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Supplement Bo. 2 to Cije Palestine d5a?ette $o. 1096 of 8tfj flpa?, 1941. TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE, 1939. : ORDER BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER, WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE, UNDER SECTION 4(2). IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by subsection (2) of section 4 of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and of No. 36 of 1939. all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the High Commis- sioner, with the approval of the Secretary of State, has ordered and it is hereby ordered as follows :— 1. This Order may be cited as the Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amendment) Order (No. 3), 1941, and shall be . read as one with the Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amendment) Order (No. 9), 1940, hereinafter referred to as the principal Order. 2. The Schedule to the principal Order shall be varied — (a) by inserting the names ana\addrb^ses specified in Part I of the Schedule to this Order; (b) by deleting thexnames ano*Middres^s specrfi^d in Part II of the Schedule to this Order; and• (c) by making the amendments specified in Part III of the Schedule to this Order. 3. This Order shall come into operation on the 10th day of May, 1941. ... •; , . ־

Supplement Bo. 2 to Cije Palestine d5a?ette $o. 1096 of ...— 677 — Brazil— (Continued) Luik & Kleiner Ltda. Luik, Paul Mah'mann, Emil Melhoramentos de Sao Paulo, Cia. Weiszflog

Jan 16, 2020



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Page 1: Supplement Bo. 2 to Cije Palestine d5a?ette $o. 1096 of ...— 677 — Brazil— (Continued) Luik & Kleiner Ltda. Luik, Paul Mah'mann, Emil Melhoramentos de Sao Paulo, Cia. Weiszflog

Supplement Bo. 2 to

Cije Palestine d5a?ette $o. 1096 of 8tfj flpa?, 1941.

T R A D I N G W I T H T H E E N E M Y O R D I N A N C E , 1939. :


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by subsection (2) of section 4 of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and of No. 36 of 1939. all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the H i g h Commis­sioner, with the approval of the Secretary of State, has ordered and it is hereby ordered as follows :—

1. This Order may be cited as the Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amendment) Order (No. 3), 1941, and shall be . read as one with the Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amendment) Order (No. 9), 1940, hereinafter referred to as the principal Order.

2. The Schedule to the principal Order shall be varied —

(a) by inserting the names ana\addrb^ses specified in Part I of the Schedule to this Order;

(b) by deleting thexnames ano*Middres^s specrfi^d in Part I I of the Schedule to this Order; and•

(c) by making the amendments specified in Part I I I of the Schedule to this Order.

3. This Order shall come into operation on the 10th day of M a y ־ • . , ;• ... .1941 ,

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— 676 —

S C H E D U L E .



Argentina de Comercio S . A . , Cia . "Cadec in"

Buessau, Carlos ... ... "Cadec in" Cia . Argentina de Comercio

S . A . • — Engels & C ia . , Soc. de Besp. L t d a . ,., Gün the r & C ia . , Alfredo Henschel e Hijos S .A. ... ' Hohner, M . , S . A . Comercial e Impor­

tadora (formerly M . Hohner L t d a . Soc. de Besp. Ltda.)

Hohner, Matthew .. . :. .>'•• ׳ : ' , ;: Hormopharma Argentina, S.A.

!:<'•> Nobel y Naumann Vsetecka, Miroslav ... Walser, W a l d & Cia Wernicke, D r . German


Droguería por Mayor de Ulr ich Beye

Encinas, Gerardo Gundlach, Cornelius F . (Casa Gund­

lach) Günthe r , Ernesto Sucrs. Inc. ...

BraziJ Acos Styria L t d a .

Bartilotti & Cia. ... . . . . . . .

Buchheister, Alfredo

Commercial Alto P a r a n á , Cia.

Corneta, L t d a . D a Fonseca, Joao Altino Danneman, C i a : dé1 Charutos ... Geco L t d a . , Soc.

Hamburgueza Sul Americana Cia . ...

Kiefer, Otto

Moreno 970, Buenos Aires.

Alsina 890, Buenos Aires. Moreno 970, Buenos Aires.

Chacabuco 430, Buenos Aires. Balcarce 627, Casilla 936, Buenos Aires. 25 de Mayo 145, Buenos Aires. Alsina 1156, Buenos Aires.

Alsina 1156, Buenos Aires. San Mart in 492, Buenos Aires. 25 de Mayo 145, Buenos Aires. Calle Peru 457, Buenos Aires. F h r i d a 486, Buenos Aires. Alsina 1156, Buenos Aires.

Calle Yanacocha 243­247, Casilla 525. L a Paz.

L a Paz.

Cajón de Correo 15, L a Paz .


B ú a Theophilo Ottoni 66, B i o de Ja­

neiro. B ú a Santos Dumont 31, Bahia . Búa da Quitanda 47, Caixa Postal 1421,

Bio de Janeiro. B ú a Libero Badaro 137, Sao Paulo,

and ail branches in Braz i l . B ú a Turiassu 309, Sao Paulo. B ú a da Italia 12, Bahia . Búa Portugal 1, Bahia , and at B i o de

Janeiro. B ú a Theophilo Ottoni 34­44, B i o de Ja­

neiro. Andradas 1290. Porto Alegre, and all

branches in Braz i l . B ú a Joao Briccola 10, Ave. Atlántica

5, Caixa Postal 3285, Sao Paulo.

Page 3: Supplement Bo. 2 to Cije Palestine d5a?ette $o. 1096 of ...— 677 — Brazil— (Continued) Luik & Kleiner Ltda. Luik, Paul Mah'mann, Emil Melhoramentos de Sao Paulo, Cia. Weiszflog

— 677 —

Brazil— ( C o n t i n u e d ) L u i k & Kleiner L t d a .

L u i k , Paul

Mah 'mann, E m i l Melhoramentos de Sao Paulo, Cia .

Weiszflog Irmaos)

Olympia Machinas de Escrever L t d a .

Schaeffer & Cia . (Uniao de Ferros) ... Chile.

Benheim, D r . Bobert Garcia, Fe l ix ... Haeusler, L u i s Said e Hijos

Voelker & Kuhnt Worthmann y C ia . , L t d a .

China. Beister, K . China Ha t Co.—Sheng H s i Foo H a t

Co.— Dupuy, Jerome Charrairon Henschel China Truck Sales Organisa­

tion (Henschel & Sohn G . m . b . H . Kassel)

Leconte, Fernand Melchers Engineering Corpn.

Biggio, L . & Co., S .A Schuster, Ernst Sheng H s i Foo Hat Co. (China H a t

Co.) Sostmann Yokohama Bubber Co. , L t d . ...

Colombia. Bauer v Cia. ... Deco Mi l l s S .A . H o r n , José (Almacén " M i l Noveda­

des") Palmer, Kur t

Trilladora " D e c o " (Deco M i l l s S.A.) V o n Dewitz , A .

B u a Theophilo Ottoni 89, B i o de Ja ­neiro.

B u a Theophilo Ottoni 89, B i o de Ja­neiro.

Andradas 1290, Porto Alegre. B u a Libero Badaro 443, Sao Paulo,

and at B u a Goncalves Dias 9, B i o de Janeiro.

B u a Theophilo Ottoni 86, Caixa Postal 2754, B i o de Janeiro.

V o l da Patria 294-304, Porto Alegre.

Bandera 575, Santiago. Santo Domingo 1231, Santiago. Ccmpania 1288, Santiago Doce de Febrero 29, Santiago, and

Qui Iota. Ahumada 236, Santiago. Bandera 172, P . O . Box 1338, Santiago.

178, Taku Boad, Tientsin. 75, Bue du Chaylard, Tientsin.

Shanghai. 233, Nanking Boad, Shanghai, and at

178, Taku Boad, Tientsin.

15, Bue Courbet, Tientsin. 233, Nanking Boad, Shanghai, and at

178, Taku Boad, Tientsin. 107, Museum Boad, Shanghai. 212, Hamilton House, Shanghai. 75, Bue du Chaylard, Tientsin.

Y a m a to Hote l , Mukden (Manchuria). Mukden, and all branches in M a n ­


Calle 12, 7-25, Bogota. Carrera 12, 13-56, Bogota. Calle 12, 7-32, Carrera 7,16-19, Bogota,

20 de J u l i o . Paseo Colon, P . O . B o x 258, Barranquilla.

Carrera 12, 13-56, Bogota. Carrera 12, 13-56, Apartado Aereo 3507,


Page 4: Supplement Bo. 2 to Cije Palestine d5a?ette $o. 1096 of ...— 677 — Brazil— (Continued) Luik & Kleiner Ltda. Luik, Paul Mah'mann, Emil Melhoramentos de Sao Paulo, Cia. Weiszflog

— 678 —

Costa Rica. Casavalone, L u i s . . . Ortuno, Manuel

Dominican Republic. Perez & Co. (Brigido Fernandez Perez)

Ecuador. Industrial Corozo Ecuador, S .A .

Eire. A . E . G . Electric Co. , L t d All ianz und Stuttgarter Verein Insur­

ance Co. , L t d . Dubl in Electrical Engineering Co. L t d . German Academy German News Agency He ld & Son, L t d . , Michael Irish A . E . G . Electric Co. , L t d . Irish-German Academic Bureau Siemens-Schuckert (Ireland), L t d , ... Siemens-Schuckert Manufacturing Co.

( I .F .S. ) L t d . Greece.

Heinr ich , D r . Kur t K l o b , Mar t in Wirsching, Phi l l ip


" C o l i b r i " Almacen—Bodolfo Beulen.-

L a Perla S .A .

Beiffen, Bodolfo (Almacen "Col ib r i " )

Hungary. Adriatica Egyesu 7t Tengerhajozasi r.t. Adriatica Forgalmi Ikoda K . F . T . Magnezit Ipar r.t.

Iran. Atlas Transport Hochtief S .A . Iranienne Holzmann, Phi l ipp Ibtag Imprese Intaliane All'estero-Oriente

(Moasesseyeh Italiani Dar Khared-jeh-Chargh).

Oertel, B . Rust , Heinr ich

Punta Arenas. San Jose.

Edificio Copello, Apartado 404, Ciudad Trujillo.

Manta .

8, Merrion Square, Dubl in . I l l , Grafton St., Dub l in .

49, Middle Abbey St . , Dubl in . 18, Upper Mount St . , Dubl in . 37, Nassau St. , Dubl in . 72, Francis St . , Dubl in . 8, Merrion Square, Dubl in . 18, Upper Mount St . , Dubl in . 49, Middle Abbey St., Dubl in . 49, Middle Abbey St. , Dubl in .

Panepistimiou 17, Athens. Eolou St. , 41, P . O . Box 57, Athens. Zinonos St. , 5, Athens.

7A, Ave. Sur, No . 12, Apartado 19, Guatema^ City .

6A, Ave. Sur y 9A Calle, Apartado 135. Guatemala City.

7A, Ave. Sur, No. 12, Apartado 19. Guatemala City.

Vorosmarty-ter 4, Budapest. Nador-ucca 21, Budapest V . Gyomroi-utca 48, Budapest.

Ave. Lalezar , Tehran. Bue Hedayat, Tehran. Ave. Seyyum Esfand, Tehran. Ave. Pahlevi , Tehran. Ave. Shah, Tehran.

Ave. Tewfighi, Tehran. Ave. Baphael, Tehran.

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Japan. Boffa, B . & G . , S .A . Del l 'Oro & Co.

Fenat i , D r . A . Homberg, D r . W .

Matsumoto & Co. , L t d .

Yokohama Rubber Co. , L t d .

Kwantung Léase¿ Terr tary. Boffa, B . & G . , S .A Yokohama Bubber Co. , L t d .

México. Simón, Boberto Veerkamp S.A. Casa

Perú. Said e Hijos

Portugal. Alves, Laura Mantero Belard de M a n -

donca. Be ' á rd , Francisco Mantero Cazalis, Amelia Mantero Belard D a Palma, José Afonso

Lewandowsky, Georg Mantero, María Amelia Belard Mar ín , José Olivares Besinaeem Nacional L tda . Velarde. Dr . Antonio Mantero Belard Weber & Cia.

Salvador. L a Princesa

Spam. Bodegas. Levantinas Españolas S .A . ... F r icke , Enrique

Scholtz Hermanos, S . A .

Tokyo. 91, Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, P . O . Box

37, Yokohama. Imperial Hotel , Tokyo, c/o Boechling Steel Works L t d . , 1

Kaigan-dori l-chome, Kobe-ku, Kobe, and 73/2 Takigahira, Shioya, Taru-micho, Akashi.

9, Kawara-machi 4-chome, Higoshi-ku, P . O . Box 54, Osaka, and all branches in Japan.

San-ei B l d g . , 7, Tamura-cho 5-chome, Tokyo, Yokohama, and all branches in Japan.

Dairen. Dairen.

Apartado 144, Mexico D . F . Mersones 21, Apartado 851, Mexico



B u a de S. Nicolau 26, Lisbon.

B u a de S. Nicolau 26, Lisbon. B u a de S. Nicolau 26, Lisbon. Ave. Almirante Beis 230, and B u a

Carvalho Araujo 159, L isbon . Apartado 360, Lisbon. B u a de S. Nicolau 26, Lisbon. B u a de S. Nicolau 26, Lisbon. Alcobaca. B u a de S. Nicolau 26, Lisbon. Galeria de Paris 82, Oporto, and at B u a

dos Correiros 71, Lisbon.

San Salvador.


Calle Carros 6, Malaga, and at Carta­gena.

Don Christian 9, Malaga.

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— 680 —

Sweden. Landsverk, Aktiebolaget

Switzerland. Baumwoll-lDdustrie A . G . Bianchi , Carlo Blankart , L . & Co Bronner & Cie. A . G . " E l l a " Elektro-Chemische Fabrik

Francke Hel lmuth & Cie . , Loerrach, Fi l ia le

Basel Hel lmuth , F r i t z Hel lmuth , Hans "Tmbert-Gas" A . G Kanderner Tonwarenfabrik, Ernest

Kammuellef, Kandern, Fi l ia le Basel

Turkey. Adriatica S. Yapur Agentasi Farragi , Leon (Faraci) ... ... Laster, Silberman & Co. Petek Türk L t d . Sirketi Tekinalp, Munis

Uruguay. Morales, Jose Garcia Bossati y Cia .

Venezuela. Pina , Miguel

Yusroslavia. Egger, Michale E l k a , A . D . Gunther Wagner K . D . Huetter, D r . K a r l Jutro-Montan A . D . "Mon tana"

' "Bemto ״ -Tmpor t " (Bem :ng־ton־Tmport) "Stvria-Celik D . D . " , Industrijsko i



Dietikon, Zurich. Gartenstrasse 12, Zurich. Stadthausquai 7, Zurich. Aeschengraben 33, Basle. Bohrerstrasse 84, Aarau.

Mattenstrasse 76, Basle.

Mattenstrasse 76, Basle. Mattenstrasse 76, Basle. Bchrerstrasse 76, Aarau. Drahtzugstrasse 14, Basle

Galata, Istanbul. Nisantasiyan H a n , Galata, Istanbul. Hovagimyan H a n , Galata, Istanbul. Güven H a n , Garata, Istanbul. Güven H a n , Galata, Istanbul.

Uruguay 1379, Montevideo. Calle San Jose 1080, Montevideo.

Apartado 374, Caracas.

Kumiciceva 6, Zagreb. Bacvarska U l . 26, Zagreb. Klaiceva 58, Zagreb. A Tilla Huetter, Podused nr. Zagreb. Belgrade. K r e z Pavla 5, Belgrade. Pasireva U l . 14, Belgrade. Krali ice Marije U l . 25. Zagreb, and at

Karadjordjeva 71, Belgrade.

PART I L — D E L E T I O N S .

Arffertina. Ber i r ״ r , Curt y Cia . , Soc. de Besp.

L t d a . 25 de Mayo 386-92, Buenos Aires.

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— 681 —

Spain. ..! •! - • • . •:•) Minerales y Productos Metalúrgicos ... 1 E rc i l l a 16, Bilbao.

Switzerland. Chemische Fabrik Brugg A . G . ... Brugg. Yogel , E u i i l Ottenweg 30, Zur ich .

Uruguay. .•, : ¡ Berger, Curt y Cia ... Calle Cerrito 677, Montevideo.

: J PART I I I . — A M E N D M E N T S .

Brazil. ; ! ) I n relation to V a n Mastwyk B . & Cia . L t d a . , add : and all branches in B r a z i l . , .!.:!,

B y H i s Excellency's Command, ' r .

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N 29th A p r i l , 1941. C h i e f Secretary.


D E F E N C E B E G U L A T I O N S , 1939.


I N VIRTUE of the powers vested in me by the A i r Ba id Precautions (Splintered Glass) Order, 1941. 1, B . E . H . CROSBIE , District Commissioner, Lydda District , hereby order and it is hereby ordered as follows :—

2. Any person who occupies premises to which this order applies in the muni­cipal areas of Lydda , Bamle , Jaffa and Tel Av iv , shall within fourteen days of the date of the publication of this order protect all panes of glass in the premises by one of the methods specified in the Schedule to this order.

3. Fo r the purposes of (his order "premises" shall mean and include shop, office, restaurant, café, theatre, cinema, any place of public entertainment, hospital; college, school, hotel, pension, public library, and any building to which the public has access.

4. This order shall not apply to the occupiers of any premises in respect of which an A . B . P . scheme has been submitted and approved under the provisions of the Jaffa-Tel Aviv (Precautions against Hostile Attack) Order, 1941.

5. Any person failing to comply with the terms of this order, wil l render himself liable upon conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or to a fine not exceeding ¿2P.100 or to both such imprisonment and such fine.

S C H E D U L E .

(1) Cover the whole of the pane with textile fabric, thick paper, cardboard; wire netting of a mesh not greater than 1.5 cms., or plywood.

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(2) Cover the pane with strips of fabric, thick paper or vegetable fibres. Provided that the strips should be fixed vertically and horizontally at equal intervals, and provided that the interval between the strips shall not exceed three times the width of the strip and that the width of strip shall not be less than, in the case of fabric, 3 cms.; in the case of paper, 5 cms.; in the case of vegetable fibres as manufactured.

(3) A l l protective material must be attached to the inside of the pane and should be carried over the glazing bars to a distance of 3 cms. from the edge of the panes, or the width­of the glazing bar, whichever is the less.

(4) Protective material must be attached with reliable adhesive, provided that, if the adhesive is made domestically of paste, 5% of glycerine should be added to i t .

(5) Protective material must be treated with a good varnish if it is exposed to dampness.

(6) Samples of suitable materials and adhesives may be inspected at the offices of the Jaffa Municipal Commission, or at 10, Devorah H a n via Street, Tel Aviv .

R. E . H . C R O S B I E District Commissioner,

Lydda District

R E N T R E S T R I C T I O N S ( B U S I N E S S P R E M I S E S ) O R D I N A N C E , . No. 6 of 1941.


. ; I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 13 of the Rent Restrictions (Business Premises) Ordinance, No. 6 of 1941, the Chief Justice has, with the con­

currence of the H i g h Commissioner, made the following Bales of Court.

Short title. 1. These rules may be cited as the Bent Bestrictions (Business , . Premises) Appeals Bules, 1941.

.Appeals. 2. Subject to the provisions of section 9 of the Ordinance the practice and procedure of the District Courts relating to appeals ׳

from Magistrates' Courts shall apply m u t a t i s m u t a n d i s to appeals from Bents Tribunals.

" Made by me this 26th day of A p r i l , 1941.

Approved by me this 3rd day of M a y , 1941

v (Y/88/40)

25th April , 1941. (D/162/40)

H A R R Y T R U S T E D C h i e f Justice.

H â R O L D M A C M I C H A E L H i g h Commissioner.

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A N I M A L D I S E A S E S O R D I N A N C E .


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in the H i g h Commissioner by section 19 of the Animal Diseases Ordinance, the Officer Adminis­tering the Government has made the following rules :—

1. These rules may be cited as the Animal Quarantine (Amend­ment) Rales (No. 2), 1941, and shall be read as one with the Animal Quarantine Rules, hereinafter referred to as the principal rules.

2. Part X X I I I ('Iraq) of the schedule to the principal rules (as enacted in rule 2 of the Animal Quarantine (Amendment) Rules (No. 3), 1937) shall be amended by the addition of the following paragraph at the end thereof :—

"(7) Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 15(1) of the Animal Quarantine Rales, a fee of 150 mils per head shall be charged for the examination of cattle imported from 'Iraq by land route."

B y H i s Excellencv's Command,

Cap. 3.


Addition to Part XXIII of the schedule to the principal rules.

25th April , 1941. (A/140/34)

C. H . H A R T W E L L Acting Chief Secretary.

J E W I S H C O M M U N I T Y B U L E S .


For the purpose of this Order :—

" B u i ' d i n g " means any dwelling-house, flat or part of a building serving as a residence, hotel, boarding-house, warehouse, office, shop, factory and any other structure in which persons reside or are employed.

"Rateable uni t" means a building, including such portions of a building as the Local Community may from time to time insert in the assessment lists as rateable units.

"Person" means a man, woman, collective farm or settlement (kevutzah or kibbutz).

"Occupier of a rateable uni t" means the person in actual occupation of the whole of a rateable unit, without regard to the title under which he occupies, save as an employee, or if a rateable unit is sub-divided and let to lodgers or various tenants, the person receiving the rent payable by the lodsfers or tenants whether on his own account or as an agent for any person entitled thereto or interested therein and whether such person is in actual occupation of any part of the rateable unit or not.

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2. — A . Each Local Community shall levy upon its members and each collective farm or settlement functioning as a Local Community shall levy upon itself a rate of 2% of the actual rental value to cover the expenses of the Vaad L e u m i in accordance with paragraph 13(3)(e)(ii) of the Jewish Community Eules, and in accordance with the budget passed by the Elected Assembly at, its session of the 23rd Septem­ber, 1940.

B . Each Loca l Community shall include in its budget the sum allocated to it under sub-paragraph A above, and shall pay this sum in monthly instalments to the Vaad L e u m i at the end of each month. The Vaad L e u m i may through its repre­sentative participate in the organization and administration of the collection of the rate levied in accordance with sub-paragraph A above.

3. — A . Each Local Community shall be authorised to levy a rate or rates upon its members for the purposes enumerated in paragraph 13(3) of the Jewish Community Rules, to cover the costs of all or any of the following services directly extended by the Local Community to its members :

{a> Education

v6) Relief of the poor (c) Care of the sick (d) Provision for orphans (e) Contributions to the expenses of

(i) the Local Rabbinical Offices and Rabbis, and (ii) the Loca l Community and its Committee,

in accordance with their respective budgets, provided that the rate or rates levied shall not exceed 13% of the annual rental value.

B. The rate shall be levied for the period of one year, namely, from October 1st, 1940, to September 30th, 1941.

c. The rate-payers shall be the occupiers of rateable units, provided that if two or more persons (being members of the community) in partnership are co-occupiers of a rateable unit, they shall be jointly and severally liable for payment of the rates, and provided further that if the whole of any rateable unit is unoccupied, the rate sha'l not be payable.

D. The rate shall be assessed and made on the rental value of the rateable unit, and the rateable value shall be the rent paid in fact or at which the premises might be expected to be let for one year.

E . Fo r the purpose of assessment the Local Community may divide the area of the Community into zones and classify the premises in each zone. If the Committee of the Local Community assess the value cf the units bv this method, they shall publish a notice setting forth the zones and the classification of premises and the rental value of each class of premises in each zone.

F. The Committee of the Local Community shall appoint a Special Assessment Committee for the purpose of assessing the rateable units in accordance with sub­paragraph E above.

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G . The Committee of the Local Community shall notify the occupier of a rateable unit at his dwelling-place or customary place of business what the amount of the assessment is and what sum is to be paid by h im.

H . Each occupier of a rateable unit shall be entitled to appeal, within one month frcm the date of the receipt of the notice of the assessment, to the Appeal Committee to be appointed by the Committee of the Loca l Community concerning the assess­ment of the unit he occupies, provided that such appeal is made in writing and sets forth the reason for the appeal. However, the occupier of a rateable unit shall not be entitled to appeal concerning the division of zones or the classification of premises.

I. The Appeal Committee shall consider each appeal separately and shall decide according to the majority opinion. In case the opinions shall be equally divided, the Chairman of the Committee shall cast a second and deciding vote.

j . Payment of the rates, whether or not demanded, shall be made in instalments in accordance with the decision of the Committee of the Local Community at the office of the Loca l Community or through the collector of rates, or in any other way decided upon by the Committee of the Local Community.

4. Committees of Loca l Communities shall be authorised to impose the following fees :— A . RITUAL KILLING OF ANIMALS.

(i) The fee for the ritual ki l l ing of cattle or small cattle shall be fixed in accord­ance with weight or per head, as follows :—

(a) The fee in accordance with weight shall not exceed 50 mils for each lecal rottle of the front section.

(b) The fee per head shall not exceed £ P . l . — for each head of local cattle and £ P . 2 . — for each head of foreign cattle; the fee for each head of small cattle shall not exceed 200 mils.

(ii) The fee for the ritual ki l l ing of fowl shall not exceed 10 mils per head.

(iii) The fees for ritual ki l l ing shall be paid by the butchers to the Committee of the Local Community in accordance with the regulations which shall be laid down by the Committee of each Local Community or by the Board for Ri tual K i l l i n g attached to each Local Community.


(i) The licence fee to bake' unleavened bread shall not exceed 20 mils per local rottle of unleavened bread.

(ii) The fee shall be paid by the bakers or sellers of unleivened bread to the Committee of the Local Community in accordance with the regulations laid down by that Committee.


(i) The fee for granting or authentication of certificates by the Committee of the Local Community shall not exceed £P.l.—.

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(ii) The fee shall be paid by the holder of the certificate to the treasury of the Committee of the Local Community.

I. B E N ­ Z E V I E C h a i r m a n , Vaad Leumi.

Approved. H A R O L D M A C M I C H A E L

6th May, 1941. H i g h Commissioner. (H/20/40)

I M M I G R A T I O N O R D I N A N C E .


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the H i g h Commissioner has appointed No. 715 .BRITISH CONSTABLE R . H . D A R K to be an Immigration Officer for the purpose of the Immigration Ordinance.

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

2nd May, 1941. (T/109/41)

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N C h i e f Secretary.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 99 of the Municipal Corpora­

tions Ordinance, 1934, the Municipal Commission of Jaffa have made the following by­laws :— Citation. 1. These by­laws may be cited as the Jaffa (Advertisements)

(Amendment) By­laws, 1941, and shall be read as one with the Jaffa (Advertisements) By­laws, 1938, hereinafter referred to as the principal by­laws.

2. The first schedule to the principal by­laws shall be repealed and replaced as fo.lows :—

Replacement of fi״st schedule to principal by­laws.

" S C H E D U L E I .

N o . of H o a r d i n g s L o c a l i t y

Jaffa—Tel­Aviv Boad

Station Boad

P l a c e w h e r e t h e H o a r d i n g s h o u l d be e r e c t e d

1 On Wagner building 1 On the walls of Abdallah M i t r i ,

across Café Lorenze 1 On Shmerling building 2 On Mustakim building 2 On Nabulsi building 1 On Kaizer building 1 On Omari building 1 On Haj A l i B i b i building

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— 687 —

N o . of H o a r d i n g s L o c a l i t y

P l a c e • w h e r e t h e H o a r d i n g s h o u l d be e r e c t e d

Manshieh Quarter

12 Commercial Centre

3 Nuzha Quarter

11 Ajami Quarter


Across Matar i cafe in front of Alem Road On Mohd. Abdel Rah im building, Carmel Road On the Manshieh Municipal Garden On Hassan Bey E s Said building On Amzallak building

On the German Colony near• the Jerusalem Hotel On the wall of Murad property (Salameh Boad) On Mahmud Bey E s Said property On Helperin building On Massad E s Sayegh property (Assem Bey Street) On Bustros building On Haward property On north wall of prison On south wall of prison On retaining wall of the Crescent Boad Old Town (across Municipal building) On the Armenian Convent property On Abu K h a l i l building

On the wall of Murad property, crossing of Jerusalem Boad—King George Avenue On Madhoun property

On Bost building On French Hospital wall On Greek Orthodox School On the C . M . S . School wall On the building of the Maronite Convent On retaining wall of K i n g Feisal Boad On Benseh Habib Gharghour build­ing

1 On Hassan Arafeh School 1 On the Municipal Hospital

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P l a c e w h e r e t h e H o a r d i n g f t h o i d d be e r e c t e d

16th Apri l , 1941.

30th Apri l , 1941.

1 On the Jaffa Club building 1 On Mohd. D . Barakeh building

A L I M U S T A K I M Acting C h a i r m a n ,

M u n i c i p a l Commission.


B y H i s Excellency's Command,

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N C h i e f Secretary.

M U N I C I P A L C O R P O R A T I O N S O R D I N A N C E , 1934.


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 99 of the Municipal Corpora­tions Ordinance, 1934, the Municipal Council of Gaza have made the following by-laws :—

Citation. 1. These by-laws shall be cited as the Gaza Slaughter House (Regulation) By-laws, 1911.

Application 2. Application for the grant of a licence to engage in the slaugh-for licence. tering of animals or the dressing of their carcasses, or the dealing

with offals and skins, or for the renewal of such licence, shall be made to the Municipal Council of Gaza.

Duration of 3. Every licence shall expire on the 31st day of December next licence. following the date of issue, and application for renewal shall be

made not less than one month before that date.

Photograph 4. Every person applying for a licence shall, with his applica-of applicant tion, submit two photographs of himself one of which shall be af-required. fixed on the licence if granted.

Medical certi- 5.. N o licence shall be granted to any applicant unless he is certi­ficate required. fled by a Medical Officer to be free from contagious or infectious


Suspension and 6• A. licence may be suspended or cancelled by the Municipal cancellation of Council of Gaza if the holder :— 1 l c c m c ' (a) refuses or neglects to do any of the things which he is re­

quired to do under the Slaughter House Bules made under the Animal Diseases Ordinance;

(6) hinders or obstructs any Municipal Veterinary Officer or other person in the discharge of a duty imposed on him by

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the Animal Diseases Ordinance, or the Municipal Corpora­tions Ordinance, 1934;

(c) is convicted of a criminal offence; {d) is found to be suffering from any contagious or infectious

disease during the term of his licence; (e) causes wilful damage to the property of the Municipal

Council of Gaza; (/) causes in any way disturbance of order in the slaughter


7. A n y person whose licence has been suspended or cancelled shall have the right to appeal to the District Commissioner whose decision shall be final.


R U S H D I E L S H A W A Mayor of Gaza.


B y H i s Excellency's Command, J . S. M A C P H E R S O N

C h i e f Secretary. (G/131/39)

L O C A L C O U N C I L S O R D I N A N C E .


IN EXERCTSE of the powers vested in him by section 2 of the Local Councils Ordinance, the H i g h Commissioner, on the recom­mendation of the District Commissioner, Haifa District , has been pleased to order and it is hereby ordered as follows :—

1. This Order may be cited as the Local Councils (Karkur) (Amendment) Order, 1941, and shall be read as ore with the Loca l Councils (Karkur) Order, 1940, hereinafter referred to as the prin­cipal Order.

2. Paragraph 5(5) (c) of the principal Order shall be amended by the insertion of the words "other than a Mukh ta r " after the word "Palest ine" appearing therein.

Cap. 84.


Amendment of paragraph 5 of the principal Order.

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

1st May, 1941. (G/175/39) .

S. M A C P H E R S O N C h i e f Secretary.

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690 —

L O C A L C O U N C I L S O R D I N A N C E .



I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by paragraph 15 of the Local Councils (Township of Natanya) Order, 1940, the Council of Natanya, with the approval of the District Commissioner, Samaria District , have made the following by-laws :—

Citation. 1. These by-laws may be cited as the Natanya (Public Enter­tainment Fees) By-laws, 1941.


interpretation. 2. In these by-laws :—

"Manager" means the person in whose name the licence for a public entertainment is granted or, in his absence, any person under whose supervision, care or management, the public entertainment is carried out or the person who is the owner or occupier of the building in which the public enter­tainment takes place :

Provided that if the licence for public entertainment is granted in the name of two or more persons each of them sha'l be severally and jointly responsible for the carrying out of the provisions of these by-laws.

"Publ ic entertainment" means any entertainment held within the Council area of Natanya to which the public are admitted on payment of an entrance fee; and in particular theatrical and cinematographic entertainments, circuses, concerts, dances and skating rinks shall be deemed to be public enter­tainments for the purpose of these by-laws but not lectures or debates of which the principal object is instruction even though these be illustrated in any way.

"S tamp" means an adhesive stamp issued by the Council of Natanya for the purpose of these by-laws.

" T i c k e t " means ticket of admission to a public entertainment.

" C o u n c i l " means the Council of the Township of Natanya.


3.—(1) The Council of Natanya may charge a fee (hereinafter referred to as an entertainment fee) on every ticket sold in respect of a public entertainment, payable by the manager at the following rates, that is to say :—

(a) Cinematographic performances at which are exhibited ordin­ary silent films or combined light and sound reproducing films :—

Entertainment fees.

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Fee I . On each ticket the total price of which

does not exceed 15 mils 1 m i l I I . On each ticket the total price of which

exceeds 15 mils but dees not exceed 35 mils 2 mils

I I I . On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 35 mils but does not exceed 50 mils 4 mils

I V . On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 50 mils but does not exceed 65 mils 6 mils

V . On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 65 mils but does not exceed 99 mils 10 mils

V I . On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 99 mils but does not exceed 125 mils 14 mils

V I I . On each ticket the total price of which is 126 mils or more 20 mils.

(b) Theatrical and operatic performances :— I . On each ticket the total price of which

does not exceed 50 mils 2 mils I I . On each ticket the total price of which

exceeds 50 mils but does not exceed 85 mils 4 mils

I I I . On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 85 mils but does not exceed 125 mils 8 mils

I V . On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 125 mils but does not exceed 150 mils 16 mils

V . On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 150 mils but does not exceed 200 mils 24 mils

V I . On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 200 mils but does not exceed 250 mils 34 mils

V I I . On each ticket the total price of which is 251 mils or more 50 mils.

(c) Concerts, dances or other public entertainments not specified in (a) or (b) hereof :—

I . On each ticket the total price of which does not exceed 50 mils 6 mils

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692 —


Price of ticket.

Sale of tickets.

Fee I I . On each ticket the total price of which

exceeds 50 mils but does not exceed 100 mils . ' 1 mils ־ 2

I I I . On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 100 mils but does not exceed 150 mils 16 mils

I V . On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 150 mils but does not exceed 200 mils 24 mils

V . On each ticket the total price of which exceeds •200 mils but does not exceed 250 mils 30 mils

V I . On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 250 mils but does not exceed 300 mils 40 mils

V I I . On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 300 mils but does not exceed 350 mils 50 mils

V I I I . On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 350 mils but does not exceed 400 mils ' 60 mils

I X . On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 400 mils but does not exceed 450 mils 80 mils

X . On each ticket the total price of which is 451 mils or more 100 mils.

(d) A fee at the rate of twenty per centum of the total price shall be paid in respect of each family ticket, collective ticket, season ticket or any other ticket.

(2) The entertainment fees set out in by­law 3 (1) of these by­

laws shall be levied by stamps to be sold by the Council of Natanya to managers.

4. —(1) No person shall be admitted to any public entertainment except by a ticket issued in respect of the entertainment.

(2) A n inspection coupon shall be attached to each ticket and the coupon shall be detached from the ticket by the ticket collec­

tor upon entry of the purchaser to the public entertainment. The ticket itself shall be kept by the purchaser until the public enter­

tainment is over. ,

5. The correct price of each ticket shall be stated thereon.

6. Any person selling tickets shall affix to each ticket prior to its sale to any purchaser, a stamp at the rate fixed in by­law 3 of

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these by-laws, and such person shall cancel any stamp so affixed by dating it , sealing it or otherwise marking it so as to prevent its re-use.

7. —(1) The Council of Natanya may reduce and remit the fees Reduction and set out in by-law 3 of these by-laws in respect of tickets : — f e e s 1 S S 1 ° n ° f

(a) to sports competitions, or (6) to any public entertainment the proceeds of which are de­

voted to religious or charitable purposes.

(2) Any person wishing to be granted a reduction under the pre­ceding sub-by-law in respect of any public entertainment, shall submit an application to the Council of Natanya prior to the sale of any tickets for such entertainment.

(3) Any person who does not submit such application prior to selling tickets or whose application has been refused by the Coun­ci l of Natanya shall pay the entertainment fee in full in accordance with the rates set out in by-law 3 of these by-laws. .

8. The Council of Natanya or any person or persons duly author- ^ | h t o f e n * r J ised by them in writing shall have the right to enter any public enter- a n M S P E T / T L 0 N • tainment and to examine any ticket whether at the cash-desk, with the ticket collectors, purchasers or otherwise in order to ascertain whether the provisions of these by-laws have been carried out.

9. —(1) Any person who :— Penalties.

(a) sells or offers for sale any ticket the price of which has not been stated at all or the price of which has been stated in­correctly or who sells or offers for sale any ticket at a price higher than that stated on the ticket, or

(b) sells or offers for sale any ticket not bearing a stamp in ac­cordance with by-law 6 of these by-laws or bearing a stamp of insufficient value, or

(c) in any way whatever hinders the Council of Natanya or any person or persons duly authorised by them in writing from entering any public entertainment or from examining the tickets, or renders such examination nugatory by not return­ing the ticket to the purchaser upon entry in accordance with the provisions of by-law 4(2) of these by-laws, or

(d) admits any person or allows the admission of any person to any public entertainment without a ticket or against a ticket which is not in accordance with the provisions of this part of these by-laws, or

(e) takes off from any ticket a cancelled stamp for the purpose of re-using such stamp or affixes to any ticket a stamp that has alreadv been cancelled, or

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Cap. 133.

(/) otherwise contravenes the provisions of this Part of these by-laws,

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds in respect of the first offence and to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds in respect of any second or subsequent offence.

10. Nothing in these by-laws shall be deemed to release any person from his liability to stamp any ticket in accordance with the Stamp Duty Ordinance.

O. B E N - A M M I President,

Natanya Council.



R. C H U R C H Acting District Commissioner.

Samaria District.

L O C A L C O U N C I L S O R D I N A N C E .



I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by paragraph 15 of the Loca l Councils (Township of Natanya) Order, 1940, the Council of Natanya, with the approval of the District Commissioner, Samaria District , have made the following by-laws :—

Citation. 1. These by-laws may be cited as the Natanya (Numbering of Buildings) By-laws, 1941.

Interpretation. 2. In these by-laws :—

" C o u n c i l " shall mean the Council of the Township of N a ­tanya.

"Counci l area" shall mean the area of the Council of the Township of Natanya.

"President" shall mean the President of the Council of the Township of Natanya.

"Engineer" shall mean the person appointed by the Council as Engineer.

"Owner" shall mean the person or one of the persons for the time being receiving the rent of land or premises in respect of which number-plates are required, or wTho would so receive the same if such lands or premises wTere leased at a rent, or the

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person paying taxes to Council or Government in respect of land or premises, whether on his own account or as an agent or trustee for any other person or persons.

3. The President shall have power to require the owner of any property within the Council area, by written notice signed by the Engineer, to affix new or replace damaged or defaced number-plates to any building, existing on his property, in accordance with the House Numbering Scheme approved by the Council for any street within'the Council area.

Council may require owners to affix number-plates.

4. A notice within the meaning of by-law 3 of these by-laws Serving of shall be deemed as lawfully served if handed to the owner, or if left notices, within enclosed premises on his property, or if posted or if other­wise secured to any building, fence, post or other fixed object within his property.

5. The number-plate shall be of such shape, size, material, de- Shape, etc.'of sign and colour as the Engineer may approve, and shall show num- number-plates, bers inserted in European numerals and shall comply in all respects with a specimen specified by the Engineer. One or more plates shall be affixed to each building in such position, at,such height and by such means as the Engineer may require.

6. I f an owner shall fail to comply with the terms of a notice Failure to ' served on him under by-laws 3 and 4 of these by-laws within one comply with month from the date of such notice or shall fail to comply with the n o t l c e • requirements of by-law 5 of these by-laws, or shall commit an offence within the meaning of by-law 10 of these by-laws, the Council may carry out the necessary work themselves and for this purpose the Council through their employees shall have power to enter upon private property at all reasonable times.

7. The Council may levy on any owner a sum of 200 mils in Costs, respect of every number-plate affixed by them to any building upon his property or in respect of every number-plate so replaced by them, in accordance with by-law 6 of these by-laws, and such sum shall be payable and collected in the same way as Council rates.

8. N o person shall affix number-plates to any building or re- Prohibition, move or replace such plates save with the express permission given in writ ing by the Council.

9. A n y person contravening any of the provisions of these by­laws shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds and shall in addition be liable


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to the payment of any expense incurred by the Council in either removing or fixing or repairing number-plates in respect of which the ofTenee has been committed.

O. B E N - A M M 1 President,

Natanya Council-Approved.

R. C H U R C H Acting District Commissioner,

Sn m n r w 1)'s t n c t.

L O C A L C O U N C I L S O E D I N A N C E .



I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by paragraph 15 of the Local Councils (Township of Natanya) Order, 1940, the Council of Natanya, with the approval of the District Commissioner, Samaria District , have made the following by-laws :—

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Natanya (Weights and Measures) By-laws, 1941.

2. For the purpose of these by-laws the word " C o u n c i l " shall mean the Council of the Township of Natanya and the words "Counci l area" shall mean the area of jurisdiction of the Council of Natanya.

3. A l l weights and measures of any description in use by the shop-keepers within the Council area shall be inspected and stamped by the Council within the month of January of every year.

4. The Council shall charge a fee of 20 mils on each weight and measure stamped by them and an annual fee of 50 mils on each set of weights or measures inspected by them.

5. No person shall use any weight or measure which has not been stamped and inspected by the Council.

6. A n y person using any weight or measure which has not been duly stamped and inspected by the Council shall be deemed to have committed a contravention and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds.

O. B E N - A M M I P resin1 en t,

Natanya Council. Approved.

R. C H U R C H Acting District Commissioner,

Samaria District.



"Weights and measures to be inspected.





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697 —

L O C A L C O U N C I L S O R D I N A N C E .



I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by paragraph 15 of the Local Councils {Township of Natanya) Order, 1940, the Council of Natanya, with the approval of the District Commissioner, Samaria District , have made the following by-laws:—

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Natanya (Advertisements) Citation. By-laws, 1941.

2. In these by-laws unless the context otherwise requires : interpretation.

'*Advertisement" means any notice or illustration, placard, carving, drawing, design, or photograph displayed in any public place, on paper, cardboard, canvas, wood, glass or metal or otherwise, as well as any copy of any advertise­ment, and includes any advertisement lighted electrically or otherwise, and any cinematograph film displayed in any pub­lic place, other than in places of public entertainment duly licensed, and any notice or special issue of any newspaper, but does not include signboards.

"Signboard" means any notification exhibited upon the resid­ential premises, office or place of business of any person, in­cluding a signboard, written, fixed or posted on a wall or other place, upon which is inscribed only the name of such person, or the nature of the business or occupation carried on in such premises or a statement of any other purpose for which such premises are used or both the name of such per­son and any such notification or statement.

"Advert ise" means to post, exhibit or otherwise display any advertisement in any public place.

"Pub l i c place" includes any road, street, avenue, public gar­den, lane, alley, square, and any passage either public or private, open to the public, unoccupied site, as well as a bridge, sidewalk, fence, board, boarding, hoarding, tree, post, gate, any external part of any building or fence and any place of public entertainment.

"Counci l area" means the area of jurisdiction of the Council of the Township of Natanya.

" C o u n c i l " means the Council of the Township of Natanya.

3. N o person shall advertise or provide for the posting of any Advertisement, advertisement in any public place other than in such places that may from time to time be prescribed by the Council.

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Form and size of the advertise mcnt.

Charges for exhibition of advertisements.

Order of priority.

Copies to the Council.

4. N o person shall exhibit any advertisement within the bound­aries of the Council area of Natanya in form or size other than pre­scribed in the first schedule to these by-laws.

5.—(1) The following charges may be levied by the Council upon the exhibition of advertisements :

(a) In respect of any advertisement displayed upon the screen of any cinema — a charge not exceeding one mil for each 100 square centimetres of the surface of the screen occupied by such advertisement for each period of a week from Saturday evening to Friday inclusive or for any part of such period, such charge to be levied upon the proprietor or manager of the cinema.

(b) In respect of any advertisement lighted electrically or other­wise — a charge not exceeding one mi l for every five square centimetres of any place occupied by such advertisement for a period of a month or any part thereof, provided that, if the Council shall instal special places for the exhibition of lighted advertisements, they may levy a charge not exceeding one mil for each square centimetre of any such place occupied by such an advertisement for a period of a month or any part thereof. Such charge shall not include any costs or expenses in connection with the writ ing, designing, carving or any other inscription of such advertisement.

(c) In respect of any other advertisement — a charge of one mi l for every ten square centimetres of the surface of the advertisement for each period of three days or part thereof regardless of the number of copies of such advertisement. One third of that charge shall be levied for the fourth and each subsequent day of advertising. Any charge levied un­der this paragraph shall be signified by the stamping of each copy of the advertisement with a special seal provided for this purpose by the Council.

(2) No person shall display any advertisement unless the charge due under the preceding sub-by-law has been first paid to the Coun­c i l .

6. —(1) Any person wishing to advertise any advertisement men­tioned in by-law 5(1) (c) of these by-laws or to display any lighted advertisement in a special place installed for that purpose by the Council shall apply to the Council for authority to do so within the time prescribed in the second schedule to these by-laws.

(2) The order of priority of the exhibition of any such advertise­ment shall be determined by the Council.

7. The Council shall be entitled to receive five copies of any ad­vertisement mentioned in by-law 5(1)(c) of these by-laws without payment.

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8. A n y person wishing to advertise, exhibit or fix a signboard to any premises, shop or place of business within the Council area shall first obtain a licence so to do from the Council.

9. A licence in respect of a signboard shall be valid unti l the 31st day of December next following the date of issue thereof.

10. A licence in respect of a signboard may be renewed within the month of January every year. The Council may serve a notice upon ilie owner of any signboard in respect of which the licence has not been renewed after the expiration of such month request­ing him either to remove such signboard or to renew the licence therefor.

11. —(1) Any inscription on a signboard in any other than the official languages is prohibited, with the exception of signboards of official institutions of foreign states, translation bureaux and offices, shipping agencies, money changing establishments, libraries for books in foreign languages and bodies the registered offices of which are situated abroad, or upon the receipt of a special permit from the Council.

(2) The sketching or painting of any signboard in oils, limewash, whitewash or other materials on the actual building is prohibited.

12. The fees for a licence in respect of a signboard shall be as­sessed on the size of the signboard at the rate of 500 mils for every metre length or any part thereof, provided such fee is not less than 250 mil fee shall be collected according to its height

Should the height of the signboard exceed its length the

13. The Council may grant a reduction on the charges men­tioned in by-laws 5 and 12 of these by-laws in respect of any ad­vertisement or signboard exhibited by or for the benefit of any in­stitution or organisation devoted to charity, philanthropy, religion, culture, art or sport or by or for the benefit of any other institution or organisation which in the opinion of the Council is of a public nature, or serves a public purpose.

14. No person shall remove, tear, deface, spoil or soil any ad­vertisement and/or signboard exhibited in accordance with these by-laws.

15. No person shall interfere wi th , deface, destroy, break or soil any board, kiosk or any place specified for the exhibition of ad­vertisements by the Council in accordance with the provisions of these by-laws.

16. — 0 ) No person shall advertise, post, display or erect any ad­vertisement or signboard lighted intermittently by electricity or any advertisement or notice produced by means of magaphones projecting to the street.


Validity of licence.

Renewal of licence.

Prohibition of non-official languages.



Defacing, etc. of advertisements prohibited.

Defacing, etc. of places reserved for advertisements prohibited.

Certain advertise­ments and sign­boards pro­hibited.

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— 700 —

Distribution of advertisements fiom hand to hand. Cap. 116.

Certain forms of advertisements prohibited.



. (2) No advertisement or signboard shall be erected or placed in a public place in such a manner as to obstruct traffic or vision.

(3) Only one signboard shall be allowed on each entrance of a shop or place of business.

(4) No signboard shall be erected, exhibited, advertised or posted in perpendicular manner or protruding from the wall .

(5) The height of signboards shall not exceed 50 centimetres but if its length exceeds 2.50 metres the bight may reach 75 centimetres.

17. No person shall distribute within the boundaries of the Council area of Natanya from hand to hand any advertisement other than a newspaper or a special issue of any newspaper licensed under the Press Ordinance, or any amendment thereof.

18. No person shall display any advertisement or signboard in the form of a streamer across the roadway or in the form of a notice carried or distributed on or from any vehicle, animal or man or in the form of a board carried by a man.

19. —(1) Without prejudice to the right of the Council to pro­secute any person contravening the provisions of these by-laws, the President of the Council may serve a notice in writing on any person who contravenes any provision of these by-laws and require him to remove any advertisement or signboard exhibited or to destroy any place used as a place of advertisement in contravention of these by­laws or otherwise to comply with the provisions of these by-laws within the time prescribed in such notice.

(2) Should any person upon whom a notice has been so served fail to comply with the request within the time prescribed in the notice, the Council may execute the work at his expense and may recover the cost thereof from him as a civil debt.

(3) Should the Council be unable to ascertain the name or the address of any person contravening these by-laws, the Council or its representative may remove any advertisement or signboard ex­hibited or destroy any place of advertisement arranged contrary to these by-laws without any notice whatsoever.

20. —(1) The provisions of these by-laws shall not apply to notices, signboards or advertisements exhibited by the Government of Palestine, L a w Courts or the Council.

(2) The names and addresses of the proprietors, written on show windows and doors shall be exempt from the fees prescribed under these by-laws.

(3) Name-plates fixed.on private dwelling houses, indicating only the name of the occupier, shall be exempt from the fees prescribed by, but shall otherwise be subject to, the provisions of these by-laws.

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— ,701

21.—(1) Any person ( who contravenes any of the provisions of Penalties, these by-laws shall he liable to a fine not exceeding £ P . 2 0 . — for any one offence and in the case of a continuing offence an additional fine !iot exceeding two pounds for every day during which the offence is continued after written notice from the President of the Council cf such contravention or after conviction.

(2) The Council or their representative acting under their author­ity, may, at the expense of the person convicted, remove any ad­vertisement or signboard or destroy any place used as a place of advertisement in respect of which the offence has been committed.

F I R S T S C H E D U L E .

Form and Size of Advertisements.

1. F u l l page advertisement 2. Ha l f page advertisement 3. Quarter page advertisement 4. One eighth nage advertisement

93 cm. length 62 cm. width 46 cm. length 62 cm. width 46 cm. length 31 cm. width 23 cm. length 31 cm. width

S E C O N D S C H E D U L E .

1. In respect of advertisements relating to public entertainments or commercial advertisements —

48 hours preceding the time of advertising.

2. In respect of mourning advertisements — 6 hours preceding the time of advertising.

3. In respect of any other advertisements — 24 hours preceding the time of advertising.

O. B E N - A M M I President,

N a t a n y a C o u n c i l .


II. C H U R C H Acting D i s t r i c t Commissioner,

S a m a r i a District. (Gaz/11/40)

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— 702 —



I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by paragraph 15 of the Local Councils (Township of Natanya) Order, 1940, the Council of Natanya, with the approval of the District Commissioner, Samaria District , h tlVC 111 cl de the following by-laws :—



Cap. 143.

Sal unlay and holidays.

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Natanya (Opening and Closing of Shops) By-laws, 1941.

2. In these by-laws, unless the context otherwise requires :—

" S h c p " includes any office, warehouse, kiosk, any place of pjbl ic entertainment, workshop, factory or any other pre­mises in which any business or trade is carried on, but does not nclüde a café, hotel or boarding house.

" C a f é " includes a restaurant, bar, dairy, ice-cream shop and any other eating house for which a licence is required under the Trades and Industries (Begulation) Ordinance, but does not include a hotel or boarding house.

"Person" means the proprietor, manager, or occupier of any shop or café or any person who is the holder of a licence duly issued to him in respect of such shop or café.

"Sahu-dav and hohdavs" includes all Saturdays of the year and the following holidays :—

(a) Jewish New Year (2 days);

(b) Day of Atonement;

(c) Feast of Tabernacles (first and last days);

(d) Passover (first and last days);

(c) Pentecost;

(/) The Eighth of Ab from 7 p .m. unti l 5 a.m. of the Nin th of A b .

Satmday and holidays begin on their eve at sunset and end the following evening, at sunset.

" C o u n c i l " means the Council of the Township of Natanya.

3. Save as provided in proviso (/) to by-law 4 and in by-law 5(1) of these by-laws, no person shall keep open a shop or café on Saturday and holidays within the Council area of Natanya :

Provided that the Council shall grant a special permit for keeping open a shop or café on Saturday to any person who proves that he keeps his shop or café closed on any other day of rest.

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— 703 —

4. Subject to the provisions of by-law 3 of these by-laws, all Closing hours shops within the Council area of Natanya, shall remain closed be- o f s h o P s • tween the hours of 7 p.m. and 5 a.m. :

Provided that :—

(a) Butchers' shops, fish shops, and vegetable stalls and shops, shall remain closed on every Thursday, between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. and on the other days of the week (except Saturday and holidays) shall remain closed between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m.

(b) A l l retail grcceries shall remain closed between the hours of 8 p .m. and 5 a.m. from the first of March to the 30th of Sep­tember and between the same hours on every Thursday dur­ing the period from 1st October to 28th or 29th February.

(c) Shops for the sale cf building materials shall remain closed between the hours of 6.30 p.m. and 5 a.m.

(d) Shops for the sale of flowers shall remain closed between the hours of 10 p .m. and 5 a.m.

(e) Kiosks for the sale of fruit, chocolate, cigarettes, news­papers and cold drinks, other than intoxicating liquors, shall remain closed between the hours of 12 p .m. and 5 a.m.

(/) Pharmacies shall remain closed between the hours of 9 p .m. and 5 a.m. : Provided that the Council shall draw up from time to time a list of pharmacies which are to be open in turn for night service and for service on Saturday and holidays. A n d such list having been drawn up, each pharmacy so speci­fied in the list shall remain open during the entire night or during the Saturday or holiday on the days prescribed by the list.

(g) On the 26th, 27th and 28th of E l u l , on the 8th, 11th 12th and 13ih of Tishr i , from 7th to 15th of Adar. inclusive, on the 11th, 12th and 13th of Nissan, and on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of Sivan, all shops shall remain closed between the hours of 10 p .m. and 5 a.m. unless such days shall fall on the Sab-, bath.

(h) The provisions of this by-law shall not apply to any place of public entertainment, workshop, factory or office.

5. —(1) Cafés (except bars, dairies and ice cream shops) shall be Closing hours, allowed on Saturday and holidays (except the Day of Atonement o f c a f é s • and from 7 p .m. on the 8th of Ab until 5 p .m. on the 9th of Ab) to remain open and serve meals inside the premises only to their customers as follows :

(a) On the eve of Saturday and holidays until 10 p .m. , and

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(b) On Saturday and holidays between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. and from the 1st of A p r i l to the 31st of October be­

tween 6 p.m. and sunset :

Provided that nothing in this by­law shall be deemed to allow the opening of shops or kiosks for the sale of aerated water or other beverages.

(2) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this by­law all cafes shall remain closed daily between the hours of 1 a.m. and 5 a.m.

6. No person shall sell in any cafe goods for consumption off the premises during the hours of closure specified in by­law 4 of these by­laws.

7. A n y person who contravenes any of the provisions of these by­laws, shall be liable to a fine of ten pounds and in the cake of a continuing offence to a fine of two pounds for every day during which such offence is continued after conviction.

O. B E N ­ A M M I President,

Natanya Council.

R. C H U R C H Acting District Commissioner,

Samaria District.

L O C A L C O U N C I L S O R D I N A N C E .



I N EXERCISE of. the powers vested in them by paragraph 15 of the Local Councils (Township of Natanya) Order, 1940, the Council of Natanya, with the approval of the District Commissioner, Samaria District , have made the following by­laws:—

Citation. 1. These by­laws may be cited as the Natanya (Protection of Plants) By­laws, 1941.

Interpretation. 2. I n these by­laws :—

" ־ C h i l d " means a person under the age of 14 years.

"Guard ian" in relation to a child includes any person who has for the time being the charge of or control over the child;

"Counci l area" means the Council area of Natanya. " P l a n t " means any tree, sapling, shrub or any part thereof:

and includes any bud, blossom, flower, grass, or leaf of any

Prohibition of selling goods in cafés.




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tree, sapling or shrub, which is planted or growing in any public garden.

3. A person or child shall not pluck, spoil, cut, strip oft' the bark, uprcot, or otherwise destroy or damage any plant or tread upon it.

4. A person or child shall not in a public garden enter any en­closed plantation or other enclosure, nor tread upon any lawn, shrubbery or flower-bed or patch of grass which is not enclosed, but at vshich a notice prohib t ing such act is exhibited.

5. A person or child shall not play any game of ball in a public garden.

' 6 . A person or child shall not in a public garden catch, shoot, or chase a bird, nor throw any stone or stick or other missile at any b i id . *

7. A perscn or child shall not climb on or over any tree, fence, barrier, gate or railing in or enclosing a public garden or a tree-guard situated in any public street, nor break, spoil or otherwise destroy such fence, barrier, gate, railing or tree-guard.

8. A person or child shall net attach or fasten to nor leave any animal in the neighbourhood of a plant or fence or a public garden or tree-guard situated in any public street.

9. A person or child shall not allow any dog or other animal, unless it is securely fastened by its collar, to enter a public garden:

10. A n y flock of sheep or goats driven through or within the •Council area, shall be provided with a sufficient number of attendants, not less than two in any case, one of whom shall walk in front of such flock and shall prevent any damage being caused to any plants.

11. A n y person who contravenes and the guardian of a child who allows or suffers such child to contravene any of the provisions of these by-laws shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds.

Spoiling plants.

Entering enclosure, etc.

Playing games.

Catching birds.

Climbing trees, etc.

Attaching animal to trees, etc.

Dogs in public gardens.

Driving of sheep or goats within Council area.


O. B E N - A M M I !,resident,

N a t a n y a C o u n c i l


R. C H U R C H Acting D i s t r i c t Commissioner

/Gaz/11/40) S a m a r i a District.

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— 706 —



I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by paragraph 15 of the Local Councils (Township of Natanya) Order, 1940, the Council of Natanya, with the approval of the District Commissioner, Samaria District , have made the following by-laws:—



Licensing of dogs.

Issue of licen­ces and number-plates.

Custody of un­licensed dogs in certain cases.

Licence fees.

Validity and re­newal of licence.

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Natanya (Licensing and Control of Dogs) By-laws, 1941.

2. In these by-laws :

"Counci l area" means the area of jurisdiction of the Council of the Township of Natanya.

" C o u n c i l " means the Council of the Township of Natanya. "Owner" in relation to any dog shall mean any person having

the custody or control of such dog.

3. No person shall within the Council area keep any dog unless such dog has been licensed and bears on its collar a metal number-plate issued in respect thereof under these by-laws.

4. A n y person who desires a licence to keep a dog within the Council area shall make application therefor to the Council. If the Council approve of the grant of such licence, the Council, on pay­ment of the fees set out in by-law 6 hereof, wi l l issue to such person a licence as aforesaid and a metal number-plate.

5. Notwithstanding anything contained in by-law 3 hereof, a temporary visitor to the Council area having the custody of any dog or a resident within such area who assumes temporarily the custody of any dog may, for a period not exceeding fifteen days, keep such dog which has not been licensed as aforesaid, provided that he shall keep it securely fastened by its collar when in any public place within the Council area.

6. The Council shall charge a fee of two hundred and fifty mils for each licence to keep a dog and a sum not exceeding fifty mils as cost of the number-plate issued in respect thereof :

Provided that licences may be granted free of charge to : (a) any shepherd or herdsman in charge of flocks in respect of

not more than two dogs; (6) any blind person in respect of a dog used by him as a guide.

7. A licence issued under these by-laws shall be valid for one year from the date of issue, and must be renewed within thirty days of its expiry.

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— 707 —

8.—(1) The Council may refuse to grant a licence to any person or may withdraw any licence granted to any person to keep any dog within the Council area for all or any of the following reasons :—

(a) that such dog is of a savage disposition;

( b ) that such dog is dangerous to public security;

(c) that such dog by its barking causes any noise which is so loud and so continuous or repeated as to cause a nuisance to occupants or inmates of any premises in the neighbourhood• of the premises on which such dog is kept;

(d) that the owner of such dog has been convicted for an offence under section 386 of the Criminal Code Ordinance, 1936, on more than one occasion;

(e) that the owner of such dog has on more than one occasion been convicted for committing a nuisance by keeping a dog under such conditions as are dangerous to public health.

(2) Where a licence is withdrawn under the provisions of this by-law no refund of the fees charged under by-law 6 hereof wi l l be made.

Refusal or with­drawal of licence in certain cases.

No. 74 of 1936.

9.—(1) Every dog in respect of which a licence has been refused or withdrawn shall within four days, be delivered by its owner to the kennels of the Council and, subject to the provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) hereof, shall be disposed of as the Council may direct.

(2) Where any dog has been delivered to the kennels of the Council by reason of a licence having been refused or withdrawn under paragraph (a) or (b) of by-law 8(1) hereof, such dog shall not be destroyed until an order authorising its destruction has been granted by a Magistrate in accordance with section 5 of the Rabies Ordinance, 1934.

(3) Where the owner of any dog which has been delivered to the kennels of the Council by reason of a licence having been re­fused or withdrawn under paragraph (e) or (d) or (c) of by-law 8(1), hereof :

(a) within forty eight hours from the delivery of such dog to the kennels of the Council, indicates in writing to the Council his intention of taking legal proceedings against the destruc­tion of such dog, and

( b ) pays in advance to the Council a fee at the rate of 50 mils per diem for the feeding and accommodation of and at­tendance on such dog in respect of a period of twenty one

Dogs for which licences have been refused or withdrawn.

No. 39 of 1934.

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— 708 —

Seizure, deten­tion and de­struction of un­licensed dogs.

days and thereafter in respect of such further period until a decision in the matter has been given by a competent Court,

such dog shall not be destroyed until after a decision as afore­said has been given :

Provided that if any dog so detained in the kennels of the Council is subsequently destroyed or released or dies during such detention, the owner of such dog shall be charged only in respect of the number of days for which the dog was actually detained and the balance wil l be refunded to h im.

10.—(1) Subject to the provisions of by-law 5 hereof, any dog found within the Council area which is not licensed or which is not wearing a collar bearing the metal number-plate referred to in by-law 4 hereof, shall be seized by an officer of the Council or the Police who shall deliver it to the kennels of the Council :

Provided that if any such dog cannot be seized it may be destroyed at sight by an officer of the Council or the Police.

(2) Any dog which has been delivered to the kennels of the Council in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) of this by-law, shall be detained for a period of forty eight hours. If during the said period of forty eight hours the dog is not claimed it shall be destroyed :

Provided always that if the dog appears to be of value, and there is reason to believe that it is licensed although not wearing a collar bearing a number-plate as aforesaid, the period of detention may be extended to seven davs.

Recovery of detained dogs.


11. The owner of any dog which has been seized and detained in accordance with the provisions of the preceding by-law may re­cover such dog within the period specified in the said by-law upon production of a licence in respect thereof and upon payment to the Council of a fee at the rate of 50 mils per diem for the feed­ing and accommodation of and attendance on such dog.

12. The Council wi l l cause a register to be kept for the 'purposes of these by-laws in which wi l l be recorded full particulars of any dog in respect of which a licence is granted, and the owner thereof shall furnish such particulars as may be called for by the Council.

Fenaltv. 13. Any owner of a dog who fails to comply with the provisions of these by-laws shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceed­ing five pounds and in the case of a continuing offence to an ad­ditional fine not exceeding one pound for every day during which the offence is continued after conviction as aforesaid.

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— 709 —

14. No compensation shall be payable to any person on account of any action taken by the Council or their servants or agents under these by-laws except upon proof that the provisions of these by-laws have not been complied with by the Council or their servants or agents.


O. B E N - A M M I President,

Natanya Council.



R. C H U R C H Acting District Commissioner,

Samaria District.

R O A D T R A N S P O R T O R D I N A N C E .


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of section 25 of the Road Transport Ordinance, the Council of Natanya, with the consent of the District Commissioner, Samaria District , and the licensing authority, have made the fol­lowing by-laws :—

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Natanya (Licensing of Bicycles and Tricycles) By-laws, 1911

2. In these by-laws— "bicycle" and " t r icycle" mean any bicycle or tricycle other

than a motor bicycle or motor tricycle; "Counci l area" and " C o u n c i l " mean the area of jurisdiction

of the Council of Natanya and the Council of Natanya, re­spectively;

"tester" means the person or persons authorised by the Council to test bicycles or tricycles.

3. No person residing within the Council area, shall ride a bicycle or tricycle on any road within such area, unless such bicycle or tricycle has been licensed in accordance with the pro­visions of these by-laws and bears a number-plate issued in respect thereof attached thereto behind the seat facing the rear of the bicycle or tricycle in such a manner as to be visible at all times.

4. No licence shall be issued unless and until the applicant pro­duces a certificate to the effect that the bicycle or tricycle in respect of which he requires a licence has been duly tested and passed by the tester. Such certificate shall be issued free of charge.

Cap. 128.



Licensing of bicycles and tricycles.

Testing of bicycles and tricycles.

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710 —

Issue of licences.


Validity of licences.

5. Every person residing within the Council area who desires a licence and number-plate in respect of a bicycle or tricycle, shall make application therefor to the Council, and the Council shall issue to such person such licence and number-plate upon payment of the fees set out in by-law 6 of these by-laws.

6. The fee to be paid to the Council in respect of each licence for a bicycle or tricycle issued by them shall not exceed two hundred and fifty mils; an additional fee of fifty mils shall be paid in respect of the number-plate for such bicycle or tricycle :

Provided that if any licence is issued on or after the first day of Ju lv in any year, one hundred and twenty five mils shall be paid in respect of such licence.

7. A l l licences issued under these by-laws shall expire on the thirtv first dav of December next following the date of issue thereof.

Number-plates. 8. Number-plates must be maintained in good condition and any number-plate which becomes defaced or defective shall be re­placed on renewal of the licence against payment of the fee pre­scribed for the issue of number-plates in by-law 6 of these by-laws.

Penalty. 9. Any person who contravenes these by-laws shall on convic­tion be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds.

I consent.

O. B E N - A M M I President,

N a t a n y a C o u n c i l .

R. O. C A F F E R A T A Superintendent of Police,

S a m a r i a District.



R. C H U R C H Acting D i s t r i c t Commissioner,

S a m a r i a District.

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— 711 —

B O A D T R A N S P O E T O R D I N A N C E .


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 25(l)(b) of the Road Transport Ordinance, as enacted in the Revised E d i - Cap. 128. tion of the Laws (Revision) Ordinance, 1937, the Council of N a ­tanya, with the consent of the District Commissioner, Samaria Dis­trict, and the licensing authority, have made the following by­laws :—

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Natanya (Eegulation of Citation. Stationary Vehicles) By-laws, 1941.

2. In these by-laws — Interpretation.

" L o c a l licensing authority" shall have the same meaning as in the Boad Transport (Boutes and Tariffs) Bules, 1934.

"Council area" and " C o u n c i l " mean the area of the Coun­cil of the Township of Natanya and the Council of the Town­ship of Natanya, respectively.

"Omnibus" means any public vehicle licensed to carry seven or more passengers and plying or standing for hire by or used to carry passengers at separate fares to, from or in any part of the Council area.

"Passenger road service" and "special road service" shall have the same meanings as in the Boad Transport (Boutes and Tariffs) Bules, 1934.

Internal passenger road service" means a passenger road service operated solely on routes within the boundaries of the Council area.

"Externa l passenger road service" means a passenger road service or special road service other than an internal passenger road service.

3. The Council may, with the consent of the local licens- Power of Council, ing authority, by order, notice, or road sign exhibited on any road within the Council area, prohibit, restrict or regulate the standing of vehicles on such road or on any specified part thereof.

4. The Council may, with the consent of the local licens- Parking places, ing authority, by order, notice or road sign exhibited on any road within the Council area, declare such road or any specified part thereof, to be a parking place for vehicles at which vehicles or such class or type of vehicles as may be indicated in the order, notice or road sign exhibited as aforesaid, may remain stationary, and the Council may likewise fix the days or hours during which such parking place shall be closed to vehicles.

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— 712 —

Number of vehicles allowed to park. • ' !


Breakdowns of vehicles.

Omnibuses operating an internal passenger road service.

Omnibuses operating an external pas­

senger road service.

Public vehicles other than omnibuses.

5. The Council may, with the consent of the local licens­

ing authority, by order, notice or road sign exhibited at any park­

ing place, fix the number of vehicles which may park at any one time at such place.

׳ 6 . !No person shall —

(a) cause any vehicle to stand at any parking place other than a vehicle of the type or class of vehicles which is allowed to stand at such parking place, or

(b) station a vehicle at any parking place — (i) at any time during which such place is closed to

vehicles; or (iD when at the time of his arrival thereat, such parking

place is already occupied by the full number of vehicles which may occuvy it at any one time.

7. No person shall in the event of a breakdown of his vehicle, within the Council area, allow such vehicle to remain station­

ary otherwise than as near to the edge of the road as possible and then only so long as may be necessary to enable essential repairs to be effected on the spot or to remove the vehicle for the purpose of repairs.

8. — (1) N o person shall cause any omnibus operating an internal passenger road service to remain stationary on any road within the Council area except at a stopping place or terminus halting place for omnibuses operating such service.

(2) No person shall cause any omnibus operating an internal passenger road service to remain stationary at any stopping place for omnibuses for longer than is necessary to pick up or set down passengers.

(3; No person shall cause any omnibus operating an internal pas­

senger road service to remain stationary at a terminus halting place in excess of the time limit fixed by the Council by order or notice exhibited thereon, and no person shall station or attempt to station such omnibus at any such halting place while it is already occupied by the full number of omnibuses which may remain stationary thereat at any one time.

9. No person shall cause any omnibus operating an external passenger road service to remain stationary on any road within the Council area except at a place on such road which has, by order or notice exhibited thereon, been declared to be a terminus halting place for omnibuses of such service.

10. No person shall cause any public vehicle not being an omnibus to remain stationary on any road within the Council area for longer than is necessary to pick up or set down passengers

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except at a place on such road which has, by order, road sign or notice exhibited thereon, been declared to be a parking place for such vehicles.

11. Save at a place on any road which has, by order, road sign or notice exhibited thereon, been declared to be a parking place for commercial vehicles, no person shall cause any commercial vehicle to remain stationary on any road within the Council area except when goods are actually being loaded on to or unloaded from such vehicle, and such loading or unloading shall not exceed a period of thirty minutes.

12. No person shall cause any vehicle not being an omnibus operating an internal passenger road service to remain stationary on any road within the Council area on which a passenger road service is operated, in excess of the time necessary to pick up or set down passengers or of the time necessary to load or unload such vehicle :

Provided that such loading or unloading shall not exceed a period of thirty minutes; and

Provided further that where the use of any such road as afore­said is limited to vehicles proceeding in one direction only, private vehicles may remain stationary thereon along the right edge thereof i n the direction in which vehicles are allowed to proceed.

13. No person shall within the Council area cause any vehicle (other than an omnibus operating an internal passenger road service) to stop within twelve metres of any omnibus stopping place, unless directed so to do by a Police Officer in uniform.

14. No person shall within the Council area cause any vehicle to stop within 12 metres of any road island or refuge, unless directed so to do by a Police Officer in uniform.

15. —(1) A parking place for public vehicles other than omnibuses shall be denoted by a road sign consisting of a white disc with a green border, on which shall be the mark " P " in green.

The number of vehicles which may stand at such parking place shall be indicated by a number on a plate which shall be fixed below such road sign.

(2) A parking place for private vehicles shall be denoted by a road sign consisting of a white disc on which shall be the mark " P " in black.

The number of vehicles which may stand at such parking place shall be indicated by a number on a plate which shall be fixed below such road sign.

(3) A parking place for commercial motor vehicles shall be denoted by a road sign consisting of a black disc with a white bolder, on which shall be the mark " P " in white.

Commercial vehicles.

Parking of vehicles on passenger road service routes.

Omnibus stopping places.

Road islands.

Road signs.

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The number of vehicles which may stand at such parking place shall be indicated by a number on a plate which shall be fixed below such road sign.

(4) A parking place for non-mechanical vehicles shall be denoted by a road sign consisting of a yellow disc on which shall be the mark " P " in black.

The number of vehicles which may stand at such parking place shall be indicated by a number on a plate whicli shall be fixed be'low such road sign

(5) A terminus halting place for omnibuses operating an external passenger road service shall be denoted by a road sign consisting of a green disc on which shall be the mark " P " in white to which shall be attached a plate indicating in the three official languages —

(a) the route number of the external passenger road service operated, and

(?)) the number of omnibuses operating such service which may halt there at any one time.

(6) A terminus halting place for omnibuses operating an internal passenger road service shall be denoted by a road sign consisting of a green disc on which shall be the mark " P " in blue, to which shall be attached a plate indicating in the three' official languages—

(a) the route number of the internal passenger road service operated, and

(b) the number of omnibuses operating such service which may halt there at any one time.

(7) A n omnibus stopping place shall be denoted by a road sign consisting of a rectangular red plate with a wrhite coloured circle, centrally placed, having two vertical projections.

(8) A road sign consisting of a blue circle with a red border and a red diagonal bar shall denote that the standing of vehicles is pro-hibiied within such number of metres from the sign as shall be in­dicated by a number on a plate affixed to the sign.

Penalty. 16. A n y person who contravenes any of the provisions of these by-laws shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds.

O. B E N - A M M I President,

N a t a n y a C o u n c i l . I consent.

R. O. C A F F E R A T A Superintendent of Police,

S a m a r i a District. Approved.

R. C H U R C H Acting D i s t r i c t Commissioner,

(Gaz/11/40) S m n a r i a District.

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R O A D T R A N S P O R T O R D I N A N C E .


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in the Munic ipa l Council of Ramallah by section 25(1)(b) of the Road Transport Ordinance, the Municipal Commission of Ramallah, with the consent of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem Distr ict , and the Licensing Authority, Jerusalem District , have made the following by-laws :—

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Ramallah Municipal Area (Regulation of Stationary Vehicles) By-laws, 1941, and shall come into force as from the date of their publication in the Gazette.

2. I n these by-laws the term "public vehicle" shall not include an omnibus.

3. The Municipal Council of Bamallah may by order or by notice exhibited thereon, prohibit, restrict, or regulate the standing of vehicles on any road or any specific part thereof within the muni­cipal area of Bamal lah.

4. No driver or person in charge of any vehicle shall cause such vehicle to stand in any street or specific part thereof where by order or notice exhibited as aforesaid the standing of vehicles there­on is prohibited, for longer than is necessary for the taking up or setting down of passengers or for the loading or unloading of goods.

5. No driver or person in charge of any vehicle shall cause such vehicle to stand in any street or specific part thereof, where by order or notice exhibited as aforesaid such street or specific part is declared to be a parking place for vehicles of a type or class other than the type or class of such vehicle.

6. N o driver or person in charge of any vehicle shall cause such vehicle to remain standing in any parking place in excess of the time l imit thereon.

specified on the parking order or notice exhibited

7. N o driver or person in charge, of any vehicle shall in the event of a breakdown allow such vehicle to stand otherwise than as near as possible to the edge of the road, nor shall he allow such vehicle to remain standing in any street or specified part thereof prohibited by notice for the standing thereon of such vehicle, or in excess of the time limit allowed for the standing of vehicles i n such area for a longer period than is reasonably necessary to en­able essential repairs to be effected.

8. No driver of any omnibus shall cause such omnibus to stand on any road other than a public stand or stopping place on route on which such omnibus is plying, and indicated as such by a notice

Cap. 128.

Citation and commencement.


Power of Muni­cipal Council.

Prohibition of parking.

Prohibition of certain types of vehicles.

Time for which vehicles may be parked.


Standing of omnibuses.

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Stopping places.

Provisions re­garding public vehicles.

Provisions re­lating to com­mercial vehicles.

Vehicles used under trade licences.

exhibited thereon, nor shall he cause such omnibus to remain, stationary at a stopping place for longer than is necessary to allow the passengers to alight or to enter such omnibus.

9. No more than three omnibuses may remain stationary at the same stopping place at any one time.

10. No driver or any person in charge of any public vehicle shall cause such vehicle to stand for hire or remain stationary for longer than is necessary to allow passengers to alight or to enter such public vehicle, on any road or any specific part thereof within the municipal area cf Bamallah unless such road or such specific part shall by order or notice exhibited as aforesaid be declared to be a parking place for public vehicles.

11. No owner, driver or other person in charge of any com­mercial vehicle shall cause such vehicle to remain stationary on any road or any specific part thereof within the municipal area of Bamallah except when goods are actually being loaded on or un­loaded from such vehicle, and such loading or unloading shall not exceed a period of twenty minutes.

12. No owner, driver, or other person in charge of any vehicle used under a trade licence shall cause such vehicle to remain sta­tionary on any road in the municipal area of Bamallah for longer than is necessary to allow passengers to such vehicles.

enter or alight from

Private vehicles.

Vehicles not to be !eft un­attended.

Omnibus stops.

Traffic islands.

Parking place for public vehicles— how denoted.

13. No driver or person in charge of any private vehicle shall cause such vehicle to remain in any road or any specific part there­of within the municipal area of Bamallah for a period exceeding twenty minutes, unless such road or such specific part thereof shall by notice exhibited as aforesaid be declared to be a parking place for private vehicles.

14. No driver or person in charge of any public or commercial vehicle shall leave such vehicle unattended on any road within the municipal area of Bamallah.

15. No driver or person in charge of any vehicle (not being an omnibus plying on the route specified by the Stop Notice) shall stop such vehicle within fifteen metres of any authorised omnibus stop.

16. No driver or person in charge of any vehicle shall stop with­in fifteen metres of any traffic island or refuge.

17. A parking place for public vehicles wi l l be denoted by a green disc with tb.3 letter P . thereon in white and the number of public vehie'es allowed to stand thereon shown by the number in white below the P .

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18. A parking place for private vehicles wi l l be denoted by a Parking places whit3 disc with the letter P . thereon in black, and the number of veh^Ves^how private vehicles allowed to stand thereon shown by the number in denoted, black below the P .

19. The owner, driver, or person in charge of any vehicle who Penalty, contravenes any of the previsions of these by-laws shall, on con-vition, be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds.

S A L E M ZAROOR C h a i r m a n ,

Ramallah M u n i c i p a l Commission.

I consent.

J . M . K Y L E S District Superintendent of Police,

Jerusalem District.

I consent.

W. R. M c G E A G H for District Commissioner,

Jerusalem District. (G/110/35)

• R O A D T R A N S P O R T O R D I N A N C E .


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in the Municipal Council of Ramallah by section 25(1)(d) of the Road Transport Ordinance, Cap. 128. the Municipal Commission of Ramallah, with the consent of the District Commissioner and the Licensing Authority, Jerusalem Dis­trict, have made the following by-laws :—

1. These by-laws may be cited as the Ramallah Municipal Citation. (Licensing of Bicycles and Tricycles) By-laws, 1941.

2. F r o m and after the first day of A p r i l , 1941, no person shall Licensing of ride a bicycle or tricycle on any road within the municipal area of bicycles and Bamallah, unless such bicycle or tricycle has been licensed in ac- t I l c v c , e s • cordance with the provisions of these by-laws and bears a number-plate issued in respect thereof and attached thereto in such manner as may be required by the Municipal Council of Bamallah.

3. Every person who desires a licence and number-plate in Issue of respect of a bicvele or tricycle shall make application therefor to •fences, the Bamallah Municipal Council, and the Bamallah Municipal

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Transfer of licences.


Validity of licences.

Validity of number-plates.


Council shall issue to such person such licence and number-plate upon payment of the fees set out in by-law 5 of these by-laws.

4. No licence for a bicycle or tricycle shall be transferred unless with the approval of the Ramallah Municipal Council, who shall in the case of such transfer amend the particulars recorded in the licence.

5. The fee to be paid to the Ramallah Municipal Council in respect of each licence and number-plate for a bicycle or tricycle issued by them shall be two hundred and fifty mils per annum :

Provided that if any licence or number-plate is issued on or after the first day of Ju ly , in any year, one hundred and twenty five mils shall be paid in respect thereof.

6. A l l licences issued under these by-laws shall expire on the 31st day of December next following the date of issue thereof.

7. Number-plates shall be used only during the year for which they are issued.

8. Any person contravening any of these by-laws shall, on con­viction, be liable to a fine not exceeding ^ P . 5 .

I consent.

I consent.

S A L E M ZAROOR C h a i r m a n ,

R a m a l l a h M u n i c i p a l Commission.

J . M. K Y L E S District Superintendent of Police,

Jerusalem District.

W. R. M c G E A G H for District Commissioner,

Jerusalem District. (0/110/35)

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P R E S S O R D I N A N C E .


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit No. P . T A / 8 has been granted on the 23rd day of A p r i l , 1941, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Lydda District , to M R . GEDALYAHU K A H A N , residing at 20, Yona Hanavi Street, Tel A v i v , to keep a printing press situated at 20, Yona Hanavi Street, Tel A v i v , and known as the 'Geula ' printing press.

Dated this 2nd day of M a y , 1941.

O. M . T W E E D Y for Chief Secretary.


P R E S S O R D I N A N C E .


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the following change in the notice dated 15th August, 1940, and published in the Palestine Gazette N o . 1039 of the 22nd August, 1940.

The 'Hazman ' newspaper wi l l henceforth be printed at the ' A . Mozes' printing press, situated at 11, Sheinkin Street, Tel Aviv .

O. M . T W E E D Y 1st May, 1941. for Chief Secretary.


P R E S S O R D I N A N C E .


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the following change in the notice dated 4th Novem­

ber, 1940, and published in the Palestine Gazette N o . 1056 of the 14th November, 1940.

The 'Neueste Nachrichten' newspaper wi l l henceforth be printed at the 'Hersh­

man Bros. ' printing press, situated at Merkaz Mishar i Hehadash, Tel Aviv .

2nd May, 1941. (K/18/37)

O. M . T W E E D Y for Chief Secretary.

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U R B A N P R O P E R T Y T A X O R D I N A N C E , 1940.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 8(1) of the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940, the H i g h Commissioner has ordered and it is hereby ordered that in the undermentioned urban areas house property occupied by the registered owner of which the annual value is less than the sums specified below, shall be exempt from payment of the tax for the period 1st A p r i l , 1941, to the 31st March , 1942, inclusive, provided that application for exemption is submitted to the District Officer cf the Sub-District in which the urban area is situated on form C L / 3 0 A before the 31st of Ju ly , 1941 :—

Net A n n u a l V a l u e Net A n n u a l V a l u e £ P . £ P .

Jerusalem 20.— Nazareth 7.— Haifa 20.— Gaza 7.— Jaffa 20.— Safad 7.— Tel Aviv 20.— Bamle 7.— Tiberias 13.— Lydda 7.— Behovot 10 — Jen in 7.— Petah Tiqva 10.— Tulkarm 7.— Bamat Gan 10.— Beisan 7.— Acre 10.— Bethlehem 4 — Natanya 10.— Bamallah 4.— 'Afula 10.— Beersheba 4.— Nablus 10.— Hebron 4.— Hadera 7.— Beit Jala 4.— Bishon le Zion 7.— Khan Yunis 3.— Benei Beraq 7.— Majdal . 2.— Herzl iya 7.— Shafa 'Arnr 2.— Ba'anana 7.— Beit Sahur 2.— Kefar Sava 7.—

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N 3rd May, 1941. Chief Secretary.


U B B A N P R O P E R T Y T A X O R D I N A N C E , 1940.


T H E PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the revaluation of properties and the pre­paration of a new valuation list under section 19(6) of the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940, in respect of the tax year 1942-43 wi l l commence in the urban area of Haifa on or about the 15th of M a y , 1941. The actual dates in respect of each assessment block wi l l be notified at the time by notice published within the block.

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2. Reputed owners and tenants are required by law to give the Assessment Com­mittee all information they require and to produce any documents regarding the cost of construction of buildings, rents and ownership of property, etc.

3. O b j e c t i o n s to the net annual value in the new valuation lists should be sub­mitted on the prescribed form within thirty days from the date of the Gazette in which the notice of publication of the list is made.

4. A p p e a l s should be submitted on the printed form to the Appeal Commission at the District Office, Hai fa , with a copy to the Local Inspector of Valuations within forteen days from the date of notification of the decision on the objection.

5. F o r m s of o b j e c t i o n s a n d a p p e a l s can be obtained free of charge at the District Office, Haifa .

6. The attention of the public is drawn to section 28 of the Ordinance according to which persons who refuse to admit members of Committees or Inspectors to enter on any premises, or who refuse to give the information required or who give false information are liable to prosecution.

7. Particular attention of the public is also invited to subsection 8(2) of the Ordinance regarding the exemption of newly constructed buildings.

5th May, 1941. (Gaz/l/40)

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.



The notice published in Palestine Gazette No. 813 dated the 8th September, 1938, in respect cf the composition of the Local Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission for Sheikh Muwannis, is hereby cancelled.

R. E . H . C R O S B I E Chairman,

Lydda District Building and 17th Apri l , 1941. Town Planning Commission.


T O W N P L A N N I N G O B D I N A N C E , 1936.



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in h im by section 10(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, and on the representation of the Lydda District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, the H i g h Commissioner has been pleased to order and it is

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hereby ordered that Order N o . 69 of 1937 made by the H i g h Commissioner under section 10(1) of the Ordinance, declaring and prescribing the limits of Sheikh Muwannis Rural Town Planning Area, and published in Gazette N o . 715, dat'ed the 2nd September, 1937, shall be revoked with effect from the date hereof, and that the town planning area declared by this order shall be included in and form part of the Lydda District Regional Town Planning Area.

B y H i s Excellency's Command.

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N Chief Secretary.

T O W N P L A N N I N G O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 10 of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, and on the representation of the Galilee District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, the H i g h Commissioner has been pleased to order and it is hereby ordered that the Order No . 44 of 1941, published in Gazette No . 1080 of 27th February, 1941, declaring the Nahariya Town Planning Area shall be amended with effect from the 27th February, 1941, by the insertion of the following Schedule thereto :— .

" S C H E D U L E .


N o r t h : F r o m town planning boundary Cairn No . 1 situated at the extreme north­western boundary point (on the coast) between E n Nahr and E z Z i b village in an easterly direction along that boundary to town planning boundary Cairn No . 2 situated at the north-eastern corner of the same boundary at a distance of approximately 650 metres from the starting point.

East : Thence in a generally southern direction and along the same boundaries to town planning boundary Cairn No . 3 situated at a distance of approx­imately 750 metres from point 2; thence in an easterly direction for a distance of 230 metres approximately to town planning boundary Cairn N o . 4 situated on the eastern boundary at the Haifa—Bas E n Naqura Boad (15 metres from the centre of the road) approximately at kilometre 199.260; thence in a southerly direction along the eastern boundary of the same road to town planning boundary Cairn No . 5 situated at 70 metres to the south; thence again in an easterly direction for 150 metres from the centre of the road to town planning boundary Cairn No . 6; thence in a southerly direction for 210 metres to town planning boun­dary Cairn N o . 7; thence in a westerly direction to town planning boun-

29th April , 1941. (Z/183/37)..

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dary Cairn N o . 8 situated on the eastern side of the main road at kilo­metre 198.895 and enclosing land belonging to Pi t ra L i m i t e d ; thence in a generally southerly direction along the eastern boundary of the Ha i fa— Bas E n Naqura road for approximately 420 metres to town planning boundary Cairn No . 9 situated at 35 metres to the east of the centre of the road; thence in a westerly direction for a distance of 50 metres to town planning boundary Cairn No . 10 situated at approximately kilometre 198.570; thence in a southerly direction along the western boundary of the Haifa—Ras E n Naqura road and approximately 15 metres from the centre of this road;

South : Thence in a westerly direction for a distance of 110 metres to town planning boundary Cairn No. 12; thence in a northerly direction for 630 metres approximately along the canal to town planning boundary Cairn No . 13 situated on the south-eastern boundary of the E n Nahr village lands; thence in a south-westerly direction along the same boundary to town planning boundary Cairn No . 14; thence in a generally western direction to town planning boundary Cairn N o . 15 situated on the sea shore at a distance of approximately 1980 metres to the south (along the coast line) of town planning boundary Cairn N o . 1;

West : Thence along the sea coast i n a generally northerly direction to the star­ting point at town planning boundary Cairn No . 1."

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

J. S. M A C P H E R S O N 30th A p r i l , 1941. Chief S e c r e t a r y .


T O W N P L A N N I N G O B D I N A N C E , 1936.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN i n accordance with section 16(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the town planning scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme N o . 599—Modification in Alignment of Boads Nos. 14 and 36 of the Givat Shaul Detail Town Planning Scheme, has been provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and deposited together wi th the relative plans at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. daily.

A n y person interested as owner or otherwise in the land, buildings or other pro­perty affected by the scheme may lodge an objection thereto with the Local Bui ld ing

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724 —

and Town Planning Commission at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, within two months from the date of the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.

WHEREAS a scheme within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, known as Scheme No . 583—Sanhedria. and Northern Industrial Area Town Planning Scheme (Modification in Public Open Space), was provisionally approved by the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was published in the Palestine Gazette N o . 1071 dated the 9th January, 1941;

A N D WHEREAS no objections have been lodged against the scheme;

A N D WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed have been produced to the Chairman, Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission, and signed by h im on behalf of the said Commission;

N o w , THEREFORE , it is hereby notified in accordance with section 18A(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Jerusalem District Bui ld ing and Town Planning Commission has approved the scheme and the plans and the scheme wi l l come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and the plans have been de­posited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

3rd May, 1941. (Gaz/3/40)

W. R. M c G E A G H C h a i r m a n ,

Jerusalem District Building and Town Planning Commission.

T O W N P L A N N I N G O B D I N A N C E , 1936.


3rd May, 1941. (Gaz/3/40)

W. R, M c G E A G H C h a i r m a n ,

Jerusalem District Building and• Town Planning Commission.

L A N D ( S E T T L E M E N T O F T I T L E ) O B D I N A N C E .


V i l l a g e : — E l Masmiya el Kabira . Gaza Settlement A r e a .

I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 23 of the L a n d (Settlement of Title) Ordinance, I hereby give notice that I have approved and accepted both the sub-division of land held in individual shares and the parcellation of the masha'

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— 725 -

lands in the village of E l Masmiya el Kabira in the Sub-District of Gaza, whether any such lands are or are not registered as held in individual shares or held in com­mon and whether they were formerly distributed or not distributed periodically among the inhabitants of the village or a section thereof or among other persons. This acceptance is without prejudice to any rights in the parcels which resulted from the said sub-division or parcellation.

Any person claiming an interest in the said lands in the village of E l Masmiya el Kabira should submit his claim in accordance with the provisions of the L a n d (Settlement of Title) Ordinance, if he has not already done so.

T H E PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that schedules of claims to land in the villages and settlement area scheduled hereunder have been posted at the office of the As­sistant Settlement Officer in the village concerned, at the office of the Settlement Officer of the Settlement Area and at the office of the District Officer of the Sub-District in which the village is situated, in accordance with section 24 of the Ordinance.

Persons having any interest in the lands of the said villages should examine the schedules and should take the necessary steps to ensure that their rights including mortgages, leases for a period of more than three years or servitudes are examined by the Settlement Officer.

28th April , 1941. (Gaz/1/40)

C . P U S E Y Settlement Officer,

Gaza Settlement Area.

L A N D ( S E T T L E M E N T O F T I T L E ) O R D I N A N C E .


V i l l a g e S u b - D i s t r i c t Settlement A r e a Office of Settlement

Officer of t h e A r e a (Office a t )

Far ' un Tulkarm Tulkarm Nazareth

Dannaba Tulkarm . Tulkarm Nazareth

1st May, 1941. (Gaz/1/40)

M . C . B E N N E T T Director of Land Settlement.

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— 726 —

L A N D ( S E T T L E M E N T O F T I T L E ) O R D I N A N C E .


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the schedules of rights to land in the villages and settlement area scheduled hereunder, and for the registration blocks mentioned, have been posted at the offices'of the Area Settlement Officer concerned and at the Dis­trict Offices of the Sub-District in which the villages are situated, in accordance with section 33(2) of the Ordinance.

V i l l a g e

' E m s q Zevulun


S u b - D i s t r i c t



Settlement A r e a



Settlement • j ' Nos. of Office a t \ R e g i s t r a t i o n

i B l o c k s

Haifa 11608, 11609, 11626, and 11627.

Haifa I 11701, 11721 I and 11724.

29th April , 1941. (Gaz/1/40)

M. C. B E N N E T T Director of Land Settlement.

B A B I E S O B D I N A N C E , 1934.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 9 of the Babies Ordinance, 1934, I hereby declare the undermentioned localities and the lands belonging thereto in the Sub-District of Gaza to be areas infected with rabies :—

Gaza town Beit Ha nun Jabaliya Nazi a Beit Lah iya , Arab W a d i Gaza encampment 'Arab Nuseirat encampment.

1st May, 1941. (Gaz/7/40)

G. B. S I M M I N S Chief Veterinary Officer.

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P U B L I C H E A L T H O B D I N A N C E , 1940.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by paragraph (g) of sec­

tion 9 of the Public Heal th Ordinance, 1940, I hereby make the following rules :—

1. These rules may be cited as the Public Health (Be­inter־ ment) Bules, 1941.

2. In these rules — "Director" means the Director of Medical Services or his ac­

credited representative; "Medica l officer" means a medical officer of the Department of

Heal th .

3. No corpse shall be exhumed for any purpose whatsoever and no corpse shall be re­interred and no vault or mausoleum shall be opened for the purpose of interment of another corpse, unless the permission in writing of a medical officer shall first have been ob­

tained. Such permission shall be given gratis.

4. Application to re­inter a corpse shall be made in writing to the Director and shall —

(a) state the present place of burial and the proposed place of re­interment;

(6) be endorsed by the burial authority of the proposed place of re­interment;

(c) be accompanied by a regular medical certificate of the cause of death stating the name, age, nationality and occupation of the deceased, or such other evidence of the cause of death as the Director may consider satisfactory.

5. —(1) Permission to exhume or re­inter a corpse may be with­

held by the Director on medical grounds or, with the approval of the District Commissioner, on any other grounds.

(2) If death has been certified as having been due to natural causes and if a year has elapsed since death, exhumation of a corpse in order to export i t from Palestine or to re­inter it in Palestine may be granted subject to compliance being made with the pro­

visions of these rules.

(3) For the purpose of paragraph (2) hereof natural causes of death include small pox, typhoid fever and typhus fever.

(1) If the cause of death was plague, cholera or yellow fever it shall be a condition of the grant of permission to exhume that the persons employed in the exhumation shall undergo five days' quarantine in a place prescribed by the Director.,

No. 40 of 1940.



Exhumation and re­interment prohibited .unless permission of medical officer obtained.

Application for re­interment.

Conditions of grant of permis­

sion to exhume and re­inter.

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— 728 —


Entry in register of burials on the occasion of re­


Embarkation and disembarkation of corpses, etc.

Embalmed corpses intended to be taken out of Palestine.

­Exhumation shall take place in the presence of an of (־—(6.1

ficer of the Department of Health.

(2) Before an exhumed corpse is transported from one place to another —

(a) it shall be placed in a coffin of hard wood lined with lead and bound with iron hoops and securely closed;

(6) it shall be surrounded by disinfectant such as chloride of lime or zinc sulphate and the disinfectant shall fill the coffin after the corpse has been put i n ;

(c) a medical officer shall see the corpse before the coffin is closed and shall seal the coffin and give a certificate that compliance has been made with the provisions of this sub­


(3) The fee for the certificate referred to in sub­pragraph (c) of paragraph (2) hereof shall be five hundred mils.

(4) If it is desired to re­inter a corpse which has been previously re­interred and on the previous re­interment the provisions of paragraph (2) hereof were carried out and it is found that the coffin is secure and in good condition, it shall be necessary only to refill the coffin with dis'nfectant as provided in sub­paragraph (b) of paragraph (2) hereof.

7. A n entry of the name of the corpse re­interred shall be made in the register of burials of the cemetery in which re­interment takes place.

8. — (1) No corpse shall be embarked on board a vessel or dis­

embarked therefrom at any port of Palestine, or put on a railway train or other public conveyance or removed therefrom on entering Palestine, unless permission is given by the Director and a certi­

ficate frem a medical officer has been obtained to the effect that all the conditions of these rules have been carried out.

(2) A fee of five hundred mils shall be paid for the certificate referred to in paragraph (1) hereof.

.9.— (1) The transport of corpses which have been embalmed and are intended to be removed to another country may be per­

mitted on the following conditions :—

(a) that the embalming has been carried out to the satisfac­

tion of a medical officer;

(b) that the coffin provided for the transport of the corpse has been made of hard wood lined with lead, bound with iron hoops and is securely closed;

(c) that a certificate from a medical officer has been obtained stating that compliane has been made with these conditions.

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(2) A fee of five hundred mils shall be paid for the certificate ; referred to in sub­paragraph (c) of pragraph (1) hereof.

G. W. H E R O N Director of Medical Services.


B y H i s Excellency's Command,

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N 6th May, 1941. , •Chief Secretary.

(SF/149/41) '

D E F E N C E ( F I N A N C E ) B E G U L A T I O N S , 1940.



W H E R E A S by regulation 2 of the Defence (Finance) Begulations, 1940, the ex­

pression "sterling area" is defined as meaning the United Kingdom, the Isle of M a n , Palestine and such other territories as may be declared by order of the H i g h Commissioner to be included in the sterling area; •

N o w , THEREFORE , the H i g h Commissioner, in pursuance of his powers under the said regulation 2 and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following Order:—

1. The territories which in addition to the United Kingdom, the Isle of M a n , and Palestine are included in the sterling area are any of the following territories, excluding Canada, Newfoundland and Hong Kong , that is to say —

(a) any Dominion;

(b) any other part of H i s Majesty's dominions outside the Bri t i sh Islands;

(c) any territory in respect of w h i c h a mandate on behalf of the League of N a ­

tions has been accepted by H i s Majesty and is being exercised by H i s M a ­

jesty's Government in the United Kingdom or in any Dominion;

(d) any Bri t i sh protectorate or protected state;

(e) Egypt and the Anglo­Egyptian Sudan; ׳

(/) the Belgian Congo and Buanda­Urundi;

(g) the following territories under the control of the Council for the Defence of the French Empire :— French Equatorial Africa, Cameroons under French mandate, French Oceania, French Establishments in India;

( h ) Iceland and the Farce Islands.

2. This Order may be cited as the Defence (Finance) (Definition of Sterling Area) Order, 1941, and shall be deemed to have come into force on the sixth day of M a y , 1941. r••..: ;:; ­,•־• :׳,:/ r­.״i־׳:

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— ?30 —

3. The Defence (Finance) (Definition of Sterling Area) Order, 1940, is hereby revoked.

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N 7th May, 1941. Chief Secretary.


D E F E N C E R E G U L A T I O N S , 1939.


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in h im by regulation 51(1)(b) of the Defence Regulations, 1939, the H i g h Commissioner has been pleased to order aud hereby orders the requisitioning of the following motor launch which is registered in Ba l -estine:—

Haifa motor launch No. 26.

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N 1st May, 1941. Chief Secretary.


D E F E N C E B E G U L A T I O N S , 1939.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by regulation 51(lN(b) of the Defence Begulations, 1939, the H i g h Commissioner has been pleased to order and hereby orders the requisitioning of the following motor launch which is registered in Pa l -estine :—

Haifa motor launch No . 2.

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N Chief Secretary.

T B A D I N G W I T H T H E E N E M Y O B D I N A N C E , 1939.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 9(1 •(b) of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and by paragraph 4(1) of the Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) Order, 1939, and all other powers him enabling, the H i g h Commis­sioner has been pleased to order and it is hereby ordered as follows :—

6th May, 1941. (C/97/41)

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_ 731 —

1. This Order may be cited as Vesting Order No . 35 of 1941. Citation.

2. Vesting Order No . 7 dated 18th M a y , 1940, and published Amendment of in the Gazette N o . 1010 dated 23rd M a y , 1940, shall be revoked in Vesting Order so far as it concerns the property of :— N o ' 7 '


B y H i s Excellency's Command,

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N 7th May, 1941. C h i e f Secretary.


T B A D I N G W I T H T H E E N E M Y O B D I N A N C E , 1939.


I N EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 9(1) (b) of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, and by paragraph 4(1) of the Trading with the Enemy (Custodian) Order, 1939, and all other powers h im enabling, the H i g h Commis­sioner has been pleased to vest the undermentioned property in the Custodian of Enemy Property, and all the said property is hereby vested accordingly :—

A l l the property in Palestine belonging exclusively to any one or more of the following:—

1. Yaakov Joseph Arbusman of Warsaw. 2. Leon Arav of Plovdiv. 3. Iser Lejb Berman of Warsaw. 4. Aharon Blumenkopf of Warsaw. 5. Israel H a i m Born stein of Warsaw. 6. Gedaliahu Bornstein of Varna . 7. Sara Bornstein ,of Varna . 8. Noah Yeoshua Calderon of Sofia. 9. Mary Diatowicki of Otwock.

10. Emanuel Diatowicki of Brussels. 11. Mordechay E n t i n of Warsaw. 12. Shlomo Issak Gelbfish of Warsaw. 13. K a r l Herrmann, formerly of Bethlehem-Ha'fa. 14. Theodor Herrmann, formerly of Bethlehem-Haifa. 15. Ef ra im Eisher Hertstein of Warsaw. 16. Janku Hel lman of Bucharest. 17. Siegfried Isaak of The Hague. 18. Hermann Kuhnle , formerly of Bethlehem-Haifa. 19. Beuben Labensky of Warsaw. 20. Yaakov Mir sk i of Warsaw. 21. Bat ia M i r s k i of Warsaw. 22. Ejdela Mi r sk i of Warsaw. 23. Israel Gershon Pick of Warsaw.

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— 732 —

'24. Estate of Abraham Pitkowsky, deceased, formerly of Warsaw. 25. Perez Pechet of Bucharest. 26. Meir Beingewirtz of Besancon. 27. Hascal G . Boiter of Bucharest. 28. Zysla Szeinman of Warsaw. 29. Shalom Shofman of Warsaw. 30. Yehuda Schwartzman of Kal isz . 31. Benjamin Hi r sh Sommer of Badauti. 32. L e a Sommer of Badauti. 33. Moritz Springer of Genoa. 34. Yitshak Shapira of Warsaw. 35. Berish Ul r ich of Warsaw7. 36. Feiga Ulr ich of Warsaw. 37. Georg Weber, formerly of Bethlehem-Haifa. 38. Anna Wölk of Warsaw. 39. Abraham Zonana of Ferdinand.

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

7th May, 1941. (F/Cust/17/41)

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N C h i e f Secretary.