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Surefire 2002 Ill

Apr 05, 2018



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  • 7/31/2019 Surefire 2002 Ill


    2002Illumination Tools$4.00 U.S

    $5.00 Canad$6.00 Foreig

  • 7/31/2019 Surefire 2002 Ill


    Photography by Ichiro Nagata

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  • 7/31/2019 Surefire 2002 Ill


    ContentsPresidents Message

    The Story Of SureFire

    SureFire Basics

    Lamp Assemblies

    Filters and Batteries

    Digital Technology

    LED Lights

    Arc Lights

    Executive Series

    Personal Lights

    Advanced Rechargeables


    Special Operations Lights

    Handgun WeaponLights

    M WeaponLight

    Shotgun WeaponLights

    M Vertical Grip

    Millennium Universal System

    Laser Sights

    SureFire Institute


    Warranty Statement

    Entire contents copyright SureFire LLC

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    For the first time in the history of SureFire,

    America is engaged in a declared war. As

    strongly as we support our war against ter-

    rorism, we nonetheless are concerned for the

    safety of our valiant warriors, our friends in

    the Special Forces who are clearing the caves of

    Afghanistan, routing out the Al Qaeda vermin. But at

    the same time, we find some gratification in knowingthat SureFire flashlights and WeaponLights are ven-

    turing into the dark lairs of the Tora Bora cave com-

    plex with our men. It feels good to know weve

    helped create a tool that may well be saving American

    lives in a war zone.

    SureFire owes its roots to providing tactical illumi-

    nation tools to military and police customers who

    came to us and asked us to create a totally new form

    of weapon, a light so powerful it could be used as a

    combative instrument. From our first 6P Classic flash-light to our latest Millennium Vertical Grip

    WeaponLight, we have thrown caution to the wind

    and embarked on a business model based on provid-

    ing those who go in harms way with the very best

    lighting tools.

    And we must be doing something right. When

    Newsweek featured a Special Forces operator on its

    cover (Oct. 29, 2001), the soldier was carrying an M4

    rifle with a SureFire tactical light in a Weaver mount.

    No greater reward could we ever ask than the knowl-edge that our products are trusted by the men who

    wear a Ranger tab and a Green Beret.

    To our friends in law enforcement and the armed

    forces, you have my pledge that SureFire will continue

    to develop new and better lighting tools to help you

    prevail when you are called upon to defend home and

    hearth. You have our respect, our admiration and most

    of all our gratitude.


    John W. MatthewsFounder and President

    SureFire holds numerous patents relating to theconstruction design performance and function opowerful lighting tools especially weaponmountlights The same intensity and passion that wentinto the design of our WeaponLights for police anmilitary customers is incorporated in every light wmake

    The SureFire M

    CombatLight features a ruggedshockisolated lampassembly and aneyeball blistering lumens of whitelight

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    Unsatisfied with simply building the best tactical

    illumination tools Dr John Matthews created theSureFire Institute to develop tactical doctrine on theuse of bright light in combative environments Theinstructors (below) are today considered the cuttingedge originators of the most dynamic trainingfor police and military personnel

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    Laser Products customized Ruger Minirifles into laser sighted tactical rifles inthe late s

    An early laser sight for the Colt Trooperproved too cumbersome for practical use

    A laser sight for an MP

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    SureFire is a story of what can beaccomplished with light. The tale

    begins in 1969 when an engineerwith a freshly minted Ph. D. fromCal Tech decided the future lay in

    lasers. Dr. John Matthews founded the NewportCorporation to harness the power of the laser for

    industrial applications.Over the next decade, the NewportCorporation grew to become a leader in the laserfield, pioneering a host of industrial uses for thelaser. Patents were issued, contracts were won,

    business boomed.Basking in the glow of success, Johns inven-

    tive mind turned toward his hobby and passion,shooting. He wondered if a laser could be adapt-ed to serve as a sight on a firearm. In 1979, theintrepid scientists musings became reality as hedesigned and patented a laser sight.

    The original laser sight was large and cum-bersome by todays standards, and prohibitivelyexpensive to manufacture. The board of direc-tors of the Newport Corporation now a publiccompany with shareholders looked at the bot-tom-line of the fledgling laser sight business anddecided that the interests of the shareholderswould be best served by investing in somethingmore profitable. They resolved to dump lasersights.

    John and several other of the key technicalpeople at Newport Corporation who shared

    Johns vision bought the business from theboard. John resigned as president from theNewport Corporation and set about perfectinghis dream with his new business, LaserProducts.

    A handgun sight for a Colt Trooper was thecompanys first product. A laser sight for aRuger Mini-14 soon followed. Then, in1984, the phone rang with a call from alocal police agency that would literallyalter history for Dr. John Matthews

    and Laser Products.It was the Los Angeles Police

    Departments SWAT Team on theline. The 1984 Olympic Games were to

    be held in The City Of Angels and the policewondered if it would be possible to borrow anumber of laser-sighted shotguns to use for

    security during the Games. No problem, saidJohn.

    In the years that followed, the technicallysuperb, but expensive, laser-sighted firearmspaved the way for future developments. Whilenone were commercially successful, the willing-ness of Laser Products to accommodate law

    enforcements needs led to the development of anovel idea at the time, a weapon-mounted flash-light.

    The SureFire WeaponLight was born, andlow-light law enforcement and military opera-tions would never be the same.

    Laser Products went on to establish itself asthe leading manufacturer of rugged, powerfuland compact illumination tools for tactical appli-cations from weapon-mounted lights andlaser sights, shield lights and baton lights tohand-held lights powerful and bright enough to

    qualify as force-option tools that could tem-porarily blind, unbalance, and disorient a threat.

    Eventually the SureFire name became so syn-onymous with excellence in hand-held illumina-tion tools that the company name, LaserProducts, was changed to SureFire LLC.

    Today SureFire employs nearly 200 techni-cians, engineers, assemblers, machinists, clerks,salesmen and administrators. The companymanufacturers all of its key. It boasts a state-of-the-art Machining Center where the aerospace-grade aluminum bodies, bezels and tail-caps aremachined on 11-axis CNC Index lathes fromGermany, the finest such machines.

    Since its inception, SureFire has continued todesign and manufacture lights of ever increasing

    brightness and quality while setting new stan-dards for maximum power with minimal size.



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    Science is cool atSureFire, a place wherepeople wearing pocketprotectors are wel-

    come. Three doctors nonemedical work at SureFire, oneof whom moonlights on thegovernments particle accelera-tor program. Eggheads thrive in

    the engineering driven atmos-phere of our company whereproducing the very best illumi-nation tools outweighs anythingso mundane as sales or market-ing considerations.

    Consequently, SureFire lightsare manufactured to stringentstandards, utilizing a combina-tion of state-of-the-art CNC

    machines and skilled handworkby experienced technicians. Onlythe finest materials are used. Mostof our lights are made from aero-space-grade aluminum, hardanodized to Mil-Spec standards.Some models feature a non-con-ductive, corrosion-proof polymer

    body, made of a special material

    called Nitrolon that was devel-oped specially for SureFire.

    The key feature of a SureFireillumination tool is its incredible

    brightness. No other brand offlashlight approaches the power ofa SureFire. The beam of a SureFirefeatures a brilliant white center,radiating out smoothly to a sub-dued peripheral beam. The beamshape and consistency is the result

    The Cool Science of SureFire of literally years of research andrefinement.Our incandescent lamp assem-blies feature a tungsten filament ina high-pressure Xenon gas atmos-phere set in a precisely focused,machined aluminum reflector. Theincredible light produced by ourcustom designed lamps is focusedin a reflector designed to producethe telltale SureFire beam.

    The coating on the reflector is

    the result of a painstaking propri-etary process that helps create thesmooth, even beam signature forwhich SureFire is famous.

    The window, or lens, in virtually all SureFire models is madefrom optically coated temperedPyrex. Two of our Nitrolon mod-els, designed for optimum per-formance at the most efficientprice, feature Lexan windows.

    Cool science at work: Paul KimSureFires director of new productdevelopment displays two prototypesof our new Arc Light called try toguess why The Beast

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    How We Measure Light: Our Friend The Lumen


    ureFire refers to a flashlights light output with a unit of measure calleda lumen. Short for luminous flux, a lumen is a scientific measurement

    of the total amount of light emitted by a light source. Candlepowermeasures the single

    brightest spot of an overall lightsource. Candlepower can be ahighly misleading indicator ofthe amount of light becauseonly one tiny spot, the absolute

    brightest little dot of light, iswhat is measured. A good manyflashlight companies intention-ally use candlepower for just

    that very reason it dupes theconsumer into thinking somecheeseball $2.99 flashlight is

    brighter than it really is.Photometrists scientists who

    study light consider the lumen a much more accurate indicator of a lights truepower. SureFire is all about building the best illumination tools, engineered forsuperior performance. We use the lumen to give the consumer an accurate measureof the power of our lights.

    SureFire lights range from 10 lumens to over 2,000 lumens. An ideal range for tac-tical purposes is between 60 and 500 lumens.

    Tactical usage of the combat light in a

    low-light environment requires oneattribute above all others: a momentaryon-off switch in a fumble-proof position.

    Thats why all of our lights, from themighty mite E1e

    Executive to therobust M6Magnum, have thesame tail-capswitch. The tail-capis the best place fora switch its easyto locate in thedark, requires noorientation of thelight and is totally ambidextrous.

    Additionally, a momentary tail-cap is thebest tactical solution to low light combativeproblems as we have validated in countlessengagements, both at the SureFire Instituteand in the real-world. The tactic is simplelight and move.

    The Patented Lock-Out Momentary Tail-CapMovement is essential in a fluid, dynamic

    environment. Coupled with the disorientingeffect of a SureFire light, an operator who canflank a assailant can overpower him. Outflankthe enemy an elementary tactic, from

    Hannibal to Patton.

    Like fighterpilots attacking outof the sun, comingat your adversaryfrom behind a wallof light is a hugetactical advantage.

    Our patentedlock-out tail-cap is

    O-ring sealed forwaterproof performance. Twist it all the waydown for constant light. Back it off formomentary control. Releasing pressure on thetail-cap acts as a deadmans switch so if anoperator goes down, his flashlight does notstay on to illuminate his teammates.





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    Shocking as it may be,some manufacturers lieabout their products. Loseweight without dieting!

    Earn extra money while you sleep!Buy the amazing LED flashlightthats bright enough to read thenewspaper and runs for 200 hourson the same battery!

    Ah yes, truth in advertising.Unfortunately for our sales depart-ment, SureFire believes in doing

    business honestly and openly,telling the unvarnished truth aboutour products. Accurately describingour products requires that we

    express the power of our flashlightsin terms of lumens the mostaccurate measurement of light.Other flashlight companies dupetheir customers with misleadingreferences to umpteen million can-dlepower, failing to mention thatits a highly distorted indicator ofthe true amount of light.

    SureFire simply will not bam-boozle our loyal customers, whichis a real problem now that were

    introducing our first LightEmitting Diode (LED) line of flash-lights in 2002. If other manufactur-ers have taken artistic license with

    candlepower, theyve taken theentire museum with LEDs.Light emitting diodes are

    grossly misrepresented. Theyrethose cool little thingamajigs inthose handy keychain lights.Youll be told that theyre good forhundreds of hours of light. Butyou wont be told that the amountof light is miniscule and goesdownhill from there.

    The truth about LEDs is that

    they operate extremely efficientlyat low power levels. Unlike tung-sten filament lamps that work bet-ter with more juice, LEDs actuallywork more efficiently with lesspower. Thats not to say that anLED puts out more light when its

    battery is virtually dead it does-nt but that perky little rascalwill continue to emit some mod-icum of light. For a very, very longtime.

    Lies, Damn Lies And LEDs Tungsten lamps run low onjuice, they fade to yellow and dieLEDs run low on power, they justflex their little muscles and continue to work.

    SureFires honest representa-tion of light emission says thisabout LEDs: those little keychain

    lights are good for maybe twolumens at first, then maybe onelumen as the battery goes down.And less than one lumen for allthose hundreds of hours later.

    Truthfully, SureFires newLumaMax Series of LED flash-lights emit 10 lumens for two anda half hours then, as the voltagefades, they continue to produceabout four lumens of light foranother 20 to 40 hours.

    Will a SureFire LED eke out alumen or two for thousands ofhours after the battery is virtual-ly dead? Yeah, theres some rem-nant light left many hours later,

    but to tell you that a SureFire isgood for hundreds of hours is a

    best a gross misrepresentation anat worst a blatant lie.

    And thats the real truth aboutLEDs.


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    New TechnologiesFor 2002


    hree entirely new lighting technologies highlightSureFires new products for 2002. Heading the list is a newfamily of flashlights with Digital technology, a micro-

    processor controlled system that regulates the batteries toproduce a consistent stream of light, from a brand-new fresh set allthe way down to a set on its last legs.

    SureFire is also introducing its first line of light emitting diode(LED) flashlights, which also feature the new Digital technology.The LumaMax Series features a new type of LED that is capable ofsignificant light output rated at 18 lumens versus one or twolumens from conventional LEDs.

    Blending LEDs and traditional tungsten lamps is not entirelynew for SureFire we incorporate LED navigation lights on severalof our WeaponLight systems but for the first time, SureFire iscombining LED illumination with a tungsten lamp in an excitingnew model we call the Aviator. We call the marriage of LED andtungsten lights Digital Fusion Technology.

    Designed for pilots, the Aviator features three LEDs in an E2eExecutive-size body, plus the E2es bright 60 lumen tungsten lamp.The three LEDs can be ordered in red, white, blue orgreen. An infrared version is available for military use.The Aviator features a two-position tail-cap switch, likeour 10X Dominator model, to allow an airman to trigger

    just the low-output LEDs for map reading or checking his

    instruments, and then a harder press activates the brighttungsten light for performing a pre-flight check.Last and far from least, SureFire has finally topped

    itself with an awesome new line of Arc Lights featuring amonster we simply call The Beast. Arc lights are even

    brighter than anything SureFire has ever made beforeover 2,000 lumens of supernova white light.

    Finally, SureFire continues its ongoing process of con-tinuous improvement with a number of significantupgrades to existing products, such as a newly redesignedshotgun forend, a new Military model of our Handgun

    WeaponLight, a new click-on momentary tail-cap forSpecial Operations models, additional models in theMillennium Universal System, and phew, you better

    just sit back and enjoy reading about these and manymore in the new 2002 SureFire Catalog.


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    LumaMax LED

    LumaMax Series lights arenew for 2002, featuring aradically improved kind of

    light emitting diode (LED)called the Luxeon. Unlike con-ventional LEDs (read: weenieLEDs), SureFires newLumaMax Series produces 18lumens of very efficient light.Run-time is one and two hours

    respectively for the L1 and L2LumaMax models. We also offera KL1 conversion kit to convertExecutive Elite series lights toLumaMax configuration.

    Lights Action!

    Lamp assemblies bulbs, in laymans terms arethe very heart of SureFires stunningly powerful

    beams. Every lamp design is custom made forSureFire, built to excruciatingly precise specifica-

    tions by our chief electrical engineer. In order to pro-

    duce the sort of light that shines from a SureFire, thelamps must perform at the maximum extreme of theenvelope. An example: Tungsten, the filament materialin our incandescent lamps, melts at 3,650 Kelvin ourlamps operate as close to that melting point as possible.

    To run a lamp that close to the melting point requiressome sophisticated tap-dancing on the part of our engi-neers. First, the lamps must be high-pressure filled withan inert gas called Xenon. Xenon has very large mole-cules and these beefy little guys act like offensive line-men they block tungsten molecules from boiling offthe filament. Xenon, incidentally, is the most expensive

    inert gas that can be used in a high-pressure lamp.Some of our incandescent lamps are so hot that even

    an army of Xenon molecules cannot keep all the tung-sten from boiling off the filament. When the tungstenmolecules boil off, they migrate to the inside of the glassenvelope and deposit themselves there, where is it rela-tively cooler than the 3,000 oven they just left.

    SureFire cant have any of that. The tungsten willquickly coat the inside of the glass, blackening it com-pletely, killing the light. How quickly? Nanoseconds. Tocombat these renegade tungsten runaways, SureFireengineers incorporated Halogen gas with the high-pres-sure Xenon in a certain ratio. During whats called theHalogen cycle, those wayward tungsten molecules aretransported back from the glass to the filament structureand redeposited.

    A lot of cool science inside those hot lamps!

    Arc Lights

    New for 2002, a HighIntensity Discharge (HID)arc light debuts in

    SureFires new Arc Light series,featuring The Beast. Arc lights cre-ate light by a flash of electricity

    between two electrodes. Of courseits really a lot more complicatedthan that, but suffice it to say thatour new Arc Lights are to flash-lights what the space shuttle is toairplanes. Only more.





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    Seeing The WorldThroughRose Colored Filters


    ureFire beam-modifying accessoriesexpand the range of applications of

    SureFire WeaponLights and hand-held lights. The filters change the

    light into either invisible infrared or to blue orred for subdued lighting. The beam-shaper isa diffuser that acts to broaden the SureFire

    beam to assist in reading ground signs if youare man-tracking or hunting.

    Mounting a filter, beam-shaper or protectivecover on the light is easy simply slip the filterover the bezel. Press-on models are held by fric-tion while Millennium models in the FM series

    are locked-down with a clever bezel mountinglock.The lens lids are hinged and can be opened

    when you wish to deploy your white light.The lid snaps in the closed position andincludes an additional lock for added assur-ance that the lens will stay closed. This addedlock prevents unintended light from occurringduring covert operations a definitefaux pasthat we call a white light AD.

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    Recoil-Proof Battery Sticks

    Recoil plays hell on a battery, so SureFire devel-oped a specially armored battery stick for usein its dedicated WeaponLights. The worstabuse comes from 12 ga. shotguns as seen

    with SureFire dedicated shotgun forends. The effect oftwo or three batteries slam-ming against one anotherduring recoil can provedamaging to loose batter-

    ies, but the SureFire bat-tery stick is recoil-proof.They come standard withall dedicated shotgunforends, but are not nec-essary with shock-isolat-ed MillenniumWeaponLights, whichhold the batteries indi-vidually and protectthem from recoil forces.

    The Power Of SureFire

    SureFire lithium batteries madein the U.S.A. are manufacturedto the highest performance speci-fications. SureFires electrical

    engineers specified the SureFire battery

    for maximum energy output and long life.SureFire lithium batteries have a 10 yearshelf-life and can be relied upon to deliv-er their power in the most adverse condi-tions.

    SureFire lithium batteries are availablein bulk quantities from the factory,although Authorized SureFire Dealerscarry carded two-packs and individual

    batteries.SureFire lithium batteries are sold at

    much less mark-up than battery compa-

    ny batteries because SureFire wants toprovide a reasonably priced, high-per-formance battery to power its unsur-passed flashlights and WeaponLights.

    SFA: single battery (not sold by the factory)

    SFBB: battery pack

    SFBB: two battery packs ( batteries)

    SFCB: cards of two batteries per card

    SFBB: six battery packs ( batteries)

    Filter GuideRed FilterProvides illumination while maintaining nightadapted vision Invisible todeer and other wildlife

    Blue FilterHelpful in detecting blood trails andprovides illumination while maintaining nightadapted vision

    Infrared FilterBlocks visible light emitting infraredlight that provides enhanced night

    vision device (NVD) resolution

    BeamShaperDiffuses the light beam for broadercoverage ideal for closeup worksuch as tracking or whenever anintense beam center is not preferred

    Protective CoverProtects the lens and prevents negligent or accidental light emission during covert operations





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    Digital technology applies toseveral different SureFire families from the Executive Seriesto the CombatLight to severalSpecial Operations modelsEventually microprocessorcontrolled lights will be introduced throughout the SureFireline including theWeaponLight line


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    Consistent LightConsistently Bright


    igital flashlight technology is a startlingbreak-through development from SureFire.New for 2002, this exciting new advance inillumination science is the result of SureFiresmost ambitious R&D effort to date. A pro-

    grammed microprocessor is at the heart of DigitalTechnology, allowing SureFire engineers to preciselymeter the flow of current from the batteries to the lamp,resulting in a consistent level of light.

    Batteries are like people when theyre fresh andnew, theyre stronger than when theyre old and weak.As the batteries in a flashlight use up their power, thelight becomes progressively weaker and weaker until,

    with a final gasp of rapidly fading yellow light, theydie. This is the nature of batteries.Now, with SureFires new digitially controlled micro-

    processor to regulate the batteries, a consistent amountof juice is carefully doled out to the lamp. The light out-put remains steady and consistent for 60 minutes, butinstead of suddenly shutting down like a conventionalflashlight, a Digital Series flashlight is programmed todrop down to provide a low level of navigation light foranother 15 minutes.

    Its bright, SureFire bright, and suddenly your DigitalSeries CombatLight drops down a modest level. You

    drop to a knee and pull out your SureFire Spares Carrierwith back-up batteries. No problem finding the SparesCarrier in your gear because you still have the low-levelof microprocessor-metered light to work. Fresh batteriesin hand, you douse the light momentarily to change to afresh set.

    Compare that to suddenly finding yourself in inkyblackness as a conventional flashlight abruptly shuts off.

    Digital Technology is clearly a superior illuminationtool. Knowing you can count on a consistent beam a

    bright, smooth SureFire beam no less and then have

    15 minutes of emergency light left after the batteries aredrained, now thats a real break-through.

    Digital Series Models & Features

    CD Digital Centurionlamp (MD): lumens

    runtime: minutes

    lamp (MD): lumens

    runtime: minutes

    lamp (MD): lumensruntime: minutes

    battery: two SureFire lithium

    finish: MilSpec Type III hard anodize

    window: optically coated tempered Pyrex

    bezel: shockisolated

    MD Digital Centurionlamp (MD): lumens

    runtime: minutes

    lamp (MD): lumens

    runtime: minutes

    lamp (MD): lumens

    runtime: minutes

    battery: two SureFire lithiumfinish: MilSpec Type III hard anodize

    window: optically coated tempered Pyrex

    bezel: shockisolated

    L Digital LumaMaxLED: lumens

    runtime: over minutes

    battery: two SureFire lithium

    finish: MilSpec Type III hard anodize

    window: optically coated tempered Pyrex

    bezel: shockisolated

    L Digital LumaMaxLED: lumensruntime: over minutes

    battery: two SureFire lithium

    finish: MilSpec Type III hard anodize

    window: optically coated tempered Pyrex

    bezel: shockisolated

    A Digital Fusion Aviatorlamp: LED fusion with MA

    runtime: hours (LED) hour MA

    battery: two SureFire lithium

    finish: MilSpec Type III hard anodize

    window: optically coated tempered Pyrex

    Digital modelssport distinctivenew bezel flutesand accents

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    umaMax is SureFires new entry into thelight emitting diode (LED) class of lightingtools. The LumaMax Series utilizes a brand-new kind of LED that, quite frankly, is the

    first LED that meets SureFires standardsfor a hand-held illumination tool. Those dime storekeychain LED lights, with their pathetic one or twolumens of output, are not exactly in keeping withSureFires expectations for performance.

    At last, an LED called the Luxeon has beendeveloped that finally offers a level of usefullight good enough for SureFire to engineer intoan illumination tool. Featured in our newLumaMax Series, the Luxeon LED is rated to pro-duce between 13 and 20 lumens. By comparison,our E1e Executive with a conventional tungstenfilament lamp emits 15 lumens.

    The benefit of LED-based flashlights is that thenature of the light emitting diode is such that itperforms more efficiently at lowpower. Translated into laymansterms, an LED can run for a verylong time.

    Additionally, SureFire is incor-porating its break-through DigitalTechnology in the LumaMaxSeries. Digital Technology was

    developed by SureFire engineers toproduce a steady, consistent level oflight output no matter how fresh orold the batteries. Using a micro-processor to control the flow of cur-

    Digital LumaMax Models & Features

    L Digital LumaMax L Digital LumaMax KL LumaMax ConversionLED: to lumens* to lumens* to lumens*

    runtime: one hour at full power two hours at full power one hour (Ee) or two hours (Ee)

    battery: one SureFire lithium two SureFire lithium one (Ee) or two (Ee) lithium

    finish: MilSpec Type III hard anodize MilSpec Type III hard anodize MilSpec Type III hard anodize

    window: tempered Pyrex tempered Pyrex tempered Pyrex

    features: Digital Technology Digital Technology converts Ee or Ee to LumaMax

    lockout tailcap lockout tailcapstainless steel pocket clip stainless steel pocket clip

    rent, Digital flashlights also feature a two-positiontail-cap switch to trigger either a low or high levelof light, like our 10X Dominators tail-cap.

    SureFires new LumaMax Series, featuring

    Digital Technology, comes in two models, the L1LumaMax and the L2 LumaMax, using one andtwo SureFire lithium batteries respectively.Additionally, a LumaMax conversion kit for theExecutive Series is available, our model KL1.

    Also using LEDs, but not the Luxeon unit, is thenew LED conversion bezel and lamp assembly, theKL2, for the Special Operations M3 CombatLight.This accessory combines 19 separate LEDs for auseful, broad-beam walk-around light. Neither theM3 conversion nor any of the LumaMax Series areconsidered suitable for tactical applications. Asfunctional as even SureFires state-of-the-art LEDsmight be, they simply do not have the eye-blister-ing power necessary for a tactical light.

    Facing Page

    The KL accessory converts either an Eeor Ee Executive to accept a Lumamaxbezel and lamp

    * The LumaMaxs exact output was not precisely measured inSureFires research lab by the printing deadline for this catalog

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    The Incredible 19-Head LED Monster


    ransform an M3 CombatLight into an LEDtitan with our new 19-head LED conversionhead. Utilizing solid state light emittingdiodes, the new KL2 LED bezel assembly

    produces a very useful 25 lumens of general-pur-pose light, and runs for approximately four hours,tapering off for more of those eons and eons of lightpromised by other LED manufacturers.

    Truthfully, the KL2 LED bezel is not even remote-ly suitable for tactical applications. It is incapable ofdisorienting an opponent with the sheer force of

    blinding white light. The beam is too diffuse and

    there are simply not enough lumens to cause reflex-ive light-response in a suspect.

    Thats the bad news; the good news is that aKL2-modified M3 is perfect for everything the pow-erful CombatLight is not looking around the attic,working under a car hood, hiking along a trail, allthe sorts of tasks for which you might otherwiseaffix a beam-shaper filter to a standard M3 to pur-posely diffuse the light. Only now you get long LEDrun-time instead of the usual 60 or 20 minutes froma standard M3 tungsten lamp.

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    Digital Fusion Technology

    Blending LEDs and traditional tungsten lamps is not entirely newfor SureFire we incorporate LED navigation lights on severalof our WeaponLight systems but for the first time,SureFire is combining LED illumination with a tungsten fil-

    ament incandescent lamp in an exciting new model called theAviator. We call the marriage of LED and tungsten lightsFusion Technology.

    Designed for pilots, the Aviator features three LEDs in anE2e Executive-size body, plus the E2es bright 60 lumentungsten lamp. The three LEDs can be ordered in red,white, blue or green. An infrared version is available formilitary use. The Aviator features a two-position tail-cap switch, like 10X Dominator, to allow an airmanto trigger just the low-output LEDs for map readingor checking his instruments, and then a harderpress activates the bright tungsten light for per-forming a pre-flight check.

    The Aviator is also an ideal pocket light forhunters. Walking to a deer stand before sun-rise, a hunter can utilize the red LED as alow-output navigation light. Deer cannotsee light in the red spectrum. Orderanother one with blue LEDs and theAviator becomes an excellent trackinglight. SureFires police customerslong ago found that using bluelight to search for clues at a crimescene help the investigator to see

    blood spots. Blood stands out

    prominently under blue light.Fusion Technology, led

    by the new Aviator, is des-tined to become one ofSureFires most signif-icant contributionsto the improve-ment of illumi-nation tools.


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    Worlds First Crew-Served Flashlight


    nly SureFire would dream up something likethis and then actually make it. When ourengineers trotted out a prototype of a massivenew search-and-rescue light the most pow-

    erful flashlight SureFire has ever made one of ourSureFire Institute trainers deadpanned, You finally didit. A crew-served flashlight.

    Meet The Beast, an awesomely powerful new flash-light designed for installation security, search-and-res-cue applications, long-range surveillance and, in apinch, intergalactic signaling.

    Essentially, The Beast is a High Intensity Discharge(HID) automotive headlight in an aluminum housing.If other SureFire flashlights are dazzling, The Beast is

    scorching. As another SureFire wag putit, Its nearest competitor is 93 millionmiles away.

    Technically, The Beast is a Xenon-arc HID lamp. Light is generated in anarc lamp when a spark of electricity

    jumps between two electrodes thatsthe arc in Xenon-arc. As electricity isfirst transmitted between the elec-trodes, gas inside the lamp is ionized,causing the arc to strike. Once the arcis struck, it takes a brief moment for

    the materials in the lamp to vaporizeand then photon torpedoes away!

    Suddenly, its bright. You noticethis as the light turns to a brilliant

    blue-white color. The whole process,from striking the arc to the flash of siz-zling blue-white light, takes but a fewseconds.

    Once The Beasts arc is struck, lookout. The lumen output is so stagger-ingly outrageous that, quite honestly,

    SureFire engineers have not yet pre-cisely measured the power. Our chiefelectrical engineer a photometristwith a Ph. D. in electrical engineeringwith over 20 years at SureFire esti-mates the output at 2,500 lumens.

    Thats five times more powerfulthan our previous champion, the M6Magnum!

    The Beast is so incredibly bright that itcompletely defeats the most impenetrable

    darkness. It bathes in shining white light anobject in the deepest shadows 600 yardsaway!

    For search-and-rescue work, The Beasthas no peer. For long-range threat identifi-cation, The Beast peels away the cover ofnight. For maritime navigation, The Beastreveals the most treacherous shoals.

    You name the lighting problem, andSureFire offers an illumination tool to solveit. Even if we have to turn loose The Beast.





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    Shown in MilSpec Type III hard anodizedfinish the Executive Elite Series is alsoavailable with a satin gray Type IIanodized finish A choice of Pyrex orLexan windows is also available


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    Upgraded for 2002, the Executive Seriesnow features enhancements previous-ly unavailable. The improvements areso distinctive that we decided to des-ignate the series with new nomencla-

    ture to set them apart. Meet the new ExecutiveElite Series.

    There are two basic versions one-battery andtwo-battery models called the E1e and E2erespectively. Additionally, there are two finishesand windows. The deluxe models boast a Mil-Spec Type III hard anodized finish and a tem-pered Pyrex window with a proprietary anti-reflective coating. Standard models utilize a TypeII satin gray anodizing and a Lexan window.

    Discreet yet powerful, Executive Elite lights arethe handy companions you need in purse or pock-et. Producing 60 lumens of power in the two-bat-tery version or 15 lumens in the single-battery ver-sion, the Executive Elite Series presents a remark-ably effective lighting tool in an astonishinglycompact envelope.

    The Executive Elite comes with a stainless steelpocket clip that attaches to a newly redesigned

    body. The slot for the pocket clip can be used toattach other accessory devices, such as a bicyclehandlebar mount, that will be available fromSureFire in the future.

    Another improvement to the new 2002Executive Elite is the inclusion of SureFires

    patented lock-out tail-cap featuring a watertightmomentary switch. Rotate the tail-cap all the waydown for constant illumination, back it out a half-turn for momentary light or continue backing itout one full turn to disable the light. No moredanger of running down your batteries if youpack your E2e in an overnight bag.

    SureFire offers red and blue filters, as well as adiffusing beam-shaper, for the Executive EliteSeries. Ideal for hunters, an E2e with a red filtercan be used to walk to a deer blind before sunrise.(Deer cannot see light in the red spectrum.) The

    blue filter was originally designed for homicidedetectives to search for clues at a crime scene

    blood is easily seen under blue light but huntersalso can snap-on a blue filter for tracking wound-ed game. The beam-shaper diffuses the beam tomake searching for ground sign easier too.

    The E2e Executive Elite with its brilliant 60lumen power is capable of disorienting an oppo-nent in a low-light environment. Like all SureFireproducts, the Executive Elite is the best in its class.







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    Indoors in subdued light the Ee cantemporarily blind an attacker even ifmomentarily allowing the chance tocounterattack In this roleplayingdemonstration SureFire Institute deputydirector Vaughn Baker pops his Ee intothe bad guys eyes Note the reflexiveshutting of the eyelids an instinctiveresponse to a sudden bright light

    Vaughn follows with a palm striketo the chin In the SureFireInstitutes emptyhand combative

    training the palm strike is favoredover the fist for a variety of reasons

    All that being said there is onething that counts above all else in afight: mindset

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    The Ee Executive Elite with hard anodizing is corrosionresistant thanks to itstough MilSpec finish The lockout tailcap makes it waterproof too

    The satin gray finish of Type II anodizing is available on both theEe and Ee shown here on the previous E model before the new enhancements were added to the Executive Series

    Executive Series Models & Features

    EeSGlamp: lumens

    runtime: minutesbattery: one SureFire lithium

    finish: Type II anodize satin gray

    window: Lexan

    EeHAlamp: lumens

    runtime: minutes

    battery: one SureFire lithium

    finish: MilSpec Type III hard anodize

    window: optically coated tempered Pyrex

    EeSGlamp: lumens

    runtime: minutesbattery: two SureFire lithium

    finish: Type II anodize satin gray

    window: Lexan

    EeHAlamp: lumens

    runtime: minutes

    battery: two SureFire lithium

    finish: MilSpec Type III hard anodize

    window: optically coated tempered Pyrex

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    SureFire offers more twobattery models than any other configuration Themodels stretch across the full product line as shown from left to right:M Centurion from the Special Operations SeriesP Classic from the Personal Light SeriesG Nitrolon from the Personal Light SeriesC Centurion from the CombatLight SeriesZ CombatLight from the CombatLight SeriesGZ Nitrolon CombatLight from the CombatLight SeriesEe Executive Elite from the Executive Series

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    Personal LightModels & Features

    D DefenderP lamp: lumensoptional P lamp: lumensP runtime: minutesP runtime: minutesbattery: two SureFire lithiumfinish: Type II anodize tactical blackwindow: Lexan

    D DefenderP lamp: lumensoptional P lamp: lumensP runtime: minutesP runtime: minutesbattery: three SureFire lithiumfinish: Type II anodize tactical blackwindow: Lexan

    P ClassicP lamp: lumensoptional P lamp: lumensP runtime: minutesP runtime: minutesbattery: two SureFire lithiumfinish: Type II anodize tactical blackwindow: Lexan

    P ClassicP lamp: lumensoptional P lamp: lumens

    P runtime: minutesP runtime: minutesbattery: three SureFire lithiumfinish: Type II anodize tactical blackwindow: Lexan

    G NitrolonP lamp: lumensoptional P lamp: lumensP runtime: minutesP runtime: minutesbattery: two SureFire lithiummaterial: Nitrolon polymercolor: emergency yellow

    olive drabtactical black

    window: Lexan

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    Constant power, ready when you need it thats the hallmark of a

    rechargeable flashlight. Only SureFires four models of Advanced

    Rechargeables are capable of blinding brilliance while at the same time

    offering the cost-savings of instant repowering.

    SureFires recharging unit is unique. Our Smart Charger runs a diagnostic

    check of the battery in its cradle and assesses the amount of current necessary

    to bring the battery to full power. Smart Charger then administers a full charge

    to the battery, and stops. You now have a ready-to-go battery instantly avail-

    able to reload your light.

    The Advanced Rechargeable series consists of the Commander family of

    replaceable battery lights, three models in all, and the awesome 10X

    Dominator, the most powerful lighting tool available in a rechargeable flash-

    light with a dual high-low beam producing 500 lumens.

    Capable of instantly switching from normal illumination to a dazzling

    searchlight beam, the 10X Dominator is ideal for police work because the selec-

    tive-power flashlight allows an officer to instantly transition from a ticket-writ-

    ing light to a potent force option non-injurious tool of blinding light.

    The secret is the Dominators twin head with dual reflectors and synchro-

    nized lamps one for normal operating usage and the other for high-power

    output. If you need a constant stream of light instead of a momentary burst of

    brilliance, then you can rotate the 10X head counterclockwise to activate the

    working lamp. Rotating the head further illuminates the high-output lamp.

    The 8NX Nitrolon from the Commander family is the most affordable of

    SureFires Advanced Rechargeable series. Featuring a high-tech polymer body,

    the 8NX Nitrolon produces 100 lumens of white light.






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    nderstand this veryimportant fact about

    rechargeable batteriesall rechargeable batter-

    ies self-discharge. After a periodof time, rechargeables go flat,they run dry, they give up theghost. Regardless of manufac-ture, brand or application,rechargeables self-drain. All bythemselves, without even beingswitched on. This is true of nick-el-cadmium, nickel-metal-hydride or any other kind ofrechargeable battery they justdie.

    On the other hand, lithiumbatteries are just as strong andfull of energy six months or sixyears after you load them. Infact, a SureFire lithium battery(standard size: SF123) has a 10

    year shelf-life. Lithium batterieslast and last and last.

    This is an important distinc-tion and its the reason whySureFire strongly cautionsagainst the use of rechargeable-powered lights for tacticalapplications.

    Conversely, lithium batter-ies can be trusted to delivertheir full potency for up to 10years. Thats why all of ourWeaponLights are powered bySureFire lithium batteries. You

    can depend on your dedicatedWeaponLight on yourRemington 870, leaning byyour bed. You can remain con-fident that your lithium-pow-ered SureFire will be readywhen you need it.

    Battle of the Batteries:Rechargeable vs. Lithium

    Advanced Rechargeables

    Models & Features

    NX CommanderX lamp: lumensruntime: minutesbattery: SureFire nickel cadmiumfinish: Nitrolon polymer

    window: Lexan

    AX CommanderX lamp: lumensruntime: minutesbattery: SureFire nickel cadmiumfinish: anodized aluminumwindow: Lexan

    AN CommanderN high beam: lumensN low beam: lumenslow beam runtime: minutes

    high beam runtime: minutesbattery: SureFire nickel cadmiumfinish: MilSpec hard anodizewindow: Lexan

    X DominatorMN high beam: lumensMN low beam: lumenslow beam runtime: minuteshigh beam runtime: minutesbattery: SureFire nickel cadmiumfinish: aluminum and polymerwindow: tempered Pyrex

    NR NitrolonP lamp: lumensruntime: minutesoptional P lamp: lumensP runtime: minutesbattery: B SureFire nickel cadmiumfinish: Nitrolon polymerwindow: Lexan

    R ClassicP lamp: lumensruntime: minutesoptional P lamp: lumens

    P runtime: minutesbattery: B SureFire nickel cadmiumfinish: Type II anodized blackwindow: Lexan

    X Dominator

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    Advanced Rechargeables

    Models & Features

    NX CommanderX lamp: lumensruntime: minutesbattery: SureFire nickel cadmiumfinish: Nitrolon polymer

    window: Lexan

    AX CommanderX lamp: lumensruntime: minutesbattery: SureFire nickel cadmiumfinish: anodized aluminumwindow: Lexan

    AN CommanderN high beam: lumensN low beam: lumenslow beam runtime: minutes

    high beam runtime: minutesbattery: SureFire nickel cadmiumfinish: MilSpec Type III hard anodizewindow: Lexan

    X DominatorMN low beam: lumensMN high beam: lumenslow beam runtime: minuteshigh beam runtime: minutesbattery: SureFire nickel cadmiumfinish: aluminum and polymer compositewindow: tempered Pyrex

    NR NitrolonP lamp: lumensruntime: minutesbattery: B SureFire nickel cadmiumfinish: Nitrolon polymerwindow: Lexan

    R ClassicP lamp: lumensruntime: minutesbattery: B SureFire nickel cadmiumfinish: Type II anodized tactical blackwindow: Lexan

    A rechargeable version of the affordableG Nitrolon is new for model NR

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    CombatLights represent the best embodiment ofSureFires unrelenting quest for perfection in a tacticalillumination tool. Consider the sheer number of varia-tions in the broad category we call the CombatLight:

    eleven models from four different series of lights. And, believeus, there are more on the drawing board.

    A brand-new CombatLight joins the fraternity in 2002, thenew G2Z, a Nitrolon polymer version of the Z2 CombatLight.The Z2 CombatLight is standard-issue to every FBI agentgraduating from the FBI Academy. Additional models include

    the Centurion models C2 and C3, the Z-series Z2 and Z3, theSpecial Operations models M2, M3 and M3T as well as newDigital Series versions, the M2D, M3D and M3TD.

    The CombatLight has one distinguishing characteristicthe grip ring. A grip ring is a sleeve of special hard rubber thatallows the user to utilize the CombatLight in conjunction witha handgun in a technique called the Rogers/SureFireTechnique.

    Pioneered by former FBI agent Bill Rogers founder ofRogers Holsters Co. and longtime design consultant forSafariland the technique allows the user to support his fir-

    ing hand with nearly a standard two-handed grip, simultane-ously aligning his CombatLight with his handgun.The CombatLight is held between the first two fingers,

    with pressure exerted against the grip ring, pulling the lightback into the palm. As you pull back on the grip ring, pressureis applied to the momentary tail-cap by the palm, activatingthe light. Its hard to describe, easy to demonstrate.

    SureFire CombatLights can also be used with the HarriesTechnique, Chapman Technique or the method favored bySureFire Institute instructors and developed by Institutefounder Ken J. Good the Offensive Technique.








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    CombatLights include three modelsfrom the Special Operations Series(top to bottom) the MT with aTurboHead bezel the M CombatLightand the M Centurion

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    CombatLight Models & Features

    C CenturionP lamp: lumensoptional P lamp: lumensP runtime: minutesP runtime: minutes

    battery: two SureFire lithiumfinish: Type II anodize tactical blackwindow: tempered Pyrex

    C CenturionP lamp: lumensoptional P lamp: lumensP runtime: minutesP runtime: minutesbattery: three SureFire lithiumfinish: Type II anodize tactical blackwindow: tempered Pyrex

    Z CombatLightP lamp: lumens

    optional P lamp: lumensP runtime: minutesP runtime: minutesbattery: two SureFire lithiumfinish: Type II anodize tactical blackwindow: tempered Pyrex

    Z CombatLightP lamp: lumensoptional P lamp: lumensP runtime: minutesP runtime: minutesbattery: three SureFire lithiumfinish: Type II anodize tactical blackwindow: tempered Pyrex

    M CenturionP lamp: lumensoptional P lamp: lumensP runtime: minutesP runtime: minutesbattery: two SureFire lithiumfinish: MilSpec Type III hard anodizewindow: tempered Pyrexbezel: shockisolated

    M CombatLightMN lamp: lumensMN lamp: lumensMN runtime: minutesMN runtime: minutes

    battery: three SureFire lithiumfinish: MilSpec Type III hard anodizewindow: tempered Pyrexbezel: shockisolated

    MT TurboHead CombatLightMN lamp: lumensMN lamp: lumensMN runtime: minutesMN runtime: minutesbattery: three SureFire lithiumfinish: MilSpec Type III hard anodizewindow: tempered Pyrexbezel: TurboHead shockisolated

    m the Millennium Specialrations Series the Mturion features a grip ring forzing the Rogers/SureFirehnique of shooting a handgunonjunction with a flashlight

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    GZ CombatLight FeaturesGZ CombatLightP lamp: lumens

    optional P lamp: lumens

    P runtime: minutes

    P runtime: minutes

    battery: two SureFire lithium

    finish: black Nitrolon polymer

    window: tempered Pyrex

    New for 2002, a Nitrolonpolymer version of thelegendary Z2CombatLight joins the

    SureFire team. Designated theG2Z, the new model features alock-out tail-cap, a lanyard ringand a grip ring.

    The G2Z CombatLight dupli-

    cates the performance and fea-tures of the best-selling Z2 model,except with cost-saving compo-nents made of SureFires propri-etary Nitrolon polymer material.

    Impervious to corrosion andchemical damage, Nitrolon wasdeveloped for hard-use applica-tions. It is non-conductive, makingit suitable for certain demolitionand electrical uses.

    The G2Z CombatLight comes

    with the workhorse P60 lampassembly, good for 65 lumens andone hour of run-time. An optionalP61 super-bright lamp assemblycan be purchased separately,

    boosting the power to a hot 110lumens with 20 minutes of high-intensity run-time.

    As a cousin to the famous Z2CombatLight, the new G2Z inher-its a mantle of no-compromise

    performance that led to the Z2becoming standard issue to everyFBI agent graduating from the FBIAcademy. But with the Z2s pedi-gree for success, the G2Z will

    become the next standard bywhich hard-use tactical lights aremeasured.

    The new GZ CombatLight duplicates the features and performanceof the legendary Z CombatLight but instead of CNC machined aerospacegrade aluminum construction the GZ utilizes a more affordable Nitrolon polymer material



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    Millennium Special Operationslights live in rarified air, at thepinnacle of the SureFire pyramid.Loaded with tactical features,these top-of-the-line flashlights

    are built with the same rugged shock-isolatedlamp assemblies used on SureFireWeaponLights, built to withstand the punish-

    ing effects of heavy recoil. Sharing common partswith our Millennium Series of WeaponLights,such as the M900 Vertical Grip and theMillennium Universal System, SpecialOperations lights are the logical choice as a back-up for your primary light attached to yourfirearm.

    Their tail-caps, lamp assemblies and evensome of the housings are interchangeable withWeaponLight components. They use the sameaccessory filters and lithium batteries as theirWeaponLight counterparts.

    Thoroughly tested, Special Operations lightsare O-ring sealed for waterproof performance.Mil-Spec Type III hard anodizing is used to givethe Special Operations lights the most durable

    The M Infrared Illuminator is designedfor use with night vision devices

    finish available. Tempered Pyrex windows, opti-cally treated with anti-reflective coatings, areused on all Special Operation lights except theM1 Infrared Illuminator.

    Most importantly, Special Operations lightsproduce a blindingly bright, flawlessly focused

    beam SureFires signature of beam quality. Allmodels come with lock-out tail-caps to prevent

    accidentally running down the batteries.The standard lock-out tail-cap is SureFires

    trademark momentary push-button design, creat-ed especially for tactical circumstances in whichsnapshots of rapid on-off lighting is the pre-ferred strategy. Another tactical plus: SureFirestail-cap can be instantly located in the dark,unlike body-mounted switches.

    There are six models in the Special OperationsSeries of hand-held tactical lights. The M1Infrared Illuminator is a special-purpose tacticalflashlight for use with night vision devices. Itemits an invisible infrared beam.

    The M2 Centurion is a six-volt CombatLightwith a grip ring for utilizing the Rogers/SureFireTechnique with a handgun. A favorite withNaval Special Warfare and other waterborneforces, the M2 is waterproof to over 100 feet. Itcan produce 65 or 120 lumens, depending onlamp assembly choice.

    The M3 CombatLight is the hands-down

    favorite of SWAT teams and other high-risk oper-ators. It comes with a grip ring and two lampassemblies good for 125 or 225 lumens of daz-zlingly bright SureFire light. There is also aTurboHead version of the M3, the M3T, thatcomes with the larger 2.5" TurboHead bezel.

    The M4 Devastator is an astonishingly power-ful 12 volt tactical light with an amazing 225 or350 lumens of scorching white light. It also fea-tures shock-isolated lamp assemblies and doubleO-ring construction.

    The M6 Magnum is the king of the lumen hillwith the capability to produce 500 retina-searinglumens. It comes with a 250 and 500 lumen lampassembly and utilizes a unique quick-change bat-tery magazine holding six SureFire lithium batteries.

    Go with the best SureFire can make, go with aSpecial Operations light.

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    Our new clickon tailcap isshown on these MCombatLights The switchwhich is recessed in a protective hard rubber casing mustbe intentionally pressed forconstanton illuminationOtherwise normal momentaryon activation is affordedin the usual SureFire modeThere are two styles of switches shown: the beefy knurledversion is designed for theMillennium Universal System while the smoothbodied version is intended for SpecialOperations handheld lightsBoth work on both systems

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    Special Operations Lights

    Models & Features

    M Infrared Illuminatorlamp: infrared LEDruntime: hoursbattery: one SureFire lithiumfinish: MilSpec Type III hard anodizewindow: Lexan

    M CenturionP lamp: lumensP lamp: lumensP runtime: minutesP runtime: minutesbattery: two SureFire lithiumfinish: MilSpec Type III hard anodizewindow: optically coated tempered Pyrexbezel: shockisolatedspecial features: waterproofed with Oring seals

    parachute cord lanyard includedhard rubber grip ring

    M CombatLightMN lamp: lumensMN lamp: lumensMN runtime: minutes

    MN runtime: minutesbattery: three SureFire lithiumfinish: MilSpec Type III hard anodizewindow: optically coated tempered Pyrexbezel: shockisolatedspecial features: waterproofed with Oring seals

    parachute cord lanyard includedhardrubber grip ringWeaponLight partscompatible

    MT TurboHead CombatLightMN lamp: lumensMN lamp: lumensMN runtime: minutesMN runtime: minutesbattery: three SureFire lithiumfinish: MilSpec Type III hard anodize

    window: optically coated tempered Pyrexbezel: TurboHead shockisolatedspecial features: waterproofed with Oring seals

    parachute cord lanyard includedhardrubber grip ringWeaponLight partscompatible

    M DevastatorMN lamp: lumensMN lamp: lumensMN runtime: minutesMN runtime: minutesbattery: four SureFire lithiumfinish: MilSpec Type III hard anodizewindow: optically coated tempered Pyrexbezel: TurboHead shockisolated

    special features: waterproofed with Oring sealsparachute cord lanyard includedWeaponLight partscompatible

    M MagnumMN lamp: lumensMN lamp: lumensMN runtime: minutesMN runtime: minutesbattery: six SureFire lithiumfinish: MilSpec Type III hard anodizewindow: optically coated tempered Pyrexbezel: TurboHead shockisolatedspecial features: waterproofed with Oring seals

    parachute cord lanyard includedWeaponLight partscompatible

    The M Magnum emits lumens of power and comes with afastchange sixbattery magazine

    SureFire continues to produce the finest tactical illuminationtools for the demanding needs of law enforcement professionals

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    Digital technology, SureFires latest break-through achievement in tactical lighting,comes to the Special Operations lights in2002. Using a newly developed microproces-

    sor to regulate the flow of power to an entirelyredesigned lamp assembly, the Digital Special

    Operations M2 Centurion now produces a consistentlevel of light from the moment fresh batteries areinstalled until the last of the batterys life. When themicroprocessor determines that the batteries arealmost ready to die, the digital processor cuts thepower to 20 percent of the total light level, leaving theoperator with approximately 10 minutes of navigationlight.

    The new Digital M2 Centurion retains all of the bat-tle-tested features of the standard Special Operationsmodels, but now comes with a two-position momen-

    tary tail-cap switch. Press the first position for a sub-dued, 20 percent level of navigation light. Press all theway for the full power of the digitally controlled lamp.

    For the absolute last word in tactical illuminationtools, the Digital M2 Centurion is unsurpassed. Digitaltechnology will be incorporated into more SpecialOperations models in the future.


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    Handgun WeaponLight Series

    SureFire manufactures three dedicated WeaponLight systemsspecifically designed to mount on handguns: the NitrolonSeries, the Military Series and the Millennium Series. Eachseries incorporates customized switches, batteries, lampassemblies, and mechanical components to fit specific hand-

    gun makes and models. These dedicated WeaponLights hard-mount

    securely to the handgun for rugged durability.All three series feature shock-isolated lamp assemblies with power-ful Xenon lamps that accommodate two choices of lamps, either high orextra-high power. The aluminum models are protected by MilSpec hardanodized finishing.

    All three series come with either a SlimLine ambidextrous, single-hand operated pressure switch or a shuttle switch. The shuttle switchmust be pushed left to right to turn on the WeaponLight, thus requiringtwo hands to work the light and grip the pistol. This is not optimum. A

    better choice for tactical applications is the SlimLine switch.The Nitrolon Series holds two batteries and accepts either a 65 or 120

    lumen lamp. The Nitrolon Series, made of a space-age polymer, is light-

    weight yet tough.The Military Series, made of aerospace-grade aluminum hard

    anodized to Mil-Spec standards, was designed at the request of a unit inNaval Special Warfare. It comes with two batteries and a choice ofeither a 65 or 120 lumen lamp. The Military Series is totally waterproof.

    The Millennium Series holds three batteries and uses a brawny 1.62"bezel. It comes with both a 125 and a 225 lumen lamp. It is the largest,most powerful handgun WeaponLight on the market.

    SureFire handgun lights are made to fitmost popular service pistols using a special trigger guard mounting adapter Thenew Beretta Vertec model comes with aSureFire light interface built into thedustcover (facing page) A mount to fitthe Springfield Armory TRP OperatorsPicatinny dustcover (above) is on thedrawing board


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    Facing Page:

    An excellent option for owners isthe Dawson Precision accessory rail thatis customfit on a dustcover Thebeauty of the Dawson system is thatthe pistol still fits a standard holsterwhen the SureFire is removed SureFireendorses the Dawson Precision mountand its installation does not voidSureFires warranty

    Dawson Precision: ()

    Millennium Monster Light

    Unsurpassed in sheer power, the Millennium Series is the ne plusultra of handgun-mounted lights there is nothing brighter.The Millennium Series features SureFire's latest, breakthroughtechnology in lamp design, utilizing the Millennium style of

    lamp assemblies in either 125 or 225 lumens. The Millennium Seriescomes with both lamp assemblies, good for 20 and 60 minutes of run-timerespectively. Holding three SureFire lithium batteries, the MillenniumSeries is the largest, most powerful handgun WeaponLight on the market.The light output is stunning to behold.

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    The Light Choice, The Right Choice


    ightweight yet incredibly durable, the Nitrolon Series offers theblinding white light of SureFire's legendary lamps, yet still per-

    forms reliably in spite of the battering from recoil. The NitrolonSeries with the SlimLine switch option is the best all-aroundchoice for K9 officers, SWAT entry men and others who need a power-ful yet lightweight handgun light. The Nitrolon Series comes with analuminum bezel containing SureFire's P60 or P61 lamp assemblies, goodfor 65 and 120 lumens respectively. It comes with two SureFire lithium

    batteries. The Nitrolon Series in a shuttle switch-only configuration isthe most affordable handgun WeaponLight that SureFire offers.


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    Switches On!


    ureFires patented SlimLine switchenables you to activate the light by apply-

    ing pressure as you grip the weapon. Thisergonomic placement of the switch, ten-

    sion-adjusted over the front strap, provides tacticalcontrol of the light and the handgun simultaneous-ly. Single-handed, totally ambidextrous operationallows the user to control the SlimLine switch forinstantaneous firing or lighting.

    Shoot-and-move tactics require momentarycontrol of a tactical light. Gently ease off the pres-sure of your firing grip to instantly deactivate thelight without requiring a second hand for switch

    operation. Tactical operators unanimously preferthe SlimLine switch.

    Additionally, Handgun WeaponLight with

    SlimLine switches come with a Shuttle switch onthe housing with a choice of either a constant-on odisable mode. The disable switch deactivates theSlimLine switch.

    Alternatively, SureFire offers all of itsWeaponLights with only Shuttle switches. Shuttleonly models do not have a pressure switch; theyare simple on-off switches. Shuttle switch modelsare suitable for applications in which using bothhands on the weapon one hand just to work thlight is not a tactical consideration.

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    Attaching a bright white light to a firearm, espeically a primaryweapon like a carbine or rifle, is a tremendous tactical advantageon todays urban battlefield. House-clearing is no longer conductedwith frag grenades and Browning Automatic Rifles. Todays SWAT

    team or peace-keeping force must be selective in target identification and, ifat all possible, employ non-lethal force to solve a problem.

    Enter the SureFire WeaponLight. The M500 replacement forend for theAR15/M16 and CAR15/M4 families allows the solid, rugged mounting of apowerful force option white light directly onto the weapon itself. Severalversions are available with standard and TurboHead bezels; LED navigationlights and a constant-on rocker swtich are standard features.

    Please refer to our separate 2000 SureFire WeaponLight Catalog for com-plete details and specifications of this exciting, break-through WeaponLight.



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    ureFire shotgun WeaponLights include twobasic systems: a replacement forend thatincorporate a SureFire light and a replacement

    Picatinny rail forend. Legendary for its ongo-ing performance, the shotgun WeaponLight replacementforend is undergoing an important series of improve-ments in 2002 the ability to mount a higher poweredlamp assembly and, now coming standard, a constant-on rocker switch.

    A SureFire Picatinny rail replacement forend is alsonew for 2002, available for Mossberg 590 and Remington870 pump shotguns. A variety of SureFire rail-mountedWeaponLights can be affixed to the new Picatinnyforend, including SureFire laser sights, MillenniumUniversal System modular lights and the M900 Vertical

    Grip, all of which are shown in this photo.Deciding to offer the constant-on rocker switch as fac-

    tory-standard previously it was only available as anextra-cost option means that our new shotgun forendsare absolutely without peer. A new ergonomic rubber-ized grip panel is also incorporated on the new 2002shotgun forends.

    For complete details on makes, models and featuresof SureFire shotgun WeaponLight systems, please referto our separate 2002 SureFire WeaponLight Catalog.

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    Cool Gear: An Endorsement

    At SureFire, we have gear-heads too. They likecool gear , just like a lot of you. Some of the

    coolest gear weve found is from Strider Knives,

    makers of handmade custom fighting knives, andfrom Scattergun Technologies, developer of cus-tomized shotguns like this Border Patrol conver-sion of a Remington 870 shown here. Check themout, theyre endorsed.

    Strider Knives Scattergun Technologies(760) 471-8275 (800)

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    No accessorymountingsystem is more versatile thanSureFires new Picatinnyreplacement forend forRemington and Mossberg pump shotguns Thanks tothe modular design of

    SureFires MillenniumUniversal System ofWeaponLights an operatorcan mount a SureFire lasersight a choice of SureFire MUSystem light assemblies orone of the new M VerticalGrip WeaponLights

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    Motivated by the Spec Ops communitys adoption of theColt M4 rifle with a Picatinny rail forend, SureFire engi-neers designed the M900 vertical grip WeaponLight tointerface with all Picatinny-based mounting systems. The

    M900 features a choice of lamp modules with either 125 and 225 lumensof power. A standard bezel and a TurboHead bezel are also available.

    The M900 comes with a main light and two low-output LEDs for nav-igating over rough terrain when it is tactically unsound to reveal yourposition with the main fighting light. The LEDs are available in red,

    white, blue and infrared.The main tactical light is operated by two opposing pressure switcheson the grip housing, ambidextrous and ergonomically positioned. Newermodels incorporate a lock-out battery compartment cap that disablesboth the LED navigation lights and main light.

    The lamp assembly and bezel are interchangeable with the severalhand-held models from the Special Operations Series. Millennium filtersare available for the M900. It runs on three SureFire lithium batteries.Complete details, specifications and features are listed in our separate2002 SureFire WeaponLight Catalog.


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    Optional filters can be affixedto the Ms main light

    The M attaches to aPicatinny rail with eitheran ARMS throwlever(shown) or a dual thumbscrew mount

    Twin navigation lights are triggered by athumb pressure switch at the rear of theMs grip The rotary lever at the backof the light housing is a constantonswitch


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    A SureFire replacement Picatinny forendfor a Remington police shotgun makesan ideal platform to attach an MVertical Grip A SureFire L green lasersight can be fitted to the housing of aMillennium Universal System thanks toits modular design Not that we would recommend mounting three separate deviceson one forend but for illustration purposes we fit another MU system to the portside of this shotgun

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    MC Huh?

    How To Break The MU System Code

    The model names in the Millennium Universal System are

    alphanumeric designations The first letter M indicates

    that the system utilizes SureFires Millennium series of

    shockisolated lamp assemblies The numbers that follow refer

    to other components

    The first digit refers to the common housing all MUSystems share

    The second digit a or refers to the number of

    batteries Sort of It also refers to the bezel size Dont ask how

    we came up with it but it works like this:

    equals two batteries ( volts)

    equals three batteries ( volts)

    equals three batteries TurboHead bezel

    equals four batteries ( volt)

    The last number either or indicates the mount for

    dual thumbscrew and for ARMS throwlever

    Last the letter at the end refers to the switch There are

    three switches: a remote pressure switch we call it a tape

    switch that can be affixed to the weapon anywhere you like;

    a conventional SureFire momentary tailcap switch; and a newclickforconstanton combination momentary switch

    If the last letters are xx plug in the number of inches of the

    tape switch youd like If the last letter is C that is the new con

    stanton switch (way cool the engineers really hit a homerun

    with this new switch) and a P indicates a momentaryon tailcap

    Okay so now for your pop quiz What are the parts in

    an MC?

    The lamp assemblies used in the MU System are interchangeable with those used in the Special Operationsseries of handheld lights

    Two mounts are available for the MU System either anARMS throwlever or a dual thumbscrew

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    Modular design permitsthe MillenniumUniversal System

    (MU System) to offerthe most options and configura-tions of any weapon-mountedlighting system. SureFires MUSystem mounts to a Picatinny railinterface and utilizes a commonhousing that can accept variouswhite light lamp modules as wellas SureFires laser sights.

    The MU System can be config-ured with two, three or fourSureFire lithium batteries, using a

    choice of standard or TurboHeadbezels. The light output rangesfrom 65 lumens to 225 lumens,depending on the lamp module.

    Featuring SureFires ruggedshock-isolated lamp assemblies,the MU System is designed towithstand the pounding of heavyrecoil. Even a steady diet of 12 ga.slugs will not affect the perform-ance of an MU System.

    The MU System comes with achoice of two mounting attach-ments, either a dual thumb-screwmount or an A.R.M.S. throw-lever mount. Three switches areavailable, two types of thumb-pressure switches and one remotetape switch. One of the thumb-

    pressure switches is new for 2002,a click-for-constant-on modelwith a protective hard rubber cas-ing to prevent accidentally press-

    ing it to constant-on. Otherwise,it acts as a momentary-on switch.

    The MU System is finishedwith Mil-Spec Type III hardanodizing and is totally water-proof and corrosion resistant.

    A significant advantage ofoutfitting your M4 or CAR15with an MU System is that thereis parts-compatibility withSureFires Millennium Series ofSpecial Operations lights. Bezels,lamp assemblies and tail-caps areinterchangeable, allowing field-expedient swapping of parts.

    The MU System is currently inuse by several branches of theSpec Ops community and has

    been tested thoroughly by the

    U.S. military.

    AThoroughly Modular System

    Tailcap switches come in three versions:pressure tape switch clickon momentary switch and standard momentary


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  • 7/31/2019 Surefire 2002 Ill


    Laser sights for firearms go back to the very

    beginning of SureFire, back to before therewas a SureFire, to the earliest days of LaserProducts, the company that produced

    SureFire. Laser Products developed the first lasersight for firearms and that legacy carries forwardwith todays SureFire laser sights. We offer threelaser sights, two visible and one infrared. Thesights can be mounted either in conjunction with aSureFire WeaponLight or as a separate unit.

    New for 2002, SureFires latest laser is green.Green lasers are six times brighter, as perceivedby the human eye, than red lasers. We continue tooffer a red laser, however. Our infrared laser in vis-ible only with night vision devices (NVDs).

    SureFire lasers are not like any other weapon-mounted laser. Most lasers on the market are typi-cal, low-cost devices. SureFire lasers are uniquelydesigned, robust and rugged.

    Our lasers use continuous-beam operation thatprovides about twice the average power comparedwith typical pulsing lasers. This translates to a

    brighter constant beam that is much easier to fol-low when tracking a target.

    The laser sight module is designed to screwinto the standardized threads of SureFire systems.We highly recommendmounting them in aMillennium UniversalSystem modular housingor into a SureFireWeaponLight.

    SureFire lasers feature

    a unique hard-mountdesign that eliminatesadjustment springs andscrews for sighting-in aweapon. Zeroing aSureFire laser is accom-plished with two precise,optical prism beam adjust-ments. This approachallows the laser diode to

    remain in a secure, fixed position while theadjustment rings move the beam on the target.

    The hard-mount design eliminates the usualadjustment springs and screws of other brandsthat are subject vibration and recoil, weakeningand losing their point-of-impact. With theSureFire calibration rings locked in position, thetotal unit is a solid assembly that maintains zeroduring recoil and the rigors of field use.

    Sighting-in with SureFires rotating adjust-

    ment rings is quickly accomplished. When lockeddown, the laser will maintain zero. The dial read-ings can be recorded for zeroing differentweapons, allowing the laser to be zeroed on mul-tiple weapons. The design is waterproof with O-ring seals for submersion to 30 meters.

    The distance a SureFire laser beam travels iswell beyond the usual range associated with mosttactical operations. It is important to understandthat the maximum effective range of a laser variesgreatly with ambient lighting conditions, thereflectivity of the target, and the shooters vision.

    Lasers vary the most in bright, direct sunlight.A laser is more effective at night or in subduedlighting.

    The Ultimate Laser Sights







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    SureFire Institute director Ken J Goodhas devised a number of innovativeand pardon the pun cuttingedge curriculums for police and military personnel The primary course deals with lowlight combat but defensive tactics arealso taught



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    ealizing the need for low-light tactical training as

    innovative and effective asthe new breed of illumina-

    tion tools he had developed,SureFires founder, Dr. JohnMatthews, created the SureFireInstitute. A training organizationdedicated to providing the highestquality tactical training to lawenforcement and military profes-sionals, the SureFire Institute utilizesconflict-tested training methods toprovide clients with the most rele-vant and realistic training available.

    Key elements of the SureFireInstitutes curriculum include:

    Low-Light Training: The majority ofofficer-involved shootings occur

    between sunset and sunrise, yet mostdepartmental training takes placeduring the day. The SureFire Institutewas founded specifically to addressthe tactical issues associated withdiminished lighting conditions.

    Force-on-Force Training: Years ofpractical research have refined theSureFire Institutes unique Force-on-Force training methods. As past stu-dents will attest, this training must be

    experienced before it can be trulyappreciated.

    Course participants are presentedvarious shoot/no-shoot problemswhile engaging skilled opponents

    role-played by our staff and othertrainees. These exercises are condued with non-lethal projectile-firingtraining weapons. By learning tosolve problems in this highly realisenvironment, individuals and teamare more likely to succeed when itcountsin real life. This translatesa higher survival rate, fewer wrong

    shootings, and a reduction in legalliability.

    Staff: The SureFire Institutes staffincludes both active members of lawenforcement and former military spcial operations personnel. The blending of military and law enforcementraining and operational perspectivhas proven to deliver a powerful traing experience for course attendees

    For more information, contact

    SureFire Institute at (714) 545-9007

    via e-mail at [email protected]

    Course descriptions and schedules can

    found online at www.surefireinstitute.

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    PerformancePower in lumensRun-time in minutes

    Lithium Batteries

    Lamp Assemblies


    Bezel Diameter

    Spares CarrierEmpty

    Optional Lamp Assembly

    Power in lumensRun-tme in minutes

    Bezel Mounted ItemsRed filterBlue filterInfrared filterBeamShaper (wide)Red traffic coneProtective cover

    HolstersPolymer CombatLightLeather, plain

    Leather, basketweaveLeather, clarinoNylon, quick release

    Lanyard SystemsLanyard, tail-capLanyard ring, bezelLanyard

    Conversion KitsLumaMax LEDTurboHead

    Rechargeable KitTurbo Lamp Assembly

    Rechargeable Battery




    3.3"2.2 oz.














    4.5"4 oz.














    5.1"5 oz.





    F26, FM35F27, FM36F16. FM33F24, FM 34

    F28F17, FM37










    6.4"6.7 oz.





    F26, FM35F27, FM36F16. FM33F24, FM 34

    F28F17, FM37










    Z3 C3




    5.1"5 oz.





    F26, FM35F27, FM36F16. FM33F24, FM 34

    F28F17, FM37










    6.4"6.7 oz.





    F26, FM35F27, FM36F16. FM33F24, FM 34

    F28F17, FM37







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    PerformancePower in lumensRun-time in minutes

    Lithium Batteries

    Lamp Assemblies


    Bezel Diameter

    Spares CarrierEmpty

    Optional Lamp Assembly

    Power in lumensRun-tme in minutes

    Bezel Mounted ItemsRed filterBlue filterInfrared filterBeamShaper (wide)Red traffic coneProtective cover

    HolstersPolymer CombatLightLeather, plain

    Leather, basketweaveLeather, clarinoNylon, quick release

    Lanyard SystemsLanyard, tail-capLanyard ring, bezelLanyard

    Conversion KitsRechargeableTurboHead

    Miscellaneous.Turbo Lamp Assembly

    Rechargeable Battery






    3.5 oz.





















    5.25 oz.





    F66, FM65F67, FM66F69, FM63

    F70, FM64F68

    F62, FM67




    Z12Z27, Z50









    7.1"7 oz.













    MN15, MN16





    7.8"8 oz.



















    11 oz.






















    15 oz.
























  • 7/31/2019 Surefire 2002 Ill


    M2DA2 C2DL2




    6.3"6.7 oz.



    MD01, MD03

    25, 120130, 20






    Z27, Z50







    5.9"6.7 oz.



    MD01, MD03

    25, 120130, 20

    F26, FM35F27, FM36F16. FM33F24, FM 34

    F28F17, FM37




    Z27, Z50




    13 to 20over 150



    4.6"3.3 oz.













    13 to 20over 150



    5.9"4.1 oz.













    Lamp: 60LED