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SHEEP UNIT Lakeland College Student Managed Farm

Student Managed Farm Sheep Unit Final Presentation - April 2014

Nov 11, 2014



2nd year students in Lakeland College's animal science technology program take a Student Managed Farm class. Lakeland's Student Managed Farm - powered by New Holland has both livestock and crop sides. The livestock side is further broken down into commercial beef, dairy, purebred beef and sheep units. This is the final presentation of the 2013-14 sheep unit
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  • 1. SHEEP UNIT Lakeland College Student Managed Farm
  • 2. TEAM MEMBERS Alyssa Larson -Finance Manager -Hanna, Alta Jessica Peters -Public Relations -Barriere, BC Daniel Pucko -Team Manager -Saanichton, BC
  • 3. Brianna Kathol -Purebred Manager -Rockyford, Alta Janelle Hawkins -Commercial Manager -Hoosier, Sask Rachel Des-Ctes -Nutrition Manager -St. Albert, Alta Alyshia Hummel -Marketing Manager -Burns Lake, BC
  • 4. Blair Dow Staff Advisor Jo Dickson Farm Staff
  • 5. FLOCK INVENTORY 150 mature ewes families 261 lambs 5 rams Refer to handout page1
  • 6. STRENGTHS Flock Genetics Team Dynamics Nutrition/ SheepBytes
  • 7. FLOCK GENETICS Australian and New Zealand bloodlines New Terminal and Dorset rams Use of terminal sires Increasing Scrapie resistance Refer to handout page 1
  • 8. TEAM DYNAMICS Team works well together Experienced members
  • 9. NUTRITION/ SHEEPBYTES Use of SheepBytes software Improved protein in lactating ewe diet Refer to handout page 2
  • 10. WEAKNESSES Increased feed costs Challenges with online marketing
  • 11. INCREASED FEED COSTS Addition of soybean to increase protein content of lactating diet Added cost of dry lotting ewes over summer
  • 12. CHALLENGES WITH ONLINE MARKETING Limited online viewing of livestock No key contacts on current website Very few links from industry websites
  • 13. OPPORTUNITIES Marketing Guardian Dog GenOvis
  • 14. MARKETING Advertisements Canadian Wool Growers Ropin the Web Kijiji Agribition Private Sales Canadian Lamb Producers Cooperative Refer to handout page 2
  • 15. 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 January1,2009 May1,2009 September1,2009 January1,2010 May1,2010 September1,2010 January1,2011 May1,2011 September1,2011 January1,2012 May1,2012 September1,2012 January1,2013 May1,2013 September1,2013 January1,2014 PricePerPound 95-105 lbs Lamb Price Comparison Beaver Hill Auctions
  • 16. GUARDIAN DOG To protect the ewes on pasture during summer months
  • 17. GENOVIS Possibility to add to Canadian genetic database Track genetic progress Track EPDs Refer to handout page 2
  • 18. THREATS Volatile Markets Competing Classes Global Competition
  • 19. VOLATILE MARKETS *SunGold Specialty Meats, Albert 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 January1,2009 April1,2009 July1,2009 October1,2009 January1,2010 April1,2010 July1,2010 October1,2010 January1,2011 April1,2011 July1,2011 October1,2011 January1,2012 April1,2012 July1,2012 October1,2012 January1,2013 April1,2013 July1,2013 October1,2013 January1,2014 April1,2014 PricePerPound Historical Lamb Prices Base Rail Price*
  • 20. COMPETING CLASSES Animal Science elective courses compete for students 63% decrease in enrolment
  • 21. GLOBAL MARKET Flood of New Zealand and American lambs decreases demand for Canadian sheep from retailers Do not have infrastructure to meet consumer demands in Canada
  • 22. PROFIT AND LOSS Gross Income $29,639.09 Expenses $53,948.54 Net Income $-24,309.45 See handout page 3
  • 23. EXPENSE SUMMARY 55% 31% 4% 3% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% Feed Labour Corral Cleaning Livestock Purchases Farm Supplies Other Vet Meds Shearing Advertising Bedding Contractor Fees
  • 24. 2014 PROJECTED SALES Amount Price per Animal Total Replacements Sales 40 $200 $8,000 Culls 30 $100 $3,000 Orphans 18 $70 $1,260 Feeder Lambs 73 $100 $7,300 Trial Feeder Lambs 80 $140 $11,200 Total 183 $30,750
  • 25. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Provincial Benchmark* 2013 Actual 2014 Predicted 2014 Actual Lambing Percentage 175% 184% Mature 190% Ewe Lamb 140% Mature 181% Ewe Lamb 112% Lambing Mortality Pre-Tagging 10% 4% 4% 5.51% Lambing Mortality Post-Tagging 10% 0% 1% 1.8% Ewe Mortality 4% 2% 2% 4% Ram Mortality 5% 0% 0% 0% Feed Cost/Lamb Marketed $90.00 $112.19 $100.00 N/A Average Income/Lamb Marketed $150.00 $136.54 $143.00 N/A *Alberta Lamb Producers Flock SnapshRefer to handout page 4
  • 26. LAMBING OUTCOMES Total Ewes Lambing % Total Lambs Mature Ewes 124 181% 225 Ewe Lambs 51 112% 57 Total Lambs Born 282 Total Live Lambs 261
  • 27. RETAINED REPLACEMENTS GOALS Predicted Amount Predicted Value/ Animal Total Retained Comm. Replacements 30 $200 $6,000 Retained Purebred Replacements 20 $300 $6,000 Total 50 $12,000
  • 28. LAST YEARS RECOMMENDATIONS Lambing Jugs Feeding Options Biosecurity
  • 29. COMPLETED PROJECTS Purchase of new genetics Advertising with Canadian Wool Grower Co-operative magazine Participated in the SSBA show at Agribition Silage business proposal Guardian dog business case Ultra sounding ewes Revision of SOPs / triplet protocols Caseous Lymphadenitis reduction Updated replacement grading protocol
  • 30. LONG TERM GOALS Increase scrapie resistance Eradication of Caseous Lymphadenitis Lower cost of production ck/sheep/health.html
  • 31. NEXT YEARS RECOMMENDATIONS Improve online marketing Canadian Lamb Producers Cooperative GenOvis Improve SOPs Explore new pasture opportunities Increase breeding flock Take registered Arcott ram to Agribition
  • 32. THANK EWE! Farm staff Instructors New Holland Agriculture Alberta Lamb Producers Alberta Agriculture Industry personnel Manville Colony