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Syed Nasrallah Speech-25th May 2013.docx

Apr 03, 2018



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  • 7/28/2019 Syed Nasrallah Speech-25th May 2013.docx


    Syed Nasrallah: As I Promised You Victory In July,I Renew My Promise Today25

    thMay 2013

    I say to all the honorable people, to the mujahedeen, to the heroes, I have always promised youwith victory and now I promise you with another one, with these words Hezbollah Secretary GeneralSayyed Hasan Nasrallah ended his Saturdays speech on the 13th anniversary of Resistance andLiberation Day, referring to the battle in Syria against Takfiris whose masters are the US and Israel. Speaking from Martyr Imad Moughniyeh City in Mashgara, West of Bekaa in a videolink of a speechdelivered live on a huge screen, His eminence said: the Liberation Day is one of Allahs days where Hismercy and support revealed itself for our resisting people, and where His rage came out on the occupier,and added that it should be forever remembered and must be transmitted from one generation to anotherbecause it represents a deep national experience and is a passage towards an honorable future. Weshould not forget the sad days of Nakba or Naksa of Palestine and compare them with that of victories.The 1948s Nakba, similar to the 1967s setback, were a catastrophe to all Arabs, not to a particularnation only. All the Arabs are bearing the consequences. His eminence talked about two huge dangers the resistance is facing: Israel and its greediness, and

    the turnovers in neighboring Syria where Takfiri groups are fighting on ground.The Zionist entity is continuing with its scheme in Palestine without even being criticized by theinternational community, His eminence said. Since July 2006, Israel has been preparing for war afterrealizing their weaknesses and is threatening Lebanon on a daily basis and has been mobilizing its forceson the border for months. Israel has a special ministry, the Ministry of Home Front Defense, which isresponsible for anything that targets its entity. Tomorrow, they will begin a new maneuver, which they arecalling Solid Front I, on the interior front, and they say they are ready for war, He added.On the other side,Sayyed Nasrallah wondered, what did the state in Lebanon do to face these threats andbear its responsibilities? What did the state do since 2005 regarding arming and training the militaryinstitution? We used to hear excuses like the Syrian presence in Lebanon, but in fact the Americans arethe ones vetoing arming any Arab army if the weapons were against Israel. Its forbidden to buy arms toSyria or Lebanon because theyll fight Israel, however, huge numbers of weapons are being s old toseveral Arab countries because they gave guarantees not to shoot any bullet at the Zionist entity. Israel is arming its citizens in border villages, whereas some consider weapons found with our bordervillages families as illegal!Hezbollah SG criticized the state as being too weak to deter any Israeli threat. Our state cant protect afuneral in Sidon, it cant stop clashes in Tripoli and hadnt yet adopted an electoral law. Do you imaginethat such a state can make a decision to confront and deter the enemy? But He said that if directions,political cover and armaments were granted to the army, it could fight Israel similarly to the resistance,and the resistance for its part would support it and stay behind it.The resistance, who defeated Israel in July 2006, has been training and Israel fears it, however, many inLebanon are wondering how to get rid of it.Concerning the internal Lebanese turmoil, Sayyed Nasrallah said: we are in front of two options thatare either an elections based on the 1960s law or extending the parliaments term, or a miracle wouldlead to reaching consensus over a new law. But, he added, we are against vacuum. We rushed tosubmit our candidacies before the March 14 alliance did because we reject vacuum, even if the electionswere held based on the 1960s law.

    We renew our call to keep Lebanon aside from any clash or conflict, we are fighting in Syria and your aredoing so as well, so let us keep our fighting there, the SG said, adding that what happened in S idon andwhats happening in Tripoli are shameful and should stop immediately. Those who want to support thegovernment or the opposition let them all go to Syria and leave Tripoli neutral.Commenting on the Syrian crisis, Sayyed Nasrallah said that since the beginning of Syrias war wehave said Assads regime has its positives and negatives. Reform is required and the only way to reachthis is through political dialogue. I have talked to Assad, he vowed to make reforms and was ready totalk to the opposition but it refused.

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    Recent events have proved that there is an axis lead by the U.S. while the rest are working under itsorders. Everyone knows this axis is supported by Israel while al-Qaida and other Takfiri organizationsfrom around the world were paid to take part in it. The so-called Friends of Syria conference days agodidnt realize the huge interference by militants from various countries and just was aware of some ofHezbollah members who entered Syria only months ago, He pointed out. Sayyed Nasrallah assured that part of the Syrian opposition abroad has a vision and is ready for dialoguewhereas others work under the Pentagons orders, adding that the Takfiris are the most prevailing groupon the Syrian scene.Pointing to the danger posed by Takfiri groups, who consider as infidels all Muslims not sharing theirextremist ideology, His eminence said: What is happening on the Syrian border is dangerous to Lebanonand to coexistence in the country and will become a danger to Sunnis. All of the Lebanese people arethreatened, especially the Sunnis, if those Takfiri groups controlled the border villages with Lebanon. ThisTakfiri mind has killed much more Sunnis than members of other Muslim sects. Sayyed Nasrallahwarned that if Syria fell in the hands of America, Israel and the Takfiris, the future of Lebanon, Syria,Palestine and the whole region would be dark. Israel will enter Lebanon if Syria fell in their hands.He also said the Syrian opposition had from the very beginning of the unrest in Syria threatened to targetHezbollah. Since the outset of the unrest some in the opposition addressed us saying: the regime willfall and we are coming to target you in Lebanon. So, Sayyed Nasrallah said, the resistance could notremain silent and allow Syria to fall into their hands.As a result, the S.G. announced that Hezbollah had entered a new phase a few weeks ago: the phase of

    fortifying the resistance and protecting its backbone.We will not rely on anyone. Like all the battles before this one: We will be its people, its men, and we willbe the ones who bring its victory. We will assume this responsibility and endure all the sacrifices andconsequences that come with taking such a stance, He vowed. We have lost thousands of martyrs and we consider that through our stand we are defending Lebanon,Palestine and Syria, His eminence said. You can be with whoever side you want in Syria, but Hezbollahcant be neither with the American side nor with the side of murderers who disembowel, behead and desecrate tombs, referring to vandalizing of Hujr Ibn Adi grave in Adra by terrorists, and the latestacts of aggression against Syrian soldiers.Concerning claims that Hezbollah fighters are being forced to fight in Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah rebuffedthese claims saying that Hezbollah even would prevent some people from fighting like the only son of afamily even if his parents wanted him to participate in the war. We dont force anybody to go to fight inany battle, they all go willingly and aspire to take part in the resistance. We dont need to declare Jihad,

    but with two words you will find tens of thousands of fighters whom are ready to take all fronts.Commenting on latest attempts by the EU to put Hezbollah on the list of terror organizations, SayyedNasrallah ridiculed this step as old news and just ink on paper. We will continue to assume ourresponsibility as a resistance despite media campaigns and pressures. We have been on the terrorist listsince a long time. This makes no change. Since 30 years, we have been living not only in the battlefield,but also facing a political and psychological warfare but it could not affect our will and determination.Therefore, I say to our people who trust the resistance and bet on it: your resistance will stay with you todefend you, and youll always be proud and victorious, God willing.

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    Israel Struck To Break Syria Resistance:HezbollahSpeech-Early May 2013

    Hezbollah Secretary-General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah says the recent Israeli strikes against Syria weremeant to force the country to abandon resistance against Israel.Speaking in a televised speech in Beirut on Thursday, Nasrallah said the attacks were part of an Israeliongoing campaign to prevent the resistance from becoming stronger.

    With regards to the Israeli strikes on Syria, the Israeli enemy is seeking to achieve its aims, one of which is to

    exclude and eliminate it as a factor within the ongoing resistance against Israel, he stated.Israel knows that the source of strength of the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine is Syria. That is whyit wants to remove it from the resistance front, Nasrallah pointed out.On May 5, Syria said the Israeli regime had carried out an airstrike targeting a research center in asuburb of Damascus, following heavy losses of al-Qaeda-affiliated groups inflicted by the Syrian army.According to Syrian media reports, Israeli rockets struck the Jamraya Research Center.It was the second time that Israeli rockets hit the Jamraya Research Center. The facility was first hit in anIsraeli airstrike in January.The leader of the Lebanese resistance movement also said that the Syrian leadership has strong nerves,and has foiled Israels plots through a wise, logical, and strategic approach. Syria has a wise leadership that oversees the battle with the Israelis through a strategic mind, he noted.Nasrallah also said Hezbollah has been enjoying a strong support from Syria, like that of no other Arabcountry.He went on to say that the Lebanese movement will stand by the Syrian resistance against Israel,specifically in its struggle to free the Golan Heights, referring to the part of the Syrian territory, which isunder Israeli occupation.Nasrallah said Hezbollah has the capability to obtain what he described as unique weapons that could beused to defend Lebanon against the enemies.The Syria crisis began in March 2011, and many people, including large numbers of soldiers and securitypersonnel, have been killed in the violence.

    The Syrian government says that the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country, and there arereports that a very large number of the militants are foreign nationals.

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    Sayyed Nasrallah: Syrias Friends Wont Let It FallIn US, Israel, Takfiri Hands1

    stSpeech 1

    stMay 2013

    Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a televised speech on Tuesday in whichhe tackled topics related to the Israeli enemy, the Syrian crisis, and Hezbollahs fighters as well asmartyrs.Sayyed Nasrallah Warns Israel of Committing Folly in LebanonHis eminence reassured in his statement that Hezbollah was not behind sending an unmanned aircraftover occupied Palestine, indicating that because of the sensitive situation in the region, and because itdidnt send the aircraft, Hezbollah instantly issued a precise statement, denying it had sent anyunmanned aircraft over occupied Palestine.Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that Hezbollah has the courage to bear the responsibility of any action itmakes, especially when it is related to the Israeli enemy, adding that what was said aboutthis drone was not more important or dangerous than Hezbollahs responsibility of Ayyoub drone whichflew over Palestine and reached Dimona.As he clarified he does not deny that an aircraft did enter the occupied territories, his eminence pointed

    out that there isnt any evidence that an aircraft did enter until this moment, the Israelis have notbroadcast a film or images of the wreck of the aircraft they claimed they have downed Sayyed Nasrallah proposed several assumptions about the side behind the drone. He excluded the firstassumption which claims that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards sent the drone over Israel, and dubbedit unrealistic.The second assumption: Saying a Lebanese or Palestinian side had the power to send a small droneover Palestine, is a proposed assumption, but doesnt have any indicators. The third assumption: anunfriendly side, which is not Israel, sent the drone from the Lebanese or non-Lebanese territories, sothat Israel would accuse Hezbollah and wage a military operation, and then Hezbollah would have todefend itself, pushing Lebanon ino a clash between Israel in Hezbollah. The fourth assumption is that Israel sent the drone over Lebanon and returned i t to the occupiedterritories, to down it later on, and this is very much possible.Here, his eminence assured we are following up this issue, and considered there are disturbingindicators in the region, and there is a massive deployment North Palestine, but we believe all these arerelated to the developments in Syria.From here, Sayyed Nasrallah warned Israel against committing any folly in Lebanon.Who assumes that the resistance is weak and vague is mistaken, and I warn the enemy, and the sidesstanding behind it, from committing any folly in Lebanon, because the resistance is alert, prepared, anddetermined to defend Lebanon, he said, reassuring that we will triumph in any future battle, God willing. His eminence considered the Lebanese are concerned of examining these assumptions carefully. Some sides are satisfied by just accusing Hezbollah, but this is wrong, he stressed, pointing out thatthere are American, Arab and Gulf efforts regarding the Palestinian cause, and are related to imposingnew conditions on the Palestinians. This brings fear, because usually conditions are preceded by anaggression, in order to shake the courage and firmness of the Palestinians. We are not Ashamed of Our Martyrs, We Bury Them PubliclyHis eminence tackled what he considered were media lies about convoys and large numbers ofmartyrs. He considered that media have opened an auction on the number of martyrs, claiming it had

    reached 500. Yesterday, Al-Arabiya claimed 30 martyrs were killed, and other media mentioned massgraves, hidden corpses of martyrs, and gradual burying.Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that Lebanon is a small country, who could hide these numbers of martyrs?Throughout our path, we have not hidden the bodies of our martyrs or buried them gradually. We informthe family of any martyr who falls, and we escort him to grave the next day. We bury our martyrs publicly. We are not ashamed of our martyrs, specifically those who fell in the pastcouple of days he added, stressing that all the claims about the large number of martyrs lie in thecontext of a psychological war, and their is deliberate lying in this context, on the base of: Lie, lie, untilsome people believe you.

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    Goal behind War Is to Destroy SyriaOn the ongoing Syrian crisis, Sayyed Nasrallah considered the goal behind the events in Syria is nolonger to take Syria out of the axis of resistance and the Arab-Israeli clash equation. It is no longer to gainpower at any price. It could be said that the goal of anyone standing behind the war in Syria, is destroyingSyria so that a strong, centralized state would not be established in it, and so that it would become tooweak to take decisions related to its oil, sea, or borders.Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, a military decision was taken to topple the regime. It reachedslaughtering people, calling for foreign intervention, the use of chemical weapons some scholars evenissued strict Fatwas that permit the killing of civilians As for the other direction, which we are part of, wecalled and still call for a political settlement.His eminence added: Because of what is happening in Syria, the Palestinian cause is facing the dangerof serious elimination. The Syrian situation also has an effect on Leba non, Iraq, and the whole region.Syria has real friends, in the region and the world, that will not let it fall in the hands of America, Israel,and Takfiri groups, Hezbollah secretary general further assured, revealing that the Syrian regime hasinformed the Russian leadership about the names of members of the Syrian delegation which willparticipate in the dialogue with the opposition, but the other part is still refusing. He considered that those who claim they grieve over the bloodshed in Syria, t hose who do not want tolose the Palestinian cause, and those who are worried about Syria, should work to reach a politicalsettlement and a political solution for the Syrian situation.We will Take All Necessary Actions to Protect Al-Qusayr Countryside Residents

    Sayyd Nasrallah pointed out that attacks on Al-Qusayr countryside villages have escalated lately, andinformation have revealed that some Lebanese are involved in these attacks, which urged the Syrianarmy to confront the attackers and protect the villages.He wondered: What have the Lebanese government done to protect the Lebanese inside the villages ofAl-Qusayr, and can the Lebanese government send the army to protect these people? In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah considered that all the Lebanese government could do is send acomplaint to the Arab League. Can we complain to the executioner? We state clearly that we will not let the Lebanese in Al-Qusayr countryside stay subject to attacks byarmed groups, and we will take all the necessa ry actions to preserve their steadfastness, he added,indicating that some Lebanese parts are issuing Fatwas, making speeches, and sending money andmilitants to Syria through Lebanon and other countries; thus, let no one claim he is innocent from theevents in Syria.Destruction of Sayyeda Zainab Shrine will Have Serious Repercussions

    Hezbollah secretary general indicated that in Sayyeda Zainab region, where the shrine of Sayyed Zainab(as), daughter of Imam Ali (as), is located, some armed groups are present. This is a very sensitive issue,especially after Takfiri sides announced that if they reached the place they will destroy it. In contrast,there are defenders of this hole shrine who are being martyred for that. Therefore, these (defenders) areactually preventing sedition, not inciting sedition.He added: It is not enough that the opposition and the so -called Syrian Coalition oppose the destructionof the hole shrine. Countries that support these groups must hold the responsibility of this crime if it takesplace.Here, Sayyed Nasrallah warned: If this crime falls, it will have serious repercussions. Azar Abductees Are not Part ofPoliticalConflict, They must be Instantly ReleasedRegarding the case of the Lebanese abductees in Azar, his eminence considered that the persistence ofthis case is very painful, and so is seeing the kin of the abductees move with their protests from one placeto another.

    Sayyed Nastallah considered that its persistence until today raises many questions about the parts andreasons behind the abduction.If they wanted to impose a political pressure, then this has obviously failed since the beginning It wassaid that they wanted a swap deal, I said I was ready to go to Damascus and solve this issue, but theydenied that later on.His eminence indicated that Qatar, Turkey, and Saudi negotiations did not bring any result, anddemanded the instant release of the abductees as they were not part of the political conflict.We Dont Want Conflict to be Moved to LebanonSayyed Nasrallah stressed that we dont want any conflict in Lebanon, and we dont want the (Syrian)conflict to be moved to Lebanon. We know some Lebanese groups that have attacked Al-Qusayr

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    countryside. We know them by name, but we will not take any action about it because we want to protectLebanon from any fight.

    In His NameThe speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary GeneralSayyed Hassan Nasrallah during the Resistance andLiberation Day held in Mashghara on Saturday May 25,2013.

    I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name ofAllah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace beon the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi AlQassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pureHousehold and on his chosen companions and on allmessengers and prophets. Peace be upon you andAllahsmercy and blessings.

    Thanks for your attendance, and welcome on your daythe day of your victory, the day of your resistance, the dayof your salvation from the occupation.First, I would like to offer my felicitations on the great andfragranced anniversary of the birthday of our lord andmaster The prince of Believers, Imam Ali Bin Abi Taleb(Peace be upon him). I also felicitate you on this greatnational day the Day of Resistance and Liberation.In these moments, we recall all the martyrs, all the familiesof martyrs, all the wounded, all the detainees, all the freeddetainees, and all our people who remained steadfast intheir lands and tolerated the repercussions of theirsteadfastness. We recall all those who offered sacrifices

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    whether from the army, the people and the resistance andwhether Lebanese, Palestinians, or Syrians on top ofwhom the senior leaders the master of the Islamic

    Resistance martyrs, Sayyed Abbass Mussawi, the Sheikhof the Islamic Resistance martyrs, Sheikh Ragheb Harb,and the field leader of the victory, Hajj Imad Moghniyeh,along all the martyrs who offered sacrifices. Was it not fortheir sacrifices, this victory and this day was not to havetaken place.Special regards to our people in western Bekaa amongwhom we wanted our ceremony to take place this year.

    We wanted them to host our ceremony to recall this goodland and its great martyrs and dear fighters and loyal,proud, and steadfast people who offered massivesacrifices, and to recall and announce our high-estimationto the people of this region and the central role theyplayed in the history of the resistance, the jihad of theresistance, the sacrifices of the resistance, and the victory

    of the resistance.Allah Al Mighty says in His Holy Qoran: {We sent Moseswith Our Signs. Bring out thy people from the depths ofdarkness into light, and teach them to remember the Daysof Allah. Verily in this there are Signs for such as are firmlypatient and constant, grateful appreciative}For sure, May 25, 2013 is one of the Days of Allah inwhichAllahs mercy, blessing, victory, support, kindness,and bounty on our steadfast and resistant people weremanifested. Likewise,Allahs wrath, anger, might, andoverwhelm on the Zionists who occupied, aggressed,humiliated, and surmounted were manifested. Thus ourvictory was one of the Days of Allah, and their defeat was

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    one of the Days of Allah as well. Such a day which cameto be a day for the resistance and liberation must remainvivid in our recollection and must be marked by the

    generations to come.

    Brothers and sisters! On this day which came to be a dayfor resistance and liberation must remain vivid in ourrecollection and be entrusted from one generation toanother from our children to our grandchildren and ourgreat grand children because it sums up a deep nationalhistoric experience and great sacrifices, morals, lessons,pains and expectations, and because it is the way which is

    always open before an honorable, noble, revered future.This is one of the days of Allah which must not beforgotten as must other days in our age: the day on whichIsrael pulled out from Gaza Strip because of thePalestinian resistance and the sacrifices of the Palestinianpeople on September 2005, as well as the day on which

    America pulled out from Iraq due to the Iraqi resistance

    and the sacrifices of the Iraqi people in December 2011.These are great days which must be turned into Holidayson the level of the homeland as well as on the level of theentire nation. They are not only holidays for the Lebanese,the Palestinians in Gaza, and the Iraqis. They are ratherholidays for the entire nation which is targeted by the US-Israeli project embodied in the military occupations of ourcountries and lands; thus these days must beunforgettable. Likewise, we must not forget the verygloomy days which we must mark every year: the Nakbaof May 1948 and the Naksa of June 1967. We must putthese days besides each other in our modern history.There is a Nakba; there is a Naksa; and there are

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    victories. The Nakba which took place in 1948 is not only acatastrophe that befell Palestine and the people ofPalestine only. It is rather a catastrophe that befell all the

    Arabs, all the Muslims, and all the peoples of the regionwhether Christians or Muslims. It is wrong to deal with thisNakba as a catastrophe that concerns a definite countryand a definite people. Our nation, our region, and thepeoples of our region are still to our day and after 65 yearsbearing the consequences, impacts, and repercussionsand severe, negative results of that Nakba. The sameapplies when we talk about the Naksa. We must recall

    these painful events to draw lessons and morals fromthem. Moreover, we must muster our courage from thevictories which took place. Some people want us to forgetthese days because they want us without recollection,history, and consequently, without a cause.Brothers and sisters! This year we mark this day while weas Lebanese and as peoples of the region confront a

    group of threats, challenges, and dangers on top of whichare two grave dangers which I will talk about in theavailable time. I will also talk about the means ofconfronting them. The first danger is that which has beenexisting and continuous since the Nakba: It is Israel and itsintentions, greed, and schemes. This is the first danger.The second danger is the changes taking place in Syria, inour surrounding, at our borders, on the gates of our cities,villages and houses, and the predominance of Takfirigroups in the field.To confront the first danger, we must first look southwards

    unfortunately, we are in a time in which we becameobliged to look southwards and northwards. Southwards,

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    we find Israel still carrying on in its project in occupiedPalestine with utmost serenity. It is not subject even tocriticism by the international community: Judaizing of Al

    Qods, Judaizing Palestine, confiscating the territoriesremaining in the territories occupied since 1948, settling inthe West Bank, arresting detainees.This very Israel and since July War 2006 has beencarrying daily drills. Its preparing itself and puttingschemes and reconsidering plots. It stages warmaneuvers and combed arms maneuvers. It also stagesmaneuvers on the internal front level. A year after 2006,

    Israel staged a maneuver on the internal level which itdubbed Turning Point I. On the following years, itmaneuvered Turning Point II, III, IV, V, and VI. Every year,there is a comprehensive maneuver in the entire entity onthe level of the internal front. What does the internal frontmean? The maneuver starts with the Premier, the army,the police, and the civil defense. They check shelters,

    warning sirens, communication means, ambulances,hospitals, roads, and the capacity to receive the displacedand emigrants. They have been carrying comprehensivemaneuvers yearly for six years by now. This year, andnamely tomorrow on Sunday perhaps many of theLebanese dont know that they will carry a maneuver onthe internal front level. This year, however, they did notcall it Turning Point VII. They rather called it Strong ForceI. So they carried six maneuvers on the internal level andscrutinized the points of weakness.I am not talking about all of this to waste time. Theypointed out the various points of weakness and gaps hereand there and addressed them in the following year and

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    the years that followed. Now, the enemy is saying: I havea strong internal front, and Im ready for war on all frontsand for the worst hypotheses.

    Unfortunately, man talks about his enemy who is workingproperly concerning his interests and schemes. Moreover,they formed a new government portfolio dedicated toprotecting the internal front. So there is an internal frontminister whose job is to run the entire internal front in caseanything took place against the entity. This is a case; thereis a person in charge of it. Whereas here in Lebanon whenthe Ethiopian airplane fell in the sea, we got lost. Who is

    responsible of the catastrophe of the airplane which fell inthe sea? Point at the person in charge. Who is in chargeof the evacuation operations? Who is responsible of thepeople and the administration? We got lost; whereas theenemy has an internal front minister.

    Anyway, Israel threats Lebanon every day. It musters itstroops and tanks on our southern borders. Troops have

    been mobilized for several months by now and not from aday or two or a week or two ago. They are at a high levelof readiness. It stages an aggression on Syria, shellsSyria, and threats.Lets talk about Lebanon. Since 2006, Israel is preparing,getting armed, maneuvering, plotting, addressing thegaps, and controlling the simplest detail in the fightingfront and the internal front. I have a question: What havewe prepared in Lebanon? I mean by we the Lebaneseand the Lebanese state. When I say the state I do notmean the government only. I do not mean this president orthat president. I talk about the state as a whole. What didthe Lebanese state prepare to confront any potential

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    danger which may take place in the region on the Israelilevel? What did the Lebanese people do for any potentialdanger apart from what the state prepared? Did the

    Lebanese people call on their state and the statesinstitutions to prepare and resume the responsibility?Lets talk frankly about this topic. Here we are talkingfrankly. In the other topic, we will talk frankly too. We mustnot be courteous to each other. Thats because we are ata critical historical moment. We are at a sensitive historicmoment. There is no time for courtesies. There is no timeto hide behind our fingers. There is no time to bury our

    heads in the soil. It is rather time to raise our heads highand to confront hurricanes and to resume responsibilities.This is the stage we are passing through now.Thus we came to talk frankly: What have we did then?This is the Lebanese state. What have we done then?Lets start with the army. We all call for a strong army ableto defend the nation and to assume responsibility. I will

    ask about their number? What about the human force?What about the arms? What about the equipment? Whatabout providing the army with capabilities and capacitieswhich enable it to deter the enemy? What about the aweof our national army in the eyes of the enemy? There is noanswer.Lets talk from 2005 to this day. Thats because before2005, there used to be a hanger on which everyone usedto hang everything. Its the Syrian custody. We are now astate of sovereignty, independence, and freedom, and theLebanese state is independent. Well great! For eight yearswhat have we done as far as the army is concerned?

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    What have the state done so far? We all know the statusby now.Well, at times we hear no answer or mere excuses only:

    There is a problem in funding; nobody is assisting us, theAmericans are putting a veto. It is not allowed. It isforbidden. No Arab army is allowed to get armed if thesearms are to fight Israel. No Arab army is allowed.Between parentheses, I would say that Russia likes to sellSyria antiaircraft rockets. So the rockets are not to stageaggressions against any country. They are to defendSyria. They are S-300 rockets. However, the Americans

    and the Europeans are intervening against that. Syria isnot allowed to possess S-300 rockets because that makesan imbalance. However, some Arab states are being soldadvanced US weapons by billions of dollars. Why? Thatsbecause there are guarantees and certainty that not onebullet from these weapons would be shot on Israel. Thetrue fear is from the Lebanese Army. Its national army. If

    this army is given orders, the political cover, and thecapacities, it will fight as the resistance is fighting. Why?Thats because the men in this army have the very natureof the men of the resistance. Its men are the children ofthis people. The men of this people are the children of thisenvironment. This is the national culture. This is the natureof the Lebanese people.Now I will move to the civil level. On the civil level, whathave they done? What has the Lebanese state done?Since 1948 to this very day, what has it done on the civillevel? This is the internal front in Lebanon. Look! Israel isafraid from rockets. Its not afraid from air force. It isdifficult to find air force which may reach Israel. However,

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    Israel has the strongest air force in the Middle East andcan reach any place in the Lebanese internal front. Who isresponsible of the internal front? Which minister or official

    or general manager or organization or administration isresponsible? Lets keep the administration aside. Whathave they done concerning hospitals, ambulances,national defense forces, or at least concerning warningsirens or radars that indicate that airplanes have enteredthe countrys airspace? There is nothing of this sort at all.We do not even have infrastructure. When the Israelisstage maneuvers on the internal front level, they check the

    shelters. In Lebanon we have no shelters to check. Theycheck the security rooms. In Lebanon, we do not havesecurity rooms. Why? Thats because there is not. Thereis not a responsible state.Is it required that the resistance assumes the responsibilityof civil domain as well? The state has to answer this greatquestion. Well, yes we must exclusively record that there

    are achievements on the level of the infrastructure whichwere made in the South. That was not achieved pursuantto the determination of the state or to a decision made bythe state. Today is a day for fairness. To be fair, I say thatwas achieved due to personal efforts and demands madeby Speaker Nabih Berri within the game of the state andauthority that exists in Lebanon. However, apart from thatwhat did take place? Tell me what you did. This is thegreat glorious Lebanon state.Brothers! In the Lebanese state, in all generations andstages, confidence is acquired and not imposed. You canttell people to trust you in spite of their will. You must havea performance and conduct that make people trust you

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    and entrust you with their blood, honor, money, children,generations, lands, future, and dignity. This is notachieved via a word or a decision. This is achieved

    through practice.

    For example on the civil level, do you know what do theydo in Israel? They construct settlements along the border

    they did so at the border with Lebanon, Syria, Golan,and Jordan. So originally there would be no town orvillage. They build a village and call it a settlement. Theybring in Jews from Ethiopia, Romania, Argentina, and fromall around the world and let them live by our borders and

    pay them allowances. They support them, provide themwith lands, facilities, and job opportunities, train them, andsupply them with arms as well. Thats because thesesettlements have a security role on the border, and theyare a part of a defensive plot according to the Israelis.On the other side, our front villages from the sea to BintJbeil to Marjoun, to Hasbayeh until reaching Rashaya and

    the entire border area are nearly uninhabited. We havetowns and villages for hundreds of years. So we did notmake a village. These villages have their own people,residents, and owners. Its not required from the stateexcept to set a program to let these people to make themremain in their lands. It is not required that the state paythem allowances. Let it only offer them job opportunitiesso that they stay in their land. Why is it that the front townsare almost uninhabited? Thats because there is not aresponsible state. Few days ago, when talking about theresistance in Golan started if you follow up with the newsyou would have noticed the settlers in Golan starteddemanding the Israeli cabinet which started discussing

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    rearming the settlers in Golan. As for our villages at theborder, the arms which are owned by people areaccording to the Lebanese state and many political forces

    illegitimate and must be disarmed.

    There are totally two different mentalities. So the problemhere is not administrative. The problem is in the mind,essence, nature, and orientation. There is a strategicproblem. There is a problem which is that the Lebanesestate in its construction does not deal with Israel as anenemy. It does not deal with Israel as a threat. The lastconcern for many of the Lebanese officials since the

    establishment of this state until this very day is to think ofmeans to confront the Israeli threat, and what would we doif we faced an aggression to defend Lebanon, theLebanese people, and Lebanons dignity. Here lies theproblem. So it is an essential and not an administrativeproblem.Well yes, some in Lebanon prepared to confront any

    Israeli threat in the future and any Israeli aggression in thefuture. This was made by a part of the Lebanese peoplenamely the resistance. I do not mean only the resistanceof Hezbollah. You know that I always say that todaysvictory is the fruit of all efforts, sacrifices, fighters, parties,factions and everyone who exerted an effort in this pathstarting by the first establishment of the Lebaneseresistance by His Eminence absented Imam SayyedMussa Assader (May Allah safely restore him and hisfriends) until reaching everyone who offered any sacrificein this path and for this sake.

    After 30 years of amassed experiences, human andmaterialistic capabilities, Lebanon today possesses this

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    power. This power the resistance with all its factionsdefeated Israel and brought it out of Beirut, Mount Liban,Sidon, Tyr, Nabatiyeh, Western Bekaa, Rashaya and later

    on from the border line. It also confronted Israel in July2006, and since that war to our day it is continuing itsmission and industrious efforts to get armed, prepared andtrained. Yes this is what exists today. What do theLebanese have now? This is what they have. When theIsraelis look at Lebanon, they fear this. On the other hand,many in Lebanon search for means to get rid of what wehave this resistance. They are not able to disarm the

    resistance. Here I am telling you: You are not able todisarm the resistance because by these arms theresistance fought and defeated Israel. These arms areembraced by the people. You are not able to disarm theresistance. Lets confiscate these arms then meaningthat arms must be in such and such place or are usedfollowing orders from such and such a post and the like.

    Brothers and sisters! All of these evoked suggestions Ido not want to carry an argument as I want to tackle theother topics do not defend a homeland, or defend acountry, or deter an enemy.The current status quo may deter the enemy. However, atthis stage, if we decided or agreed on putting theresistance, the arms of the resistance, and the fighters ofthe resistance under the order of the state, that would bethe end of these arms, the resistance, this status quo, thisdeterrence power and this awe.Why is it so? Its because now we have a state which cantguard a funeral for a martyr in Sidon. We have a statewhich cant stop this bloody, painful, sorrowful struggle in

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    Tripoli. We have a state that cant agree on a new electionlaw. We have a state of sects and a state of regions.Do you believe that a state as this can take a decision to

    confront the enemy or deter it or frighten it and make itobserve its limits? This is not the case. Following July Warwe said: Build a strong, fair, able state and I would be thefirst along with my brethrens to go back to our mosques,schools, and plantations. We will still be resistance menwho would fight following the orders of the state.However, what state must it be? It must be a strong, fair,able state.

    Under all circumstances, I call on the officials in theLebanese state all officials in the Lebanese state andon the people too to recognize the true grave danger. Letno one act as if there are no dangers and as if Israel ispeaceful and calm.No! Israel is getting ready and maneuvering. It ismobilized, and it is following all changes and

    developments in the entire region. We cant know theprocedure which the enemy may take.Brothers! The one who is honored today Imam Ali Bin

    Abi Taleb says: If you sleep, that does not mean you areoverlooked. Sleep as much as you want; your enemy isvigilant, ready, waiting to seize the opportunity and takethe initiative. What are you doing on your behalf?Indeed in the Islamic resistance, we will carry on assumingour responsibilities. Let no one mistakenly believe thatmedia campaigns, pressures, and doubts may make anydifference. That would not change anything. As for puttingus on the list of terrorist organizations, we have been put

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    on the list of terrorist organizations for a long time. This ismere ink on paper which makes no difference.For over thirty years, we have not been living in the field

    only; we are also living a psychological, media, andpolitical war and under massive pressures. However thiscouldnt one day harm our will, determination, andresolution. Thus I tell our people who trust the resistanceand bargain on the resistance that their resistance willremain by their side and defend them, and they will alwaysraise their heads victoriously Inshallah.In the framework of talking about a strong, able,

    responsible state, we say that the presence of a stateunder whatever circumstances even if it is not strongand able is better than having no state or vacuum orchaos. Any state is better than chaos, on rational,religious, and moral grounds. Today, this parliamentaryevent is due, and the Lebanese and all the parliamentaryblocs failed to reach a new election law. The campaign

    lasted for a year against us. Today the campaign came toan end, and rightness came to be revealed. For a year, acampaign has been waged against Hezbollah particularlyand against March 8 Bloc and against all our politicalalliance. However praise be to Allah we had the lionsshare from this campaign: Hezbollah want to take thecountry to vacuum; Hezbollah does not want a parliament;Hezbollah does not want elections; Hezbollah does notwant a government; Hezbollah is establishing for vacuumin the entire state because Hezbollah wants to take thecountry to another place. On Friday, it was verified thatthis was all groundless fabrication and lies. Why? Thatsbecause we were waiting for a new election law but could

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    not reach it. There is the law of 1960 which is cursed bythe Lebanese, rejected by the Lebanese, buried by theLebanese, and then the Lebanese disentombed. There

    cant be anything worse than that. However, we took adecision to run the elections before March 14 to tell themthat we refuse vacuum and the law of 1960.Consequently, we are today before three options: eitherthat people go to elections according to the law of 1960, orthat we head towards extending the term of the currentgovernment and we agree on extension while discussingthe period of extension or a miracle takes place or I dont

    know when and we agree on a new law. However, for surewe are against vacuum.Now we come to the second note. We renew our call forsparing Lebanon any internal clash or conflict. Wedisagree over Syria. You fight in Syria; we fight in Syria;then lets fight there. Do you want me to be more frank?Keep Lebanon aside. Why should we fight in Lebanon?

    There are different viewpoints, different visions, anddifferent evaluation of obligations. Well so far so good.However, lets spare Lebanon fighting, struggle andbloody confrontations. We are committed to this, andevery day we assert this commitment in action and inpractice. What took place in Sidon in the past couple ofdays is very bad; however, we kept aside as we do notwant to make a problem. We care for Sidon, the people ofSidon, and the security of Sidon. What is taking place inTripoli must be stopped by all means.This is an unfruitful absurd bloody clash. Whoever wantsto defend Syria, whoever wants to back the opposition lethim go to Syria. Whoever wants to advocate the regime let

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    him go and fight in Syria too. Keep Tripoli to its kindpeople whether in Bab Attabbaneh or Baal Mohsen or theother neighborhoods. This conflict makes the heart shed

    blood and the soul sad. Thus we here renew this call andtell our brethrens and people in Tripoli that there is nohope in this fighting which will lead only to more pain,suffering and melancholies. I call on all of them to franklyand unanimously agree that the state and the statessecurity and military institutions especially the Lebanese

    Army are the only and the true guarantee to our civilpeace. Thus we must resort to it to confront any internal

    problem or clash of this sort.Now we move to the other topic. No doubt tackling thistopic is very sensitive and very critical as it puts us beforea totally new stage.Brothers and sisters! What is taking place in Syria is verycrucial and decisive for Lebanon, for our present and ourfuture time. Today and as I have said at the beginning of

    my speech, lets not hide behind our finger and bury ourheads in the soil. Lets not deal with what is taking place inSyria as if we live in Djibouti. No, we are here at theborder with Syria. God willing we are strong enough to talkand strong enough to act. Thus, lets talk with the requiredfrankness in this critical historic moment.I will make a quick briefing. Since the beginning of theevents in Syria, we had a clear political stance. We saidthat the popular calls for reforms are righteous. We saidthat this regime has important positive points especiallyconcerning the resistance and opposition. It also hasnegative points and imperfections. Thus reforms arerequired, and the way for reforms is political dialogue. No

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    one is to target his rifle or to open fire on anyone else.Neither the regime nor the opposition is supposed to doso. We know what Syria means to Lebanon, to the region,

    to the Arab-Israeli struggle, to the resistance movements,and to the Palestinian cause. Thus from the very first dayand despite our humble capabilities as a party butinvesting our good and great relations on the regionallevel, I personally along with President Bashar Assad andother personalities and sides in the opposition sought toundertake political dialogue so as to reach a politicalsettlement. Here I bear witness that President Assad

    agreed but the opposition refused. If anyone is askingabout the issue from a legitimate and jurisprudential level,the Syrian leadership from the very beginning and allthrough the way used to agree to sit at the dialogue tableto reach a political solution. It used to accept carryingessential reforms in the regime. However, the oppositionused to refuse dialogue since the very beginning and still

    does so to our very day nurturing the hope that the regimewill be brought down within few months. They dependedon definite data and imagined that he who is backed bythe US, France, Britain, Germany, Europe, Arab oilcountries, Turkeywill gain victory for sure within fewmonths or few weeks.There was something wrong in their estimations. Anyway,

    events developed quickly within two years. It was clearthat an axis was being formed from all of these countrieswhich I have mentioned a while ago. This axis is led by theUnited States which is for sure the final decision maker.The English, the French, the Italian, the German, the Arab,the Turkish all of them work for the American. We also

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    know that this axis is implicitly supported by Israelbecause the US project in the region is Israeli cum laude.In fact, there is not anything else. There is not anything

    called the US project in the region other than the Israeliproject. AlQaeda and other Takfiri groups got enrolled inthis axis. They were paid for that and they were offeredfacilities from all over the world. Let no one convince usthat these tens of thousands of fighters from the variousTakfiri and extremists groups who refuse everything butthemselves came stealthily to Syria. They were givenvisas and offered facilities. The gate was opened before

    them to come to Syria. A media, political, diplomatic,economic, and financial war was launched on Syria. Tensof thousands of fighters from all over the world werefunded, armed and then exported to Syria. Tens ofthousands of fighters did not annoy so called Syriasfriends in Amman a couple of days ago. However a smallgroup from Hezbollah entered Syria; that was considered

    foreign intervention.Well, we did not intervene all over the past period of time.We did not intervene until some months ago. To be honestwith you, we remained working with the various sides tothe effect that Syria would be demolished; it would fall; itwould be lost; there is no way out other than throughdialogue. We invested all our relations with Islamic forces,national forces, and nations. However, all of that was invain. The other axis insists on carrying on in the battle tothe end. They do not talk about dialogue. There is nothingother than toppling the regime by all means.Well, I know that through these couple of years, therewere reasonable suggestions and appropriate settlements.

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    The Syrian leadership implicitly agreed on them, and theyare still secretive so far. These suggestions andsettlements were presented to regional states but were

    rejected because these states cant bear the remaining ofthis regime by any means. No matter if Syria would bedestroyed. What is important is that this regime is broughtdown. In the past few months, we reached the followingestimation: Many changes took place in Syria. Well aftertwo years, what is the given? There is an oppositionabroad. We are not accusing all. Some people do nothave ties and are not affiliated. They are logical and have

    a viewpoint. They have rightful calls, and they are ready tocarry dialogue. This is their natural right, and we respectthis right. This is true for a part of the Syrian opposition.There is another part. Well brothers! There is a partemployed by the CIA, the Pentagon, and the so and sointelligence. Their decision is not in their hands. Well, thisis the opposition abroad.

    Do the land, the armed groups, the regions from which thestate pulled out or from which the state was pulled out andcame to be under the control of the armed groups listen tothe opposition abroad? Now they want to carrydiscussions in Geneva. Do these armed groups listen tothem? The west, the Arabs, intelligence agencies, mediaoutlets, you and I know the following truth: The greatestpower and the overwhelming current which dominatesover the political forces controlling over the field is theTakfiri group. No one from them listen to the oppositionabroad. Anyway, I previously mentioned that they werebrought along to be fought with. Afterwards, they will paythe price for that. In whatever settlement that takes place

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    in Syria, they will pay the price. Now the western statesseem to be perplexed from this rapid change in the Syrianarmed groups before their peoples and public opinion.

    Well, how are you arming people of this kind?

    This characteristic started to dominate the Syrianopposition which is obtaining funds and arms from several

    Arab and regional states. These Arab countries want toget rid of the regime and of these groups as well. Thusthey facilitated these groups departure from the country;however, they are aware that one day they will come backto the country. They have acquired fighting experiences

    and avaricious ways in slaughtering and killing and areready for any kind of confrontation. We will talk about thislater on.Well, this is our estimation now. Brothers and sisters andall those who are listening to us in the Arab and Islamicworld! The story is not anymore, a people revolting againsta regime. Its not that of reforms anymore. The man is

    ready to make reforms. Lets head to dialogue then. Butno, the story had become totally different.Well, this exists now in Syria. Now I will say our visionclearly on which we build our acts and deeds. We considerthat the takeover of these groups on Syria, or on a numberof Syrian provinces especially these bordering Lebanonpose a great danger on Lebanon and the Lebanese andnot only on Hezbollah or the Shiites in Lebanon. Thatposes danger on Lebanon, the Lebanese, the Lebanesestate, the Lebanese resistance, and common existence. Ihave evidence on that. I am not unfairly accusing thesegroups. In case these groups took over the provincesbordering Lebanon, they will pose threat to the Lebanese

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    whether Muslims or Christians. When I talk about Muslims,I mean Sunnites, Druze, Shiites, and Alawis. So I do notmean the Shiites only. I mean the Sunnites first. Do you

    want evidence? Take Iraq as evidence. Today those whoare fighting in Syria are an extension to the so calledIslamic Iraq State organization. Ask the Sunnites in Iraqabout the Islamic Iraq Organization. How many Sunnischolars did they kill? How many leaders of Sunni Islamicparties which are not affiliated to it did they kill? How manymosques in Al Anbar, Falloujeh, Mousel, Ninewa andother cities did they bomb? So they did not bomb only

    mosques and Husseiniyas for Shiites and Christianchurches. No! They also killed many sheikhs of clans. Thisorganization brags that they have executed 4000 or 5000suicide operation in Iraq. Most of these suicide operationstargeted Iraqis from all sects, factions, religions, andraces. I want to tell you even more. A couple of days agoor a week ago elections were taking place in Pakistan.

    Isnt that true? Do you know what the problem with theTakfiri mentality is? They label others unbelievers for themost trivial reason and not only for ideological or factionalreasons. They label others unbelievers for politicalreasons also: whoever partakes in the parliamentaryelections is an unbeliever. His blood is permissible. Hismoney is permissible. His honor is permissible. This is theTakfiri mentality. They do not discriminate whether he whois partaking in elections is Sunni or Shiite or Christian.That makes no difference to them. They state this fatwaopenly. They have always killed people at ballot boxes inIraq- in all the Iraqi provinces. Well, how many people didthey kill in Pakistan? Most of those who were killed in

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    Pakistan and in the election campaigns and at the ballotboxes are Sunni Muslims and Sunni scholars. Scholarswho wear Turbans were killed by Taliban in Pakistan

    because they label whoever partakes in the Parliamentaryelections as unbelievers.I do not claim. I have polls. I say that this Takfiri mentalitykilled in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Somalia inthese four countries only Sunnites much more than otherMuslims, Christians, non Muslims, and non Christians.This is the mentality of Takfiri groups.O Lebanese people! O peoples! I am a brother who is

    advising you. I am your young child. There is anexperience before your eyes, why do you makeyourselves blind not to see it. Tunisia is suffering from thisepidemic; Libya is suffering from this epidemic; all thestates which made this epidemic and exported it aresuffering from it. We are promised that Lebanon would beafflicted by this epidemic.

    This is the danger. This mentality does not acceptdialogue. They have nothing called trimming edges. Theyhave nothing called priorities. They have nothing calledcommon points. They have nothing other than labelingothers unbelievers for the most trivial reasons. You are anunbeliever! Its not only so! Your blood, money, and honorare permissible. What future for Syria do you foreseeunder the mentality of such groups? What future forLebanon, for Palestine, for the peoples of the region doyou foresee? Can you tell me? Lets be logical. Put thefactional and the sectarian issue aside. This is a gravedanger.

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    So we are not approaching the issue from a Shiite orSunni perspective as some try to accuse us. We are ratherapproaching the issue from a perspective from which we

    see Muslims and Christians alike threatened by thiscurrent, mentality, and Takfiri project that is creeping tothe region. Here I am telling you. This project is fundedand backed by America because this is what remained forit to destroy the region and thus to take over it againbefore the awakening of the peoples, the up-rising of thepeoples, and the wills of the peoples.I do not want to frighten anyone. This is the truth. Thus

    you saw that from the very beginning people from theSyrian opposition used to say that the regime would bebrought downed in two months or three. The regime wouldbe toppled and we will come to you in Lebanon. They saidso. This exists in newspapers and in media outlets. By thattime, we havent had issued a political stance yet. Theywere offering credit cards to the Americans and the

    Israelis: we are ready to avenge from the resistance whichhad made victory in 2000 and which foiled the Neo-MiddleEast Project in 2006. We are ready. We want you tosupport us.From the very beginning, they kidnapped the Lebanesevisitors in Aazaz. Then the aggression against theLebanese in Reef Al Qusair was launched to displacethem. This has come in the framework of this mentality,comprehension, and vision. This is first. I have threepoints to highlight. First we have this development which iscalled the dominance and control of the Takfiri groupwhich in case it over dominated would render the

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    future of Syria, Lebanon, and the region very tough anddark.Second, Syria is not anymore the battlefield for a popular

    revolution against a political regime. It is rather a squarefor imposing political projects led by America, the west andtheir representatives in the region. Well, we all know thatthe US project in the region is an absolutely Israeli project.Third, I frankly say that Syria is the backbone of theresistance, and the support of the resistance. Theresistance cannot sit with hands crossed while itsbackbone is held vulnerable and its support is being

    broken or else we will be stupid. Stupid is he who standsmotionless while watching death, the siege and conspiracycrawling towards him. He would be stupid then. However,the responsible, rational man acts with absoluteresponsibility.Brothers and sisters! Should Syria fall in the hand of the

    Americans, the Israelis, the Takfiri groups andAmericas

    representatives in the region which call themselvesregional states, the resistance will be besieged and Israelwould reenter Lebanon, impose its conditions on Lebanon,and renew its greed and projects in it. Lebanon then willenter the Israeli era again. If Syria falls, so will Palestine,the resistance in Palestine, the West Bank, Gaza, andHoly Al Qods. If Syria falls in the hands of America, Israel,and the Takfiri groups, the peoples of our region and thecountries in our region will head towards a dark and toughera. This is our estimation.There are two parties in the struggle. The first struggle isthe US-western-Arab-regional axis along with the Takfirigroups in the battlefield. These are those who stab chests,

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    behead, disentomb, and destroy the past which is 1400years old. In the past, the followers of the various religionshad often lived peacefully, and mosques, churches, and

    shrines remained intact under governments which weremainly Sunni. However, these today are destroying thepast, the present, and the future. They refuse any politicalsolution and insist on fighting.On the other hand, there is a state or a regime which hasa clear stance from the Palestinian cause, the resistancemovements, and the Zionist project and is at the sametime announcing its permanent readiness for dialogue and

    for political solution and reforms. Whoever wants to behere or there is free to do so.

    As for Hezbollah, it cant be in a front which Israel, the US,and those who stab chests, behead others, and disentombgraves.You may be wherever you want. As for Hezbollah, it cantbe in a front which wants to destroy all achievements,

    waste all sacrifices, and drag us again as slaves toAmerica and Israel pursuant to ever renewing Neo MiddleEast projects which we have toppled their previous versionwith the blood of thousands of martyrs.Hezbollah cant be in the other side, in the other front, andin the other position. You may be wherever you want tobe. Whoever wants to remain neutral is free to do so.Whoever believes that he cant change the equation isfree to believe so. Since 1982, there have been many whobelieve they cant change the equation at a time theLebanese resistance changed not only the local equationbut also the regional equation.

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    From this stance, we today consider ourselves defendingLebanon, Palestine, and Syria.It goes without saying that this stance would make us

    subject to great media and political campaigns. Evenwhen we were silent and when we did not intervene, theysought through their media pumping and media andpsychological hegemony all through these two years inwhich man did not dare to say one word of righteousness

    to make us followers of this project. They wanted us toparrot what others say and move as the wind moves us.Today we are aware that we will be subject to a massive

    campaign which has started a long time ago pursuant towhat took place in the past few days. I would like to tellyou that media campaigns did not ever calm down and willnever calm down whether we intervened in Syria or not.There is an old decision which is funded with hundreds ofmillions of dollars and is aimed at spreading untruearticles, books, lies, slogans, fabrications, and news.

    As for categorizing us on terrorist lists, this is not new. Onthe contrary, there are people in Lebanon and in othercountries who wish that the head of a regional statemention their names. They wish to be mentioned by aknown personality in the Arab world. Pursuant to thisnorm, we are mentioned by the head of the greatest powerin the world. When he visited Israel, he remainedreiterating the word Hezbollah from the first day to the lastday of his visit. Well we are happy and not sad becauseEurope sees that we are able to change games. This is agreat thing of which we are proud.

    As for the terrorist list which you possess, it is of no effect.

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    Accusing us on sectarian basis is to no avail, and ourhistory bears witness of that whether in Lebanon,Palestine, Bosnia and Herzegovina and everywhere else.

    Brothers! We went to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The bestyoung men among us went there. We had camps.Perhaps this is the first time we talk about this issue withthis degree of clarity. We fought there and martyrs fell.Whom were we defending? We were defending SunniMuslims in Bosnia. There are no Shiites in Bosnia. Allwhat we have bore so far as far as the Palestinian issue isconcerned comes pursuant to our ideology. We bore that

    and are still bearing much harm. We cant be accused ofsectarianism. Our stance in Iraq was clear. Our stancefrom all events is clear. Attempts to harm our will, morals,determination, and families of martyrs are a failure.I would like to tell you something because in the past twodays things which are groundless were written. Go andinterview the families of martyrs and hear what these kind

    honorable people say. They have grasped the truth beforeanyone else. All what I will say now have not been said byanyone before in the media or even in internal sessions.

    Are we able to hold internal session for all people? Wellwe can hold sessions for our brethrens; but we cant holdsessions for their fathers, mothers, wives, and daughters.They are saying what we are saying now. That means thatwe are a year and a half retarded from these noblepeople.To every house our brethrens went, they did not hear fromthe families of martyrs except great words which we haveheard a part of only in our previous confrontations.Unfortunately, today a media outlet still insists that a father

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    of two martyrs in Bekaa had a heart attack and thus died.He is still alive in fact, and he had sent me a message withthe brethrens who visited him saying that he is ready to be

    a part of this battle along with the rest of his children andall his money. These are the families of our martyrs.Well they talk also about our young men. Here I am tellingyou that our young men do not go to fight by force. We donot force anyone. We never forced anyone all through our30-year-history. Never a brethren went to the frontunwillingly. They rather go willfully and consciously.In fact today, we are committed to rationing due to the

    great enthusiasm our fighters and masses are showing.Many are not allowed to go because we are supposed tobe present according to a limited and fully considerednumbers. Otherwise, these dispirited liars would haveseen a different scene as we are not only ready to declare

    jihad; in fact with a couple of words you would find tens ofthousands of mujahedeen heading to these fronts.

    We have taken procedures since a long time. If a familyhas a lone son, we do not give him permission to go to thefront except pursuant to his parents consent. Until thisvery day, the parents of lone sons send me a signedletters, and the sons tell us our parents gave uspermission. Still the brethrens say: no perhaps youimitated the signatures. Then the father and the motherwould come and demand that their lone son be sent to thefront. I took a procedure and told the brethrens that even ifthe parents consented, dont send a lone son to the front.Well I have letters from fathers and mothers who insist onus to allow their lone sons to go to the fronts.

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    You do not understand this resistance, the masses of thisresistance, the environment of this resistance, and theculture of this resistance. You havent understood it for

    thirty years by now, and you will never understand it.Thats because you always understand in a wrong way.You make wrong consideration and thus you reach wrongconclusions. Wrong preludes lead to wrong conclusions.Brothers and sisters! We are thus before an absolutelynew era which have started now. It has started in a clearway in the past few weeks to be more precise. This newstage is called fortifying the resistance and protecting its

    backbone and fortifying Lebanon and protecting itsbackbone, and this is the responsibility of all of us.I am not demanding from anyone to share us in assumingthis responsibility. We do not want to depend on anyone.We are the people of this battle as we were the people ofall the previous battles. We are its men; we are themakers of its victories Inshallah. We as well as you our

    honorable generous people, people of endless bounty andgenerosity, people of patience and tolerance, and peopleof sacrifices and consolation will carry on this path. Wewill shoulder this responsibility. We will tolerate allsacrifices and the repercussions of this stance and thisresponsibility.

    At the end of the ceremony of the Resistance andLiberation Day, I tell you what I told you on the first days ofJuly War 2006: O honorable people! O fighters! O heroes!

    As I used to promise you of victory always, I promise youvictory again.Hundred returns. Peace be upon you andAllahs mercyand blessings.

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