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SUBSTANCE ABUSE. ESSENTIAL QUESTION How can smoking affect a person's health (socially, physically, etc.)? What is the addictive ingredient in tobacco?

Jan 17, 2018



April Booker

DIFFERENT CLASSIFICATIONS OF DRUGS Over-the-counter: drugs that can be purchased without a prescription Prescription: drugs that are dispensed by a pharmacist but only after getting written orders from a physician Illegal: drugs that are made solely for the purpose of selling illegally, and normally made in unsafe conditions. Most are man-made
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SUBSTANCE ABUSE ESSENTIAL QUESTION How can smoking affect a person's health (socially, physically, etc.)? What is the addictive ingredient in tobacco? What is the legal age to use tobacco and alcohol products? Why is it hard to quit using tobacco? What happens to a person's body when they drink alcohol? Why is it dangerous for a pregnant women to drink alcohol? How does alcohol affect a person's ability to make decisions? Why is drinking and driving so dangerous? How can a drug addiction affect a person's relationships? Why are some drugs illegal? What are some of your personal reasons to stay drug free? How do you resist peer pressure to try tobacco, alcohol, and/or other drugs? DIFFERENT CLASSIFICATIONS OF DRUGS Over-the-counter: drugs that can be purchased without a prescription Prescription: drugs that are dispensed by a pharmacist but only after getting written orders from a physician Illegal: drugs that are made solely for the purpose of selling illegally, and normally made in unsafe conditions. Most are man-made DRUG INTERACTIONS Drug interactions fall into three broad categories: Drug-Drug Interactions : occur when two or more drugs react with each other. This drug-drug interaction may cause you to experience an unexpected side effect. For example, mixing a drug you take to help you sleep (a sedative) and a drug you take for allergies (an antihistamine) can slow your reactions and make driving a car or operating machinery dangerous. Drug-Food/Beverage Interactions : result from drugs reacting with foods or beverages. For example, mixing alcohol with some drugs may cause you to feel tired or slow your reactions. Drug-Condition Interactions : may occur when an existing medical condition makes certain drugs potentially harmful. For example, if you have high blood pressure you could experience an unwanted reaction if you take a nasal decongestant. Before taking a drug, ask your doctor or pharmacist the following questions: Can I take it with other drugs? Should I avoid certain foods, beverages or other products? What are possible drug interaction signs I should know about? How will the drug work in my body? Is there more information available about the drug or my condition (on the Internet or in health and medical literature)? Know how to take drugs safely and responsibly. Remember, the drug label will tell you: What the drug is used for How to take the drug How to reduce the risk of drug interactions and unwanted side effects THE TRUTH ABOUT TOBACCO First, did you know that tobacco kills more Americans each year than alcohol, cocaine, crack, heroin, homicide, suicide, car accidents, fires AND AIDS COMBINED! Tobacco users are twice as likely to have a heart attack - the nicotine in cigarettes initially acts as a central nervous system stimulant and once this wears off (withdrawal), the smoker begins to feel the urge for another cigarette. Smoking increases the heart rate by beats per minute: this means that a smoker's heart beats 28,800 more times a day, 201,600 more times a week, and 10,512,000 more times a year than a nonsmoker's heart! Tobacco is a stimulant which speeds up the heart rate and blood flow. THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS ARE CAUSED BY SMOKING. Elevated blood pressure because small arteries are constricted Production of carbon monoxide (which is the gas that comes out of your car exhaust) Ten times as likely to develop lung cancer Chronic bronchitis Over-production of mucous in the respiratory system Abnormal cell growth (a nice way to say cancer) Decreases immune system functioning Five times as likely to get cancer of the larynx Four times as likely to get mouth cancer Three times as likely to get esophageal cancer Three times as likely to die of ulcers Two times as likely to die from cirrhosis of the liver Two times as likely to develop kidney cancer Yellow fingers and eyes, wrinkled skin Higher likelihood for miscarriages and stillbirths Higher likelihood of male and female infertility and male impotence Bad breath & discoloration (yellowing) of the teeth SMOKING IS AN EXPENSIVE HABIT Have you ever thought how expensive this habit is? (not to mention the increase in medical bills, loss of work productivity, etc.) If you had $10,000 what would you do with it? If you had $20,000 what would you do with it? If you had $30,000 what would you do with it? WHAT IS THE MONETARY COST? Example: Let's say a person smokes a pack a day for 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years and he pays $5.00 per pack. How much money does this person spend each year to kill himself? $5.00/pack X 7 packs/week X 52 weeks/year X 1 yr., 5 yr., 10 yr., = $ over the those years! Just think what else you could have used this money for!!! SMOKING IS THE MOST PREVENTABLE CAUSE OF DEATH IN THE UNITED STATES! WHATS IN TOBACCO? Formaldehyde (used to preserve dead bodies) Plutonium 210 (used to make atomic bombs) Arsenic (used in rat poisoning) Acetone (used as a solvent such as nail polish remover) Ammonia Benzene (used as a solvent in fuel and industry for dyes, synthetic rubbers, etc.) Cadmium (a highly poisonous metal used to make batteries) Carbon Monoxide (a main component of car exhaust) Hydrogen Cyanide (one of the most toxic chemicals known) Lead Mercury Nicotine (a main ingredient in the addiction to cigarettes) Tar - a major contributor to cancer development (used to pave roadsneed I say more?) and so on...for a total of 4,000 ingredients in each cigarette! WOW!!! SMOKELESS TOBACCO Do you actually know what is in smokeless tobacco, chewing tobacco, dip, snuff? There are over 2,000 chemicals found in smokeless tobacco - again the majority of them are there for the sole purpose of getting you addicted to this product. Many of these ingredients have chemical names that won't exemplify the seriousness of this deadly habit. Yet, teenage males are one of the biggest groups to use this deadly product. Be sure to remember the term leukoplakia: this is a pre cancerous condition caused by use of smokeless tobacco. When a person gets leukoplakia, white, leathery patches form in the oral cavity because of the abrasiveness of the smokeless tobacco. An additional result of this abrasiveness is gum recession. IMAGES OF SMOKELESS TOBACCO WATCH: SMOKING- TRUTH OR DARE You are to write down 10 things you learned while watching the video.7E6A F6-A21ADDBD4CBE7E6A F6-A21ADDBD4CBE ANTI-TOBACCO POSTER Directions: you will design a poster for anti-tobacco, or anti-smoking You have one class period to complete the poster. You will use the paper and colors provided. You need a catchy slogan and list 10 facts somewhere on the poster. Make sure you put your name on the back of the poster as they will be hanging around the school. Good luck! ALCOHOL HEALTH EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL Alcohol is a DEPRESSANT drug. Burning of mouth and esophageal cells Destroys liver cells which can lead to jaundice and eventually to cirrhosis of the liver (once a person develops cirrhosis, damage to the liver is irreversible and a liver transplant is the only hope to save this person's life). Digestive enzymes in the pancreas are blocked which can cause pancreatic bleeding causing Type II diabetes Loss of body fluids in the kidneys and Inability of the bladder to stretch properly Swelling of the male prostate gland, Male impotence, Irritation of digestive tract ulcers Blockage of absorption of vitamins and amino acids Inflammation of the heart, and Increased amounts of fat collect around the heart Disruption of normal metabolism Anemia Inability of the immune system to function optimally Death of brain cells A child can be born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) if exposed prenatally to alcohol (we will discuss FAS further when we talk about pregnancy in the family life/sexuality unit). Prenatal exposure to alcohol is the #1 cause of mental retardation in the world. TYPES OF ALCOHOL Different amounts of certain types of alcohol constitute "one drink." For example, all of the following drinks have the same amount of alcohol: One 12-ounce can of beer One wine cooler One 5-ounce glass of wine One 1 ounce of 80 to 90-proof liquor Each contains about.5 ounces of alcohol! WHAT DETERMINES A PERSONS BAC? The person's body weight (a person who weighs more generally shows effects of alcohol less quickly than a smaller person) Gender (Male/Female) Amount of time spent drinking Dilution of the drink Carbonation of the drink (carbonation increases absorption of alcohol) The presence of food in the stomach before drinking Setting and expectation The person's mood and emotional state Use of other substances Individual body chemistry Tolerance: a person must begin to drink more and more alcohol to receive the same effects...the human body builds up a "tolerance" and what one drink used to do to them may take two or three drinks now... BAC (BLOOD ALCOHOL CONTENT - THE AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL IN THE BLOODSTREAM OR ON THE BREATH) Calculating BAC One drink equals the following: 1 (12 ounce) beer = 1 (12 ounce) wine cooler = 1 (4-5 ounce) glass of wine = 1 (1 ounce) shot of 90-proof liquor For every drink a person drinks, their BAC increases a specific amount depending on their weight. The amount it increases for specific weights is as follows:.04 = 100 pounds.03 = 120 pounds.02 = pounds.015 = 175 pounds.01 = 200 pounds Don't forget to subtract.015 for each hour that has passed since the person began drinking. HOW TO QUIT DRINKING ALCOHOL Occasional use of just about any substance can easily turn into problem use without a person realizing it. So if a person was to develop such a problem, what could he/she do about it? The obvious answers are to gradually withdraw from the problem substance or, if possible, quit cold turkey! There's another technique called antabuse treatment. Have you ever eaten so much of a particular food that you made yourself sick off of it and you haven't been able to eat that specific food again since that bad experience? Well, this is essentially the theory behind the technique. Antabuse treatment therapy conditions the alcoholic to associate alcohol consumption (even when drinking the smallest amount of alcohol) with nausea and vomiting. During this therapy, they will actually give the alcoholic a little taste of alcohol that has antabuse in it. Needless to say, the alcoholic becomes violently ill shortly afterwards and hopefully will never want to consume alcohol again! On a side note, children of alcoholics often have many issues to deal with as a result of their parents' disease. An excellent resource to help such children is Alateen. People with alcohol misuse and abuse problems should also take advantage of Alcoholic's Anonymous and other alcohol-treatment programs and facilities. TEEN FILES: THE TRUTH ABOUT DRINKING4B14-ADB1- 648B35B701C8&fromMyDe=0&isPrinterFriendly=0&provider=&isLessonFromHe alth=0&productcode=US&isAssigned=false&includeHeader=YES&homework Guid=4B14-ADB1- 648B35B701C8&fromMyDe=0&isPrinterFriendly=0&provider=&isLessonFromHe alth=0&productcode=US&isAssigned=false&includeHeader=YES&homework Guid Answer the comprehension questions as you watch the video. Please do not write on the copyuse your own paper. ILLEGAL DRUGS Illegal drugs can be divided into five categories: Stimulants Depressants Cannabis products Hallucinogens Narcotics CONTINUED There is a reason that these are considered "illegal" drugs: they can kill, they lead to homicides, suicides (remember that 50% of people who commit suicide are under the influence of drugs when they do so), and other acts of crime, as well as lowering a person's potential, motivation, and goal-setting abilities. So, why do people use these illegal drugs? As stated before, they give a person a feeling (or effect) that cannot be derived from anything else. Unfortunately, as with tobacco and alcohol, simple (and thought of as innocent) experimentation can easily lead to problem use without realizing it. CONTINUED Lack of knowledge concerning the facts about illegal drugs kills many people each year. What's just as deadly is when people use medicines in combination with other drugs - this has potential lethal effects. This can be with prescription medications, over-the-counter medicines, as well as with illegal substances. 05_health_substanceabuse17.html05_health_substanceabuse17.html TRUTH ABOUT DRUGS B49E- 351DAC90CDAB&fromMyDe=0&isPrinterFriendly=0&provider=&isLessonFromH ealth=0&productcode=US&isAssigned=false&includeHeader=YES&homewor kGuid= B49E- 351DAC90CDAB&fromMyDe=0&isPrinterFriendly=0&provider=&isLessonFromH ealth=0&productcode=US&isAssigned=false&includeHeader=YES&homewor kGuid Checking comprehension while watching the video. Please do not write on the copyuse your own paper. STANDARDS Module Title: Substance Abuse Unit List of Learning Tasks: Standards: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health. Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors. Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision making skills to enhance health. Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting skills to enhance health. Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.