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Structure 2 - SUMMARY.docx

Oct 16, 2015



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Independent clause (main clause)Kelompok kata yang saling berhubungan yang mempunyai subjek dan predikat dan dapat berdiri sendiri. English is an international language. Rudy is my son.

Dependent clause (subordinate clause)

Noun clause

Adjective clause

Adverbial clauseAnak kalimat, mempunyai subjek dan predikat, tetapi tidak bisa berdiri sendiri.

Klausa yang befungsi sebagai kata benda.Diawali dengan subordinate conjunction. Sebagai subjek: That she does not love you is obvious. Sebagai objek: It is obvious that she does not love you. Sebagai kata keterangan: My concern is how to make her happy.

Menerangkan kata benda. Menggunakan relative pronoun (that, who, whom, whose, which, where, when, and why). Pizza,which most people love, is not very healthy. I met a girl who wears a red skirt.

Klause yang berfungsi sebagai adverb.Menjelaskan kata kerja, kata sifat, kata keterangan, atau menjelaskan seluruh kalimat.Diawali dengan subordinate conjunction. When I was in Seoul, I visited Myeongdong. You can sit wherever you like.

Sentences Classification by Types

Declarative sentence (statement)Memberikan informasi atau pendapat. Diakhiri dengan titik. I am happy. Seoul is the capital of South Korea.

Interrogative sentence (question)Menanyakan suatu informasi.Diakhiri dengan tanda tanya. What is your name? Have you ever been to Indonesia?

Imperative sentence (command and request)Memberikan informasi tentang apa yang harus dilakukan oleh lawan bicara. Request: menggunakan kata please.Diakhiri dengan tanda seru atau titik. Turn off the light! Open the window, please.

Exclamatory sentenceDigunakan untuk mengekspresikan emosi. Diakhiri dengan tanda seru.What + countable/uncountable nounHow + adjective or adverb

What a beautiful day! (excitement) How beautiful she is! (admire) I dont know what happened here! (confusion) Stay out of my room! (anger)

Sentence Classification by the Number of Full Predications

Simple sentenceHanya terdiri dari satu klausa saja, yaitu independent clause. Tika is happy. Rani and Rina swim everyday. (compound subject) I like to sing and dance everyday. (compound predicate)

Compound sentence(kalimat majemuk)Terdiri dari dua independent clause.a) main clause + (,)+ coordinate conjunction + main clauseb) main clause + (;) + transition (linking word) + main clause

He was tired, so he went to bed. I love walking on the beach; furthermore, I hope to live close to the ocean someday.

Complex sentenceTerdiri dari satu independent clause dan satu atau lebih dependent clause. You should lock the doors before you leave the house. The student who delivers magazines before he goes to school is the cleverest student in this class.

Compound-complex sentenceTerdiri dari dua atau lebih independent clause dan satu atau lebih dependent clause.Although the farmers always work long hours, they seem to enjoy their work, and they usually have a long time rest during the dry season.

MODUL 2 CONJUNCTIONSCoordinate conjunctions

Menggabungkan dua atau lebih part of speech (words, phrases, and clauses)and, or, but, yet, so, forStructural Unit Joined by Coordinate Conjunctions Words: She is beautiful, diligent, and intelligent. Phrases: He spends his free time to play the piano, compose music, or writing poetry. Dependent clauses (and, or, but): He married a woman who was very intelligent and charming, but who could not cook at all. Independent clauses: The shirt is too small for you, yet it fits nicely to me.

Functional Unit Joined by Coordinate ConjunctionsCompound subjects: (perhatikan subjek terakhirnya singular atau plural) The teacher or the students receive the award. The students or the teacher receives the award.Compound predicate: They read and write in English.Compound objects: He bought a pen and a pencil.Compound modifier: He was tired but happy.

Subordinate conjunctions

Menghubungkan dependent clause dengan independent clause.

Single-Word Subordinate Conjunctions You can sit wherever you like. (adverbial clause) My concern is how to make her happy. (noun clause)

Two-Word Conjunctions If only I knew it earlier, this incident would not ever happen. We will manufacture these handbags only if we can obtain the right leather.

Subordinate Conjunctions Beginning with Prepositional PhrasesPrepositional phrase + as I will be happy as long as you love me.Prepositional phrase + that Radium treatments were given to him in the hope that the cancer cells might be destroyed. Prepositional phrase + the fact that He went to school in spite of the fact that he was ill.

Split Conjunctions

She works so hard as her mother does. Riza is more handsome than his brother.

Correlative conjunctions

Digunakan dalam bentuk pasangan.Verb agreementBentuk predikat (tunggal atau jamak) mengikuti subjek yang disebutkan terakhir.Both...and... --> selalu menggunakan predikat berbentuk jamak.

Pronoun agreementBentuk pronoun mengikuti subjek yang disebutkan terakhir.

Parallel structureKesamaan bentuk gramatika harus mengikuti setiap kata dalam pasangan correlative conjunction. Both the teacher and the student are here now. Not only the students but also the teacher is here now. Not only the teacher but also the students are here now.

Neither my son nor my friends expressed their dissapoinment when the party was cancelled. Neither my friends nor my son expressed his dissapoinment when the party was cancelled.

Neither + noun + nor + nounNot only + verb + but also + verb


Wh Questions

WhatQ: What did you do yesterday?A: I cooked Indonesian food.Q: What does your husband look like?A: He is tall, has dark hair and brown eyes.WhyQ: Why did you come to Seoul?A: I came to Seoul to study.

Q: Why are you studying English?A: Because I love this language.WhichQ: Which dress are you going to wear?A: Im going to wear the red one.

WhereQ: Where do you live?A: I live at Yeouido.WhenQ: When did you come to Korea?A: I came to Korea two years ago.

WhoQ: Who makes the cake?A: Susi.Q: Who makes the cake?A: Susi and Ita.(who biasanya diikuti singular verb walaupun jawabanya adalah plural)

WhoseQ: Whose book is this?A: It is mine.

(whose digunakan untuk menanyakan kepemilikan)WhomQ: Whom are you going to invite?A: I am going to invite my classmates.(whom digunakan untuk menanyakan seseorang yang menjadi objek kalimat)HowQ: How long does it take to travel from Seoul to Busan by bus?A: It takes six hours.

Negative Questions

FormalDo you not always like ice cream?Am I not the head of the family?

InformalDont you always like ice cream?Arent I the head of the family?

Tag Questions

Kalimat positif ditambahkan negative tag question

You are from Indonesia, arent you?Kalimat negatif ditambahkan positive tag question

You are not from Indonesia, are you?Lets go to the cinema, shall we?Sit down, will you? (kalimat perintah menggunakan tag question will you)This is your book, isnt it?These are your books, arent they?


Objek pada kalimat aktif menjadi subjek pada kalimat pasif.Kata kerja berubah menjadi bentuk past participle.Active:Subject + verb + object

Subject objectObject subject

Passive:Subject + to be + verb (past participle) + by + object

A: Rudy always pays my lunch.P: My lunch is always paid by Rudy.

Tak harus selalu ada pelaku, bisa saja pelaku tidak dianggap penting. Maka by tidak diperlukan.

A: Someone has painted the house last week.P: The house has been painted last week.

Passive Progressive SentencesActive:Subject + be + verb-ing + object

Subject objectObject subject

Passive:Subject + be + being + verb (past perfect) + object

A: Mom was baking a cake when I got home.P: A cake was being baked by mom when I got home.

Passive Voice with Modal AuxiliariesActive:Subject + modal + verb + object

Subject objectObject subject

Passive:Subject + modal + be + verb (past participle) + objectA: We should recycle papers and plastics.P: Papers and plastics should be recycled (by us).

Sentences with Two ObjectsA: Mr. Lee offered Ani a job.P: A job was offered to Ani by Mr.Lee.P: Ani was offered a job by Mr. Lee.

Passive Adjective I am tired. She is frightened.(past participle yang berfungsi sebagai adjective) The students are interested in learning English. Learning English is interesting.

(interested says how someone feels; interesting describes the people or things that cause the feelings)

Get + Adjective(menunjukkan perubahan sifat)

Its getting dark soon.Get + Past Participle

Im getting tired. They got married last week.Negative Form of Get + Past Participle She does not get assigned to a new job. Joshua and Lia cannot get married as scheduled.

Used toMenyatakan suatu keadaan/kegiatan yang terjadi/sering dilakukan di masa lampau tetapi tidak terjadi lagi sekarang.

He used to smoke. Did she use to smoke? She didnt use to smoke.

Be used toBe accustomed toMenyatakan sudah terbiasa dengan sesuatu. Diikuti dengan noun atau gerund.

I am used to living in a small house. I am accustomed to getting up early. Are you used to living in a small house?

MODUL 5&6 GERUNDS AND INFINITIVESFinite VerbsVerbs that have a definite relation with the subject or noun. These verbs are usually the main verb of a clause or sentence.She walks home.

Finite verbs walks

Non-Finite Verbs Verbs that cannot be the main verb of a clause or sentence as they do not talk about the action that is being performed by the subject or noun. They do not indicate any tense. Gerunds (verb 1 + ing): as a nounInfinitives (to + verb 1): as a noun or modifier of a nounParticiple (-ed/-ing): as an adjective or adverb

He loves camping in the woods.Finite verb: loves; Non-finite verb: camping (gerund)They refused to leave. Finite verb: refused; Non-finite verb: to leave (infinitive) I read an interesting book.Finite verb: read; Non-finite verb: interesting (participle)

Gerunds as Object of PrepositionsPreposition + Verb 1 + ing She is better at solving problems. I am used to living in a small house. (to di atas sebagai preposition, bukan to yang menyertai infinitive)

Gerunds as Objects of Verbs

Go + gerund untuk mengungkapkan kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan rekreasi.

I like knitting and sewing. I cant stand drinking alcohol. Do you mind closing the window, please?(Do you mind. dan Would you mind... diikuti oleh gerund) We will go camping next week.

Gerund as a Complement

Melengkapi predikat yang berbentuk to be. Her hobby is cooking. His favourite sport was playing melengkapi verb is;playing melengkapi verb was.

Gerunds and Infinitives as Subjects

Gerund bersifat umumInfinitives bersifat khusus Waiting is boring. To wait for a bus is boring. It is nice to see you. (formal) It is nice seeing you. (non-formal)

Verbs Followed by InfinitivesKelompok 1 (Verb + Infinitve)Kelompok 2 (Verb + Pronoun/noun + Infinitive)Kelompok 3 (bisa diikuti pronoun/noun atau langsung infinitive)

I would like to learn English seriously. (1) I swear to tell the truth. (1) They convinced us to buy their product. (2) She asks to go together. (3) She asks me to go together. (3)

Verbs Followed by Either Infinitives or Gerunds

begin, continue, dislike, dread, intend, love, hate, hate, neglect, plan, prefer, start, cant bear, cant stand, cant help I prefer teaching to working in a company. I prefer to teach than to work in a company.

Verbs That Have Different Meanings When Followed Either by a Gerund or an Infinitive

forget, remember, like, regret, try, stop, need, requireneed/require + gerund = need/require + passive infinitive

1. The house needs repainting. 2. The house needs to be repainted.3. The house needs to repaint.(makna kalimat 1 = 2, tetapi tidak sama dengan kalimat 3)

Infinitives with too

Noun/ Noun phrase + be/Verb + too + adjective/ noun + to infinitive

Noun/ Noun phrase + be/Verb + too + adjective/ noun + for + object + to infinitive

He has too many books to read.

This bag is too heavy for a little child to carry.

Infinitives with enough

Noun/ Noun phrase + be/Verb + Adjective/ Adverb + enough + for + object + to infinitive

His grades are good enough for him to pass the exam.

MODUL 7 COMPARISONUnclear ComparisonPerbandingan dimana terdapat ketidakjelasan mengenai bagian yang dibandingkan.

John likes Rina better than Mary.

a. John likes Rina better than Mary likes Rina.b. John likes Rina better than he likes Mary.

Rina has a car smaller than her brother.Seharusnya: Rina has a car smaller than her brothers car.

Repeating ComparativeMenyatakan perubahan yang terjadi secara bersamaan. Dalam bahasa Indonesia: semakin , semakin More + adjective/adverb/noun tidak bisa dipisahkanMore harus didahului oleh the.

The sooner you start, the more quickly you will finish.

The more it is dangerous, the more I like it. (salah) The more dangerous it is, the more I like it. (benar)

Double Comparative

Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan perubahan terus menerus.1. Untuk kata dengan suku kata lebih dari 2, hanya kata more yang diulang. 2. Untuk kata dengan suku kata kurang dari atau sama dengan 2, pengulangan kata tersebut dengan akhiran -er.3. Tidak boleh menggabungkan kata more dengan akhiran er dan kata most dengan akhiran est.

He is getting fatter and fatter.

I feel more and more nervous.

He is more lonelier here than he was in America. (salah) He is lonelier here than he was in America. (benar)

More used as Non-comparative

Sebagai kata benda more dapat berdiri sendiri ataupun didahului dengan kata one, few atau any. Sebagai kata ganti, biasanya more didahului oleh some atau many. Sebagai kata sifat, more dapat digunakan untuk countable dan uncountable nouns. Jika more diikuti oleh determiner, maka yang digunakan adalah more of.Determiner:1. Article: a, an, the.2. Possessive: my, your, her, his, their.3. Demonstrative: this, that, these, those.

May I have one more, please?

There is still a lot of food. Do you want some more? (sebagai pengganti kata benda food)

She needs more money.

May I have more of your grapes?

Less and Fewer

Less uncountable nounFewer plural, countable nounsLess = tidak kurang apabila didahului kata no

Lessthan bisa digantikan dengan not soasIndia has fewer natural resources and less land than China.

His salary is no less than 5 million rupiahs a month. (5 million atau lebih)

He is less clever than his brother. He is not so clever as his brother.

MODUL 8 NOUN CLAUSESNoun clause sebagai subjekWhat he said was interesting

Noun clause sebagai objekI heard what he said.

Noun Clause with Question Words


Q: V - to be SNC: Q S to be

Do, did, does tidak dipergunakan dalam noun clause

Who lives there? I dont know who lives there.

Who is she? I dont know who she is.

Where does she live? I dont know where she lives.

Noun Clause with Whether or If

Yes/No questionMemakai or not atau tidak, tidak mengubah makna.With or not:whether or notwhetheror notifor not

Does he need help? I dont know whether or not he needs help. I dont know whether he needs help or not. I dont know if he needs help or not.

Question Words Followed by Infinitives

memiliki makna yang sama dengan should atau can/could. I dont know what I should do. I dont know what to do. Please tell me when I can go home. Please tell me when to go home.

Noun Clause with That

Berasal dari sebuah statement (pernyataan). Dapat berperan sebagai subjek ataupun objek pada sebuah kalimat.

She cant speak Korean. Sebagai subjek: That she cant speak Korean is obvious. Sebagai objek: It is obvious that she cant speak Korean.

MODUL 9 REPORTED SPEECHBackshift of tenses


Simple PresentSimple Past

Simple PastPast Perfect

Present Perfect

Past Perfect


Progressive forms


was/werehad been

has been

had been

Conversion of expressions



todaythat day



(a week) ago(a week) before

last weekendthe weekend before / the previous weekend


next (week)the following (week)

tomorrowthe next/following day

Reported Statement

menggunakan noun clause untuk melaporkan suatu pernyataan yang telah dikemukakan oleh seseorangsay/said + noun clausetell/told + pronoun + noun clause1. The verbs:could, should, would, might, neednt, ought to, used tobiasanya tidak berubah.

2. Dalam percakapan, jika percakapan sedang berlangsung, tidak ada perubahan tenses.

3. Present tense tetap digunakan jika membicarakan general truth atau fakta yang masih terjadi.

4. Apabila reporting verb dalam bentuk simple present, present perfect atau future, kata kerja dalam noun clause tidak berubah.

She said, I listen to the radio. She said (that) she listened to the radio.

She told me that she listened to the radio.

She said, I should listen to the radio. She said (that) she should listen to the radio.

A: What the teacher just said? I cant hear? B: He said he wants us to read.

John said, My brother is at Korea University. John said (that) his brother is at Korea University.

She says, I watch TV every day. She says she watches TV every day.

Reported QuestionMenggunakan noun clause untuk melaporkan suatu pertanyaan

Yes/No Question Menggunakan ask, want to know, wonder, atau inquire Noun clause diawali whether/if

Question Words Menggunakan ask bukan say atau tell Langsung menggunakan kalimat tanya

Sandi said, Are you alright? Sandi asked (me) if I was alright. Sandi wondered whether I was alright.

She said, Where do you live? She asked me where I lived. She said, How old is she? She asked me how old she was.

Reported OrderMenggunakan noun clause untuk melaporkan kalimat perintah, ajakan, undangan atau permintaan

S + V + O + Infinitive Phrase

Jamal said, Please come to my party! Jamal invited me to come to his party My teacher said, You should learn more! My teacher advised me to learn more.

(Reporting verb disesuaikan dengan maksud dari quoted speech, apakah berupa ajakan, perintah, nasehat, dll)

MODUL 10, 11 & 12 ADVERBIAL CLAUSEAdverbial Clauses of Time

Special Verb Form in Adverbial Clauses of Time

Main ClauseTime ClauseSentences

Future tensePresent tenseHe will continue his studies after he graduates from high school.

Present perfect tenseHe will continue his studies after he has graduated from high school.

Future perfect tensePresent tenseYou will have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.

Present perfect tenseYou will have perfected your English by the time you have come back from the U.S.

Simple past tenseSimple past tense

I watered the flowers while my wife prepared breakfast.(dua kejadian yang terjadi bersamaan)

Past progressive tenseThe telephone rang while she was ironing.(satu kejadian terjadi saat kegiatan lain sedang berlangsung)

Past progressive tensePast progressive tenseI was watering the flowers while my wife was preparing breakfast.

Simple past tense She was ironing when the telephone rang.

Past perfect tenseSimple past tenseThe train had left when we arrived at the station.

Reduction of adverbial clauses to modifying phrases

Mempersingkat adverbial clause menjadi modifying phrases (hanya jika independent dan dependent clause memiliki subjek yang sama). 1. Menghilangkan subjek dan kata kerja bentuk be dari dependent clause.2. Jika tidak ada kata kerja be, maka subjek dihilangkan dan kata kerjanya diubah menjadi verb-ing.3. Kata while pada modifying phrases dapat dihilangkan saat menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi pada waktu yang bersamaan.

1. AC: While I was walking to the office, I saw a car accident.MP: While walking to the office, I saw a car accident.

2. AC: Before I came to class, I had a cup of coffee.MP: Before coming to class, I had a cup of coffee.

3. MP: Walking to the office, I saw a car accident.

Adverbial Clauses of Place

Modifying phrases dapat dihasilkan dengan menghilangkan subjek dan bentuk be tanpa mengubah arti kalimat

He will work wherever he is sent by his company. He will work wherever sent by his company.

Adverbial Clauses of Result

so + adjective/adverb + that so that such a/an + noun + that

The coffee is so hot that I cant drink it. The coffee is hot so that I cant drink it. This is such delicious food that I want to eat more.

Transitions atau conjunctive adverbs hanya menandakan hubungan sebab akibat, tetapi tidak menandakan adverbial clauses of result.Sinta didnt study well; consequently, she failed the exam.

Adverbial Clauses of Purpose

Conjunctions: in order that, in order to, so that, so informal), for the purpose that, in the hope that

In order that diikuti klausa; In order to diikuti infinitive. So that pada adverbial clause of purpose diikuti oleh auxiliary. So that pada adverbial clause of result tidak diikuti oleh auxiliary.

I turned off the TV in order that my roommate could study. I turned off the TV in order to enable my roommate to study. I wanted a college education so that I might get a good job. I wanted a college education so that I enrolled at the university.

Adverbial Clauses of Contrast

Concessive ClausesMengungkapkan akibat yg tidak diharapkan yg diungkapkan pada main clauses

Despite, in spite of, regardless of dan notwithstanding merupakan adverbial clauses HANYA apabila kata tersebut ditambah dengan the fact that. Even though I felt very tired, I tried to finish my work. Despite the fact that prices went down recently, the company made a huge profit. Adversative ClausesMemperlihatkan pertentangan yang jelas antara 2 klausa

Tanda koma (,) tetap digunakan walaupun adverbial clause berada setelah main clause.

Some people delight in doing goods, whereas other takes pleasure in doing evil. Some people delight in doing goods, while other takes pleasure in doing evil.

Adverbial Clauses of Cause

Conjunctions: because, since, as, now that, inasmuch as, as/so long as Since dan as memiliki pengertian yang sama dengan because, sementara now that berarti because now. Tanda koma (,) digunakan apabila klausa ini berada pada awal kalimat. Because of dan due to merupakan conjunctions yang menyatakan hubungan sebab akibat, tetapi tidak menunjukkan Adverbial Clause of Cause.Perbedaan Adverbial Clauses of Cause dan Adverbial Clauses of Result terlihat pada conjunction yang digunakan.Clause: Because she sang so beautifully, she won the festival.Result: She sang so beautifully that she won the festival.

Since he was ill, he couldnt come. He couldnt come as he was ill.