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English final Presentation Presented by- zenith group Sanghamitra S. Parihar Karishma kakkad Palash Goyal Hina Agarwal Juhi Pawar Life of pie Final presentation

study on life of pie

Dec 02, 2014


Karishma Kakkad

study on life of pie
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English final Presentation

Presented by- zenith groupSanghamitra S. PariharKarishma kakkadPalash GoyalHina AgarwalJuhi Pawar

Life of pie

Final presentation

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Piscine Patel (Pi) – The main character and narrator of the story in the novel, Pi is a teenage Indian boy.

Richard Parker – The 450 pound tiger and 227 day companion to Pi on the lifeboat

The Author – Only present as a voice in the first Chapter (directly) the author here is a narrator as well as a man seeking a story, which he finds in Pi.

Francis Adirubasamy - A close friend of the Patel family and a world class swimmer, it is Francis who is responsible for Pi’s name as well as sending the author to Toronto to hear Pi’s story.

Pi’s Father – A zookeeper with strong political views and a habit of teaching his son all that he can about animals and their psychology. He dies after the ship sinks.


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Pi’s Mother – A caring woman and a natural educator, Pi’s mother reads a lot and shares what she can with her son. In Pi’s first story she dies on the boat.

Ravi – Pi’s brother

Satish Kumar' – Pi’s biology teacher and a masterful scientist who

teaches Pi much of his thirst for knowledge. He is a natural atheist and teaches Pi the faith of an atheist as well as the desire to study zoology in college.

Father Martin – A catholic priest who introduces Pi to Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith. They meet often and talk of Christ’s works, breeding in Pi the desire to accept multiple faiths.

Tomohiro Okamoto and Atsuro Chiba – The two men from the Japanese Ministry of Transport who arrive on behalf of the Tsimtsum sinking to question Pi about his story of survival. They do not immediately believe him but consent to writing his story up in their report.


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The novel begins with the author describing his travels to India, where he meets a man named Francis Adirubasamy in a coffeehouse in Pondicherry

After which he refers the author to Piscine Patel in Toronto. His father is the proprietor of the Pondicherry Zoo, Pi’s mother is

an avid reader and introduces to him numerous literary works from which he learns the joys of numerous schools of thought. His school is filled with amazing teachers, one  of whom, Mr. Kumar is an inspiration to Pie.

Pi grew up a Hindu, but discovered the Catholic faith at age 14 from a priest by the name of Father Martin.

He is soon baptized. He then meets Mr. Kumar, a Muslim of some standing and converts to Islam.

His Father wanted to sell the animals abroad in return for a healthy earning, so they planned to travel to Canada.


Story- The biginnning

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•The animals are loaded onto the same boat that the family will take to reach Winnipeg, Canada. On the journey to North America, the boat sinks.

•As the only survivor of the shipwreck, he’s stuck in a lifeboat with a dying zebra and a hyena. Pi sees another survivor floating in the water -“Richard Parker” is actually the 400 pound tiger from his father’s zoo

•So, upon reentering the boat, he wedges the tarpaulin up with an oar and decides he might survive if he can stay on top and keep Richard Parker beneath it. Over the next week an Orangutan arrives as well and the four animals interplay carefully, eating each other until there is only Richard Parker left.

The time when all happened

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Over the course of the next 7 months aboard the lifeboat, Pi hides on a makeshift raft behind the boat and begins the process of taming Richard Parker with a whistle and treats from the sea, as well as marking his portion of the boat.

 He begins to get close to the tiger, developing the kind of bond a zookeeper does with his menagerie.

The two come across an island made of algae. They disembark and Pi begins eating the algae, regaining his strength during the day and sleeping on the boat. Richard Parker regains his strength from eating the meerkats who live on the island.

Eventually, Pi realizes that they leave at night because of an acid produced by the island during the night hours. He eventually notices a tooth among the algae, evidence of another man having died on the island. They leave quickly as the island is apparently carnivorous.

The struggle…………….

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Finally, after more time spent floating along in the ocean, Pi sights land in Mexico and disembarks. Richard Parker immediately runs off into the woods and Pi is recovered by two men from the shipping company who owned the boat that sank with his family on it.

He relates to them the story of his 227 days on the boat, but they do not quite believe his fantastic tale of surviving with a Bengal Tiger and meeting a blind man in the ocean.

So, Pi relays to them a second story instead of his mother, a sailor with a broken leg and a cannibalistic cook, with no animals and no magical islands this time around.

Ending of the journey…..

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Belief in God• Throughout the novel, Pi makes his belief in and love of God

clear—it is a love profound enough that he can transcend the classical divisions of religion, and worship as a Hindu, Muslim, and Christian.

•Pi, although amazed by the possibility of lacking this belief, still respects the atheist, because he sees him as a kind of believer.

• Pi’s vision of an atheist on his death bed makes it clear that he assumes the atheist’s form of belief is one in God, without his realizing it until the end. Pi never seems to doubt his belief in God while enduring his hardships, but he certainly focuses on it less.


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This theme is clear throughout his ordeal—he must eat meat, he must take life, two things which had always been anathema to him before his survival was at stake.

When Pi tells the second version of his story to the Japanese men, this theme is highlighted even more vividly, because he parallels his survival instincts in the second story to Richard Parker in the first—it is he, when he must survive, who steals food, he who kills the Frenchman.

If the first version of the story is seen as a fictionalized version of the second, the very fact that he divides himself from his brutal survival instinct shows the power of that instinct.


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Pi survives one crazy journey. He is out to sea for 227 days and conquers famine, blindness and near death on numerous occasions. However, this is not without an incredible battle.

This is survival of the fittest to the extreme and none of the creatures are planning on letting go without a fight.

The Desire to Survive

The Significance of Storytelling•Essentially, the author, Martel explains how he has come to hear the story of Pi, who then tells his story about his journey at sea with Richard Parker and the other animals.

•However, at the end it is revealed that this was actually a story to explain the “true” story that he was surrounded by humans who committed those harsh deeds as a way to survive. Finally, the Interrogators are left to pick and choose which story to tell.

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A theme, and also a recurring motif, is the bringing together of science and religion as equal ways of understanding the world.

Pi’s zoo upbringing and his relationship to the animals provide a scientific understanding of the world. His multiple religious philosophies and relationship with God provide a spiritual understanding of the world. He must combine his knowledge of science with his faith in order to survive on the lifeboat.

Science and religion

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The captivating story of the Pi’s magical journey on a lifeboat with a Royal Bengal Tiger teaches about faith in oneself and in god.

The journey is very similar to the journey of an entrepreneur. There is a lifeboat and a raft (the start-up), a tiger (the unwanted venture capitalists angel investors), the sea (the market), ships (commercial success)... There is also time (the factors that we cannot control and therefore should stop worrying about; there's enough worry on matters that we can sort out). Let us look at some of the lessons the movie teaches the entrepreneurs.


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Lesson from the book

Life of Pi is a story of perseverance and a story of not giving up, even in the hardest of conditions. Pi didn’t give up hope and he kept moving. Similarly, for an entrepreneur, it’s important to remember, that the darkest days are not going to last. It’s important, not to give up on your dreams and give up on life.

Don’t Give Up

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Keep Moving

•When Pi reached the mysterious floating island, it seemed like he has reached an oasis of life with abundant food, water and shelter.

•But he didn’t settle for something average as he believed there could be something much better available.

•In business, it’s important to keep moving and not get satisfied with temporary success. It’s important to keep an eye on the final destination.

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Despite those feelings we all have at some point in our lives that nothing is good and that nothing will ever be good again there is always something to be grateful for.

Be Grateful

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 Learn to Co-Exist

After the whale incident, he decided to start staying with the tiger on the boat and also set out marking their territories and setting some rules.

•He started developing a bond with him. Mr. Parker is both a co-founder and a competitor for Pi in his entrepreneurial journey.

•An entrepreneur needs to co-exist with both co-founders and with competition in the market.

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When Pi was thrown into the Sea on the lifeboat with limited stock of resources, he found a handbook to help him plan for the time on the lifeboat.

If you are an entrepreneur, think of the handbook as your business plan. It’s important to keep it handy and work according to the plan and of course, keep referring to it, when you’re in doubt and monitor progress as you go along.

Planning is Important

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Stay Focused

•Pi’s father Santosh Patel says this to Pi at the dining table, when he was getting curious about different religions and wanted to follow all of them at the same time. 

•It’s difficult to follow different paths at the same time, as many of them are conflicting in nature and often create confusion and make it difficult to stay focused and at times, lead to wastage of crucial resources.

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•Pi Patel was born with the name Piscina Molitor Patel, of which everyone started making fun.

• He worked hard on a rebranding exercise. He decided to remember the value of Pi expressed in several hundred decimal places to tell that his name is derived from the Greek letter.

• So, if you have to work on creating a new brand name of changing your existing brand name for that matter, work on telling a good story which captures the imagination of the audience.

•The story makes the brand name stick.

Branding is the First Step Towards Success

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LIFE IS ALL ABOUT STRUGGLE,struggle for those who wants to survive as a human even at worst situations.

All religions are equal and the true faith in God(of every religion),let oneself out of every disaster of life even if everybody left.

The great power is in the hands of humans,PI felt his father was right about animals he cannot expect an animal to say thanks or good bye just because he saved(a tiger).

At several stages of life,there are situations when you have to stand alone(never forget that you are born alone and you will die alone)sometimes you loose your dear ones but those are the moments which make you survive as a real fighter after getting through all the difficulties.

As rightly said by Pi-the worst situation of grief is when you even did not get a chance to say thanks or good bye to your dear ones.PI feels extremely sorry for not thanking his father for all his advice because of them only he FACED with every challenge.

Learning from the book

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