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Swimming Designed by: Nabeel Fattah Written by: Nabeel, Simon, Winnie, Alex 1
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  • 1. SwimmingDesigned by: Nabeel FattahWritten by:Nabeel, Simon,Winnie, Alex1

2. SwimmingIntroduction: is a life skill which is useful at every stage of life. is a very good exercise to keep your bodybalanced and also a life saving skill. You can be in peak physical condition or out ofshape to swim. There are four competitive swimming strokesand a multitude of other activities that can bedone in the water.2 3. Description: provides an excellent cardiovascular workout. it works the entire body, toning your arms, legs andcore.Dive in head first. Going for a swim is a great way totone your body and improve your general fitness,without placing too much strain on your joints.An enjoyable way to work out, swimming will helpyou to burn fat and get the streamlined body youvebeen dreaming of. Sounds like its time to startmaking a splash...Swimming3 4. Brief History: In the early 1800s, swimming clubs developed inBritain for young men to showcase their skills. In a London swimming competition in 1844, twoNative Americans named Flying and Tobacco.Swimming4 5. What are the swimming strokes?Breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly, and crawl(freestyle) are the most popular swim strokes. Thebreaststroke and butterfly are more difficult tolearn than the backstroke and crawl.Swimming5 6. What are the benefits of swimming? Low impact Can be continued for a lifetime Builds cardiorespiratory fitness Builds muscle mass An alternative when injured Its a break from the summer heat Its a family affair Burns caloriesSwimming6 7. Swimming is popular:1. people can find a place to swim very easy e.gbeach river and swimming pool.2. swimming is good for health. e.g loseweight and enhance resistance.3. swimming is a high ornamental valuecompetition, because it has many style.e.g freestyle, butterfly stroke, breaststroke andbackstrokeSwimming7 8. Pleasure and Dangerous of Swimming:Everything has two sidesswimming isno exceptionNowadaysmore andmore person especially the young peopletake part in this sportsbecauseswimming is considered to be a healthyand relaxing activityWorking orlearning pressure lead to peoples lifeincreasely boringAt this time swimming can be change this conditionsWhileswimming also strengthens yourheart muscles and improves the deliveryof oxygen to the different parts of thebodySwimming8 9. As a audiencewatch the swimmingmatches is also greatly excitingbecause theplaying time is shortpeople mustconcentrate our effects on the matchso itcan be forget their exhaustion and troubleHoweverboth professional sportsman andamateur must pay attention to safety It isreally necessary to warm up before games orexerciseIf you get a cramp or inhaledwater it is very dangerousAs a amateurno lifeguards around and no allowedsurroundings are results in unsafeOfcourseit is a situation that can beprevented in many waysif we are carefully9Swimming 10. Swimming10