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Student Organizer Student Name _____________________________________ Teacher Name _____________________________________ Class Period _____________________________________

Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Jun 25, 2018



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Page 1: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 1

Student Organizer

Student Name _____________________________________

Teacher Name _____________________________________

Class Period _____________________________________

Page 2: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

PACT Principal Investi gator: Deborah Simmons, Ph.D.PACT Project Coordinator: Melissa Fogarty, Ph.D.

PACT Project Assistant: Kimberly WilliamsGraphic Design: Heather Moutray

© 2012 PACT - Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of TextCenter on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University

� e research reported here was supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R305F100013 to Texas A&M University as part of the Reading for Understanding Research Initiative. � e opinions

expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the Institute or the U.S. Department of Education.

� ese materials were developed with funding from the Institute for Education Sciences, R305F00013, to � e University of Texas at Austin. � e materials were developed by members of the Promoting Adolescent Comprehension of Text (PACT)

Research Teams from Texas A&M University, � e University of Texas at Austin, and Florida State University.

Materials should not be reproduced or used without written permission from PACT, � e Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University

Page 3: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 3

PROGRAM TRAINING & RESOURCES Comprehension Circuit Training Chart 6 Comprehension Circuit Training Checklist 7


Week 1 Literary: Short Ficti on Training: Thank You Ma’am Sample Acti vity 8 Introducti on to Comprehension Circuit Training & Word Cloud Acti vity 9 Comprehension Circuit Training Checklist 11 Literary: Short Ficti on Text Organizer 12 Read to Find Out Questi on - Writi ng Frame 14 Stati on Checklist/Eff ort Chart 16

Week 2 Literary: Short Ficti on Training: Aft er Twenty Years Comprehension Circuit Training Checklist 17 Literary: Short Ficti on Text Organizer 18 Read to Find Out Questi on - Writi ng Frame 20 Stati on Checklist/Eff ort Chart 22

Week 3 Literary: Short Ficti on Challenge Week with Teacher’s Choice of Text Comprehension Circuit Training Checklist 23 Literary: Short Ficti on Text Organizer 24 Read to Find Out Questi on - Writi ng Frame 26 Stati on Checklist/Eff ort Chart 28

Week 4 Literary: Short Ficti on Challenge Week with Teacher’s Choice of Text Comprehension Circuit Training Checklist 29 Literary: Short Ficti on Text Organizer 30 Read to Find Out Questi on - Writi ng Frame 32 Stati on Checklist/Eff ort Chart 34

Week 5 Literary: Short Ficti on Challenge Week with Teacher’s Choice of Text Comprehension Circuit Training Checklist 35 Literary: Short Ficti on Text Organizer 36 Read to Find Out Questi on - Writi ng Frame 38 Stati on Checklist/Eff ort Chart 40

Week 6 Literary: Short Ficti on Challenge Week with Teacher’s Choice of Text Comprehension Circuit Training Checklist 41 Literary: Short Ficti on Text Organizer 42 Read to Find Out Questi on - Writi ng Frame 44 Stati on Checklist/Eff ort Chart 46

comprehension circuit trainingTABLE OF CONTENTS

Page 4: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University4

Week 7 Literary: Short Ficti on Challenge Week with Teacher’s Choice of Text Comprehension Circuit Training Checklist 47 Literary: Short Ficti on Text Organizer 48 Read to Find Out Questi on - Writi ng Frame 50 Stati on Checklist/Eff ort Chart 52


Week 8 Informati onal Text: Expository Black Wings Comprehension Circuit Training Checklist 73 Expository: Informati onal Text Organizer 74 Read to Find Out Questi on - Writi ng Frame 76 Stati on Checklist/Eff ort Chart 78

Week 9 Informati onal Text: Expository Dogs Vs. Terrorists Comprehension Circuit Training Checklist 79 Expository: Informati onal Text Organizer 80 Read to Find Out Questi on - Writi ng Frame 82 Stati on Checklist/Eff ort Chart 84

Week 10 Informati onal Text: Expository Challenge Week with Teacher’s Choice of Text Comprehension Circuit Training Checklist 85 Expository: Informati onal Text Organizer 86 Read to Find Out Questi on - Writi ng Frame 88 Stati on Checklist/Eff ort Chart 90

Week 11 Informati onal Text: Expository Challenge Week with Teacher’s Choice of Text Comprehension Circuit Training Checklist 91 Expository: Informati onal Text Organizer 92 Read to Find Out Questi on - Writi ng Frame 94 Stati on Checklist/Eff ort Chart 96

Week 12 Informati onal Text: Expository Challenge Week with Teacher’s Choice of Text Comprehension Circuit Training Checklist 97 Expository: Informati onal Text Organizer 98 Read to Find Out Questi on - Writi ng Frame 100 Stati on Checklist/Eff ort Chart 102


Academic & Text Vocabulary Inventory 105 Vocabulary Review Acti viti es 108 Vocabulary Words & Defi niti ons 121

Page 5: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 5


Page 6: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University6

Page 7: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 7

comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

Page 8: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University8

In a little district west of Washington Square the streets have run crazy and broken themselves into small strips called “places.” These “places” make strange angles and curves. One Street crosses itself a time or two. An artist once discovered a valuable possibility in this street. Suppose a collector with a bill for paints, paper and canvas should, in traversing this route, suddenly meet himself coming back, without a cent having been paid on account! So, to quaint old Greenwich Village the art people soon came prowling, hunting for north windows and eighteenth-century gables and Dutch attics and low rents. Then they imported some pewter mugs and a chafi ng dish or two from Sixth Avenue, and became a “colony.”

At the top of a squatty, three-story brick Sue and Johnsy had their studio. “Johnsy” was familiar for Joanna. One was from Maine; the other from California. They had met at the table d’hôte of an Eighth Street “Delmonico’s,” and found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves so congenial that the joint studio resulted.

From “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry

Now, rate how well you understood the text.

Understood Litt le to None“I’m not sure I could explain anything

that happened in this story.”

Understood Some“I could name the characters and the setti ng, but not what was happening.”

Understood Most to All“I could retell this story to a partner.”

What acti ons did you take to understand the text? What did you do to help you understand?

Before I read While I was reading Aft er I read

Practi ce Exercise: Rate Your Level of Understanding

Read the following excerpt from “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry as you typically would read a class assignment. Aft er you read, rate how well you understood the text.

Page 9: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 9

Introducti on: Comprehension Circuit Training Word Cloud Exercise

Fitness/Exercise Words Reading Words


Page 10: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University10

Page 11: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 11

Text Title: __________________________________ Date: ______

comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

Page 12: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University12

Title: ____________________________________ Author: _____________________________

Directi ons: At each checkpoint, take notes on the following questi ons. As you read, remember to build the “big picture” of what the text is saying.

Read to Find Out Questi on

Problem or Confl ict (What is the major problem or confl ict? What event or situati on sets the story in moti on? What are the goals of the characters? What do they hope to do?)


Checkpoint Setti ng (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Short Ficti on Text Organizer

Page 13: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 13


Checkpoint Setting (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Resolution (What resulted? Did the characters solve the problem/conflict? If so, how?)

Author’s Style (Tone, Voice, etc.)

Teacher’s Choice (Literary Elements)

Page 14: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University14

Read to Find Out Questi onWriti ng Frame

Directi ons: Using the writi ng frame below, answer the Read to Find Out Questi on that applies to the text.

In the story, ,

the problem or confl ict is


To solve this problem,


Finally, the problem/confl ict is solved when


In conclusion, I think the author’s purpose in writi ng this story


Page 15: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 15

Page 16: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University16

Eff ort Chart

Directi ons: Check off the acti viti es and rate your eff ort.

station exercise completion did i put in my maximum effort?

I previewed the text. Yes No

I set checkpoints. Yes No

I read and checked my comprehension. Yes No

I fi xed problems as needed. Yes No

I answered the Read to Find Out Questi on. Yes No

I took the individual and team quizzes. Yes No

Page 17: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 17

Text Title: __________________________________ Date: ______

comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

Page 18: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University18

Title: ____________________________________ Author: _____________________________

Directi ons: At each checkpoint, take notes on the following questi ons. As you read, remember to build the “big picture” of what the text is saying.

Read to Find Out Questi on

Problem or Confl ict (What is the major problem or confl ict? What event or situati on sets the story in moti on? What are the goals of the characters? What do they hope to do?)


Checkpoint Setti ng (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Short Ficti on Text Organizer

Page 19: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 19


Checkpoint Setting (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Resolution (What resulted? Did the characters solve the problem/conflict? If so, how?)

Author’s Style (Tone, Voice, etc.)

Teacher’s Choice (Literary Elements)

Page 20: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University20

Read to Find Out Questi onWriti ng Frame

Directi ons: Using the writi ng frame below, answer the Read to Find Out Questi on that applies to the text.

In the story, ,

the problem or confl ict is


To solve this problem,


Finally, the problem/confl ict is solved when


In conclusion, I think the author’s purpose in writi ng this story


Page 21: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 21

Page 22: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University22

Eff ort Chart

Directi ons: Check off the acti viti es and rate your eff ort.

station exercise completion did i put in my maximum effort?

I previewed the text. Yes No

I set checkpoints. Yes No

I read and checked my comprehension. Yes No

I fi xed problems as needed. Yes No

I answered the Read to Find Out Questi on. Yes No

I took the individual and team quizzes. Yes No

Page 23: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 23

Text Title: __________________________________ Date: ______

comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

Page 24: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University24

Title: ____________________________________ Author: _____________________________

Directi ons: At each checkpoint, take notes on the following questi ons. As you read, remember to build the “big picture” of what the text is saying.

Read to Find Out Questi on

Problem or Confl ict (What is the major problem or confl ict? What event or situati on sets the story in moti on? What are the goals of the characters? What do they hope to do?)


Checkpoint Setti ng (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Short Ficti on Text Organizer

Page 25: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 25


Checkpoint Setting (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Resolution (What resulted? Did the characters solve the problem/conflict? If so, how?)

Author’s Style (Tone, Voice, etc.)

Teacher’s Choice (Literary Elements)

Page 26: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University26

Read to Find Out Questi onWriti ng Frame

Directi ons: Using the writi ng frame below, answer the Read to Find Out Questi on that applies to the text.

In the story, ,

the problem or confl ict is


To solve this problem,


Finally, the problem/confl ict is solved when


In conclusion, I think the author’s purpose in writi ng this story


Page 27: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 27

Page 28: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University28

Eff ort Chart

Directi ons: Check off the acti viti es and rate your eff ort.

station exercise completion did i put in my maximum effort?

I previewed the text. Yes No

I set checkpoints. Yes No

I read and checked my comprehension. Yes No

I fi xed problems as needed. Yes No

I answered the Read to Find Out Questi on. Yes No

I took the individual and team quizzes. Yes No

Page 29: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 29

Text Title: __________________________________ Date: ______

comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

Page 30: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University30

Title: ____________________________________ Author: _____________________________

Directi ons: At each checkpoint, take notes on the following questi ons. As you read, remember to build the “big picture” of what the text is saying.

Read to Find Out Questi on

Problem or Confl ict (What is the major problem or confl ict? What event or situati on sets the story in moti on? What are the goals of the characters? What do they hope to do?)


Checkpoint Setti ng (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Short Ficti on Text Organizer

Page 31: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 31


Checkpoint Setting (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Resolution (What resulted? Did the characters solve the problem/conflict? If so, how?)

Author’s Style (Tone, Voice, etc.)

Teacher’s Choice (Literary Elements)

Page 32: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University32

Read to Find Out Questi onWriti ng Frame

Directi ons: Using the writi ng frame below, answer the Read to Find Out Questi on that applies to the text.

In the story, ,

the problem or confl ict is


To solve this problem,


Finally, the problem/confl ict is solved when


In conclusion, I think the author’s purpose in writi ng this story


Page 33: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 33

Page 34: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University34

Eff ort Chart

Directi ons: Check off the acti viti es and rate your eff ort.

station exercise completion did i put in my maximum effort?

I previewed the text. Yes No

I set checkpoints. Yes No

I read and checked my comprehension. Yes No

I fi xed problems as needed. Yes No

I answered the Read to Find Out Questi on. Yes No

I took the individual and team quizzes. Yes No

Page 35: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 35

Text Title: __________________________________ Date: ______

comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

Page 36: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University36

Title: ____________________________________ Author: _____________________________

Directi ons: At each checkpoint, take notes on the following questi ons. As you read, remember to build the “big picture” of what the text is saying.

Read to Find Out Questi on

Problem or Confl ict (What is the major problem or confl ict? What event or situati on sets the story in moti on? What are the goals of the characters? What do they hope to do?)


Checkpoint Setti ng (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Short Ficti on Text Organizer

Page 37: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 37


Checkpoint Setting (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Resolution (What resulted? Did the characters solve the problem/conflict? If so, how?)

Author’s Style (Tone, Voice, etc.)

Teacher’s Choice (Literary Elements)

Page 38: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University38

Read to Find Out Questi onWriti ng Frame

Directi ons: Using the writi ng frame below, answer the Read to Find Out Questi on that applies to the text.

In the story, ,

the problem or confl ict is


To solve this problem,


Finally, the problem/confl ict is solved when


In conclusion, I think the author’s purpose in writi ng this story


Page 39: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 39

Page 40: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University40

Eff ort Chart

Directi ons: Check off the acti viti es and rate your eff ort.

station exercise completion did i put in my maximum effort?

I previewed the text. Yes No

I set checkpoints. Yes No

I read and checked my comprehension. Yes No

I fi xed problems as needed. Yes No

I answered the Read to Find Out Questi on. Yes No

I took the individual and team quizzes. Yes No

Page 41: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 41

Text Title: __________________________________ Date: ______

comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

Page 42: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University42

Title: ____________________________________ Author: _____________________________

Directi ons: At each checkpoint, take notes on the following questi ons. As you read, remember to build the “big picture” of what the text is saying.

Read to Find Out Questi on

Problem or Confl ict (What is the major problem or confl ict? What event or situati on sets the story in moti on? What are the goals of the characters? What do they hope to do?)


Checkpoint Setti ng (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Short Ficti on Text Organizer

Page 43: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 43


Checkpoint Setting (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Resolution (What resulted? Did the characters solve the problem/conflict? If so, how?)

Author’s Style (Tone, Voice, etc.)

Teacher’s Choice (Literary Elements)

Page 44: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University44

Read to Find Out Questi onWriti ng Frame

Directi ons: Using the writi ng frame below, answer the Read to Find Out Questi on that applies to the text.

In the story, ,

the problem or confl ict is


To solve this problem,


Finally, the problem/confl ict is solved when


In conclusion, I think the author’s purpose in writi ng this story


Page 45: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 45

Page 46: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University46

Eff ort Chart

Directi ons: Check off the acti viti es and rate your eff ort.

station exercise completion did i put in my maximum effort?

I previewed the text. Yes No

I set checkpoints. Yes No

I read and checked my comprehension. Yes No

I fi xed problems as needed. Yes No

I answered the Read to Find Out Questi on. Yes No

I took the individual and team quizzes. Yes No

Page 47: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 47

Text Title: __________________________________ Date: ______

comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

Page 48: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University48

Title: ____________________________________ Author: _____________________________

Directi ons: At each checkpoint, take notes on the following questi ons. As you read, remember to build the “big picture” of what the text is saying.

Read to Find Out Questi on

Problem or Confl ict (What is the major problem or confl ict? What event or situati on sets the story in moti on? What are the goals of the characters? What do they hope to do?)


Checkpoint Setti ng (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Short Ficti on Text Organizer

Page 49: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 49


Checkpoint Setting (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Resolution (What resulted? Did the characters solve the problem/conflict? If so, how?)

Author’s Style (Tone, Voice, etc.)

Teacher’s Choice (Literary Elements)

Page 50: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University50

Read to Find Out Questi onWriti ng Frame

Directi ons: Using the writi ng frame below, answer the Read to Find Out Questi on that applies to the text.

In the story, ,

the problem or confl ict is


To solve this problem,


Finally, the problem/confl ict is solved when


In conclusion, I think the author’s purpose in writi ng this story


Page 51: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 51

Page 52: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University52

Eff ort Chart

Directi ons: Check off the acti viti es and rate your eff ort.

station exercise completion did i put in my maximum effort?

I previewed the text. Yes No

I set checkpoints. Yes No

I read and checked my comprehension. Yes No

I fi xed problems as needed. Yes No

I answered the Read to Find Out Questi on. Yes No

I took the individual and team quizzes. Yes No

Page 53: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 53

Text Title: __________________________________ Date: ______

comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

Page 54: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University54

Title: ____________________________________ Author: _____________________________

Directi ons: At each checkpoint, take notes on the following questi ons. As you read, remember to build the “big picture” of what the text is saying.

Read to Find Out Questi on

Problem or Confl ict (What is the major problem or confl ict? What event or situati on sets the story in moti on? What are the goals of the characters? What do they hope to do?)


Checkpoint Setti ng (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Short Ficti on Text Organizer

Page 55: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 55


Checkpoint Setting (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Resolution (What resulted? Did the characters solve the problem/conflict? If so, how?)

Author’s Style (Tone, Voice, etc.)

Teacher’s Choice (Literary Elements)

Page 56: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University56

Read to Find Out Questi onWriti ng Frame

Directi ons: Using the writi ng frame below, answer the Read to Find Out Questi on that applies to the text.

In the story, ,

the problem or confl ict is


To solve this problem,


Finally, the problem/confl ict is solved when


In conclusion, I think the author’s purpose in writi ng this story


Page 57: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 57

Page 58: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University58

Eff ort Chart

Directi ons: Check off the acti viti es and rate your eff ort.

station exercise completion did i put in my maximum effort?

I previewed the text. Yes No

I set checkpoints. Yes No

I read and checked my comprehension. Yes No

I fi xed problems as needed. Yes No

I answered the Read to Find Out Questi on. Yes No

I took the individual and team quizzes. Yes No

Page 59: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 59

Text Title: __________________________________ Date: ______

comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

Page 60: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University60

Title: ____________________________________ Author: _____________________________

Directi ons: At each checkpoint, take notes on the following questi ons. As you read, remember to build the “big picture” of what the text is saying.

Read to Find Out Questi on

Problem or Confl ict (What is the major problem or confl ict? What event or situati on sets the story in moti on? What are the goals of the characters? What do they hope to do?)


Checkpoint Setti ng (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Short Ficti on Text Organizer

Page 61: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 61


Checkpoint Setting (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Resolution (What resulted? Did the characters solve the problem/conflict? If so, how?)

Author’s Style (Tone, Voice, etc.)

Teacher’s Choice (Literary Elements)

Page 62: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University62

Read to Find Out Questi onWriti ng Frame

Directi ons: Using the writi ng frame below, answer the Read to Find Out Questi on that applies to the text.

In the story, ,

the problem or confl ict is


To solve this problem,


Finally, the problem/confl ict is solved when


In conclusion, I think the author’s purpose in writi ng this story


Page 63: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 63

Page 64: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University64

Eff ort Chart

Directi ons: Check off the acti viti es and rate your eff ort.

station exercise completion did i put in my maximum effort?

I previewed the text. Yes No

I set checkpoints. Yes No

I read and checked my comprehension. Yes No

I fi xed problems as needed. Yes No

I answered the Read to Find Out Questi on. Yes No

I took the individual and team quizzes. Yes No

Page 65: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 65

Text Title: __________________________________ Date: ______

comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

Page 66: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University66

Title: ____________________________________ Author: _____________________________

Directi ons: At each checkpoint, take notes on the following questi ons. As you read, remember to build the “big picture” of what the text is saying.

Read to Find Out Questi on

Problem or Confl ict (What is the major problem or confl ict? What event or situati on sets the story in moti on? What are the goals of the characters? What do they hope to do?)


Checkpoint Setti ng (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Short Ficti on Text Organizer

Page 67: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 67


Checkpoint Setting (Where and when does the story take place? )

Characters (Who are they? What is the author telling us about them?)

Major Events (What are the major events?)

Why? (Why did the events happen?)




Resolution (What resulted? Did the characters solve the problem/conflict? If so, how?)

Author’s Style (Tone, Voice, etc.)

Teacher’s Choice (Literary Elements)

Page 68: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University68

Read to Find Out Questi onWriti ng Frame

Directi ons: Using the writi ng frame below, answer the Read to Find Out Questi on that applies to the text.

In the story, ,

the problem or confl ict is


To solve this problem,


Finally, the problem/confl ict is solved when


In conclusion, I think the author’s purpose in writi ng this story


Page 69: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 69

Page 70: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University70

Eff ort Chart

Directi ons: Check off the acti viti es and rate your eff ort.

station exercise completion did i put in my maximum effort?

I previewed the text. Yes No

I set checkpoints. Yes No

I read and checked my comprehension. Yes No

I fi xed problems as needed. Yes No

I answered the Read to Find Out Questi on. Yes No

I took the individual and team quizzes. Yes No

Page 71: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 71

Informational Text:EXPOSITORY

Page 72: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University72

Page 73: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 73

comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

Page 74: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University74

Title: ___________________________________________________________________________

Read to Find Out Questi on

Directi ons: At each checkpoint, take notes on the following questi ons. As you read, remember to build a “big picture” of what the text is saying.

Checkpoint Topic (What is the topic? What important informati on did I learn from this secti on of text?)

Conclusions (What conclusions can I draw from this secti on of the text?)





Expository/Informati onal Text Organizer

Page 75: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University 75

Checkpoint Topic (What is the topic? What important information did I learn from this section of text?)

Conclusions (What conclusions can I draw from this section of the text?)





Author’s Style (List text features, graphics, charts) Teacher’s Choice (Text structure, etc.)

Page 76: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University76

Read to Find Out Questi onWriti ng Frame

Directi ons: Using the writi ng frame below, answer the Read to Find Out Questi on that applies to the text.

In the text, ,

the author, discusses

_______________ .

First, I learned

________ .

Next, I learned


Finally, I learned

____________________ .

In conclusion, I think the author’s purpose in writi ng this text was


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Eff ort Chart

Directi ons: Check off the acti viti es and rate your eff ort.

station exercise completion did i put in my maximum effort?

I previewed the text. Yes No

I set checkpoints. Yes No

I read and checked my comprehension. Yes No

I fi xed problems as needed. Yes No

I answered the Read to Find Out Questi on. Yes No

I took the individual and team quizzes. Yes No

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comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

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Title: ___________________________________________________________________________

Read to Find Out Questi on

Directi ons: At each checkpoint, take notes on the following questi ons. As you read, remember to build a “big picture” of what the text is saying.

Checkpoint Topic (What is the topic? What important informati on did I learn from this secti on of text?)

Conclusions (What conclusions can I draw from this secti on of the text?)





Expository/Informati onal Text Organizer

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Checkpoint Topic (What is the topic? What important information did I learn from this section of text?)

Conclusions (What conclusions can I draw from this section of the text?)





Author’s Style (List text features, graphics, charts) Teacher’s Choice (Text structure, etc.)

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Read to Find Out Questi onWriti ng Frame

Directi ons: Using the writi ng frame below, answer the Read to Find Out Questi on that applies to the text.

In the text, ,

the author, discusses

_______________ .

First, I learned

________ .

Next, I learned


Finally, I learned

____________________ .

In conclusion, I think the author’s purpose in writi ng this text was


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Page 84: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

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Eff ort Chart

Directi ons: Check off the acti viti es and rate your eff ort.

station exercise completion did i put in my maximum effort?

I previewed the text. Yes No

I set checkpoints. Yes No

I read and checked my comprehension. Yes No

I fi xed problems as needed. Yes No

I answered the Read to Find Out Questi on. Yes No

I took the individual and team quizzes. Yes No

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comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

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Title: ___________________________________________________________________________

Read to Find Out Questi on

Directi ons: At each checkpoint, take notes on the following questi ons. As you read, remember to build a “big picture” of what the text is saying.

Checkpoint Topic (What is the topic? What important informati on did I learn from this secti on of text?)

Conclusions (What conclusions can I draw from this secti on of the text?)





Expository/Informati onal Text Organizer

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Checkpoint Topic (What is the topic? What important information did I learn from this section of text?)

Conclusions (What conclusions can I draw from this section of the text?)





Author’s Style (List text features, graphics, charts) Teacher’s Choice (Text structure, etc.)

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Read to Find Out Questi onWriti ng Frame

Directi ons: Using the writi ng frame below, answer the Read to Find Out Questi on that applies to the text.

In the text, ,

the author, discusses

_______________ .

First, I learned

________ .

Next, I learned


Finally, I learned

____________________ .

In conclusion, I think the author’s purpose in writi ng this text was


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Eff ort Chart

Directi ons: Check off the acti viti es and rate your eff ort.

station exercise completion did i put in my maximum effort?

I previewed the text. Yes No

I set checkpoints. Yes No

I read and checked my comprehension. Yes No

I fi xed problems as needed. Yes No

I answered the Read to Find Out Questi on. Yes No

I took the individual and team quizzes. Yes No

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comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

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Title: ___________________________________________________________________________

Read to Find Out Questi on

Directi ons: At each checkpoint, take notes on the following questi ons. As you read, remember to build a “big picture” of what the text is saying.

Checkpoint Topic (What is the topic? What important informati on did I learn from this secti on of text?)

Conclusions (What conclusions can I draw from this secti on of the text?)





Expository/Informati onal Text Organizer

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Checkpoint Topic (What is the topic? What important information did I learn from this section of text?)

Conclusions (What conclusions can I draw from this section of the text?)





Author’s Style (List text features, graphics, charts) Teacher’s Choice (Text structure, etc.)

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Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University94

Read to Find Out Questi onWriti ng Frame

Directi ons: Using the writi ng frame below, answer the Read to Find Out Questi on that applies to the text.

In the text, ,

the author, discusses

_______________ .

First, I learned

________ .

Next, I learned


Finally, I learned

____________________ .

In conclusion, I think the author’s purpose in writi ng this text was


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Eff ort Chart

Directi ons: Check off the acti viti es and rate your eff ort.

station exercise completion did i put in my maximum effort?

I previewed the text. Yes No

I set checkpoints. Yes No

I read and checked my comprehension. Yes No

I fi xed problems as needed. Yes No

I answered the Read to Find Out Questi on. Yes No

I took the individual and team quizzes. Yes No

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comprehension circuit trainingChecklist


Warm-Up Stati on

1. Preview Text Exercise❏ Preview the ti tle and author.❏ Preview and scan the text features (ti tle, subheadings, bolded words, graphs, etc).❏ Read the fi rst 1-2 paragraphs and locate challenging words.

2. Develop Background Knowledge Exercise ❏ Teacher helps build background knowledge by introducing ti tle, author, setti ng,

and characters.❏ Teacher identi fi es and teaches the text vocabulary words.❏ Teacher provides Read to Find Out Questi on to students.

3. Set Checkpoints Exercise❏ Understand the text type and the Read to Find Out Questi on and locate the Text Organizer.❏ Skim the text for diffi culty and length.❏ Set checkpoints.


Stati on1. Read and Check Exercise

❏ Read and stop at checkpoints.❏ Review and discuss questi ons from the Text Organizer with partner.❏ Record answers on the Text Organizer.

2. “Fix It” Exercise❏ Re-read text and adjust reading speed and checkpoints.❏ Mark the text by circling the “who” or “what” and underline the main idea.❏ Imagine yourself in the text by visualizing the acti ons or informati on.


Stati on 1. Team-Based Learning Exercise❏ Take quiz, both individually and with the team.

2. Answer the Read to Find Out Questi on❏ Review informati on on the Text Organizer. ❏ Write the answer to Read to Find Out Questi on.

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Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University98

Title: ___________________________________________________________________________

Read to Find Out Questi on

Directi ons: At each checkpoint, take notes on the following questi ons. As you read, remember to build a “big picture” of what the text is saying.

Checkpoint Topic (What is the topic? What important informati on did I learn from this secti on of text?)

Conclusions (What conclusions can I draw from this secti on of the text?)





Expository/Informati onal Text Organizer

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Checkpoint Topic (What is the topic? What important information did I learn from this section of text?)

Conclusions (What conclusions can I draw from this section of the text?)





Author’s Style (List text features, graphics, charts) Teacher’s Choice (Text structure, etc.)

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Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University100

Read to Find Out Questi onWriti ng Frame

Directi ons: Using the writi ng frame below, answer the Read to Find Out Questi on that applies to the text.

In the text, ,

the author, discusses


First, I learned


Next, I learned


Finally, I learned


In conclusion, I think the author’s purpose in writi ng this text was


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Eff ort Chart

Directi ons: Check off the acti viti es and rate your eff ort.

station exercise completion did i put in my maximum effort?

I previewed the text. Yes No

I set checkpoints. Yes No

I read and checked my comprehension. Yes No

I fi xed problems as needed. Yes No

I answered the Read to Find Out Questi on. Yes No

I took the individual and team quizzes. Yes No

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VOCABULARY:Academic & Text Vocabulary

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Directi ons: Make a grid of all of the vocabulary words you’ve learned so far.Academic & Text Vocabulary Inventory

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Vocabulary Review Acti vity #1

Purpose: To describe a word from the Vocabulary Inventory, without using the word itself, in an eff ort to have another person guess the word.

Directi ons: Step 1: Choose a partner.Step 2: The fi rst partner chooses a vocabulary word from the Vocabulary Inventory and provides clues, such as a defi niti on or explanati on of that word in an eff ort to have your partner guess the word.

Example Clues: For the word sensible you might say, – “Good judgment.” – “Good choice.” – “Practi cal.”

Step 3: The partner guessing the word gets up to three clues in order to guess it. Award the following points according to how many clues are required to identi fy the word:

1. One clue: 3 points 2. Two clues: 2 points 3. Three clues: 1 point

Step 4: If the partner guesses the word or does not guess it within three clues, switch roles and repeat unti l ti me is up. Keep track of your points. Switch roles and repeat unti l ti me is up. The winner is the partner who has the most points when ti me is up.


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Vocabulary Review Acti vity #2

Purpose: To write a sentence using three words from the Vocabulary Inventory.

Directi ons:Step 1: Choose 3 words from the Vocabulary Inventory.

Step 2: Write a sentence that uses these three words. Be sure to underline the vocabulary words that you use.

Step 3: Share your sentence with your partner and record on your Vocabulary Organizer. (If ti me is limited, students can share sentences orally rather than writi ng them down).

Connect Three

Progressive Writing

Purpose: To write a story that follows the short story structure, using as many words from the Vocabulary Inventory as possible.

Directi ons:Step 1: The teacher chooses a topic for students to write about from the following plot ideas, character descripti ons, and story starters:

Step 2: Using your Literary/Short Ficti on Text Organizer as a guide, write a story using the story starter/plot idea/character descripti on provided by your teacher. Remember to introduce the characters, the setti ng, and the problem or confl ict that your characters face. Be sure to include how your characters att empt to solve the problem and the resoluti on or the soluti on to the problem. Step 3: Try to use as many vocabulary words from the Vocabulary Inventory in your story as possible. Please underline each vocabulary word as you use them.

Step 4: You will work on this same story over several days, so write as much as you can each day. Try to beat your score (the number of vocabulary words you use each day). Aim for a minimum of three vocabulary words per day.

Step 5: Be creati ve and have fun!

Vocabulary Review Acti vity #3

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Vocabulary Review Acti vity #4

Three Questions

Purpose: To choose two words from the Vocabulary Inventory and think more deeply about these words by answering three questi ons.

Directi ons:Step 1: Each partner chooses a word from the Vocabulary Inventory.

Step 2: For each word, partners take turns answering the three questi ons below. Using his/her word, partner A will answer questi on one for that word. Partner B will answer the same questi on for the same word, trying to come up with something diff erent than partner A. Conti nue through each questi on. Complete the same process for the second word. Record answers for each word on Vocabulary Organizer. (If ti me is limited, students can share answers orally rather than writi ng them down).

1. What is it?2. What is it like?3. What are some examples?

Step 3: Share your sentence with your partner and record on your Vocabulary Organizer.

Acti viti es adapted from the website: htt p:// vati ng-Strategies-A-Collecti on-of-Plot Ideas/Character

Descripti ons/Suspense Writi ng Prompts retrieved from the website: htt p://

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Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

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Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

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Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

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Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

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Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

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Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

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Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

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Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

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Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

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Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

Vocabulary Review Activity Date: _______________

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Directi ons: For each vocabulary word, write the word, defi niti on, use the word in a sentence, and draw and complete either a vocabulary map or t-chart in the designated area.

Vocabulary Words

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Defi niti on: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Defi niti on: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University128

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University130

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Page 132: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with

Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University132

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University134

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University136

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT), Texas A&M University138

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

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Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Word: _______________________________________________________________________________

Definition: ____________________________________________________________________________


Sentence: ____________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary Map: Draw your vocabulary map or t-chart below.

Page 140: Student Name Teacher Name Class Period 1 · Student Name _____ Teacher Name _____ Class Period _____ PACT Principal ... Kimberly Williams Graphic Design: ... Suppose a collector with