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Strength & Conditioning Guide Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 30

Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Aug 10, 2020



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Page 1: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 30

Page 2: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 31

Some Weight Training Terminology

Reps - stands for "repetitions" and is the number of times without a rest that you do a lift (ie.15 reps). Set - is a package of repetitions before a rest period is taken (ie.15 reps x 3 sets is 45 repetitions with a rest after each "set" of 15 reps). RM - stands for "repetition maximum" which is the load you can just lift a particular number of times and can't lift it one more time. For example, a 10RM load is the load you can just lift 10 times but can't quite do 11 reps. Frequency - the number of times you would do a particular workout per week.

Why Do Basketball Players Need Strength Training?

• Strength means stronger muscles, which will protect joints and soft tissue from injury.

• It makes you stronger in setting and defending screens. • It helps you establish position in the post, and for rebounding. • Higher strength means greater ability to repeat forceful movements

during struggles or contact. • Abdominal strength allows you to transfer momentum from the lower

body to the upper body AND protects the lower back. • Leg strength is the first step in improving leg power and explosiveness.

Page 3: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 32

What Strength Training Does q To improve the size of your muscles and thus there capacity to do work. q To improve the effectiveness of the nervous system in using the muscles you

have. Effective Resistance Training

will accomplish both of these things.


RELATIVE STRENGTH Making your muscles stronger but not bigger -All muscles are protected from tearing by the nervous system, which shuts them down when too much tension occurs in the muscle. By giving high loads with few reps (no more than 5RM) you gradually remove this effect and the muscle can now put out more force without being shut down or getting much bigger. This is called relative strength because you are now stronger relative to your body size.

ABSOLUTE STRENGTH Making your muscles bigger and stronger- Mature muscles get bigger and stronger when they are put under enough tension for an optimal amount of time in the presence of the proper hormones. Because you increase your size and your strength you are not necessarily stronger per pound or kilogram of body weight but you can generate a greater absolute amount of force. This is therefore called absolute strength.

ENDURANCE STRENGTH This ability to do repeated contractions at sub maximal loads is called strength endurance. Muscles can improve this ability in 2 different ways:

• By getting stronger through either relative or absolute strength • By avoiding the high loads and doing higher reps (15-25) of lighter

loads which don't put muscles and bones at risk

Page 4: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 33

Loading Options Pyramid Sets The load is increased for each set. For example, 80% of 10RM in first set, 90% of 10RM in the second; and 100% of 10RM in the third set Constant Load The load is the RM for each set. For example, 100% of 10RM for each set.

The Relative Strength Package

5 Reps of a 5RM load 3 x sets, 3-5 minutes

rest between sets 1-2 Times/week

The Absolute Strength Package

10-12 Reps of a 10-12RM load 3 x sets,

3-5 minutes rest between sets

1-2 Times/week

The Endurance Strength Package 15-25 Reps of a 15-

25 load 3 x sets

3-5 minutes rest between sets

Page 5: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 34

Packaging Options Successive sets: 2, 3 or 4 sets of the same exercise are completed before you move on to the next exercise. There are usually 2-3 minutes of recovery given between sets. This type of packaging takes the longest to complete. Alternating sets: 1 set of each exercise you select is done in sequence, and then the second set of each exercise, etc. Since different exercises follow one another, no recovery is given between circuits. This cuts down on training time. Tri-sets: groups of 3 exercises are performed as a group with one set of each group done, then the second, then the third set, then move on to the next tri-set - 6 or 9 exercises are packaged in this way with no rest between sets or tri-sets. This, again, reduces training time. A tri-set (3 exercises) has been arranged to focus on one area of the body (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls, lat pull-downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls and abdominals; or knee extensions, knee flexions and abdominals). Bi-sets or super sets: groups of 2 exercises are done in sequence to load a particular area. The groupings usually involve muscles on opposite sides of joint and/or ones that do push/pull movements (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls; knee flexion, knee extension; or shoulder abduction, shoulder adduction). All the sets of one pair are completed before moving on to the next pair with no rest between sets or groups.

Page 6: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 35

Upper Body Exercises

Barbell Bench Press Barbell Curl Chin-Up

Feet flat on the floor. Back flat on the bench. Grip broader than shoulder width. Slow controlled motion.

Hands shoulder-width apart. Underhand grip. Without leaning back or swinging the weight, curl the bar up toward your chest. Lower the weight slowly.

Palms facing you. Hands about 6 -8 inches apart. Touch upper chest to the bar. Do not swing.


Your hips hang off the end of the bench. Cross your arms in front. Move through complete range of motion slowly. Hold a weight for increased resistance.

Page 7: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 36

Bent Over Barbell Row

Feet at about shoulder width. Back is as close to parallel. Hands a little wider than shoulder width. Keep legs slightly bent. Pull bar straight up to the lower part of your chest. Head up and back straight at all times. Do not swing.

Arnold Dumbbell Press

Hold two dumbbells in front of you at about upper chest level. Palms facing your body and your elbows flexed. Raise dumbbells by extending elbows. Rotate shoulders to straight arm position. Lower to original position.

Seated Overhead Barbell Triceps Extension

Barbell Or EZ Curl Bar With Your Hands About 6 To 8 inches Apart. Feet Firmly On The Floor And Your Back Straight. Raise Bar Overhead To Arm's Length. Lower Bar Behind Your Head. Elbows And Upper Arms Should NEVER Move. Can Also Be Done Standing.

Page 8: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 37

Alternate Exercises Wide-Grip Pulldowns Behind The Neck

Substitute For: Chin Ups

Decline EZ Bar Tricep Extension

Substitute For: Triceps Extension

Seated Barbell Military Press

Substitute For: Arnold Press

Reverse Flyes

Substitute For: Bent Over Row

Pushups Close Tricep Position

Substitute For: Bench Press

Page 9: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 38

Step up and down with same leg, then switch. Use lighter weights. Can be done with 2 dumbbells.

Keep your head up and your back straight. Point your toes and knees a little outwards. Squat until upper thighs are parallel to floor. Try experimenting with the width of you feet.

Using machine in sitting or prone position. Curl weight complete until touching the butt. Keep back straight throughout.

Lower Body Exercises

Barbell Step Ups Squat

Barbell Lunge

Step forward in a long stride. Your thigh and lower leg form a right angle. Lowering your hips so your rear knee just clears the floor. Slowly straighten your legs and raise your body back up to a standing position. Complete a full set, then switch legs.

Leg Curl

Page 10: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 39

Leg Press

Feet about should-width apart and toes pointed slightly outward. Do not lock your knees at the top. Do not lower the weight so far that your hips start to curl up off the seat.

Calf Raise on Dumbbell

Stand on a dumbbell handle. Hold onto wall for support. The tendency to roll will add a stabilizing component. Work through full range of motion.

Page 11: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 40

Core Strength

Activate Your Transversus Abdominus

To work your body's core, engage your deepest abdominal muscle — your transversus abdominis — by coughing once. The muscle you feel contracting deep in your abdomen is your transversus abdominis. The transversus abdominis isn't the only muscle that makes up your body's core. But by concentrating on keeping this muscle contracted throughout these exercises, the rest of your core muscles get a workout, too.

The "core" of your body is where your center of gravity is located, around your trunk, from the center of your chest down to your hips. Strong core muscles provide support to your spine for everything you do — whether you're walking, lifting, standing or sitting. With basketball, everything's about how well you can hold your ground and the balance that you have. Most of the great players that you see have great balance. They have the ability to move quickly jump high, adjust their body in the air and hold their ground with someone pushing underneath the basket. In order to do this, they have to have balance and control of your body. This is what we need to focus on as basketball players.

Page 12: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 41

Core Strength Workout

Two Types of Core Workout

Basic Core Strength Exercises

Remember, with each core exercise: • Keep your back in a neutral position — not overly arched and not pressed

into the floor. • Avoid tilting your hips up. • Cough to activate your transverses abdominis. • With each of these exercises, coordinate your breathing with the

activation of your transverses abdominis.

Proper Crunch Segmental Rotation

With a 90-deg bend at your knees and hips, curl your spine; raise your head and shoulders off the floor.

Keeping your shoulders on the floor, let your knees fall slowly to the left. Use your trunk muscles to pull your legs back, let your knees fall to the right and return.


Raise your hips off the floor. Align your hips with your knees and shoulders and hold this position for eight seconds. Return to your starting position and repeat

Basic Core Strength Exercises Can be done anywhere any time and are a great start to working your core.

Exercises with Stability Ball An even better way to work all your stabilizers. Unlimited number of exercises!!

Page 13: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 42

Basic Core Strength Exercises

Core Exercises With a Stability Ball

Superman Abdominal Press Side plank

Lying facedown on the floor, place a rolled towel under your hips to support your back, Raise one arm and one leg, hold for a few seconds and alternate sides.

Lying on your back with your knees bent, and your legs off the floor, push your hands against your knees while using your abdominal muscles to resist with your knees.

Raise yourself up onto your left forearm; tighten your trunk muscles to keep your shoulders, hips and knees in alignment. Shoulder is directly over your left elbow. Try an advanced version, Shown in B.

Plank Reverse crunch Bridge

Page 14: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 43

Core Exercises With a Stability Ball

The Core Workout Prescription

With knees on the ball, curl spine forward rolling legs on ball. Return to original position and repeat.

Lift hips off ground and hold body straight. Try lifting one leg. Try no hands!!

Bridge w/ Heel Dig Leg Raises Kneel Stand

In Bridge position roll heels to ball, hold and return. Keep body straight and stable.

With Ball between feet lift legs off the ground. Hold for 3-5 seconds.

Knees on the ball and stabilize body. To increase difficulty, try passing as basketball against a wall.

q Pick 4-5 exercises q Balance working both back and abdominal areas. q Do at least 20-30 reps or until failure. q Can be done on your lower body workout day.

Page 15: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 44

Testing Your Strength

q Monitoring you progress can be a great motivator as well as an evaluation of your workouts. Your may want to use the results of strength tests to modify the weights that you use.

q Select a Load that you can do 2-10 times and use the following table to

calculate an approximate 1RM.

Reps Multiplier X Load = 1RM 2 1.07 3 1.10 4 1.13 5 1.16 6 1.20 7 1.24 8 1.28 9 1.32 10 1.36 For example if you can bench press 100 lbs 8 times your 1 RM is 128 lbs

Page 16: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 71


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Page 17: Strength & Conditioning Guide€¦ · curls, lat pull -downs) or with 2 muscle groups on opposite sides of a joint and a non-related group (for example: bicep curls, triceps curls

Strength & Conditioning Guide

Developed by Manitoba High Performance Coach, Kirby Schepp 72

Weatherly, J. S. (1996). Preparing a Basketball Player for NBA camp. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 18(6), 12-17. Wein, D. Quench Your Thirst. NSCA’s Performance Training Journal, Retrieved on January 26, 2005 from Wenger, H. (1998). Fitness For High Performance Hockey. Hillside, Victoria, BC. Zatsiorsky, V. M. (1995). Science and Practice of Strength Training. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.