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Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by Gregg Andrew Logan A thesis submitted to the department of Chernical Engineering in conformity with the requirernents for the degree of Master of Science (Engineering) Queen's University Kingston, Ontario, Canada July, 1997 Copyright @ Gregg Andrew Logan, 1997

Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

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Page 1: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz


Gregg Andrew Logan

A thesis submitted to the department of Chernical Engineering in conformity with the requirernents for the degree

of Master of Science (Engineering)

Queen's University Kingston, Ontario, Canada

July, 1997

Copyright @ Gregg Andrew Logan, 1997

Page 2: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

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Page 3: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the


The synthesis of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) with cupnc chloride based catalysts was investigated in a 300 ml ParrTM batch reactor. DMC was synthesized via the direct oxidative carbonylation of carbon monoxide with oxygea in methanol. Ex- periments were first conducted with cupric chloride exchangecl onto &ous zeolites. Unfortunately, batch reactor runs using t hese cat alysts were unsuccessfd as insignifi- cant quantities of DMC were synthesized. In the few cases that DMC was synthesized, the results could not be reproduced. Attempts were then made to synthesize DMC with a combined PdC12/CuC12 catalytic system- Runç involving this system were unsuccessful as DMC was not synthesized under various reaction conditions and sig- nifiant quantities of palladium oxide, PdO, covered the wetted intemal surfaces of the reactor and blocked the liquid sampling lines. FolIowing these unsuccessN nuis,

the synthesis of DMC was continued with CuCll as the sole catalyst. Three sets of experiments were successfully designed and implemented within

the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the effects on the synthesis of DMC. The first set of experiments examined the effect of catalyst concentration , the second set examined the effect of temperature, and the third set was a 23 factorial design examining the effects of catalyst concentration, temperature and ratio of C0/o2.

The results of the experiments indicated that the greatest quantities of DMC were produced with a temperature of 125"C, a CUCI* concentration of 47 mmol/L and a CO/Oz ratio of 2. These operating conditions produced the highest concentration of DMC (0.31 mol/L) and also helped to minimize the CO2 formation. Significantly Lower quantities of DMC were produced at 175OC when compared to the other tem- perat ures.

Gibbs reactor simulations confirmed and further helped to explain the previous experimental results. Between 120 and 160°C, temperature had a negligible effect on the production of DMC. This lead to the conclusion that differences observed in previous experiments at 125 and 150°C can be attributed to the catalyst, which was not considered in the simulations. The simulations did indicate that DMC was not t hermociynamically favoured a t temperat ures above 170°C. This decrease in DMC formation was evident in runs performed at 175°C. The quantities of DMC produced increased with higher ratios of CO/02; indicating the importance of significant CO partial pressure in the synthesis.

Page 4: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the


With the completion of this thesis, my time here a t Queen's has finally corne to an end. It has truly been one of the greatest rides of my Me. The experiences and fnends 1 have gained on this journey are invaluable and I will always remember them fondly.

Firstly, 1 would like to thank my supervisors Dr. Tom Harris and Barrie Jackson for their guidance and support throughout the completion of this project. I would also like to thank Steve Hodgson, Lisa Pnor and Martin York for their patience and technical assistance as 1 struggled with my research equipment.

1 am indebted to m y office mates throughout the years. In particular, Neil Milier and Chris Seppala for their computing knowledge and conversations when 1 was frus trated with my work. And of course, I have to go back to the very beginning and thank Jon Rose and Steve Asprey for introducing me to graduate student life in the department. I cannot forget Marc d'Anjou, Farzad Bakhtiar and Sean Burns, with- out whom, 1 probably would have finished this thesis months ago Cjust joking guys!) . Thanks to the three of you for hours of enjoyment and procrastination. I am indebted to Patrick Kehoe, Dave Ueno, Bill Krywko and Kevin T m in the woods' Robertson for hours of conversation and frustration on the golf cornes in the Kingston area. My thanks also goes out to Julie Ldamme and Janani Swamy for providing me with many meaningfd conversations and an ear to listen to my ramblings. 1 would &O

like to thank Harry and Katherine Iordanou and Claudio and Liliana Neagu for their support and their abiliw to invite me out for a break whenever I needed it the most.

1 would like to thank Che Wojtyk, Chris Evans and Chris Hilborn who have always managed to drag me away from my work. I am sure we wi11 still manage to get together fcr Our marathon weekends despite the fact that we are al1 heading in different directions.

Lastly, and most importantly, 1 would like to thank my parents, John and Irene Logan, and my sister Stacey. 1 am now finished and it could not have been completed without your support and encouragement.

Page 5: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the


1 Introduction 1

2 Literature Review 5 2.1 Diesel Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 Emission's Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.3 Meeting Ernission Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.4 Producing Cleaner Diesel fiels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.4.1 What are Oxygenates? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.4.2 Choosing Suitable Oxygenates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.4.3 Benefits of Oxygenates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.5 Evaluation of Oxygenates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.6 Producing Economically Viable Oxygenates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.7 DMC Proposed Synthesis Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

2.7.1 Indirect Oxidative Carbonylation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.7.2 Direct Oxidative Carbonylation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.7.3 'Ikansestenfication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.7.4 Direct Synthesis - Carboxylation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

2.8 Expected By-products and Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Summary 39

Experimental 40 3.1 Apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.1.1 Flow meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.1.2 Batch Reactor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3.1.3 Reactor Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.2 Liquid Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.2.1 Andytical Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.2.2 Spectmm of Liquid Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.2.3 Calibration of GC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3.2.4 Sarnpling Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

3.3 Gas Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 3.4 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 3.5 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

3.5.1 Reactor Loading and Set-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 3.5.2 Pressure Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66


Page 6: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

3.5.3 Reactor Sampling Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 3.5.4 Reactor Shut-Down and Clean-Up Procedure . . . . . . . . . . 68 3.5.5 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

3.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

4 Results and Discussion 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Initial Experiments with ZeoIites 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Combined PdC12/CuC12 Catalysts 72

4.3 Experimental Program For CuC12 Catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 4.3.1 Planned Runs to E d u a t e Effect of CuC12 Concentration . . . 75 4.3.2 Planned Runs to Evaluate the Effect of Temperature . . . . . 75 4.3.3 z3 Factorial Design to Evaluate Effect of CuClz Concentration,

Temperature and Molar Ratio of CO:02 . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 4.4 ValidationofResults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

4.4.1 Measurement Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 4.4.2 Totalvariation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.3 Process Variation 83 4.4.4 Variation Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

4.5 Mass Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Effects of CuC12 Concentration on DMC Synthesis 85

4.6.1 Effects of CuCl2 Concentration on DMC Produced . . . . . . 85 4.6.2 Effect of Catalyst Concentration on Byproduct Formation . . 87 4.6.3 Effect of Catdyst Concentration on Reactant Conversion . . . 92 4.6.4 Summary of the Effects of Catalyst Concentration . . . . . . . 95

4.7 Analysis of Temperature Effects with CuClz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 4.7.1 Effect of Temperature on the Synthesis of DMC . . . . . . . . 97

. . . . . . . . 4.7.2 Effects of Temperature on Byproduct Formation 100 . . . 4.7.3 Effect of Temperature on Instantaneous DMC Selectivity 101

4.7.4 Effect of Temperature on Reactant Conversion . . . . . . . . 104 4.7.5 Arrhenius Expression Parameter Calculation . . . . . . . . . . 106 4.7.6 Sumrnaq of the Effect of Temperature on the Synthesis of DMCllO

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 23 Experimental Design 114 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8.1 Factors Chosen and Responses 115

. . . . . . . . 4.8.2 Evaluation of Results from Experimental Design 116 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8.3 Precision of Effects 117

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8.4 Results of Experimental Design 118 . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8.5 Summary of Experimental Design Results 121

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9 Chapter Summary 122

5 Gibbs Reactor Simulations 123 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Background Information 123 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Simulation Experiments 124

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 -4nalysis of Simulation Results 124 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Chapter Sumrnary 131

Page 7: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

6 Conclusions and Recommendations 133 6.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

6.1.1 CuC12 Exchanged Zeolites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 6.1.2 Combined PdC12/CuC12 Catalytic System . . . . . . . . . . . 133 6.1.3 CuCh as Soie Catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

6.2 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

A Health and SaEety Concerns 137

B Sample PRO/II Input File 138

C Summary of Simulation Results 140

Page 8: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

List of Tables

2.1 Heavy duty diesel emission standards as outlined by the 1990 Clean Air Act . All units are in g/bhghr (Bennethum. 1991) . . . . . . . . .

2.2 Light duty diesel emission standards as outlined by the 1990 Clean Air Act . The bracketed nurnbers indicated emission standards for diEerent

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . engine ages (Horrocks, 1994) 2.3 California light-duty emission standards . The bracketed numbers in-

dicated emission standards for different engine ages . (Horrocks, 1994) 2.4 A List of oxygenates with their associated rnolecular formula. molecular

weight and percentage breakdown of oxygen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Oxygenates used in Liotta's study along with the physical properties

of the resulting blends (Liotta and Montalvo, 1993) . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Emissions results bom fuel blends tested by Liotta and Montalvo . . . 2.7 A list of oxygenates with their physicai properties and cost estimates .

. . . The costs were estimated from 1996 Chernical Marketing Reports 2.8 Physical Properties of DMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Legend for Process flow diagam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valve settings for experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thermal mass flow controllers with their gas and flow rate range . . . Peak table with retention times and boiling points . . . . . . . . . . . GGMethod operational Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standards prepared to calibrate GC . Al1 units are in vol% . . . . . . . Statistical data from calibration runs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retention times for gaseous reactants and products . . . . . . . . . . . Materials used in experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.1 Sumrnary of experiments performed using copper-exchanged zeolites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as cataiysts

4.2 Experimental runs to investigate combination of Pd(II)/Cu(II) CO-

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cataiytic system 4.3 Experimental runs to investigate effect of Cu& concentration . . . . . 4.4 Experimental runs to investigate the effect of reaction temperature and

cupric chloride concentrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Expenmental Runs to investigate effect of catalyst concentration, tem-

perature and ratio of CO to O2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Measurement variation for reactants and products (molar basis) . . . .

Page 9: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Total Variance estimates for both sets of replicate runs. . . . . . . . . Components of variation for each compound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steady state DMC concentration with varying catalyst concentration. Moles of reaction byproducts formed with varying catalyst concentra- tio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reactant conversion for varying catalyst concentration. . . . . . . . . Yield of DMC and CO2 based on CO conversion. . . . . . . . . . . . Summary of steady state DMC concentrations with difFerent temper- atures ................................ Byproduct Formation with 24 mmol/L of CuC12 and difFerent temper- atures ...................................

Byproduct Formation with 47 mmol/L of CuClz and diBerent temper- atures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instantaneous DMC selectivities under different temperatures and cat- dyst concentrations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conversion of reactants with 24 mmol/L of CUCI* and 4 different re- action temperatures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conversion of reactants with 47 mrnol/L of CuCb and 4 different re- action temperatures. . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yields of DMC and COz based on CO conversion for different catalyst concentrations and temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reaction rate constants (k) for both catalyst concentrations a t the four ternperatures of interest. The units for k are in mol/(h L Atm). . . . Activation energies for experiments at 4 different temperature and 2 catalyst concentrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pre-exponential factors for experiments a t 4 different temperature and 2 catalyst concentrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimated average rate of DMC formation (rnol/lh) . . . . . . . . . . . Main effects used in the experimental design and their associated op- erating ranges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Experimental Runs to investigate effect of catalyst concentration(C) , temperature(T) and ratio of CO to 02(G). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Responses for each of the experiments performed in the experimentd design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Values of calculated effects with respect to the five chosen responses.

Gibbs reaction simulations with reaction parameters. (Basis: 100 mol/h) .128

Chemicals used in experiments with associated hazards and safety re- quirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

Sample PRO111 Keyword Input File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139


Page 10: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

C.1 Quantities of reactant and byproducts produced in Gibbs Reactor sim- ulations with a CO/02 ratio of 2 and vanous temperatures. Al1 q u a - tities are in Ib-mols. Negative(-) units for reactants indicate quantity of reactaat consumed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

C.2 Quantities of reactant and byproducts produced in Gibbs Reactor sim- ulations with a CO/Oz ratio of 1 and Mnous temperatures. All quan- t ities are in lbmols. Negat ive(-) units for reactants indicat e quantity of reactant consumed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

C.3 Quantities of reactant and byproducts produced in Gibbs Reactor sim- ulations with a CO/Oz ratio of 3 and Mnous temperatures. Basis:100 Ib-mollhr, dl quantities are in lb-mols. Negative(-) units for reactants indicate quantity of reactant consumed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

C.4 Quantities of reactant and byproducts produced in Gibbs Reactor sim- ulations with a CO/02 ratio of 2, various temperatures and no H20 in the sample initially. Al1 quantities are in lbmols. Negative(-) units

. . . . . . . . . for reactants indicate quantity of reactant consumed. 142


Page 11: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

List of Figures

2.1 DiEerent synthesis routes to produce DMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Experimental setup used by Lee and Park in their investigations . . . . 2.3 Proposed reaction scheme for synthesis of DMC as proposed by Ro-

. mano et al (1980) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.1 Flow diagram of system used to test the synthesis of DMC . . . . . . . 3.2 Cross-sectional view of ParrTM mode1 4561 batch reactor . (Reproduced

from ParrTM instruction manual) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Liquid and gas sampling apparatus on ParrTM batch reactor . . . . . . 3.4 A non-corroded circular section of a rupture disc is pictured on the

left . A similar section after 24 hours of immersion in a 10g/L cupnc chloride solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.5 Diagram of reactor controller Iayout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Ports available for connections in the upper reactor asçembly . . . . . . 3.7 Temperature profile of method used on VarianTM 3400 GC to analyze

the liquid samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 Spectrum of Liquid Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9 GC/MS S p e c t m for pure DMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10 Library GC/MS Spectrum for DMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.11 Methylal calibration curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.12 Methyl Formate calibration cume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.13 Methyl Acetate calibration curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.14 Methanol calibration curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.15 DMC calibration curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.16 Water calibration curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.17 Spectrum produced from gas analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.1 Plots showing the changing variance as a function of time with respect to the moles of DMC produced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.2 Effect of CuC12 concentration on DMC production . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Instantaneous selectivity versus time for experiment using 1 mmol/L

of CuC12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Instantaneous selectivity versus time for experiment using 24 mmol/L

of CuC12 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Instantaneous selectivity versus time for experiment using 47 mmol/L

of CuC12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 12: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

4.6 Instantaneous selectivity versus time for experiment using 69 mmol/L of CuCl*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.7 Conversion of MeOH as a function of varying catalyst concentration 4.8 Conversion of O2 as a function of varying catalyst concentration . . . 4.9 Conversion of CO as a function of varying catalyst concentration . . 4.10 Effects of changing temperature on the production of DMC with 24

mmol/L of CuCl*. . . . . - . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11 EEects of changing temperature on the production of DMC with 47

mmol/L of CuCl2. . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.12 Selectivity of products a t different temperatures using 24 mmol/L of

CuCl 2 . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . - - . . * * . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.13 Selectivity of products a t different temperatures using 47 mmol/L of CuCl 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .

4.14 Rate of DMC production versus the partial pressure of carbon monox- ide for four different temperatures for 47 mmol/L of CuC12. . - . . - .

4.15 Arrhenius' plots for experiments using 24 mmol/L of CuCl2. . . . . . 4.16 Arrhenius' plots for experiments using 47 mrnol/L of CuCh. . . . . .

5.1 Production of DMC with varying temperature and rnolar ratio of CO/Oz. 125 5.2 Compaxison between simulations of DMC produced with an initial hy-

drous and anhydrous environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 5.3 Production of CO2 with varying reaction temperature and ratio of

CO/O2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 5.4 Production of H20 with varying reaction temperature and ratio of

C 0 / 0 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 5.5 CO conversion with varying reaction temperature and ratio of CO/02- 131

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Chapter 1


Global concern over the environmental hazards associated with automobile exhaust

emissions has dramatically increased over the last three decades. Since the first

emission standards were enacted in the 196OYs, vehicle exhaust emissions have been

reduced by 96% for hydrocarbons, 96% for carbon monoxide (CO) and 76% for ox-

ides of nitrogen (NOx) (Kreucher, 1994). Despite these significant improvements in

ernissions, federd regulations are pursuing hirther reductions.

A rnajority of the ernissions improvements have been regulated for gasoline pow-

ered vehicles. Compared to gasoline vehicles, very little has been done to enact

emission standards for diesel vehicles. Unfortunately, diesel engines emit high con-

centrations of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, sulhir and particulates. Particdates

are often associated with the black smoke or soot being expelled from the exhaust

systems of transport trucks and city buses.

Diesel's main advantages over gasoline are its reduced cost coupled with better

fuel mileage. Diesel fuel plays a key role in the infrastructure of countries world

wide and it is unlikely that it can be phased out and replaced by an alternative

transportation fuel economically. In light of growing environmental concems, North

American and European Union (EU) countries are now targeting diesel in the same

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rnanner as gasoline.

Many alternatives are avadable to reduce diesel emissions. Until recently, many

of the emissions reductions have been accomplished with the aid of engine improve-

rnents. Most diesel vehicies in Europe now come equipped with oxidizing catalysts

and particulate traps as standard equipment. Oxidizing catalysts and engine cali-

bration will continue to be optimized for environmental benefits. However, engine

modifications in gasoline and diesel vehicles can only provide limited emissions im-

provements. Regulatory agencies are now targeting the fuel manufacturers to help

meet emission standards.

The 1990 California Clean Air Act mandates the use of reformulated fuels to

reduce emissions. The reformulated fuels program is a two phase strategy that sets

the performance standards for fuels in years to come. This essentially gives refinerç

a target to attain within a specified time period. Research into the addition of

fuel additives to reduce harmful emissions has recently become a viable alternative

to meet increasing emission standards. Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and ethyl

tertbutyl ether (ETBE) have become popular as oxygenates for gasoline. Diethylene-

glycol dimethyl ether (Diglyme) and dimethyl carbonate (DMC) are two oxygenates

that have been shown to be effective in reducing carbon monoxide and particulate

emissions from diesel vehicles.

Reformulating fuel blends with additives to produce cleaner and less environmen-

tally hazardous emissions is a practical strategy. Unfortunately, the production costs

associated with producing many of these oxygenates are one of the major obstacles

precluding t heir use as wide spread diesel additives. Wit h current production met h-

ods, the added cost of employing DMC as a diesel additive is 80.19 (USD) per gallon.

This makes it far too expensive to be considered as a viable additive. Catalytic dis-

tillation is one such process that may help to produce DMC and other oxygenates a t

a fraction of their current production costs.

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Catalytic distillation is a process whereby a reaction proceeds simultaneously in a

single unit with a separation process. Chernical processes generally require a reaction

vesse1 and a separation unit to separate the desired products. In catalytic distillation,

these two unit operations can be combined into a single unit operation. The major

advantage of this type of system over traditional systems are the tremendous savings

in capital costs. Apart fiom the elimination of one operational mit, associated piping

and instrumentation that are required to coonect the reaction unit with the separation

unit are also eiiminated.

Catalytic distillation technology has already been used to manufacture MTBE and

ETBE. MTBE is conventionally produced using two series-flow reactors followed by

separation and extemal recycle of excess methanol (DeGanno e t al., 1992). Isobuty-

lene conversion in this process can range from 90 to 97%. However, with catalytic

distillation technology, isobuytlene conversion can exceed 99% (DeGarmo et al., 1992).

Prior to the final goal of producing the oxygenates via catalytic distiilation, initial

investigations must be performed to find appropriate reaction conditions. The pur-

pose of this thesis is to examine the current technologies available to produce DMC

and to perform experiments to examine the effects of selected reaction parameters.

Chapter 2 is a critical literature review detailing the growing environmental con-

cerns of diesel emissions along with the current and projected emissions guidelines.

The latter half of chapter 2 examines the various synthesis routes available to produce

DMC. Chapter 3 describes the experimental apparatus selected and the associated

instrumentation employed to analyze the liquid and gaseous products. O perating and

safety procedures are detailed as this is of major importance in any scientific inves-

tigation. Chap ter 4 details the process parameters selected for examination and the

experimental results obtained from the experiments. Chapter 5 examines the results

and compares them to those obtained in literature. Finally, the conclusions derived

from the experimental work and recommendations for future investigations are found

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in Chapter 6 .

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Chapter 2

Literature Review

The challenges currently being faced by hie1 producers in light of growing environ-

mental concerns over diesel emissions will be reviewed in this chapter. The beginning

of this chapter will summarize the new emission's guidelines that axe beginning to

target diesel vehicles. Possible solutions to produce cleaner burning fuels will be pre-

sented; including the use of oxygenates. The results of studies evaluating the effects

of oxygenates on diesel emissions will then be presented.

Dimethyl carbonate (DMC) is an intermediate whose reactivity makes it useful as

a substitute for phosgene and other toxic methylating agents (Romano, Tesei, Mauri

and Rebora, 1980). DMC has also been identified as a suitable diesel fuel oxygenate

to reduce particulate rnatter emissions from diesel vehicles. Traditionally, DMC was

synthesized by reacting phosgene with methanol. Research in the last twenty years

has produced phosgene-free synthesis routes for DMC. These sjmthesis routes will be

presented along with their catalytic systems and operating conditions.

2.1 Diesel Emissions

The main products from the combustion of air and fuel are water and carbon dioxide

(COz). The fuel and air are present within the engine for a finite period of time.

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Therefore, a finite amount of time is available for the fuel and the air to react a t

the optimum temperature and pressure within the engine. As a result, some of the

fuel does not burn, is only partialiy burned, or reacts by itself without interacting

with oxygen (Kanne, 1991). Unwanted byproducts are formed from the incomplete

combustion of the fuel. Four types of emissions are currently regulated for diesel en-

gines: particulates (PM) , nitrogen oxides (NOx) , carbon monoxide (CO) and gaseous

hydrocarbon's (HC) .

Particulates and gaseous hydrocarbons are both byproducts of the incomplete

combustion of the fuel (Horrocks, 1994). Particulates emitted from diesel engines are

a combination of organics and sulphates, with sulphates directly related to the sulfur

content of the fuel. Organic compounds, the main constituents of the particulate

matter, are formed from the incornplete combustion of fuel and lubricating oil.

Nitric oxides (NOx) are a result of the incornplete combustion of fuel in the pres-

ence of high oxygen concentration and high temperatures. Control of NOx from diesel

engines is difficult, since:

The high thermal efficiency of diesel cycle is synonymous with high peak tem-

peratures (Horrocks, 1994).

Suppression of NOx formation has the tendency to cause an increase in partic-

ulates (Horrocks, WM).

r Excess oxygen in the engine exhaust prevents the use of stoichiometric 'three-

way catalyst' technology for reduction of NOx (Horrocks, 1994).

Without high temperatures in diesel engines, fuel economy would be significantly re-

duced. Engines operated at low temperatures are not efficient burning, but produce

emissions with reduced NOx. Engines operated at high temperatures are more effi-

cient, but show an increase in NOx emissions. It is beneficial to have excess oxygen

in diesel exhaust to limit the formation of particulates and hydrocarbons. Unfortu-

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nately, the use of excess oxygen prevents the use of stoichiometric 'three-way catalyst'

technology for the reduction of NOx.

2.2 Emission's Regulations

The state of California enforces one of the most stringent sets of emission standards

in the world. Many countries often accept California's standards as a benchmark

for their restrictions. Southern California became the first area to implement diesel

regulations in 1985. These regulations limited the sulfur content of the diesel fuel

to 0.05 wt%. This represented an 80% decrease from diesel produced a t that time

(Thessen, 1995). These improvements were attained with improved refining methods.

The federal government soon became i n ~ l v e d and the Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA) lowered diesel particulate emissions to 0.6 grams per brake horsepower

hour (g/bhp hr) (Thessen, 1995) . By convention, emissions are measured by mass

per unit force of energy, i-e. g/bhp hr. These restrictions were a prelude to more

stringent regulations in amendments to follow in the 1990 Clean Air Act (CAA).

The EPA mandated a set of emission guidelines in the 1990 CAA. The goal of

the 1990 CAA was to remove 56 billion lbs of air pollutants per year, cut acid rain

causing ernissions by 50%, reduce toxic air pollutants by 75% and to reduce oil imports

(Thessen, 1995) In September of 1991, the EPA enacted rules reducing particulate

ernissions 90 % from preregulated 1987 levels.

Light and heavy duty diesel vehicles are required to meet separate emission stan-

dards. Light duty vehicles encompass passenger cars and commercial vehicles up to

a weight of 2608 kg. Heavy duty vehicles include power trucks, buses and non-road

equipment for furning and construction. Table 2.1 outlines the heavy duty diesel

emissions requirements according to CAA regulations starting from 1990 through to

1998. A more comprehensive set of emission standards for light duty vehicles are

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presented in Table 2.2.

California has introduced its emission standards for five classes of vehicles: Tier

one, which has applied to new vehicles in California since 1993; transitional low-

emission vehicles (TLEVs); low-emission vehicles (LEVs); ultra-low-emiçsion vehcles

(ULEVs); and zero emission vehicles (ZEVs). Manufacturers selling vehicles in Cal-

ifomia are provided Bexibility in meeting the fleet-average requirements of the new

standards; they can produce any combination of the five low-emission vehicles as long

as they meet that year's fleet-average ernission standards for vehicles sold in California

(Sihota, 1995).

Table 2.1: Heavy duty diesel emission standards as outlined by the 1990 Clean Air Act. AU uni ts are in g/bhphr (Bennethum, 1991).


HC 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3

CO 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5

NOx 6.0 5.0 5.0 4.0

Particulate 0.6 0.25 0.10 0.10

The California Emission Standards for light duty diesels are outlined in Table 2.3.

Cornparisons between tables 2.2 and 2.3 reveal that California emission standards for

NOx and partieulates axe more stringent than the US federal standards.

While these standards are being implemented in the United States, the European

Union (EU) is also involved in regulating diesel emissions. Unlike the US, the EU has

a higher dependence on diesel fueled vehicles. Predictions for the year 2000 estimate

that 39% of vehicles in the EU will be powered by diesel as opposed to 17% in the

US (Horrocks, 1994). The EU'S emission standards are similar to those mandated by

the EPA. However, the phase in schedules for cornpliance are different due to their

dependence on diesel.

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Table 2.2: Light duty diesel emission standards as outlined by the 1990 Clean Air Act. The bracketed numbers indicated emission standards for difïerent engine ages. (Horrocks, 1994)

Vehicle THC NMHC CO NOx Particdates Proposed

Reference g/km g/km g/km g/km g/km Introduction

Wt* (kg)

0-1700 0.5 < 6.2 > < 0.75 > 0.16 Current

O- 1700 0.5 0.16(0.19) 2.1(2.6) 0.62(0.78) 0.16 1994 - 96*

0-1700 0.5 0.16(0.19) 2.1(2.6) 0.62(0.78) 0.05(0.06) 1995 - 2003'

0-1700 0.5 (0.08) (1.1) (0.12) (0.05) 2004

170 1-2608 0.5 <6.2> <1.06> 0.08 Current

1701-2608 0.5 0.20(0.25) 2.7(3.4) (0.60) 0.08 199496

1701-2608 0.5 0.20(0.25) 2.7(3.4) (0.60) O.O5(0.06) 1995-2003

Phase in Schedule

Durability = 80000 (160000) < 193000 > km THC = total hydrocarbons

NMHC = nonmet hane hydrocarbons

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Table 2.3: California light-duty emission standards. The bracketed numbers indicated emis- sion standards for diEerent engine ages. (Horrocks , 1994)

Vehicle NMHC NMOG CO NOx Part. Proposed

Ref. Wt. g/km g/krn d k m g / b g/km Intro.


0-1700 0.16(0.19) 2.11(2.61) 0.62 (0.05) 1993-95

0-1700 0.08(0.10) 2.11(2.61) 0.25 (0.37) (0.05) TLEV* O- 1700 O.OS(0.06) 2.11(2.61) 0.12(0.19) (0.05) LEV* 0-1700 0.02(0.03) 1.06(1.3) 0.12(0.19) (0.025) ULEV* 1701 -2608 0.20(0.25) 2.73(3.42) 0.44 (0.05) 1993-95

1701 -2608 O.lO(0.12) 2.73(3.42) 0.44(0.56) (0.05) TLEV* 1701-2608 O-06(0.08) 2.73(3.42) 0.25(0.31) (0.05) LEV* 1701 -2608 0.03(0.04) 1.37(1.74) 0.25(0.31) (0.025) ULEV*

'Phase in Schedule

Durability = 80000 (160000) km

NMHC = nonmethane hydrocarbons

NMOG = non-methane organic gas

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2.3 Meeting Emission Standards

Many options are available to meet increasing emission standards; with economics an

essential consideration. In light of growing environmental restrictions, engine manu-

facturer~ have continued research to develop cleaner burning engines. Diesel engine

improvements include engine hardware modifications, electronic controls, oxidizing

catalysts and vaxious after-treatment devices such as particulate traps. While work

is continuing in this area, these modifications have reached a point where only slight

incremental decreases in ernissions are attainable. The regulations that take effect

in 1998 d l push the design limitations of heavy-duty diesel engines; any substantid

reductions beyond those achieved by these regulations will in al1 likelihood require

the reformulation of the diesel fuel (Liotta and Montalva, 1993). In the p s t , the

burden of meeting lower emission standards has been left to the engine manufacturer

(Bennethum and Winsor, 1991). Fuel producers are now being pressured to produce

cleaner burning fuels.

Legislation for emission standards rarely target vehicles that are currently on the

road. The regulations are often restricted to vehicles produced dunng the year of im-

plementation. Therefore, new emission standards regulations do not affect the fleet

of vehicles currently in service. Economics are again a key factor and one cannot

expect owners of older diesel vehicles to retrofit their vehicles to meet stricter corn-

pliance regulations. However, these vehicles could be targeted and emissions reduced

by using reformulated fuels with these vehicles (Karas et al., 1994).

The use of clean or reformulated fuels is mandated in amendments to the 1990

CAA. The steps initiated by the CAA indicate that greater strides in pollution control

of gasoline vehicles will be attained by usiog cleaner fuels. These amendments affect

gasoline and not diesel fuels. However, with increasing environmental awareness,

similar restrictions may soon target diesel fuels.

Low emission alternative fuels may replace diesel fuels in the future. However,

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there are numerous technological and economic barriers to be overcome. Therefore,

with more stringent standards and specifications, refiners are going to have to pro-

duce cleaner burning diesel. Since modifying the refining process to produce cleaner

diesel is expensive, the use of oxygenates, could be a cost effective measure to reduce

particuiates, CO and hydrocarbon emissions.

Current California Air Resources Board ( C A M ) regulations requirc that refiners

produce diesel with a 10 % aromatics limit, 500 ppm sulfur limit and a minimum

cetane number of 40. Refiners are allowed a limited degree of flexibiiity. CARB will

certiQ any fuel which meets the sulphur requirement but will d o w refiners flexibility

regarding the aromatic content and cetane nurnber. The emissions from a candidate

fuel must be comparable to those exhibited from a 10% aromatic fuel.

A National Petroleum Council (NPC) study has estimated that the added cost

to produce CARB (10% aromatics) diesel fuel, above and beyond the cost of the

0.05 wt% sulphur diesel required by the EPA regulation, at 0.10 $/gd (Nikanjam,

1993). Strategies currently being used by refiners to meet these standards involve the

manufacture of fuels with an arornatic content between 10 and 20 vol%. These fuels

are then blended with standard Iow sulfur diesel and cetane improvers are added to

meet emissions requirements. The increased costs associated with producing these

fuel blends varies between 5 and 8 cents per gallon (Karas et al., 1994).

On average, current diesel fuels in the US have a cetane number of 42, an aromatic

content between 31 and 37 wt%, and a sulfur content no higher than 0.05 wt% (Pie1

et al., 1994). Current California diesel must have a minimum cetane number of 48

and a sulfur content lirnited to 0.05 wt%. These regulations are established by the

California Air Resources Board (CARB). The fuel must also meet the emissions profile

of a fuel with a 10% aromatics content. This leaves refiners with a degree of flexibility

with their fuel reformulation. This degree of flexibility is allowed purely for economic

reasons. Chevron Corporation currently produces a California diesel with a 57 cetane

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number and a 20 wt% aromatic content (Pie1 et al., 1994). The cost of this fuel is

roughly 4 to 6 cents higher than currently available diesel (Piel e t al., 1994).

2.4 Producing Cleaner Diesel Fuels

Numerous options are amilable to produce cleaner burning diesel. Many of these

strategies t o manufacture low emission diesel centre on increasing the diesel fuel cetane

number (Piel et al., 1994).

The cetane number for diesel fuel is an arbi t raq scale measured from 1 to 100

that uses high and low ignition quality standards. Hexadecane (cetane) is used as

the high-quality standard and represents 100, and 2,2,4,4,6,8,&heptamethylnonane

(HMN) which has a cetane number of 15 is used as the low quality reference fuel.

Fuels with high ignition quality do not experience a time delay for ignition within

the engine. Low ignition quality fuels (low cetane number) exhibit a tirne delay in

the engine. This results in unburnt fuel being expeIled with the exhaut and leads

to the formation of harmful byproducts, such as gaseous hydrocarbons, particulat es

and NOx.

Increasing the cetane number of diesel fuel reduces particdates, NOx, carbon

monoxide and other hydrocarbon emissions (Pie1 et al., 1994). The cetane number

c m be increased by reducing the fuel's aromatic content or by using cetane improving

enhancers such as ethyl-hexyl nitrate or di-t-butyl peroxide. The aromatic content

can be reduced by processing the fuel with hydrogen. Refinery by-product hydrogen

can be used for this purpose. However, with current regdations mandating the use of

reforrnulated gasoline (RFG), less byproduct hydrogen will be available for aromatic

and sulfur reduction. Pie1 et al. (1994) speculate that refineries will need to purchase

hydrogen from other sources. Unfortunately, for large scale applications this is costly

and can significantly increase the cost of the diesel fuel. The use of chemical cetane

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improvement additives represents a low cost alternative. The challenge is to put

in place enough ethyl-hexyl nitrate and di-t-butyl peroxide capacity to meet future

refinery needs (Piel et al., 1994). Although reducing the aromatic content of the hiel

is beneficial in reducing aromatic ernissions, results relating the effect of aromaticç

on particulate emissions are still in question. Although tests performed by Nikanjam

(1993) and Spreen et al. (1995) report that aromatics significantly reduce particulate

ernissions, others feel there is no advantage in reducing a fuels' aromatic content.

Regardless of this uncertainty, the underlying strategies for producing low emission

diesel fuels require that the fuels' cetane number be increased.

Lowering the sulfur content of the fuel tremendously reduces particulate matter

ernissionç. The contribution of fuel sulfur to particulate emissions a s sulphate and

associated water has been shown to be signifiant (Cowley, 1993).

Although "cleaner" diesel is produced, it is only available in certain areas. Truck

drivers (the main consumers of diesel fuel in the United States) in California often

choose to reduce costs by crossing over into Nevada to purchase cheaper fuel since it

is not required to meet the requirements outlined by the California government. For

the diesel program to be effective, the cost of the fuel must be reduced and global

standards adopted. Diesel manufacturers are now expenmenting with oxygenates to

produce "cleaner" burning fuels. Karas (1994) estimates that using a 30% aromatic

fuel with an oxygenate is more cost effective than using a CARB 10% arornatic fuel

(Karas et al., 19%).

2.4.1 What are Oxygenates?

The use of oxygenates as additives to fuels has been studied for the Iast fifty years.

Initially, oxygenates were targeted as additives to improve the emissions from gaso-

line vehicles. Methyl tert-butyl-Ether (MTBE) and ethyl tert-butyl-ether (ETBE)

are two such oxygenates which are used extensively as gasoline additives. In addition

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to MTBE's and ETBE's beneficial effects on emissions, alternate production routes

have reduced the production costs associated with these oxygenates. Legislation in

the United States now mandates the use of oxygenates in gasoline to reduce harm-

ful pollutants. Studies by Kanne (1988), Bennethum (199l),Liotta (1993),Nikanjam

(1993) and Karas (1994) revealed that oxygenates can dso have beneficial effects on

diesel emissions. In particular, oxygenates have been shown to be effective in re-

ducing particulate ernissions. Many oxygenates have been tested for potential diesel


Oxygenates encompass compounds from low molecular weight alcohols to other

higher molecular weight compounds. Low molecular weight alcohols include methanol,

ethanol and tert-butyl alcohol. Higher molecular weight compounds which have been

tested include carbonates, diethers, glycol ethers and nitrates. Studies show that the

type of oxygen bond in the molecule affects emissions differently and some may be

more suitable than others. Discretion is needed since not al1 oxygen containing com-

pounds are suitable for reducing particulate emissions. Table 2 -4 out lines possible

diesel oxygenates with their molecular structure, molecular weight and percentage of


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Table 2.4: A list of oxygenates with their associatecl molecuiar formula, rnolecular weîght and percentage breakdown of oxygen.

Name Formula M.W. 02%

Dimethyl Carbonate CO(OCH3)2 90.1 53 Diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (CH30CH2CH2)20 134 26

Ethyl Glyme (CH3CH20)2CH2CH2 118 27

Butyl Glyme (CH3CH2CH2CH20)2CH2CH2 170 19

Met han01 CH30H 32 50

Ethanol CH3CH20H 46 35

Isopropyl Acetate CH3(CO)OC3H7 102 31

Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate CH3 (CO)O(CH2)20(CH2)3CH3 118 27

Propylene GIycol Methyl Ether HO(CH2)30CH3 90 36

Propylene Glycol Butyl Et her HO(CH2)30(CH2)3CH3 132 24

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2.4.2 Choosing Suitable Oxygenates

Oxygenate selection requires the consideration of the oxygenate's fuel blending p r o p

erties, physical properties, toxicity and economic viabiiity- An Oxygenate should have

a high oxygen content (exceeding 16% by weight), it must be miscible with diesel fuel

(Nikanjam, 1993) and it must have a mal1 water partition coefficient. High water

partition coefficients will lead to the removal of the oxygenate from the fuel by water

(Liotta and Montalvo, 1993). Once suitable oxygenates are identified by these cnte-

ria, the fuel blend must be evaluated. Important blend physical properties include

hiel blend's flashpoint, viscosiQ, water solubility, overall stability of the mixture and

the effects the oxygenate wiil have on the seals within the engine. It is not desirable

to use an oxygenate that will significantly decrease the life of the engine. Two further

critical considerations are the toxicity of the oxygenates and its cost.

Many of the cheaper oxygen containing compounds, such as methanol, are unattrac-

tive because of their volatility and solubility problems. Low molecular weight alco-

hols such as ethanol and tert-butanol suffer from low flash points and high water

partitioning. The flashpoint of an oxygenate must be greater than 52°C to reduce

transportation Bammability risk (Karas e t al., 1994). Nikanjan (1993) did not even

consider oxygenates with a flashpoint below 60°C. While MTBE and ETBE have

gained a foothold in the gasoline market, they are not suitable as diesel oxygenates

due to the low fiashpoints of the resulting blends (Liotta and Montalvo, 1993). Com-

pounds such as propylene carbonate and ethylene glycol are not suitable due to their

poor fuel solubility.

2.4.3 Benefits of Oxygenates

Oxygenates significantly reduce hydrocarbon, carbon rnonoxide, and particulate emis-

sions, but tend to give a slight increase in NOx (Karas e t al., 1994). Oxygenates used

in gasoline have shown an increase in fuel consumption. Fortunately, this problem is

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relatively insignificant when oxygenates are used in diesel fuels. The only significant

adverse effects of oxygenate use in diesel are an increase in NOx and decrease in

cetane number.

The decrease in the cetane number of the fuel can be attributed to the chah

branching present in a number of oxygenates. Oxygenates that lack branching, such

as diglyme, are either cetane neutral or produce small uicreases in the cetane number

of the base fuel (Liotta and Montalvo, 1993). The cetane number can be increased by

using cetane improving additives such as 2-ethylhexyl nitrate and peroxides. Small

amounts of these additives can be used to offset the decrease in cetane number at-

tnbuted to the oxygenate and decrease the NOx emissions from the fuel. Although

tests indicate that it is better to decrease NOx by increasing the cetane number of

the base fuel rather than using additives, this is a viable method of using oxygenates

without affecting NOx emissions.

2.5 Evaluation of Oxygenates

Many compounds have been identified and evaluated as suitable diese1 oxygenates.

Although the use of oxygenates in gasoline is well established, it is only within the last

ten years that research into the use of oxygenates for diesel has corne under serious


Liotta and Montalvo (1993) evaluated six oxygenates based on their economic

viability, toxicity and fuel blending properties. Additives with high water partition

coefficients and those that increased the water solubility of the resulting blend above

0.05 wt % were eliminated from the study. The additives chosen for their study, aiong

with their physicd properties, are listed in Table 2.5.

The six oxygenates chosen for the study included 3 glycol ethew, an aromatic

alcohol, aliphatic alcohol, and polyether alcohol. The actual names of the glycol

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Table 2.5: Oxygenates used in Liotta's study along with the physicai properties of the resulting blends (Liotta and Montaho, 1993).

Oxygenated Additive TestFuel Kp Ethylhexyl Cetane Oxygen

Addit ive Conc- FP Nitrate number Content

(vol %) OC vol % wt%


Aromatic Alcohol

Aliphatic Alcohol

Polyether Polyol

Glycol Ether A

Glycol Ether A

Glycol Ether B

Glycol Ether C

Glycol Ether C

Glycol Ether C



FP: Flash Point

Kp: Water Partition Coefficient

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ethers were not presented in the paper. The glycol ethers were tested in varying

concentrations. Diglyme and methyi soyate were also included in the study as diglyme

is known to be an effective oxygenate and methyl soyate, conventionally known as

biodiesel, is already an accepected alternative to diesel that can also be used as an

oxygenate to reduce harmful emissions. Cetane irnproving additives were added to

the fuel blends to counteract the lowering of the cetane numbers by the oxygenates.

The fuel blends were tested in a Detroit Diesel 1991 Series 60 prototype en-

gine. The blends were evaluated using standard testing procedures that exarnined

the blend's fuel consumption dong with hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, NOx, and

particulate emissions. The results of the test are listed in Table 2.6. The results

within parentheses in Table 2.6 indicate that the changes between the fuel blends and

the reference fuel were not statistically significant.

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Fuel consumption increased in test mixtures employing 1.40 and 1.82 wt% of glycol

ethers B and C, respectively. f i e l consumption was not significantly d e c t e d in the

remaining test fuel samples. The oxygenates had va,rying effects on HC, CO and P M

emissions. The only oxygenate which showed a significant increase in HC ernissions

was the aliphatic alcohol. CO and PM emissions were reduced or not significantly

changed in al1 cases. These results were accompanied with significant increases or

insignificant changes in NOx emissions. The results indicated that oxygenates only

had a significant effect on the increase in NOx if the concentrations were greater

than 5 vol%. At typical use levels, 2 vol% or lower, the oxygenated additives had

Little to no effect on NOx emissions (Liotta and Montalvo, 1993). In addition to

regulated emissions, total aldehyde and ketone emissions decreased by 10 to 25% in

the study for al1 oxygenated fuel blends tested except for the blend containing the

aliphatic alcohol where aldehyde and ketone emissions increased by over 20% (Liotta

and Montalvo, 1993). The effects of employing diglyme and the polyether polyol were

most promising. Both of these compounds significantly decreased HC, CO and PM

ernissions. This was accompanied with no significant increase in NOx ernissions.

Nikanjam (1993) performed a similar study. Table 2.7 lists potential oxygenates

identified by Nikanjam (1993). Listed with each oxygenate is its estimated cost and

physical characteristics. The additional cost per gallon associated with these oxy-

genates ranges from 0.07 to 0.40 $/gai. The necessity to reduce the costs of the

oxygenates to make them more economically viable is evident from these estimates.

Based on his selection criterium, Nikanjam identified ethylene glycol monobutyl

ether acetate and 2-ethylhexyl acetate as suitable diesel oxygenates. Ethylene glycol

monobutyl ether acetate was evaluated in tests due to its higher flash point and higher

oxygen content. The resulting blend in his test contained 10 wt% of the oxygenate

and had an oxygen content of 3% by weight. The test showed promising results with

an 18% reduction in both the particulate and CO emissions. This was accompanied

Page 35: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table 2.7: A list of oxygenates with their physical properties and cost estimates. The costs were estimated kom 1996 Chernical Marketing Reports.


Oxygenate FP 02% Vol Lb/gal Cost Cost Extra

OC % $/Lb $/Gd $/gai h

Sec. butyl-alcohol

Isopropyl Alcohol

Eth-Gly Mono-butyl Ether

Propylene Glycol Methyl Ether

Propylene Glycol Butyl Ether

Diisopropyl Et her

Dimet hyi Carbonate

Ethylene GIycol Monobutyl

Ether Acetate

Diisobutyl Ketone

2-Et hylhexanol

Ethyl Glyme


Butyl Diglyme

with a 3% increase in NOx. Diglyme was not considered due to its cost.

Karas et al. (1994) evaluated oxygenated fuels with P-series glycol ethers. Karas

found that these oxygenates were effective in reducing hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide

and particulate matter emissions. In particular, Karas found that the PM reduction

was proportional to the oxygen content of the ether oxygenate containing fuel (Karas

et al., 1994).

Kanne (1988) and Murrayama (1995) evaluated DMC as a diesel oxygenate.

Kanne indicated that fuel blends with 5% by volume DMC showed a decrease in

particulate emissions between 10% and 30% in cornparison to the reference fuel. Car-

bon monoxide emissions were reduced by 5% to 10% with the use of DMC. Similarly,

Murrayama (1995) reported that particulate matter reduced almost linearly with

DMC concentration. Fuel blends evaluated with 10 vol% DMC indicated that PM

Page 36: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

reduction of 3550% were attainable. These results were accompanied with reductions

of HC and CO and a small increase in NOx.

2.6 Producing Economically Viable Oxygenat es

Environmental issues and concems have had a tremendous impact on the chemical

processing industry in recent years. As a result of these growing concerns, companies

are now initiating research into areas that will eventually reduce the environmentai

hazards associated with their processes. The initiatives undertaken can proceed in

one of two directions. The first being a general proces assessrnent whereby the

manufacturer sets out guidelines that will eventually aid the Company in reducing

waste and recovering used chemicalç, materials and solvents. The second approach

is more involved whereby the industry tries to develop new process technologies and

new products which avoid environmental concerns (Cassar, 1989).

Dimethyl carbonate has been identified as a suitable diesel fuel oxygenate. Un-

fortunately, according to 1996 estimates, the costs of producing DMC is $12.46 per

gallon. Table 2.8 outlines the important physical properties for DMC.

Table 2.8: Physical Properties of DMC.

Dimethyl Carbonate C3H6O3 C:H:O by Mass 6: 1:8

Molecular Structure H3C - O - CO - O - CH3 Molecular Weight 90.1

Density at 20°C 1.07 kg/l

Flash Point 18°C

Solubility 13.9g/100g with water

Prior to 1984, DMC was almost exclusively produced via a reaction between

methanol and phosgene. Phosgene is an extremely toxic compound which was used

Page 37: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

as a chernical weapon during World War 1. Well founded concerns about the sa&-

handling of phosgene lead researchers to find chernicals which could be used as al-

ternatives in processes requiring phosgene. DMC is an intemediate whose reactivity

makes it a suitable alternative to phosgene and other methylating agents such as

dimethyl sulphate and methyl chloride (Cassar, 1989). In addition to DMC's poten-

tial use as an oxygenate for diesel, DMC could also be used as an alternative for

phosgene in the manufacture of polycarbooates. Traditionally, polycarbonates(PC)

are produced by two methods; direct reaction and rnelt transesterification. In the di-

rect route, phosgene reacts with bisphenol-A(BPA) to produce a polymer in solution.

In transesterification, phosgene first reacts with phenol to produce diphenol carbon-

ate (DPC) , which in turn reacts with BPA to give phenol and a molten solvent-free

polymer (Purvis, 1992). A phosgene free route to produce PC has been developed

using DMC. In this scheme, DMC is synthesized and converted to DPC. The DPC is

then reacted with BPA to produce a polymer. With these potential applications in

mind, research has been initiated to produce both an economical and phosgene-free

route for DMC.

2.7 DMC Proposed Synthesis Routes

Intensified research within the last fifteen years, has culminated in rnany synthesis

routes being developed to produce dimethyl carbonate. The chemistry for these

synthesis routes can be broken down into four areas; indirect oxidative carbonylation,

direct oxidative carbonylation, transesterification and a direct carboxylation. The

following sections will deal with alternative synthesis routes to produce DMC. A

brief review will document current integrated systems to produce DMC along with

the proposed catalysts and operating conditions. Figure 2.1 outlines the different

production routes to synthesize DMC.

Page 38: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Figure 2.1: Different synthesis routes to produce DMC.

Page 39: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

The reaction schemes are differentiated based upon the catalyst chosen and the

reaction operating parameters (i.e. temperature and pressure). A few of the pro-

duction routes are commercial processes while others are still in the experimental


Indirect Oxidat ive Carbonylat ion

Traditionally, DMC was produced by the indirect oxidative carbonylation of methanol

via phosgene (Bhattacharya, 1995). In this reaction scheme, carbon monoxide reacts

with chlorine to produce phosgene (2.1). Phosgene produced from this reaction then

reacts with methanol to produce DMC and hydrochloric acid (2.2).

CO + Cl* + CI(C0)CI (2.1)

CI(C0)Cl + 2CHjOH t (CH30)&0 + 2HC1 (2.2)

Alternatively, one can also produce DMC via the indirect oxidative carbonylation

of methanol via dkyl nitrite (Matuzaki and Simamura, 1993). In this reaction scheme,

methmol reacts with nitric oxide and oxygen to form methyl nitnte and water (2.3).

Methyl nitrite then reacts with carbon monoxide to produce DMC and nitric oxide

(2.4) .

Carbon monoxide and methyl nitrite are pumped into a catalyst packed tubular reac-

tor. The system employs multimetallic (Pd-Cu-Mo-K) halides supported on activated

carbon as a catalyst (Bhattacharya, 1995). The reaction is operated at temperatures

between 80 and 150°C to avoid side reactions. The recommended pressure is 483

Page 40: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

kPa. Ube Industries in Japan currently uses this method in a DMC production plant

producing 3,000 metric tons per year (Bhattacharya, 1995).

Direct Oxidative Carbonylation Liquid Phase, Homogeneous, Direct Oxidative Carbonylation

The production of DMC via the direct oxidative carbonylation of methanol in the

presence of carbon monoxide and oxygen is perhaps the most exploited synthesis

route (2.5) (Bhattachaxya, 1995).

The formation of dkyl carbonates by the reduction of transition met al compounds

(ie. palladium and copper) with an alcohoi solution and carbon monoxide was first

investigated by various authors (Mador et al. (1963); Graziani et al. (1971)).

Realizing the advantage in cost of copper halide catalysts over palladium halide

catdysts, Romano e t d.(1980) studied the kinetics of this reaction in the presence

of a cuprous chloride catalyst. Romano et al. (1980) discovered that the reaction

actually occurred in two steps; an oxidation followed by a reduction. During the

first step, cuprous chloride reacts with methanol and oxygen to form cupric methoxy

chloride and water (2.6).

Cupric methoxy chloride is then reduced with carbon monoxide to form dimethyl

carbonate and the cuprous chloride (2.7) is regenerated (Romano, Tesei, Maun and

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Rebora, 1980).

Preliminary results indicated that the rate of formation of DMC was a function of

oxygen feed rate and independent of cuprous &onde concentration, temperature and

pressure. Oxygen consumption from the reaction was virtudy complete; therefore

safety concerns were abated since the exit gas from the reactor was not explosive. As

indicated by the stoichiometry of the reaction, water is formed in equimolar amounts

to DMC- The effects of the increased water concentration included a decrease in

selectivity of cabon monoxide to produce DMC, promoting the formation of carbon

dioxide (Romano, Tesei, Mauri and Rebora, 1980).

Enichem Synthesis produces DMC via the direct oxidative carbonylation of methanol

with oxygen and carbon rnonoxide in the presence of cuprous chloride in a stirred tank

reactor. The recommended temperature and pressure operating limits ranged from

90 to 150°C and 2068 to 3102 kPa, respectively. Enichem's DMC capacity a t its plant

in Ravenna, Italy, is 12,000 metric tons per year (Bhattacharya, 1995)

Hallgren et. al. (1982a) investigated the oxidative carbonylation of methanol in

the presence of carbon monoxide and oxygen, at elevated temperatures and pressures.

The process is preferably operated a t temperatures between 180 and 250°C and pres

sures between 4136 and 10341 kPa. A cupric halide catalyst was employed in amounts

ranging from 0.02 wt% to 1.5 tvt% based on the mass of methanoi (Hallgren, 1982a).

Hallgren claims that a reaction time of two hours will result in a 20% conversion

to DMC, based on methanol. Hallgren's results indicated that the reaction did not

proceed below a temperature of lSO°C and that pressures of 10341 kPa or greater

were recommended.

More recently, Bhattacharya (1995) presented a new homogeneous catalytic sys-

Page 42: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

tem to produce DMC by the direct oxidative carbonylation of methanol with oxygen

and carbon monoxide. The reaction is carried out in a stirred tank reactor loaded with

methanol and small quantities of N-rnethyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) which serves as a

high boiling CO-solvent. The catalyst is copper(I1) methoxy chloride which has already

been identified as an intermediate of the direct oxidative carbonylation reaction by

Romano et al. (1980). NMP and similar compounds are utilized to increase the rate

of the reaction. It has also been suggested that NMP can serve as a catalyst caxrîer

during the rernoval of DMC/water by any flash procedure (Bhattacharya, 1995). Ex-

perirnental data was not presented in the paper, however, conversion to DMC shoulc!

be complete since the catalyst employed is an intemediate outlined by Romano et

al. (1980) and one step of the reaction is removed (i.e. the formation of the cupric

met hoxy chloride intermediate). Liquid Phase, Heterogeneous, Direct Oxidative Carbonylation

Sawicki and Chaftez (1987) suggest the use of solid supported catalysts for the pro-

duction of DMC via the oxidative carbonylation of methanol with carbon monoxide

and oxygen. Suggested supports are aluminum oxide, silicon dioxide, zeolites or other

naturally occurring clays such as mordenite. The catalysts were evaluated in a pres-

sure reactor operated a t temperatures between 50 and 150°C and pressures exceeding

6984 kPa for as long as 8 hours. Based on the copper salt charged, yields of DMC were

as high as 83%. The preparation of the catalysts are labour intensive for industrial

scale applications. No indication on the DMC yield based on the methanol charged

to the reactor is given.

Sawicki (1987) dealt exclusively with heterogeneous catalysts based upon

oxides of silicon. Lee and Park (1991) took a different approach and evaluated the

synthesis of DMC with NaX, NaY, and HY zeolites exchanged with cupric chloride.

Preliminary results indicated that zeolites exchanged with cupric nitrate failed to

Page 43: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

display a significant activity. Evaluation of the zeoiites were conducted in a 1 L

autoclave charged with methanol, car bon monoxide and oxygen. Their experimental

apparatus is illustrated in Figure 2.2.

The operating conditions were ~ a r i e d with temperatures ranging from 90 to 120°C,

reaction time Miied from 1 to 12 hours, and an operating pressure of 5067 kPa (with

varying partial pressures of carbon monoxide and oxygen). The results from the

experiments conducted by Lee and Park indicate the following:

1. Rate of formation of DMC is insignificant after 6 hours of reaction.

2. Production of DMC increases linearly with temperature.

3. Production of DMC is not d e c t e d by exces methanol.

4. Yield of DMC increases lhearly with oxygen partial pressure.

Yields of DMC based on methanol were found to be 36.6% and 17.8% for the

CuNaX and CuHY zeolites, respectively. Unfortunately, t here was no indication of

an experimental design in Lee and Park's analysis. Since the variables were changed

one at a time, interaction effects could not be evaluated.

Further investigations by Hallgren et al. (1982b) suggested that aliphatic carbon-

ates could be produced from an alcohol, carbon monoxide, oxygen, a Bronsted base

(Le. sodium hydroxide), and a Group VIIIB catalyst (Le. palladium, rhodium, etc.)

Experimental results were carried out under atmospheric conditions in Pyrex flasks

with a gas mixture of carbon monoxide and oxygen continually bubbled through the

methanol. Reaction times were often greater than 20 hours. This technique was

successful in producing carbonates from higher alcohols but was not successful in

producing DMC from methanol in significant quantities (1.2% conversion attained).

Smith et al. (1992) present a route to produce DMC via the oxidative carbony-

lation of methanol with oxygen and carbon monoxide but in the presence of a het-

erogeneous halogen free copper catalyst over a fixed bed reactor. The catalyst used

in this system consisted of copper, ion exchanged or impregnated ont0 a clay solid

Page 44: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

support such as montmorillonite or a metal pillared interlayered clay such as silica.

Suggested operating conditions for the reaction are temperatures between 70 and

140°C and pressures ranging from 3792 to 4481 kPa. Significant quantities of DMC

were reported to have been produced.

Page 45: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Figure 2.2: Experimental setup used by Lee and Park in their investigations.

Page 46: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the Vapour Phase, Heterogeneous, Direct Oxidative Carbonylation

Vapour phase oxidative carbonylation reactions to produce DMC have also been in-

vestigated. Curnutt (1986) investigated the vapour phase oxidative carbonylation of

methanol with a mixture of carbon monoxide and oxygen in the presence of a copper

catalyst. Cumutt contends that the b a t results were obtained when using an acti-

vated carbon supported cupric chloride catalyst promoted with potassium chloride

(Curnutt and Haley, 1986).

Experiments were conducted in a Hastelloy C276 plug flow reactor. Pnor to being

charged into the reactor, the rnethanol was vaporized and the gas mixture of carbon

monoxide and oxygen was preheated. As with other oxidative carbonylations, the

major byproduct of the reaction was carbon dioxide. Curnutt found the thermal

oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide to be signifiant a t temperatures

greater than 130°C. Since the reaction rate was found to be negligible below 100°C,

the reactor was operated between 110 and 130°C- The optimum operating pressure

was experimentally determined to be 2068 kPa. Although percentage yields of DMC

based upon methanol were not supplied, the results indicated that the catalyst showed

a high selectivity to produce DMC (greater than 80%) at the optimum conditions.

Koyama et al. (1992) investigated the oxidative carbonylation of methanol with

oxygen and carbon monoxide in the vapour phase. The catalyst used for this reaction

was comprised of a copper halide with at least one hydroxide compound selected from

the group consisting of alkaii metal hydroxides exchanged onto activated charcoal

(Koyama et al., 1992). The reaction is carried out in a plug flow reactor with an

operating temperature between 100 and 200°C and an operating pressure between

483 and 1448 kPa. Various catalysts were tested in their system and conversions of

methanol to DMC were as high as 23%.

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2.7.3 Transesterification

Tkansesterification is an ester interchange reaction where an ester is reacted with

excess alcohol or acid. It is a mild reaction which is carned out in the liquid phase

without toxic chernicals and corrosiveness (Okada et al., 1995). Two alternative routes

have been proposed to produce dimethyl carbonate via tramesterification. The first

involves ethylene carbonate and the second involves di-tert-bu~l peroxide (DTBP)

(Bhattacharya, 1995).

In the first route, ethylene oxide reacts with carbon dioxide to produce ethylene

carbonate (2.8). The ethylene carbonate then reacts with exces methanol to yield

DMC and ethylene glycol (2.9)-

Using this route, Knifton and Duranleau (1991) evaluated diflerent catalysts to

produce DMC. These catalysts included macroreticular and gel-type exchange resin

with tertiary amine groupings bonded to a polymer backbone, ion exchange resins

with ammonium functional groups, alkali-metal silicates impregnated into silica, am-

monium exchanged zeolites and acidic resins bearing sulfonic acid and carboxylic acid

functional groups (Knifton and Duranleau, 199 1).

Insoluble base catalysts, such as tertiary amine and quaternary ammonium func-

tionalized resins, were effective for the t ransestenfication reaction. These catalysts

are easy to rernove from the final product and are readily available. Product compo-

sitions consisting of 21 wt% DMC were obtained after 2 hours of operation at 100°C

and 690 kPa in a fixed bed reactor. Higher yields would probably be attainable by

operating the reactor at higher temperatures. However, the thermal stability of the

catalysts becomes an issue a t temperatures greater than 120°C.

Page 48: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

The second route is more cornpiex. In the first step, isobutane reacts with oxygen

to produce di-tert-butyl peroxide (DTBP) and water (2.10). DTBP then reacts with

carbon rnonoxide to produce di-tert-butyl carbonate (DTBC) (2.11). DTBC is then

transesterified with methanol to produce DMC and tert-butyl dcohol (TBA) (2.12) .

Lucy et- al. (1989) utilized this route using a platinum group metal and a copper

catalyst. The platinum group metal and the copper are added to the methanol as

salts. The reaction is carried out under low pressures, 520 to 1035 kPa, and moderate

ternperatures, 50 to llO°C. With the addition of nitrile promoters (ie. benzonitrile),

yields of DMC based upon the conversion of DTBP ranged from 1% to 50%.

2.7.4 Direct Synthesis - Carboxylation

Fang and Fujimoto (1996) propose the synthesis of DMC via a direct rnethod by the

reaction between carbon dioxide and methanol (2.13).

The reaction was carried out in a 1 L autoclave in the presence of a basic catalyst

and a methyl iodide(CH31) promoter (Fang and Fujimoto, 1996). Suitable bases in-

clude potassium carbonate (K2C03) and potassium phosphate (K3P04). Suggested

operating conditions were 100°C and 5070 kPa for temperature and pressure, respec-

tively. The yield of DMC based on CH31 consumed were between 94 and 228%. It

is believed that HI, an intermediate byproduct of the reaction, reacts with methanol

Page 49: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

to produce excess CH31; thus accounting for the greater than 100% yields based on

CH31 consumed (Fang and Fujimoto, 1996).

2.8 Expected By-products and Reactions

The reaction scheme for this reaction is very cornplex. Many of the papers in the

literature review do not even attempt to propose a mechanism. The only mention

of a mechanism concerning the formation of DMC with CO, O2 and methanol was

proposed by Romano et al. (1980). Their scheme, illustrated in Figure 2.3, employed

CuCl and not CuC12 as the catalyst of choice. According to this reaction scheme, CuCl

Figure 2.3: Proposed reaction scheme for synthesis of DMC as proposed by Romano et al. (1980)

reacts with CO to form cupric carboxy chloride (CuCOCI). While this is occurring,

CuCl reacts with CHSOH and O2 to form cupric methoxy chloride (Cu(OCH3)Cl) and

Page 50: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

H20. Cupric methoxy chloride is also formed by a reaction between CuCOCl, CH30H

and O2 to produce Cu(OCH3)Cl, H20 and CO. Romano et al. (1980) indicate that

CuCOCl reacts with Cu(OCH3)C1 to form a rnixed valence intermediate complex

which again reacts with Cu(OCH3)Cl to form DMC and regenerate CuCI.

King (1996) indicated that the formation of DMC via the oxidative carbonylation

of methanol with CuC12 c m be broken down into two steps. The first being the

oxidation to form cupric methoxychloride (2.14).

This is followed by a second step whereby the cupric methoxychlonde is reduced with

carbon monoxide to form DMC (2.15).

Besides DMC, a number of other by-products are produced in this reaction. These

include COz, methylal and methyl formate. COÎ is formed from the oxidation of CO

with O2 (2.16).

Studies by Romano et a1.(1980) and King(1996) indicate an induction penod be-

fore DMC formation commences. During this period, King (1996) postulates that

methanol is oxidized to formaldehyde. The formaldehyde than reacts with methanol

to form methylal.

Page 51: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

According to King (1996), if the copper forms bigger aggregates during the reaction,

more oxygen complexes with copper to oxidize the methanol to formic acid. This in

tum reacts with methanol to form methyl formate.

CH20 + 0.502 t CHOOH


2.9 Summary

It is clear that a number of synthesis routes are available to produce DMC. The

ultimate goal of the research group is to develop an affordable alternative production

routes for diesel oxygenates with catalytic distillation in mind. Therefore, the purpose

of this thesis is to investigate the process parameters aiffecting the production of DMC.

It was decided that the synthesis of DMC would be pursued with the direct oxidative

carbonylation chemistry. The reasons for this were two fold. Firstly, since there is

already an industrial process in operation using this chemistry, i t seemed like a good

starting point. Secondly, the reaction could be investigated using homogeneous and

heterogeneous catalysts. This now left the task of finding appropriate equipment for

the experimentation.

Page 52: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Chapter 3

Experiment al

The synthesis of alkyl carbonates with metal halides such as PdCh and CuC12 is not

new. Romano et al. (1980) perforxned a kinetic investigation of the synthesis with

cuprous chloride as the main catalyst in the early 80's. Variations of catalytic systems

employing cupric chloride are also reported in the literature. Unfortunately, much of

the pertinent information is found in patents. This chapter will detail the apparatus

used in the experirnent, the materials used and the methods employed to analyze the


Apparat us

The apparatus used in this investigation consisted of a 300 ml parrTM batch reactor.

The gas flow into the reactor was controlled with a ~ r o o k s ~ ~ model 5874A thermal

m a s flow meter. Online sampling was performed with a varianTM 3400 gas chro-

matograph with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) for the liquid analysis and

~ i s c h e r ~ ~ 1200 gas partitioner equipped with a TCD for the gas analysis. A flow

diagram of the system is illustrated in Figure 3.1. Table 3.1 is a legend for Figure

3.1. Table 3.2 outlines the valve positions before, during and following a run.

Page 53: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the



f v 4 1 &Gl Sample

~ i q u i d Sample

Figure 3.1: Flow diagram of system used to test the synthesis of DMC.

Page 54: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table 3.1: Legend for Procas flow diagra

[ Designation Description

Gas Line

Check Valve

Needle Valve

Metering Valve

Flow Controuer

Flow Sensor

Bal1 Valve

Pressure Gauge

Back Pressure Gauge

3.1.1 Flow rneters

The gas feed consisting of oxygen(02), carbon monoxide(C0) and nitrogen(N2) was

supplied in the appropriate quantities with a BrooksTM model 5874-A thermal m a s

flow controller. The flow rate of each gas outlet stream was set with a precision po-

tentiometer. The gas flow was adjusted, by the controller, according to the changing

downstream pressure; ensuring that a consistent gas mixture was obtained. A down-

stream pressure drop of 345 kPa was obtained by using a GOTM Inc. Mode1 DP 60

back pressure valve.

The flow meters were powered with a + 15 V DC power supply. The output signal

to the flow meters ranged from O to 5 V DC with O V DC for no flow and 5 V DC for

100% of flow. The signals dictating the flow of the individual gases were determined

according to the desired gas composition and the maximum allowable flow of the flow

meters. Table 3.3 lists the flow meters, their flow range and the metered gas.

Page 55: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table 3 -2: Valve set t ings for experiments

Valve Number Start-up/Shut-Down Position Run Position


l W 2









NVl l

NV12 NV13







































Open (for liquid sampling)

Open (for gas sampling)


Table 3.3: Thermal mass flow controllers with their gas and flow rate range.

Page 56: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

3.1.2 Batch Reactor

Flow reactors, autoclaves, cstr's and batch reactors were al1 used in previous inves-

tigations to study this type of reaction. After investigating the equipment available

for this research, it was decided that a batch reactor would best suit our purposes.

The reactor obtained was a PARR batch reactor mode1 4561. The reactor was

rated to a maximum operating temperature and pressure of 350°C and 20700 kPa,

respectively. These limits were well within the desired operating range of the experi-

ments. A cross sectional view of this reactor is illustrated in Figure 3.2.

A proportiond-integral-controller (PID), which was supplied with the unit, was

used to control the temperature of the reactor. The temperature was monitored with

an 8 inch stainless steel J-type thermocouple which was attached to the controller.

The reactor was heated within a heating mantle comprised of an alurninum shell and

fabric liner. The reactor was cooled with cold water which is passed into the reactor

via a 316 stainless steel u-tube. In addition to the flow control valves, the water flow

was adjusted with a needle valve (NV13) to dampen overshoots. The addition of a

needle valve to limit the cold water flow was necessary since the cold water bursts

often cooled the reactor as much as 5°C with large shots. This in turn caused the

reactor temperature to fluctuate rapidly.

The reactor was stirred with a ~ a g n e d r i v e ~ ~ magnetic stirrer. The stirring shaft

and propeilers were constmcted of InconelTM to guard against corrosion. The stirring

motor was capable of rotating to a maximum of 650 rpm.

A dip tube allowed for liquid samples to be removed from the reactor while the

reaction commenced. A gas sample port was also available to analyze the gas contents

of the reactor. Figure 3.3 details the liquid and gas sampling apparatus (Le. the dip

tube and the gas sampling line).

Page 57: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Figure 3.2: Cross-sectional view of parTM mode1 4561 batch reactor. (Reproduced fiom pu rTM instruction manual)

Page 58: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

CooIing Tube Stimng Shaft Dip Tube Thermocouple Gas sample Port

Figure 3.3: Liquid and gas sampling apparatus on panTM batch reactor.

Page 59: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

3.1.3 Reactor Modifications

Modifications were made to the reactor to aid in analysis and for safety concerns.

These modifications included changing the type of rupture disc to changes in the

head connections of the reactor to aid in reactor sampling. Rupture Discs

Although all the experiments were being conducted at pressures well below the rated

operating limits for the rupture discs, rupture disc failure was experienced in a num-

ber of experirnental runs. Initidy, the cause of the disc rupturing could not be

determined. Possible reasons were a large increase in pressure within the reactor or

faulty rupture discs.

The chemistry did not indicate a possibility of runaway reactions. Other factors

rnay have contributed to a rapid pressure increase within the reactor unit. Firstly,

the components used in the reactions, oxygen, carbon monoxide and methanol are al1

combustible. Ignition of these components could cause the pressure within the reactor

to increase at a high rate and be responsible for a rupture disc breach. Possible

ignition sources include improper grounding of the reactor unit leading to a build up

of a static charge or sparks created from friction between moving parts within the

reactor. The reactor was thoroughly examined and no abnormalities were found.

Cupric chloride was used as the catalyst for al1 these experiments. Unfortunately,

cupric chloride is also very corrosive. Although extreme care was taken to prolong

the life of a rupture disc, continuous contact with a hostile environment could weaken

the discs. This would result in the discs rupturing at pressures well below their rated

bursting pressure. A test was performed to examine the effect of cupric chloride on

the InconelTM rupture discs.

A circular fragment of a blown rupture disc was immersed in a 10 g/L solution of

cupric chloride and methanol. This concentration of cupric chloride was comparable

Page 60: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

with the maximum concentration used in the experiments. Following 24 hours of im-

mersion, the rupture disc was removed and examined. The disc was severely corroded

by the solution. Figure 3.4 displays a picture of a corroded and non-corroded circular

section of a rupture disc.

Figure 3.4: A non-corroded circular section of a rupture dise is pictured on the left. A similar section after 24 hows of immersion in a IOg/L cupric chloride solution.

Chlorides are generally more aggressive on stainless steel because of the ability

of the chloride ion to penetrate the passive film and cause pitting (Craig, 1989);

hence the requirement to use resistant alloys for crucial equipment. InconelTM is

nickel-chrornium alloy which are generally resistant to chlondes. Unfortunately, the

InconelTM rupture discs were slowly being corroded with continual contact of the

cupric chloride environment. As a result, they were yielding a t premature pressures.

Upon further consultation with a technical representative from ParrTM, it was decided

that gold plated rupture discs would be used in the experiments. Although more

expensive, the gold plated discs were more suitable for the operating environment and

could offer a considerable increase in resistance to the corrosive chloride environment.

No problems were encountered once the rupture d i sa were changed. Reactor Controls

Al1 experiments were conducted within an explosion proof bunker. The purpose of

the bunker was to reduce or eliminate the risk of persona1 injury while performing the

Page 61: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

experiments. The reactor pressure gauge, back pressure controt valve, liquid sampling

line and gas loading valve were al1 installed outside of the bunker. With this set-up,

there was no need for any researcher to enter the bunker during the operation of the

reactor. Figure 3.5 displays the valve and cont roller arrangement outside the bunker.

S tirrer Controller

Temperature Controller

4 Liguid Sarnpling Valve (BV4)

Access to Bunker

@ Cooling water conml Valve (NV 13)

Figure 3.5: Diagram of reactor controller layout. Upper Reactor Assembly

The upper reactor assembly was slightly modified for the purposes of this experi-

ment. Figure 3.6 dispiays the ports available for connections for the upper assembly.

Page 62: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Initially, port E was connected directly to a pressure gauge. This port was modified

A Stirrerport

B U-tube port

C u-tube port

D Thermocouple port

E Gas sarnpting port

F Gas loadingfliquid sarnpiing port G Rupture disc port

Figure 3.6: Ports available for connections in the upper reactor assernbly.

with the addition of a needle valve and a SwagelokTM fitting. The gas sampling line

was connected to the valve. This allowed the gas sample line to be disconnected while

the reactor was pressurized. Additional tubing was required to attach the SwagelokTM

fitting to a pressure gauge outside of the bunker. Port F was used for the product

loading and liquid sampling. A check valve and bail valve were added to this port.

The check valve ensured that the reactor contents did not flow into the gas load-

ing line. The bal1 valve was used to isolate the reactor when pressure testing was

Page 63: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

3.2 Liquid Analysis

3.2.1 Analytical Equipment

Liquid samples from the reactor were anaiyzed with a VarianTM 3400 gas chromato-

graph (GC) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD). A DB-FFAP,

Durabond (Free Fatty-Acid Phase), (J&W Scientific catalog # 1253232) column was

used to analyze the liquid samples. This column was the most effective for the sepa-

ration of the reaction products and reactants.

A TCD was preferred in this analysis due to its ability to detect water; which was

a byproduct of the reaction under study. The TCD consists of a hot tungçten-rhenium

filament over which the eluted gas from the column is passed. The detector produces

a signal which is dependent on the changes of thermal conductiviw of the different

products. The output signal is produced a s the GC compares the signal produced by

the products and the carrier gas to a reference stream of pure carrier gas.

Complete separation of the reactants and products must be obtained to get an

accurate measure of the quantities of each within the sample. Partial peak separation

will result in improper accounting of the different cornponents. Complete separation

of methylal, methyl acetate, and methyl formate was difficult due to their low boiling

points. The temperature profile of the method is dispiayed in Figure 3.7. Table 3.4

outlines the boiling points and retention times of the liquid reactants and products

frorn this reaction.

Once the sample was injected, the column was held a t 40°C for 1 minute. The

temperature of the column was then ramped a t 50°C/min to a final temperature of

110°C. The column was maintained at this temperature for 6 seconds prior to being

cooled to the start-up temperature of 40°C- The total running time of th% method

was 2.5 minutes. On average, samples were analyzed every seven minutes. Table 3.5

lists the other pertinent setting for the GC method used in the analysis.

Page 64: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table 3.4: Peak table with retention times and boiling points.

Peak Retention Time (min) Boiling Point (OC)

Me thylal 0.658

Methyl Formate 0.687

Methyl Acetate 0.805

Met han01 1.168

DMC 1 .470

Water 1.906

Table 3.5: GC-Method operationd Parameters.

Parameter Setting

Injection Temperature

Ti (Initial Column Temperature)

Ti Hold-tirne

Temp Rarnp Rate

Tf (Final Column Temperature)

Tf Hold Time

Detector Temp.


Range TCD Filament Temp.



1 min

50" Cfmin


0.10 min.





Page 65: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Figure 3.7: Temperature profile of method used on VarianTM 3400 GC to analyze the liquid sampIes.

Page 66: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

3.2.2 Spectrum of Liquid Products

A spectmm of the liquid products produced from the gas chromatograph is displayed

in Figure 3.8. The area underneath each Peak corresponds to the amount of that

particular compound in the sample.

It is possible to have compounds that can have the same retention time within

the column. Product confirmation was perforrned using a combined Gas Chromate-

graph/Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS). The GC/MS breaks each compound into its

constituent groups for identification via electron ionization. In the electron ionization

(EI) mode of operation, sample molecules are introduced into the ion trap, where they

interact with energetic electrons to form positive ions. The ions are sorted according

to their mass to charge ratio (m/z) and the results are reported in a mass spectrum.

The spectrum produced was compared against library spectra and standard spectra

of compounds with similar molecular masses.

It is interesting to note that the library spectrurn for DMC was slightly difkrent

than the spectrum produced by injecting pure DMC into the GC/MS. This is most

likely attributed to the difference in detector used in the analysis and that used to

generate the mass spectra Libraries- A sample of pure DMC was then injected into the

GC/MS. The spectrum produced by the pure sarnple was the same as that obtained

from the reaction sample. Figures 3.9 and 3.10 are GC/MS spectrum obtained from

a pure sarnple of DMC and the library sample of DMC, respectively .

Page 67: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Chart Speed = 7-91 cm/min Attenuation = 3521 Zero O f f s e t = 5 % Start T i m e = 0.000 min End Time = 2.502 min Min / Tick = 1-00

' O . 1 ' 0 . 2 ' 0 . 3 'O - 4 ' 0 . 5 ' O -6 '0.7 I


rnethyl aceta




O . 6 5 8

Figure 3.8: Spectrum of Liquid Products.

Page 68: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Background Subtract C :\SATURN\DATA\DECiZ-l Date : 12/11/95 18 : 53 : 82 Comment: tl 1680,T 23, MANIFOLD 228, A f l 2 .5 , EC 12uA DMC PRODUCT Average of: 473 to 477 Hinus: 499 ta 503 l 0 0 * ~ = 10661192

Figure 3.9: GC/MS Spectrum for pure DMC.

Page 69: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Figure 3.10: Library GC/MS Spectrum for DMC.



31 59

98 ' 1 6 " 1 i " 1 ' I " 1 ' '"'3111rr



Fflc: N I S T 9 0 Entrg: 838 Peaks: 28 HOI u t : sa

C3 .H6 .O3


7e 86 de iee

Entry S t a t ist ics

12 2803 13 3844 14 9134 1ç 108888 16 326s 28 5848 29 45993 30 7811 31 37139 32 1881

33 5848 43 1841 44 4846 4s sa133 46 1041 59 32131 68 4- 61 2883 62 3804 98 4846

t lasdlnt i l a s d I n t tiassl Int b s s / I n t t i a s d l n t

Page 70: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

To ensure the volumetric quantities calculated by the GC were accurate, calibration

runs were performed to properly quanti& the analysis. The samples were prepared

based upon the expected composition from the experimental run.

Standard 1 was prepared to the specifications listed in Table 3.6. The remaining

4 standards were prepared by serial dilution with methanol. Table 3.6 lists the five

calibration standards aiong with the volume percent composition of each compound

in the standard.

Table 3.6: Standards prepared to calibrate GC. AU units are in vol%.

1 Compound STND 1 STND 2 STND 3 STND 4 STND 5

Methylal 10 8 6 4 2

Methyl Formate 5 4 3 2 1

Methyl Acetate 5 4 3 2 1

Met han01 40 52 64 76 88

DMC 20 16 12 8 4

Water 20 16 12 8 4

Each of the five standards samples were injected three times. The varianTM

Star (v4.02) software provided with the GC used the volume breakdown of the stan-

d x d injection and correlated them with the signal, or peak count, produced by the

detector. Calibration curves were constructed with the multiple injections of each

sample. Table 3.7 outlines the statistical data obtained from the calibration data

for the individual cornponents. Calibration sarnples were run periodically to ensure

experimental accuracy. The calibration curves for methylal, methyl formate, methyl

acetate, methanol, DMC and water are displayed in Figures 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14,

3.15 and 3.16, respectively.

Page 71: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table 3.7: Statistical data fiorn caiibration runs.

met hy la1 0.930992 ! rnethyi formate 0.986888

methyl acetate 0.992100

met han01 0.985214

dimethyl carbonate 0.992855

water 0.985660

Figure 3.1 1: Met hylal calibration curve.

Page 72: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Replicates 2 3 1 2 2

Figure 3.12: Methyl Formate calibration curve.

Replicates 3 2 3 3 3 1



Figure 3.13: Met hyl Acetate calibration curve.

Page 73: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Figure 3.14: Methanol calibration curve.

Figure 3.15: DMC calibration curve.

Page 74: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Figure 3.16: Water calibration curve.

Page 75: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

3.2.4 Sampiing Frequency

Paramount to the investigation of this reaction was the ability to sample and analyze

the liquid contents of the reactor. Ideally, this should be done on line and as often as

possible to provide a true account of the progres of the reaction.

There are currently two systems available to collect samples from the reactor. The

first involves the direct on line sampling of the reactor contents. A liquid sample was

directly injected into the gas chromatograph for analysis with a V A L C O ~ ~ VICI A90

auto-sampling valve. Although useful, injections could only be performed every 7

minutes due to the time required for the GC to restabilize. Samples were therefore

collected in 3 minute intenals. The samples were collected in 2 ml collection vials

and stored in an ice bath to prevent further reactions from occurring. The increased

sampling frequency provided a more accurate account of the reaction as it progressed

with time.

3.3 Gas Analysis

The reactant gas composition was analyzed with a FischerTM 1200 gas partitioner.

The partitioner was equipped with a duat column and a TCD detector. Column 1

was a I lg inch diameter column packed with 80-100 mesh Columnpak PQ. Column 2

was a 3/16 inch diameter column packed with 60-80 mesh molecular sieve 13X. The

column temperature was set to 50aC, the attenuation was set to 2 and the bridge

current to 200 mA. The spectrum was produced with an H P 3390A integrator. The

gases being analyzed by the TCD were CO, 0 2 , CO2 and N2. The retention time for

these gases are listed in Table 3.8. A sample spectrum of the gases is displayed in

Figure 3.17. The results are produced as volume % of the total sample.

Page 76: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table 3.8: Retention times for gaseous reactants and products.

1 Gas Retention Time (min.) 1

3.4 Mat erials

Table 3.9 outlines the chernicals procured for this aoalysis. In sufficient quantities, dl

the materials used in this investigation can be hazardous to one's health. Strict com-

pliance with safety regdations must be adhered to when operating and analyzing the

results of the experiments. The most significant danger posed by these experiments

is asphyxiation with carbon monoxide. It is extremely important that the ventilation

fan and CO detector be in good working order prior to beginning an experiment. CO

is an odourless and colourless gas that can unknowingly build up in the bloodstream

causing the individual to lose consciousness. It is also important that safety glasses

and chernical resistant gloves be wom when handling the liquid sarnples. Although

the quantities are small, a11 the liquid products c m be imtating to the skin and eyes.

Additional health and çafety information can be found in Appendix A.

Table 3.9: Materials used in experiments.

1 Chernical Supplier Catalog # - - - - -

Methylal BDH 29206

Methyl Formate Aldrich M4683-7

Methyl Acetate BDH 29202

Methanol ~ i s c h e r ~ ~ A408-4

DMC Aldrich D 15,292-7

Cupric Chloride FischerTM C455-500

Page 77: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Figure 3.17: Spectrum produced from gas analyzer.

Page 78: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

3.5 Procedures

3.5.1 Reactor Loading and Set-up

1. Weigh the required quantity of catalyst into a clean measuring dish.

2. Transfer the cupric chloride into a g l a s reactor liner.

3. Add 150 ml of rnethanol to the liner. Use a portion of this methanol to rinse the measuring dish and t r a d e r the wash solution to the liner.

4. Insert the g l a s liner into the bottom portion of the reactor.

5. Place upper reactor assernbly on top of the lower reactor assembly.

6. Place Gclamps appropriately around the reactor.

7. Place O-ring around the reactor and secure into position with the hex-nut.

8. Place the reactor unit into the vice and tighten the bolts of the Cclarnps.

9. Position the reactor into the stand with the heating mantle surrounding the lower portion of the reactor and the stirring motor attached to top of the reactor.

10. Attach al1 of required lines to the reactor (gas loading line, gas sampling line, liquid sampling line, cooling water lines and the thermocouple).

11. Turn on cooling water to reactor. Be sure that the needle valve is in the closed position. (Note, although the needle valve is in the closed position, it is not completely closed. Cooling water will still flow into the reactor.)

3.5.2 Pressure Checks 1. Turn on ventilation fan within the bunker.

2. Turn back-pressure valve (BP 1) clockwise 5 turns. This will provide sufficient back-pressure, greater than 3450 kPa, to pressure check the system.

3. Ensure that al1 readings on the Row meters are set to 0.00 and that the blend option is NOT employed.

4. Turn the nitrogen flow to 100 %.

5. Open the gas flow control valve and pressurize the reactor to 3800 kPa (the inlet pressure of the gases).

6. When the reactor is pressurized, close the gas loading valve.

Page 79: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

7. Leak test al1 connections.

8. If leaks are detected, depressurize the reactor and tighten loose connections.

9. If leaks persist, fittings may have to be cleaned or replaced.

10. When d l the connections have been sufficiently leak tested, set the flow meter to blend mode.

11. Set flow meter to appropriate settings to provide required gas composition.

12. Adjust back-pressure valve to a point where the reactor pressure reads 2070 kPa.

13. Allow gases to flow through the reactor for 15 minutes to ensure proper gas composition.

14. Simultaneously close the gas flow to the reactor (BV1) and switch the gas outlet from the reactor (BV3) from the back-pressure valve (BPI) to a a stand-alone pressure gauge.

15. Obtain a gas sample from the reactor and confirm that the proper mix has been obtained-

16. If a proper gas mix has been obtained within the reactor, then continue. If not, allow the gases to flow through the reactor for a further 5 minutes and repeat the sampling procedure.

3.5.3 Reactor Sampling Procedure

1. n im on stirrer.

2. Tuni heat controller to desired temperature setting.

3. Start stopwatch

4. Collect liquid sample from the reactor via the liquid sampling line and store in 2 ml sample vials. Samples should be no more than 0.5 ml or roughly one quarter of the sample vial.

5. Store samples on ice until they can be tested on the TCD. Ensure that the tops are secured to prevent water from seeping into the sample.

6 . Liquid sarnpIes are collected in three minute intemals.

7. To collect a gas sample, open the gas sampling line and allow the sample to flow through the GC for 15 seconds. This will ensure that a fresh sample is collected.

8. Record the temperature and pressure within the reactor for every sampling period.

Page 80: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

3.5.4 Reactor Shut-Down and Clean-Up Procedure

1. When reaction time is cornplete, set temperature controller to the coldest tem- perature and open the cooling water needle valve (NV13) to the full open posi- tion.

2. Cool reactor to 25OC.

3. Purge gases from reactor. This can be done by switching the gas outlet -dvc from the pressure gauge to the back-pressure valve. 'Iiirn the back-pressure valve counterclockwise until it cannot be tumed any further.

4. Ailow gases to vent from reactor for 15 minutes.

5. Turn off cold water flow.

6. Disconnect al1 line attachments to the reactor.

7. Place reactor into vice and loosen the bolts on the c-clamps.

8. Loosen and remove the O-ring followed by the c-clamps.

9. Separate the upper and lower reactor assemblies.

10. Dispose of reactor contents into the organic waste receptacle.

11. Clean glass liner in ultrasonic bath with a mild sulfuric acid solution.

12. Rinse the wetted reactor surfaces with distilled water and then with methanol to remove any remaining cupric chloride. Use scrub-bmsh to remove solid particles that may have been deposited within the reactor.

13. Dispose of al1 solvents into solvent waste can.

14. Rime rupture disc with distilled water.

15. Rime sarnpling syringe with methanol to remove any residual cupric chloride salts.

3 -5 -5 Maintenance

1. Inspect rupture disc after 10 runs.

2. Thermocouple should be visually inspected regularly. Normal turnover is 3 to 4 weeks.

3. Check al1 connections for leaks daily prior to the commencement of a run.

4. Check for leaks a t regulators weekly and whenever a cylinder is changed.

5. Check CO monitor with calibration gas monthly.

Page 81: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

3.6 Summary

For the purposes of this thesis, it was decided that batch reactor experiments would

provide the necessary information to gauge the effects of selected process parameters

on the synthesis of DMC. A significant amount of time was required to ensure that

al1 safety concems were satisfied. With the apparatus assembled and operating pro-

cedures in place, experiments were designed, within the limitation of the apparatus,

and run to evaluate the effect of selected process parameters.

Page 82: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

Five sets of experiments were designed to examine the synthesis of dimethyl carbonate

(DMC) under Mnous rezt ion conditions. The first set employed copper exchanged

zeolites as catalysts. The second set used a combined CuC12/PdC12 system. Exper-

imental sets three to five employed CuC12 as the sole catalyst. The effects of cupric

chloride concentration and temperature were examined in sets three and four, respec-

tively. The fifth set utilized a three factor experimentd design exarnining the effects

of catalyst concentration, temperature, and molar ratio of CO to O*.

4.1 Initial Experiments with Zeolites

Initially, the synthesis of DMC was investigated using heterogeneous catalysts. The

motivation behind this lay in the premise that if a suitable heterogeneous catalyst

could be identified in batch reactor runs, the catdyst could also be used in flow

reactor runs; culminating in the use of the catalyst in a catalytic distillation unit. It

was decided from the literature review that zeolites would be a suitable heterogeneous

catalytic support for this reaction. Zeolites are suitable for such a purpose due to

their robustness, large surface area for reactions and relative simple procedures for

exchanging other chernical species ont0 the surface active sites. The use of zeolites for

Page 83: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

the synthesis of alkyi carbonates was outlined by King (1996), Lee and Park (1991)

and Smith et al. (1992).

Three types of zeoiites were prepared for testing: an NaY zeolite (Y-zeolite with

sodium on active sites), an KY zeolite (Y-zeolite with hydrogen on active sites), and

an LaX zeolite (X-zeolite with lanthanurn pre-exchanged onto active sites). These

samples were obtained from other researchers in the department who had used zeo-

lites. These zeolites underwent a procedure outlined by Lee and Park (1991) whereby

Cu(I1) was exchanged onto the zeolites with a 0.5 M cupric chloride solution. Al-

though the procedure only required one exchange with a cupric chloride solution,

some of the exchanges were performed a number of times. Table 4.1 outlines the

experiments performed for each catalyst, the reaction conditions under which each

experiment was perfomed and the volume percent DMC produced.

Table 4.1: Summary of experiments performed using copper-exchanged zeolites as catalys ts.

Date Catalyst Quantity(g) Exchanges with CuC12 T("C) ~(6) Vol% DMC 9/13/95 Na-Y 1 .O2 3 120 2400 0.60

9/20/95 H-Y 0.98 4 120 2400 0.00

9/26/95 Na-Y 1.38 4 150 2400 0.00

11/5/95 H-Y 0.50 1 120 2400 0.00

11/6/95 H-Y 0.67 1 120 2400 0.00

11/13/95 H-Y 0.71 1 130 2400 O. 10

11/15/95 H-Y 0.71 1 150 2830 0.00

11/21/95 H-Y 0.85 1 150 2760 0.00

11/23/95 LaNaX 0.85 1 200 4140' 0.96

11/27/95 LaNaX 0.85 2 250 4140' 0.00

11/29/95 LaNaX 0.84 2 200 4550' NA 12/9/95 Zedex 6.88 3 125 2400 0.05

NA: data not amilable? rupture dix blew

'reactor loaded to 2400 kPa at 100°C, then heated to desired temperature.

Numerous problems were encountered in these experiments, the foremost of which

Page 84: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

was the premature rupturing of the supplied rupture discs. At first, it was postulated

that the ruptures could be attributed to a runaway reaction. In retrospect, this was

not the case, as was eluded to in Chapter 3. The premature rupturing was more than

likely due to corrosion instigated by the corrosive nature of chlorides.

In the cases where the rupture discs did not rupture, run tirnes often exceeded

3 hours. The runs were halted when the O2 was consumed. Gas analyses after the

runs indicated the presence of CO2 and residual CO. Experiments by Lee and Park

(1991) indicated significant DMC production following 3 hours of reaction time with

no significant increases after 6 hours. The results obtained from this phase of exper-

imentation were not promising. The quantity of DMC produced was not significant

and could not be reproduced. Consequently, experiments concerning zeolites were

put in abeyance.

4.2 Combined PdC12/CuC12 Catalysts

Until recently, Wacker catalysts were almost entirely homogeneous transition metal

complexes such as palladium chlonde and cupric chloride. An exarnple of a process

using this system involves the conversion of ethylene to acetaldehyde. This system

utilizes two catalytic oxidation-reduction reactions (Schrauzer, 1971).

In the above reaction scheme, the palladium is reduced during the reaction and reox-

idized by the cupric chloride.

Page 85: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Mador et al. (1963) described a sirnilar catalytic system to produce DMC. Ac-

cording to Mador et al., the reaction pathway for such a reaction is:

Unfortunately, Mador et al (1963) did not mention the need for oxygen in the reaction

to reoxidize the copper chloride. Apart from Mador's work, there was no indication

of significant research performed in this area with respect to the synthesis of dimethyl

carbonate. Cost was indicated as being the major impediment in using PdC12 as a


To evaluate the Wacker catalysts, four experiments were completed using the com-

bined PdC12/CuCh system. Pnor to evaluating the combined PdC12/CuC12 system,

experiments were conducted with CuC12 as the sole catalyst. Since DMC was suc-

cessfully synthesized in these cases, the same reaction conditions were used for the

combined PdC12/CuC12 system. The reaction parameters and results axe summarized

in Table 4.2. In the four experiments conducted, there was no indication of any DMC

Table 4.2: Experimental runs to investigate combination of Pd(II)/Cu(II) co-catalytic sys- tem.

Number PdC12(g) CuClz(g) T'(OC) Vol% DMC

1 0.42 2.02 150 3275 0.00

formation. Under similar reaction conditions using CuC12 as the sole catalyst, DMC

was synthesized. Therefore, i t was apparent that PdC12 seemed to inhibit the DMC

format ion.

Page 86: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

More runs would have been desired, unfortunately, the wetted surfaces of the

reactor was covered with a black film which was difficult to remove. The sampling

lines to the GC dso became blocked with the black substance. The sampling problems

created by the formation of this black substance was the main factor contnbuting

to the decision to halt the experiments with this catalytic system. Mador et al.

(1963) did not mention any occurrence of this happening in their experiments with a

similar system. A significant digerence between Mador et d.'s experiments and these

experiments are the addition of 02. In the proposed reaction scheme, palladium

was expected to be reduced during the carbonylation reaction and reoxidized by the

copper (Cu(I1)). Mador et al. did not elaborate on the methods used to reoxidize

Cu(0) back to Cu(I1). This was the intended role for the 0 2 in Our system. Although

the black substance was not analyzed, further investigations indicated that it was most

Iikely palladium oxide, PdO. Durrant and Durrant (1962) describe Pd0 as a black

powder which is made by heating palladium in oxygen. This is entirely consistent

with the conditions employed in these experiments. Performing these experiments

in the absence of molecular oxygen would explain why Mador et al. (1963) did not

encounter these problems. Since P d 0 is a strong oxidizing agent, it readily converts

hydrogen to water and carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide. Again, the properties

of Pd0 are consistent with the results obtained in these experiments. The addition

of PdC12 reduced the selectivity of the reaction towards DMC and increased the

selectivity towards COa.

Investigations using this catalytic system were halted due to the lack of DMC

formation and the problems associated with sampling. Since the DMC selectivity was

obviously higher with CuC12 as the sole catalyst, the remainder of the experiments

were conducted with CuC12.

Page 87: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

4.3 Experimental Program For CuC12 Catdyst

The experirnental program consisted of three stages, each stage consisting of eight

planned mns. Three factors of interest were being vaxied to gauge their effect on

the synthesis of DMC. These were catalyst concentration, reaction temperature and

molar ratio of carbon monoxide(C0) to oxygen (O2) Prior to impfementing a 3

level factoriai design, a number of scouting a n s were performed to determine feasible

operating regions.

AU experiments were conducted within the ParrTM batch reactor with 150 ml of

methanol for every run. The foflowing three sets of experiments were devised to study

this reaction. The replicate runs used to estimate the variance, 02, of the procedure

are marked accordingly in the adjacent tables. The results obtained from each of

these sets will be discussed in the later sections of this chapter.

4.3.1 Planned Runs to Evaluate Effect of CuC12 Concentra-


The effect of the catalyst concentration was investigated with eight experimental runs.

Each run was performed using 150 ml of methanol, a 2:1 molar ratio of CO:02, and

a reaction temperature of 150°C. Four catalyst concentrations were examined:l, 24,

47 and 69 mmol/L of CuC12. Table 4.3 outlines the experiments. The experiments

were randomized to protect against unknown or unmeasured sources of possible bias.

4.3.2 Planned Runs to Evduate the Effect of Temperature

The effect of temperature combined with catalyst concentration was investigated

with another 8 runs. Following a bief analysis of the reaction data from stage 1,

two catalyst concentrations were chosen for further analysis (24 and 47 mmol/L).

Experiments were then performed for each of these two catalyst concentrations at

Page 88: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table 4.3: Experimentd r u to investigate effect of CuC12 concentration.

*:run used in replicate set A ":ru used in replicate set B

4 temperatures. Table 4.4 outlines the nins performed to investigate the effect of

temperat ure.

4.3.3 z3 Factorial Design to Evaluate Effect of CuClz Con-

centration, Temperature and Molar Ratio of CO:Os

Experimental design techniques were employed to gauge the effect of 3 factors on the

synthesis. The 23 design varied the catalyst concentration, temperature and ratio of

CO/02. Table 4.5 outlines the mns used in the z3 factorial design.

Page 89: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table 4.4: Experimental runs to investigate the eff't of reaction temperature and cupric chloride concentrations.

Number CuCl2(g) [CuCl,] (mmol/L) Temp("C) CO/Oz 9 0.61 24 125 2

10 0.61 24 175 2


* :run used in replicate set A ":run used in replicate set B

Table 4.5: Experimental Runs to investigate effect of cataiyst concentration, temperature and ratio of CO to 0 2 .

. - - - - -- -

Number CuC12(g) [CuC12] (mmol/L) Temp("C) CO/02 18 0.61 24 125 1

19* 1.19 47 150 2

*:run used in replicate set A * * : r u used in replicate set B

Page 90: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

4.4 Validation of Results

Prior to beginning an analysis of the results obtained from these experiments, it

was necessary to estimate the &ance, O*, of the experimental procedure. Variance

estimates are necessary to gauge the reproducibiity and significance of the results.

Expenmental results cannot be compared without a sense of the variation, both

inherent and extenial, within a process. The total variation for these experiments,

2 aToTL, can be broken down into two components, measurement and

process variance(&cEçs).

4.4.1 Measurement Variation

The measurement variance includes variance contributions attributed to the tech-

niques and equipment used to analyze the contents of the reactor. Five standards

were prepared containing the expected liquid products dong with the reactants. Each

of the five standards were injected 3 times into the gas chromatograph (GC). The

results of the injections were used to create calibration curves for the GC. However,

since each of the five standards were replicated, the data was used to estimate

for each compound. This provided 3 atimates for each compound a t 5 different con-

centration levels. The sane procedure was used to estimate the rneasurement variance

for the gaseous reactants and products. The estimates for o & ~ ~ ~ , denoted by sLEAS,

for each of the compounds are listed in Table 4.6.

4.4.2 Total Variation

Two sets of four replicate runs were available from the experimental program to

estimate the total variation. The reaction temperature and rnolar ratio of CO to

Page 91: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table 4.6: Measurement variation for reactants and products (molar basis).

Compound No. Tests I/T Df s2mAs

Methylal 5 3 25 7.438e - 6

Methyl Formate 5 3 15 3.709e - 6

Methyl Acetate 5 3 15 1.400e-7

Met han01 5 3 15 1.795e - 5 Dimethyl Carbonate 5 3 15 3.110e -6

H20 5 3 15 2.502e - 4 O2 2 10 20 3.276e - 12 CO 2 6 12 1.888e - 12

Co2 2 6 12 3.971e - I l - - - .

I/T: number of injections per test

DE degrees of freedom

O2 were identical for each set. However, one set used 47 mmol/L of CuC12(Set A)

and the other used 24 mmol/L of CuClz (Set B). Liquid sarnples were collected in 3

minute intervals and gas sarnples were coIIected in 6 minute intervais. The runs used

for sets A and B are marked accordingly in Tables 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5.

Each set of replicate runs provided an estimate of the total vaxiance for each

sampling time. Ideally, one would like to pool these variance estimates, s2, to get a

single estimate for the total variance, s;oole,. Statisticd tests were performed on the

sample populations to determine if they could be pooled.

Standard F-tests were performed to analyze the data. The F-test allows one to

test the hypothesis that two variances are equal by calculating the F-ratio (4.8).

In this equation, s&,, is the larger of the two variance estirnates. The F value is

compared to tabulated F-ratio tables for the given confidence level. If the calculated

Page 92: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

value exceeds the tabulated value, then the hypothesis is rejected and one must

conclude that given the data and confidence level, the variances are different. If the

null hypothesis is rejected, an estimate of the process variation cannot be calculated

by pooling the results. In some instances, analysis of Mnances indicated that there

were two distinct areas of variation depending on the time of reaction. An example

of this behaviour is illustrated in figure 4.1.

a - - .


O IO 20 30 40 50 60 Time (min)

Figure 4.1: The top figure displays the average rate of formation of DMC for the four repiicate nins at 150' C, 47 m l / L of CuCb, and a CO/02 ratio of 2. The bottom figure displays the estimated variance of the results at the Werent time int ervais .

It is apparent from this figure that a higher degree of variability amongst the

results occurs in the region where the rate of DMC formation is the geatest. Since

there appears to be two distinct areas of variation in Figure 4.1, tests were performed

on the data sets to determine if the results were statistically different.

Normally, one would divide the highest population variance by the lowest p o p

Page 93: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

ulation va.riance. Since many of the products are not initially formed during the

experiment, variance estimates of O were used. When the highest variance population

was compared to the iowest non-zero population variance, the F-test indicated that

the nuil hypothesis should be accepted and the variances could be pooled.

The variance arnong each group was estimated using the sarnple mean for each

population at a specific time period. This is accomplished by estimating the sum of

squares for the data within each group (4.9).

Where J is the number of data points ivithin each sampling group. Dividing by the

degrees of freedom, J-1, gives an unbiased estimate of the population miance for ce11

i (Hoaglin et al., 1991).

For cases where the nul1 hypothesis was accepted, pooled estimates of the variances

were estimated by formula 4.10.

Where 1 represents the total number of sampling groups used within the estimate

and n is the number of measurements in sample group i. Since many of the products

were not initially formed in the experiment, the initial mns without any of the prod-

ucts were neglected and not considered in the calculations. Estimates for the total

variance, for both replicate sets, are displayed in Table 4.7.

Page 94: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table 4.7: Total variance estimates for both sets of replicate nuis. Apart fkom the CuC12 concentration, each run was perforrned at 150°C and a 2:l molar ratio of

1 Methylal

( Methyl Formate

1 Methyl Acetate

Set A:47 mmol/L CUCI* Set B:24 mmol/L CuClz 1

J is the nurnber of data points within each sampling group

1 is the number of sampling groups

Page 95: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

4.4.3 Process Variation

Although care was taken to ensure that al1 the runs were performed under the same

conditions, a number of factors can affect the process Mnance of a system. Fluctu-

ations in cooling water temperature and heater current are examples of extraneous

variation that can affect experimental results. It is for these reasons that it was neces-

sary to get an accurate rneasure of the process variance. Since the estimates for total

variation are a sum of the measurement and process variation, estimates of a:,,

could be obtained by subtracting the measurement variation(s&) from the total

variation estimate (sTOTAL).

4.4.4 Variation Conclusions

The estimates for al1 the components of variation are tabulated in Table 4.8. IncIuded

in this table is a percentage breakdown of the total Mnation; i.e. the percentage of

the total variation associated to process and measurement error. The components

of vanation for methylal is predominantly skewed towards measurement variation

while there is an even split between process and measurement vaxiation for methyl

formate. The high contribution of measurement variation for these compounds can

be attributed to their similar retention times in the GC. Fortunately, both of these

byproducts were formed in very srnall quantities and were rather insignificant in the

analysis. The significant contribution of variation to the rernaining products and

reactants is attributed to the process variation ( s ~ , ~ ~ ) . The main factor attributing

to the process variation was the time required to heat the reactor to the reaction

temperature. Differences in heating times by as little as one or two minutes would shift

the results. This would translate to the sampling populations for each time period

actually containing data points a t different stages in the reaction. This translates in

process variance contributions greater that 90%, as indicated in Table 4.8. Although

there is evidence of varying heat-up times for the reactor, there was no scientific

Page 96: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

method available to accurately account for this. Therefore, the data was used as


Table 4.8: Components of variation for each compound.

1 Methylal 7.44e-6 1.13e-6 8.57e-6 0.152 13.2 56.8 1 1 Methyl Formate 3.71e - 6 4.44e - 6 8.15e - 6 1.197 54.5 45.5 1

- -- - -- - -

1 Methyl Acetate 1.40e - 7 3.75e - 7 5.15e - 7 2.679 72-23 27.2 1 - - - - - -

MeOH(t 5 12) 1.80e - 5 1.79e - 3 1.81e - 3 99.444 98.9

MeOH (t > 12) 1.80e - 5 2.l8e - 3 2.20e - 3 121.111 99.1 0.9

1 DMC 3.11e - 6 3.59e - 5 3.90e - 5 1 1.543 92.1 7.9 1

Page 97: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

4.5 Mass Balance

As with dl experimentd work, it was necessary to perform a mass balance on the

system. A rnolar eiemental mass balance was performed on each of the experiemntal

runs. Liquid and gas samples were removed h m the reactor every 3 and 6 minutes,

respectively. Although extreme care was taken to ensure that the same sample sizes

were removed, there was indeed some variation.

Changes in reactor volume were considered in calculating the mass balances.

Changes in sample volume incurred by the dramatic decrease in temperature were

not considered. The samples were collected and stored in a cool environment pnor

to analysis. If the samples were being directly injected into the GC, an adjustment

would have been appropriate. However, the samples collected were sampled a t room

temperature and not the reaction temperature. The maximum calculateci deviation

was &5.4% for oxygen. A majority of the mass balances did not differ by more

than f 3% for hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. John (1974) considered a differentiai

of W% satisfactory for his study of catalytic cracking. Upon consideration of the

sampling procedure used in this system, the m a s balance deviations encountered in

t hese analyses were considered satisfactory.

4.6 Effects of CuClz Concentration on DMC Syn-

t hesis

4.6.1 Effects of CuC12 Concentration on DMC Produced

Eight experiments were perfonned to gauge the effect of catalyst concentration on

the synthesis of DMC. The four quantities of cupric chloride used were 0.03, 0.61,

1.19 and 1.75 g. These amounts correspond to cupric chloride concentrations of 1,

24, 47 and 69 mmol/L, respectively. These values were selected based on Hallgren's

Page 98: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

work which recommended catalyst quantities in the range of 0.02% to 1.5% based

on the m a s of methanol in the system (Hallgren, 1982a). Al1 mm were performed

using 150 ml of methanol, a reaction temperature of 150°C, and a 2:l molar ratio of

CO to 02. These conditions defined the base run which was repeated throughout the

experimental program.

The concentration of DMC obtained per unit time for varying catdyst concentra-

tions are displayed in Figure 4.2. Apart from the lowest concentration, the catalyst

Figure 4.2: Effect of CuClz concentration on DMC production.

concentration did not show any significant effects on the final steady-state DMC con-

centration. Using 1 mmol/L of CuC12, DMC began to appear after approxirnately 25

minutes of reaction time. A first steady state appears to have been obtained at 40

minutes. Higher quantities of DMC were then obtained as a second phase of synthesis

occurred from 60 to 70 minutes before settling on a new steady state.

Under the same conditions with higher catalyst concentrations, the rate of DMC

Page 99: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

production was more rapid and higher concentrations were obtained. Figure 4.2 indi-

cates that DMC production began at approximately 16 minutes. The concentration

of DMC increases monotomically in al1 cases to a steady state value. The concentra-

tions obtained for the four catalyst concentrations are Listed in Table 4.9. The results

Table 4.9: Steady state DMC concentration with varying catalyst concentration. 95% con- fidence intervals (CI) are also included in the Iast column of this table to gauge the significance of the results.

[CuCl*] (mmol/L) DMC(mol/L) 95% CI 1 O .O62 z t 0.021

24 0.281 =t 0.021

47 0.262 & 0.021

69 0.275 A= 0.021

for the upper three catalyst concentrations were not significantly different.

4.6.2 Effect of Catalyst Concentration on B yproduct Forma-


The only byproducts detected from this analysis were methylal, methyl formate,

methyl acetate, water and carbon dioxide. Table 4.10 summarizes the moiar quanti-

ties of al1 products formed from this reaction.

Table 4.10: Moles of reaction byproducts formed with varying catalyst concentrations. Al1 units are in moles.

methylal 0.006 0.001 0.007 0.004 ~t0.006

methyl formate 0.005 0.009 Beeting 0.000 i~0.006

methyl acetate 0.000 0.001 Reeting 0.000 ztO.001

DMC 0.008 0.039 0.037 0.039 3~0.012

H2O 0.110 0.132 0.223 0.218 3~0.112

Co2 0.014 0.020 0.015 0.018 &O .O06

Page 100: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

The product distribution can be studied by calculating the instantaneous selec-

tivity, p, during the reaction. For a system where many byproducts are produced

from a group of reactants, the instantaneous selectivity c m be calculated for each

component by dividing the molar quantity of a compound, ND, by the total moles of

al1 undesired products, Nu (4.1 1) (Levenspiel, 1972).

Figures 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 display the instantaneous selectivity versus time for

experiments using 1, 24, 47 and 69 mmol/L of CuC12. Although the TCD could

detect water, the selectivities were calculated on a water free basis. A number of

contributing factors for this decision. Firçtly, the reaction did not begin in an anhy-

drous environment. The system was hydrated by the environmental conditions of the

laboratory and the water content of the catalyst (CuC12-2H20) and methanol. The

chemistry of reactions for DMC and the other byproducts did indicate that water

would indeed be formed. However, these increases could not be accurately gauged

due to the amount of water already in the system. Additional increases in the amount

of H20 in the system would be invalidated and considered insignificant due tot he

magnitude of the 95% confidence intervals and the amount of H 2 0 initially in the


It is evident from these figures that the highest selectivity, approaching 100%,

of DMC occurs when using 24 and 47 mmol/L of CuC12. As CO2 forms, the DMC

selectivity for these runs falls to 65% and 63%, respectively. Transition metal com-

plexes have been shown to be suitable for the oxidation of CO to CO2 in aqueous

solutions by Byerley and Peters (1969). Romano et al. (1980) indicated that cuprous

chloride displayed a reduced selectivity towards DMC as water accumulates within

the system; this was accompanied by the formation of COz. The results shown in

Page 101: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

. - r

O 1 O 20 30 40 50 60 Time (min)

Figure 4.3: Instantaneous selectivity versus time for experiment using I mmol/L of CuC12.

Figures 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 are consistent with these observations

A higher propensity for CO2 formation is initially displayed using 1 mmol/L of

CuC12. The highest selectivity for DMC is 43% and decreases to 28% following 60

minutes of reaction time. The highest attainable selectivity using 69 mmol/L of CuC12

is 74% which dissipates to 58% following the 60 minutes of reaction time.

No unexpected byproducts were detected dunng the course of the reaction. Apart

from CO2, H20 and DMC, the formation of other byproducts was very small. Of the

more volatile byproducts, only methylal was formed when using d l four catalyst

concentrations. Methyl Formate was formed using 1 and 24 mmol/L of CuCI2, with

higher quantities being formed with the higher catalyst concentration. However,

methyl formate was only detected in fleeting quantities using 47 mmol/L of CuC12

and was not detected in experiments using 69 mmol/L of CuC12. Similarly, methyl

acetate was detected using 24 mmol/L of CuCl2 and it was only found in very small

quantities with 47 mmol/L of CuC12.

Page 102: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

r----- 1 1 Acetat /

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (min)

Figure 4.4: Instantaneous selectivity versus tirne for experiment using 24 mmol/L of CuC12.

Figure 4.5: Instantaneous selectivity versus time for experirnent using 47 mmol/L of CuC12.

Page 103: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 Tirne (min)

Figure 4.6: Instantaneous selectivity versus time for experiment using 69 mmol/L of CuC4.

Page 104: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Effect of Catalyst Concentration on Reactant Conver-


The instantaneous conversion is a measure of the amount of reactant converted to

other products at a particular time in an experiment. The conversion is calculated by

dividing the amount of a reactant at time t by the initial quantity of reactant (4.12).

Where NAO and Na are the molar quantities of the species initially and at the time

period of interest, respectively. Figures 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 displays the instantaneous

conversion of methanol, oxygen and carbon monoxide for the four catalyst concentra-

tions tested. The points on the figures are the actual data points whereas the lines

were fitted using a cubic spline and a smoothing function.

7 mmo X -- 69 mmo

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (min)

Figure 4.7: Conversion of MeOH as a function of varying cataiyst concentration

Page 105: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Time (min)

Figure 4.8: Conversion of O2 as a function of varying catalyst concentration

+ - - - 47 mmo 69 mmo

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (min)

Figure 4.9: Conversion of CO as a function of varying catalyst concentration

Page 106: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Methanol was not a lirniting reagent in this experiment since i t was supplied in

excess. Previous studies by Romano et al. (1980) indicated that excess methanol did

not inhibit or affect the reaction in any way. The methanol conversion for the four

catalyst concentrations were 26%, 31%~ 31% and 30% for 1, 24, 47 and 69 mmol/L

of CuC12. Following 60 minutes of reaction tirne, the conversion of O2 was 48%, 720,

94% and 96% for 1, 24, 47 and 69 mmol/L of CuC12, respectively. The corresponding

conversions for CO were 27%,72%,77% and 88% for the same concentrations. These

results are surnmarized in Table 4.11.

Table 4.11: Reactant conversion for w i n g catalyst concentration.

1 Species 1 mmol/L 24 mmol/L 47 mmol/L 69 mmol/L 95% CI Methanol 26 31 31 30 2

CO 27 72 77 88 19

O2 48 72 94 96 11

It is interesting to note the similarities in Figures 4.8 and 4.9. Further analysis of

this data indicated that the CO and O2 reacted in a 2 to 1 ratio, as indicated by the

D MC reaction stoichiometry; it decreased in the same manner.

One can also consider the yield of the reaction which is the ratio of the molar

amount of product forrned divided by the amount of specific reactant reacted (4.13).

Table 4.12 outlines the yield of DMC and CO2 based on the conversion of CO. The

yield of methanol to the products was not considered due to the large excess of

methanol in the system. Under these reaction conditions, the yield of DMC based on

CO conversion was only significantly different for the lowest catalyst quantity used

(1 mmol/L). However, the yield of COz based on CO conversion is significantly lower

with 24 as opposed to 47 mmol/L of CuC12.

Page 107: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table 4.12: Yield of DMC and CO2 based on CO conversion. The 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculateci ftom replicate r u s .

4.6.4 Summary of the Effects of Catalyst Concentration

Under the conditions in which these experiments were perfomed, there was no signif-

icant difference between the quantities of DMC produced for the upper three catalyst

concentrations. The byproducts produced with varying catalyst concentrations did

differ. However, apart from CO2, the quantities of al1 other byproducts were negligi-


Runs performed using 1 mmol/L of CuClz produced a significantly reduced amount

of DMC when compared to the other catalyst concentrations. The highest instants-

neous DMC selectivity for the lowest concentration of CuC12 was 43%. However, the

small quantity of CuCl2 was large enough to promote the oxidation of CO to CO2.

A higher propensity for COz formation was displayed in this case. Conversely, a t 69

mmol/L of CuC12, the highest instantaneous DMC selectivity obtained was 74%. The

quantity of DMC synthesized a t this concentration did not differ significantly from

the middle concentrations. Although the selectivity a t 60 minutes was very similar to

that for the other CuClz concentrations, the lower initial DMC selectivity can again

be attributed to the CO2 formation. The conversion of CO and O2 increased with

catalyst concentration. Kowever, considering the 95% CI, the yields of DMC for the

upper three catalyst concentrations were not significantly different at steady-state.

The yield of CO2 a t steady-state was significantly higher with 47 mmol/L of CuC12

Page 108: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

as opposed to 24 mmol/L of CuC12.

Studies by Romano et al. (1980) used CuCl to catalyze the same reaction. R e

mano et al. (1980) discovered that cupric methoxy chlonde, Cu(OCH3)C1 was an in-

termediate in the synthesis of DMC. When using different quantities of Cu(OCH3)C1,

Romano found that the quantity of DMC increased with the amount of Cu(OCH3)Cl

used. Cu(OCH3)Cl is unstable and difficult to detect. Romano was able to study its

formation by examining the reduction and the oxidation stages of this reaction s e p

arately, as well as together. In this investigation, we only considered the integrated

system and as a result, we did not detect Cu(OCH3)Cl. In their integrated system,

Romano et al. did not find any advantages of using increasing quantities of CuCl on

the rate of formation of DMC.

CuCl and CuC12 are both corrosive salts. Romano et al. (1980) reported that

corrosion problems associated with these chernicals were not as severe as predicted.

However, observed deterioration of the stirrers and problems associated with the

rupture discs would dispute this claim. Throughout the course of the experiments, the

chloride solution was detrimental to the internal parts of the reactor. Thermocouples

had to be replaced at least every four weeks and there was noticeable deterioration

of the impellers and impeller rods. Dunng the preliminary runs, the copper chloride

solution severely corroded the rupture discs used in the reactor.

Considering the problems associated with the catalyst system, it would be ben-

eficial to reduce the catalyst concentration as much as possible. However, one does

not want to reduce the concentrations so much that the system requires long reac-

tion times. Identifying the threshold catalyst concentration would be beneficial as

this would limit the amount necessary and reduce corrosion problems associated with

halide compounds. From the results of this analysis, and considering the conditions

that these experiments were run, the ideal catalyst concentration will lie sornewhere

between 24 and 47 mmol/L of CuCI2. At 150°C, it is suggested that 24 mmol/L of

Page 109: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

CuClz be used since the yield of CO2 based on CO conversion is significantly lower

than with 47 mmol/L of CUCI*. There is no advantage of using 69 mrnol/L of CuClz

as there is not a significaat increase in final steady-state concentration of DMC.

4.7 Analysis of Temperature Effects with CuClz

The goal of the second phase of experiments was to determine the effect of temperature

on the production of dimethyl carbonate. The four temperatures selected were 100,

125,150 and 175°C. Each of these temperatures was evaluated at two different catalyst

concentrations; 24 and 47 mmol/L of Cu&. These catalyst concentrations were

chosen for two reasons. Firstly, results from the first set of experiments indicated

that 1 mmol/L of CuClz did not provide quantities of DMC comparable to the upper

catalyst quantities. Secondly, cupric chloride is very corrosive. Since there was no

apparent advantage of using 69 mmol/L over 24 and 47 mmol/L of Cu&, tests

involving 69 mrnol/L of CuClz were not considered.

4.7.1 Effect of Temperature on the Synthesis of DMC

Figures 4.10 and 4.11 displays the effect of temperature on the production of DMC

with 0.61g and 1.19g of cupric chloride, respectively.

Apart from the run at 150°C, figures 4.10 and 4.11 show that the rate of formation

of DMC is geater, for al1 temperature settings, using 47 mmol/L of CuC12. This is

evident kom the rate of change of DMC concentration to its steady-state value for the

runs using 47 as opposed to 24 mmol/L of CuCL2. In both cases, the production of

DMC at 175°C falls well below the quantities obtained at lower temperatures. Table

4.13 contains the concentrations of DMC obtained for al1 temperatures a t the two

catalyst concentrations.

In the set of experiments using 24 mmol/L of CuC12, there was a significant

Page 110: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Figure 4.10: Effects of changing temperature on the production of DMC w of CUCI*.

difference in the amount of DMC produced after 60 minutes of reaction time under d l

the temperatures, excluding 175°C. The highest concentration of DMC was obtained

at 150°C for this case. In the set of experiments using 47 mmol/L of CuC12, there was

also a significant difference in the amount of DMC produced a t d l temperatures. The

highest quantity of DMC was produced a t 125OC, followed by 150, 100 and 175°C.

When compared on a temperature to temperature b a i s for different catalyst con-

centrations, the results were significantly different in d l cases except a t 150°C. At

100 and 125"C, the amount of DMC produced was greater when using 47 mmol/L of

CuCl2, but insignificantly different a t 175OC. These results are summarized in Table

4.13. An explanation of the behaviour a t 175°C will be eluded to in the upcoming


Page 111: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Figure 4.11: Effects of changing temperature on the production of DMC with 47 mmol/L of CuC12.

Table 4.13: DMC concentration produced using 24 and 47 of CuC12 and four dinerent tem- peratures. (following 60 minutes of reaction time)

Temp("C) DMC (24 mmol/L CuC12) DMC (47 mmol/L CuC12) 95% C I

100 0.135 0.207 3= 0.021

125 0.107 0.314 z t 0.021

150 0.258 0.245 =t 0.021

175 0.127 0.173 I 0.021

Page 112: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

4.7.2 Effects of Temperature on Byproduct Formation

No unexpected byproducts were produced a t the dserent reaction temperatures.

Tables 4.14 and 4.15 outline the quantities of products produced during the reactions

a t different temperatures.

Table 4.14: Moles of byproducts produced using 24 mmol/L of CuC12 and four different temperatures. Note that the results following both 60 and (90) minutes of reaction time are listed.

S pecies iOO(OC) 125(OC) 150("C) 175("C) 95% CI

met hylal O.OOO(O.OOO) O.OOO(0.0023) 0.002 (0.005) 0.002 0.006

methyl formate 0.000(0.000) 0.000(0.000) 0.000(0.001) 0.000 0.006

methyl acetate 0.000(0.000) 0.000(0.000) 0.000(0.001) 0.000 0.001

DMC 0.019(0.027) 0.015(0.021) 0.036(0.036) 0.017 0.012

H20 O.lgg(0.223) O. 114(0.142) O. lgg(0.242) 0.126 0.112

Co2 0.009(0.003) 0.002(0.005) O-009(0.017) 0.028 0.006

60 min (90 min)

Table 4.15: Moles of byproducts produced using 47 mmol/L of CuC12 and four different temperatures.

Species lOO("C) 125("C) 150("C) 175("C) 95% CI

methylal O.OOO(O.OOO) 0.002(0.003) O.OOS(0.005) 0.009 0.006

methyl formate 0.000(0.000) 0-OOO(0.000) 0.000(0.000) 0.007 0.006

methyl acetate O.OOO(0.000) O.OOO(0.000) 0.000(0.000) 0.000 0.001

DMC 0.029(0.035) 0.044(0.044) 0.034(0.034) 0.023 0.012

H20 O.llZ(0.169) 0.244(0.230) 0.235(0.241) O. 161 0.112

Co2 0.001 (0.002) 0.002(0.009) 0.017(0.023) 0.033 0.006

60 min (90 min)

DMC, H20, and CO2 were the only byproducts produced in signifiant quantities.

Methylal and rnethyl formate were found in smaller quantities. The quantities of

DMC and CO2 increased with both reaction temperature and catalyst concentrations.


Page 113: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

However, a noticeable decrease in DMC produced was evident in both of the runs at


4.7.3 Effect of Temperature on Instantaneous DMC Selec-


The instantaneous selectivity is plotted versus time in Figures 4.12 and 4.13 for the

runs using 24 and 47 mmol/L of CuCi2, respectively. The results are summarized in

Table 4.1 6.

Table 4-16: Instantaneous DMC selectivities under dif5erent temperatures and catalyst con-

The shape of the selectivities curves for each set of experimentd runs are similar.

Once DMC formation begins, the initial instantaneous selectivity for DMC exceeds

85% for 100, 125 and 150°C. When operated a t 100 and 125"C, the high selectivity

is maintained up to the 60 minute mark. However, the selectivity is significantly

reduced through time when operating at 150 and 175°C. The instantaneous DMC

selectivity reduces to 75% and 69% at 150°C with 24 and 47 mmol/L of CuC12. The

decrease in selectivity can be attnbuted to an increase of CO2 in the system.

centrat ions. Temperature




175 b

24 rnmol/L CuClz 47 mmol/L CuC12 Initial 60min

100 95

100 89

96 75

64 36

Initial 60min

100 96

97 95

96 69

77 38

Page 114: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Time (min)

150 C Time (min)

175 C

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 O 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (min) Time (min)

Figure 4.12: Selectivity of products at different temperatures using 24 mmol/L of CuC12.

Page 115: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Tirne (min)

150 C

Tirne (min)

175 C

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 O 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (min) Time (min)

Figure 4.13: Selectivity of products at different temperatures using 47 mmol/L of CuC12.

Page 116: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

4.7.4 Effect of Temperature on Reactant Conversion

The conversion of the reactants increased with both temperature and catalyst con-

centration. However, this trend did not continue for the CO conversion a t 175OC.

For both catalyst concentrations, the steady-state CO conversion was lower a t 175°C

compared to the steady-state conversions at 150°C. These results axe surnmarized in

Tables 4.17 and 4.18 for experiments using 24 and 47 mmol/L of CuCL2, respectively.

Table 4.17: Conversion of reactants with 24 mmol/L of CuClz and 4 dinerent reaction temperatures.

Species lOO("C) 125(OC) 150("C) 175("C) 95% CI MeOH 2û.4(23.8) 23.9(27.8) 30.8(33.8) 34.6 2.0

O2 47.8(61.5) 56.9(66.0) 71.9(91.0) 95.7 10.6

CO 46.8(61.1) 56.5(65.4) 62.1(79.8) 52.3 18.6

Table 4.18: Conversion of reactants with 47 mmoI/L of CuC12 and 4 dinerent reaction temperatures.

Species 100("C) 125("C) 150("C) 175("C) 95% CÏ MeOH 20.6(24.6) 27.0(28.7) 30.8(32.4) 35.4 2 .O

O2 50.7(66.6) 56.8 88.4(96.7) 97.0 10.6

Table 4.19 outlines the yield of DMC and COz based on CO conversion for the nins

performed in this set of experiments. It is clearly illustrated from this data that for

both cases, there is a significant decrease in the yield of DMC and a significant increase

in the yield of CO2 based on the CO conversion. As indicated earlier, the quantity

of DMC produced difFered with changes in temperature and catdyst concentration.

However, between each data set, the results obtained for 175°C were similar for both

Page 117: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table 4.19: Yields of DMC and CO2 based on CO conversion for different cataiyst concen- trations and temperature.

catalyst concentrations. There is no indication that a change in reaction mechanism

accounts for this. Rather, a competing reaction, that being the oxidation of CO to

COz, dominates at this temperature. This assumption is supported by the reduced

quantities of DMC produced at 175OC, regardless of catdyst concentration, and the

signiticantly higher yield of CO2 based on CO conversion.



24 mmol/L CuCL2 47 rnmol/L CuClz

YDMC Yco2 26.6 1.2

YDMC &oz 41.2 1.6

Page 118: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

4.7.5 Arrhenius Expression Parameter Calculation

Romano et al. (1980) concluded that a t a constant temperature, the rate of dirnethyl

carbonate production is proportional to the carbon monoxide pressure. Under the

conditions where this relationship holds, the rate of DMC formation (rDMC) can be

represented by a first order rate expression (4.14).

Where k is the reaction rate constant and Pco is the partial pressure of CO. This

relationship allowed for the temperature dependence of this reaction to be evaluated.

The temperature dependence for a chernical reaction can often be represented by

Arrhenius' law (4.15).

Where ka is the pre-exponential factor and E is the activation energy for the reaction.

This relationship, for experiments perfonned under various temperatures and 47

mmol/L of CuCI2, is illustrated in Figure 4.14. The values of k were calculated by

linear regressing the data points a t the four temperatures. Table 4.20 contains the

values of k for both catalyst concentrations at the four temperatures examhed in this

analy sis.

Table 4.20: Reaction rate constants (k) for both catalyst concentrations at the four tern- peratures of interest. The units for k are in mol/(h L Atm).

T(OC) k (using 24 rnmol/L CuC12) k (using 47 mmol/L CuCl2)

100 0.013 0.065

125 O. 150 O. 129

150 0.617 0.422

175 0.302 0.248

Page 119: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

6 a IO Pco (atm)

Figure 4.14: Rate of DMC production versus the partial pressure of carbon monoxide for four dinerent temperatures for 47 mmol/L of Cu&.

Using expression (4.14), Arrhenius plots were generated for both sets of experi-

mental rms. Four runs, each a t different temperatures (100, 125,150 and 175°C) for

two catalyst concentrations (24 and 47 mmoI/L) were performed. The reaction rate

constants (k) were calculated from each data set. The Arrhenius' plots for the data

using 24 and 47 mmol/L of CuClz are illustrated in Figures 4.15 and 4.16, respectively.

The activation energies and preexponential factors for both sets of data are listed

in Tables 4.21 and 4.22, respectively. In both sets of runs, the results indicated poor

DMC synthesis at 17S°C. In light of this behaviour, the Arrhenius expression was fit

to the data both with and without the data obtained at 175°C.

The activation energy required for the runs pedormed with 24 mmol/L of CuCIz

is more than twice that of the activation energy calculated for the runs perforrned

Page 120: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Figure 4.15: Arrhenius' plots for experiments using 24 mmol/L of CuC12.

Table 4.21: Activation energies for experiments at 4 different temperature and 2 catdyst concentrations

[CuC12] (mrnol/L) Comrnents Activation Energy(kcallmo1) 95% CI 24 Al1 Data 17.55 k0.38

24 Except 175 23.98 k0.40

47 Al1 Data 6.59 i ~0 .44

47 Excep t 175 11.30 kO.50 - - - . - - - - - - - - . - - -- - - - -

using 47 mmol/L of CuC12 (17.55 vs 6.59 kcal/mol). Although al1 of these results were

significantly different from one another, the activation energies themselves were rela-

tively low. For a CuCl concentration of 1.68 mol/L, Romano et al. (1980) predicted

an activation energy of 8 kcal/mol. These concentrations are significantly lower than

those used by Romano et al., but a different catalyst was used. The values cannot be

compared directly since a different catalyst and concentration were used; however the

systems are similar and the calculated activation energies are of the same magnitude.

Page 121: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Figure 4.16: Arrhenius' plots for experiments using 47 mmol/L of CUCI*.

Table 4.22: Pre-exponential factors for experiments at 4 different temperature and 2 cata- Iyst concentrations

[CuC12] (mmol/L) Comrnents Pre-exponential Factors 95% CI 24 AII Data 4.2 6e8 k1.60

24 Except 175 1.41e12 zt1.65

47 Al1 Data 6.44e2 k1.70

47 Except 175 2.49e5 k1.85

Page 122: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

4.7.6 Summary of the Effect of Temperature on the Synthesis

of DMC Effect of Temperature on Steady-State DMC Concentration

Experiments were performed to gauge the effect of temperature on the synthesis of

DAK. Two sets of experiments, each with a different concentration of CuC12, 24 and

47 mmol/L, were run at four temperatures; 100, 125, 150 and 175°C. The resuits can

be summarized as fo1Iows:

1. At 150°C, there was no significant difference in the quantity of DMC produced

with CUCI* concentrations 01 24 and 47 mmol/L.

2. At 175"C, higher quantities of DMC were produced with 47 as opposed to 24

mmol/L of CuC12. However, the results obtained from both of these runs were

surprisingly low, when compared to runs performed at other temperatures.

3. With 24 mmol/L of CuC12, there was no significant differences in the amount

of DMC produced following a 60 minute reaction time a t 100, 125 and 175°C.

4. However, with 47 mmol/L of CuC12, significantly greater quantities of DMC are

produced at 125°C-

The behaviour of these results were contrary to those provided in the literature.

Lee and Park (1991) evaluated a similar system but within a temperature range of

90 to 120°C. Within this range, Lee and Park indicated that the quantity of DMC

increased with temperature. This behaviour is certainly true for the experiments

performed with 47 mmol/L of CuC12, up to 125OC. At temperatures greater than

125OC, the amount of DMC decreases. As for the results obtained using 24 mmol/L

of CuC12, there does not seem to be a definitive explanation. However, these results

could be attributed solely to the lower catalyst concentration and the inability of the

system to sufficiently catalyze the reaction towards DMC. If the catalyst quantity

Page 123: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

was not sufficient to promote the formation of DMC, the system would more than

likely oxidize the CO to COz. This would account for the lower yield of DMC with

24 mmol/L of CuC12 at 100 and 125°C when compared to the results obtained using

47 mmol/L of CuCl2. EEect of Temperature on Reactant Conversion

As expected, the conversion of the reactants increased with temperature. Following

the 60 minute reaction time, significant quantities of CO and O2 were left unreacted

a t 100 and 125°C. In both sets of expenments, a majority of the CO was consumed

at 175°C. This high conversion can be accounted for by the increased production of Cornparison of Results with Literature

Hallgren et ai. (1982a) recommended that this reaction be carried out a t temperatures

between 180 and 250°C. However, in this investigation, Hallgren et al. dso operated

at pressures as high as 12400 kPa. These high pressures were unattainable in Our

system due to the reactor limitations. Hallgren reported that 16.8 vol% of DMC

was produced in his experiments operating at 180°C and 8200 kPa. Although we

could not achieve the high pressures, at 175°C and an operating pressure of 2070

kPa, we obtained 1.5 and 2.7 vol% with 24 and 47 mmol/L of CuC12, respectively.

Investigations by Romano et al. (1980) operated a t pressures between 2030 and 3040

kPa, indicated that pressure did not afFect the rate of formation of DMC. It is noted

that Romano et al. did employ cuprous chlonde (CuCI) as their catalyst, however,

these two catalysts are not so different as to warrant the dramatic differences in the

quantity of DMC produced. The increased quantity of DMC at the higher pressures

can be attributed to the increased concentration of reactants, CO and O*, in the

system. This would then increase the quantity of DMC produced.

Page 124: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the Examination af F D ~ C and Arrhenius' Parameters

The estimated average rates of DMC formation (rDMc) are listed in Table 4.23.

Table 4.23: Estimated average rate of DMC formation (mol/lh).

1 Temperature("C) fDMC(24 mmol/L CU CL^) pOMc(47 mmol/L CUCL) 95% CI 1

The conclusions obtained fiom these results are a s follows:

1. With 24 mmol/L of CuC12, the greatest and most significant rate of DMC for-

mation was obtained at 150°C (0.548 molllh). This result was not significantly

different from that obtained for 175°C.

2. When using 47 mmol/L of CuC12, the average rates of formation calculated

for 125, 150 and 1'75°C were not significantly different (the rate a t 100°C was

significantly lower than these).

A higher r ~ ~ c will not ensure a higher yield of DMC; the synthesis may haIt early as

was the case with the runs performed at 175°C. With a CuCI concentration of 1.68

mol/L, Romano et. al. indicated that temperature did not affect the TDMC. The

rates calculated in their study ranged between 0.9 and 1.2 mol/Lh for temperatures

between 90 and 130°C. The rates obtained for the runs using 47 mmol/L of CuC12

are within this range. However, the rates at 100°C and for the runs performed with

24 mmol/L of CuClz are well below this range.

From the available temperature data, the appropriate constants for the Arrhe-

nius' expression were obtained. The Arrhenius' relation dictates that a plot of ln k

vs 1/T should produce a straight line with the pre-exponential factor equal to the

Page 125: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

intercept and the slope equal to the the activation energy(E) divide by the universal

gas constant R. For both sets of data, the activation energies were cdculated with

and without the data point at 175OC. This was done because the data point at 175'C

did not seem to adhere to the linear relationship. The calculated activation energy

was inversely proportional to the catalyst concentration and was greater in both cases

when the data point a t 175'C was ignored. This result exemplifies the importance

of catalyst concentration on the synthesis of DMC. Although a direct compazison

with literature values was not available for this system, a similar system provided a

calculated activation energy of 8 kcal/mol. The results calculated in this experiment

were within the same magnitude.

Page 126: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

4.8 z3 Experimental Design

Expeximental design is a statistical method for evaluating the effects of proces pa-

rameters on a process response variable (Farnum, 1994). Designed experiments are

fkequently used in industry to gain insight into the factors that affect a process. These

experiments corne in many different forms since the purposes of the experiment may

differ fkom situation to situation. In many cases, the expenment is simply used to

distinguish the significant factors from the insignificant factors. Once these significant

factors are identified, future designs can be used to determine the optimum settings

for a process.

Designed experiments require that a set of controlled process variables, or factors,

be identified dong with the appropriate response vaxiables. It is important to realize

that a factor is considered controllable by the experimenter; i-e. ,the values, or levels

of the factor can be determined prior to the beginning of the test program and can be

executed as stipulated in the experimental design (Mason et al., 1989). A response

is the outcome of the experiment that c m be measured and is representative of the


The effects of catalyst concentration and reaction temperature were investigated

independently in previous sections of this research. These factors were investigated

using a one factor at a time design strategy. The main advantage of this strategy

is that one can readily assess the factor effects as the experiment progresses, since

only a single factor is being studied a t one particular tirne (Mason et al., 1989).

Unfortunately, the attractive features of one-factor at a time testing are offset by the

inability of the design to evaluate interaction effects that may influence the process

to a higher degree than the main effects. One factor at a time strategies also suffer

in that they are often unable to locate the true optimum for a system.

Page 127: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

4.8.1 Factors Chosen and Responses

The purpose of the 23 factona1 design was to determine the significant major effects

plus al1 the interaction effects (2 factor and 3 factor). The main effects are denoted

by C,T and G for catalyst concentration, temperature, and molar gas ratio of CO

to 0 2 , respectively. The main effects and their ranges are tabulated in Table 4.24.

The ranges for the main effects were chosen based on the results from the previous

Table 4.24: Main effects used in the experimental design and their associateci operating ranges.

Effect Description Low Value (-1) Upper Value (+l)

C Catalyst Concentration (mmol/L CUCI*) 24 47

I T Reaction Temperature (OC) 125 150 I 1 G Molar Ratio of CO to O2 1 2 1

investigations. Temperature settings between 125 and 150°C were chosen since the

production of DMC a t both 100 and 175°C was relatively poor in cornparison to

the previously stated ranges. Similar conclusions were reached with regards to the

catalyst concentration. Previous runs performed with varying CuClz concentrations

indicated poor DMC synthesis with 1 rnmol/L of CuC12. Since there was no advantage

of using 69 versus 47 rnmol/L of CuC12 (and considering the corrosiveness of CuC12),

lower and upper limits of 24 and 47 mrnol/L were chosen for further testing. An

inconsistency of the results in previous investigations also made these limits of interest.

This inconsistency consisted of higher DMC production with 47 mmol/L of CuC12

a t 125°C as opposed to the concentrations obtained with both 24 and 47 rnmol/L

of CuC12 a t 150°C. The third factor of interest, the molar ratio of CO to OZ, had

not been previously investigated. It had been noticed in previous investigations that

O2 was the limiting reagent in the investigation. It was hoped that increasing the

quantity of O2 in the system would increase the amount of DMC produced.

Page 128: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Five responses were chosen; production of DMC (mols), CO2 (mols), average rate

of DMC production ( rOMC, mol/L h), as well as the conversion of CO to DMC

and CO2, respectively. In addition to further understanding this reaction, it was

hoped that the experimental design would provide an understanding of the reaction

conditions that would produce a significant quantity of DMC while minimizing the

amount of CO2 produced.

Table 4.25 outlines the runs that were performed in the experimental design. The

mns are listed in the randomized order in which they were performed. Replicate runs

Table 4.25: Experimental Runs to investigate enect of catalyst concentration(C), tempera- tue(?.) and ratio of CO to Oz ( G ) .

1 Number C T G

were available from previous experiments and were used to gauge the reproducibility

of the results.

4.8.2 Evaluation of Results from Experimental Design

For convenience, the values of each of the factors of interest are converted to their

corresponding coded values. The limits for the coded values range from -1 to +1, with

-1 representing the low factor setting and +1 representing the higher factor setting.

The main effect of a factor is the average influence of a change in the level of

Page 129: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

that factor on the response. This is calculated by finding the difference between the

average level of the chosen response a t the high leveI(+l) minus the average response

for the factor a t the low level (-1).

The values of al1 the interaction effects are calculated in the same manner, but the

responses are multiplied by the product of the coded values of the effects involved in

the interaction.

4.8.3 Precision of Effects

The significance of the calculated effects are assessed by estimating the precision of

the effect with respect to the factor of interest. Standard t-tables and an estimate of

the random error in the experiment are requirements for estimating the precision of

each effect (4.17).

Precision = f tdf,CL *

Where df is the number of degrees of freedom associated with estimating the effect,

CL is the desired confidence level, and sel/, is an estimate of the standard deviation

of the calcuhted effect. The standard deviation for a calculated effect is estimated

from the nurnber of runs in the designed experiment (n) and the standard deviation

(s) of the response values (4.18), which can be estimated from replicate runs.

Page 130: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

4.8.4 ResuIts of Experimental Design

Table 4.26 contains the data for al1 five responses for the corresponding run. The

experiment number (EXP. Number) corresponds to the same designation numbers

outlined in Tabie 4.25. The main effects, 2-way interaction and three way interaction

Table 4.26: Responses for each of the experiments performed in the experimental design.

Exp. Number DMC (mols) CO2 (mols) Yco, YDMC FDMC (moi/lh) 1 0.0258 0.0051 40.4 41.6 0.2283

2 0.0398 0.0162 13.3 55.5 1.2660

3 0.0247 0.0086 13.3 42.5 0.3132

4 0.0423 0.0089 2.8 63.7 0.3507

5 0.0349 0,0044 2.8 37.1 0.2557

6 0.0242 0.0104 8.6 53.6 0.3514

7 0.0295 0.0022 3.9 56.4 0.3176

8 0.0377 0.0620 0.6 39.4 OS482

effects were calculated for each of the responses. The results of the experimental

design for the five responses are surnmarized in Table 4.27. The s i g d c a n t results

are contained within parentbeses. Interpretation of these results are presented in the

Table 4.27: Values of calculated effects with respect to the £ive chosen responses. The significant effects are in parentheses.

1 Effect: C T G C:T C:G T:G C:T:G 1 95% CI

proceeding sections.

DMC 0.003 -0.002 (0.013) -0.002 0.002 0.002 0.000

CO2 (-001) (0.019) (0.016) (-0.011) (-0.010) (0.013) (-0.014)

F D M C 0.235 (0.332) (0.302) 0.143 0.171 (0.272) 0.168

YDMC (17.15) -1.95 0 -40 -3.55 4.20 -2.00 -1.70

Yco2 -7.13 -3.53 (-11.68) (1 1.13) (13.48) 7.68 -4.78




11 -71


Page 131: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the Production of DMC

At the 95% confidence level, the ratio of CO to O2 was the only factor that significantly

aEected the production of DMC. As indicated in Table 4.27, catalyst concentration,

reaction temperature and al1 associated interaction eEects were insignificant, at the

specified confidence level. One cannot conclude that these factors are insignificant

to the synthesis of DMC since they have been shown to be relatively significant in

earlier experiments. However, within the range of the factor settings chosen for these

experiments, the reactant gas ratio was the only significant factor afTecting the amount

of DMC produced. According to these results, increasing the ratio of CO to O2 will

increase the arnount DMC produced. However, experiments were not conducted to

examine the effect on the reaction with a CO/OÎ ratio greater than 2. Trends in

the data would indicate that DMC would be synthesized but not in the quantities

produced with a CO/02 ratio of 2. The quantity produced would be less due to the

reduction in 02.

Romano et al. (1980) examined this system with the CO and 0 2 fed in a t pre-

scribed flow rates. With a CuCl concentration of 1.68 mol/L, reaction temperature

of 94"C, reaction pressure of 2030 kPa, a CO flow rate of 2.1 mol/L h and varying O2

Bow rates, Romano et al. (1980) concluded that the concentration of DMC increased

over time as a function of the oxygen feed rate. The ratios of CO/02 tested ranged

from 3.4 to 2.25, with higher quantities of DMC being produced with a ratio of 2.25.

Romano et al. did not experiment with higher oxygen contents, i.e. lower CO/02

ratios. However, they did report that the oxygen consumption was almost complete

for the Row rates tested. Romano et al. (1980) indicated poor DMC synthesis for

ratios greater than 2.25 and the results presented in this study indicated poor DMC

synthesis with a ratio of 1. After analysing the results obtained in these experiments

and considering what was presented by Romano e t al, an ideal ratio for COI02 is in

the neighborhood of 2.

Page 132: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the Production of CO2

At the 95% confidence level, al1 three main factors, two way, and the three way in-

teraction effects between the catalyst concentration, temperature and reactant gas

concentration were significant in affecting the production of COz. Although it is un-

usual for a three way interaction effect to be significant, these results are not al1 that

surprising when one considers the previous experiments. According to these results,

increasing the catalyst concentration will decrease the quantity of CO2 produced. In-

creasing the temperature and gas concentration will d s o increase the quantity of CO2

produced. Increasing the temperature has already been shown in previous investiga-

tions to increase the amount of COz. It also seems natural that increasing the ratio

of CO to 0 2 would also increase the amount of CO2 as more CO will be available for

oxidation. Average Rate of DMC Formation ( r ~ M c )

Temperature, reactant gas ratio and the associated interaction effect between these

factors were the only effects found to significantly effect the average rate of DMC

formation. Increasing either of these two effects increased the average rate of DMC

formation. Romano et aL(1980) indicated that increasing the 0 2 feed rate, which

would lower the ratio of CO/Oa, was the only significant factor attributing to r ~ ~ c .

Within the range of ratios tested in these experiments, these results are consistent.

However, Romano et al. (1980) did not indicate temperature as having a significant

effect on r ~ ~ c . Conversion of CO

CO predominantly converted to DMC and CO2. Although considered separate

in the analysis, the yield of DMC and COz based on CO conversion are correlated (if

CO is not converted to DMC, i t will more than likely be oxidized to CO2). Based

Page 133: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

on a 95% confidence level, the only significaot factor affecting the yield of DMC

was the catalyst concentration. Increasing the catalyst concentration produced a

positive effect; translating to an increase in the yield of DMC. Independently, catalyst

concentration and temperature were not significant in affecting the yield of CO2 based

on CO conversion. The reactant gas ratio produced a negative effect. Therefore, the

yield of COz based on CO conversion should decrease with an increasing CO to 0 2

loading ratio. The two way interaction effects between the catalyst concentration and

temperature and the catalyst concentration and gas ratio produced positive effects.

Temperature was not significant in this design, within the temperature range

used. However, the results from previous experiments indicated a higher yield of CO2

compared to DMC at 175OC, in cornpanson with other temperatures. These results

also indicated a decrease in DMC selectivity as time progressed. The decrease in

DMC selectivity was also supported by Romano et al. (1980).

4.8.5 Summary of Experimental Design Results

Examination of the experimental design results will provide a better understanding

of the operating conditions and the effects the chosen factors d l have on the system.

Ideally, we want to rnaximize the amount of DMC produced while minimizing the

amount of CO2 produced.

According to these results, a reactant gas ratio of 2:1 for CO to 0 2 should be

used. A smaller ratio was tested since O2 was indicated as being the limiting reagent

in the reaction. However, analysis of the results indicates that a 2:l ratio of CO:02

is maintained throughout the reaction. Diluting the reactant gas concentration with

excess oxygen reduces the CO partial pressure. Romano et al. (1980) found that

during the synthesis phase of the reaction, the rate of formation of DMC is propor-

tional the partial pressure of CO. Combining this with the results obtained from the

experimental design would indicate that a higlier ratio of CO:02 is desirable.

Page 134: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Increasing the reactant gas ratio will also increase the rate of DMC formation.

Unfortunately, this will be accompanied by a n increase in the amount of CO2 pro-

duced. This can be partially offset by operating at a lower temperature and a higher

catalyst concentration. Increasing the catalyst concentration should also ensure that

a higher yield of DMC based on CO conversion.

4.9 Chapter Summary

This chapter described and tried to account for the results obtained in the experimen-

tal program. The initial expenments with zeolites and the combined PdC12/CuC12

were al1 exarnined as weîi as an in depth investigation on the effects of temperature,

catalyst concentration and molar ratio of CO/02 on the formation of DMC using

CuC12 as the sole catalyst. In addition to comparing the results obtained in these

experiments, the results were also compared to comparable data obtained fkom lit-

erature. As was eluded to in the analysis, unusual resdts were obtained in these

experiments; mainly conceming the effects of temperature and the molar ratio of

CO/02 on the formation of DMC. The next chapter will endeavour to further inves-

tigate these results with the aid of Gibbs reactor simulations.

Page 135: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Chapter 5

Gibbs Reactor Simulations

Analysis of the experirnentai results in the previous chapter Ieft a number of questions

unanswered. The foremost of these being the effect of temperature and ratio of CO/02

on synthesis of DMC. In the previous investigation, the quantity of DMC produced

a t both 100 and 175°C was significantly lower than that produced at 125 and 150°C.

In addition to temperature, experiments were also conducted with higher proportions

of O2 in the reactant gas. Since O2 was the Iimiting reagent in the reaction, it was

hoped that a higher Oz content would increase the amount of DMC. Unfortunately,

it was found that a higher O2 content had a negative impact on the quantity of DMC

produced. To further investigate these results, a number of Gibbs reactor simulations

were performed with Simulation Sciences' (SIMSCpM) Provision version 4.15. The

input file for these simulations is listed in Appendix B.

5.1 Background Information

Unlike conventional reactor simulation packages, Gibbs reactor simulations do not

require reaction stoichiometry and kinetic data. The Gibbs reactor simulates a single-

phase reactor by solving heat and material balances. Using minimization of Gibbs

free energy, it calculates product rates, compositions, and thermal conditions subject

Page 136: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

to an overall material balance. The supplied data for the simulations consisted of

reactants, expected products and reaction conditions. The reaction parameters are

surnmarized in Table 5.1,

The purpose of these simulations was to further investigate the results obtained

from the experirnental investigation. Three factors were investigated experimentally ;

catalyst concentration, temperature, and ratio of CO to 02. The nature of the Gibbs

reactor simulations did not allow the possibility of investigating the effect of CUCI*

concentration. In addition to this limitation, the results provided were a steady

state final value. Therefore, the time dependence of the reaction was not available.

However, the final results of the simulations will aid in determining and explaining

the nature of the results.

5.2 Simulation Experiments

Four sets of simulations were run to examine the effects of interest. The k t set used

a CO/02 ratio of 2 and a temperature range of 100 to 175OC. Sets 2 and 3 used the

same temperature range, but used a CO/02 ratio of 1 and 3, respectively. Since water

was present intially in al1 of the batch reactor runs, a small quantity of water was also

initially present in these simulations. However, the fourth set used a CO/Oz ratio of

2 and no water was supplied as a reactant. The second and fourth sets served as a

comparison between runs with an initial hydrous and anhydrous starting conditions.

5.2.1 Analysis of Simulation Results

The numerical data for these simulations is tabulated and can be found in Appendix


Page 137: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the Effect of Temperature and C0/02 Ratio on DMC Production

Figure 5.1 displays the amount of DMC produced with varying temperatures and

CO/02 ratios of 1,2 and 3. The results from the simulation can be summarized as

Figure 5.1: Production of DMC with varying temperature and molar ratio of CO/02.


1. The yield of DMC increases with an increasing ratio of CO/Oz.

2. For CO/02 ratios of 1 and 2, the effect of temperature was negligible over a

temperature range of 120 to 160°C.

3. With a CO/Oz ratio of 3, runs between 100 and 120°C showed an increase in

DMC production which was followed by a dramatic increase a t 125OC. This

was accompanied by significant decreases in DMC production with increasing


4. Significantly low quantities of DMC were produced at 170 and 175OC for ail

CO/Oz ratios.

Page 138: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

These results coincide with the results obtained from the experimental investi-

gation. In the previous investigation, higher yields of DMC were obtained with a

CO/02 ratio of 2 and lower yields with a ratio of 1. The simulations indicated

that the yield of DMC is proportional to the ratio of C0/02. The shulations dso

indicated negligible DMC production at 170 and 17S°C, which coincide with the ex-

perimental results and the noticeable decrease in DMC production at 175*C. The

experimental investigation did not provide an answer to this phenornenon. However,

these simulation results rule out the possibility that CuC12 is unsuitable under these

reaction conditions. These simulation experiments indicate that DMC production is

not thermodynamically favoured above 170°C.

The experiments conducted in this investigation did not begin in an anhydrous

environment. Unfortunately, there was no way to overcome this problem with the

experimental apparatus. Therefore, Gibbs reactor simulations were performed in

both hydrous and anhydrous environments. The quantity of DMC produced fkom

the hydrous and anhydrous reactant mixture, for a CO/Oz ratio of 2, are displayed in

Figure 5.2. The effect of water in the system is negligible, but the results do indicate

that anhydrous conditions would increase the yield of DMC.

Page 139: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Figure 5.2: Cornparison between simulations of DMC produced with an initial hyclrous and anhydrous environment.

Page 140: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table 5.1: Gibbs reaction simulations with reaction parameters. (Basis: 100 mol/h).

Sirnuiation # Temp (OC) Press &Pa) 02(mo1) CO(mol) MeOH(mol) H20(mol)

Page 141: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the Effect of Temperature and CO/Oz Ratio on By-Product Produc-


The Gibbs reactor simulation did not require a kinetic data or reaction stoichiometry.

A list of reactants and expected products were al1 that was required. The simulations

predicted that apart from DMC, the only byproducts that would be formed in this

reaction are H 2 0 and COz. Figures 5.3 and 5.4 display the quantities of CO2 and H20

produced for various reaction temperatures and ratio of CO/Oa Figure 5.5 displays

the conversion of CO for various reaction temperatures and ratios of CO/02.

Figure 5.3: Production of COz with varying reaction temperature and ratio of CO/02.

The following conclusions can be drawn frorn these results:

1. For a temperature range of 100 to 120°C, higher quantities of H20 are produced

with a CO/Oz ratio of 1.

2. For a temperature range of 100 to 12U°C, higher quantities of CO2 were obtained

for a CO/02 ratio of 2.

3. There was no significant difference in the production of CO and Oz frorn 125 to

175°C for CO/02 ratios of 1 and 2.

Page 142: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Figure 5.4: Production of H 2 0 with varying reaction temperature and ratio of CO/02.

4. Dramaticdly greater quantities of DMC and H 2 0 were produced for the entire

temperature range for a CO/Oz ratio of 3. The quantity of HzO produced varied

directly with temperature while the quantity of CO2 was inversely proportional

to temperature.

5. For al1 molar ratios of CO/02, CO was produced at 170 and 175°C.

6. On a molar cornparison, the quantities of H20 produced were on a 1:1 basis or

greater when compared to DMC.

7. The quantity of CO2 produced was considerably less than the rnolar quantities

of DMC produced.

These results indicated that the quantity of CO2 was not significantly affected by

reaction temperature. Unfortunately, these simulation results do not compare directly

with the results observed from previous experiments. In the experimental investiga-

tion, the amount of CO2 produced increased with increasing reaction temperature.

One must not forgot to consider that these simulations are based on minimizing the

Gibbs free energy of the system. The effect of catalysts on the system are not a

Page 143: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Figure 5.5: CO conversion with varying reaction temperature and ratio of CO/Oz.

consideration. It has already been documented by Byerley and Peters (1969) that

CuClz is suitable for the oxidation of CO to CO2. Romano et aL(1980) also indicated

that although CuCl2 is initially very selective towards DMC, the DMC selectivity

fails as H20 is produced as a byproduct- This is followed by an increase in the

CuClz selectivity towards CO2. Honrever, the results do show that CO2 formation is

thermodynamically favoured for a reactant gas ratio of 3.

5.3 Chapter Summary

The Gibbs reactor simulation confirmeci and further helped to explain the previous

experimental results. Between 120 and 160°C, temperature had a negligible effect on

the production of DMC. This leads us to the conclusion that differences observed in

previous experiments at 125 and 150°C can be attributed to the catdyst, which was

not considered in the simulations. The simulations did indicate that DMC was not

thermodynamically favoured at temperatures above 170°C. This decrease in DMC

formation was evident in runs perforrned at 175OC. Quantities of DMC produced

Page 144: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

increased with an increasing ratio of C0/02; indicating the importance of significant

CO partial pressure in the synthesis- The simulations did indicate that the formation

of CO was thermodynamically favoured at 170 and 175'C. This waç not evident

in the experiments as CO2 and H20 were predominantly synthesized a t these high

temperatures. Mthough useful, analysis of the simulation data stresses the point

that simulation data is just that, simulation data and may not provide an accurate

account of a system. However, as with this system, they did help in explaining the

reaction behaviour .

Page 145: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Chapter 6

Conclusions and Recomrnendat ions

6.1 Conclusions

The synthesis of dirnethyl carbonate (DMC) with cupric chloride based catalysts

was investigated in a 300 ml parrTM batch reactor. Experïments were conducted

with CuC12 exchanged zeolites, a combined PdCI2/CuCl2 system and CuC12 as a sole

catalyst. The results from these experiments are summarized below.

6.1.1 CuC12 Exchanged Zeolites

Batch reactor runs using CuClz exchanged zeolites were unsuccessful as insignificant

quantities of DMC were synthesized. In the few cases that DMC was synthesized, in

quantities l e s than 1 vol% DMC, the results could not be reproduced.

6.1.2 Combined PdC12/CuC12 Catalytic System

The combined system employing PdC12 and C d 2 had been previously examined in

literature by Mador et al. (1963). Unlike Mador et al., who performed the experiments

in the absence of oxygen or air, these experiments were carried out in the presence of

oxygen. Runs involving this system uTere unsuccessful as DMC was not synthesized

Page 146: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

under various reaction conditions and significant quantities of a substance believed

to be palladium oxide, PdO, covered the wetted internai surfaces of the reactor and

blocked the liquid sampling lines. The only byproducts detected from this system were

COz and H20; both of which were oxidation byproducts catalyzed by the PdC12.

6.1.3 CuCl2 as Sole Catalyst

Initial scouting runs using CuC12 showed a higher selectivity towards DMC than those

using the cornbined PdC12/CuC12 system. In addition to its ability to synthesize

DMC under the desired operating condition, CuC12 is much more economical than

PdC12 (0.22 $/g as opposed to 23.06 $/g, respectively). Three sets of experiments

were successfully designed and implemented within the operating parameters of the

experimental apparatus to examine the effects on the synthesis of DMC. The results

of these experiments are suwnarized below.

1. The four CuCl2 concentrations examined were 1, 24,47, and 69 mmol/L. Under

the conditions in which these experiments were performed, the yields of DMC

for the upper three catalyst concentrations were not significantly different a t

steady-state. An average DMC concentration of 0.27 moI/L was produced a t

these concentrations.

2. Apart from CO2, the quantities of al1 other byproducts were negligible. The

quantity of COz increased with CuClz concentration. The DMC selectivity of

the system decreased as time progressed and CO2 formation rapidly increased.

3. At 150°C, 24 mmol/L of CuC12 would be a more suitable concentration since the

yield of CO2 based on CO conversion is significantly lower at this concentration

than with 47 mmol/L of CuCi2.

4. Two sets of experiments, each with a different concentration of CuC12, 24 and

47 mmol/L of CuC12, were run at four temperatures; 100, 125, 150 and 175°C.

Page 147: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

The highest concentration of DMC, 0.314 rnol/L, was obtained with 47 mrnol/L

of CuC12 and a reaction temperature of 125°C.

5. At 150°C, there was no significant difference in the quantity of DMC produced

(0.25 mol/L) with Mlying catalyst concentrations. Significantly lower quantities

of DMC were produced at 175°C when cornpared to the other temperatures.

6. With the available temperature data, an Arrhenius' expression was fitted and

the appropriate constants were obtained. At 175"C1 the data did not seem to

adhere to the linear relationship proposed. The calculated activation energies

were 17.55 md 6.59 kcal/mol for 24 and 47 mol/L of CuC12. Although a direct

cornparison with literature values was not a d a b l e for this system, a similar

system provided a calculated activation energy of 8 kcal/mol. The results cal-

culated in this experiment were within this magnitude.

The results of the experimental design indicated a reactant gas ratio of 2:l for

CO to O2 should be used. During the reaction, 2:l ratio of CO:02 is maintaineci.

Romano et al. (1980) found that during the synthesis phase of the reaction,

the rate of formation of DMC is proportional to the partial pressure of CO.

Diluting the reactant gas concentration with excess oxygen reduces the CO

partial pressure, which in turn affected the formation of DMC. hcreasing the

reactant gas ratio increases the rate of DMC formation. Unfortunately, this

is accompanied by an increase in the amount of CO2 produced. This can be

partially offset operating at a lower temperature (125°C) and a higher catalyst

concentration (47 mmol/L CuC12).

8. Gibbs reactor simulations showed that between 120 and 160°C, temperature had

a negligible effect on the production of DMC. This lead to the conclusion that

differences observed in previous experiments at 125 and 150°C can be attributed

to the catalyst, which was not considered in the simulations. The simulations

Page 148: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

did indicate that DMC was not thermodynamically favoured at temperatures

above 1'70°C. This decrease in DMC formation was evident in runs performed at

175°C. The quantities of DMC produced increased with higher ratios of CO/Oz;

indicating the importance of significant CO partial pressure in the synthesis.

6.2 Recommendations

Considering the physical limitations of the experimental apparatus, the objectives

of the program were met. Future experiments to investigate the synthesis of DMC

should be continued with a heterogeneous catalyst. The motivation behind this work

was based on the eventual production of DMC via catalytic distillation. A suitable

heterogeneous catalyst must be identified to take the project to the next step. Despite

the fact that zeolite based heterogeneous catalysts for this synthesis were prepared by

procedures outlined in literature, DMC could not be produced. Synthesizing catalysts

is time-consuming, tedious and very difficult. Atternpts should be made to obtain

industrially produced copper exchanged catalyst that can be used to investigate their

suitability in this process.

The experiments in this investigation were carried out in a batch reactor. There-

fore, the effect of pressure could not be adequately considered. The pressure fell

as the reactants were consumed. Attempts were made to operate the system as a

flow system. However, problems were encountered as the reactor contents were also

removed from the system. Further investigations should be carried out in a proper

stirred tank reactor or a flow reactor. The effects of operating conditions on the

synthesis of DMC could then be more completely examined. hirther Gibbs reactor

simulations should also be performed to examine the effect of increasing pressure on

the synthesis of DMC.

Page 149: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Appendix A

Health and Safety Concerns

The experimental aspect of this research had many inherent safety concerns which had to be dealt with pnor to any experimentation. The experimentai apparatus was installed within a containment bunker to reduce the possibility of incidents that may threaten the welfare of those performing the experiments. The bunker provided two main purposes; it shielded individuals from debris in the event of a runaway reaction and it provided a barrier to protect individuals from CO gas le&. Apart from CO, the only other reactants and products which could be h a n n N in sufficient quantities were methanol, methyl formate, methylal and dimethyl carbonate. Standard laboratory procedures required the mandatory use of lab coats, safety glasses and rubber gloves whenever handling these materials. Listed below in Table A. l is a list of the chernicals used in the experiments, hazards associated with these chemicals and the suggested safety requirements. The information displayed in Table A S was obtained from the MSDS sheets for the respective chemicals

Table A.1: Chernids used in experiments with associated hazards and safety requirements

1 Chernical Hazards Safety Eùquirements 1 Methanol (CH30H) Eye and skin irritant Latex Gloves/Eye Protection


- - - - - - - - -

Dimethyl Carbonate ( c ~ H ~ & ) -~&and skin irritant Latex Gloves/Eye Protection

Methyl Acetate (CH3COOCH3) Eye and skin irritant Latex Gloves/Eye Protection

Methyl Formate (C2H402) Eye and skin irritant Latex Gloves/Eye Protection

1 O X Y F (02) FlammabIe Use in weil-ventilated area 1 Carbon Monoxide (CO) asphyxiant Respirator

Use in weU-ventilated area - ---

Cupric Chloride (CuC12) Corrosive Latex GIoves

Page 150: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Appendix B

Sample PRO111 Input File

Table B.l contains a sample Ming of a PRO/II keyword input file. The simulations were nui using a windows based version of PRO/II. Temperature and reactant gas ratio were the only factors which were changed between each run.

Page 151: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table B.1: Sarnple PRO/II Keyword Input File

Generated by PRO/II Keyword Generation System jvenion 2.71 - 02-14-95i

Generated on: Sun Jun 01 21:12:45 1997









RATE(M) =100, COMPOSITION(M)=2,3.69/4,0.034/6,0.0695, &





STOICHIOMETRY l,l/2,-2/3,l/4,-0.5/6,-1


STOICHIOMETRY 4,-0.5/6,-1/7,1


STOICHIOMETRY 2,-1/3,1/4,-0.5/ 11,l


STOICKIOMETRY 2,-2/311/811/11,-1


STOICHIOMETRY 2,-1/3,l/4,-0-5/10,1/ 11 ,-1










Page 152: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Appendix C

Summary of Simulation Results

The proceeding tables contain the numerical data obtained fkom the PRO111 Gibbs reactor simdat ions.

Table C.1: Quantities of reactant and byproducts produced in Gibbs Reactor simulations with a CO/02 ratio of 2 and various temperatm. AU quantities are in Ibmols. Negat ive(-) units for reactants indicate quantity of reactant consurned.

1 Temp("C) DMC CHSOH H 2 0 O2 CO con 1 Initial 0.0000 93.0526 4.3374 0.8574 1.7526 0.0000

Page 153: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table C.2: Quantities of reactant and byproducts produced in Gibbs Reactor simulations with a CO/02 ratio of 1 and various temperatures. Ail quantities are in lbmols. Negative(-) units for reactants indicate quantity of reactant consumed.

Temp("C) DMC CH30H H20 O2 CO Co2

Initial 0.000 93.8931 4.3766 0.8651 0.8651 0.0000

Table C.3: Quantities of reactant and byproducts produced in Gibbs Reactor simulations with a CO/02 ratio of 3 and Mnous temperatures. Basis:100 lb-mol/hr, all quantities are in Ibrnols. Negative(-) units for reactants indicate quantity of reactant consumed.

( Temp(OC) DMC CHJOH Hz0 O2 CO Co2 - - - .

1 initial 0.0000 55.9905 2.6099 10.3499 31.0497 0.0000

Page 154: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the

Table C.4: Quantities of reactant and byproducts produced in Gibbs Reactor simulations with a CO/02 ratio of 2, varions temperatures and no HzO in the sample ini- t idy . Al1 quantities are in Ib-mols. Negative(-) units for reactants indicate quantity of reactant cousumed.

1 Temp(OC) DMC CH30H H20 O2 CO CO2

1 Initial 0.0000 97.2716 0.0000 0.8963 1.8321 0.0000

Page 155: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz - · Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate with CuClz by ... the operating parameters of the experimental apparatus to examine the


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