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Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources and their usability barriers Location interoperability tools and guidance Hernández Quirós, L. Nunes de Lima, V. Smith, R.S. 2018 EUR 29119 EN

Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions

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Page 1: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions

Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources and their usability barriers

Location interoperability

tools and guidance

Hernández Quirós, L.

Nunes de Lima, V.

Smith, R.S.


EUR 29119 EN

Page 2: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions

This publication is a Technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and

knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process.

The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the

European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might

be made of this publication.

Contact information

Name: Robin S. Smith

Address: Via E.Fermi,2749,21027 Ispra (VA), Italy

Email: [email protected]

Tel.: +39 033278-9235

JRC Science Hub


EUR 29119 EN

PDF ISBN 978-92-79-79910-5 ISSN 1831-9424 doi:10.2760/555208

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2018

© European Union, 2018

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For any use or reproduction of photos or other material that is not under the EU copyright, permission must be

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How to cite this report: Hernandez Quiros, L., Nunes De Lima, M. and Smith, R.S., Study of the terms of use

applied in the INSPIRE resources and their usability barriers, EUR 29119 EN, Publications Office of the

European Union, Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-79910-5, doi:10.2760/555208, JRC109943.

All images © European Union 2018

Page 3: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions



1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 4

2 Background ...................................................................................................... 5

2.1 The legal framework .................................................................................... 5

2.2 Data-sharing information within the INSPIRE resources .................................... 6

2.3 Guidance on access to INSPIRE resources under harmonised conditions ............. 7

3 Methodology ..................................................................................................... 9

3.1 Conventions ................................................................................................ 9

3.2 Source data .............................................................................................. 11

3.2.1 Provenance of the data ....................................................................... 11

3.2.2 Structure of the source data ................................................................ 11

3.2.3 Contents of the original data ............................................................... 12

3.3 Data capture ............................................................................................. 14

4 Results ........................................................................................................... 15

4.1 Metadata on the terms of use ...................................................................... 15

4.1.1 Language used .................................................................................. 15

4.1.2 Availability of information ................................................................... 16

4.1.3 Variability of content .......................................................................... 17

4.1.4 Quality of the metadata ...................................................................... 20

4.1.5 Coherence across the infrastructure ..................................................... 21

4.1.6 Coherence with reality ........................................................................ 21

4.2 Examination of the terms of use .................................................................. 22

4.2.1 Terms of use identification .................................................................. 22

4.2.2 Formal examination ........................................................................... 32

4.2.3 Content examination .......................................................................... 34

5 User barriers encountered ................................................................................ 42

5.1 Availability ................................................................................................ 43

5.2 Language.................................................................................................. 44

5.3 Format ..................................................................................................... 44

5.4 Content .................................................................................................... 45

5.5 Provisions ................................................................................................. 49

6 Featuring good examples encountered ............................................................... 53

6.1 Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data .............................................. 53

6.2 Service Level Agreement from Danmarks Miljoportal ...................................... 56

7 Next steps and future lines of research ............................................................... 58

7.1 New registers and code lists ........................................................................ 58

Page 4: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


7.1.1 Licence Register ................................................................................ 58

7.1.2 Digital Rights Register ........................................................................ 58

7.2 Improvement of data catalogues filtering functionalities ................................. 62

7.3 Licensing assistants powered by Linked Data ................................................ 63

8 Conclusions .................................................................................................... 65

9 Bibliography .................................................................................................... 67

List of abbreviations ............................................................................................. 69

List of definitions ................................................................................................. 70

List of figures ...................................................................................................... 75

List of tables ....................................................................................................... 77

Annexes ............................................................................................................. 78

Annex 1. Requirements and encoding rules to include terms of use details within

the INSPIRE resources ..................................................................................... 78

Annex 1.a. Metadata records ........................................................................ 78

Annex 1.b. Network services ......................................................................... 82

Annex 2. Collection of the predefined values for the Conditions for access and use

metadata element as indicated in the different language versions of the Implementing

Rules on metadata ........................................................................................... 85

Annex 3. Fields from data source ................................................................... 86

Annex 4. Terms of use elements examined ..................................................... 88

Annex 4.a. Metadata records and network service description level ................... 88

Annex 4.b. Terms of use formal examination .................................................. 91

Annex 4.c. Terms of use / licence identification ............................................... 92

Annex 4.d. Content examination – rights granted ............................................ 93

Annex 4.e. Content examination – acceptable conditions .................................. 94

Annex 4.f. Content examination – prohibitions ............................................... 96

Page 5: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions



In a short period of time, we have witnessed the increasing proliferation of (geospatial)

data, thanks to initiatives such as the re-use of public sector information (PSI) and Open

Data initiatives. In addition, the emergence of the Internet of Things orchestrating and

communicating with any sensor and increasing citizen participation are intensifying the

volume of data being made available online.

Paradoxically, not all this data is necessarily ready and easy to be re-used, especially when

combining it with other data sources. Technological interoperability barriers such as

formats or access control mechanisms are often cited, but the variety of data policies

applicable have an impact on data reuse, too.

The INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC, in this regard, has helped to enhance access to

harmonised geospatial data that has with a direct or indirect impact on the environment,

requiring the Member States to adopt measures for the sharing of spatial datasets and

services between public administrations. However, although INSPIRE supports open

government principles and ’open data’ initiatives, the Directive has not specified a common

data policy; as INSPIRE applies to existing data and, therefore, involves the competence

and policies of the thousands of data providers within the scope of the Directive. This

flexibility is reflected in the current complex ecosystem of data policies that data users are

now confronted with, especially when INSPIRE's data could be re-used beyond its core

European environmental policy purpose.

Understanding the extent to which there are barriers to interoperability related to data

policy from a user’s perspective is, thus, the main driver for the production of this report.

More specifically, this work has a twofold scope. Firstly, it provides an overall picture of

the data-sharing approaches that can be found within metadata provided by the Member

States, and accessible through the INSPIRE Geoportal. Secondly, it highlights the user

barriers to data-sharing by analysing this metadata, with as a first step leading to possible

solutions to reduce them.

The key findings of the work are that there is a high variety of applicable licenses with

different degrees of openness used in INSPIRE, along with the presence of important user

barriers. The barriers range from the low quality of the metadata to help users judge what

they can do related to data-sharing to a lack of uniformity to the constraining conditions

for access and use, potentially impacting on interoperability.

The work has been performed as part of Action 1.17, A Reusable INSPIRE Reference

Platform1 under the Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations (ISA)



Page 6: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


1 Introduction

The INSPIRE Directive [1], is aimed at establishing a European Spatial Data Infrastructure

(SDI) for data with a direct or indirect impact on the environment. It offers access to data

between the public administrations of the European Union, where a large amount of data

is already available through the INSPIRE Geoportal2, which harvests records from the

Member States and some EFTA countries. This data, however, is not always ready for

immediate use, for issues of technical and/or legal interoperability.

Regarding the latter, despite supporting open government and, therefore, initiatives that

support increased openness of organisations and their data, INSPIRE has not specified a

common data policy under which Member States’ data should be shared. Only a few

requirements and recommendations are made for data providers to supply details in the

INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions for Access and Use´

of a dataset are indicated for a user, alongside possible derogations on public access (Art.

17 (7) of the Directive). Data-sharing could be limited when ‘this would compromise the

course of justice, public security, national defence or international relations’ and, according

to Art. 13 of the Directive, where such access would adversely affect international relations,

public security or national defence. The emphasis on a limited implementation burden on

organisations by reusing existing content has led to a complex ecosystem of data-sharing

approaches. This situation makes data usage often a challenge for those wishing to build

applications or perform analysis about environmental issues across borders, to highlight

only a couple of examples.

To have more insights on the ‘Conditions for Access and Use’ applied in the INSPIRE

resources, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) has carried out a desk study sampling metadata

records from the INSPIRE Geoportal. The study has been conceived as a research

experiment, where we have placed ourselves in the role of a normal user trying to find and

then understand if the terms of use provided through the INSPIRE metadata records are

sufficient to help determine if a particular resource could be readily used. The study covers

both the collection and analysis of the formal characteristics of the terms of use, as well

as the provisions included in them, as a way to understand not only which is the ‘legal

panorama’ they apply to but also what difficulties data users may face in practice. Although

the data records in the geoportal are dated January 2016, and knowing that more data has

become available, most of the issues found with this analysis are still valid and should be

corrected with adequate measures to increase the opportunities for data reuse. Our user

approach involves experiencing barriers through several stages. The first of these being

the availability of terms of use, followed by the language they are presented in, their format

and structure, as well as the quality of the content and, finally, the provisions they contain.

The document, therefore, outlines our approach and findings from this work. We provide

some background information regarding what is the legal and technical frame of INSPIRE

to contextualise the study and for those less familiar with SDIs (Section 2). We then outline

the methodology for this research, based on source data and the particular aspects we

have targeted, including the different variables under analysis and our statistical analysis

approach (Section 3). We then present our results (Section 4) and a summary of the users’

barriers encountered (Section 5). To conclude, some good examples, as well as possible

lines of future work, are highlighted (Sections 6 and 7). Readers are also invited to read

the Annexes of the report, including a list of abbreviations and definitions of some of the

key technical terms we use.

It is also worth noting what this report is not about. It will not be assessing the technical

or legal compliance of the resources being shared through INSPIRE, even if the Legal acts

(Directive and Implementing Rules) and Technical Guidelines for implementers are often

used to interpret the contents we examine. It is, instead, intended to be a means to reflect

on the barriers to using data across borders and sectors in Europe today as a basis for

wider discussion with INSPIRE stakeholders as both data providers and users.


Page 7: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


2 Background

2.1 The legal framework

Chapter V of the INSPIRE Directive provides the framework for data-sharing conditions.

Several of the terms used in this section relate to the technical approach of INSPIRE, where

further details are available on the INSPIRE Knowledge Base website3.

One of the main aims of INSPIRE is to mandate the exchange the spatial data sets between

the Member States’ public authorities or third parties acting on their behalf (Art.4); and

between those and the institutions and bodies of the Community ‘for the purposes of public

tasks that may have an impact on the environment’. The only limitation INSPIRE sets in

regards to data-sharing is that ‘any such charges and licenses must be fully compatible

with the general aim of facilitating the sharing of spatial data sets and services between

public authorities. (Article 17)’.

Nevertheless, the Directive also covers the reuse of INSPIRE resources by the public. In

this regard, more specifically in Article 14, the Directive states that at least Discovery

Services (those that help share dataset metadata with the INSPIRE Geoportal, for example)

and View Services (those that provide samples of map content) ‘shall be available to the

public free of charge’, unless specific conditions indicated in the Article prevent this.

However, it also indicates that View Services ‘may be in a form preventing their re-use for

commercial purposes’. Besides, if ‘public authorities levy charges for the services’ for view

services, download services and invoke services, ‘Member States shall ensure that e-

commerce services are available. Such services may be covered by disclaimers, click-

licenses or, where necessary, licenses’.

Therefore, it is up to the Member States and, more specifically, to their data providers to

choose the licensing and pricing conditions applying to their resources, including the

possibility of making a commercial use of them, provided they comply with the Directive

and its related Implementing Rules on data-sharing [2]. However, even if not legally

binding, some INSPIRE licenses and Service Level Agreement (SLA) templates are provided

within the ‘Regulation on access to spatial data sets and services of the Member States by

Community institutions and bodies under harmonised conditions’ [3] ready to be reused

by data providers in the scope of INSPIRE.

It is worth noting that even if INSPIRE does not mandate resources to be provided

according to a specific license, as an activity of the European Commission, it fully supports

the free flow of data principle and, as such, the ‘open data’ trends as one of the Digital

Single Market (DSM) enablers. In this sense, the European Commission applies the Public

Sector Information and Open Data throughout the COMMISSION DECISION on the reuse

of Commission documents [4] and the INSPIRE Directive is explicitly mentioned in the EC

Communication on Open Data [5] as a complementary policy contributing to the reuse of


Besides, being the INSPIRE datasets provided by Public Administrations or on behalf of

them, it would be logic that most of the resources could fall under the Directive 2013/37/EC

on the re-use of public sector information[6].

Finally, knowing that INSPIRE deals with any information that could have an impact on the

environment, a part of the datasets contained in the INSPIRE Geoportal fall under Directive

2003/4/EC on public access to environmental information [7] which indicate that the

sharing of data should be somehow guaranteed.


Page 8: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


2.2 Data-sharing information within the INSPIRE resources

The Implementing Rules 1205/2008 on Metadata [8] require information on data-sharing

conditions of both datasets and network services to be included within the resources'

metadata files.

The metadata elements involving the terms of use information are ‘Conditions for Access

and Use’ and ‘Limitations on Public Access´. In the latter, data holders can indicate the

possible derogations for the restriction on public access (Article 17 of the INSPIRE


These metadata elements are designed as free text fields. However, some "pre-defined"

text is required under certain conditions (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Articles on the constraints related to access and use

In addition, several INSPIRE technical guidelines have been issued proposing how to encode the

metadata files and how to implement the different types of Network Service that INSPIRE uses to exchange data and metadata (View Service, Download Service, Discovery Service etc.).

To improve the interoperability and consistency with existing standards, the technical

guidelines for INSPIRE Network Services contain recommendations4 that map existing

standard elements from the OGC services GetCapabilities operations or the Atom

specifications consistent with INSPIRE metadata elements. More specifically, the recent

revision of the metadata technical guidelines (version 2.0)[9] includes additional

recommendations to restrict the free text fields related to the terms of use information by

making use of certain code values5.

To be able to capture and classify accurately the information provided by the INSPIRE

resources, it is necessary to understand the rules and recommendations for encoding laid

down by INSPIRE. To this end, in Annex 1, we provide detailed information on how the

information regarding the terms of use should be encoded and represented both at the

metadata record level and at the Network Service level.

4 Note that in some cases, these additional recommendations have been wrongly expressed as requirements. 5

Page 9: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


2.3 Guidance on access to INSPIRE resources under harmonised


In addition, as already mentioned, with a recommendation value, some additional

guidelines on the ‘Regulation on access to spatial data sets and services of the Member

States by Community institutions and bodies under harmonised conditions’[3] have been


In this document are included templates for potential INSPIRE agreements ‘which can be

used by the Member States or public authorities within the context of INSPIRE, although

using them is not compulsory. The use of these INSPIRE Agreements allows a higher level

of harmonisation to be reached’.

Namely, the provided templates are:

the Basic INSPIRE Agreement available in Annex B of the guideline document

consisting of two sub-agreements,

o a licence for spatial data sets and

o a service level agreement for spatial data services.

In Annex C of the guideline document, there are available templates for a

Specific INSPIRE Agreement for datasets and services consisting of two sub-


o a specific INSPIRE licence template for spatial data sets

o moreover, a template for a specific INSPIRE service level agreement

for spatial data services.

In the next figure, an overview of the different clauses contained in every model is


Page 10: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Figure 2: Overview of the different clauses contained in the INSPIRE licences agreements


Page 11: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


3 Methodology

In this part of the report, we outline the methodology carried out for capturing and

processing the terms of use information provided in INSPIRE metadata records.

In broad terms, the research performed is a form of desk experiment, where the data

analyst takes the role of a typical user who would be interested in potentially reusing

certain resources (i.e. datasets and services) retrieved through the INSPIRE Geoportal,

even for commercial purposes.

To determine if he or she can make use of the data or services described by the metadata

records, some information on the applicable terms of use need to be available and/or

accessible to determine if they are suitable for their reuse purpose.

To do this, we will proceed to a ‘deconstruction’ of the terms of use texts with the aim to

assess several formal and content-related aspects.

Inevitably, the experiment has a high degree of subjectivity given that the same data

analyst has interpreted and treated the information manually (no automatic classification

is feasible currently).

This methodology allows us to take the role of any user and experiment through their

journey by identifying potential user barriers. At the same time, we are aware that, despite

having tried to be as accurate as possible, some errors could have arisen. The source of

these errors could be due to misinterpretation of the wording in the terms of use texts, or

simply because the terms of use details have not been properly translated by the automatic

translation tools used. In any case, these potential errors already hint the existence of

some usability barriers.

3.1 Conventions

We are aware of the complexity and proliferation of terms existing in INSPIRE when

speaking about ‘terms of use'. The concepts and the labels of the technical implementation

often diverge both in the naming and (apparent) scope.

We could have used the word ‘licence’, but that would not have reflected properly the

complex reality, as most of the resources do not make use of a ‘licence document’ (Refer

to section 0. to know more).

To clear up any doubt that the reader may have, in this brief section we present a list of

terms that will be used from now on. Although they can be used as synonyms in several

situations, we will try to be rigorous in their use throughout the report.

Terms of use: Combination of information provided by any of the resources available.

This can be based solely on the information provided by the metadata notices available

in the description files or together with information referred to and developed

externally, be it in the form of website notice, licence agreement or any other type of


Metadata notice: Terms of use provided within the description information of the

Metadata records and/or the Network Services. They comprise information related to

the conditions on use as well as (limitations) on access. External references to more

detailed terms of use might be available through website notices, licence agreements

or another type of arrangement.

Website notice: Online legal page containing the terms of use applicable to the

website content.

Licence: Terms of use in the form of a dedicated agreement document including

different provisions. According to the European ´ Guidelines on recommended standard

licences, datasets and charging for the reuse of documents´[10], the following sections

should appear within the licence document: scope, attribution, exemptions, definition,

Page 12: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


disclaimer of liability, consequences of non-compliance, information on licence

compatibility and versioning.

Conditions for Access and Use: information contained in the metadata element

named the same way for the ISO 19115 metadata records.

Limitations on public access: information contained in the metadata element named

the same way for the ISO 19115 metadata records.

Fees: refers to the information contained in the ‘Fees’ metadata element of the OGC

Network Services metadata (GetCapabilities document). Despite the name, this

information should be mapped and aligned with the metadata records ´Conditions

for Access and Use´ and not include only the information on potential charges.

Access Constraints/Rights: we refer to the information contained respectively, in

the ‘Constraints’ metadata element of the OGC Network Services metadata

(GetCapabilities document) and the ‘Rights’ metadata elements for the Atom download


In Figure 3, a schema representing the extent of the meanings of the terms previously

defined is provided.

Terms of use

Conditions for Access and Use

Limitations on

public access




Access Constraints Rights

OGC Atom

Network Services

Metadata notice

Licence Website Notice

Other agreement

Figure 3: Relation of terms used in this report

Page 13: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


3.2 Source data

3.2.1 Provenance of the data

To produce the study we have reused a part of the data collected during a complementary

activity that was looking into the Access Control mechanisms for Authentication,

Authorization & Accounting (AAA) put in place by EU Public Administrations, also carried

out as part of ARE3NA.

The document ´INSPIRE Geoportal Protected Services Review’ [11] offers a detailed

description of the process followed to harvest the data, together with the structure of the

output file.

The source data enclosed 29,876 metadata records collected on the 22/01/2016 from the

INSPIRE Geoportal.

The data contained a range of details coming from specific elements of the metadata

records obtained from the INSPIRE Geoportal. Some additional processing also took place

to check, on the first hand, if the resources were publicly accessible and, on the other

hand, to verify if other usage and policy issues emerged. For the latter, we performed

direct requests to the Network Services (that offer access to the actual data) and stored

the responses provided.

We are aware of the dynamic data collected by the INSPIRE Geoportal. For this reason,

the source data we have worked with must be considered as a snapshot and, therefore,

some Member States or their organisations could be misrepresented in the results

presented below.

Although we do not analyse the most recent data, the experiment remains of value because

it offers a baseline for future monitoring activities and we believe most of the barriers are

still present.

3.2.2 Structure of the source data

The most relevant fields contained in the source data to support the terms of use analysis

are the following:

● MD: Conditions for Access and Use_en (taken from the Metadata records). The

metadata element ́ Conditions for Access and Use´ defines the conditions for access

and use of spatial data sets and services, and where applicable, corresponding fees

as required by Article 5(2) (b) and Article 11(2) (f) of Directive 2007/2/EC.

● MD: Limitations on Public Access_en (taken from the Metadata records). This

INSPIRE metadata element defines when Member States limit public access to

spatial data sets and spatial data services under Article 13 of Directive 2007/2/EC,

this metadata element should provide information on limitations and the reasons

for them.

● NS: Fees_en (taken from the Network Services requests), this element should map

and contain the contents of the ‘Conditions for Access and Use´ metadata element.

● NS: Constraints/Rights_en (taken from the Network Services requests) this

element should map and contain the contents of the Limitations on Public Access,

metadata element.

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To aid the analysis, some changes were made to the original data:

— Because of the multilingualism allowed by INSPIRE, the content coming from relevant

free text fields were automatically translated into English. The Google Translate service6

was used for this purpose. Those fields can be recognised by the suffix ‘_en’.

— For practical reasons, all the empty fields where there was no information in origin or

where it has been unable to access or retrieve the values, have been replaced by the

string [BLANK].

A detailed view and explanation of all the fields contained in the source data refer to Annex


3.2.3 Contents of the original data

Before treating the data policy aspects targeted by this study, it is necessary to provide an

overview of the source data content.

As shown in Table 1, more than three-quarters of the data harvested belonged to Germany

(with 23,772 resources), followed by France (9.75%), Spain (3.24%) and the UK (1.79%).

The rest of the countries counted less than 1% of the total of the resources reviewed.

Table 1: Number of resources harvested by country of origin

Country code Absolute number Relative number

DE 23,772 79.57%

FR 2,909 9.74%

ES 967 3.24%

UK 534 1.79%

NL 259 0.87%

SE 200 0.67%

AT 193 0.65%

PL 163 0.55%

BE 102 0.34%

PT 97 0.32%

DK 96 0.32%

FI 92 0.31%

SK 78 0.26%

NO 78 0.26%

IT 67 0.22%

CZ 57 0.19%

LV 45 0.15%

EE 41 0.14%

LT 36 0.12%

HR 26 0.09%

LU 21 0.07%

IE 17 0.06%

IS 9 0.03%

RO 7 0.02%

MT 4 0.01%

EL 2 0.01%


Page 15: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Country code Absolute number Relative number

LI 2 0.01%

SI 2 0.01%

Total 29,876 100%

Those numbers do not simply show the number of resources made available by the

countries but also how the country organises their publication.

There are Member States applying a centralised approach to supplying metadata, while

others apply a federated approach. The approach impacts on the number of resources

available in the INSPIRE Geoportal but it does not affect the representativeness of the

present terms of use study. For this reason, charts representing the different analysed

variables by country will be provided too.

It is also important to note that the resources collected can be very varied in the type

Network Service involved, territorial coverage and, in some cases, economic value.

Regarding the type of resource described by the metadata harvested (see Table 2), the

INSPIRE View Services based on OGC WMS were the most numerous, followed next by the

Atom download services.

Table 2: Resources harvested by its type

Type of resource Absolute number Relative number

WMS 18,834 63.04%

ATOM 8,307 27.80%

WFS 2,479 8.30%

CSW 220 0.74%

WMTS 24 0.08%

WPS 12 0.04%

Total 29876 100%

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3.3 Data capture

While the source data provided most of the ´raw material´, we still needed to model the

information contained in it to be able to draw meaningful conclusions.

This modelling activity involved both the analysis of the source information for its storage

in a structured way and the capture of additional parameters. The data capture is

particularly relevant for those terms of use that are partly or fully developed by external

resources such as licence documents.

The data modelling/acquisition targeted different dimensions of the terms of use:

1. Examination of the metadata elements on terms of use: the purpose was to check

how the terms of use are expressed within the INSPIRE metadata including the

language used, the availability of the information and the coherence of the information

across the INSPIRE infrastructure. This phase involves often examining the information

available at both the metadata record level and the Network Service level.

This deep analysis has helped us understanding if the information is propagated properly

through the whole infrastructure.

2. Examination of the terms of use: this dimension focuses on the pure terms of use

aspects by observing both the formal characteristics and the provisions defined and

those non-defined, too. During this phase, we often have to go beyond the information

provided by the metadata information (metadata notice) since the provisions are

developed in external documents.

2.1. Terms of use identification: Classification of the terms of use by looking at

different aspects, such as the type of document where the terms of use are laid

down and the way of accepting the terms, among others aspects.

2.2. Formal examination: Inspection of the layout and functionalities accompanying

the text, language used, translations available, versioning systems, summary

versions, etc. Those verifications are applied only on the externally defined terms

of use, such as licence documents.

2.3. Content examination: Analysis of the texts provided, be it in the form of

metadata notice or in the form of externally managed terms of use. We have gone

through them with an aim to capture any explicit provision granting permissions,

applying conditions and/or setting prohibitions. To be as systematic as possible the

provisions included in the analysed texts have been matched with articles available

respectively in the ‘Required Permissions’ and ‘Acceptable Conditions’ sections of

the Open Definition [12] defined by the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKNF) to be

conformant with their concept of Open Licence. An output of this last examination

is the assessment of the degree of openness (as perceived by our ‘data analyst’),

according to the information available.

The full list of variables checked, together with the range of values designed are available

in Annex 4.

Page 17: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


4 Results

In this section, the results obtained from the information captured are presented. To this

end, statistical tables and illustrations of the analysed variables are provided.

In the first place, the results from the examination of the metadata details on terms of use

are provided, followed by the results from the in-depth examination of the terms of use


Every time a difficulty has been faced or could have become an obstacle for the data

analyst, it is highlighted as a user barrier and indicated in brackets [User barrier: XXX].

For the convenience of the reader, every user barrier is linked to its description.

4.1 Metadata on the terms of use

4.1.1 Language used

One of the most obvious obstacles that first appears to a user when trying to read the

information on terms of use included in the INSPIRE metadata is the language used for

expressing them, since they can appear in any of the European Union official languages.

As shown in Figure 4, a 62% of the metadata records had their terms of use expressed in

a language other than English [User barrier: Unknown Language]. This situation seems

to improve when looking at the Network Service metadata level where the usage of mixed

languages (i.e. the combination of the local language and English) is more common,

although our dataset has a higher proportion of empty fields (25% of the Network Services

did not provide this information, or the information was not retrievable).

On a positive note, we found that more than 10% of resources were expressed in English,

even if it was not the official language of the data provider, potentially pointing to some

interest of them to make content available to a wider user-base.

Figure 4: Languages used in the metadata to express the terms of use











0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Metadata record

Network service

Not in English Mixed languages English (Not official language) English (official language) No data

Page 18: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


4.1.2 Availability of information

The simple counting of the different values for each one of the analytical metadata fields

shows the heterogeneity of the information that we dealt with. As shown in Table 3, the

number of unique values found to express the terms of use at the metadata record level

is very high. [User barrier: Excessive number of terms of use]

Table 3: Number of distinct values found for `Conditions for Access and Use ‘and `Limitations on Public Access´

Number of distinct `Conditions for Access and Use`

Number of distinct `Limitations on Public Access`

809 1,387

Paradoxically, despite the high number of different terms of use, not all the resources have

them included in their descriptions. This is an important barrier because it lets the user in

the absolute ignorance regarding the potential use that he could make on top of the

resources. By default, unless the user decides to directly contact the data provider to have

an explicit approval, he or she should treat the resources as fully protected without any

right granted.

As shown in Figure 5, more than 5% of the resources of the INSPIRE Geoportal did not

contain any information within the field on ‘Conditions for Access and Use’. This number

increases dramatically at the Network Service level, where more than 46% of them did not

provide this information, or the information could not be retrieved7. [User barrier: Lack

of information on terms of use]

Figure 5: Availability of information for `Conditions for Access and Use´ metadata element at both the metadata record and resource level

7 Reasons for not being able to extract the information were mostly that the web service was not working and

that the URL provided for reaching the web service was incorrect or outdated.





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Metadata record

Network service

% of blank values % of values with content

Page 19: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


If we look at the information available within the fields related to the Limitations on Public

Access, in Figure 6, the situation is similar.

Figure 6: Availability of information for `Limitations on Public Access´ metadata element at both the metadata record and resource level

The complete lack of information regarding the terms of use is an issue. This is especially

the case when accessing the information directly from the network services, since their

description is more often missing than at the level of the metadata records.

Even if the natural way of discovering SDI resources is through metadata records, Network

Service can often be accessed directly, without passing via the metadata record. If this

happens, the user has fewer opportunities to know the conditions of access and

use that apply to the data contained within the service.

4.1.3 Variability of content

A reason for the proliferation of different terms of use is the lack of normalised content. As

metadata elements are defined as free text fields, it is easy to find the same concept

written with different variants due, for example, to the likely presence of typos. [User

barrier: Unstructured content]

In addition, the terms of use described in the INSPIRE metadata can be given in official

languages, which makes heterogeneity of content more likely.

Figure 7, shows how the 809 different `Conditions for Access and Use’ texts are

distributed across Europe.





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Metadata record

Network service

% of blank values % of values with content

Page 20: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Figure 7: Number of unique texts found for the ´Conditions for Access and Use´ by country

We can see how three countries (Germany, United Kingdom and Spain) provided more

than half of the available texts on terms of use. This indicates that the user not only has

to deal with many different terms of use texts, but also that the distribution by country is

very unbalanced, implying more effort may need to be targeted in certain case.

Another aspect of this heterogeneity can be drawn by observing the relationship between

the number of texts on `Conditions for Access and Use ‘and the number of responsible

organisations providing data, as shown in Table 4.













0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400













Page 21: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Table 4: Relation of number of unique texts for ‘Conditions for Access and Use´ by

responsible organisation

Country Number of different ‘Conditions for Access and Use´ texts

Number of Responsible Organisation

Relation of conditions by responsible organisation

DK 6 2 3.0

LI 2 1 2.0

NL 20 12 1.7

LV 8 5 1.6

IS 6 4 1.5

LU 6 4 1.5

MT 3 2 1.5

CZ 10 7 1.4

HR 7 5 1.4

SK 17 13 1.3

IE 7 6 1.2

FI 52 51 1.0

EL 1 1 1.0

SI 2 2 1.0

BE 19 20 1.0

IT 11 13 0.8

SE 20 24 0.8

UK 101 133 0.8

LT 2 3 0.7

RO 2 3 0.7

EE 5 8 0.6

NO 9 15 0.6

AT 40 70 0.6

PL 18 37 0.5

ES 78 168 0.5

DE 356 795 0.4

PT 5 13 0.4

FR 41 249 0.2

Total 809 1658 Average = 0.5

If we assume that the responsible organisation’s labels and the texts on `Conditions for

Access and Use´ are exempt from errors, the closer to zero the relation indicator is, the

more homogeneous and harmonised the terms of use at the organisation level.

In this case, France, Portugal or Germany would be rather homogenous, whereas Denmark,

the Netherlands or Latvia are among the more heterogeneous.

This relationship could be an indicator helping to identify possible dual-licensing

mechanisms, that is, different terms of use provided by a single data provider. However,

a more in-depth analysis is needed to confirm these ideas. The only conclusions that can

be drawn so far are that the strings provided to describe the ‘Conditions for Access and

Use´ are more or less syntactically harmonised within organisations.

Page 22: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


4.1.4 Quality of the metadata

Where there is data available, the analysis of the type of information written within both

the `Conditions for Access and Use´ and `Limitations on Public Access´ (Figure 8)

indicates that they would often appear to be used incorrectly. Around 83% of the contents

within the `Limitations on Public Access´ were containing information on the use that we

believe should appear within the `Conditions for Access and Use´ metadata field. Often

the information is swapped between both metadata fields, or simply there is no information

that we can access at all. [User barrier: Inaccurate/ wrong information]

Figure 8: Type of information provided within the `Conditions for Access and Use’ and `Limitations on Public Access´ fields

An automatic comparison of the contents provided in both fields has proven, as shown in

Figure 9, that too often the content across the fields is repeated. This practice does not

add value to the quality of the information and, it does not follow the new Metadata

technical guidelines 2.0, where it states that those fields are meant to include different

information (See Table 12).

Figure 9: Literal comparison of information provided by the metadata records’ fields





0.74% 0.04%0.31% 00











Field "Conditions on Access and Use" Field "Limitations on Public Access"

Information on access Information on use Information unknown Information unrelated











Different content No data Same content

Page 23: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


4.1.5 Coherence across the infrastructure

The assessment of the terms of use of the resources at both the metadata record and

network service levels has unveiled an important degree of misalignment between them.

[User barrier: Mismatching information across the infrastructure]

In Figure 10, we can see that 60% of the metadata records declared that `Conditions

apply´, while the number decreases to 7.1% at the Network Service level.

Although the metadata records describe the Network Services’ resources, we can see that

the content is referring to conditions of use and access often and they do not propagate

properly, being often even incoherent. This situation can send misleading information to

the user and offers little legal certainty, especially in those cases where the user reaches

the network service directly, something that tends to be more poorly described.

Figure 10: Conditions applying to the resources according to the metadata information at both the metadata record and resource level

4.1.6 Coherence with reality

According to the aggregated information extracted from the Limitations on Public Access

field´, we can see in Table 5 that very few resources were applying restrictions on the

access to the resources.

However, it should be noted that most of the proper access information was not provided,

as already shown in Figure 6.

Table 5: Access mode to the INSPIRE resources based on the ´Limitations on Public Access´ information

Access mode to the resource Metadata record Network Service

Public 15.2% 5.8%

Restricted 1.4% 0.1%

Unknown/Not mentioned 83.3% 94.1%

Total 100% 100 %









0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Metadata record

Network service

Conditions apply Conditions unknown No conditions apply Not related No data

Page 24: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


To understand if the mode of access indicated in the metadata description represents the

real behaviour of the Network Services, a comparison between the information provided at

the metadata record level and the results returned from the former activity on Access

Control (by sending live queries to capture the HTTP response code) was done. (See

Section 3.2.1).

The results provided in Table 6 indicate that, in general, most of the resources were openly

accessible when no information on access was provided. However, a small amount of the

resources was found to be restricted (1.2%) despite indicating this fact in the metadata,

or even cases where the resources were meant to be restricted were, in fact, openly

accessible [User barrier: Diverging information with reality].

Table 6: Comparison of information on public/restricted access from metadata

Comparison Metadata / Request Network Service Percentage

Unknown/Not mentioned - Public 81.7%

Public - Public 14.5%

Unknown/Not mentioned - Restricted with AAA 1.2%

Restricted - Public 1.0%

Public - Restricted with AAA 0.7%

Restricted - Restricted with AAA 0.5%

Unknown/Not mentioned - Not working 0.4%

Public - Not working 0.0%

Total 100%

4.2 Examination of the terms of use

4.2.1 Terms of use identification Document type

The review of the information provided by the metadata records has allowed us to collect,

classify and interpret the different terms of use applied by the data providers under

INSPIRE. As shown in Figure 11, the vast majority of the terms of use (87%) analysed

were directly expressed using metadata notices, that is, embedded within the metadata

description files. Less than 12% referred to an external resource such as a licence or a

website notice to develop the provisions.

Figure 11: Terms of use according to the place where the provisions are developed



0.8% 0.5% 0.2%0.0%











Metadata notice Licence Website Notice +Licence

Website Notice Other

Page 25: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


We saw in Figure 10 that a 33% of the resources analysed at the metadata record level,

indicated ´No conditions apply´. That means that more than 50% of them had their

applicable conditions written using the metadata notices, following Figure 11. Acceptance mode

Considering the acceptance of terms of use, we can see in Figure 12 that most of them

allow the tacit approval of data usage. Only a small portion of the resources required a

previous written or formal consent (6.9%). However, around a 30% of the terms of use

presented a hybrid behaviour, whereby the consent was tacit until the moment when more

rights than the ‘by default granted’ were needed. In such cases, a formal agreement should

take place (as Dual licensing).

Figure 12: Terms of use by their acceptance mode Reference to external terms of use

We saw in Figure 11, that around 15% of the resources analysed had their terms of use

developed externally, mainly through a licence or a website legal notice. However, as

shown in Figure 13, almost 8% did not specify any concrete licence document, even if

they had mentioned being governed by a licence. This situation obliges the user to contact

the data holders and request individually further details [User barrier: Terms of use

provided under request].

Figure 13: Ways of referring to external terms of use (from metadata records













Tacit acceptance Tacit acceptance | Formalagreement

Formal agreement Unknown


13.4%7.9% 5.1%










Link to a licencedocument

Naming a specificlicence

Licence unspecified Link to a website Link to anotherdocument

Page 26: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Another obstacle in this sense is the fact that more than 13% of the resources were merely

naming the title of the licence (in their language). This practice makes it difficult to know

how data can be used when it is not (readily) possible to reach and retrieve the terms of

use documented. A related issue encountered in this sense is the lack of specification of a

concrete version of such documents. This is particularly problematic for the user and, for

our analysis, we have used the most up-to-date version, although we believe that some

legal uncertainty can remain. [User barrier: Reference to a licence by its name only].

In addition, other issues were encountered while trying to reach the licences referenced

through a link. As shown in Figure 14, most of the licences provided a working link (more

than 66%). However, 15% had no link at all [User barrier: No link to licence] or

provided a link that required the user further clicks to reach the final licence document

(12,4%) [User barrier: No final link]. A small portion of the cases (more than 5%) had

outdated links that were automatically redirected, that were broken or that simply were

wrong [User barrier: Broken/wrong link].

Figure 14: Issues encountered with external links




2.8% 2.4%


Good link No link Not final URL Broken link Redirected link Wrong link









Page 27: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions

25 Resources ruled under a licence document

Only 13% of all resources analysed referred to a specific licence document, as shown in

Figure 15.

Figure 15: Proportion of resources whose terms refer to specific data licence documents

In absolute numbers, this amount corresponds to 86 different licence documents. The

number decreases if we do not consider the different versions and jurisdictions [User

barrier: Heterogeneity of licensing documents] Licensing schemes

By digging into this small portion where licensing agreements are applied (Figure 16),

60% of them were seen as ´Customised Organisational Licences´. In absolute numbers,

this was followed by the application of standard public licences (21%) and standard

government licences (14%).

Figure 16: Data licences found by type

It is worth noting the existence of specific organisational licences that we have called

`INSPIRE licences´ representing the 2% of the total of resources under a licence in our














No licence document With licence document













INSPIRE Licence Organisational Licence Standard GovernmentLicence

Standard Public Licence

Page 28: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


sample. We have deemed relevant their isolation because of their explicit use in the context


It must be clarified that the ‘INSPIRE licence’ subtype is not a legal text mandated by the

INSPIRE Directive. Those are specific agreements laid down by some organisations to share

their INSPIRE-relevant geospatial resources.

The organisations adopting those licenses are mainly the UK’s Ordnance Survey issuing a

generic INSPIRE licence ‘INSPIRE End User Licence’8 and specific licence for WMS

resources: ‘Public Sector INSPIRE WMS End User Licence’9, alongside Ireland’s Ordnance

Survey with its ‘NON-COMMERCIAL INSPIRE LICENCE’10 and the Czech Mapping Agency:

‘Základní INSPIRE licence pro e-shop geoportálu’11.

Figure 17: Screenshot of the UK’s Ordnance survey Public Sector INSPIRE WMS End User Licence


The Czech example, however, based its legal text on one of the optional templates provided

within the Annex B: Basic INSPIRE Agreement included in the technical guidelines

'Regulation on access to spatial data sets and services of the Member States by Community

institutions and bodies under harmonised conditions'[3].


licence.html 9

user-licence.html 10 11


Page 29: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


The above-aggregated numbers, however, hide the way those licences are applied. If we

look at how the different schemes are applied, considering the organisational

administrative level, we can see that national and regional levels of the public

administrations tend to use standard public licences and National government licences

more often than local administrations.

Figure 18: Type of data licence documents used by the different administrative levels

However, the application of the different licensing schemes is also variable from one

country to another, as shown in

Figure 19. There are countries where the licence agreements are not used at all, (e.g.

Estonia, Greece, Luxembourg), while others make an extensive use of it (e.g. Denmark,

Netherlands, United Kingdom). This chart also allows us to understand which specific

licensing schemes are the most used by country. The standard public licences, for example,

are very much used in Austria, Ireland and Spain, but especially in the Netherlands.

Instead, other countries such as Denmark, Germany or France, for example, tend to opt

for organisational licences.













0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Organisational Licence

Standard Government Licence

Standard Public Licence

National Regional Local

Page 30: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Figure 19: Application of licensing schemes by country

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%





























Standard Public Licence Standard Government Licence Organisational Licence

INSPIRE Licence No licence document

Page 31: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions

29 Standard public licences

Among the standard public licences, the Creative Commons12 ones are practically the only

ones being used. Only a couple of resources were found to be making use of Open Database

License (ODbL)13.

More specifically, the Creative Commons Attribution subtype (CC-BY) is by far the most

often used (more than 60%), followed by the Public Domain Mark 1.014 (Figure 20).

Figure 20: Use of standard public licences by type

In Figure 21, the list of the different versions of standard public licences used is made

available. In this regard, we can see that CC-BY 4.015 version is the most used of all, and

it is extensively used by Spain. The Public domain Mark 1.0 licence is quite often applied,

although exclusively by The Netherlands.

12 13 14 15










0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0%


Public Domain Mark 1.0


CC0 1.0






Page 32: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Figure 21: Versions of standard public licences applied by the country

0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% 45.0%


CC BY 2.5 SE

CC BY 3.0

CC BY 3.0 AT

CC BY 3.0 CZ

CC BY 3.0 DE

CC BY 3.0 NL

CC BY 4.0





CC BY-SA 2.0


CC BY-SA 3.0





CC0 1.0


Public Domain Mark 1.0


Page 33: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Regarding the jurisdiction applied, more than the two-thirds of the organisations that made

use of standard public licences applied the international versions or ‘unported´ versions as

shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22: Proportion of international versus ported licences

It is worth noting that we have come across some examples of ‘mixed licensing`, a

practice whereby data providers add provisions on top of an already defined licence

agreement, and particularly on top on Public Standard Licences. We believe that this

practice should not be recommended, as it may narrow the rights originally granted to the

user, as well as creating uncertainty about data’s potential reuse. [User barrier: Mixed

licencing] National government licences

National licence schemes occurred in 14% of the resources that referred to licence

documents (Figure 16).

At the time of the analysis, four countries were making use of a national licensing scheme:

Germany (Data licence Germany16 and `GeoNutzV’17, a particular ordinance targeting

geospatial resources), France (Licence Ouverte / Open Licence18), Norway (Norwegian

Licence for Open Government Data (NLOD)19) and the United Kingdom (Open Government

Licensing for Public Sector Information20). Germany and UK also had in place different

versions of these licences. In Table 7, we provide the full list of the national licences,

sorted in decreasing order according to the proportion of its usage.

Table 7: List of national licences encountered

Standard Government Licence Percentage

(DE) Data licence Germany – Attribution – version 2.0 37.23%

(UK) Open Government Licensing for Public Sector Information 34.35%

(FR) Licence Ouverte / Open Licence 14.39%

(DE) Ordinance on the Determination of the Use Regulations for the Provision of Geodata of the Federation (GeoNutzV)


(DE) Data license Germany - Attribution - Version 1.0 3.78%

(NO) Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data (NLOD) 0.18%

16 17 18 19 20



Unported Standard Licences

Ported Standard Licences

Page 34: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


4.2.2 Formal examination

As noted above, the amount and heterogeneity of terms of use found in our sample is

already a large amount. The variability further increases when considering several formal

aspects in which these terms are rendered.

The aspects analysed in this section do not relate to the quality of the provisions of the

terms of use but, instead, their accessibility and readability. It should be noted that checks

have been performed exclusively on the externally referred terms of use such as licence

documents or website notices. Encoding of the external terms of use

Around 85% of the terms used were distributed in HTML, while the remaining 15% came

in PDF documents (See Figure 23). PDF documents are useful for inclusion with a dataset

but they can also be frequently outdated, as well as not being machine-readable (especially

when the text is an image) that could help a user when searching/filtering for preferred

terms of use online.[User barrier: PDF ]

Figure 23: Encodings used by the external terms of use

Among the online licence documents, we have identified that a third of them (Figure 24)

were following a meaningful URI pattern. This feature is quite useful because the same link

provides the minimum information to understand which is the licence targeted. This URI

works as a real identifier that provides information on, for example, the version and the

type. The Creative Commons family of licences can be seen to manage this feature

relatively well. Persistent identifiers

Figure 24: Online terms of use following a URI pattern









Offline document (PDF) Online document (HTML)













Page 35: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions

33 Language of the external terms of use

As shown in Figure 25, more than half of the licenses were expressed in a language other

than English [User barrier: Unknown Language]. However, a good indicator is that 30%

of the remaining terms of use were provided in more than one language, including English.

(See Figure 25).

Figure 25: Licence by language Summary version

Another aspect that reduces the difficulty when approaching a legal document is the

presence of a simple and clear summary version of the legal code. Around 37% of the

external terms of use analysed were offered in a user-friendly manner, be it as the term

of use on its own or as a complementary version of the detailed legal code. (Figure 26)

[User barrier: No summary/plain version available].

Figure 26: Proportion of licences providing a user-friendly version of the legal text












Also an English version English version No English version











No summary version Summary version

Page 36: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions

34 Versioning system

A complete text of terms of use was seen to normally come alongside additional attributes,

such as a date of reference when the terms of use were published or last updated. In the

best of the cases, a numbered version of the terms of use. This information provides an

additional level of legal certainty to the user, since he or she could refer to the rights

granted specifically in a given moment.

As shown in Figure 27, most of the licence documents provided some form of versioning,

where only a 13% of them did not provide any. [User barrier: Content

No versioning system/ No date of reference]

Figure 27: Versioning system used by the licence

In several cases, we noticed that the versioning information is integrated within the link of

the terms of use document. We believe that if the links were treated as persistent

identifiers, the traceability and identification of the terms of use would be very much

improved. [User barrier: Lack of Persistent Identifiers]

4.2.3 Content examination

At another level of analysis we now dive into contents to better understand not only which

are the rights granted but also if there are conditions to comply with (or any prohibitions

to be aware of). Permissions

To understand which are the permissions granted by the terms of use applied in INSPIRE,

we have made use of the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKNF) articles last version of the

Open Definition (version 2.1)21 that must be guaranteed to consider a licence as an ´Open


While mapping the terms of use to these Open Definition provisions we found two barriers:

The abundance of synonymy and small nuances when referring to the different type

of rights. [User barrier: Ambiguity by excess of synonymy]

Paradoxically a big proportion of terms of use that were not explicitly indicating the

range of rights granted and especially those not granted.[User barrier:

Permissions, conditions and prohibitions not explicitly stated]













Date reference Version reference No versioning Version and date reference

Page 37: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions

35 Acceptable conditions

Within the Open definition, when it comes to the listing of features that make up an `open

licence’, a set of ̀ acceptable conditions´ is listed afterwards. We considered those optional

provisions as not interfering with the openness of a licence.

As shown in Figure 28 the obligation of attribution is explicitly required in 14% of the

resources. In this regard, we noticed that the pattern or attribution formula to be used by

the user was often provided.

The condition of attribution is often accompanied by an obligation of retaining the original

copyright notice or licence (3.6%) and in a 2.8% of the cases keeping the integrity of the

original source by, for example, indicating which changes have been made to the original

dataset. Finally, only a small amount of resources (0.2%) required distributions of the work

to remain under the same license or a similar license (Share-alike).

Normally, those conditions are not a burden for the user but there could be negative effects

if they were used excessively, for example, if the attribution formulas were too onerous or

very demanding in their formulation [User barrier: Onerous attribution required].

Figure 28: Acceptable conditions required by the resources’ terms of use Prohibitions

When collecting the prohibitions stated in the terms of use texts, three main types have

been identified.

As shown in Figure 29, the prohibition of making a commercial use on top of the resource

is mentioned by more than the 38% of the resources.[User barrier: Non-commercial].

Often this prohibition is combined with requiring users not to make use of the resources in

public networks (11%) [User barrier: Internal use only]. Finally, the prohibition of

creating derivative works was imposed in few cases [User barrier: Non-derivatives].

Any of the former prohibitions go against the open definition principle of `application to

any purpose’ and, therefore, when assessing the openness of the licences, if any of these

prohibitions are stated the licence would be categorised under other types than ‘open’,

since they impact decisively on what the user can do with the data.














Attribution Integrity Share-alike Copyright notice

Page 38: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Explicitly indicating both which uses are prohibited and allowed would confer a greater

legal certainty to the user.

Figure 29: Prohibitions stated in the terms of use

Another related restriction comes with what Open Definition expresses as ´Non-

discriminatory terms´. It is not always easy to separate this provision from the ́ application

to any purpose´, which includes commercial exploitation, because they are often provided

together. In any case, we have identified some cases where the resources can be

exclusively reused by a certain group of users, such as public sector administrations or

researchers. Charging conditions

Figure 30: Terms of use regarding charging conditions










0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0%

Commercial use

Non- derivatives

External use

Unknown/Not mentioned Not allowed Alowed















Fees apply Free of charge Free of charge underconditions

Unknown/Not mentioned

Page 39: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Figure 30 indicates that, in general, the INSPIRE resources are shared without

charges. However, it is a common practice to release the resources for free but subject

to certain conditions.

These conditions are frequently related to the prohibition of making use of the resource for

commercial purposes unless a separate commercial agreement is made to obtain further

rights [User barrier: Requires agreement].

This practice often falls within the dual licensing mechanism that could present difficulties

for the user if he or she needed to change the purpose of his or her project [User barrier:


It must be noted that there is a high number of resources where there is no statement

regarding the monetary conditions. In those cases, we can imagine that by adding a default

statement “free of charge”, could help users to decide if they would make use of it.

In principle, the payment should not be seen as a barrier to data use, especially if the

service is accompanied by a proper e-commerce platform. However, there is an argument

that requiring payment makes the resource less attractive than those that are free of

charge. For some users, a real obstacle could be in place if the price of data is not affordable

or if they simply cannot use chargeable services [User barrier: Application of charges].

If we now look closer to the few resources that mention the presence of applicable fees,

we see, as shown by Figure 31, that the download services (WFS, ATOM), providing access

to vector data tend to be more frequently charged for.

Figure 31: Charges applied by type of resource

Clearly, across all the Network Services a lot of information is missing, again creating

potential uncertainties for users.

In terms of charging conditions, if we look at their distribution in Europe, as shown in

Figure 32, we can see that countries like Denmark, the Netherlands, Malta and Norway

offer their data (at least in the sample) almost completely free of charge. At the same

time, others release a part of their resources against a fee, with examples found in the

Czech Republic Finland, Luxembourg and Slovakia.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%






Free of charge under conditions Free of charge Fees apply Unknown/Not mentioned

Page 40: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Figure 32: Charges applied by country

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%





























Fees apply Free of charge Free of charge under conditions Unknown/Not mentioned

Page 41: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions

39 Limitations on Public access

As shown in Table 5, less than 1.5% of the resources had limitations on Public Access

according to the metadata record information. This behaviour is certainly allowed by

INSPIRE but some information on the reason for this decision has to be provided in these


In Table 8, we can see that only around a third of the cases provided such a reason. The

restrictions because of Intellectual Property Rights, one of the INSPIRE derogation included

in Article 13, are the most mentioned, followed very closely by the declared ´unknown

reasons´ by the data owner organisations.

Table 8: Reasons provided for restricting the access to the resource

Reasons for restricting the access Percentage

Limited Access - Reason not provided 63.7%

Article 13 e - intellectual property rights 17.9%

Limitations unknown 16.9%

Article 13 f - the confidentiality of personal data and/or files relating to a natural person where that person has not consented to the disclosure of the information to the public, where such confidentiality is provided for by national or Community law


Article 13 d - the confidentiality of commercial or industrial information, where such confidentiality is provided for by national or Community law to protect a legitimate economic interest, including the public interest in maintaining statistical confide


Article 13 a - the confidentiality of the proceedings of public authorities, where such confidentiality is provided for by law


Article 13 h -the protection of the environment to which such information relates, such as the location of rare species


Total 100%

However, a publicly restricted resource may not necessarily be restricted from re-use. On

the contrary, some resources do not apply any condition but only require user registration.

In Figure 33 have been plotted the main categories on the modes of requesting access to

restricted resources based on the information provided by the metadata. We can see that

in the counted cases (only a 25%), details are given about how the request must be started

[User barrier: Missing detailed information on access] and [User barrier: Terms of

use provided under request], among those, only a 15% support self-registration

through a web application.

Figure 33: Details on how to access restricted resources












Contact is needed but not specified Yes through web application Yes by email

Page 42: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions

40 Degree of openness

After having retrieved and read the terms of use, we can assess the degree of openness

of the resources and have defined a classification that ranges from the most open to the

most closed examples.

Public domain: resources under this value are those that go beyond the minimum

requirements to be considered open by even waiving the attribution right.

Open: A resource that can be used for any purpose, including commercial purposes.

Some conditions for its reuse could be required such as the attribution of the source,

the maintenance of the copyright notice, or the indication of changes to keep the

integrity of the original data.

Hybrid: This value can be applied to resources that grant some rights but impose

discriminatory terms and/or restrictions on the purpose of data reuse. Those terms

of use that prevent commercial reuse, create derivatives or require the purchase of

additional rights are included in this category. Despite offering some permissions,

hybrid terms of use can be considered as a subtype of ´closed data´.

Closed: In this category fall any resource that has a terms of use document that

either prevent any kind of reuse, require the application of an individual agreement

or are publicly restricted without the option to access the resource.

Unknown: In this category are included resources whose terms of use are unclear,

are missing or that explicitly say that the conditions are unknown. If a potential

reuser encountered a resource whose terms of use were unknown, it should be

treated as if were ´closed’, even if the data holder had the intention of sharing it

with open conditions.

The results of this assessment, available in Figure 34, show that half of the INSPIRE

resources belong to the Hybrid category. Only a quarter could be considered as pure Open


Figure 34: Degree of openness perceived according to the information contained in the terms of use

Together with this assessment, we also looked for the keyword ´open data´ within the

metadata texts, and found it in only 44 out of 29,877 resources. [User barrier: Open

data resources ]

These results also hint that there are many instances where legally non-interoperable

terms of use could be in place, especially if a user needed to mix information from the

INSPIRE geoportal (or with other sources) for commercial purposes. [User barrier: Lack

of legal interoperability].












Hybrid Open Closed Unknown Public Domain

Page 43: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Figure 35: Degree of openness perceived according to the information contained in the terms of

use by country

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%





























Public Domain Open Hybrid Closed Unknown

Page 44: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


5 User barriers encountered

In this section, we list the user barriers encountered while reading and analysing the terms

of use.

Some proposals have been given below to initiate discussions about their suitability and

possible alternatives with stakeholders.

In Figure 36, a simplified schema captures the process we have gone through when facing

the terms of use for a given resource. The high-level user barriers encountered during the

process appear in red colour. Often the presence of one of them is translated into the

impossibility of continuing the journey, or maybe of continuing with many difficulties.

It should be noted that in real life, many users would have abandoned the research for the

terms of use unless they were very interested in a particular dataset.

Figure 36: Schema of the barriers encountered in the process of understanding the rights of use

of a resource

The user barriers are organised according to the different layers of information examined.

They have different granularity and go from the documentation of the terms of use

(covering availability, language, format and content) down to the application level, where

users have to decide if the rights granted are suitable for them, or not.

The analysis did not cover the reuse of the resources itself and, therefore, we have not

addressed any of the barriers listed under the ‘provisions’ section. However, we can

envisage that there can be some potential obstacles for their reuse, depending on the type

of user and the activity they intend to perform upon a resource.

Many of the barriers are tightly related, being sometimes caused by and/or consequence

of another, or they can appear as specialisations of other more generic issues. They do not

have the same weight either, but fixing/improving them can make a difference from the

usability point of view. We have decided to list them all because they appeared in different

situations and at varying steps of our analysis.

Provisions in

the terms of use

Content of

the terms of use

Format of

the terms of use

Language of

the terms of use

Availability of

the terms of use

Resource targeted

Lack of information

Available Information

Unknown language

Known language

Unstructured Well structured

Inaccurate information

Quality information

No / Limited rights granted

Rights granted

Page 45: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


The presence of user barriers related to terms use in INSPIRE has raised wider interest

than this study. During the 2017 INSPIRE Conference, Bastiaan van Loenen presented a

paper entitled ‘Harmonising Open Licences in the European Union: Been there, done that.

What’s next?’[13], raised similar points.

The remainder of this section addresses each of the above barriers, in turn.

5.1 Availability

User barrier 1. Lack of information on terms of use

The metadata records examined did not include any information about the terms of use

applicable to the described resource. This fact means that users could be ignorant of rights

and appropriate/legal uses of an available dataset. Even if the intention of the data holder

is to share it openly, by default, in such a situation, a user could not do anything without

the approval of the data holder. That means that the user has to identify a contact point,

in the first instance, to be able to clarify this situation.

Proposal: The data provider should make sure that the descriptor files of the INSPIRE

resources include the necessary information on terms of use.

User barrier 2. Excessive number of terms of use

The excessive number of terms of use is a concern when a user is interested in assessing

the suitability of several resources, including combining data from different sources. Even

if we were to consider a means to filter and browse these terms of use contained in the

metadata fields, an unmanageable list would contain more than 800 values.

Proposal: A harmonisation effort could be considered, by constraining the number of

possible values at the governance level and, at the organisational/national level, by

coordinating the values that could be included in this field.

One possible approach would be to take the defined values of ‘Conditions for Access and

Use’ metadata element to use from the official languages versions of the legal text and

make this available as a code list, as presented simply in Annex 2.

The INSPIRE Registry already provides a code list named ‘Conditions applying to Access

and use’22 whose values, only available in English, are slightly different from the ones given

in the Implementing Rules’ text and whose governance level is ‘technical’ instead of legal.

The use and usefulness of these resources should be discussed with the Member States to

see what implementation approaches would address this issue without creating an

unnecessary burden.

User barrier 3. Terms of use provided under request

We have come across cases where the information provided indicates that applicable terms

of use exist but that they are not fully or directly available to users. Often a contact is

provided, but this is not always the case. This situation in a way is similar to [User barrier:

No information on terms of use]

Proposal: Provide more transparently the terms of use along with the data/metadata, if

possible avoiding burdening the user with additional actions to contact organisations and

enter transactional workflows, potentially creating management overheads in



Page 46: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


5.2 Language

User barrier 4. Unknown Language/Multilingualism

This can be seen as a key user barrier. The description of the terms of use can appear in

a language that is not necessarily known by the user, as seen in the case of cross-border

applications. If a translation is not provided by the data provider, the burden is again

placed on the user who would be obliged to make use of external tools to have the terms

translated. Moreover, the automatic translation could not be 100% reliable, and this could

result in both misunderstandings and legal uncertainties.

Proposal: Knowing that the target of the INSPIRE resources is accessible data at European

and cross-border levels in the European Union, it would be advisable to include the terms

of use in different languages, in at least English or with standardised multilingual terms

contained in resources such as code lists. The last example may also provide some

approaches towards harmonised terms and a ground for discussion of what terms make

sense across the EU and, importantly, for users in other public administrations.

5.3 Format

User barrier 5. Unstructured content

The metadata descriptions used by INSPIRE have defined the fields where the information

on the terms of use is captured as free text. This provides ̀ flexibility´ for any data provider

to customise the text according to their needs but, at the same time, it creates a lack of

uniformity, variation in terminology and, in general, potentially poorer quality of the

content due to the lack of standardised quality checks.

The contents, therefore, can range from a complete lack of information, to a single word

or to a narrative paragraph of details. Another consequence of free text usage is the higher

probability to include errors such as typos.

Proposal: This user barrier is closely related to the excessive number of terms of use, and

as such, the proposal goes on the same line.

User barrier 6. Heterogeneity of licensing documents

The licensing documents can be highly variable both in terms of form (syntax, structure,

internal/externally developed terms of use) and, of course, in the type and extent of

provisions. For the user, an effort is needed to map the content of different terms of use,

be it a metadata notice, standard licence or a customised licence. In addition, the contents

in different cases may not necessarily match, as some could have more detail than others,

again potentially resulting in legal uncertainties. Moreover, for example, if the user is a

startup or SME, the burden of addressing such material may prevent activities taking place.

Proposal: A good practice would be to try, in the first instance, at an organisational level

to harmonise the terms of use by checking if there is already available national licence

scheme that would be suitable to adhere to. That would increase the understanding and

compatibility of the terms of use.

User barrier 7. PDF files

The PDF format is a convenient option if the user wishes to have an offline version of the

terms of use document but this is not an accessible means to obtain information. In

addition, when a PDF document is provided, often a PDF viewer is required to render it.

Finally, a PDF version of the terms is often non-machine readable, especially when the

content is included as an image, instead of text.

Page 47: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Proposal: When a PDF version of the terms of use if felt to be useful for users as a local

copy for download, it should be made available as an additional option offered online after

a more accessible and machine-readable HTML version has been provided, to help web

content to be accessed more easily.

User barrier 8. Lack of Persistent Identifiers

As important as providing an HTML version of the terms of use is, it is also important to

keep the link or URL relating to the stable resource over time.

Proposal: A good practice is to put in place persistent identifier (PID) mechanisms. These

have a twofold scope: they allow us to have links or a working URL and they are a

permanent identifier that can be assigned to an object or resource, so it is both easily

identifiable and retrievable.

Normally, PIDs follow a well-known scheme or pattern that allow additional semantics to

be added to a link. By doing that, the same link indicates the target resource without a

user even having to access the content. Creative Commons does this for its licences as

applied to the versions, languages and type of licences. This can be seen in the case of the

following URI:, where we know (as

informed readers) that it relates to the version 3.0 of an attribution type licence expressed

in English.

5.4 Content

User barrier 9. No versioning system/ No date of reference

Terms of use documents should not just be updated and replaced with another one. They

should include a hook to a concrete date or a version, so that the user can unambiguously

refer to the terms of use he or she has accepted when making use of the resource. This

could become a more pressing issue if developers are relying on services in their

applications, where terms of use were maybe suitable at the time of initial development

but changes in an organisation may impact on continuing development or service provision.

Proposal: This user barrier is closely related to the [User barrier: Lack of Persistent

Identifiers], and the proposal for improving it could be shared. In addition, it raises issues

of users being able to be notified in changes of terms of use to datasets they are making

use of. That is particularly relevant when the re-user is actually a consumer, since he could

make use of his/her obligation and rights by referencing a particular version or timestamp.

The European Guidelines on recommended standard licences [10] mentions that ‘it is

important to maintain and refer to a clear licence versioning and date scheme so as to

indicate updates’.

User barrier 10. No summary/plain version available

Providing a summary and synthetic version of the legal code is very helpful for everyone.

Certainly, such material does not substitute the legal code but it makes it easier to digest

as it gives a clearer message and enough understanding of the rights and constraints that

a user must be aware of.

Proposal: Provide a clear summary in easily understood language.

In addition, as recommended by the Commission Notice ´Guidelines on recommended

standard licences, datasets and charging for the reuse of documents´, ‘it is advisable that

the main terms of the licence (licensor, use, information, licensee, etc.) are defined

concisely and as far as possible in layman’s language and in line with those of the Directive

and national transposing legislation.´

Related to the latter, it could be helpful to explore the possibility of key legal terms being

harmonised across different languages.

Page 48: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


User barrier 11. Permissions, conditions and prohibitions not explicitly stated

The terms of use should explicitly indicate not only the prohibitions and conditions for the

usage of a resource but also the granted rights. Terms of use texts providing the

unambiguous range of allowed uses give confidence to the user to make use of the data,

whereas stating only the prohibitions and/or conditions could offer a rather

negative/constraining message to users.

Proposal: Data providers should highlight the permissions, conditions and prohibitions of

the terms of use.

User barrier 12. Ambiguity by excess of synonymy/terminology

While going through different terms of use text, we quickly notice the richness of

vocabulary to refer to different rights. Those can be narrower, wider, or even including a

set of rights. For example, the right to ‘adapt’, ‘modify’, ‘edit’, ‘change’ may be understood

similarly, but they can also cover different extents, especially when the terms of use have

to be compared to check for compatibility between data sources. More precision by using

standard terms would help to provide additional legal certainty, although some legal

discussion should take place on this topic, which is beyond the scope of this current work.

Proposal: Investigate where existing (international) standards, including relating to

Digital Rights Management, are defining differences between such terms.

User barrier 13. Inaccurate/ wrong information

In this category are included any information that could confuse the user or leave them

with particular doubts. Clearly, good quality control procedures should be in place to let

people know what they should be able to do with data. Another issue that this raises is

that organisations may wish to put in place mechanisms for users to provide feedback

about certain content in their metadata, a topic being explored under ELISE.

Proposal: Investigate good practices for quality control and data management

procedures, including for managing users’ feedback.

User barrier 14. Swapped information across metadata fields

This obstacle appears when information that is expected in a particular field appears in

another (or simply does not appear at all). This inaccuracy can lead to a situation where a

user does not read the full information contained in the description files because it does

not appear where it should. One could also imagine scenarios where resources would aim

to process a field for classification purposes and have this miscoding. Such issues of

(meta)data quality are also worth discussing in the context of user feedback.

Proposal: Follow advice of Technical Guidelines and good practice to ensure metadata is

completed as requested. If you are reusing metadata, check the semantic differences

between your content and the elements that INSPIRE is requesting.

User barrier 15. Mismatching information across the infrastructure

Since the metadata information is stored in different places (as metadata files and Network

Services description layers), it may happen that the information on terms of use differs.

More specifically, we have noticed that often the details relating to terms of use do not

appear at all, or are not propagated with the same meaning, at the Network Service level.

In such a situation, a user could be confronted with different information or, when

information is missing, not know which terms of use apply to the resource. This barrier is

likely to be a consequence of poor quality control.

Page 49: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Proposal: A proposal to reduce to some extent this user barrier could come through the

revision of the available INSPIRE Technical Guidelines with the aim of harmonising (in a

consistent way) the recommendations proposed for filling the terms of use details.

An example illustrating that would be the fact that among the Technical Guidelines, only

the one for View Services explicitly mentions the values to include for ‘Conditions for Access

and Use’, while the Technical Guidelines for Discovery Services requests information to be

added on fees, when applicable.

Explore best practices and technical solutions that can help align terms of use found in

Metadata and Network Services. In the 2017 INSPIRE Conference, an oral presentation

entitled ‘GDI-Südhessen: The INSPIRE laundry’23 highlighted the advanced technical

features of the Wetransform INSPIRE GIS software that can face the metadata challenges

such as the mismatching of content between metadata and resources.

User barrier 16. Diverging information with reality

This barrier takes place when the information offered by the description files is not aligned

with reality. An example observed several times was the indication of no ‘Limitations on

Public Access’ but when trying to access the resource, a registration form needed to be

completed. Similarly, examples exist where the indication of terms of use in the metadata

notice were different from the ones appearing in the website notice.

Proposal: Stakeholders should create a common view of ‘public access’ and aim to have

only one authentic source of terms of use.

User barrier 17. Missing detailed information on access

The analysis of the resources has demonstrated that the information on access to the

resources is often omitted or missing. Even if the resource is public, this fact should appear

in its dedicated field. A more serious barrier would involve stating that the resource is

restricted and requiring a request for access but without mentioning the steps a user should

follow to obtain such authorisation.

Proposal: Stakeholders should create a common view of ‘public access’ so that additional

barriers are reduced. Best practices should be explored, including when technical access

control details are provided in metadata. For example, if there is password, the user should

be made aware in the metadata. In addition, it would be advisable to consider providing

access to data and services through an interoperable AAA infrastructure. Under the

ARE3NA ISA Action, a study on AAA for data and services focussed on a potential solution

for INSPIRE with cross-border test cases and testbed software24. The potential of such

solutions should be discussed further and include such issues on data policy/terms of use.

User barrier 18. Reference to a licence by its name only

Another practice that was found was the referencing of licence documents through their

name without providing an accompanying URL. For well-known licences such as the

Standard Public Licences (i.e. Creative Commons), the barrier is usually minimised since

its tile and/or the acronym unambiguously refers to licence type and version. In several

cases though, the version was not indicated. That fact is particularly confusing when

several versions are available; the users could feel he has to choose himself the version.

However, for customised licences not that popular, users would have to look for the licence

over the Internet (using a search engine) and then interpret which is the proper link to

select. Again, the ambiguity increases when no specific version is provided.



Page 50: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Proposal: A good practice would be to include the full title of the licence, including the

acronym (if available) and the version number, accompanied by a link to access it, if

possible making sure that an English version can be accessed.

User barrier 19. Unspecified licence

This obstacle appears when in the description texts the presence of an applicable licence

is mentioned but then not specified. This vagueness results, again, in burdening the user

who has to request the terms of use from the data provider. Again, the reasons for making

such restrictions cannot be detected by this analysis, including possible benefits in

customer relations, but it can still be seen as a barrier to more efficient use of online data.

Proposal: Make sure that the complete name of the licence and a link to it are explicitly

indicated so that the user can know if the resource could fit their reuse purposes.

User barrier 20. No link to licence

This barrier includes all the cases where a link to the terms of use or licence is not provided.

This barrier includes partially the User Barrier 19: Unspecified licence and User

Barrier 18: Reference to a licence by its name.

Proposal: Every time the terms of use are developed externally, a reference to the licence

document needs to explicitly mentioned. This is the only mechanism the user has to trace

the applicable conditions on the resource.

User barrier 21. No final link

Another aspect of the links that could be easily improved is their quality regarding the

target information. In several cases, we have encountered links pointing to pages not

displaying the terms of use and therefore obliging the user to interact and get familiar with

the external page to look for the place where he could access them. This presents some

additional barriers to the user when the accessed page is not available in a known


Proposal: Unless the link refers to a selector licence page (to let the user pick the relevant

one for his or her purposes), it would be advisable to provide the direct link to the terms

of use text.

User barrier 22. Broken/wrong link

The validity and/or correctness of the links is another usability aspect encountered in the

study. This includes links that were not working anymore resulting in error pages.

Proposal: It would be advisable to check regularly the links provided in the description

file to check their validity and correctness. Besides, if changes were applied in the incoming

website, setting automatic redirections to the targeted information would be helpful.

Another approach that would certainly help in avoiding these issues would be the

application of persistent identifiers as already suggested in the User barrier 8 when

pointing out the Lack of Persistent Identifiers usage.

User barrier 23. Open data resources not easily identifiable

Open data resources are not easily retrievable when using the metadata information. As

shown during the above experiment, when searching for the words ‘open data’ (see

Section Degree of openness), a very low number of hits were returned, despite

being aware that a large portion of the resources could be considered as open data.

Page 51: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Proposal: While no further harmonisation is put in place, it would be advisable for those

data providers who apply compatible conditions with the Open Data principles to include

the word ´Open data´ in the fields related to the ´Conditions for Access and Use´, so

they can be more easily fetched/filtered. The likely costs and benefits of such an approach

should be discussed with INSPIRE stakeholders, as perceived impacts of such a simple

change to metadata could be informative.

5.5 Provisions

User barrier 24. Onerous attribution required

As shown in the analysis section, Acceptable conditions, the attribution is often

required as a condition to make use of a resource. When this happens, often an attribution

formula or statement is provided by the data holder. That can become an issue when a

data re-user needs to attribute different sources in prominent places, as often required.

That issue is exacerbated when, together with the attribution, the data provider requires

showing both the legal notice and/or original licence as well as the specification of the


Proposal: The motivations for requiring such effort by users merit some further research

to better understand the pros and cons for data users and data providers. This could

include, for example, if the data provider is aiming to increase awareness of their product

to a wider market or to be able to search for published content based on such key


Initiatives in other fields such as the ‘Open Music Initiative’25 powered by blockchain

technology could inspire new ways of identifying the rights of creators. In their words:

‘new technologies can be applied to radically simplify the way music rights’ owners are

identified and compensated, resulting in sustainable business models for artists,

entrepreneurs, and music businesses alike’. How applicable this is to (geospatial) data

sharing and reuse could be explored further.

User barrier 25. Not enough rights granted

This potential obstacle depends on the type of user and purpose of his or her reuse. In the

worst-case scenario, he or she could be confronted with the situation where the terms of

use are not granting the necessary rights for their intended purpose. This category does

not include rights that could interact with other legal frames, such as personal data privacy.

Proposal: Certainly, the organisation is free to choose the licensing/business model.

However, some investigation could be done to make it clearer if the purchase of additional

rights is applicable or not and, if positive, to provide a usable way of extending the rights.

An example of how the rights and permissions are treated in the copyright world can be

found at the Copyright Clearance Center company26 when searching for any Publication

Title and checking the ‘Pay per Use Options’27.

User barrier 26. Non-commercial

Limiting the rights of reuse by prohibiting the commercial exploitation of data could reduce

opportunities for growth, innovation and, potentially, job creation.

25 26 27

Page 52: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Proposal: Unless there is a special business model behind that requires this restriction (or

any other reason for limiting commercial activity), it would be advisable to allow reuse for

such purposes. The PSI Directive itself indicates that licences should not unnecessarily

restrict possibilities for re-use.

User barrier 27. Internal use only

Different terms of use include this restriction. Often this is related to the ‘Non-commercial’

prohibition, acting as an additional way to protect data from wider usage. In addition, this

limitation could be due to other reasons such as data service performance, for example, to

avoid stressing the network resources in very demanding applications, even when they are

not intended for commercial gain.

Proposal: The re-use of aggregated data or any other suitable solution to disclose data

should be considered. Again, the motivations of organisations requiring data to only be

used for internal purposes could be explored further, especially if this related to certain

types of data or certain legal or ethics-related processes that may be driving the creation

of this barrier.

User barrier 28. Non-derivatives

This condition is maybe one of the most constraining, since any work based on a non-

derivative resource is simply not allowed.

Proposal: It may also create some legal issues, as there is not necessarily a common view

of what may be considered a ‘new’ or ‘derived’ work, in part as some legal views come

from the creative industries, such as the appropriate use of samples in music. It may also

be difficult in some cases for a data provider to be able to detect where a data product had

its origins in their data, such as where some geospatial operations are applied, as well as

the possible burden of how to police the usage of data with this restriction. Again, further

understanding of this topic is needed to come to clear recommendations.

User barrier 29. Mixed licencing

Several cases have been identified applying a mixed licensing approach that adds

additional provisions upon an existing licence document. Creative Commons has covered

those use cases through the CCPlus (CC+) mechanism. ‘CC+ denotes the combination of

a CC official license (unmodified and verbatim) + another separate and independent

agreement granting more permissions.’ However, the CC+

notation was not mentioned when modified Creative Commons licences where found.

Proposal: In general, it would be desirable to avoid this approach, as it may create

confusion and legal uncertainties. This may be the, for example, where there are

overlapping provisions or jurisdictions. The question, therefore, emerges as to why a

standard licence was not adequate for data-sharing and if there were additional

organisational goals, including beneficial ones, that a mixed approach can serve. From the

user perspective, however, the departure from an expected licence type could create

barriers, in particular where more than one data provider’s datasets are involved in a user’s


User barrier 30. Dual-licensing

The dual-licensing practices applied to many INSPIRE resources could represent barriers

to the reuse. The same resource could be subject to more than one term of use depending

on the scope of the reuse or, for example, on the type of re-user (private, researcher or

public administration). This can vary, therefore, the range of rights and prohibitions

allowed which, in turn, can generate legal problems. For example, if the user does not

know these issues in advance the final product/scope of his or her work could be altered.

Page 53: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Proposal: On the one side, the data user should check carefully the terms of use before

making use of the data while the data provider should be very clear up-front that the data

made ‘openly’ available could change its nature if used for other purposes. For example,

research developing a new product could become a commercial activity. Any restriction

could impact on the innovative reach of data and, possibly, some technologies. What kind

of licencing could best be applied for such experimentation?

User barrier 31. Requires agreement

The requirement of obtaining a formal agreement prior to making any use of a resource is

not necessarily a barrier in itself if this is well designed. However, that is not often the

situation a user encounters: written consents from data providers are often required

following contact by a potential user via telephone or email. The latter could be replaced

and facilitated with a web form.

Proposal: More investigation on the reasons for requiring written consents prior to reuse

should be done, considering the balance between administrative burden, proper customer

support and the needs of users.

User barrier 32. Application of charges – Non-e-commerce platform

Again, this is not necessarily a barrier provided the user accepts the condition. The barrier

comes when the prices are not publicly available and/or they are abusive. Besides, not

having a proper e-commerce platform available to allow the user efficiently processing the

purchase transaction could be discouraging for the reusing of the resources.

Proposal: It would be advisable to check that the user is provided with the tools to

efficiently purchase data online, as well as to check that the pricing conditions are fair and

transparently published.

As a reminder, for the resources falling under the PSI Directive, the charges and other

conditions for re-use have to be pre-established and published. The Directive also indicates

that the charges for re-use should, in principle, be limited to the marginal costs of the

individual request (reproduction, provision and dissemination costs).

Finally, it must be noted that, as the user is actually a consumer, a notice mentioning the

consumers’ rights and obligations must be included. Relating to that, it is worth highlighting

the good practice found several times in the analysed terms of use of linking to the

European Online Dispute Resolution system (ODR28), allowing consumers making

complaints about goods and services purchased online.

User barrier 33. Lack of legal interoperability and data silos

This user barrier appears when a user needs to put together two or more resources whose

terms of use include different provisions, including cases where some of the data has more

constraints than others do. For example, if the user wished to produce an application

potentially for commercial purposes, where one of the datasets is free and the other one

explicitly restricts the use in an external network, he or she would face a legal

incompatibility that would be difficult to overcome.

The lack of legal interoperability could derive from ‘data use silos’, which are well

explained by the OKNF report ‘Avoiding Data Use Silos’ [14]: ‘Even if all licences are open,

they may prevent users from mixing data under multiple licenses because of incompatibility

among each other. Licences are compatible if people can combine works and distribute

them under one of these licences, or a third compatible licence. Licences must be at least

be ‘one-way compatible’. This means that it must be possible to provide a combined work

at least under the terms of the more restrictive licence.’


Page 54: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Proposal: It would be advisable for those data providers considering the review of the

applicable terms of use to avoid the creation and stimulation of data silos. In addition, the

inclusion of a compatibility section pointing out the known compatible licences could help

greatly the user thinking of producing new products including ‘mashups’.

In the OKNF words29: ‘Governments need to be very careful not to create data use silos.

We speak of silos whenever a data system is not compatible or integrated with another

data system. Use silos arise legally if it is not possible to combine data from different

sources, due to incompatible licensing. This problem becomes even more important as

governments turn towards supporting the free flow of public sector information such as

with Europe’s Digital Single Market strategy. Licence compatibility and maximum

simplicity of licences are paramount for creating effective data markets,

economic growth through data, cross-border data-sharing, and reuse of

government data by civil society.

Open Knowledge International strongly discourages governments from creating new

licences to avoid complicating the licence ecosystem further. Fundamental differences and

incompatibilities exist both between permissive and copyleft licences, and between

different copyleft licences.’

To avoid generating more confusion, and as indicated in the PSI Directive, Member States

are encouraged to use standard licences in digital format.


Page 55: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


6 Featuring good examples encountered

While capturing and checking the different variables under analysis, we have also

encountered good examples of terms of use relevant from a user-centric perspective.

Apart from the Creative Commons licence family, that has a long experience in making

legal codes more usable both from the data provider and re-user side, we found other

examples that we believe are worth highlighting.

6.1 Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data

Norway´s Licence30 for Public Sector Information and specifically for Open Government

Data, implements different features that make the document particularly accessible for

both users and machines.

In Figure 37, a screenshot of the beginning of the licence allows users to see the

versioning system that has been put in place using explicit and meaningful PIDs (in the

form of URIs). Those, together with the layout of the document, allow the user to browse

the different versions that have been issued, knowing at any moment which one he or she

is accessing and its status. In the image below, we also note that the document also

indicates that the displayed version has been deprecated.

Figure 37: Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data, deprecated version 1.0


Page 56: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


The legal text is clear, complete and well-structured, comprising most of the recommended

licensing provisions included within the European Commission guidelines on ‘recommended

standard licences, datasets and charging for the reuse of documents’ [10].

It counts eleven different sections accompanied by explanatory boxes covering:




Effects of breach of the licence


Proper use

Disclaimer of liability

Licence compatibility

New versions of the licence

Governing law and legal venue

It must be noted that unlike other analysed terms of use, this licence is comprised of not

only the usual copyright set of rights but also the database rights, which are often missing

in customised licences.

The lack of database right protection goes to the detriment of the data holder since it

leaves the content of the datasets unprotected, as copyright only covers the 'creativity' of

the data structure.

In this regard, the licence compatibility section must be highlighted, too (Figure 38). This

information facilitates the mapping exercise the user must face every time he or she has

to work with different licenced resources to check the license compatibility. This is put in

place by indicating how to proceed in the most frequent situations.

Figure 38: Excerpt from the English version of the 2.0 licence document

Page 57: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Moreover, it offers an English version of the licence along with a summary version, as

shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39: Summary version of the licence (translated with Google translate)

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6.2 Service Level Agreement from Danmarks Miljoportal

Although the INSPIRE infrastructure is powered by Network Services that need to comply

with strict quality service indicators (such as availability, capacity, performance; see

Figure 40) according to the Implementing Rule 976/2009 on Network Services [15],

almost none of the terms of use analysed made any mention of those aspects.

Figure 40: Requirements set By INSPIRE in regards to the quality of the network services

These aspects are usually not included by the terms of use provisions or, if covered, they

do so only partially under ‘non-liability’ sections, mentioning the right of the data publisher

to interrupt the service temporarily or permanently whenever needed.

However, we have identified a Service Level Agreement issued by Danmarks Miljoportal31

(Danish Environmental Portal) (Figure 41), covering in a very transparent way these

aspects, especially in relation with communication with potential re-users.

In particular, the document includes the following sections:


Production Environment

o Uptime of running web services

o Monitoring


o Managing changes

o Notification of changes in web services

o Rear compatibility

Operation of web services

o Amendment requests

o Rules for using the Danmarks Miljoportal exhibited web services

o Special circumstances

31 Service Level Agreement issued by Danmarks Miljoportal

Page 59: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


o Test and demo environment

o Other events

Opening hours Helpdesk support

From a re-user perspective, these service agreements are more suitable to the nature of

the INSPIRE Network Services than the common licence documents/terms of use usually

issued to protect information, be it images or datasets.

In more general terms, SLAs are recognised as a component of the European

Interoperability Reference Architecture’s (EIRA) [16] organisational view and their

role in INSPIRE and the tools used to handle such details could be of wider interest to other

data-sharing communities involved in e-government.

This sort of document adds further legal and technical certainties to the potential re-user

and could act as a stimulator for users to feel they can rely on the quality of public services,

knowing in advance how they will behave when they should respond, including the period

of maintenance (etc.). This tool can help build a reliable infrastructure.

Figure 41: WSLA for services under Danmarks Miljoportal

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7 Next steps and future lines of research

To contribute to the free flow of data, it is fundamental not only to make more data

resources available but also to have them properly described, and this includes their

applicable terms of use.

The open data initiatives contribute greatly to this free-flow data idea, but the

interpretation of what it means to be open diverges across organisations. Some

organisations use the term in a more rigid way than others do by including in it not only

the dimension of the applicable legal texts but also the format of the resources to ensure,

for example, technological neutrality. Therefore, an agreed definition of what the term

‘Open Data’ should mean is a priority, at least within the context of INSPIRE.

The experiment carried out by capturing and interpreting the terms of use has

demonstrated that, although INSPIRE provides mechanisms to define them, they appear

not to be efficient enough from an average user’s perspective. The use of two free text

fields, namely, `Conditions for Access and Use´ and ´Limitations on Public Access´, has

led to a large range of options for any user, who may also encounter vague, inaccurate,

inconsistent and/or unrelated information, when not missing.

While we wait for smarter technologies (making use of artificial intelligence that are able

to discern the conditions behind unstructured free text terms of use), we need to consider

improvements in interoperability by agreeing and implementing common rules.

Harmonisation could come through different and complementary actions:

Legally: By using a unique and common licence agreement used by all the INSPIRE

data providers or compatible harmonised licences. That would be helpful to put

order within the complex legal ecosystem, but would not fix the `noise’ from a

syntactical/technical point of view. Moreover, it would require modifying the

Regulation, since the data policy models are not meant to be governed by INSPIRE

but left to the data holders.

Technically: By defining, sharing and using further controlled vocabularies and

code lists to express the terms of use: more accurately, unambiguously and clearly.

Since it is not the scope of ARE3NA to address the first issue directly, we will focus on

possible technical solutions, where the definition of a set of combinable code lists

values could help to shape the different possibilities of terms of use.

7.1 New registers and code lists

To limit the noise produced by the free text fields dedicated to describing the terms of use,

we propose to use the value of a well-known and shared classification.

7.1.1 Licence Register

The first solution would be to create a kind of federated licence register offering harmonised

spellings and URLs of the applied licences in INSPIRE. However, this would be relevant only

for those resources that are governed by licences and, as shown in the analysis, the

majority of them use the inline metadata notice. Therefore, a licence register would be

partially helpful.

7.1.2 Digital Rights Register

In combination, when applicable with the ‘Licence Register’, we could foresee a hierarchical

code list, listing the different digital rights possibilities that would cover all the type of

rights or permissions granted, conditions required and prohibitions imposed.

This approach would be suitable for any resource regardless the application, the type of

terms of use put in place, including if it were a proper licence agreement, a website notice

or simply the inline metadata notice.

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The definition of vocabularies modelling the digital rights is not new. There are already

public vocabularies expressed in RDF used in the Web and Linked Data worlds, such as:

Open Data Rights Statement Vocabulary (ODRS) [17], ´A vocabulary that

supports the publication of Open Data by providing the means to capture machine-

readable "rights statements", e.g. the licensing information, copyright notices and

attribution requirements that are associated with the publication and re-use of a


Creative Commons Right Expression Language (CC REL) [18].´The Creative

Commons Rights Expression Language (CC REL) lets you describe copyright licenses

in RDF.´

The W3C Permissions & Obligations Expression Working Group Charter32 that

recently released the ODRL Vocabulary & Expression 2.2 recommendation [19].

´The Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) is a policy expression language that

provides a flexible and interoperable information model, vocabulary, and encoding

mechanisms for representing statements about the usage of content and services.

The ODRL Vocabulary and Expression describes the terms used in ODRL policies

and how to encode them´.

In the Geospatial domain, we are aware of the Standard ISO 19153:2014 [20] and OGC

Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Model (GeoDRM) [21] but they

can be seen as more sophisticated than maybe needed, since they address licence

management from a transactional point of view (Figure 42) including their integration in

access control mechanisms.

Figure 42: Semantics of licence structure as shown in the OGC Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Model


It is worth noting, in any case, the potential of the GeoDRM reference model when it comes

to specific spatiotemporal restrictions, for a given geographical space or over a specific

period, as explored in the Access Management Federation testbed experiments in


32 33 See

Page 62: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Our proposal would, therefore, involve looking into and re-using some or parts of the

ontologies proposed by the World Wide Web domain.

Attention should be drawn to Figure 43, which contains a screenshot of the Creative

Commons Rights Expression language, where we can see the relatively simple classification

of terms used.

Figure 43: Screenshot of the CC REL vocabulary


Page 63: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


The main concepts such as Work, Licence, Jurisdiction etc. are modelled as classes that

are later specialised in narrower terms, as found in the case of ‘permissions’, through

reproduction, distribution, Derivative-works etc. This vocabulary, despite its apparent

simplicity, is very rich and has embedded semantics. An excerpt of the RDF schema

encoding is shown in Figure 44.

Figure 44: Excerpt of the CC REL's RDF schema


The agreement on a similar code list would bring at least two advantages:

o By combining the values, we could model quite precisely the terms of use at such

point that the user would not even need to know the name of a licence or even

to access it to understand the granted permissions or the conditions and

obligations to be aware of.

Page 64: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


o Those code list values can be easily mapped and retaken by the informational systems

to allow the implementation of smarter and more user-friendly front-ends.

7.2 Improvement of data catalogues filtering functionalities

We envisage that the use of the proposed controlled vocabularies would allow the

development of web applications that are able to manage more easily and efficiently search

functionalities. An example of how these improvements could be developed is shown in

Figure 45 where faceted filters are available in the Europeana Collections catalogue34

to help browsing the rich collections of digitalised artworks, artefacts, books, videos and

sounds from across Europe.

Figure 45: Filter functionality for terms of use in the Europeana portal



Page 65: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


7.3 Licensing assistants powered by Linked Data

INSPIRE is taking some initial steps in the Linked Data world as a way to understand the

benefits that this could bring to geospatial data-sharing, while offering greater visibility

and reusability of spatial resources to other domains.

For example, INSPIRE has provided a representation of its metadata for the exchange

across data catalogues through the GeoDCAT specification [22]. It has also produced a

set of RDF ontologies and vocabularies [23] representing the conceptual models of the

INSPIRE geospatial features and drafted the INSPIRE RDF Technical Guidelines [24]to

encode traditional geospatial resources in RDF according to common rules to help maximise


We believe that the integration and testing of those RDF rights-related vocabularies within

the INSPIRE RDF resources could be readily undertaken.

The use of expression rights vocabularies could, for example, allow useful tools to be

developed that could support:

users, to get a quick summary of the legal codes or to automatically check the

compatibility of several licences; and

data providers, to produce and export ‘customised’ interoperable licences

semantically understandable and consumable by informatics tools such as

search engines.

Some research actions have taken already place in this regard. The tool Licentia35,

developed by INRIA in France is a good example of it. It describes itself as a ’suite of

services to support [the data provider] in looking for a suitable license for [his] data’.

In Figure 46, we provide a screenshot of the Licentia search engine, able to check

compatibility among different licenses. These functionalities are possible thanks to the use

of harmonised licence documents translated in RDF according to clear ontology rules. In

Figure 47 we can see how the semantic relationships are represented behind the scenes.

Figure 46: Licentia’s license search engine



Page 66: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Figure 47: Licentia's licence visualiser


With these potential avenues for further work, we can draw some conclusions from this


Another example of ´Licence selector´ aiming at helping the data/software provider is

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8 Conclusions

The analysis of the terms of use based on a sample of INSPIRE metadata from the Member

States has confirmed a high heterogeneity with implications for dataset usability.

Today unfortunately, it is not a straightforward task to figure out if an INSPIRE resource is

open and ready for reuse. More than 800 different terms of use were identified in our

sample, where most were in the form of multilingual, unstructured texts. Only a 15% of

them were supported by an external document, usually a licence agreement. This shows

that, unlike the software environment where licences are widespread, the use and

application of data licences is less mature.

Although INSPIRE has provided guidance and even proposed the reuse of licences and

Service Level Agreement templates to support legal interoperability (at least for data-

sharing between public bodies), those have been almost completely unused. In the sample,

we found only one resource using the ‘INSPIRE basic licence’ model. Around 60% of the

applied licences were customised organisational licences, often issued by local

administrations. The national and regional levels, instead, made more intensive use of

standard public licences and national licensing schemes (21% and 14% of the whole

resources, respectively). In particular, the Creative Commons attribution licences in

different versions and jurisdictions were found to be the standard public licences most

frequently chosen and harmonised national licensing schemes were partially applied by

Germany, United Kingdom, France and Norway.

As far as the ‘Limitations on Public Access’ are concerned, the analysis has demonstrated

that a very small portion of the resources (1.4%) were putting in place some Access Control

restriction, the most common reason, when provided, was related to the presence of

Intellectual Property Rights.

In regards to the format, the licence documents appeared to have richer and better-

structured information than the inline metadata and website notices. In general, the licence

documents were machine-readable and accessible online, although some examples were

still using PDF documents. Further improvements could take place by providing better

systems for the management and versioning of PIDs, by either providing English versions

of licence text or by incorporating a user-friendly summary of the legal texts.

While only 0.9% of the resources stated that there was an application of fees, nearly 43%

applied dual-licensing mechanisms, whereby the resources were provided for free provided

no more rights than those granted were used.

A more detailed analysis of the degree of openness perceived from the available

information and according to the OKNF’s Open Definition, has shown that less than a

quarter of the resources could be considered as Open Data even though they did not use

the `Open Data´ word in the relevant metadata fields. Most resources were seen as

`hybrid´ (55%) that is granting limited rights but, in general, prohibiting the commercial

exploitation of the data. The remaining examples found in the sample were explicitly

closed, requiring the separated agreement or authorisation request (12.5%) or simply

‘unknown’ because of the lack of details in the metadata’s information.

The user barriers encountered, as shown through the analysis, have different origins and,

consequently, our proposals to address them are also varied.

As already indicated in the background section, and confirmed with our findings,

the way INSPIRE defines the encoding of the terms of use in the description files

appears not to be optimal. This neither helps a user who is wanting to check the

conditions for the potential reuse of a resource nor the policy officer for monitoring

data usage.

Some barriers are somewhat technical, including typographic or compilation results

or when metadata fields are left empty. There are also cases involving the lack of

verification or checking the consistency of rules between the access and use

Page 68: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


conditions declared for the data and the download service(s) and the validity of the

links to access the licences.

Another group of barriers are derived from a lack of harmonisation of the data-

sharing policies within a country. Open Data initiatives have been embraced by

many public bodies and found in national strategic policies, but these are not yet

clearly identifiable through the metadata. Although we know that an improvement

is already in place in many countries, this is not yet fully visible in our sample.

Some barriers can be solved with technical solutions to check either consistency,

duplication of fields or by making use of standardised code lists or agreed text

options, instead of continuing to make use of free text fields. A significant type of

barrier is the great diversity of licences that users are confronted with, including

their varied terminology. From the usage perspective, there is a demand for

standardisation and improved legal interoperability. Further work is necessary to

arrive at such standardisation, with a related review of INSPIRE’s rules, given the

issues uncovered in the proposed adoption of common approaches. One item of

further research, therefore, would be to understand the motivations for using the

terms of use approaches in select organisations through more qualitative


The next actions should aim towards an improvement in interoperability. That could be

achieved through the challenging harmonisation of the licensing or through the

improvement of the terms of use semantics. As proposed, a way to proceed could be by

modelling the different terms of use by reusing some of the existing Digital Right

Expression languages to put order into the current highly varied legal landscape. This

expressivity could potentially lead to the development of tools that support both users and

data providers when interacting with the rights related to the reuse of public sector

information. One area of further work could involve not only considering geospatial data

policy in INSPIRE but also where INSPIRE is combined with other data, such as

environmental and statistical data holdings.

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9 Bibliography

[1] ‘Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March

2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European

Community (INSPIRE)’.


[2] ‘Commission Regulation (EU) No 268/2010 of 29 March 2010 implementing

Directive 2007/2/EC as regards the access to spatial data sets and services of the

Member States by Community institutions and bodies under harmonised



[3] ‘Guidance on the “Regulation on access to spatial data sets and services of the

Member States by Community institutions and bodies under harmonised



[4] ‘COMMISSION DECISION on the reuse of Commission documents’. http://eur-

[5] ‘EC Communication on Open Data’.


[6] ‘Directive 2013/37/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June

2013 amending Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of public sector information

Text with EEA relevance’.


[7] ‘Directive 2003/4/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January

2003 on public access to environmental information and repealing Council Directive



[8] ‘Commission Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008 of 3 December 2008 implementing

Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards

metadata (Text with EEA relevance)’.


[9] ‘Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE dataset and service

metadata based on ISO/TS 19139:2007’.

[10] ‘Commission notice — Guidelines on recommended standard licences, datasets and

charging for the reuse of documents’.


[11] Hernández Quirós, Lorena; Kounellis, Ioannis; Smith R. S., ‘Authentication,

Authorization and Accounting for Data and Services in EU Public Administrations -

INSPIRE Geoportal Protected Services Review’, 2015.

[12] Open Knowledge International, ‘Open Definition 2.1’.

Page 70: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


[13] B. van Loenen, ‘Harmonising Open Licences in the European Union: Been there,

done that. What’s next?’


[14] Open Knowledge International, ‘Avoiding Data Use Silos - How governments can

simplify the open licensing landscape’, 2017.

[15] ‘Commission Regulation (EC) No 976/2009 of 19 October 2009 implementing

Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the

Network Services’.


[16] ‘European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA)’.

[17] Leigh Dodds, ‘Open Data Rights Statement Vocabulary (ODMS)’.

[18] ‘Creative Commons Rights Expression Language (CC REL)’.

[19] W3C, ‘ODRL Vocabulary & Expression 2.2’.

[20] ‘ISO 19153:2014 - Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Model

(GeoDRM RM)’.

[21] ‘OGC Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Model (GeoDRM)’.

[22] ‘GeoDCAT specification’.

[23] ‘INSPIRE RDF ontologies’.


[24] ‘Guidelines for the RDF encoding of spatial data’. http://inspire-eu-

[25] ‘Technical Guidelines based on EN ISO 19115 and EN ISO 19119’.


[26] ‘Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE View Services’.


[27] ‘Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Download Services’.


[28] ‘Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Discovery Services’.


Page 71: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


List of abbreviations

ARE3NA A Reusable INSPIRE Reference Platform

ATOM Atom Syndication Format (Atom RFC 4287)

CC Creative Commons

CC BY Creative Commons Attribution

CC REL Creative Commons Right Expression Language

CSW Catalogue Service

DRM Digital Rights management

DSM Digital Single Market

ELISE European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government

INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community

IOT Internet of Things

ISA Interoperability solutions for public administrations

IR Implementing Rule

JRC Joint Reseacrh Centre

OGC Open Geospatial Consortium

OKNF Open Knowledge Foundation

ODBL Open Data Commons Open Database License

ODRS Open Data Rights Statement Vocabulary

PID Persistent Identifier

PSI Public Sector Information

RDF Resource Description Framework

SA Share-alike

SLA Service Level Agreement

REL Rights Expression language

SDI Spatial Data Infrastructure

TG Technical Guideline

WMS Web Map Service (OGC-WMS)

WMTS Web Map Tile Service (OGC WMTS)

WFS Web Feature Service (OGC WFS)

WSLA Web service level agreement

Page 72: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


List of definitions

Access Control Short term for referring to Authentication, Authorization,

and Accounting (AAA). ‘Term for a framework for

intelligently controlling access to computer resources,

enforcing policies, auditing usage, and providing the

information necessary to bill for services.’36


Availability Probability that the Network Service is available [IR


Capacity Limit of the number of simultaneous service requests

provided with guaranteed performance [IR 976/2009]

[Acceptable]Conditions In the licensing context, those are requirements the user

has to comply with (prior) to make use of the granted rights.

For the OKNF´s Open Definition, the ́ license must not limit,

make uncertain, or otherwise diminish the permissions

required in Section 2.1 except by the following allowable

conditions´: attribution, integrity, share-alike, notice,

source, technical restriction prohibition, non-agression.


Data provider The entity responsible for producing and/or making the

dataset available. In the report data provider/data holder

are treated as synonyms even if we are aware that some

distinctions could be done.

Data silos Use silos arise legally if it is not possible to combine data

from different sources, due to incompatible licensing.


Download service Enabling copies of spatial data sets, or parts of such sets, to

be downloaded and, where practicable, accessed directly

Discovery service Making it possible to search for spatial data sets and

services on the basis of the content of the corresponding

metadata and to display the content of the metadata

Dual-licensing Also known as ´Multi-licensing´. Is the practice of

distributing data under two or more different sets of terms

and conditions.

GetCapabilities OGC request allowing to retrieve metadata about the

service, including supported operations and parameters,

and a list of the available layers

Infrastructure for

spatial information

Metadata, spatial data sets and spatial data services;

network services and technologies; agreements on sharing,

access and use; and coordination and monitoring

mechanisms, processes and procedures, established,

operated or made available in accordance with this Directive

[Directive 2007/2/EC]


Page 73: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Implementing Rules Legally binding texts adopted as Commission Decisions or


Interoperability Possibility for spatial data sets to be combined, and for

services to interact, without repetitive manual intervention,

in such a way that the result is coherent and the added value

of the data sets and services is enhanced [Directive


INSPIRE licence This is a subtype of customised organisational licence laid

down by some organisations to share their INSPIRE-

relevant geospatial resources, not a legal text mandated by

the INSPIRE Directive.

Licence Any agreement, including licence agreements, contracts and

exchanges of e-mails or any other arrangement on access

by (Data-sharing IR)

A set of requests/permissions to users of a Work, e.g. a

copyright license, the public domain, information for

distributors [CC REL]

Licensor A licensor is the party that grants the license.

Licence compatibility In the software environment, ´is a legal framework that

allows for pieces of software with different software licenses

to be distributed together. The need for such a framework

arises because the different licenses can contain

contradictory requirements, rendering it impossible to

legally combine source code from separately-licensed

software in order to create and publish a new


Often called ´conformant licenses´ when approved after a

passing given criteria in an assessment of compatibility


Licensee The licensee is the party that receives a license

Linked data The Semantic Web is a Web of Data — of dates and titles

and part numbers and chemical properties and any other

data one might conceive of. The collection of Semantic Web

technologies (RDF, OWL, SKOS, SPARQL, etc.) provides an

environment where application can query that data, draw

inferences using vocabularies, etc. [W3C]

Machine-readable File format structured so that software applications can

easily identify, recognize and extract specific data, including

individual statements of fact, and their internal structure.

[PSI Directive]

Mashup (computer industry jargon), in web development, is a web

page, or web application, that uses content from more than

one source to create a single new service displayed in a

single graphical interface.[Wikipedia]

Page 74: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Metadata Information describing spatial data sets and spatial data

services and making it possible to discover, inventory and

use them

Mixed-licensing Practice that adds additional provisions upon an existing

licence document, generally to grant further rights.

Network service Web services provided in internet

Open Data Datasets that can be freely used, shared and built-on by

anyone, anywhere, for any purpose. This is the summary of

the Open Definition which the Open Knowledge Foundation

created in 2005 to provide both a succinct explanation and

a detailed definition of open data

Open Government Governing doctrine, which holds that citizens have the right

to access the documents and proceedings of the

government to allow for effective public oversight. In its

broadest construction it opposes reason of state and other

considerations, which have tended to legitimize extensive

state secrecy

Organisational licence A bespoke or custom-made licence is created by the data

publisher and introduces specific conditions with which the

user must comply. Bespoke or custom-made licences can be

written by the publisher or adapted from a standard licence

through the addition of new conditions and/or the

modification of existing ones.

Bespoke and custom-made licences can increase complexity

for users of open data.

They may introduce specific conditions that limit usage,

restrict data integration and, in some cases, are difficult for

users to comply with. []

Performance Minimal level by which an objective is considered to be

attained representing the fact how fast a request can be

completed within an INSPIRE Network Service [IR


Persistent Identifiers (PI or PID) is a long-lasting reference to a document, file,

web page, or other object.[Wikipedia]

Permissions Granted rights.

For the OKNF, Open Definition, the required permissions

that a licence must irrevocably permit (or allow) are the

following: use, redistribution, modification, separation,

compilation, non-discrimination, propagation, application to

any purpose, No charge.

Prohibitions Forbidding clauses of a licence. Often the Commercial use

(exercising rights for commercial purposes) is forbbiden.

Public Sector


any content whatever its medium (written on paper or

stored in electronic form or as a sound, visual or audiovisual

Page 75: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


recording)» when produced by a public sector body within

its mandate

Public authority For INSPIRE, this role could be

(a) any government or other public administration,

including public advisory bodies, at national, regional

or local level;

(b) any natural or legal person performing public

administrative functions under national law, including

specific duties, activities or services in relation to the

environment; and

(c) any natural or legal person having public

responsibilities or functions, or providing public

services relating to the environment under the control

of a body or person falling within (a) or (b). [Directive


Register Official list or reference codes

Reuser Generally, we refer to an end-user who exploits the data

resources to create added-value works.

There is a conceptual discussion between ´reuse´ and

´repurposing´. ´While:

‘Data reuse’ means taking a data asset and using

more than once for the same purpose.´

‘Data repurposing’ means taking a data asset

previously used for one (or more) specific

purpose(s) and using that data set four a

completely different purpose.´


Unported Licences that are not associated with any specific

jurisdiction (e.g. country).

Usability is the ease of use and learnability of a human-made object

such as a tool or device. In software engineering, usability

is the degree to which a software can be used by specified

consumers to achieve quantified objectives with

effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a quantified

context of use. [Wikipedia]

User barrier Also known as usability or experience obstacles.

´Barriers [and enablers] are properties, situations, or

conditions in the product development process, team, or

context that negatively [or positively] influence the usability

of a product.´37


Page 76: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Service Level


Official commitment that prevails between a service

provider and a client. Particular aspects of the service –

quality, availability, responsibilities – are agreed between

the service provider and the service user.[Wikipedia]

Spatial data Any data with a direct or indirect reference to a specific

location or geographical area

Spatial data set Any identifiable collection of spatial data



Non-binding documents describing detailed implementation

aspects and relations with existing standards, technologies

and practices in order to support the technical

implementation process. They may need to be revised

during the course of implementing the infrastructure to take

into account the evolution of technology, new requirements,

and cost benefit considerations.

Terms of use


Rules by which one must agree to abide in order to use a


View service Making it possible, as a minimum, to display, navigate,

zoom in/out, pan, or overlay viewable spatial data sets and

to display legend information and any relevant content of


Page 77: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


List of figures

Figure 1: Articles on the constraints related to access and use ................................... 6

Figure 2: Overview of the different clauses contained in the INSPIRE licences

agreements templates............................................................................................ 8

Figure 3: Relation of terms used in this report ........................................................10

Figure 4: Languages used in the metadata to express the terms of use .....................15

Figure 5: Availability of information for `Conditions for Access and Use´ metadata

element at both the metadata record and resource level ...........................................16

Figure 6: Availability of information for `Limitations on Public Access´ metadata element

at both the metadata record and resource level ........................................................17

Figure 7: Number of unique texts found for the ´Conditions for Access and Use´ by

country ...............................................................................................................18

Figure 8: Type of information provided within the `Conditions for Access and Use’ and

`Limitations on Public Access´ fields .......................................................................20

Figure 9: Literal comparison of information provided by the metadata records’ fields ...20

Figure 10: Conditions applying to the resources according to the metadata information

at both the metadata record and resource level ........................................................21

Figure 11: Terms of use according to the place where the provisions are developed ....22

Figure 12: Terms of use by their acceptance mode ..................................................23

Figure 13: Ways of referring to external terms of use (from metadata records

information) .........................................................................................................23

Figure 14: Issues encountered with external links ...................................................24

Figure 15: Proportion of resources whose terms refer to specific data licence documents


Figure 16: Data licences found by type ..................................................................25

Figure 17: Screenshot of the UK’s Ordnance survey Public Sector INSPIRE WMS End

User Licence ........................................................................................................26

Figure 18: Type of data licence documents used by the different administrative levels .27

Figure 19: Application of licensing schemes by country ............................................28

Figure 20: Use of standard public licences by type ..................................................29

Figure 21: Versions of standard public licences applied by the country .......................30

Figure 22: Proportion of international versus ported licences ....................................31

Figure 23: Encodings used by the external terms of use ...........................................32

Figure 24: Online terms of use following a URI pattern ............................................32

Figure 25: Licence by language ............................................................................33

Figure 26: Proportion of licences providing a user-friendly version of the legal text .....33

Figure 27: Versioning system used by the licence ...................................................34

Figure 28: Acceptable conditions required by the resources’ terms of use ..................35

Figure 29: Prohibitions stated in the terms of use ...................................................36

Figure 30: Terms of use regarding charging conditions ............................................36

Figure 31: Charges applied by type of resource ......................................................37

Page 78: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Figure 32: Charges applied by country...................................................................38

Figure 33: Details on how to access restricted resources ..........................................39

Figure 34: Degree of openness perceived according to the information contained in the

terms of use ........................................................................................................40

Figure 35: Degree of openness perceived according to the information contained in the

terms of use by country ........................................................................................41

Figure 36: Schema of the barriers encountered in the process of understanding the

rights of use of a resource .....................................................................................42

Figure 37: Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data, deprecated version 1.0 ......53

Figure 38: Excerpt from the English version of the 2.0 licence document ...................54

Figure 39: Summary version of the licence (translated with Google translate) ............55

Figure 40: Requirements set By INSPIRE in regards to the quality of the network

services ...............................................................................................................56

Figure 41: WSLA for services under Danmarks Miljoportal ........................................57

Figure 42: Semantics of licence structure as shown in the OGC Geospatial Digital Rights

Management Reference Model ................................................................................59

Figure 43: Screenshot of the CC REL vocabulary .....................................................60

Figure 44: Excerpt of the CC REL's RDF schema ......................................................61

Figure 45: Filter functionality for terms of use in the Europeana portal ......................62

Figure 46: Licentia’s license search engine .............................................................63

Figure 47: Licentia's licence visualiser ...................................................................64

Figure 48: Code list B.5.11 of ISO 19115, to be used to fill the Limitations on Public Use

when using the MD_SecurityConstraints.classification element ...................................81

Figure 49: Code list B.5.24 of ISO 19115, to be used to fill the Limitations on Public Use

when using the MD_LegalConstraints.accessConstraints classification element .............81

Figure 50: Requirements on Conditions for Access and Use for an INSPIRE view service

as indicated in the Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE View Services


Figure 51: Adding limitations on public access information in View services as indicated

in the Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE View Services. ...............83

Figure 52: Adding Limitations on Public Access information in an Atom type download

services as indicated in Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Download

Services ..............................................................................................................84

Figure 53: Adding limitations on public access information in an INSPIRE Discovery

service as indicated in the Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE

Discovery Services ................................................................................................84

Page 79: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


List of tables

Table 1: Number of resources harvested by country of origin ....................................12

Table 2: Resources harvested by its type ...............................................................13

Table 3: Number of distinct values found for `Conditions for Access and Use ‘and

`Limitations on Public Access´ ...............................................................................16

Table 4: Relation of number of unique texts for ‘Conditions for Access and Use´ by

responsible organisation ........................................................................................19

Table 5: Access mode to the INSPIRE resources based on the ´Limitations on Public

Access´ information ..............................................................................................21

Table 6: Comparison of information on public/restricted access from metadata ...........22

Table 7: List of national licences encountered .........................................................31

Table 8: Reasons provided for restricting the access to the resource ..........................39

Table 9: Description of the metadata elements for describing the terms of use ...........78

Table 10: Rules to encode the terms of use’ metadata elements according to the

Metadata Implementing Rule .................................................................................78

Table 11: Encoding of the metadata elements according to Metadata technical guidelines


Table 12: Encoding of the metadata elements according to Metadata technical guidelines

2.0 .....................................................................................................................80

Table 13: Encoding of the INSPIRE View Service metadata elements including

information on terms of use ...................................................................................82

Table 14: Encoding of the Download Service metadata elements including information

on terms of use ....................................................................................................83

Table 15: Encoding of the Discovery services metadata elements including information

on terms of use ....................................................................................................83

Page 80: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions



Annex 1. Requirements and encoding rules to include terms of use details

within the INSPIRE resources

Annex 1.a. Metadata records

The Implementing Rules 1205/2008 on Metadata [3] indicate which are the metadata elements applicable to spatial data sets and services, along with their multiplicity and their value domains. An excerpt of it is shown in Figure 1.

Further rules and best practices to include terms of use information is included within the

technical guidelines on metadata. There are two different versions of them: the 1.3 [25]and

2.0 [9], the latter already considers feedback and identified issues from implementation

experience, notably on ‘Conditions for Access and Use’ and ‘Limitations on Public Access’.

However, the analysed metadata were still following the 1.3.0 version according to the

date when those were harvested.

An overview of the rules to represent the terms of use information within the

metadata records files is specified in the following tables.

Table 9: Description of the metadata elements for describing the terms of use

Conditions for Access and Use Limitations on public access

Description: This metadata element

defines the `Conditions for Access and Use´

of spatial data sets and services, and where

applicable, corresponding fees as

required by Article 5(2) (b) and Article 11(2)

(f) of Directive 2007/2/EC.

Description: When Member States limit

public access to spatial data sets and

spatial data services under Article 13 of

Directive 2007/2/EC, this metadata

element shall provide information on the

limitations and the reasons for them.

Multiplicity: 1* both for spatial data and


Multiplicity: 1* both for spatial data and


Table 10: Rules to encode the terms of use’ metadata elements according to the Metadata Implementing Rule

Conditions for Access and Use Limitations on public access

Value domain: Free text Value domain: Free text

Allowed values:

‘no conditions apply’, shall be used if

no conditions apply to the access and use

of the resource

‘conditions unknown’, if conditions are


If fees are applicable, refer to a uniform

resource locator (URL) where

information on fees is available.

Allowed values:

No values are provided

However, if there are no limitations

on public access, this metadata

element shall indicate that fact.

Page 81: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Table 11: Encoding of the metadata elements according to Metadata technical guidelines 1.3.0

Conditions for Access and Use Limitations on public access












Value domain: Free text Code list

Free text Code list

Allowed values:

If no conditions apply to the access and

use of the resource, ‘no conditions

apply’ shall be used (Requirement 33)

Recommended the provision of a URL to

detailed information


limited to

the value

defined in

B.5.24 of


See the

values in

Figure 49

If there are



on public

access, use

the free


available in




aints to

enter `No


s´ in the


used for



See Figure



code list

B.5.11 of

ISO 19115)

Page 82: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Table 12: Encoding of the metadata elements according to Metadata technical guidelines 2.0

Conditions for Access and Use Limitations on Public Access

Value domain: Free text

It shall not be the same than Limitations


Value domain: Free text and code list

It shall not be the same than `Conditions

for Access and Use´ field

Allowed values - Combination of:

Allowed values:

The limitations on public access (or lack of

such limitations) are based on reasons

referred to in point (a) or in points (c) to

(h) of Article 13(1)

Combination of:

One instance

of either


nstraints or


raints element

shall be given.

In both cases,

this element

shall contain a



element with

code list value



If no conditions apply the

gmd:otherConstraints shall

include a gmx:Anchor

element pointing to the


`noConditionsApply´in the

code list



one instance of



ctionCode element

with code list value


at least one

instance of



pointing to one of

the values from the

code list for



If the conditions are


gmd:otherConstraints shall

include a gmx:Anchor

element pointing to the

value `conditionsUnknown´

in the code list



In other cases

gmd:otherConstraints shall

include a Non-empty Free

Text Element with a textual

description of the conditions

in the language of the

metadata. This text shall

include descriptions of

terms and conditions,

including where applicable,

the corresponding fees or

an URL pointing to an online

resource where these terms

and conditions are


If there are no

limitations on

public access, the

element shall point

to the code list



Page 83: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Figure 48: Code list B.5.11 of ISO 19115, to be used to fill the Limitations on Public Use when

using the MD_SecurityConstraints.classification element


Figure 49: Code list B.5.24 of ISO 19115, to be used to fill the Limitations on Public Use when using the MD_LegalConstraints.accessConstraints classification element


Page 84: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Annex 1.b. Network services

Even if the metadata records already describe the INSPIRE services, the implementation

of the network services include an additional description layer. For example, in the OGC

type ones, the description layer comes through an operation called GetCapabilities, which

also provides information regarding the terms of use.

The only obligation a network service has to comply with is to provide a link to the INSPIRE


The next encoding rules come from technical guidelines, and thus they are not legally

binding since there is no reference to them within the Network services implementing rule.

In the next tables are provided the rules applying for every type of INSPIRE Network


Table 13: Encoding of the INSPIRE View Service metadata elements including information on

terms of use










Source: View services technical guidelines [26]

Conditions for Access and Use Limitations on Public Access

Path to mapped element: Path to mapped element:

wms:Fees (OGC-WMS)

See Figure 50

wms:AccessConstraints (OGC-WMS)

See Figure 51

Value domain: Free text Value domain: Free text

Allowed values:

‘no conditions apply’, shall be

used if no conditions apply to the

access and use of the resource

‘conditions unknown’, if

conditions are unknown

Allowed values:

The use of ‘None’ is recommended

when no limitations on public access


When constraints are imposed, the

MD_RestrictionCode code list

names may be used as defined in [ISO

19115, Annex B – Data Dictionary,

Section 5.24 available at Figure 49

Figure 50: Requirements on Conditions for Access and Use for an INSPIRE view service as indicated in the Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE View Services

Page 85: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Figure 51: Adding limitations on public access information in View services as indicated in the

Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE View Services.

Table 14: Encoding of the Download Service metadata elements including information on terms of use












Source: Download services technical guidelines [27]

Conditions for Access and Use Limitations on Public Access

Path to mapped element: Path to mapped element:

ows:Fees (OGC WFS) ows:AccessConstraints (OGC WFS)

Not mapped (ATOM) rights (ATOM)

Value domain: Free text Value domain: Free text

Allowed values:

No values are provided

Allowed values:

No values are provided

Table 15: Encoding of the Discovery services metadata elements including information on terms of














Source: Discovery services technical guidelines [28]

Conditions for Access and Use Limitations on Public Access

Path to mapped element: Path to mapped element:

ows:Fees (OGC CSW) ows:AccessConstraints (OGC CSW)

Value domain: Free text Value domain: Free text/Code lists

Allowed values:

No values are provided, but if fees

are applicable, it must be


Allowed values:

Different values can be added depending

on the way of describing it. See Figure 53.

Page 86: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Figure 52: Adding Limitations on Public Access information in an Atom type download services as

indicated in Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Download Services

Figure 53: Adding limitations on public access information in an INSPIRE Discovery service as indicated in the Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Discovery Services

Page 87: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Annex 2. Collection of the predefined values for the Conditions for access and

use metadata element as indicated in the different language versions of the

Implementing Rules on metadata

English (EN) no conditions apply conditions unknown

Bulgarian (BG) не се прилагат условия неизвестни условия

Spanish (ES) no se aplican condiciones condiciones desconocidas

Czech (CS) žádné podmínky neplatí podmínky nejsou známy

Danish (DA) ingen betingelser betingelser ukendte

German (DE) Es gelten keine Bedingungen Bedingungen unbekannt

Estonian (ET) Tingimusi ei rakendata Tingimused ei ole teada

Greek (EL) δεν ισχύουν όροι άγνωστοι όροι

French (FR) aucune condition ne s’applique conditions inconnues

Croatian (HR) ne primjenjuju se uvjeti uvjeti nisu poznati

Italian (IT) nessuna condizione applicabile condizioni non note

Latvian (LV) bez nosacījumiem nosacījumi nav zināmi

Lithuanian (LT) Netaikomos jokios sąlygos Sąlygos nežinomos

Hungarian (HU) nincs vonatkozó feltétel ismeretlen feltételek

Maltese (MT) l-ebda kundizzjoni ma tapplika kundizzjonijiet mhumiex


Dutch (NL) geen voorwaarden voorwaarden niet bekend

Polish (PL) brak warunków warunki nieznane



sem restrições condições desconhecidas

Romanian (RO) fără condiții condiții necunoscute

Slovakian (SK) neuplatňujú sa žiadne


podmienky neznáme

Slovenian (SL) ne velja noben pogoj pogoji niso znani

Finnish (FI) ei käyttöehtoja käyttöehdot tuntemattomat

Swedish (SV) inga tillämpliga villkor villkor okända

Page 88: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Annex 3. Fields from data source

Code Description Example




Refers to the type of resource. The

possible values are:

- For download services

`WFS´ or `ATOM`

- For view services `WMS´

or `WMTS`.

- For discovery services


- For transformation services






It is the real URL that the script

uses to perform different requests

to get among other data its HTTP

status code.










HTTP status code returned after

the testing of the `cURL Effective






The format of the resource

targeted expressed by means of

the MIME type. Often this

information comes with the

character encoding used.

This information is provided

directly by the server (if


text/xml; charset=UTF-8




Two-letter code for the country of

origin of the resource. The

information comes from the

metadata in the proxy browser.







Name of the responsible

organisation. The information

comes from the metadata in the

proxy browser.

Landesamt für Geologie und

Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt

(LAGB), Dienstsitz: Halle (Saale),

Abteilung Geologie, Dezernat

Geodatenservice, Träger

öffentlicher Belange, Controlling






Name of the responsible

organisation automatically

translated to English from the field

`MD: Responsible Organisation´

State Agency for Geology and

Mining of Saxony-Anhalt (LAGB),

Office: Halle (Saale), Department

of Geology, Department geodata

service, public agencies,


Page 89: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Code Description Example



for Access

and Use

Conditions for accessing and using

the resource. The information

comes from the metadata in the

proxy browser.




for Access

and Use_en

Conditions for accessing and using

the resource automatically

translated into English from the

field `MD: Conditions for Access

and Use`

For a detailed information on the

INSPIRE rules applying to this field

refer to Annex 1.

There are no conditions



on Public


Details on possible limitations on

Public Access as for instance the

presence of access control

mechanisms. The information

comes from the metadata in the

proxy browser.

aufgrund der Rechte des geistigen




on Public


Details on possible limitations on

Public Access automatically

translated to English from the field

`MD: Limitations on Public


For a detailed information on the

INSPIRE rules applying to this field

refer to Annex 1.

because of intellectual property


NS: Fees Information on fees from the

Network services descriptions. This

element maps the `Conditions for

Access and Use´ metadata


[Not available/Not applicable]



Information on fees from the

Network services descriptions.

Automatically translated into

English from the field `NS: Fees`

[Not available/Not applicable]




Information on the potential

existence of constraints coming

from either the OGC type network

services metadata documents

(‘Access Constraints’ element)

either from the ATOM feed ‘rights’.

[Not available/Not applicable]




Details regarding constraints,

automatically translated to English

from the field `NS:


[Not available/Not applicable]

Page 90: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Annex 4. Terms of use elements examined

Annex 4.a. Metadata records and network service description level

To be able to capture and classify the information provided are properly, it is compulsory

to understand the rules and recommendations laid down by INSPIRE to make available

information on licensing. A review of the implementation rules and technical guidelines

applying to those is available in Annex 1.

Field name Field definition Field


Possible values

Language of

the metadata


Checks if the contents of

the original Metadata

are expressed in English

or not.

The fields reviewed are

´MD:Conditions for

Access and Use´ and

´MD: Limitations on

Public Access'.

Code list English (official language)

English (Not official language)

Not in English

Mixed languages

No data

Type of

'Conditions for

Access and


Checks and classifies the

contents provided within

the 'Conditions for

Access and Use_en´

metadata element.

The table provided in

Annex 2, has been

reused over the not

translated terms first to

assign the values.

Code list No conditions apply

Conditions unknown

Conditions apply

No data

Not related

Info in

'Conditions for

Access and


Checks, there where

conditions apply, the

type of information that

is provided and assigns

it to the nearest option.

The information comes

from 'Conditions for

Access and Use_en´.

Code list No data

Information on use

Information on access

Information unrelated

Information unknown


available from

'Limitations on



Checks the type of

information that is

provided and assigns it

to the nearest option.

The information comes

from ´MD: Limitations

on Public Access’.

Code list No data

Information on use

Information on access

Information unrelated

Information unknown

Access mode Extracts the information

on the mode of access


Code list Public


Unknown/Not mentioned

Page 91: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Field name Field definition Field


Possible values

Reason for

Restricting the

Public Access

Checks, there where

limitations on access

have been pointed out, if

any reason has been

provided for restricting

the public access to the


Code list Article 13 a - the

confidentiality of the

proceedings of public

authorities, where such

confidentiality is provided for

by law

Article 13 b - international

relations, public security or

national defence

Article 13 c -the course of

justice, the ability of any

person to receive a fair trial

or the ability of a public

authority to conduct an

enquiry of a criminal or

disciplinary nature

Article 13 d - the

confidentiality of commercial

or industrial information,

where such confidentiality is

provided for by national or

Community law to protect a

legitimate economic interest,

including the public interest

in maintaining statistical

confidentiality and tax


Article 13 e - intellectual

property rights

Article 13 f - the

confidentiality of personal

data and/or files relating to a

natural person where that

person has not consented to

the disclosure of the

information to the public,

where such confidentiality is

provided for by national or

Community law

Article 13 g - the interests or

protection of any person who

supplied the information

requested on a voluntary

basis without being under, or

capable of being put under, a

legal obligation to do so,

unless that person has

consented to the release of

the information concerned;

Article 13 h -the protection of

the environment to which

such information relates,

such as the location of rare


Page 92: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Field name Field definition Field


Possible values

Limited Access - Reason not


Limitations unknown

No limitations - Public Access

No data

No info on access

Other reasons

for restricting

Public Access

If none of the

restrictions considered

under the Article 13 is

suitable, indicate other

reason for the resource

being restricted.

Free Text

Access request


Checks if any possibility

of accessing the request

is given and how.

Code list Not applicable

Yes by email

Yes by telephone

Yes through web application

Contact is needed but not


Not mentioned

Public resource

´Terms of

use´ contents

Checks by combining the

fields ‘Conditions for

Access and Use_en ' and

'Limitations on Public

Access_en ' the way the

terms of use are made


Code list Referring to an external


Referring to a contact

Incomplete terms

Inline terms and conditions

No data

Not related

Unknown terms


Comparison of



Checks if the information

provided in the

‘Conditions for Access

and Use_en ' and

'Limitations on Public

Access_en ' fields is the


Code list Same content

Different content

No data

Degree of



Degree of openness

perceived by the user,

according to the

information provided by

the metadata records.

Code list Public Domain





Page 93: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Annex 4.b. Terms of use formal examination

Field name Field definition Field


Possible values

External link Collects the link of the

licence as indicated in

the metadata, if any.





Not available

URI pattern Checks if the URL

provided for the licence

follows a URI pattern, if


Code list URI


Not applicable

Link to the real


If the URL indicated in

the metadata is not

valid or has changed,

indicate the correct one.





Not applicable

URL issue If applicable, details on

any issue encountered

with the URL provided.

Code list Broken link

Redirected link

Wrong link

Not final URL

Good link

No link

Not applicable



Checks if there is a

user-friendly or human-

readable version of the

licence (deed).

Code list Summary version

No summary version

Not applicable

English version Checks if the licence

document is available at

least in English.

Code list English version

Also an English version

No English version

Not applicable

Link to the

English version

if available

URL to an English

version of the licence, if






Not available

Encoding of the

terms of use

Encoding or distribution

format in which the

licence document is


Code list HTML




Inline metadata

Type of licence


Checks if the license

document is under any

specific scheme.

Code list No licence document

Standard Public Licence

Standard Government


Page 94: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Field name Field definition Field


Possible values

Organisational Licence


Type of licence


Checks if the licensing

conditions cover a

single use case or more

than one or if

alternatively mixes

different licenses by

relying on a third

licence document.

Code list Normal Licence

Mixed licence

Dual licence


Is there

information on

the version or

date of the


Checks if the licence

information refers to a

particular version of a

licence or if it has date

of reference.

Free text Yes - There is a version


Yes - There is a date


Yes - There is both a version

and a date reference


Provide values If a particular version is

mentioned, indicate the


Free text

Jurisdiction Checks if the license

mentions its jurisdiction

of application.

Code list International

Ported / National

Annex 4.c. Terms of use / licence identification

Field name Field definition Field


Possible values

Name of the


Collects the name of the

licence as mentioned in

the metadata


Free text

/ Code list

[Found value]

Not provided

Not applicable

Full name of the

licence (Original


Looks for the official

name of the licence in

its original language.

Free text

Full name of the

licence (English)

Looks for a translation

or it translates to

English the official name

of the licence.

Free text

Code / licence ID Gives an internal

Acronym for cleaning up


Free text [value]

Not applicable

Page 95: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Annex 4.d. Content examination – rights granted

Collection of attributes following the permissions to conform an Open Licence as defined


Field name Field definition Field


Possible values /


Use The license must allow

free use of the licensed


Code list Yes - Permitted


Unknown/Not mentioned

Redistribution The license must allow

redistribution of the

licensed work, including

sale, whether on its own

or as part of a collection

made from works from

different sources.



Code list Yes - Permitted


Unknown/Not mentioned

Modification The license must allow

the creation of

derivatives of the

licensed work and allow

the distribution of such

derivatives under the

same terms of the

original licensed work.


Code list Yes - Permitted

Unknown/Not mentioned


Separation The license must allow

any part of the work to

be freely used,

distributed, or modified

separately from any

other part of the work

or from any collection of

works in which it was

originally distributed. All

parties who receive any

distribution of any part

of a work within the

terms of the original

license should have the

same rights as those

that are granted in

conjunction with the

original work. (OD_2.14


Code list Yes - Permitted

Unknown/Not mentioned


Compilation The license must allow

the licensed work to be

distributed along with

other distinct works

without placing

restrictions on these

other works. (OD_2.1.5


Code list Yes - Permitted

Unknown/Not mentioned


Page 96: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Field name Field definition Field


Possible values /




The license must

not discriminate against

any person or group.

(OD_2.1.6_ Non-


Code list Yes - Permitted

Unknown/Not mentioned


Propagation The rights attached to

the work must apply to

all to whom it is

redistributed without

the need to agree to

any additional legal



Code list Yes - Permitted

Unknown/Not mentioned


Application to

Any Purpose

The license must allow

use, redistribution,

modification, and

compilation for any

purpose. The

license must not restrict

anyone from making

use of the work in a

specific field of



to Any Purpose )

Code list Yes - Permitted

Unknown/Not mentioned


No charge The license must

not impose any fee

arrangement, royalty,

or other compensation

or monetary

remuneration as part of

its conditions.

(OD_2.1.9_No charge)

Code list Free of charge

Free of charge under


Fees apply

Unknown/Not mentioned

Annex 4.e. Content examination – acceptable conditions

Field name Field definition Field


Possible values /


Attribution The license may require

distributions of the work

to include attribution of

contributors, rights

holders, sponsors, and

creators as long as any

such prescriptions are

not onerous.

Code list Required

Unknown/Not mentioned



If applicable, indicate if

a pattern or example to

give credit is provided

Free text/

Code list


Not provided

Not applicable

Page 97: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Field name Field definition Field


Possible values /


Integrity The license may require

that modified versions

of a licensed work carry

a different name or

version number from

the original work or

otherwise indicate what

changes have been


Code list Required

Unknown/Not mentioned

Share-alike The license may require

distributions of the work

to remain under the

same license or a

similar license.

Code list Required

Unknown/Not mentioned

Notice The license may require

retention of copyright

notices and

identification of the


Code list Required

Unknown/Not mentioned

Source The license may require

that anyone distributing

the work provide

recipients with access to

the preferred form for

making modifications.

Code list Required

Unknown/Not mentioned




The license may require

that distributions of the

work remain free of any

technical measures that

would restrict the

exercise of otherwise

allowed rights.

Code list Required

Unknown/Not mentioned

Non-aggression The license may require

modifiers to grant the

public additional

permissions (for

example, patent

licenses) as required for

the exercise of the

rights allowed by the

license. The license may

also condition

permissions on not

aggressing against

licensees with respect to

exercising any allowed

right (again, for

example, patent


Code list Required

Unknown/Not mentioned

Page 98: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


Annex 4.f. Content examination – prohibitions

Field name Field definition Field


Possible values /




Restriction refraining

from making exploitation

targeting economical


Code list Allowed

Not allowed

Unknown/Not mentioned

Derivatives Restriction refraining to

produce works based on

given resource

Code list Allowed

Not allowed

Unknown/Not mentioned



Restriction refraining to

use the resource in

external networks

Code list Allowed

Not allowed

Unknown/Not mentioned

If other, which


Any other prohibition Free text

Page 99: Study of the terms of use applied in the INSPIRE resources · INSPIRE metadata description files. In the metadata the ‘Conditions


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ISBN 978-92-79-79910-5