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Synopsis Online Exam Result

Jun 02, 2018



Raj Bangalore
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  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Online Exam Result


    Online Exam Result System


    The project entitled online exam result system is developed as

    part of the VI Semester RDBMS package project for the partial

    fulfillment of the B! "omputer Science# degree$


    %nline exam result system is a &e' 'ased application &e'site to

    enter and display the result$ This &e'site provide an option for

    students and parent to vie& the exam result$ It is also provided tools

    to enter the marks su'ject &ise 'y the teachers$ !part from this

    schools can also get the result of their schools$


    The main o'jective of this &e'site is to pu'lish the result online$

    The other major o'jective of the site is to provide ranking list$ The

    other major o'jective of this project is to provide results to the



    This application can 'e used 'y all school 'oards to pu'lish the

    results$ So it is very useful site$

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Online Exam Result


    Hardware and Software requirement

    Hardware Reuirement

    (rocessor ) Intel ore Duo *$+ ,-. or more

    R!M ) / ,B or More

    -arddisk ) 0+,B or more

    Monitor ) /12 RT3 or 4D monitor

    5ey'oard ) 6ormal or Multimedia

    Mouse ) ompati'le mouse

    S!"tware Reuirement

    7ront 8nd ) Visual 9e' Developer *+/+9ith S:l Server ompact 8dition

    4anguage ) Sharp

    Back 8nd ) MS S:l Server

    %peration System ) 9indo&s ; or 9indo&s 0

    Bro&ser ) Internet 8xplorer or ,oogle rome

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Online Exam Result


    #a$!r #!dules

    %dmin #!dule

    !dmin module is used to control &hole &e'site3 It contains follo&ing


    /$ Su'ject name creation

    *$ 8xam Schedule

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Online Exam Result


    Staff Module

    Staff module consists of the follo&ing options

    /$ 4ogin

    *$ 8nter Marks

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Online Exam Result


    To 'uy this project you can send us a re:uest 'y SMS "Mo'ile 6o

    &'()*+*(',# or email "ra-s.ain"!te/.01mail2/!m#

    9e also undertake ne& projects3 if you re:uire any ne& project &riteto us$ 9e can develop the ne& project in a &eeks time$

    The project &ill 'e provided along &ith the source code$ So you have

    an option to change the color3 design3 and look and feel$ So all options

    are open to modify the project as per your re:uirement$

    (rojects !vaila'le in

    O""line Pr!$e/t 34ind!ws 5ased6

    Visual Basic > &ith MS !ccess

    Visual Basic > &ith S:l Server

    Visual Basic > &ith %racle

    V'$net "Visual Basic *+/+3 *+/

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Online Exam Result


    7or more details contact us

    Ra-s.a In"!te/.

    6o$ 0*>3 ?thMain3 -ampinagar3

    Vijayanagar II Stage3Bangalore A 1>+/+=$

    6ear -ampinagar Main Bus Stop$

    (hone ) +0+ *0/1$ ?*=

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Online Exam Result


    ontact us to 'uy this project

    Raksha Infotech C


    %/ademi/ Pr!$e/ts

    S!"tware Pr!$e/ts wit. S!ur/e C!de

    for B!3 M!3 B$Sc3 M$Sc3 Diploma3 B$8 students

    (roject !vaila'le in ) Visual Basic >$+3 VB$net3Visual Basic *++0 *+/+

    !S(3 !S($net "VB#3 !S($net "#3 Sharp3 MS!ccess3 S:l Server3 %racle

    please check out list for more details$

    T.e "!ll!win1 7r!$e/ts a8aila5lewit.

    VB2net9C wit. #SSl Ser8er

    Ja8a /!din1 wit. mySl Data5aseSer8er

    VB; wit. #S%//ess9Ora/le

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Online Exam Result



    Pr!du/t Title < 4e5 5ased !nline7r!$e/ts


    (arks Budgeting !nd Managing /*+/

    9ashing Machine ustomer are


    %verseas all enter 8mployee


    Traffic (olice ase Registration System /*+;

    Traffic (olice !rea&ise Duty !llotment /*+0

    School hildren -ealth !nalysis


    Birth !nd Death ertificate

    Registration System


    ar (arking ontrolling !nd Managing /*//

    Tours !nd Travel all enter(rocessing System


    lu' Mem'er !dministration /*/

    ourier Vehicle !dministration /*/;

    9orkorder (rocessing System 7or /*/0
  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Online Exam Result


    ompany 8mployees

    ement 9arehouse !dministration /*/?

    School Books Supply Management /**+

    9eekly Maga.ine Indent !nd

    Distri'ution System/**/

    8vening 6e&spaper Distri'ution


    6e&s (aper !dvertisement Revenue

    ollection System/**

    Tv (rogram !dministration !nd

    8mployee !llocation/**;

    ompany 4egal ases Management

    !nd Information Sharing System/**0

    8lection (rocess Datacollection !nd

    Result !nnounce System/**?

    Data ollection 7rom 8lectronic VotingMachine "simulation#


  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Online Exam Result


    ollection System

    !dministrative (rogram 7or 6ursing


  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Online Exam Result


    ompetitive 8xam Selection (rocess

    7or Banking Fo'/*1;

    Driving School !dministration /*10

    Sms Based Moneyorder System 7or(ost %ffice Department /*1?

    8lection ard Registration (rocess /*>+

    8lection 6omination 7iling System 7or

    8ach onstituency/*>/

    8lection 9inners Registration !nd!dministration System


    Ba'y 7ood Manufacturer lient


    ruise Ship Tour !nd Travel


    ruise Ship&ise Tour Booking System /*>>

    8lectric ar Battery 8xchangeManagement


    !dministrative (rocessing System 7or

    8nvironment Department /*>0

    !dministrative (rocessing System 7or(ollution ontrol Department


    !dministrative (rocessing System 7or

    Social 9elfare Department/*;+

    Soft&are (ackage 7or Ministry %fRural Development


    Soft&are (ackage 7or Ministry %f

    Social 9elfare


    Soft&are (ackage 7or Ministry %f-ome !ffairs


    %nline Book Shopping Site /1=;

    %nline Ias 8xam !nd Result (rocessing /1=0

    %nline 6e&s (osting !nd (u'lishing /1=?

    %nline lassified Realestate Site /11+

    %nline ompany Share Trading Site /11/

    %nline ommodity Trading Site /11*

    %nline (oint %f Sale !dministration /11=

    %nline Multi 4evel Marketing System /1>1

    Mem'er Registration !nd (roductDistri'ution System


    Vehicle Registration !nd Search /1>;,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm,_To_Buy_Products_And_In_Turn_To_Get_Some_Benefits_Academic_Projects.htm
  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Online Exam Result


    System 7or (olice Department

    riminals Registration !nd Search

    System 7or (olice Department/1>0

    %nline Failed (eople Registration !ndSearch System /1>?

    Sugar ane rop Registration System

    7or Sugar ane ,ro&ing 7armers/1;+

    (incode Based (ost %ffice SearchingSystem


    %nline 9eather 7orecasting Site /1;*

    !ir (ollution Registration Site 7or

    oncerned Department/1;

    (reo&ned ar Sales !dministration 7or

    Branded ar Manufacturer/1;;

    %nline ompliant 7iling System 7oroncerned Department


    Registration 7or ! 7ree -eart

    %peration !t Satya Sai -ospital/1;?

    %nline (assport Registration !ndStatus Info Site


    %nline (atent Su'mitting System /10/

    %nline 7und Rising Site 7or (articular



    9e' Based Recruitment ManagementSystem


    %nline Dictionary 7or (articularSu'ject


    Sports Student Information System /100

    %nline School Management System /10?

    %nline Mo'ile (hone ustomer are


    %nline Movie Data'ase3 Info %f !ll TheMovies


    Theft Vehicle Registration System /1?*

    8mail Based Message %r 4etterDistri'ution System 7or (ost %ffice

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Online Exam Result


    T! 5uy any !" t.ese 7r!$e/ts 7lease/!nta/t us2

    Ra-s.a In"!te/.

    N! ,';= &t. #ain= Ham7ina1ar

    Ban1al!re= >arnata-a= India2 Pin < ?;+*+(2

    email : ra-s.ain"!te/.01mail2/!m

    4e5site : www2ra-s.ain"!te/.2/!m

    #!5ile : &'()*+*(',2 P.!ne : +,+ ')'+;,*?

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Online Exam Result

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Online Exam Result


    please contact at our office at

    Ra-s.a In"!te/.

    6o 0*>3 ?th Main3 -ampinagar3

    Vijayanagar II Stage

    Bangalore3 (in C 1>+/+=$

    6ear R( 4ayout Main Bus Stop$


    -ampinagar Main BusStop3

    7ind HBrokline 6ational (u'lic SchoolH take %pp Road$

    next 7ind HBake my DayH 'akery in the corner

    that is ?th main3

    from that point3 it is /+th 'uilding3

    or comedo&n around /++meters$

    use the follo&ing link for google map

