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Surat Benny Wenda Kepada Perdana Mentri Inggris Gordon Brown MP By Free West Papua Campagin U.K May 5, 2008, 14:36 Email this art icle Printer frien dly page FREE WEST PAPUA CAMPAIGN P.O. Box 656, Oxford, OX3 3AP England, U.K.Tel: +44(0)7766 875009 [email protected] 1 Mei 2008 Rt Hon. Gordon Brown MP, PRIME MINISTER, 10, Downing Street, LONDON SW1A 2AA Bapak Perdana Menteri Yang Terhormat, Saya berada disini di rumah mu di Downing Street hari ini dengan membawa salam dari rakyat Papua Barat kepada anda dan rakyat Kerajaan Inggris Raya. Hari ini adalah hari sangat sedih bagi rakyat saya, hari ini 45 tahun yang lalu, Indonesia menjajah tanah air kami tercinta &65533; PAPUA BARAT. Banyak tetesan air mata rakyat saya akan bercucuran hari ini. Itulah mengapa saya berada di sini. Saya membawa bersama saya ke depan pintu rumah anda, tulang- belulang dari ribuan rakyat Papua Barat yang dibunuh oleh Indonesia. Mereka mulai membunuh kami mulai sejak hari pertama menyerbu tanah kami pada tanggal 1 Mei 1963 � dan mereka masih membunuh, menganiaya, memperkosa, mengintimidasi dan memenjarakan kami sampai hari ini. Indonesia tidak pernah peduli terhadap kami sebagai sesama manusia. Mereka hanya menginginkan emas, tembaga, gas dan pohon-pohon kami.

Surat benny wenda kepada perdana mentri inggris gordon brown mp

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Page 1: Surat benny wenda kepada perdana mentri inggris gordon brown mp

Surat Benny Wenda Kepada Perdana Mentri Inggris Gordon Brown MPBy Free West Papua Campagin U.KMay 5, 2008, 14:36

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P.O. Box 656, Oxford, OX3 3AP England, U.K.Tel: +44(0)7766 [email protected]

1 Mei 2008

Rt Hon. Gordon Brown MP,PRIME MINISTER,10, Downing Street,LONDON SW1A 2AA

Bapak Perdana Menteri Yang Terhormat,

Saya berada disini di rumah mu di Downing Street hari ini dengan membawa salam dari rakyat Papua Barat kepada anda dan rakyat Kerajaan Inggris Raya.

Hari ini adalah hari sangat sedih bagi rakyat saya, hari ini 45 tahun yang lalu, Indonesia menjajah tanah air kami tercinta &65533; PAPUA BARAT.

Banyak tetesan air mata rakyat saya akan bercucuran hari ini. Itulah mengapa saya berada di sini. Saya membawa bersama saya ke depan pintu rumah anda, tulang- belulang dari ribuan rakyat Papua Barat yang dibunuh oleh Indonesia. Mereka mulai membunuh kami mulai sejak hari pertama menyerbu tanah kami pada tanggal 1 Mei 1963 � dan mereka masih membunuh, menganiaya, memperkosa, mengintimidasi dan memenjarakan kami sampai hari ini. Indonesia tidak pernah peduli terhadap kami sebagai sesama manusia. Mereka hanya menginginkan emas, tembaga, gas dan pohon-pohon kami.

Selama 45 tahun kami telah menangis untuk KEMERDEKAAN kami, tetapi tidak seorangpun mendengarkan kami.

Tetapi hari ini kami bangsa Papua Barat juga memiliki PENGHARAPAN bahwa suatu hari kami akan MERDEKA! Oleh karena itu saya mau mengucapkan TERIMA KASIH kepada seluruh rakyat Kerajaan Inggris Raya yang pada saat ini memberikan dukungan sangat kuat, serta rasa solidaritas, hormat dan cinta kasih terhadap rakyat saya. Bapak Perdana Menteri, ketika saya melakukan perjalanan keliling negara anda, saya mendapatkan bahwa rakyat anda memiliki hati yang sangat baik. Keadilan dan kejujuran adalah nilai-nilai yang sangat penting bagi rakyat Inggris. Jadi ketika mereka mendengar apa yang Indonesia lakukan terhadap rakyat saya, pertanyaan utama mereka adalah �Apa yang dapat saya lakukan untuk menolong anda?� Dari Aberdeen sampai ke Exeter, Liverpool sampai ke Norwich, Aberstwyth sampai ke Guernsey (Saya tidak dapat menyebutkan semua tempat-tempat yang telah kami kunjungi satu per satu), di

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Amnesti Internasional, gereja-gereja, universitas-universitas, Trade Unions, partai-partai politik, kelompok-kelompok pencinta lingkungan hidup dan di kampung kami sendiri di Oxford, kami telah bertemu beberapa dari orang-orang terbaik di dunia. Anda harus merasa sangat bangga menjadi pemimpin mereka.

Dan di parlemen Inggris, Papua Barat juga memiliki sahabat-sahabat sangat baik , khususnya Andrew Smith dan Lord Harries. Kami rakyat Papua Barat selalu berdoa bagi mereka dan berterima kasih kepada Tuhan karena mereka berbicara dengan sangat kuat dari hati mereka yang dalam demi keadilan bagi rakyat saya. Disini di Inggris mereka bebas untuk mengatakan bahwa pemerintah salah. Sekarang saya belajar apa arti demokrasi yang sesungguhnya.

Ketika saya memberitahu rakyat saya di tanah air tentang dukungan yang sekarang kami miliki di Inggirs, itu memberikan mereka kekuatan untuk terus berjuang.

Jadi sekarang saya mau memberitahu anda, Bapak Perdana Menteri, satu hal yang sedang membingung kansaya. Saya mendengar anda berbicara sangat tegas di Televisi tentang Burma dan Zimbabwe dan anda mengatakan dalam pidato anda bahwa �tidak ada ketidak adilan yang akan berlangsung selama-lamanya� tetapi mengapa anda dan menteri-menteri anda tidak mengatakan hal yang sama tentang apa yang terjadi di Papua Barat?

Menteri Luar Negeri anda, David Miliband mengatakan bahwa Indonesia sekarang adalah sebuah negara demokrasi. Mungkin mereka memiliki demokrasi di Jakarta, tetapi rakyat kami tidak bebas untuk berkampanye secara demokratis untuk penentuan nasib sendiri. Jika kami rakyat Papua Barat dapat memiliki sebuah �Partai Papua Merdeka�, seperti partai Plaid Cymru atau partai Scottish National anda, dan berbicara dengan bebas serta mengibarkan bendera kemerdekaan kami tanpa dipenjarakan � itu baru namanya kami hidup dalam sebuah demokrasi.

Mentri anda, Meg Munn mengatakan bahwa apa yang Indonesia lakukan di Papua Barat adalah �sebuah model untuk dunia�. Apakah yang dia maksudkan adalah bahwa negara �negara lain harus membunuh, memperkosa dan menganiaya seperti yang Indonesia lakukan? Dan Meg Munn juga masih mengatakan bahwa kami rakyat Papua Barat �memilih untuk bergabung dengan Indonesia pada Act of No Choice tahun 1969. Kami mau bertanya apakah sebuah pemilihan umum di Inggris akan dinyatakan sah secara hukum bila tentara-tentara Inggris mengelilingi ribuan orang dan memaksa merekan dibawah tekanan senjata untuk memilih partai neo-Nazi British National?

Dan menteri anda, Lord Malloch-Brown mengatakan bahwa pelanggaran-pelanggaran hak-hak asasi manusia yang diderita oleh rakyat saya �hanya relatif sedikit saja�.

Menteri-menteri anda selalu berusaha memberitahu dunia bahwa berbagai hal sekarang lebih baik bagi rakyat saya. Ini tidak benar. Mengapa menteri-menteri anda berusaha memaafkan apa yang Indonesia lakukan terhadap rakyat saya. Penganiayaan, pemerkosaan dan pembunuhan adalah salah dimana saja hal-hal itu terjadi � di Burma, Zimbabwe dan di Papua Barat?

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Ketika saya memberitahu rakyat saya di tanah air apa yang menteri-menteri Inggris katakan tentang Papua Barat, saya harus memberitahu anda bahwa hal ini sangat melukai hati mereka. Ini sangat menyakitkan bagi rakyat Papua Barat untuk mendengarkan kata-kata ini dari London ketika rakyat saya menangis didalam penjara (15 tahun dipenjara karena mengibarkan sebuah bendera). Ini sangat melukai bagi mereka untuk mendengarkan kata-kata tersebut ketika rakyat saya bersembunyi di hutan-hutan dari kejaran aparat militer Indonesia atau mereka menangis di kuburan bagi kekasih-kekasih mereka yang ditembak mati serdadu-serdadu Indonesia.

Jadi hari ini adalah 45 tahun sejak Indonesia menjajah Papuan Barat. Kami tidak mau berada di sini di London dalam waktu sampai 5 tahun lagi untuk ulang tahunnya yang ke 50. Saya ingin kembali ke tanah air saya untuk berada bersama-sama rakyat saya, tidak hidup lagi dalam ketakutan, tetapi bebas untuk menjadi manusia normal yang biasa, bermain-main bersama anak-anak kami, mendengarkan cerita-cerita dari orang-orang tua kami, menyanyikan lagu-lagu kami dan menari tari-tarian kami, pergi ke kebun untuk menanam sayur-sayuran dan ke hutan untuk berburu babi. Dan mungkin anak-anak kami akan bertumbuh menjadi dokter atau guru, atau mungkin mereka memilih untuk menjalani kehidupan yang sederhana di kampung sama seperti yang nenek moyang-nenek moyang kami lakukan. Ini adalah mimpi rakyat Papua Barat. Apakah ini terlalu banyak untuk diminta?

Kami rakyat Papua Barat tidak akan pernah bebas tanpa bantuan dari orang-orang baik seluruh dunia. Bapak Perdana Menteri, kami memerlukan Kerajaan Inggris Raya untuk menjadi suara kami.

Tuhan memberkati anda dan para menteri anda.

Salam hormat,

Benny WendaPemimpin Papua Merdeka di Kerajaan Inggrisdan Ketua DEMMAK, Dewan Musyawarah Masyarakat Adat Koteka

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Page 4: Surat benny wenda kepada perdana mentri inggris gordon brown mp

Bangsa Papua mendiami di Tanah Papua serta Masyarakat bangsa papua barat hidup dari hasil ciptaan Tuhan yang diberkati Tuhan sampai Tanggal 1 Desenber 1961 telah memproklamirkan diri dari tangan Pemeintah Hidia belanda.

Meskipun demikian Pemerintah Amerika Serikat mengangkat dirinya sebagai polisi Dunia/ Alat pengamanan Dunia, sehingga merasa bertanggung jawab untuk mengatur Dunia.

Karena Amerika serikat takut benua Australia dan Laut Pasifik dipengaruhi oleh Aliran Komunisme Rusia/ RRC, maka Pemerintah Amerika Serikat memerintahkan Pemerintah Belanda untuk menyerahkan Tanah dan Bangsa papua Barat pada Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Agar penyerahan Tanah dan Bangsa papua barat ini kelihatannya lebih beradab dan lebih professional, maka Amerika Serikat memperalat PBB untuk membuat suatu Perjanjian. Maka lahirlah NEWYORK AGREEMENT.

Berdasarkan Perjanjian newyork pemerintah belanda menyerahkan Tanah dan bangsa papua kepada UNTEA pada tanggal 1 oktober 1962.

Setelah satu tahun tepat tanggal 1 MEI 1963 Tanah dan Bangsa Papua Barat diserahkan sepenuhnya kepada Pemerintah Republik Indonesia.untuk dijajah, dibunuh, diperkosa dan kemudian dimusnahkan rakyatnya dan dirampok Kekayaan Alamnya. Proses Penyerahan Tanah dan Bangsa Papua Barat secara ILEGAL POLITIK INTERNASIONAL tanpa keterlibatan Pemerintah bangsa papua Barat yang diproklamirkan pada tanggal 1 desember 1961 di port Numbay/ Jayapura .

Hal jelas CACAT HUKUM INTERNASIONAL yang sengaja dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Amerikat Serikat, Pemerintah Belanda , PBB, dan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia demi berpihak kepada kepentingan PENGUASAAN DAN PERAMPASAN KEKAYAAN ALAM PAPUA SAJA bukan berpihak kepada kepentingan Rakyat bangsa papua Barat.

Tujuan proses Penyerahan Tanah dan bangsa papua Barat ketangan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Amerika serikat, PBB, Pemerintah Belanda dan Pemerintah Indonesia maka mulai Pemerintah Indonesia langsung menerapkan tindakan kekerasan terhadap Rakyat bangsa papua Barat di mulai dari tanggal 1 mei 1963 diatas tanah Papua dengan cara :

1.Memulai pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia atau mulai penumpahan Darah Tokoh-tokoh Politik Papua, Masyarakat Bangsa Papua Barat yang tidak menerima Bendera Merah Putih, Masyarakat yang tetap pro kepada Bangsa papua barat , Tokoh-tokoh Intwelektual, Mahasiswa, pelajar, Tokoh-tokoh wanita papua,Masyarakat pedesaan, Tokoh-tokoh agama, Aktivis ELSM bahkan Pegawai pemerintah RI juga ikut terbantai oleh TNI/ POLRI diseluruh Tanah Papua,

2.Mulai memberlakukan STATUS Daerah Operasi Militer/ DOM diseluruh tanah papua,

3.Mulai membatasi / memenjarakan perkembangan politik Bangsa Papua barat dibawah kuasa MILITERISASI PAPUA,

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4.Mulai mencuri dan merampas Kekayaan alam papua secara ILEGAL dibawah TODONGAN SENJATA,

5.Mulai menguasai Objek Vital ekonomi Rakyat Papua dibawah Intervensi TNI/ POLRI diseluruh Tanah Papua,

6.Mulai membatasi dan membelokkan Kwalitas pendidikan yang bermutu dari 3 / tiga Yayasan besar Papua kepada sekolah-sekolah Negeri dan sekolah Inpres diseluruh Tanah papua menjadi Sentralisasi,

7.Mulai alihkan Obat-obat bantuan dari Badan kesehatan Dunia/ WHO dialihkan ke dokter-dokter Praktek dengan biaya yang sangat mahal kepada Rakyat papua dianggap miskin untuk hanya kepentingan uang saja, menyebabkan kematian orang papua sangat besar diseluruh tanah papua,

8.Mulai menerapkan Program KELUARGA BERENCANA kepada masyarakat Papua secara sistematis yang rapi sehingga angaka kelahiran orang papua lebih rendah dari pada angka kematian orang papua lebih tinggi diseluruh tanah papua.

Berdasarkan Permasalahan diatas maka Kami Masyarakat Bangsa Papua Barat Kabupaten Nabire MEMINTA TEGAS Kepada Pemerintah Amerika serikat, Periserikatan Bangsa-bangsa (PBB), Pemerintah Belanda dan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia harus bertanggung Jawab atas CACAT HUKUM INTERNASIONAL dengan sengaja dibuat terhadap Masyarakat Bangsa Papua Barat. Untuk itu Kami Rakyat Bangsa Papua Barat menuntut dengan tegas kepada Pemerintah Amerika serikat, PBB, Pemerintah Belanda , Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Dunia Internasional segera bertanggung jawab penuh Proses REVERENDUM ULANG Kepada Rakyat Bangsa Papua Barat dibawah Pengawasan Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa( PBB).

Bangsa Papua Kabupaten Nabire Sedang mengadakan Jumpa PessDan sedang membacakan pernyataan sikap Pada tanggal 1 Mei 1963 sebagai Hari Anekisasi Papua Kedalan NKRI Secara Paksa,

Sedang Membacakan Pernyataan Sikap.

Poster yang terpampan di depan ruang yang mengadakan jumpa Pess

Penjelasan : Berkaitan dengan Jumpa pess ini kami undang seluruh Wartawan Yang ada di Nabire Namun mereka tidak datang karena mereka dilarang

oleh Pihak Aparat TNI/POLRI .

Yang Mengadakan Jumpa Pess1. Pdt Daud Auwe M. Div dari Intektual papua.2. Pdt Esebius Pigai Sth dari Perwakilan Tokoh agama.3. Yones Douw dari Perwakilan HAM.4. Mikhael Zonggenau Amd,Sp.

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5. B.R Edowai SPD dari Dewan Adat Papua6. Demianus Douw S.Sos Ag perwakilan Dari PNS7. Petrus Boma Perwakilan dari TPN PB8. Yohanes Agapa Perwakilan Dari Satgas Papua,

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INFO PAPUA : Awareness : Press Releases  

WEST PAPUA: Letter from Councillor Matt Sellwood, Oxford City CouncilBy FREE WEST PAPUA CAMPAIGN (UK)Mar 28, 2008, 00:48

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WEST PAPUA: Letter from Councillor Matt Sellwood, Oxford City Council (Green Party) to UK Foreign Secretary, David Miliband MP

Oxford, 27 March 2008

Dear Foreign Secretary,

I wanted to write to you, briefly, to express my anger and dismay at the appeasement of Indonesia by your department, particularly by Under Secretary Meg Munn in her speech at Wilton Park on March 3rd.

In the speech, Ms Munn expressed the view that the way in which Indonesia is dealing with West Papua could be used as 'an example for the world'. I am curious as to which parts of the beatings, torture, extra-judicial imprisonments and supression of freedom of expression Ms Munn was referring to.

I am a member of an elected body, Oxford City Council, that proudly flies the West Papuan flag each year in solidarity with those in West Papua who cannot do so - and are beaten and tortured for trying.

Perhaps Ms Munn would like to come and visit Oxford, and meet the West Papuans who live here. She would certainly get a different picture of the situation than she clearly does from her cozy chats with the Indonesian Foreign Minister.


Matt Sellwood

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--Cllr Matt Sellwood

Holywell Ward

Oxford City Council

Richard SamuelsonFree West Papua Campaign, Oxford,

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INFO PAPUA : Awareness : Press Releases  

TAPOL, the Indonesia Human Rights CampaignBy TAPOLMar 20, 2008, 22:46

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TAPOL, the Indonesia Human Rights Campaign20 March 2008


According to latest reports from West Papua, more thana dozen Papuans have been arrested for taking part in peacefully unfurling their flag, the Morning Star (Kejora), some or all of whom are likely to be charged forrebellion (makar). The arrests were made following aseries of protest demonstrations in Manokwari and Jayapura against Presidential Decree PP77 which makes it illegal to unfurl regional flags not only in West Papua butin other parts of the country as well.

The peaceful demonstration on 13 March in Manokwariwas organised by theWest Papua National Authority (WPNA) and the GreaterManokwari StudentExecutive Council (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa, BEM).

Following the enactment of the Decree, eleven Papuans

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were arrested inManokwari on 13 March for flying the kejora in protestagainst the Decree.More arrests were reported on 19 March when the policetook four peopleinto custody in Jayapura for raising flags and fordisturbing security.

According to a report in the Jayapura newspaper,Cenderawasih Pos on 16March, the regional police chief of Papua,Inspector-General Max Donald,said that the police would be taking action againstthose who unfurled thekejora flag in Manokwari and elsewhere.

The eleven persons arrested in Manokwari are:

Jack Wanggai, spokesperson of the West Papua NationalAuthority,Frans Kareth, lecturer in economics,Markus Solig Umpes,Edy Ayorbaba,Daniel Sakwatorey,Marthinus Luther,Noak APGeorge Rasyard Ayorbaba,Ariel Werimon,Leonardus Decky Bame,Silas Carlos Teves May, aged 16 years.

Yan Christian Warinussy, Executive Director of LP3BH,the legal aidorganisation in Manokwari, announced on 14 March thatthey have set up aTeam of Lawyers for Human Rights for the Papuan Peopleto defend the firsttwo persons named above who have been subjected tointensive interrogationby the police. In the case of Jack Wanggai, theinterrogation which wasaccompanied by threats to kidnap members of hisfamily, focused on thepurposes of the WPNA and the reasons for organisingthe demonstration on 13March.

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The four persons arrested by the police in Jayapuraare:

Zakarias Horota,Elias Weah,Ester Dolorus Tapnesa,Abu Mari

They too have been charged with rebellion and withdisturbing security.

TAPOL strongly condemns these arrests and believesthat they represent agrave infringement of the freedom of expression andthe right to engage inpeaceful protest.

TAPOL also condemns the enactment of presidentialdecree PP77 which makesit an offence to unfurl regional flags.

Carmel Budiardjo of TAPOL said: 'The enactment of PP77which makes it anoffence to unfurl a flag can only trigger renewedprotest among Papuans.This decree can further exacerbate the sense ofinjustice that has sweptacross West Papua since the beginning of the month.'

TAPOL calls for the lifting of charges of rebellionthat have been laidagainst some of those arrested and calls for theunconditional release ofall those now in police custody.

It also calls for the repeal of PP77 which is inflagrant violation of theright to engage in the peaceful action of raising aregional flag.


TAPOL, the Indonesia Human Rights Campaign111 Northwood Road, Thornton Heath, Croydon CR7 8HW,UK.

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tel +44 (0)20 8771 2904 fax +44 (0)20 8653 [email protected]. org http://tapol.

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INFO PAPUA : Awareness : Press Releases  

FREE WEST PAPUA (UK): Good news! West Papua in The Guardian. ACTION: Please E-MAIL EDITOR!By FREE WEST PAPUA CAMPAIGN (UK)Mar 21, 2008, 23:17

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Oxford, 20th March 2008-----------------------------------

Dear friends of West Papua,




As you may have already seen, an article on BP's highly controversial West Papua natural gas project was published in The Guardian newspaper here in the UK yesterday (19 March 2008).

The article, "Shattered illusions", copied below, was written by the Guardian's Environment Editor, John Vidal, using information sent to Benny Wenda from our sources inside West Papua.

It's incredibly dangerous for Papuans to speak out against BP like this inside West Papua. BP Tangguh is regarded by the Indonesian regime as a "national asset", so any Papuans who oppose the project are regarded as "enemies of the state". John Vidal's Guardian article is so important because it has allowed West Papuans directly affected by BP's Tangguh project to be heard by the outside World.


FWPC needs your help to get the voice of West Papua AS A WHOLE heard by the outside World, via the international media.

Please e-mail/write to the Editor of the Guardian (see how below):

1) THANKING the Guardian for John Vidal's crucially important article (Shatterd illusions,

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March 19) which will help bring WEST PAPUA out into the international spotlight. For most of the 45 year long history of Indonesia's bloody occupation, the outside World has tragically ignored the oppression of the indigenous West Papuan population by the Indonesian military, but now, at long last, John Vidal's article shows that things are beginning to change.

2) ASKING the Guardian to REPORT REGULARLY on the continuing suffering of the West Papuan people under Indonesian occupation and on the Papuans' peaceful struggle for self-determination. (You may like to mention that last week, on March 13, Indonesian police arrested nine people in Manokwari, West Papua, during a demonstration against a 2007 Indonesian law banning the display of "separatist symbols", including the West Papuan Morning Star Flag. One of the nine in custody is a 16-year-old boy. See yesterday's Human Rights Watch report "Free Peaceful Protesters in Papua", also copied below).

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How do I send a letter to the Guardian? You can email messages at [email protected],

fax letters to 0207 837 4530,

or post them to: The Editor, The Guardian, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER.

We do not publish letters where only an email address is supplied; please include a full postal address and a reference to the relevant article. If you do not want your email address published, please say so. We may edit letters.


THANK YOU! This is a really important chance to show The Guardian (and the international media as a whole) that you care about what's happening now in West Papua.

Papua Merdeka! Free West Papua!


Richard SamuelsonFree West Papua Campaign, Oxford, WEST PAPUA: Shattered illusions

When BP set out to build a £3.5bn natural gas plant in remote West Papua, local villagers hoped for a bright future. But all is not well.

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John Vidal The Guardian, Wednesday March 19 2008Recently, with hundreds of Indonesian troops just out of sight in scenes of intense security, Prince Andrew, the government's official business envoy, dropped in on Bintuni Bay, one of Indonesia's mots remote corners. The plan was to inspect BP's new £3.5bn natural gas plant. What the Duke of York probably did not know was that he had walked straight into a row between the giant oil company and local villagers.

The British firm had promised its new neighbours, who live on the edge of the pristine Papuan rainforest, better homes, long-term jobs and full environmental protection when it started several years ago to build its giant plant to extract 14 trillion cubic metres of gas. But with the gas about to flow, village leaders have now complained bitterly that the company has reneged on its agreements.

In a long letter sent to the Guardian and in telephone conversations, Papuan leaders requesting anonymity have complained that the company has blocked off their fishing grounds, attracted a flood of migrants to the villages, provided very few jobs for local people and is now siding with the Indonesian authorities against native Papuans who are engaged in a long struggle for independence.

"Everything we feared when BP came to the area has come true," claims one community leader. "People are not allowed to catch any fish or shrimps in the exclusive zone established by BP. More and more migrants are coming because of the plant. There is very high inflation because there is lots of money around. The number of local people from Bintuni Bay who work in the project is very low. Local Papuans are never recruited as full-time members of staff."

BP has been desperately keen to avoid the experiences that it, Shell and other oil companies, have had in Africa and Latin America, where oil and gas extraction has left a trail of pollution, human rights abuses and distressed people with no share in the wealth extracted from their land. The company pledged from the start to set new social and environmental standards, and to be a model of corporate social responsibility. It hired some of the best development NGOs to offer advice.

Papuan leaders say they were initially impressed when BP completely rebuilt one fishing village, poured money into the nearby communities, and employed leading environment, human rights and health groups to advise them on how to avoid conflict and bring prosperity to the villages. But as the project has come closer to opening, people have flooded into the area. "Conflicts between local communities and migrants have begun," says the leader. "The migrants [from all over Indonesia] have come here to look for jobs, and are staying. There are about 1,500 in the village of Babo and 1,200 in Bintuni. They are the majority now in all the villages," he says.

The Tangguh gas field, believed to be eventually worth more than £100bn to BP and the Indonesian government, is one of the largest in the world. Known as a "super giant", it is contracted to provide gas for China, Mexico and the US, and should last 30 years.

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But the Papuan leaders, who have long been pressing for independence from Indonesia, say they fear that BP is taking sides with the Indonesian government, as they are bypassed from all the lasting benefits. According to documents seen by the Guardian, less than £30m was budgeted for the Tangguh social programme over six years, including money for resettlement and security; nearly £15m was earmarked for "consultants" and administration. The nine most affected villages in the area are being given £15,000 a year for five years, and others in the area £5,500 a year.

"BP has built 100 houses for 100 heads of families. All looks wonderful," another village leader says. "But the people actually suffer mentally from their new settlement. Their access to the sea is limited because of the company's exclusion zone, and they cannot expand their gardens. They do not have enough [space] to expand their families."

Criticism of BP's employment policy was levelled at the company last year and the Tangguh Independent Advisory Panel, chaired by Lord [David] Hannay, to monitor the project, encouraged BP to employ more Papuans and to educate the local population about the "demobilisation" process when the construction work is complete.

Although nearly 6,000 people have been employed in constructing the plant, fewer than 500 will be employed by the company after the building is complete later this year. Of these, only around 50 are expected to be Papuan.

"People's dependency on BP is very high. There will be problems when the work ends. There will be economic and psychological degradation," say Papuan leaders in their letter to the Guardian.

"We predicted that BP and Indonesia would not care about the very survival of the Papuans on their land and their nation. We expected that BP and Indonesia would continuously destroy our forests and our trees and pollute the rivers and seas," they says. "And we feared that BP and Indonesia would bring misfortune for the Papuans by employing skilled workers from outside West Papua, claiming that we Papuans are not 'skilled workers'. I have to tell you that our worst predictions and fears have come true."

BP denies that it is causing environmental damage, or that it is favouring non-Papuans. The company said it is bound by strict guidelines about how many Papuans should be employed. A spokesman says: "We think about 30% of the construction workforce is Papuan. The intention is that there will be long-term employment for Papuans. We are prioritising the most affected villages," says a BP spokesman.

But he also concedes that Papua is large and that it has been difficult to identify who is an original inhabitant of these villages. On the fishing situation, he points out that BP has provided outboard motors to some people so they can travel further to fishing grounds. "We believe we have set new standards for the BP group. There has been a lot of progress but there is no complacency," he says.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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“Raising a flag at a demonstration is a non-violent act, but in Indonesia it can land you in prison. If Indonesia wants recognition as a rights-respecting nation, it should stop imprisoning people for acts of peaceful expression.”

“Crucial Indonesian legal reforms on free expression have no bearing on events in Papua. Unfortunately, once again there is a different set of rules for Papua and other areas with separatist sympathies than for the rest of Indonesia.”

“Committing to the human rights treaties Indonesia recently ratified means more than signing on the dotted line. It means stop punishing people for peaceful acts of expression.”

Elaine Pearson, Deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

19 March 2008

HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH report (see below):

Indonesia: Free Peaceful Protesters in Papua Activists Face Charges for Non-violent Expression RIGHTS WATCH

Indonesia: Free Peaceful Protesters in Papua.

Activists Face Charges for Non-violent Expression.

(London, March 19, 2008) – The Indonesian government should order the immediate release of nine Papua activists arrested for displaying the Papuan Morning Star flag, Human Rights Watch said today. All charges against them should be dropped.

On March 13, police arrested nine people in Manokwari, West Papua, during a demonstration against a 2007 law banning the display of separatist symbols, including the Morning Star Flag. One of the nine in custody is reported to be a 16-year-old boy. Indonesia’s arrest and detention of peaceful activists violates the internationally recognized rights to freedom of expression and assembly.

“Raising a flag at a demonstration is a non-violent act, but in Indonesia it can land you in prison,” said Elaine Pearson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “If Indonesia wants recognition as a rights-respecting nation, it should stop imprisoning people for acts of peaceful expression.”

In July 2007, Human Rights Watch welcomed the ruling of the Indonesian Constitutional Court declaring unconstitutional certain provisions in Indonesia’s criminal code prohibiting free

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expression. Despite the ruling, several Indonesian laws continue to restrict freedom of expression in violation of international law, including article 6 of Government Regulation 77/2007, which prohibits the display of the Morning Star Flag in Papua, the South Maluku Republic Benang Raja flag in Ambon and the Crescent Moon flag in Aceh.

“Crucial Indonesian legal reforms on free expression have no bearing on events in Papua,” said Pearson. “Unfortunately, once again there is a different set of rules for Papua and other areas with separatist sympathies than for the rest of Indonesia.”

Human Rights Watch is also concerned that the nine individuals facing trial for breaching Regulation 77/2007 will also be charged with makar, which translates into English as “rebellion.” In the past, Papuan activists openly supporting separatism have been sentenced to a 20-year prison term for the peaceful expression of their political views. On March 12, two pro-independence demonstrators in the province of Maluku were sentenced to 15 and 17 years in prison for possession of the South Maluku Republic Benang Raja flag.

Human Rights Watch takes no position on Papuan claims to self-determination, but it supports the right of all individuals, including independence supporters, to express their political views peacefully without fear of arrest or other forms of reprisal.

Peaceful campaigning for self-determination is a right protected by international human rights law, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Indonesia ratified in February 2006.

“Committing to the human rights treaties Indonesia recently ratified means more than signing on the dotted line,” said Pearson. “It means stop punishing people for peaceful acts of expression.”

Related Material

“Protest and Punishment: Political Prisoners in Papua”

Report, February 21, 2007

More of Human Rights Watch’s work on Indonesia Country Page

Indonesia: Police Abuse Endemic in Closed Area of Papua Press Release, July 5, 2007 Out of Sight: Endemic Abuse and Impunity in Papua’s Central Highlands Report, July 5, 2007


© Copyright 2003, Human Rights Watch 350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor New York, NY 10118-3299 USA__________________________________________________________

Richard SamuelsonFree West Papua Campaign, Oxford, UK.

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© Copyright by w@tchPAPUAINFO PAPUA : Awareness : Press Releases  

WEST PAPUA/KOSOVO: Free West Papua (UK) message to Sir John Sawers, UK Ambassador to the UNBy FREE WEST PAPUA CAMPAIGN (UK)Feb 18, 2008, 17:10

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Oxford OX3 3AP, UK.

To: Sir John Sawers,

UK Ambassador to the UN

One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza885 Second AvenueNew York, NY 10017

E-mail: [email protected]

18 February 2008

Dear Sir John,

In your statement on Kosovo made last week (14.2.08)

you emphasised that:

"a final settlement ... should be based on the will of the people of Kosovo" and that

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"a settlement had to be 'acceptable to the people of Kosovo' ", based on

"the aspirations of the vast majority of Kosovo’s population"

And in your earlier statement on Kosovo (19/12/07) you said:

"We do not challenge the importance of the principle of territorial integrity but, as is well-established, it can be qualified by the exercise of the right to self-determination."

We at the Free West Papua Campaign (UK) would be very grateful if you could explain to us and to the people of West Papua why the British Government rejects Serbia's claim to territorial integrity and supports the Kosovar's right to self-determination, which has never been legally recognised by the international community, whilst at the same time the British Government supports Indonesia's claim to territorial integrity and currently rejects the West Papuans' right to self-determination, which has been recognised by the international community?

In the case of Kosovo, the British Government has rightly highlighted the oppression of the Kosovars by the Serbs as an important factor leading to its support for the Kosovar's right to self-determination. We would like to know why the British Government is currently choosing to ignore the brutal oppression of the West Papuans by Indonesia, now and throughout the 45 years of the Indonesian occupation, and to deny the West Papuans' internationally recognised right to self-determination -- which all objective commentators agree has never been legally exercised.

We look forward to receiving your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Richard SamuelsonCo-Director, Free West Papua Campaign, Oxford,

INFO PAPUA : United Nations Review  

INFO PAPUA : United Nations Review Understanding the Papuans’ call for referendumThe Indigenous Papuans have begun calling for referendum to decide the future political status

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of Papua province. The call was raised by the Papuan youth. I do think that the same call will be raised in days and months to come.

There are two major factors that trigger the Papuans to call for refendum.

Mar 20, 2008, 22:41

INFO PAPUA : United Nations Review  

Understanding the Papuans’ call for referendumBy Neles Tebay, Abepura, PapuaMar 20, 2008, 22:41

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The Indigenous Papuans have begun calling for referendum to decide the future political status of Papua province. The call was raised by the Papuan youth. I do think that the same call will be raised in days and months to come.

There are two major factors that trigger the Papuans to call for refendum.

Firstly, the call for referendum is raised due to the government’s failure in implementing properly and consistently the Law no.21/2001 on the Special Autonomy for Papua Province.

The Papuans know that their problems have already been accomodated in the Papuan autonomy law. Therefore they have been calling upon the government to address their grievances through an effecitve implementation of the law.

However, they see that the government has no moral commitment to put the law into practice. It has even no willingness to enforce the law consistently.

Instead, the government has deliberately produced some policies conflicting against the Papuan autonomy law, after having deliberately postponed for four years to issue the government regulation on the formation of the Papuan People’s Assembly (MRP).

One example is that the central government establishes a new province of West Papua, although by violating the Papuan autonomy law, and imposes upon the Papuans to accept the existence o f the Province .

The government under the leadership of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has not issued all necessary government regulations (peraturan Pemerintah), except one on the formation of the MRP, and therefore some articles of the autonomy law can’t be executed in Papua.

Instead, President Yudhoyono has decided to issue new controversial government regulation to accomodate the presence of the West Papua Province.

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The regulation on West Papua will make the autonomy law more difficult to be implemented. How can the autonomy law for Papua Province be implemented also in other province?

The House of Representative, on its part, has not considered the implementation of the autonomy law as a solution to address the Papuans’ grievances.Therefore the house never encourges the government to produce necessary government regulations and to do monitoring the Papuan provincial government’s role in implementing the law.

Ignoring the necessity of implementing the autonomy law, the House agreed to form some four new provinces in Papua, namely West Papua, South West Papua, Central Papua, and South Papua.

The Papuan provincial government also never produces the special implementing regulations (Peraturan Daerah Khusus/Perdasus) and provicial regulations (Peraturan daerah Provinsi/Perdasi) which are necessary for implementing properly the autonomy law.

The present governor has even not yet approved the special implementing regulation (Perdasus) on how to spend properly the autonomy fund. As a result, the use of autonomy funds is completedy up to the individual governor and the regents and it can’t be monitored by the people for not having legally approved criteria. Therefore, much of autonomy fund are allegedly misused by the government officials.

The Provincial legislative council (DPRP) still needs to be encouraged to prioritize the implementation of the autonomy law.

So in the eyes of the Papuans, the central government, the House of Representative, the Papuan provincial government and legislative council, all of them fail to implement the autonomy law.

As a result, the Indigenous Papuans’ prosperity is not improved yet. In February of this year, Papuan governor Barnabas Suebu announced that some 80 percents of the total population in Papua province were identified living under poverty line.

It means that the implementation of the law for seven years has never brought about any change in terms of the living standart of the Papuans.

The Papuans have repeatedly called for a comprehesive evaluation on the implementation of the autonomy law by involving the all Papuans in the whole process of the evaluation. The evaluation is meant to jointly identify the obstacles to the enforcement of the law and seek the solutions to remove the obstacles so that the law can be executed properly.

The government never responds to the call for evaluation, however. It means that the government wants to keep repeating the errors it has been committing for seven years.

So, the Papuans already come to the conclusion that the government does not want to implement the autonomy law, properly and consistently, despite its repeated empty promises.

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Secondly, the central government has not demonstrated its willingness to engage in peaceful dialogue to settle the Papua case.

The call for dialogue has repeatedly been raised since 2000 by the Papuans and supported all civilian society’s elements in Papua, including the Papuan rebels in the jungle.

However, Jakarta is not interested in the proposed dialogue. It means the government prefers violent approach to settle the Papua case. Perhaps, it is the reason why the central government increases number of troops in Papua.

New military commands are establsihed in newly formed regencies. New military posts are set up along the land border with the Papua New Guinea. New Batalyons are formed. All batalyons are added with more troops. Thousands of troops will be deployed in the future. All these make Papua as the Indonesian military occupied territory.

So the call for refendum is raised due to the government’s failures to implement the autonomy law and its refusal to have dialogue with the Papuans while increasing the number of troops in Papua.

The writer is a lecturer at the Fajar Timur School of Philosophy and Theology in Abepura, Papua.

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