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Structure Revisi Baru.trawas

Jun 02, 2018



Edy Kurniawan
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  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas



























    Example:When you see the African lions in the park, you see them in their true


    Pronoun you is in the su!e"t position# The pronoun them is the o!e"tpronoun an$ refers to the lions# The pronoun their is in the possessive a$!e"tiveform e"ause the environment $is"usse$ in senten"e is that of the lions#

    Possessive pronouns or a$!e"tives are usually use$ %ith referen"e to partsof the o$y#Example:

    1. Sheputs the shawl over her shoulder2. She lifted the boyand put the shawl in his shoulder.3. Sheputs a red hair on her headand a green one on his.

    Oserve the follo%in& example# 'oes the pronoun or possessive a$!e"tive a&ree%ith the %or$ it refers to(Example:

    The little girlput on her hat, and the little boyput on hishat.

    If the hat &irl put on elon&s to the &irl) the possessive a$!e"tive must a&ree %iththe %or$ girl# If the hat the oy put on elon&s to the oy) the possessivepronoun must a&ree %ith the %or$ boy# If somethin& in the senten"e in$i"ates

    that the hats they put on elon& to someone else) a&reement must e ma$eet%een the possessive pronoun or a$!e"tive an$ that other person#

    ExerciseA. State whether the sentences beow are correct or incorrect.*# When he "omes a"+ from va"ation) ,o an$ me plan to loo+ for another

    apartment#When he "omes a"+ from va"ation) ,o an$ I plan to loo+ for anotherapartment#

    -# The us leaves Te$ an$ she at the "orner

    The us leaves Te$ an$ her at the "orner

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    !. "hoose the "orrect Answer

    *# The !a% stru"ture of a sna+e permits it to eat an$ $i&est animals mu"h lar&erthan ..../01 it /21 itself/,1 its /'1 it has

    -# Sports me$i"ine experts a&ree that i"e shoul$ e applie$ imme$iately %henan athlete su3ers an in!ury to...... le/01 its /21 the/,1 an /'1 his

    4# One property of ra$ioisotopes is that .......$e"ayin& o""urs in half5lives overa lon& perio$ of time#/01 they /21 they6re/,1 them /'1 their

    7# Sin"e the earth6s "rust is mu"h thi"+er un$er the "ontinents) e8uipment%oul$ have to e "apale of $rillin& throu&h *99)999 feet of ro"+ toinvesti&ate the mantle ....../01 eneath them /21 eneath its/,1 eneath their /'1 eneath they

    # There are ten "hil$ren playin& in the yar$ near my house) ut your "hil$ isnot....../01 amon& them /21 amon& their/,1 amon& us /'1 amon& theirs

    ;# The poli"emen or$ere$ the suspe"t not to remove ....... from the hoo$ ofthe "ar#/01 their han$s /21 them han$s/,1 his han$s /'1 him han$s

    # The stu$ents %ere intereste$ in ta+in& a ?el$ trip to The @ational HistoryMuseum) ut ....... %ere not ale to raise enou&h money#/01 them /21 they/,1 their /'1 theirs

    *9# His father $oes not approve of ....... to the an8uet %ithout $ressin&formally#

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    /01 his &oin& /21 he &oes/,1 him to &o /'1 him &oin&

    ". "hoose the etter o# the underined word that is not correct

    *# 0""or$in& to the Aifth 0men$ment to the U#S# 2onstitution) no personshoul$ e

    0 ,"ompelle$ to e a %itness a&ainst him o%n#

    2 '

    -# 0""or$in& to the theory of natural sele"tion) the man %ho %as ale to usethe han$s

    0an$ feet most freely to %al+ an$ &rasp %as the one %ho survive$ an$

    evolve$#, 2 '

    4# 0lthou&h ,arney 2lar+ live$ only a fe% months %ith that arti?"ial heart)$o"tors %ere

    0ale to learn a &reat $eal from him havin& use$ it#

    , 2 '

    7# 0""or$in& to 0maBon le&en$s) men %ere for"e$ to $o all of the househol$tas+s for

    0 ,the %omen %arriors %ho &overne$ an$ prote"te$ the "ities for they#

    2 '

    # 0fter she ha$ ou&ht himself a ne% automoile) she sol$ her i"y"le# 0 , 2 '

    ;# ,efore my parents %ent home) she ha$ ou&ht me some foo$# 0 , 2 '

    # The only tea"hers %ho %ere re8uire$ to atten$ the meetin& %ere Ceor&e),etty)

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    0 , 2an$ me#


    *9# ,e"ause Sam an$ Mi"helle ha$ $one all of the %or+ theirselves) they %ere

    un%illin& 0 ,2

    to &ive the results to Doan# '


    The mo$al auxiliaries in En&lish are:

    can,ought to,

    shall,should,willwouldcould hadbettermaymightmust

    Mo$al auxiliaries &enerally express a spea+er6sattitu$e) or moo$sF# Aor example) mo$als "an

    express that a spea+er feels somethin& is ne"essary)a$visale) permissile) possile) or proale an$a$$ition) they "an "onvey the stren&th of theseattitu$es# Only are some mo$als $is"usse$ in this"hapter#


    A. %UST

    Must is also a mo$al# We use must to ma+e spe"ulations %hen %e ma+e"on"lusion ase$ on evi$en"es# There are three spe"ulations) as follo%s:

    PAST E)I&EN"ESubject %ust




    Must follo%e$ y the ver%or$ have an$ a parti"ipleexpresses a lo&i"al "on"lusionase$ on evi$en"e thathappene$ in the past#



    called last night

    PRESENT E)I&EN"ESubject %ust Present Present Must that is follo%e$ y be

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    be Partici*e

    tense an$ an Ging form or ana$!e"tive expresses a lo&i"al"on"lusion ase$ on evi$en"ethat is happenin& no%#



    calling now

    REPEATE& A"TIONSubject %ust )erbword


    Must follo%e$ y a ver%or$ expresses a lo&i"al"on"lusion ase$ onevi$en"e#

    My friend must call often

    0voi$ usin& should or caninstea$ of must.

    !. USE& TO, !E USE& TO )-IN



    )erb word Phrase,Noun

    Used to%ith a ver meansthat a "ustom in the past

    has not "ontinue$#He usedto

    live in the country







    Be used to%ith aningform means to ea""ustome$ to#

    He is used to living in thecountry

    ". /A& !ETTER


    had better si+*everb ad betterin$i"ates a$vi"e for the

    futureYou had better study

    &. 0OU'& RAT/ER

    Subject 0oud ratherSi+*everb !ould ratherexpresses

    preferen"e in present an$future time#

    would rather sleep would rather


    When the preferen"e is for another person or thin&) would rather thatintro$u"es a "lause# The other person or thin& is the su!e"t of the "lause#0lthou&h the ver is past tense) the preferen"e is for present or futuretime# 0voi$ usin& a present ver or a ver %or$ instea$ of a past ver#0voi$ usin& should an$ a ver instea$ of a past ver#Subje


    That Subject )erb *ast2


    that you drove

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    that you didn!t drive


    A# State whether the sentences beow are correct or incorrect.*# 0fter you sho% me the %ay) I "an to &o y myself#0fter you sho% me the %ay) I "an &o y myself

    -# He %as use$ to $rin+ too mu"h#He use$ to $rin+ too mu"h#

    4# You ha$ etter to hurry if you $on6t %ant to miss the us#You ha$ etter hurry if you $on6t %ant to miss the us#

    7# If you $on6t min$) I6$ rather not to serve on the "ommittee#If you $on6t min$) I6$ rather not serve on the "ommittee#

    # 'iane %oul$ rather that her husan$ $oesn6t %or+in& so har$#'iane %oul$ rather that her husan$ $i$n6t %or+ so har$#

    !. "hoose the correct answer3

    *# ,y the time a ay has rea"he$ his ?rst irth$ay) he shoul$) %ithout thehelp of an a$ult) .......sit up or even stan$ up#/01 to e ale to /21 ale to/,1 to e ale /'1 e ale to

    2. The theory of 2ontinental 'rift assumes that there ....... lon& term"limati" "han&es in many areas $urin& the past#/01 must have een /21 must e/,1 must have /'1 must

    3. The &eneral puli"........ a lar&e numer of "omputers no%) e"ausepri"es are e&innin& to $e"rease#/01 must have een uyin& /21 must e uyin&/,1 must have ou&ht /'1 must uyin&

    4. Sin"e more than 9 per"ent of all marria&es in the Unite$ States en$ in$ivor"e) aout half of the "hil$ren in 0meri"a must ....... in sin&le parenthomes#/01 &ro% up /21 &ro%in& up/,1 to &ro% up /'1 have &ro%n up

    5. In a lieral arts "urri"ulum) it is assume$ that &ra$uates %ill ...... aoutEn&lish) lan&ua&es) literature) history) an$ the other so"ial s"ien"es#/01 +no% /21 +no%s/,1 +no%n /'1 +no%in&

    ;# Harvar$........ a s"hool for men) ut no% it is "oe$u"ational) servin& asmany %omen as men#/01 %as use$ /21 use$ to e

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    /,1 %as use$ to /'1 %as use$ to e

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas



    # In to$ay6s "ompetitive mar+ets) even small usinesses ha$ etter toa$vertise

    0 ,

    on TJ an$ ra$io in or$er to &ain a share of the mar+et#2 '

    ;# 0s television ima&es of the astronauts sho%e$) even for traine$professionals %ho0 ,are use$ to move aout in a lessene$ &ravitational ?el$) there are stillprolems#

    2 '

    # When the %eather e"omes "ol$er %e +no% that the air mass mustori&inate$

    0 , 2in the 0r"ti" rather than over the Culf of Mexi"o#


    *9#We ha$ etter to revie% this "hapter "arefully e"ause %e %ill have some

    8uestions on

    0 , 2



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    (a) @OU@ K -s: "riends are

    important@OU@S K -es: like myclasses

    0 ?nal sor esis a$$e$ to ma+e a noun

    pluralArien$ : a sin&ular nounArien$s: a plural noun

    SPE''IN 6 5INA'"svs es

    (b) Song songs Aor most %or$s /%hether a ver or anoun1) simply a ?nal sis a$$e$ to spellthe %or$ "orre"tly#

    #c$ %lass glasses Ainal esis a$$e$ to %or$s that en$s in &sh, "ch, "s, "#,an$ $

    #d$ 'oytoys

    #d$ (aby babies

    Aor %or$s that en$ in y:

    In /$1: if ypro"ee$e$ y a vo%el) only sis a$$e$#In /e1: if yis pre"e$e$ y a "onsonant )the yis "han&e$ into ian$ esisa$$e$

    !. P'URA'S#a$ Man & men Mouse & mice

    )hild & children "oot & feetThe nouns in /a1 have irre&ularplural forms

    (b)echoes #c$ photos #d$ Mos*uitoesheroes pianos +

    mos*uitospotatoes videos volcanoes


    Some nouns that en$ in : oa$$ esto form the plural)

    as in /1 oa$$ only sto form in the

    plural) as in /"1 oa$$ either esor en$ sto

    form the plural) as in /$1#e$ nife - knives#f$(elief - beliefs

    Some nouns that en$ in : eor %eare "han&e$ to ves

    in the plural) as in /e1 %simply a$$ sto form the

    plural) as in /f1#g$ eer /sh sheep - Some nouns have the same

    sin&ular an$ plural form /e#)One $eer isL T%o $eer are L#1

    #h$)riterion & criteria #i$ cactus & cacti#0$ "ormula & formulae #k$ basis & bases#l$ nde1 & indices #m$ datum - data

    - Some nouns that En&lish hasorro%e$ from other lan&ua&eshave forei&n plurals) as in /h1 )/i1) /!1) /+1) /l1) /m1

    Page 24

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    ". "OUNT NOUN AN& NON"OUNT NOUNS6#a$ bought a chair. Sam

    bought three chairs.#b$ We bought some%urniture.2)3445)'6 We bought afurniture2)3445)'6 We boughtsome furnitures

    &hairis a""ount noun) "hairs are items

    that "an e "ounte$'urnitureis a non"ount nount# In&rammar furniture "annot e "ounte$



    a chairone chair

    chairstwo chairs


    A count noun6(1) May e pre"e$e$ y

    a(anin the sin&ular(2) Ta+es a ?nal s("esin

    the plural


    furnituresome furniture

    A noncount noun6(3) Is not imme$iately

    pre"e$e$ y a(an(4) Has no plural form $oes

    not ta+e a ?nal s("es

    &. NON"OUNT NOUNS@oti"e in the follo%in&: Most non"ount nouns refer to a %holeF that is

    ma$e up of $i3erent parts(a) bought some earrings,

    necklaces, rings andbracelets. n other words, bought some)ewelry.

    In /a1:)ewelryrepresents a%hole &roup of thin&s that isma$e up of similar ut separateitems#

    (b) put some sugarin myco*ee

    In /1: sugaran$ co*eerepresent %hole masses ma$e upof in$ivi$ual parti"les or elements

    (c) wish you luc+ In /"1: luc+is an astra"t"on"ept) an astra"t %holeF# Ithas no physi"al form: you "an6ttou"h it) you "an6t "ount it#

    (d) Sunshineis warm andcheerful

    In /$1: phenomena of nature) su"has sunshine) are fre8uently use$as non"ount nouns#

    A. State whether the state+ents are correct or incorrect.*# There are many mouses in our house#

    There are many mi"e in our house#

    -# Some "hur"hes in our "ountry are ol$ uil$in&s#Some "hur"hs in our "ountry are ol$ uil$in&s#

    4# I nee$ to uy some furniture for my ne% apartment#I nee$ to uy some furnitures for my ne% apartment#

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    7# If you $rin+ too mu"h "o3ees) you %ill feel $iBBy#If you $erin+ too mu"h "o3ee) you %ill feel $iBBy#

    # Hen$ra Wi!aya is su"h an honest oy#Hen$ra Wi!aya is su"h a honest oy#

    !. "hoose the "orrect Answer

    *# My s"issors ..... sharp enou&h# I am &oin& to uy a ne% one#/01 is not /21 $oes not/,1 are not /'1 $o not

    -# En&lan$ ..... lot all their footall mat"hes this season#/01 havin& /21 have/,1 has /'1 is ha$

    4# The poli"e ..... to intervie% Are$ aout roery#/01 %ant /21 %ants/,1 are %antin& /'1 %ere %ante$

    7# Mathemati"s ..... my est su!e"t at s"hool#/01 is not /21 not $oes/,1 are not /'1 $o not

    # The trousers you ou&ht for me ..... ?t me#

    /01 is not /21 $oes not/,1 are not /'1 $o not

    ;# My hometo%n has .....) thun$er) fo&) sleet) an$ sno% in the %inter months#/01 rains /21 rain/,1 raine$ /'1 rainin&

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    *# To ma+e a yummy fruit sala$ %e nee$ some apples) tomatos) %ater melons)an$ papayas# 0 ,2 '

    -# The informations you &ave to the $ete"tive %as very mislea$in&) you shoul$"larify it soon#0 , 2


    4# 0lthou&h polyester %as very popular an$ is still use$ in ma+in& "lothin&)"loth ma$e of

    0, 2

    natural ?ers is more fashionale to$ay# '

    7# Home%or+s are not only &iven to the pupils in Dunior hi&h s"hool ut also tothe "hil$ren in 0 ,2 '

    elementary s"hool#

    # 0rt of "olonial 0meri"a %as very fun"tional) "onsistin& mainly of usefulo!e"ts su"h as

    0 ,2

    furnitures an$ househol$ utensil#'

    ;# Ceor&e ha$ a &oo$ lu"+ %hen he ?rst "ame to State University# 0 , 2 '> it %as naively pre$i"te$ that ei&ht or ten "omputer %oul$ esuN"ient to han$le all 0,

    of the s"ienti?" an$ usiness nee$s in the Unite$ States# 2 '

    =# 0fter spen$in& most of his life travellin& roun$ the %orl$) he is no% %ritin& aoo+ aout 0 ,

    2 his experien"es#'

    ># I +no% I al%ays feel &reat in ri&ht sunshines) $urin& the summer months#0 , 2


    *9# I ha$ a pair of +nifes on the tale) %hi"h I %as &oin& to use later for $inner# # 0 , 2'

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    UNIT 70OR& OR&ER

    A. 0OR& OR&ER IN A&8E"TI"E



    5act Noun

    Si9e A:e Sha*e "oor Ori:in %ateria Pur*ose0 silly youn

    & En&lis

    h man

    T%o hu&e


    metal o%ls



    re$ sleepin&


    !. 0OR& OR&ER IN SENTEN"EWor$ or$er for a simple an$ aNrmative senten"e#

    subject verbs2 objectI spea+ En&lishI "an spea+ En&lish

    subject verbindirectobject


    *ace ti+e

    I %ill tell you the storyat



    Wor$ or$er in a ne&ative senten"e#

    subject verbs indirect direct *ace ti+e

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    object objectI %ill not

    tellyou the





    subject verbindirectobject




    you the story


    no%) then)yester$ay#

    &. POSITION O5 A&)ER!S

    12 Adverb o# 5re;uenc;* the entertainer 2huy 2he"+er intro$u"e$a ..... to @e% Yor+6s ro"+6 n Q roll fans#/01ne% $an"e) the t%ist

    (B) t%ist) %as the ne% $an"e/21 t%ist) the ne% $an"e/'1ne% $an"e is the t%ist

    # I thin+ Dane $eserve$ to e ?re$ for her ...../01 totally ehavior irresponsile/,1ehavior totally irresponsile(C) irresponsile totally ehavior/'1totally irresponsile ehavior

    ;# ..... appeare$ to e "omin& from the s"ien"e la next $oor#/01The pun&ent unpleasant o$or of urnin& plasti"/,1The unpleasant pun&ent o$or of urnin& plasti"/21The pun&ent unpleasant o$or of plasti" urnin&/'1The unpleasant o$or pun&ent of urnin& plasti"

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    *9# ..... explorers the nature of &uilt an$ responsiility an$ uil$s to aremar+ale "on"lusion#/01The %ritten eautifully novel(B)The eautifully %ritten novel/21The novel eautifully %ritten

    (D)The %ritten novel eautifully

    ". "hoose the incorrect answer

    *# Overtime the youn& stu$ents %ill perfe"t the art ofpiano playin 0fter all su"h a tune$ ?nely 0 , 2

    ' instrument nee$ $eli"ate han$lin

    -# In that parti"ular $epartment of the "ompany) pro$u"tion +eeps &oin&

    often $ay an$ ni&ht#

    0 , 2'

    4# The tenants %ere as+e$ to thro% all re"y"lale trash into the &reen i&

    plasti" a&

    0 , 2


    7# I +no% I al%ays feel &reat in ri&ht sunshines $urin& the summer months#

    0 , 2'

    # ,ella is a eautifully &irl %ho al%ays &oes to "ampus y "ar every $ay#

    0 , 2'

    ;# There are some importan"e points that they are &oin& to $is"uss


    0 , 2 '

    # Youn& mothers li+e "oo+in& %ith mi"ro%ave e"ause it "an "oo+ fastly#

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    0 , 2'

    *9# Un"le Dim %al+s %ith sha+ily e"ause he is &ettin& ol$ an$ on"e he &ot a


    0 , 2'



    ARTI"'E Ta$ An elephant and a mouse fell in

    love.The mouseloved theele/hant4slong trunk, and theele/hantloved the mouse4stinynose.

    b$ )ould you open the door, please:

    c$ My house is theone with a bluedoor.

    d$ 'he sun sets in the west.

    e$ 'hey have their honeymoon in theYachtthe)aribbean

    f$ she grew up in theseventies

    a1 To refer to somethin& this hasalrea$y een mentione$#

    1 When oth the spea+er an$listener +no% %hat is ein&tal+e$ aout) even if it has noteen mentione$ efore#

    "1 in senten"es or "lauses %here %e$e?ne or i$entify a parti"ularperson or o!e"t#

    $1 to refer to o!e"ts %e re&ar$ asuni8ue#

    e1 %ith names of &eo&raphi"alareas an$ o"eans#

    f1 %ith $e"a$es) or &roups of years#

    ARTI"'E -( -0*# -n ele/hantand a mouse

    fell in love.-# a. ;ohn is a doctor

    #($ ;ohn is an nglishman.#)$ Sherlock Holmes was playing a

    violin#$ was born on a Thursday

    4# it was a very strange car

    *# to refer to somethin& for the?rst time

    -# to refer to a parti"ular memerof a &roup or "lass a1 withna+es o# jobs= b2 withnationaities and rei:ions=c2 with +usica instru+ents=d2 with na+es o# da

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    7# She

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    this /sin&ular1an$these/plural1 refer to an o!e"t or person near thespea+er# that/sin&ular1 an$those/plural1 refer to an o!e"t or personfurther a%ay# It "an e a/hysical"loseness or $istan"e as in the follo%in&examples#

    *#Thiscar looks cleaner than thatone.

    -#Thisold world keeps turning round

    4# would like some of thosecookies on that shelf.

    7#'hese dolls on the table hereare very old.


    0n expression of 8uantity /many, much, %ew, little1 may pre"e$e a noun#

    Pay attention that some expressions of 8uantity are use$ only %ith "ountnouns some only %ith non"ount nouns# Some %ith either "ount or non"ountnounsUS60; - '! -0< '!= - 76T77 -0< 76TT7a %ew (a) She is a new students but she

    has made a %ew %riends.#positive idea6 she has madesome friends$

    a %ewan$ a little&ive apositive i$ea they in$i"atethat somethin& exists) ispresent) as in /a1 an$ /1

    a little (b) !m very pleased. !ve beenable to save a little moneythis month.#positive idea6

    have save some moneyinstead of spending all of it$

    %ew am very sorry for her. She hasvery %ew %riends, /@e&ativei$ea: she $oes not have manyfrien$s she has almost nofrien$s1

    %ewan$ little/%ithout a1&ive a ne&ative i$ea theyin$i"ate that somethin& islar&ely asent#

    very >?%ew(little$ma+esthe ne&ative i$ea stron&er)the amountRthe numersmaller#

    a %ew have very little money. don!teven have enough money to buyfood for dinner. /ne&ative i$ea: I$o not have mu"h money) I have

    almost no money1

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    US60; MU& -0< M-0@+uch #a$ don!t have muchmoney

    #b$ How muchwater do youconsume every day:

    muchan$ manymainlyuse$ in ne&ative senten"esas in /a1 an$ /"1 an$8uestions) as in /1 an$ /$1

    +an< #c$ 'here aren!t manynewspecies here.#d$ How manycigarettes do you

    smoke in a day:

    USIN SO%E AN& AN>So+e6%e some in aNrmative senten"esAn

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    !. "hoose the correct answer3

    *# In ..........) the team has e&un to sho% some form a&ain an$ has %onsome i& &ames#

    /01 fe% %ee+s/,1 fe% past %ee+s/21 the past fe% %ee+s/'1 a fe% %ee+s sin"e

    -# Ceor&e Washin&ton on"e sai$ that ....... have virtue enou&h to %ithstan$the hi&hest i$$er#/01 fe% men/,1 the fe% men/21 fe% are the men/'1 the men are fe%

    4# We %ere fortunate enou&h to visit the Cran$ 2anyon# It has .....#/01 eautiful s"enery that is mu"h/,1 many eautiful lan$s"apes/21 many eautiful s"eneries/'1 mu"h eautiful s"enery

    7# 'o you have ..... to $o to$ay( We "oul$ have a lon& lun"h if not#/01 many %or+/,1 mu"h %or+/21 many %or+s/'1 mu"h %or+s

    # Our "ompany $i$nt pay ..... for that anner a$vertisement#/01 mu"h fun$s/,1 many fun$s/21 many money/'1 mu"h money

    ;# I am familiar %ith that pro$u"t# I $ont +no% ..... times Ive seen ita$vertise$ on TJ#(A) ho% many

    (B) ho% often(C) ho% mu"h(D) many often

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    /'1 on

    ># ..... is "urrently availale to resear"hers an$ physi"ians %ho stu$y an$ treata"rome&aly) a &lan$ular $isor$er "hara"teriBe$ y enlar&ement an$ oesity#/01 The little information

    /,1 Ae% information/21 ittle information/'1 0 fe% information

    *9#When your o$y $o not &et .....) it "annot ma+e the &lu"ose it nee$s#/01enou&h foo$/,1 foo$ as enou&h/21foo$ enou&h/'1enou&h the foo$

    ". "hoose the etter o# the underined word that is not correct

    *# isa %ants to $rin+ a %ater e"ause she is very thirsty# 0 , 2 '

    -# Serian "on$u"t in ,osnia has een stron&ly "on$emne$ y the "iviliBe$%orl$) ut

    0,fe% serious a"tion has een ta+en a&ainst it# 2 '

    4# The Suvarnahumi airport) Thailan$s ne% international airport, is the lar&estin 0sia 0 ,2 '

    7# Sperm %hale is a uni8ue or&anism in that it is the lar&est mammal on earth# 0 , 2'

    # In the *>th an$ early -9th "enturies) any %riters "laime$ that lists of%on$ers of the %orl$

    0 ,2

    have existe$ $urin& the Mi$$le 0&es#'

    ;# Many heavy %or+ that %as on"e $one y han$ "an no% e $one more easily%ith the help

    0 , 2'of "ompresse$ air#

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    =# His s"ore on the exam %as enou&h &oo$ to 8ualify him for a &ra$uatepro&ram# 0 , 2'

    ># This trees %ill &ro% very tall if you %ater them every $ay# 0 , 2 '

    *9#Cran$ 2anyon @ational Par+ is sai$ to e one of the ?rst @ational Par+s in theUnite$ States

    0, 2an$ attra"ts more than ?ve million visitors a year# '


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    T/E SI%P'E TENSETense Exa+*es %eanin:



    /a1 t snows in Alaska

    #b$ readnewspaper every morning

    In &eneral) the simple

    present expressesevents or situationsthat exist al%ays)usually) haitually# Theyexist no%) have existe$in the past) an$proaly %ill exist inthe future#


    #c$ ;ohn iseating dinner now

    #d$ We areleaving for the theater atseven o!clock.

    This presentpro&ressive is use$ toin$i"ate present time/no%1 %ith all /"1#It is also use$ toin$i"ate future time /$1#

    Tense Exa+*es %eanin:Simple Past /a$ ;ohn went to Spain last

    year.#b$ (ob bought a new bicycle

    yesterday.#c$ Maria washed the dishes

    last night

    The simple past is use$for a "omplete$ a"tionthat happene$ at onespe"i?" time in thepast#It e&an an$ en$e$ inthe past#


    /$$ When Mark came home,Martha was watchingtelevision.

    /e1 Marthawas watching televisionwhile ;ohn was reading abook#

    Past pro&ressive is use$to in$i"ate an a"tion%hi"h %as o""urrin& inthe past an$ %asinterrupte$ y anothera"tion#/$1It is also use$ toin$i"ate t%o a"tionso""urrin& at the sametime in the past# /e1

    T/E PER5E"T TENSETense Exa+*es %eanin:


    /a1 ;ohn has travelled aroundthe world.

    #b$ %eorge has seen this moviethree times.

    #c$ ;ohn has lived in the samehouse for twenty years. #hestill lives there$

    The present perfe"t isuse$ to in$i"ate ana"tion that happene$ atan in$e?nite time in thepast /a1It is also use$ toin$i"ate an a"tion thathappene$ more thanon"e in the past /1

    It is also use$ toin$i"ate an a"tion

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    e&an in the past an$ isstill o""urrin& in thepresent /"1#



    /a1 have been waiting for hersince you left

    Present perfe"t"ontinuous is use$ to

    in$i"ate an a"tion thate&an in the past an$still o""urrin& in thepresent /present perfe"trules1# It is also possileto use the presentperfe"t pro&ressive#

    Tense Exa+*es %eanin:Past Perfe"t /a1 ;ohn had gone to the store

    before he went home#Past perfe"t is use$ toin$i"ate an a"tion thathappene$ efore

    another a"tion in thepast there usually aret%o a"tions in thesenten"e#

    ExerciseA. State whether the sentences beow are correct or incorrect.*# Please) e 8uiet# I am tryin& to "on"entrate#-# athy is al%ays %ashin& her hair every other $ay#4# I "alle$ Mary last ni&ht#7# In her %hole life time) I have never see sno%#

    # She %ill proaly atten$s the meetin

    !# "hoose the correct answer3*# 0: FHo% lon& has she een the prin"ipal of our s"hool(F

    ,: Sin"e I .....this s"hool#F(A)%as enterin& /21 have entere$/,1 %oul$ entere$ /'1 entere$

    -# 0: 2an I orro% your ma&aBine(F,: I6 am sorry) my sister

    /01 is still rea$in& /21 has een rea$in&/,1 %ill still rea$ /'1 still rea$s

    4# Oh $ear I for&ot to rin& my $i"tionaryF# That6s all ri&ht# I mine#F

    /01 am len$in /21 am &oin& to len$/,1 %ill len$ /'1 %ill e len$in&

    7# Where is my $i"tionary( It %as on my $es+#FPerhaps) someo$y

    /01 ta+es /21 has ta+en/,1 is ta+in& /'1 ha$ ta+en

    # Politi"al $emonstrations on 0meri"an "ampuses have aate$......./01 after *>

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    ;# People %ho have very little te"hni"al a"+&roun$ have...... toun$erstan$ "omputer lan&ua&e#

    /01 learn /21 learnin&/,1 learne$ /'1 learns

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    ;# When 2olumus seen the ne% %orl$) he thou&ht that he ha$ rea"he$ theEast

    0 , 2In$ies y %ay of a Western route#


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    A. 5or+

    We ma+e passive ver forms %ith the ver TO !E D PAST PARTI"IP'E

    To bein"lu$es: am, is, are, was, were, be) an$ been.

    !. Uses


    SIMPE PESE@T ;im plays a toy. 0 toy isplaye$ y Dim#

    SIMPE P0ST ;im played a toy. 0 toy wasplaye$ y Dim#

    SIMPE AUTUE ;im will play a toy. 0 toy will beplaye$ y Dim#

    PESE@T 2O@TI@OUS ;im is playing a toy. 0 toy is being playe$ y Dim#

    P0ST 2O@TI@OUS ;im was playing a toy. 0 toy was beingplaye$ y Dim#

    ,E COI@C TO ;im is going to play a toy. 0 toyis going to be playe$ y

    Dim#PESE@T PEAE2T ;im has played a toy. 0 toy has beenplaye$ y Dim#

    P0ST PEAE2T ;im had played a toy. 0 toy had beenplaye$ y Dim#

    AUTUE PEAE2T ;im will have played a


    0 toy will have beenplaye$

    y Dim#MO'0 ;im may play a toy. 0 toymay beplaye$ y Dim#

    Page 44

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    ". Needa# My

    "omputer nee$s to e repaire$# My

    "omputer nee$s repairin&

    Jer needmay e follo%e$ y to be?A"3orA"ing %ithout any $i3eren"es inmeanin&

    ExerciseA. State whether the sentences beow are correct or incorrect.

    *# My %e$$in& rin& ma$e of yello% an$ %hite &ol$

    My %e$$in& rin& is ma$e of yello% an$ %hite &ol$

    -# aura %as orn in Io%a

    aura orn in Io%a

    4# Most of us are sponsore$ from our parents

    Most of us are sponsore$ y our parents

    7# The "ar %as inspe"te$ for "ustoms

    The "ar %as inspe"te$ y "ustoms

    # Her %at"h nee$e$ repaire$

    Her %at"h nee$e$ repairin&

    !. "hoose the "orrect Answer.

    *# If more than ?ve thousan$ $ollars in monetary instruments is transporte$into the Unite$ States) a report nee$s ........%ith the "ustoms oN"e#

    /01 ?le /21 ?le/,1 to ?le /'1 to e ?le$

    -# The famous ar"hite"t) Aran+ Wri&ht) %as &reatly .......#) %ho %ante$ himto stu$y ar"hite"ture#

    /01 inuen"e$ y his mother /21 from his mother6s inuen"e/,1 his mother inuen"e$ him/'1 inuen"in& for his mother#

    4# In the strin&e$ instruments) the toners ....... y plantin& a o% a"ross aset of strin&s that may e ma$e of %ire or &ut#

    /01 they pro$u"e /21 pro$u"in&

    /,1 are pro$u"e$ /'1 that are pro$u"in&

    7# ........ Dava Man) %ho live$ efore the ?rst I"e 0&e) is the ?rst manli+eanimal#

    /01 It is &enerally elieve$ that /21 Cenerally elieve$ it is/,1 ,elieve$ &enerally is /'1 That is &enerally elieve$

    # Hun$re$s of houses an$ other uil$in&s ........ y the ra&in& tropi"alstorms %hi"h later $evelope$ into a hurri"ane#

    /01 %ere $evelopin& /21 %ere $evelope$/,1 are $evelopin& /'1 are $evelope$

    ;# The iolo&y "lass %ill .......into t%o se"tions to prevent over"ro%$in& inhis "lassroom#

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    /01 e $ivi$e$ /21 e $ivi$e/,1 $ivi$e /'1 e $ivi$in&

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    ;# 0ll the parti"ipants of the seminar have een informin& y the "ommittee#0 , 2 '

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    #f$ 5ach of my friends ishere

    #g$ 5very one of my friends ishere

    every one o# ta+esingular verbs.

    one of) ea"h of) everyone of K plural noun K

    sin&ular ver#h$ 2one of the boysishere

    #i$ 2one of theboys are here.#informal$

    Su!e"ts %ith none o%are "onsi$ere$ sin&ularin very formal En&lish)ut plural vers areoften use$ in informalspee"h an$ %ritin

    #0$ 'he number of students in the classis/fteen.

    //>#k$ A number of

    students were latefor class

    2OMP0E:In /!1 the number isthe su!e"t# In /+1 anumber o% is anexpression of 8uantity)

    meanin& a lot of#F It isfollo%e$ y a pluralnoun an$ a plural ver#

    Exercise6 State whether the sentences beow are correct or incorrect.

    *# The fa"ilities at the ne% resear"h lirary) in"lu$in& an ex"ellent mi"ro?lm?le) is amon& the est in the "ountry#

    The fa"ilities at the ne% resear"h lirary) in"lu$in& an ex"ellent mi"ro?lm ?le)are amon& the est in the "ountry#

    -# Sin"e the shipment of supplies for our experiments %ere $elaye$) %e %illhave to res"he$ule our %or+#Sin"e the shipment of supplies for our experiments %as $elaye$) %e %ill haveto res"he$ule our %or+#

    USIN %AIN )ER!

    SINU'AR )ER! P'URA' )ER!#a$ 'he student

    always borrowsthebook.

    #b$ 'he book has a

    good story.#c$ 'he child usually

    slee/sat B am.

    #d$ 'he studentsalways borrow thebook.

    #e$ 'he books have

    good story.#f$ 'he children

    usually slee/ at Bam.

    If a main ver is use$:Sin&ular noun K mainverK s+esPlural noun K main

    ver /%ithout s+es1

    Exercise6 State whether the sentences beow are correct or incorrect.

    *# Several pets) t%o $o&s an$ a "at) nee$s to e ta+en "are of %hile %e are&one#Several pets) t%o $o&s an$ a "at) nee$ to e ta+en "are of %hile %e are &one#

    -# State University) the lar&est of the state5supporte$ s"hools) have morethan 9)999 stu$ents on main "ampus#

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    State University) the lar&est of the state5supporte$ s"hools) has more than9)999 stu$ents on main "ampus


    SINU'AR )ER!#a$ 'he news is interesting.#b$ Mathematics is easy for

    her. ?hysics is easy for her,too.

    #c$ %hosts is the best /lm have ever watched.

    (d) 'he =nited 2ations has itshead*uarters in 2ew York)ity#

    Sometimes a noun that en$s in Gs issin&ular# @oti"e the examples: If thenoun is "han&e$ to a pronoun) thesin&ular pronoun it is use$ /not theplural pronoun they1#

    @ote: Aiel$s of stu$y) as in /1) that en$is "icsta+e sin&ular vers#

    #e$ 5ight hours of sleep is

    enough.#f$ 'en dollars is too much

    too pay.#g$ "ive thousand miles is too

    far to travel.

    Expression of time) money) an$

    distanceusually ta+e a sin&ular ver#

    P'URA' )ER!#h$ 'hose people are from

    )anada#i$ 'he police have been


    People an$ poli"e $o not en$ in sutare plural nouns an$ ta+e plural vers


    SINU'AR )ER! P'URA' )ER!#0$ 5nglish is

    spoken in manycountries.

    #k$ )hinese is hisnative language

    #l$ 'he 5nglishdrink tea.

    #m$ 'he )hinesehave aninteresting history

    In /!1: En&lish G lan&ua&eIn /l1: the En&lish G peoplefrom En&lan$Some nouns of nationalitythat en$ in sh, "ese) an$ch "an mean eitherlan&ua&e or people#

    E# En&lish) Spanish)2hinese) Dapanese)Jietnamese) Portu&uese)Aren"h

    #n$ 'he poor havemany problems.

    #o$ 'he rich get richer.

    0 fe% a$!e"tives "an epre"e$e$ y thean$ use$as a plural noun /%ithout?nal s1 to refer to people%ho have this 8uality#Other examples:the young, the old, theliving, the dead, the blind,the deaf, the handicapped#

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    SU!8E"T-)ER! AREE%ENT6 USIN T/ERE D !EThere an$ here intro$u"e ver5su!e"t or$er# The ver a&rees %ith the su!e"tfollo%in& it#

    There )erb Subject'here are a lot of people in thepark.

    /ere )erb SubjectHere is the result of the

    discussion0voi$ usin& a ver that $oes not a&ree %ith the su!e"t

    E(ER"ISESA. State whether the sentences beow are correct or incorrect.*# I thin+ there %as ten people in line#

    I thin+ there %ere ten people in line#

    -# There has een very little rain this summer#There have een very little rain this summer#

    4# Statisti"s is a $iN"ult su!e"t for me#Statisti"s are a $iN"ult su!e"t for me

    !. "hoose the correct answer3*# 0 &roup of tissues) ea"h %ith its o%n fun"tion) .... in the human o$y

    /01 it ma+es up the or&ans

    /,1ma+e up the or&ans

    /21they ma+e up the or&ans

    /'1ma+es up the or&ans

    -# 2upi$) one of the an"ient oman &o$s) ..../01%ere a little %in&e$ "hil$/,1 representin& as a little %in&e$ "hil$/21%as represente$ as a little %in&e$ "hil$/'1a little %in&e$ "hil$

    4# In a suspension ri$&e .... that "arry one or more exile "ales ?rmlyatta"he$ at ea"h en$#/01 there is t%o to%ers on it/,1 there are t%o to%ers

    /21 t%o to%ers there are/'1to%ers there are t%o

    7# The Palo Jer$e tree .... in sprin/01has eautiful yello% lossoms/,1eautiful yello% lossoms

    /21havin& eautiful yello%lossoms

    /'1%ith eautiful yello% lossoms

    # @ine of every ten people in the %orl$ the "ountry in %hi"h they %ereorn#/01livin&/,1 they are livin&


    ;# The avera&e temperature of ro"+s on the surfa"e of the earth ....$e&rees A#/01 e /,1 are /21 is /'1een

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    # In the o"ean) .... more salt in the $eeper %ater#/01 is there/,1 it may e

    /21there is/'1it is

    10. The yearly path of the sun aroun$ the heavens ....#/01 is +no%n as the e"lipti"/,1+no%n as the e"lipti"

    /21 it is +no%n to e e"lipti"/'1+no%in& as the e"lipti"

    Page 51

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    ". "hoose the etter o# the underined word that is not correct

    *# 2olumus) Ohio) the "apital of the state) are not only the lar&est "ity inOhio ut also a

    0 , 2

    typi"al metropolitan area) often use$ in mar+et resear"h# '

    -# There is aout ;99 s"hools in the Unite$ States that use the MontessoriMetho$ to

    0 , 2en"oura&e an in$ivi$ual initiative# '

    4# 0 thun$erhea$) $ense "lou$s that rise hi&h in the s+y in hu&e "olumns)pro$u"e hail)0 , 2 '

    rain) or sno%#

    7# @ot one in one hun$re$ "hil$ren expose$ to the $isease are li+ely to$evelop

    , , 2 'symptoms of it#

    # ,oth a term paper an$ a ?nal exam is re8uire$ for 2hemistry 4-9# 0 , 2 '

    ;# Stu$ies of !o satisfa"tion are unreliale e"ause there is so manyvariales an$ e"ause

    0 , 2the a$mission of $issatisfa"tion may e vie%e$ as a personal failure#




    =# T%o of the players from the Yan+ees has een "hosen to parti"ipate in the

    0ll Star 0 , 2 '&ame#

    ># The information oN"er at the an+ tol$ his "ustomers that there %asseveral $i3erent

    0 , 2 '+in$s of "he"+in& a""ounts availale#

    *9#@ever efore has so many people in the Unite$ States een intereste$ inso""er#

    0 , 2 '

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    One use of a "on!un"tion is to "onne"t %or$s or phrases that have the same&rammati"al fun"tion in a senten"e# This use of "on!un"tions is "alle$ parallelstru"ture# The "on!un"tions use$ in this pattern are and, but) or nor#

    #a$ Steve and ;oe are coming todinner.

    #b$ Susan raised her hand andsnapped her /ngers.

    #c$ He is wearing his arms and#is$ shouting at us

    #d$ 'hese shoes are old butcomfortable

    #e$ He wants to watch 'E or >tolisten to some music

    #f$ 'hey must put the book onthe table orthe chair

    #g$ We know where he went andwhat he did

    #h$ Both my brother and mysister are doctors

    #i$ 0either ?aul nor >inda livesin 2ew York

    #0$ You can either sit there orwait here

    #k$ ;ane went to the post oFce

    not only to buy stamps butalsoto send letters.

    In /a1: noun K an$ K nounIn /1: ver K an$ K ver

    In /"1: ver K an$ K ver / These"on$ auxiliary may e omitte$ ifit is the same as the ?rst auxiliaryIn /$1: a$!e"tive K ut K a$!e"tiveIn /e1: in?nitive K or K in?nitive/the se"on$ to may e omitte$1In /f1: phrase or phrase

    In /&1 "lause K an$ K "lause

    In /h1: oth LL##an$ LLLL#

    In /i1: neither LLLnor LLLL

    In /!1: either LLLL##or LLLLLIn /+1: not only LLL#ut alsoLLL#

    #l$ Steve, ;oe, and Alice arecoming to dinner

    #m$ Susan raised her hand,snapped her /ngers, andasked a *uestion.

    #n$ 'he colors in that fabric arered, gold, black, andgreen.

    0 parallel stru"ture may "ontainmore than t%o parts# In a series)"ommas are use$ to separate ea"hunit# The ?nal "omma thatpre"e$es the "on!un"tion isoptional ut is "ustomarily use$#/2o "ommas are use$ if there areonly parts to a parallel stru"ture1#

    ExercisesA# State whether the sentences beow are correct or incorrect.

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    *# We learne$ to rea$ the passa&e "arefully an$ un$erlyin& the main i$ea#

    We learne$ to rea$ the passa&e "arefully an$ to un$erline the main i$ea#

    -# She is not only famous in the Unite$ States) ut also in In$onesia#

    She is famous not only in the Unite$ States) ut also in In$onesia#

    4# The stu$ents are oli&e$ to %rite an$ reportin& the results of their ?el$ stu$y#

    The stu$ents are oli&e$ to %rite an$ report the results of their ?el$ stu$y#

    7# He is neither helpful nor polite#

    He is neither help nor polite#

    # He is still "onfuse$ oth the ?rst 8uestion an$ the se"on$ one#

    He is still "onfuse$ oth the ?rst 8uestion or the se"on$ one#

    !. "hoose the correct answer*# 0 hot an$ sunny "limate "an e neutraliBe$ y eatin& less) $rin+in& more

    li8ui$s) an$ ........ %earin& li&hter "lothin&/01 %ears li&hter "lothin& /21 to %ear li&hter "lothin&/,1 %earin& li&hter "lothin& /'1 %ear li&hter "lothin&

    -# ,oth histori"ally an$ .......) Ontario is the heartlan$ of 2ana$a/01 in its &eo&raphy /21 also its &eo&raphy/,1 &eo&raphi"ally /'1 &eo&raphy

    4# He +no%s %here she lives an$ ........

    /01 %hat she $oes /21 she $oes/,1 her a$$ress /'1 her !o

    7# Peter is not rea$in& a novel ut ......../01 to %ait her /21 type a report/,1 %ritin& a letter /'1 %ash his "ar

    # 0 va"uum %ill neither "on$u"t heat nor ........#/01 transmit soun$ %aves /21 soun$ %aves are

    transmitte$/,1 transmittin& soun$ %aves /'1 the transmission of

    soun$ %aves

    ;# @orth 2arolina is %ell +no%n not only for the Creat Smo+y Mountains @ationalPar+ ........#for the 2hero+ee In$ian settlements#

    /01 also /21 ut also/,1 an$ /'1 e"ause of

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    /,1 to !oin the army /'1 !oin the army

    ># 2olle"tin& stamps) playin& "hess) an$ ....... eautiful utteries are 'erri"+6shoies#

    /01 to mount /21 mountin&

    /,1 mounts /'1 mount

    *9# The "hief of poli"e $eman$e$ from his assistants an or$erly investi&ation) a%ell5%ritten report) an$ .......#

    /01 that they %or+ har$ /21 %or+in& har$/,1 har$ %or+ /'1 %or+ har$

    ". "hoose the etter o# the underined word that is not correct

    *# The essay %hi"h Paul %rote is rather short ut impressively#0 , 2 '

    -# They %ant to +no% %here she %ent an$ $i$ t%o $ays a&o# 0 , 2 '

    4# My frien$ is intereste$ not in oo+s ut in %at"hin& ?lms#0 , 2 '

    7# I thin+ they "an explain "learly neither %hen they &o nor they $o# 0 , 2 '

    # The oo+s an$ the ma&aBine mi&ht e the a& or un$er the "hair#0 , 2 '

    ;# ,oth in$a or Mary usually &o to the "inema on Satur$ays#0 , 2 '

    # The aims of the 2ommon Mar+et are to eliminate tari3s memer "ountries$evelopin&

    0"ommon poli"ies for a&ri"ulture) laor) %elfare) tra$e) an$ transportation an$

    ,to aolish trust an$ "artels#

    2 '

    *9# The puppy stoo$ up slo%ly) %a&&e$ its tail) lin+in& its eyes) an$ ar+e$ 0 , 2 '

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    2ausative vers are use$ to sho% that one person "auses se"on$ personto $o somethin& for the ?rst person# It means that he "an "ause another personto $o somethin& for him y payin&) as+in&) or for"in& the person# The "ausativevers "ommonly use$ are: have, get, ma+e.


    S D have , +aHe D co+*e+ent D verb in si+*e#or+ ####### /any tense1 /usually person1e# :

    Cery hadTom cleanthe oor# /Tom "leane$ the oor1#

    I have my husan$ buyme a ne% "ar#

    The roer made the teller givehim the money# /Theroer for"e$ the teller to &ive him the money#1

    The presi$ent is ma+inghis "ainet memers signthis$o"ument#

    The "ausative ver ma+e"an e follo%e$ only y a "lause in the a"tivevoi"e# It has stron&er sense than havean$ get.It means %orce


    S D :et D co+*e+ent D toin@nitive ################ /any tense1 /usually person1e# :

    Cery gotTom to cleanthe oor# /Tom "leane$ the oor1

    I getmy husan$ to buyme a ne% "ar#

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas



    S D have , :et D co+*e+ent D )4 *ast *artici*e2############

    /any tense1 /usually thin&1e# :

    Cery got >hadthe oor cleaned#/The oor %as "leane$ y someo$y1

    I have(getthe ne% "ar bought#

    Other exa+*es6

    *# The le"turer ha$ the stu$ents han$ in the term paper on time#

    The le"turer &ot the stu$ents to han$ in the term paper on time#The le"turer &otRha$ the term paper han$e$ in#

    -# 'i"+ is havin& his sister ma+e the e$#'i"+ is &ettin& his sister to ma+e the e$#'i"+ is &ettin&Rhavin& the e$ ma$e#

    ExerciseA# State whether the sentences beow are correct or incorrect.

    *# The tea"her ma$e Dohn to leave the "lass#

    -# Ellen &ot Marley paint the %all#4# The poli"eman ma$e the roer lie on the &roun$#

    7# Maria ha$ Cene prepare the meal#

    # We have to have our "hil$ren to stu$y har$#

    !. "hoose the correct answer3

    *# @a$ia %ill have her frien$...... her essay assi&nment next %ee+#/01 sumit /21 sumittin&/,1 sumitte$ /'1 to sumit

    -# The stu$ents are &ettin& the le"turer ....... the s"he$ule#/01 "han&e /21 to "han&e/,1 "han&in& /'1 "han&e$

    4# The attorney ha$ his "lient....... the possiility of %innin& the "ase#/01 "onsi$er /21 to "onsi$er/,1 "onsi$erin& /'1 "onsi$ere$

    7# 0ll people ma+e the ne% lea$er .......the nee$ for !usti"e an$ e8uality#/01 emphasiBe /21 to emphasiBe

    /,1 emphasiBin& /'1 emphasiBe$

    # The instru"tor ha$ the trainees .......a pro!e"t report#

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    /01 ma+in& /21 ma$e/,1 ma+e /'1 to ma+e

    ;# The test a$ministrator ma$e us not .......our oo+s until h tol$ us to $oso#

    /01 open /21 openin&/,1 to open /'1 opene$

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas



    ExerciseA# State whether the sentences beow are correct or incorrect.

    *# Mr# 0$ams insiste$ that %e e "areful in our %ritin-# It is essential that no one %ill e a$mitte$ to the room %ithout properi$enti?"ation#

    4# It is vital that no one else +no% aout the se"ret &overnment operation#7# I re8ueste$ that I permit to "han&e my "lass## Her a$visor re"ommen$e$ that she ta+es ?ve "ourses#

    !. "hoose the correct answer3*# It is imperative that he..... home imme$iately#

    /01 returns /21 %ill return/,1 return /'1 shall return

    -# The &overnment propose$ that a ne% hi&h%ay .....#/01 is uilt /21 uil$s/,1 %ill e uilt /'1 e uilt

    4# She spe"i?"ally as+e$ that I ......anyone else aout it#/01 not tell /21 %ill not tell/,1 $oes not tell /'1 $o not tell

    7# It is imperative that the &overnment ..... poverty#/01 era$i"ate /21 not era$i"ate/,1 era$i"ates /'1 $oes not era$i"ate

    # It is ne"essary that "al"ium ......for the $evelopment of stron& ones an$teeth#

    /01 e use$ /21 is use$/,1 %ill e use$ /'1 use$

    ;# The !u$&e insiste$ that the !ury ........ a ver$i"t imme$iately##A$ return /21 returne$#($ returnin& /'1 returns

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    ". "hoose the etter o# the underined word that is not correct

    *# It is essential that the temperature is not elevate$ to a point %here thesustan"e

    0 ,

    forme$ may e"ome unstale an$ $e"ompose into its "onstituentelements#2 '

    -# When a patient6s loo$ pressure is mu"h hi&her than it shoul$ e) a $o"torusually

    0 , 2insists that he %ill not smo+e#


    4# He insiste$ that the foo$ is "anne$ for later "onsumption# 0 , 2 '

    7# The instru"tor re"ommen$e$ that everyone ta+es the pla"ement test# 0 , 2 '

    # The &overnment ur&e$ that all "itiBens %ill vote in the next ele"tion# 0 , 2 '

    ;# It is most important that he spea+s to the $ean efore leavin& for hisva"ation#

    0 , 2 '

    # It is ur&ent that the "ommittee %ill stu$y the proposals efore ma+in& a$e"ision#0 , 2 '

    *9#The $ire"tor su&&este$ that his sta3 to plan a more e3e"tive a$vertisin&"ampai&n

    0 , 2for the ne% pro$u"t#


  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas




    subject Dverb

    +oreess2 Dadjective

    adjectivesD-erthan noun

    0n essay testis

    more $iN"ulthar$er

    than an o!e"tive test

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas




    the+osteast2 D adjective

    adjectives D est

    0n essay testis the most $iN"ulthar$est

    more >lessor most >leastis use$ %hen the a$!e"tive has t%o syllales# er or "estis use$ %hen the a$!e"tive has only one syllale or t%o syllalesen$in& in Gy#

    $. &OU!'E "O%PARISON


    veS ) the co+*arative S )

    The hotter it is the the moremiserale

    I feel

    4. E(A"T "O%PARISONThe same asan$ the samehave the same meanin&) ut the same as isuse$ et%een the t%o nouns "ompare$) an$ the sameis use$ after the t%onouns or a plural noun#

    Noun !e The sa+e as Noun

    This "oat is the same as that one

    Noun And Noun !e the sa+eThis "oat an$ that one are the same

    Noun *ura2 !e The sa+eThese "oats are the same

    0voi$ usin& li+e instea$ of as.0voi$ usin& the sameet%een the t%o nouns"ompare$#


    The %or$s li+ean$ ali+ehave the same meanin&) ut li+eis use$ et%eenthe t%o nouns "ompare$) an$ ali+eis use$ after the t%o nouns or a pluralnoun# 0n$ avoi$ usin& asinstea$ of li+ean$ avoi$ usin& li+eafter the t%o

    nouns "ompare$#

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    Noun !e 'iHe NounThis "oat is li+e that one

    Noun And Noun !e AiHeThis "oat an$ that one are ali+e

    Noun Pura2 !e AiHeThese "oats are ali+e

    Noun !e &iJerent 5ro+ NounThis "oat is $i3erent from that one


    Subject D)erb %uti*e As%an

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    /,1 similar /'1 as

    -# 0lthou&h they are smaller) "hipmun+s are....... most other &roun$s8uirrels#

    /01 li+e to /21 li+e %ith

    /,1 li+e as /'1 li+e

    4# 0 nursery s"hool is ...... a $ay "are "enter#/01 $i3erent from /21 $i3erent than/,1 $i3erent /'1 $i3erent as

    7# The rent at 2olle&e 0partment is only half ........ you pay here#/01 than /21 as many as/,1 as mu"h as /'1 from

    # The main lirary has....... one millions volumes#/01 more as /21 more than

    /,1 most than /'1 least than

    ;# There are ......?fteen thousan$ stu$ents atten$in& summer s"hool#/01 as many as /21 as many/,1 as mu"h as /'1 as mu"h

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    4# 0lthou&h usiness pra"ti"es have een applie$ su""essfully to a&ri"ulture)farmin&

    0 , 2is $i3erent other in$ustries#


    7# With 0meri"an pri"es for su&ar at three times as mu"h the %orl$ pri"e)0

    manufa"turers are e&innin& to use fru"tose len$e$ %ith pure su&ar) orsu"rose#

    , 2 '

    # It is &enerally a""epte$ that the "ommon "ol$ is "ause$ y as mu"h asforty strains

    0 , 2of viruses that may e present in the air at all times#


    ;# The $iesel en&ine that runs on oil is eN"ient than most other en&inese"ause it

    0 , 2"onverts the useful ener&y store$ up in the fuel#


    # 0lthou&h there are a numer of interestin& ?n$in&s) a most si&ni?"antresults are in

    0 , 2 'the astra"t#

    *9#The "limate here is more mil$er than that of @e% En&lan$#

    0 , 2 '

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas




    5UTURE TI%E t

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    *# If %e had Hnownthat you %ere there) %e woud have writtenyou aletter#

    Aa"t: /We didn!t know that you %ere there#1 /We didn!t writeyou aletter#1-# She woud have sodthe house if she had #oundthe ri&ht uyer#

    Aa"t:She didn!t sellthe house#1 /She didn!t /ndthe ri&ht uyer#14# If %e hadnKt ostour %ay) %e woud have arrivedsooner#Aa"t:We lostour %ay1 /We didn!t arrivesooner1

    O%ITTIN I5

    (a) !ere 6you) I %oul$n6t $o that#(b) ad 6 +nown) I %oul$ have

    tol$ you#

    (c) Should anyone call) pleaseta+e a messa&e#

    With were) had /past perfe"t1) an$should) sometimes i% is omitte$ an$ thesu!e"t an$ ver are inverte$#

    In /a1: !ere 6 youX f were youIn /1: ad 6 +nownX f had knownIn /"1: Should anyone call X f anyone

    should call In the ne&ative) not follo%s the su!e"ts# It is not "ontra"te$ %ith theauxiliary ver:

    2OE2T: Had not seenit %ith my o%n eyes) I %oul$n6t have elieve$ it#I@2OE2T: Hadn!t seenit %ith my o%n eyes) L

    )ER! 5OR%S 5O''O0IN 0IS/


    )ER! 5OR%5O''O0IN 0IS/

    A wishaboutthe#uture

    /a1 She will not tellme#

    /1 He isnCt goingto behere#

    /"1 She canCt cometomorro%#

    I %ish /that1 shewould tellme#I %ish he were goingto behere#I %ish she couldcometomorro%#

    !ishis use$ %henthe spea+er %antsreality to e$i3erent) to eexa"tly theopposite# Jerforms similar tothose in "on$itionalsenten"es are

    use$# @oti"e theexamples#!ishis follo%e$ ya noun "lause# Theuse$ of that isoptional# Usually itis omitte$ inspea+in

    Sometimes invery informalspea+in&: I %ish

    Dohn would have

    A wish


    /$1 I donCt +now

    Aren"h#/e1 It is rainingri&ht

    no%#/f1 I canCt s/ea+


    I %ish I +newAren"h#

    I %ish it werenCtrainingri&ht no%#I %ish I could s/ea+


    A wishaboutthe*ast

    /&1 Dohn didnCt"ome#

    /h1 Mary couldnCt"ome#

    I %ish Dohn hadcome#I %ish Mary couldhavecome#

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas



    A. USIN !U7

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    # If "hil$ren e healthy) they learn to %al+ at aout ei&hteen months ol$#

    4# a# We %ill %ait if you %ante$ to &o

    # We %ill %ait if you %ant to &o

    7# a# If you ma$e your e$ in the mornin&) your room loo+s etter %hen you

    &ot a"+ in the afternoon

    # If you ma$e your e$ in the mornin&) your room %oul$ loo+ etter %hen

    you &ot a"+ in the afternoon

    # a# If %e ha$ ha$ the money) %e %oul$ have ou&ht a ne% stereo system

    # If %e ha$ the money) %e %oul$ have ou&ht a ne% stereo system

    !. "hoose the "orrect Answer3*# If %ater is heate$ to -*- $e&rees A team

    /01 it oile$ an$ es"ape /21 it is oilin& an$ es"apin&/,1 it oils an$ es"ape /'1 it %oul$ oil an$ es"ape

    -# If servi"es are in"rease$) taxes......../01 %ill proaly &o up /21 proaly &o up/,1 proaly &o up /'1 &oin& up proaly

    3. If 0meri"an ate fe%er foo$s %ith su&ar an$ salt) their &eneral health......etter/01 e /21 is/,1 %ill e /'1 %oul$ e

    7# 0""or$in& to some historians) if @apoleon ha$ not inva$e$ ussia) he

    ......the rest of Europe#/01 ha$ "on8uere$ /21 %oul$ "on8uer/,1 %oul$ have "on8uere$ /'1 "on8uere$

    # If humans %ere $eprive$ of sleep) they .......#hallu"inations) anxiety)"oma) an$ eventually $eath#/01 %oul$ experien"e /21 %oul$ have experien"e$/,1 experien"e /'1 ha$ experien"e$

    ;# If footalls teams play in the Super o%l 2hampionship) ...... either the@ational or the 0meri"an 2onferen"e/01 they %in /21 they %in

    /,1 they %ill %in /'1 they have %on

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    *9# If you ....... the plant in a "ooler lo"ation) the leaves %oul$ not haveurne$#

    /01 ha$ set /21 has set/,1 have set /'1 set

    ". "hoose the etter o# the underined word that is not correct*# ,oys "an e"ome 2u S"outs if they "omplete$ the se"on$ &ra$e

    0 , 2 '

    -# If $inosaurs %oul$ have "ontinue$ roamin& the earth) man %oul$ haveevolve$ 8uite

    0 , 2$i3erently#


    4# If %e %ere to "onsi$er all of the $i3erent +in$s of motion in $is"ussin& the0

    movement of an o!e"t) it is very "onfusin&) e"ause even an o!e"t at restis

    , 2 'movin& as the earth turns#

    7# If $rivers oeye$ the spee$ limit) fe%er a""i$ents o""ur#0 , 2 '

    # If you sat in that position for too lon&) you may &et a "ramp in your le 0 , 2 '

    ;# If you $on6t re&ister efore the last $ay of re&ular re&istration) you payin& alate fee#

    0 , 2'

    # If iennials %ere plante$ this year) they %ill e li+ely to loom next year#0 , 2 '

    *9#If Moni8ue ha$ not atten$e$ the "onferen"e) she never %oul$ meet her ol$frien$

    0 ,'an) %hom she ha$ not seen in years#

    2 '

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas



    0n a$!e"tive "lause is a $epen$ent "lause that mo$i?es a noun or noun phrase# It$es"ries) i$enti?es) or &ives further information aout a nounRnoun phrase# 0na$!e"tive "lause is also "alle$ a relative "lause# 0n a$!e"tive "lause "ommonlyuses relative pronouns su"h as who, which, that, whom, where, when#

    A. USIN SU!8E"T PRONOUNS6 !, !6&, T-T.

    a# The ven$ors %ill e relo"ate$ to the

    "entral par+# The ven$ors sell on the main streetc. The ven$ors who >thatsell on the

    main street%ill e relo"ate$ to the

    "entral par+

    2lauses /a1 an$ /1 ma+e up a

    senten"e %ith an a$!e"tive "lause

    /"lause "1

    The itali" "lauses are a$!e"tive "lause

    %hi"h mo$i?es the noun the

    vendorF an$ mobile /honeF


    Who : use$ for people as su!e"tWhich: use$ for thin&s as su!e"t or

    a# Moile phones are +ept in the

    "ustoms oN"e

    # Moile phones %ere smu&&le$ toIn$onesia

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    "# Moile phones which >that were

    smuggled to ndonesiaare +ept in the

    "ustoms oN"e


    'hat : use$ for oth people an$


    !. USIN O!8E"T PRONOUNS6 !>M, !6&, T-T

    a#The man %as a "hroni"ally late

    employee#The ne% oss ?re$ him"#The man /whomthe new boss /red

    %as a "hroni"ally late employee#$#The man thatthe new boss /red%as

    a "hroni"ally late employee#e#The man the new boss /red %as a

    "hroni"ally late employee#

    The "lauses /a1 an$ /1 ma+e up asenten"e %ith an a$!e"tive "lauseusin& o!e"t pronouns#

    The itali" "lause is an a$!e"tive "lause@oti"e: the a$!e"tive "lause pronoun/"lause " an$ $1 is put as "lose aspossile to the noun it mo$i?es#

    In "lause: the o!e"t pronoun isomitte$ from the a$!e"tive "lause%ithout "han&in& the meanin/Su!e"t pronouns may not eomitte$1#

    ". USIN !SAN& ' !6&

    a# 0u$ien"e applau$e$ the


    His presentation %as veryex"ellent"#

    0u$ien"e applau$e$ the

    spea+er whose

    presentation was very


    The itali" "lause is an a$!e"tive "lause

    usin& whose.

    !hoseis use$ to sho% possession# It has

    the same meanin& as other possessivepronouns use$ as a$!e"tives: his, her, its)

    an$ their# i+e the a$!e"tive pronouns)

    whose is lin+e$ %ith a noun:

    his /resentation e"omes whose


    ,oth whosean$ the noun it is "onne"te$

    to are pla"e$ at the e&innin& of the

    a$!e"tive "lause#!hosemay not e omitte$#

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    &. USIN !5

    a# The apartment is near my $a$6s

    oN"e# My family live therec. The apartment where my family

    liveis near my $a$6s oN"e

    !hereis use$ in an a$!e"tive

    "lause to mo$ify a pla"e /"ity)"ountry) room) house) to%n) s"hool)et"#1If whereis use$) a preposition isnot in"lu$e$ in the a$!e"tive "lause#0n$ if whereis not use$) thepreposition must e use$#

    E. USIN !0a# I %ill never for&et the $ay# We ?rst met on the $ay

    "# I %ill never for&et %hen %e ?rstmet

    !henis use$ in an a$!e"tive "lauseto mo$ify time/hour) $ay) $ate)

    month) year) et"#1


    #a$ 'he girl whois helping my mom ismy sister.

    #b$ 'he girl hel/ingmy mom is sister

    The a$!e"tive "lause in /a1 "an ere$u"e$ to the a$!e"tive phrase in/1# /a1 an$ /1 have the same

    meaninOnly a$!e"tive "lauses that have asu!e"t pronoun G who, which,that"that "an e re$u"e$ tomo$ifyin& a$!e"tive phrases#

    There are t%o %ays to "han&e ana$!e"tive "lause into an a$!e"tivephrase#

    a# 20USE: 'he man who is sittingne1t to me is from orea

    PH0SE: 'he man sittingne1t to me

    is from orea

    # 20USE: 'he arguments which are/resented in the paper areconvincingPH0SE: 'he arguments/resented

    in the paper are convincing

    (1) If the a$!e"tive "lause "ontainsthe e form of a ver) omit thepronoun an$ thebeform) as in

    examples /a1 an$ /1

    "# 20USE: 5nglish has an alphabetwhichconsists of I letters

    PH0SE: 5nglish has an alphabetconsistingI letters

    (2) If there is no e form of a ver inthe a$!e"tive "lause) it issometimes possile to omit thesu!e"t pronoun an$ "han&e thever to its "ingform) as in /"1

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    /$1 20USE: %eorge Washington, whowas the Drst /resident o%the United States, was awealthy colonist and ageneral in the army.

    /e1 PH0SE: %eorge Washington, theDrst /resident o% theUnited States, was awealthy colonist and ageneral in the army#

    If the a$!e"tive "lause re8uires"ommas as in /$1) the a$!e"tivephrase also re8uires "ommas) as in/e1

    /f1?aris, the ca/ital o% 'rance, is ane1citing city./&1 read a book by Mark 'wain, a

    %amous -merican author#

    0$!e"tive phrases in %hi"h a nounfollo%s another noun) as in /f1 an$/& 1) are "alle$ a**ositives#

    ExercisesA. State whether the sentences beow are correct or incorrect.

    *# The stu$ents %ho ha$ ta+en the test to$ay are tire$#-# My sister %ho livin& in Paris is a iolo&ist#4# The ?lm that %e are %at"hin& is really s"ary#7# The e$ that I slept on %as very soft## 0t the party there %ere many people I $i$ not +no%#

    !. "hoose the "orrect Answer3

    1. 0 "rystal is a pie"e of matter....... are naturally forme$ plane surfa"e#/01 %hose oun$aries /21# %hi"h oun$aries/,1 that oun$aries /'1# %hen oun$aries

    2. et 0,2 e a trian&le ........#/01%hi"h si$es are of e8ual len&th /21 that si$es are of e8ual len&th/,1%hose si$es are of e8ual len&th /'1 %here si$es are of e8ual len&th

    3. The man ........ %as the mana&er of the supermar+et#/01%hi"h hire$ oert /21 hirin& oert/,1hire$ oert /'1 %ho %as hire$ oert

    E. The torna$o ........ $estroye$ several homes#/01%hi"h %as stru"+ the to%n /21 stru"+ the to%n/,1that %as ein& stru"+ the to%n /'1%hose to%n %as stru"+

    F. Dohn a$mire$ the $resser ........#/01 %here 0li"e +ept her sheets# /21 of %hi"h 0li"e +ept her sheets#/,1%hi"h 0li"e +ept her sheets# /'1 %hen 0li"e +ept her sheets#

    G. The s"ientist ........ %as from S%e$en#/01 %hi"h %as a%ar$e$ the @oel priBe /21 %hose a%ar$ the @oel priBe/,1 a%ar$e$ the @oel priBe /'1 that the @oel priBe a%ar$e$

    H. E$%ar$ ou&ht a "ar.........#/01 that Are$ ha$ previously sol$ to Susan/,1 in %hi"h Are$ ha$ previously sol$ to Susan/21%here Are$ ha$ previously sol$ to Susan

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    /'1to %hom Are$ ha$ previously sol$ Susan

    I. The oo+s ........ %as very helpful#/01%e ou&ht last ni&ht /21 %hi"h %e ou&ht the

    oo+s last ni&ht

    /,1 that %e ou&ht the oo+s last ni&ht /'1 %hose %e ou&ht lastni&ht

    J. The &uy ......... o%ns a i& house#/01 %hose "ar is en&a&e$ to Doan /21 in %hi"h "ar is en&a&e$

    to Doan/,1 y %hi"h "ar is en&a&e$ to Doan /'1 %ho "ar is en&a&e$ to Doan

    1K. The "ar ........ has a very po%erful en&ine#/01 that Te$ ou&ht the "ar /21 %hi"h Te$ ou&ht/,1 y %hi"h Te$ ou&ht /'1 %hen Te$ ou&ht

    ". "hoose the etter o# the underined word that is not correct*# 0 forei&n investor ou&ht sto"+ in a "i&arette manufa"turer %hi"h pro?ts ha$

    in"rease$0 , 2

    $ramati"ally for the last three 8uarters#'

    -# The a"tor %ho last three movies I ha$ seen an$ en!oye$ &ave a surprisin&lya$ performan"e

    0 , 2 'in this play#

    4# The ar"heolo&ist foun$ an an"ient manus"ript the last fe% pa&es %hi"h ha$several eautiful

    0 , 2 'illustrations#

    7# The T5shirt the "olors an$ siBes %hi"h are $etermine$ y the athleti"$epartment are on sale

    0 , 2 'at a store on "ampus#

    # The ills %hen %ere passe$ y the House yester$ay $ie$ in the Senate#

    0 , 2 '

    ;# Senators %ere familiar %ith $etails of the proposal elieve that it has a &oo$"han"e of

    0 , 2passin


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    ># The author) %ho oo+s have sol$ %ell) %ho I li+e) are fe% an$ far et%een# 0 , 2 '

    *9#The resear"h report on uran life in %hi"h sumitte$ an$ pulishe$ %as far

    from the fa"t 0 , 2an$ "riti"iBe$#


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    i+e a noun) a noun "lause is also use$ as a su!e"t or an o!e"t# In other %or$s)a noun "lause is a "lause use$ in the same %ays as a noun#

    /a1 er /resentationwas convincing/1 !hat she /resentedwas


    In /a1: presentation is a noun# It is use$as the su!e"t of the senten"eIn /1 %hat she presente$ is a noun"lause# It is also use$ as the su!e"t ofthe senten"e# The noun "lause has itso%n su!e"t shean$ ver/resented

    /"1 cannot understandher com/laint/$1 cannot understandwhat she


    In /"1: com/laintis a noun# It is theo!e"t of the ver understand

    In /$1: %hat she "omplaine$ is a noun"lause# It is the o!e"t of the verunderstand

    0OR&S USE& TO INTRO&U"E NOUN "'AUSES>1uestion wordsL when, where, who, why, how, which, whom, what,

    whose>2whether, i%>3that


    UESTION NOUN "'AUSE E(P'ANATIONWhere does hework:What time did shecome:

    /a1 do not know where hewor+s

    /1 id you knowwhattime she came

    In /a1 where he wor+sis theo!e"t of the ver+now.Youmay not use 8uestion %or$or$er in a noun "lause#@oti"e: doesan$ didare use$in 8uestions ut not in noun"lauses#

    Who helped you:What was wrong:

    /"1 'ell mewho hel/edyou

    /$1 do not +now what

    was wrong

    In /"1 an$ /$1: The %or$ or$eris the same in oth the8uestion an$ the noun "lause

    e"ause whoan$ whatarethe su!e"ts in oth#

    Who are you:Whose book isthat:

    /e1 know who you are/f1 know whose boo+ that


    In /e1 an$ /f1 youan$ thatarethe su!e"ts) so they must epla"e$ in front of the ver arean$ isin the noun "lauses#

    What did yougive:

    How did shebehave:

    /&1 !hat you gavemakesme oJended

    /h1 ow she behavedisembarrassing

    In /&1 an$ /h1: !hat yougavean$ ow she behavedare the su!e"ts of thesenten"es#@oti"e: a noun "lause ta+es asin&ular ver /e# san$is1

    NOUN "'AUSES 0/I"/ !EIN 0IT/ !T5OR 6'

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    >ES,NO UESTIONS NOUN "'AUSES E(P'ANATIONWill she study:id he come:

    /a1 do not knowwhether she willstudy

    /1 wonderi% he came

    When a yes(nouestionis "han&e$ to anoun "lause) whetheror

    i%is use$ to intro$u"e thenoun "lause#Whether is morea""eptale in formalEn&lish) ut i%is 8uite"ommon) espe"ially inspea+in

    NOUN "'AUSES 0/I"/ !EIN 0IT/ T-TSTATE%ENT NOUN "'AUSES E(P'ANATION'ed is a great artistHe is a successful


    a2 thinkthat Ted is agreat artist

    b2 think#that he is asuccess%ul teacher

    In /a1 an$ /1: that Tedis a great artistan$

    that he is asuccess%ul teacherarenoun "lauses# They arethe o!e"ts of the verthin+

    The %or$ that= %henuse$ to intro$u"e noun"lauses) has no meanin&in itself# It may eomitte$#

    She is good at


    c2That she is good at

    mathematicsissurprisingd2 t is surprising

    that she is good atmathematics

    In /"1: the noun "lause is

    use$ as the su!e"t of thesenten"e#In /$1: the noun "lause isuse$ as the o!e"t of thesenten"e#

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    A. State whether the sentences beow are correct or incorrect.

    *# It is unfortunate that the meal is not rea$y yet#-# She tol$ me %hen shoul$ I pi"+ up the "hil$ren#4# The instru"tor explaine$ %here %as the "omputer la lo"ate$#7# We "oul$ not elieve %hat he $i$ to us#

    # I %ant to +no% if is it &oin& to rain tomorro%#;# We never +no% %hether %e %ill &et pai$ or not## The map sho%e$ %here the party %oul$ e hel$#*9# 2an you tell me %hy %as the mail not $elivere$ to$ay(

    !. "hoose the correct answer3*# S"ientists "annot a&ree on ............ relate$ to other or$ers of inse"ts#

    /01 that eas are/,1 ho% eas are/21 ho% are eas/'1 eas that are

    -# It %as in *=

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    /01 that life/,1 life %hi"h/21 %hether life/'1 life as it

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    ;# 'on ha$ an elaorate ex"use for ein& late for his "lass) ut the le"turer $i$

    not elieve0 , 2

    %hat $i$ he explain# '

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    0$ver "lauses are "lauses %hi"h serve as a$ver# They may e pre"e$e$ y %or$ssho%in& time) "ause an$ e3e"t) opposition) an$ "on$ition) as presente$ elo%#

    /a1 !hen we were :a+arta) weattended a seminar

    /1 We have to study hardbecause wewill have an e$am ne$t wee+

    !hen we were :a+arta is an a$ver"lause# It is a $epen$ent "lause#

    Therefore) it "annot stan$ alone an$must e "onne"te$ to an in$epen$ent"lause#When an a$ver "lause pre"e$es anin$epen$ent "lause) as in /a1) a "ommais use$ to separate the "lauses#


    TI%E "AUSE AN&E55E"T


    Afterbeforewhenwhileasby the timesinceuntilas soon aswheneverevery time #that$the /rst time#time$the last time#that$the ne1t time

    (ecausenow thatsinceasas+so long asinasmuch asso thatin order that

    even thoughalthoughthoughwhereaswhile

    ifunlessonly ifwhether or noteven if

    providing #that$provided #that$in case #that $in the event #that$


    Some a$ver "lauses may e "han&e$ to mo$ifyin& phrases if the su!e"t of thea$ver "lause an$ the su!e"t of the main "lause are the same# 0 mo$ifyin&phrase) a re$u"tion of an a$ver "lause) mo$i?es the su!e"t of the main "lause#

    There are t%o %ays to "han&e a$ver "lauses into mo$ifyin& phrases1. Omit the su!e"t of the $epen$ent "lause an$ the be form of the ver

    #a$ 0'JE, 20USE : While 6 was readinga novel, was listening to amusic

    #b$ MO'IAYI@C 20USE: While readinga novel, was listening to a music2. If there is no beform of a ver) omit the su!e"t an$ "han&e the ver to ing

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    #a$ 0'JE, 20USE : (efore 6 le%t %orwork, had breakfast#b$ MO'IAYI@C 20USE: (efore leaving %orwork, had breakfast

    A. State whether the sentences are correct or incorrect.

    *# ,efore I %ent to e$) I rea$ a novel#-# We staye$ there until %e ?nish our %or+4# ,y the time he "omes) %e %ill alrea$y have leave7# ,efore stolen this mornin&) I put the oo+ on my $es+## We %ill have a i& party provi$in& that I ha$ ha$ mu"h money#

    !. "hoose the correct answer.*# ..........) the "hil$ren %ere ore$#

    /01 To have nothin& to $o/,1Havin& nothin& to $o/21Have nothin& to $o/'1,e"ause nothin& to $o

    -# ........... a marrie$ man) I have many responsiilities/01,ein&/,1 To e/21'ue to/'1,e"ause of

    4# ,y the time I leave this "ity) ..........#/01 I %ill alrea$y e here for four months/,1 so I %ill alrea$y have een here for four months/21as I %ill alrea$y have een here for four months/'1I %ill alrea$y have een here for four months

    7# ............ his nose &ets re$/01 ,y the time Dames &ets an&ry/,1 ,efore Dames &ets an&ry/210fter Dames &ets an&ry/'1 Whenever Dames &ets an&ry

    # Dane6s "onta"t lens poppe$ out .............#/01 %hile she %as playin& as+etall#/,1 as soon as she %as playin& as+etall#/21until she %as playin& as+etall#/'1althou&h she %as playin& as+etall#

    ;# .......... I am &oin& to rest a fe% $ays an$ then ta+e a trip#/01 ,efore the semester is ?nishe$/,1 @o% that the semester is ?nishe$/21,y the time the semester is ?nishe$/'1Thou&h the semester is ?nishe$

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    ;# ,e"ause havin& alrea$y spent all of his last pay"he"+) 0n$re% $oes not have anymore money

    0 , 2to live on for the rest of the month#


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    A :erundis the Gingform of a ver /e#) speaking, understanding, playing1%hi"h is use$ as a noun) i#e# as a su!e"t an$ an o!e"t of oth a ver or apreposition#An in@nitiveis to D the sim/le %orm o% a verbe#)to speak, to understand,to play$#


    #a$ &limbingis challenging#b$:oggingmakes me healthy

    In /a1 an$ /1: climbingan$)oggingare &erun$s# They are use$ as thesu!e"t of the senten"es#

    #c$ en0oy readingnovels#d$ He always avoids seeingme

    In /"1 an$ /$1: the %or$s reading an$seeingare &erun$s %hi"h are use$ aso!e"ts of vers en)oyan$ avoidrespe"tively

    #e$ am looking forward to studyingoverseas

    #f$ ob0ect to changingmy plan#g$ talked about not ta+ingthis topic.

    0 &erun$ is often use$ as the o!e"t ofa prepositionIn /e1) /f1 an$ /&1: toan$ aboutareprepositions) not part of an in?nitiveform) so a &erun$ follo%s#In /&1: for ne&ative form) notpre"e$esa &erun$

    "O%%ON )ER!S 5O''O0E& !> ERUN&Sen0oy appreciate mind*uit #give up$/nish #get through$ stop avoid

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    postpone #put oJ$delay keep #keep on$ consider #think about$ discuss#talk about$mention suggest

    "O%%ON )ER!S 5O''O0E& !> IN5INITI)ES

    )ER! D IN5INITI)ES#a$ want to buy a new notebook#b$ /romise not to disturbyou

    Some vers are follo%e$imme$iately y an in?nitive) as in /a1an$ /1#@e&ative form: notpre"e$es thein?nitive

    )ER! D PRO2NOUN D IN5INITI)ES#c$ Mr 'ed allowed me to usehis

    car#d$ 'he teacher always encourages us

    to study hard

    Some vers are follo%e$ y a/pro1noun an$ then an in?nitive) asin /"1 an$ /$1#

    #e$ was told to behere at nine o!clock#f$ 'he thief was ordered not to


    These vers are follo%e$imme$iately y an in?nitive %henuse$ in the passive) as in /e1 an$ /f1#

    #g$ e$/ect to visitmy grandma#h$ e$/ectSusan to hel/me

    0s+) expe"t) %oul$ li+e) %ant) an$nee$) may or may not e follo%e$ ya /pro1noun o!e"t# 2ompare:

    #i$ think will pass the e1am#0$ think Susan will help me


    hope to promise to seem to ask toplan to agree to appear to e1pect tointend to oJer to pretend to would like todecide to refuse to need to want toROUP !6 )ER!DPRO2NOUN D IN5INITI)Etell someone to invite someone to re*uire someone to asksomeone toadvise someone to permit someone to order someone to e1pectsomeone toencourage someone to allow someone to force someone to wouldlike someone toremind someone to warn someone to want someone to needsomeone to


    Some vers may e follo%e$ y either an in?nitive or a &erun$) sometimes %ithno $i3eren"e un meanin& an$ sometimes %ith a $i3eren"e in meaninROUP A6 )ER! DIN5INITI)ES OR ERUN& 0IT/ NO &I55EREN"E IN%EANINbegin like hate start lovecan!t stand can!t bear continue prefer

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    #a$ t began to rain #c$ t started to work#b$ t began raining #d$ t started working

    ROUP A6 )ER! DIN5INITI)ES OR ERUN& 0IT/ A &I55EREN"E IN%EANINremember forget regret try

    /a1;ane always remembers to loc+the door/1;ane remembers seeingthe

    strange man/"1 im will never %orget to cleanhis

    room/$1 im often %orgets lendingme


    In /a1 an$ /"1: rememberan$ %orgetto perform responsiility) $uty) or tas+#In /1 an$ /$1: rememberan$ %orgetsomethin& that happene$ in the past#

    A. State which sentences are correct and incorrect.*# 0li"e is not intereste$ to loo+ for a !o-# I am a""ustome$ to have a i& rea+fast

    4# Instea$ of stu$yin&) Mary %ent to a all &ame %ith someof her frien$s#7# Simon o!e"te$ to %or+ %ith me## Are$ +eeps resear"hin& learnin& strate&ies#

    !. "hoose the correct answer*# It is hot here# Woul$ you min$ ........... the %in$o%(

    /01 openin&/,1 to open/21 opens/'1 opene$

    -# I en!oy........... the ne%spaper every mornin& %hile I am havin& my ?rst "up oftea#/01 rea$in&/,1 to rea$/21rea$/'1to rea$

    4# Sometimes teena&ers &et into troule %ith their parents y.........#/01 $isoeyin& %hat their parents %ant/,1 $isoey %hat their parents %ant/21 $isoeys %hat their parents %ant/'1 to $isoey %hat their parents %ant

    7# Where are you "onsi$erin& ........... for va"ation(/01&oin&/,1to &o/21to e &oin&/'1%ent

    # The tea"her remin$e$ the stu$ents ..........#/01 sumittin& their assi&nment on time/,1 to sumit their assi&nment on time

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    /21 sumitte$ their assi&nment on time/'1to e sumitte$ their assi&nment on time

    ;# Are$ $i$ not have any money) so he $e"i$e$ ..........#/01 to ta+e a !o/,1 ta+in& a !o

    /21he ta+es a !o/'1he too+ a !o

  • 8/10/2019 Structure Revisi Baru.trawas


    7# Ho% many times $oes your mother have to remin$ youhan&in& up your "oat %hen you &et

    0 , 2 'home from s"hool(

    # I ?nally mana&e$ persua$in& Dane to stay in s"hool an$

    ?nish her $e&ree#0 , 2 '

    ;# When a stu$ent as+s a 8uestion) the tea"her al%ays triesexplainin& the prolem as "learly as

    0 , 2 'possile#

    # Dane an$ 'avi$ %ere "onsi$erin& to &et marrie$ in Dune)ut they ?nally $e"i$e$ to postpone

    0 , 2 'it until 0u&ust#

    *9#I am loo+in& for%ar$ to eat my mother6s "oo+in& an$ sleepin& in my o%n e$#0 , 2 '