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SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTS, INC. 7811 Shaffer Parkway • Littleton, CO 80127-3732 USA • Tel: +1.720.981.7882 • Fax: +1.720.981.7874 E-mail: [email protected] Student Chapter Annual Report Form This form is used to report on Student Chapter activities over the previous year. The report provides a useful medium to doc- ument the status and progress of individual chapters. Annual Reports are used to evaluate applications for SEG support and to keep information up-to-date on the SEG website. Please provide a summary of chapter activities in a concise form as suggest- ed below. Description of programs may be supported by a limited number of photographs and figures in a format appropriate for publishing on our website. Submission Deadline: September 30th Submit to: [email protected] Month/Year Reported: From _______________________(mm/yyyy) To _______________________(mm/yyyy) Chapter Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Chapter E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Website: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Facebook: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Executive Committee (in office during the time frame captured on this report) (type “Vacant” if position not filled): President: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Name E-mail Vice President: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Name E-mail Secretary: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Name E-mail Treasurer: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Name E-mail Chapter Academic Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing): ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________ Name E-mail Phone _ ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ Address Fax Chapter Industry Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing and not affiliated with the student chapter’s institution): ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________ Name E-mail Phone _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ Address Fax Sponsoring Institution or Company (name): _________________________________________________________________ Attach: 1. a list of names of all Student Chapter members (please indicate by * if SEG Student Member). 2. complete Student Chapter Membership Information form with the current Executive Committee listed on page 1. On a separate page(s) provide a summary of student chapter annual activities: Aug2015VS 1. Regular meetings, lectures 2. Field trips (dates, area visited, field trip leaders, num- ber of participants, sponsors, benefits for students). Note : this is not the place for a detailed field trip report that is required from a chapter who has received funding from the Stewart R. Wallace Fund. 3. If your chapter received funding from the Stewart R. Wallace Fund, please submit a separate actual accounting of how chapter funds were spent/used. 4. Organization of conferences, workshops, short courses (theme, number of participants, benefits for students) 5. Participation in conferences, workshops, short courses (theme, number of participants from the chapter, benefits for students) 6. Fund-raising programs 7. Other programs 8. Future plans November/2016 November/2017 Bucharest Student Chapter of Society of Economic Geologists 1 Nicolae Balcescu Blvd., 010041, Bucharest, Romania; Faculty of Geolog [email protected] Eduard-Costin Ghinescu [email protected] Ilie-Tudor Ganescu [email protected] Cristina-Mihaela Nastasi [email protected] Andrei Constantinescu [email protected] Sorin-Silviu Udubasa [email protected] +40723168497 Cecilia Szentesy [email protected]

Student Chapter Annual Report Form

Dec 08, 2016



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Page 1: Student Chapter Annual Report Form

SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTS, INC.7811 Shaffer Parkway • Littleton, CO 80127-3732 USA • Tel: +1.720.981.7882 • Fax: +1.720.981.7874

E-mail: [email protected]

Student Chapter Annual Report FormThis form is used to report on Student Chapter activities over the previous year. The report provides a useful medium to doc-ument the status and progress of individual chapters. Annual Reports are used to evaluate applications for SEG support and tokeep information up-to-date on the SEG website. Please provide a summary of chapter activities in a concise form as suggest-ed below. Description of programs may be supported by a limited number of photographs and figures in a format appropriatefor publishing on our website.

Submission Deadline: September 30th Submit to: [email protected]

Month/Year Reported: From _______________________(mm/yyyy) – To _______________________(mm/yyyy)

Chapter Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Website: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Facebook: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Executive Committee (in office during the time frame captured on this report) (type “Vacant” if position not filled):

President: __________________________________________ __________________________________________Name E-mail

Vice President: __________________________________________ __________________________________________Name E-mail

Secretary: __________________________________________ __________________________________________Name E-mail

Treasurer: __________________________________________ __________________________________________Name E-mail

Chapter Academic Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing):

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________Name E-mail Phone

_____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________Address Fax

Chapter Industry Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing and not affiliated with the student chapter’s institution):

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________Name E-mail Phone

_____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________Address Fax

Sponsoring Institution or Company (name): _________________________________________________________________

Attach: 1. a list of names of all Student Chapter members (please indicate by * if SEG Student Member).2. complete Student Chapter Membership Information form with the current Executive Committee listed on page 1.

On a separate page(s) provide a summary of student chapter annual activities:


1. Regular meetings, lectures2. Field trips (dates, area visited, field trip leaders, num-

ber of participants, sponsors, benefits for students).Note: this is not the place for a detailed field tripreport that is required from a chapter who has receivedfunding from the Stewart R. Wallace Fund.

3. If your chapter received funding from the Stewart R.Wallace Fund, please submit a separate actualaccounting of how chapter funds were spent/used.

4. Organization of conferences, workshops, short courses (theme, number of participants, benefitsfor students)

5. Participation in conferences, workshops, short courses (theme, number of participants from thechapter, benefits for students)

6. Fund-raising programs7. Other programs8. Future plans

November/2016 November/2017Bucharest Student Chapter of Society of Economic Geologists

1 Nicolae Balcescu Blvd., 010041, Bucharest, Romania; Faculty of [email protected]://

Eduard-Costin Ghinescu [email protected]

Ilie-Tudor Ganescu [email protected]

Cristina-Mihaela Nastasi [email protected]

Andrei Constantinescu [email protected]

Sorin-Silviu Udubasa [email protected] +40723168497

Cecilia Szentesy [email protected]

Page 2: Student Chapter Annual Report Form

Bucharest Student Chapter of Society of

Economic Geologists Annual Report 2016/2017

The Bucharest Student Chapter is a student association affiliated to the Faculty of Geology and

Geophysics, University of Bucharest, gathering four student chapters representing some of the most

important international geosciences organizations (AAPG - American Association of Petroleum

Geologists, SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers, SEG - Society of Economic Geologists, SEG -

Society of Exploration Geophysicists) plus two scientific groups: Mineralogy Circle and Geotechnical


During the period of 2016 - 2017, members of Bucharest Student Chapter of Society of

Economic Geologists held a series of presentations at the Student National Symposium and

participated in several field trips (each chapter’s annual field trip/field camp). Regular presentations

and field trips were focused on petroleum, mineralogical, petrological and geophysical field of studies.

One lecturer was invited during the year to hold a conference on: Fluids in the continental crust

and in the upper mantle: An atlas about fluid inclusions and mineral melts from Romania (Dr. Ioan

Pintea form Geological Institute of Romania - Cluj - Napoca).

1. �BSC of SEG Activities

• 14 - 18 May 2017

Bucharest Student Chapter of SEG got invited by SEG Student Chapter form University of

Miskolc to participate in a short courese about Sampling methods on active and abandoned mining

areas in Telkibanya (Hungary). In this short course two members from our chapter and another

three students form our faculty have taken part (Fig 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4).

• 18 May 2017

Dr. Ioan Pintea from the Geological Institute of Romania, Cluj-Napoca branch, was invited to

hold a conference regarding the following subject: Fluids in the continental crust and in the upper

mantle: An atlas about fluid inclusions and mineral melts from Romania (Fig 1.5, 1.6).

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• 29 August - 21 September 2017

Two members from our chapter and another four students from our faculty took part in a soil

sampling session with the prospection and drilling company from Romania Formin S.A. Together

with two geologists from Formin they sampled a perimeter near Brad city, Hunedeoara county

during the prospection phase for a polimetalic ore (Fig 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12).

• 25-29 September 2017

Our chapter together with Brno SEG Student Chapter (Czech Republic) and Sofia SEG Student

Chapter (Bulgaria) organized a join field trip in the Czech Republic focused mainly on the gold

deposits of the Czech Republic (Fig 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17).

• 11-24 October 2017

Two members from our chapter and another two students from our faculty took part in a soil

sampling and mapping session with the prospection and drilling company from Romania Formin

S.A. Together with two geologists from Formin they mapped and sampled a perimeter near

Beclean city, Bistrița-Năsăud county during the prospection phase for a polimetalic ore (Fig 1.18,

1.19, 1.20, 1.21, 1.22).

Page 4: Student Chapter Annual Report Form


Short Course - Sampling methods on active and abandoned mining


Fig 1.1 - BSC of SEG students at Pálháza Perlite Quarry

Fig 1.2 - BSC of SEG students learning the basics of water probing in Smolnik in Slovakia

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Fig 1.3 - Soil sample

Fig 1.4 - Group picture of all the participants of the short - course

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Conference, held by Dr. Ioan Pintea at Faculty of Geology and

Geophysics, University of Bucharest

Fig 1.5 - Dr. Ioan Pintea during the presentation

Fig 1.6 - The participants during Dr. Ioan Pintea's presentation

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Soil sampling for polimetalic ore near Brad city, Hunedoara County

Fig 1.7 - BSC of SEG students taking a soil sample

Fig 1.8 - Harsh weather conditions during the soil sampling

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Fig 1.9 - Probing hole

Fig 1.10 - Gold specimen form Brad Gold Museum

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Fig 1.12 - At the end of a exausting day

Fig 1.11 - Preparing the soil sample

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BSC of SEG Field Trip 25-29 September to Brno

Fig 1.13 - Field camp participants during the visit at Zinnwald Mine

Fig 1.14 - Analizing drill cores from the Mokrshko Gold Mine

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Fig 1.15 - SEG students from Bucharest, Sofia and Brno together at Jilove Adit

Fig 1.16 - Group photo of all participants

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Fig 1.17 - Native gold from Krasna Hora Mine

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Mapping and soil sampling for polimetalic ore near Beclean city,

Bistrița-Năsăud County

Fig 1.18 - Student taking a soil sample

Fig 1.19 - Another soil sample

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Fig 1.20 - Formin Eng. Geol. Ioan Coșoreanu taking a soil sample

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Fig 1.21 - Rock sample taken during the mapping session

Fig 1.22 - Andesite covered in a thin oxidation layer

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2.� Overall BSC Activities (with SEG Members involved)

• 4 - 7 May 2017

National Symposium of Student Geologists and Geophysicists 18th Edition; University of

Babeș - Bolyai, Faculty of Biology and Geology; Among the many students who attended the

symposium there was one BSC of SEG student with the following presentations Comparative study

on the evolution of Ingressus Bear in Europe (Fig 2.1, 2.2).

• 2 - 6 August 2017

During the 2nd and 6th of August BSC of AAPG held their annual field trip in Bulgaria:

Sedimentological, structural geology and hydracarbons related issues of Western and Center

Balkanides. Among the atendees there was one member from our chapter (Fig 2.3, 2.4 ).

• 4 - 14 September 2017

During the 4th and the 14th of september BSC of Society of Exploration Geophysicists held

their annual field trip in Sacel, Maramures county. The main objective of this field trip was data

acquisition using passive and active seismics, gravimetry, SEV and ERT. This field camp was

attended by students from Poland, Ukraine and Bucharest, including two BSC of SEG members

(Fig 2.5, 2.6).

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XVIII National Student Symposium & Cluj Student Chapter

Fig 2.1 - Students during prezentation

Fig 2.2 - Students with their prize

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BSC of AAPG Summer Field Trip

Fig 2.3 - Students during explanations at an outcrop

Fig 2.4 - Group photo of the field trip participants

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Geophysical field trip near Săcel, Maramureș County

Fig 2.5 - Dr. Mihai Nedelcu showing the basic principles of gravimetry

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Fig 2.6 - BSC of SEG President Eduard Ghinescu during active seismic measurements

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3.� Future plans



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Bucharest Student Chapter ExpenseSheet

The currency value used was one from when the wire transfer was received.

(1 USD = 0,85 EUR, 17 October 2017) The remaining 450 USD was handed to the new treasurer of the chapter.

EUR€ USD$ Transportation (by

car) Road Vignette 45 53

Fuel 241 284

Accomodation Hotel Cepín 278 328 Nový Cholín 232 274

Museum Fees Terra Mineralia 52 62 Regionální muzeum Jílové u Prahy 24 28 Total spent 872 1029

Remaining cash 381 450 Total 1253 1479

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Bucharest Student Chapter Members

SEG Student Members

Eduard-Costin Ghinescu ✔

Ilie-Tudor Gănescu ✔

Florin-Ionuț Pavăl ✔

George-Traian Popescu ✔

Roberta-Andreea Cocoș ✔

Sorina-Gabriela Vișan ✔

Maria Pârlea ✔

Alexandru-Gabriel Călin ✔

Mihaela Grigore ✔

Ioana Dorilă ✔

Gabriela-Mariana Dragomir ✔

Marian Liviu Mihai ✔

Cristina-Mihaela Nastasi ✔

Andrei-Gheorghe Găvenea ✔

Ioana-Francesca Mănăilă ✔

Andrei-Constantinescu ✔