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Suncoast Treasured Times Suncoast Research & Recovery Club Newsletter Website: Volume: 26 Issue: 5 Date: May, 2016 Hayes and Susan Kennedy It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to a dear friend Hayes Kennedy. Hayes has been a member of SRARC longer than most of us. Always supporting and participating in every event that took place. He would never miss an opportunity to encourage or show his apprieciation for everything that anyone did. You can follow the link below to the Sylvan Abby website for the obituary and details on arrangements. ity- memorial/obituary.aspx?n=Lafayette- Kennedy&lc=9854&pid=179999492&uu id=75622b14-57e1-4f7e-8e95- 5a533096248b&locale=en_US Meeting Date: May 23, 2016 Place: Bill Jackson’s Outdoor Adventure 9501 US 19 N Pinellas Park, FL 33782 Time: 7:00 PM Program: Fossils The Fossil Guy Club Mailing Address: SRARC 6476 Fairway View Blvd. St. Petersburg, FL 33707

Suncoast Treasured Times - SRARC 0516.pdfengagement ring setting in the dirt in plain sight, probably uncovered by the rain. Along side the dirt area were more hedges and also a short

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Page 1: Suncoast Treasured Times - SRARC 0516.pdfengagement ring setting in the dirt in plain sight, probably uncovered by the rain. Along side the dirt area were more hedges and also a short

Suncoast Treasured Times

Suncoast Research & Recovery Club Newsletter

Website: Volume: 26 Issue: 5 Date: May, 2016

Hayes and Susan Kennedy

It is with great sadness that we say

goodbye to a dear friend Hayes

Kennedy. Hayes has been a member of

SRARC longer than most of us. Always

supporting and participating in every

event that took place. He would never

miss an opportunity to encourage or

show his apprieciation for everything

that anyone did.

You can follow the link below to the

Sylvan Abby website for the obituary

and details on arrangements.







Date: May 23, 2016 Place: Bill Jackson’s Outdoor Adventure 9501 US 19 N Pinellas Park, FL 33782

Time: 7:00 PM Program: Fossils The Fossil Guy

Club Mailing Address: SRARC

6476 Fairway View Blvd. St. Petersburg, FL 33707

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Elected Officers and Board

President: Tom Jones 415-7968 Vice Pres.: Joe Szemer 345-3937 Secretary: Suzi Jones 560-8550 Treasurer: Gerri Adams 374-8165 Board Member: Jim Adams 374-8165 Board Member: Stan Flack 421-9293 Board Member: Paul Hill 776-5455 Board Member: Mike Miller (941) 722-2198 Board Member: Mark Prue (813) 390-6944 Newsletter Editor: Tom Jones 415-7968 Email: [email protected] Webmaster: Mike Miller (941) 722-2198 Email: [email protected] Competition: Chris & Georgia Duerden Library: Tom Killian 343-2041 Refreshments: Joe Montione 727-785-8624 Hunts & Raffle: Joe Szemer 345-3937 Ambassador: Jay Ganz (941) 423-0351


Birthday Ambassador

Joe Szemer

Judy Parker Alex Hatzilias

James Pincus Edward Osmar

Emily Seymour Jerry Zadar

Stan Flack Barbara Kober

Mike Kennedy Bob Stalker

Coming Events:

May 23rd Regular May Meeting

June 27th Regular June Meeting

Meeting Minutes

April 25, 2016

The meeting was called to order at


The program was about Old Fort

Brooke which is now downtown Tampa.

Paul Lien started with a 5 minute

powerpoint introduction then Ross

Lemieux did a full presentation about

the fort from its origin till present

day. Showing the overlay of original

maps and recent maps of downtown


Phil Myers displayed his collection of

items from the early days of the fort.

Break was taken at 8:00

The meeting was called back to order

at 8:15pm.

The treasurer's report was given by

Gerri Adams.The winners of the

competition table were announced and

the raffle washeld .Meeting was

adjourned at 8:45 pm.

The Club Coin Clues

Have been posted on

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Hayes Kennedy in Memory

By: Tom Jones

Hayes and his wife Susan would always

seem to make it out to almost every

club function we ever had. Just like the

picture above, he was attending the Ft

De Soto Picnic & Fun Hunt. Pictured

above is Hayes wearing his green

sweater to commemorate the first

year that he had not gone to the

Masters Golf Tournament in Augusta,

GA. He told me that he had tickets for

Augusta but since the Picnic was on the

same weekend he stayed home to


Hayes never missed a chance to

compliment myself and the board

members for all the work we did

putting on any event. He showed his

heart-felt thanks every time.

I remember several stories that he

would share with me from time to time

and would like to share a couple of

those with you.

One time while out at Ft De Soto he

and I were standing looking out to the

Skyway. He told me of when he was a

small child in diapers his parents

packed up for a long trip. They started

out in Clearwater by car and went

south as far as they could go then

loaded the family and the car on a ship

for a long voyage at sea. The ship

landed in Manatee County and they

drove on down to Bradenton. After

spending some time there they started

the long voyage back home. You have to

remember that he was born at Morton

Plant Hospital in Clearwater in 1929. At

that time there were no bridges across

the bay but there was a ferry boat.

While the club was hunting the

property of the grade school Hayes

went to as a child he was showing us all

a picture of his 5th grade class of 9 or

10 kids and naming off the other kids

with names like McMullen, Keene,

Taylor, Anderson and so on. Names

that you find on highways and parks

throughout Pinellas County.

Hayes was a great friend and person.

He will be missed by all of us. Our

hearts go out to Susan, Mike, Debbie

and the rest of their family that Hayes

was so proud of.

“Hold that thought Hayes, we’ll

continue when I get there.”

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Lost & Found

Joe and his wife were on Pass-A-Grille

Beach the day before they had to leave

and go back home. While in about 3’ of

water Joe noticed that his tungsten

wedding band had fallen off. The next

day he contacted SRARC and

scheduled a hunt for the ring. Stan

Flack and Chris Duerden met him and

his wife at the beach at six o’clock and

started hunting for

the ring. Ten minutes

later the ring was

found and just in

time. Joe and his

wife had to leave for

the airport to fly home within the next

fifteen minutes.

Tom Jones and Mike

Amy was in town visiting her sister’s

family at their beach house on

Clearwater Beach. On Wednesday

night she remembered taking her

engagement ring off when she went to

bed and did not remember putting it

back on Thursday morning even though

her mother had seen it on her finger

while visiting on Thursday. That night

Amy realized that the ring was missing.

The whole family searched everywhere

on the property and could not find the

ring. The even brought all the trash

back in and went through it.

Amy had to leave the following morning

but once she got home she found

SRARC and called Tom pleading for

help. It seemed to Tom like a wild

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goose chase but he agreed to come out

and search the yard if for no other

reason but to disprove the chance that

it could be in the yard around the pool.

Tom arrived and met Amy’s Brother in

Law Mike. He immediately went to work

with his detector and pin pointer

searching the gravel area around the

pool with no luck. He then went outside

the yard and started searching the

area around the parking spot.

Eventually reaching the trash canister

as his detector was swinging over the

gravel near the trash the setting sun

bounced off something in the grass

just 4 feet from the

trash. It was Amy’s

diamond ring. At

that same time Mike

came out to Tom and

said, “No luck yet

hey?” Tom said “look right there” as he

had not even picked the ring up yet.

Mike called Amy to tell her the good

news. She answered and could not

believe that the ring had been found

and broke out into tears of Joy.

Anna Maria and her husband got into a

small argument one evening about a

month ago. Her husband decided to

leave the apartment for a while to let

things cool down. He made a last

comment as he was walking away and it

turned out to be the last straw for

Anna Maria. She took off her three

rings and threw them in his direction.

It was dark so she waited until the

next morning to look for them but had

no luck. Over the next month she kept

looking but never could find them. On

the day of their 4 year anniversary she

was feeling really sad about her lost

rings and she decided to see if she

could get some help. She googled lost

rings and up popped SRARC. She called

Mike and he tried to see if he could

schedule a hunt for later in the week

as it was raining cats and dogs. She

really wanted to see if they could be

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found on her anniversary day and really

wanted someone to come right away.

Mike headed out thinking he was going

to get soaked but couldn't turn her

down. When he arrived the rain had

stopped but Anna Maria was gone so he

called her and got the location where

she thought the rings (3) would be. It

was in an area that was almost all

hedge. He worked over the tops and

underneath after shaking each bush.

He moved away from the initial area

and instantly eyeballed the

engagement ring setting in the dirt in

plain sight, probably uncovered by the

rain. Along side the dirt area were

more hedges and also a short strip of

grass. After working over the hedges,

he started on the grass.

In a few moments the

promise claddagh ring

showed up hidden under

the grass. Further searching sadly did

not uncover the lost wedding ring.

What fun it was to return two of her

rings and see the smiles on Anna Maria,

her husband, and her mothers faces.

Mike will be returning tomorrow to

spend a little more time to see if he can

find the remaining missing ring. SRARC

would like to wish Anna Maria and her

husband a very happy anniversary. Two

out of Three is not bad!!!!!!!!

Javan and his wife were spending some

time at Clearwater Beach after their

wedding that day. They had played in

the hotel pool for a while then got out

and walked to the sandy beach and sat

down on the lounge chairs to warm up.

Javan's new wife had her wedding ring

set in her hand and when they decided

to get up and go into the gulf she slide

them back onto her finger.

They walked a few steps into the water

and it felt so good they sat down,

leaned back and let the water wash

over them. Later they went deeper into

the gulf and just enjoyed each other

and the warm water. Later as they

emerged from the water they noticed

the wedding set was missing. They

looked everywhere but it was not to be


The next day Javan found SRARC

through The Ring Finders site and we

organized a hunt for that evening. Stan

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Flack, Bill Gallant, Ed Osmar, Celeste

Roles, and Mike Miller showed up and

met Javan at 6:30 pm. Javan explained

what had happened and where they had

been and we went to work searching

the water and the sand. After a couple

hours we all were losing hope when Bill

Gallant walks

over to Javan

and asks Javan

to look into his

scoop and

there it was.

Javan jumped

for joy and we

all joined in.

We didn't get to see the look on

Javan's wife's face

when he put the ring

on her finger for the

second time in two

days but I bet she

was all smiles.

We wish these two the best for their

future and are happy we could help

them. Bill you did a great service for

this couple and we congratulate you on

your success in finding the ring.

Good work Ringfinders team.

Thank you for your time and


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Suncoast Treasured Times

Suncoast Research & Recovery Club Official Newsletter

Dedicated to Research, Recovery And the Preservation of

Florida’s Historical Artifacts.

Treasure Hunters Code of Ethics I WILL respect private property and do no treasure hunting without the permission of the property owner.

I WILL appreciate and protect our heritage of natural resources, wildlife and private property.

I WILL fill all my excavations, remove and properly dispose of all trash that I find.

I WILL use thoughtfulness, consideration and courtesy at all times, leaving gates as I found them.

I WILL assist law enforcement and other government agencies or private citizens as needed.

I WILL NOT litter.

I WILL NOT destroy property, buildings, or what is left of ghost towns and deserted structures.

I WILL NOT tamper with signs, structural facilities or equipment.

SRARC 6476 Fairway View Blvd.

St. Petersburg, FL 33707