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Survive Any Food Crisis Short Report by Rod Davidson

Sep 12, 2021



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Survive Any Food Crisis

By Rod Davidson

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About Me

Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by! Great to have you here.

My name is Rod Davidson loving husband and father of 3 beautiful girls.

I am also a survival and family preparedness expert who has spent many years making sure that

I am prepared for whatever may come my way.

It’s my duty to be prepared and make sure that I do whatever I can to keep my family out of

harm’s way when things go south…which they will…it’s only a matter of time.

It could be the collapse of the US economy, it could be a war…it even could be a massive

natural disaster. Truth is – it doesn’t matter. What does matter is you are prepared for

whatever Mother Nature or Uncle Sam sends your way. For you. And for your family.

I have also sent you an email which you should have received by now. Feel free to hit the reply

button and tell me a little bit about yourself and what you are doing or aren’t doing to be


I’ve written a detailed guide that has helped hundreds of Americans just like you prepare

themselves and their families for the upcoming food crisis. Here’s your link:

Anyway – enough about me! Let’s get on with the show…

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Chapter 1

Everything As We Know It Is Changing

Have you noticed that there are more people everywhere now than before?

Things sure have changed, huh?

The steady growth in our population has many implications, some are more evident in the

short term and others may be felt only in the long run. Still there are implications that are just

waiting to happen but are ignored. When these implications do finally happen, then everyone

breaks out into a panic.

People panic because they are caught off guard, they are caught when they are least expecting

it, in other words, they panic because they realize they are unprepared and that fact can cause

them and their loved ones their lives.

If you’re unprepared there is a great chance that you too will panic.

There is trouble brewing…there are dark clouds on the horizon…which has the potential to

affect every American.

What is this impending implication that is waiting to happen?

I’m talking about a food crisis or shortage of food supplies. You may be thinking that with all

the supermarkets in your town or city, this is least likely to happen. But then, do you know how

many people live in your town or city? How many families, how many parents who have the

welfare of their children as their #1 priority are there?

Do you know that most of them, just like you perhaps, depend on these supermarkets for their

food and water supplies?

What if a natural disaster like an earthquake ripped your town or city apart tomorrow?

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It would cause a ferocious frenzy to stock up on supplies – food, water, medicine – causing

supermarkets and stores to run out of vital supplies in a matter of minutes. The worst part is, it

may take weeks before supermarkets get fresh supplies.

In the meantime, you and your family will face starvation because you are not prepared, like so

many others out there.

I am not saying this to scare you…I want you to realize that everything as we know it can

change in the blink of an eye.

I want you to realize that you can do something about it.

So don’t disregard the possibility of a food crisis.

Because in the face of a natural disaster – and they are, by the way, happening all over

America: floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes – OR even just a truckers

strike, we do not have enough food supply to tide the entire population over!

It’s not only natural disasters that we need to worry about. Right now, the US is up to its

eyeballs in debt. Our proud nation is sitting on the edge of a devastating financial crisis. The

collapse of the US economy could see food prices sour to unimaginable heights.

Imagine walking into your local store only to find all the food’s gone. Not even a bag of Twinkies

or bottle of water to be seen.

Then you realize that you will have nothing to bring home to your family. You think that there’s

still food in the fridge, but then, how long will that last – 2-3 days, one day, just until dinner


You run from one supermarket to another, from one convenient store to another, and they all

have one thing in common – empty shelves. And then it will begin to sink in – there’s no food

left. And then you will start to really panic.

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I am not playing with your imagination here. It won’t take much to trigger a potentially deadly

food crisis…

And when it does – will you and your family be prepared?

Causes of Food Crisis – Are You Prepared?

Do you know why a lot of people will not prepared when the food shortage hits?

The answer to that lies in another question I’m about to ask you: what will your friends think of

you if they found out you’re stocking food in preparation for a food crisis? They’d think you’re

crazy right?

So that’s the answer to our first question…people are not prepared because they think the

very idea of preparing is crazy!

Well there is nothing crazy with being prepared and ensuring that no matter what happens, you

and your loved ones will have a high chance of survival.

So what are the causes of food crisis? The following factors greatly affect global food supplies:

Floods, droughts, and natural disasters

Increased demand for animal protein

Increased fuel prices

Food reserves are down globally

Use of grain and oilseed crops for biofuel production

Food export limits or bans

Years of under-investment in agricultural productivity

Subsidies given to farmers in the United States, European Union (EU) and Japan

Global financial markets

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Natural disasters, they have always been a part of life but 2011 was said to be the year of


the 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan which was one of the strongest ever recorded,

and one of the most devastating

the widespread drought in East Africa that caused famine which killed almost 30,000


the floods in Thailand that lasted several months killing about 800 people, affecting

more than 12 million people and causing damages worth approximately $45 billion

the severe and unusual weather events in the United States that killed more than 700

people and caused almost $35 billion in damages

tropical storm Washi that hit the Philippines in December last year, killing more than

1200 people and displacing more than 500,000 people

You know when a natural disaster strikes, it will take months and even years before the

affected community recovers (think hurricane Katrina). In fact, the world is still reeling from

these disastrous events. If the affected community happens to be among the world producers

of food crops like Australia or the Balkans, then the impact is much greater.

Another factor that contributes to food shortages is the increased demand for animal protein.

More and more countries are adopting the diet of the developed world which mainly consists

of animal by-products – poultry, meat, dairy and eggs. To meet this demand, more animals

need to be raised and this requires more grain. Some farmers have now shifted from food grain

to feed grain production because there is a higher demand to feed animals.

The global stocks of rice, wheat and coarse grains have been on a steady decline since 2001,

that’s according to the International Grains Council, with the exception of 2004-2005.

Increased fuel prices also lead to higher food prices. The use of grain and oilseed crops for

biofuel production is also contributing to the diminishing decline of food supplies and the

increase in food prices.

Certain countries have food export limits that also control the amount of food other countries

can import. In developing countries, agricultural productivity and market infrastructure are

lacking investment so their capacity to produce food is also limited.

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In the U.S., the European Union and Japan, billions of dollars in subsidies are given to a small

number of agricultural producers each year. This is especially damaging to poor farmers in

countries that are still developing.

Recent problems in the global economy have forced investors to take on products that can

guarantee stable prices like food commodities. This increased activity has helped make food

prices skyrocket in the past years.

Are You Prepared For An Imminent Food Crisis?

Okay, now we know that a food crisis is possible, that it is just waiting to happen, triggered by

an unexpected event like a natural disaster, economic meltdown or a terrorist attack.

What if it happens now or tomorrow or next week or next month, are you prepared?

Let’s go back to that scenario where you run from one supermarket to another only to see

empty shelves and you end up fearing for your family’s survival, is that what’s likely to happen?

It is if you are not prepared.

So how do you prepare?

Common sense and basic observational skills will help you prepare. Is your area prone to

tornadoes, earthquakes or floods? Is there a looming economic depression? You can prepare

for either a short term disaster or a long term one.

Short term disasters can be caused by tornadoes or earthquakes and long term disasters can be

caused by floods or ice storms and sometimes a really serious economic depression.

It’s quite easy to prepare for a short term food emergency. Mostly all you need for survival is a

food storage survival kit, some matches and a radio and you’re covered for a few days.

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Preparing for a longer disaster will require much larger supplies of water and food so you will

need to do some planning and thorough thinking first. Storing food for emergencies should not

be taken lightly.

Though there are many food survival products available, if you don’t know which to buy or if

the one you buy is damaged, it wouldn’t be of any use for you. If the food is not properly

stored, then it could be damaged by moist, heat or bugs.

Check out my full Survive Any Food Crisis Guide Here

Correct and sufficient preparation is the key to surviving a food emergency. Keep in mind that

though you don’t know what the future brings, you can still prepare by being observant and

recognizing the tell-tale signs of a looming food crisis.

Do not make the expenses an excuse not to stock up on food survival kits. This expense is but a

small investment to you and your family’s well being. Don’t think that preparing for a food crisis

is silly either, because you won’t be thinking that when a disaster hits and you find you’re not at

all prepared.

Think of the peace of mind being prepared can give you. You’ll sleep better knowing that if a

disaster strikes, you have enough supplies to keep you and your children from getting hungry

until things get better or help arrives.

Food Storage

What food types should you store in order to survive a food crisis?

Survivalist will tell you different things – “Stock this food...”, “No this type is better…”, “They’re

wrong, you’re better off with this food…”, etc.

What I can advice you is to store the types of foods that you eat. If you stock up on food types

you don’t eat, then there’s not much sense in that. Just make sure that you keep track of the

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foods you store and rotate them so that they do not get too old to consume. You should also

keep in mind that storing food for survival purposes need not be expensive. There are foods

you can buy cheap if you buy them in bulk and they also have long shelf life.

Rice and pasta are cheaper when bought in bulk. Rice in particular has high caloric value and a

long shelf life. If sealed properly and stored in 40°F temperature, rice can last for 30 years and

still retain its flavor and nutrients.

If you use canned foods like crushed tomatoes and coconut milk, it will be a good idea to

purchase more of these and store them. Canned foods often have 3 to 5 years of shelf life.

Especially canned foods like the ones produced by the military often have much longer shelf

life, lasting decades. If you can get hold of especially canned foods, then the better although

these may prove to be a bit more expensive than regular canned foods.

Un-grinded wheat and oats can have unlimited storage life if properly stored. The ideal place to

store most staples is somewhere that is both cool and dry. If you’re getting un-grinded oats and

wheat, then you should also consider getting a manual or hand-operated grinder to turn these

staples into flour.

Honey is also said to be the perfect food because its storage life is practically unlimited. Did you

know that some honey has been recovered from Egyptian tombs? And though the honey

recovered has crystallized, they are still edible. And the best part is honey retains its essential

nutrients and enzymes even after years and years of being stored.

Sugar and salt also last long when stored properly. Salt is very essential in a survival situation

not only to add some flavor to food but to help preserve meat and fish to make them last


Regular cooking oil can last for 2 years but olive oil has a shorter shelf life. Powdered milk can

also last for around 2 years when stored correctly.

You can construct a food cellar in your home where you can properly store your foods. This

cellar can also be used to store onions and potatoes for much longer periods of time. If you

can’t have a food cellar, then you can get strong air tight containers to store your foods in.

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When preparing food for an emergency, you don’t necessarily need to buy all the foods you

need in bulk. Build your storage up gradually and make sure that you keep tabs of all the food

you have stored and note the shelf life of each. This will ensure that none of the foods stored

will go bad and waste your money.

How about MREs?

MREs or Meals Ready-To-Eat are self-contained, lightweight food packages used by the military.

These can be bought from military surplus stores and could be quite expensive ($6-7 per meal).

The shelf life of MREs depends on storage temperature. If the temp is at 60°F or below, it can

last 10 years. If stored at a temp of 120°F, then it can last only 1 month. MREs that are stored

longer may not have the same nutritional value as the ones consumed sooner.

I do not recommend storing MREs even if you can afford them because many of these are

surplus so you could be buying rations that sat in the searing heat of Afghanistan significantly

reducing their shelf life.

Freeze Dried and Dehydrated Foods

Freeze-dried and dehydrated foods make good survival food stashes.

Freeze dried foods had 98% of their water removed but their nutrients and flavor are retained.

Freeze dried foods are often stored in foil pouches or sealed #10 cans. The foods are

lightweight and very easy to store. They also have long shelf life. Freeze dried foods in pouches

have 7 year shelf life while the canned ones can last 25 years.

Dehydrated foods have a shorter shelf life but they are also just as good. These foods add

variety to diet as there are dehydrated vegetables, beef jerky, noodles, dried beans, bread

mixes and dried fruits. Dried foods are fairly inexpensive as well so they can be stored in bulk.

Make sure that you rotate your stored foods. Your goal is to use and replace your stash

throughout the year. This is easy to do if you store the types of food that you actually eat.

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So there you go, I hope this short report has helped you realize the importance of storing food

in order to be prepared in case of a food emergency.

A food shortage is not a remote possibility, it could happen especially now that there are many

factors that contribute to the depleting food supply of the world. If you depend so much on

supermarkets for your supply of food and drinking water, then it’s time to reconsider your

views about food storage. Storing food is a practical move, not something silly or crazy.

You are a person who takes survival seriously and in order to survive, you have to be prepared.

This preparedness could mean that you’re not the one who panics when all the food on the

supermarket shelves are gone. It could mean you don’t turn to looting just to try to get food for

your children. It could also mean that your family, your children, your loved ones, do not go

hungry in case of a food crisis.

The Next Step

I have something really useful for you to look at which can help you become better prepared

and have a higher chance of surviving a food crisis…

I have written a detailed all-in-one food crisis survival guide called “Survive Any Food Crisis”

which you can download by clicking on the link below:

Click Here To Avoid A Food Crisis & Save Your Family

Stay Safe & God Bless,

Rod Davidson

[email protected]

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