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Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 •Introduction to Abstraction. •(Pakistani artist) • Ahmad Pervaiz •What is Abstraction •Work of Ahmad Parvez

Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 Introduction to Abstraction. (Pakistani artist) Ahmad Pervaiz What is Abstraction Work of Ahmad Parvez.

Dec 28, 2015



Phoebe Sutton
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Page 1: Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 Introduction to Abstraction. (Pakistani artist) Ahmad Pervaiz What is Abstraction Work of Ahmad Parvez.

Summery ofLECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2•Introduction to Abstraction. •(Pakistani artist)• Ahmad Pervaiz•What is Abstraction•Work of Ahmad Parvez

Page 2: Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 Introduction to Abstraction. (Pakistani artist) Ahmad Pervaiz What is Abstraction Work of Ahmad Parvez.

LECTURE. 15. Unit. 3Elements and principals of Design Elements of Art and their importance. Line, shape, form, space, texture, Value and colour. Lines and what they do in Art. Types of lines. Vertical, horizontal, diagonal, zigzag and curved. line variation, length, width and texture

Page 3: Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 Introduction to Abstraction. (Pakistani artist) Ahmad Pervaiz What is Abstraction Work of Ahmad Parvez.

The elements of art are sort of like atoms in that both serve as "building blocks." You know that atoms combine and form other things. Sometimes they'll casually make a simple molecule, as when hydrogen and

oxygen form water (H2O). If hydrogen and oxygen take a more aggressive career path

and bring carbon along as a co-worker, together they might form something more

complex, like a molecule of sucrose (C12H22O11).

Page 4: Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 Introduction to Abstraction. (Pakistani artist) Ahmad Pervaiz What is Abstraction Work of Ahmad Parvez.

A similar activity happens when the elements of art are combined. Instead of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, etc., in art you've got:lineshapeformspacetexturevaluecolor

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Artists manipulate these seven elements, mix them in with principles of design and compose a piece of art. Not every work has every last one of these elements contained within it, but there are always at least two present.

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For example, a sculptor, by default, has to have both form and space in a sculpture, because these elements are three-dimensional. They can also be made to appear in two-dimensional works through the use of perspective and shading.

Page 7: Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 Introduction to Abstraction. (Pakistani artist) Ahmad Pervaiz What is Abstraction Work of Ahmad Parvez.

Art would be sunk without line, sometimes known as "a moving point." While line isn't something found in nature, it is absolutely essential as a concept to depicting objects and symbols, and defining shapes.

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Texture is another element, like form or space, that can be real (run your fingers over an Oriental rug, or hold an unglazed pot), created (think of van Gogh's lumpy, impasto-ed canvases) or implied (through clever use of shading).

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I will try not to leap up and down and pinwheel my arms in large, excited arcs over color, but, really -- it's often the whole point for us visual types. Show me a red spectrum, regardless of value (lightness or darkness), and my brain yells "Hallelujah!" Then, of course, there are all of those lovely, soothing blues... oh! And green -- he color of nature and the renewal of life. There have got to be at least 84,000 tints and tones of green. And, yellow! My goodness, I do love a sunny yellow. So personal choices are there according to the personality.

Page 10: Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 Introduction to Abstraction. (Pakistani artist) Ahmad Pervaiz What is Abstraction Work of Ahmad Parvez.

Why Are the Elements of Art Important?Right. The elements of art are important for several reasons. First, and most importantly, a person can't create art without utilizing at least a few of them. No elements, no art. And we wouldn't even be talking about any of this, would we?Secondly, knowing what the elements of art are enables us to (1) describe what an artist has done, (2) analyze what is going on in a particular piece and (3) communicate our thoughts and findings using

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a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made. Design" means the appearance of the whole or a part of a product resulting from the features of, in particular, the lines, contours, colour, shape, texture or materials of the product itself or its ornamentation.

Page 12: Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 Introduction to Abstraction. (Pakistani artist) Ahmad Pervaiz What is Abstraction Work of Ahmad Parvez.

Design is the creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object or a system (as in architectural blueprints, engineering drawings, business processes, circuit diagrams and sewing patterns). Design has different connotations in different fields. In some cases the direct construction of an object (as in pottery, engineering, management, cowboy coding and graphic design) is also considered to be design.More formally design has been defined as follows.

Page 13: Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 Introduction to Abstraction. (Pakistani artist) Ahmad Pervaiz What is Abstraction Work of Ahmad Parvez.

Another definition for design is a roadmap or a strategic approach for someone to achieve a unique expectation. It defines the specifications, plans, parameters, costs, activities, processes and how and what to do within legal, political, social, environmental, safety and economic constraints in achieving that objective.Here, a "specification" can be manifested as either a plan or a finished product, and "primitives" are the elements from which the design object is composed.

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The best designers sometimes disregard the principles of design. When they do so, however, there is usually some compensating merit attained at the cost of the violation. Unless you are certain of doing as well, it is best to abide by the principles.Design elements are the basic units of a painting, drawing, design or other visual piece and include:

Page 15: Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 Introduction to Abstraction. (Pakistani artist) Ahmad Pervaiz What is Abstraction Work of Ahmad Parvez.

ELEMENTS OF ART OR DESIGN:Design elements are the basic units of a painting, drawing, design or other visual piece and include:

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ColorColor can play a large role in the elements of design[Color star containing primary, secondary, and tertiary colors.Uses•Color can aid organization so develop a color strategy and stay consistent with those colors.•It can give emphasis to create a hierarchy and the piece of art

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AttributesHueValues and tints and shades of colors that are created by adding black to a color for a shade and white for a tint. Creating a tint or shade of color reduces the saturation.Saturation gives a color brightness or dullness.

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ShapeA shape is defined as an area that stands out from the space next to or around it due to a defined or implied boundary, or because of differences of value, color, or texture. All objects are composed of shapes and all other 'Elements of Design' are shapes in some way

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CategoriesMechanical Shapes or Geometric Shapes are the shapes that can be drawn using a ruler or compass. Mechanical shapes, whether simple or complex, produce a feeling of control or order.Organic Shapes are freehand drawn shapes that are complex and normally found in nature. Organic shapes produce a natural feel

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Types of texture•Tactile texture is the actual three-dimension feel of a surface that can be touched. •Painter can use impasto to build peaks and create texture•Visual texture is the illusion of the surfaces peaks and valleys, like the tree pictured. •Any texture shown in a photo is a visual texture, meaning the paper is smooth no matter

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how rough the image perceives it to be. Most textures have a natural touch but still seem to repeat a motif in some way. Regularly repeating a motif will result in a texture appearing as a pattern

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SpaceIn design, space is concerned with the area deep within the moment of designated design, the design will take place on. For a two-dimensional design space concerns creating the illusion of a third dimension on a flat surface: Overlap is the effect where objects appear to be on top of each other. This illusion makes the top element look closer to the observer. There is no way to determine the depth of the space, only the order of closeness.

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Shading adds gradation marks to make an object of a two-dimensional surface seem three-dimensional. •Highlight, Transitional Light, Core of the Shadow, Reflected Light, and Cast Shadow give an object a three-dimensional look. •Linear Perspective is the concept relating to how an object seems smaller the farther away it gets. •Atmospheric Perspective is based on how air acts as a filter to change the appearance of distance objects.

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FormForm is any three-dimensional object. Form can be measured, from top to bottom (height), side to side (width), and from back to front (depth). Form is also defined by light and dark. It can be defined by the presence of shadows on surfaces or faces of an object. There are two types of form, geometric (man-made) and natural (organic form). Form may be created by the combining of two or more shapes. It may be enhanced by tone, texture and color. It can be illustrated or constructed.

Page 25: Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 Introduction to Abstraction. (Pakistani artist) Ahmad Pervaiz What is Abstraction Work of Ahmad Parvez.

•Lines and what they do in Art.• Types of lines. Vertical, horizontal, diagonal, zigzag and curved.• line variation, length, width and texture.•If we want to define line, it can be simply defined as a path between two dots. Lines and curves are marks that span a distance between two points (or the path of a moving point). As an art element, line pertains to the use of various marks, outlines and implied lines in artwork and design. A line has a width, direction, and length. A line's width is sometimes called its "thickness". Lines are sometimes called "strokes", especially when referring to lines in digital artwork.

Page 26: Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 Introduction to Abstraction. (Pakistani artist) Ahmad Pervaiz What is Abstraction Work of Ahmad Parvez.

- A line is a basic element of art, referring to a continuous mark, made on a surface, by a moving point.A line is long relative to its width. It can define a space, create an outline or pattern, imply movement or texture and allude to mass or volume. Absolutely essential in creating art, the line.

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The Grammar of LinesA line is a dot out for a walk.—Paul Klee A line connects two points. It’s also the path made by a moving point. Lines can be thick or thin. They can be long or short. The can be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. They can be solid or dotted or dashed. Lines can be curved or straight of combinations of both. There’s an endless variety in what we think of as a line.

Page 28: Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 Introduction to Abstraction. (Pakistani artist) Ahmad Pervaiz What is Abstraction Work of Ahmad Parvez.

Lines can be literal or implied. Draw a series of 3, 4, or 5 points and your mind will fill in the line between them.Each of the different ways we draw or represent a line gives it unique characteristics. Thick lines convey a different meaning than thin lines. A curved lines send a different message than a sharp straight line.

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Types of linesThere are several types of lines defined by their use.Contour lines are used to define edges. The create boundaries around or inside an object. Most lines you encounter are contour lines. In web design these could be the borders you add around an object or group of objectsDividing lines can also define edges, but what distinguishes them from contour lines is they divide space. The lines between columns of text are dividing lines as are the lines separating menu items.

Page 30: Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 Introduction to Abstraction. (Pakistani artist) Ahmad Pervaiz What is Abstraction Work of Ahmad Parvez.

•Decoration lines are used to embellish an object. •Cross-hatching is an example of using decoration• lines to add shading and form to an object.• The line beneath liked text is a decorative line •as are the lines used tocreate a floral background image •Gesture lines are quick and rough continuous• lines used to capture form and movement. •They are generally used when studying the• shape and motion •of the human form. You likely won’t use •gesture lines (based on the technical• definition) in a web design, but you could certainly •create patterns of lines to •signify motion or build up a form

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The Meaning of Different Kinds of LinesAs I mentioned above there are a lot of different ways we can describe a given line and each gives a line unique characteristics. What do these characteristics mean and what do they communicate?

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Thin lines are fragile. They appear easy to break or knock over. They suggest frailty and convey an elegant quality. They are delicate and give off an ephemeral air. Thick lines on the other hand appear difficult to break. They suggest strength and give emphasis to nearby elements. Thick lines are bold and make a statement.

Page 33: Summery of LECTURE. 14. UNIT. 2 Introduction to Abstraction. (Pakistani artist) Ahmad Pervaiz What is Abstraction Work of Ahmad Parvez.

Horizontal lines are parallel to the horizon (hence the name). They look like they’re lying down, at rest, asleep. They suggest calm and quiet, a relaxed comfort.Horizontal lines can’t fall over. They accentuate width. They’re stable and secure. The convey an absence of conflict, a restful peace. Horizontal lines by their connection to the horizon are associated with earth bound things and idea.

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Vertical lines are perpendicular to the horizon. They are filled with potential energy that could be released if they were to fall over. Vertical lines are strong and rigid. They can suggest stability, especially when thicker. Vertical lines accentuate height and convey a lack of movement, which is usually seen as horizontal.They stretch from the earth to the heavens and are often connected with religious feelings. Their tallness and formality may give the impression of dignity.

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Diagonal lines are unbalanced. They are filled with restless and uncontrolled energy. They can appear to be either rising or falling and convey action and motion. Their kinetic energy and apparent movement create tension and excitement. Diagonal lines are more dramatic than either horizontal or vertical lines.Diagonal lines can also appear solid and unmoving if they are holding something up or at rest against a vertical line or plane.

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Curved lines are softer than straight lines. They sweep and turn gracefully between end points. They are less definite and predictable than straight lines. They bend, they change direction. Curved lines express fluid movement. They can be calm or dynamic depending on how much they curve. The less active the curve the calmer the feeling.

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Zigzag lines are a combination of diagonal lines that connect at points. They take on the dynamic and high energy characteristics of diagonal lines. They create excitement and intense movement. They convey confusion and nervousness as they change direction quickly and frequently. They can imply danger and destruction as they break down.

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Line PatternsA series of lines form a pattern. These line patterns convey meaning in addition to the meaning of the individual lines.

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Parallel lines of uniform width and spacing create a static and orderly effect. It doesn’t matter if the lines are horizontal or vertical or diagonal. Even in curved lines the repetition creates order, however one more dynamic than straight lines. Not too how the series of curved lines while mostly static, still creates a sense of movement.

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By varying the spacing between lines of equal thickness we can convey motion. When the spacing between lines of the same thickness is random we get a dynamic effect with little order. When we vary both spacing and thickness the effect becomes more chaotic and disorderly.Patterns of lines can be built up to create shading and texture. Value can be controlled through use of line. Lines can be combined to form shapes. Lines can be made up of type or any shape placed one after the other.