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SUBJECT ENGLISH The Best Christmas Present in the World & How the Camel got his Hump Read the following extracts and the questions that follow. I)It was going for very little money. I thought I could restore it. It would be a risk a challenge, but I had to have it. I. Who is the speaker of these lines? II. The itin the first stanza refers to what? III. What was the temptation to buy old desk? IV. What do you mean by the wordrestore ? II) Him shelter from rain, And a mouthful of grain. He wished only to borrow, He had repay it tomorrow, I. Who is him in the first line? II. What did he want? III. From whom did he hope to borrow? IV. Give the opposite of the word borrow. Short Answer Type Questions. I. Why was the letter written-What was the wonderful thing that had happened? II. Why did the author go to Bridport? III. Who did Connie Macpherson think her visitor was? IV. Why does the poet call the cricket in the poem silly? V. What did the cricket say to the ant? How did the ant react to it? VI. What did the cricket do during summer and spring? Why? VII. Why did the camel live in the middle of the desert? VIII. How did the horse complain against the camel without naming him? Long Answer Type Questions. I. How did the two armies celebrate the Christmas? II. Where did the Djinn find the camel? What was he doing?

SUBJECT ENGLISH The Best Christmas Present in the World & … · 2019-12-09 · SUBJECT – ENGLISH The Best Christmas Present in the World & How the Camel got his Hump Read the following

Mar 13, 2020



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    The Best Christmas Present in the World & How the Camel got his Hump

    Read the following extracts and the questions that follow.

    I)It was going for very little money. I thought I could restore it. It would be a risk a challenge,

    but I had to have it.

    I. Who is the speaker of these lines?

    II. The itin the first stanza refers to what?

    III. What was the temptation to buy old desk?

    IV. What do you mean by the wordrestore ?

    II) Him shelter from rain, And a mouthful of grain.

    He wished only to borrow, He had repay it tomorrow,

    I. Who is him in the first line?

    II. What did he want?

    III. From whom did he hope to borrow?

    IV. Give the opposite of the word borrow.

    Short Answer Type Questions.

    I. Why was the letter written-What was the wonderful thing that had happened?

    II. Why did the author go to Bridport?

    III. Who did Connie Macpherson think her visitor was?

    IV. Why does the poet call the cricket in the poem silly?

    V. What did the cricket say to the ant? How did the ant react to it?

    VI. What did the cricket do during summer and spring? Why?

    VII. Why did the camel live in the middle of the desert?

    VIII. How did the horse complain against the camel without naming him?

    Long Answer Type Questions.

    I. How did the two armies celebrate the Christmas?

    II. Where did the Djinn find the camel? What was he doing?

  • Worksheet 2

    The Tsunami & Children at work

    Read the following extracts and the questions that follow.

    I)The water was swelling and kept coming in, Penny Smith remembered. “ The beach was

    getting smaller and smaller. ” I didn’t know what was happening.

    I. Name the lesson.

    II. What type of water is referred to in the above lines?

    III. Who was Penny Smith ?

    IV. Penny Smith is describing the scene from……….

    II)There seemed an inevitability

    about what on ground had looked haphazard,

    unplanned and without style

    When the jet sprang into the sky.

    I. What did the poet see from the jet?

    II. What seemed inevitable?

    III. Why is logic not seen on the earth?

    IV. What do you mean by the word inevitability.

    Short Answer Type Questions.

    I. Where had Tilly seen the sea behaving in the same strange fashion?

    II. Where did the Smith family and the others on the beach go to escape from the tsunafas

    III. Why did Tilly’s family come to Thaliand?

    IV. How had the city developed?

    V. From what height is the poet looking at the city? How do you know?

    VI. What made Velu feel miserable?

    VII. How did Velu meet Jaya?

    VIII. How did Velu cross the road?

    Long Answer Type Questions.

    I. What are the different ways in which Tilly’s parents could have reacted to her behavior?

    What would you have done if you were in their place?

    II. Is Velu a smart boy? Which instance in the text show that he is or isn’t?

  • ENGLISH WORKSHEET English Grammar & Composition (Class-VIII)

    Ques-1 The following Passage has not been edited. There is a mistake in each line Write the incorrect word as well as the correction.

    Incorrect Word Correction

    One day, in the cinema hall, Bishnu see e.g. see saw

    the old man who had been (a) _________ _________

    with him upon the bus. He greeted (b) _________ _________

    her like a long lost friend. (c) _________ _________

    At firstly, the old man did not (d) _________ _________

    recognise a boy, but when (e) _________ _________

    Bishnu asked him if he have (f) _________ _________

    recovered of his illness, the old (g) ________ _________

    man remembered and says, (h) ________ _________

    “so you are still in Mussoorie.”

    Ques-2 The following Passage has not been edited. There is a mistake in each line Write the incorrect word as well as the correction.

    Incorrect Word Correction

    Once there was the guru communicating (a)________ ________

    wisdom to people that came for his (b)________ ________

    darshan with flowers or fruits. One (c)________ ________

    day, all the offerings were in plenty, he (d)________ ________

    called the disciple and asked him to (e)________ ________

    cut fruits and arrange for their (f)________ ________

    distribution of Prasad.

    Ques-3 The following Passage has not been edited. There is a mistake in each line Write the incorrect word as well as the correction.

  • Socrates lived at Athens about 400 e.g at in

    years before Christ was birth. a) _______ _______

    As a boy he is ugly, undersized b)_______ _______

    and had the flat nose and bulging eyes. c)_______ _______

    His father was a poor stone – cut, d)_______ _______

    so he was always rather shabby dressed. e)_______ _______

    Like other boys of its age, he went f)_______ _______

    to school that the most important g)_______ _______

    lessons were music or gymnastics. h)_______ _______

    Ques-4 Based on the following outlines, develop a story in about 150 words. Assign it a catchy

    title also.

    a salt merchant—had a donkey—carried sack of salt to the market—very heavy for

    donkey to carry—donkey slipped—crossing the river—salt dissolved—load lighter—

    donkey felt happy—next day—donkey deliberately did it—merchant knew its trick—

    wanted to teach donkey a lesson—next day put sack of cotton instead of salt—donkey

    again did the same trick—cotton became heavier—repented—realised folly.

    Ques-5 Two friends were passing through a dense forest. Suddenly they heard some animal

    screaming…….. Complete the story in 150-200 words.

    Ques-6 “It was raining heavily, the street lights had gone off and I was

    returning…….”Complete the story in 150 to 200 words, providing an appropriate title to


    Q 7 Change the following voices from Passive to Active.

    i. He pulled out a rabbit.

    ii. He gave away the prizes.

    iii. Why is she hitting the dog?

    iv. I will borrow your pen later.

    v. Shut your mouth.

    vi. Rohan has written many novels in the past.

    vii. Did he post the letter?

    viii. Let him book the tickets.

  • Q 8 Change the following into active voice.

    i. The dog was hit by the car.

    ii. The house will be built by the construction crew in five months.

    iii. This ticket will be given to you by the manager.

    iv. By whom was the fair inaugurated?

    v. This novel was written by Premchand.

    vi. The sweet song is sung by her.

    vii. Are the potatoes being boiled by her?

    viii. The baby was given a doll.

    ix. Promises should be kept.

    x. I am known to them.

    Q 9 Change the following sentences into indirect speech

    I. He said, ‘I am learning French these days.’ II. Newton said, ‘we are standing on the earth because of the gravitational pull.’

    III. He said to me, ‘Are you not feeling well today?’ IV. Mohan said to sheeba,’I have composed a new song.’ V. She said to him, ‘When do you want me to finish this work?’

  • Writing Skill

    1. Write a Notice in about 50 words telling the students of classes 6-8 about a dance competition

    that is going to be held in the school auditorium on 15 July 2019. You are Bhagat/ Bhagarathi of

    DPS, Agra.

    2. Draft a Notice in about 50 words for your school notice board to inform the students about a trip

    that is being held in the Summer break from 15 June 2019 to 26 June 2019 to Manali. The trip is

    for children of classes 9 -12. Only 60 children can go . Last date of giving names is 10 May 2019.

    3. You are Cultural Secretary of your school. The school is organizing a painting exhibition. Draft a

    notice inviting names from the students for participating in the exhibition. The students from

    classes 6-10 can participate. The topic is Global Warming. Word limit is 50 words

    4.You are the Principal of your school.Notify the students that from certain day they must attend

    school in their winter uniform.

    Q3. You are secretary of Eco Club of your school.Your school is organising a’Tree Plantation ‘

    ceremonyin which every student has to donate a tree. Write a notice informing the students for

    the same to spread awareness among other children and the society.

    5. Your school is planning to hold a ‘Tree Planting’ day where the Municipal Commissioner of

    your area will be the Chief Guest. As part of the ‘Environment Club’ you have been asked to put

    up a notice informing students about the event. Write the notice in about 50 words.

    6. You are Shyam/ ShyamliVerma of class VIIIA. You have lost your library book which was

    issued to you, in the playground. Draft a notice for the school notice board, informing the

    students about it.4 Marks





    General Instructions:

    (i) Section A carries 4 questions of 1 marks each (ii) Section B carries 4 questions of 2 marks each (iii) Section C carries 4 questions of 3 marks each (iv) Section D carries 4questions of 4 marks each


    1. Is 6 11 the multiplicative inverse of -1 5 6? Why or why not?

    2. Write the rational numberthat are equal to their reciprocals.

    3. Solve: 7x – 9 = 12

    4. Solve: 8x = 20 + 3x


    5. What number should be subtracted from 3 to get 1


    6. Is 0.3 the multiplicative reciprocal of 31

    3? Why or why not?

    7. If 3(x + 4) = x + 38 find x. 8. Two numbers are in the ratio 8:3. If sum of the numbers is 143, find the numbers


    9. Find three rational numbers between 4 and 5.

    10. Represent 7

    4on the number line.

    11. Solve: 8x + 4 = 3 (x – 1) + 7 12. Find three consecutive odd numbers whose sum is 147.


    13. The sum of two rational numbers is (−4

    3). If one of the numbers is


    5find the other.

    14. A drum full of rice weights 4016 kg. If the empty drum weights 1334 kg, find the weight of rice in the drum.

    15. The ages of Rahul and Harmon are in the ratio 5:7. Four years later the sum of their ages will be56 years. What are their present ages?

    16. Fifteen years from now Ravi’s age will be four times his present age. What is Ravi’s presentage?





    General Instructions:

    (v) Section A carries 4 questions of 1 marks each (vi) Section B carries 4 questions of 2 marks each (vii) Section C carries 4 questions of 3 marks each (viii) Section D carries 4 questions of 4 marks each


    17. What is the smallest three-digit perfect square?

    18. What is the length of the side of a square whose area is 441 sq. cm?

    19. Simplify (1 / 32)3.

    20. Find the value of 'm' for which 6m / 6-3 = 65?


    21. How many natural numbers lie between the square of 9and 10? 22. What will be the value of ‘ x’ in Pythagorean triplet (6,8, x)? 23. Evaluate [(1/2)-1 - (1/3)-1]-1. 24. The size of a plant cell is 0.00001275 m. express it in standard form.


    25. By what smallest number 90 must be multiplied so as to make it a perfect square? 26. By which smallest number 48 must be divided so as to make it a perfect square? 27. If the thickness of a paper sheet is 0.0016 cm, find the thickness of 100 sheets. Express the answer in

    standard form.

    28. Express 4-3 as a power with base 2.


    29. Express 121 as the sum of 11 odd numbers 30. Write a Pythagorean triplet whose smallest member is 8. 31. Find m so that (-3)m+1 (-3)5 = (-3)7.

    32. Simplify: 25×t−4


  • कार्य-प्रपत्र -1(2019-20)

    कक्षा -8

    विषर् –विन्दी

    प्रश्न-1. ‘अभी न िोगा मेरा अंत’ – कवि ने ऐसा क्र्ों किा ि?ै

    प्रश्न-2.कवि कविर्ों को ककसका संदशे दनेा चािता ि ैऔर क्र्ों ?

    प्रश्न-3. ‘तंद्रािस िािसा खींच ि ूँगा’ – से क्र्ा तात्पर्य ि ै?

    प्रश्न-4. ‘ध्िवन’ का शावददक अर्य बताते हुए विवखए कक कवि ने इस कविता का शीषयक

    ‘ध्िवन’ क्र्ों रखा ?

    प्रश्न-5. कवि प्रकृवत को अपनी ओर से क्र्ा दनेा चािता ि ै?

    प्रश्न-6. कवि पुष्पों को ककस रूप में दखेता ि ैऔर उनमें क्र्ा पररितयन चािता ि?ै

    प्रश्न-7. ‘िन में मृदिु िसंत’ इस पंवि से आप क्र्ा समझते िैं ?

    प्रश्न 8 इस कविता को पढ़कर आपके मन में कैसे विचार उठते िैं?

    प्रश्न-9 बदि किाूँ का रिने िािा र्ा? िेखक उसे क्र्ा किकर पुकारता र्ा ?

    प्रश्न-10. बदि कैसी च विर्ाूँ बनाता र्ा? िि च विर्ों को गोि आकार ककस प्रकार दतेा र्ा?

    प्रश्न-11.काफी िषय बाद गाूँि में आने पर िेखक को बदि की र्ाद कैसे आई ?

    प्रश्न-12.जब िेखक बदि से वमिने गाूँि गर्ा तो उसने क्र्ा बदिाि दखेा ?

    प्रश्न-13बदि की बनाई च विर्ों की खपत अविक क्र्ों र्ी ?

    प्रश्न14.बदि का स्िभाि कैसा र्ा ?

    प्रश्न-15.िस्तु- विवनमर् से आप क्र्ा समझते िैं ?

    प्रश्न-16.नेिरू जी को किम उठाने के विए क्र्ों वििश िोना पिा ?

    प्रश्न-17. नेिरू जी अपनी विरासत ककसे मानते िैं ?

    प्रश्न 18. अिमदनगर के ककिे में नेिरुजी अपना शौक प रा करने के विए कौन सा कार्यकरते र्े ?

    प्रश्न-19. वनम्नविवखत शददों के िर्य-विच्छेद कररए :-

    पुस्तकािर् , रक्षक, िैज्ञावनक, वनर्ंवत्रत, आश्रर्, समर्य, राष्ट्रीर्, परमात्मा,

    प्रश्न-.20वनम्नविवखत मुिािरों के अर्य विवखए।

    क. अक्ि पर पत्र्र पिना

    ख. अगर-मगर करना

    ग. अंक भरना

    घ. अंग ठा कदखाना

    ङ. अूँिेरे घर का वचराग

  • कार्य-प्रपत्र -2 (2019-20 )

    कक्षा -8

    विषर् –विन्दी

    प्रश्न-1. िेखक और उसके वमत्र को किाूँ जाना र्ा ?

    प्रश्न-2. िेखक शाम को वजस बस में र्ात्रा करना चािता र्ा, उसकी िाित कैसी र्ी ?

    प्रश्न-3. िेखक को बस दर्नीर् क्र्ों िग रिी र्ी ?

    प्रश्न-4. िेखक को ऐसा क्र्ों िगा कक “जैसे सारी बस िी इंजन ि ैऔर िम इंजन के

    भीतर बैठे िैं |”

    प्रश्न-5. िेखक को िर पेि दशु्मन क्र्ों िग रिा र्ा ?

    प्रश्न-6.िेखक ि उसके सार्ी वखिकी से द र क्र्ों सरक गए ?

    प्रश्न-7. ‘‘वनकि जाओ बेटी! अपनी िि उम्र िी निीं रिी|’ पंवि के माध्र्म से िेखक

    क्र्ा किना चािता ि?ै

    प्रश्न-8. ‘दीिानों की िस्ती’ का आशर् स्पष्ट कीवजए |

    प्रश्न-9. ‘ि ि उिाते जिाूँ चि’ पंवि का क्र्ा अर्य ि ै?

    प्रश्न-10. दीिाने िोगों से ककस तरि वमि े?

    प्रश्न-11. अभािग्रस्त िोगों के बीच दीिानों ने क्र्ा ककर्ा ?

    प्रश्न-12. ‘दीिाने’ शदद ककनके विए प्रर्ुि हुआ? उनका अपने जीिन में िक्ष्र् क्र्ा ि ै?

    प्रश्न-13. दवुनर्ा को वभखमंगा क्र्ों किा ि ै?

    प्रश्न-14. िीरों के हृदर् पर कैसी असफिता के वनशान िैं?

    प्रश्नीर् संस्कृवत की विशेषताएूँ विवखए ?

    प्रश्न 16. सभाओं में नेिरू जी का स्िागत ककस प्रकार िोता र्ा ?

    प्रश्न-17. भारत की विवििता में एकता के दशयन ककस तरि िोते िैं ?

    प्रश्न-18. वनम्नविवखत शददों के दो-दो पर्ायर्िाची विवखए :-

    आग,अमृत, , गंगा , कमि , चंद्रमा , तािाब, गरे्श , ककनारा ,

    प्रश्न-19. वनम्नविवखत शददों के वििोम शदद विवखए :-

    अर्य , अवभमान , आिश्र्क , अवत , अिकाश , अचेत , उवचत , आवस्तक ,

    प्रश्न 20 . वनम्नविवखत विषर् पर अनुच्छेद विवखए-

    सच्चा वमत्र , परोपकार,

  • Class 8th


    Worksheet 1


    Crop production and management

    Q1. Separating grains from chaff is called

    a)Winnowingb)weeding c)tilling d)harvesting

    Q2. Weedicides are used to destroy

    a)Insects b)weeds c)pest d)none of these

    Q3. 2,4-D is a

    a)Pesticide b)insecticide c)fungicide d)weedicide

    Q4. What are the two main cropping seasons?

    Q5. Name any two traditional methods of irrigation.

    Q6. When some gram seeds are put in a beaker filled with water, after sometime some seeds

    started to float on top. Why?

    Q7. Some farmers put dried leaves of neem in an iron drum containing wheat. Why?

    Q8. What is irrigation?

    Q9. How green plants synthesise their food?

    Q10. Name any two kharif crops.

    Q11. Define harvesting.

    Q12. What do you mean by animal husbandry?

    Q13. Why do we have to eat food?

    Q14. List various agricultural practices in sequential order.

    Q15. Differentiate between manure and fertilizers.

  • Class 8th


    Worksheet 2


    Microorganisms: friends or foe

    Q1. Scientist who discovered the fermentation

    a)Alexander Fleming b)Louis Pasteur c)John Mendel d)Charles Darwin

    Q2. Spirogyra is

    a)An algae b)a virus c)a protozoa d)a bacteria

    Q3. Amount of nitrogen in atmosphere is

    a)58% b)68% c)78% d) 88%

    Q4. Name the bacteria causing Anthrax disease.

    Q5. Where do Rhizobium bacteria commonly live?

    Q6. Why should one not use the handkerchief of a person who is suffering from common cold?

    Q7. How do pathogens enter our body?

    Q8. Name any four antibiotics.

    Q9. What are microbes or microorganisms?

    Q10. What are the five major groups of microorganisms?

    Q11. How do microbes survive under adverse conditions?

    Q12. How do microorganisms act as cleaning agent of nature?

    Q13. What are communicable diseases give two examples.

    Q14. Draw well labelled diagram of nitrogen cycle.

    Q15. What are food preservatives explain some common food preservatives.

  • Class 8th


    Worksheet 3


    Synthetic fibres and plastics

    Q1. Fabric is made of

    a)Steel b)fibre c)paper d)none of these

    Q2. Polyester is made up of

    a)Nylon b)rayon c)esters d)cotton

    Q3. Nylon was prepared first in

    a)1921 b)1931c)1941 d)1951

    Q4. Name a natural polymer.

    Q5. What are the units of cellulose?

    Q6. Why should we not wear synthetic clothes while working in the kitchen?

    Q7. Plastic articles are available in all possible shapes and sizes. Why?

    Q8. What are clothes made up of?

    Q9. How is Rayon obtained?

    Q10. Name the types of arrangement of units found in plastic.

    Q11. Why plastics are not eco friendly?

    Q12. What are the uses of nylon?

    Q13. What is 5R principle?

    Q14. Differentiate between natural and synthetic fibres.

    Q15. Explain the different characteristics of plastic that makes it so convenient to use.

  • Class 8th


    Worksheet 4


    Metals and Non-metals

    Q1. Liquid metal at room temperature is

    a)Mercury b)bromine c)sodium d) gold

    Q2. The metal stored in kerosene

    a)Phosphorus b)magnesium c)sodium d)zinc

    Q3. The nature of metal oxides is

    a)Acidic b)basic c)neutral d)all of these

    Q4. Name two most ductile metals.

    Q5. Write the name of non metal which is most essential for life.

    Q6. Mostly non metals do not conduct electricity but one non-metal can. What is its name?

    Q7. If you put one end of the rod of a metal in hot water you feel hot at the other end. What does

    it mean? What is this property of metals called?

    Q8. Name any two physical properties of metals.

    Q9. What is ductility?

    Q10. Why are metals called sonorous?

    Q11. What do you mean by displacement reaction?

    Q12. What happens when a metal reacts with oxygen?

    Q13. Differentiate between metals and nonmetals ( 5 points).

    Q14. What happens when sodium reacts with oxygen?

    Q15. Write down any five uses of metals.



    (HISTORY) Chapter- 1



    1.Who was Prince Arthur?

    2.Where was the National Museum and National Archives built?

    3. What is the work of James Mill known as?

    4. Who produced the first map of India under the British?

    5. Who was the first Governor-General of India?

    6. What do you understand by the term ‘colonialism’?

    7. How can you define history?

    7. Who are calligraphists?

    8. James Rennel created the first map of India in..

    9. The last British Governor General of India was..

    10.Who was James Mill?


    11. Why did the practice of surveying become important under the British?

    12.What efforts were made by the British to preserve important documents?

    13.Why did the British carry out botanical surveys in India?


    14.ThePeriodisation of Indian history made by James Mill during 1817 was unjustified. Why?

    15.Why did the British set up record rooms attached to all administrative institutions?

    16.Why did the British preserve official documents?

    17.How will the information historians get from old newspapers be different from that found in

    police reports?

  • CHAPTER- 2



    1. Give the name of Indian rulers who fought at the Battle of Buxar. 2. Who was MurshidQuli Khan?

    3. Explain the term ‘Mercantile’.

    4. What is a Farman?

    5. Explain the policy of ‘Paramountcy’.

    6. Who were the three strong rulers of Bengal?

    7. In which year did the Portuguese discover the sea route to ?

    8. When did the East India Company acquire a charter to trade with ?

    9. Which Portuguese explorer discovered the sea route to India?

    10. Who were the Residents?


    11. What measures adopted by Tipu Sultan infuriated the British? 12. Mention two features of a new system of justice that was established in India after 1772. 13. What were the main consequences of the Third Battle of Panipat in 1761? 14. How was NawabSirajuddaulah easily defeated by the British? 15. What was the 'Doctrine of Lapse'? Why did the Indian rulers become suspicious of the East

    India Company?


    16. Who introduced the policy of Subsidiary Alliance? What were the main principles of the alliance ?

    17. What attracted European trading companies to India? 18. What were the areas of conflict between the Bengal nawabs and the East India Company? 19. How did the assumption of Diwani benefit the East India Company? 20. Describe the changes that occurred in the composition of the Company’s army.

  • CHAPTER- 3



    1. Mention the types of indigo cultivation in India. 2. What was the main cause of the Champaran Movement? 3. Define the following terms: a)Famine b)Indigo.

    4. Name the European countries that used Indian indigo. 5. Who were the ‘ryots’? 6. Who were the lathiyals? 7. What is meant by the word ‘Mahal’ in the British revenue records? 8. What was the importance of the year 1793? 9. Which tragedy occurred during 1770 in ? 10. Whom did the Mughal Emperor appoint as the Diwan of Bengal in 1765? 11. Who started the Champaran Movement?


    12. Briefly explain the Mahalwari System. 13. What do you mean by the term 'plantation'? 14. Why did the cloth dyers prefer indigo as a dye to woad? 15. What was the report of the Indigo Commission? 16. Who were the Gomasthas?


    17. Why were the ryots reluctant to indigo plantation? 18. What was ‘Ryotwari System’? Explain the main features of this system. 19. What was the “Blue Rebellion”? Explain. 20. Describe the types of indigo cultivation in India.


    CHAPTER- 1



    1. What makes a substance a resource? 2. Why are human beings considered as an important resource? 3. What do you understand by human made resources? Give two examples. 4. What do you understand by resource conservation? 5. What do you understand by stock of resource? 6. Technology is which type of resource? 7. Define sustainable development. 8. Classify the natural resources on the basis of origin. 9. Is water a renewable or non renewable resource? 10. Give two examples of recyclable resources.


    11. How do we conserve electricity? 12. Differentiate between Ubiquitous and Localised resources. 13. Differentiate between Actual and Potential resources. 14. Why are resources distributed unequally over the earth? 15. Why is Human Resource considered the best resource?


    16. Give the classification of natural resources on different basis. 17. Explain how sustainable development helps in environmental sustainability. 18. How can you contribute towards water conservation?


    CHAPTER- 1



    1. Is India a "democratic form of government"? 2. What is a constitution? 3. What is the work of an executive? 4. What is the work of an legislature? 5. What is the work of an judiciary? 6. What do you mean by ‘Secular State’? 7. Explain the concept of 'Separation of Powers'. 8. Why do we need a Constitution? 9. What is trafficking? 10. Define the term arbitrary. 11. When was The Constitution of India promulgated? 12. What is Federalism?


    13. Write a short note on the Parliamentary form of Government. 14. What are the federal features of the Constitution of India? 15. What is the work of an executive? 16. Define the term ‘Fundamental Rights’.


    17. What do you mean by 'Right to Constitutional Remedies'? 18. How many total members were elected into the Constituent Assembly? 19. Explain briefly the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution of India. 20. Mention freedoms that falls under "Right to Freedom". 21. Lay down the key features of the Indian Constitution.

  • CHAPTER- 2

    Understanding Secularism


    1. What is the purpose of secularism? 2. Define theocratic state? 3. Define the term Coercion. 4. What do you mean by Discrimination? 5. What is ‘Pledge of Allegiance’? 6. What do you mean by Untouchability? 7. Which fundamental right is related with religion? 8. Write one feature of American model of secularism? 9. Write one dawback of American model of secularism? 10. What is the full form of NDA?


    11. Explain the three strategies followed by the Indian government to ensure secularism. 12. Why is it important to keep religion distant from the state? 13. Why is Untouchability banned in India?


    14. Differentiate between the American and Indian model of secularism. 15. What are the objectives of a secular state? 16. How does Indian State prevent religious discrimination?

  • कार्य-प्रपत्र 1 (2019 -02 )

    कक्षा- 8

    विषर्- संस्कृत

    प्रश्न-1नीचे विख ेगद्ांश का हिदंी में अनुिादकीवजए | कहस्मंवित् िने खरनखर :नाम हसिंस

    प्रवतिसवत स्म| सस कदावचत् इतस्तत: पररभ्रमन् क्षुिातय: न ककविदवप आिारं प्राप्तिान् | ततस

    स र्ायस्तसमर्े एकां मितीं गुिां दषृ््िा सस अवचन्तर्त् – न नम् एतस्र्ां गुिार्ां रात्रौ कोऽवप जीि:

    आगच्छवत| अतस अत्रैि वनग ढो भ त्िा वतष्ठावम| एतवस्मन् अन्तरे गुिार्ास स्िामी दविपुच्छ: नाम

    शृगाि: समागच्छत् | स च र्ाित् पश्र्वत ताित ्हसंिपदपद्धवत: गुिार्ां प्रविष्टा दशृ्र्ते, न च

    बविरागता | प्रश्न-0वनम्नविवखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर एकपद में विवखए |व्यसवननस ककं नश्र्वत?कस्र्

    र्शस नश्र्वत? मिुरस िरसं के सृजवन्त? वनगुयरं् प्राप्र् ककं भिवत? हसंिस्र् नाम ककम् आसीत् ?गुिा

    केन प्रवतध्िवनता ?हसंिस कवस्मन् समर्े गुिार्ास समीपे आगतस?गुिार्ासस्िामी कस आसीत्

    ?मिुमवक्षका ककं जनर्वत ?अर्र्यन:केभ्र्सविमुखा न र्ावन्त? प्रश्न-3 वनम्नविवखत शददों के अर्य

    विवखए |गुर्ज्ञेषु,

    प्रभिवन्त,वपशुनस्र्,विषार्िीन,जीिमानस,नराविपस्र्,सुस्िादतुोर्ा:,सृजवन्त,िार्सास, मिीरुिास,

    क पखननं, दारुवभ:, अन्तरे, सिसा, िेपर्ु:, र्ाित् ताित्, अनागतम्, जरा, वबिस्र्, प्रश्न- 4

    अिोविवखत तद्भि शददों के स्र्ान पर संस्कृत शदद विवखए | 1.कन्ज स:---------2.कििा-------3प ूँछस------4.िोभी --------5.मिुमक्खी-------6.वतनका-------प्रश्न- 5 नीचे विख ेशददों का िर्यविच्छेद कीवजए |मनोज:,िविता, मदन:, िरर:,बाविका,

    सभा, मुवि, िवनकस, अश्व: कमिम् प्रश्न- 6 रेखांककत पदों के आिार पर प्रश्नवनमायर् कीवजए

    |गुर्ासगुर्ज्ञेषु गुर्ास भिवन्त|नद्: सुस्िादतुोर्ा: भिवन्त| िदुिस्र् र्श: नश्र्वत |

    मिुमवक्षका मािुर्यमेि जनर्वत| तस्र् म र्नयवतष्ठवन्त िार्सास|दविपचु्छस नाम शृगाि गुिार्ासस्िामी

    आसीत्? एषा गुिा स्िावमन:सदा आह्िानं करोवत?प्रश्न-7 अिोविवखत शददों की सवन्िविच्छेद

    कीवजए |मािुर्यमेि, अल्पमेि, सियमेि, मिात्मनामुवि:, दिैमेि, समुद्रमासाद्, विपदामादािेि

    प्रश्न-8 अिोविवखत िाक्र्ों में कताय एिं किर्ा चुनकर विवखए |वनगुयरं् प्राप्र् भिवन्त दोषास |

    गुर्ज्ञेष ुगुर्ास भिवन्तमिुमवक्षका मािुर्यम ् जनर्ेत् |वपशुनस्र् मैत्री र्शस नाशर्वत| नद्ससमुद्रमासाद्

    अपेर्ा: भिवन्त| प्रश्न- 9 वनम्नविवखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर प र्यिाक्र् में विवखए |1 खरनखरस कुत्र

    प्रवतिसवत स्म ? 2 शृगाि: ककम् अवचन्तर्त् ? 3 क: शोभते ? 4 शृगािस कुत्र पिावर्तस ? 5

    गुिासमीपमागत्र् शृगाि: ककम् अवचन्तर्त् ? 6मितीं गुिां दषृ््िा हसंि: ककम् अवचन्तर्त् ?प्रश्न-

    10 सियनाम शदद अस्मद ्एिं र्ुष्मद ्के रूप सभी विभविर्ों में विवखए |प्रश्न- 11 भाषा ककसे

    किते िैं ? भाषा के ककतने रूप िैं ?प्रश्न-12 िम व्याकरर् क्र्ों सीखते िैं ?

  • Worksheet-1

    Subject- Computer Science


    Tick the correct answer

    1. ______________ refers to the data that is organized, meaningful and useful.

    a) Data b) Information c) software

    2. These devices display information on screen, create printed copies or generate sound.

    a) Input device b) Output device c) Storage device

    3. A collection of related instructions organized for a common purpose is referred as

    a) Software b) Hardware c) Humanware

    4. ________________ refers to the persons who program, design or operate a computer.

    a) Ergonomics b) User c) Humanware

    5. Analytical Engine is developed in _________

    a) 1833 b) 1933 d) 1863

    Fill in the blanks

    1. The series of input, process, output and storage activities is known as ___________

    2. __________ means treating data according to the instructions and changing it into


    3. Maintaining our computer involves keeping our computer __________ clean.

    4. Computers are reliable and _______________.

    5. _________________________ is a Rapidity Stress Injury.

    Write T for True or F for false

    1. Software is the part of computer that can be touched and felt.

    2. The main goal of Ergonomics is to incorporate comfort, efficiency and safety at


    3. A computer never make mistake by itself.

    4. Dust collected on monitor screen can cause wrist strain.

    5. Any data or instruction entered into our computer is known as Input.

    Answer the following questions

    1. Explain hardware and software with example.

    2. Explain any 5 characteristics of computer.

    3. What are the problems caused by dust if you will not maintain hardware properly?.

    4. What do you mean by Information Processing cycle?

    5. What do you mean by Humanware and Ergonomics?

  • Worksheet-2

    Subject- Computer Science


    Tick the correct answer

    6. Microsoft Access is a powerful ____________ software.

    a) Spreadsheet b) Database c) Presentation

    7. A column in a table is called

    a) record b) field c) value

    8. Which tab displays backstage view?

    a) File b) Home c) Create

    9. Which pane displays the list of all available database objects?

    b) Navigation pane b) Upper pane c) Lower pane

    10. Which data type stores a sequential number for each record?

    a) Number b) Memo d) Auto Number

    Fill in the blanks

    6. MS Access creates, manage and process data in the forms of _____________.

    7. ____________ Tab provide access to all opened database objects.

    8. Each field has a ___________ that defines what you can store in it.

    9. Table design view window consist of ___________ pane and ______________ pane.

    10. Text data type has a limit of ___________ characters.

    Write T for True or F for false

    6. A database is a collection of organized facts.

    7. A Primary key is a key that differentiates the record in a table.

    8. Each row in a table is called as field.

    9. Text data type is used for doing numeric calculations.

    10. You can resize text and number field only.

    Answer the following questions

    6. Write the steps for creating new blank database in MS Access.

    7. Define Primary key. Why do we need Primary key?

    8. Name and explain different data types in MS Access?

    9. Write the steps for setting field size properties of Text data type.

    10. Write the steps for saving and closing the table in database.

    Write Shortcut keys for following:

  • 1. To create new database

    2. To open the Save As dialog box

    3. To quit from MS Access

    4. To switch between the upper pane and lower pane