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Core System Replacements Wednesday, August 13, 2014 Disclaimer: Nothing that we are sharing is intended as legally binding or prescrip7ve advice. This presenta7on is a synthesis of publically available informa7on and best prac7ces.

System Replacements

Nov 07, 2014



Ben Quirk

In the age of core system replacements, there are a lot of tough decisions that have to be made. Quirk Healthcare lends its expertise of this difficult topic in this weeks Insight.
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Page 1: System Replacements

Core  System  Replacements  Wednesday,  August  13,  2014  

Disclaimer:  Nothing  that  we  are  sharing  is  intended  as  legally  binding  or  prescrip7ve  advice.  This  presenta7on  is  a  synthesis  of  publically  available  informa7on  and  best  prac7ces.  

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Jonathan  Evere,  

I  have  been  around  the  Healthcare  IT  arena  for  over  12  years  

Vice  President  of  Business  Development  for  Quirk  Healthcare  

Reside  in  Portland,  OR  

Quick  IntroducFon  

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Industry  DefiniFon  –  The  act  of  systemaFcally  meeFng  business  goals  through  ensuring  you  have  the  right  technology  in  place,  even  when  meaning  to  replace  exisFng  technology.  

My  DefiniFon  –  The  act  of  violently  ripping  out  your  enFre  way  of  life  with  your  pracFce  to  hopefully  make  it  be,er.  FINGERS  CROSSED  ☺  

Core  System  Replacements  

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This  IS  the  quesFon  (for  the  C-­‐Suite)  

To  Change  or  Not  to  Change  

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•  AcquisiFons  and  Mergers  •  Physician  SaFsfacFon  •  Meaningful  Use  Compliance  

•  Cost  

Why  Should  We  Even  Discuss  This?  

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•  They  make  business  sense!  –  Control  all  facets  of  care  delivery  

•  Care  delivery  and  business  objecFves  are  changing  – Hospitals  buy  physician  groups  – Hospitals  join  hospital  systems  

– Hospital  systems  buy  more  ambulatory  pracFces  –  Payers  buy  hospital  systems  –  Everyone  is  trying  to  create  a  new  Kaiser  –  Look  at  UnitedHealth’s  profits  over  the  past  5  years  

AcquisiFons  and  Mergers  

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•  But  who  acquired  who?  – Su,er  Health  bought  Mills  Peninsula  

– Optum  (United  Health)  bought  Monarch  – Tenet  has  just  acquired  its  80th  hospital  – Cleveland  Clinic  acquired  Ohio  Cancer  Specialists  – Mayo  Clinic  acquired  Queen  of  Peace  Hospital  

AcquisiFons  and  Mergers  

The  List  is  ENDLESS  

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•  Who  acquired  who?  – Cerner  bought  Siemens    

– NextGen  bought  Mirth  and  Opus  – Allscripts  bought  Eclipsys  and  MISYS  – PracFce  Fusion  buys  Ringadoc  – AthenaHealth  buys  Epocrates  

AcquisiFons  and  Mergers,  Technology  Companies  Too!  

The  List  is  ENDLESS  

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•  Ask  yourselves  these  quesFons  – First,  what  are  the  goals  of  the  business?  – What  is  the  biggest  benefit  of  switching?  – What  is  the  biggest  loss  of  switching?  – Do  mulFple  systems  make  sense?  

– How  much  will  it  cost  to  stay?  – How  much  will  it  cost  to  switch?  – Do  our  physicians  like  the  system  they  use?  

What  Do  AcquisiFons  and  Mergers  Mean  for  My  PracFce?  

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Go  ahead,  try  to  make  me  click  another  bu,on  

Physician  SaFsfacFon    

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Physician  Complaints  Are  Valid  

•  But  as  I  said  in  an  InformaFon  Week  arFcle,  they  can  be  controlled  at  home.  

•  This  is  a  BAD  reason  to  replace  an  EHR.  •  You  need  to  evaluate  your  implementaFon  and  encourage  physician  use  of  the  system.  

•  Do  not  reward  basic  uFlizaFon,  make  it  a  part  of  employment.  

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Ask  yourselves  these  quesFons:  – What  is  the  goal  of  the  business?  

– Are  clinicians  just  complaining  loudly?  – What  is  the  biggest  benefit  of  switching?  – What  is  the  biggest  drawback  of  switching?  

– How  much  will  it  cost  to  stay?  – How  much  will  it  cost  to  switch?  

Should  Physician  Complaints  Make  Us  Consider  a  New  EHR?  

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You  said  this  EHR  would  qualify!  

Meaningful  What?  

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•  Meaningful  Use  Stage  1  ONC  CerFfied?  – 472  Ambulatory  Systems  

•  Meaningful  Use  Stage  2  ONC  CerFfied?  – Less  than  half  of  the  original  472  

•  Meaningful  Use  Stage  3  ONC  CerFfied?  –  I  believe  this  will  be  less  than  50  complete  cerFfied  systems  

How  Many  CerFfied  EHR  Systems  Exist?  

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•  YES!  Then  ask  yourselves  these  quesFons.  – What  systems  are  out  there?    

– Can  they  convert  our  legacy  data  with  minimal  cost?  

– How  much  will  it  cost  to  switch?  – Are  we  ensuring  physician  saFsfacFon?  – What  if  we  don’t  care  about  Meaningful  Use?  

Should  a  Lack  of  MU  CerFficaFon  Make  us  Switch?  

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The  PracFce  Budget  Runs  Out!  It  IS  a  business!  


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Each  System  Has  a  Cost,  Even  the  Free  Ones!  

•  Millions  up  front  or  a  percentage  of  claims  for  years  to  come?  

•  Want  to  host  it  yourself  or  have  someone  else  host  it  in  the  cloud  for  you?  

•  Do  you  even  want  to  worry  about  hosFng  anything  at  all,  onsite  or  remote?  

•  All  of  these  topics  have  cost  associated  with  them  and  there  are  too  many  to  list.  

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Ask  yourselves  these  quesFons  – First,  what  are  the  goals  of  the  business?  – What  is  the  biggest  benefit  of  switching?  – What  is  the  biggest  drawback  of  switching?  – How  much  will  it  cost  to  stay?  

– How  much  will  it  cost  to  switch?  – Do  our  physicians  like  the  system  they  use?  

Should  the  Cost  of  an  EHR  Make  Us  Consider  a  Switch?  

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There  Isn’t  a  Cookie  Cu,er  Answer  

•  Google  any  EHR  vendor  name  and  the  word  “lawsuit”  and  you  might  have  a  heart  a,ack  

•  Each  system  you  are  considering  is  developing  to  the  beat  of  the  government,  not  necessarily  to  innovaFon  (though  some  are  trying)  

•  Each  situaFon  is  unique,  so  make  sure  you  are  considering  the  switch  for  the  right  business  reasons.  

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Jonathan  Evere,  Vice  President,  Business  Development  Quirk  Healthcare  h,p://  

Jonathan.evere,  @jtevere,_hit  h,ps://,