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Suffolk Chapter Newletter July 2015

Jan 14, 2016




Suffolk Chapter Newsletter Describing all activities, events and goings on for the Suffolk Chapter Knights of Columbus.
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    Knights of Columbus

    Vol. 15 No. 1 July 2015 SUFFOLK CHAPTER NEWS

    From the Chapter Chairmans Desk My Dear Brother Knights, Thank you for the confidence that you instilled in me by electing me your Chapter Chairman. I would like to congratulate the newly elected officers of Suffolk Chapter. Together we will work hard to make this Chapter the best that it can be, but we will not achieve our goals without your full support. Yes, it will take each and every one of you to make this happen, and I truly hope that we will succeed. I look forward to working with Frank Casillo and the Suffolk Conference, our new Faithful Navigators Jerry Wilhelm from Our Lady of Fatima, and Richie DiStefano from Shea, Fourth Degree Assemblies, and our new Chairman of the Board of District Deputies John Mastrosimone. Last but certainly not least Anne Marie Callahan our newly elected President of Suffolk Chapter Columbiettes, after all where would we be without the support of our Ladies. For our July and August meetings Chapter golf shirts and black pants will be considered proper attire for all Chapter Officers. Julys meeting will be held on July 10, at St. Lawrence Council in Sayville. Augusts meeting will be our Indoctrination meeting and the Knight of the Year, which will be held at Patchogue Council. Please remember that this will be an open meeting and Columbiettes are encouraged to attend. Congratulations to Paul Basileo and his committee for the excellent job on this years Charity Drive. Vivat Jesus,



    Most Rev. William F. Murphy, D.D.

    (516) 678-5800


    In Memory of Rev. Francis B. Nuss


    Rev. Paul J. Dahm (631) 287-3413


    George Lundin PGK, FDD (631) 589-2255


    Greg Warnokowski , PGK, FDD, PFN, FCOB , Master (516) 293-3429

    SECRETARY Thomas Fawcett, Sr., GK (631) 648 - 0017

    TREASURER Bill Billups, PGK, FDD (631) 374 - 2321

    ADVOCATE Robert Elliott PGK FDD (631) 588 - 2919

    WARDEN William Murphy, PGK, FDD


    Joe Tuminello, PGK


    Michael Dfeo

    Suffolk Chapter Light

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  • Columbiette News

    Page 2

    My Dear Sister Columbiettes, I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to all for your confidence in me to be your President for the last two years. I also want to thank all who have shared their homes with us, whether it was for a meeting, an event, or one of our 4 Major Degrees. It was greatly appreciated. As I have shared before, these two years presented challenges to all of us, but, with the help of God, and you, we were able to overcome them. With the support of our great chairladies and you, our Auxiliaries, we have raised enough money to allow us to give over $8,000 to our charities over these two years leaving our finances in a good way. And let us not forget the great Komforters for Kids program which was a great idea Anne Marie Callahan had! Together, with our Brother Knights, we were able to donate 147 comforter sets to the Little Flower Orphanage in Wading River! And isnt funny how things work out - this lead to our New York State Knights of Columbus Council donating over 200 coats to them from their Coats For Kids Program! Together we are unstoppable. We did things these two years united with our Brother Knights. We were installed together and we continued our Joint Communion Breakfasts. We also were invited to the Inter Chapter Meeting which was a first and a great experience for us all. Thank you Tom for your support! We did have some sad times. We lost four great people who were near and dear to us. Fr. Jim, our Chaplain, Lenny Oliveri, our Columbiette Coordinator, Ethel Carter, one of our great advisors, and Past President, and most recent, Fran Hubbs, a great advisor and Past President.. May they each be remembered for all their good works and may they rest in peace. I congratulate our newly elected Officers and I wish you all the best. I know you will do great things. Again, I thank you for allowing be the honor of being your Suffolk Chapter President and thank you for your support. Have a happy, healthy and safe summer. I will see you in September as I sit in my new Past Presidents spot.


    Amelia Joseph

    Columbiette Chapter Officers 2015 - 2016 President Anne Marie Callahan 631 - 732 - 0497

    Vice President Elaine Addie 631 - 475 - 5722

    Secretary Colleen Wyman 631 - 399 - 2680

    Financial Secretary Jerry Berlenbach 631 - 669 - 8322

    Treasurer Pat Tariol 631 - 772 - 8081

    Sentinel Lisa Liguori 631 - 846 - 3495

    Past President Amelia Joseph 631 - 902 - 4366

    Dear Sister Columbiettes,

    I would like to thank you for your support in

    electing me to the position of Suffolk Chapter

    President. Congratulations to all the newly elected

    chapter officers and I look forward to working with you

    during the coming year. We are very excited about

    planning the upcoming Columbiette year and hope that

    we can count on the support and attendance from our

    auxiliaries at our events.

    I would like to thank Amelia for her two years as

    Suffolk Chapter president. Along with her officers and

    help from our auxiliaries, we were able to accomplish

    many things and we had a great time doing so.

    Here are a few dates to mark your calendars with.

    Friday, August 21st, the Knights will be hosting their

    annual indoctrination meeting at Patchogue council. All

    Columbiettes are invited to attend.

    The Supreme Columbiette Convention is being

    held August 14-16, 2015 in New Jersey.

    On Sunday, September 27, 2015, we will hold our

    Annual Memorial Mass at Our Lady of the Island Shrine

    in Eastport. Mass will be at 11:30am. All attending will

    receive a ticket for a roll/bagel and coffee. Additional

    details will be shared by Barbara Chiesa, our chairlady.

    Tuesday, September 29th, 2015, we will have our

    Celebration of Ethel Carters life at Patchogue council. Details on the above events and many more will

    be shared during the summer months.

    Good luck to all Auxiliary officers and I wish you

    all the best in your endeavors.

    I look forward to the start of an exciting year, full of things to do and I know we will be able to accomplish

    many things together.


    Anne Marie

  • Suffolk Chapter Meeting Our Lady of the Rosary # 4428

    July 19, 2015

    Meeting called to order at 8:15 P.M. BY Chairman Tom Romano. Prayer: led by Walter Kedjieski Pledge: led by Greg Warnokowski, Master. Introduction of the dais: James Lane, Warden to Chairman, Mike Tully, COB of D.D.S, Frank Casillo, Conference Chairman, John Joseph, State Treasurer, Rich Grefig, Treasurer, Greg Warnokowski, Secretary, Tom Fawcett, Advocate, Bob Murray, Financial Comptroller, Joe DiNero, Executive Secretary. Roll Call of Officers: All present EXCEPT: Fr.s Dahm, Fernando, Brothers Roger Sirangelo, Mike Hoesterey, Henry Tomlinson, James Drew, Tom Martin, Norman Wagner, Matt Cola. Past Chapter Chairman present- Robert Slingo, Antonio Vitalino. Roll Call of D.D.S by COB Tully- all present EXCEPT 1st District Rich DiStefano. Report of Delegates: 71 present. Minutes of the previous: Accepted as printed. Communications: None. Treasurer Report: May 1 to June1, 2015. Balance of last report: $20,932.17 Deposits : 3 $11,051.00 Interest: $8.86 Disbursements 5 $2,476.00 Balance on Hand: $29,516.03. Rich Grefig, Treasurer. Motion to accept, unanimous. Bd. Of Audit: Bill Ratzsch, progress.

    Page 3

  • Report of Delegates: L.I. Chapter, Bill Billups: no report. Hudson Valley, Bob Slingo: Greetings from HV C/C. Charity ball on June 27 at St. Marys Council . $8,500 raised last year for Special Olympics. Hope to do the same this year. F.A.C. George Lundin- No applications, 300 club will start in August. Charity Drive: Paul Basilio- Ball next week, still time to sell books and get tables in. Thank you to the 8th,9th,11th districts for the money raised from spaghetti dinners. Award Books: Paul DiOrio - 1,000 books turned in, sell up to day of the Ball. Sponsor Cards: John Sommers- thanks to all, $1400 turned in. Direct Donations: Mike Hearney- thanks for donations, Dist.# 9 $4,751, for Sunrise Fund. Journal Adds: John Joseph- not too good effort from some Councils. Treasurer Rich Grefig: substantial amount of money for the Charity. Ball Chairman: Lundin-250 guests for the Ball. Programs: Tom Humel- Thanked the C/C. for letting him serve as Director. Scholarships: Mike Hearney- Jane VanPhan St. Regis- $1,000. Isabella Scafani- OLPH-$500. Jeanette Jeavons Farmingdale -$500. Pilgrimage O.Lady of the Island-Frank Casillo- more in attendance than ever. Will look to have it next year during the Memorial Day weekend. Veterans Affairs: John Leonardo-Thanks to all who bought chances for John Burns Council. Catholic Activities: Bill Murphy- Day of reflection at Our Lady of Grace Council in October. Fr. Donelly will speak. Vocations: Walter Kedjierski- Happy Fathers Day, pray for our Priests. Missions: Bill Billups- Have lots of glasses, need hearing aids and cell phones. Happy Fathers Day. Blood Bank: John Finn-2,883 units, top Councils- Sunrise 352, Heart of Island 210, Blessed Theresa Calcutta 241. Report of Chairman Tom Romano: It was an honor and a privilege to serve the Suffolk Chapter for the past two years. We went to different Councils, including a meeting at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception. We included the Columbiettes in our functions, including the Charity Drive and selling Chance Books. We tried a different venue for our Fraternal Weekend, which was a

    Page 4

  • success. I thank the Vice Chairman and all the officers, the Board of D.D.S, and all the Councils for all their support. A special thanks to my wife for all her support. I hope I served you well these past two years, and I trust you will give the new Chairman the same respect that you gave me. Happy Fathers Day. Old Business: none. New Business: Nominations and elections of the Chapter Officers for the Colum-bian year 2015-16. Nomination Chairman John Lazar. The following Officers were nominated and elected. Chairman- George Lundin. Vice- Chairman- Greg Warnokowski. Secretary- Tom Fawcett. Treasurer- Bill Billups. Advocate- Robert Elliott. Warden- William Murphy. Inside Guard- Joe Tumminello. Outside Guard- Mike Dfeo. Bd. Of Audit 3 year- Tom Romano. A motion was made by Bob Slingo, seconded by Greg Lupo, that the Secretary cast one constitutional ballot for all elected. So carried. The Nominations Chairman thanked his committee- Joe DiNero, John Reynolds, Chris Beatty, Orlando Jimenez. Good of the Order- 50/50 - $190 collected. $100- Ed Caravello, $50 John Mas-trosimone, $40 Anthony Preolla. Back cover winner- Rich Costa of Patchogue Council-$25. Host GK Nick Lasorsa- great to have you here, hope you enjoyed the repast. Conference Chairman Frank Casillo reminded that the Conference meeting is June 23rd at Kavanaugh Council. Delegates please attend for elections. Chapter Chairman Tom Romano turned the gavel over to Chairman elect George Lundin. He announced new appointments: Bill Ratzsh- Secretary to C/C, Dennis Brady- Warden to C/C, John Joseph- Delegate to L.I. Chapter, Bob Slingo- Delegate to Hudson Valley, Norm Wagner- Delegate to Nassau Chapter, Editor- Bob Rooney, Traveling Madonna- Rich Weber, Fraternal Weekend- Thomas Romano, Track

    Page 5

  • Meet-open, Shrine- Frank Casillo. July 1st officers meeting at Our Lady of the Rosary at 7PM. Next general meeting at St. Lawrence.Council. It was a pleasure to serve the Chapter and am looking forward to the next two years. Closing Prayer led by Walter Kadjierski. Motion to adjourn at 9:10 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Greg Warnokowski, Secretary

    Page 6

  • Suffolk Chapter Brother Knights For the YEAR to Date, 26 councils reported that there were 54 Blood Drives conducted. Thanks for the excellent effort by all.

    Overall there were: 2805 Registered Donors 2201 Actual Whole Blood Donors 682 Credits for 341 Alyx Red Cell Donations Brother Knights, parishioners, family and friends have donated 2883 units of blood to date June 17, which is 89.62% of the total collected July 2013 through June 2014.

    As of this month, twelve councils have reached the 100 Mark in donations. Sunrise has collected 352 units, Heart of The Island 210 and Blessed Theresa 241. The recipients of your blood thank you for your generous and compassionate donations. Our prayers to all who chose to give the gift of life.

    Council Count

    564 Bishop McGann 53

    794 OLPH 40

    821 Fr. Seyfred 31

    1992 Joan of Arc 78

    2204 Farmingdale/ St. Kilian 86

    2458 St. Lawrence 37

    2489 St. Martins 139 4651 St. Regis 85

    4757 Shrine of St Anne 43

    4810 St. Joseph 103

    5252 Assumption 151

    5293 James V. Kavanaugh 135

    5814 St. Jude 37

    6607 Sunrise 352

    6844 St. Sylvester 139

    6893 Father Judge 44

    7006 St. Gerard Magella 197

    7023 Hampton Bays 57

    7262 Heart of the Island 210

    7278 St. Frances Cabrini 46

    7479 Archbishop Sheen 68

    8607 Good Shepherd 196

    11463 Our Lady of the Rosary 26

    12006 Blessed Theresa Calcutta 241

    12993 St. Joseph the Worker 35

    14771 St. Joseph Carpenter 103

    15446 Shrine of St. Jude 122


    There is ALWAYS a Blood emergency and we can help meet the need. Here are addresses of 3 locations

    with hours of operation. Call 1-800-933-2566 to make an appointment.

    3125 Vets Memorial Highway, Bohemia

    1010 Route 112, Port Jefferson Station

    905 Walt Whitman Rd (Rte 110), Melville

    For questions about eligibility to donate due to travel outside the US, medications or medical conditions call


    Respectfully submitted, John T. Finn, PGK, DD

    Page 7


    10-You will get free juice and cookies. (yay!)

    9- You will weigh one pint less when you leave than when you came in.

    8- Its easy and convenient, takes less than one hour.

    7- Most people have blood to spare yet there is never enough to go around.

    6- Nobody will ask you to do heavy lifting while you have the bandage on.

    5- You will walk a little taller afterwards, you will feel good about yourself.

    4- You will help ensure that blood will be available when someone needs it.

    3- It is something you can do on an equal footing with the rich and famous.

    2- You will be someones hero you may give someone another chance at life.


    Signup for your councils next Blood Drive or go to your local Long Island Blood Services Center.

    Thank you for being a Blood Donor.

    Starve a Mosquito

    Page 8

  • Congratulations!



    Jeanette Jeavons -

    Farmingdale - St. Kilians


    Isabella Scafani - OLPH

    $1,000.00 -

    Jane VanPhan - St. Regis

    Page 9

  • In Memory of our

    Deceased Sister


    Our Annual Memorial

    Mass is being held on Sunday,

    September 27, 2015 at

    Our Lady of the Island Shrine in

    East Port. We will celebrate the

    Holy Eucharist at the 11:30 a.m. Mass.

    We encourage you to join us as we

    remember those who are no longer with us.

    For more information,

    please contact our


    Barbara Chiesa at

    631 - 581 - 8607.

    Page 10

  • Suffolk Chapter Knights Prepare for their

    Annual August Indoctrination Meeting

    Friday, August 21, 2015 Patchogue Council #725

    Knights and Columbiettes are encouraged to attend!

    Knight of the Year will be announced!

    The schedule for the year will be shared with all!

    We look forward to seeing you there!

    Page 11

  • Congratulations to our very own

    Kathy Anderson

    who is our

    New York State


    Sentinel Elect!

    We know she will



    proud! Page 12

  • Suffolk Chapter

    Knights and Columbiettes celebrate their 2015 Charity Drive with a

    donation of $18,000 to the Sunrise Fund.

    This is the 7th consecutive year

    supporting the Sunrise Fund with

    our donations totaling over $145,000!

    Thank you Suffolk!

    Page 13

  • Photos by Michael Boehm, PGK, DD, Mike Tully, Chairman of the Board of DDs, Suffolk

    Page 14

  • Page 15


    MAKE______________ MODEL________YEAR____ Vin _________

    NAME__________________ ADDRESS________________________



    Contact George Lundin PGK, FDD for additional

    information at (631) 589-2255





    NUMBER (631) 589-2255

    For additional information contact:

    Bill Billups, PGK, FDD at 631 - 374 - 2321.

    Eye Glasses and Hearing Aids are needed.

    Please bring them to the Chapter Meeting.







    John G. Joseph PGK, FDD, FST

    Secretary to the State Deputy

    31 Hawkton Place

    Lake Grove, NY 11755 (631) 981-8724

    (631) 813-5470

    (631) 648-3067

    [email protected]


    15th OF EACH MONTH


    Register your e-mail at our

    chapter website to be sure to

    receive up to the minute information on meetings,

    events, and activities! Visit our

    website to review photos of the many events

    held throughout Suffolk County.

    Meeting Reminder

    July Meeting

    Friday, July 10, 2015

    St. Lawrence Council

    in Sayville

    7:00 p.m. repast.

    Meeting following at

    8:00 p.m.


    DIRECTIONS and for many

    activities taking place at the

    many councils and auxiliaries

    throughout our county.

    Youll like what you see!

    Page 16

  • Suffolk County Third Degree

    Ceremonial Team

    Norman A. Wagner PGK, FDD, FCOB

    Team Captain

    490 Irving Street, Central Islip, NY 11722


    2014/2015 Scheduled Third Degrees

    Sunday, July 26, 2015, 1:00 p.m. / Shrine of St. Anne Council, Brentwood

    Page 17

    Do it for

    the cause,

    not the


  • Fr. Nuss Rest

    in Peace

    Page 18

    In 1954, lobbying by the Order of the Knights of Columbus

    helped convince the U.S. Congress to add the phrase "under

    God" to the Pledge of Allegiance. President Dwight

    Eisenhower wrote to Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart thanking

    the Knights for their "part in the

    movement to have the words 'under God'

    added to our Pledge of Allegiance." I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United

    States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God,

    indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

    Have you had a chance to visit the new web site? Go ahead!

    You will like what you see! Be sure to send our Web Master,

    Orlando Jimenez, GK, [email protected], articles and

    photos of the great things happening in your Council or Auxiliary!

    "One Member,

    per Council, per


    and "One First Degree,

    per District,

    per Month"

    resulting in

    "One Star Council,

    per District

  • Help us help


    Put your ad


    Dont you know of a business who

    would like to

    advertise with us?

    Let them know

    they can

    advertise here!

    Any business card

    would fit right in this

    spot! Any interest?

    Friends of Suffolk Chapter

    Page 19

  • Newsletter

    sent via



    KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 2188 Nesconset Highway #110

    Stony Brook, NY 11790

    Charity Makes the




    Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Father Michael J. McGivney, to be an

    apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his

    life and virtue may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up

    his Body which is the Church. Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we

    may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify your servant

    Father Michael J. McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor

    I now present (here make your request). Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.