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SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 - · PDF file~ WORSHIP SERVICE ~ SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 ~ ... CHORAL INTROIT ... For the Christ Church in Summit, NJ and the Faith

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Page 1: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 -  · PDF file~ WORSHIP SERVICE ~ SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 ~ ... CHORAL INTROIT ... For the Christ Church in Summit, NJ and the Faith



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Do our dear pets and creatures whole Enjoy what humans call "The Soul? Some say "No" with privileged greed, But I say "Yes", and here's my plead: When God created that great Life-force

a zillion scattered sparks on course

landed in each creature's soul,

like Fire-burst of sacred coals.

Religion's task - if you so please

upon your ember faithfully breathe.

Increase its warming reverent glow.

Within, among, around all Soul. (JHG)

As a part of this worship, we will be having a candle-lighting service in memory of our beloved pets who died. Please use the card inserted in your bulletin to write your pet’s name to be read aloud as part of our memorial list. These cards will be collected along with your offerings. When you hear your pet’s name mentioned, that is your invitation to come forward to light a candle in their memory. May God bless our pets.

GATHERING MUSIC Where the Green Willow Grows Wagner Women’s Choir





ENTER “THE FLAME” AND “THE WORD Evangeline Bulick, Acolyte, Scout McGuire, Beadle


L: On this fresh-air morning, we come to breath more deeply.

P: To exercise our souls, and expand our spiritual lungs.

L: To take a walk, trying our best to keep pace with Jesus,

P: To turn Sacred Breath into a strong and holy heart-beat.

L: To feel invigorated and strengthened to perform Christ's mission

P: That the whole of creation shall breathe more deeply too.

L: Let us worship God

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*HYMN (CH) # 22 All Creatures of our God and King *UNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Adapted Native Ojibway Prayer) The Lord be with you. P: And also with you. L: Let us pray. ALL: Creator God, look at our brokenness. We know that in all creation only the human family has strayed from the Sacred Way. We know that we are the ones who are divided; we are the ones who must come back together to walk the Sacred Way. O Sacred Spirit, teach us love, compassion and honor, that we may heal the earth and heal each other. Amen MOMENT OF SILENT AND PERSONAL CONFESSION *UNISON ASSURANCE OF PARDON The rainbow was that sacred sign that creaturely life shall never again be destroyed. Let us look up. Let us find rainbow reminders after the storms of life that the Love of God shall never give up - on all of us and each of us.

*THE LORD’S PRAYER (trespasses)

GLORIA PATRI Glory Be To The Father

and To The Son And To The Holy Ghost. as It Was In The Beginning, is Now And Ever Shall Be;

world Without End, Amen, Amen.

TIME WITH THE YOUNG Following Time with the Young all children through 7th grade

are invited to go to church school



OFFERTORY A Heartsong Blessing Stepanek/Martin *DOXOLOGY

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen


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HYMN (CH ) # 70 God of the Sparrow God of the Whale SCRIPTURE LESSON Job 12:7 ff, Matthew 22:15 ff SERMON Caring for “Fido” CANDLE-LIGHTING MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR OUR PETS

When you hear the name of your pet we urge you to come down the side aisle, take a

candle from the basket closest to you, light your candle from the large candle nearby and place your candle in the memorial board. Return to your seat by way of the center aisle.

*HYMN (CH) # 565 If you Will Trust in God to Guide You


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Our flowers today are donated by June and Peter Davis In thankful remembrance of being “In the Garden”

Our thanks for this morning’s music to The Women’s Choir Our thanks to Evangeline Bulick, Acolyte and Scout McGuire, Beadle

Our thanks to today’s ushers, Nancy and Bob McCafferty Our thanks for hosting Coffee Hour to: Rummage Sale Committee

NURSERY CARE AND CHURCH SCHOOL Babies and children of all ages are invited, welcomed and encouraged in our worship services. We have a nursery available for infants through three years of age for your convenience. We have a basket in the narthex filled with children's worship activities to use during the worship service. The nursery room is staffed with two volunteers who would be happy to care for your child while you attend worship. You may drop your children off in the nursery room at 9:45 a.m. Following the children’s sermon all children ages 4 through 7th grade are invited to go to church school . All children are to be picked up immediately after worship. PRAYER LIST Our prayer list is a network of love and faith in the power of prayer. We receive these names from members and friends of our church who hold these individuals up in their own prayer life for God’s healing and strength upon them. IMMEDIATE NEEDS PRAYER CONCERNS: John; Luella Parks; Jana Williams; Andris Berry; Scott Wilson; Grant Lefevre; Patty Mason; Shelly Krauss; Rev. Kathy Clark; Clark & Barbara Comollo; Genie; Kathy and Dave Ives; Gill Durkee; Nancy Crossman; Brian & Nicole Tschorn; Deb; Ron & Mary Lou Rothman; Madeleine & Fred DeMartino; Genevieve Szemansco; Jenny Plender; Barbara Melhado; Tom Porter; Bonnie Lynch; Joseph Sumner; Barbara Stein; Logan Pease; Molly Addems, Shaula Holman; Betsy Miller; in the Dorset Church, for our Moderator, Ginny Longacre; in the Vermont Conference, for the Pittsford Congregational Church; in the UCC, For the Christ Church in Summit, NJ and the Faith Formation Ministry team that is hosting an Intergenerational Event , Under Construction: Building Our Faith Together. LONG-TERM PRAYER CONCERNS: Maj. Johanna T. Wynne and family (Brian & Johnny); Carl Chestler; Shannon Wilkins; Ellen Wendy Caron; Cali Cole; Esther Andrews; Joseph Wasik; Samantha Webb; Dody Daly; Dick & Linda Buswell; Lucinda Gregory; Peter Durst; Sue DeBona; Amy Dunn; Mark, Michelle & Lucas; John Pitcher; Marcia Goldstein; The Ragusa Family--Sarah, Gianna and Emma; Ray Foster; Jim Foley; Martha Haggerty; Linda Bushee; Dot Watson; ; Terry Tole; Stephanie Dobski; Lee & Jill Swartz; Linda Turner; Diane & Russ Dwyer; Ben Stearns; Randy Farley; Douglas White; Betty Czaplicki; Bene Molloy; Mary Buchmayr; Lisa Genco Shelton; Lee Ferguson; John Frost; George Leeman; Dan Krauss; Jane Osterland; Lynn Branscombe; Henry Stannard; Will Livermore; Anne Moran; Helen; Doris Chartrand; Maridell Mason; Linda Locker; Janet Saint Germain; Glen Hall; Terese Loiselle and her children, Abigail. Matthew & Grace; Kathy Mazeck; Antoinette Cannizzaro; Rachel Ynesta; Shepard Scott; Kathryn Carrington; Benjamin Loggins; Betty Abbott; Dr. B & P; Sue Speath; Becky Dix; Sue Bamford; Thomas Biggs; Sarah Shehadi; Bobby Strickhart (Lindy Bowden’s nephew); Dale; Lillian Saari, (Derry’s friend); Gregg Tobin; George Smith; George Livingston; Sarah Mowry; Rick & Terry Lee-Bowen; Jennifer Scott; Amy; Rob Somers; Chris Lucier; Bridgette Eichorn; Ethan Jack Olson; Maureen Moore; June Davis, Gladys Barrows.

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ANNOUNCEMENTS STEWARDSHIPCOMMITTEE MEETING The next meeting will be Tuesday, Sept. 27th at 8 AM . GREEN TEAM MEETING The next meeting will be Wednesday, Sept. 28th at 10 AM RAVNAH FLU CLINIC will be at the Dorset Church on Thursday, Sept. 29th 10:00 AM - Noon. WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP FALL MEETING will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 28th at 1:00 PM Rummage Sale Concession Stand Saturday October 15th. The Christian Education com-mittee is excited to host the concession stand once again at this year’s Rummage sale. We are looking for donations of cookies, brownies, cakes, scones, pies, crock pots of chili, soup or macaroni and cheese (new item request). We also have a list of other donations needed, if interested please contact Gretchen Lima at [email protected] / (802)362-5548 or Janet Chandler at [email protected]/ (802)867-5533. All proceeds from this event go to the Christian Education program and mission projects

ACOLYTE AND BEADLE: In the past only children have served as our acolyte (bringing in the light of Christ and leading us in the Lord's prayer) and beadle (carrying in the word of God and ringing the bell to start our worship service). Numerous people have shared interest in also serving in this role, which is very symbolic and meaningful. This upcoming year we are asking parents to serve with children, grandparents and grandchildren, friend with a friend, any combination. Our faith gets passed down from generation, to generation and it happens by intention. If you feel called to serve in this ministry, please talk to Gretchen Lima during coffee hour or feel free to call her at 362-5548 or email her at [email protected]. We will be putting together a schedule in the near future and we will add you into the rotation. CRAFTS NEEDED FOR WOMENS FELLOWSHIP SERRV SALE Are you a sewer, knitter, or an all around crafter, we need your handiwork. If you haven't gotten started yet, there's still time. The "Alternative Gift Fair" is the Saturday after Thanksgiving, November 26th . Whatever your talent, we will appreciate your contributions to our craft sale! GREEN MOUNTAIN ACADEMY FOR LIFELONG LEARNING Tuesday, September 27 – “Have We Reached the End of Growth?”, Economist Peter Radford will explain the debate about whether economic growth has ended and will try to an-swer that same question… is growth over?, 5:30 – 7:00 pm, $15 in advance/$20 at door, Burr and Burton Academy, Hunter Seminar Room, 57 Seminary Ave., Manchester VT. 802-867-0111. Thursday, September 29 – “Jefferson's Legacy”, Sydney Stokes, Jr. Founder and Chair-man of The Jefferson Legacy Foundation will talk about Thomas Jefferson's true lega-cy., 5:30 – 7:00 pm, $15 in advance/$20 at door, Burr and Burton Academy, Hunter Seminar Room, 57 Seminary Ave., Manchester VT. 802-867-0111.

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NIEGHBORS IN NEED 2016 The Mis-sions Committee wants to remind you that the Neighbors-in-Need 2015 spe-cial mission offering will be received on next Sunday, October 2nd, what is World Communion Sunday. The focus of NIN’s 2016 campaign is combat childhood hunger - NO CHILD SHOULD GO TO BED HUNGRY. Your bulletin insert tells about a 2015 Neighbors in Need grant recipients- the Pleasant Run UCC in Indianapolis, IN, which feed 950 students. You will find envelops in the bulletins next Sunday.

EAT, PRAY LOVE TO STUDY THE BIBLE Meets on Thursday evenings from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM. Come and share a simple meal of soup, bread and salad, prayers and a lesson taught by Rev. Gray. Everyone is welcome!

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CHURCH DIRECTORY 2016 PASTOR.....Rev. Dr. James H. Gray*



SEXTON......Lynn Jennings MODERATOR.....Merrick Counsell*

CLERK..... Ginny Longacre * TREASURER.....Al Lindsey*

MEMBER-AT-LARGE...... Pam DeBona * CHURCH DELEGATES.....Nora Larsen, Nan Leach, Jane LoBrutto and Linda O’Leary


Linda Chapman, David Chandler, Chair;* Rev. Jordan (Skip) Dickinson, Gail Ebling, Rehana Grip, Sandi Hedman, Andy Longacre, Ray Prescott, Bruce Welsh

BUILDING AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Shawn Hazelton, Carl Hedman, Chris Lima, Ellen Maloney, Bruce Welsh, Trustee Rep.

INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Harry Chandler, Dick Freeman, Andy Longacre, Trustee Rep.;

Al Lindsey, Treasurer; Ellen Maloney, Tom Smith STEWARDSHIP

Henry Chandler (A), Rev. Jordan (Skip) Dickinson*, Gail Ebling, Trustee rep.; Carl Hedman, Lori Hong, Diane Jennings (A), Jane LoBrutto (A)

DIACONATE Katherine Buchmayr, Robin Chandler, Co-Chair*; Ginger Foss, Eric Hangen; Betty Hazelton, Shawn Hazelton,

Suzanne Hittle, Gay Jesup, Barbara Melhado, Keith Michl, Co-Chair; Sid Staunton, Dan Zimmerman Samantha Citron and Walker May Youth Deacons

WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP Lucinda Gregory*, Co President; Betty Hazelton, Secretary; Diane Jennings, Treasurer; Linda O’Leary, Co-President*

PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Nan Leach, Henry Chandler, Sandy Hedman, Trustee Rep.

HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Gail Brodie (A), Linda Drunsic, Secretary; Cindy Gregory (A), Betty Hazelton, Sandra Hoverkamp (A),

Diane Jennings, Nan Leach, Chair*; Barbara Melhado (A), Muriel Roeth (A), Caroline Sargent, Funeral Coordinator; Dotty Streeter (A), Treasurer; Rose Watrous

MISSION COMMITTEE Karen Allen (A): Jackie Becker, Chair*; Cheryl Gasperetti (A), Rehana Grip, Trustee Rep.;

Nora Larsen, Secretary; Ellen Maloney (A), Muriel Roeth, Dan Zimmerman SERRV COMMITTEE

Robin Chandler, Derry Dickinson, Margo Grapshi, and Cheryl Gasperetti GREEN TEAM COMMITTEE

Barbara Howland, Nancy Faesy, Ginny Longacre, Pam Debona, Ellen Leeds, Jordan Dickinson, Jane Bridges, Bill Bridges, Nora Larson, Nan Leach, Caroline Sargent, and Ellen Maloney

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COMMITTEE Janet Chandler, Youth Group Rep.; Gretchen Lima, Christian Education Director; Nan Leach,

Ellen Leeds (A), Megan LoBrutto, Youth Music Director; Jane LoBrutto, Administrator; Heather McGuire (A), Secretary; Linda O’Leary, Co-Chair; Mark Putnam,

Daniela Stewart, Treasurer; Dotty Streeter, Ellen Wright, Cabinet Rep. SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE

Sid Staunton, Linda Chapman, Esther Gray, Janet Chandler, Lucinda Gregory, Megan LoBrutto PASTORAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE

David Chandler, Trustee Rep.; Sid Staunton, Deacon Rep. Pam DeBona, Member-at-Large; Roger Squire and Peter Davis, Pastor Reps.

*Member of the Cabinet (A) Appointed UNITED CHURCH OF DORSET & EAST RUPERT, UCC 143 CHURCH ST. ~ P.O. BOX 263 ~ DORSET, VT 05251 PH/FX 802-867-2260 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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