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LESSON SNAPSHOT SUMMER VACATION : THE BEACH BOTTOM LINE: We need to love Jesus above everything else on Earth. OBJECTIVE: Kids will learn why Jesus deserves our love. KEY PASSAGE: John 21:1-14. Jesus appears to the disciples on the beach. MEMORY VERSE: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” Colossians 3:23 SUMMARY: Where does everyone race to in the summer? To the beach, where the sand is warm, the water is refreshing, and the sun is bright. Peter made a mad dash for the beach too - when he saw Jesus on the beach from his boat. There is nothing and no one more precious than Jesus, and we need to be just as eager to embrace him. SIMPLE PRAYER: Dear God, Thank you for Jesus and for his amazing love. Help us to keep Jesus first in our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen


Dec 17, 2015



The Beach - Where does everyone race to in the summer? To the beach, where the sand is warm, the water is refreshing, and the sun is bright. Peter made a mad dash for the beach too - when he saw Jesus on the beach from his boat. There is nothing and no one more precious than Jesus, and we need to be just as eager to embrace him.

Scripture: Jesus on the beach when the disciples were fishing after the resurrection.
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    BOTTOM LINE: We need to love Jesus above everything else on Earth.

    OBJECTIVE: Kids will learn why Jesus deserves our love. KEY PASSAGE: John 21:1-14. Jesus appears to the disciples on the beach. MEMORY VERSE: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Colossians 3:23

    SUMMARY: Where does everyone race to in the summer? To the beach, where the sand is warm, the water is refreshing, and the sun is bright. Peter made a mad dash for the beach too - when he saw Jesus on the beach from his boat. There is nothing and no one more precious than Jesus, and we need to be just as eager to embrace him. SIMPLE PRAYER: Dear God,

    Thank you for Jesus and for his amazing love. Help us to keep Jesus first in our lives.

    In Jesus name, Amen



    Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Colossians 3:23 (NIV)

    Work at everything you do with all your heart. Work as if you were working for the Lord, not for human masters. Colossians 3:23 (NIrV)

    LARGE GROUP: Divide the room into girls and boys. Have the boys read it aloud, then have the girls read it aloud. Who can read the loudest?

    SMALL GROUP: Give each kid 1 word of the memory verse. They have to remember their word and then they all have to stand up and line up in order, so that when they say their word from left to right they will have said the entire memory verse.



    Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Colossians 3:23 (NIV)

    Work at everything you do with all your heart. Work as if you were working for the Lord, not for human masters. Colossians 3:23 (NIrV)

    LARGE GROUP: Divide the room into girls and boys. Have the boys read it aloud, then have the girls read it aloud. Who can read the loudest?

    SMALL GROUP: Give each kid 1 word of the memory verse. They have to remember their word and then they all have to stand up and line up in order, so that when they say their word from left to right they will have said the entire memory verse.




    ITEMS NEEDED: T-shirts (see script)Bible


    CHARACTERS: Annette- A surfer girlGoofball- A beach bumThe Big Kahuna- A surf king

    Annette and Goofball enter. Both wear shirts that say BIG KAHUNA.

    ANNETTE: I cant believe it! Its surfing season already!

    GOOFBALL: I know!

    ANNETTE: All the surf kings will be headed back to the beach!

    GOOFBALL: I know!

    ANNETTE: And the greatest surf king of them all will be coming here to our beach!

    GOOFBALL: I know!

    ANNETTE: And whats that surfers name?

    GOOFBALL: I dont know.

  • SKIT


    ANNETTE: What do you mean you dont know?

    GOOFBALL: I think I mean, I dont know.

    ANNETTE: You dont remember the name of your hero?

    GOOFBALL: Superman?

    ANNETTE: I mean your surf hero! The surf king who rules this beach!

    GOOFBALL: I know his name starts with a capital. Lets see...

    ANNETTE: Concentrate!

    GOOFBALL: No, thats not it. Thats the name on my orange juice.

    ANNETTE: Its on your shirt.

    GOOFBALL: My orange juice?

    ANNETTE: No, the name!

    GOOFBALL: Oh yeah!

    Goofball holds out his shirt, looks down at it - upside down.

    GOOFBALL: I cant read!

    ANNETTE: Yes you can.

    GOOFBALL: Its written in some strange surf language.

    ANNETTE: Its Kahuna!

    GOOFBALL: Are you sure? Looks like Spanish to me.

    ANNETTE: No, Kahuna! The Big Kahuna, thats our surf king!

    GOOFBALL: Oh yeah!

    ANNETTE: I think I hear him coming now. Get ready, Goofball. Here he is!

    The Big Kahuna enters, carrying a Bible.

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    ANNETTE: What do you mean you dont know?

    GOOFBALL: I think I mean, I dont know.

    ANNETTE: You dont remember the name of your hero?

    GOOFBALL: Superman?

    ANNETTE: I mean your surf hero! The surf king who rules this beach!

    GOOFBALL: I know his name starts with a capital. Lets see...

    ANNETTE: Concentrate!

    GOOFBALL: No, thats not it. Thats the name on my orange juice.

    ANNETTE: Its on your shirt.

    GOOFBALL: My orange juice?

    ANNETTE: No, the name!

    GOOFBALL: Oh yeah!

    Goofball holds out his shirt, looks down at it - upside down.

    GOOFBALL: I cant read!

    ANNETTE: Yes you can.

    GOOFBALL: Its written in some strange surf language.

    ANNETTE: Its Kahuna!

    GOOFBALL: Are you sure? Looks like Spanish to me.

    ANNETTE: No, Kahuna! The Big Kahuna, thats our surf king!

    GOOFBALL: Oh yeah!

    ANNETTE: I think I hear him coming now. Get ready, Goofball. Here he is!

    The Big Kahuna enters, carrying a Bible.



    KAHUNA: Aloha, my friends! How are you?

    GOOFBALL: Its the Big Concentrate!

    ANNETTE: Kahuna!

    GOOFBALL: Oh yeah!

    KAHUNA: Its great to see you guys. But what are you doing here?

    ANNETTE: Are you kidding? Its the first day of surf season!

    GOOFBALL: The best day of the year!

    ANNETTE: And theres nowhere wed rather be than right here on the beach watching you hang ten!

    GOOFBALL: Say, Kahuna, thats a funny looking board you go there.

    KAHUNA: (holds up his Bible) What, this?

    ANNETTE: Is that a boogie board?

    GOOFBALL: No, silly! Thats his new board! Kahuna is so awesome, he doesnt need a big one!

    KAHUNA: Its not a surf board, Goofball.

    GOOFBALL: You were right, Annette, its a boogie board.

    KAHUNA: Its a Bible.

    GOOFBALL: Whoa! You can surf on a Bible?

    ANNETTE: Of course he can!

    KAHUNA: Guys, its Sunday. And on Sunday, the one place I want to be is with my Savior.

    GOOFBALL: Your shaver?

    KAHUNA: Savior, Goofball.

  • SKIT


    ANNETTE: You mean Jesus!

    KAHUNA: Thats right, Annette! Jesus is Gods son, who died for my sins. I love him more than anything.

    GOOFBALL: Even surfing??

    KAHUNA: Even surfing.

    ANNETTE: Goodness, Kahuna, in all our excitement, I forgot it was Sunday. I feel so ashamed.

    KAHUNA: No need to feel ashamed, Annette. Im headed to church in my sweet wagon right now. You guys wanna go?

    ANNETTE: Of course!

    GOOFBALL: Yeah, man, that sounds like fun!

    KAHUNA: Well what are we waiting for? The beach can wait. Lets go to church!

    They start to exit.

    GOOFBALL: Oh boy! I hope the preacher talks about surfing.

    ANNETTE: Theres no surfing in the Bible?

    GOOFBALL: Oh no? You never heard of the book of Dude-eronomy?




    ITEMS NEEDED: A movie ticket stub

    How many of you have a few of these at home? Do any of you collect these? Whats the last movie you saw?

    Using the info on the stub, tell the kids what movie you saw. Tell them what the the-ater, screening room, date and time were. If you remember, tell them what snacks you bought too!

    We all know movies never start on time. The lights dim at the time on the marquee, but what do they show us first? Commercials, and previews of other movies. It may be 15-20 minutes before the movie actually starts. But you know what? Were still there on time, and if its a big release, we get there even earlier.

    How many of us can say that about church on Sunday?

    Its not easy getting up on Sunday, especially in the summer. But Sunday is one time we have a chance to run after whats most important - Jesus. Like a beach bum eager to get some sun and surf some waves, we need to head for the beach and run to Jesus - figuratively speaking, of course.

    God loves you. He loved you so much, he died for your sins. He wants to be your friend, your leader, your guide. It all starts when we toss everything else aside and run to Jesus.




    ITEMS NEEDED: 2 Large beach towelsBeach ballTape

    INSTRUCTIONS: Use the tape to split your stage/playing area in two. Mark sidelines as well to indicate an out-of-bounds area.

    Choose two teams of four. Each team will hold a beach blanket, one person on each corner. Choose one team at random to serve.

    Teams will play volleyball with the ball and blankets, tossing the ball over the line to-ward the other team. The other team must catch the ball and return it within 3 seconds of catching it.

    Points are awarded if the ball goes out of bounds, hits the ground, fails to cross the dividing line, or if the other team is unable to return in time.

    Play to 3 or 5 points, depending on the time you have allotted for the game.

    VARIATION: You can also use a volleyball net to divide the playing area, or use a large sheet in place of the beach towels.

    WHATS THE POINT? The most important person we can meet at the beach this summer, or anywhere we go, is Jesus.




    ITEMS NEEDED: 2 Large beach towelsBeach ballTape

    INSTRUCTIONS: Use the tape to split your stage/playing area in two. Mark sidelines as well to indicate an out-of-bounds area.

    Choose two teams of four. Each team will hold a beach blanket, one person on each corner. Choose one team at random to serve.

    Teams will play volleyball with the ball and blankets, tossing the ball over the line to-ward the other team. The other team must catch the ball and return it within 3 seconds of catching it.

    Points are awarded if the ball goes out of bounds, hits the ground, fails to cross the dividing line, or if the other team is unable to return in time.

    Play to 3 or 5 points, depending on the time you have allotted for the game.

    VARIATION: You can also use a volleyball net to divide the playing area, or use a large sheet in place of the beach towels.

    WHATS THE POINT? The most important person we can meet at the beach this summer, or anywhere we go, is Jesus.



    BOTTOM LINE: We need to love Jesus above everything else on Earth.

    OBJECTIVE: Kids will learn why Jesus deserves our love. KEY PASSAGE: John 21:1-14. Jesus appears to the disciples on the beach. INTROWhen school lets out at the end of the year, its time for kids and their families to have fun! People cant wait to enjoy their favorite summer time activities. They wait for it all year long. They plan for it, save for it, and make the most of it.

    For some people, the best part of summer is the movies. Summer is when the big blockbusters hit the theater - Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, Star Wars, Star Trek. If its big, loud, and full of special effects, youll find people lined up around the block waiting to see it.

    For other people, summers a time to relax. They spend time in the pool, or out back on a hammock. They read book after book, they sip lemonade, and they take it easy. Probably not too many of you look forward to a summer like that, but Ill bet some of your parents wish you did!

    Summertime means trips to the fair, to amusement parks, to the zoo, and other outdoor places. Theyre all fun places to visit and get some sun, but for many people, they all pale in comparison to the one location best associated with summer - the beach!

    How many of you have been to a beach before? Beaches are a world of fun because theres so much you can do. Moms and Dads get to take it easy on their blankets with their books. Kids can have fun playing in the water, collecting sea shells, and building sandcastles.



    Older kids get out and enjoy the water by surfing, bodyboarding, and even water skiing.

    When the school bell rings and summer starts, people cant wait to get to the beach. They load up the car in advance with swimsuits, beach balls, lounge chairs, umbrellas, and sunscreen, then make a mad dash for the coast. Doesnt matter if its the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, or another country, theres no place like the beach.

    Todays Bible story takes place on a beach. In fact its a story about a man who could not WAIT to get to the beach. But the man in our story, Peter, wasnt looking to surf or swim or build sandcastles. There was someone on the beach he wanted to be with very much.

    READ JOHN 21:1-14

    MAIN POINTThis story takes place after the death and resurrection of Jesus. Peter was a fishermen, as were several of his fellow disciples, and on this particular day, they decided to go out and fish - just as they were fishing the day they met Jesus.

    Suddenly, they hear a man on the beach calling out to them. They couldnt tell who he was, being so far out on the water, but when he suggested they toss their nets on the other side of the boat, they did. Their net was soon filled to overflowing with fish! That was all the evidence Peter needed; he knew the man on the shore was Jesus, and he dove straight into the water.

    Isnt it amazing the things well dive after? Well beg and plead with our parents to take us to a cool movie. Well pack our bags days ahead for a trip to the beach. But I bet it we were honest, most of us had trouble getting up this morning and getting dressed to go to church.

    Most people dont race to church. They dont come in full of energy and excitement. They look at going to church as a chore, as an obligation to be done and gotten over with. Thats a far cry from what we see Peter doing in this passage. But Peter reminds us that we need to love Jesus more than anything.

    DRIVE IT HOMEWhen we chase after Jesus, we get to be with the one who loves us most. Jesus proved his love for his disciples and for us by dying for our sins. God became man and took the sins of the world upon himself so we would not have to suffer eternal separa-tion from the Lord.



    Older kids get out and enjoy the water by surfing, bodyboarding, and even water skiing.

    When the school bell rings and summer starts, people cant wait to get to the beach. They load up the car in advance with swimsuits, beach balls, lounge chairs, umbrellas, and sunscreen, then make a mad dash for the coast. Doesnt matter if its the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, or another country, theres no place like the beach.

    Todays Bible story takes place on a beach. In fact its a story about a man who could not WAIT to get to the beach. But the man in our story, Peter, wasnt looking to surf or swim or build sandcastles. There was someone on the beach he wanted to be with very much.

    READ JOHN 21:1-14

    MAIN POINTThis story takes place after the death and resurrection of Jesus. Peter was a fishermen, as were several of his fellow disciples, and on this particular day, they decided to go out and fish - just as they were fishing the day they met Jesus.

    Suddenly, they hear a man on the beach calling out to them. They couldnt tell who he was, being so far out on the water, but when he suggested they toss their nets on the other side of the boat, they did. Their net was soon filled to overflowing with fish! That was all the evidence Peter needed; he knew the man on the shore was Jesus, and he dove straight into the water.

    Isnt it amazing the things well dive after? Well beg and plead with our parents to take us to a cool movie. Well pack our bags days ahead for a trip to the beach. But I bet it we were honest, most of us had trouble getting up this morning and getting dressed to go to church.

    Most people dont race to church. They dont come in full of energy and excitement. They look at going to church as a chore, as an obligation to be done and gotten over with. Thats a far cry from what we see Peter doing in this passage. But Peter reminds us that we need to love Jesus more than anything.

    DRIVE IT HOMEWhen we chase after Jesus, we get to be with the one who loves us most. Jesus proved his love for his disciples and for us by dying for our sins. God became man and took the sins of the world upon himself so we would not have to suffer eternal separa-tion from the Lord.



    When we chase after Jesus, we also find direction for our life. The disciples were drift-ing in the water. They were fishing in the wrong spot. But Jesus set them right. Cast your nets on the other side, he said, and they hit the jackpot.

    Jesus has a plan for your life. He knows you and he knows your gifts better than any-one. Hes the one who gave you your gifts to begin with. Jesus wants to make us fish-ers of men and lead others into a relationship with him, and when we chase after Jesus, hell set us on the right path.

    Finally, when we chase after Jesus, miracles happen. The miraculous catch of fish was not the first miracle the disciples had witnessed. Thats one reason why Peter knew, without a doubt, who was standing on the beach that day. Jesus fed 5000 people with one little boys lunch. He gave sight to the blind, cured lepers, and raised the dead. Nothing was impossible for Jesus because he is God. And nothing is impossible for us when we chase after Jesus either.

    Its so sad that so many people arent excited about Jesus. Jesus loves us so much, he left his throne in Heaven and came to Earth to save us from our sins so we could have a relationship with him. Why wouldnt we want to be with Jesus more than anything else in the world? When we follow Jesus, he will give us direction. Miracles will happen. And we will know the greatest love we will ever know.

    Next Sunday, when its time to go to church, remember the story of Peter. Remember what Jesus did for you. Then dive into your day, ready and eager to be united with Christ. He will never, ever disappoint you!


    Thank you for Jesus and for his amazing love. Help us to keep Jesus first in our lives.

    In Jesus name, Amen



    ICEBREAKERWhats your favorite thing to do at the beach?

    MEMORY VERSE ACTIVITYColossians 3:23Give each kid 1 word of the memory verse. They have to remember their word and then they all have to stand up and line up in order, so that when they say their word from left to right they will have said the entire memory verse.

    SMALL GROUP GAME/ACTIVITYPlay some surf music and have a beach party dance contest.


    What were the disciples doing when Jesus arrived on the beach?

    How many fish did they catch before Jesus arrived?

    How did Peter know that it was Jesus on the shore?

    How long did it take you to get ready for church this morning?

    Why do we need to put Jesus first in our lives?

    SIMPLE PRAYERDear God,Forgive us for not putting you first. Forgive us for not having the fire and passion we should for your love. Give us that passion, and direct our steps so you can do miracles in our lives. In Jesus name, Amen



    ICEBREAKERWhats your favorite thing to do at the beach?

    MEMORY VERSE ACTIVITYColossians 3:23Give each kid 1 word of the memory verse. They have to remember their word and then they all have to stand up and line up in order, so that when they say their word from left to right they will have said the entire memory verse.

    SMALL GROUP GAME/ACTIVITYPlay some surf music and have a beach party dance contest.


    What were the disciples doing when Jesus arrived on the beach?

    How many fish did they catch before Jesus arrived?

    How did Peter know that it was Jesus on the shore?

    How long did it take you to get ready for church this morning?

    Why do we need to put Jesus first in our lives?

    SIMPLE PRAYERDear God,Forgive us for not putting you first. Forgive us for not having the fire and passion we should for your love. Give us that passion, and direct our steps so you can do miracles in our lives. In Jesus name, Amen



    ICEBREAKERWhats your favorite thing to do at the beach?

    MEMORY VERSE ACTIVITYColossians 3:23Give each kid 1 word of the memory verse. They have to remember their word and then they all have to stand up and line up in order, so that when they say their word from left to right they will have said the entire memory verse.

    SMALL GROUP GAME/ACTIVITYHave the kids act out todays Bible story.


    How many fish did they catch before Jesus arrived?

    How did Peter know that it was Jesus on the shore?

    How long did it take you to get ready for church this morning?

    Why do we need to put Jesus first in our lives?

    What are some of the blessings Jesus has given you and your family?

    SIMPLE PRAYERDear God,Forgive us for not putting you first. Forgive us for not having the fire and passion we should for your love. Give us that passion, and direct our steps so you can do miracles in our lives. In Jesus name, Amen



    1. When Jesus went down to the beach he found the disciples A.camping.* C.eating.

    2. Jesus told the disciples toA.cast their nets on the other side of the boat.*B.quit fishing. C.become fishers of men.

    3. When the disciples cast their net on the other side of the boatA.they didnt catch any fish. B.they caught more fish than they could haul into the boat.*C.they lost their net.

    4. When Peter saw Jesus on the shore, heA.jumped in and swam to Him.* B.ducked down and hid. C.broke into song.

    5. We need to make JesusA.first on Sunday. B.first when we need something. C.first in our lives, all the time.*



    1. When Jesus went down to the beach he found the disciples A.camping.* C.eating.

    2. Jesus told the disciples toA.cast their nets on the other side of the boat.*B.quit fishing. C.become fishers of men.

    3. When the disciples cast their net on the other side of the boatA.they didnt catch any fish. B.they caught more fish than they could haul into the boat.*C.they lost their net.

    4. When Peter saw Jesus on the shore, heA.jumped in and swam to Him.* B.ducked down and hid. C.broke into song.

    5. We need to make JesusA.first on Sunday. B.first when we need something. C.first in our lives, all the time.*

    5 Simple Ways You Can Make This Lesson Stick With Your Kids



    IN THE CAR:Ask your child what they learned about this week on the drive home:Today we talked about the beach, the place where Jesus met his disciples after his resurrection. When Peter saw Jesus, he leaped out of the boat and swam to him. Thats the kind of passion we need to have for Jesus, making him first in our lives. John 21:1-14, Jesus appears to the disciples on the beach. HANGING OUT:Make this weeks lesson real:Encourage your kids to not only be excited about going to church, but to treasure the chance to spend time alone with God this week. Be sure to set a good example for them to follow. AT DINNER:Here are some great discussion starters:- How did the disciples recognize Jesus on the beach?

    - What did Peter do when he saw it was Jesus?

    - What are some of the things Jesus has done for us?

    AT BEDTIME:Quiz your child on this weeks memory verse:Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Colossians 3:23 PARENT TIME:What you need to know: If you are enthusiastic about Jesus, your children will be too. Ask God to give you the fire and the passion Peter had so your kids will follow suit.

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    Whatever you do, w

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    Whatever you do, w

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    Whatever you do, w

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    orking for the Lord, not for hum

    an masters. Colossians 3:23 (N




    Items needed: Sea shellsPaperConstruction paperCrayons or colored pencilsScissorsGlue

    Have the kids recreate the story using the art materials. Kids can trace sea shells to draw and color or cut out and glue onto their paper to create their beach scene.