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1 Editor: Eliott Rodgers Sweets Mill News Blue Gill If you haven't been bitten, then it's time to get back in the water. SMAI Entering Slow Growth Construction Phase By Ray Grott, SMAI Board President Over the last years, we have steadily added, enlarged, and made improvements to the general-use structures at the Mill, such as the showers, compost toilets, Kitchen, Cantina, Coffee House, and Teatro. Keeping in mind that a) we want to be careful about increasing our footprint on land that we only gather at a few weeks out of the year, b) we donʼt own the land and we canʼt take these buildings with us if we have to leave, and c) we want to manage our financial resources wisely and build up a reserve fund for emergency needs, we have begun a phase of “slow growth,” as far as new construction is concerned. (We have already capped the number of campers which is not expected to increase.) General-Use Construction Limited The focus in this coming year will be on some much-needed modest storage space at the Teatro and Coffee House and on repairing and maintaining existing structures. The one major project we will take on is enlarging the dance floor at the Coffee House, which may involve moving back and possibly re-orienting the stage. While there has been some discussion about a new dance venue, the many issues related to that will be explored and discussed further before any decision is made. The Caretakers Residence has Continued on page 3 Winners of last year ʼ s sponsorships, awarded by the Thrift Store, share their experiences: I really enjoyed being at Sweetʼs Mill. Itʼs a great place. The sponsorship meant a lot to me because I was able to explore many different kinds of music from all around the world. I found out that I love Flamenco Guitar. I hope that I can continue to play it. The person that inspired me most would be Mike Marshall. I hope that I will be able to learn the Mandolin someday too. I feel like I learned a lot in those ten days. Sweetʼs Mill was a blast. I hope that I can come again this coming camp year. by Ilexis Jacoby, age 12 2009 Youth Scholarship Reflections Continued on page 4 Spring, 2010 eliott

Sweets Mill News Blue 2010 SMAI News 051110.pdf2005/11/10  · 1 Editor: Eliott Ro dgers Sweets Mill News Blue Gill If you haven't been bitten,

Aug 11, 2020



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Editor: Eliott Rodgers

Sweets Mill News

Blue GillIf you haven't been bitten, then it's time to get back in the water.

SMAI Entering Slow Growth Construction Phase

By Ray Grott, SMAI Board President

Over the last years, we have steadily added, enlarged, and made improvements to the general-use structures at the Mill, such as the showers, compost to i lets, Ki tchen, Cantina, Coffee House, and Teatro. Keeping in mind that a) we want to be careful about increasing our footprint on land that we only gather at a few weeks out of the year, b) we donʼt own the land and we canʼt take these buildings with us if we have to leave, and c) we want to manage our financial resources wisely and build up a reserve fund for emergency needs, we have begun a phase of “s low g r o w t h , ” a s f a r a s n e w construction is concerned. (We have already capped the

number of campers which is not expected to increase.)

General-Use Construction Limited

The focus in this coming year will be on some much-needed modest storage space at the Teatro and Coffee House and on repairing and maintaining existing structures. The one major project we will take on is enlarging the dance floor at the Coffee House, which may involve moving back and possibly re-orienting the stage. While there has been some discussion about a new dance venue, the many issues related to that will be explored and discussed further before any d e c i s i o n i s m a d e . T h e Caretakers Residence has Continued on page 3

W i n n e r s o f l a s t y e a r ʼ s sponsorships, awarded by the Thr i f t Store, share thei r experiences:

I really enjoyed being at Sweetʼs Mill. Itʼs a great place. The sponsorship meant a lot to me because I was able to explore many different kinds of music from all around the world. I found out that I love Flamenco Guitar. I hope that I can continue to play it.

The person that inspired me most would be Mike Marshall. I hope that I will be able to learn the Mandolin someday too. I feel like I learned a lot in those ten days. Sweetʼs Mill was a blast. I hope that I can come again this coming camp year. by Ilexis Jacoby, age 12

2009 Youth Scholarship Reflections

Continued on page 4

Spring, 2010 eliott

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Hello friends and family!  I recently joined the SMAI board and would like to begin my first year with a contribution to camp.  In partnership with Georg, Camp Director, I would like to offer myself as a safe person for teens to come to with questions and concerns regarding just about anything they wish to talk about.  Topics could include, but are not limited to safety, health, emotional support and first aid assistance. 

I have volunteer experience with counseling, I am CPR and First Aid certified and am genuinely interested in listening and offering support.  At camp this year I will set up a couple of orientation meetings where people can get to know me (if you don't already) and we will come up with the best way for me to be available for all of you.  Thank you for this opportunity to serve our community.

-Dawn Feldthouse

Hi everybody. Isaac Frank here. (Iʼm the girl one.) It is only last year at camp that I heard the stirrings of change at the Thrift Store. Valerie and Penny need some well-earned fun time, and are requesting that some young blood step up. Iʼm an avid Thrift Store fan; I was intrigued. Being both a fashion victim and glutton for punishment, I figured I would fit right in. By the end of the week I was making plans for set-up 2010. Recently, Elizabeth Strong stepped up to do this thing with me. Get ready Sweets Mill, to have some fun and to look fabulous doing it!

Introducing! The Project Runway Project (okay, maybe that name needs some work.)The Sweetsmill-themed runway fashion extravaganza!A Teatro Collaboration ending in a Saturday night blowout show!

Fashion Associates Wanted! Wanna take a shift on the floor? The TS would not happen without the amazing volunteer support we receive. And these shoppers need your eye!

New Service, in the works—The Sweetsmill Tailor! Lose a button? Tear a hem? Those new pants just too long? Come get fixed up for a nominal fee. Remember it all goes back to The Mill!

Got ideas? Wanna be part of any of this? We Want You!

Liz and I are both very grateful to the women who made this project happen. It is wildly successful fundraiser for our community, and a wacky creative good time. We are proud to be a part of this history.

Hearts, Izy


We are trying to encourage people to bring thier own drinking water vessels to the coffee house to consume the ever flowing spring water. We have a label maker and will be happy to put your name on the cup so you could hang it in a nearby designated area and everyone will know it's yours! There will also be a small amount of cups available to purchase for one dollar if you do not bring your own.  If you bring it or buy it we only ask that you please take it home with you!  Donations of cool cups with handles towards this cause are gladly accepted!  We will also be happy to wash it at the Coffee house for you if necessary.

My Cup Runeth Over With Spring Water...- Lenore Lenton

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been determined to be unsuitable for habitation. We have put off deciding on what to replace it with, but we plan to move ahead to demolish and remove/salvage/recycle it, along with the old trailer behind it.

Construction of Private Camp Structures Halted

Regular campers have no doubt noticed a steady increase in the number of tree house platforms and other built-up camp sites in various locations at the Mill. It seems that the great outdoors and fresh air brings out the hammer-swinging instincts in many of us. Unfortunately, there is a downside to this building.

1) These sites tend to become the builderʼs “permanent” camp, which goes against our policy of first-come access to camp sites. Addit ionally, this encourages people to leave some of their gear on site, which is not really allowed and is both an eyesore and headache when bad weather tears apart the tarps.

2) Problems have arisen when structures are built that block other campersʼ views.

3) Some builders have seen our piles of milled lumber as theirs for the taking, which has cost us additional money and created shortages for some of the general-use projects.

4) Too many builders have not paid adequate attention to the potential damage that they are doing to the trees they attach (or nail!) their structures to.

5) Very real safety concerns have arisen as structures are built high above the ground. (Falls have been reported.)

6) As structures rapidly deteriorate in the Millʼs harsh climate, their usability and safety are quickly diminished. Volunteer work crews are too busy with group p ro jec ts to be wor ry ing abou t reinforcing or removing these.

7) Finally, tents leave no mark, while structures remain all year, marring the Millʼs natural beauty.

For these and other reasons, the SMAI Board has decided that we will no longer allow the construction of personal camping structures. (Structures are defined as those having either built floors, walls, or roofs. This does not include tables, cabinets, or low retaining walls for leveling sites, unless they damage trees or are unsafe.) Existing structures that threaten trees or are unsafe will be removed or repaired, in discussion with the builders.

Smaller Shared Spaces to Require Prior Approval

We understand that there has been an increase in the desire for small shared “play spaces.” Beginning with the premise that you donʼt need a platform to pull together several chairs under a tree for a jam session or music lesson, the SMAI Board has created a Construction Committee that will review requests for permission and assistance with building shared-use structures. They will evaluate proposals for new small-scale construction based on usage, design, safety, and materials required.

You can con tac t E l i o t t Rodge rs a t [email protected] to discuss your venue building project and maintenance.

Continued from page 1

Slow Growth Construction Phase

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Dates to remember:

Registration due by May 31, 2010 (or until maximum registration is filled) Contact Gail Wilson-Smith at [email protected]

Work Party May 28 - 31 Memorial Day Weekend

Setup Week July 9 - 16 (by invitation only) Contact Eliott Rodgers at [email protected]

Session One July 16 - 18

Session Two July 19 - 22

Session Three July 23 - 25

Breakdown July 25 onward (earns one session credit)

I am so happy I received the Sweets Mill sponsorship. I heard many different kinds of music. I learned how to play some French and Irish tunes. I also learned how to play some Flamenco guitar. I found out I am interested in French music. I feel like being at Sweets Mill has improved my guitar playing. Thank you for this great opportunity.   by Ilia Jacoby, age 12

This was the first year Iʼd applied for the Virgil Byxbe Memorial Sponsorship, and to my joy and surprise I was awarded it! This year at Sweets Mill, the Teen/Adult drama group was working on a production of Shakespeareʼs Romeo and Juliet, and I was honored to be given the role of Juliet Capulet. Last year at school we had read Romeo and Juliet, even watched the movie in class, and I was fascinated with the tragic, romantic story as well as the beautiful, illustrative, flowery text. Imagine my excitement at being able to contribute to Sweets Millʼs production of it! By freeing me of my obl igat ion to work, the sponsorship allowed me to concentrate on my part in the play. I now had the opportunity to experiment with a different style of English, work with many other talented actors. I got to meet new people who were also a part of the production, and grow closer to some of my friends. This year at Sweets Mill was exceptional to me- mostly because of my involvement with the play. I am so grateful for this sponsorship because it allowed me to focus more on the role and my work in the theater.

 Thank you so much Valerie!Solana Feldthouse, age 14   

At Camp this Year

continued on next page

Youth Sponsorship Recipients continued:

To develop, and how fast, if at all, that is the question, and a lively discussion at that. There are plenty of ideas for development, including partnering with outside parties to create a year-round camp facility that can be rented out. The logistics of this development would depend on the enthusiasm and volunteerism of our community to help build out Musick Falls. This would include contributions for a faster buildup. While some believe this is possible, many feel that the logistics, financial and zoning issues have not clearly been investigated. Several in our community, including some board members are about our long term focus as a community. Is Sweetsmill an annual camping experience or can it be something more? Whether we develop Musick Falls, or maintain SMAI as once a year summer event, is a essential question that requires the members in our community to express their opinion online and at community meetings. - Eliott Rodgers

Musick Falls Discussion 

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Yo u t h S p o n s o r s h i p R e c i p i e n t s continued:I had a great time at the Mill this year and Iʼm really thankful for you giving me the scholarship.  Since I got in for free my mom and I were able to stay for the whole camp which I never get to do.  I got to play in Jemmyʼs string band which Iʼve never done before.  It was cool, even if I didnʼt really know the tunes they did.  And Jemmy taught me a tune that they did a lot, that was cool! I also learned a tune I had never heard before in less than half an hour with Cathie Whitesides!  I also got a big part in the play which was awesome because I love to sing and act!  And I learned that if Iʼm having a lesson and Iʼm learning a song that Iʼve heard a lot or a song that I already know, if my teacher starts me off I will usually figure the rest out myself.   I hope next yearʼs even better!

Until then,Rhiannon Lewis, age 9

GUIDELINES FOR THE VIRGIL BYXBE MEMORIAL SPONSORSHIP1. Sponsorships will be granted to two music students and one dance/theatre student.2. Students must be 23 years or younger as of July 2010. 3. The Thrift Store will cover admission (gate fees) for all 3 camp sessions. Also included is the full meal plan provided by the Kitchen / breakfast and dinner most days.

4. Factors influencing sponsorship selection:• The student's own statement about his/her

art and goals for development.• Recommendation from a mentor or teacher

of the student.• Financial need.• Applicant has NOT received this

sponsorship for a minimum of 3 consecutive prior years

• Ability to be in residence at Sweet's Mill for more than one session.

• Application complete, photo attached and received on time.

5. In order to make the best use of funds, the Thrift Store reserves the right to split a sponsorship or revise the awards as appropriate to circumstances and the nature of the applications received.6. Once awarded, a sponsorship may be reluctantly withdrawn if camp is not held on Sweet's Mill property, or if other dire circumstances arise. 7. If awarded, the recipient agrees to submit a brief (1 -2 paragraph) follow up summary of their camp sponsorship experience. This submission will be requested within 30 days following the end of camp.8. Applications need to be received by May 20, 20109. Applications are available via email or by sending a written snail mail request to:

Valerie FontenotPO Box 884

Woodacre, CA 94973Questions can be directed to the same address,or to Valerie by phone at 415-488-0945 - or - [email protected]

Maria Wortham's brainchild, a Thrift Store for the Mill has become legendary.  That first summer Maria was, as she puts it, pretty quick to hand off the baton to Veda Ozelle and Eva Simone. They borrowed Penelope (Critchlowʼs) Easy-Up canopy and craft fair booth display system, so it looked pretty classy right from the start. But a 10x10 booth wasn't enough space for all the donations that poured in so the trees on the south side of the Art Area were draped with lovely clothing all around the tent-store. Penelope was a sucker for the Thrift Store right away. The seduction was complete when she eventually volunteered to run the place. But that was after the digs changed its "address". 

From Rags to Riches:On the Rack - a Look Back

by Valerie Fontenot

continued on next page

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About 9-10 years ago, Veda decided to relocate the Thrift Store to a more central location.  The current site is where the store landed.  Good choice since this was the old concrete pool area that had become a safety hazard.  Georg covered and secured the area creating a floor for the thrift store.  At this point Veda stepped away from the Thrift Store project and moved on to other ventures.  Penelope and Maria continued to manage the Thrift Store relying on volunteers.  I started to volunteer about that time. 

Open to the elements, the floor gave way at the end of camp 2005.  It was decided that since the Thrift Store had become the Millʼs most reliable source for fund raising, a more permanent, weather resilient structure would be built.  In 2006, between Memorial Day and the first day of camp, the existing structure was built.  All materials (except nails and screws) were milled from the land or resurrected and recycled from Rec Row.  In 2007 an electrical connection was installed.

Between 2004 and 2005, I became more involved with management as Maria moved on.  Penelope and I found ourselves sharing the management responsibilities.  I started keeping records and spreadsheets as of 2004.  In 2005 we initiated the Virgil Byxbe Memorial Sponsorship Program to benefit young aspiring artists by awarding them with camp sponsorships.  (Please find comments by last summerʼs recipients elsewhere in this newsletter.  Also please find guidelines for camp 2010 sponsorships.)

Between 2004 and 2009 the Thrift Store has raised a total of $24,530. This is remarkable considering we only have 9 days of Thrift Store sales each summer.   Prior to my record keeping, the best estimate is that several thousand additional dollars were raised between 1998 (?) and 2003.   Our total income from last summer was $4100.  Below please find projects and programs that will receive these funds:

ALLOCATIONS 2009Towards Dam Repair                    $400

Storage Shed/Teatro                      750

Youth Sponsorships                      1350

Musick Falls                                  1500

New Solar Path Lights                    100


             TOTAL                          $4100


Penelope and I are pleased to announce our retirement from Thrift Store management.  Excitedly we are passing the wand (more powerful than a baton) on to Isaac Frank.  For those of you who do not already know Isaac (the girl), she is a young, energetic, responsible Mill community member.  She also embodies the right combination of personality, fashion savvy and creative skill set to be a great team leader.  Isaac presents some fresh new blood that will help the Thrift Store flourish in its next incarnation.  (Please see Isaacʼs article elsewhere in this newsletter).

 Penny and I will continue to volunteer some shifts as well as mentor Isaac and the new Thrift Store team.  To all of the wonderful volunteers who have given of your time and energy in the past, I hope you will continue to be part of the new team.  For all of you young ones who want to participate in the future of the Thrift, please contact Isaac and ask how you can help.

 And finally, please remember to bring your clothing donations to the Thrift Store. Our fundraising ability is based solely on the great items you donate.  We recycle your castaways into sales.  Thank you Mill community; please keep supporting this worthwhile endeavor.

From Rags to RichesContinued from previous page