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Public Contracting Institute 2016 All Rights Reserved May 11, 2016 -1- ROGERS JOSEPH O’DONNELL Supply Chain Security: DFARS – Detection & Avoidance of Counterfeit Electronic Parts May 11, 2016 Robert S. Metzger Jeffery M. Chiow Oliya S. Zamaray Rogers Joseph O’Donnell, P.C. 875 Fifteenth Street, N.W., Ste 725 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 777-8950

Supply Chain Security: DFARS Detection & Avoidance of ... · inspection, testing, ... systems for the detection and avoidance of counterfeit electronic parts and suspect counterfeit

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Page 1: Supply Chain Security: DFARS Detection & Avoidance of ... · inspection, testing, ... systems for the detection and avoidance of counterfeit electronic parts and suspect counterfeit

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Supply Chain Security:DFARS – Detection & Avoidance of Counterfeit Electronic PartsMay 11, 2016

Robert S. MetzgerJeffery M. ChiowOliya S. Zamaray

Rogers Joseph O’Donnell, P.C.875 Fifteenth Street, N.W., Ste 725

Washington, D.C. 20005(202) 777-8950

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• Fundamentals:– The threat of counterfeit electronics

– The statute - Section 818 NDAA FY 2012

– The DFARS – Detection & Avoidance (May 2014)• What the Rule requires … Who is subject to the Rule …

How it is implemented

• Proposed Rules - Sept. 2015 and Mar. 2016

• Policies and Procedures for Compliance

• Advanced Topics:– The 12 “System Criteria”

– Key Implementation Challenges

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Why Laws and Rules to Detect & Avoid

Counterfeit Electronic Parts

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Who are you currently employed by?

A) Government agency

B) Contractor - Large business

C) Contractor - Small business

D) Contractor - Socio-economic set-aside category (e.g., 8(a), Service-Disabled Veteran Owned)

E) Non-profit

F) Law Firm

G) Other (I’m looking!)

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Senate Armed Services Committee hearings in 2011 focused attention on the threat and prompted Congress to “legislate supply chain security” through Section 818 of NDAA 2012

SASC Investigation of Counterfeit Parts

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SASC Investigation & Findings

Key SASC findings:• China is the dominant source country for

counterfeit electronic parts;

• The Chinese government has failed to take steps to stop counterfeiting operations;

• DoD lacks knowledge of the scope and impact of counterfeit parts on critical defense systems;

• The use of counterfeit parts in defense systems can compromise performance, reliability and safety of military personnel;

• Industry’s reliance on unvetted independent distributors results in unacceptable risks;

• Weaknesses in the testing regime for electronic parts creates vulnerabilities; and

• The defense industry routinely failed to report cases of suspect counterfeit parts.

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Physical (“Fakes”) vs. Cyber-Physical (“Taints”)


“sabotage, maliciously introduce unwanted functions, or otherwise subvert … a system in order to conduct surveillance or to deny access to, disrupt, or otherwise degrade its reliability or trustworthiness.”

Common Criteria Supply Chain Technical Working Group, DRAFT “Supply Chain Security Assurance” April 2012, available at

The Ordinary (“Fake”) Counterfeit Part:

Substandard or non-functionalLikely to fail in intended environmentPresents risk to operations & reliabilityMethods exist to detect (in most cases)Injury :

- degradation of performance- diminished reliability- potential device/system failure - burden on support & sustainment- costs of “remediation”

Typically a counterfeit electronic part contains no active mechanism that can be exploited by an adversary.

Unexpected Functionality

Potentially Latent Functions

Vector to induce or exploit cyber attack

Risk of unauthorized extraction

Threat to critical systems and mil ops

Increased Attention to “Taints”Focus of 818 and DFARS is on “Fakes”

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Why are you taking this course?

A) For CPE credit

B) For general knowledge of counterfeit parts

C) For detailed knowledge of counterfeit parts

D) My job is to implement these regs and practices

E) Expecting a Government compliance review

F) Need a diversion from other responsibilities

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• Detection

• Exclusion

• Enforcement

• Purchasing Practices

• Inspection & Testing

• Reporting

• Corrective Measures

• Contractor Systems

• Costs & Incentives

• Sanctions

Section 818 Operates At Many “Junctions” of the Supply Chain

Section 818 addresses only counterfeit electronic parts.

The statute applies only to CAS-covered DoD contractors.

The DFARS regulations require flow down to “all subcontractor tiers”

The Result: Section 818 FY 2012 NDAA

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Section 818’s Primary Target: Fakes

The principal motivation for counterfeit parts, addressed by Section 818, is profit.

Bad actors seek to answer demand for scarce parts by offering well-priced fakes that appear genuine -- but are not.

Demand is greatest for parts that are obsolete, out of production and no longer available from OCMs or authorized distributors.

DoD is vulnerable because of the long life of legacy systems that still require support

DoD depends upon deployed systems

where sustainment requires access to

out-of-production electronic parts

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Features of Section 818

Applies to “covered contractors who

supply electronic parts or products that

include electronic parts” 818(c)(2)(A)

Costs of rework or corrective action

“required to remedy the use or

inclusion of counterfeit electronic parts

are not allowable” 818(c)(2)(B) – not

limited to costs on supply

“whenever possible, [DoD] contractors

and subcontractors at all tiers” are to

obtain electronic parts from trusted

suppliers 818(c)(3)(A)

reporting requirement applies to “any

Department contractor or subcontractor

who becomes aware …” of a counterfeit


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§ 818: Trusted Suppliers, Contractor Systems

818(c) (3) TRUSTED SUPPLIERS.—The revised regulations issued

pursuant to paragraph (1) shall—

(A) require that, whenever possible, the Department and Department

contractors and subcontractors at all tiers—

(i) obtain electronic parts that are in production or currently

available in stock from the original manufacturers of the parts

or their authorized dealers, or from trusted suppliers who obtain

such parts exclusively from the original manufacturers of the

parts or their authorized dealers; and

(ii) obtain electronic parts that are not in production or currently

available in stock from trusted suppliers;

(B) establish requirements for notification of the Department, and

inspection, testing, and authentication of electronic parts that the

Department or a Department contractor or subcontractor obtains from

any source other than a source described in subparagraph (A);

(C) establish qualification requirements, consistent with the

requirements of section 2319 of title 10, United States Code, pursuant

to which the Department may identify trusted suppliers that have

appropriate policies and procedures in place to detect and avoid

counterfeit electronic parts and suspect counterfeit electronic parts; and

(D) authorize Department contractors and subcontractors to identify

and use additional trusted suppliers, provided that—

(i) the standards and processes for identifying such trusted

suppliers comply with established industry standards;

(ii) the contractor or subcontractor assumes responsibility for

the authenticity of parts provided by such suppliers as

provided in paragraph (2); and

(iii) the selection of such trusted suppliers is subject to

review and audit by appropriate Department officials.




(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 270 days after the date of the

enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall implement a

program to enhance contractor detection and avoidance of counterfeit

electronic parts.

(2) ELEMENTS.—The program implemented pursuant to paragraph (1)


(A) require covered contractors that supply electronic parts or systems

that contain electronic parts to establish policies and procedures to

eliminate counterfeit electronic parts from the defense supply chain,

which policies and procedures shall address—

(i) the training of personnel;

(ii) the inspection and testing of electronic parts;

(iii) processes to abolish counterfeit parts proliferation;

(iv) mechanisms to enable traceability of parts;

(v) use of trusted suppliers;

(vi) the reporting and quarantining of counterfeit electronic parts and

suspect counterfeit electronic parts;

(vii) methodologies to identify suspect counterfeit parts and to rapidly

determine if a suspect counterfeit part is, in fact, counterfeit;

(viii) the design, operation, and maintenance of systems to detect and

avoid counterfeit electronic parts and suspect counterfeit electronic

parts; and

(ix) the flow down of counterfeit avoidance and detection

requirements to subcontractors; and

(B) establish processes for the review and approval of contractor

systems for the detection and avoidance of counterfeit electronic parts

and suspect counterfeit electronic parts, which processes shall be

comparable to the processes established for contractor business

systems under section 893 of the Ike Skelton National Defense

Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011.

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FINAL RULE: DFARS Detection & Avoidance of Counterfeit Electronic Parts

79 Fed. Reg. 26092 (May 6, 2014)

DFARS Case 2012–D055

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Who is Subject to the DFARS?

The DFARS confirm that Sec. 818 is “specifically limited to ‘covered contractors’” and that the initial implementation of the rules “has limited application at the prime contract level to CAS-covered contractors.” 79 Fed. Reg. 26098.

However, the flow down requirement causes the rule to affect all subs – including small businesses

“However, all levels of the supply chain have the potential for introducing counterfeit or suspect-counterfeit electronic items into the end items contracted for under a CAS-covered prime contract. The prime contractor cannot bear all responsibility for preventing the introduction of counterfeit parts. By flowing down the prohibitions against counterfeit and suspect counterfeit electronic items and the requirements for systems to detect such parts to all subcontractors that provide electronic parts or assemblies containing electronic parts (without regard to CAS-coverage of the subcontractor), there will be checks instituted at multiple levels within the supply chain, reducing the opportunities for counterfeit parts to slip through into end items.” 79 Fed. Reg. 26099.

The final rule does exclude set-asides from small business, because CAS does not apply to small business. “This rule does not apply to small entities as prime contractors.” 79 Fed. Reg. 26105. This limits the DFARS when DoD purchases from a small business, as DLA does in high value -- but CAS-covered contractors must flow down.

Promulgation comments recognize that small business subcontractors will incur “some costs for complying with prime contractors’ requirements.”

The Proposed Rule of Sep. 21, 2016 would add a new

clause, DFARS 252.246-70XX, that would (i) apply to

all businesses, including small business set-asides,

and would not be limited to CAS-covered contractors;

(ii) allow also use of “trustworthy suppliers” identified

by the contractor IAW DoD-adopted counterfeit

prevention industry standards and best practices; and

(iii) require traceability of parts.

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Contract ClauseThe clause at DFAR 252.246-7007 (CPDAS) is to be used in solicitations and contracts when procuring … “[s]ervices where the contractor will supplyelectronic parts or components, part, or assemblies containing electronic parts as part of the service.”

The clause applies if the contractor is subject to CAS.

Considerations for Service Providers

Definition of “Electronic Part”“an integrated circuit, a discrete electronic component (including, but not limited to, a transistor, capacitor, resistor, or diode), or a circuit assembly … The term ‘‘electronic part’’ includes any embedded software or firmware.”

Contract Cost Principles“costs of counterfeit electronic parts or suspect counterfeit electronic parts and the cost of rework or corrective action that may be required to remedy the use or inclusion of such parts are unallowable.” [except if a narrow safeharbor is available] DFARS 231.205-71

Subcontracting Policies & ProceduresACO is responsible for reviews of contractor’s purchasing system; review is to include “the adequacy the contractor’s counterfeit electronic part detection and avoidance system under DFAR 252.246-7007”

The present definition implies cyber physical security

issues and concerns of tainted hardware – but this is

likely to be removed in the next DFARS update.

Applies to all companies subject to the DFAR

Cost Principles – not limited to companies that

supply parts, assemblies or systems

A service provider subject to purchasing system

review would be likely to receive scrutiny of the

adequacy of its CPDAS

A service provider subject to CAS could be found obligated to

flow down to subcontractors at all levels of the supply chain” the

CPDAS contract clause.

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DFARS Structure

• Part 202 – Definitions

• Part 231 – Contract Cost Principles and Procedures

• Part 244 – Subcontracting Policies and Procedures

• Part 246 – Quality Assurance– Subpart 246.8 – Contractor Liability for Loss of or Damage to Property of the

Government [CPSR]

– DFARS 246.870 Contractors’ counterfeit electronic part detection and avoidance systems [12 criteria]

• Part 252 – Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses• DFARS 252.244–7001 Contractor Purchasing System Administration

• DFARS 252.246–7007 Contractor Counterfeit Electronic Part Detection and Avoidance System

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Part 202: Definitions

Counterfeit Electronic Part“an unlawful or unauthorized reproduction, substitution, or alteration that has been knowingly mismarked, misidentified, or otherwise misrepresented to be an authentic, unmodified electronic part from the original manufacturer, or a source with the express written authority of the original manufacturer or current design activity, including an authorized aftermarket manufacturer.

Unlawful or unauthorized substitution includes used electronic parts represented as new, or the false identification of grade, serial number, lot number, date code, or performance characteristics.”

Electronic Part“an integrated circuit, a discrete electronic component (including, but not limited to, a transistor, capacitor, resistor, or diode), or a circuit assembly (section 818(f)(2) of Pub. L. 112–81). The term ‘‘electronic part’’ includes any embedded software or firmware.”

Obsolete Electronic Part“an electronic part that is no longer in production by the original manufacturer or an aftermarket manufacturer that has been provided express written authorization from the current design activity or original manufacturer.”

Suspect Counterfeit Electronic Part“an electronic part for which credible evidence (including, but not limited to, visual inspection or testing) provides reasonable doubt that the electronic part is authentic.”

The Proposed DFAR would remove

“embedded software or firmware” from the

definition. Why? Because technical

methods are not established and there is

no accepted industry standard or best

practice to determine whether cyber-active

electronic parts harbor tampered or

defective software or firmware.

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Part 231: Contract Cost Principles …

231.205-71“(b) The costs of counterfeit electronic parts or suspect counterfeit electronic parts and the cost of rework or corrective action that may be required to remedy the use or inclusion of such parts are unallowable, unless—

(1) The contractor has an operational system to detect and avoid counterfeit parts and suspect counterfeit electronic parts that has been reviewed and approved by DoD pursuant to 244.303;

(2) The counterfeit electronic parts or suspect counterfeit electronic parts are Government-furnished property as defined in FAR 45.101; and (3) The contractor provides timely (i.e., within 60 days after the contractor becomes aware) notice to the Government.”

• Costs are unallowable for both confirmed and suspect counterfeit parts

• Also unallowable are costs for rework or corrective action to “remedy”

• Measures must be taken to identify, segregate, suspend and/or disallow subject costs

• A very limited “safe harbor” is provided

The Proposed Rule of Mar. 25, 2016 would amend the

allowability of costs of counterfeit electronic parts. Costs

would be allowable if (a) parts are obtained from trusted

suppliers, (b) contractor discovers, and (c) contractor

provides timely notice to the Government. Contractor

must also be compliant with DFARS 246.870 – System to

Detect and Avoid Counterfeit Electronic Parts. If adopted,

this change could motivate more counterfeit reporting.

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Part 244: Subcontracting Policies & Procedures

244.305-71 Contract ClauseUse the Contractor Purchasing System Administration basic clause or its alternate as follows:

(a) Use the clause at 252.244-7001, Contactor Purchasing System Administration— Basic, in solicitations and contracts containing the clause at

FAR 52.244–2, Subcontracts.

(b) Use the clause at 252.244–7001, Contractor Purchasing System Administration— Alternate I, in solicitations and contracts that contain the clause at 252.246–7007, Contractor Counterfeit Electronic Part Detection and Avoidance System, but do not contain FAR 52.244–2, Subcontracts.

244.303 Extent of Review(b) Also review the adequacy of the contractor’s counterfeit electronic part detection and avoidance system under clause 252.246–7007, Contractor Counterfeit Electronic Part Detection and Avoidance System.

• Adds counterfeit parts prevention to Contractor Purchasing System Review

• The “Basic” clause adds the requirements of a counterfeit part detection and avoidance system to CPSR review criteria

• “Alternate I” imposes purchasing system review criteria that include the requirements of 252.246-7007

• The Part 244 changes may impose new obligations on higher tier contractors to assure that their subcontractors have systems to detect and avoid counterfeit parts.

The Proposed Rule of Sep. 21, 2016 would add a new

clause, DFARS 252.246-70XX, that would apply to all

businesses, including small business set-asides, and

would not be limited to contractors subject to CAS. This

clause would require use of “trusted suppliers” but allow

also use of “trustworthy suppliers” identified by the

contractor IAW DoD-adopted counterfeit prevention

industry standards and best practices. Traceability of

parts also would be required – if adopted.

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Part 246: Quality Assurance

Adds subpart 246.8: “Contractor Liability for Loss of or Damage to Property of the Government”

246.870 Contractor’ counterfeit electronic part detection and avoidance systems

246.870-1 Scope(a) Implements section 818(c) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (Pub. L. 112–81); and

(b) Prescribes policy and procedures for preventing counterfeit electronic parts and suspect counterfeit electronic parts from entering the supply chain when procuring electronic parts or end items, components, parts, or assemblies that contain electronic parts.

246.870-2 Policy(a) General. Contractors that are subject to the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) and that supply electronic parts or products that include electronic parts and their subcontractors that supply electronic parts or products

that include electronic parts, are required to establish and maintain an acceptable counterfeit electronic part

detection and avoidance system. Failure to do so may result in disapproval of the purchasing system by the contracting officer and/or withholding of payments

(see 252.244–7001, Contractor Purchasing System Administration).

(b) System criteria. A counterfeit electronic part detection and avoidance system shall include risk-based policies and procedures that address, at a minimum, the following areas (see 252.246–7007, Contractor Counterfeit Electronic Part Detection and Avoidance


(System Criteria reviewed below)

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Part 252: Solicitation Provision & Contract Clauses

• DFARS 252.244–7001 Contractor Purchasing System Administration

• DFARS 252.246–7007 Contractor Counterfeit Electronic Part Detection and Avoidance System

246.870-3 Contract Clause(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, use the clause at 252.246–7007, Contractor Counterfeit Electronic Part Detection and Avoidance

System, in solicitations and contracts when procuring—

(1) Electronic parts;

(2) End items, components, parts, or assemblies containing electronic parts; or

(3) Services where the contractor will supply electronic parts or components, parts, or assemblies containing

electronic parts as part of the service.

(b) Do not use the clause in solicitations and contracts that are setaside for small business.

“(e) The Contractor shall include the

substance of this clause, including paragraphs

(a) through (e), in subcontracts, including

subcontracts for commercial items, for

electronic parts or assemblies containing

electronic parts.”

The Proposed Rule of Sep. 21, 2016 adds DFARS

252.246-70XX, that would apply to all businesses,

including small business set-asides.

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Section 817 of FY 2015 NDAA

Amends § 818(c)(3) (Trusted Suppliers)

to clarify that DoD contractors may obtain

electronic parts from authorized dealers “or

from suppliers identified as trusted

suppliers” and “from alternate suppliers

when such parts are not available from

original manufacturers, their authorized

dealers, or trusted suppliers.”

DoD regs shall establish qualification

requirements by which DoD may identify as

trusted suppliers those that have

appropriate policies and procedures in place

to detect and avoid counterfeit electronic parts

And DoD regs shall authorize Department

contractors and subcontractors to identify and

use “their own identified trusted suppliers”

Section 818(c)(3) of the NDAA for FY2012 now reads as follows (emphasis

added to highlight changes) …

(c) Regulations-

(3) TRUSTED SUPPLIERS- The revised regulations issued pursuant to paragraph

(1) shall–

(A) require that the Department and Department contractors and subcontractors at

all tiers–

(i) obtain electronic parts that are in production or currently available in stock from

the original manufacturers of the parts or their authorized dealers, or from suppliers

identified as trusted suppliers in accordance with regulations issued pursuant

to subparagraphs (C) and (D); and who obtain such parts exclusively from the

original manufacturers of the parts or their authorized dealers;

(ii) obtain electronic parts that are not in production or currently available in stock

from suppliers identified as trusted suppliers in accordance with the

regulations issued pursuant to subparagraphs (C) and (D); and

(iii) obtain electronic parts from alternate suppliers when such parts are not

available from original manufacturers, their authorized dealers, or trusted


(B) establish requirements for notification of the Department, and for inspection,

testing, and authentication of electronic parts that the Department or a Department

contractor or subcontractor obtains from any source other than a source described

in clause (i) or (ii) of subparagraph (A), when obtaining the electronic parts in

accordance with such clauses is not possible;

(C) establish qualification requirements, consistent with the requirements of section

2319 of title 10, United States Code, pursuant to which the Department may

identify as trusted suppliers those that have appropriate policies and

procedures in place to detect and avoid counterfeit electronic parts and suspect

counterfeit electronic parts; and

(D) authorize Department contractors and subcontractors to identify and use their

own identified trusted suppliers, provided that–

(i) the standards and processes for identifying such trusted suppliers comply with

established industry standards;

(ii) the contractor or subcontractor assumes responsibility for the authenticity of

parts provided by such suppliers as provided in paragraph (2); and

(iii) the selection of such trusted suppliers is subject to review and audit by

appropriate Department officials.

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PROPOSED RULEDetection & Avoidance of Counterfeit Electronic Parts

80 Fed. Reg. 56939 (Sep. 21, 2015)DFARS Case 2014–D005

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Key Provisions

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Features of the Proposed Rule

• Mandates purchase of electronic parts from 4 types of “trusted suppliers”

*Exception when no trusted supplier exists

– Notify the CO and assume responsibility for “inspection, testing, and authentication, in accordance with existing applicable industry standards”

– DoD may someday separately identify trusted suppliers (DFARS Case 2015-D020)

• Clarification regarding “traceability”

– Non-proscriptive risk-based approach

• Probability of receiving a counterfeit

• Probability that inspection or testing will detect counterfeit

• Potential negative consequences of a counterfeit escape

– Where traceability cannot be shown, contractor must “complete an evaluation that includes consideration of alternative parts or utilization of test and inspections commensurate with the risk.”

Original manufacturer (OM) Supplier that obtains exclusively from the OM or authorized dealer

“Authorized dealer” “Supplier that a contractor or subcontractor has identified as a trustworthy supplier, using DoD-adopted counterfeit prevention industry standards and processes.”

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Proposed Rule – Applicability and Scope

Expansions of Applicability and Scope

• Applies to all contracts and subcontracts for electronic parts, of any size and at any tier, regardless of CAS coverage

• No small business, commercial or COTS exemption and applies even below simplified acquisition threshold

Important Scope Limitation

• Definition of “electronic part” no longer includes “embedded software or firmware” as industry standards are still under development

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PROPOSED RULECosts Related to Counterfeit Electronic Parts

81 Fed. Reg. 17055 (Mar. 25, 2016)

DFARS Case 2016–D010

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Key Provisions

• Would expands “safe harbor” for allowable costs, if– contractor has an DoD-approved

system to detect & avoid CEPs; and

– parts are GFP or were obtained IAW the DFARS 252.246-70XX clause; and

– contractor discovers the counterfeit or suspect part, and

– provides “timely (i.e., within 60 days after the contractor becomes aware) notice to the Government.”

TBD is whether parts from “trusted sources” other than OEMs, e.g., “trustworthy” sources, fall within the “safe harbor.”


Section 885(a) of FY 2016 NDAAProposed Rule depends upon final

implementation of

DFARS Case 2014–D005

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Do you have Systems to Detect & Avoid Counterfeit Electronic Parts?

A) No – we are thinking about it

B) No – we are working on it

C) Yes – we are looking to validate or improve

D) Not sure we need one

E) Hope we are not required to

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Policies & Proceduresto Detect & Avoid Counterfeit Electronic Parts

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Policies and Procedures for Compliance


As we’ve discussed:

• Counterfeit parts avoidance and detection is an area of business and legal risk

• Prudent aerospace and defense contractors should establish rule-based compliance programs for counterfeit parts avoidance and detection.

Goal: mitigate risk to the business and align with DoD’s expectations. This is easier said than done, but we’ve helped companies do it.

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Policies and Procedures for Compliance

Tenets of Effective Counterfeit Part Avoidance & Detection Practices

• Trust. Practices should establish a trusted supplier preference, prioritizing purchase of electronic components from OEMs or their authorized distributors.

• Avoid. When purchases from suppliers other than the OEM and its authorized distributors are unavoidable, practices should require due diligence to avoid counterfeits .

• Notify. When suspect counterfeits are encountered, practices should obligate notification to relevant stakeholders, both Government and industry.

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Policies and Procedures for Compliance

Section 818(e) lists the key components of a robust counterfeit parts compliance program. See Slide 11. In drafting policies and procedures for compliance, due regard must be given to each of the following:

(i) the training of personnel

(ii) the inspection and testing of electronic parts

(iii) processes to abolish counterfeit parts proliferation

(iv) mechanisms to enable traceability of parts

(v) use of trusted suppliers

(vi) the reporting and quarantining of counterfeit / suspect counterfeit electronic parts

(vii) methodologies to identify suspect counterfeit parts and to rapidly determine if the part is, in fact, counterfeit

(viii) design, operation, and maintenance of systems to detect and avoid counterfeit and suspect counterfeit electronic parts

(ix) the flow down of counterfeit avoidance and detection requirements to subcontractors

Each of the 12 System Criteria will be discussed subsequently.

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Policies and Procedures for Compliance

Resources for Contractors• The express requirements of Section 818

• Key industry standards such as:

– SAE Aerospace Standard AS5553 (“Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition”)

– SAE Aerospace Standard AS6081 (“Fraudulent/Counterfeit Electronic Parts: Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition – Distributors”)

– SAE Aerospace Standard AS6171 (“Test Methods Standard; General Requirements, Suspect/Counterfeit, Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical Parts”) (in ballot)

– IDEA 1010 Standard (Independent Distributors of Electronics Association) (“Acceptability of Electronic Components Distributed in the Open market”)

• GIDEP (Government-Industry Data Exchange Program) (

• ERAI (

• Other Government Resources:– Mil-Std-1580 for DPA (Destructive Physical Analysis)

– Mil-Std-883 Visual Inspection Criteria for testing microelectronic devices

DLA QTSL-5961/5962 Dec. 2012Criteria and Provisions for Qualified Testing

Suppliers List (QTSL)

DLA QSLD-5961/5962 Mar. 2014Criteria and Provisions for Qualified Suppliers List

of Distributors (QSLD)

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Policies and Procedures for Compliance

Sample Compliance Policy Outline

I. Purpose & ScopeII. Reference MaterialIII. DefinitionsIV. Procedures

A. Overview & ObjectivesB. Trusted SourcesC. Trustworthy Suppliers, Independent Distributors / BrokersD. Expectations of SuppliersE. Purchasing PracticesF. Control of Obsolete PartsG. Inspection / Acceptability of Electronic Components

V. Suspect or Confirmed Counterfeit; Avoiding ProliferationVI. WarrantyVII. Purchase Order Terms and Conditions & Subcontract Flow-downsVIII. Reporting & NotificationIX. CostsX. Training & Audits

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If you have a system to Detect & Avoid Counterfeit Electronic Parts

A) Have you been reviewed and approved by DoD?

B) Have you been reviewed and approved by a Prime?

C) Have you identified and reported any counterfeit or suspect counterfeit electronic parts?

D) Have you had to repair, replace or rework any equipment because of counterfeit electronic parts?

E) None of these apply to me

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Twelve System Criteria DFARS 252.246–7007(c)(1-12)

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(1) Training

The training of personnel. Contractors have flexibility. Training should be tailored for function/ responsibility. Refresh needed to recognize new STDs, etc. Should a covered contractor confirm subs conduct training also?

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(2) Inspection and Testing

The inspection and testing of electronic parts, including criteria for acceptance and rejection. Tests and inspections shall be performed in accordance with accepted Government- and industry-recognized techniques. Selection of tests and inspections shall be based on minimizing risk to the Government. Determination of risk shall be based on the assessed probability of receiving a counterfeit electronic part; the probability that the inspection or test selected will detect a counterfeit electronic part; and the potential negative consequences of a counterfeit electronic part being installed (e.g., human safety, mission success) where such consequences are made known to the Contractor.

Today, there are neither established nor common criteria to inform contractors on how to select tests and inspection and how to address the costs of higher level and potentially destructive tests.

The pending SAE AS-6171 provides a hierarchy of test methods and provides a mechanism for risk-based analysis with needed detail. It examines Risk as to the Supplier (RS), as to the Component (RC) and as to the Product (RP) and takes into account Adjustment factors and potential mitigation measures for each risk area. This is an objective method for contractors to make risk-informed decisions. Because necessary electronic parts cannot always be obtained from preferred, authorized sources such as OCMs, standards to guide industry and government are critical.

Proposed DFAR: A “trusted supplier” includes a “supplier that a contractor or subcontractor has identified as a trustworthy supplier, using DoD-adopted counterfeit prevention industry standards and processes, including testing.” 246.870–1, 246.870–2 (a)(1)(ii)(A), (a)(2) (where parts “not available from trusted suppliers”). Testing also is to be used, commensurate with risk, where traceability is not present.

It is the purchaser’s responsibility under AS-6171

to supply the information that drives the risk

assessment; it is the purchaser’s responsibility to

decide upon the test and assurance measures.

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(3) Proliferation

Processes to abolish counterfeit parts proliferation.

Responsible contractors know they must avoid the “return” of a counterfeit electronic part into the supply chain. Difficulties arise where a contractor deals with brokers/distributors or test labs who have ownership and possession of parts found suspect or counterfeit. Does the “covered contractor” have control over the disposition? Is the “covered contractor” legally responsible?

It is essential to secure, by contract, authority

over the disposition of parts determined to be

suspect or counterfeit; under no circumstances

should risk be accommodated that such parts

may be returned to the supply chain.

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(4) Traceability

Processes for maintaining electronic part traceability (e.g., item unique identification) that enable tracking of the supply chain back to the original manufacturer, whether the electronic parts are supplied as discrete electronic parts or are contained in assemblies. This traceability process shall include certification and traceability documentation developed by manufacturers in accordance with Government and industry standards; clear identification of the name and location of supply chain intermediaries from the manufacturer to the direct source of the product for the seller; and where available, the manufacturer's batch identification for the electronic part(s), such as date codes, lot codes, or serial numbers. If IUID marking is selected as a traceability mechanism, its usage shall comply with the item marking requirements of 252.211-7003, Item Unique Identification and Valuation.

While desirable, achieving traceability to satisfy this criteria will be very difficult for many parts now in inventory. Today, only a limited class of MIL SPEC (PRF) parts come with end-to-end traceability and these represent only a modest (if not small) fraction of the universe of parts that an aerospace and defense contractor will employ.

Traceability will improve as new demands become regular practices. But it is not be possible to demonstrate traceability “back to the original manufacturer” for many parts and it is not cost-effective or practicable to use only parts with full traceability.

A contractor should be found compliant if it seek all available documentation of pedigree or provenance and considers the extent of documentation when it is necessary to perform a risk-based assessment of a particular source for an electronic part. Absence of traceability may indicate additional inspection and test.

E.g., Proposed DFAR: “If the Contractor cannot establish this traceability from the original manufacturer for a specific part, complete an evaluation that includes consideration of alternative parts or utilization of tests and inspections commensurate with the risk (see paragraph (c)(2) of this clause).” 252.246–7007(c)(4)( ii).

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(5) Use of Suppliers

Use of suppliers that are the original manufacturer, or sources with the express written authority of the original manufacturer or current design activity, including an authorized aftermarket manufacturer or suppliers that obtain parts exclusively from one or more of these sources. When parts are not available from any of these sources, use of suppliers that meet applicable counterfeit detection and avoidance system criteria.

The core principle of both 818 and the DFARS is that the best way to avoid counterfeits is to procure parts from OCMs, other authorized manufacturers or authorized distributors. However, DoD’s contractors must support many legacy systems where required parts are obsolete or no longer available from these trusted sources.

The DFARS is short on guidance on how to qualify additional sources when necessary. Contractors may be informed by Standards and best practices to make prudent, risk informed decisions.

Proposed DFAR: “(1) Non-trusted suppliers. If it is not possible to obtain an electronic part from a trusted supplier, as described in paragraph (b) of this clause, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer *** (2) The Contractor is responsible for inspection, testing, and authentication, inaccordance with existing applicable industry standards, of electronic parts obtained from sources other than those described in paragraph (b) of this clause.” 252.246–70XX (d)

DoD is working on regulations (DFARS Case

2014-D005) to address how covered contractors

can be “authorized to identify and use additional

trusted suppliers” pursuant to § 817 NDAA 2015.

AS-6081 is a useful tool to facilitate purchaser

decisions on qualification of distributors.

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(6) Reporting & Quarantining

Reporting and quarantining of counterfeit electronic parts and suspect counterfeit electronic parts. Reporting is required to the Contracting Officer and to the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) when the Contractor becomes aware of, or has reason to suspect that, any electronic part or end item, component, part, or assembly containing electronic parts purchased by the DoD, or purchased by a Contractor for delivery to, or on behalf of, the DoD, contains counterfeit electronic parts or suspect counterfeit electronic parts. Counterfeit electronic parts and suspect counterfeit electronic parts shall not be returned to the seller or otherwise returned to the supply chain until such time that the parts are determined to be authentic.

The principle that counterfeit and suspect electronic parts should be quarantined is important to prevent re-entry and to enable appropriate investigation and law enforcement activity.

Reporting is a more complex subject – but now is an acute problem. Today, there is no clear guidance on who is to report “suspect” or “counterfeit” electronic parts (and no guidance whatsoever specific to “taints”). The DFARS apply only to “covered contractors” but counterfeits may be discovered by others in the supply chain, e.g., distributors or test labs, and they are not subject to the DFARS. Moreover, some actors perceive that reporting even a “find” of a counterfeit to GIDEP or ERAI has a “negative” connotation (rather than demonstrating a strong system). GIDEP is not a strong vehicle (today).

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(7) Identification

Methodologies to identify suspect counterfeit parts and to rapidly determine if a suspect counterfeit part is, in fact, counterfeit.

SAE Standards (or other standards, e.g., ERAI or IDEA) will figure prominently, along with other industry standards, in selection among compliant methodologies for this purpose.

To be considered are costs of different identification methodologies and supply risks if destructive test methods are used.

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(8) Systems to Detect & Avoid

Design, operation, and maintenance of systems to detect and avoid counterfeit electronic parts and suspect counterfeit electronic parts. The Contractor may elect to use current Government- or industry-recognized standards to meet this requirement.

Covered contractors and companies that accept flowdown must develop compliant systems and will be subject to review against the 12 criteria.

The DFARS recognizes industry Standards. The Proposed DFAR gives additional emphasis to Industry Standards , which figure into purchase from “trusted suppliers” and qualification of “trustworthy suppliers” and into testing of parts. DoD has adopted AS5553 (Aug. 31, 2009) and AS6081 (Jun. 10, 2013),

The “systems” requirement is imposed across a highly diverse supply chain that produces and supports an enormous breadth of supplies and functions. Many reliable sources decline to accept system elements.

Also unresolved is whether “covered contractors” are responsible to validate the compliance of their subcontractors and if they can rely upon third-party certification of adherence to Standards.

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(9) Flowdown

Flowdown of counterfeit detection and avoidance requirements, including applicable system criteria provided herein, to subcontractors at all levels in the supply chain that are responsible for buying or selling electronic parts or assembliescontaining electronic parts, or for performing authentication testing.

Section 818 and the DFARS apply only to “covered contractors” – about 1,200 companies subject to all of DoD’s CAS. Through flowdown, “covered contractors” are obtain the same anti-counterfeit assurance from all sources in their supply chain – including COTS and commercial sources and small business. 23,000 companies sell to DoD – and thousands more sell to DoD suppliers.

Necessary and reliable supply sources may refuse full flowdown or offer their own measures as surrogates. They will charge more for higher assurance. DoD’s should interpret and apply the flowdown requirement to allow “covered contractors” to use their low-risk, established sources even where they decline full flowdown.

Proposed DFAR: “The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (e), in subcontracts, including subcontracts for commercial itemsthat are for electronic parts or assemblies containing electronic parts.” 252.246–70XX(e).

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(10) Keeping Informed

Process for keeping continually informed of current counterfeiting information and trends, including detection and avoidance techniques contained in appropriate industry standards, and using such information and techniques for continuously upgrading internal processes.

This is not a particularly difficult requirement,conceptually, but again experience suggests there are practical problems. Until reporting obligations are clarified and GIDEP is improved, it remains difficult for many actors in industry to know when counterfeits have been found and to integrate source- or parts-risk information into their supply chain planning. The commercial resource, ERAI, operates to collect and distribute info on nonconforming or counterfeit electronics – by P/N, without supplier ID.

The absence of effective systems to collect and disseminate information will impair the ability to learn from counterfeit escapes and frustrate the common objective of eliminating counterfeits.

Ultimately, data analytics should figure into industry response to the threat of counterfeits – but the value of such analytics is compromised if relevant information is not reported, sufficient nor effectively disseminated.

As progress is made in avoidance of “ordinary”

counterfeits, new challenges will arise. The

capabilities and sophistication of counterfeiters is

increasing, as demand remains for parts in short

supply or for lower price. In addition, DoD is

especially concerned about cyber-active parts

that harbor malicious code or otherwise suffer a

software “taint.”

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(11) Screening GIDEP & Other Reports

Process for screening GIDEP reports and other credible sources of counterfeiting information to avoid the purchase or use of counterfeit electronic parts.

See comments above. GIDEP has not materially improved despite the enactment of 818 and promulgation of the DFARS. Reporting practices are inconsistent and dissemination is limited. Industry needs more than just the ability to “screen” reports that happen to be made to GIDEP or to private sources (such as ERAI). However, DoD is taking new initiatives to improve GIDEP. This is being done pursuant to FAR Case 2013-002 (Expanded Reporting of Nonconforming Items) (status “on hold” pending completion of study of GIDEP improvements).

The value of GIDEP presently suffers presently uncertain obligations on “who,” is to report, “what” and “when”, etc.

DoD should promote an automated information exchange that rapidly collects and distributes data on counterfeits. TBD is how to identify and exploit government and private databases (e.g., ERAI), and how to resolve potential inconsistencies in reported info. Ultimately, data analytics should be used to generate and “adjudicate” source risks. Improved standards and methods are needed.

It is very important to keep informed of reports of

counterfeits and to actively seek to scrub both

inventory and BOMs to identify reported parts.

However, GIDEP has limitations that compromise

its utility. GIDEP reports are not validated

independently. Membership in GIDEP is limited

to US and Canadian companies, and excludes

foreign sources.

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(12) Control of Obsolete Parts

Control of obsolete electronic parts in order to maximize the availability and use of authentic, originally designed, and qualified electronic parts throughout the product’s life cycle.

There are many DoD programs (e.g., PPP, DMSMS) and company initiatives to deal with obsolescence, as matters of design, sustainment, engineering and purchasing practices. The value of this 12th criteria is prospective. It does not help industry deal with the present and very real problem of how to satisfy continuing requirements for parts that already are obsolete or out of production.

A related and unresolved issue is how to treat inventory accumulated before these new rules came in force.

DoD places great emphasis on parts obsolescence.

Anticipating and answering this problem involves

many functions, beginning with design to avoid

vulnerability to OOP or obsolete parts and including

proactive supply chain actions years in advance of

“end of life” situations.

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What are the hardest issues for you as concern counterfeit electronics parts?

A) Knowing our system complies with DFARS

B) Getting customer to pay for extra assurance

C) Finding parts not available from “trusted sources”

D) Knowing what test and inspection to add, and when

E) Deciding who is to report and when

F) Getting customer direction

G) All of the above

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Key Implementation Challenges

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Highest Risk Areas

Subject / Source of Requirement

Compliance Risk Business Risk

Contract Flow Down


DFARS requires flow down to subcontractors at all

levels and there is no exception for COTS or

commercial suppliers or small business. But

“covered contractors” do not have the legal right to

impose the DFARS upon non-covered suppliers who

refuse or insist on modification. Potentially an issue

for CPSR if 100% flowdown not achieved.

Some necessary suppliers may refuse any flowdown and others

will insist on limited flowdown or negotiations. Covered

contractors will need to establish procedures to address

flowdown issues and perform risk-based assessment of whether

to proceed with sources that object. Flowdown may impose

liability risks on companies greater than contract value.

Potential uncertainty as to how to deal with exceptions.

Use of suppliers other than the original mfg.


DFARS expresses a strong preference for EEE parts

from “trusted sources” but defers guidance on how to

qualify parts from other (“additional”) suppliers who

are needed as not all current requirements can be

met from original sources. Contractors need to

establish risk-based methods to qualify sources;

unknown is whether and when the Government must

be informed and whether approval is required. Note

that Sec. 824 NDAA 2015 may resolve.

Production stoppage or impaired sustainment could result if the

sourcing mandate prohibiting the use of brokers or parts from

other than OCMs and Authorized Distributors. Potentially

significant additional costs to develop and implement internal

procedures for qualification of additional sources. Covered

contractors may seek to shift business risk to testing distributors.

EEE supply may be more expensive due to constricted base.

Legacy Inventory / DFARS Applicability (Preamble)

DFARS Comment indicates that inventory not

procured in connection with a previous DoD contract

is subject to traceability and authentication

requirements. Rule itself is silent on inventory, but

issue is present what practices are expected of a

compliant system, in order to pass CPSR.

Legacy inventory bought from brokers or kept in common stores

must be re-evaluated in accordance with current standards.

Additional risk assessment and test and inspection will be

required. Continuity of supply and sustainment at risk if

contractors cannot employ inventory after reasonable measures

to assess and address risk.



Supply chain unable to support traceability

requirement as written “clear identification of the

name and location of supply chain intermediaries

from the manufacturer to the direct source of the

product for the seller”. No guidance on what to do

(e.g. waiver) where traceability is absent. Risk of

disapproval of CPP system.

“End to end” traceability is contrary to contemporary practices

and documentation cannot be created if not existent. It may be

costly to obtain such documentation in the future and some

sources (e.g., COTS, commercial) may decline. EEE parts

sourced from brokers or distributors will remain needed but will

not have the documentation sought; existing inventory presents

a similar problem. Practical solution necessary.

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Intermediate Risk Areas

Subject / Source of Requirement

Compliance Risk Business Risk

Reporting & Quarantining246-870-2(b)(6)&(b)(11)252.246-7007(c)(6)&(c)(11)

It will be difficult to segregate items destined for DoD

due to dual-use and common items. Covered

contractor could be at risk if vendor does not report or

quarantine. Note that DOD IG “requires” disclosure

of any counterfeit even if contractor’s system worked

as intended to identify and prevent.

There will be commercial issues as to quarantining especially if

a covered contractor does not accept delivery of a suspect or

counterfeit part from a third party source. Legal issues may be

present as to payment and accuracy of reporting. Proposed

FAR would expand reporting of nonconforming items to

“common items” and applies to all government agencies.


Applicability (Preamble)

DFARS applies to COTS and commercial sources

and small businesses – some of which will not accept

but remain necessary EEE sources. Uncertain extent

to which disclosure is required or consent. Covered

contractor may be held responsible to verify DFARS

compliance by all downstream sources. DCMA

approach for CPSR not now certain.

Some necessary suppliers may reject conditions or

requirements or increase costs to justify. Business risk may

include interruption or loss of necessary sources of supply.

Potential costs for redesign or contract manufacture. May be

reduced competition. BUT – risk of counterfeits from many

COTS and commercial suppliers is low – risk may be

acceptable. Fewer small businesses may be qualified sources.

DCMA CPSR Surveillance


CPSR is used to assess and validate whether system

criteria are satisfied. Standards and process used by

DCMA follow 12 System Criteri. Whether DCMC will

accommodate contractor-specific solutions t/b/d. It is

not now known how DCMA will treat known

implementation issues, e.g., flowdown, traceability,

qualification of additional suppliers. Unknown if

DCMA would consider an escape a deficiency.

Consistency of DCMA oversight is uncertain.

All existing contracts with DFARS 252.242-7005 Contractor

Business Systems invoked. It is unknown what DCMA would

consider a deficiency significant enough to invoke penalties –

but DCMA has a review process. Will be additional nonrecurring

and recurring allowable costs to develop and implement

improved systems. Recovery of those costs is uncertain. An

unsatisfactory system could result in a failed Purchasing System

and reduce payments.

Allowable Costs for Counterfeit & Suspect Counterfeit


CAS-Covered contractors could be exposed to

penalties for expressly unallowable costs if the Govt

is charged for costs of a counterfeit or suspect cost or

for rework or corrective action. Additional risk present

for costs reported from vendors and subcontractors.

CAS-covered contractors will need means to identify and

segregate potentially unallowable costs and to restore costs if a

part is found not counterfeit . Can be difficult to establish

standards and process to distinguish among parts “known

counterfeit,” “suspect,” “other nonconforming” or where

classification cannot be made.

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Where do you think it most important to improve regs on counterfeit electronic parts?

A) Remove requirements for COTS suppliers of parts presently in production

B) Finally produce regs and guidance on qualification of “trustworthy” suppliers

C) Clarify roles / responsibilities of COs and customers

D) Explain what is meant by “risk-based assessment”

E) I don’t believe any of this is necessary

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Critical Issues

• Flowdown & Supply Chain Assurance

• COTS & Commercial Suppliers

• Protection by Contract

• Treatment of Inventory

• Prime Contractor Obligations

• “Leveraged” Supplier Demo

• Value Chain Diligence

• Pedigree, Provenance & Traceability

• Obsolescence & DMSMS

• “Trustworthy Sources”

• Standards & Best Practices

• Testing & Technical Measures

• Who, When & What to Report

• Responding to “CEP” Events

• Compliance Documentation

• DCMA Oversight

• Potentially Allowable Costs

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Summary & Forecast

• Preference for OEMs well-founded – but insufficient

• Sustainment remains a problem – so methods must be approved to qualify other “trustworthy” sources

• Expand “Safe Harbor” to reduce financial exposure

• Reporting patterns have degraded since DFARS

• Expect reinforced and expanded reporting obligations

• DoD at work on improving GIDEP

• Pedigree, Provenance & Traceability are seen as key

• Rules will extend to address taints and malicious code

• Civilian agencies may follow suit (some have)

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About the Presenter: Bob Metzger

Robert S. MetzgerRogers Joseph O’Donnell [email protected]

Robert S. Metzger heads the Washington, D.C. office of Rogers Joseph O’Donnell, P.C., a boutique lawfirm that specializes in public procurement matters. He advises leading U.S. and internationalcompanies on key public contract compliance challenges and in strategic business pursuits. Bob isrecognized for work on supply chain and cyber security. On these subjects, he has published extensivelyextensively and has made presentations to many government, industry, legal and technical groups,among them ABA (PCL, S&T, SLD), AIA, ASIS, Belfer Center (Harvard), CALCE, CFAM, DoD, DIB SCC, DoJ,DSB, ERAI, Georgetown Law Cyber Institute, IPC, National IPR Center, NCMA, NDIA, SAE, SMTA andSSCA.

Recently named a 2016 "Federal 100" awardee, Federal Computer Week said of Bob: “In 2015, he wasat the forefront of the convergence of the supply chain and cybersecurity, and his work continues toinfluence the strategies of federal entities and companies alike.”

Bob is a member of the Defense Science Board Cyber/Supply Chain Task Force. He also is Vice-Chair ofof the Cyber/Supply Chain Assurance Committee of the IT Alliance for Public Sector (ITAPS), a unit ofthe Information Technology Industry Council (ITIC), a prominent trade association.

Bob received his B.A. from Middlebury College and his J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center,where he was an Editor of the Georgetown Law Journal. He was a Research Fellow, Center for Science && International Affairs (now “Belfer Center”), Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Bob is amember of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), London. Academic publications onnational security topics include articles in International Security and the Journal of Strategic Studies.

This presentation

reflects Mr. Metzger’s

personal views and

should not be attributed

to any client of his firm

or organization with

which he is involved or


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About the Presenter: Jeff Chiow

Jeffery M. ChiowRogers Joseph O’Donnell [email protected]

Jeff Chiow is a Shareholder in RJO’s Washington office. He focuses on government contracts andgovernment investigations. Jeff is listed among nationally-recognized practitioners by ChambersUSA® and as a Rising Star among DC Government Contract Attorneys by Superlawyers®. Mr. Chiowhas served clients holding contracts with the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security, everyevery branch of the military, NASA and intelligence agencies as well as GSA, VA and many othercivilian agencies.

Jeff’s practice often involves application of creative thinking and foundational procurementprinciples to unique and emerging issues, especially involving advanced technologies. Recently, hehas been called upon to assist clients with difficult questions surrounding the government’s growinggrowing demands for information assurance, cybersecurity, cloud computing and the transition oflegacy IT systems. He has also focused intently on supply chain assurance and the threat posed bycounterfeit parts.

Jeff graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and served as a Marine F/A-18 Weapons and SensorsOfficer, serving in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, before attending the George WashingtonUniversity Law School.

Mr. Chiow’s comments

reflect his personal

views and should not be

attributed to any client of

his firm or organization

with which he is involved

or affiliated.

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About the Presenter: Oliya Zamaray

Oliya S. ZamarayRogers Joseph O’Donnell [email protected]

Oliya is a member of the firm’s Government Contracts Group. As part of her practice, Oliyacounsels prime contractors and subcontractors on a variety of matters in federal governmentcontracting, including regulatory compliance, subcontract terms and conditions, and procurementintegrity issues.

Oliya has experience helping aerospace and defense companies draft policies and procedures toensure compliance with regulatory regimes governing counterfeit parts, conflict minerals, anddomestic sourcing. She has helped government contractors defend against audits and enforcementenforcement actions by the U.S. Department of Justice, agency Inspectors General, and agencysuspension and debarment officials. Oliya also has helped clients manage internal investigations,has advised on mandatory disclosure rules, and defended against False Claims Act and procurementprocurement fraud suits.

Oliya is a 2010 graduate of The George Washington University Law School, where she served as thethe Senior Notes Editor of the Public Contract Law Journal. She obtained her bachelor’s degree inConflict and Security Studies with a minor in Russian language from The George WashingtonUniversity .

Ms. Zamaray’s comments

reflect her personal views

and should not be

attributed to any client of

her firm or organization

with which she is involved

or affiliated.

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Section 806 andDFARS 252.239-7008

Interim Rule Nov. 18, 2013

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Section 806 of NDAA FY 2012

“Supply Chain Risk”Section 806(e)(4)

“The term ‘supply chain risk’ means the risk that an adversary may sabotage, maliciously introduce unwanted function, or otherwise subvert the design, integrity, manufacturing, production, distribution, installation, operation, or maintenance of a covered system so as to surveil, deny, disrupt, or otherwise degrade the function, use or operation of such a system.”

• Applies to “covered procurement action” where there is a “significant

supply chain risk to a covered system”

• A covered procurement involves source selection for a “covered

system” or a “covered item of supply”

An operator of a covered system would be subject to Section 806.

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DFARS Subpart 239.73 (Nov. 18, 2013)

“The rule establishes a new provision and clause (see DFARS 239.7306) for inclusion in all solicitations and contracts, including contracts for commercial items or commercial off-the-shelf items involving the development or delivery of any information technology, whether acquired as a service or as a supply, because portions of these contracts may be used to support or link with one or more NSS.” 78 Fed. Reg. 69268.

“The Contractor shall maintain controls in

the provision of supplies and services to the

Government to minimize supply chain risk.”DFARS 252.239-7018(b)

“This rule applies to rule applies to contractors involved in the development or delivery of anyinformation technology, whether acquired by DoD as a service or as a supply.” 78 Fed. Reg. 69269.

DFARS Subpart 239.7306: insert the clause, “Notice of Supply Chain Risk,” in all solicitations, including FAR Part 12, that involve the development or delivery or any IT whether acquired as a service or as a supply.

As defined, “information technology” includes equipment “used by a contractor under a contract with the agency” where its use is required to perform the service.

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FAR: Higher Level Quality Requirements

Higher Level



(Interim Rule)

FAR Case 2012-032

79 Fed. Reg. 70345

Nov. 25, 2014

FAR 46.202–4

Allows agencies

to specify and

require higher

level quality for

complex or

critical items

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R = F(T x V x C)

R = Risk

T = Threat

V = Vulnerability

C = Consequence

Risk-Based Analysis (818 DFARS)

(DSB Report, Resilient Military Systems and the Advanced Cyber Threat, Jan. 2013, at 6)

• The DFARS focuses largely on supply chain vulnerability rather than on threats or remediation of consequences.

• Key DFARS attributes are narrowing sources and risk-based test and inspection.

• The DFARS will improve DoD’s protection against the “ordinary” counterfeit.

• Different, more rigorous and threat-informed measures will be needed to deal with taints.

• These special methods should focus on mission critical systems and infrastructure.

DFARS focus