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  • 1. o A Discriminative stimulus is a stimulus in the presence of which a particular response will be reinforced or punished. o An S^ is a stimulus in the presence of which a particular response will not be reinforced or punished. o Also What any trainer should know:

2. Now go walk around! 3. A)Fight B)Switch Pokemon C)Item D)Run 4. no experience you battle a wild pokemon experience *Experience is a reinforcer; it allows your Pokemon to get stronger! Direct acting reinforcement contingency: 5. A) Suck it up and keep battling B) Cry C) Quit the game D) Avoidance the response contingent prevention of an aversive condition resulting in an increased frequency of that response 6. you will soon encounter a zubat you use a repel you will not soon encounter a zubat M.O. You do not want to train Luckily, the Repel was invented: Avoidance contingency: 7. But what if you want to catch a rare Pokemon? chance to catch rare Pokemon you defeat the Pokemon in battle no chance to catch rare Pokemon Penalty contingency: you may soon lose the chance to catch a rare Pokemon you save your game you will not soon lose the chance to catch a rare Pokemon The Solution: Avoidance of Loss Contingency 8. o Penalty Contingency the response contingent removal of a reinforcer resulting in a decreased frequency of that response o Avoidance of loss the immediate response contingent prevention of loss of a reinforcer resulting in an increased frequency of that response o The result I saved before every gym battle, legendary Pokemon, and on a regular basis just to be super safe. 9. o A pairing procedure involves pairing a neutral stimulus with a reinforcer or aversive condition *pop* new Pokemon added to your collection no *pop* no new Pokemon added to your collection Pairing procedure involving catching a new Pokemon: