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Presented by : OLA OSAMA KHALAF Assistant Lecturer of Psychiatry Cairo University
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Page 1: Stress mangement

Presented by :

OLA OSAMA KHALAF Assistant Lecturer of Psychiatry

Cairo University

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Stress is an internal reaction to events and circumstances that challenge us to make changes in our lives. There are both external and internal causes of stress.

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Getting diagnosed with a serious illness


Failing a test

Having a baby

Losing a job

Being in an automobile accident

Being late for class

Having a fight with your boyfriend/girlfriend

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Physical changes that occur in the body- Illness- Injury- Being in poor physical shape

Worrying excessively

Thinking negatively


Setting unrealistic expectations for ourselves/others

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When we are stressed, our body responds in certain way called the Stress Response. The Stress Response includes the following bodily reactions:

Muscle tension

Increase in heart rate


Rapid and shallow breathing

Increase in blood pressure

Cold and/or clammy hands and feet

Queasy stomach

Feeling fidgety

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Consuming too much alcohol

Taking excessive drugs (legal and illegal)


Acting out behavior (including physical aggression)

Quitting jobs, relationships, etc.



Excessive worrying

Denying that a problem exists

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Listening to your body

Decreasing stress (if possible)

Unburdening yourself

Problem solving


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HardinessBecoming physically, mentally, and emotionally

stronger .

How ????????

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Get More Physical Exercise

Practice Relaxation

Develop Good Sleeping and Eating Habits

Find Activities That You Enjoy

Create a Support System - people who both give and receive love, affection, and support are better equipped to deal with stress. Taking the time to develop close relationships with other people is rewarding in many ways, both short-term, as well as long-term.

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Changing Your OutlookThe perspective or the Attitude

If someone is always expecting the worst, or feels likethey are being controlled by other people, then thecontinuous challenges of life will undoubtedly cause alot of stress. Alternatively, people have the ability todevelop attitudes about life that make it less stressfuland more enjoyable.

( You Attract What You Think )

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Develop a Sense of Humor About Yourself and Your Problems

Develop the Ability to Understand that Being Wrong or Making Mistakes is OK as Long as You Learn from It – many people have been taught that making mistakes means that they are stupid, bad, worthless, etc. This type of thinking leads to unnecessary stress.

Take Responsibility for Your Own Feelings – One of the most significant stressors for many people is the feeling that other people are controlling them. This type of feeling on a regular basis leads to feelings of powerlessness, hopelessness, and continual frustration.

Know Your Own Strength and Abilities – An in-depth awareness of, and belief in, your many strengths and abilities provide a feeling of confidence that you can cope effectively with stressors as they arise.

Understand and Accept the Fact that You Cannot Control Everything – many people believe that they need to control everyone and everything around them. Acceptance of the realities of life is a very effective for coping with stress

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Decreasing Stress

Learn How to Say No

Don’t Take Work Home with You

Try to Limit the Number of Changes With Which You are Coping at any Given Time

Learn Time Management and Organizational Skills

Control Your Negative Thinking

Set Realistic Expectations for Yourself

Stop Procrastinating

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Problem-Solving Techniques Set clear goals

Collect all the information needed to form a plan of action

Divide large tasks into smaller ones

Develop a schedule to complete tasks

Acknowledge your progress after each task is completed

Evaluate the effectiveness of your strategy and make any revisions to your plan as required

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A. Eat well – avoid sugar, caffeine, junk food.B. Get enough sleep.C. Exercise on a regular basis.D. Don’t cram too many tasks into too little time.E. Plan each day’s activities ahead of time.F. Set priorities and stick to them as much as possible.G. Don’t let worries drain your energy.H. Give yourself a break – take some time every day to do something just for you.

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I. Don’t procrastinate. If you have a large job to do, break it down into smaller tasks and do a little bit every day.J. Express your anger in constructive ways that do not hurt yourself or others.K. Take a hot bath or shower.L. Laugh!!!! Look for the humor in situations.M. Breathe deeply and slowly.N. Start meditating.O. Keep a journal describing your feelings.P. Take time off to get re-charged.Q. Listen to your favorite music.R. Go dancing.S. Remember that you don’t have to be perfect.T. If needed, talk to a counselor.

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Sit in a comfortable place (do not lie down). You may sit in a chair, or on the floor with a cushion underneath you. Try to keep your shoulders back and your spine straight.

Make sure that the phone is unplugged, the door is closed, and your pets are absent.

Once you have settled into a comfortable position, begin to slow your breathing. Focus your attention on the inhalations as you breathe in, and the exhalations as you breathe out.

After you have taken several deep slow breaths, start to concentrate on taking the inhalations all the way down into your belly. If you are doing it correctly, as you inhale your belly should expand as if you are slightly pregnant. On the exhalation, your belly should return to its normal state. Continue to simply focus your attention on your breathing – each inhalation and exhalation.

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It is quite normal for thoughts to come and go as you elicit the RR. Simply note that your mind has wandered, passively ignore the thoughts, and return your attention to your breath.

If you exercise regularly, try eliciting the RR immediately after you exercise – the sense of deep relaxation should come more easily.

It is generally advisable to elicit the RR twice a day for 20 minutes each session. If you simply cannot fit in a session, try focusing on your breath for even five minutes. The only “bad” RR session is the one not done.

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