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Subliminal Brands

Jan 09, 2016



This is a marketing research about Subliminal Brands.
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Subliminal Brands based from the Point-of-View of the Yellow Collar Industry

Submitted by:Sarmiento, John PatrickCastillo, Aries JoyEsguiera, SarahFernandez, RheimsLina, Christian JamesMaloloyon, Revin

AbstractSubliminal brands are those brand images that influences consumers mind in a way they do not notice. People may not be aware of them even though they already exist in the market. Yellow Collar Industry includes people who work in the creative field like photographers, filmmakers and developers etc. This exploratory qualitative research focuses on how subliminal brands affect the consumers from the point-of-view of the different respondents selected from the Yellow Collar Industry. The different answers and opinions from the researchers respondents proved that the use of subliminal brands positively affects the consumers.

Subliminal Brands are those brand images that influence consumers mind in a way they do not notice. Consumers are exposed in various logos, brands and advertisements every time and everywhere. People may not be aware of them even though they already exist in the market. One of the main intent of subliminal brands is to inform people about who they are and what they can offer for the consumers. Some of the brands in this generation create points of controversy with the use of subliminal tactics seen through TVC, radio, billboards and other advertisements. Such practices are made-up to influence consumer behavior and persuade them to alter their preferences or attitudes toward different brands and products.Yellow Collar Industry includes people who work in the creative field such as photographers, filmmakers, and developers etc. Advertising professionals always look for creative strategies and implement different techniques to make their brand or logo more appealing to the eyes of the public. But some of these brands tend to generate unique visual strategies since people nowadays are initially visual oriented since they are dealing in a fast-phase environment. The modern concept of subliminal priming saw the light of day as a result of Vicarys experiment. Back in 1957, advertising executive James Vicary asserted that during the projection of a film in a movie theater, sales of Coke increased by 18% and sales of popcorn increased by more than 50% as a result of subliminally displaying the words EAT POPCORN and DRINK COKE (Weir, 1984)Based from the above mentioned study, subliminal executions tend to communicate call-to-action strategy to the consumers due to psychological impact that gives high level retention to those people whove seen, heard or experienced subliminal strategies.The researchers aim to get reactions and statements from the point-of-view of the yellow collar industry and analyze them to acquire knowledge on the efficiency of using subliminal brands. The researchers also aim to know the reasons why people behind the creation of these brands generate these kinds of creative and visual strategy.

Significance of the StudyThis research will help the consumers to be aware on how subliminal brands affect their attitude and preferences towards a product. This will also help them in distinguishing which company uses subliminal brands and determine what will be the message the company is trying impart. This study will make the researchers know the different intents of Yellow-Collar-Workers in making these kinds of subliminal images. And also, the researchers will know the different advantages and disadvantages of using subliminal brands and how it will affect the customers either positively or negative.

Statement of the Problem1. Do artists in the creative field recommend the use subliminal images for the business brand?2. How do brands with subliminal images affect the consumers? What are the benefits or advantages of creating brands with subliminal images?3. Why do people sometimes dont easily/instantly perceive hidden messages in a brand?4. From the point-of-view of Yellow-Collar Workers, why do they think these brands create this kind of visual strategy? What are the motivations and intent behind these kinds of images with subliminal symbol?

HypothesisThe visual strategy with the use of subliminal images practiced by some companies positively affects consumers.

Review of Related LiteratureThe ControversyAs early as 1957, a marketing expert named James Vicary claimed that by incorporating subliminal messages into a movie screening, he was able to increase the sale of consumer products (in this case Coke and popcorn) by a large percentage. The idea took off, and some advertisers began to include subliminal messages in their TV and radio advertisements.Creativity is being artistic, and being artistic is very complex, you cannot critic an image without knowing its soul and meaning. But on the other hand, due to modernization in 1950s, there are some controversies when it comes to Subliminal Brands and messages.

EffectsThere are many studies about the subject of subliminal messages and their effects. (Trappey, 1996). Numerous studies indicate that subliminal messages can marginally influence a viewer's affect (Aylesworth, Goodstein, and Kalra, 1999; Edell and Burke,1989; Edell and Burke, 1987; Batra and Ray, 1986). Subliminal Brands influences the brain to process the message but it does reach the consciousness of a person. Sometimes by merely looking at the logo it motivates you to purchase the certain product. There are some studies that stands as proof that Subliminal Brand can influence the judgments of consumers.

As a Successful TechniqueQuickly flashing words onto a screen without their noticing can motive or lure people in doing it. To get people to behave in a certain way, the idea for such behavior must first be planted in their minds. Once the idea has been planted in your mind (so-called priming') then either a lack of something (deprivation) or a positive association with a certain action can ensure that you are actually motivated to carry out that action. These three factors have previously been investigated independently but Veltkamp has now shown for the first time how the three factors work together to trigger unconsciously motivated behavior. A subliminal image can somehow draw the attention of the public. Due to its hidden meaning, it can be more intimate with the public on what they want to send to the audience. They wanted to target the unconscious mind of the public to gain distinctive way of distinguishing messages.

Psychological FeasibilityAccording to Dr. Lechnar (2009), while there are centuries of experimental proof to back the existence of subliminal perception, the argument could be made much stronger if there exists scientific theories of human physiology to support the case. Unfortunately, our medical research has only begun to tap into the inner workings of the human brain. There are some theories which could provide support. From an evolutionary standpoint, our brains have not always had the same level of consciousness as we do now.

It can be theorized from animals living today that their consciousness is controlled more from automatic responses and unconsciousness behavior. Dixon contends that when our brain has evolved from unconscious processing to conscious awareness, the brain has developed control mechanisms to filter most of the sensory input.

To fully utilize the limited consciousness, and to protect the brain from sensory overload, only a fraction of the sensory input is channeled into the conscious mind. The rest is processed by our unconscious mind. It is contended that the principles of physiological summation, inhibition, and facilitation, the notion of interactions between specific and non-specific effects, and the existence of centrifugal-centripetal "gating" loops within the central nervous system, provide all that is necessary for a viable theory, without recourse to any concept that is anthropomorphic or supernatural. In other words there is physiological basis for the possibility of subliminal perception, but the research is not thorough enough to prove its existence. Arts and Science can be also involved.

Conceptual Framework

Professionals like the Concept Artists, Layout Artists, and Visual Artists are somehow significant to our research study which is concerned with Subliminal Brands. Their respective opinions and perception may differ from each other. That is why we are conducting an interview with each of them to know their own interpretation of such brands.

MethodologyParticipantsConcept ArtistConcept artists develop plans and visual concepts for advertisements. He uses his creative and technical abilities to design visual effects that will attract users or viewers of the finished product resulting in profitability for an organization.Layout ArtistA Layout artist is a graphic design professional responsible for the structure and layout of elements in printed media, such as magazines, brochures, posters and fliers. They assess visual aspects, such as color, position and formatting. They ensure that the text and images are appropriate and visually appealing. Visual ArtistVisual artists are the ones who create new works and ideas through textile, painting, graphic design, drawings, films, sculpture, photography or architecture. They express emotional facts and ideas or information.

InstrumentsThe questionnaire the researchers created for the respondents is categorized depending on their professions which are the Concept, Visual and Layout artists. And also, the researchers used a video recorder to document the said interview.Concept Artist:1. Do artists in the creative field recommend the use subliminal images for the business brand?2. How do brands with subliminal images affect the consumers? What are the benefits or advantages of creating brands with subliminal images?3. From the point-of-view of a Concept Artist, why do you create this kind of visual strategy? Does it really affect the consumers behaviour and preferences?4. What is your interpretation with regards to these brand images?

Layout Artist:1. Do artists in the creative field recommend the use subliminal images for the business brand?2. How do brands with subliminal images affect the consumers? What are the benefits or advantages of creating brands with subliminal images?3. What do you think is the motivation or intent behind these kinds of images with subliminal symbols? Do each symbols or design have particular meaning that attracts consumers?4. What is your interpretation with regards to these brand images?

Visual Artist:1. Do artists in the creative field recommend the use subliminal images for the business brand?2. How do brands with subliminal images affect the consumers? What are the benefits or advantages of creating brands with subliminal images?3. Why do you think people sometimes dont easily/instantly perceive hidden messages in a brand?4. What is your interpretation with regards to these brand images?

ProceduresThree Yellow-Collar workers are selected as respondents. They are the Concept Artist, Layout Artist, and a Visual Artist who will be asked by the researchers with the prepared guideline questions. This is to determine the Point-of-View of the Yellow Collar Industry on the usage of Subliminal Brands. An appropriately fulfilled structured questionnaire will be prepared, organized and compiled for analysis of data. The researchers selected three (3) respondents with different expertise that are relevant with the subject matter, Subliminal Brands. The researchers will be sending request letter for interview to know their availability for the dialogue. The researchers will explain the purpose of the interview. And address the terms of confidentiality and explain the format of the interview. Prepare a method for recording data. (take notes or through video/voice record) The researchers will start the interview and allow the respondent to clarify any doubts about the interview. Then the collected data will be interpreted and discussed by the researchers. The researchers will then state the focal points on the different opinions of the Yellow-Collar-Workers. The researchers will make the final conclusion and recommendation

ResultsThe researchers found out that the respondents shared similar answers in the prepared questionnaire. Mr. Mark Joseph Dollor, a layout artist, said that he recommends the use of subliminal imaging for a business brand. Ms. Marife Danas, a concept artist, and Mr. Ariel Bordaje, a visual artist, also shared the same opinion in the usage of subliminal brands. They stated that with the use of subliminal brands, it triggers some kind of stimuli unconsciously that makes the customer feel the urge to buy or be attracted with the product. They also said that practicing the use of subliminal brands mostly affects the consumers positively. It provides benefits for both the company and the consumer. According to the respondents, subliminal brands give some kind of satisfaction to the customer after they acquired the product. They also made Apple as an example. According to them, Apples logo has a touch of subliminal messaging to it. The apple bite signifies that Apple is not yet complete, and that they will provide innovation throughout the coming years. Then looking it in a Theological view, the respondents said that Apples logo can also signify the fruit which Adam and Eve had eaten during the time of the creation. It signifies that it will provide knowledge and wisdom to those who will acquire it. In the different example of subliminal brands the researchers introduced in the questionnaire, the respondents noticed only one brand that has a negative meaning to it. It was the logo of Starbucks. The respondents interpreted the logo as a picture of a siren which gives a negative vibe to it. They said that according to the myths, a siren is very beautiful creature on its outside appearance but a deadly monster on the inside. But normal people do not recognize that. One of the people who can recognize the different meaning behind those subliminal brands are those who are Yellow-Collar-Workers.DiscussionsThe purpose of this study was to know the different point-of-views of the Yellow Collar Industry on the usage of Subliminal Brands. The researchers predicted that the practice of using subliminal brands positively affects the consumers. According to Ms. Marife Danas, a concept artist, creating this kind of visual strategy increases the demand of the consumers for the product. In result, it will provide the company with higher sales and profit. She said that different visual strategies already exist since the early times. But subliminal imaging is one of the most effective strategies to use in terms of acquiring higher demand and popularity. While Mr. Mark Joseph Dollor, a layout artist, said that one of the main intents of using subliminal images is to attract the curiosity of the customers. According to him, attracting the curiosity of the customer can make them interested and can make them strive to know more about the product. Most of the times, artists use familiar symbols in making a subliminal image. But sometimes, the use of unfamiliar symbols is more effective in attracting customers. He said that using unfamiliar symbols will make the brand unique and sometimes it will lead the brand to emerge to the top of the competition because others are very common and similar.

According to Mr. Ariel Bordaje, a visual artist, people do not easily perceive hidden messages in a subliminal brand because they are not aware of subliminal brands in the first place. People are not yet educated enough about the different meanings that company brands today want to impart on the consumers. He said that without this kind of awareness, people tend to ignore the reasons or intentions of the company in using this kind of visual strategy. He also said that there are only a few people who can notice these hidden messages consciously. And because of that, they can sometimes choose the right product that can give them excellent satisfaction. According to him, when people are aware of this visual strategy, they can extend their options in purchasing a product and they can determine what kind of quality this product can offer.In conclusion, the results provided insights and some facts that proved the positive effects of using subliminal images. There can be minimal negative effects, but positive effects are more dominant. There are also many reasons behind the creation of this kind of visual strategy, but the researchers think that increasing ones sales and demand for the product is the number one aim. And lastly, people in the Yellow-Collar-Industry have similar opinions regarding the creation of subliminal images. It only differs because of the different interpretations of the people who view it.


( (Stephanie Louise Young, SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISING TECHNIQUES, 2009)(Narrative Thread, 2011)

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