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RESEARCH Open Access Student learning outcomes from a pilot medical innovations course with nursing, engineering, and biology undergraduate students Patrice M. Ludwig 1* , Jacquelyn K. Nagel 2 and Erica J. Lewis 3 Abstract Background: Preparing todays undergraduate students from science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and related health professions to solve wide-sweeping healthcare challenges is critical. Moreover, it is imperative that educators help students develop the capabilities needed to meet those challenges, including problem solving, collaboration, and an ability to work with rapidly evolving technologies. We piloted a multidisciplinary education (ME) course aimed at filling this gap, and subsequently assessed whether or not students identified achieving the course objectives. In the course, undergraduate students from engineering, pre-nursing (students not yet admitted to the nursing program), and pre-professional health (e.g., pre-med and pre-physicians assistant) were grouped based on their diversity of background, major, and StrengthsFinder® proficiencies in a MakerSpace to create tangible solutions to health-related problems facing the community. We then used qualitative content analysis to assess the research question: what is the impact of undergraduate multidisciplinary education offered in a MakerSpace on student attitudes towards and perceptions of skills required in their own as well as others occupations? Results: We discovered these students were able to identify and learn capabilities that will be critical in their future work. For example, students appreciated the challenging problems they encountered and the ability to meet demands using cutting-edge technologies including 3D printers. Moreover, they learned the value of working in a multidisciplinary group. We expected some of these findings, such as an increased ability to work in teams. However, some themes were unexpected, including students explicitly appreciating the method of teaching that focused on experiential student learning through faculty mentoring. Conclusions: These findings can be used to guide additional research. Moreover, offering a variety of these courses is a necessary step to prepare students for the current and future workforce. Finally, these classes should include a focus on intentional team creation with the goal of allowing students to solve challenging real-world problems through ethical reasoning and collaboration. Keywords: Innovative education, Multidisciplinary education, MakerSpace, STEM, Technology, Healthcare, 3D printing, Qualitative content analysis, Creativity * Correspondence: [email protected] 1 Department of Biology, James Madison University, 951 Carrier Dr. MSC 7801, Harrisonburg, VA 22807, USA Full list of author information is available at the end of the article International Journal of STEM Education © The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Ludwig et al. International Journal of STEM Education (2017) 4:33 DOI 10.1186/s40594-017-0095-y

Student learning outcomes from a pilot medical … Open Access Student learning outcomes from a pilot medical innovations course with nursing, engineering, and biology undergraduate

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Page 1: Student learning outcomes from a pilot medical … Open Access Student learning outcomes from a pilot medical innovations course with nursing, engineering, and biology undergraduate

RESEARCH Open Access

Student learning outcomes from a pilotmedical innovations course with nursing,engineering, and biology undergraduatestudentsPatrice M. Ludwig1*, Jacquelyn K. Nagel2 and Erica J. Lewis3


Background: Preparing today’s undergraduate students from science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)and related health professions to solve wide-sweeping healthcare challenges is critical. Moreover, it is imperativethat educators help students develop the capabilities needed to meet those challenges, including problem solving,collaboration, and an ability to work with rapidly evolving technologies. We piloted a multidisciplinary education(ME) course aimed at filling this gap, and subsequently assessed whether or not students identified achieving thecourse objectives. In the course, undergraduate students from engineering, pre-nursing (students not yet admitted tothe nursing program), and pre-professional health (e.g., pre-med and pre-physician’s assistant) were grouped based ontheir diversity of background, major, and StrengthsFinder® proficiencies in a MakerSpace to create tangible solutions tohealth-related problems facing the community. We then used qualitative content analysis to assess the researchquestion: what is the impact of undergraduate multidisciplinary education offered in a MakerSpace on student attitudestowards and perceptions of skills required in their own as well as others occupations?

Results: We discovered these students were able to identify and learn capabilities that will be critical in their futurework. For example, students appreciated the challenging problems they encountered and the ability to meet demandsusing cutting-edge technologies including 3D printers. Moreover, they learned the value of working in a multidisciplinarygroup. We expected some of these findings, such as an increased ability to work in teams. However, some themes wereunexpected, including students explicitly appreciating the method of teaching that focused on experiential studentlearning through faculty mentoring.

Conclusions: These findings can be used to guide additional research. Moreover, offering a variety of these courses isa necessary step to prepare students for the current and future workforce. Finally, these classes should include a focuson intentional team creation with the goal of allowing students to solve challenging real-world problems through ethicalreasoning and collaboration.

Keywords: Innovative education, Multidisciplinary education, MakerSpace, STEM, Technology, Healthcare, 3D printing,Qualitative content analysis, Creativity

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Biology, James Madison University, 951 Carrier Dr. MSC 7801,Harrisonburg, VA 22807, USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

International Journal ofSTEM Education

© The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

Ludwig et al. International Journal of STEM Education (2017) 4:33 DOI 10.1186/s40594-017-0095-y

Page 2: Student learning outcomes from a pilot medical … Open Access Student learning outcomes from a pilot medical innovations course with nursing, engineering, and biology undergraduate

BackgroundMany of today’s STEM (science, technology, engineering,and math) students will be tomorrow’s professionals re-sponsible for solving an increasingly wide number of healthproblems. Current issues, such as global emerging infec-tious diseases and the opioid crisis, are both critical andconvoluted enough such that no discipline or professionwill be able to solve them alone; diverse teams working to-gether will address these burdens. It is in the context ofthis diversity and collaboration that innovation is mostlikely to occur (Doorley and Witthoft 2011). While muchof this work is happening at the professional level, currentundergraduate students will eventually join the workforce.Thus, we must create educational experiences for studentsto learn the skills to work collaboratively across boundariesin order to appropriately train future problem solvers.A critical concern regarding creating solutions to these

perplexing problems is that the available technology seemsto advance as quickly as the problems themselves. Manycurrent healthcare professionals lack training to work withemerging technologies, thereby stalling advances in publichealth and industry (Powell-Cope et al. 2008; Miller et al.2000; Crebert et al. 2004; Vilmante and Ramune 2008).Additionally, although employers identify problem-

solving skills as top priority when hiring (AmericanManagement Association 2012), they also report thatmany job applicants today lack training in the process ofproblem solving or even identifying problems (Lowdenet al. 2011). Thus, there is a need to train STEM and re-lated health profession undergraduate students to inte-grate novel technologies and to solve problems. It isimperative to adapt their education to include opportun-ities that will enable these students to develop the cap-abilities, including the knowledge, skills, attitudes, andbehaviors needed for working in environments withmultiple professionals collaborating on issues.Opportunities exist for professionals to develop problem

solving, collaboration, and innovation skills (Van Note2006; Cotner et al. 2013; Muthyala and Wei 2012; Ellisand Goodyear 2016). However, there are many fewer op-portunities for undergraduate students to cultivate theseproficiencies before they are deeply embedded in theirchosen profession (McClelland and Kleinke 2013; Spoel-stra et al. 2014). This lack of opportunity for undergradu-ate students to engage in these activities, on our campusand at other institutions of higher education, provided amotivation for our work. We posit that initiating strategicmultidisciplinary education (ME) (described below) earlyin the post-secondary educational timeline will allowundergraduate students from STEM and related healthprofessions to develop capabilities that they can later buildupon as they enter professional training, graduate training,and the workforce. Educating pre-professional students inprocesses of creativity and innovation is recognized and

encouraged to enhance innovation in addressing currenthealth challenges (Ness 2011). We piloted an innovativecourse that allowed undergraduate students from engineer-ing, students who will enter the nursing program in theirjunior year (hereafter “pre-nursing”), and students frombiology and health-sciences majors with pre-professionaldesignations (e.g., pre-medical, pre-physician’s assistant, orpre-dental) to work in diverse teams.Teams in the course focused on identifying problems

and developing solutions to a local community healthchallenge in a technological environment, a MakerSpace.This is a physical place where people gather to create andlearn (Whitmer 2016) in which manufacturing equipmentsuch as 3D printers, laser cutters, milling machines, andhand tools are available for the process of designing andprototyping (Levy et al. 2016). This creative setting pro-vides undergraduate students with technology to fosterproblem solving, collaboration, and proficiency of newlyavailable technology.We designated our course as multidisciplinary educa-

tion (ME). We reviewed literature to assess terms relatedto our student teams and their work in our course.Terms evaluated included interprofessional, multidiscip-linary, interdisciplinary, trans-disciplinary, and transdis-ciplinary. We concluded that there is currently no termwith a definition that explicitly fits the mix of studentsand type of experiences in our course. While this is evi-dence to the innovative nature of the course, it creates aproblem that warrants some attention. The terms thatmost closely aligned with our work were interprofessionaleducation (IPE) and multidisciplinary education (ME).Training students from different pre-professions to workcollaboratively on issues is specifically defined in thehealthcare industry. The World Health Organization de-fines IPE occurring when students from at least two pro-fessions learn “about, from, and with each other” towardsthe result of improving health outcomes for patients, fam-ilies, or communities (p. 7). This definition is not withoutproblems related to our work. First, there is a lack of clar-ity in this definition as to when in the educational trajec-tory a student can be considered “from” a profession. Is itwhen they begin their professional training, when they areaccepted into a major as an undergraduate, or when theyhave declared a major? Further, this definition is limited byonly including professions. What about disciplines? Theterm multidisciplinary, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary,does include professions and disciplines: “Combining or in-volving several academic disciplines or professional speciali-zations in an approach to a topic or problem” but it lacksthe component of learning “about, from, and with eachother” that is foundational to our course formation and thecourse focus on patient outcomes. Multidisciplinary educa-tion, however, better aligns with our course. The termfocuses on developing a deeper understanding of one’s own

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area of study and learning to communicate across disci-plines; it focuses less on actually integrating professionalpractices (Pirrie et al. 1999). Thus, we use the term multi-disciplinary education (ME) to best reflect our mix of stu-dents and educational experiences. Although we use ME todefine the course work and subsequent research, the term“interprofessional” is retained when necessary to accuratelyreflect literature cited.

Motivation for the course and the researchThe motivation for designing and teaching the coursecame from the instructors and the MakerSpace directorobserving an opportunity. Teaching the course in aMakerSpace offers an environment for working onopen-ended problems that affect our local community.The desire to focus on the local community came fromour personal alignment with our university’s focus oncommunity engagement. The instructors worked collab-oratively before the course to identify what successful stu-dents would know and be able to do upon exiting thecourse, according to backward design principles (Wigginsand McTighe 2005). The objectives of professional organi-zations such as the Interprofessional Education Collabora-tive (IPEC) align with and are mapped to our courseobjectives (Table 1). The IPEC was established in 2011 bya collaborative expert panel (IPE Collaborative ExpertPanel) and updated in 2016 to describe core competenciesfor interprofessional collaborative practice for the health-care disciplines (IPE Collaborative 2016). The domains in-clude the overarching interprofessional collaboration,values/ethics, role/responsibilities, interprofessional com-munication practices, and teamwork/team-based practiceto promote unified taxonomy, workspaces, technology,and educational activities and evaluation (2016). IPEC

continues to grow in both esteemed membership and im-pact, including the American Psychological Association(APA), American Council of Academic Physical Therapy(ACAPT), Association of American Veterinary MedicalColleges (AAVMC), and the Council on Social Work Edu-cation (CSWE). Thus, the alignment is appropriate giventhat the goal of the students in the course is to enterhealthcare or engineering as professionals.As we searched for an instrument that would allow us

to determine the degree to which students achieved thecourse objectives, it became clear that there was not onethat assessed our combination of objectives and mix ofstudents. Thus, a qualitative analysis of an oral exitquestion was used to determine if students had the per-ception of achieving the course objectives.A call has been issued for future research to explore

the impact of various student compositions on collab-orative learning as well as conduct studies in differentcontexts and spaces to strengthen the validity of findings(Van den Bossche et al. 2006; Ketcherside et al. 2017).Our study addresses both by using qualitative methodsto understand how the intentional recruitment of pre-nursing, engineering, and pre-professional health under-graduate students into a problem-based course situatedin a MakerSpace affected students’ achievement of thecourse objectives. The motivation for the course isrooted in exploring collaborative learning in a Maker-Space, the motivation for the research is rooted in asses-sing student perceptions of the multidisciplinary courseand their achievement of the course objectives.

Existing literatureThe instructional strategies used in the course, collab-orative learning, authentic problems, and use of theMakerSpace are all rooted in the constructivist theoryand give rise to the instructional framework of the Kolblearning cycle (Fig. 1).

Kolb learning cycleDuring the course design process, the instructors identi-fied common learning experiences in the representativedisciplines as being learning by doing such as laboratory,clinical, and research experiences. The instructors eachvalue the role of reflection in the learning process andaimed to explicitly include this in the course throughweekly journaling and through whole class debriefing onclass activities. We discovered that the Kolb learning cycle(Kolb 1984) had aspects common to each of the disciplinesand incorporated learning through experience as well asthe intentional role of reflection. This learning cycle de-scribes experiential learning in four stages: concrete experi-ence, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, andactive experimentation, which flows back to concreteexperience. It is rooted in constructivist theory of

Table 1 Table of course level objectives and the correspondingInterprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competency theyalign with in parentheses

Apply problem solving skills to an actual community health challengefor vulnerable populations. (Values/ethics, roles/responsibilities)

Use collaboration skills to work together with a group of diversepre-professionals. (Interprofessional communication, teams and teamwork)

Engage in self-analysis to identify systemic factors relevant to supportingquality teamwork. (Roles/responsibilities, teams and teamwork)

Evaluate personal strengths and their applications to leadership andparticipation multidisciplinary teams. (Roles/responsibilities, teams andteamwork)

Evaluate feasibility, potential impact, and limitations of potential solutions.(None)

Discuss the ethical, legal, and practical implications of applying noveltechnologies, particularly for use with vulnerable populations. (Values/ethics)

Produce and communicate a tangible product using MakerSpacetechnology that has the potential to improve a community healthchallenge. (Interprofessional communication, teams and teamwork)

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learning (Kolb 2014) and has been used successfullyin undergraduate engineering and undergraduatenursing education. We explicitly mapped our learningactivities to the Kolb cycle (Table 2).Traditionally, experiential education is considered to

be experiences beyond the classroom and curriculumsuch as internships, study abroad, service learning, andfield experiences (Katula and Threnhauser 1999). Kolb’sdefinition [Learning is the process whereby knowledge iscreated through the transformation of experience (Kolb1984, p. 38)], however, does not explicitly state that theexperience needs to be outside the classroom. In fact,extending this definition has allowed many disciplines toincorporate reflection into classroom experiences.Abdulwahed and Nagy (2009) showed that students inan undergraduate engineering laboratory experienceredesigned for experiential learning had greater learninggains than students in the control laboratory experience.A hallmark of nursing undergraduate education, the

clinical experience, is rooted in experiential learning.Lisko and O’Dell (2010) found that experiential learninghelped students integrate knowledge during experiencesusing simulations. Published literature of biology under-graduate education has rarely incorporated the reflectiveobservation component of the Kolb learning cycle (but seeBauerle and Park 2012 and Millenbah and Millspaugh2003). However, the recent focus on the importance of stu-dents learning about their own learning, also known asmetacognition (Tanner 2012), suggests that explicitlyapplying the Kolb learning cycle to biology educationis appropriate.

Collaborative learningCollaborative learning is largely rooted in Vygotsky’ssociocultural or social development theory, linkinglearning within the experiential context and interactionwith peers (Vygotsky 1978). Early research suggestedthat learners educated in a group setting and who co-operate in order to attain common goals are more likelyto be successful (May et al. 1937). Since then, researchhas shown that collaborative learning teams can a range ofoutcomes from student development (Cabrera et al. 2002)to product development (Edmondson and Nembhard2009). Collaborative learning situates into the Kolb learn-ing cycle in that our students have a concrete experiencetogether in class, they reflect independently, but thenregroup to conceptualize their experience and experimentas a team (Table 1).Collaborative learning has been shown to improve

learning gains in engineering students. A survey of 150engineering students indicated a significant positive cor-relation between collaborative learning, self-efficacy,knowledge building, and course grade. Moreover, regard-less of reported self-efficacy levels, students who workedwith peers earned higher grades than those who reportedstudying and working independently outside class (Stumpet al. 2011). A follow-up study of 513 engineering studentsrevealed females utilized this strategy significantly morethan males (Stump et al. 2011). Similarly, a study of 480

Fig. 1 A conceptual model of the relationship between theinstructional theory, instructional strategies, and instructionalframework for the course that led to the research of assessment ofstudents’ perceptions of achieving the course objectives

Table 2 Course activities aligned with the Kolb learning cycle (summarized from Nagel, Lewis, and Ludwig 2017)

Concrete experience Students select and work in multidisciplinary teams to gain empathy for members of the community with a chronic illness,such as metabolic syndrome. Students interact with and get feedback consistently and frequently with members of theirteam and members of the patient community throughout the experience on iterations of solutions.

Reflective observation Students participate in weekly reflective journaling individually and in guided group discussions where they respond toprompts about their process and their developing solutions. There is an oral final where students reflect on the conceptsrequired to maintain a creative design process and produce a quality product in the course.


Students learn in ways that are different from their typical experience. Engineering students often comment on how muchthey enjoyed the opportunity to work with people from outside their major and share their knowledge of the designprocess. Pre-nursing students often comment on their ability to work with technologies and contribute to the design process.Biology students often comment on increasing their creativity and learning processes for problem solving.


Throughout the course students make prototypes of their product to gain useful feedback from community members. Theybegin with basic prototypes and iteratively make changes based on feedback from the patient community. They culminateby presenting a beta prototype to stakeholders.

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engineering students across six schools indicated collabor-ation with peers produced statistically significant gainsrelative to traditional instructional methods (Terenziniet al. 2001). Despite this evidence, much of the engineer-ing curriculum is still organized around student retentionof facts and skills (Stump et al. 2011).As most nurses will work on teams with doctors, ther-

apists, and other healthcare professionals to coordinatepatient-centered healthcare (Bureau of Labor Statistics2016), it is imperative that pre-nursing and pre-licensurenursing undergraduate students are taught interprofes-sional collaboration skills (Ketcherside et al. 2017). Chanand Wood (2012) assert that an early and continualfocus on IPE is the best way to address current problemswith patient safety, complex health issues, and risinghealthcare costs. In fact, health professions have now in-corporated IPE and communication into the nursingcurriculum and practice (Interprofessional EducationCollaborative Expert Panel 2011; American Associationof Colleges of Nursing 2008). Several studies documentingthe importance of IPE for medical and nursing studentsidentified successful outcomes including improved com-munication skills, increased knowledge of role, and greaterself-efficacy (Norgaard et al. 2013; Tofil et al. 2014). Ifeducating professionals together leads to such success,starting this process before students reach professionalschools could lead to even greater improvements.Professionals in biology tend to agree with the import-

ance of collaborating with those with different areas ofexpertise and training. There is need to develop mecha-nisms that nurture collaboration and a mechanism toenhance collaboration at all educational levels, from un-dergraduates to senior faculty, may be interdisciplinarygroup projects (Miller and Alban 2012). Additionally,Fantini et al. (2011) state, “We strive to educate wherethe needs, opportunities, and jobs are and will be in thefuture. The bridge between engineering, biology, andmedicine is a growing link, and there is no sign that thisinterface will slow.” Many biology undergraduates haveplans to enter professional schools. Interprofessionaleducation has been shown to positively change medicalstudents’ attitude towards working in teams (Lyons2012). Additionally, collaborative education between en-gineering and medical students has shown to result ininnovation for community benefit through assistive de-vice creation (McClelland and Kleinke 2013) and ad-dressing real-world clinical problems (Spoelstra et al.2014). We propose that these benefits might be achievedat the undergraduate level.

Effect of MakerSpaces on student learning outcomesSpace has been theorized to be a “change agent” withinhigher education since Oblinger (2006) summarized thephysical and psychological theories guiding the importance

of space on student learning. Oblinger (2006) further sur-mises that both the cognitive theory (the activeconstruction of knowledge) and social constructivist theory,the idea that the social environment influences learning,support a learning environment allowing for decentralizedinteraction among peers. From a business perspective, fos-tering innovation requires removing traditional workplaceboundaries and restrictions (and sometimes isolating theteam from everyone else), and embracing the qualities(playfulness, openness, energetic, risk taking, etc.) of smartcreatives (Berger and Brem 2016). Thus, we leveraged theMakerSpace as an instructional strategy (Fig. 1).Despite widespread buy-in of these assertions, the sci-

ence on space and student learning outcomes remainsrelatively sparse. One notable exception is the quasi-experimental research on two otherwise identical classesheld in different spaces, which found that students inthe classroom with a flexible design, work tables, and in-tegrated technology had better student learning out-comes than those in the traditional classrooms withdesks and an instructor lecture podium at the front ofthe classroom (Brooks 2011). A follow-up study from thesame program of research also found that students in ac-tive learning environments outperform peers in traditionalclassroom environments (Cotner et al. 2013). Others havenoted trends supporting better student learning outcomesin active learning classroom spaces, though results werenot statistically significant (Muthyala and Wei 2012).A 2016 literature review on the topic concluded that

the research on space and student learning outcomes inhigher education is “dispersed and fragmented” (Ellisand Goodyear 2016). Moreover, despite broad interest ineducating higher education students in MakerSpaces,there is space research on student learning outcomes inhigher education within these spaces. However, a recentstudy of Spanish engineering undergraduate students en-rolled in a MakerSpace workshop used the AbreactionTest of Creativity (de la Torre (1991) to show gains increativity (Saorín et al. 2017). This is a promising resultand research on the learning outcomes beyond creativityand single discipline is needed.

Significance of this studyLiterature exists supporting the benefits and use of IPEeducation (Cuff 2013), yet a majority of this develop-ment is being done at the professional or graduate levelsrather than in undergraduate settings, and certainly notearly in their academic career. In our course, students didnot work directly with a specific patient nor in a clinicalsetting; instead, the focus was on multidisciplinary collab-oration in a technology-rich setting to solve pervasivehealth problems at the community level. Currently, no lit-erature is available on the how well students achieve learn-ing outcomes associated with multidisciplinary teamwork

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and emerging technologies nor how working in atechnology-rich setting impacts attitudes and behaviors.Moreover, we found no existing literature on outcomesassociated with students collaborating in the novel config-uration of undergraduate student teams presented here,emphasizing the importance and relevance of our study.

MethodsAimThe study aims to evaluate the impact of undergraduatemultidisciplinary education offered in a MakerSpace onstudent attitudes towards and perceptions of skillsrequired in their own as well as others occupations.

Course designThe course was designed to educate a multidisciplinarygroup of students to meet the same learning outcomes(Table 1). The learning outcomes were established basedon our experience and knowledge of professional com-petencies that teamwork is valued in the workplace butis rarely explicitly taught, and of many of our university’sstudents’ lack of exposure to emerging technology. Theinstructors facilitated students achieving these courseobjectives by creating a non-threatening learning envir-onment, requiring weekly reflection, providing a relevantlearning experience through a course project, and in-corporating a variety of teaching and learning strategies(per Oandasan and Reeves 2005).We provide a brief description of the course here, and a

full description of the course is available in (Nagel, Lewis,and Ludwig 2017). Our students formed multidisciplinaryteams according to their major (a distribution of majorson each team) and personal strengths (described below)with the aim to develop collaboration and problem solvingcapabilities. Gradable materials included weekly journals,tangible deliverables, an oral final exam, and presentationof a final prototype. The three professors (biology, engin-eering, and nursing) contributed by teaching, grading, andattending all class sessions, thereby providing a positivemodel for students.The course was designed to teach students effective

collaboration while utilizing cutting-edge technologies.Offered as a 3-credit elective, the class consisted of aweekly 3-h laboratory in which students play an activerole in their learning, modeled after the Kolb learningcycle within a ME creative environment.Each week students were assigned readings from one of

four books (Strengths Based Leadership (Rath and Con-chie 2008), Creative Confidence (Kelley and Kelley 2013),Fabricated (Lipson and Kurman 2013), and The ImmortalLife of Henrietta Lacks (Skloot 2010) and responded to areflective journal prompt before the class met. Through-out the semester, content learning topics included experts

speaking about community health challenge of metabolicsyndrome, principles of design thinking, how to use theequipment in the MakerSpace, intellectual property, fun-damentals of a product pitch, and ethical reasoning.Teams were given at least 3 weeks of in-class work timein which the instructors acted as consultants. Teams pro-vided feedback on their designs to each other and feed-back to their teammates on their performance. The focusof the course was on the process, not the quality of thefinal product, so assessment was mainly formative exceptfor progress benchmarks established at the beginning ofthe semester.Prior to class, students took a StrengthsFinder® assess-

ment (Rath 2007). This assessment comes with Strengthsbased leadership (Rath and Conchie (2008). This inven-tory helps identify 34 personal strengths or “talentthemes” as they relate to personal behavior and perform-ance. Students interviewed all other students in the classabout the overlap of strengths, or lack thereof, and subse-quently suggested the top two students from other majorsthat should be on their team in order build a team ofdiverse strengths. Ultimately, instructors formed finalizedteams with every effort made to consider the recommen-dations of the students. Each student team contained rep-resentatives of each discipline. Students were thenprovided instruction and evidence on the importance ofdiversity in teams.The course was offered in one of James Madison Univer-

sity’s first MakerSpaces. The space included a 3D printer,a laser cutter, a large format printer, virtual reality soft-ware, and basic craft supplies. Furniture in the space wasflexible, and students could arrange and rearrange as theirneeds changed. There were multiple digital displaysthroughout the room around which students could gatherin teams and work. Mobile dry erase boards were alsoavailable for student use. Students received instruction onhow to use all the equipment in the room.

Research designCharacteristics of participantsEight students from engineering (a mix of undergraduatejuniors and seniors), and seven students each from biology/pre-professional health (a majority of sophomores) andpre-nursing chronic illness minor students (allsophomores) were enrolled in the course (total n = 22)(Table 3). All students took the course as an elective.The biology/health sciences and engineering instruc-tors recruited students directly based on prior inter-actions with the students. The pre-nursing studentsfrom the chronic illness minor were able to registerfor the class on a first-come first-served basis. Follow-ing institutional review board approval [IRB ProtocolNumber 16-0060], we recruited 22 student members

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of the course to participate in the research study. Theparticipant sex breakdown reflected the institution’sratio of 59% female; as age, gender, and ethnicitywere not targeted in our research design, the tran-scripts reflect this de-identification.

Data collectionData were collected as part of an exit interview at courseend. We asked each student during individual inter-views, “What did you value about what you learned inthe class?” We prompted students during the ensuingdiscussion, audio recorded and transcribed the record-ings, and removed all identifiers.After all course grades were submitted, the transcripts

were analyzed using qualitative content analysis(Graneheim and Lundman 2004) to identify themes inthe student reflections. This method requires the re-searcher to reduce participants’ comments to their smal-lest meaningful unit, code these units, identify categoriesfor these codes, and then finally distinguish themes fromthe categories. The three researchers used an iterativeprocess until agreement was reached at each step tostrengthen the trustworthiness of the findings, thoughno inter-rater reliability statistics were calculated, andcounts maintained of codes, categories, and themes toenhance understanding of the reports of the qualitativedata, per Sandelowski (2001). We used the commentsfrom the end of the semester peer evaluations (Ohlandet al. 2012) to further elucidate some themes, especiallythose around teamwork. These quotes are designated as“[iX]” in the results (Additional file 1).

Design and analysisWe used qualitative content analysis to look for themesin students’ attitudes and learning in this multidisciplin-ary education course. As researchers, we attempted toavoid all biases when conducting our evaluation of data.Thus, we did not specifically look for the described ob-jectives and domains (Table 1) during our researchprocess. As discussed above, when we evaluated our stu-dent outcomes the overlap between the objectives and

five domains of the Interprofessional Collaborative Prac-tice Competencies (IPEC) became evident.

ResultsThe narratives resulted in over 250 unique and codedmeaningful units in which six themes emerged fromover 50 categories. These categories included learning toallow time for team work and gained confidence in pro-fessional knowledge. Six themes were observed. Of these,two were emergent, with the remaining four aligningdirectly with course objectives and IPEC domains. Thethemes are discussed below in order of the volume ofsupportive evidence. The designators after the quotessignify an individual quote [iX] from the transcripts or aquote from the peer evaluation [cX].

Learned teamwork capabilities and valued working in amultidisciplinary teamThe two most supported themes, “learned teamworkcapabilities” and the more specific “valued working in amultidisciplinary team” are related, though separate im-portant foci exist. These themes align directly with thecourse objectives (Table 1). For instance, the theme of“learned teamwork capabilities” contained general cap-abilities required of participants to work well in a team,such as being purposeful to understand others’ perspec-tives, whereas the theme “valued working in a multidis-ciplinary team” illustrates that participants noticed thedifference required to work with other disciplines, andthe skills they consequently developed to make that hap-pen. Both themes contained capabilities that went be-yond knowledge to include skills, attitudes, andbehaviors, as noted below. Furthermore, participantsgained knowledge of their own strengths and weaknessesin relation to the team; they learned how to interact withothers, and that teamwork takes time. They developednew beneficial practices and attitudes, such as patience.And perhaps most importantly, students came to appre-ciate the role of the team and realized that teamworkwas necessary to the success of their eventual goals. Thenarratives below illustrate students learning generalteamwork capabilities:

I believe that the Strengths Based Leadership assessmentproperly assigned our group. Each of us had individualstrengths and talents that complemented each other. Ihave learned so much from my team members andthough their contributions varied from time to time, Ibelieve they all deserve perfect scores. This class alsointroduced me to new friendships. It was one ofthe few classes I have taken at JMU that I can sayI genuinely enjoyed being a part of. It excites meto see how innovative my peers are and how JMUis supporting this creativity. [c1].

Table 3 Number of participants by major and grade level


Grade level Total(n)

Percentage ofgroup total (%)

Sophomore(2nd year)

Junior(3rd year)

Senior(4th year)

Engineering 0 5 3 8 36.4

Pre-nursing 7 0 0 7 31.8


6 1 0 7 31.8

Total 13 6 3 22 100.0

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I learned that I can be really distracting in groups andthat needs to be controlled, but it can also be. . . like,distraction in itself is not inherently negative. Sometimesyou need a distraction. So if tensions were getting high,they didn’t in our group, but if things get to a fever pitchI can break away from that. And I think that addssomething useful. The strengths-based leadership ishelpful in that you should work on your strengths but Ithink it’s also possible to look at your weaknesses andframe them as strengths in the right light [i12].

I wanted to make this cool meat grinder that Ithought was awesome. So I guess one of the mainthings I learned throughout this course mostly in thegroup context is like… myself I just wanna make theidea, do it myself and to hell with your ideas, right?But I realized after trying to convince them and theyjust weren’t having it, I realized they have a good idea.I was just too focused on my own idea to really give ita shot at first. And so, I don’t know, I learned toaccept that maybe I don’t have to come up with allthe ideas. I don’t have to dominate the group like Idid earlier in the semester when I wouldn’t really letthem talk per se. [i2]

In addition to working as a team, students understoodthat working in a multidisciplinary team was unique, andthey specifically appreciated that dynamic. Students valuedknowing what the other professions do, finding it hum-bling to recognize the expertise in their peers, and theylearned to overcome practical barriers such as jargon dif-ferences. Likewise, they acknowledged that working spe-cifically with a group from other professions led to aricher process, and students maturely valued that. Learn-ing concepts related to interprofessional work areillustrated in the following participant comments:

It was difficult at first realizing that not everybodyknows my lingo and I have to ask a lot people in adifferent way all the time, and I definitely value that Inow feel comfortable being like, Hey, I don’t get that,can you tone it down a bit for me and really break itdown so I can grasp what you’re saying and we canmove forward? [i9]

Okay. I think what I learned a lot in the class is how todeal with the whole inter-professional aspect becauselike when you’re in the workforce, ideally or not ideally,

you’re going to be surrounded by different people withdifferent backgrounds and that’s what this class was soit kind of taught me, and I feel like everyone else, to geta different perspective or to understand someone else’sperspective on what they’re trying to pitch or voice toyou. [i14]

My team was great, we worked well, all membersparticipated in all activities and expressedenthusiasm about the project. I cannot express howawesome it’s been to work with non-engineeringmajors, I saw great attitude from the Biology andNursing students! [c4].

Valued growth from challenging problem solvingStudents valued the growth that came from being chal-lenged in the course; this theme aligned with the courseobjectives (Table 1). Though they called the growth un-comfortable, participants recognized that the MakerSpaceand interprofessional aspects allowed for more robustproblem solving. The students noted the challenge of hav-ing the course instructed differently than many they hadtaken prior; they commended the student-centered ap-proach to teaching which allowed students more auton-omy to direct decision-making. They appreciated the self-directed nature of the course. One participant describeshow the student-centered learning was integrated into thecreative aspect of the course. They also enjoyed learningabout the health challenge(s) of metabolic syndrome. Stu-dents sensed an urgency to their work and the access tonew technology pushed them to grow and problem solve.In fact, some specifically mentioned the 3D printer as auseful technology:

I didn’t realize we were going to be using 3D printersand laser cutters and all this cool technology, so I thinkI really kind of learned to expand past my typicallecture science brain to a different kind of field [i10].

…but it was also just cool to learn about the actualinnovation process and how to get from just an ideathat I wrote down on a piece of paper to actually upto something that was working and could almost beput into an actual product. [i15]

[Names] were one of the best teams I’ve ever workedwith at JMU! Even when we had conflicting ideas,everyone was eager to listen to everyone else and

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work together to create something we ended up beingreally proud of. My favorite thing about working withthem was that instead of splitting up all the work anddoing it individually, we all spent a lot of timeworking as a group and meeting outside of class. So,we all ended up being on the same page. Creating ourproject was tough because we were going throughnew ideas every week for a while, but everyone in thegroup kept going and giving suggestions on how tomake it better. And, when we were on a good track,everyone was equally excited! We had a good dynamicwithin our team, and I think our differingpersonalities worked well together. [c2]

Saw the course in the context of their past and futureworkAn emergent theme described how students saw thecourse in the context of their past and future work. Thiswas an affirmation to us as facilitators/educators of the im-portance of the class to their learning. Students mentionedthat they enjoyed the course and that they will be able toapply what they learned to future work. Additionally, theylinked their class activities to other non-academic experi-ences. For example, participants reported being excited totell their families and peers about the class:

You guys gave us useful information and resources,and kind of let us utilize and at our own will. Andthat was really cool, because I’ve never had anythinglike that, especially being a health science major. It’slike preparing you for further schooling, so they don’tthink that you need to have a lot of hands-on things.We don’t get a lot of that within our major. So thatwas something that I really valued a lot. [i7]

And I [talk] about this class all the time, to like myparents and friends and stuff, but I really hope thatcontinues to keep the things I’ve learned, into myother future bio classes or even just non bio classesbecause it truly, creativity can be fostered, and that’s abig thing I learned. [i13]

Learned about their own professionThe students reported that they acquired insight intotheir own profession, a theme that aligned with thecourse objectives (Table 1). These undergraduates alsolearned the limitations of their profession and at thesame time were able to gain confidence in their profes-sional knowledge. Moreover, they learned to communi-cate their role and their knowledge to other members oftheir team. Markedly, students came to see that they aremore than “just” their chosen profession:

And I’ve learned about professionalism outside of mebut I’ve also learned about internal professionalismwithin myself. Like, “What does it mean for me to beall these different things at once?” and “How do Iaccess that?” I don’t have to be. . . I mean, yes, I’m abiology major. That’s what I’ll graduate with, but I’mnot just a bio major. [i12]

Learned to be creativeStudents also gained knowledge of how to be creative(an emergent theme); many were previously unaware oftheir capabilities. In this experimental course they real-ized that creativity can be a learned skill. Participantsvalued the innovative thinking and increased the skill ofingenuity while revering the structure the course pro-vided for learning creativity and felt that benchmarkingwas useful to provide feedback of their creative work.

I think it really helped me to be more creative andjust have more confidence in my abilities and myideas [i6].

Another participant describes the creative growth thatoccurred:

I really learned to not doubt myself so much when itcomes to creativity. I’ve always never really thought ofmyself as creative and I guess being a science majorpeople don’t think of you as creative when you tellthem that. But I really got to tap into the part of methat is more creative and artsy and crafty and looks atthings in a different perspective, and I talked aboutthat in my last journal [i13].

DiscussionThis initial investigation of student learning gains in theareas of multidisciplinary teamwork in a MakerSpacesuggests that the innovative configuration of majors andlearning environment was effective. Students reported adeepened understanding of their own discipline and anincreased appreciation for the future career paths oftheir teammates, as exemplified above in quote i12. Theemanating themes of students valuing teamwork—espe-cially multidisciplinary teamwork, exploring excitingnew territory in their own professions, and learning tobe creative both corroborate prior findings and add tothe knowledge of IPE for our increasingly collaborativeworld. We interpret our results in the context the IPECdomains and of our learning objectives.The interprofessional teamwork domain focuses on

building relationships to provide patient care. This domainaligns with our course objective of “Use collaborationskills to work together with a group of diverse pre-professionals”. Although our students did not participate

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in direct patient care, they demonstrated capabilitiesneeded to work as an interprofessional team. For instance,students integrated the knowledge of other professionsinto their decision-making process. The quote [c2] makesthis case quite clearly; students worked in tandem to solveproblems rather than use the divide and conquer method.The IPEC domain of “roles/responsibilities” states that

professionals need to develop a sense of their own pro-fession (what skills and knowledge are unique to theprofession) along with valuing interprofessional work.Our students were able to articulate steps of professionalidentity development, such as understanding profes-sional boundaries, despite the fact that in some casesthey had not even begun formal professional training. Inaddition, many students were being educated on theirrole while also developing interprofessional competen-cies. This observation is important, because others havesuggested that it is critical to first develop a professionalidentity before developing interprofessional competen-cies (Khalili et al. 2013). In comparison, our findingssuggest that this process may be nonlinear and that thetwo roles can be learned simultaneously, reiterating ourstudy’s innovative approach of introducing undergradu-ate students to the world of professional collaboration.The interprofessional communication domain includes

communication with team members that do not shareone’s specific occupation. This domain is characterizedby recognizing one’s expertise and expressing opinions,along with choosing effective communication tech-niques. This domain aligns with our course objective of“Produce and communicate a tangible product usingMakerSpace technology that has the potential to im-prove a community health challenge”. Our findings sup-port that undergraduate pre-professional students canlearn communication skills, such as overcoming jargonbarriers, needed to work in a diverse team. An interest-ing outcome shown in quote [i9] is that this student ar-ticulated being better able to ask clarifying questions asa function of working in interprofessional teams.One IPEC domain that the instructors expected the

student responses to support, but was missing in thestudent narratives, was the values/ethics domain, whichdiscusses ethical decision-making in the context of inter-professional practice and suggests that ethical decisionsoften require team input. This domain includes em-pathy, an emphasis that the patient is the center of theteam and of all decisions made (Interprofessional Educa-tion Collaborative 2016). In the current team setting, the“client” for whom the students designed their solutionwould take the place of the patient. Curiously, our stu-dents failed to articulate the importance of ethical deci-sions in the context of the interprofessional team despitereceiving instruction on, and content in, diversity andethical decision making. For example, students read,

discussed, and reflected on the application of the bookThe Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Skloot 2010) inregards to other course content. Students struggled tosee the connection between the theme of human vulner-ability to technology in the book and in the novel tech-nologies we used in the course. Instead, students tendedto be focused on the practical details of the technology,such as how to use the large format printer. This resultsuggests that within the context of developing new,complex, technical skills, e.g., working with a 3D printer,it may be difficult for undergraduate students to transi-tion to and value higher-order thinking skills such asethical decision-making. Therefore, we recommend sub-stantial scaffolding in course assignments to help stu-dents develop ethical reasoning in the context ofinterprofessional practice.Although students failed to identify gains in ethical

reasoning, the instructors perceived at least one area ofethical reasoning in which students made gains was inthe development of empathy. We noticed that studentsimproved in their ability to design for others as thecourse progressed. Students learned and used anempathy-based design process as described in CreativeConfidence (Kelley and Kelley 2013) which providesprinciples and strategies for unlocking one’s creative po-tential, as well as innovative ways to approach and solveproblems. Empathy-based design is an iterative processused to create a solution that has value because the de-signers take time to understand the people not only assomeone with specific health needs but who they are asa person, resulting in a comprehensive process that ca-ters to the individual’s needs. The topics of novel tech-nology and multidisciplinary practice require ethicalreasoning skills to be well-implemented. Empathy is onlyone component of ethical reasoning, and it is unlikelythat understanding of empathy-based design is sufficientfor ethical reasoning. Thus, in addition to emphasizingthe importance of empathy when teams are formulatingtheir design, explicit instruction was provided on ethicalreasoning that included considering elements such asoutcomes and autonomy (Madison Collaborative 2013).Though students described their learning specific toempathetic design when they talked about the spaceand problem solving, they failed to make the connec-tion between empathetic design and ethical reasoning.We believe that empathy-based design has the poten-tial to play an important role in developing ethicalreasoning for undergraduate interprofessional teamsand suggest these learning goals be as explicit as pos-sible to students so that they can specifically identifythe value of, and intentionally hone, this skill duringthe course, while recognizing the need for futurefocus on ethics as they work in subsequentinterprofessional teams.

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Student learning gainsThere is empirical evidence that the space in which stu-dents learn may also have an impact on learning out-comes; our research supports Mellor et al. (2013) findingsthat for IPE, the educational environment is important tostudent learning, and specifically that it is crucial for stu-dents to have a space in which to try, and fail, and havethe ability to work on realistic problems. In particular,MakerSpaces may facilitate student creativity and mayhelp explain the emergent theme of students learning theskill of creativity. Students identified the MakerSpace asinspiring, relevant, and motivating (see quotes [i10], [i15],[c2]), however the students did not link the space directlyto facilitating multidisciplinary collaboration. Our resultsprovide initial evidence to the philosophical argument thatMakerSpaces are places in which students learn creativeproblem solving, leverage their strengths, and take owner-ship of their learning (Kurti et al. 2014) but further re-search is required linking students perceptions of thespace directly to their learning.Sheridan et al. (2014) state, “Makerspaces seem to break

down disciplinary boundaries in ways that facilitateprocess- and product-oriented practices…” This was atechnological introductory experience for our students, asthe MakerSpace in which the course was offered was anew facility, and even if the students had experience with3D printing, they had not used these particular brandsand machines. The acts of learning to use the equipment,trouble-shooting errors together, and celebrating successescan all lead to the space having a strong influence on col-laborative problem solving. And while university librariesacross the USA are installing MakerSpaces, these itera-tions fail to promote collaborative learning because theyare typically for use by individuals (Gierdowski and Reis2015). Additionally, library MakerSpaces do not explicitlypromote the reflective portion of the Kolb learning cycle(Fig. 1). Contrasted with the library MakerSpaces, thereare examples of MakerSpaces dedicated to single disci-plines. A study of a MakerSpace in engineering showed apositive impact on professional growth, a slightly less butstill positive impact on personal growth, and a large pro-portion of their growth in the area of teamwork (Lagoudaset al. 2016) for students. Our results are in line with thosefindings and broaden them with the additional componentof multidisciplinary learning.We can speculate additional reasons for the student per-

ceptions of their learning gains in the course. One reasonfor these advances might be the choice of course texts thestudents read; the texts were intentionally chosen to guidestudents through an exploration of teamwork and creativ-ity, the ethics of their potential interventions, and the cul-ture of 3D printing. Interestingly, however, students didnot often reference the books directly in their interviewresponses. A second explanation could be that the course

strongly aligns with the emergent themes of the “smartcreative” (Berger and Brem 2016) including seeing failureas an opportunity, recognizing the need for technicalknowledge and creativity, and that problem solving in-volves the generation of multiple ideas.A third explanation for these outcomes might be at-

tributed to areas that students did not identify asimpacting their classroom experience. For instance, theinstructors noted, anecdotally, that many teams began tomeet socially for non-class related purposes. The stu-dents did not report these interactions as being import-ant in their exit interview, thus it did not emerge as atheme. However, these informal interactions may havehelped them deepen their respect, communication, andunderstanding for the distributions of various capabil-ities and lack thereof held in their team. These informalinteractions, although admittedly difficult to study dir-ectly, may play an important part in the success of theteam (Lawson et al. 2009).The potential impact of the instructors on the outcomes

of this research, however, is less speculative. An evaluationof a National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experi-ence for Undergraduates at University of California—Irvinethat focused on interdisciplinary teams in health-relatedareas found that the attitudes of the mentors predicted atti-tudes of participants towards interdisciplinary work (Misraet al. 2009). The team of instructors for this research hasconsiderable overlap in their strengths (including strategicthinking and relationship building), as well as remarkabledifferences in areas such as executing and communicating.Each one highly values interprofessional work, and have allbeen through extensive professional development practices.Moreover, professional development has shown to havehad a profound impact on the standard of “FacilitatingLearning and Creativity” in a study of 32 teachers using theInternational Society for Technology Education NationalEducational Technology Standards (NETS•T) and Perform-ance Indicators for Teachers (Fiala et al. 2015). Thus, as in-structors in this study, we may have been especially well-positioned to facilitate student learning and promote thevalue of working in multidisciplinary teams.

LimitationsLimitations of our study include our data set being col-lected orally only by instructors. Though students wereassured this would not be graded and all identifiers re-moved, participants may have been hesitant to sharefeedback in front of the group, particularly if their in-sights could be construed as negative or involving teammembers directly. An external interviewer for the exitinterview would eliminate this potential bias. Additionally,a written component should be considered in the futureto gather additional unbiased data.

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We note that there is a relatively small sample size inthis study and we did not collect data with regard to eth-nicity, race, or gender identification. A next step wouldbe to increase the sample size and analyze the resultsrelative to these parameters within our own institution.Additionally, we suggest including multiple institutionswith various Carnegie classifications and replicating thestudy through multiple cohorts to broaden the applic-ability of the results. Longitudinal studies including stu-dents’ perceptions of how the class influenced theircurrent thinking and employment would contribute tothe understanding of the importance of these types ofexperiences for student outcomes.

Next steps: qualitative to quantitative dataWe intended this research to be qualitative in nature be-cause we were not sure what to expect from students inthis course experience. We have already used the emer-gent themes from this qualitative assessment of studentlearning gains to select quantitative assessments of thenoted improvements for the next offered iteration of thecourse, however, those results are not available yet. Quan-titative surveys have been offered to undergraduate stu-dents in medical and engineering disciplines in order touncover their attitudes and preferences regarding workingand learning across disciplines (Spoelstra et al. 2014). Un-fortunately, however, there is no data on the change inthose preferences after working in an interprofessionalteam. The next iteration of the course incorporates a be-fore and after survey to address this issue. Additionally,there are studies that evaluate the efficacy of interprofes-sional programs, but do not directly assess students’achievement of learning outcomes (Simmons et al. 2016).This is a more challenging quantitative assessment be-cause it shifts from student reporting to instructor assess-ment of performance. Future iterations of the coursecould use the AAC&U value rubrics to assess perform-ance. Ideally, longitudinal studies will eventually be doneto determine if the student gains in the course lastthrough their professional training and future work, in-cluding specific measurement on students’ capacity to ac-quire emerging content knowledge to stay on the cuttingedge of their rapidly changing fields.

ConclusionsIn a MakerSpace, we simultaneously guided and watchedour students grow in their confidence and mastery of cap-abilities such as teamwork and communication, which arecrucial to collaboration and in demand by employers. Stu-dents valued the multidisciplinary nature of the work,their own “professional” and personal development, andthe technologies available to them. These observationsalign with the course objectives that also aligned with theIPEC domains, and provide evidence that the overlap

between multidisciplinary teams, authentic problems is avaluable pedagogical space for training current under-graduate students for future professional work. TheMakerSpace was inspirational to students however, stu-dents did not make a direct connection between the spaceand their learning. More explicit research is required todetermine the effect of the MakerSpace on student learn-ing gains; however, the outlook is promising. Additionalresearch is also needed to establish evidence-based quanti-tative measures of proficiencies in each objective. We as-sert that specifically focusing on personal strengths andexposing students to tough questions are equally import-ant, as is emphasizing ethics throughout the creativecourse process. Finally, novel configuration of teams intechnology-rich environments is a promising area forfuture work.

Additional file

Additional file 1: Themes and categories listed in descending orderbased on volume of supportive evidence. (DOCX 14 kb)

AbbreviationsAAVMC: Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges;ACAPT: American Council of Academic Physical Therapy; APA: AmericanPsychological Association; CSWE: Council on Social Work Education;IPE: Interprofessional Education; IPEC: IPE Collaborative; JMU: James MadisonUniversity; NSF: National Science Foundation; STEM: Science, technology,engineering, and mathematics

AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Lili Deveneau and anonymous reviewers forextremely valuable comments during the preparation of the manuscript. Wealso thank Nick Swayne and the staff of the JMU STEM X-Labs for their technicaland moral support.

Availability of data and materialsThe dataset(s) supporting the conclusions of this article is (are) includedwithin the article and the data table at the end of the article.

Authors’ contributionsThe authors shared equal responsibility for collecting, coding, and analyzingthe data as well as preparation of the manuscript. All authors read andapproved the final manuscript.

FundingThis work is supported by a 4-Virginia special grant awarded to the authors.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Author details1Department of Biology, James Madison University, 951 Carrier Dr. MSC 7801,Harrisonburg, VA 22807, USA. 2Department of Engineering, James MadisonUniversity, 801 Carrier Drive MSC 4113, Harrisonburg, VA 22807, USA. 3Schoolof Nursing, James Madison University, 820 Madison Drive MSC 4305,Harrisonburg, VA 22807, USA.

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Received: 21 October 2016 Accepted: 5 November 2017

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