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SUMMER ASSIGNMENT 2019-20 CLASS: III Assignment should be done in Grammar Copy for English and rest of the subjects in respective class work copy. Marks will be given according to the following criteria: 1. Completion of all work 04 marks 2. Presentation 02 marks 3. Content 02 marks 4. Meeting Dead Line 02 marks SUBJECT : ENGLISH Picture Comprehension (A) Look at the picture given below and write the answers of the following questions. Q1. How many members are there in the family? Q2. What are they doing? Q3. What is the man holding in his hands? Q4. Name any three things kept on the table. (B) Read the passage and write the following questions Once on a fine sunny day, king Akbar and Birbal were taking a walk in the palace garden. Suddenly, king Akbar thought of testing Birbal’s intelligence by asking him a tricky question. He asked Birbal, “How many crows are there in our kingdom?” Within a few minutes Birbal replied, “My lord, there are eighty thousand nine hundred and seventy one crows in our kingdom.” Surprised and amazed Akbar further tested Birbal, “What if we have more crows than this?” Without giving much thought, Birbal replied, “Oh! Then the crows from the other kingdoms must be visiting us.” Akbar asked, “What if there are lesser crows?” “Well then some of our crows must be visiting other kingdoms”, replied Birbal with a grin on his face. Akbar smiled at Birbal’s great sense of humour and wit. Q1. Write two common nouns and two proper nouns from the passage.

SUBJECT : · 2019. 4. 30. · (c) Birbal and Akbar were taking a walk in the palace garden. (d) What if we have more

Feb 15, 2021



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    Assignment should be done in Grammar Copy for English and rest of the subjects in respective class work copy.

    Marks will be given according to the following criteria:

    1. Completion of all work 04 marks

    2. Presentation 02 marks

    3. Content 02 marks

    4. Meeting Dead Line 02 marks


    Picture Comprehension

    (A) Look at the picture given below and write the answers of the following questions.

    Q1. How many members are there in the family?

    Q2. What are they doing?

    Q3. What is the man holding in his hands?

    Q4. Name any three things kept on the table.

    (B) Read the passage and write the following questions

    Once on a fine sunny day, king Akbar and Birbal were taking a walk in the palace garden.

    Suddenly, king Akbar thought of testing Birbal’s intelligence by asking him a tricky question.

    He asked Birbal, “How many crows are there in our kingdom?” Within a few minutes Birbal

    replied, “My lord, there are eighty thousand nine hundred and seventy one crows in our

    kingdom.” Surprised and amazed Akbar further tested Birbal, “What if we have more crows

    than this?” Without giving much thought, Birbal replied, “Oh! Then the crows from the

    other kingdoms must be visiting us.”

    Akbar asked, “What if there are lesser crows?” “Well then some of our crows must be

    visiting other kingdoms”, replied Birbal with a grin on his face. Akbar smiled at Birbal’s

    great sense of humour and wit.

    Q1. Write two common nouns and two proper nouns from the passage.

  • Q2. Write the kind of the sentence for the following:-

    (a) How many crows are there in our kingdom?

    (b) Oh! Then the crows from the other kingdoms must be visiting us.

    (c) Birbal and Akbar were taking a walk in the palace garden.

    (d) What if we have more crows than this?

    Q3. Unjumble the letters and write the word

    (a) azmade (b) tickry (c) ursrisep (d) gdomkin

    (C) Read ‘Panchatantra Stories’ and write a paragraph on the moral values you received.


    अभ्यास कायय 1

    प्र.1 आप अपने ककन्ही 5 मित्र के नाि मिमिए व उनका वर्य मवच्छेद करिए-

    अभ्यास कायय 2

    प्र. 2 अनुस्वाि (̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇̇) औि अनुनामसक ( ̐̐ ) मिन्ह वािे दस - दस शब्द मिमिए-

    अभ्यास कायय 3

    प्र.3 शब्दों को सही क्रि िें मििकि वाक्य बनाइए –

    (i) ह ैिाजन जाता बाज़ाि|

    (ii) िें बगीिे हैं मततमियााँ िंग-मबिंगी|

    (iii) िन आइसक्रीि िेिा िाने ह ैआज का|

    (iv) का जादगूि बच्चों पसंद जाद ूको आया|

    (v) िें मििता का कीिड़ किि फूि ह|ै

    अभ्यास कायय 4

    प्र.4 िेिांककत शब्दों के पयाययवािी मिमिए-

    (i) पानी का सिानार्थी शब्द --------------- ह|ै

    (ii) बादि का एक नाि ---------------- भी ह|ै

    (iii) िात औि ------------ सिानार्थी शब्द ह|ै

    (iv) हि भगवान् --------------- का धन्यवाद कित ेहैं|

    (v) वन का दसूिा नाि ------------- ह|ै

    (vi) पहाड़ों ----------- पि हवा ताज़ी मििती ह|ै

    (vii) सूयय का पयाययवािी ------------ ह|ै

    (viii) फूिों ------------- पि भौिें गुनगुनाते ह|ै

  • अभ्यास कायय 5

    प्र.5 कदए गए गद्ांश िें स ेसंज्ञा व सवयनाि शब्दों को छांटकि अिग-अिग सूिी बनाइए-

    िेिे मवद्ािय का नाि मवद्ासागि स्कूि ह|ै यह मभिौिी िदायना िें मस्र्थत ह|ै यह बहुत ही

    मवशाि औि सुन्दि ह|ै जहााँ हिें पढाई के सार्थ अन्य गमतमवमधयााँ भी किाई जाती हैं | यहााँ

    हिें ििे-कूद का प्रमशक्षर् भी कदया जाता ह|ै हिािे मवद्ािय िें बड़ े- बड़ ेिेि के िैदान हैं|

    मजसिें हि सभी बहुत से ििे ििेते हैं| िेिे मवद्ािय िें बहुत बड़ा पुस्तकािय ह,ै जहााँ पि

    सभी प्रकाि की पुस्तकें उपिब्ध हैं| िुझे ििेा मवद्ािय बहुत अच्छा िगता ह|ै



    Q.1 Solve the following sums.

    a) 5 7 3 4 b) 8 6 2 5 c) 4 0 5 0 d) 3 7 5 2

    + 1 6 9 +1 0 9 8 + 3 0 4 9 + 3 9

    e) 7 9 4 6 f) 9 3 7 0 g) 4 0 8 7 h) 5 2 7 6

    - 1 0 4 2 - 1 9 0 - 3 9 4 2 - 3 1 2 8

    i) 2 4 j) 6 9 k) 3 5 l) 8 3

    x 9 x 6 x 8 x 7


    Q.1 Draw and name two examples of each shape.

    1) CONE: ________________ _____________

    2) CUBE : ________________ ______________

    3) SPHERE: ________________ ______________

    4) CYLINDER: _________________ _______________

    5) CUBOID: ________________ ________________

    Q.2 Learn and write tables from2 to 20.


    Q.1 Write few lines about your favourite game and paste picture of sportsperson related

    of that game.

    Q.2 Visit your nearest vegetable market and try to find out the prices of different

    vegetables and make a price chart.

    Q.3 Emboss any five English letters in Braille script on drawing sheet and paste in your copy.

    Q.4 Two litter bins of blue and green colour are kept in the garden where you go every

    evening to play. Few things are thrown here and there on the ground . The name of

    them are given in the bracket. Put them correctly in proper litter bins.

    [Polythene bags, plastic water bottle, vegetable peels, chocolate wrapper, left over

    food, cans, paper, Disposal glasses, dry leaves, broken toys]

    Q.5 Look at the poster carefully and give the answer-

    i. What is the message of the poster?

    ii Why do we say that water is useful to life?

    iii. Explain few ways by which you save water?