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l|||||||||||||ll||l||||||||l|||||||||||||||||||||l||||||l||||||||||||l|||l|||||||||||||||| US 20030109248A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0109248 A1 Lewis (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 12, 2003 (54) SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR QUERYING Related US. Application Data MESSAGE INFORMATION (60) Provisional application No. 60/332,376, ?led on Nov. 16, 2001. 76 ~ I l . ( ) Inventor. John Ervln Lewis, Lawrenceville, GA Publication Classi?cation (Us) _ (51) Int. Cl.7 .................................................. .. H04M 11/10 Correspondence Address. _ CINGULAR WIRELESS (52) US. Cl. .......................................... .. 455/412, 455/415 5565 GLENRIDGE CONNECTOR, 9TH (57) ABSTRACT FLOOR MC 920 A method for querying message information includes C/O LINDA GILES, SYSTEM ANALYST assigning a unique identi?er to a message transmitted in a ATLANTA, GA 30342 (US) Wireless network, providing the unique identi?er to a Wire less device associated With the message, receiving the (21) Appl. No.: 10/299,182 unique identi?er in a query request, and retrieving the message information from the Wireless netWork based on the (22) Filed: Nov. 18, 2002 unique identi?er. / 175 @ Internet

System and method for querying message information

Feb 14, 2017



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Page 1: System and method for querying message information

l|||||||||||||ll||l||||||||l|||||||||||||||||||||l||||||l||||||||||||l|||l|||||||||||||||| US 20030109248A1

(19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0109248 A1

Lewis (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 12, 2003


(60) Provisional application No. 60/332,376, ?led on Nov. 16, 2001.

76 ~ I l . ( ) Inventor. John Ervln Lewis, Lawrenceville, GA Publication Classi?cation (Us)

_ (51) Int. Cl.7 .................................................. .. H04M 11/10 Correspondence Address. _ CINGULAR WIRELESS (52) US. Cl. .......................................... .. 455/412, 455/415

5565 GLENRIDGE CONNECTOR, 9TH (57) ABSTRACT FLOOR MC 920 A method for querying message information includes C/O LINDA GILES, SYSTEM ANALYST assigning a unique identi?er to a message transmitted in a ATLANTA, GA 30342 (US) Wireless network, providing the unique identi?er to a Wire

less device associated With the message, receiving the (21) Appl. No.: 10/299,182 unique identi?er in a query request, and retrieving the

message information from the Wireless netWork based on the (22) Filed: Nov. 18, 2002 unique identi?er.

/ 175 @


Page 2: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 1 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 Al


Page 3: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 2 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1


1 10




‘W i a“ 125

Figure 2

Page 4: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 3 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1




Figure 3

Page 5: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003

405 \

ARC1 Receives Message - from

Originating Device

' 410

\ ‘

ARC1 Request Routing

Information from RAVE


\ RAVE Gathers Routing


420 \

RAVE Returns Routing

lnfonnation to ARC1

425 ARC1 Transiates Message to Common Format

Sheet 4 0f 48


ARC1 Publishes Message

430 /


ARC2 Receives Published Message

435 / .

ARCZ Translates Message to Destination Device

' Format

440 /

ARC2 Send Message to Destination Device

Figure 4

US 2003/0109248 A1

Page 6: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication

Receive -

Message from

Originating Device

510 /

Publish Routing Request Across Network




Receive Routing Reply

530 /

Translate Message

Into Common Format

7 54° /

1 Publish Common Format Message

a 550


Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 5 0f 48

Figure 5

US 2003/0109248 A1

Page 7: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 6 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1

Receive .

7 Message / 605 From

Originating .' / 510 Device

Separate 610 Header fr'om -

Body of Message

1 Parse

Header for 615 Originating / Address.

Destination Address


Assign .

Unique 620 Transaction

ID to Message

Figure 6

Page 8: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 7 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1

Generate 705 Routing / 520

_ Request

Publish Routing 71 5

Request On / Network Transpo?


Figure 7

Page 9: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 8 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1

ARC {239

Monitor /805 Traf?c on Network

830 875 840

835 Do Not

No No ' Send Message

Send Invalid 4 Yes

Message Yes

855 870 860 865 / Send _ /

Translate Password Receive Invalid Message Requesnc‘ ' Password No’ Password

|mo Originating Common ‘1 Device Format Yes Figure 8

Page 10: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 9 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1

Translate Message

from 905 Originating / 540 Data Format . - / -

to Common '


1 /.

Append 910 Routing / Data to Message

Figure 9

Page 11: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 10 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1

/ 1005

ARC _ Monitor M

' Network ' °


, 1015 1020

Parse ' _

Common Asslgned Message Destination Header Device?

1025 RC Speci r Address?

' Yes


Read Message’ ‘



Parse / 1035 Header


Translate ,1‘ 1040 Message


Send to Device

/ 1045


Figure 10

Page 12: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 11 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1

Receive Routing .

Requests from the /1105 Network-Transport


1 Extract Routing / 1110


1 Generate a Routing _____-1115

Reply . '

l Transmit the‘ Routing

Reply on the ' / 1120

Network Transport Bus ‘

7 Figure 1 1

Page 13: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 12 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1

1205 1105

Monitor Network Traf?c


Parse Routing Request

1225 Rave


Y? 1230 Read

Routing MW”: Request >

1 1235 Parse Routing Request

1 Extract 1 1 '1 0 Routing /

> Information

Figure 12

Page 14: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 13 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1

1306 _ 1303 Lookup

. . . Destination Destination

D'S‘Ti’sutmn Yes" Address in Address Found UADB

N° 1321 1318 Yes + / / - I

For Each Return List of Expand , Destination 1 . Destination ‘ Distribution

Device Devices List I Alias

Lookup 1324 Destination /

Device in RVDB 111g

Extract Destination / 1327 Routing

Information 1336

Return N0-> Invalid -



Yes ' I 1363

Return Data Storage On

Return Password Return Valid Return Va||d



Compile 1359 ' Routing /


Figure 13

Page 15: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 14 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1






Figure’ 14

Page 16: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 15 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1

Figure 15

Page 17: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication

Receive Request from the Network Transport

Error Handling

Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 16 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1



Perform Store



Perform Query


Perform Cancei Function

Perform External

I Mail



Perform Other


1 660

FIG. 16

Page 18: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 17 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1

__ Monitor

7 Network Traf?c.

/— 1715


Request Assigned

1 Read


' ddress'P

1 605 Parse


FIG. 17

Page 19: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 18 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1

Receive "Message 1305

from /_ Network .

Transport 7

M08 Specifc .' Address? Assign MDS

/‘ 1830 Place . _

Backbone - ' Datastore

i615 Transport ' i /' 1835 /— 1840 Messa e I Produce

'Receivid Con?rmation & —--"’ Publish on

and Stored Network by MUS Trarisport

Place ' /"B5° i - /— 1845 Updat? Receive

lrlf'ormatlon Update 0" 4_.-——-

Backbone “£25219; Datastore q \

Transport 1855

Update Information Received and Stored by MDS


Page 20: System and method for querying message information

Patent Application Publication Jun. 12, 2003 Sheet 19 0f 48 US 2003/0109248 A1

1905 Receive / Query

- Request

from Network Transport

/— 1920 1910 '

V . ‘ Determine

2355;?“ which MDS ' to Query

/— 1830 Place Query

J§2_5. I Request on Backbone 4-—-—---————— Datastore Transport 1940

' 1935

i f - Requested ' lnfromation

Request Pieced on R9035? by _ Backbone

_ Datastore


/- '1950 l /- 1945 Piece -

Requested Receive information -q-_———— Requested on Network information Transport -

FIG. 19

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