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Grove News Summer 2005
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Page 1: Summer 2005

Grove NewsSummer 2005

Page 2: Summer 2005

Board ChairJock Fleming '74

Past ChairMarilynn Booth

Cindy Atkinson-Barnett

David Bignell

Gerry Bird

Walter Blackwell '56

Gordon Blake

Rob Bourgeois

Scott Campbell

Brian Carter

Andrew Clarke '85

Janet Cudney '94

John (Jack) Curtin

Peter Dalglish

Peter Dunn '62

Andrew Durnford '85

Ann Farlow

Bill Gastle '68

Bruce Gibson

Kenneth Gill

Cynthia Gordon

Janice Green

Jennifer Gruer

Terry Guest

David Hadden

Chris Hadfield

Steven Harris

Goodith Heeney

John K. Hepburn '68

Howard Hickman '60

His Royal Highness

Tim Hyde '76

James Hyslop '85

Alan Ingram

Warren Jones '88

Angie Killoran

Howard Kitchen

Janet Lafortune

Nicholas Lewis '77

James (Kim) Little '53

Laleah Macintosh

John (Bubs) Macrae '33

Kevin Malone '77

Jeffrey Marshall

James Matthews '58

Scott McCain

John McRae '70

Val McRae

Michael Eatson '83

Betty Morris

Bill Morris '70

Mike Morris '05

Christopher Ondaatje

Travis Price '85

Tony Pullen '63

Kathleen Ramsay

Douglas Rishor '57

Diane Rogers

Gretchen Ross

John Ryder '77

Thomas Ryder '53

John Schumacher

Maureen Sinden

Nancy Smith

Scott Smith '87

Simon Spivey

David Thompson

Ann Tottenham

Jessie Vouk '05

Dr. Tim Ward '62

Chris White '90

Terry Windrem

* Directors in bold

Trustees 2004-2005

Cover Photo: Adrian Lyttle and Will Loyd take the plunge after their last exam in June, a longstanding tradition for LCS Graduating Seniors

Calendar of Events 2005-2006For details please refer to our school calendar at, click NEWS

September November April

21 Gr 7/8 Parent Reception 10 Grove Society Luncheon 13 Grove Society Meeting Grove Society Luncheon

23 Gr 9 Parent Reception Gr 11 Parent Reception

18 Career Day

December 20 Victoria Pub Night

24 Fall Fair/Home to the GroveReunion Gr 10 Parent Reception Gr 12 Parent Reception



Grove Society ChristmasMeeting & Luncheon

21 Vancouver Pub Night

Ptbo. Pub Night (NEW) May

January 5 Class Reps Workshop, TorontoToronto Pub Night25 Home to the Grove Reunion 19 Montreal Pub Night

October February 13 Trustees' Meeting

6 London UK Dinner 1 Grove Society BusinessLuncheon & Guest Speaker

26 Grove Society AGM

7 Grove Society MeetingGrove Society LuncheonLondon UK Pub Night

27 Regatta Day

3 Kingston Pub Night June

9 Ptbo. Parent Reception 6 Grove Society Pot LuckLuncheon13 Halifax Pub Night 11 Alumni/ae Hockey Festival

29 Trustees' Meeting/Dinner 16 Toronto Parent Reception 15 Grade 8 Graduation Dinner

November 17 London, ON Pub Night 17 Closing Grade 12 Graduation Dinner3 Grove Gathering Dinner 18/19 Alumni/ae Ski Trip

10 Guelph/Waterloo Pub NightGrove Society Meeting

26 - Mar 4 Parent/Alumni Dogsledding 22 Grove Golf Tournament

The Duke of York '78

Page 3: Summer 2005


Belinda Schubert ’99On the recommendation of Bruce McMahon, who

teaches history at the Grove, I recently read the

runaway best-seller Eats, Shoots and Leaves by

Lynne Truss. In it, stories like that of a man who

was “hanged on a comma,” accompany a review of

key concepts in punctuation.

The aspect of Eats, Shoots and Leaves that made the

most difference to my perspective of the world (yes,

the world!) is the idea that, once mastered, punctu-

ation becomes a personal thing—an element of the

individual's style rather than a rule. It can be an

extension of the personality into the text and part

of the artistry of the written word: Once you know

the rules, you can go ahead and break them.

This reminded me of Lakefield. At the Grove, we

learn of the way the world works so that we recog-

nize opportunities for innovation. We are prepared

not just with the tools it takes to initiate change,

but also with the character and confidence to

overcome failures that are part of success, and

follow through with our ideas.

The stories in this issue of the Grove News testify to

this theme: from David Hadden, who is bringing

greater depth to his role as Head of School, to Jim

Harris '80, who marries corporate strategy with

environmental protection. The school itself shows a

tradition of innovation: the Outdoor Education

Program is redefining the classroom; British Alumni

Travelling Scholarship recipients are given the

means to spend a year exploring the world; and

teacher Libby Dalrymple has started a community

service project in Honduras.

It is no wonder, with the scope of the Lakefield

education, that the members of this year's gradu-

ating class show the auspices of great success. We

look forward to the day when they come “home to

the Grove” like the Old Boys featured on page 25.

Belinda Schubert ’99 is a freelance writer and editor.

She graduated from Princeton University in June

2003 with a degree in English Literature.


Page 4: Summer 2005

Head of School, David Hadden

Excerpts from his Closing Chapel Speech to Students

and Staff, June 10, 2005

Recently, I received a letter from an alumna of

Lakefield who graduated just over ten years ago. I

remember her well; in particular I recall her

delightful impishness, asking me one day, when I

was eating a hamburger at a barbecue just outside

the dining hall, if it was good. “Of course,” I replied,

“Absolutely delicious!” Without pause, with a big

grin, she reached across my plate, grabbed the

burger off my plate, brought it up to her mouth and

took a big bite, happily replaced it, and said, “You're

right” and trotted off. That's how I most fondly

remember Melissa.

It is the following excerpt from Melissa's letter that

really captured my attention:

“I had also wanted to tell you about how my life has

gone the last while. You see, I thought that being a

good person, a Christian, and a friend to others,

guaranteed me a perfect life. Unfortunately, this is

not true. Boy, was I naïve! The last two and a half

years have proved to me that even ones we love can

hurt us. On top of all the other stuff, my dad died

suddenly last year while dog sledding. You

presented such a rosy picture of life in your farewell

Chapel speech and I figured it would be like that for

me. Somehow, even through the tough times,

happy things do happen.”

Motivated by Melissa's words, it would be my hope

to help safeguard our graduates from having unreal-

istic expectations about what lies before them. The

fact is, bad things do happen to good people. There

are no guarantees in life. “Being a good person and

a friend to others” offers no assurances.

The attitude you choose to assume, when

confronted by setbacks and disappointments, will

have an enormous impact upon the quality of lives

you enjoy and the degree to which you permit

yourselves to lead happy and fulfilling lives.


Page 5: Summer 2005


It is an important message, and no one conveyed it

more poignantly than Charlie Bierk [Co-Head

Student] when he observed of his father's recent


“I had not only lost my dad, but my best friend and

my hero... Throughout this entire experience, I

learned a valuable lesson about losing a loved one

at such a young age and that it is that you will be

happy again... I'm not saying this for anyone's pity,

only to encourage everyone listening to appreciate

the people in your life. If anything, I have learned

just how precious life can be and how incredibly

beautiful it can be at the same time.”

Despite facing such a serious loss, Charlie assumed

an attitude that helped him to place his loss in a

context that does not rob him of the many beautiful

things life has to offer.

Graduates, it would be my hope that you face life's

realities expecting losses and obstacles along the

way. I am not suggesting that you become

pessimists. On the contrary—although you will be

well served by viewing your lives through a lens of

realistic expectations—you must also raise your

sights and see life in terms of its highest possibili-


Of all of the aspects in which I take pride about

Lakefield, nothing is more inspiring for me than the

commitment that Lakefield students make to

community service.

Remarkably, this year, 43 of you have participated

in international community service projects.

Together, you have amassed over 10,000 hours of

community service.

I believe that Ms. Dalrymple best summarized the

rationale for the Grove's commitment to service

when she concluded her Chapel talk about the

Round Square project she initiated, Flor Azul, in

Honduras. She stated:

“Now that I am back, I find myself showing the

symptoms of an illness that afflicts those of us who

live in this part of the world. I call it “affluenza”

and I don't like it... I don't want to walk around

feeling guilty for what I have been born into but I

do have to stop and ask myself: “O.K., I live this

privileged life, so what am I going to do with it?” I

have been born into this situation. I didn't earn it

because I am nicer, smarter, more hard-working, or

talented than anyone else. I am not ENTITLED to

what I have simply by virtue of my birth right. I

am part of the group of haves and have mores. Most

of us in North America are. What we have to

remember is that this comes with a certain respon-


It is a responsibility I hope all of you will take

seriously during the course of your lifetimes.

Beyond viewing service to others as a responsibility,

it would be my hope, as a result of your time at

Lakefield, that you have begun to understand that

happiness comes most of all from caring more

about others than you care about yourselves.

Anjie Ober made this observation when she

recounted her Kenyan experience:

“For the Kenyans I knew, giving had an entirely

different meaning. These girls who had hardly

anything found ways to give all of us at least a

necklace or more. We had so much—they had so

little—yet they were the ones giving all they could.

That's giving... To me, good giving comes straight

from the heart with the purest of intentions.”

As you depart tomorrow, may you do so with an

attitude to approach your lives with realistic expec-

tations about the ups and downs you will inevitably

encounter and may you find much personal happi-

ness in giving to others, and in all of your daily


Opposite: David Hadden and students during ClosingCeremonies, June 2005

Page 6: Summer 2005


From his Closing Address, June 11, 2005

As a parent and as an alumnus of the school, I have

many, many fond memories, but some of them

didn't always start that way. I can remember one


Back when I was at school in the ’70s, we had a

thing called “Penalty Drill.” “PD” involved running

down to the quarry a couple of miles down the

highway and coming back, usually in the wee hours

of the morning.

During some parts of the year many of us found

ourselves getting into pretty good shape... lots of


The penalty would be for being late or not being

dressed appropriately for class or something like


The only way the seniors would know you actually

went down to the quarry was to bring back a piece

of quarry stone. So as we were running down there

once, we thought, wouldn't it be a good idea if we

brought back two quarry stones because next

time—and there always was a next time—we could

just leave it around the corner and could sit there

for twenty minutes or so and hobble on back.

Needless to say, we did that quite successfully.

When I was here the other day, I was wandering

around, reminiscing about some of the events at

the school and some of the good times we had. I

went to that spot where we had stored some of

these quarry stones and sure enough, we had stock-

piled enough that we had some spares—either that

or I was of much better behaviour and didn't have

to use all the quarry stones that we had originally

brought back.

The point of my story isn’t so much that the

Chairman of the Board spent a lot of time running

down to the quarry, or that we should celebrate the

ingenuity of the students at the Grove in the ’70s.

Rather, to you, as graduating students, there are so

many events and things that affect your time here

at Lakefield and whether it is sitting in the “Grove”

talking to some friends under a tree, playing on the

rugby field, or sailing on the lake, these are all part

of the foundation that makes you what you are. It is

this base, that when you come back to the school

next year, in two years, five years, or in my case,

thirty years… I hope that you will have the time to

reflect on those experiences… because it is the

foundation of what you are today.

We are very fortunate at Lakefield, we have great

leadership. David Hadden, his management staff,

and faculty all do an exceptional job, many times

going way beyond the call of duty. We couldn't do

what we do without the huge support of the volun-

teers: the parents, past parents, friends, alumni/ae

and those who serve on the Grove Society helping

to connect the whole Grove family; the Trustees—70

plus—who come here twice a year to provide

guidance and wisdom to the Board; my fellow

Board Members who work tirelessly fulfilling the

mission of the school and making sure we adhere to

its core values. I thank all of you, but particularly

you, the students who give so much to the school,

and you, the graduating class. Lakefield has given a

lot to you and you have given a lot back to it. I

hope as you go on to your next adventures that you

continue on in this spirit of giving.

Jock Fleming ‘74, Chair, Board of Directors

Opposite (bottom left): Jock Fleming ’74 and students duringClosing Ceremonies, June 2005

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As a former staff member of LCS, I just received the

latest volume of the Grove News and the accompa-

nying Advancement Office brochure. Congrat-

ulations for having produced documents of such

outstanding quality. They really do reflect the

strength and essence of the Grove, a school and

community for which my wife, Judy, and I continue

to hold such passion.

We see and visit with some of our LCS friends here

in Vancouver, and share some fond memories of


Well done and thanks for keeping us “in the loop.”

Dr. Stephan Grasmuck

Deputy Headmaster, St. George's School (Vancouver)

It occurs to me that the thank you and handshake

outside of David’s office on Saturday afternoon falls

far short to expressing properly the gratitude I feel

for the wonderful day... arranged for the Geritol

Brigade, and while I know that this wasn't by any

means the purpose of the exercise, the day brought

home to a least one original opponent of co-educa-

tion at Lakefield, the error of his (my!) ways. A new,

great school has been created and—as successful,

busy and happily thriving a place as it is—it is

wonderful to see, as we did, that no one who ever

attended it is forgotten.

Finally, I want to comment on the Chapel service,

and here I can only speak for those of us who were

students at the school during the war, not those men

who were overseas fighting it. We have the most

vivid memories of announcements by Mr. Smith of

Old Boys, not much older than ourselves, killed or

wounded and this sad information was only

dispensed in the Chapel. Your reference therefore to

the sensitive way the present students remember

their predecessors on November 11th, was to me

moving beyond any words of mine to express.

Again... thank you and everyone at the school who

made April 23, 2005 the unforgettable day that it


John Easson '49

What a wonderful experience that reunion for pre-

1950 Old Boys was. I thought it would be difficult to

match the pleasure of a few drinks and dinner with

old friends on Friday afternoon and evening at the

village, but the reception we received at the school

on Saturday topped that.

Lakefield is certainly different from my time there;

many changes for the better without seemingly

losing the essentials which made the Grove so

special in our day. Tori [Woodward] was the senior

girl who led our group tour of the school. What a

credit to you all she was—knowledgeable about

places, programs, and traditions, yet extremely

patient with old guys tripping down memory lane.

I was particularly impressed with the school's

theatre and music programs, and by the superb

theatre, band, and instrument practice rooms. I'm

married to a gal who taught piano for 30 years, so I

fully appreciate the major role that music should

play in the education of a well-rounded person.

The chapel service at the end of the program, as you

could see, evoked some very deep emotions. Chapel

was such a focal point for so many of us at Lakefield,

particularly those of us who were thrown amongst

strangers into a completely new routine—a routine

which wasn't always as friendly as it might have

been for a young new boy.

We all appreciated the coffee'n'muffins at the begin-

ning of the day, the super luncheon you offered at

your home, and most of all, the personal attention

you gave to us during this wonderful reunion.

Peter Ward ’48


Page 9: Summer 2005

Head Students’ Closing Address, June 11, 2005 2

Student Awards—Closing Ceremonies June 11, 2005 4

School News 6

LCS Leads Round Square Service Project in Honduras 8

Kinesiology, Recreation, and Fitness Leadership—Otherwise Known as O.E. 10

Endowment, the Lakefield College School Foundation, and the Evolving Role of the Head 12

Associate Head of School Richard Life 14

Advancing the School—Grove Style 16

Good Corporate Citizenship 17

Buckley’s Lake, John “Bubs” Macrae ’33 18

The British Alumni Travelling Scholarship: Celebrating 25 Years 20

A Call for Participation in the LCS Mentor Program, Warren Jones ’88 22

Events 25

The Second-Best Way to Spend Christmas, David Ingram ’96 26

Changing the World, One Project at a Time—A Profile on Dawn Danby ’96 28

Green and Loving It, Malcolm Johnston ’02 30

Class News 32

In Our Memories 37

In this Issue

Editor: Tracey Blodgett; Layout & Design and Copy Editor: Christine Vogel; Contributing Editor: Belinda Schubert ‘99; Editorial Committee: Jeanne Armstrong, Heather Avery, David Hadden, Richard Johnston, RichardLife, Sarah McMahon, Tom Milburn. Contributing Photographer: Simon Spivey. Please address correspondence tothe Communications and Constituent Relations Office: Lakefield College School, Lakefield, ON, K0L 2H0705.652.3324 [email protected]

Page 10: Summer 2005


Leala Wong ’05Over the past four years, I have witnessed everyone

around me grow so much that I cannot ignore the

same for myself. I consider this place to be a safe

haven that all of us can share regardless of our age

and grade. It is no question that the people here are

the essence of Lakefield College School. The

nurturing and caring nature of all the staff

members is a unique quality that only the Grove

possesses. Thank you to the staff for lavishing your

kindness and spirit upon us. Thank you to our

parents for making this immense sacrifice so that

we can experience something so extraordinary.

Someone once told me that a leader steps up to the

challenge. They told me that a real leader strives to

do a great job and motivates others to do an

awesome one. To the graduating class of 2006, it is

our wish for you to step up to the challenge and

lead the school to new heights. It is our wish that

you will exceed any expectations that the staff, your

parents, and we have for you. I have faith that your

class as a whole is capable of conquering unthink-

able feats and overcoming any obstacle with

tenacity and perseverance.

If I could offer the grad class of 2006 any piece of

advice I would offer you this: try not to get too

caught up in the commotion of it all and lose sight

of where we are. Do not forget that your time at

Lakefield is getting shorter and shorter. After you

conquer opening day, after you conquer the

Algonquin Expedition, and after the many hours of

organization that you put into events at this school,

take time to enjoy the sunset from Matthew's Hill,

that extra five minutes in a canoe, or that “one

more” basketball game with your friends. These

moments are often taken for granted so I urge you

to treasure them.

Now it is our time to say farewell to Lakefield

College School. As a graduating senior, I ask myself,

“Did I do all that I should?” So I reflect on this year.

I reflect on the amazing events that our grade has

pulled together. I remember how our senior class

united within the first week. I think about all the

old traditions that we've brought back and the new

ones we've started. Then I realize that every grad

seated before me has made such a difference here

at Lakefield. We have done everything we could and

it's time to move on. It's our last chance to all be

together under this tent and it's our last chance to

understand exactly how this feels. So let us cherish

this once in a lifetime moment before it slips away.

Head Students’ Closing Address—June 2005

Pictured below and opposite: Head Students, Leala Wong andCharlie Bierk, exemplifying the Grove Spirit.

Page 11: Summer 2005


Charlie Bierk ’05“Now that we can do anything, what will we do?”

These are the words of the extraordinary designer

and thinker Bruce Mau.

For Bruce Mau, there are no limits to the imagina-

tion. Nothing is impossible. Mau's latest project is

to transform his hometown of Sudbury, Ontario

from the ugliest city in Canada into a beautiful

urban oasis worthy of the same respect and

devotion as Canadian landmarks such as Algonquin


Now that we can do anything, what will we do?

Here we are, graduating students, only moments

away from leaving this school armed with an

arsenal of possibilities; ready to take on the world.

We are 86 individuals who have had one of the most

privileged educations possible. We have been

exposed to the exceptional minds of our teachers

and mentors on a daily basis. We have had access to

tools and expertise that have cultivated our minds

and bodies both materially and intellectually. On

top of it all, this incredible opportunity has been

handed to us in the midst of a gorgeous campus

and environment.

Now that we can do anything, what will we do?

This is both an exciting and terrifying thought. The

question of where to begin is one that might daunt

many of us. But everything we take from this place

into the world is intended to help us make a differ-

ence, a difference that might be revolutionary or a

difference that might be conventional. What is

important is that we don't let these opportunities

go to waste. We must take what we have learned

and run with it.

So why am I saying this? What is this speech about?

I want to challenge my fellow classmates, but I also

want to challenge each and every one of you—

students, parents, teachers, everyone under this

tent—to imagine the impossible: take risks, make

mistakes, and be passionate, in work, in play, and

in life. The world needs every one of us.

Now that we can do anything, what will we do?

Maybe the idea of a beautiful Sudbury is not so far

fetched after all.

I challenge you to change the world.

Page 12: Summer 2005

Student Awards—June 11, 2005

Academic Proficiency Standing

Top of FormGrade 7 Stephanie Worsfold

Grade 8 Zoe Edwards

Grade 9 Max Lafortune

Grade 10 Mathew MacLean

Grade 11 Torie Patterson

Governor General’s MedalYiYi Huang

Gold House Points MedalHilary Bird

Hilary Coburn

Rachel Honig

Jon Life

Katie Uhlmann

EnglishGrade 7/8 Arts & Languages Prize: Zoe Edwards

The Dela Fosse Prize (Junior): Max Lafortune

Intermediate English Prize: Sara Cooper

The Language and Literature Prize: Emily Ames

The English Writers Craft Prize: Jacqueline Sawatsky

I. Norman Smith Prize for

English Studies in Literature: Mishal Verjee

Fine Arts Hubert Eisdell Award (Junior): Jenny Lee

Intermediate Fine Arts Prize: Lindsay Joseph

Fine Arts

The Drama Prize: Brent Petticrew

The David Bierk Visual Arts Prize: Charlie Bierk

The Music Prize: Daniel Walsh

Modern Languages Junior Modern Languages Prize: Josh Pascoe

Intermediate Modern Languages Prize: Bianca Bell

The Core French Prize: Torie Patterson

The Extended French Prize: Davina Gauthier

HRH Prince of Asturias

Spanish Prize: Adriella Gauthier


Arts and Languages

Rachel Honig accepts an award from The Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada Archbishop Andrew Hutchison

Page 13: Summer 2005

Mathematics, Science and Technology

Mathematics Grade 7/8 Mathematics, Science and Technology Prize: Morgan Bignell

Paterson Prize (Junior): Kevin Kim

Intermediate Mathematics Prize: Justin Chan

Larry Griffiths Prize for Geometry and Discrete Mathematics: Cindy Xu

Professor M. Mackenzie Prize for Advanced Functions & Calculus: Torie Patterson

The Mathematics of Data Management Prize: YiYi Huang

Science and Technology A.W. Mackenzie Environmental Award (Junior): Dominique Murray

Intermediate Science and Technology Prize: Karen Chan

Mrs. A.W. Mackenzie Natural History Prize for Biology: Nathan Cragg

The Computer and Information Science Prize: Simon DeNure

The Chemistry Prize: Cindy Xu

The Physics Prize: Connie Xu

The Earth and Space Science Prize: Gereon Rotering

The Communications Technology Prize: Fiona McNestry

The McLimont Scholarship for Engineering and Applied Science: Simon DeNure

Social SciencesGrade 7 & 8 Social Sciences Prize: Victoria Campbell

T.H.B. Symons Canadian Studies Prize (Junior): Mathew MacLean

The American History Prize: Kate Foster

Susan Guest Outdoor Education Prize: Laura Ratcliffe

The Senior Canadian History Prize: Tory Sloan

The Economics Prize: Candy Lau

The World History Prize: Katie Richardson Arnould

The Canadian and International Law Prize: Alix Morse

The World Issues Prize: Corey Dean

The Gaby Award: Lauren Cole

The Harman Award: Sushil Chanana

The Junior Grove Society Prize: Andrew Carr

The Fred Page Higgins Award: Vanika Chawla

Junior Edson Pease Prize: Emily Freistatter

The Jean Ketchum Prize: Mathew MacLean

The Stephen Thompson Prize: Hilary Bird

The Senior Grove Society Prize: Hilary Coburn

The Milligan Awards: Arielle Dalle, Nathan Cragg

The King Constantine Medal: Martin Cayouette

The Crombie Award: Quinn Richardson

Senior Edson Pease Prize: Michael Petrosoniak

H.M. Silver Jubilee Award: Gemma Barker

The Nelles Prize: Katie Richardson Arnould

The J.R. Anderson Award: Emma Seager

John Pearman Martyn Sibbald Prize: Charlie Bierk

The Ondaatje Foundation Award: YiYi Huang

The Monty Bull Award: Laura Ratcliffe

The Jack Matthews

Humanitarian Award: Tom Ironstone

The Whitney Prize: Anjie Ober

Jean and Winder Smith Award: Katie Uhlmann

The Trustees’ Prize: Mackenzie Crawford

British Alumni Travelling Scholarship: Peter Stewart


Character and Achievement Awards

Page 14: Summer 2005


School News

Farewell to Bob GoebelThe name on his Ontario College of Teachers card

reads Robert Kenneth Goebel, but to hundreds, if not

thousands, of Lakefield students who have been both

educated and entertained in his math classes over the

years, he will always be “Bobby G.” Bob spent the first

fourteen years of his illustrious forty-two-year

teaching career at Trinity College School in Port Hope

before heading up to northern Ontario for five years

as a math teacher at Timmins High School. However,

he says it wasn't until he came to Lakefield in 1983

that he felt like he was truly at home. Bob credits his

students and colleagues, both past and present, with

making his twenty-two years at the Grove so

rewarding. The late Bob Armstrong was a particularly

influential friend and colleague, and Bobby G. fondly

recalls the first few years of his Lakefield career when

he and “Big Bob” coached U-16 football together and

also led the varsity hockey team to an ISAA champi-

onship. Although he has not coached the varsity team

for many years, (Little) Bob has served as “commis-

sioner” of the intramural SLASH hockey league for the

past several seasons, noting that unlike his NHL

counterpart, he has never had a lockout. Whether

he's enlightening students on the finer points of

calculus or regaling them with stories of his feline

companion, Herbie, Bobby G. has long been an

immensely popular faculty member at the Grove.

Although he will be missed in the classroom next year,

he plans to offer his services as a math tutor and vows

to continue running the school from the sidelines—

between golf rounds, of course.

Ten Lost YearsGraham Angus ’98

The Grove's spring dramatic production of Ten Lost

Years was successfully staged recently thanks to the

dedicated efforts of the cast and crew of LCS students

and faculty—and one hurriedly drafted alumnus.

Under the direction of Greg MacPherson and musical

direction of John Kraus, the cast adeptly performed

the challenging play depicting life during the Great

Depression interpreted by a series of dramatic

vignettes and musical pieces.

The staging of a dramatic production is an all-

consuming pursuit, and a stroke of bad luck can easily

undo months of dedication and hard work for the

dozens of people involved. On the day before the

scheduled opening of the play Brent Pettigrew—slated

to play a major role—became ill and was unable to

perform. Fortuitously, Adam Bishop ’04 agreed to

perform the role on extremely short notice and the

show, as they say, went on.

One person does not a cast make, of course. The

remaining seventeen members of the cast and their

crew deserve praise not only for their willingness to

tackle a rather extraordinarily difficult piece of art,

but also for their perseverance over the course of

several months. Misters MacPherson and Kraus are

particularly desirous to thank several students for

whom Ten Lost Years marks the end of long careers in

Page 15: Summer 2005


the performing arts at Lakefield. Gemma Barker,

Brett Thompson, and Katie Uhlmann have each

performed admirably in many Lakefield productions

and their contributions to the dramatic department

at the Grove will be missed next year.

Ten Lost Years was extremely well received by the

Lakefield community. Lakefield should consider itself

blessed that it possesses such a talented community

of students, alumni/ae, staff, families, and friends.

Community Achievement AwardGrade 12 student Jenna Habib was honoured with a

Calgary Community Achievement Award—Youth of

2004, specifically the Dr. Cooper H. Langford Award

for Excellence in Education in June 2005. The City

has presented the Calgary Awards—recognizing

deserving individuals, schools, corporations,

community groups and organizations—since 1994 to

honour members of the community who have made

significant contributions to improving the quality of

life for other Calgarians.

Literary Festival WinnersLCS students made a strong showing in the 2005

Lakefield Literary Festival's Young Writers Contest.

Hilary Bird came first in Senior Non-Fiction (for the

second year) with Genocide in Rwanda, and Peter

Stewart and Mishal Verjee were the two Senior Non-

Fiction Runners-up. In Senior Fiction, LCS's Emily

Ames was Runner-up for her story Closed In. Hilary

and the other first place winners were guests of

honour at the Lakefield Literary Festival Dinner in

July where they received their awards from

honourary LCS alumna Dr. Rosalind Barker.

The Lakefield Literary Festival has achieved distin-

guished notoriety in literary circles. A number of

Canada's leading writers are on the festival program

each year. This year's lineup included Order of

Canada recipients June Callwood and Jean Little;

Governor-General's Award winners Julie Johnston

and Robin Muller; Giller Prize nominees Ann-Marie

MacDonald and John Bemrose; and hosts included

Charlotte Gray and Noah Richler.

Hollingsworth Goes for GoldThe Canadian Junior Women's National Field Hockey

Team had a very successful March break, qualifying

for this year's World Cup to be hosted in Santiago,

Chile. Team Manager (and Head of Moodie House),

Amy Hollingsworth, has been invited to accompany

the team on the last leg of the World Cup journey.

Hollingsworth credits her success as manager to five

plus years living and mentoring young women in

residence at Lakefield College School, coupled with

her knowledge and love of the game. Amy tells us,

“It's such an amazing feeling to wear your national

team colours and hear your anthem played when the

team is introduced. It's such a privilege to work with

such a dynamic team of coaches, medical staff, and

athletes. Being asked to attend the World Cup is a

dream fulfilled.”

Opposite page: “Bobby G” Above (L-R): Olivia Saccuci, BrettThompson, and Tyler Bishop in Ten Lost Years

Hilary Bird, Senior Non-Fiction First Prize Winner.

Page 16: Summer 2005


LCS Leads Round Square Service Project in Honduras

This year Lakefield College School developed a new Round Square International Service Project in Honduras.

The project occurred during the March Break and brought together Team Leader Libby Dalrymple and fifteen

students from Lakefield, Appleby, St. Clement's, Gordonstoun, and Salem. They worked for two and a half

weeks and spent four days traveling throughout the rivers and rainforests of the remote La Moskitia area.

The project’s Honduran partner organization, Sociedad Amigos de los Niños (Friends of Children Society), is a

humanitarian, non-profit organization founded in 1966. The Round Square group was involved with their

most recent initiative, Flor Azul (a rural boarding school-type facility), which brings together thirty extremely

poor and under-privileged boys from various parts of the country. The goal of this year's project was to build a

dormitory to house twenty of the boys. Thanks to the students' energy and commitment, the project was a

tremendous success! Below are some of the memories they have to share.

Eirene KaklamanakisIt wasn't until we arrived at Flor Azul and shook

hands with the boys that we would be spending the

next two weeks with, that I knew this was going to be

an experience I would never forget. After meeting the

boys and introducing ourselves, we had a tour of

their campus and immediately I spotted a small

happy-looking donkey to my right and some

delicious looking sugar cane fields one kilometre

away. I decided to strike up a conversation with a

young boy named Josue, and asked if we could

sometime take a ride on the donkey to the cane

fields. Fifteen minutes later the donkey was ready

and I had to step onto a boulder in order to mount it.

This must have been a sight to see because it had all

the boys laughing. I had my first donkey ride and a

long stick of sugarcane to myself. It was amazing!

Laura BockingOne day I was on domestics and was sent to help

make tortillas. I found myself in a small kitchen with

dirt floors. There was a small Honduran woman on

my left and a bowl of tortilla dough on my right. My

job was to make balls out of the dough and then put

them into a press to be flattened out. The tortillas

were then handed to Anna on my left and with bare

hands she put them on the stove along with the

others… Anna would flip the tortillas until they were

cooked and then take them off, still with bare

hands... Her daily routine was to wake up at 3:00

a.m., make tortillas for her family at home, then walk

an hour to get to Flor Azul where she would make

tortillas, as well as do other domestic work. After she

was done, she would walk an hour back home, be in

bed by 9:00 p.m., and get up at 3:00 a.m. the next day

to do it all over again. Her story left me incredibly

dumbfounded. I couldn't believe that I was getting

impatient and bored of making tortillas; I had only

made four bowls and this woman had made six every

day of her entire life. I felt a huge amount of guilt,

not only because I had been born into a lifestyle

where everyday life was constantly changing and

where new opportunities were behind every door,

but more so because I wasn't appreciative enough of


Nick Schofield ’05We began work the first day we arrived at the Flor

Azul campus…The two head honchos, Antonio and

Hotche, showed us [how] to sift sand, mix mortar,

transport the mortar to the site, how much mortar to

apply, the proper way to place bricks, and how to

keep everything level and stable. About an hour into

work on the first day, Antonio knocked down his

group's wall because it wasn't done right. This

Page 17: Summer 2005

taught us to place every brick with complete preci-

sion, and make sure we were doing the job right the

first time… Something strange about all the work we

did at Flor Azul: we'll never see how useful it will be.

But, because of it, more kids will be admitted to the

program, which means fewer children will grow up

with the violent gang lifestyle that corrupts

Honduran cities.

Katie Uhlmann ’05One day while the group was at the Flor Azul

worksite/school for boys, we took a bit of a break

and went off on a hike into the mountains to a small

village… As we were walking into the schoolyard, I

can remember hearing the voices of children singing

coming from one of the buildings, which for some

reason sent shivers down my spine. I guess knowing

they had nothing to give to us in appreciation of our

coming except of themselves, and that they gave so

eagerly and openheartedly, really put the whole

situation in perspective… Even though there was

such a strong language barrier between most of us

and the children, there was just as much laughter as

if there had been no barrier at all. I noticed how so

many of the children had cavities, and one girl in

particular, had an ear infection which looked as if it

was eating her outer ear. However, it didn't matter—

playing Duck Duck Goose, the Hokey Pokey, and

What Time Is It Mr. Wolf, has never been so much

fun… I will never forget… the large generosity of the

Honduran people when they had so little to give.

Beth MulvaleAfter close to two weeks of hard work building the

dorm, we said a tearful goodbye to the boys of Flor

Azul and left for our adventure to La Moskitia…

Waking up on Easter Sunday deep in the jungle was

an unforgettable moment. Surrounded by the lush

trees, birds calling, and cockroaches playing Hide-

And-Go-Seek, we roused quickly. After breakfast, we

filled our daypacks and set out for a day like no

other. A half-hour walk was followed by another trip

upriver… As the river got much shallower further

inland, the motorized canoes could not be used.

Instead, we were moved up the river by poling. With

one guide at the back and two at the front we made

our way up river and sat in our canoes, impressed by

the strength of the guides who never seemed to tire.

It was an incredible three hours to the point at which

we began our hike. From there, we climbed uphill

for an hour, seeing amazing things all the way. A

snake that was next to invisible against a tree was a

highlight of this hike. As well, drinking purified

water straight from a vine was something new to all

of us… Going downriver was something none of us

could have expected. Our guide Jorge suggested we

all jump in the shallow, swiftly moving and, at times,

dangerous river. We were all excited for it. Though

painful at times, swimming down the Rio Plantano

was the best way we could have spent our Easter.


Below (L): Laura Bocking passes bricks to a Honduran workmate(R): The LCS group (L-R)—Nick Schofield, Eirene Kaklamanakis,Laura Bocking, Beth Mulvale, Katie Uhlmann, and LibbyDalrymple

Page 18: Summer 2005

Heather AveryDirector of Guidance & University Placement

It is a frigid April day, sleet is falling, and the

weather forecast predicts more of the same. You

have borrowed a wet suit, a helmet, and a PFD, and

are staring at the grey, swollen waters of the

Otonabee River. As you contemplate its force, the

teachers are saying that, yes, the water is cold, and

yes, everyone here will get wet. You remember what

the Grade 12s have told you—that this river rescue

operation is the best experience they have had at

LCS—and just for a moment, you doubt their sanity.

"In OE, you learn lots, but you forget that you

are learning." Kathryn Olsheski (Gr.11)

Welcome to the world of Grade 11 Outdoor

Education at the Grove. This course, which is

offered at the Grade 11 level but actually gives

students two Grade 12 credits—one of which can be

counted toward university entrance—is team-

taught by two dynamic and energetic young men:

Peter O'Grady and Peter Andras. Accumulated

between the two teachers is an impressive list of

outdoor education and trekking credentials, from

white water trips in the Smokey Mountains, to

hiking in the Spatsizi Plateau Wilderness area of BC,

to scuba diving throughout the Great Lakes, Mexico,

Belize, the Bahamas, Jamaica, and Cuba. Together,

and with the help of numerous other experienced

outdoor education enthusiasts, they have created a

course unlike any other offered in Ontario high


"The Grade 11 OE course is more than just

quadratic equations or nomenclature; it teaches

life skills, and it's a great time!"

Kathryn Olsheski (Gr.11)

This two-credit course skilfully blends two related

fields of knowledge: kinesiology, or the study of the

Kinesiology, Recreation, and Fitness LeadershipOtherwise Known as O.E.

Page 19: Summer 2005


human body in motion, and recreation and fitness

leadership. According to O'Grady, the two subjects

complement each other beautifully. Students first

learn about biomechanical principles in kinesi-

ology—for example, how the body works to move a

canoe paddle through water—and next apply those

principles in hands-on experiences: what happens

when we change the centre of gravity when we are

paddling? What about the line of gravity? How

about altering the force of application?

Learning continues as the students incorporate

their textbook knowledge and their hands-on

experience, and proceed to give instruction to

others (the Grade 7s and 8s, or a visiting class from

a local high school, for example) in a particular

skill, such as steering a canoe. Leadership skills are

honed as students plan for and reflect on each

experience the course offers. As one student

observed, there is nothing like a -27 degree Celsius

winter camping experience to teach the necessity of

proper planning for an expedition! Because so

much is demanded of students in terms of teaching

others and providing leadership, students must

have Grade 9 and Grade 10 OE, or equivalency, in

order to enroll in the course.

"I think the best classroom is one with no walls,

and for the better part of the year we had no

walls. We learned to be young leaders, how to

teach, how to counsel, and along the way we

were challenged to learn more of who we are...

Grade 11 OE was like extreme learning. It

challenged me and enabled me to grow. Actually

it is a key contributing factor to my entering a

second year of being a summer camp counsellor

and also why I am attending Queen's Con. Ed.

this fall. It made learning fun and made me

want to have an impact in a student's life the

way this course and especially its teacher (Mr.

O'Grady) had an impact on mine."

Anjie Ober ‘05

A key teaching tool for the teaching and leadership

aspect of the course is the ongoing journal

maintained by all students and teachers throughout

the year. This journal isn't the typical diary of

personal reflections; it is a toolkit with phone

numbers and websites, descriptions of planning for

course activities, debriefing about those activities,

and inspirational and motivational quotations.

Students are encouraged continually to use their

journals to think about the “transference question”:

can we apply what we have learned to other

circumstances? In this way, they develop leadership

skills useful not only when camping or paddling,

but in every aspect of their future lives.

"Every OE class is guaranteed to be fun and

interesting. This course allows you to build your

character and develop who you are as a person

and as a leader... I love knowing that for two

hours a day I get to go outside and learn

valuable things in a different environment."

Brooke Jan (Gr.11)

It is probably the final unit of the course, “Planning,

Preparing, Prevention, and Performing in

Challenging Situations,” that makes clear to

students that what they have been taught can

ultimately allow them to play a leadership role in

saving their own and others' lives. The river rescue

experience, during which students spend two days

in frigid spring-time water learning how to free

trapped canoes and move injured people safely in

white water, tests their textbook knowledge, their

ability to apply that knowledge, and their ability to

use the leadership skills they have acquired in team


River rescue may seem daunting, but after comple-

tion, as with many of the course activities, there is a

strong sense of pride in accomplishment. Moreover,

as current student Connie Xu puts it, “It was so

much fun playing in the water.” Learning, fun, and

lessons for life: Grade 11 OE in a nutshell.

This article is the first in a periodic series on innovative course offerings at LCS.

Page 20: Summer 2005

BackgroundThe past 20 years have seen dramatic changes in

Lakefield College School and in the challenges faced

by those who are in leadership roles. Nowhere is

this more evident than in the role of the Head of


Since 1985, LCS has increased its enrollment by 130

students, doubled its staff, changed its governance

structure to include 72 Trustees, and adopted a

comprehensive strategic planning process. At the

same time, Lakefield has realized that its future

depends on its ability to raise funds—a task in

which the Head of School plays an increasingly

important role. The scope and complexity of the

Head's role is changing dramatically.

In his 1999 sabbatical report, David Hadden raised

important questions about the need to grow

Lakefield's endowment if it is to maintain its

position as a leading independent school. In his

visits to Canadian and American schools, David

realized that a large endowment fund does not

necessarily guarantee a great school, but the

absence of one makes greatness very difficult to

achieve and sustain.

Why Endowment?Endowment is defined as “a permanent fund

bestowed upon an individual or institution, to be

used for a specific purpose.” The key word here is

“permanent,” in that the funds held in endowment

remain untouched and only the interest generated

by those funds is used for the purpose specified.

Since 1988, boarding fees at LCS have increased

significantly compared to the Consumer Price

Index. Increasingly, a Lakefield education is

becoming less accessible, even though the school is

now distributing more than $1.04M annually in

financial assistance to almost 30% of its student

population. With enrollment capped at 365

students and tuition fees approaching a price

threshold, Lakefield can no longer rely upon these

two traditional sources of revenue to advance the

school. Clearly, endowment is one of the most

important keys to Lakefield's future and to the

growth of bursaries and scholarships.

The extent to which LCS dedicates its resources

towards building endowment today will have a

profound impact upon the school's ability to deliver

its mission in the future, not only to raise accessi-

bility via increased financial assistance, but also to


Endowment, the Lakefield College School Foundation,and the Evolving Role of the Head

Page 21: Summer 2005


provide resources and programs to enable us to

compete with other leading independent schools.

An Expanded Mandate for the Lakefield College School Foundation

The current Lakefield College School Foundation

was founded in 1988. The Foundation's mandate

can be best described as “custodial” in nature: it

was created to hold and invest funds donated to the

school and to dispense these funds in accordance

with the wishes of the donor and the needs of the


Over the past 16 years, the LCS Foundation has

received gifts totaling $26.6M, with the majority of

those funds invested in the school's physical facili-

ties. The endowed portion of that total now stands

at approximately $12.7M.

On May 14, 2005, the Trustees of LCS approved a

motion presented by the Joint School/Foundation

Planning Committee to establish a new and

expanded role for the Lakefield College School

Foundation. The Foundation will become more

proactive in its function and will be responsible, in

addition to its current custodial functions, for all

fundraising activities, donor records/stewardship,

and strategic planning relating to fundraising and

endowment building. A new governance structure,

with up to 25 Trustees, will be established for the

Foundation and will include the school's major


A New Role for the Head of SchoolDavid Hadden, in addition to retaining his title of

Head of School, is now the CEO of the Foundation.

He assumes a dual role with both the school and

the Foundation and reports to the boards of both

organizations. He now divides his time between

the Foundation (40%) and the management of the

school (60%).

In order for David Hadden to make this transition,

certain functions that he performed have been

transferred to a newly created position of Associate

Head of School. Richard Life, who has been with

the school for 19 years (most recently as the

Assistant Head Program and Planning) has been

appointed to this position.

David Hadden, in his new dual role as CEO/Head,

has three staff reporting directly to him: Rudy

Massimo, Director of Advancement, directs the day-

to-day activities of the Foundation; Sandra Taylor,

Director of Finance, manages the financial affairs of

both organizations; and Richard Life, Associate

Head of School, oversees all school operations.

Under the new model, the current fundraising staff

in the Development Office become employees of

the Foundation and the Communications

Department splits its time and resources between

the two organizations.

One of the most important attributes of the new

structure is that the Head/CEO becomes the point

of intersection between the Foundation and the

school, ensuring, for continuity reasons, that the

interface resides within the management structure

rather than the volunteer structure.

With these modifications, the Head of School will

be able to spend:

more time with students, alumni/ae,

parents, staff, donors, and trustees;

more time on the development, alignment,

and integration of strategies for both organiza-


more time advancing the school and

ensuring its overall excellence; and

less time on administrative matters and

managing staff.

Congratulations to David Hadden on his evolving

role; we thank the Joint Planning Committee for its

tireless efforts researching, refining, and bringing

forward the proposal for the Foundation, and we

look forward to moving ahead with the implemen-

tation of this new structure in the best interests of

the school and its students.

Page 22: Summer 2005


At their Annual General Meeting

in May, the Grove Society

welcomed guest speaker, Richard

Life, who shared his background

with them as he takes on a new

role as Associate Head of School

at the Grove. Richard has been at

Lakefield for the past 19 years.

During that time, he has held

many roles: teacher; coach; Head

of House; Director of Admissions;

Director of Academics; Assistant

Head; and Acting Head of School

while David Hadden was on

sabbatical in 1999.

Richard explained that in his role

as Associate Head of School he

will provide administrative

leadership to the day-to-day

operations of the school, freeing

David Hadden to spend more

time with the school's

constituents: students, parents,

alumni/ae, and friends of the

school. He noted lightheartedly

that, when he came to Lakefield,

he “hitched his cart to the right

horse.” The “horse,” he

explained, was David Hadden—a

leader Richard was, and is,

pleased to follow and support.

Richard shared how his parents’

values shaped who he is today.

He noted with humour that his

mother was a devout Anglican

and his father “an equally devout

secular humanist.” So, said

Richard, today he is “a humanist

who deals with his guilt by

praying—just in case it can help.”

As to why he has often voted for

the Liberal party, Richard

explained that “my Dad was a

Conservative and my Mom was a

New Democrat—what else could

I do?”

Putting humour aside, Richard

credited his parents with

endowing him with three strong

values that inform his practice

today as an educator. His

parents taught him to love

knowledge, and to understand

that “there is no bliss in

ignorance.” His parents also

imbued in him a belief in the

importance of community

service; he was taught that,

whatever one did in life, it was

vitally important to give a

portion of one's time and money

to those in need.

Finally, Richard explained that

the greatest gift he received from

his parents was a deep faith in

the potential of each human

being. In practice this has led

Richard to believe that, while

behaviouralist psychology might

be effective for training mice and

dogs, love and trust are much

more appropriate tools to bring

to the education of young people.

“I start from a fundamental trust

in the value and good intentions

of each student,” said Richard,

“and everything moves forward

from there. Both my mother and

father believed in the power of

love—and it is that belief that

guides my work and life today.”

Associate Head of School Richard Life

Richard Life, Associate Head of School pictured here with Katie Goddard Duncan

Page 23: Summer 2005


A Call for Nominations:Lakefield College School Honorary Alumnus/a

Periodically, throughout the Grove's

recent history, individuals who are non-

alumni/ae but have committed

themselves as outstanding members of

the LCS community, have been awarded

the prestigious title of Honourary

Alumnus/a of Lakefield College School.

To date, a total of only twelve awards

have been bestowed (for a complete list

see below).

The Grove Society, LCS's volunteer

organization, would like to formalize the

process of nominating and selecting its

honorary alumni/ae. Therefore, we are

currently seeking nominations for

individuals who may qualify for this

award. Nominations for posthumous

awarding of this title will also be consid-


Eligibility CriteriaFaculty, staff, parents or long-standing

friends of Lakefield College School are

eligible for nomination.

The minimum term of involvement

required with LCS is as follows:

Faculty or staff—20 years

Chaplains—10 years

Heads of School—10 years

Chair of the Board of Directors—10 years

Others who have provided exceptional

dedication and service to the school may

be considered based on their term of

involvement and level of achievement in

support of LCS.

NominationThe deadline for nominations is October

15th. Nomination forms are available

from the Communications Office or at

the Grove Society web page accessed

from the alumni portal at:

Review CommitteeAn alumni/ae committee of the Grove

Society will review all applications.

AwardsThe title of Honorary Alumnus/a may be

awarded in the fall of each year at the

Grove Gathering Dinner or at Closing

Ceremonies in June. The award consists

of the presentation of an alumni/ae tie

or scarf, a letter from the Grove Society,

and a framed certificate. A maximum of

five awards may be presented annually.

Current Honorary Alumni/aeDr. Rosalind Barker

Neil Blair

Katie Brown

Brian Carter

Mike Chellew

Peter Dalglish

Terry Guest

David Hadden

Ted Ingram

Jeffrey Marshall

John Milligan

John Dunlop (deceased)

Page 24: Summer 2005


Advancing the School—Grove Style

Rudy Massimo, Director of Advancement

One of the many pleasures of working in the

Advancement Office is the time spent with our

Senior Students-in-Charge of Development, who

this year were Adrian Lyttle ’05 and Tori Woodward

’05. They assisted Theresa Butler-Porter with admin-

istrative functions associated with the Annual

Appeal and helped out with special event days.

Adrian and Tori experienced lots of activity in our

office and the excitement that comes with each new

project. Advancement is one of the many fields in

which seniors at Lakefield can take a leadership

role. Because the complexities of leadership are best

learned through experience, these positions give

each student, in his or her graduating year, the

opportunity to influence the quality of student life,

and often the future of the school. One of the goals

of the Advancement Office is to continue to advance

the school so students such as Adrian and Tori can

continue to have opportunities to enhance their

leadership experience.

The Advancement team has been working on

planning and raising funds to build an outdoor ice

surface for shinny hockey and recreational skating

on campus. Construction of the rink started in early

June. The existing tennis courts have been moved

and rebuilt near the rugby field to make room for

the new rink. Construction of this outdoor ice

surface was made possible by donations from John

Hepburn '68 and Tom Ryder '53. It is scheduled to

be completed in the fall in time to have a perfect ice

surface when the weather cools down. The chillers

for the ice will use energy-efficient technology.

LCS also formed a joint committee with the

Township of Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield to consider

building a new arena together in the Village of

Lakefield. The committee will explore the feasibility

of working together to fund and realize the

construction of a new community arena. The

current community arena is aging and will need

major renovation in the near future unless plans for

a new arena are realized.

Final plans for the building of the Student

Recreation Centre have been approved by

Lakefield's Master Campus Planning Committee and

the Student Recreation Centre Committee. At press

time, $3.5 million had been raised for this project

and the school continues to seek the support of

alumni/ae, parents, and friends. This will be a great

place for students to gather as it includes fireplaces

and common spaces overlooking the woods.

To mark the 25th Anniversary of the British Alumni

Travelling Scholarship, the school is raising funds to

be able to continue offering students this opportu-

nity. It is awarded annually to students who want to

spend a year travelling abroad, but could not other-

wise afford to do so. I encourage you to read the

BATS article on page 20.

We are on track for success in meeting our goals

outlined in the Five Year Plan and continue to focus

on two main areas; capital and endowment funding.

I would like to thank the many people who have

contributed to and supported the Grove this past

year. Your ongoing interest and commitment to

Lakefield is greatly appreciated.

Below (L-R): The Grove’s relocated tennis courts and anartist’s rendering of the new shinny rink.

Page 25: Summer 2005


“A good company delivers excellent products and

services, and a great company does all that and

strives to make the world a better place.”

William Ford Jr., Chairman, Ford Motor Co.

Anyone who has ever met Chris White ’90 recognizes

that, next to his family, Lakefield holds a very special

place in his heart.

Chris maintains a close association with the school

in a number of roles and has recently completed his

term as Past President of the Grove Society.

It is not unusual for Chris to jump into his car and

travel two hours to attend a Grove Society meeting,

or sacrifice two Saturdays a year to participate in

Trustees' Day, or spend precious evenings

connecting with his classmates as a Class Rep.

Chris does all this and more because he cares about

Lakefield and its future. Not only does Lakefield

value what Chris contributes to the Grove

Community, so does his employer, Royal &

SunAlliance. By volunteering 100 hours for Lakefield

each year, Chris is able to facilitate a $500 gift to the

school from his employer.

Corporations like Royal & SunAlliance play an

important role in building a culture of philanthropy

for their employees. According to Annie Stavridis,

Corporate Communications for Royal & SunAlliance,

“Keeping Canadians safe is our number one corpo-

rate citizenship focus… We understand that our

employees have causes they hold close to their heart.

Every day, our people are contributing to their

communities. Royal & SunAlliance supports their


Corporate social responsibility—corporate citizen-

ship—is simply defined as “a commitment to

improve community well-being through discre-

tionary business practices and contributions of

resources,” occurring when forward-thinking organ-

izations, both large and small, endeavour to be more

than merely cheque writers—identifying innovative

means to support the philanthropic passions of their


Currently, more than 8,400 companies in North

America offer volunteer time programs and/or

matching gifts as an attractive benefit for employees

to enhance staff relations and promoting broad-

based philanthropy.

Knowing that his employer will match his gifts to

Lakefield College School, Zack Kembar ’87 is able to

contribute to LCS's Outdoor Education program. The

matching gift from Goldman Sachs enables his gift to

go further. As Zack notes, “Goldman Sachs strongly

believes that education is a key factor in achieving

success. The firm stands behind this by offering our

employees a matching gift program that enables

them to contribute to their alma mater in

meaningful ways.”

Both Chris and Zack agree that what their employers

do to recognize their commitment to Lakefield is

valuable and enables them to enhance their support

of the school. By acknowledging their employees’

philanthropic interests, Royal & SunAlliance and

Goldman Sachs demonstrate respect for their

employees by supporting causes that mean the most

to them.

The Grove thanks Chris and Zack for being such

passionate supporters of LCS and to Royal &

SunAlliance and Goldman Sachs for leading the way

by inspiring and supporting a culture of philan-

thropy with their employees.

To see if your employer offers a matching gift or

volunteer recognition program, inquire at your

Human Resources Office or contact:

[email protected].

Good Corporate Citizenship

Page 26: Summer 2005


John "Bubs" Macrae '33From "Indoctrination: Random Reminiscences of an

Elder Old Boy," 2001

You have probably never heard of it; I will lead you

there. Drive approximately one mile down Hwy 134

to where the road climbs abruptly. There, on your

left, stands the red brick Leahy farmhouse and

barn, possibly with their large bus in the driveway.

The Leahy family is famous for having brought Irish

music and dance to North America about three

generations before Riverdance presented it on a

large scale. They cover the continent now and I

believe have been to Europe. Watch for them, they

are Lakefield's gift to excellent entertainment.

Now, focus on the valley beyond the Leahy's for the

next half mile of your drive and you will be looking

at Buckley's Lake. Yes, it looks like a marsh, but it

does have something of a lake in the middle of it.

By this time you will be crossing Sawer's Creek

which flows out of Buckley's and into the Otonabee


Buckley's became known when the Lakefield

Cement Company was formed after the First World

War. An ideal location for such an operation:

electricity was generated where the river bypasses

the locks, and precious clay, the main ingredient of

cement, was brought from the bottom of Buckley's

Lake. A small railway transported the clay to the

plant where it was processed with the help of a high

smoke stack which, along with an elevator, is just

about all that is left of the original works.

What they had at Buckley's was a large dredge

which lifted out the bottom of the lake, moving

backwards as it did so and creating the likeness of a

canal for the length of the lake where it would turn

around and make another canal parallel to the first

with about six feet of terra firma between the two.

In this manner several miles of “canal” were

created. At some point it must have been decided

that the quality of the clay was not good enough, so

they began blasting limestone on the west side of

Hwy 134 and the quarry was begun, along with a

new railway to carry the stone to a huge crusher at

the plant. Buckley's Lake was left for anyone who

wanted to use it.

Grove boys could use it. When football was over

and the cold weather arrived, we welcomed it with

visits to Buckley's to test the thickness of the ice,

and when this supported us we notified the staff

who would declare the hockey season open. The

parade was on as everyone with skates marched

across fields until they picked up the abandoned

railbed leading to the lake where hockey rinks a

mile long awaited. At several intervals boots were

placed as goals and age groups would form into

different games. Surely a hockey facility unequalled

anywhere, even in the famous canals of Holland or

the Rideau Canal in Ottawa. And we worked it hard

until the snow came to spoil it, and by this time the

Christmas Holidays were upon us. Buckley's: a pre-

Christmas gift of majestic proportions.

Buckley's Lake

Grove Boys circa 1930

Page 27: Summer 2005


Today Buckley's Lake is the private property of the

Canard Hunt Club (or some such name). Members

are those people who care mightily for game fowl—

to the extent of putting out tonnes of feed to keep

them healthy for the short hunting season. Former

staff member Dave Hodgetts tells of his selecting

candidates for the first Ondaatje Expedition by

(among other things) having them run heavily

laden to the top of Lynch's Rock before sunrise.

With first light a cloud of Canada geese took off

from Buckley's filling the sky so close overhead they

felt they could have touched them—an experience

as unforgettable as anything on the expedition


One no longer hears the pounding of the drill at the

stone quarry. They used to drill a line of holes

along the top of the cliff, fill them with dynamite

and blast another six feet off the face of the cliff.

The stone that fell was famous for its quantity of

fossils, prompting collectors to come from afar for

the harvest. The limestone that once paved the

entire quad in front of the school came from this

quarry and indeed was full of fossils. The pickings

are not so good now; what we need is another


Lakefield Cement Company was taken over by

Canada Cement Company in the 1920s, and when

the Great Depression set in it was the first plant to

be closed, because it was run by its own electricity

and could be closed by simply pulling a switch. So

the story goes, at any rate. When Nephton Mine

started near the top of Stony Lake the crude ore was

taken by barge to the defunct cement plant for

crushing into a fine powder and shipped from there

by train. Now Nephton has its own crusher and

spur railway line which keeps the main line from

near Havelock to Toronto busy each day.

That's Buckley's.

P.S. An interesting thing the Canard Gun Club

members have done at Buckley's is install a row of

houses on twenty-foot poles for wood ducks. These

ducks usually live in holes in a tree, the fascinating

thing being that they don't enter their dwellings as

a bird would, by landing on the doorway, then

stepping in. These ducks enter their hole in the

tree, or proffered box, at full flying speed, and

somehow put on the brakes when they get inside.

Only recently have naturalists captured evidence on

film of how the wood duck manages, and he of

course does it just as you would expect: he makes a

half backwards somersault so that his feet land on

the back wall. It's an extremely quick revolution. I

wonder how they teach it to their kids!

Some members of the club have built themselves

what I choose to call “Adult Huts,” like the ones we

built in our day at The Grove, only a bit more

civilized. Theirs are larger, look the same on the

outside, but inside they have real furniture and cast

iron cooking stoves. Gilly and I were invited to one

once by parents of a Grove boy; the place was as

snug as it could be and the steaks were delicious.

Page 28: Summer 2005


Few students in North America

can boast of having lived and

worked in London, helped the

poor in India, or volunteered in

Kenya. Yet every year the British

Alumni Travelling Scholarship has

made these and many more

experiences possible for graduates

of Lakefield. This year marks the

25th anniversary of the scholar-

ship and finds the Grove

celebrating past journeys and

looking ahead to support future


The British Alumni Travelling

Scholarship was established in

1980 by the British Friends of

Lakefield College School, a

number of whom attended

Lakefield as evacuees during the

Second World War.

Jim Alexander ’84 applied for the

scholarship to take some time to

reflect on his options before

selecting a course of study after

high school. After mastering life

in the United Kingdom, he headed

for Kenya. Helping with animals

on the Nairobi set of Out of Africa

(starring Robert Redford and

Meryl Streep) inspired him to look

for a job involving Kenyan


“I worked for a portion of the year

in 1985 with the late George

Adamson (of Born Free fame) at a

camp in Kenya near the border of

Somalia,” he recalls. “At the time

the camp was in the crossfire of a

poaching war between the Kenyan

Army and Samali bandits.

“I worked each day with the

Kamba staff who spoke only

Swahili and their native language.

At camp we always had rifles and

shotguns within reaching

distance. They served as valuable

tools for ridding the camp of

venomous snakes but also gave us

a false sense of self-defense

against poachers. I was not

surprised some four years after

my return from Africa, that those I

had worked closest with at this

camp had been gunned down by

Samali poachers.”

Jim credits his experiences as a

British Alumni Travelling

Scholarship recipient with giving

him confidence, self-knowledge

and a willingness to take risks.

“This scholarship is, and has

been, a great gift. I support it fully

and have re-committed to doing

so this year.”

Rachael Adams ’99 truly enjoyed

experiencing London. “For

someone from a very small town,

living in London was endlessly

exciting and impressive,” she

explains. “It is a fantastic city—

there's so much to see. I visited

Buckingham Palace, Westminster

Abbey, Soho, Covent Garden, and

countless other places.”

Rachael's travels also took her

through continental Europe and

the rest of the world. “Nepal was

without a doubt the most magical

place I had ever been fortunate

enough to visit,” she recalls.

“People are so genuinely friendly

and talkative and interested—not

to mention interesting.”

The British Alumni Travelling Scholarship:Celebrating 25 Years

L: Jim Alexander '84 in Kenya. R: Meg Wallace ’93

Page 29: Summer 2005


Rachael is effusive about her grati-

tude to the British Friends of

Lakefield. “I find it so wonderful

that the British Alumni choose to

provide this opportunity to

Lakefield students. It is truly the

gift of a lifetime.”

Meg Wallace ’93 finds that her

experiences as a scholarship

recipient are reflected in her

approach to the students she

teaches.” I see so many students

who lack independence and confi-

dence,” she says. “When students

come to me and tell me that they

don't know what to do when they

graduate, I always present the idea

of travelling. They will learn more

about themselves, geography,

history, politics, religion, and art.”

This fall Meg plans to head to the

United Arab Emirates with her

husband where she will teach

Physical Education and

Leadership. She credits the schol-

arship with motivating her to

continue to travel.

Malcolm Johston ’02 followed in

the footsteps of his uncle, Dr.

Matthew Heeney ’87 in being

awarded the scholarship.

“It was Lakefield that introduced

me to travel—taking me to Nepal

on the Ondaatje Expedition and to

Costa Rica on a community

service project,” he explains. “The

scholarship offered the chance to

make a year of travel financially


Malcolm spent some of his time

exploring family genealogy. “I

traced my grandfather's roots in

Portadown, Northern Ireland,

finding the house where he was

born and meeting a number of


Reflecting on the scholarship

experience, Malcolm notes, “I

certainly learned to enjoy my own

company. A huge portion of the

time backpacking is spent alone.

Curiously, though, many of those

times are the most memorable:

long train rides through Sicily,

flights to Germany, and solo hikes

up volcanoes.”

Malcolm plans to spend the

coming year in France, as his

scholarship year fostered his

desire to learn a second language

and immerse himself in the

French culture.

This year, Peter Stewart ’05 was

chosen as the British Alumni

Travelling Scholarship recipient.

After living in London, Peter plans

to travel to India during the

second half of his Scholarship

year. “I'm going to be volun-

teering with small grassroots

development organizations for the

Dalits—India's untouchable

caste,” he explains.

Peter hopes his travels will build

his passion for helping people in

the future. He notes, “I also hope

to gain a sense of independence

and confidence with what I can


Scholarship recipients always

express gratitude for the opportu-

nity to travel, along with enthu-

siasm about the scholarship's

positive impact. If you would like

to help make this experience a

possibility for future scholarship

recipients, please contact:

Theresa Butler-Porter

[email protected]

705.652.3324, ext. 329.

Peter Stewart '05 paddling down the Ganges River in India

Page 30: Summer 2005


Warren Jones '88Mentorship, in my experience, is a cornerstone of

the Lakefield experience. It is the natural form of

relationship through which Lakefield students are

nurtured, challenged, encouraged, and acknowl-

edged. It is among the primary ways that members

of the Grove community both sustain and evolve

the school's cultural uniqueness. And, as readers of

this article will know, it is among the most generous

and heart-felt contributions that many members of

the LCS family have made to the school and to one


Enabled by the combination of close proximity and

high-quality interaction among teachers, staff, and

classmates, the gift of mentorship is made

abundantly available to Lakefield students

throughout their stay at the school. Upon gradua-

tion, however, former students have considerably

less access to their mentors within the Grove


I imagine that my own experience is a typical

example of this transition from “day-by-day” to

“occasional” mentorship from fellow members of

the Lakefield community. While attending the

school as a student I enjoyed a mentor-mentee

relationship with a wide variety of teachers, staff

and fellow students. To this day I attribute my

virtually utopian experience at Lakefield to those

individuals. I also continue to shape my life today

according to many of the values, principles and

perspectives that were developed in my relation-

ship with each of them. Prime examples include

John Milligan's limitless enthusiasm and encour-

agement, and Kirsten Franklin's extraordinary

compassion, generosity, and graciousness.

Doug James' timeless advice as my sailing coach

also continues to stand out: “We mess around in

boats because it's fun! The pitfall of taking it all too

seriously can be avoided by seeking out whatever

makes it fun for you... in all aspects of life!” The list

of examples extends, on some level, to literally

every person with whom I interacted in my years

A Call For Participation in the LCS Mentor Program

Page 31: Summer 2005


living on campus. For these gifts I am—like several

decades worth of other graduates—deeply and

forever grateful.

Thoroughly addicted to my relationship with the

LCS community at large, I continued to maintain

contact with many of my former teachers and class-

mates following graduation. Seeking guidance from

these individuals, particularly as I neared comple-

tion of my time at university, seemed a natural way

to renew and evolve those relationships. In more

recent years I've continued to connect with a

variety of LCS family members to seek guidance

relating to my career (and personal) development,

and to offer the same to fellow graduates. In all, my

experience to date stands as proof that membership

in the Grove family truly does last for a lifetime—

particularly for those who choose to stay engaged

(and/or re-engage). And so it is for me, as for

others seeking ways to evolve relationships within

the school's community, that opportunities for

direct interaction are warmly welcomed. The LCS

“Mentor Program” is one such opportunity—with

enormous potential for both mentors and mentees


Origins of the LCS Mentor ProgramIntent on extending the experience of mentorship

more broadly among members of the LCS family

into the years beyond graduation, the Grove Alumni

Association proposed the formation of a Mentor

Program in the late 1990s. The original sponsors of

this initiative recognized that alumni/ae preparing

to enter the workforce would likely embrace the

opportunity to learn from the professional experi-

ences of their fellow “Grovers.” It was also well

known that several members of the Lakefield

community (including alumni/ae, parents,

teachers, and staff ) would be pleased to provide

guidance to individuals at varying stages of their

working lives. With these considerations in mind,

the Mentor Program was launched to provide LCS

alumni/ae with guidance relating to career research

and development.

Since its inception, the program has attracted a

moderate level of participation. In the context of

seeking career advice, a variety of alumni/ae have

used this gateway to reconnect with past acquain-

tances, and to introduce themselves to others

within the Grove community for the first time. Still

others have leveraged the tools and resources

provided by the program to advance specific

business opportunities. Nik Van Haeren ’98, for

instance, has offered very positive feedback based

upon his experience of seeking a new alliance

partner to expand the reach of his company's

marketing and distribution efforts. Happily

enough, Nik selected an individual sourced from

Lakefield's Mentor Program. In all cases, be it in

the context of seeking career guidance and/or new

business partners, the implicit trust often granted

to fellow LCS community members has proven to

make a meaningful difference.

How It WorksThe Mentor Program connects alumni/ae seeking

guidance regarding career and/or business devel-

opment (“mentees”) with members of the Grove

community at varying stages of career progression

(“mentors”). The principal mechanism for facili-

tating these connections is the LCS website (see

Guide to Registering as a Mentor/Mentee on p24).

Keys to SuccessThe Mentor Program includes built-in measures to

appropriately manage the time commitment called

upon by serving as a mentor. Principal among

these is that all parameters and guidelines for the

mentor-mentee relationship are agreed upon by the

individuals at or near the time of their first interac-

tion. As such, the scope, methods and frequency of

communication in each relationship will vary on a

case-by-case basis.

For the benefit of mentees and mentors alike, the

following “ground rules” are provided to help

optimize interactions with one another:

Begin by defining the context and objectives for

the relationship as clearly as possible.

Page 32: Summer 2005


Agree upon all key guidelines for communica-

tion (e.g. interaction via email/phone or in person,

suitable times to interact, and expected time


For mentees: be highly flexible to accommodate

your mentor's schedule.

For mentors: be sure to clarify time commit-

ments, and thereby manage mentee expectations


An Appeal for Your InvolvementThe overall aim of this article is to raise the profile

of the Grove's Mentor Program, and thereby attract

a higher level of participation among mentors and

mentees alike. As such, we invite you to register for

the program now (as instructed below). The contri-

bution of your experience and wisdom could have a

significant impact on the career path of one or

more individuals. In return, here's trusting that you

will also derive a lot of personal fulfillment from

this form of interaction with fellow members of the

LCS community.

Career Day 2005On a related topic, this year's LCS Career Day—

staged on campus for the benefit of senior students

of the school—will be held on Friday, November

18th. Individuals interested in speaking with

students at this event are asked to contact:

Tracey Blodgett at 1.705.652.3324, ext 333.

Individuals wishing to serve as a

mentor simply register online, then

await contact from individuals

seeking career guidance in the area

of expertise indicated by the

mentor's online profile.

Instructions for registering online

to become a mentor are as follows:

1. Go to the LCS website:

2. Click on the “Alumni” button

located at the top of the homepage.

3. Click on the “Login” button at

the top of the Alumni web page.

4. Submit your Alumni Login

details in the boxes indicated

(note: once logged in successfully,

you will enter the secure Alumni

Community intranet).

5. On the left hand side of the

Alumni Community web page you

will see a set of directories listed

below your name. From that list,

click on the item marked “Mentor


6. On the Mentor Program home

page, click on the shaded box

labeled “Become a Mentor,” then

follow the three-step process for

creating your profile and submit-

ting your name for registration.

Locating a Mentor Individuals seeking career

guidance begin by searching for a

match within the Mentor Program

section of the LCS website.

Instructions for searching online

for a career mentor within the

Grove community are as follows:

1. Complete steps 1 through 5.

2. On the Mentor Program home

page, fill in at least one of the

search criteria (i.e. the blank

spaces provided on the bottom half

of the web page), then click on the

shaded box labeled “Search Mentor


3. The names of individuals

captured by your search will then

be shown in alphabetical order.

4. Click on the mentor names

provided on that list to read about

each person's professional profile.

5. To initiate contact with one of

the mentors on that list, click on

the envelope symbol located on the

right hand side of the individual's

profile box.

6. To revise your search, click on

the shaded box labeled “Click to

Show Search Criteria,” then repeat

steps 2 through 5 above.

Guide to Registering as a Mentor/Mentee

Page 33: Summer 2005

On June 15th, 2005, 118 golfers

participated in the Annual Grove

Golf Tournament to raise funds

in support of student financial

assistance. Congratulations to all

of our prize winners including

John Hayes ’83 and Sue Fleming

as the Low Gross Winners and

winners of the Andy Harris Cup.

Approximately $24,000 was

raised from this event. Many

thanks to all of the sponsors,

supporters, participants, and

volunteers who contributed to

this success.

Lead Sponsors:RG Group

Mapleridge Mechanical

Hole in One:Edgetown Ford

Longest Drive: Baynes & White

J.C. Clark

Closest to Hole:Mary and John Lowry

Putting Competition:Grove Communications

Sign Sponsor:Scott and Trish McCain

Hole Sponsors:Accenture

C & S Logistics

The Fleming Family

Bill & Susan Gastle

Goodmans LLP

The Hunt Bros. Ltd.

The Pullen Family

Select Acoustic

Tee Sponsors:P.E. Goulet, Property Tax Advisors

Paul & Kris Hickey

Kawartha Lakes Brewing Co.

Keller Williams Referred Realty

MIC Mechanical

Onondaga Camp

Taycott Enterprises

Green Sponsors:Murray Brothers Lumber Co.

Telecator Paging Service Centre

Thank you, also, to our supporters

(too numerous to name here)

without which the event would

not have been as successful.


EventsThe school welcomed a group of over 40 alumni and

their guests at a pre-1950s Old Boys' Reunion at the

Grove on Saturday, April 23rd. Some came back to

the campus for the first time in over 60 years.

To read more about LCS events, please visit our

website at (choose

DISCOVER then NEWS & CALENDAR) and view the

latest snapshots and news online (archived by


Left: Old Boys, from as early as 1939 to 1958, gathered fora photo at the Haddens’ residence when they came home tothe Grove in April to celebrate a day in their honour.

The Andy Harris Cup

Page 34: Summer 2005


David Ingram ’96I called home on Christmas Day. It was my first

Christmas ever away from home and, perhaps

unexpectedly, the separation from my family really hit

me. The phone connection wasn't great—I was

actually surprised it worked at all. When my parents

answered, I faced the dilemma that many travellers

face: there was so much I had to tell but so little time

to tell it. I was, after all, sitting on an icebreaker in

the Southern Ocean just off the coast of Antarctica.

I became interested in travel in 1994. With the help of

Arnie Boyle, I travelled to Australia for three months

as part of the LCS exchange program. It was my first

time out of the continent and while moving into

residence at an Australian school is no extraordinary

feat, it was my first “independent” travel experience.

Fast forward ten years later and, after a lengthy appli-

cation process in August and September of 2004, I was

accepted to travel as part of the Quebec-based

Students on Ice team to Antarctica for 15 days over the

Christmas holiday. I had no idea what to expect from

Antarctica but at the same time, I was fascinated by

the prospect of travelling to the continent that made

famous James Clark Ross and the great Ernest


It's incredible, really, this Lakefield thing. Call it the

Lakefield Difference or call it anything for that matter,

but either way it's always there, even when you don't

expect it. It's fair to say that I was floored to learn

that our group, comprised of 80 students and 30 staff

from around the world, had not one but two Lakefield

grads in it. Carmen Lishman and I had never met; I

graduated from the Grove in 1996 while Carmen

graduated in 2001. That said, after making the

connection, we both spent time comparing notes on

old classes, teachers, and the school itself. Perhaps

most important, though, meeting someone with such

a similar background made a trip with so many

unknowns that much more comfortable.

The trip south to Antarctica was a journey in itself.

Our group flew first to Miami and then on to Santiago,

Chile and Buenos Aires, Argentina before eventually

reaching the Argentinian port town of Ushuaia. It was

in Ushuaia that we boarded our icebreaker, The Polar

Star, and began the final leg of our journey, sailing

south through the Drake Passage or “The Drake” as it

came to be known onboard. The Drake has earned a

spot in history as having some of the roughest sea

conditions in the world as a result of the Southern

Ocean currents being forced between the two conti-

nental land masses of South America and Antarctica.

We braced for the worst but somehow experienced the

best. Not only did we have sunny weather but also,

according to our guides, the waves were perhaps as

smooth as they will ever be for a crossing of the

Drake. We would not be so lucky on our return trip…

Antarctica is a place of unparalleled natural beauty.

Aside from a few research bases and abandoned

whaling stations, the continent remains primarily

unaltered by human activity.

So much of what we experienced was not just about

seeing, but also feeling and hearing the things around

us. At our first landing at Brown's Bluff, we stood in

awe as dozens of Adelie penguins cruised past us,

framed perfectly by the majestic blue glaciers that

The Second-Best Way to Spend Christmas

Carmen Lishman ’01 and David Ingram ’96

Page 35: Summer 2005

characterized the landscape. We slowly followed the

parade of birds and were again left stunned and

amazed as we found ourselves standing before a

penguin rookery, home to thousands upon thousands

of nesting penguins. It was a scene that we all banked

in our memories, none of us realizing that this experi-

ence would become almost commonplace in the week


The next several days were spent making landings at

various spots on the Antarctic Peninsula. We landed

at such places as Port Lockroy, Elephant Island, Baily

Head, Deception Island, Neko Harbour, and Danco

Island, each stop offering a different glimpse into the

new world that we were exploring. We hiked up

peaks, swam in the frigid ocean waters, slid down

glaciers and studied the abundant wildlife on the

island continent. We also had the opportunity to

speak with both British and Argentinian researchers

stationed, often for years at a time, in Antarctica.

And, while so many of the things we experienced were

new to all of us, perhaps two events best defined our

time down South. They gave us a true glimpse of both

the beauty and power of Mother Nature.

On the night of December 25th our captain received

an SOS call from a Russian ship, 25 miles away. The

ship had been trapped by a fast moving ice floe,

forced together by strong north-westerly winds. I

remained perched on the bow deck throughout the

night, watching our ship crash through what had

appeared to be an indestructible sheet of ice, en route

to the stranded vessel. The icebreaking continued all

night. At 5:30 a.m. the Russian ship came into sight

and by 8:00 a.m. we were manoeuvring around them

trying to ease the pressure on the hull of the boat by

taking runs at the surrounding ice. Our captain spent

the entire day working to free the Russian ship and,

while it was an unexpected and unplanned event, it

certainly provided all of us with an experience that

few have had the chance to encounter.

Two days later, we were treated to one of the rarest of

occurrences in the Southern Ocean.

Having all but given up hope of spotting an Orca

whale, we watched in disbelief as a pod of Orcas

hunted down a stranded seal on an ice floe, about 50

metres off our starboard side. More captivating still,

was that the pod was actually teaching young Orcas

how to hunt—the young whales would catch the seal

and then throw it back up on to the ice floe to practice

again, all the while, the enormous male watching, and

teaching, from 30 metres away. Neither the ship

rescue nor the feeding could have been planned;

nonetheless, these events gave all of us another

poignant glimpse of the new world we were experi-


I've always loved travel but travelling to Antarctica

had never been a dream of mine. Rather, when I

heard about this program, I decided it was an adven-

ture I would love to embark upon. Having been there

and experienced the continent, it is now a dream of

mine to go back. And it is, without a doubt, the

second-best way to spend Christmas.

Zodiak in Paradise Bay


David and Penguins

Page 36: Summer 2005


Changing the World, One Project at a TimeA Profile on Dawn Danby ‘96

Paul Mason When Dawn Danby graduated from Lakefield

College School in 1996, she knew she wanted to

change the world for the better. But where to

begin? She was aware, even then, of the dangers of

over-reaching, but very clear that an unthinking

acceptance of the status quo was not possible.

After Lakefield, Dawn studied Industrial Design at

the Rhode Island School of Design. “Industrial

design,” she says, is “much like architecture for

small things, and that includes all three-dimen-

sional manufactured objects. We know how much

havoc the relentless creation of “Stuff” causes to

ecological systems, and a search for practical

solutions is what motivated me to shift my focus

from the fine arts.”

And where did she work after graduation? “I got a

heavy dose of my ecological design education from

a brilliant couple, Gail Vittori and Pliny Fisk, who

are celebrated green builders and policymakers in

Texas. I worked with them during school—and

afterward—and was then involved in furniture

design for a year. I've since been working in

Toronto with internationally recognized artist, Noel

Harding, on a range of environmental and public

art initiatives. Our current project is the Green

Corridor, an initiative to transform two kilometers

of roadway in Windsor. The site leads up to the

largest border crossing in North America, which is

currently a wall of idling diesel transport trucks.”

“Our most successful effort within this project has

been the planned construction of a nature bridge

over Huron Church Road. The bridge carries

Dawn Danby ’96 Nature Bridge, Turnbine View

Page 37: Summer 2005


naturalized landscape over the top of the road,

integrates into wetland and stormwater systems,

and uses wind turbines to power all lighting on the

span.” (See illustrations below).

Dawn currently co-teaches an interdisciplinary

course at the University of Windsor's School of

Visual Arts with Noel Harding and Professor/Artist,

Rod Strickland. Their students have developed

river turbine designs, designed a house as a green

building retrofit, integrated green roofs into univer-

sity buildings, and researched environmental

monitoring systems. Dawn also writes for

WorldChanging, an award-winning collaborative

weblog with an international readership of about

half a million people every month. WorldChanging

operates, says Dawn, “from a simple premise: that

the tools, models, and ideas for building a better

future lie all around us.”

“Lakefield was good to me,” Dawn says. “I loved the

casualness, the outdoor focus, and I was truly mad

for drama and music. A lot of what I've done since

couldn't have been accomplished without some of

the grounding and confidence-building that I got at

LCS. The specific subjects I've focused on are

unrelated to what I studied there, but one always

ends up writing or performing for people. More

than anything, you build networks by being able to

make conversation about random, unconnected


Dawn set out, a few short years ago, to make a

difference, and she's already begun to do so. The

next few decades will see her design work focus on

enabling sustainable systems—effecting what she

describes as “practical approaches to radical

change.” She searched briefly for the words that

would sum up her approach: “I'm interested in

helping people to be comfortable and happy in

their homes and communities, while decreasing

costs and impacts on resources.”

The Nature Bridge Spanning East

Page 38: Summer 2005

Malcolm Johnston '02Jim Harris, leader of the Green Party of Canada and

graduate of the Class of 1980, talks about life,

Lakefield, and the current state of Canadian politics.

With the hysteria that surrounded the 2004 federal

election, it was easy to miss the Green Party of

Canada. As a relative newcomer to the federal polit-

ical scene and with no MPs in Ottawa, the Green

Party seemed to be tagging along in an election

dominated by the major players.

To Green Party leader Jim Harris, though, the party's

gains in 2004 far outweighed its shortcomings. “If

you take all the votes the Green Party has ever won

in its 21-year history,” Harris says, “and add them all

together, and double that number—we won more

votes this time. It was pretty staggering.” In all, the

party won nearly 600,000 votes—some 4.3% of the

popular vote and, as declared by Elections Canada,

the party received $1.75 for each vote. But for Harris,

this is only the beginning. “At the moment,” he says,

“we're preparing for the next election, where we're

going to field 308 candidates—a candidate in every

riding. We are going to win more than a million

votes, and we're in the process of changing

Canadian politics forever.” Big words for a small

party, but don't count Jim Harris out—he is no

stranger to success.

As a university student at Queen's, Jim was named

rector of his graduating class—the highest student-

elected official at the university; later he became the

leader of the Ontario Greens; in 2001, he was named

leader of the federal Green Party with an enthusi-

astic 80% of the vote. And on top of it all, Harris has

found time to write a number of books, including

the best-selling Blindsided!, a lesson in corporate

awareness that has been printed in 80 countries


But to hear Jim tell it, his success started at

Lakefield. “Mens sana in corpore sano,” he recalls, “a

sound mind in a sound body. The school really

promoted all-round individuals.” And it was that

ideal that Jim aimed for as a student in the ’70s.

Harris looks back on his days as a cross-country

skier under coach Doc McCubbin with amusement.

“The first year we started, we all had wooden skis,”

he says with a laugh. “This is like entering the Tour

de France with a bike that doesn't have gears.

Anyway, we just trained. And the second year, we got

fibreglass skis, which have what's called “camber,”

which is an arch, and man, they're fast. Anyway, we

ended up winning the OFSAA championship that

year. So we had quite a lot of improvement.”

At LCS Harris was involved in the debating and

drama clubs, too. In grade nine, he organized the

junior debating tournament, and later came second

in the provincial debating championships. On the

dramatic front, his house play advanced to the

provincial finals, giving Harris great exposure to

public speaking and helping prepare him for a

career in the public eye. “So here, by grade nine,” he

Jim Harris ’80, Leader of the Green Party of Canada


Green and Loving it

Page 39: Summer 2005


remembers, “I had acted in front of two thousand

people. Looking back now, later in life, as the leader

of a national party, I speak regularly in front of large

groups of people—something I became accustomed

to in grade nine. So the debating and drama I did at

Lakefield has very much set me up.”

The Green Party has benefited from Harris's drive

to succeed. Indeed, much of the Green Party's

growth has come with Harris at the helm. At first

glance, though, Harris's political vision does not

seem a natural fit for the party that was spawned in

the mass counter-culture movement of the sixties.

As an undergrad, for instance, Jim was a member of

the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. But

Harris asserts that his values have always remained

the same. “I became a Progressive Conservative

with the emphasis on the progressive,” he says. “I

was always a red Tory.” And in fact it was after

reading an influential book called Green Politics, by

authors Fritjof Capra and Charlene Spretnak, that

Harris found his political calling. “I read that a

species goes extinct every 25 minutes,” Harris says.

“In reading that book I all of a sudden realized

that… an ecological debt is eternal. No sleight of

hand by an economist can bring back an extinct

species. So I went from being a fiscal conservative

to being an ecological conservative first and


But even today, as the leader of the party, Harris

seems an odd fit as a Green, since he operates a

management-consulting firm, Strategic Advantage,

that works with big businesses such as GM, Mobil,

Arthur Andersen, Bell, and other companies to

develop corporate strategies. When asked if his two

professional roles conflict, Jim replies, “Not at all.

I've been working to show how doing the right thing

environmentally is also doing the right thing


Where, then, does Harris—an ecologically minded

politician who embraces big business—lie on the

political spectrum? Many have deemed him an

“eco-capitalist,” a characterization Harris rejects.

“I've never used that term,” he says. “I don't think

there's a lot of value in the capitalist/socialist

labels. In fact, what we've seen is that capitalism

and socialism have both been equally competent in

destroying our planet.” Harris prefers his own

description: “The Green Party of Canada is fiscally

responsible, socially progressive, and committed to

environmental sustainability.”

It is when talking about the latter topic—the

environment—that Jim becomes most impassioned.

“Over 80% of Canadians believe that their grand-

children are going to inherit a world that is

substantially degraded,” he says. “We have two very

stark choices. We can continue on the path we're on

and it will be a very bleak future. Or we begin to

adopt the kind of ideas that the Green Party is

putting forward.”

Jim is still grateful to those who helped him along

the way. He credits the late Andy Harris (no

relation), alumni, teacher, and coach at LCS, for

much of his success. “Andy Harris played a role [in

my life], because he was my English teacher and I

ended up taking English at Queen's as a major… In

fact, when I went back one time I told Andy that his

encouragement had had a profound effect on me,

because I'd co-authored a book called The 100 Best

Companies to Work for in Canada, and so I said that

his encouragement as a teacher had had a profound

effect on me. And I was very thankful and glad I was

able to tell him that before he died.”

For now, Harris has his sights set on the future, and

his goal is change. “My whole career has been

working around change,” he says. “How do we

change on a personal level: amongst teams;

amongst organizations; countries; for society; the

whole way of living on the planet as a whole; it's all

about change.” And if all continues according to

plan for Harris, the Green Party's absence on

Parliament Hill will soon change, too.

Page 40: Summer 2005


Class News

The 1950sIn February, Rod Baker ’58

received the Lloyd C. Stinson

Memorial Award from the

Corporation of the Town of

Cobourg in recognition of the

time and dedication he has given

towards volunteer efforts in the


The 1970sMarch 2005 saw the release of

Every Trail has a Story: Heritage

Travel in Canada (Natural

Heritage Press, Toronto) by Bob

Henderson ’75. Bob has been

teaching at McMaster University,

Hamilton, Ontario since 1981. He

teaches Outdoor Education and

Environmental Inquiry.

The 1980sLeif Wellington Haase ’83 is a

Senior Program Officer and

Health Care Fellow at The Century

Foundation, a think tank based in

New York, and the author of the

recently-published A New Deal for

Health: How to Cover Everyone

and Get Medical Costs Under


Skipper and LCS Old Boy, Eric

Cerny ’85, made the call to his

classmates, Tim Girling ’86,

Bruce Graham ’86, and Jim

Connacher ’86, and together they

boarded his 40-ft. french yacht to

run in the Marion/Bermuda Race

in June 2005. Over 80 yachts

participated in this race which is

steeped in tradition with experi-

enced boats and crews, but the

“rookie” team from the Grove

beat the odds and came in first in

their class and seventh overall!

Under Eric's guidance as

skipper/navigator they took a

different course than the other 79

“experienced” yachts. The crew

didn't see a soul on the 640 mile

crossing until three miles outside

of Bermuda when the rest of the

pack appeared and they suddenly

realized that they were ahead of

everyone else in their class. They

sailed into Bermuda at 4 a.m. and

were still partying two days later!

Peter Kendall ’85 has been

named by the Globe & Mail as one

of the Top 40 Under 40 for his

work with the Schad Foundation,

an environmental Foundation

located in Toronto, Ontario.

Stephen Marshall ’87 has

published True Lies (Penguin).

His feature documentary on Iraq,

Battleground: 21 Days on the

Empire's Edge is premiered on the

Showtime Network.

Luke Mellors ’88 received the

award for CIO of the Year at the

UK Technology Innovation and

Growth Awards. He does

speaking engagements on the

benefits of innovation to business

and aligning the IT function with

business strategies for best

results. Further, he has just been

elected to the Board of Directors

of Hotel Technology Next

Generation—the leading interna-

tional strategy organization for

hotel technology—as their

European Board Representative.

Luke serves on the Editorial

Advisory Board of Hospitality

Technology Magazine and joined

the planning committee for the

development of a high tech hotel

at the University of Nevada Las

Vegas. He has published articles

on effective and value-oriented IT


The 1990sKathryn Meehan ’91 graduated

from the University of Cambridge

with her LL.M. in June. She is

Colin McCorriston '72, John Corbett '72, Kim Lowes '72, Brian Gordon '72, DavidBowker '72, John Pace '72, Ron MacAulay '72, Thomas "TAC" Bell '72, and ChuckReynolds '72 held a mini-reunion Chez Laurent in Toronto in April 2005.

Page 41: Summer 2005


now practising civil litigation and

labour law with McCarthy Tetrault

LLP in London, Ontario.

In August, Margaret (Meg)

Wallace ’93 moved to Abu Dhabi,

UAE, where she has accepted a

job teaching Physical Education

and Leadership to Emirati girls at

the Sheikh Zayed Private Academy

for Girls. She'd love to catch up

with old friends and can be

reached at:

[email protected].

Helen Grose ’94 is working at

Manning Selvage & Lee, a public

relations agency in Toronto.

Helen is doing corporate commu-

nications and crisis and issues


Meghanne Reburn ’97 has been

accepted into the midwifery

program at Ryerson University.

Out of 1900 applicants, she was

one of the 23 who were accepted.

Alison Mitchell ’98 spent her

January term working for the War

Crimes Research Office at

American University Washington

College of Law. She is moving to

Europe to clerk with the Office of

the Prosecutor for the prestigious

International Criminal Court in

The Hague. Alison will begin a

clerkship at the Supreme Court of

Canada with Mr. Justice John

Major in 2006-2007.

Amanda Soder ’98 began the

Master of Management and

Professional Accounting program

with the Rotman School of

Management at the University of

Toronto. She will complete the

program by the fall of 2007.

Kathleen Wright ’98 is an

Outdoor Educator with the Tim

Horton Children's Foundation at

Onondaga Farms (a camp at a

working farm and conservation

area) near Brantford, Ontario.

“Eco,” as she is known at the

camp, is also actively involved in

the organization's sustainability

projects, including the task of

building a wind generator.

Jonathan Randall ’99 was in

Peterborough in April producing

Neil Simon's Brighton Beach

Memoirs at Showplace Theatre.

Rachel Adams ’99, a medical

student at Queen's University, will

spend a month this summer in

India with Himalayan Health

Exchange, a U.S. organization that

brings basic medical and dental

care to remote villages. Delivery

of the program requires a five-day

trek on a pass—over 5,000 metres

high—to a Buddhist village

inaccessible seven months of the

year due to snow.

Mark Soder ’00 works with the

Cleveland Browns and will be

completing his MBA and MSA

degrees at Ohio University in the


Don't forget to update us! Share

your news with your classmates.

Post them on the website, or email

[email protected].

Eric Cerny '85, Tim Girling '86, Bruce Graham ’86, and Jim Connacher '86,boarded Eric’s 40 ft French Yacht to run in the Marion/Bermuda Race in June ’05

Luke Mellors '88 received an award forthe CIO of the Year at the UK TechnologyInnovation and Growth Awards

Page 42: Summer 2005


MarriagesLeif Wellington Haase ’83 was married to Leslie

Anne Teicholz on September 19, 2004 at the Wave

Hill Garden in New York City. Martin Aass ’83 and

Alex Murphy ’83 were in attendance.

Andrew Hamblin ’93 and Miranda Fowler were

married on October 31, 2004. Andrew is working as

an Electrical (DSP) Engineer in San Diego.

Margaret (Meg) Wallace ’93 and David Bywater were

married on April 9, 2005 in Buckhorn, Ontario.

Jill Arsenault ’03 and Quinton Dewing were married

in Lakefield on July 23, 2005. Her sisters, Jess ’00

and Joss ’04, were her attendents, and were joined

by: the Haddens, the Sunderlands, the Birds, the

Runzas, the Moores, the Milligans, Sarah Chung ’03,

Sarah Nobel ’02, Emily Hedges ’02, Laura

Sunderland ’01, Karly Coyle ’02, Jess Foran ’03,

Emma Trottier ’03, Janice Greenshields ’03, Joe

Mallette ’03, Sho Araki ’03, Cam Crawford ’02, Zoë

Mills ’03, Kaley Morris ’02, Mike Corner ’03, Rob

Hazell ’03, Katie Hadden ’00, and family and friends

for the couple’s joyous occasion.

L-R: Martin Aass ’83, Leif Wellington Haase ’83 and LeslieAnne Teicholz

Margaret Wallace ’93 and David Bywater

Andrew Hamblin '93 and Miranda Fowler Jill Arsenault ’03 and Quinton Dewing

Page 43: Summer 2005


Cooper, Samantha and Zachary Clarke Simon Jacob Coates Owen David Coates


Andrew Clarke ’85 and Betsy

Britnell are proud to announce

the birth of their twins. Zachary

Barry Britnell Clarke and

Samantha Ellen Britnell Clarke

were born on January 22, 2005 at

6:47 a.m. and 6:49 a.m.

Nancy and David Coates ’76 are

the proud first-time grandparents

of Owen David Coates, born to

son Michael and Amber Oulton

on March 21, 2005 at the Trillium

Centre, Mississauga, weighing in

at 7 lbs. 5 oz. The new grandpar-

ents are ecstatic!

Simon Jacob Coates was born on

January 7, 2005. Simon is brother

to Lily, age 3. Parents Nicole and

Stephen Coates ’90 have bought

a new home in Toronto and look

forward to a class of 1990 and

friends party soon.

“There is nothing like a newborn baby to renew your spirit—and to buttress your resolve to make the

world a better place.” VIRGINIA KELLEY

Page 44: Summer 2005


Laura and Hugh Culliton ’89

announce the birth of Duncan (8

lbs, 8 oz.) on June 20, 2005. Big

brother Tristan was excited to

welcome his new brother home.

Naiya Elliott Evans was born to

mom, Sharlene Polman ’96, on

April 28, 2005, weighing 6 lbs.

Andie Katalin Harris was born on

February 26, 2005. Andie is the

daughter of Tony Harris ’82 and

Lianne Laing and is the grand-

daughter of the late Andy Harris

’44 and Ann Harris. She is also

the niece of Craig Harris ’78 and

Kelly Harris ’80.

Mhari Kathleen Macintosh was

born on March 14, 2005 (8 lbs. 2

oz)to Wanda and Topher

Macintosh ’85.

Dylan Taylor Smith was born on

July 10, 2005 in Toronto (8 lbs. 8

oz). His proud parents are Scott

Smith ’87 and Jill Taylor Smith.

Correction: Page 37 of the Winter

2005 issue of the Grove News

shows a photo of Connor Douglas

and Peyton Rose. Connor is

pictured on the right and Peyton

is on the left. Connor Douglas is

the son of Ken Douglas ’91 and

Jackie (Clarke) Douglas ’93.

Peyton is the son of Sarah and

Graham Rose ’91.

Mhari Kathleen Macintosh Lianne Laing, Tony Harris ‘82, and Andie

Births Continued

Jill and Scott Smith ’87 with baby Dylan

Hugh Culliton '89 with baby Duncan

Page 45: Summer 2005


Tony Arnoldi ’43 on January 25,


Conyers Baker on March 30, 2005.

Father of Piers Baker ’86.

John Barr on April 4, 2005 in

Peterborough. John was a

member of the Facilities Staff

from 1948 to 1989.

Father John A. Cranston on June

7, 2005 in Newport, RI, USA.

Father Cranston was the school

Chaplain from 1953 to 1956.

Janet Barber on March 30, 2005.

Mother of Michael Barber ’73.

John Delaney ’57 on April 6, 2005

in Moose Factory, Ontario.

Predeceased by his father, Rev.

Lloyd Delaney, former school


Brian Dobbie ’68 on March 16,

2005 in Cambridge. Brother of

George Dobbie ’61, Murray

Dobbie ’66 and Alexander

Dobbie ’71. Uncle of Leona

Dobbie ’99.

R. Fraser Elliott on January 26,

2005. Father of Fraser Elliott '74.

Alan Franklin on January 11,

2005. Father of Kirsten Franklin


Robert McIntyre on June 11, 2005

in Peterborough. Father of Laura

McIntyre ’02.

Irene Scott on February 26, 2005

in Montreal. Mother of Hugh

Scott ’51 and former school nurse.

Janet Westwood on June 18, 2005

at St Paul's Hospital in Vancouver.

Mother of David Westwood ’94.

In Our Memories

Page 46: Summer 2005

Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2005

First Row (Back)(L-R) Barth WebbMatt GillespieAndrew BarkAdrian LyttleIan RossPeter StewartJeremy BraiveCameron GraceBen HendryMatt BaysQuinn RichardsonMichael PetrosoniakCooper EvoyNathan CraggCharlie BierkJon CrossanCan BirolAramis Meilleur-Nanni

Second Row(L-R) Davina GauthierAdriella Gauthier

Laura RatcliffeAriel AdamsJordan ChizickDavid FrenchWayne DempseyMackenzie CrawfordBrett ThompsonWill LoydGeret HorlickReid SelleySimon DeNureMichael MorrisAndrew BallMartin CayouetteBeth MulvaleLianne SchumacherKatie Richardson ArnouldTalya FlorianChantal Byrd

Third Row(L-R) Sarah EmpeyAlix MorseMackenzie Emond

Yi-Yi HuangTheresa KempJi-Sun KimKatie UhlmannAnjie OberVienna ThurlbeckSarah McCainEmily MayCorey DeanEmma SeagerEmily AmesJacqueline SawatskyAshleigh PhillipsJenny AnLolly KrugerGemma BarkerSarah FreemanPatti Lockhart-Dyer

Fourth Row(L-R) Hilary CoburnLauren SniderMishal VerjeeLeala Wong

Lena HesseMargot AldisBo Mee KimCandy LauTory SloanCindy XuKristin ZubrickasJamie BignellAriel DalleJessie VoukTori Woodward

Fifth Row (Front)(L-R) Jorge Trigo-MartinezJon LifeJustin StanimirTom IronstoneJason YangKevin KanRaymond ChanDale KandestinCarter SwidlerWill EdgehillNick Schofield


Page 47: Summer 2005

Join Us On a Dog Sledding Adventure in the Yukon!

Rudy Massimo and Rod Taylor invite you to join them in the Great White NorthInterested members of the Grove community are invited to mush under the awe-inspiring cliffs of Mount

North, travel through raw wilderness, see herds of Dall sheep, and hear wolf packs howl as you drive your

own team of dogs on a sledding trip in the Yukon organized by Lakefield’s Rudy Massimo and led by Tour

Guide Rod Taylor of Uncommon Journey.

Between overnight stays in log cabins, live in cozy mountain yurts overlooking the Takhini River Valley.

Savor delicious meals and relax in the hot tub or enjoy a drink while watching the Aurora Borealis.

February 26-March 4, 2006The cost is $3,500.00 excluding airfare (all gear and equipment provided).

For more information, please contact Rudy Massimo: [email protected] or 705.652.3324 ext. 366

Page 48: Summer 2005

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The Grove News is published twice a year by the Advancement Office. We welcomeyour comments and suggestions. Please contact Tracey Blodgett at 705.652.3324 [email protected], or visit our website at

4391 County Rd. 29, Lakefield, ON Canada K0L 2H0

Photography by Simon Spivey