwr­

en•r night on•rt:1ke" thl'm . :rnd remaiu· ing- in pad1 1}i..,tril't a~ lt1ug a;-; j .. n el!l'S

~!lr~- for tht~ir 1(':-C'arl'h, Tht~y will starr

out io :\.l onteYillt•o in a wagon, taking tent-: a11~1 pro\·i.,.inu ... and aho two mt"n

familiar" ith tht• territory :111<l who w:l

A MEMBE R OF F ACULTY he of grl•:tt aid to t1wm . '' ..\[r. Lam111t~. a g-t•oln_gj .... of not" ii:

his ('nuntry . .Joe .. ntit £'.Xjlli'tt to l;btam (<'nntinrn•il from Pnge One) Jlln this fir..:t 1rip. "Jlcl'ifit• n~sult~, l •m

11<' has playl~il in ort>hf'<.:trns throughont l1t~!'oir£':-: tu ~t't a gt•111:ral idea of our soil

thC' counrrv tnil hn..: h(•t>n C'ngaged in an 11 l<ift•r tn nrnk(' furthl'r iun'~ti~a·

thl':th'r work. Lnst fall hewn,..; intlm•'-•d ti1111~ in l't'tta 11 ili..:trict:-. ThC'_,- w!l!

t 1 talH' <'hrtr.!1' nf th1• collea:e orcbe!'otr:i.. buth 1·ollel't wl1at1•vt:'r m:ttt:>riab tht•:i-.·

an1l 'iinn• tht n liri~ ht•£'n 1•lac£'d on th 1~ llW\' find (mineral .... 1':lrl1t1uifrrn1h an1l

ra111lty in tlie t>:lp:H•tie~ mC'ntionr•l t•la..'~t'Y soil:-, cit-.) in onfor ti• pur..;1h'

~ho,·t' . on their return l:ib1lrahlf..'- qu<li<'" . which

~illl.'C' ).fr, .Ta1·k .. on t11('lk ehan!t' of t}1p will t•nahl<• th1:~111 to tle~crmine the mos ..

ore ht·-.•· a la .. t fall it has imprO\"Ctl bY pral'tit.'!tl wny in which the \'l1riou..: !-~ib

l<':tf1:-: antl houn1l<.: . and tho~C' who haY.t" m:1y hn t1t·' t•1111w11.

h<'aril it :tr(' high in their prai~<' of r • rt ; trip, "ntt•rl~ ... t'ng fn1:1 rnurP

the org:1nizatio11. Tt is plnnned that 1

tbnn one standpnint wil1 begin, a~ we

the organizntiCln "+ill give a danre in ha.Ye !':lid, 1wxt week, nnll will include,

the near fnturC', :ltHl th(ly will proh:lbl~-1 in the loll m~·ing- or der1 the depa r tmenh nppenr rt•gularly hereaftC'r at ('o}legP of ~f inu<.;, 1J aldunnclo, Rodia, Treint:t y

function~ . I T re~, t't:'r~o Lnr~c1, ~h·er in yTncua rem~ll . l f the<.;e rnn•:o:.t1g:a1wns pro\'e ~u1·'Ce~~tu1.

STUDENTS IN MUSIC it will rianq'.nm, fund::un~nta ,,', eel·

GIVE INTERESTING RECITAL / no mil' '• ntlitious an1 I in:-nre prog1es:.; for Cite count1;-.:-.

Ratur1fay tht• thinl rnd he~t n•cital ' ,)fr. T~t·nwlera~ will i:-tudy and ~t>l of the yi."ar "'J for was giYen hv tht" J kct geolug1t·nl .. pt•t..·1111.·11 :-, "'"a :- tu e:.ir1th

:-hulenh in mu ... ic :1t tht> eollt'!!e. The I t111:• <'tlllN·~i.un in the_ >=:1tio1:al .:\hi::eum~ • .

recital wa-.; untler tht> direction of Pn.ul • (The Ex_ponrut is ._ideotr<l t, .:\L :-s

P. )feXe<' ly. head <if the depnrtment. lnntw"ll ior thi~ artJc'..:' -EJ)

anc1 cnn..,fstt"J of in~truuwntal I anrl '"wal sdeerion:-;, llw bttl'r lw C. _Photographl'r: (to y11ung mn.u) '·It

.\. Truitt n111l )(is.; Lillinn Rradf Pnl will a much better picture if you

Th£'re wa ... a ,·pn· g(lotl ·itte 1 , j will put your h::tntl on your father · ~ . - ' nta1He ant shoulrler.' ' ,l gond 11rngram w:i:-; prt'sf'ntrtl. ThC' , . ,

1 1 •


Eel ,l:l.1•ob:-> :uu1 . \ . R. Connor will ~in.• :ln cxhibiti.1n wr£' ... tlinJ! matl'll between hal\'E's. The men <He r,·enl,,- matt•hfd

:t!-l 1o Wt'ight and (''.\}ll'rience aniJ tht' bout ~bouhl pron' .111 inten·-.t1ng one.

Exhibition:-< of thi:- ~ort are al"ay:-; in·

men to rq1~1rt for pral!tke k,-.; talh•n

nif mi~f'nthl~· . an(I "l·arceh' two tl'::lnl'i

han.' ht•t>n :nailablt• fur p~nl·tlC'.• . Ex· :imination..; un1l otlH•r :H•ti\'i!il'-< aronn\l tilt' l'olletrt• rnay t•xpluin "by ;:,Ollie 11f

tilt"' m('n ha\'!~ u11t guttt•n m1t . hnt t1-;

thC' s1•ason ha-: oul.'· fairly siarrl·•l nntl "nmr of thr hnr.11•..,t gam('s of the ~ched­

ult> :n~ yet to hl" played, e\·cry man

who 11:1-. ht1•n ri"purtillj! "'~l"'ii P\l'ning:

:-bouhl makt:' :\ .. pedal d'fort t" <1-1 '0

program in foll "'""' ~ 1 .., iollow!'i : I }:ither . i:uh. 1t '\\ ou ltl be much GnrJitt op l -W x 14 lI t' ,.... more natura l 1f he l1nd his han1l in mY I

• -• .' • • + n. . l~n ing 1-'oug pocket .. '-Ex. . \ 011 (.,u•I ... rht• ( 'uektio

Anl:-till'.!; :rn<l tht•\· ~hrluld

j!t:'d h.\ tl1t• ... Utlt•iit h111ly. he 1'ncour-

A ll't"'1 r.t i .. :,;Ut' r' tlit• 1'-n 1rnn .1u

nouott'" t'lat the \'ar .... ity <JU ntette wa:­to Jlla,.'· t:- fir..;~ game wuh 1 tie S t(>\'·

t u,,.,.illl' ..,\ll Star .. }}t:-;t F ·,Jay. Ti,.,


This pair of Hose Will give you



Tht:> "'t!°t•ngth ,if any <'lll.,,ge tt•am

<h1 t':-. not ll<'pt•nU "'0 llllll'h 111 th~ u•l'· vi11u:il abilit~· t1f tla• fir"'t :r.:1m n~ t•f

the ml'n of th€' "holt> "'ltrn1l wh 1 g:-. 1·e that "t>am J•Tih\ti1•1,_• ;inlJ Jlllt tlll'm 111

t'Olltlitfun lo 1lll'1·t thf' ntJ.t• r l~)!rl:'J!:l·

tionsc on t!l·•ir '-chedttlt:>. \\.'l:1t•h Dt1ck·

stader hn~ n;nd£' nn earnest Tt'tJ llt'~t i"r ::i.11 tn('ll wh<l hav€' hPen rcpu rt ing to

continue t1> ~et ou t and 0!"3~,t i ce.


).fi .... .,. ~ r . ..-nle . \ ltler~tln

1-~;l~Tn.r Th1• Tiabhlin)'.! Brook t 1 rH·g-. 111 1• 1:!, ~o. i' •.• \. llmm Lenf

\Iis-. Ernrn Lr ..... t•l f:anst'hali-., op. l:?-L Bal'hlt"in im \Y:iltlt•

\li ... s Louist' C1:1rk \\"illi:tm-:. 11p. iO .. l 'h3"'t' ut' the Butterflie..;

'1 1s~ li t'lt·n Hut1•l1in~11n Behr,. op. Hl' .... l-i pani ... h ~tudents

:\ri ... -; ~ lyrna l'unninghnm

R:ivina. op. 6::' l'etirc Boh~rn )J i;.;~ T rena 1 follit>r

Fnotr...... I 'm \ Vearin' A wa '

:\IaeDowell. .. Thy Beam ing Eyes V oc3 J ~o l os

:\fr. .·\Jpnz11 Truitt Godn. rd. op. 5.), ~To. J P ostilion

F-il'rl.'t." Jt...;..,nn~.

L-:ltC' hour"l.

l" llt'XJll't'tl~.1 C:ompn.ny. X-ot prcpnr ell. K i~·kc<l oul.

The l'nin·r~ity o f :\Iichig :rn ~~nate

has :idoptt'cl a moilifil"ation of the olll a1hi "'lory ~ystem . Be!-'icles iucrea ... ing the number of fa<•u lty :uh i~l' r:-< , tla~ plan is

to in• the s tutl ent n.dYi!'Pr..;. to 301)

u pperclil$Snl£'D. rfhe stu1font fl.thi-.ers

will r ender s pet•inl ~enice during r egis­

tra tion an <l thC' openinJ? day!'l of rolleg-e.

in ncq u:iit1ti ng ne wcomer s w ith the col­leg e COD\'entions and t radition-.;.

:\Ii Fl o!io~ie :M a rti n IN SPECIAL COURSES Bohm, op. is-._ D ream of t he D ance Californ i a·~ cheer leaders are picked

M is'! :\fae Erwin by the competi t i\'e ~yst em and it is con·

and will not Wea r to holes be- (('ontrnued from One) Smith. op. 31 .. .. .. ..L aujZ hi n g W aters si tl er ed one of t he highest ho nor~ in the

f :Mi,;:;s Ed p b unive r~ity to bold the p osition of cheer

ore you think it should. We " · oa '""' am leader.- E x. Tht" 1et•turr-.; on tht" a~riC'nltural sub- W' ely, op. 54. - ··· ....... Mo nastery Bells

leave it to your judgment and ject s ""''"well atten<le .J nnd, '"was the :Mb• Rub'" Settle 1 fairness. t>a~e with the homt' et•ouomit>s subjec t :o:., C'oomb:o:.... ..l n t he. D a rk, in t he D e w H a r"nrd ·!-! employment bureau found

If I many fn.Yo r<tb l t;> eommento;; on the work C'hami nade - ·· ·····- ...... \Yi' r e I Gard ·ner work for 451 men la!'l'~ year-$10i ,OOO

not as guaranteed exchange I or 1be <'Oll•J?• were he.:inl . '\.·ooal solo• was earnea b:· the student>.

fo r It is estimated that rn the neighbor- )f i"s L illian Bratl fonl /

I h~lod of ei~ht~· prr!o;on..; a r e in attenlJance B ohm. ... . ... P olacco Brillin.nte Yearl:r re~ord .. of the college dai ry

A NEW PAIR,, f rom 0~1t-.ide 1if the eity. T h(' atten d ).fiss .:\bhel L:·on~ herd of the ('n1orado stutt" college f o r

This is the guarantee on our light weight, silk lisle Socks, blacks and colors. We sell themat


The Willson Co.

aneC' will no doub t J!<'t larg-e r as the end Chopin, op. :!3. Ballade in G M inor the year HlJZ ~hen\· H1ghe~t r ecord f or

of the wr1•k appro:tt• lws and 1hP ~,il- :Mi"" G13dy?> Griffith mature l.'ows, 47.J Jh~. bu tte r ; low est

Mad "e~YH'' ce" hctter. O w ing to C'hopin, op. 31..S<•hnzo in B Plat )J inor reeord for rnaturr cow!<. 330 Jb .o;;. buttE'l'j

man.'~ twup-< in th(' rai l road ..,t~rdce . 1Ji,._ R1uh Ha r tman avt· raj?e rt"c ird for m:uure co'~"· about

,e,·er al l!h:tngt's in the program l'Ja,·e 450 lb ... bnttn; U\'t'rage f or tbrt'e heif·

b<'cornc DC'1't'~"ary, but i t is noticip::i.t\·d J ohn Rt•her. the fn•sbman pre.o;;ident. I ers with fir"'t en.If. 300 lb'-. buttrr.

t.w.t all tht.' per-.uns who· were ~eheU- hrt1ke the Kans.:1 ~ rf'eord for the 16

_ ~ •.•

ult:d to !'J'E'3k "Ill haq• !->poken lwfo rt'.' p.ound !-'hot Jlttt Oetober 2·t on :\leCook 1- t:.o t:il ~H Bt'loit collec:t· lounJ a. b ur-the t"Ou,·en t ion comr:-; t1l a n en lJ . iit>ld '\\·irh 8 throw o ( 41 fPe t

1 . h gar ~n ht: r rl10m one morning. Clad

Ye t d h · II · wo tne e!'. onh rn a pni f · ' t•r a:· t t• ro 11 w ing prof:!Tam was !h<' lvrmt"r rt>l.'Ortl of 39 f eet ei bt 'l'.i w • r o pn.iamn.., and :urned /

~i,·en and the <"row Js t hat gr eet ed the rnehes WR-l held \iv ("' B f j! th a hat pin , !-!h~ t•ba-<l'd hi m through d "ff k ~ · eama.n o t he. the park ... <l b · ·1· · I

t eren t s pea e rs w e r e greatl ~~ locr eas- e1a-.s oi 1~()$1 U · . D . I d n • Y rnr 1ettnR se \'eral se-ed oYer t hose of the day b efore. san. ~ · .- nn·e r s-ity a ily E::i n · v ere s ta b 1;1, eom pelJed lr:i m 1 0 drop her

vio1i n , which he had stole n.






llt>rnn "'\o. ::! 1 ·:! L. l'. ~lil't:>d P£'<idtt•:-: llt•rnn ::\o. :..! l·~ .\ prfrot~ 1 ...... 1 .....

~. l:i ] h·run ::\ o. ~ 1 :! Ba rt lt•tt Pea rs

MONARCH BRAND OF FRUITS Xo. ~ 1·2 .\ pri~·nt:-: .1H.'r 110 :., "i':!.i'.); per tan ; ~o. :? 1-:.! YC"llow Pt':u•lw" .. _.per dt1z .. "':.!./.'); Pl'r t:m1 ; :Xo. :.! 1-~ L. l'. Rlil•e<l Pead1e..: per Jnz .. ~:?."1.J: tier can : ~o. ~ J-2 Bartll'tt Pear:-;_.... ............ per ~luz .• '"'2 ~.i; per t'.lll _ :.'\o. 2 1-:! ~Heed l' iueupvle................. prr 1loz., ;:;~.i'5; pt'r ca n :. )Jonar~h Ye~et:.ib l e~ at equal rcthll'fll 1•rn·P~. R1•1lm·e tht• co .... t or li,·i hy letting us hn,·e your order while thi .. :-:dP i .. on.

THOS. H. R.EA & CO. Prompt D eli very B oth P hones 24

Consolidatio MAY OR MAY NOT

but we will

aintratin bnitnrlx-£ Q:nmµan W. B. VESTAL. JR ., COLLEGE AGENT

Bell 'phone 79 Red Home 'phone 11

Tuxedo Billiard Parlor


Michigan Block - - - F. C. Brandeburg, P

MY LOCATION makes it possible for me to do your cleaning a. pressing at a saving.

.. ,,.., .. ;::.u, •'­I'"• W1itla lt•mu/'N' l•PL

Will call for and deliver.


Make men happ r and you make th trl better.

But how can y make men happier if they already smc ·

The pound gl ·s humidor jar is only chance. So men haven't seen t big \' eh·et humid H andy for the d: Keeps Velvet fr1l and flavorsome .