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SUFFRAGETTES BEtCCAByN AGAIN IN TOn^ RE-NOMfflAIlD iSTATED M m i N f i OF nmmm BtU MceUac Withoat a Penut Carrks Every Couty ia District YMatMS of the Law. BALcpl facmAo White's tUmt CooBty. On the charge of holding a In the primary held oa the 6th Meeting in a public park without of August for the no>minati<m of a poinit, 48~womaai, members of 'a"reprCTentative from t i e eigfatli the National Woman's Party, congressional district, Hon. C. C. were arrested Tuesday aftcmomi Caiiin carried, with the exeep- bjr park police, assisted by the tion of Loudoun, every county fflJARDAGAINSl TYPHOID FEVER {RESIGNATION OP JUIMX THORNTON Rcpwis of Cownittees awl CMi-'|l!VeauitioB8 to be Used Agabwt AiiaMwlJBdga^ t« HoU C«afercMC. and Metropolitan force quarters detectives. They were later released pn $$ bail to ap- pear for trial in ptrfice court Wednesday morning. Miss Ck>ra WoM, of Portland, Ores:,, and BU&dhe Archibald Mc- Fherson, of New York, who car- ried the large banner, left |10 eoUatertd. Promptly at 4:30 o'clock and 'Just as the government depart- maxts were letting out the pro- eStBion of 1«>0 women dressed in white, beai*p« the purple and told banne» of their party, xoatched from the National WM wan'b Party headquartarf^db Jieksra fOue ta t!ie s t a ^ of - lafiiyBtte, diagonally- opppaitet £he White Hooae. "lioae adied- ated to make speeAea gayiered «t the htM df thr statue whSe Hw abooTl head- "> the district. jority in Lvutu The regular meeting of the was held Monday evening. On account of the excessive heat the OMeting was h ^ on the lawn at the home of Mrs. L. A. Mr White's nrn- Laridn, instead of at the Town 57. Home Service and tbie mdUng pot. Miss Rixey announced the shipment of 45 pairs of ^ocks [and other knitted articles made by the ladies of M>q^M|gBs and of the branches at Catharpin. HaU. Rev. H. Q. Burr presided and the invocation was'offered by Rev. A. S. Gibson. Repoxts were made by the committees on knitting, surgical dressings. [ ble of all thfe preventable :ia fii^ Preventable Db- i ' Richmond, Va.^ August 7."pe Slate Boird of H^th is olaking a special'effort just now 4^ convince public t^Scials of Vir- ifbia of their respondbility in connection witii disease preven- tion. An official of the board said today: We know and all admit that tjrphoid fever, for instance, is of the most easily preventa- Brief Sketch of His Long and pEALTH^>ORT - OF MANASSAS Soccessfiii Career While on the Bench. ^i««^^-e. Cttttt »f po&e- TtejfoyowBir-«»Ihe mi^ori- :had been thrown around the tie«| for Mr. C^irtin ia the mae p l S i * and a squad of a docca of a ^ countia, i6c^cling ttfijdtty stood a l a t t e n t i p o i i e i g i ^ of Ali>ir«i^Hrij^^-^ i.' 'Mgi.'^itdSmva W. AleumaHa € » r _ NokeBvil}e,dccoquan and Bethel. Mrs. Barren, supervisor of surgieal^resuBgs, rei;KM-ted good progress in the surgical dreas- wortayojoas, fmnf yrjogiji » sfaipnient of dreftahj^'for to he naade ab9ut August S^ The foUowios committee w^a i^nwinted to take charge of thrt^miimik meHing pot an^i fn suik tin. «.«- operatkib-«f the Red G^n i^saperiiiteiHient~of^ po-' AI«ahdria c w a ^ liee,madeapaa(»artoiirarotaid F«if£ak ......... : r f v i ^ an autwaohfle btiem ^ r ^ Wniiam .... 312 4S0 ty: Mrs. T. E. Banes;/«hair- maniMDa. A1 E.abies. Mrs. Ro- berta Lynn. Mea. T. S. Cotegf and The^i^ort on tiorae'Sen^K was made by JCev. Mr. GSMnn IM r<iwnmlttw IH plagiilMt lo hM a *Vy friends," b^sa Mrs-Looiaa Lavreoce Lewia. of Pbila^didiia. Eing George ,. 1 wish to tdlyoa why tlila meet- Staff<»d v . l . . . IwihL Vine >*- ir-fn 126 *^latar i& the oaklk. The ieBamag eaitsr T?1irtheirmoire, it is a well known fact that those communi- ties fortunate enough to have alert and intelligent officials who i^ve upon all communities, have prac- .tip^ljy. eliminated typhoid fevt It is also a faet that what has been done by one community can beTfcme by another, for the cost of prevention is so small that ejrerjc—rnrnmunity—in V: Judge J. B. T. Thornton, judge of ti^etb judicial circuit of Virginia, comprising the coun- ties . of Alexandria, Fairfax, Prince William and the City of Alexandria, has tendered his res- ignation to Gf>v. Westmoreland Davis to take'effect on Septem- ber 1st, next. Hnm Wageper R»rrivea Letti from BleluBOTid RcgardiBg Saaitary Cooditiam. Mayor W! C. Wageneir Has re- ceived from Dr. Enai<m G. ¥ni> liams, commissioner of Che State Boyd of HPJtItJh RiohTTirtnH thn following letter which we pub- liah in part': "A representative of the State^ Board of Health has recently vi^ ited Manassas and has made a careful study of conditions there- A copy of, his preliminary report io oncloocd herewith for your in- - take the precautitms thai prevent typlmwl fever and otiier TBaeaaca leaM putting withoat id' the da their *Tlie miaeij, sufferiim, death ^ _, .^ . - . . _ . -—I econoiaac_^ * e « i 9 w - t o ^ i w r t the c * ^ nejgtect by tJwae in authority to ^^ • Jadge ThewrtDB - sqeeeeidcd adqpt meaaaies of {nreyeitioB are appalliag. For mstanC^it *^ •fte edncaticn jn the spa^CTn a^Ktas is wasted ofwiag to back-' of. ehiidrea due caiigpiry with tytdKria^'awtf ^^S»OTm_^^^^^^^^^^^ jjj^ were aekaiHrie^PBd l9^:^iei Bsptiat Yonng PaoiJa's Uaiaa, pneeeda of festival, |H^; MBLG. BayaMnd Ratcliffe, o r d ~ $af4^Fr^36.10: Jgases NdsoB u d %if»itf)ffi^ ^^trtfL^ ^^tfiiai ¥3.75; Mr. W. F. DoweD. a ^ of candy made by UeaVneB.f^; Earnest Work. Piesbytarian Mir. WaSaa in Jop- paralys^ etc, all rfislMPw of fifth Ind^lpread heeanae the piiUle aathoritiea to of OB, JSretsamiA Camreh. JASBi Crow, aale ^ ice Uxk eonunmity. ^ 0 ; Mr^. V. W^ IGaa Ha«d Hnnkina. whe led %e panMie ^anyiac MB WK made three attonpta to ji^Bn Miaa tavWa Deck be- to recite Itj Coimtrr, 1 ^ «f Thee," birt - ~ - -—ifciifi-ir^ fag finishing nautBj a croap «< women begMa Urn •numd the ftatue. tWey, too, «B« aneated. Vm Aliee JPk^ QffftMS FABB .JJiP 8TDCK rf tht National Wa-i AT FOBUC ^OGIKMf party, iriM Miaa -haefi • - , Bai«^th%CBciitm«awDi^ Owia« to the fact thatJiic. B. te^^^iwe iliiii e i i i i l p l -- ^.— I^mt 1W>irtwia. TiaanwHi rr^ "" ~ ^1 -dasaified and pheed-in dass 1 Ini^ighiia-qitaon: *We proteat agaiart tiie edn- aaed disfraachiaaiBea t of American WOMB, for vhieh the H. Haw^fc V^ mad Mta, Jdia 4«^teilv, Ouatiay, $ 4 ^ Anaonnramcnt was made of tha receipt «f ap^iieattea for recognition, ^am the llgQdwing Adea Branch—Ifr. C. L. Read- ing; ehaimkni; Mn. gott, tnasnier; Mia. L. J. Iloiy^ehaiiaMnaC tpoenntftis-^. '. .. '—• —r-— "Oifr jireateat trouble in Vir- giniii aa jt » is ra other it^ea, ia hi tha rural seetiona. In aoet c^tiee the ^fobfera of j ^ ham bean hugely aolTed Bat evoi mthe dtiea tiMie^ amny nelics of the deadly dia- type fd onthooae Ja»t J. Ik Judge Cv E. Nicol on th^ banet when th« latter reagned hi I90i taJxBcdroe a candidate for Con Sl^Sa^ai^ formation. We beg^ to call yoor particular attention to the un- sanitary condition of the priviiaf and to the method of ^posing' of"night 86iI7 ~ ~ ~"~ ~ "Unsanitary, n<Hi - fiy - tight privioa and improper diapoaal of night soil constitute the chief source of the germs of dysen- tery, typhoid fever, infantile pa- ralysjp and other dtseawes. Theae WIUH pie are no longer permitted to eat food and drink water-that- have been eontandnated 1^ fliiig or by drainage currying eermn tiiat ccme fnta the bodies oF ~ penottt who haV6 or W1M> han«~ had those diseaaes. Unless tin wastea from tJM hunuB-boi^) so-dispoised of that flies rdwh them and ao that tiiey majr 34Mt=j»39ttahedb4Btecth^ pointaifiUt^fiiL. waa eonnnaciwealth's * LcJ^J Priace \iraiiam calattir, < "" ' ^; .' •——r—u. ' the food and flie drinkim: watHK^ For many yeaia pnorto ^ ^^ W«MU»I» •WH, T^ spiinga and stuiaiiiii that soppy ' the peofite ^HA drinking waftetisr aneh germs aa the wastes ni«tP 1832^ ':" ' T l - , I "It i s h o i n g ^ ^ office of eem-L^ ^.. J^^T"^^ mcmweatth's atttnn^ he was so- for ^ a t t h Board's report is pdb^ fished wiB have Priiie William cMraty. "" i™<* «ttenti«m to theaa mat|a^ SUuM^ i f i a hte admiiBHiu u»'''"^ '"H hffff martp wyh Wki. the bar. Judge Thonitoa went t»^P^^«°"*» that it wJH oieaprm Ifeaiasippi to P^» L S '>*^;f^^*^^ whfle te thrt statearaaiQie taw,.. ^ * t_ wK.,_a partner af the Hon. John Sharp j " * * * ' ' * * ^ * " to J e puMiBliei WiBiainft tJpon h» i«tam toi "^ "**• Princ^ Wifliaai county he fmrmed a partaeraha) irath the late E Bcpart o^ Sanitary M^nasaaa, county of Prine« cainate OS ««!il«e. E , Herediai ind thaa eontgiued/ William, July 30^1918^ Jn the pracfieie s^^Meh to Ae tiae «f Mr. Mondith'a''*^*^^'''^^ '^^^^ pnUie wa^ death. When Mr. H. thomtpn * « ''*P^' mmrieapal; per er pmy. The health of thoaeJDfcyiea waa admitted to the bar •'"*^' ^' 4n»tity,^ arfao Iwa a-the be better thfa the <tf tfeoae who-five m tatte* by the obaervwice .of onfinary hjrsienie preeautiBua. fii aectiooa* by tha.diatxict boasd and may be ealM into'the aaiviee at'the dMrtest Dotioe, he wiD o4ter for sde on Tocadsy, Aagnfit 20. ,at ^timmt of the United Stetea ^ ^ ^"^ "JS^r?™ Faim." four milca aarUi «f Hi^^ ^ maiiut, another faim known aa' *Tr» oMdenm the ,^ «Oia pmtw foe «ll9wi|« the "BuAy Pkrk Fton," with farm te the aad^fc sto^ Bobertaoa ia atao ister- ¥mS~amS *!We rlqduie tha aiiph.iifisn of - j . /v,.^..^.. ._a „«^ u—_ &wTL iS^ the ^;.^L:f^^T^ 7^ ,_ . . aacceeded by Mr. C M. Larfcm o^r.-Mayiag ^^ in* to the people. "A iawe percentage^ tha iP heattk ia the eooa^tylifiatiieta ia *iet» Jvdgt Thbmton formed a law'!•"•<« " partnKBhip with him, under the l'"*'^'^ we&, 10 preieeted style of -nofnton and Daviea,j *«»>' «• * * ^e?» *** and this trm waa eaj^ing a about half wdl protected; laife and hieiative practice adien ^xoeOettUi. 4 or 4 ^•4 ««Qr JidLapr Hb great ezpenae b BithodieMi bftjmnie ntetuuy by t r a a d coaqmheaded I health,-did aot come aa a sor^ ai^ mnnib^al; per cent dSieffaeJM fomr tmiea n y a s j j i ^ ^ fhomton waa c)a«atad t o j ^ i PniF"«> ap|M!ozimate nuo^bcr. 100; ^pea 20 iMx n i pedis, 8V nmovahle boxea, aO anaanitarr. Scaveager service, no regaiar. Coat and hew pod, ffT the bendi of hiaearaat^ waa a ber of the ConatitatiaBal Coa- ventioa a4ud eoavened hi RiA- jn 1001, he h a v ^ eadotaed f or tfada ix^ hmiM- by bothtke Jadge 'niocaton''8 reatgBfttkm, aoaarm WarreatoB, Ya., Aug. 8 eleetrical here ^femamr t h A the TitiS- * * t and hiajpartf t on page^two. iriio at- LBFT PCVt CAMP LBB peiid by h i A v i d a ^ ^ cffidoKy. IKXEr; nfiblea In geiS^ eondlBgB, doMMd ahont oace jm hada imd eoonaeOor. a lejtal maicr PriM to^niany <rf hia frieikia, aa and hia maay. years of «tlfC it had^Jeen ramorad for aeveral pnetiee, togeUier with his nat- weeks that he wwdd refiih on-f oral grace and charm of manner leaa_ya_hgalth^jMitariafly im^'ideally fitted Urn f o r * jndieial proved. Indeed, it ia pnbablatpentioB. He heM tikat aa aouW have UudWed hia jtorneyaho««uaeevefy"Booo»-- rsiigaatkm bef OR he dU had it bto meanafaibehalf of hia client, lor the miportuning of' W^ejg_ro^eetfd the tedin»- in hia cuvait, tU of whoaa hold him the higheat degree af teapect. ealitjea of the Uw, it was ever Us desire to get a caae in aaeh shape that it could be diiipoeod <tf oo ita mmts. His'success as *». °* i^.^f^^^'°^ *«°*^ t** «^ ''**^* ~o™T«t1bunied about the face, through tha Senate m i^ tbe-mnimMiHUt^SlMit Noniiri.<bofe •" sessioa." ' ~" ' fisT^ai^ir lGm~8anh White aad Robert White. dai«h- ter anf son ^ M^ and Mrs. John .^ , „ J. White, who live near Wart«i-^, TTbe following young men left tda,we>e kaied » tl«r hoa« h y ^ C a ^ ^ ~ ' 5 « « ^ » ° " ^ -^*r:Aj»dge he was •v«H««,.i. j^rfg, rmi-prtaps V beat fig^taing. Prank Dowea. a via-fP« •\^"^^= WO» EUis,|t«)os and kind to attorneys, ht- measurwl t^ the very limited itor, was rendered unronarinas j ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ J ' " " , * ^ J ^ ' ' ' I '^"^ J"™^ witnesses and nnmt—^^^..^ ^^, ^t htmilroda ^for aO^Tninuta ami was i^Jt^ jW'/hf*'^^ Oias.JRnssell KaUsy. court efficeis. While haistingilBri. went up from fais circuit, in Johnstown. Pa.; Offie Poeey. Ma-jthat the fufi meaaoR of respect which his rulings were reversed ^ ••»•»••• »T»a«a laama'^ i*«B«as I ®0 tmaHer banners, were taken '^y t ^ pobee. As SOOD as ar-itriet building in tiie poiioe pa- ; Raymond H. Cross, Jas.^ doe his position be accorded i hy the atawMnt court of appeala. _JnJfi~ce«t Jit the family; aU;^^^^" Cross^^Manaasasj Harry .hinu Judge Thornton waa ~>*' The JounuJ joinn with hta- though sitthig in the aame worn t£?**^^°'«*'^°*<"«y'<5«f«« burdened with that superiative host of fn«Hk in the '*"*ed the women wgrs sent tojtroL The patrol made six tripa. * » detectrre borean ia tbe DSa-i—WashingtoQ f O l t ^ u g . 7- and the a4)oiBmg foeai, angered no injury. W. Conwidl, Manassas; Paul Reid, Harper Ramsey, Hoadley; Eppa L. Batler, Manassas; and MiKVBHBd h^Jma^ NotesTiDe^ degree of dignity which some | hope that in laying aside judges posaess; and those hav- ing business in his charts were aadij tp fori that earnest, hi? of- ficial duties he will in a m needed rest find oompl^e*hea


Mar 30, 2018



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iSTATED M m i N f i OF nmmm

BtU MceUac Withoat a Penut Carrks Every Couty ia District

YMatMS of the Law. BALcpl facmAo

White's tUmt CooBty.

On the charge of holding a In the primary held oa the 6th Meeting in a public park without of August for the no>minati<m of a poinit, 48~womaai, members of 'a"reprCTentative from tie eigfatli the National Woman's Party, congressional district, Hon. C. C. were arrested Tuesday aftcmomi Caiiin carried, with the exeep-bjr park police, assisted by the tion of Loudoun, every county



Rcpwis of Cownittees awl CMi-'|l!VeauitioB8 to be Used Agabwt AiiaMwlJBdga^

t« HoU C«afercMC.

and Metropolitan force quarters detectives. They were later released pn $$ bail to ap­pear for trial in ptrfice court Wednesday morning. Miss Ck>ra WoM, of Portland, Ores:,, and

BU&dhe Archibald Mc-Fherson, of New York, who car­ried the large banner, left |10 eoUatertd.

Promptly at 4:30 o'clock and 'Just as the government depart-maxts were letting out the pro-eStBion of 1«>0 women dressed in white, beai*p« the purple and told banne» of their party, xoatched from the National W M wan'b Party headquartarf^db Jieksra fOue ta t!ie s t a ^ of

- lafiiyBtte, diagonally- opppaitet £he White Hooae. "lioae adied-ated to make speeAea gayiered «t the htM df thr statue whSe Hw abooTl

head- "> the district. jority in Lvutu

The regular meeting of the

was held Monday evening. On account of the excessive heat the OMeting was h ^ on the lawn at the home of Mrs. L. A.

Mr White's nrn- Laridn, instead of at the Town 57.

Home Service and tbie mdUng pot.

Miss Rixey announced the shipment of 45 pairs of ^ocks

[and other knitted articles made by the ladies of M>q M|gBs and of the branches at Catharpin.

HaU. Rev. H. Q. Burr presided and the invocation was'offered by Rev. A. S. Gibson. Repoxts were made by the committees on knitting, surgical dressings. [ ble of all thfe preventable

:ia fii^ Preventable Db-

i ' Richmond, Va. August 7.—

"pe Slate Boird of H ^ t h is olaking a special'effort just now 4^ convince public t^Scials of Vir-ifbia of their respondbility in connection witii disease preven­tion. An official of the board said today:

We know and all admit that tjrphoid fever, for instance, is

of the most easily preventa-

Brief Sketch of His Long and


Soccessfiii Career While on the Bench.

^ i««^^-e . Cttttt »f po&e- TtejfoyowBir-«»Ihe mi^ori-

:had been thrown around the tie«| for Mr. C irtin ia the mae p l S i * and a squad of a docca of a ^ countia, i6c^cling ttfijdtty

stood alattentipoiieigi^ of Ali>ir«i Hrij - i.' 'Mgi.'^itdSmva W. AleumaHa € » r _

NokeBvil}e,dccoquan and Bethel. Mrs. Barren, supervisor of

surgieal^resuBgs, rei;KM-ted good progress in the surgical dreas-

wortayojoas, fmnf yrjogiji » sfaipnient of dreftahj^'for

to he naade ab9ut August S^

The foUowios committee w^a i^nwinted to take charge of thrt^miimik meHing pot an i fn suik tin. «.«-operatkib-«f the Red G^n

i^saperiiiteiHient~of^ po-' AI«ahdria c w a ^ liee,madeapaa(»artoiirarotaid F«if£ak . . . . . . . . . :

r f v i ^ an autwaohfle btiem ^ r ^ Wniiam . . . .

312 4S0

ty: Mrs. T. E. Banes;/«hair-maniMDa. A1 E.abies. Mrs. Ro­berta Lynn. Mea. T. S. Cotegf and

The^i^ort on tiorae'Sen^K was made by JCev. Mr. GSMnn

IM r<iwnmlttw IH plagiilMt lo hM a

*Vy friends," b^sa Mrs-Looiaa Lavreoce Lewia. of Pbila^didiia. Eing George ,. 1 wish to tdlyoa why tlila meet- Staff<»d v . l . . .

IwihL Vine >*- ir-fn

126 * latar i& the oaklk. The ieBamag

eaitsr T?1irtheirmoire, it is a well known fact that those communi­ties fortunate enough to have alert and intelligent officials who i^ve upon all communities, have prac-.tip ljy. eliminated typhoid fevt It is also a faet that what has been done by one community can beTfcme by another, for the cost of prevention is so small that ejrerjc—rnrnmunity—in • V:

Judge J. B. T. Thornton, judge of ti^etb judicial circuit of Virginia, comprising the coun­ties . of Alexandria, Fairfax, Prince William and the City of Alexandria, has tendered his res­ignation to Gf>v. Westmoreland Davis to take'effect on Septem­ber 1st, next.

Hnm Wageper R»rrivea Letti from BleluBOTid RcgardiBg

Saaitary Cooditiam.

Mayor W! C. Wageneir Has re­ceived from Dr. Enai<m G. ¥ni> liams, commissioner of Che State B o y d of HPJtItJh RiohTTirtnH t h n

following letter which we pub-liah in part':

"A representative of the State^ Board of Health has recently vi^ ited Manassas and has made a careful study of conditions there-A copy of, his preliminary report io oncloocd herewith for your in- -

take the precautitms thai • prevent typlmwl fever and

otiier TBaeaaca leaM putting

withoat id' the da their

*Tlie miaeij, sufferiim, death ^ _ , . . - . . _ . -—I econoiaac_^ * e « i 9 w - t o ^ i w r t the c * ^ nejgtect by tJwae in authority to

^^ • Jadge ThewrtDB - sqeeeeidcd

adqpt meaaaies of {nreyeitioB are appalliag. For mstanC^it

* ^ •fte edncaticn jn the spa^CTn a Ktas is wasted ofwiag to back-'

of. ehiidrea due

caiigpiry with tytdKria 'awtf ^ ^ S » O T m _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ jjj^

were aekaiHrie^PBd l9^:^iei

Bsptiat Yonng PaoiJa's Uaiaa, pneeeda of festival, | H ^ ; MBLG. BayaMnd Ratcliffe, o r d

~ $af4^Fr^36.10: Jgases NdsoB u d %if»itf)ffi^ ^^trtfL^ ^^ t f i i a i

¥3.75; Mr. W. F. DoweD. a ^ of candy made by UeaVneB.f^; Earnest Work.

Piesbytarian Mir. WaSaa

in Jop-

paralys^ etc, all rfislMPw of fifth Ind^lpread heeanae the piiUle aathoritiea

to of

OB, JSretsamiA Camreh. JASBi Crow, aale ^ ice Uxk eonunmity. 0 ; Mr . V . W

IGaa Ha«d Hnnkina. whe led %e panMie anyiac MB W K made three attonpta to ji Bn

Miaa tavWa Deck be-to recite Itj Coimtrr, 1 ^

«f Thee," birt - ~ - -—ifciifi-ir^ fag finishing nautBj a croap «< women begMa Urn •numd the ftatue. tWey, too, «B« aneated. Vm Aliee JPk^ QffftMS FABB .JJiP 8TDCK

rf tht National Wa-i AT FOBUC ^OGIKMf party, iriM Miaa -haefi • - ,

Ba i«^th%CBci i tm«awDi^ Owia« to the fact thatJiic. B. te^^^iwe iliiii e i i i i lpl -- ^.— I^mt 1W>irtwia. TiaanwHi rr^

"" ~ 1 -dasaified and pheed-in dass 1 Ini^ighiia-qitaon:

*We proteat agaiart tiie edn-aaed disfraachiaaiBea t o f

American WOMB, for vhieh the

H. Haw fc V^ mad Mta, Jdia 4«^teilv, Ouatiay, $ 4 ^

Anaonnramcnt was made of tha receipt «f ap^iieattea for recognition, ^am the llgQdwing

Adea Branch—Ifr. C. L. Read­ing; ehaimkni; Mn. gott, tnasnier; Mia. L. J.


tpoenntftis-^. '. .. —'—•—r-— "Oifr jireateat trouble in Vir-

giniii aa jt » is ra other it^ea, ia hi tha rural seetiona. In aoet c^tiee the fobfera of j ^

ham bean hugely aolTed

Bat evoi mthe dtiea tiMie^ amny nelics of the deadly dia-

type fd onthooae

J a » t J. Ik

Judge Cv E. Nicol on th^ banet when th« latter reagned hi I90i taJxBcdroe a candidate for Con


formation. We beg to call yoor particular attention to the un­sanitary condition of the priviiaf and to the method of ^posing' of "night 86iI7 ~ ~ ~"~ ~

"Unsanitary, n<Hi - fiy - tight privioa and improper diapoaal of night soil constitute the chief source of the germs of dysen­tery, typhoid fever, infantile pa-ralysjp and other dtseawes. Theae


pie are no longer permitted to eat food and drink water-that-have been eontandnated 1^ fliiig or by drainage currying eermn tiiat ccme fnta the bodies oF

~ penottt who haV6 or W1M> han«~ had those diseaaes. Unless tin wastea from tJM hunuB-boi^) so-dispoised of that flies rdwh them and ao that tiiey majr


pointaifiUt fiiL. waa eonnnaciwealth's

* LcJ^J Priace \iraiiam calattir, <

"" ' • ; • .' •——r—u. ' the food and flie drinkim: watHK For many yeaia pnorto ^ ^ ^ W«MU»I» •WH,

T^ spiinga and stuiaiiiii that soppy ' the peofite ^HA drinking waftetisr aneh germs aa the wastes ni«tP

1832^ ':" ' T l - , I "It is h o i n g ^ ^ office of eem-L^ ^.. J ^ ^ T " ^ ^ mcmweatth's atttnn^ he was so-


^ a t t h Board's report is pdb^ fished wiB have

Priiie William cMraty. "" i™<* «ttenti«m to theaa mat |a^ SUuM^ i f i a hte admiiBHiu u»'''"^ '"H hffff martp wyh Wki.

the bar. Judge Thonitoa went t»^P^^«°"*» that it wJH oieaprm Ifeaiasippi to P^» L S ' > * ^ ; f ^ ^ * ^ ^ whfle te thrt statearaaiQie taw,.. ^ * t_ wK.,_a partner af the Hon. John Sharp j "*** ' '** ^ * " to J e puMiBliei WiBiainft tJpon h» i«tam toi " "**• Princ^ Wifliaai county he fmrmed a partaeraha) irath the late E

Bcpart o^ Sanitary M^nasaaa, county of Prine«

cainate OS ««!il«e. E , Herediai ind thaa eontgiued/ William, July 30^1918^ Jn the pracfieie s Meh to A e t iae «f Mr. Mondith'a''*^*^^'''^^ '^^^^ pnUie wa^ death. When Mr. H. thomtpn * « ''*P^' mmrieapal; per

er pmy. The health of thoaeJDfcyiea waa admitted to the bar •'"*^' ^' 4n»tity,^ arfao Iwa a-the be

better thfa the <tf tfeoae who-five m tatte*

by the obaervwice .of onfinary hjrsienie preeautiBua. fii


by tha.diatxict boasd and may be ealM into'the aaiviee at'the dMrtest Dotioe, he wiD o4ter for sde on Tocadsy, Aagnfit 20. ,at

^timmt of the United Stetea ^ ^ ^ " ^ " J S ^ r ? ™ Faim." four milca aarUi «f Hi^^ ^ maiiut, another faim known aa' *Tr» oMdenm the ,

« O i a pmtw foe «ll9wi|« the "BuAy Pkrk Fton," with farm te the aad^fc s t o ^

Bobertaoa ia atao ister-¥mS~amS

*!We rlqduie tha aiiph.iifisn of - j . /v,.^..^.. ._a „ « ^ u—_

&wTL i S ^ the ^;.^L:f^^T^ 7^ , _ . . aacceeded by Mr. C M. Larfcm o^r.-Mayiag ^ ^ in*

to the people.

"A iawe percentage^ tha iP heattk ia the eooa^tylifiatiieta ia * i e t »

Jvdgt Thbmton formed a law'!•"•<« " partnKBhip with him, under the l'"*' ' we&, 10 preieeted style of -nofnton and Daviea,j *«»>' «• * * ^e?» * * * and this trm waa eaj^ing a about half wdl protected; laife and hieiative practice adien

^xoeOettUi. 4 or 4

^ • 4 ««Qr JidLapr Hb great ezpenae b

BithodieMi bftjmnie ntetuuy by t raad coaqmheaded I health,-did aot come aa a sor^

a i ^ mnnib^al; per cent dSieffaeJM fomr tmiea n y a s j j i ^ ^ fhomton waa c)a«atad t o j ^ i PniF"«> ap|M!ozimate nuo^bcr.

100; ^pea 20 iMx n i pedis, 8V nmovahle boxea, aO anaanitarr. Scaveager service, no regaiar.

Coat and hew pod, ffT

the bendi of hiaearaat^ waa a

ber of the ConatitatiaBal Coa-ventioa a4ud eoavened hi RiA-

jn 1001, he h a v ^ eadotaed f or tfada ix^ hmiM- by bothtke

Jadge 'niocaton''8 reatgBfttkm, aoaarm

WarreatoB, Ya., Aug. 8 eleetrical


femamr thA the TitiS-* * t and hiajpartf t

on page^two.

iriio at-


peiid by h i A v i d a ^ ^ cffidoKy. IKXEr; nfiblea In geiS^ eondlBgB, doMMd ahont oace jm

hada imd eoonaeOor. a lejtal maicr

PriM to^niany <rf hia frieikia, aa and hia maay. years of «t l fC it had^Jeen ramorad for aeveral pnetiee, togeUier with his nat-weeks that he wwdd refiih on-f oral grace and charm of manner leaa_ya_hgalth^jMitariafly im^'ideally fitted Urn f o r * jndieial proved. Indeed, it ia pnbablatpentioB. He heM tikat aa

aouW have UudWed hia jtorneyaho««uaeevefy"Booo»--rsiigaatkm bef OR he dU had it bto meana fai behalf of hia client,

lor the miportuning of' W^ejg_ro^eetfd the tedin»-in hia

cuvait, tU of whoaa hold him the higheat degree af teapect.

ealitjea of the Uw, it was ever Us desire to get a caae in aaeh shape that it could be diiipoeod <tf oo ita mmts. His'success as

*». °* i^.^f^^^'°^ *«°*^ t** «^ ''**^* ~o™T«t1bunied about the face, through tha Senate m i^ tbe-mnimMiHUt^SlMit Noniiri.<bofe • "

sessioa." ' ~" • '

fisT^ai^ir lGm~8anh White aad Robert White. dai«h-ter anf son ^ M^ and Mrs. John .^ , „ J. White, who live near Wart«i-^, TTbe following young men left tda,we>e kaied » t l « r hoa« h y ^ C a ^ ^ ~ ' 5 « « ^ » ° " ^ -^*r:Aj»dge he was •v«H«« , . i . j^rfg, rmi-prtaps V beat fig^taing. Prank Dowea. a via-fP« •\^"^^= W O » EUis,|t«)os and kind to attorneys, ht- measurwl t^ the very limited itor, was rendered unronarinas j ' ^ ^ ^ ^ J ' " " , * ^ J ^ ' ' ' I ' ^ " ^ J"™^ witnesses and nnmt—^^^..^ ^^, t htmilroda

^for aO^Tninuta ami was i^Jt^ jW'/hf*'^^ Oias.JRnssell KaUsy. court efficeis. While haistingilBri. went up from fais circuit, in Johnstown. Pa.; Offie Poeey. Ma-jthat the fufi meaaoR of respect which his rulings were reversed

^ • •» •»• • • » T » a « a l a a m a ' ^ i*«B«as

I ®0 tmaHer banners, were taken '^y t ^ pobee. As SOOD as ar-itriet building in tiie poiioe pa-

; Raymond H. Cross, Jas.^ doe his position be accorded i hy the atawMnt court of appeala. _JnJfi~ce«t Jit the family; aU;^^^^" Cross^^Manaasasj Harry .hinu Judge Thornton waa ~>*' The JounuJ joinn with hta-though sitthig in the aame worn t£?**^^°'«*'^°*<"«y'<5«f«« burdened with that superiative host of fn«Hk in the

'*"*ed the women wgrs sent tojtroL The patrol made six tripa. * » detectrre borean ia tbe DSa-i—WashingtoQ fOlt^ug. 7-

and the a4)oiBmg foeai, angered no injury.

W. Conwidl, Manassas; Paul Reid, Harper Ramsey, Hoadley; Eppa L. Batler, Manassas; and

MiKVBHBd h^Jma^ NotesTiDe^

degree of dignity which some | hope that in laying aside judges posaess; and those hav­ing business in his charts were aadij tp fori that

earnest, hi? of­

ficial duties he will in a m needed rest find oompl^e*hea


Having been re-cbuaified and put in Clasi 1, and therefore subject to inunediate call to theaiTOy/Iwill sell at PuUk Auction the following personal property at "SNOW H&l. FARM, 4 Miles North of HAYMARKET, commencing at 10 o'clock jum^ on

20, 1918 Persons arriving on trains wffl be mel^t Haymarket and given transportation to and from sale

68 Head of Cows Mostly Doriiaai, SOMC Herefenb aai Bevoai Jcm^B.

Nearly aB good MUkos. 5 Head HdMcte HeifcrB. «B with calf.

15 Head 36 Head Tcaittw HMafatdto StMwaad HcifecB.

41 Head Bareford Cidniv nate

9 Calves, 2 Registciad llerefod


At tfiesSBie phice at 1 p m. I wiB offer fw safe my /'BuAy Park Farm.** 1 wjB offfdrit with a ^ witfaetit thg crops. Tliefarm i^nsisiB of 300 a c ^ fend; alxMit 40 acres mtonber, 90 acres in ^ o ^ grass and lAeat sbibble. Has go id stodL and horse bams» one silo and anotber ci tife 14x40 bemg erBCted. TYk^e kiikKr9i^mB0s^h^^ vmtmihmmg beenl ioa^ tpfarm^^^i^^

TERMS OF SALE-AU Mima ftf $20 aiid mder^ caA wiB be reomtedyon sums ovar that amount a credit of tw^ve isiiiidii^^^^ die puix^liastf executbig mterest-bearing, negotiaUe nole, with i^jpiwed securi^, payalfe at The Ni^na l Bank irf ManataT^ No prop^ erty to be removed VSMOJI t^rms of sale are„cwnpKed with. :.

Cha Tw^MdEwHoiridi VJCTK Auctioneer



The Msmassas JoumaJ - PVBLJBaKLi B V t l t y F W D A T A rTUlUtOON BY

gawaai Imnd Prttihiig U., he

United States, itnd whoever, when the United States is at

them returned to the aenders choSlovukg, uaori Mnized, trying thereof under such regulations i to join their armed countrymen.

war, shall willfully utter, prlnt.jarthe Povtmaster Goicxat may These men-wtH now be assjiat^

•red at Ihv Fust Othc« at Mdnussas. inJH, fH Second Claas Maii Matter

HJOt^kYtum AinKc

write, or publish any disloyal, profane, acurrilous, or abusive UngMagf >?9Ut th? f?"" °^ g°^-.^

Fridi^, Aacost 9,1918


RESULT OP PftMARY The Hon. Charles C. Carlin

will succeed h i m s ^ in CJongrefts, ^ having recdyed the demcK cratic Domination in Tuesday'-« primary by a plurality of approx­imately 3.000 votes. This means, of course, that Mr. Car­lin will be elected in the Novem­ber election, as the democratic

. jodmination in the Eighth Dis­trict is tantamomit to election in the fall election. Mr. Carlin cax:ried every county in the dis-triiit, includ^g Alexandria eity, « c c ^ Loudoun, Mr. White's

me~etsmtyr Loudoan—gsve yir. White less than five hundred Twajority. A congressman could nof wish fmr a'stronger mdorse-ment by his constituents than

prescribe. ApjH-oved, May 16, 1918.

Fimiinnt-frf the United States, or the CtHistitution of the United States, or the military or naval forces of the United States, or the flag of the United States, or the Uniform of the Army or Navy of the United States, or any language intended to bring the form of grovemrnent of the United States, or the Constitu­tion of the United States, or the military or naval forces of the United States, or the flag of the United States, or the uniform of the Amy bi- Navy of the United ^^tes into contempt, scorn, con­tumely, or disrepute, or shall willfully utter, print, write, or publish any 'language intended tb incite, provoke, or enceuiiage resTstance to the United States, or to promote the cause of its OftOToies. or shaU wiUfully dis-

Td& UisifekJiJlii u r KUUttLT I he boli^viki and the Get uma. Th^^ownfall of the bolshevilLJTh^ ]p,.BflignB h«"ft s i n i t y h r

"the one that jar 'CMiih | i ^ - | i i t wSgigYer ^^«ia by wotg jwr yet received, for he relied almost eh-

-.his past rpfnni in "tSongress for hi8_reaKWBinati<m, "prefoTing defeat in the prima-'irilWI »«i*Wjiwv fKjw Irn nMltMffft tilt

d«ties» 1B: this fdiie' of

"'^TSiiwicajspftigaov^ the district. That Mr. Caiiin hag, been true -party, attktm and rmmtiT_no

iwing~hla^^^ra aiii ^ W SBait% ' OWttfUftWlR"' tSJtiu-SOTa^ has been in CoBapgs iwfll t N ^ His nomination is j n hwor riid>-Ijf desttrved, and the Jourdal con-

-gratulated him upon his succam; • and alsu Uie Eighth'District in

tentative in the lower braseh of -€<Kigre8ci. --T—r .''. ''"

and House of |tepresent8tiv«8 of the United States of America in Congress aasemMed, .That sec­tion three of title one of the Act entitred^"An Act to punish a t ^ of interference with the forei^ tdations, the neutrality, and for-«gn commerce of the United States, to punish ^espionage, and better to enforce the criminal laws of fee United States, and fer other purposes," aw«twed'^eaifort« the c r i i ^ ^ June fifteenth, nineteen hundred United States, and for other

play the fiag of any foreign ene­my, or shall willfully by utter­ance, writing, printing, publica­tion, or language spoken, urge, incite, or advocate any curtail­ment of production in this coun­try of any thing or things, prod­uct or products, necessary or es­sential to f^ prosecution of the war in which tAe United Stated may be engaged, with intent b; such curtailment to cripple or hinder the United States, in the preseeutiqa of the war, and-whe ever -shall wUllully advocate; t ^ h , def ebdv oijmsg«i^^^^^^ ing orany~bfl;Ee acts or things in this section enumerated, an<!l

sui^rt or favor the ciwiiiErof

United States is word or act oppose the cause of the territonaT integrity of the


be punished l^ a fine-of not more' tiian (M)0(^ or-impriBginmeiDi of tt» Japanese g^vei ntnent to-lor uo\ more \MIHH or IfgiH. Provided, That any gmBl vee-or oflSaial of the .Uni^

B»ta any <Mgloyid act or nttera any u^patri^tie or. djsloyai la&--guage, or who, in an abusive and violent* mann^ criticizes the

that it is asauieJ that Mt, Lkf-4ilmted Statea snau oe at oncp wOl o^tinue tertsrttB rq^r^j aaasaed fK«i tite serv i^ ^Any|ped»^n^ _^__

sudi empk^ree shall be dismissed by the head of the duinutment in whic^ tiie emrteyee may be

THE ESPIONAGE ACT engaged, and any stich oflBcial -Be It ehaiitea hy the^SanrtefidiaU be^dismisaed by the author-

ty hav&i|r power to apiwint a successor to the dismiss^ offi­cial." '• ..

Sec 2. That section ohe-of Ti-tle Xll and all other provisions of the Act ehtitied "An Act to punish acts of interference with the foreign r^ations. the neu t r ^ ^ , ancT the fweigh com-merce of the Unit^ Stales,- to ponish eaoionage. i«d better^to

ind seventeen, be, and tite-same ia hereby, amended so, as to read asfoUMwl ~

"Section 3. Whoever, when the United States ia at war, shall wiMully makd or convey false reports or fake statementtsr^th intuit to interfere with the ope-1 June fifteentit, nineteen atioB or success ot the military and aeventeen, be, and the same

-^^ naval forcas o£ the tftdtaT fr^Btrdg^^Tgmaided by adtfag States, or to promote the success

^ its eseanies, M- dull wtDfnlly aake or convey false reports or ialtei statements, oi eai ui du aayttev e x c ^ by w^ of bona jde andjaot dirioyai advfertP an

with in-or inTcators, tent to obstruct the sale by tiiefof this Act. instruct 9tates ot bonds or other aecurities of t ^ United Slates 'Of the making of loans by or to ^M United States, and whcevw, when the United States is at

tempt to cause, or incite or at­tempt to incite, insubordination. disloyalty^ mutiny»J>r refusal ofible i»T*«ior Rapjcwiage Act' plainly

»rjtt«i or stamped upon the forces of the United SUtes, or ahall willfully obstruct or at­tempt to obstruct the recruiting ^r enliatment service of the

purpeaofl," a^TOved *ffle teoith, aineteoi hundred and aeventeen. yhieh aw^y to~Bec-tipo three <rf Tttte I Uiei'euf 9hall I4>{riy with equal force and effect to saidjection three as amended

titereto the foUotring section: "Sec 4;-Whai the United

States Is at jar , the Poatmaater General may, upon evidence ut -itfaetory to him tiiat any pcntoa trr ftoweer^ is using Ow maiiam g ^ ^

_ . • TBe violation of any e i f ^ provSoos

master at any poet office at which mail is received addressed to such p w s o h ^ coo6em to re­turn to the postmaster at the of-

^ c e at which they w«re origfnal^-^^^ vu, shall wnffully cause, of it^|ly mailed all letters or other mat-js^^l^-

ter so addressed, with the words 'Mail to this address undeUyera-

ootside thereof, and all such let­ters or other matter so returned to the senders thereof under sucli -poetmaatert eball be by

regime in Russia is foreordained by the announcement that the United States and Japan will aid the Czecho-Slovak or Bohe­mian troops in Siberia. A move­ment that is nothing less than a counter revolution is now under full BwinjB: in Russia, led by the Bohemians who were recentiy oppressed subjects of Austria-Hungary and unwilling soldiers in the Hi^wburg amies, lliese Bohemians, blood brothers of the Russians, deserted from the Aus­trian ranks at the first opportu­nity, and have become the back­bone of the new movement which will restore Russia to the

gun to oi ^anize their own armed forces and are working in entire harmony with the Czecho-Slo-vaks. Not many months will elapse before the Russians will have an army of their own large enough to cope with the enemy.

The gratitude of civilized Im-manity Is due to the brave and shrewd litUe Czecho - Slovak -army that has stood in the breach in Russia. These Bohe­mian^ have abundantly-proved the mettle and their right to ex­ist with their countrymen in their own home land, under their own flag, governed by a govern­ment of their own choosing and

Russiuis, in spite of tire-<Jeit ipfe8ponBlble"BOlely to the people: mans and the bolsheviki.

President Wilson's opinion of the situation, M outlined by th&[ai^ be «»ved, will nevw have a

country of their own unless the Hapeburg empire is smashed. Bohemia cannot destroy Austria alone. The allied nations must do it. The allies should now an­nounce to the wqrld their solemn purpo^ to make Bohemia a free

statement issued by the State-Department, is an ^itome of the opinion held by the best-in-< formed persons in all allied and neutral nations. His intimation of the American-Japanese pro­gram, based upon the needs of the situation, is most welcome to all who cherish the h(H>e of Rus­sian freedomu It should cOmi% as a message of dellyerance to the Russian people who have been betrayed, robbed and -tor. tured by the bolsheviki. , Partic-uljifly impoftaflt ic t ^ ance. that -the United States, in sending armed forces to the as-siBtsnce~ofi:he 'Russu^srWin not n^inge ujpOB RuamTs' po^^S 1 sovereignty,' interfexe^wiS Rua-

The statemoit of the attitude

wiard equivocal,,! and the friends of

encourfgmg to

poset^ragpeg tegrity of Russia, abstain

tra* 1n^ temal poli^sT^d to witb<&aw

Armr Trr >^^^fa'Hhrjprf-rttg riHgnjmi«iFv1ffSBlwriTnhn4;hff teaT: izatitfn of the ebjeots of the e»

The world now ^ o w s that Russia wilLhe ftved nf theinfla-.. •ences^tiiat have cursed her since the rev(dution. Hie bblshevUd have been one of the msat meo-strous growth of ^ ^ .-war. Their gifts for mendacity and*' f abrieatiMi have been such as to mystify the loaost subtie inte^ lects and.luge..fe)m rectitude the most patrfotic souls. Traitors, tltieves and nmrderers have ac­tually climl^.anto tdglt-piaoes' of^power anaong the. bdsfaeviki, and hfive shamelessly plundered thc r own motfaoiand aiid.mur-d«red their oTO-ewnnrieii The hellbroth that has been brewed

.^4in Bunnia by theee fonl has spread its fumes over the whole e a r ^ .. Evoi in America tha«.are DMH mth rcputationB

and poisoned Iqr the b^ri»evik pwqagmda. Eveiy puaalMeTBrg'

and armed, thus incre«stBg the force which will protect the Rua . jnuch to assist the allies * in aians in each c<Ma»uBity i^aan^

The Czechft-Slovaka, who are giving their blood that Russia

and jndependent naticm. That : moeh is due to the Czeeho-£Uo-vaks, the brave and .ireedran-loviag^ people who have doaos»

Fw^ee, in Italy-and^n Buaeia.— -Vi aahtttgten Poet

S Haxa yon ever had o«r pikes ea JOB WORK 7 In ikmt days H ta weD to know fa advaaee both the~qiiality


WE HAVE PLENTY OF TUR-- NIP SEED and KALE SEED. ' July 25th ia Uie day to sow ihrnm, —OOF stock of FRUIT JARS l&L

COMPLETE—TIN CANS, JAR TOPS, RUBBER and JELLY -GLASSES. We want Eggs, Butter, Chick­ens—anything yoa have to selL Come to see OS and buy War

-—SaiiagD Stamae. — J. H. B U R ^ A COMPANY

3 «

Wh« tre has devastated yaoi h6Bie-or plaee of hqiriBesB, when ttfe looka

rhiiiefceB^-when^tte^ eavliitii Jftjmaar-have gene up in Bmoke^-thcn yea IM»-precfaUe the valoe of an pulfcy hrm itwMl,' rtihdar -wUck-pays ifw hwnrn pr>Mmfly_and_

-Ulat's : thm^pafy kind we reprtaent.

AGENCY, INC. Ykgiiiia

tific«wis adopted to mislead tSe United States govonmoii into recognition of the—boishevac|j| "government" of Russia. .'For­tunately President Wilson saw much quicker aad much fnrthtt »K«w •!«> Cfm«wig><i « y > t « who

s o u ^ to ntulead tt» loirarB-

loicea guiBH into -OT—= alBcd Vladivostok wiU remain bdund the Ccecho-Sovaks, who are working westward in defease of their eountrywen wfao^are«uB-der attack by German and AiS^ tro-Hungarian 'soldiers and bol-

-Muvakar thus sustained, ought to be able to take possession of additional strategic railroad points in Evt-fopeanllussia71hereb^ThuUii% off food supplies to the bolshevik stroBghetds and turning the food over to the Russian people. Thprr are tt^QOO eri^OOe Cre

as m* sacaE x-Eai 1

l^Bi^^" hardj aevoai.' taday the Bank is an M>B mSTTTDnON-

yearaacoi INDISPKNSi-

ia-i tos . - It is foaetioBary ia reeciv-


jli ljarfaa At U^ WU THUV


waya. Wa tm-

fle^btional Bank eMbnassas mm

H M Bank of Persewd Service

nE XX « c >iJi


—AntauTJaae iioanae was is­sued in Wsshington last week to J o s ^ RothweQ, of Akzao&ia,


—Tte ladBes of Bristow Unioii * ClMirck will hold a festival at Bristow lliaraday eveninc, An-gu^4&> hegiiuiins about 8:30 or 9 o'doelL All are invited to at­tend.

—^T^ coiored^^faurch at Bris-tow, kiiow4 as Good H< >e, was struck by lichtnini: oo Wedne»-day eveniac and eonsidwahly ^•^yn»gmA | t was insond with the W. N. IJpseomb Insoranee Agency, iacwiMMated.

—The annual Sunday School picnic of the Brentsville Baptist Sunday School will be held Sat­urday, August 10, on the chuirh lawn, from 4 P- m. on ffarov^gh, the evening. Come and bring, a basket lunch. All wclconic.

—Harwf Young, son of Mr. and Mii WIH Youag, <rf near MsnasHan, is very ill from ty^ pfaoid fever. In this couectien it is earnestly urged by the

0t I k m JBOBwta hnatth offinar thst thoee

*•*«•« iip«»y £01: the past,—IKU. weeks—although it is BOW dos-ed^^^take tlie tyiAttid vaccine which is recognised as a precao-tioo against the fever. It is also urged that the hottses be sereened and the doseU be put in a sanitary condition. At tiiis season of the year, when typhoid is so prevalent, it would be weU that the public at large take the precautions recommended above against this dis«wse \

—Miss Mary Lincaster Smith, of Richmond, traveling secre­tary of the War Work Coundl of the Natitmal Board of the Young Women's Christian, Association,

in Manassas on Tuesday to

which rq^rts of all banks are | Mre. Alice B. Kinch^loe. of BraitaviUe and Washington, vis-availaUe. Upon announcement

of the amount of the loan, or as soon thereafter as practicable, atPkyne, last wedcr tshwfarHop W0 be made and for­warded to eveiy hankipg institu­tion of t in


Mr. R. R. Tbrapkina'aBd wife viaitoca on Tuas-'

—The Prince William County Dairymen's Associati<m will meet on Saturday, August 17, at 1:30^ at the courthouse for the transaction tffbttSBeas and oth­er mattears bt lnt»est , "Hie program wil ^>pear in our next issue. ,

—A called meeting of the Ma­nassas Chapter, U. D. C^ will be held at the iKHne of Mrs. Albert Speiden aa M(Hiday, Aug. 12, at

:30l i :THr Tfequirmg immediate attention are to be disposed of and * full attendance is desired. - —

—Epgiuuui' Grey Iliefcs, of freight No. 4606, was prostrated by the heat just as his train mt-rived in ManrtsJaTlB Wednes^ day evening. 'He receiveid prompt medfcal attention and

duties. Mr. H l d a xeaades - at Mtmroe. • ' '

in the joint drive for funds which will be conducted in Octo­ber by the Y. M. C. A and Y. W. C. A. The following temporary officers have been appointed in PrLttfee William county: Chair-


Miss Tahe DeBeH, of Wasb-ingUm. was a gueat of Miaa |lafc-tie Weir on Sunday.

Mr. Robert UtteriMck, of Ccn-tervifle, waa a town viattw on W«dn««lay.

Judge £ . S. Turner, e^War-renton, was a Manassas viaitor on Thursday-

Mrs. McCormiek and her daughter, of Waaking&Ki, are

^ " ^ ^ wifli p e t s ^ ^ t o ^ t e d l ^ * ^ M r s ^ Hynson.

Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Tomfrtdns, of Washington, visited Msnawsss the first part of the week.

man. Miss Mary Larkin,_^^S puUicity chairman, Mrs^ T. "B. Haines. A emnplete list of the womoi who are to co-operate as of lkos thxaog^ioat the eoonty wfll be giv<^ as aotM as. the ap­pointments are made. '

—The fourth LJboty iiinpalgn itlll b^^n oh S jUfeBt-' hw gMi and doae Octob« 19th.

Tbe- anKNittt of the Voan aad^its terms wffi be anaouneeii later by tlw» wtieretMy of the tre«suryl mcnt win appiwtion

lOie The baaia of a iportionnient will be faHik resources as hen^ore, which will moeswiae be the: baas iipin ^^uA Unei otBieBt tniins distziet war bi> amortiaaed to

—Sn probably the building in t »

.-truck by ligfatning^ on Wetoea-day evening abQut 9 o'cbif. and -^ith its contents entirdr tf&yedf-. -rbeae insurance.

—The Jiayfidd Cenunimity .'.nd Ci\-ic League wiD hold its tsonthly moctigg on the aeeeirf T in each niOBth,

f the second Friday.- Tlie r.iitee is planning a good pto-$ Tam for Tuea^j, AugUt 13^ Ever>-body is invited to ooBie ar.d spend a pleasant evenmg.

—Sergt. tl'jnft tnkk fmm train on Monday evening >rea^-

red man named Sam Walker, -wfcir .".aiimg trom

was suspected of atten^ting to r-.ade the draft law. -Sabeie-c jent devek^ment^ Jbams^tr, r roved that he was a fngttive :r^r.i justice, having tr'. Tn the chain gang. Be • srorted back on T h a s d a j .

—The scho(^ board has *p^ :• :sted the foUewing teadiets .^ ta the JtrxMutn* •iiwf^ -If; ~.a5 graded school—Miss Klne

.:.;e Reaves, of Sonth Bdston, .. - Miss Lily Evans, of Scotts^

::>- Miss • has been 'rachers at Gnwetaa. with as-.

:her still to be

—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Uem Tc^ • •'ived the news on Sunday n^eming of the .Midden death «€ .Mrs. caera's father. Elder JoSi < lanahan. who ^^doah county Tra IB his

Mr health ea retir-

"3^en a hearty supper. About 2 ockick hia jEi£e_taeacL.h^ J^ breathing onnatar a l l y a n d speakivg to him icLeiwed no sponae. Farther pro Mr y e a n of age.

Mr. K. \ - Pattie. of Cathaipin.

Rev. Geo. W. Crabtree. of Cat-lett, was a visitor at the borne of Mr. W. J. Asfcby laat Thursday.

Mrs. WiDiam Foote left tm Tuesday to visit her daag^ttf. Mrs. C. G. Griffith, of Wadumg-

Mr. tU^a W'. Payne, formerlyj^ pnvfietor of the New Prince


IGsses Beaaoe WaUcer and <^aee Grovea, of Waahmgtnn.

week-end guests of Ka Tiifwia. . ,—_

Messrs. C. C. Wemieh, C3taaL g-Ttuteier aidW^IPriifereffig^ ef Washjl^m. ivere home to voteanTnceday.'

MB. Jiactie rUKB OK wwaiMi F a ^ BattauMe; county, MdL.

Of Mr. B- S. smth.

• ITJESPAY in73rWSi*^^S"WO^rmaWV^'

CONVICT 99S. . .Abo » FMhe





BgJJBBiaiini -


__RnaT. VLAMmas



vBtcpqA potagBcmac -AMD mCHAMiCAL'

ited her daufl^tter. Mrs. Wilson visited f a s t e r aackelfofd's arait, lira. W. J. iSIfiK, ooTfon-

day." . - _ „

CoL Robert A. Hutchison and Mr. Claude C. Cashing, of Up-

perville, was the guest of his other, Mn. Ridianii, on Tue^

day and Wedneaday.

Judge and Mrs. J. B. T. Thorax ton spent last Sunday with /udge Wafiam Gkth and family, of Alexandria county.

Mr. W- H. Hooff. wife and daugfat«r, of Chariaa Ttown. W. Va.. are the guests of Mr. Hooirs

Mr. A. A. Hooff.

Mr. Wmard Greene, of Wash­ington, was a wedl-aad visitor at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Wil­son Payne, en West street.

Mrs. Demorey and Carlton Lee Shackelford, of Haymarket,

family nwtocsd 4>«cr from Ma­nassas on Sunday and w o e goeats of relatives here-—Hem-don Obsenrcr, Aug. Mh.

Mr. Fkcd W. Ebhardt. state president of the Order Fraternal Ameruans, nassas Monday. Mr. Ebhardt was fwuMg'ty a yoothful resident of Manatwrait. bnt^ias been Car years a citizen of Alexandria.

For Rent.—House on Lee ave­nue next to Lotberan Cbureh; 7 rooms and bath. T. J. AidifonL

f o r Rent.—7-n»om ^euae-faxr' nisbed or unfurnished, in Manas­sas ; all conveniences; to right pai^y; pfwiaasiap aO. Box 231, Man.

Foota Wafl Paper stock, whidi j expect to sell out at low pdcM, I win keep stix« open on Satur-days. Other days, leave wocd at HaU's Sttx* and I w i l facuig gaaq>le books to your home. Geo. L.Larsen.

Cows.—A few good qiriogm that will calve in Sl^tanber and Oetobo'; also a few good fiesh cows. These cows are all young and right. Tlie kind that go to wort when you start to feed thaaa. At private aala every Monday. Calvin i^vleton ft Son, NofcesvOte. 12.3t

X 3£

Faiiqaier Comihr Fair WEDNESDAY AN0"THURSDAY "

August 21^22,1918 MARSHALL, VIRGINIA

g^l«tAyi« nf I J«> StnA »«^ftirin PfoJacti. Fat Cat-dfe Show die FealMBe.^Jata!nliatt WoBwu'i

: Dqwrbnent. Hone Show and Racbg


GSAINS. OOKgrSCKAPiS ^ OOnoti SEBD IIBAL imM MaiMt nktarr tfygn.


IDMyrHYHAT _ :'" •,!•.• • CORN MBAL BLACnPOlyS 4>Ai# WOOr





4\ t • • • *A


VntCmiA STATE FAOt ASSOCIATION u r l ^ E i ^ ^ i l Manassas Feei Siqipiy and hqiieiDeiit



x*x£< iu-n^-*ncx7xvo «vrvivi^.n.J^ ^injsm T H H w r l l f i


[' fnj»iiii B«WTd Cftlfe AttcaUM ' ^ OluiKer fron Past tmi

_Urpc8 PrecaatioBS.


Richmond, -¥«., August 8.— This month marks the begiiming of the worst mosquito sesKm of the year in 8<Mne parts pf Vir-i;iiiia and is, in eonsAiuence, made miserable for many pec^le by tiie prevalence of maiariA. In a short statement on this sub­ject, issued today 6y the State the half billion dollars, of which Board of Health, the p«afU-*r^ | |StOO,000,000 came in this month roninded of cortain facts in con­nection with mosquitoes and ma­laria as follows:

'"BCyaria does not come from miasma, swamps or water; it is carried, by a certain type of nuw-quito that breeds only in stag-nant or slowly numinj; water. In a bulletin that was issued some time agq, tiu_State Board of Health tells how to get rid of fke places that furnish breeding spots for mosquitoes, and gives rules, simile and easy to follow •for draining dangerous ground. A copy of this bullettti will be

any citigeB of Vir-

by the Treasury and for August probably higher, it was said.

expoisee wiU be

During July the government's daily outlay was about M8,000,-000, an average of ^ , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 for ordii)ary expensed of the army, navy, s h i i ^ n g board and other agencies, and $10,000,000 daily in loans to aUiies. Total ordinary expenditures for the month were about $1,157,000,000 and loans to allies. «826.000/K)0.

Receipts from sale of war sav­ings stamps Wednesday passed

in the Methodist cemetery -iit Catlett, Va,, on Friday, July 26.

The writer having had,A per-soniU acquaintance with her for neariy thirty ysara atiffidiag feels j ustified'in s a y i ^ tiiat hers wa«^a lovtiy chanctw and a beautiful life has ended. X

"Bat One Way ta Peace, ^^rKarSllM WMrtoBtrttiL'

- guuA ^ n roqoost to Health Board.

"In case the br«6ding of the mosquito cannot be prevented.

as the result of the campaign on thrift day, June 28. ^

Antidpating Fourth Loan. The government now is financ­

ing itself mainly through the sale of certificates of indebted­ness in anticipation ofthe fourth Liberty Loan, which will 6p«i September 28. More than $1,-.600,000,000 came in from thia source in July. In addition the government received $491,000,-00)9 from belatedmcome and ex^ cess iHxifits taxes, and $97,000,-000 from mi8cellaneous.-iBt£mal revenue customs duties yiel^d only $14,000,000.

liouseh<dden should screen their houses very carefnHy to keep the

people should take smaU doises of quinine daring fee malarial aeasbn^ • "When a householder finds mosquitoes about his plaee he should not Mame Providence or his oMghbors. On the contrary,

ises MDA he will ondoubtedly^nd 'the breeding {daces of Hke pest. It should be remembered tliat

- the moaqait<> will breed in an <dd ^ j ^ can ecHitaimng a Jittle water

Btagoant ponft^


^53? ea

Oil StoveJIfithoDt a Wkfe '

t h e 8totc | Payments on the^thW Tiber ty loan now amount to $3,652, 000,000, leaving $624;000,000 to come in flY>m the next install­ment payment.


III CoBUBMMkimtiota of a Beanti-~-tajJt9Ji^_Writa Dwelb i

FceUng^ OB Her SiAjcet.

I bring—Uiday a beautiful ^ b o M intokTHwuf the pr«n- ^MSJsft^pUre a ^ W B i f e r ^ < ^

li. a. WAKCOSt HIGH Mrs.' Antuttrmg,

Afa^ Gida Hrt to^-^ ?^!!^;,.*^ ^'^^^JL"^

Arnfrit^'* m*f triiianaaa^'ii^ •

are naming about fifty per pent higher—than those—o£—Great Britain, it was shewn by eompar-

..Jaoa -of tre»snry: iieports and_ a newly issued Brituh - financial statement, irfawb showed tiiat Great Britain is spouling jibout $26,000 a minute. Oiring to the shorter time the United States has beoi - in fee war, however. her natkmal war debt is <mly one- ® < ' * ^ *^ the_>ime of ^ d ^ f e feird as large as that of Great

<len.of taxation in this eaaatry now is only about oD&4talf a s marh «ir-HH« w^ RnglMid,-—^—

Althosvh the United States has largely sup«aeded • Grei^ Britain a s the firtanrial raservior on wfakh fee ofeer alfied nations draw, the- aggregate of such; loans by this codutty still is ooe-iaorfe less fean Great Britaiii'a.

$i,5«!MM.M« • MMtk. The monthiz_CQaL of the wio-

to the UnitedJB^es iww is about 1, 01, iadttSng .lofois

alliea. whfle Great Britun's

posed of affection, admirittio^n and lov4, aoui present it as the last tribute of re)q>ect to fee memory of Mrs. Alphongo Ann-atJRmg^ wHo dj^artedthk 1 ^ Jiriy-g>r-HH«,^.at Home in Nbkesville, in year of her age.

the' fifty-ninth

before her

late William F. and Annie Whit^ son Miinnpl. and .was tme of Brinee ladies.

William'fl most pt^Hilar Having a land and-lev/-

ili<rit, BO «K Imew ligr i f ig

buf to love her. ~ Thoaglr m faHingHiedfe^ 1 ^ a number of years, yet Ae yns a faithful and eanyst worker bofe m-fee church and Sim^y Sdiool at NokesviDe, and was president of fee Methodist Aid

" "Ed. Manufacturers Record: My opinion is that we cannot consider any terms of peace whatsoever wife the German Government as now constituted. Germany must be lidced and the HohenzoUems kicked off the throne before we can even talk of peace withoi^ Quiraging our self-re^iect.

The German military ring must be broken and so shattered that it can> never be reunited. Those who have been reiqwnsi-ble for the I9j>e of Belgium andj France; those who have been re­sponsible for the heinous out­rages upon fee civilian popula­tions overridden ~by Germany; feose wbo have been reqwnsi-ble for breiddng feerulra of war and using poisonous gas in bat-tlerfepse who have~been respcui' sible' for torpedoing passenger vessels aiid hospital ships, and for dropping aerial bombs on shore hospitals; those who have been responsiUe for the killing and fnaimtng of women and chil dren iD'L^iion ahdl^fu wife aefial bombs; feose who have be6n responsible for breaBng the most sacred treatiee-aid ob^ ligationjk^have' placed feem-sdlves beyond the pale and can-net and must not be bargained %ife-iraay

Those inintaristic~~ banffits; of the breed of Attilla who cold-blo6de(fly prepared to plunder the world and oiMave mankind, *ud U> thai iwfariinis end plan ifid Ut violate- eviwy human ob-

ligati<m and attribute of duty, mercy and deceqpy, and are not fit, to- place thdr nan^s

beside tte heroes who shal^^witt a a a ^ fice of Uood asad treasure, save the world from thoir^gti^gr

Anyone t^apoiiAff' 'VOUtm' G^raanyi^for^'Xiumam sball iam bMD crushed out H'^llBtr ence should-^eifeer be interned or b $ _ j ^ ^ : ^ an JzutmcLMy: lum for '"medi«d treatment. There is <«e way to peace, and timi is 'fee way to Beliin. It will be a long^ hard, expenstye and bloody road, but it is-fee (mly road and, when we. shafi

What's fee use of being all tacked oat wife feelicat of the kitchen when ISHLSfS * ^ ''•"^f " " ^ ^^ •« • *«>* <» tk» BWTROrt VAPOR OIL STOVE, whidi bvnw kwoMM wilhoat wide or odoi; and doeaa't xadiaie' heat aS over the place.

Hot wifli

th«r Jo8c« ItacQdEing terrors wife tlite stove. TluHisaiida

^op vwe It t» swaradf and t o y o v healfe to see llie iMffttOlT VAFOB THL STOVE—the facqt prodoci «r •unnfactarers who have ievwted ywtta t» the turn dsw* —"-^^—— ^ —

Five Gate

gtojuale umse wt alUmdant tor a samtariom^fcHrHervQas and

Wihled;—TD,iBgo cotds IFpgg wood. Hifldbest cvfe p i j ^ paid y deBvay; meaaigBneania tirian. _ fronrwagrais. CSve us a eaS be-tmA you isll. • g. R. Cofinar. 51

Wintad.1 50,000 white eak

Early in life she united wife Britain, and the individiaLSE j ^ M^odipt Episcup«a-€fann%

and had beoi a consistiBit mem bar ever since. She is moiimed by the oitire eonMnunity, beaides

aw fuuning—in—the BeighboriMod of ^1,000,000,000 f Dxmth. The nation's war dd>t

> now a bttie less than-$12,50e,-D, as eomp««d wife Great

Britain's $S6,675,MO,O0lt Before the war bofe natioBs

«(dleet«d about the saose amoont ^ tsxea every year, apimzi-^ i t d y $1,000.000,000. Now vreat Britain eoDecttf^-$£270;-000000 and the United Statea dmot $4,000,000,000, but the popolation in Am«ica Ja dortte

of Great Siitam. T» Be Larger Thk Bf evfe.

War expenses for July were tt less than for June and

May, amounting to about $1 ,-•4?C IpO OOO. as compared with

|$i^l2j000,000 ,the record for Jane, and $1.508,QOO.non fnr

|«*y. the Treasury Department ( anaouneed. The mithty f QT Joty,

a large drde of rdatives and friends.' 'nbmii^ har.sliff(^^ were so intense, y e t . ^ ' m a ^ tamed her usual J^eerfulness, Mid irisasanteesa to evoybody unQl the liBslf~ Sbc( was a kind and sympathetic n u g h ^ , a most devoted wde, and as far as'

Mental (fiseases. Salary, $24.00 a-nira)thrivttbt»^asi^ndlwmdi7. Addreas» S. Lordr Etamfoid, CJram. S-St,*'??.

have «rrived at. the eod of th|# .ve only a subju-

gated, supi^iant, Kanirad-eall-ing ix^Milace to deal with, and ibe terms which we shall feeir make wiO not- be fee terms of any bargain, but merely t m n s ra^iosed by us acondiii^ to oar ideits of justice. .

Justice win make one inexw-ahle denumd on t ^ occasion, and it wiD be that Germany diall bear the burden of rdxiiOding

was in h o ' power she stretdwd < M rdmbuning Belgium and fwfe hei hanth-to fee needy, j t ^ desolated portions of Noifa-

Mtjfc-Aimatmug the "John Boqe" farm, ifear

BacHiiH," Pri t i f WilHam county, Va., but moved wife her parents whoi quite snuJl toji theMannd homestead aowoinlhr ed f or a number of y e a n by Mr-L B. Fitxwater, near NokeeviBe.

Of Mrs. Armstreog'* twimedi ate fUHflyt three sisters imd fear

rarriv«; Mrs. W. T.

cross ties. See a s and get i^fces. M - I ^ y a t d r * ^ . 2A4i

For Sale.—Cfne large gray hor8e;oBe Ford tuoringcar,1917 model, good c(»diti<m; also can fill orders for new.CSievroitet cars in this idaee and vidzuty. D. C. CMne* M. D^ Punvfrici-giu Box 55. 7-4


For Sale.—Geiser tractioa oi- _ . IS-horse and Geiser. saw miB^fully equipped; rapid re> ceding beadtocks. saw dust blowr er, all in fine condition; can be seen at worit any- time. For further iaformatiMi, write or idume The Journal (rfSce. 8-4

from Manassas, xm iaqwoved ^fl^way; $15-00 per acre; tarns to suit J. M. BeD and J. H : B|u|1ce. ^ -7-5"

Persons having lots in Manas­sas Cqnetery tbat need cleans < mg, also fenee'p^ted, apply to Mr. R. S. Slrtilh, Manissas, Va.

AlaaeejauLLotzaine-maat be re-storad to

What other terms may be bn-peaedwillmatter.farkas. .Hud

Ifiodm." - = — - - — -

AOen, <rf NdcesviOe; Mrs. J Mrs. Rubat

Armstrong, of Catlatt. and M»ss Anden^ B., JaatMs R., Jefceph B. Manad, of NokeaviOe. and Rieharf H. Manud. of Waahia ton, and one ondej Mr. J. P. Manud. of ftristow.

community at large extend their beartfdt sympafey to the be­reaved husband and family, who so sadly mourn her loss. -

owever, was approximatdy the estimated' tn

Funeral servicea were con* ducted at the grave by her be­loved pastor. Rev. C, W. Jlark.


_ ^ ^ <f fPg» 1. ^var-jimr Millie coon*,' imd-

flia to A. B. desrw vUck a irita to profaaiea*] wehogtt tt Ualnnitr

2. Feor-yau Aeadtmy ar Higii gCnOol conntif WOKB' M D0Bt colwcw '

5. MiKtary Tnuaiac meat Dircetfoa.

«T*da«tM-^tr*iMi to tc*eh. N bmldinics and complete eqai^mcnt.. Pmll tam wHI open Septenber 2dtti. biqmre o fHEBVIN U. SOOP. Ph. D..

~1>.; TreMentr 94»

White and Barred Plymoafe' Rodcs, Sw a JHdte and Brown

flJOper 15. ~" , "

Fire__lDSorine«^—If afraid of Mutual try our old lioe companies.

you are

If old






line rates, trr oor Mutual. Take your diQtoe. We represest bofe Unda. Aostin Gfozporatkci. 6S

Ftor Sate.—Fresh X, this oi&ee.

young cow. 10-2*

Wantedw-^bEperieneed i ^ t o take charge of cmm nuu. .Apply lU Laridn-DorreD Co.,

Va. • 104f


HE. mm ^fBSfSSSiSSr-V£

Va. — d&^m

Farin for sale or rent. Also B.T. T.


For S ^ a t PuMte Auctlpg.—

Nutfs Bungakm, Manass Monday, Aagaat_5, j t 2 p.

I 1^ i J tmii^ Tcrma cash.

For Sale—Good driving horse. J. L. HarreO, Manawras, V a 11


The summer examinations for teachers wiS be fadd in the Ben-nett Building. Manaaaai, Va^, on July 25th-26fe. " • '

All aiq>licant8 who desire to take the high schod examina­tions must notify the Division

is made from best niateriala. •baked in an up-to>date oven,

' haadlad by neat» dean, ear»> fa! workmen. Adc for it— accept no ofeer. We also here a iMoeQUICK L U N d f

-COUMIEft-vbere j « •par

lUM trf c^BxBCtioBery.

J. M. BELL Superintendent not July 1st, and state S e

mans, Sister Teresa.

the subjects sire questions, is not given

5r which tbey de> If proper notice

Hn. E. H. Williams, Mrs. &. BT Keys, Mrs. Eva Andersoo. Hen­ry Anderson. Mrs. Bertie Abd, Wr-G. Abd.

St. Eklith Academy (organit-ing)—Mother Agnea. Mother

lease; Oiatei' M. Benedict. Sister Edward, Sister Aloysia. If you really want fee NEWS Sister WallKiig, Sister igoatis, of the ioan^I lM Jodmal wfU Sister Laureatia, Sister Berdi>j gire it to yoQ vntj

_ ^ During the late summer. Dr. later than E. S. Willard will give a pubUe

leeOlK IB MAhasais oh "Osteop-

Hut be ubtainedr CHA6. R. MeDONALD.

Dividon Soperintandoit, Gaines-«iaa,.Vs - 5-td,

afey as a Profession." The tinae and place wiD be announced lat-

tbe high school: ^- ^ - W iJ**" *»* * professor

year for one doBar, hi

<er ten j^eu* iaoneof fee ing osteopathic colieges, and be is helptag in the general move-nunt to fill the student ranks de-p)«ted by the_war. . AJiw ha is a Iioens<ra osteopath in Virginia and while in Manassas will con­duct 8V«^ public clinics. WiU ally those interested in os;«. pa-

, sudiess nliH, care of The Journd. 8^t

thj^sddit Manawtas





(D5' WiSteT" Skr Snoot.)

The praaeot Euix iean war h u not changed the German cfaaraeter^ it haa uneovwred it. Since the first days when they roamed their native cold, dark plains of northern Germany, the PnissiaBs havt& never departed from their original barbaric the­ory of war. - Especially do the Prussians hpld to the doctrines of their savage ancestors in their conception of how a war should be made.

The first notable exponent of the Prussian philosophy of war was Frederick' the Great, from whom the Hoheniollem date the glories of their House. "If there is anything to be gained by be­ing honest, honest we will be," he saidj "andTTlt is necessary to deceive, let us be scoundrels." It was he who originated the "scrap of paper" theory; in 1740, without thp slight^t pretentte at

ica and otiter parts of tbejmoiM* m May and June, 1914. _45)- And, finally, exc^>tional grand maneuvers were ordered in May. 19;4, which massed 500, 000 men in Cologne,_in the Grand-Duchy of B*deii. for the month of August.

"Not as weakwilled blunder­ers have we undertaken the fear­ful risk of this war. We wanted i t Because he had to wish and could wish i t May the Teuton devil throttle thoee whiners whose pleas for excuses make us hideous in these ^ours of lofty

MASS experience! We do not stand, and shall not place ourselves, be-f<»« the court of Europe. Our power shall create a new law in Europe." (MaxilHan Harden, Die Zukunft..)


The rye crop threshed out 2»4 bushels..

Deon Emma Lee Williams was

declaring war he marched into the province of Silesia and over­ran the country, although he had entered into »mpat st^mn com­pact to respect its possession by Austria. Moral considerations did not trouble him. "The ques­tion of right is an affair of min­isters. • • • It is time to coT sider it in secret, for the brdere' to my troops have been given " The considerirtions that did io-fluence him^wer&i ttL''Mz^K)I-diers were ready; my purse was full"; (2).of idlfeedominienaof

most useful to the House of Brandenburg."

The willingneas of- the PmS' sian rulers to precipitate war and to thrgw^asidu ordinarireoi^ si deration for peace iS'best ilhis-trated, of course, by the famoun

one of the principal speakers at the twenty-seventh annual ses­sion of the Northern Virginia Baptist Sunday School C<Hivenr tion_hddHftt-Waiteuton gif Aa -gust 1 aai 2.—It was the con­sensus of opinion that Dean Wil­liams' talk was one of the best ever" deliverwi before a convqi-tion. Dean Williams also rep­resented the scho^ at the aD-day meting held at Catharpin, the buthplaca of the late Jennie

F . m r t ' " ' ' " * « ' " ' " ' " ' " time T i TrnrfklMriJhgiJ*^ **»<: the quickest way"to a<t''rB hw i*^] litical schemes was to precipitate a war with Franc& Oli July 13, 1870, he reoMved a tdegram

William L ieUmg

Dean, tm the flrst Sunday in ^t-gust.

"faaaag the school's waeent-vis-itors were two of its ataunchest friapds,. J i l i a J t e ^ Mrs. EOpi i l Jackson, both of Occoauan., -—— —far UHmwfeion with of chi^imi^ TBM^ ti» echoed is omtiniung to urge aP ^mothers to haw their chiMrtB weig^d and measunsd. Ifiss Adehie Pinn, chaii'iuaa of the Bed Greaa Branch in Mwaassas, has general ffiipArgitdrwi of "tte Tgprk in town

Jwjnm ImffTiiM tft t.h« wfthoo! on i ^ i ^ i e _ 5 S ^ c _ @ d

this work done. Mrs. Racijud Peny, county su

pCTviaor, is arranging, ruad»' fee

from King about an interview he had had with the F r e n j * ambassador,. about a m a t t e r ^ o n c c n i i n g w M ^ there was much pidriic excke^ ment, and leaving it^*to Bis ­marck what facts i t wasHwise to give to the press. Bismarck de­liberately cut down pened the wdnfing o f ' t h e tder gram, very moderately-|riOTS«Ir["m^Sng in every county in Vir

ausptoeiB o the New^ OrTganiza-tion Society^ a biig. patriotic meeting to be held «t the school at 8<Hne. time duriiig the last

nnj^nhnr [wrrk in Aiiffiint—The society plans to hold at'leaat one each

so as to mak6JLjapMULthatfe^ Hberate insult had be«i offered the French ambassador, and fr-AVP nnt this t^y;i of the dJS-patch. for publication. Bismarck always regarded' the manner id which he precipitated this war as a masterpiftCe; Off statecraft;^ and it was^ heart -a»-» glorious pvTnpU tiy thp^ n^rt generation of public mep ill Gtt-many. , ' . ' .

Now what are the indications That Prussia fd lowed the ideas of her origiffiri-gKvge-toceatota who alwSyFlSheA to s tab tfaeit'

have the weii^ung and meaanr-ingr ilMe ttaeie.- 13^ WWttBifi and Miss Eva Lews wffi advise


Rntimifat tf &e cal tf Ik RcpittcaB CMsresaoui District CMnitee ti^ekd Ddkqpto aii Akenates ti a CMpttaml District (mttlm, ttWhey • tk Gty if Akuidria, Vau, w Monday, the 26th day of August , 1918 , at Me p. m ti NOMINATE A C A N D I D A T E FOR CONGRESS, t» dect a District ttair-•ai, aid to sdect ire BWikers of tbe State Coniltee, al dectmrs of PriKO WilEaH Cooty, ?a„ without regard to past party affiliatioiis, wko are ii syapat^ witli Repobkaa pdndples and ii



LUTHERAN BethBl Latheran Cliareh, S«r.

smr Z. P M M , pMtor. Snadar—Saaday SehMt at

0'cloek. ">-. Preachinc «t 8 p. m. Serrices at the Nokeaville.Lathenii

<aiaieii gaM«y •* » •: •>. • EPISCOPAL

Trinity Epi»copaI Chnrrh,- 8* . A. Stuart Gibaon, R«etor.

Sondajr Sebocl at 10 o'eledc a. m. ServiM Aivt Mcond aad fnutk

Snadaya i t 11 a. m.; third Saaday at 8 p: m.

St Ann'i Uemorial Chapel, Nokc*. rtfle. . Jarviea Ant Sanday at 9 p. BL-tUrd 8aaday «t 11 a. m.

BAPTIST MinffT"T Bapttet Cbanb^J^^j^

D. D. Clark, paator. Snaday—Sunday School, 9.46 a. a.;

momios aArrica, 11 o'clock; B. T. p. U.. 6:i5; evaainff aarvleo at 7:W.

Wodnaaday^Prayar mmtiag at 7:80 p. m. ,

KcT. Baraatt GriaMlay'a Appaiatscaia BoDahavm, fomtfa Smaday, U a. a. WeodUao, aonmd aad foortk Sia-

day*, 8 p. in. flatehar Uemorial, a a w j Maday

11 a. m. and TiSO'p.-THT

al ddzns of tke Uited Slates, an f ipe ie i ft M A • a aasf •erti«

Al L C Buildiiig, Manassas Va., 11 A. M. Good Speakers will be in alleiulu^l^ and a niuuug

• COMEl r — - — -«f the RefwibiJcan County Coaaniktee

for^rince Wiffiam<Joim Virginia. —7

- O a DaU, ttfrd 8aad^r=&=ik at. aad fliat Saaday, 7:80 p. ML

Aoborn, first Soad^, 11 a. • . and tUtd Sonday, 7:80 p. m. - .

PBOu'i'tVB BAPTOT ; XldarT.

8. Dalton, pastor. S»vices STwy fawttt 8<»day at U"

-grmrvsS a* Satanfarpneaffiv at t:80 p. m.

CATHOUC AH Saiats' OatboUe Chaith, Maa-

asaas. Father WilUaat Gill, pastor.

X H . D O D i G l ^ O i a i r m a t f

Manassas, Va^ August 3,1919

ginia Ttifr aim trf ings is to oilist a stiU larger ki-teresf of idl eokH:ed Americans in the war and the iffablems growmg"out of thcwsfr^ ^

The sdKxd hopes to be able to send two .hoys andone'teachfar to the camp at fiowmrd Umwtir sity for the f^r^MWWi training period. ' •—•—

day^--^Biwand and foorth '•mflfaTi It 10:80 a-.m., foQowad by beneAetioa «( tt» Bleaasd aajTMwnt. , .

Haas arill he celabratad at e i | ^ a. m. Sunday wandag, Jane SO^at {ai^ faiKlIl, Haymarket, and at 11 o'doek that saaie feomiis at WairentMi.


Soatt, Ifanaaaas, Bar. H.'<). Bnr,

Skadar a kad at •rtf^ a^. Pieatlilm waiy qwadSiy at tt i

8 p. 11. I^Coith Laacae at 7:00 p. M. ; BwlrhaW, a m y 9mi^ Itt 8 p .» .

thW goaday at jt i a. in. • * ' l

won" ftBrtw



BUa win be.roectvad aidfl

oppanents in the back, in tlw months precedmg this WM?

n> The Cerman inilitaiT law ' f 1913 was ^^sei,'increasing 'he German army in time of peace from 516,000 to 86SiWf men. The piqmratiqp mous~

«arthe aB£J»l»

U l »


provided for, and war tax of ^2BjW0.000 war or­dered.

(2) The KaeK>iMJ, umBBCt ing the Baltic and-the North^ _

_ ~ - ..^..^-^^^w,*.^' i^ « fc.>l» '^- A. KIDWELL, Clerk, i seas, waa recpiutrueted ao •» *^ p^^,^ gchool Bo«ti. Hoadley, Va. K^ ^^Ay in tK« •itmmiia- nf 1<>H and the fortiflcatioaa of Hdigo-land were improved.

(3) Strategic raihrays wpre constructed leading to French and Rusaian fnmttora.

two roMaa, far BMaftha; Oeeaqoaa, tfro rooaaa, far ••••a aMMiths; BoOel, fbor raoMa, for e q i » moiaiBT^aeBa Baea, for sev«a aMBlta. Wood for the two aad foor-roim jdMofai jaaat be aawed

leaf^Ba aoc o^cr iv

three-foortha oak, oae-f oorth dhy to be 9 l i t te soitaMe aiaaa t» atooe doors. Also anttabta must be faraished ftor aaa». -TferSBiH rMcrrCrOe fiCkt t» ]«-joet aay or an biite. Addioas aO bUa

CSARWANIED Wiated.—Cedar, red or white.

FSahar'a Sill. Va. 6-8 They reached also to the Belgian

border,, iudicating ifarf thewrfa tion of Belgian nautnhty was a Jong planned act of perfidy.

(4) Thousands of reearvists arere recaiDed fitjas SoutlrAmer* oooooooooooooooobdBSS&oooo



tlMgnatcst thcKwf^N

toMstCal far fan of all

.aaA indiTidwiity is f a n

—Y— wM w t i ^ * Wt agg"

—If jmm wah antfl the wmmm far wear CMMS yoa wiM, ia aB f rehaMMty. pay mmn far aoaflar «aaliticB, titat Is Viack faaitiH are to ba k ^ at al. l « y BMT anf W aan Mt « ^ irifeo far W waat b«t i f 1M «*&« flMi: CMbcaaiieu Tl i^iM^li m thiaf g i f t o h tf aa

fatiJoiB t*


~B«r: C r f follow: '• ' Sndlsy Hiatt Soadaya, 11 a. DL

gahylea Sac and and gaarth Ssa-ilays,ap.B».

GaiuBWfflo-:~yi«at BaaOMf- * > **•' third aad fifth Soiday. 11 a . « .

Bristow—^hb'd aa^ fifth 8Bany*>. 8'p. m""• ^"'', "•'""'" "•;^" " T " . Woodlawit-^TWid fifed fiftt Sa

days, S ^ m. . Woriaoy-^First Saaday, 8 p. SL

mnxBD uBncHUKH. Maaaiek's

Ricb'a New Style B«»» «rf Siioe FasnMxis WHI'M Mailed oA Recpaeat

noBtiatea several oft s g be wora tMaJM a ^ j n a w r ^ aad^ddldraa. wioi it-'yaaMB'SV with parfeet aaHafacrtfwi. -.


Vaj a Umik wc wil haU theartide far fa-

Geo. D. Baker V


^ HBTaUC G A S K m CABBISD 0> srotx "

tag JaaraaTa job

work aad get letter

•Mate, MTetepaa. ttum, cafalofB, ate. ^ U ^ grade ^iatiag ia aaa ar tw« x*- _



£^ JLy X m . V V K V k J X sf, M.*f ^KJ ifc f -


f^^O^ HydlHMIflSiC


HOQ CHOLERA hag* etaaa asd p i i i l M i •••*-

Kreso Dip No. 1 A * M dttattoa of KTCM M * H«- I

kin* VinUaot Hoc Choian Vbm* i s A M •Invtaa broootaat.

JEonaOr (lood for aO Live Slock We will Mad TOO (ra* % bookM oa

UM traktxMot o( mane*, •eaoia or rlMh 1 r akrUiritU, loro Bootk, eto.

Wo win aend 70<i (raa a bfWkIM on how to bulM > hoc wallow, which will kMP h o o MMD Mul hwHhr-

Wo will n o d TOO CrM • booklot OB how to keep roar boei troo frooi la-eoet partteitoi and rtiwee


i r~ . i> rMpVn .1 i . » . . y tK.^g^..

'~Nr « i n k Oriftael Vaebtee kr


' T h e way to make two blades' of grass grow where one does now: Buy the celebrated Mag­nesium Lime from Leesburg T-jme Co., the Ume that has been vM. in Loudoun and Fatrfta for the past twenty-five years, and out produced them all, and the reason for it is because it con­tains Magnesium and Oxide of Iron in right proportion to Cal­cium Carbonate, and the United States Agricultaral Department in Year Book 1901, page 161^ states that Magnesium is abso­lutely necessary to plant growth uid notiiing else will taJce its place. Send orders to Comwell Supply Co., Manassas, Va.; A. S. Robertson, Wellington, Va.; M Rollins, Bristow, Va., or direct to us and same will have prompt at-tmtion.

Leesliiif« line Co., Inc. g. V. WHITF. Managrr


iBclndcs Men Between Ages of 18 l ld 45 Ycar»—PravluoB


Wrti an urgenT recommen3a-;-elusive, are as follows


. i r f l i ' Mes • m m d kf Ik inri 4 M l will I. Ai^yNte'tbfe

'««•. utMpverMMalaile G. L. ROSENBERGER



TPrefafiwMit traJBina iw teachers. Mnm In.* ym^n» YWrn.

ccBTxa kaA to Vtorini* ewrtfftfartw.

grae <A Bachelor of Sdenee ia Eteea-

Kcpcnaes aetnal.eq^ B«at kMstioB. Hodan Boildiiica

«ral lufttnuatiMi; write SBLL, PreaideBt.

Rector & Co. HAYMAiRKET, VA.


H funusbedjfor ««y

•i ftpp


larU^ Gfuitt ad d



tion from Provost Marshall Gen era! Crowder-that ft be enacted ^ without delay and a suggestion that Septeipber 5 next might be fixed aa registration day for ap-proximately 13,000,000 men throughout, the country, the ad­ministration's man power bill re­quiring the registration for mil­itary service of aiX men between the ages of 18 and 45 years was introduced Tuesday in the Sen­ate and House. - ^ Unless immediate stepg are tak­en to provide additional men, Gen. Crowder said the weekly registration of men as they at­tained 21 years of age necessary to fill the draft quo-tsB afIBI Setlt. 1, when only 100,-000 of the 1918 registrants will be available.

Upon the introduction of the bill. Chairman Chombcrloin an nounced that the Senate mili-taCry committee would meet to-day lu cuusidex it.—He said he did not think hearings would be

^—|^i«ee88ary and only three or four days should be required to re­port the'blll. Chairman Dent of the House committee said since only threeThembers of his com­mittee areJarWaahingtwa^ i t wag- the emergency.' doubtful whether the bill could be acted upon before th^ House -convenes on Aagust 19,

ate fioor by Senator Car^^that ': 4;fae S e n i ^ abandon jts pragtaPi JB auuidailee, with regnlafwBg

of recesses and perfunctory ses­sions until August 24 if tbe biM can be favoraUy reported by ithe c(HnihitGde~ within- a wore indorsed by Seiudimr Cham-

up promptly by.-^e Senate on August 26 and passed there. This would enable us to contem­plate September 6 as a national registration day.""

The principal features of the administration bill as introduc-

which would extend the age to from' 18 to 45 years, in

Hits Some Neutral Citizens. 'The President may d ftft

such persons liable to military service in such sequence of ages and td Hiirh time or may prescribe; • • •. a citizen or subject of a country neutral in the present war who has de­clared hia intention to become a citizen of the United States shall be relieved from liability to mili­tary service upon his making a declaration in~ acordance with regulations as the President may prescribe, withdrawing his in­tention to become a citizen of the United States * • • and he shall forever be _ debarred from becoming a citizen of the United States," ,

The provision referring to persons engaged in industry and agriculture providing for their relief from military duty would be amended to read:.

Up to 46th Birthday. "Persons engaged in occupa­

tions of empIo3mient found to be necessary to the maintenance of the milit^7 establishment of the effective operation of l^e military force ^ of the mainte-i t mcp nf national interest during

The principal stetion would provide:

'All male persona between the Suggestions m a d e j » theiSen:^ agea of 18 abd 46, both inclusive

shall be subject to registration

B iifi ninnrnin —oiuKToaa—

6.i..aOOTHS, M.S.RAJOAW, 8.K.W&KnxU>, J, P.MUia, wATHXAo^nrs, B.'BAIBL.JB.



Having determined to. devote our rhok time to the B«al Est»t4

and Luoraace Imuness^we heiy : ^ sc^ot att iparbpa^ lor «fjift and reqaert laow hMJBt earty to Brt. 4iM same witb ns pronp^y.


PabBe Vbsiafa


Uafla ef >pttn*>< aiH»IUaaa Mf llMfMi0«in«i "



^ t y People Want Yc

r* %e iiiuit ilifltwiH qtwatkn is .yeen how we can SQppIy on time the 150,000 maa raq^red for eeek of the succeeding months «f'Od»-b « r Novombcir aad^PBMhiw:{piegidqit,-

ular*. Metal Camera willbat for years—no breakage. No wrapping or lahrilingnecwqaiy

MlUN&HARTINai 1215 P St. and lffl4-18 G St..


beiiaiu. Howevei*, Senate lead;

plana to this effe(d> wopM ioe in abeyance until the eoBunittee could deterseone lust now much time would be necessary for a th<HOtts discusriofi- <^ tt^~t)fflr

Nmabcr BUSibk for GiHB L —The faiB wuuhl amend' the

to be prescribed dent, and, upon confirmation by the President or other-public na-

tion stoting the time or times

prownt selecfi^ service act so a? to r^uire the r^istratitA of aai mm betwieea 18 and 20 years and 32 and 46 inclouve. While tiie total number of moi in the latter tdasaes would. Aggregate 10,028,973, Geu-Prewdet esti­mates' the total ntimbef who wvuld fce eligible for. Class-lr would oaufy he 1,234 owing to exemptions for dependence or in-dustrial end physical reasons. Between 18 and 20 yeanl iu e»-titniito* ahftw—th*t a.i7i./r7i

iQr set for the ret^tnUiRi-iir any such prpclamatKm hf the Prewdo^ or any sodi other pub-

would register whfle l j ^ # ^ \\K digflble'W tna#T.

In the coune of his statement as -s(d»utted to the Saiate4v Soiator QuunfasWitr 'Provest

IJfardtaU G«na«i Qrowder said: StiUcaMat 1^ 6«iL Cnmim.

would hdp oat to the extent—it estunated-HUieiit 60,000

which is Jtoit even the ti<Hia2 'drop in the backet.'

"K we coold assume that tbe law wodd be inacted in tbe re-

would have a basis of cakulat-inc tbe.c»ilt« to be obtaioed onr der i t As I stated to the Sen-ate military committee, a m^-mum period of 90 dajrs is neces­sary to «uoU and classify all the

in th^ additional

jther^ore, wait for the comple-iUun of Class 1. but must tske

Manassas Transfer Co., W. C ATHXT, PiopirietoT.

Basgac*, FitfuHma aad aO

men irnggective ^ thwr order nnnfber as fast«8 thejLffaod tbcdf way into Class 1. ^

Terhaps we could receive as­surances that the legislation would be enacted in the House in the period following its recon-

X veninf so that it could be taken jGeimany.

d-idace or places of any such iaMi,ii^toBjaejjie-dB|ar

Home Dressed and • WestemMeata I:

i Beef ,Lsunb, Vea l and P w k I


I Ca<h Paid ixa Country Produce aiid Live Stock

Connei^ Market BUILDING MANASSA&.^A.


Th» ti ipf ipf ytf ALT.- It is made by the Victor Talking Machine Co. Don't be derived by aomeolherV not aU CaU' net Alachines are Vietrolas. Let me show yoo. Give me yoar order for Records. I have some In stodt aD the time. A liitie advancc.ln price. GIVE ME A CALL.^—. — -

"waiaiiitpjiiii^ aMTBDBgti"Master


of aS. peracmajof-the cteiignate3| ages eireent officers and enlisjted men ^ the regufaur amiyy the navy« and the natimaal guiBni and n a v ^ ntilitia whUe "i the ser-vice of the United Stotes to pre^ sent tn^nfteives tor ana suomr to res^sbrttiea ondca' the sacmsof this.aet • * * ."

Per8(»t8 shall be subject to registration as heron provided who shall have attuned their eighteenth iHrthday and who ahiill'haV'a attaint •^^V foity-sixth IHrthday (Ai or before the

Uc notice g iv^ by hun or by his directi<w aad-att isfaiyd shall he and remain' ga>K

British-<.'anartian -treatjL ^jj^joK exempt flroni registration

• •

Judges in Tennessee have re­fused to punish persons accused of •wvA oa fanaa on-Sundays, bat have comnended^ them for so doing. . This was reported~to

classes suggested. Wc cairoc^ttte Departmwtof Agriculture's

jeet to draft fiito tbe foKes here­by authorised UBICTS -exempted or excused therefrom • * * the l^reaident may at sacb interyate^ as be may desire from time to time require aD inide-posMw who

days' of registration pad ctt or before tbe next date set fw leg-istratioB by t>roda^Mtioa of tbe

except eoeb perswas

bemmda*, to register in. tbe same mamisr aad subject to tbe

reqair<nMnto aad. IjabOfe--tiea as tboae pcevioasly regis­tered under tbe terms thereof.

- —wasningwii i iwi

recent farm l^bw omferMice in RirminyhaTn, Ala Not lOBg agO the rural chnrches of Indiana, in a confesuice at Purdue TJniver-sity, took the position th i t i t Is quite rij^t and proper to do farm wofk^isir Sunday If" that Sunday, work is., necwiry. to produce food crops to help whip



Mr. Frank Milstead aztd wife ware guestsj^ Mn. Will Dan& Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jai^es Alexander visit«d and daugE&x; JSvelyn^

Mr. Alexandfti^' motlier ef sprae eftsses 4n sewinj . and

tb«fco<^ng for the last summca-quarter. " week-end. *

£Ilder A. J. Garland,'wife and I Rpv. Mr. Hfllp«Hiny, nf Mannw-dawghter, X/hsriotte, were week* end visitora at the home of Mr. and Ib9- "O £• dM ie*

Mrs. Paul Clarke is spendinar a few days with her mother, xn.yv. T. Graen ; 01 Toluea, Stafford county, who is very sick.

Mr. *nd Mrs. W. S. Athey and two children and Mr. Haislip, of Manassas attended services at the Baptist Church Sunday.

The funeral of Mr. Alfonzoj Calvert, who died on Thursday of last week, was largely attend­ed on Sunday. The funeral was preached by.Elder Garland and the burial in the cemetery here at Minnieville.

Joe Bell, a respected colwed

The first of this week has beed a reeord hrraknr fnr thr "beit,' heing hotter than ever known, some say.

Miss Esther Buckley has gode to Harrisonburg to take chaf C

sas, preached in the Presbyter^ ian Church July 28, at 11 a. m. ReV , Mr. Halpenny preached at a camp-meeting held near here about forty years ago aiid there

that camp meeting present and enjoyed hearing him again.

The School and Civic League met with Mrs.Mentaply Friday evening last.—

Married iif ]

NOTICE TlKte is te notify tM psrties io

the town of Manasaas who have not already had their property connected wi^ the town sewer to do so at once or4>rovide sani-lary closets according to the specifications of the Health De­partment. Said specificationi can be obtained from the aenreant- J. €. MBRBDHll,

\ Health Officer.


WCTg a lew-ffiat: Mff^aTSenaeJfAJ iJiiiimge to Premiaes or CoS^

citizen, died" last nigfitl Joe carried the mail from Minnieville to Neabsco for several years and was always polite and accommo­dating. ———^- - =:'——:

We regret to relate that Mrs. W. A. Dane is on the sick list. We hope she will soon recover.

Sergt. Robert Calvert, of South Bethlehem, Pa., who at­tended the funeral of his uncle, Mr. Alfonzp Qdvert, was a guest of Miss Estdla^ day.

Mrs. C. E. Clarke, Miss L u e a e f ^ f Clarke, Mrs. E. J. Alexwader and Mrs. Virginia LaHag^ spetit Wednesday in Aynewvifle as the guests of the Misaes Glaacock.


<?Tr^ue8dayr3uIy~S0. ^ had an exceedingly Heavy nbnfaD; there were two doods met arid it seemed as though -ft* liftftviww were opened and it ^artainly pourad in tervmtt for t i Considerable damage, was in some pUew by WMlhing' wjw-cially in low'Tarids, «li««~tlte crops were floocMTlindJl cases washed away entirely. —Mioo Marf Qjaigg haa had hcf

On Wednesday morning, July 31, at 11 o'clock, a pretty wed-didg was solemnized in the Beth­el Christian Church in Hanover" county, when Miss lone Bertrand Collins became the bride of Mr.

tents Covered. Every effort is BUi4e by the company to apprehend and con­vict the thief. N9 form of in­surance gives greater protaetioa for amount of premium paid. Note^Jn/onr LIFE, F i ^ AC­CIDENT AND HEALTH POL­ICIES.

HARRY P. DAVIS Manaaaag, Va.

CHir Feed Supply is G>mplet^ Frfiighf ruffta wiH unnn hp aHvanpgd—better let ug supply your wants before the new rates are effec* tive, wmch will increase cost of all feeds. We now have in stock Uiuon Gradns ig ^^ Dairy, Sucrene. Feeds, Schumacher Stod^ reed. Cotton Seed .Meal» Diamond Hog Meal* Molasies Horsfe Feseih^rack^^ Com and Oats. ^

Davtd- Glateock. newville, this county.

The bride had as her maids of honor her sister, Miss P«arl Collias, and ilias Ida Lee cock, sister of the groom.

Mr. Ashby Glascock was best manforihe gyoom, while Messrs Burke and Dixie Collins, Edward Campbell, Hyatt Davies and Wil­liam Buoy were ushers. ___

After an extended northern trip the couple will return ta Washingtp^^ D. C, for the. win-

AIK> a complete stock of Poultry Su] Birdsell Wagon , Acme Wagons—Buggy, Carriage

: and Wagon Harness

Laikin-DorreU^ C^iqiai^ Inc. MANASSAS, VmOINLA

cousin, Miss Margar^.QuiSg, of Richmond, visitiifg her;' Quite a number of the young people ef the village and neighborhjood U m ^ |)BndliB',tlft^ were invited to "The Watautii," the Quigg home, Thursday even^ ing to meet her. She has now gone to Philadelphia, accompaa-ied by Miss Mary Quigg. While there they exp«t "tcf visit llie Aviation Camp near Camp May, N. J., where their eonain, ftoay Taylor, is in traminfT" , • •".:

Misses White and W b ^ n are visituig Mrs. JuucKky asa oao^^ ter, Mrs. Woody,

or lesa.

The Misses Bertscock are via-iting Rev. and libs. W. L.~N«S.

Rev. W. L. Ni^u.BOwtaMiv his vacation, so ther6 w«re ,no services in tiie cbusdt tbe past' Sunday. _ •"

Miss Ida Ayre speat her vaca.-t ion in Haymarket ssi JtirtHfCrwa-ftgrn,' mond, Va.

Miss Ruth Richards haa a po--ition undertfie JfUVfruiUOlt U d joined the commutera club if Clifton. ' 1 ^

Mrs. Humiduey For4 va^ MIM' Antonio W. Ford were wedc-otd •> isitora. •

Rev. Henry J. Beagen was in • \\-n last -iprests of the BaH R«Bi-Tak .uu! SoapstcMie uo. -

Mr Wm. HutUuipei, at SuOy: :i ok. N. J., was in townaeveral :ay! during the paat meek. Re - in the U. S. 8«rvica.-.i ^—

The Junior Red Croaa.

near HicA»ry Grove; m Gainea-vttie dutzict, afwesaid eoun^ and state. -

FIRST.—A tract of land at Hickory Grove adjoining the Carolma Road, J. E. Downs aiid| otheim, and known as tiie "Tiy-lor Place," containing about


tite-CaroIina road, Logmifl Mad, ai^ knowl as tbe '^HUkioTy

vided interest of T. R. GiSQIehei-in the Geo. G. GaDeho- lud. ^i^ich was devised him by said Geo. &. GaJk^er h Eia wDl, and which* land is mar Hickory Grove, and joining the ' conn^ poad, Bailey Tyler, S. W. Hunt,- ^ jr., Poloi and others^ cbntaiiting,

S3»% ACRES TERMS:—One - thurd cash.

n <>-t )ird in one year and <mfe third in two years, the purchaser executing bonds, with interest from day of sale, for the defor-^ p*ym«>nt-i>, with Uwitn tn «». ticipate said paym^its, and title

_^ 1 ...... *w • . , to be retwned until the pordaae ry succeasful with their lawn nwney to paid in fun te. clearing $27.00.

mate in having the bam burned on the pfaK* whkji "Ee iiaa rent-' d: the bam contained all of Mr.


-Cr* A;


H._THORNTON DAVIES, Commissioners.

I, Geo. G. Tyl^ clerk of the R o ^ s crape and all was lost, as ^ the nut w fit. OlM iiwrHil uh.!.clrcuit court for Prinee William tn the roof f^ in. Ilie fire ia «>"nty' do certafy that~Bood has believed to be tbe work of » been executed as required by the

11. in the BtadL AB aaica arc •tiwhite; BO exdiaage or reten. Bear hi mOad, please, this Aaea • i t iDd«ie aO WUkpOrer l « l | v ( the OztMd Wtei^^hiy hrt. '14.98.

Goiqixm, witii |5.00 worth 6t Cadi Tickets for W e ^ of Aug. l^and Ten Centa te'Gadi, wiD sf^jva Blqe Enamel, lO-qt Preservinc Kettky .wilih whita aaamel Ifaiag, Khe cut. Good for oTTo^ lat ooljri this ia yeytdtjaee; ycw missed tt be-


NiOT GiwbBU, k_aip 0^^ f i s i i a a i i d s t r i ^

SSe the Taz4 ;.

Tea, thejr tcS as ther STC Ihst w«~ie set giiai|Drtas 1 1 ^


an above decrw. flm C,35a.FJ>> Oerk

- : / g^^arQiialilj Shop — :r - Manassas. Viimnia: