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Study Course 2

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/6/2019 Study Course 2


  • 8/6/2019 Study Course 2


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    The Main Precepts in Islaam

    1. Islaam is the Religion oftawheed;1 and belief in the existence of one

    Creator of the Universe is a truth in which every reasoning mind believes.

    This Creator is the only Deity Who deserves to be worshipped, by such

    acts as halaalslaughter, swearing oaths and especially duaa`, 2 as

    Allaahs Messenger (I) says: Ad-duaa` - that is worship. (Narrated by

    At-Tirmizi, who described it as hasan-saheeh 3) As such, it is not

    permissible to direct any part of ones worship to other than Allaah.

    2. Islaam unites people and does not cause divisions: That is, the Muslim

    believes in all of the Messengers whom Allaah sent to guide mankind andbring order to their lives. And the Messenger Muhammad (I) is the Seal

    of the Prophets and the Law which he brought abrogates all those prior to

    it, by the Command of Allaah, Most High. Allaah sent him to all of

    mankind, to save them from the tyranny of distorted religions and to

    deliver them to the justice and fairness of Islaam, the protected Religion.

    3. Islaam is easy to understand and clear and does not accept

    khuraafaat, 4 perverted beliefs or complex philosophies and it is good for

    implementation in all times and all places.

    4. Islaam does not place an impenetrable barrier between the material and

    the spiritual; rather, it views life as consisting of both, and it does not

    neglect one in favour of the other. Islaam confirms the equality and

    brotherliness of all Muslims and rejects differences based upon race or

    tribe, as Allaah says:

    1Tawheed: Professing the Oneness of Allaah.2Duaa :Supplicating Allaah.3Hasan-saheeh: Somewhere between the levels ofhasan (good) andsaheeh (authentic).4Khuraafaat: Those superstitions and incredible stories so beloved of Christians and some misguidedsects, such as the Sufis, Qadyaanis,Braillwis and their like, in which saints supposedly performedmiracles such as bringing the dead to life, curing the lepers and so on, or in some cases, performingmiracles even greater than those performed by Allaahs Messengers by His Will.

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    conditions, in a state of humility).

    3. Giving zakaah (- when a Muslim possesses more than 85gms. Of gold

    or its equivalent in money, he must pay 2.5% of it as zakaah after it has

    been in his possession for one year. Other forms of wealth have their own

    specified rates).

    4. Pilgrimage to the House of Allaah (is an obligation upon whomsoever

    has the means [finances, health and security] to perform it).

    5. Fasting the month of Ramadhaan (- which entails abstinence from

    food, drink and intimate relations and all of those thingswhich may break

    the fast, from dawn until dusk, with the intention having been made each

    day to fast). (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari and Muslim)


    The Pillars of Eemaan (Faith)

    To believe in:

    1. Allaah (i.e. His Oneness in matters of worship, Lordship and in His

    Names and Attributes).

    2. His angels (- beings created from light, who carry out the Commands

    of Allaah).

    3. His Books (the Tauraah, 10 theInjeel, 11 theZaboor12 and the Qur`aan,

    which is the greatest of them).

    4. His Messengers (- the first of whom was Nooh (Noah Y) and the last

    of whom was Muhammad (I).

    9Ahaadeeth: Plural ofhadeeth (sayings and actions of the Prophet (I) or those of which he approved.10Tauraah: Given to Moosaa (Moses Y).11Injeel: Given to Eesaa (Jesus Y).12Zaboor: Given to Dawood (David Y).

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    5. The Last Day (- the Day of Resurrection, when mankind will be called

    to account for their deeds).

    6. And to believe in Qadar, 13 both the good and the bad of it (at the same

    time undertaking the necessary measures to achieve ones objectives).


    Ad-Duaa` -That is Worship

    This authentic hadeeth, narrated by At-Tirmizi, proves that duaa` is

    one of the most important forms of worship; and just as it is forbidden to

    pray to one of Allaahs Messengers or a waliyy,14

    it is forbidden to makeduaa to them, rather than Allaah.

    1. Those Muslims who say: Oh, Messenger of Allaah! or: Oh, you

    men of the unseen! (Send us) help and support! are making duaa`

    which is an act of worship directed to other than Allaah. Even if the

    intention was that Allaah is the One Who helps and supports, it would

    like the case of one who associates partners with Allaah, the Almighty,

    the All-powerful, but claims that his intention was (to say) that there is

    only one Deity and in such a case, his action would not be accepted,

    because it contradicts his stated intention. The intention and belief and the

    deed must be in agreement; if not, it is shirk15 orkufr, 16 which Allaah

    will not forgive, unless he turns to Him in repentance.

    2. If the Muslim says that his intention was to use them (i.e. the people

    upon whom he called) as intercessors with Allaah, like a Governor who

    cannot be approached except through an intermediary, then he is guilty of

    13 Qadar: Allaahs Divine Predetermination of events. (This does not mean fatalism, rather it meansthe knowledge and acceptance that Allaah has written everything since before the beginning ofcreation.)14Waliyy: A person believed to be a protector, saint, or someone specially chosen by Allaah.15Shirk: Associating partners with Allaah.16Kufr: Disbelief in Allaah.

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    ascribing human attributes to Allaah, in that he is comparing Allaah with

    an unjust human being. Such a comparison is a form ofkufr. Allaah

    declares Himself free from any such comparisons, saying:

    } {) 11:42(_Thereis nothing whatsoeverlike Him and Heis the All-hearing, the

    All-seeinga (Soorah Ash-Shooraa 42:11)

    Ascribing to Allaah the attributes of a just man is an act ofshirkand

    kufr, so what about ascribing to him the attributes of an unjust man?

    Allaah is far above that which the unjust ascribe to Him!

    3. The polytheists in the time of the Messenger (I) believed that Allaah is

    the Creator and Sustainer, but they called their protectors who were

    represented by idols, as intercessors whom they believed would bring

    them nearer to Allaah. However, Allaah did not accept this from them;

    rather, He branded them as disbelievers, saying:


    {) 3:39(

    _Those who take for protectors other than Allaah (say): We only

    serve them in order that they may bring us nearer to Allaah. Truly,

    Allaah will judge between them in that which theydiffer. But Allaah

    guides not thedisbelieving liara (Soorah Az-Zumar39:3)

    - Allaah, Most High is Near17 and He hears: He needs no intercessor, for

    He says:

    } {) 186:2(

    _And when My slaves askyou about Me (say that) I am indeedclose

    to thema (Soorah Al-Baqarah 2:186)

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    4. Those polytheists used to call upon Allaah Alone in times of severe

    hardship; Allaah says:


    {) 22:10(

    _And the waves come to them from every side and they thinkthat

    they will be overwhelmed:They pray to Allaah sincerely, offering

    (their)duty to Him, saying: If You deliver us from this, we shall

    surely be grateful.a (Soorah Yoonus 10:22)

    - but in times of ease, they would call upon their protectors, representedby their idols and because of this, the Qur`aan branded them disbelievers.

    So what may be said of those Muslims who call other than Allaah, such

    as the Messengers and the pious people, asking for their aid and seeking

    relief from them in times of severe hardship and affliction andin times of

    ease? Have they not read the words of Him, Most High:


    {) 46:5-6(

    _And who is more astray than one who invokes, besides Allaah, such

    as will not answer him until the Day of Resurrection, and who are

    unconscious of theircalls? And when mankind are gathered together

    (on the Last Day), they will be hostile to them anddeny their

    worship (i.e. their supplication)a (Soorah Al-Ahqaaf46:5-6)

    5. Many people believe that the polytheists mentioned in the Qur`aan

    17 That is, in His Hearing, His Seeing and His Knowledge.

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    used to worship mere stone idols, but this is not correct; in fact, those

    stone images were of righteous men: Al-Bukhaari reports, on the

    authority of Ibn Abbaas (X) concerning the Words of Allaah, Most

    High in Soorah Nooh:}


    ) 23:71(

    _And they said (to each other): Do not abandon your god s:

    Abandon not Wadd, nor Suwaa, nor Yaghooth, nor Yaooq nor

    Nasra (Soorah Nooh 71:23)

    - that he said: These were the names of righteous people from among the

    people of Nooh. Then after those people had died, Satan came to the

    people and inspired them, saying: Erect images of them in your meeting-

    places where they used to sit and name them with their names. This they

    did, but they were not worshipped until those people had died and the

    knowledge (of why they were placed there) was forgotten and then t hey

    (the images) were worshipped.

    6. In rejection of those who worship the Prophets and (so-called)

    protectors, Allaah says:


    {) 17:


    _Say: Call upon those who you claim (as deities) besides Him:They

    have neither the power to relieveyou from harm nor to changeit.

    Those whom theycall upon do seek(for themselves) means of access

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    to their Lord as to who are nearest. They hope for His Mercy and

    fear His Wrath: For the Wrath ofyour Lordis something to take

    heed ofa (Soorah Al-Israa` 17:56-57)

    In histafseer


    of these Verses, Ibn Katheer says that they wererevealed concerning a number of men who worshipped the jinn and called

    upon them besides Allaah, and that those jinn embraced Islaam. It was

    also said that they were revealed concerning some men who used to

    worship the Messiah (Eesaa [Y]) and the angels. These Verses reject

    those who call upon other than Allaah, even if it be a Prophet or waliyy.

    7. Some people claim that seeking aid from other than Allaah is allowed

    and they say: Allaah is the One Who actually gives aid, and calling upon

    the Messengers and awliyaa` is only figuratively speaking, like when one

    says: The medicine cured me, or: The doctor cured me. This is

    rejected by the words of Ibraaheem (Y):


    {) 26:78-80(

    _Heit is Who created me andit He Who guides me, Who gives me

    food anddrinkand when I am ill,it is He Who cures mea (Soorah

    Ash-Shuaraa` 26:78-80)

    - Allaah has affirmed, by the use of the expression He it is Who in

    each Verse, that guidance, sustenance and cure from disease come from

    Him and no other and that the medicine is the means of the cure, not the

    healer.8. Many people do not differentiate between seeking aid from the living

    and seeking it from the dead, but Allaah, Most High says:

    } {) 22:35(

    18 Tafseer: Explanation and commentary.

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    _Nor are alike those that areliving and those that aredeada (Soorah


    - And He says:

    } {) 15:28(

    _Then the man of his own people appealed to him against his foe a

    (Soorah Al-Qasas 28:15)

    This is the story of a man who came to Moosaa (Y) seeking protection

    from his enemy and Moosaa (Y) came to his aid:

    } {) 15:28(

    _And Moosaa struckhim with his fist andkilled hima (Soorah Al-

    Qasas 28:15)

    But as for the dead, it is forbidden to seek aid from them, for they

    cannot hear any supplication; and even if they could hear, they could not

    respond, as they are unable to do so. Allaah, Most High says:

    } {) 22:35(

    _Ifyou invoke them, they will not hearyourcall, andif they were to

    hear, theycannot answer (your prayer). On the Day of Resurrection,

    they willreject yourshirka (Soorah Faatir22:35)

    - This is a clear evidence that making duaa` to the dead isshirk.

    Allaah, Most High also says:}

    {) 16:20-21(

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    _Those whom theyinvoke besides Allaah create nothing and are

    themselves created. (They are)dead,lifeless; nordo theyknow when

    they will beraised upa (Soorah An-Nahl16:20-21)

    9. It has been authentically reported in a number of a ahaadeeth that onthe Day of Resurrection, the people will come to the Prophets and ask

    them to intercede with Allaah, until they come to Muhammad (I) and

    they will ask him to intercede with Allaah for relief. He (I) will say: I

    will do so. Then he will prostrate before the Arsh19 and request Allaah

    to relieve them and bring forward the Reckoning. This intercession will

    be a request from the Messenger (I) while he is alive (i.e. following theResurrection),speaking to the people and they to him. They will ask him

    to intercede on their behalf with Allaah and to ask Him to relieve them

    and this is what he will do

    10. The greatest proof of the difference between beseeching the living

    and beseeching the dead is in the action of Umar Ibn Al -Khattaab (X),

    when they were afflicted by drought. He went to Al -Abbaas (X), the

    uncle of the Messenger (I) and requested him to make duaa` (to Allaah)

    for them; he did not ask the Messenger (I) after he had passed on to the

    next life.

    11. Some of the people of knowledge think that tawassulis the same as

    istighaathah, whereas the difference between them is very great:

    Tawassulis a request to Allaah by means of something, such as thesaying: Oh, Allaah! By Your Love and by our love for the Messenger of

    Allaah (I), relieve us. This is permissible. As foristighaathah, that is a

    request to other than Allaah, such as the saying: Oh, Messenger of

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    Allaah! Relieve us. This is forbidden, because it is majorshirk. Allaah,

    Most High says:


    {) 106:10(_Norcall upon other than Allaah: Such can neither profit you nor

    hurt you; ifyou do so,you willcertainly be among the wrong -

    doers 20a(Soorah Yoonus 10:106)- And He says:

    } {) 20:72(

    _ Say: I do no more than invoke my Lord and I do not associate anypartners with Him. a (Soorah Al-Jinn 72:20)

    - And the Messenger (I) said: When you ask, ask Allaah; and when you

    seek help, seek it from Allaah. (Narrated by At-Tirmizi, who graded it


    - And the poet said:

    Allaah! I ask that He relieve our distress,

    For distress is not removed except by Allaah.


    Where is Allaah?

    Allaah, Who created us, has obliged us to know where he is, that we

    may turn our hearts to Him, and direct our invocations and prayers toHim. And whoever does not know where his Lord is, remains lost, not

    knowing where is the Object of his worship; and he has not fulfilled the

    obligations of worship.

    20Arsh: Throne.

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    Allaahs Divine Attribute of being Elevated above His creation is like

    the rest of His Attributes mentioned in the Qur`aan and in authentic

    ahaadeeth, such as His Hearing, His Seeing, His Speech, His Descending

    and other Divine Attributes. The belief of the righteous Salafand the

    group who will be saved (from the Hell-fire), AhlAs-Sunnah Wal-

    Jamaaah, is belief in that about which He has informed us in His Book,

    or that about which His Messenger (I) has informed us in his ahaadeeth,

    without changing or negating the meaning and without comparison (with

    His creation), as in His Words:

    } {) 11:42(

    _Thereis nothing whatsoeverlike Him and Heis the All-hearing, the

    All-seeinga (Soorah Ash-Shooraa 42:11)

    Because these Attributes, such as His being above His creation, are a

    part of His Self, it is incumbent upon us to believe in them, just as it is an

    obligation for us to believe in His Self. That is why Imaam Maalik, when

    questioned concerning the meaning of Allaahs Words:

    } {) 5:20(_The Most Beneficent has ascended over theThrone a (Soorah Taa

    Haa 20:5)

    - The Ascension is well know, though the how of it is not understood,

    and belief in it is obligatory. Observe, oh, my Muslim brother, the words

    of Imaam Maalik (may Allaah have mercy on him), how he considered it

    to be an obligation upon every Muslim, though just how it is, is not

    known No one knows it except Allaah.

    Verily, everyone who rejects any of the Attributes of Allaah confirmed

    in the Qur`aan and hadeeth, such as His Elevation and His being above

    the heavens, is a denier of Qur`aanic Verses and Prophetic hadeeth.

    20 That is, the disbelievers.

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    Hammaad, the Shaikh24 of Al-Bukhaari, said: Whoever compares

    Allaah with His creation, or rejects an Attribute of Allaah by which He

    describes Himself, has committed an act of disbelief; and there is no

    similitude in that by which Allaah has described Himself, nor in any

    description of Him given by His Messenger (I). (Mentioned by the

    author of Sharh Al-Aqeedah At-Tahaawiyyah).


    Allaah is Above the Throne

    The Noble Qur`aan, the authentic ahaadeeth, sound logic and the

    uncorruptedfitrah confirm this.

    1. Allaah, Most High says:

    } {) 5:20(

    _The Most Beneficent has ascended over theThrone a (Soorah Taa

    Haa 20:5)

    - This meaning (i.e. ascended, risen) is confirmed by a narration of Al-Bukhaari, on the authority of the Taabioon. 25

    2. And Allaah says:

    } {) 16:67(

    _Do you feel secure that He Who is in the samaa` will not causeyou

    to be swallowed up by theearth?a (Soorah Al-Mulk67:16)

    - Ibn Al-Jawzi reports that Ibn Abbaas (X) said (regarding this Verse):He is Allaah.

    3. And He, Most High says:

    24Shaikh: Teacher.25 Taabioon: Those Muslims who met one or more of the Companions (]).

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    } {) 50:16(

    _They fear their Lord above thema (Soorah An-Nahl16:50)

    4. And He, Most High says, concerning Eesaa (Y):

    } {) 158:4(

    _No, Allaah raised him up unto Himselfa (Soorah An-Nisaa` 4:158)

    - That is, Allaah raised him up to the heavens.

    5. And He, Most High says:

    } {) 3:6(

    _Heis Allaah in as-samaawaat(the heavens)a (Soorah Al-Anaam


    - Ibn Katheer explained this Verse thus: TheMufassiroon26 are agreed

    that we do not say, as do theJahmiyyah (a misguided sect) that Allaah is

    in every place. Far above that is He, the Most High! (The expression in

    as-samaawaat means above the heavens)

    As for His Words:

    } {) 4:47(_Heis with you whereveryou may be a (Soorah Al-Hadeed47:4)

    - it means that He watches over you and sees everything you do,

    wherever you may be. And wherever you are, He is equally well

    acquainted with all of you and He sees you and hears you all.

    6. And the Messenger of Allaah ascended to the seventh heaven where he

    his Lord spoke to him and made incumbent upon him the five prayers (as

    reported by Al-Bukhaari and Muslim)

    7. And he (I) said: Do they not trust me, when I am the trusted one of

    Him Who is in thesamaa`? (He is Allaah; and in thesamaa` means:

    above the heavens or: in the highest place.)

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    8. And he (I) said: Treat those on earth with mercy and compassion

    and He Who is in thesamaa` will treat you likewise. (He is Allaah.)

    (Narrated by At-Tirmizi, who said that it is hasan-saheeh)

    9. The Messenger (I) questioned a slave-girl and he asked her: Where is

    Allaah? She replied: In thesamaa`. He then asked her: Who am I?

    She answered: You are Allaahs Messenger. He said: Free her, for

    she is a believer. (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari)

    10. And he (I) said: The Arsh is above the water and Allaah is above

    the Arsh and He knows what (beliefs and practices) you are upon. (A

    sound hadeeth reported by Abu Dawood)

    11. Abu Bakr (X) said: Whoever worshipped Allaah, (he should know

    that) Allaah is in thesamaa , Living, and He does not die. (Narrated by

    Ad-Daarimi in The Reply to the Jahmiyyah , with an authenticsanad27)

    12. Abdullaah Ibn Al-Mubaarak was asked: How may we know our

    Lord? He replied: Verily, He is above the heaven, over the Arsh, apart

    from His creation. (That is, he is literally (not metaphorically) above the

    Arsh, separate from His creation, and He does not resemble any of His

    creatures in His Exaltedness.)

    13. The four Imaams 28 all agreed that Allaah is above His Arsh and that

    none of His creatures resembles Him.

    14. The worshipper says, when he prostrates in prayer: Subhaana

    Rabbial-Aalaa 29 and when he makes duaa`, he raises his hands and

    directs his supplication to the heavens.15. Even a child, when you ask him where is Allah, will reply in

    accordance with his unsulliedfitrah: He is in thesamaa`.

    26Mufassiroon: Scholars oftafseer.27Sanad: Chain of narrators.28 Abu Haneefah, Maalik, Ash-Shaafii and Ahmad.

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    16. The healthy intellect confirms that Allah is in the samaa`; if He were

    in every place, the Messenger (I) would have informed us of it and his

    Companions (]) would have known it. It is also important to note that

    every place would include dirty, polluted places. Allah is far above that

    which they say about Him!

    17. The saying that Allaah is with us in His Person in every place

    necessitates a belief in a multiplicity or personages, because the number

    of places is innumerable. Since Allahs Personage is One, Indivisible, the

    saying that He is in every place in His Person is demonstrably false. It is

    confirmed that Allah is above the heaven, over His Arsh and He is with

    us in His Knowledge and His Hearing and He sees us wherever we may



    Things Which Invalidate a Persons Islaam

    There are a number of actions which invalidate a persons Islaam; if aMuslim performs any one of them, he has committed an act ofshirk,

    which will nullify his deeds and he will dwell in the Hell-fire eternally

    and Allaah will not forgive him unless he turns to Him in repentance.

    They are:

    1. Making duaa` to other than Allaah, such as the Prophets, awliyaa`, the

    dead or the absent living. The proof of this is in Allaahs Words:


    {) 106:10(

    _Anddo not call upon other than Allaah; such can neither profit you

    29 That is, Exalted be He, Most High.

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    nor harm you: Ifyou do so,verily,you will be one of the wrong -

    doers 30a (Soorah Yoonus 10:106)

    - and the Prophet (I) said: Whoever dies as one who invokes other than

    Allaah as a partner to Him will enter the Fire. (Narrated by Al -Bukhaari)2. Aversion of the heart to the belief in the Oneness of Allaah and

    abhorrence of invoking Him and seeking aid from Him Alone; and a love

    in the heart for invoking the Prophets, awliyaa`, the dead or the absent

    living and for seeking help from them. The evidence for this is in

    Allaahs Words:


    {) 45:39(

    _And when Allaah Aloneis mentioned, the hearts of those who

    believe not in the Hereafter are filled with disgust; but when (false

    deities) other than He are mentioned, behold, the are filled with joy!


    (Soorah Az-Zumar39:45)

    - This Verse includes those who fight those who seek help from Allaah,

    Alone and brand them Wahhaabis, 31 though they know that they are

    calling the people to tawheed.

    3. Slaughtering an animal in the name of a Prophet orwali; the evidence

    for this is in Allaahs Words:

    } {) 2:108(

    30 That is, the disbelievers.31Wahhaabis: An insulting term used by the innovators and misguided sects, intending by it to suggestthat those who reject theirshirkand bida(innovations) are following something new, invented by thegreat Muslim reformer and scholar, Muhammad Ibn Abdil Wahhaab. We seek refuge with Allaahfrom that! It is interesting to note, incidentally, that this is invariably the way of the innovators and allthose who have gone astray; while those who follow the righteous Salafbring evidence from theQur`aan and the authentic Sunnah, for what they say, the people ofbida, being unable to refute theirarguments, resort to name-calling, Wahhaabi being the mildest of them.

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    _So pray to your Lord and slaughter (in His Name) a (Soorah Al-


    - and the Messenger (I) said: Allaah has cursed those who slaughter for

    other than Allaah. (Narrated by Muslim) 4.Swearing by any of Allaahs creatures, with the intention of worshipping

    him, or of drawing closer to Allaah, when all vows should be for Allaah,

    Alone. Allaah, Most High says:

    } {) 35:3(

    _My Lord! I dedicate to You what is inside me for Your special

    servicea (SoorahA

    aliImraan 3:35)

    5. Making tawaafaround a grave with the intention of drawing closer to

    Allaah, or with the intention of worshipping the inhabitant, for only the

    Kabah should be circumambulated. The proof of this is in Allaahs


    } {) 29:22(

    _andcircumambulate the Ancient House (i.e. theKabah)a (Soorah

    Al-Hajj 22:29)

    6. Depending totally on other than Allaah; and the evidence for this is in

    Allaahs Words:

    } {) 84:10(

    _Then in Him put your trust ifyou are (truly) Muslimsa (Soorah

    Yoonus 10:84)

    7. Bowing or prostrating to kings or other v.i.p.s whether living ordead with the intention of performing an act of worship, unless it is

    done due to ignorance, for bowing and prostrating are for Allaah, Alone.

    8. Rejecting any of the recognized pillars of Islaam, such as prayer,

    zakaah, fasting or Hajj, or rejecting any of the pillars of faith, such as

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    belief in Allaah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day

    and Qadar, the good and the bad of it, or any other matter which is

    known to be an obligatory part of the Religion.

    9. Hating Islaam or any other matter which is agreed by all to be an act of

    worship, or Islaamic dealings, Islaamic economics or Islaamic manners

    and customs, for Allaah says:

    } {) 47:9(

    _That is because they hated that which Allaah has revealed (i.e. the

    Qur`aan), so He has made theirdeeds fru itlessa (Soorah Muhammad


    10. Making fun of anything in the Qur`aan or authentic hadeeth, or any

    matter upon which the scholars of Islaam are agreed; the evidence for this

    is in Allaahs Words:



    ) 65:9(

    _Say: Was it at Allaah and His Signs and His Messenger that you

    were mocking? Make no excuses: You havedisbelieved after having

    believeda (Soorah At-Tawbah 9:65)

    11. Clearly rejecting anything in the Qur`aan or the authentic hadeeth

    which would amount to disbelief, if it were done knowingly and


    12. Cursing Allaah or His Religion or insulting the Prophet (I) or making

    fun of him, or criticizing the Message he brought.

    13. Knowingly rejecting any of Allaahs Names or His Divine Attributes,

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    17. Claiming the right for other than Allaah to make laws, as in

    dictatorship, democracy or any other manmade system which permits

    laws contradicting the Law of Allaah, for Allaah, Most High says:

    } {)21:42(

    _Ordo they have partners who haveestablished for them some

    religion without the permission of Allaah?a (Soorah Ash-Shooraa


    18. Forbidding what Allaah has made permissible or permitting what

    Allaah has forbidden, such as permitting adultery, alcoholic beverages or

    usury, for Allaah says:

    } {) 275:2(

    _But Allaah has permitted trade and forbidden usury a (Soorah Al-

    Baqarah 2:275)

    19. Belief in destructive ideologies, such as communism, which preaches

    that there is no God, or Jewish Freemansonry, or Marxist socialism or

    secularism, or Arab nationalism, which prefers the Arab non-Muslim

    over the non-Arab Muslim. The evidence for this is in Allaahs Words:


    {) 3:85(

    _If anyonedesires other than Islaam as a religion,it will never be

    accepted from him andin the Hereafter, he will be one of thelosersa

    (Soorah Aali Imraan 3:85)

    20. Substituting another religion for Islaam, or embracing another

    religion; the proof for this is in His Words:


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    {) 217:2(

    _And whosoever turn back from their faith anddiein unbelief, their

    deeds will be futilein this life andin the Hereafter a (Soorah Al-

    Baqarah 2:217)

    - And the Prophet (I) said: Whoever changes his religion, kill him.

    (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari)

    21. Helping the Jews, the Christians, the Communists or their allies

    against the Muslims, for Allaah says:


    {) 28:3(_Let not the Believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather

    than Believers: If anydo that, he shall have no relation left with

    Allaah except by way of precaution, 32 that you may guardyour-

    selves from thema (Soorah Aali Imraan 3:28)

    22. Not accepting that Communists, who reject the existence of Allaah,

    are disbelievers, or the Jews and Christians, who reject the Prophethood

    of Muhammad (I), because Allaah has described them as disbelievers,



    {) 6:98(

    _Verily, those who disbelieve from among the People of the Bookand the polytheists will bein the Hell-fire to dwell therein forever, for

    they are the worst ofcreaturesa (Soorah Al-Bayyinah 98:6)

    32 When fearing harm from an enemy, the Believer may pretend, as long as the belief in his heart andhis intention remain unaffected.

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    23. The belief of some Sufis n the oneness of existence: i.e. that

    everything in existence is a part of Allaah; indeed, their leader went so far

    as to say: The dog and the pig are no more or less than our God; and

    Allaah is naught but the priest in the church. And their leader, Al -Hallaaj

    said: I am He and He is I. Because of this, he was condemned by the

    scholars to death and executed.

    24. Endorsing secularism and claiming that there is no place for politics

    in Islaam, because this is a denial of the Qur`aan, the hadeeth and the

    Seerah33 of the Prophet (I).

    25. The saying of some of the Sufis, that Allaah has granted positions of

    power and trust to some of their so-called saints from among their

    leaders, for this isshirkof Lordship and contradicts the Words of Him,

    Most High:

    } {) 63:39(

    _To Him belong thekeys of the heavens and theearth a (Soorah Az-


    26. These things which nullify Islaam are like those things which nullifyones ablution, in that if a Muslim commits any of them, he mus t renew

    his Islaam (just as he would renew his ablution) and he must abstain

    henceforth from committing such acts and turn in repentance to Allaah

    before he dies, in which case, his deeds would be fruitless and he would

    dwell eternally in the Hell-fire. Allaah, Most High says:

    } {)


    _Ifyou were to associate (gods with Allaah),yourdeeds would be

    33Seerah: Biography, life story.

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    truly fruitless andyou would surely be among thelosers a (Soorah Az-


    - And the Messenger of Allaah (I) taught us to say: Oh, Allaah! We

    seek refuge with You from (the sin of) knowingly associating anypartners with You and from unknowingly doing so. (Narrated by

    Ahmad, who said that it is hasan)


    Do Not Believe the Imposters

    The Prophet (I) said: Whoever went to a fortuneteller or soothsayer

    and believed in what he said has disbelieved in what was revealed to

    Muhammad. (Narrated by Ahmad, who said that it is authentic). Belief

    in Astrologers, soothsayers, fortunetellers, sorcerers, geomancers,

    mediums and any others who claim knowledge of the mind, or the future

    or the (hidden) past is haraam, because such knowledge belongs to

    Allaah, Alone, as He, Most High says:

    } {) 6:57(

    _And He (Alone) has fullknowledge of the secrets of (all) hearts a

    (Soorah Al-Hadeed57:6)

    - And He says:

    } {)

    65:27(_Say: Nonein the heavens and theearth knows what is hidden

    except Allaha (Soorah An-Naml27:65)

    The prognostications of such people are no more than guesses and

    conjecture and most of it is lies from Satan none but the mentally

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    impaired believe it. If they really knew the unseen, they would uncove r

    treasures from the earth; instead, when they are in need, they turn to

    people and devour their wealth through falsehood; and if they were

    truthful, let them uncover the secrets of the Jews so that we may foil



    Do not Swear by OtherThan Allah

    1. The Prophet (I) said: Do not swear by your fathers; whoever swears

    by Allaah, he should be believed; and whoever was sworn to in Allaahs

    Name, should be content, for whoever was not content is not from

    Allaah. (Narrated by Ibn Maajah, who said it is authentic)34

    2. And he (I) said: Do not swear by your fathers, nor your mothers, nor

    other deities. Do not swear except by Allaah and do not swear unless you

    are truthful. (Narrated by Abu Dawood, who said that it is authentic) 35

    3. And he (I) said: Whoever swore by other than Allaah has committed

    an act ofshirk (associating partners with Allaah). (An authentic hadeeth

    narrated by Ahmad and others)

    4. And he (I) said: Whoever swore falsely to a judge, intending by it to

    misappropriate the wealth of a Muslim man, will meet with Allaahs

    Wrath. (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari and Muslim)

    5. And he (I) said: Whoever swore an oath to do something, then saw a

    better course of action, should do that which is better and he should make

    expiation for that which he swore to. (Narrated by Muslim)

    34 See Saheeh Al-Jaami # 7124.35 See Saheeh Al-Jaami # 7126.

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    6. And he (I) said: Whoever swore to something, but added the

    condition: - in shaa` Allaah (if Allaah wills it) may pursue it, or he may

    leave it without having to make any expiation. (An authentic hadeeth

    narrated by An-Nasaa`i)36

    7. Abdullaah Ibn Masood (X) said: I would rather swear by Allaah to

    a lie than swear by other than Allaah to the truth. 37

    8. The Prophet (I) said: If any of you swore by Al-Laat or Al-Uzzaa, he

    should say: None is worthy of worship except Allaah, and whoever said

    to his companion: Come, let us gamble, should give something in

    charity. (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari and Muslim)9. Whoever falsely swore by a community other than Islaam, then he will

    be as he said. (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari and Muslim) This means that if

    a person were to say that if he did a certain thing, he would be a Jew if

    he intended by it to magnify such a thing, it would be an act of disbelief,

    whereas if he intended it literally, it should be looked into ( to a scertain

    the truthfulness of the statement); but if he desired that it should be so,

    then it would be an act of disbelief, because desiring disbelief is

    tantamount to disbelief.. However, if he intended by his words to distance

    himself from such a thing, it would not be an act of disbelief. (See Fath

    Al-Baari 11/539)

    Benefits Derived FromThese Ahadeeth

    1. It is forbidden to swear by the Prophet (I), TheKabah, al-amaanah

    (trust, honesty), ones covenant (az-zimmah), ones child or ones parents,

    36 See Saheeh Al-Jami # 6082

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    honour, so-called saints or protectors or any other created thing; to do

    so is to commit an act of minorshirk, because it is associating partners

    with Allaah by glorifying that by which by which an oath is sworn. It is a

    major sin which must be prohibited and must be abandoned by those who

    do it and they must turn in repentance to Allaah. Swearing by other than

    Allaah might even be an act of majorshirk if the one who swears believes

    that the saint or protector by whom he swears has the power to dispose

    of his affairs or to take revenge upon him if he swore falsely by him,

    because in doing so, he has attributed to this being that which belongs to

    Allaah: The power of disposal of affairs, of vengeance and harm.

    2. Swearing by other than Allaah is not the same as the legal Islaamicdefinition of swearing an oath and as such, it is not an obligation to act

    upon it, nor is it necessary to perform an act of expiation.

    3. Whoever swore to cut off family ties or commit an act of disobedience

    should not do so, but he should make an expiation for it which is

    described in His Words:




    _Allaah will not holdyou accountable for what is unintentionalin

    your oaths, but He willcallyou to account foryourdeliberate oaths:Forexpiation, feed ten indigent persons on a scale of what is average

    for the feeding ofyour families, orclothe them, or give a slave his

    37 Some scholars have cast doubt on the authenticity of this narration, however, its meaning is correct,for certainly, it is a greater sin to swear truthfully by other than Allaah, which is shirk, than to swear toa lie by Allaah, which is a great sin, but does not constitute shirk.

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    Thus, if a person abandons prayer or drinks alcohol, he is deserving of

    punishment because of his disobedience to the Commands of Allaah and

    His Prohibitions; and when he does so, it is necessary that he turn in

    repentance to Allaah and he cannot make Allaahs Qadaran excuse

    actions. Rather, he should attribute to the Qadarthe calamities which

    befall him, in the knowledge that they are from Allaah and he should be

    content with his lot. Allaah, Most High says:


    {) 22:57(

    _No misfortunecan happen on earth orin your souls but is recorded

    in a Bookbefore We bring it into existencea (Soorah Al-Hadeed



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    Soorah Al-Alaq

    (The Clot)


    )1( )2(

    )3( )4( )5(In the Name of Allaah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

    1. _Read,in the Name ofyour Lord, Who createda Allaah addresses

    the Prophet I, commanding him to recite in the Name of Allaah, the One

    and Only Creator.

    2. _Created man from a clot a This verse is an explanation of the last

    verse; that is, He created him from a blood clot.

    3. _Read, andyour Lordis the Most Generous a Indeed He is Most

    Generous, having blessed us with the ability to read and write amongst

    others.4. _Who taught by the pen a That is, to read and write.

    5. _Taught man that which heknew not a All knowledge in the hands

    of mankind comes from Allaah.

    )6( )7( )8(

    )9( )10(

    )11( )12( )13( )14(

    )15( )16( )17(

    )18( )19(

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    6. _No!Verily, man does transgress all bounds a That is, it not fitting

    that man should be so, that he should receive sustenance from his Lord,

    Who created him and fashioned him and then he disbelieves in Him. He

    transgresses all the limits set by Allaah for him and is arrogant towardsHim.

    7. _Because heconsiders himselfindependent a He thinks that he is

    self-sufficient, in no need of his Lord.

    8. _Surely unto your Lord will beyourreturn a To face theReckoning.

    9. _Haveyou seen him who prevents a This verse was revealed

    concerning Abu Jahl, the uncle of the Prophet I and an avowed enemy of


    10. _A slave when he prays? aIt was said that Abu Jahl used to

    threaten the Prophet I not to pray near theKabah, saying: If I see

    Muhammad praying, I will surely tread on his neck. When Allaahs

    MessengerI heard this, he said: If he does so, the angels will seize

    him. (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari).

    11. _Do you consider,if heis rightly guided? a That is, have you not

    considered that Muhammad I may be upon the right path, and following

    guidance from Allaah when he prays?

    12. _Orenjoins piety? a That is, that Muhammad I calls upon the

    people to fear Allaah?

    13. _Do you consider,if herejects and turns away? a That is, Abu

    Jahl if he rejects the Message brought by Muhammad I from Allaah?

    14. _Knows he not that Allaah sees? a Does he not realize that Allaah

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    sees his evil deeds, and as a result, fear Him?

    15. _No! If heceases not, We shallcatch him by the forelocka That

    is, no! The matter is not as Abu Jahl claims, that he will tread on the neck

    of Muhammad I. He cannot do so, for he will not be allowed to reach

    him. If he does not cease tormenting and persecuting the Prophet I

    Allaah will seize him by his face (the forelock being a euphemism for the

    whole face), and he will be flung in the Fire.

    16. _A lying, sinful forelocka That is, its owner is a lying, sinful man.

    17. _Then let him call upon his councila That is, let Abu Jahl call upon

    his council of helpers and advisors.18. _We shallcallaz-zabaaniyaha Allaah will call the guards of Hell

    to take him and throw him into the Fire. It was also said that az-

    zabaaniyah are angels, whose feet are on earth, and whose heads are in

    the heaven.

    19. _No! Do not obey him! Fall prostrate anddraw neara That is, do

    not obey Abu Jahl, but instead prostrate to Allaah in prayer and by doing

    so - which in effect, means moving away from Abu Jahl - draw closer to

    Allaah. Abu Jahl cannot harm you for We protect you from him.

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    Soorah Al-Qadr

    (The [Night of] Decree)


    )1( )2(

    )3( )4(

    )5(In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

    1. _Verily, We have sent it down in the night ofAl-Qadra That is,

    Allaah sent down the whole Qur`aan in one time to the lowest heaven on

    the night ofAl-Qadr, which is the night when Allaah makes His Decrees

    at the end of the year.

    2. _And what will makeyou know what is the night ofAl-Qadr? a

    That is, you cannot know what it is this is said in order to glorify that

    night.3. _The night ofAl-Qadris better than a thousand months a That is

    deeds pleasing to Allaah, when performed on this night are better and

    more rewarded than the same deeds performed for a thousand months

    which do not include the night ofAl-Qadr.

    4. _Therein descend the angels and the Spirit by the permission of

    their Lord, with every Decreea The Spirit is the angel JibreelY. He

    and the other angels descend to the earth by Allaahs permission, with the

    Decrees which He has ordained for that year.

    5. _Peaceit is, until the appearance ofdawn a That is, the night ofAl-

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    Qadris free from any evil, from the start of it at sunset, until its end at the

    first light of dawn.

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    Soorah Al-Bayyinah

    (The Clear Evidence)


    )1( )2( )3(


    )5(In the Name of Allaah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

    1. _Those who disbelieved from among the people of the Scripture

    and the pagans would not leave until therecame to them theclear

    evidencea Allaah informs us that the disbelievers from among the Jews

    and Christians and the pagans and polytheists were not going to abandon

    their disbelief until there came to them the clear evidence, which is the


    2. _A Messenger from Allaah reciting pure pages a That is,

    Muhammad I, reciting the Qur`aan, which is free from all falsehood.

    2. _In them are straight Laws a That is, just and correct.4. _And the people of the Scripturedid not differ until after there

    came to them theclearevidence a The Jews and Christians did not

    disagree until Muhammad I came to them with the Revelation given to

    him (i.e. the Qur`aan and the Sunnah).

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    5. _And they were ordered not,except to worship Allaah, and

    worship none but Him Alone, andestablish prayers and givezakaah

    and that is theright Religion a That is, the Jews and Christians were

    only commanded to obey Allaah and worship Him in the manner ordain -ed by Him. And that is the straight and just Religion.




    6. _Verily, those who disbelieved from among the people of theScripture and the pagans will abidein the Hell-fire. They are the

    worst ofcreatures a This will be the end of all disbelievers, that they

    will enter the Hell-fire to dwell therein for all eternity. They are despised

    by Allaah.

    7. _Verily, those who believe anddo gooddeeds, they are the best of

    creatures a That is, those who believe in the Oneness of Allaah, His

    Messenger, Muhammad I and all of His Commandments. A number of

    scholars have also concluded from this verse that the righteous Believer is

    superior in rank to the angels.

    8. _Theirrewardis with their Lord Gardens ofAdn beneath

    which rivers flow; they will abide therein forever, Allaah Well-

    pleased with them and they with Him. That is for him who fears his

    Lorda In contrast to the disbelievers, the Believers will dwell for all

    eternity in Gardens of Eden, where all their wants and desires will be met.

    This is the reward from Allaah for their deeds on earth, for He is Well-

    pleased with them and they are well-pleased with His reward.

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    Soorah Az-Zalzalah

    (The Earthquake)


    )1( )2(

    )3( )4( )5(

    )6( )7(

    )8(In the Name of Allaah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

    1. _When theearth is shaken with its convulsion a That is, on the Day

    of Resurrection.

    2. _And theearth expels its burdens a That is, it throws out the dead

    who were interred therein, and they will be alive once more.

    3. _And man will say: What is wrong with it? a What is wrong with

    the earth, that it convulses so?

    4. _That Day willit declareits news a That is about the convulsions

    and the dead whom it throws forth.

    5. _Becauseyour Lord has inspiredita That is, Allaah has

    commanded the earth to convulse and declare its news.

    6. _On that Day mankind will proceedin scattered groups, that they

    may be shown theirdeeds a That is, they will go to the place of

    reckoning and thence to Paradise or the Hell -fire, according to their


    7. _So whoeverdoes goodequal to the weight of a zarrah shall seeit a

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    That is, equal to the weight of a red ant. It was reported that Abu BakrX

    cried when this verse was revealed, and Allaahs MessengerI said (to the

    Companions ]): If you did not err and commit sins and then receive

    forgiveness from Allaah, He would have created another community who

    would err and commit sins and He would forgive them.

    8. _And whoeverdoes evilequal to the weight of a zarrah shall see

    ita He will see the recompense of it.

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    9. _Does he not know that when thecontents of the graves are

    poured fortha When mankind is resurrected.

    10. _And that which is in the breasts is madecleara That is, the good

    and the evil in the hearts of mankind are revealed.11. _Verily, on that Day, their Lord will be Well-acquainted with

    them a With their deeds and the secrets which they concealed in their


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    Witr Prayer

    7. Witrprayer is three rakaaat, pray two, then make the tasleem, then

    pray a single rakah and make the tasleem; and it is preferable to

    supplicate in accordance with the what has been narrated from th e

    Messenger (I) before making the final rukoo: 38


    "Allaahumm-ahdinee Feeman Hadait, Wa Aafinee Feeman Aafait,

    Wa Tawallanee Feeman Tawallait, Wa Baarik Lee Feeman Aatait, Wa

    Qinee Sharra Maa Qadhait, Fa-innaka Taqhdee Wa Laa Yuqdhaa

    Alaik, Innahu Laa Yazillu Man Waalait, Wa Laa Yaizzu Man Aadait,

    Tabaarakta Rabbanaa Wa Taaalait.

    - which means: Oh, Allaah! Guide me along with those whom You

    guide, and pardon me along with those whom You pardon, and take my

    affairs in hand along with those whose affairs You take in hand, and bless

    me in that which You give, and shelter me from the evil of that which

    You ordain, for it is You Who ordain and none can ordain upon You, and

    none will humbled whom You protect and none will be powerful whom

    You oppose. Blessed are You, our Lord and Most Elevated. (Narrated by

    Abu Dawood with an authenticsanad)39


    The Obligation of Jumuah (Friday Prayer) and Congregational Prayer

    38 Rukoo: Bowing.

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    Jumuah prayer and the five daily congregational prayers are obligatory

    for all Muslim men; the evidence for this is as follows:

    1. Allaah, Most High says:


    {) 9:62(

    _Oh,you who believe! When thecall to Friday prayeris made,

    hasten to theremembrance of Allaah andleave off trade; that is best

    foryou ifyou but knew a (Soorah Al-Jumuah 62:9)

    2. The Prophet (I) said: Whoever abandoned Friday prayer for three

    weeks due to disdain, Allaah will seal his heart. (An authentic narration

    of Imaam Ahmad)

    3. And he (I) said: I had intended to order someone to lead the prayer

    in my place, then proceed to the houses of those who do not attend the

    prayer and burn them over them. 40

    4. And he (I) said: Whoever heard the call (to prayer) and did not

    answer it, there is no prayer for him (i.e. it is not accepted) except the one

    who is excused (due to fear or illness). (An authentic narration of Ibn


    5. A blind man 41 came to the Messenger of Allaah (I) and said: Oh,

    Messenger of Allaah! There is no one to guide me to the mosque. So he

    asked the Messenger of Allaah (I) to grant him permission to pray at

    39 Sanad: Chain of narrators.40 The fact that he did not do so cannot be cited as proof by those who say that praying at home is

    permissible, as according to scholars ofhadeeth, the reason he did not do so was due to compassion forthe wives and children of the absentees.41 The blind man was Abdullaah Ibn Ummi Maktoom, he who was mentioned on Soorah Abasa:

    _He (The Prophet [I]) frowned and turned away because therecame to him the blind mana(Soorah Abasa 80:1-2)

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    home, which he did. But as he turned away, the Prophet (I) called him

    back and asked him: Do you hear the call (to prayer)? He replied:

    Yes. The Prophet (I) said: Then answer (it). (Narrated by Muslim)

    6. Abdullaah Ibn Masood (X) said: Whoever would be happy to meet

    Allaah on the morrow as a Muslim should take care of the five (daily)

    prayers wherever he is called to them, for the Law of Allaah is the path to

    guidance and they are from the path of guidance; and if you were to pray

    them in your houses as does this absentee you would have abandoned

    the Sunnah of your Prophet; and if you abandon the Sunnah of your

    Prophet, you will be lost. You have seen us, and none absents himselfexcept a known hypocrite. It used to be that a man would be brought by

    two men, one at each side of him, in order that he might stand in the

    ranks. (Narrated by Muslim)


    The Virtue of Jumuah and the Congregational Prayer

    1. The Prophet (I) said: Whoever washed, then went toJumuah prayer

    and prayed what is written for him and then was silent until the Imaam

    has finished giving the khutbah, then prayed with him, would be forgiven

    for any sins he had committed between that Friday and the next, plus

    three days. And whosoever (as much as) touched a stone h as cancelled

    (the reward of his prayer). 42 (Narrated by Muslim)

    2. And he (I) said: Whoever washed on Friday by the purification of

    42 That is, whoever did any action which prevents him giving his full attention to the khutbah, such astalking, making zikr(mentioning Allah), examining the contents of ones pockets etc., will have noreward credited to him.

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    janaabah, 43 then left (for prayer), it will be as though he had slaughtered

    a camel (in charity); and whoever went out to prayer in the second hour,

    it would be as if he had slaughtered a cow; and whoever went out in the

    third hour, it would be as if he had slaughtered a horned sheep; and

    whoever went out in the fourth hour, it would be as if he had slaughtered

    a chicken; and whoever went out in the fifth hour, it would be as if he had

    given an egg. And when the Imaam goes out, the angels gather to hear the

    remembrance (of Allah). (Narrated by Muslim)

    3. And he (I) said: Whoever prayed the ishaa` prayer in congregation,

    it would be as if he had spent the whole night in prayer and whoever

    prayed thefajrprayer in congregation, it would be as if he had spent the

    whole night in prayer. (Narrated by Muslim)

    4. And he (I) said: The prayer of a man in congregation exceeds (the

    virtue and reward of) his prayer in the house or the market by between

    twenty-three and twenty-nine times. This is because when one of you

    makes wudhoo` and makes it well, then goes to the mosque with nothing

    urging him except prayer and desiring only the prayer, he will not take asingle step without being raised a degree by it and having a bad deed

    erased by it until he reaches the mosque. Then when he enters the mosque

    and he prays, nothing confines him except the prayer and the angels

    invoke prayers on him so long as he is in the place in which he prayed,

    saying: Oh, Allaah! Show mercy to him. Oh, Allaah! Forgive him. Oh,

    Allaah! Turn to him (with forgiveness for his) repentance. for as long

    as he remains in a state of ritual purification and does nothing harmful.

    (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari and Muslim)

    43 Janaabah: A state of impurity following sexual intercourse, which requires a complete ablution ofthe whole body.

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    The Manner of Jumuah Prayer and its Required Decorum

    1. Wash the whole body on the day ofJumuah, trim the nails, applyperfume and wear a clean garment following your ablution.

    2. Do not eat raw garlic or onion and do not smoke. Clean the mouth with

    a miswaak44 or toothpaste.

    3. Pray two rakahs upon entering the mosque, even if the Khateeb45 is

    already at the pulpit delivering the khutbah in obedience to the

    command of the Messenger (I): When one of you comes toJumuah

    prayer, and the Imaam is delivering the khutbah, he should pray two

    rakahs and he should keep them short. (Narrated by Al -Bukhaari and


    4. Sit and listen to the Imaams khutbah and do not speak.

    5. Pray the two rakahs ofJumuah prayer with the Imaam, having made

    the intention in your heart to do so.

    6. Pray fourrakaaatas Sunnah in the mosque (after the prayer), or two

    in the house (and the latter is better).

    7. Invoke prayers on the Prophet (I) much on the day ofJumuah.

    8. Supplicate much, in accordance with the words of the Prophet (I):

    Verily, on the day ofJumuah there is an hour in which the Muslim does

    not invoke Allaah for goodness without Allaah giving him that which he

    desires. (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari and Muslim)


    44 Miswaak: Also known assiwaak, it is a stick taken from the roots of the araktree, used as a

    toothbrush by the Prophet (I) and his Companions (]).45 Khateeb: The Imaam who delivers the khutbah.

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    How to Pray for the DeadThe worshipper makes his intention to pray in his heart and he says:

    Allaahu Akbar! four times.

    1. After the first takbeerah, he seeks refuge with Allaah, then says:

    Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem and recites Soorah Al-Faatihah.

    2. After the second takbeerah, he invokes prayers and blessings upon

    Muhammad (I) in the same manner as they are performed in the

    tashahhudof a normal prayer:

    Allaahumma Salli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Alaa Aali Muhammadin

    Kamaa Sallaita Alaa Ibraaheema

    3. After the third takbeerah, call upon Allaah, using the duaa`

    authentically reported from the Prophet (I):


    "Allaahumm-aghfir Lahu Warhamhu Wa Aafihi Waafu Anhu Wa

    Akrim Nuzulahu Wa Wassi Madkhalahu Waghsilhu Bil-Maa`i Wath-

    Thalji Wal-Baradi Wa Naqqihi Minal-Khataayaa Kamaa Yunaqqath-

    Thawbul-Abyadhu Minad-Danasi Wa Abdilhu Daaran Khairan Min

    Daarihi Wa Ahlan Khairan Min Ahlihi Wa Zawjan Khairan Min

    Zawjihi Wa Adkhilhul-Jannata Wa Aizhu Min Azaabil-Qabri Wa Min


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    - which means: Oh, Allaah! Forgive him and have mercy on him and

    excuse him and pardon him. Bless his repasts (in the Hereafter) and

    widen his entrance and wash him with water, ice and snow and purify

    him as a white garment is purified from pollution and give him an abode

    better than his (earthly) abode and a family better than his family and a

    spouse better than his spouse and admit him to Paradise and grant him

    refuge from the punishment of the grave and the punishment of the Hell -

    fire. (Narrated by Muslim and others)

    4. After the fourth takbeerah, he should make any supplication he wishes

    then make the tasleem to the right only.

    The Warning of Death

    Allaah, Most High says:




    _Every soul shall tastedeath: And only on the Day of Resurrection

    shallyou be paidyour fullrecompense. Only he who is saved farfrom the Fire and admitted to Paradise will have succeeded: For the

    life of this worldis but goods andchattels ofdeceptiona (Soorah Aali

    Imraan 3:185)

    And the poet says:

    Prepare for that which cannot be avoided,

    For death is appointed for the slaves,

    So turn in repentance for your deeds while you still live,

    And take care before the (final) sleep,

    You will regret if you start your journey unprepared,

    And wretched will you be when the Caller calls you,

    Do you wish to be a companion of a people prepared,

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    While you are unprepared?


    Eed Prayers in the Musallaa

    1. Allaahs Messenger (I) used to go out on the two Eeddays to the

    musallaa46 and the first thing he would begin with was the prayer.

    (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari)

    2. Allaahs Messenger (I) said: The takbeerin (Eed)Al-Fitr47 prayers

    is made seven times in the first rakah and five times in the second and

    recitation comes after them in both rakahs. (A hasan hadeeth reported

    by Abu Dawood)

    3. Allaahs Messenger (I) ordered us to go out for (the prayers of)Al-Fitr

    and Al-Adhhaa: The old, the women with their monthly periods and all of

    the women. As for those with periods, they do not have to pray, but they

    attend to share in the goodness and the supplications of the Muslims. I

    (i.e. the female Companion narrating the hadeeth) said: Oh, Messenger

    of Allaah! What if one of us has nojilbaab? 48 He (I) replied: Then let

    her sister cover her with herjilbaab. (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari and


    Benefits Derived FromThis Hadeeth

    1. That the prayer of both Eeds is two rakahs, wherein the worshipper

    makes takbeerseven times at the start of the first rakah and five at thestart of the second rakah, along with the Imaam.

    46 Musallaa: An open air place of prayer where large numbers may gather and pray.47 EedAl-Fitr: The day on which Muslims celebrate the completion of the fast of Ramadhan.48 Jilbaab: The black, outer garment worn by Muslim women to cover their modesty.

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    2. That the Eedprayer is held in a musallaa, which (in the Prophets

    time) was a place near to the city to which the Messenger of Allaah (I)

    used to proceed for the two Eedprayers and with him went the children

    and the young women, even those normally excused because of themonthly periods.

    Ibn Hajr Al-Asqalaani said, in his book, Fath Al-Baari: In it (i.e. the

    hadeeth), is (mentioned) going out to the musallaa and it should not be

    held in the mosque unless it is unavoidable.

    The Lawfulness of Slaughter in Eed

    1. The Messenger (I) said: Verily, the first thing with which we begin

    on this (Eed) day of ours is the prayer; then we return and slaughter (an

    animal). Whoever did this has performed ourSunnah, but whoever

    slaughtered before the prayer, it is only meat which he present s to his

    family and he has no part in the sacrifice. (Narrated by Al -Bukhaari and


    2. And he (I) said: Oh, you people! Verily, the slaughter is an obligation

    upon every house. (Narrated by Ahmad and others and authenticated by

    Ibn Hajr in Fath Al-Baari)

    3. And he (I) said: Whoever was able, but did not slaughter, let him not

    approach ourmusallaa. (Narrated by Ibn Maajah and Al-Haakim and

    authenticated by Shaikh Al-Albaani in his book, Al-Jaami)


    The Rain Prayer

    1. The Prophet (I) went out to the musallaa to pray for rain and he

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    supplicated Allaah and prayed for rain, then he faced the Qiblah, turned

    his robe inside-out, making the right into the left (but it is permissible to

    make the prayer before the supplication). (Narrated by Al -Bukhaari and


    2. It is reported n the authority of Anas Ibn Maalik (X) that whenever they

    were affected by drought, Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab (X) would pray for rain

    through Al-Abbaas (X), saying: Oh, Allaah! We used to ask Your

    Prophets intercession with You and You would give us rain; now we ask

    the intercession of the uncle of the Prophet (I), so send rain to us. and

    they would receive rain. (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari) This hadeeth proves

    that the Muslims used to seek intercession from the Messenger (I) when

    he was alive by asking him to supplicate Allaah for rain; but after his

    death, the did not ask him, but instead sought intercession from his uncle,

    Al-Abbaas (X), who was living and he would call upon Allaah for them.

    Prayer during a journey

    Short prayer :

    When a Muslim is on a journey he should pray 2 rakats fard for zuhr,Asr

    and Isha. Fajr and Maghreb prayers remain as they are .

    Combining prayers :

    A person on a journey can combine zuhr and Asr prayers to gether

    praying them both at zuhr or Asr time.He can also combine Maghreb and

    Isha prayers together praying them both at Maghreb and Isha .


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    Zakaah and its Importance in Islaam

    It is an obligatory charity which is imposed on wealth, with certain

    conditions and at a specific time.

    Zakaah is one of the pillars of Islaam and one of its most important

    elements. It is linked to prayer in many places in the Book of Allaah, the

    Almighty, the All-powerful.

    Muslim scholars are in total agreement regarding the obligatory nature

    ofzakaah; and whoever denies its obligation in spite of his knowledge to

    the contrary, is a disbeliever, who is outside the fold of Islaam. And

    whoever is miserly with it, or fails to pay it in full, is one of the

    wrongdoers, deserving of punishment and torment.

    Among the proofs for this are the words of Him, Most High:

    } {) 110:2(

    _And offer prayers perfectly and givezakaaha (Soorah Al-Baqarah


    And Allaah Most High says:


    {) 5:98(

    _And they werecommanded not, but that they should worship

    Allaah and worship none but Him Alone and offer prayers perfectly

    and givezakaah and that is theright Religion a (SoorahAl-Bayyinah


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    And Al-Bukhaari and Muslim narrate from Ibn UmarX that he said:

    Allaahs MessengerI said: Islaam is based on five (pillars) and he

    mentioned among the giving zakaah.

    And Al-Bukhaari mentions in the story of Muaazs mission to Yemen

    that he (I) said: and if they obey you in that, then inform them that

    Allaah has enjoined upon them a charity which must be taken from the

    rich among them and given to their poor.

    And regarding the one who rejects it and refuses to pay it, Allaah says:

    } {)


    _ But if theyrepent, offer prayers perfectly and givezakaah, then

    they areyour brethren in religion a (SoorahAt-Tawbah 9:11)

    It may be understood from this verse that whoever does not establish

    prayer, nor pay zakaah is not one of our brothers in religion; rather, is one

    of the disbelievers. This is why Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq X made war upon

    those who distinguished between prayer and zakaah and their obligation,

    establishing the prayer while rejecting zakaah. The Companions ]

    agreed totally with his decision and acted upon it, which proves their

    unanimity on this subject.

    The Wisdom Behind the Legislation of Zakaah

    There is great wisdom behind the establishment ofzakaah, because it

    achieves the main goals of the Shareeah (i.e. Islaamic Law) whichserves to profit the whole community. This becomes obvious when one

    dwells upon the Qur`aanic verses and Sunnah which order the payment of

    zakaah, like the verse in Soorah At-Tawbah, which defines where zakaah

    must be disbursed, and other verses and ahaadeeth which encourage the

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    Types of Wealth on Which Zakaah Must be Paid

    Zakaah is obligatory on four things:

    1. Produce of the earth, such as grain and fruits, in accordanc e with

    Allaahs Words:


    {) 267:2(

    _Oh,you who believe! Spend of the good things which you have

    (legally)earned, and of the fruits of theearth which We have

    produced foryou, anddo not even aim at getting anything which isbad,in order that out ofit you may give away something, when you

    yourselves would not receiveit except with closedeyes a (Soorah Al-

    Baqarah 2:267)

    And Allaahs Words:

    } {) 141:6(

    _but pay thedue thereof (itszakaah, according to Allaahs orders,

    one tenth or one twentieth) on theday ofits harvest a (Soorah Al-

    Anaam 6:141)

    And the greatest of dues on wealth is zakaah, the Prophet I said: On

    land irrigated by rain water or by irrigation ditches or where the land is

    wet due to a nearby water channel, ushr(i.e. one tenth) is compulsory;

    and on land irrigated by a well, half the ushris dueon its yield.

    2. Gold, silver and money; Allaah, Almighty, All-powerful says:


    {) 34:9(

    _and those who hoard up gold and silver and spendit not in the

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    reaches the minimum payable value for merchandise (either alone or with

    other merchandise on sale).

    The Nisaab (Minimum Amount) on Which Zakaah is Due

    1. Fruit and grains: five awsuq 49. The zakaah due is 10% on crops

    irrigated by natural means such as rainfall or springs, and 5% if it is

    irrigated by methods requiring labour and/or capital expenditure.

    2. Gold, silver and currency:

    a) Camels: The minimum nisaab is five camels. The zakaah due isone sheep.

    b) Cattle: The minimum nisaab is 30 cows. The zakaah due is a yearold calf.

    c) Sheep and goats: The minimum nisaab is 40 animals. The zakaahdue is a sheep.

    Table of Zakaah for Free Grazing Livestock

    Sheep and Goats

    Liable to Pay

    Zakaah DueFrom To

    40 120 One sheep

    121 200 Two Sheep

    201 300 Three Sheep

    For every 100 extra sheep, one more is due as zakaah.

    Male goats and very old, toothless animals, a pregnant ewe or a female

    camel should not be taken forzakaah, or the best of wealth.


    49Awsuq: Plural ofwasq - a measurement which is equal to 618 kilograms.

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    Liable to Pay

    Zakaah DueFrom To

    5 9 One ewe

    10 14 Two ewes

    15 19 Three ewes

    20 24 Four ewes

    25 35 One 1-year old female camel

    36 45 One 2-year old female camel

    46 60 One 3-year old female camel

    61 75 One 4-year old female camel

    76 90 Two 2-year old female camels

    91 120 Two 3-year old female camels

    121 160 Three 2-year old female camels

    Over these amounts, for every forty camels, one more two year old

    camel is due; and for every extra fifty camels, one extra three year old

    camel is due.Cattle

    Liable to Pay

    Zakaah DueFrom To

    30 39 One 1-year old cow

    40 59 One 2-year old cow

    60 89 Two 1-year old cows

    Over these amounts, for every thirty animals, one extra ye ar old calf is

    due and for every forty extra animals, one extra two year old calf.

    How Zakaah Should be Distributed

    Distribution ofzakaah is described in the verse of Allaah, the


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    {) (

    _As-Sadaqaat(obligatorycharity) are only for thefuqaraa` (the poor

    who do not beg), and themasaakeen (the poor who beg) and those

    employed to collect the (funds); and to attract the hearts of those who

    have been inclined (towards Islaam); and to free thecaptives; and for

    thosein debt; and for Allaahs Cause (i.e. for theMujaahidoon

    those fighting in the Way of Allaah), and for theindigent traveller; a

    dutyimposed by Allaah. And Allaah is All-Knowing, Most Wisea( Soorah At-Tawbah 9:60)

    Allaah defines in this verse eight categories which are deservin g

    recipients ofzakaah, they are:

    1. Thefaqeer(destitute): A person who possesses half his minimum

    needs or less. He is more needy than the miskeen.

    2. The miskeen: A poor person, but he is better off than the faqeer. He

    may possess 70% or 80% for instance. The proof that thefaqeeris more

    in need than the miskeen is in the statement of Allaah, Almighty, All-

    powerful says:

    } ) 79:18(

    _ As for the boat, it belonged to masaakeen 50 (poor people) working at

    sea a (Soorah Al-Kahf 18:79)

    They are described as being miskeen even though they owned a boat.The miskeen and thefaqeershould be given enough zakaah to see them

    through to the coming year, as zakaah is due just once a year and so it is

    appropriate that they get enough to last them until the next distribution.

    50Masaakeen: Plural ofmiskeen.

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    The necessity should be based on the requirements of the person and his

    dependants with regards to food, clothing, housing and any other

    essentials for a moderate lifestyle, which is neither extravagant, nor

    frugal. The level of need varies from era to era and place to place, it also

    varies to some extent from one individual to another; what is sufficient

    for one person in one society may not be for someone else in another. The

    number of dependents and financial obligations will also vary from one

    person to another. Also, what might have been quite adequate ten years

    ago may no longer be enough.

    The scholars have issued afatwaa 51 that necessity includes medical

    treatment for the ailing, helping single people to wed and the acquisitionof books of religious knowledge.

    For thefaqeerand miskeen to be eligible to receive zakaah, they must

    be Muslims and not from the family of Bani Haashim and their slaves 52

    The recipients shouldnt be close relatives to the giver of the zakaah such

    as parents, children, or wives, as he is their sponsor. Lastly, the recipient

    should not be able-bodied and capable of earning his own living, based

    on a statement of the Prophet I: There is no portion in it (the zakaah) for

    the wealthy, or the strong, who can earn his own living. (Narrated by

    Ahmad, Abu Dawood and An-Nasaa`i)

    3. The zakaah collectors: These are appointed by the ruler of a Muslim

    state or his deputy to perform the necessary steps for the establishment of

    zakaah, such as collection, storage, keeping records and accounts,

    transportation and distribution.

    51Fatwat: Legal verdict.52

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    The zakaah employee should be paid an equivalent salary to a person

    doing a similar job for another organization, according to how much time

    he works for the zakaah purpose, even if he is wealthy, as long as he is a

    Muslim adult who is rational, trustworthy and qualified for the job;

    however, if he is from the Bani Haashim family, he cannot receive a

    salary from the zakaah money; it is related on the authority of Al-

    Muttalib Ibn Rabeeah X that the Prophet I said: Sadaqah 53 is not

    befitting for the family of Muhammed (Narrated by Muslim)

    4. For those weak in faith: To draw the hearts closer to Islaam. These are

    people in authority, who have influence on their subjects, and whohopefully, will embrace Islaam; or if they are new Muslims whose faith is

    still weak, to intensify theireemaan by strengthening their attachment to

    Islaam; or so that his contemporaries may embrace Islaam, or by

    protecting Muslims, or shielding them from harm.

    This category is still eligible forzakaah; it has not been nullified. They

    are to be given what they need in order to reconcile their hearts to Islaam

    and support and defend it. This share may even be given to a disbeliever,

    as the Prophet I gave Safwaan Ibn Umayyah a share of the war booty

    from Hunain. 54

    It may also be given to a Muslim as the Prophet I gave it to Abu

    Sufyaan Ibn Harb, Aqra Ibn Haabis and Uyainah Ibn Hisn, each of them

    receiving one hundred camels. 55

    53 Sadaqah: Charity.54 Reported by Muslim.55 Reported by Muslim.

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    5. To free slaves: This includes granting complete freedom or helping a

    slave who has made an agreement with his owner to buy his freedom to

    meet his payments; or ransoming Muslim prisoners of war from the

    enemy. The prisoner of war is included in this category because he is

    effectively in a state of slavery and his need is even greater since he is in

    danger of being killed or forced to renounce Islaam.

    6. Debtors: They are those who have borrowed money and tho se who

    have guaranteed the loans of others who then default. Debts are of two


    i) Debts which a person incurs for himself which are halale.g. forclothes, family living expenses, marriage, treatment of sickness, building

    a house or essential furnishing or compensation for damaging the

    property of another. In all of these cases, he should be granted what is

    necessary to pay the debt if he cannot afford to pay it himself and if he

    became indebted by acting in obedience to Allaah or in a halalmatter.

    It is necessary that he be a Muslim, that he is not wealthy and able to

    pay the debt, that his debt was not incurred through disobedience to

    Allaah, that the payment is already due, or due within the year and that

    the debt is owed to a human being and this therefore excludes payments

    for expiation of sins and zakaah payments.

    ii) Debts incurred by one who incurs a debt on someone elses behalf e.g.

    to arbitrate between two parties; such a person is eligible to receive

    zakaah according to the hadeeth of Qabeesah Al-Hilaali who said: I

    undertook the responsibility to pay someone elses debt and so I went to

    the Prophet I to ask him about it and he said: wait until some charity

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    comes to us and we will order some of it to be given to you., then he

    said: Oh Qabeesah! Verily this matter (i.e. asking for financial aid) is

    only permissible in three cases: A man who bears the responsibility for

    anothers debt, it is allowed for him to ask until he receives enough for

    the debt, then he should stop asking; or a man who was afflicted by some

    disaster which destroyed his property and wealth, in this case it is allowed

    for him to ask until he receives what is needed to make him solvent; or a

    man afflicted by poverty and three discerning men from among his

    people say: So and so is poverty-stricken. It is permissible for such a

    person until he acquires what is necessary to re-establish him. Anything

    other than this is corruption, oh Qabeesah, and he who receives it isdevouring corruption. (Narrated by Ahmad and Muslim)

    It is also permissible to pay the debt of one who has died from the

    zakaah funds because it is not essential that the money pass through the

    debtors hands and therefore it is allowed for a person to pay the debt of

    another because Allaah has ordained the zakaah in their case rather

    than for them.

    7. In Allaahs Cause: This is given to volunteers who are not paid by the

    army; both the poor and the rich may receive it as may those who stand

    guard along the Muslim boarders. This category does not include general

    spending on charity. If it were so it would have been pointless to mention

    the other seven categories in the verse since all would be included in the

    category of general charity.

    The broad meaning ofjihaadis included in this category i.e. broad-

    ranging Islaamic education, repelling the ideological propaganda spread

    by the enemies of Islaam, putting to rest the doubts and suspicions they

    raise, distributing Islaamic literature, supporting sincere and reliable

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    persons who work in the field of Islaamic propagation and countering the

    activities of the missionaries and the atheists and such like. The proof for

    this is in the hadeeth of the Prophet I which states: Strive against the

    idol worshippers with your wealth, your lives and by your speech.(Narrated by Abu Dawood)

    8. The indigent traveller: This is a person travelling from one country to

    another. If he has not the means to reach his destination, he may be

    granted from the zakaah that which is necessary for him to complete his

    journey on condition that the journey was not undertaken in disobedience

    to Allaah i.e. for a purpose which is obligatory, recommended, or at thevery least, permissible. It is also a condition that he is unable to find

    anyone who will lend him the money. It is allowed for the indigent

    traveller to receive zakaah even if he has stayed for an extended period

    somewhere in the course of his journey so long as the reason for the delay

    was to obtain some need.

    It is not obligatory to distribute zakaah to all of these categories every

    year. However, it is preferred, since the overall requirements of those in

    need must be met by the Muslim ruler, his deputy or the person paying

    the zakaah.


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    Fasting the Blessed Month of Ramadhaan

    What is Ramadhaan?

    Ramadhaan is the tenth month of the Islaamic year. Fasting that month

    was made obligatory for the Muslims in the second year after the Hijrah

    (migration) from Makkah, where they suffered unending persecution, to

    the safety and sanctuary of Madeenah.


    Siyaam means to abstain from something. For example, a verse in the

    Qur`aan says:

    } {) (

    ?I havevowed to the Most Beneficent to abstain (from speaking) A

    (Soorah Maryam 19:26)

    What is meant in the case of Ramadhaan is abstaining from food and

    drink and intimate relations from dawn until sunset with the sole intention

    of doing so for Allaah. We fast from the sighting of the new moon, which

    signals the start of the month of Ramadhaan in this lunar calendar, until

    the sighting of the new moon again signals the end of fasting. The

    sighting of the moon needs only to be confirmed by one honest person. In

    the event of the moon being hidden by the clouds, one waits until thirty

    days have elapsed. This is based on the order of the Prophet I: Fast after

    you have seen it and end the fast when you see it. If it is hidden from you,

    then wait until the thirty days ofShabaan have passed. (Narrated by Al-

    Bukhaari and Muslim)

    Why Do We Fast?We fast in accordance with Allaahs Command:


    {) 183:2(

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    ?Oh,you who believe! Fasting is enjoined upon you as it was upon

    those beforeyou, that you may become pious, God -fearing A (Soorah

    Al-Baqarah 2:183)


    heVirtues of FastingThe Prophet Ihas informed us that amongst the virtues of fasting is

    that while every other action of mankind is for himself, the fast is purely

    for Allaah and that He will reward the fasting person; that fasting is a

    shield against the Hell-fire; that when one is fasting, he should abstain

    from foul language, raising his voice or behaving foolishly. If someone

    reviles him, he should respond: I am fasting, I am fasting. And he

    informs us that the bad breath of the one fasting is sweeter to Allaah on

    the Day of Resurrection than the scent of musk; and that the fasting

    person will be happy on two occasions: once, when he breaks his fast and

    the second time, when he meets his Lord he will be happy that he fasted.

    It is also reported that Allaahs MessengerI said: The fast and the

    Qur`aan will be two intercessors for the slave of Allaah on the Day of

    Resurrection. (Narrated by Ahmad) - That is, his reading of the Qur`aanand his studying it and acting upon it and his fasting in accordance with

    the Sunnah of the ProphetI will be intercessors for him He I also

    informed us that for each day the slave fasts solely for his Lord, Allaah

    will remove the Hell-fire a distance of seventy years from his face.

    (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari and Muslim)

    And he said that there is a gate in Paradise called Ar-Rayyaan, by which

    those who used to fast will enter; after the last one has entered, the gate

    will be closed. (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari and Muslim)

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    The Month of Ramadhaan

    During Ramadhaan, so the Prophet I has informed us, the gates of

    Paradise are opened, the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are

    chained. (Narrated by Ahmad) That is, during Ramadhaan, All aah makesit easier for us to do those good deeds which lead to Paradise, by Allaahs

    Will; and He makes it easier for us to abstain from those evil deeds which

    lead to the Hell-fire. He also informed us that the time between the five

    prayers, two consecutive Fridays, and two consecutive Ramadhaans are

    expiations for all the sins committed during that period, provided one has

    avoided the major sins, such as theft, adultery, abandoning prayer etc.

    In the Qur`aan, Allaah tells us that there is a day in the month of

    Ramadhaan whose night is better for worship than 1,000 months of

    worship at any other time. Also, the Prophet I has informed us that

    Umrah (Minor Pilgrimage) to Makkah, if performed in Ramadhaan, is

    equivalent in reward to that of Hajj performed with him I. Such is the

    importance of fasting the month of Ramadhaan in Islaam, that if a person

    deliberately breaks his fast without a valid excuse, or does not fast at all,

    he commits a major sin and according to the Prophet I, he would not be

    able to make up for one day even if he were to fast perpetually. If he

    believes that fasting is not incumbent upon him, he cannot be considered

    a Muslim, even though he may pray, pay zakaah and perform pilgrimage.

    The Manner of Fasting

    It is preferred for the fasting person to observe the following:Eating a meal beforedawn:This is known assahoor in Arabic.

    According to the Prophet I, it is a blessed repast. The time for this meal

    is any time between the middle of the night and dawn. Once the call to

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    fajrprayer is heard, the fasting person must cease eating and drinking,

    though he is allowed to finish what is in his hand.

    Hastein breaking the fast:It was the practice of the Prophet I to break

    his fast as soon as he heard the call for the maghrib prayer. He used tobreak his fast with a few dates and water and he used to say that a house

    without dates is a poor house indeed.

    Refraining from actions which do not befit the fa