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strategjia dhe plani kombëtar i veprimit për ruajtjen dhe përdorimin e ...

Dec 12, 2016



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Page 1: strategjia dhe plani kombëtar i veprimit për ruajtjen dhe përdorimin e ...

MINISTRIA E BUJQËSISË, USHQIMIT DHE MBROJTJES SË KO NSUMATORIT Qendra e Transferimit te Teknologjive Bujqesore Fushe -Kruje





Tirane, 2007

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Permbajtja Shqiperia dhe bujqesia e saj 2 1.1 Pozicioni gjeografik i Shqiperise dhe relievi i saj 2 1.2 Veshtrim ekonomik i pergjithshem 3 1.3 Pershkrim i ekonomise bujqesore 4 Kapitulli 1 Gjendja e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes 1.1 Sistemet e prodhimit dhe lidhja e tyre me diversitetin biologjik 7 1.2 Gjendja e diversitetit biologjik ne kafshet e fermes 10 1.3 Informacioni dhe njohja e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes 14 1.4 Programet per ruajtjen e fondit gjenetik 15 1.4.1 Programet per ruajtjen e biodiversitetit ne kafshet e fermes 15 1.5 Vleresimi i situates ne perdorimin e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes 16 1.5.1 Kuadri ligjor 16 1.5.2 Perdorimi i fondit gjenetik 19 1.5.3 Alternativa qe duhet te konsiderohen ne programet per ruajtjen e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes


1.5.4 Veshtiresi ne perdorimin efektiv te burimve gjenetike shtazore te fermes 23 1.5.5 Rruge te mundeshme per rritjen e efektivitetit ne perdorimin dhe ruajtjen e diversitetit gjenetik ne kafshet e fermes


1.5.6 Vleresim i gjendjes se kapaciteteve kombetare per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin ekonomik te qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes


Kapitulli II Objektiva dhe Prioritete Kombetare per Konservimin dhe Perdorimin e BGJSHF


2.1 Parandalimi i mosperdorimit te tokes bujqesore 31 2.2 Perpunim i programeve per rritjen e prodhimeve dhe plotesimin e vazhdueshem te nevojave per ushqime


2.3 Zhvillimi i teknologjive mbi bazen e parimit te bashkejeteses “mjedis-kafshe” 32 2.4 Krijimi dhe rritja e kapaciteteve per ruajtjen e biodiversitetit ne ferme 32 2.5 Mbeshtetje per zbatimin e njohurive, teknikave dhe teknologjive te kohes 32 2.6 Mbeshtetje per realizimin e vleres se shtuar ne prodhimet blegtorale 33 2.7 Mbeshtetje per zhvillimin e infrastruktures 33 2.8 Mbeshtetje per zhvillimin e kapaciteve te kerkimit shkencor 33 2.9 Mbeshteje per zhvillimin e kapaciteteve humane per administrimin e BGJSHF 33 2.10 Zhvillim i legjislacionit 34 2.11 Institucionalizimin i bashkepunimit 34 2.12 Zhvillim institucional 34 2.13 Mbeshtetje per zhvillim te bashkepunimit dhe kooperimit nderkombetar 34 Kapitulli III Plani kombetar i Veprimit per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin e qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes


Prioritete strategjike 36 Matrica e PKV per zbatimin e Strategjise 39 Matrica e PKV per ruajtjen In-situ 42 Referenca 44

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SHQIPERIA DHE BUJQESIA E SAJ 1. Shqiperia dhe sektori i tij bujqesor ne ekonomine e pergjithshme Shqiperia ndodhet ne Europen Juglindore ne Gadishullin e Ballkanit Siperfaqja 28748 km2 Popullsia 3 455 000 banore Densiteti 120 banore / km2 1.1 Pozicioni gjeografik i Shqiperise dhe relieve i tij Gjatesia dhe gjersia gjeografike

Grade Fshati Rrethi

Veri 42 39’ Vermosh Malsia Madhe Jug 39 38’ Konispol Sarande Lindje 21 40 Vernik Devoll Perendim 19 16’ Sazan Vlore Gjatesia kufirit ( / ne km ) Totali toke det lume Liqen Gjatesia 1094 657 316 48 73 Lumenjte kryesor Lumi Gjatesia ne territorin shqipetar Sip. Lartesia mesatare mbi nivelin e detit ( /ne km ) ( /ne km2 ) ( /ne m ) Drini 285 14173 97.1 Semani 281 5649 863 Vjosa 272 6706 855 Shkumbini 181 2444 753 Mati 115 2441 746 Erzeni 109 760 435

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Liqenjte kryesor Liqeni Sip. Lartesia mbi nivelin e detit Thellesia maksimale (/ne km2 ) ( / ne m ) ( ne m ) Liqenjte natyror Shkodra 368 5 9 Ohri 362 695 287 Prespa 285 853 35 Butrinti 16 0 21 Liqeni Sip. Lartesia mbi nivelin e detit Thellesia maksimale (/ne km2 ) ( / ne m ) ( ne m ) Liqejte artificiale Fierza 72 295 128 Vau i Dejes 25 74 52 Uleza 13 129 61 Komani 13 170 96 Numri i maleve kryesore Lartesia mbi 2000m 13 Ndarja administrative Qarqe 12 Prefektura 12 Rrethe 36 Qytete 74 Fshatra 2962 1.2 Veshtrim ekonomik i pergjithshem Ne fillim te viteve 90-te ndodhen transformime te medha ne ekonomine shqiptare si rezultat i kolapsit te sistemit ekonomik te centralizuar dhe zevendesimit te tij me ekonomine e tregut te lire bazuar ne pronesine private. Keto transformime, ne periudhen 1990-1992 u shoqeruan me nje renie te ndieshme te prodhimit te pergjithshem (GDP). Gjate viteve Nga viti 1993-95 ekonomia

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shqiptare filloi te gjallerohej. Megjithe kete ritmet e zhvillimit te saj ishin ato te nje ekonomie qe karakterizohej nga nje process i madh ristrukturimi dhe reformash radikale. Pas vitit 1995, treguesit makro ekonomike u keqesuan. Kolapsi i skemave financiare piramidale ne fund te vitit 1996 dhe anarkia totale qe e shoqeroi ate gjate 1997, ishin nje goditje shume e fuqishme ne zhvillim ekonomik te Shqiperise. Efektet e kesaj goditje ishin totale dhe paten pasoja te medha edhe ne ekonomine bujqesore. Situata makro ekonomike e Shqiperise filloi te ndryshoje pas vitit 2000. Treguesit kryesor ekonomik u permiresuan. Procesi i reformave, megjithe problemet e medha qe e shoqeronin, karakterizohet nga trendi pozitiv me efekte te mateshme. Ne kete process, reformat dhe zhvillimet ne sektorin e bujqesise kane patur efekte direkte ne ritmet e zhvillimit ekonomik. Ekonomia shqiptare, ne nje pjese te konsiderueshme te saj vazhdon te mbetet nje ekonomi me karakteristikat e nje vendi bujqesor. Ndryshimet e ndodhura gjate viteve 1992 – 2006 e theksojne kete karakteristike te ekonomise shqiptare ( Tab. 1) Renija e peshes specifike te bujqesise ne strukturen e GDP ishte nje fenomen i pritshem. Megjithe kete duhet te theksohet se kjo renie ne termat global nuk ka eshte e karakteristike per ritmet e zhvillimit te vete prodhimin bujqesor. Keshtu, rritja mesatare reale e bujqesise gjate pese viteve te fundit eshte vleresuar te jete 3-3,5% ne vit. Megjithe kete, rritja e sektorit bujqesor eshte nen mesataren kombetare dhe, njeheresh, larg mundesive reale. Table 1 Kontributi i secilit sektor in GDP ( %)

Sektoret Vitet 1992 1995 1998 2001 2006 Industria 32.1 12.5 13.8 11.7 11,8 Bujqesia 42.5 54.6 31.2 28.1 21 Ndertimi 6.6 9.6 4.3 6.1 7,8 Transporti 3.3 3.4 7.6 9.9 10,1 Tregetia(hot+rest.) 20.8 21.3 22,4 Sherbimet 15.6 19.8 25.9 26.7 26,9

* Burimi:INSTAT,2001

Faktore qe kane ndikuar ne ecurine e ekonomise bujqesore

• Pasiguria ne lidhje me pronesine e tokes • Egzistenca e fermave shume te vogla dhe te

fragmentuara ne copa te vogla • Nivel i ulet i kreditimit te aktiviteteve ne

sektorin bujqesor • Shume prodhues te vegjel jo te mbeshtetur

dhe jo te afte per te konkuruar ne tregjet locale dhe rajonale

• Nivel i ulet i teknologjive te perdorura • Infrastruktura e transportit e dobet • Pamjaftueshmeri e sistemit te ujitjes dhe

kullimit • Mungesa e makinerive bujqesore dhe kosto e

larte e punes se tyre • Energji elektrike dhe burime te tjera energjie

te pasigurta • Pasiguri per tregtimin e produkteve dhe

mungese informacioni mbi tregun • Industria perpunuese e pazhvilluar

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1.3. Pershkrimi i ekonomise bujqesore Sektori me i rendesishem i bujqesise eshte blegtoria. Ajo realizon rreth 60 % te te ardhurave vjetore te prodhimit te pergjithshem bujqesor. Gjedhi, te imtat, derri dhe shpendet jane sektoret me te rendesishem te blegtorise. Siperfaqja totale e tokes ne Shqiperi llogaritet ne 2. 875.000 ha. Fondi i tokes bujqesore eshte 699 000 ha ose 24 % e siperfaqes totale, 36 % pyje, 15 % kullota dhe 24 % te tjera . Rreth 43,3 % e tokes bujqesore ndodhet ne zonen fushore, 34 % ne zonen kodrinore dhe rreth 22,7 % ne zonen malore te vendit. Vetem 50 % e kesaj siperfaqe perdoret si toke are dhe perfaqeson nje fond real dhe stable per zhvillimin e bujqesise. Pjesa tjeter, qe ndodhet mbi 300 m mbi nivelin e detit, eshte shume e fragmentuar, me mundesi e te pakta per vaditje, e kripur, dhe nen kanosjen e perhershme te erozionit. Me shume se 47 % e tokes ndodhet ne lartesi mbi 600 m mbi nivelin e detit. Ne pergjithesi , keto jane toka te varfera dhe jo pjellore. Shqiperia renditet si vendi i fundit ne rajon ne lidhje me treguesin e siperfaqes se tokes bujqesore / banor (rreth 2200 m2/ banor ). Ne anen tjeter, duke qene se vetem vetem 450 000 ha toke bujqesore kultivohen ne fakt, raporti i mesperm zbret ne rreth 1400 m2/ banor. Siperfaqja totale e kullotave ne Shqiperi vleresohet ne rreth 415 000 ha me nje kapacitet kullosor prej 1.522 milion krere. Vetem rreth 5.5 % e siperfaqes totale te kullotave i eshte kthyer pronareve. Rreth 60% e kullotave jane prone shtetrore qe administrohet nga organet e pushtetit vendor dhe pjesa tjeter, kryesisht kullotat verore, administrohet nga Drejtoria e Pergjitheshme e Pyjeve e Kullotave (DPPK). Kapaciteti kullosor nuk eshte i mjaftueshem per te plotesuar kerkesat ushqimore te blegtorise e cila, gjate viteve te tranzicionit ekonomik, ka pesuar nje rritje te konsiderueshme ne numer. Nje pjese e nevojave ushqimore te bagetive, sigurohen nga pyjet nepermjet korrjes se mases se gjelber nga lloje te caktuar druresh.

Tab. 2 Siperfaqja, struktura dhe kapaciteti i kullotave (2001)

Name Siperfaqja (ha) .000

Kapaciteti i kullotave ( konvertuar ne 000 bageti te imta)

Totali Vere Dimer Totali Vere Dimer Kullote shteterore 152,1 116,2 35,8 646,8 498,6 148,2 Kullote komunale 244,2 165,1 79,1 821,0 526.0 276,9 Kullote private 23,3 13,2 10,1 86,4 54.0 38,4 Totali 419,6 294,5 125,1 153,5 107.8 463,5

Aktualisht, tokat pjellore qe shtihen ne zonen e ultesires perendimore te Shqiperise, ne nje perqindje te konsiderueshme nuk kultivohet per shkak te(i) nivelit te larte te emigracionit te popullates nga keto zona, (ii) mungeses se politikave mbeshtetese finaciare(iii) mungeses se infrastrukturave te nevojshme per perpunimin dhe marketimin e prodhimeve etj. (iii) mungeses se infrastrukturave te nevojshme per perpunimin dhe marketimin e prodhimeve etj.

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Administrimi i kullotave eshte ne procesin e decentralizimit. Ne thelb te ketij procesi eshte kalimi i pronesise mbi kullotat, tek organet e qeverisjes vendore dhe dhenia e pergjegjesie per administrimine tyre ketyre organeve. Ne kete menyre synohet

• Te nderpritet fenomeni i degradimin te ullotave dhe te sigurohet zhvillimi i tyre nepermjet pjesemarrjes se komuniteteve rurale ne mbrojtjen, permiresimin dhe menaxhimin e qendrueshem te tyre

• Te rriten te ardhurat e komuniteteve rurale nga administrimi i ketij resursi natyror.

Ka tendenca te qarta ne rritjen e siperfaqes se tokes /ferme. Investimet per prodhimin e perqendruar te mishit nga gjedhi, derri e shpendet jane ne rritje, vecanrisht ne zonen e ultesires perndimore. Tregu i shitjes dhe dhenies me qera te tokes bujqesore po konturohet me ritme ne rritje. Vleresohet nje rritje mesatare vjetrore e numrit te fermave te mesme, me drejtim prodhimi te specializura, me rreth 3- 3,5 %. Karakteristike e ekonomise bujqesore vazhdon te jete dominimi i punes ne familje. Rreth 90 % e fermave i plotesojne nevojat per krahe pune me antaret e familjes. Vetem rreth 1, 9 % e fermave, i plotesojne nevojat per krahe pune me puntore me meditje. Fermat bujqesore familjare ne Shqiperi perbehen mesatarisht prej 4.7 persona. Gjate viteve 1996-2006 numri mesatar i anetareve te familjes dhe popullsia fshatare shenoi pergjithesisht nje renie ne te gjithe vendin. Zonat rurale dominohen nga familje me 3 -5 anetare, te cilet

Probleme te organizimit te prodhimit bujqesor • Ferma te vogala familjare me mundesi shume te

kufizuara per te zbatuar sisteme prodhimi te zhvilluar.

• Prodhim i orientuar, ne pergjithesi ne drejtim te plotesimit te nevojave familjare per ushqime

Tendencat aktuale • Zvogelim i numrit te fermave te vogla familjare • Rritje e numrit te fermave qe prodhojne per treg • Specializim i prodhimit, vecanrisht te mishit te

gjedhit, derrit e shpendve, prodhimit te vezeve dhe qumeshtit nga gjedhi.

• Gjallerim i tregut te tokes

Shperberja e ekonomise se centralizuar dhe procesi i privatizimit i realizuar ne fillim te viteve ’90 te shekullit te kaluar, pati si pasoje copezimin e ekonomise bujqesore. Fermat e vogla familjare, me rreth 1-1,5 ha toke bujqesore jane forma mbizotruese e organizimit te kesaj ekonomie. Nje numer i vogel fermash te mesme dhe te medha kane filluar te shoqerojne kete sistem. Ne vitin 2006 ne krahasim me vitin 2000 numri i fermave te vogla familjare eshte zvogeluar me rreth 6,8 %.

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perfaqesojne 56% te numrit total te familjeve ose 47.5 % te popullsise fshatare. Rreth 1/3 e popullsise fshatare jeton ne zonat malore. Popullsia fshatare dominohet akoma nga mosha e re. Rreth 26 % e popullsise fshatare eshte nen moshen 15 vjec, 67.8 % eshte midis 15 dhe 65 vjec dhe vetem 8.6 % eshte mbi moshen 65 vjec. Ferma bujqesore eshte burim kryesor punesimi per popullaten ne zonat rurale te vendit. Keshtu, 73 % e fuqise punetore ne keto zona eshte punesuar ne bujqesi, 6 % ne aktivitetet agro-industriale dhe 3 % ne punera te tjera. Nderkohe duhet te theksojhet se kategoria 16-30 vjec ka lidhje shume te pakta me fermat bujqesore. Vetem 50% e te rinjeve punojne ne ferme. Niveli arsimor i popullates aktive ne zonat rurale eshte i ulet. Te dhenat statistikore te vitit 2003 tregojne se rreth 51 % e fermerve kishin arsim 8-vjecar dhe rreth 34 % kishin mbaruar shkollen e mesme ose te larte. Vetem rreth 38% kishin arsim profesional bujqesor . Prodhimet bujqesore te Shqiperise jane te destinuara per tregun e lokal. Eksportet jane shume te kufizura dhe vetem ne nje numer te vogel prodhimesh bujqesore si perime e fruta dhe veze qe prodhohen ne komplekse industriale. Prodhimi vendas nuk arrin te plotesoje nevojate ushqimore te popullates. Edhe ne rastet kur prodhimi vendas eshte i mjaftueshem, prodhimet e importit jane konkuruese. Ne pergjigje te veprimeve qe rrjedhin nga kushtet e ekonomise globale dhe tregut te hapur, ne prodhimin bujqesor kane filluar te shfaqen tendencat per zhvillimin e bujqesise tradicionale qe mbeshtet kryesisht ne perdorimin e resurseve gjenetike bimore e shtazore lokale dhe ne sistemet agrotradicionale te prodhimit.

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GJENDJA E BURIMEVE GJENETIKE SHTAZORE TE FERMES 1.1 Sistemet e prodhimit dhe lidhja e tyre me diversitetin biologjik Gjendja dhe zhvillimi i Burimeve Gjenentike Shtazore te Fermes ( BGJKF), ruajtja dhe perdorimi ekonomik i qendrueshem i diversitetit gjenetik te tyre, ne vecanti dhe agrobiodiversitetit, ne pergjithesi varen nga shume faktore, te cilet bashkeveprojne midis tyre. Te tille mund te renditim: menyrat , teknikat dhe tekonologjite qe perdoren per perdorimin ekonomik te kafsheve te specieve, racave e popullatave te ndryshme, kerkesat e konsumatorit, mundesite dhe kufizimet ekologjike, social-ekonomike, historike, te tradites e kultures. Te gjithe keta faktore, bashkeveprojne dhe shfaqin efektet e tyre duke qene pjese e sistemit te prodhimit qe perdoret ne ferme. Nderkohe, vete sistemi i prodhimit qe mund te perdoret ne nje ferme te dhene, varet nga struktura e llojeve te kafshve qe mbareshtohen ne kete ferme. Me shume se 95 - 98 % e fermave ne Shqiperi mbareshtojne me shume se nje specie. Rreth 25-30 % e fermave mbareshtojne dy specie. Fermat ne te cilat mbareshtohen tre, kater e me shume specie jane me frekuente. Kjo situate eshte rrjedhoje e faktit se ne Shqiperi mbizotrojne fermat e vogla familjare. Nder speciet qe mbareshtohen me shume jane gjedhi, ruminantet e vegjel (dhene ,dhi), derri e shpendet. Ne Shqiperi aplikohen tre sisteme te prodhimit Sistemi i prodhimit me inpute te ulta ( ekstensiv) Ky eshte sistemi i prodhimi me frekuente ne Shqiperi. Kjo situate kushtezohet nga dominimi i fermave te vogla familjare, te cilat, ne pjesen me te madhe te tyre, karakterizohen nga shumellojshmeria e specieve qe mbareshtojne , numri i vogel i kafsheve per specie dhe qellimi kryesor i prodhimit - plotesimi i nevojave ushqimore te familjes. Karakteristike e ketij sistemi eshte preferenca e tij per mbareshtimin e kafshve te racave lokale, vecanrisht ne dhene, dhi dhe shpend. Edhe ne rastet kur ne kushtet e ketij sistemi mbareshtohen kafshe te racave te permiresuar, kryesisht gjedh dhe derra, realizimet ne prodhim nuk e perputhen me kapacitetet gjenetike te ketyre kafshve. Sistemi ekstensiv i prodhimit per mbareshimin e gjedhit, derrave dhe shpendeve ne kushtet e fermave te vogla familjare zbatohet pothuajse njelloje, pamvaresisht nga rajoni ne te cilin ndodhet ferma. Ky sistem ka vecori te dallueshme ne zbatim, ne rastin e ruminanteve te vegjel. Keto vecori , ne pjesen kryesore te tyre ndikohen nga madhesia e tufes. Jane te identifikuar tre nen lloje te sistemit ekstensiv te prodhimit qe zbatohen per ruminatet e vegjel. Sistemi i prodhimit me inpute te mesme ( gjysem intensiv ) Ka qene sistemi me shpesh i perdorur ne kushte e ekonomise se centralizuar, vecanrisht ne fermat e kooperativave bujqesore. Altualisht, ky sistem prodhimi zbatohet ne rreth 12 % te fermave qe mbareshtojne gjedhit, 30 % derrave, 20 % shpendeve, 5 % dheneve dhe 15 % e gjelave dhe pula deti. Zbatimi i ketj sistemi prodhimi kerkon qe ne ferme te realizohen investime si per strehimin, te ushqyerit dhe konrtollin veterinar te kafshve por edhe per rritjen e njohurive dhe pervetesimin e teknikave dhe teknologjive te prodhimit. Nevoja per zhvillimin e fermes si njesi ekonomike qe duhet te prodhoje edhe per treg, ka kushtezuar lindjen dhe rritjen e tendences per zbatimin e ketij

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Sistemi i prodhimit me inpute te ulta karakterizohet nga kufizime: • Veshtiresi ne ngritjen dhe venien ne funksion te nje

sistemi te organizuar te grumbullimit dhe perpunimit te qumeshtit dhe prodhimeve te tjera blegtorale. Madhesia e fermes, karakteristike e ketij sistemi dhe mungesat e infrastructures krijojne veshtiresi te medha per grumbullimin e perpunimin e te gjithe sasine e qumeshtit te prodhuar nga fermat e vogla dhe /ose tufat e kafsheve qe mbahen ne kullotat malore

• Per shkak te madhesise se vogel te fermave, eshte shume e veshtire per te perdorur ne menyre eficente fondin gjenetik shtazor, si ate autokton dhe racat e importuara dhe/ose kryqezimet e tyre, per te prodhuar produkte cilesore sipas standardeve te percaktuara. Kapaciteti gjenetik i racave te importuara nuk shfrytezohet sic duhet per shkak te menyres se papershtateshme te te ushqyerit dhe mbareshtimit te kafsheve

• Interesi per zbatimin e IA si menyra e vetme e prodhimit te pasardhesve me vlera te larta racore nuk eshte i njejte per te gjithe fermeret. Shume fermere preferojne nderzimin natyral. Nje pjese e fermereve nuk njohin avantazhet e IA, si rezultat % e lopeve te inseminuar artificialisht eshte 35 %

• Ne pergjithesi fermat e ketij sistemi prodhojne te gjithe llojet e inputeve te nevojshem per kafshet.

• Cmimi shume i ulet i shitjes se qumeshtit, vecanrisht gjate periudhes se veres, eshte faktor frenues.

Sistemi i prodhimit qe mbeshtetet ne inpute mesatare, krijon kushte qe

• Fermat te jene me te stabilizuara. Mbareshtimi dhe te ushqyerit eshte me i mire. Zbatohet teknika IA si dhe eshte e pranishme tenologjia e mjeljes mekanike.Shumica e fermereve zoterojne tanke ftohes dhe kane mundesi te perfshihen ne skemat e grumbullimit dhe perpunimit te qumeshtit.

• Fermat e qe mbareshtojne kafshe majmeri kane siguri ne ecurine e ciklele prodhuese. Mishi i prodhuar prej tyre eshte shumne i kerkuar ne treg.

Sistemi intensiv i prodhimit • Krijon kushte te pershtateshme per shfrytezimin me

efektiv te kapaciteteve prodhuese te kafsheve /shpendve te racave te permiresuara. Kerkon investime fillestare te konsiderueshem. Zhvillimi i ketij sistemi ne Shqipri ka mundesite te kufizuara. Ne kushte e ekonomise globale te tregut, prodhimet qe realizohen prej ketij sistemi jane te kercenuara nga konkurenca.

sistemi prodhimi. Fermat qe jane ne procesin e pervetesimit dhe zbatimit te ketij sistemi ndodhen kryesisht ne rajonet rurale prane qendrave te banuara urbane. Tendenca keryesore e ketij sistemi eshte perdorimi i kafsheve te racave te importit ose te kryqezimeve te tyre me racat e vendit. Sistemi i prodhimit me inpute te larta Ky sistem eshte me pak i perdoruri ne Shqiperi. Aktualish ai zbatohet ne komplekset industriale per prodhimin e vezve dhe te mishit nga shpende e derrat. Fermat e specializuara per rritjen e vicave per prodhim mishi, gjelave te detit dhe derrave te majmerise e mbeshtetit prodhimin kryesisht ne kete sistem prodhimi. Sistemet e prodhimit qe perdoren ne Shqiperi, per speciet e ndryshem te kafshve te fermes jane si meposhte: Gjedhi – ne rreth 90- 95 % te fermave familjare ne Shqiperi mbareshtohen lope. Ne vartesi te madhesise se fermes, numri i lopeve/ferme varion nga 1 – 2 krere. Jane te shpeshta dhe me tendence rritje, vecanrisht ne zonen fushore bregdetare te Shqiperise dhe ne rajonin e Korce, fermat qe mbareshtojne 5 – 10 lope. Fermat me me shume se 50 krere lope prodhimi jane ne nje numer te kufizuar. Sistemi i prodhimit qe perdoret ne ferme, varet kryesisht nga numri i lopeve. Per pasoje , mbizotrues ne mbareshtimin e lopeve eshte sistemi ekstensiv i prodhimit dhe sistemi me inpute mesatare. Pamvaresisht nga ky fakt, ne te gjitha rastet lopet jane te racave te permiresuara dhe /ose kryqezime te avancuara te tyre. Vetem ne zona te thella malore, gjenden ferma qe mbareshtojne gjedhin e papermiresuar. Ne fermat qe zbatojne sistemin me inpute te larta, kryesisht mbareshtohen lope te importit te racave Holshtej frizon, Simental etj.

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Ruminatet e vegjel- dhene, dhi. Fermat qe mbareshtojne ruminate te vegjel jane mbizotruese ne Shqiperi. Ne keto ferma zotrues eshte sistemit ekstensiv, me inpute te vogla. Ne vartesi te madhesise se tufes , fermat qe mbareshtojne ruminante te vegjel zbatojne variante te ndryshe te ketij sistemi: (i)Sistemi me shtegtimi. Eshte pratikuar tradicionalisht dhe do te vazhdoj te luaj nje rol te rendesishem edhe ne te ardhmen, ne fermat qe kane tufa me jo me pak se 50 – 100 krere bageti te imta. Eshte sistemi mbizotrues per mbareshtimin e popullatave te dhenve te zones Verilindore dhe Zones Jugore te Shqiperise( Prefekturat - Kukes, Diber, Malsia e Madhe, Gjirokaster , Sarand, etj. Racat e perdorura jane kryesisht autoktone. Tufat e bagetive cvendosen nga fshatrat ne drejtim te kullotave malore dhe anasjelltas. Tufat e vogla familjare, ne fillim te veres organizohen ne tufa te medha. Tufat drejtohen nga barinjte e fshatrave dhe levizin ne distanca te shkurtera per kullotjen ne vere ne, zonat alpine. Tufat kthehen ne fshat ne fund vjeshtes dhe mbahen gjate gjithe periudhes se dimrit. Gjate fushates se pjelljeve ato ushqehen me bar dhe pak koncentrat. Gjate pranveres kullosin rreth fshatit . Ky sisetm ka efekte positive edhe ne ruajtjen dhe zhvillimin e tradites kulturore, agro ekosistemin dhe zhvillimin e agroturizmit. E ardhmja e sistemit eshte e rendesishme per ruajtjen e ambientit dhe sigurimin e te ardhurave per fermeret. Ne te dy variantet e mesiperm te sistemit te prodhimit me inpute te ulta, kafshet ushqehen kryesisht duke kullotur masen vegjetative spontane. Tufat kullosin ne zona ne te cilat nuk perdoren plehra kimike ose te kontaminuar me pesticide Ne pergjithesi qengjat dhe kecat nuk mbahen vecas nga tufat e deleve dhe dhive. Nuk perdoret ndonje trajtim i vecante per ta. Ne moshen 70-80 dite ato keputen dhe fillon shitja per mish. Tregu i vetem i sigurte i tyre eshte tregu local, qe preferon qengja/keca te prodhuar ne nje menyre tradicionale dhe qe dallohen per shijet dhe cilesite e tyre. (iii) Sistemi familjare Ky sistem zbatohet vetem ne fermat familjare qe kane numer te vogel kafshesh 2 -3 dhie dhe 2 -3 dele. Kafshet mbahen gjate te gjithe dites ne mjediset e fermes . Ushqehen me mbeturinat e familjes dhe me ushqime qe i prodhon vete ferma. Prodhimi perdoret per plotesimin e nevojave ushqimore te familjes. Derri Rreth 30 % e fermave familjare mbareshtojne 1-2 derra te cilat theren ne fillim te dimrit dhe perdoren si ushqim per familjet fshatare gjate periudhes dimrit. Ne keto feram mbizotrues eshte sistemi ekstensiv i prodhimit – varianti sistemi familjar. Kafshet mbahen gjate te gjithe

(ii)Sistemi me kullotje rreth fshatit. Kjo praktikohet kryesisht per dhite (90 % te rasteve ), dhe pjeserisht per dhente (rreth 20- 35 %). Kafshet mbahen ne kullote gjate gjithe dites. Ato milen ne shtepi ne mengjez dhe mbremje. Nje supplement i vogel ushqimor, ushim i thate dhe/ose nje sasi e vogel ushqimi te koncentruar nje muaj para dhe pas pjelljes, i jepet kafshve ne darke.

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dites ne mjedise rrotull fermes, ushqehen me mbeturinat e fermes dhe me koncentrate qe prodhjohet ne ferme ose blihet. Efektiviteti ekonomik i ketij sistemit eshte i diskutueshem, por per arsyje sociale dhe ekonomike do te vazhdoje te egzistoje edhe ne te ardhmen. Fermat qe mbareshtojne 5- 10 dosa ose gica majmerie, te cilat altualisht perbejne rreth 8-9 perqind te te gjithe fermave qe mbareshtojne derra ne Shqiperi, zbatojne sistemin e prodhimit me inpute mesatare. Tendenca eshte qe ne keto ferma te zbatohet sistemi me inpute te larta. Ne pergjiuthesi si ne fermat familjare edhe ne ato te specialöizuara per prodhimin e mishit mbareshtohen derra te racave te permiresuaradhe/ose hibride te impüortizt. Derrat e races lokale perdoren ne nje numer te kufizuar fermash, kryesisht ne zonen e Velipojes dhe zonen malore te Mirdites e Tropojes. Shpendet Ne Shqiperi rreth 90 % e fermave rrisin shpende per prodhimin e vezve dhe mishit per konsum familjare. Rreth 15% e fermave mbareshtojne gjela deti. Sistemi i prodhimit ne keto ferma eshte ekstensiv. Shpendet strehohen ne kafaze te thjeshta te ndertuar ne mjediset e fermes, mbahen gjate te gjithe dites ne ferme dhe ushqehen me mbeturinat e saj. Perdoret pak ushqim i koncetruar, kryesisht miser, i prodhuar nga vete ferma ose e blere. Shendet , nepjesen me te madhe jane kryqezime te racave te vendit me ato te importit . Ne zona te thella mbareshtohen shende te racve lokale. Gjeli i deti mbareshtohet ne tufa me jo me pak se 20-30 krere. Mbizotrues eshte sistemi me inpute mesatare. Sistemi i prodhimit me inpute te larta zbatohet ne komplekset industriale per prodhimin e vezve dhe mishit nga brojler. Altualisht investimet ne kete sistem prodhimi jane me efektivet te realizura ne Shqiperi. Teknologjite e prodhimit qe zbatohen ne keto komplekse mundesojne realizimin e prodhimeve ne perputhje me standarte e EU.

1.2 Gjendja e diversitetit biologjik ne kafshet e fermes Kushtet gjeoklimatike te Shqiperise kane favorizuar zhvillimin ekosistemeve bioklimatike qe karakterizohen nga nje shumellojshmeri e larte biologjike. Ne keto ekosisteme, gjate shekujve jane realizuar procese evolucioniste me rrjedhoja krijimin e nje fondi te pasur gjenetik aktokton ne bagetite e imta. Deri ne mesin e shekullit te kaluar, ky fond me cilesite dhe shumellojshmerine e tij ishte burimi kryesor i kafshve bujqesore qe popullonin fermat ne Shqiperi. Ne vitet 40-50 te ketij shekulli, Shqiperia ishte izolati gjenetik me konservator ne te gjithe vendet e Europes. Kjo situate ishte rrjedhoje e veprimit te nje teresie faktoresh, nder te cilet si me kryesoret, mund te renditen:

• Niveli i zhvillimit ekonomik e social ne Shqiperi ne pergjithesi dhe ne zonat rurale, ne vecanti, ishte shume i ulet. Per rrjedhoje, fshatari shqiptar ishte indiferent ndaj rezultateve te punes gjenetiko-seleksionuese. Racat gjenetikisht te permiresuara nuk terhiqnin vemendjen e tij dhe, per me teper ferma shqiptare e asaj kohe nuk plotesonte as minimumin e kerkesave per mbarshtimin e ketyre racave.

• Mungesa e rrjetit te infrastruktures dhe tereni i thyer malor kane minimizuar , deri ne nivele te pakonsiderueshme, fenomenet e migrimit dhe emigrimit midis popullatave te kafsheve dhe kane ndikuar ndieshme ne zhvillimin e nicheve dhe izolateve gjenetike me karakteristika te dallueshme morfobilogjike e gjenetike.

Zbatimi i politikave per zhvillimin e ekonomise bujqesore te centralizuar, ne gjysmen e dyte te shekullit te kaluar, pati rrjedhoja direkte ne tronditjen e ekuilibrave gjenetik te vendosur, ne

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fondin e gjenetik autokton. transformime thelbesore pesoi fondi gjenetik ne te gjithe speciet kryesroe , gjedh, derra, dhene,shpend, njethundrak. Gjate kesaj periudhe, gati 100 % e popullates se gjedhit lokal ju nenshtruar kryqezimit me raca importi, rreth 80-85 % e popullates se dheneve ju nenshtrua programeve te permiresimit gjenetik, qe mbeshteteshin ne kryqezimin e popullatave autoktone me raca te dheneve te permiresuar, te tipeve Cigaja, Merinos etj. Derri i vendi u zvendesuar me derra te racave te improtit si Landras, Durok Hepshir, E bardha e Madhe e deri ne racat kineze Meinshan e Sinxhin. Ne kete periudhe Shqiperia rendit ne vendin e dytre ne bote per numrin e kafshve te importuar /per banor. Kryqezimit ose zevendesimit me racat e importura i shpetuan vetem popullat lokale te ruminateve te vegjel dhe, ndofta edhe te gjedhit, derrave e shpendeve, te cilat nodheshin ne zonat e thella malore. Nder speciet qe nuk ju nenshtrua ketij procesi transformues gjenetik eshte vetem dhija. Dhija edhe ne kushtet e ekonomise se centralizuar pothuajse asnjehere nuk u be objekt i progameve racore qe mbeshteten ne permiresimin, nepermjet kryqezimit, me raca gjenetikisht te permiresuar. Per rrjedhoje, edhe sot popullatat e kesaj specie, ne kuptimin e gjenetikes se popullatave mund te konsiderohen si popullata autoktone, qe zhvillohen ne nivelin e popullatave te quajtura primare Per rrjedhoje, identifikimi dhe matrikullimi i kafshve, prodhimi dhe perdorimi i riprodhueseve, levizja e kafshve dhe shkembimi i materialit gjenetik midis tufave, mbajtja nen mbikqyrje e erozionit gjenetik u bene te pamundura per tu realizuar. Se dyti, levizja masive e popullates ne drejtim te zonave urbane ndikoi negativisht ne zhvillimin e prodhimit blegtoral. Fshatra te tera pothuajse u boshatisen dhe , per rrjedhoje edhe aktiviteti blegtorr pushoi se vepruari Se treti, mungesa e infrastrukturave per grumbullimin, perpunimin dhe marketimin e prodhimeve ka ndikuar ndieshem ne renien e interesit ekonomik te fermerve. Ato po i dejtohen aktivieteve te tjera alternative per te sigurau te ardhura per jetes. Si rrjedhoje e veprimit te faktoreve te mesiperm, aktualisht ne Shqiperi fondi gjenetik ne kafshet e fermes karakterizohet nga nje nivel i larte i perzjerjes se geneve autoktone, lokale, me ato te racave exotike, te importuara. Me gjithe kete, perpjekjet e bera per inventarizimin e ketij fondi dhe vleresimet e realizuar ne perputhje me procedurat e rekomandura nga FAO, krijojne mundesine per te paraqitur nje tablo te pegjitheshme te gjendjes se ketij fondi

Ndryshimet politike, sociale dhe ekonomike te ndodhura ne vitet 90-te dhe ne vazhdim, jane shoqeruar me shfaqen dhe veprimin e nje teresie te re faktoresh kercenues per fondin gjenetik autokton Nder keto faktore mund te renditen si me kryesoret: Se pari, privatizimi ne fshat u shoqerua me prishjen e te gjitha strukturave, dikur shtetrore dhe me shkaterimin e sistemit qe kishte per detyre te administronte problemet e mbareshtimit te kafshve.

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Gjedhi Populacioni i gjedhi vleresohet ne 680000 krere prej te cilave 425 000 jane lope. 58326 krere jane te racve te paster te importuara. Kryqezimiet e Laramane e Zeze dhe Xhersit perfaqesojne pjesen me te madhe te populacionit te gjedhit te qumeshtit, 43 % dhe 39 % respektivisht. Gjedhi i klasifikuar sipas origjines dhe vlersimi i trendit numerik te popullates Kategoria Numri Emri Raca/Popullata lokale 4 Ne rrezik 4 Lopa e Prespes

s, Iliric Dwarf cattle “Lekbibaj”

s “Gurgucke”

rr, Busha


Me te perhapura Te tjera Raca exotike 11 Me te perhapura 3 Laramane e Zeze(Holstejn)

s, Xhersi

z, Simental


Te tjera


E Kuqe e Norvegjierr, Taranteze

rr, Oberiental

t, Limuzine

*, Sharole

*, Blu

belge*, Markixhana

*, Piemonteze

* Brun Alpina rr

rr = rritje s = stable z = zvogelim * = Ka vetem material biologjik per A.I

Keto dy raca dhe kryqezimet e tyre realizojne rreth 84 % te prodhimit total te qumeshtit ne vend. Prodhimi mesatar i qumeshtit / laktacion eshte 2100 kg. Ne Ultesiren Perndimore te Shqiperise, prodhimi i qumeshtit ne fermat qe zbatojne sistem prodhimi me inpute te larta dhe te mesme, vleresohet ne 4500- 6500 kg dhe 3000 – 4000 kg / laktacion, respektivisht Aktualisht eshte e rritur kerkesa e fermereve per mbareshtimin e gjedhit me drejtim te dyfishte prodhimi : Simental, E Kuqe Norvegjeze. Nevojat e tregut per misht te fresket gjedhi kane sjell rritje te zbatimit te kryqezimit industrial te gjedhit aktual me gjedh te racave te mishit si Limuzine, Sharole, Blu Belge,Piemontes etj Ruminantet e vegjel Fermat qe mbareshtojne ruminantet ndodhen ne zonat kodrinore dhe malore te Shqiperise. Ne keto ferma mibizotrues eshte sistemi tradicional i prodhimit, i cili mbeshtetet ne shfrytezimin e (i) kullotave verore dhe dimror, (ii) pyjeve te ulta, (iii) siperfaqeve te konsiderueshme te tokes bujqesore te pakultivuara. Perdorimi i ushqimit te koncentruar qe prodhohet nga vete ferma ose

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blihet dhe barit te thate, eshte relativisht i kufizuar : 30-50 dite ne zonat kodrinore dhe 90-120 dite ne vit ne zonat malore vetem gjate stines se dimrit Dhente te klasifikuar sipas origjines dhe vlersimi i trendit numerik te popullates Kategoria Numri Emri Raca/Popullata lokale 7 Ne rrezik 3 Shkodrane

z, Syska e Matit z, Lara e Polisit


Me te perhapura 4 Rude s, Bardhoke

rr, Bace

s, Rrecke


Te tjera Raca exotike 10 Me te perhapura 2 Cigaja z, Merinos

z Balushka

s, Il de France

rr, Kios

rr, Awasi


Te tjera 4 Kryqezime me Il de France rr , Kios rr, Merinos z dhe Cigaja


rr = rritje s = stable

z = zvogelim

Dhite e klasifikuara sipas origjines dhe vlersimi i trendit numerik te popullates Kategoria Numri Emri Ecotyp/Popullata lokale 11 Ne rrezik


Caporre e Dragobia s, Velipoja z

,Lara e Kallmetit z

,Capore e Mokrres z

E Zeza e Dukatit s

, Dhija e Bulacit z, Dhija e Maskurise

z, E kuqe e

Matit s, Dhija e Smokthines

z , Liqenasi


Me te perhapura 1 Muzhake s

Te tjera 1 Dhija Komune z

Raca exotike 2 Me te perhapura 2 Alpine rr, Saaen


Te tjera rr = rritje s = stable z = zvogelim * Ne pjesen Veri lindore te Shqiperise ( Rrethet-Kukes dhe Diber ) si dhe ne pjesen Jugore dhe Juglindore ( Rrethet- Vlore , Gjirokaster, Korce dhe Elbasan ) shtegetimi i bagetive praktikohet ne dy drejtime : shtegetim ne livadhet dimerore dhe verore brenda zones se banuar dhe shtegetim ne distance- jashte zones se banuar – ne rrethe dhe rajone te tjera. Rendimentet mesatare te realizuar ne nivel te te gjithe popullates jane: Dele : qumesht 40 kg/ laktacion; lesh 3 kg; shtese ditore ne qengja 200-250 gr /krere Dhi : Qumesht 90 kg/laktacion; shtese ditore 150-200gr

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Derri Zhvillimi i prodhimit te derrit eshte relativisht i ulet. Rritja aktuale e kerkesave te konsumatorit per ish te fresket ka ndikuar ne rritjen e interesit te fermeve per te prodhuar mish jo vetem per familjen por edhe per treg. Nderkohe, pervojat e derisotme kane evidentuar domosdoshmerine per rritjen e njohurive teknike te fermeve. Mbareshtimi i derrit do te thote perfitim ekonomik por ne te njejten kohe edhe nje sipermarrje delicate. Prodhimi mesatar, ne kushte e fermave familjare vleresohet ne rreth 0,9- 1 ton /dose. Ky eshte nje tregues i ulet krahasuar me kapacitetin gjenetik te racave qe perdoren edhe ne kete sistem mbareshtimi Aktualisht jane rritur investimet per ndertimin e fermave me inpute te larta. Ne keto ferma prodhimi i mishit mbeahtet ne zbatimin e teknologjive bashkekohore dhe mbareshtimin e racave dhe hibrideve me kapacitet te larte gjenetike Derrat te klasifikuar sipas origjines dhe vlersimi i trendit numerik te popullates Kategoria Numri Emri Ecotyp/Popullata lokale 3 Ne rrezik 3 I bardhi turigjate

z, Pullalliu i Shkodres

z, Derri me vath


Me te perhapura Te tjera Raca exotike 7 Me te perhapura 2 E Bardhe e Madhe

s, Kahyb


Te tjera 5 Landras z

, Pietren z

, Landrasi Belg z

, Hampshire z

, Durok z

rr = rritje s = stable z = zvogelim

Pervec specieve, racave, ekotipeve dhe popullatave te mesiperme, ekzistoje edhe te tjera , me te vogla ne numer ose qe per to nuk kemi informacion te mjaftueshem. Njethundraket jane specie qe ne perqindje me te madhe te tyre perbehen nga popullata te krijuara nga kryqezimi me racat e vendi. Per kete specie te dhenat jane egzistuese jane vetem vleresimeve dhe deklarata te fermerve. Ne kuaj, rreth 70 % e popullates konsiderohet popullate locale. Kryqezimet me racat “Haflinger” “nonius” “Sardo-Arab” zene reth 30 % te populates, me tendence renie si rrjedhoje e mungese se hamshoreve race e paster. Kyqezimet me racat “Nonius” e “Haflinger” shtrihen kryesisht ne zonen e ultesire perndimore te vendit dhe ne rajonin e Korces. Kryqezimet me racen “Sardo-Arabe” gjenden kryesisht ne fermat qe ndodhen ne zonen kodrinore te vendit. Kuajt e races lokale popullojne zonen malore.

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Gomari eshte i races locale. Gomari dhe mushka jane popullat lokale me perhapje ne pothuajse te gjithe zonen kodrinore e malore te vendit. Per shpendet qe mbareshtohen ne fermat e vogla familjare mungojne te dhena vleresuese ne lidhje me strukturen gjenetike te popullatave. Popullate e tyre jane nje perzjerje e racave te vendit dhe kryqezimeve te tyre me raca importi. Ne rajonet kodrinore e malore mbizotrojne shpende kryqezime te racave lokale me raca te impotit, te cilat kane arritur t’ju pershtaten kushteve te veshtira te mbareshtimit. Ekotipe autoktone te emertuara “Pula e zeze e Tropojes”, “Pula e Tiranes” “ Pula kommune” vleresohet te zene rreth 6- 7 % te popullate. Komplekset industriale mbareshtojne linja dhe hibride importi. Rreth 75-80 % e popullates se rosave , patave dhe gjelit te detit, vresohet te jete kryqezim i racave lokale per ato te importit. Fermat qe mbareshtojne gjelin e detit jane e rritje. Ne keto ferma mbareshtohet nje race e quajtur “Zadrima”, qe eshte kryqezim i avancuar gjelit te detit te vendit me racen. Ky kryqezim ka rreth 20 -25 vjete qe mbareshtohet ne keto rajone. Importi i racave gjenetikisht te permiresuar dhe zbatimi i programe per permiresimin gjenetik te racave lokale nepermjet kryqezimit me raca exotike e shoqeruar edhe me renien interesit te fermeve per mbareshtimin e racave lokale si rrjedhoje e kapaciteteve te ulta prodhuese te tyre, jane faktore qe kane vepruar dhe veprojne ne menyre te fuqishme ne zvogelim e biodiversitet ne kafshet e fermes. Nga ana tjeter, ky biodiversitet eshte i rrezikuar prej veprimit te faktoreve qe lidhen me rritjen e urbanizimit te tokes. Pasojat negative te ketij urbanizimi ne ekositemet bujqesore ndikojne direkt ne zvogelim e diversitetit biologjik ne kafshet e fermes. 1.3 Informacioni dhe njohja e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes Informacioni per numrin e krereve, numrin dhe madhesine e fermave , organizimin e prodhimit, rendimentet dhe prodhimet e realizuara etj. eshte pjese e Vjetarve Statistikor qe publikon Drejtoria e Statistikes ne Ministrine e Bujqesise, Ushqimit dhe Mbrojtjes se Konsumatorit. Per realizimin e tij perdoren metodat e vezhgimit me zgjedhje si dhe te dhenat qe sigurohen ne rruge te ndryshem administrative prej Drejtorive te Bujqesise e Ushqimit ne rrethe. Informacioni qe publikon Instituti i Statistikave eshte nje tjeter burim qe sherben per te vleresuar gjendjen dhe trendet e zhvillimit te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes. Ne Shqiperi nuk ka nje Sistem Kombetar per Informacion ne Blegtori. Matrikullimi i kafshve dhe krijimi e perditesimi i rregjistrave anagrafik eshte nje proces qe ka filluar te realizohet. Ne Shqiperi nuk eshte e ndertuar dbaza kombetare. Ekzistojne vetem skedare me te dhena qe pershkruajne racate/ekotipet /popullatat lokale. Duke qene se edhe te dhenat qe permbahen ne keta skedare nuk jane produkt i nje pune te organizuar dhe realizuar ne perputhje me metodika te njehesuara, shpesh ndodh qe raportohen te dhena te ndryshme per te njejten race/ekotip/popullate. Informacioni pershkrues per racat lokale te Shqiperise eshte i perfshire ne DAD-IS (Domestic Animal Diversuty Information System) te FAO-se.

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Inventarizimi i burimeve gjenetike shtazore, ngritja e sistemit per grumbullimin e te dhenave dhe te librave anagrafik, ndertimi e perditesimi dbazes kombetar dhe perfshirja e saj ne rrjetin nderkombetar te te dhenave per burimet gjenetike ne kafshet e fermes jane nevoja urgjente. Per te realizuar nje sistem qe do te prodhoje informacion sa me te besueshem dhe te plote eshte e nevojshme te unifikohen metodikat dhe metodologjite per grumbullimin e tij duke ju referuar rekomandimeve te FAO-se dhe ICAR-t. Kjo kerkon , ne rradhe te pare zgjidhjen e problemit te matrikullimit te kafshve dhe investime per krijimin e sistemeve per kontrollin funksional te kafshve ne vartesi te vecorive te specieve gjedhit, ruminanteve te vegjel, derrit , shpendve. Ne perputhje me kerkesat e ligjit “Per identifikimin dhe rregjistrim e kafsheve dhe fermave blegtorale” kjo zgjidhje duhet te realizohet si nje sherbim publik, me pjesemarrje dhe kontribut te fermerve. Ne zbatim te ligjit “Per mbareshtimin e blegtorise” zhvillimi i metodave dhe metodologjive per monitorimin e biodiversitetit ne kafshet e fermes, eshte detyrim ligjor qe ngarkon Ministrin e Bujqesise per realizimin e tij 1.4 Programet per ruajtjen e fondit gjenetik autokton Ne konventen “Per Biodiversitetin Biologjik” (Rio de Janerio, qershor 1992), biodiversitet ne kafshet e fermes, percaktohet si nje nder komponent kryesore te biodiversitetit global. Kjo Konvente e nenshkruar edhe nga Shqiperia, si pjesemarrese ne Samitin Botror te Rio de Janieros, u ratifikua nga Kuvendi i Shqiperise me 5 janar 1994. Per rrjedhoje, Shqiperia ka marr persiper te zhvilloje te gjitha pergjegjesite qe rrjedhin prej kerkesave te kesaj Konvente. 1.4.1 Programet per ruajtjen e biodiversitetit ne kafshet e fermes Programet per ruajtjen e burimeve gjenetike shtazore ne racat/ekotipet/popullat lokale te Shqiperise kane filluar te hartohen dhe te zbatohen pas vitit 2006. Ne kete aktivitet jane perfshire specialiste te Institutit te Kerkimeve Zooteknike, Universitetit Bujqesor te Tiranes dhe Shoqata jo qeveritare qe operojne ne fushen e ruajtjes dhe perdorimit te qendrueshem te biodiversitetit. Ne kuader te ketyre programeve jane parashikuar dhe punohet per te realizuar te gjitha hapat e nevojshme per ruajtjen e racave/ekotipeve/popullateve ne rrezik zhdukje : iventarizimi, vleresimi i gjendjes dhe nivlei i rreziuk per zhdukje, masat dhe mjetet e nevojshme per ruajtje. Keto programeve jane financuar prej donatoreve te ndryshem nderkombetar si GEF/UNDP, USAID etj, Ministrise se Bujqesise , Ushqimit e Mbrojtjes se Konsumatorit dhe Ministrise se Arsimit dhe Shkences. Ne legjislacionin shqiptar, ligji “Per Mbareshtimin e Blegtorise” parashikohe detyrimi per qeverine per marrjen e masave mbrojtese per racat autoktone ne rrezik zhdukje. Ministria e Bujqesise, Ushqimit dhe Mbrojtjes se Konsumatorit eshte insititucioni qe ligji e detyron te hartoje te gjithe kuadrin nenligjor dhe rregulloret sipas te cilave duhet te punohet per hartmin dhe realizimin e prorgameve per ruajtjen e biodiversitetit ne kafshet e fermes Ruajtja In-situ Progamet per ruajtjen In-situ te racave/ ekotipeve/popullatave lokale te shpallura ne rrezik zhdukje kane filluar te zbatohen ne disa specie:

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Buallica : Ne program eshte perfshire e gjithe popullata ekzistuese, aktualisht 134 krere Per kete specie, qeveria ka eshte miratuar e nje fond i vecante qe perdoret per subvencionimi e fermerve.

Raca autoktone shqiptare Gjedhi : Raca lokale “Lopa e Prespes – ne program jane perfshire rreth 150- 200 krere lope Illiric Dwarf Cattle “Lopa e Lekbibajt” – ne program jane perfshire rreth 300-350 krere Dele: Raca “Shkodrane” – ne program jane perfshire rreth 350-400 krere dele Dhi: Ecotipi “ Cappore e Mokrres” – ne program u perfshin rreth 400- 4500 krere dele Ecotipi “E Zeza e Dukatit” – ne program u perfshin 300- 350 krere dhi. Ruajtja Ex-situ Ne Shqiperi nuk eshte zbatuar asnje program ruajtje qe perdor teknikat e cryo konservimit. Megjithe kete duhet te theksohet se ekzistojne kapacitetet, minimale te nevojshme, per zhvillimin e kesaj bioteknologji per konservimin e fondit gjenetik autokton ne rrezik zhdukje. Ne kuader te progamit per shtrirjen e Insiminimit artificial ne gjedh, me material biologjik te ngrire ne azot te lengeshem, jane krijuar keto kapacitete. Ne nje kuptim me te gjere, zbatimi i metodes se Cryo konservimit ne Shqiperi, mund te themi se zbatohet vetem per gjedhin, ne formen e spermes se ngrire. Ne kuader te shtrirjes se bioteknologjise se insiminimit artificial me material biologjik te konservuar ne azot te lengshem, aktualisht jane te konservuar nje numer i konsiderueshem demash te te gjithe racave qe perdoren ne Shqiperi. - Laramane e Zeze, Holshejn, Xhersej, E kuqe e Norvegjise, Sharole, Taranteze, Limuzine. Ne kete program konservimi nuk jane futur akoma racat/popullatat lokale sepse identifikimi i tyre eshte bere vetem para disa koheve dhe per to vazhdon te perdoret teknika e nderzimit natyral. Eshte hartuar progami per realizimin e ketij procesi konservimi. Per speciet e tjera, aktualisht nuk ka asnje program per konservim Ex-situ.

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1.5 Vlersim i situates ne perdorimin e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes 1.5.1. Kuadri ligjor Shqiperia si vend nenshkrues i “Konventes se Biodiversitetit” dhe “Protokollit te Kartagjenes per Biosferen” ka bere perpjekje per te hartuar nje kuader ligjor, te pershtatshem per realizimin e detyrimeve qe rrjedhin nga keto dokumenta nderkombetar. Nder keto akte ligjore mund te renditen:

a) Ligji No. 7627 of 21.10.1992 “Per sherbimin zooteknik”; Qellimi kryesor i ketij ligji eshte te mbeshtet proceset e organizimit dhe administrimit te sherbimit zooteknik, si dhe te percaktojne detyrat dhe funksionet kryesore te tij b) Ligji No. 8409 of 25.9.1998 “Per riprodhues race e paster dhe fermat racore” Objektivi kryesor i ketij ligji eshte mbeshtetja e aktiviteteve ne fushen e permiresimit gjenetik te kafsheve te fermes.

Konventa e Biodiversitetit - Rio de Janeiro, Qershor 1992

Qellimet kryesore te Konventes : Ruajtja e biodiversitetit Perdorimi i qendrueshem i burimeve biologjike Shperndarje e ndershme dhe e barabarte e perfitimeve qe mund te realizohen nga perdorimi i burimeve gjenetike Ratifikimi i Konventes detyron: • Hartimin e Strategjise Kombetare, Planit Kombetar te Veprimit dhe Programeve per ruajtjen dhe

perdorimin e qendrueshem te biodiversitetit • Perpunimin e politikave per integrimin, ne perputhje me mundesite potenciale, te procesve te ruajtjes

dhe perdorimit te qendrueshem te biodiversitetit me teresine e aktiviteteve dhe zhvillimeve ne sektoret e tjere kryesor te ekonomise dhe me programet e zhvillimit ekonomiko-social dhe politik.

• Identifikimin dhe monitorimin e situatave qe karakterizojne zhvillimin e biodiversitetit dhe te proceseve ose aktiviteteve te cilat mund ose kane efekte negative ne ruajtjen dhe zhvillimin e qendrueshem te biodiversitetit

• Zhvillimin e kapaciteteve per ruajtjen In-situ dhe Ex-situ te biodiversitetit • Njohjen dhe aksesin sa me te plote dhe efektiv me cdo burim gjenetik • Njohjen dhe pervetesimin e bioteknologjive, metodologjive dhe teresise se infrastruktuarve te

nevojshme per transferimin e tyre • Shkembimin e informacionit • Kooperimin teknik e shkencor ne fushen e ruajtjes dhe perdorimit te qendrueshem te biodiversitetit • Perdorimin e bioteknologjive dhe shperndarjen e barabarte te perfitimeve qe rrjedhin nga zbatimi i

tyre Konventa i kushton rendesi te vecante • Ruajtjen e potenciale biogjenetike per prodhimin e produkteve ushqimore dhe produkteve te tjera

bujqesore, • Realizimin e nje niveli sa me te larte dhe me te mire ne zhvillimin e sistemeve te qendrueshme te

prodhimit, ne te gjitha nivelet e intesifikimit- extensiv, gjysem intensiv dhe intensiv (industrial) • Zhvillimin e rrugeve per perdorimin e te gjithe burimeve biologjike te vlefteshme • Zhvillimin e sherbimeve ekologjike e sociale per mbrojtjen dhe zhvillimin e agrosistemeve, mbrojtjen

e natyres, tokes, qarkullimit te ujit ne natyre , cilesine e ajrit etj.

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c) Ligji No. 8702 of 1.12.2000 "Per identifikimin dhe regjistrimin e kafshve dhe fermave blegtorale”

Objektivat kryesore te ketij ligji jane ( i) monitorimi i levizjeve te kafshve nepermjet perdorimit te numrit identifikues (ii) krijimi i rregjistrit kombetar te fermave, ( iii) ndertimin e nje sistemi te plote, te sakte dhe te shpejte te shkembimit dhe konsultimit te informacionit. (iv) zhvillimi i nje bashkepunimi efektiv midis institucioneve pergjegjese publike dhe fermerve, pronare te kafshve dhe fermave blegtorale.

d) Ligji No. 9308 of 04.11.2004 “Per Sherbimin Veterinar dhe Inspektoriatet” Nepermjet ketij Ligji rregullohen proceset e organizimit, funksionimit dhe financimit te Sherbimit Publik Veterinar dhe te Inspektoriateve, percaktohen pergjegjesite dhe detyrat e Administrates Veterinare. Objektivat kryesore te ketij Ligji jane: i) ruajta dhe permiresimi i

FAO Strategjia Globale per Menaxhimin e Burimeve Gjenetike Shtazore te Fermes.

Elementet baze te Strategjise : (i) Identifikimi i burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes (ii) Pershkrimi i karakteristikave fenotipike, zooteknike, morfobiometrike, polimorfizmi proteinik, ADN dhe distancat gjenetike (iii) Hartmi i programeve per zhvillimi e burimeve gjenetike shtazore (iv) Hartimi i programeve, politikave dhe infrastrukturave te nevojshme per perdorimi e qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike shtazore (v) Monitorimi dhe Kontrolli (vi) Hartimi i programeve dhe ngritja e infrastrukturave te nevojsheme per zbatim (vii) Trajinimi i personelit (viii) Bashkepunimi dhe Permiresimi i Komunikimit Nderkombetar. Synimet kryesore te Strategjise

• Te mbeshtet formimin dhe zhvillimin e infrastrukturave kombetar te nevojshme per menaxhimin e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes

• Te promovoje e te mbeshtet ndergjegjesimin e komuniteteve per vlerat e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes si pjese shume e rendesishme e biodiversitetit dhe burim per prodhimin e te mirave materiale per popullaten

• Te stimuloje gjithe te intersuarit, institucione publike e private, fermere e grupe fermesh, organizata joqeveritare lokale e nderkombetare, investiore e vendimarresit politik per bashkepunim ne realizimin e programeve per ruajtjen dhe zhvillimin e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes

• Te kontriboje ne harmonizimin objektivave te Strategjise Globale dhe Konventes se Biodiversitetit • Te nxit e mbeshtet marreveshje bilaterale dhe politikave perkatese per bashkpunimin nderkombetar • Te jap mbeshtejen e nevojshme per cdo vend te interesuar per hartimin e Strategjise Kombetare per

ruajtjen , zhvillimin dhe perdorimin e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes • Te nxit dhe ndihmoje ne zhvillimin dhe perdorimin e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes ne

pershtatje me kushtet lokale te cdo vendi • Te mbeshtet krijimin e bankes kombetare per ruajtjen e fondit gjenetik ne kafshet e fermes • Te nxit zhvillimin e teknologjive cels qe kushtezojne efikasitetin me te mire te Strategjive per

ruajtjen, zhvillimin dhe perdorimin e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes • Te mbeshtet zhvillim e nje procesi trajinimi sa me efektiv dhe te ndihmoje ne krijimin dhe

zhvillimin e kapaciteteve • Te supervizoje dhe te realizoje raporte per gjendjen globale te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes

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shendetit te kafshve, mbrojtja e tyre nga semundjet ngjitese, (ii) zhvillimi i procedurave per monitorimin, identifikimin, diagnostikimin, parandalimin dhe trajtimin e semundjeve ne kafshet e fermes (iii) mbrojta e konsumatorit dhe (iv) zbatimi i masave sanitare e veterinare per produktet ushqimore me origjine shtazore, kullotave dhe ujin per blegtorine.

e) Ligji No. 9876 of 21.10.2005 “Per mbareshtimin e blegtorise”. Nder te tjera, qellimi i ketij ligji eshte : (i) mbrojtja, ruajtja dhe perdorimi i fondit gjenetik shtazor ne kafshet e fermes (ii) rritja e prodhimeve blegtorale dhe permiresimi i cilesise se tyre (iii) ruajtja e diversitetit gjenetik ne kafshet e fermes. Objektivi kryesor i ketij procesi legjislativ ka qene harmonizimi i legjislacionit shqiptar dhe perafrimi i tij me legjislacionin e EU 1.5.2 Perdorimi i fondit gjenetik Prodhimi blegtoral realizon rreth 50% te prodhimit bujqesor ne Shqiperi. Megjithe kete, nevojat e popullates per ushqime me origjine shtazore nuk arrijne te plotesohen. Megjithese Shqiperia eshte nje vend me potenciale te mira per zhvillimin e prodhimit blegtoral, ritmet e ketij zhvillimi jane larg nevojave. Per rrjedhoje edhe kerkesa kryesore e konsumatorit shqiptar eshte plotesimi ne sasi i nevojave ushqimire te tij. Kjo be qe ne Shqiperi te kete treg te konsiderueshem per produkte ushqimore te importit, me origjine shtazore, cilesisht te dobta. Pamvaresisht nga kjo, eshte per tu theksuar edhe fakti se aktualisht eshte duke u formuar nje shtrese konsumatore me kerkesa per cilesine dhe sigurine ushqimore te produkteve me origjine shtazore. Kerkesat e konsumatorit ndikojne ne vendimarrjen dhe ne te gjithe procesin e zhvillimit te prodhimit blegtoral. Ato jane edhe faktori kryesor qe po nxit rritjen e interesit per mbareshtimin e kafshve te racave lokale me synim hedhjen ne treg te produkteve lokale. Kerkesa per prodhime te fresketa te mish e qumeshtit, vecanrisht tek konsumatorin ne zonat urbane, ka nxitur realizimin e investimeve ne fermave qe perdorin sisteme me nivel te mesem e te larte te inputeve. Kjo ka bere qe edhe importi i kafsheve te racave te permiresuara te rritet. Shqiperia eshte nje vend me ndryshueshmeri te madhe gjeo klimatike. Ne nje territor me gjeresi prej vetem rreth 150 km, nga lindja ne perendim, reliefi ka ndryshime te medha. Ne zonen fushore, me mundesi me te medha per zhvillimin e bujqesise, sistemet e prodhimit me inpute mesatare dhe te larta kane filluar te jene mbizotriues. Ne kete zone mbizotruese jane edhe racat exotike, vecanrisht ne gjedh, derra e shpende. Ne zonat kodrinore e malore te Shqiperise mbizotron sistemi familjar i fermes blegtorale. Ketu mbareshtohen edhe pjesa me e madhe e racave lokale shqiptare, vecanrisht ne ruminantet e vegjel. Futja e racave te permiresuar ne keto zona ka rezultuar ekonomikisht dhe teknikisht jo efektive. Gjate gjysmes se dyte te shekullit te kaluar, politikat per zhvillimin e prodhimit blegtoral ne Shqiperi mbeshteshin kryesisht ne importin e racave gjenetikisht te permiresuar. Programet racore te asj periudhe kishin si objektiva te tyre zevendesimin e racave lokale me raca te importit, nepermjet importit masiv te kafshve dhe shtrirjes sa me te madhe te procesit te kryqezimit te racave lokale me raca te importit. Per pasoje, pothuajse i gjithe gjedhi lokal u kryqezua me race exotike si Lara e Zeze, Xhersej etj ose me lope te importit u populluan nje numer i konsiderueshem fermash shtetrore. Dhene ne zonen bregdetare fushore ju nenshtruan nje procesi

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te gjate transformimi gjenetik me objektiv merinosizimin e tyre. Ne zonat kodrinore u aplikua kryqezimi me tipe te ndryshem Cigaje. Nje numer i konsiderushem racash mishatake si Texell, Sufolk, Koke Bardha Gjermane, Merinos i Dagestanit etj. u importuan me qellim zbatimin e skemave te kryqezimit industrial per rritjen e prodhimit te mishit. Derri i vendi pothuajse u zhduk. Ai u zvendesua me raca te ndryshem exotike dhe hibride. Importi i racave exotike, ne shumicen e rasteve ka qene rezultat i vendimeve te administrates. Gjate marrjes se ketyre vendimeve, puthuajse ne asnje rast nuk jane konsideruar argumentat shkencor, si efektet e bashkeveprimit genotip x mjedis etj. Per rrjedhoje nje numer i konsiderueshem racash te importuara nuk kane arritur te pershtaten ne kushtet e Shqiperise. Shqiperia, duke qene nje nder vendet me perqindje me te larte te importit te racave exotike per numer banoresh eshte, ne te njejten kohe edhe vendi me numrin me te madh te racave te importuara dhe te zhdukura. Ne fermen shqiptare mbareshtohen specie dhe raca te ndryshme te kafsheve te fermes perzgjedhja e te cilave eshte bvere dhe vazhdon te behet ne vartesi te madhesise se fermes, menyres se organizimit te saj , sistemit te prodhimit dhe objektivave ekonomik. Ne menyre te permbledhur kafshet e fermes ne Shqiperi dhe produktet qe ato realizojne, renditen : Gjedhi : qumeshti, mishi, pleh, lekure Eshte kafsha qe prodhon rreth 84 % te sasise se pergjitheshme te qumeshtit dhe 52 % te sasise se mishit qe prodhohet ne Shqiperi. Mbizotrojne racat e importit dhe kryqezimet e avancuara te tyre me lopen lokale. Ne zonen fushore mbizotron raca Holshejn Frizon , ne zonen kodrinore e malore raca Xhersi dhe kryqezime te saj. Tendenca aktuale eshte rritja e kerkesa per mish gjedhi. Per rrjedhoje jane shtuar importet e racave me drejtim te dyfisht prodhimi, ne vecanti raca Simental, si dhe kryqezimet me raca mishi. Permiresimi racor i gjedhit eshte i mbeshtetur kryesisht ne perdorimin e demave te seleksionuar nga treguesit e pedigrese. Importi i materialit gjenetik eshte burimi kryesor i ketij procesi permiresimi. Nuk zbatohen programe per prodhimin e demave sipas skemes se proves nga pasardhesit. Ne kushtet e fermave te vogla familjare prodhimi perdoret per autokonsum. Tregtimi i tij behet vetem nga fermat qe ndodhen prane qendrave urbane. Kushtet e tregtimit jane larg standarteve. Ne zonen fushore te vendit jane te ngritura qendra te grumbullimit dhe perpunimit te qumeshtit. Sistemi i organizimit te fermerve ne shoqata race nuk funksionon. Derri - mish, lekure, pleh Derri prodhon rreth 10 % te sasise totale te mishit. Ne fermat familjare, ne te cilat mbareshtohet mesatarisht 1- 2 derra per mish ose 1- 2 dosa , prodhimi perdoret kryesisht per nevojat e familjes. Ne treg keto ferma e shesin mishin kryesisht si kafshe te gjalle. Fermat e majmerise jane prodhuesit kryesore te mishit te derrit qe tregtohet. Investimet per krijimin e filieres per prodhimin e mishit te derrit jane te vogla. Materiali racor importohet. Ka vetem nje qender qe prodhon material racor, e cila punon ne baze te parimit te shumimit te materialit gjenetik te importuar . Dhenet: qumesht, mish, lesh, lekure, pleh Dhente prodhojne rreth 8 % te sasi totale te qumeshtit qe prodhohet ne Shqiperi. Megjithe kete, aktualisht tendenca kryesore eshte mbarshtimi i dheneve per prodhimin e mishit. Konsumatori

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eshte shume i interesuar per mishin e qengjave te rritur ne fermat shqiptare. Qumeshti eshte produkt ekonomikisht i leverdisshem per fermat qe ndodhen prane zonave urbane dhe qe mund te perfshihen ne skemat e grumbullimit e perpunimit te tij. Ne zonat malore interesi i fermereve per qumeshtin eshte i kufizuar. Ne shume raste ato nuk i mjelin delet per nje periudhe te gjate. Interesi i tyre eshte rritja e qengjave per mish, sepse marketimi eshte i mundeshem pamvaresisht nga distancat nga tregu dhe veshtiresite ne transport. Leshi eshte nje produkt i padesheruar. Fermeret kane mundesi shume te kufizuar per perpunimin e tij, ne kushte familjare. Mungon tregu i leshit si rrjedhoje e mungeses se njesive te perpunimit te tij. Plehu perdoret kryesisht per pleherimin e kullotave Racat lokale jane te perhapura ne zonen veriore te vendit. Pjesa tjeter e popullates, jane kryqezime me racat Merinos, e Cigaja. Aktualisht jane ne rritje kerkesat per kryqezime me raca mishi. Nuk ka programe per permiresimin racor te dheneve. Riprodhuesit prodhohen nga vete fermeret , mbeshtetur ne pervojen e tyre.Nderzimi me desh behen nen kontrollin e fermerve. Deshet ripodhues qarkullohen midis tufave. Dhite: qumesht, mish, lekure,pleh Qumeshti i dhise ze gati 8% te sasise se pergjitheshme te qumeshtit qe prodhohet ne Shqiperi. Ruminantet e vegjel prodhojne rreth 31 % te mishit. Pamvaresisht se rendimentet e qumeshtit jane te ulta , mbareshtimi i dhise eshte preference e fermerve ne zonat kodrinore e malore. Kjo eshte nje kafshe qe perballon shume mire kushte e veshtira dhe mungesat ne trajtim. Eshte e pershateshme per fermat qe kane nivel ekonomik te ulet. Qumeshti perdoret per te prodhuar nenprodukte si, gjize, djath, yndyre etj per perdorim fanmiljar. Kecat perdorn si ushqim proteinik per familjen ose shiten per mish. Kerkesa per ta eshte e larte, vecanrisht prej konsumatorit elitar. Rreth 99 % e popullates se dhive perbehet nga fond gjenetik autokton. Nuk zbatohen programe racore. Riperteritja e tufave behet nga vete femeret, mbeshtetur ne pervojen e tyre. Shpendet: veze, mish Ne te gjitha fermat familjare mbareshtohen shpende, ne tufa te vogla, kryesisht per te prodhuar veze e mish per autokonsum. Investimet per podhimin industrial te vezve dhe mishit nga shpendet kane filluar. Ne keto komplekse mbareshtohet vetem material racor qe importohet. Pula deti, pata , rosa: mish, veze Keto mbareshtohen vetem ne fermat e vogla familjare, ne tufa te vogla. Ne Zonen e Lezhes dhe te Fierit eshte perqendrimi me i madh i fermave qe mbareshtojne gjela deti per shitje. Buallica : kafshe pune, qumesht, mish Alkualisht mbareshtohet vete ne zonen e Lushnjes dhe te Elbasanit. Interesi per te eshte i ulet. Per pasoje eshte klasifikuar si nje specie ne nivel kritik per tu zhdukur. Vazhdon te ekzistoje vetem sepse per te financohet progami per ruajtjen In-situ dhe aplikoket subvencion financiar per fermeret Njethundrake: kafshe pune Perdoren pothuajse ne te gjithe fermat familjare.

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1.5.3 Alternativa qe duhet te konsiderohen ne progamet per ruajtjen e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes Mbizotrimi i fermave te vogla ne bujqesine shqiptare eshte rrjedhoje e dy faktoreve: (i) zhvillimet politiko – ekonomike, ne pergjithesi dhe veprimi i Ligjit per Nr. 7501, ne

vecanti (ii) fondi relativisht i kufizuar i burimeve natyrore Pamvaresisht se pas luftes se dyte botrore, ekonomia bujqesose e centralizuar mbeshtetej kryesisht ne fermat e medha shtetrore dhe kooperativave bujqesore, roli i fermes familjare si nje nder burimet kryesore per sigurimin e nevojave ushqimore te familjes fshatare vazhdoi te ishte efektiv. Historikisht dhe edhe ne te ardhmen fragmentarizimi i prodhimit bujqesor ka patur dhe do te kete efekte direkte ne zhvillimin e prodhimit blegtoral. Ne zonat malore te vendit dhe ne ato me terren kodrinor te thyer, si rrjedhoje e copezimit te madh fizik te tokes are, eshte shume e veshtire te organizohen dhe te funksionojne ferma me madhesi mesatare , ne te cilat eshte i mundur zbatimi i sistemeve te prodhimit me inpute mesatare dhe/ose te larte. Ne keto kushte, me efektive eshte te zhvillohen ekonomite familjare mikse, qe realizojne te ardhura jo vetem nga prodhimi bujqesor si dhe ekonomi qe arrijne te organizojne mbareshtimin e gjedhit ose te ruminateve te vegjel per prodhimin e mishit ne kushte e sistemit extensiv, qe mbeshtetet ne shfrytezimin e mases vegjetative spontane ne pyjte e kullota komunale. Organizimi i fermereve per grumbullimin dhe marketimin e prodhimeve te tyre eshte nje nder faktoret kryesor qe ndikon ne ecurine dhe zhvillim e prodhimit. Ne kushtet e fermave te vogla ne zonat malore, ky organizim eshte shume i rendesishem. Keto forma organizimi krijojne kushte te favorshme si per perdorimin me efektiv te burimeve gjenetike shtazore lokale ashtu edhe per ruajtjen dhe zhvillimin e diversitetit gjenetik te tyre. Organizimi i prodhimit ne fermat e vogla ne zonat malore ne sherbim te zhvillimit te agroturizmit eshte nje alternative tjeter qe ka filluar te pervijohet. Pervec efekteve pozitive ne rritjen e te ardhurave , kjo alternative zhvillimi do te kete rrjedhoja pozitive edhe ne ruajtjen dhe perdorimin ekonomik te qendrueshem te kafshve te racave lokale. Hartimi dhe zbatimi i politikave qe do te mbeshtetin kete lloj aktiviteti duhet te konsiderohet si veprim prioritar. Nxitja dhe rigjallerimi i metodave tradicionale per perpunimin e qumeshtit, mishit e leshit dhe prodhimi i produkte lokale eshte nje nder mundesite per rritjen e te ardhurave. Me prodhime te tilla terhiqet konsumatori, ne pergjithesi dhe akoma me shume ai elitar. Keto prodhime nuk kanosen nga konkurenca e produkte komerciale edhe atyre te importit. Nderkohe te tille produkte mundesohen vetem nga prodhimi i kafsheve te racave lokale, te mbareshtruara ne kushte e agrosistemeve tradicional. Ndaj dhe mbeshtetja per zhvillimin e tyre eshte ne te njejten kohe edhe realizimi i nje skenari efektiv per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin e burimeve gjenetike shtazore autoktone

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Mbeshtetja per zhvillimin e fermave bio eshte nje tjere alternative qe mundeson zbatimin me sukses te programeve per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin e fondit gjenetik autokton. Aktualisht, jane duke u konkretizuar pervojat e para ne zhvillimin e ketyre fermave. Keto pervoja kane evidentuar perparesite e racave lokale ne krahasim me racat e importit. Ne fermat bio ka kushtezime te forta ne perdorimin e inputeve, vecanrisht ne ushqimin e kafshve dhe trajtimet zoo-veterinare te tyre. Per rrjedhoje kafshet perballen me kushte te veshtira mbareshtimi. Ne te njejten kohe kerkohet qe kafshet te jene rezistentet ndaj semundjeve te ndryshme dhe te realizojne performanca te mira ne prodhim dhe riprodhim. Keto kerkesa i plotesojne kafshet e racave autoktone. 1.5.4 Veshtiresite per perdorimin efektiv te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes Shqiperia si antare e Organizates Boterore te Tregetise (BT) eshte duke u ballafaquar me sfidat e Mijevjecarit te Ri ne prodhimin bujqesor dhe blegtoral. Globalizimi ne rritje, liberalizimi i tregetise boterore i shoqeruar me konkurencen ne tregjet nderkombetare dhe kombetare , bejne te nevojshme trajtimin e problemeve te zhvillimit te bujqesise e prodhimit blegtoral ne shume plane. Eshte e domosdsoshme qe kerkesat e tregut dhe dinamikat e zhvillimit te tij, si faktore kryesor qe ndikojne ne kete zhvillim, te trajtohen nepermjet: (i) nderthurjeve te prurjeve qe realizojne studimet dhe pergjithesimet shkencore ne kerkimet per zhvillim ekonomik kombetar, rajonal dhe ate global, (ii) trajtimi i metodave dhe sistemeve me efikase te prodhimit, (iii) zhvillimi i politikave dhe perpunimi i metodave qe do te sigurojne perdorimin efikas dhe ekonomik te qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes, (iv) studimi i ofertes dhe dinamikes se kerkesave te konsumatorit per periudha afat mesme dhe vlersimi i trendeve te kesaj kerkese per periudha afat gjata, (v) siguria dhe cilesia ushqimore etj. Per te perballuar sfidat e zhvillimit, ne kushte e ekonomise globale te tregut te lire, eshte e domosdoshme te analizohet situata aktuale dhe te listohet teresia e faktorve kryesor qe ndikojne dhe qe duhet te merren ne konsiderate per zhvillimet afat mesme e afat gjata. Kjo krijon mundesine per percaktimin e rrugeve dhe identifikimin e metodave e mjeteve qe duhet te perdoren per realizimin e ketyre zhvillimeve. Karakteristike aktuale e zhvillimit te ekonomise bujqesore ne Shqiperi eshte bashkeekzistenca e dy trendeve :

(a) investime per ndertimin e fermave komerciale qe mbeshteten ne sisteme prodhimi me inpute te larta dhe te mesme

(b) zhvillimi, ne pergjithesi kaotik dhe jo i mbeshtetur ne politika dhe strategji te qarta, i sistemit te fermave familjare qe perdorin sisteme prodhimi me inpute te ulta ose sisteme agrotradicionale te prodhimit.

Te dy keto drejtime, ne rrugen e zhvillimit te tyre, ju duhet te perballojne veshtiresi, te cilat jane ne te njejten kohe edhe veshtiresite qe duhet te merren ne konsiderate gjate perpunimit te politikave te nevojshme per te realizuar perdorimin ekonomik te qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes. Zhvillimi i fermave komerciale, ne kushte e tregut te lire dhe mungeses se barrierave fiskale doganore per importin e produktet ushqimore me origjine shtazore, kerkon hartimin e politikave

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mbeshtetese dhe ndertimin e nje sistemi efikas te kontrollit dhe sigurise ushqimore. Materiali racor qe perdoret ne keto ferma sigurohet kryesisht nga importi. Ato jane kafshe me vlera te larta racore ose hibride. Tendenca aktuale eshte monopolizimi i prodhimit te ketij materiali gjenetik dhe kontrolli i tregut nderkombetar prej nje numri gjithmon e me te vogle kompanish. Ne keto kushte, eshte e domosdoshme qe ne procesin e zhvillimit te fermave komerciale ne Shqiperi, te merret parasysh efekti qe mund te sjell ky fenomen monopolizimi. Per te parandaluar situata me efekte te forta negative ne zhvillimet afat meseme dhe afat gjata te ketij drejtimi, eshte e nevojshme te zhvillohen politika racore kombetare te cilat do te mbeshtetin perdorimin e qendrueshem te fondit gjenetik ne racat exotike. Parandalimi i rrezikut te zhdukjes dhe /ose erozionit gjenetik ne keto racat, nepermjet hartimit dhe zbatimit te programeve gjenetike racore per to, eshte nje nder rruget per rritjen e efikasitetit te investimeve ne importet e fondit gjenetik dhe ne rritjen e sigurise ne procesin e zhvillimit te sektorit te prodhimit komercial ne blegtori. Perdorimi i kafsheve te racave te permiresuara ne fermat familjare eshte nje tendence aktuale. Vecanrisht e theksuar eshte kjo tendence ne fermat e vogla familjare ne zone fushore te vendit. Nderkohe, ne pjesen me te madhe te rasteve, fermeret perpara se te bejne nje investim te tille nuk konsultohen me specialistet e fushes. Efektiviteti i kafsheve te racave te permiresuara ne kushtet e fermave te vogla eshte i mundur vetem ne rastin kur fermeri arrin te pervetesoje dhe te zbatoje tekonolgji qe ju pershtaten kerkesave te ketyre kafsheve me kapacitete te larta gjenetike. Ne te kunderten, shperdorimi i fondit gjenetik me pasoje direkte ekonomike ne ecurine e fermes, eshte real. Ne asnje rast kafsha e races lokale nuk duhet te zvendesohet nga ajo e importit, ne qofte se ferma dhe fermeri nuk kane kapacitetet dhe njohurite e nevojshme per mbareshtimin e saj. Zhvillimi i ketyre fermave dhe per rrjedhoje edhe perdorimi me efektivitet i burimeve gjenetike shtazore te tyre kerkon qe te merren ne konsiderate dhe te zgjidhen probleme qe lidhen me :

a. Organizimin e fermes jo vetem ne funksion te prodhimit te produkteve ushqimore te nevojshme per plotesimin e nevojave ushqimore te familjes por edhe me synim perdorimin sa me efektiv te te gjithe burimeve prodhuese te fermes : (i) shfrytezimin optimal te kapaciteteve prodhuese per bazen ushqimore per kafshet, (ii) perdorimin optimal te biodiversiteti, resurseve ushqimore te flores spontane, kullotave, livadheve dhe pyjeve, (iii) optimizimin e perdorimit te krahve te punes ne familje

b. Zhvillimin e kooperimit midis fermerve me qellim organizimin e tyre ne grupe sipas : (i) drejtimeve te ndryshme te prodhimit – prodhim e perpunim qumeshti, prodhim

e marketim mishi (kafshet te gjalla), grumbullim e perpunim leshi etj.,

Ritmet e globalizimit ekonomik, liberalizimi i tregetise dhe konkureces nderkombetare, rritja e kerkesave per produkte me origjine shtazore, kerkimit shkencor dhe perpunimi i metodave per zhvillimin e sistemeve te prodhimit, siguria dhe cilesia ushqimore, rritja e perpjekjeve per zhvillimin, perdorimin dhe ruajtjen e resurseve gjenetike shtazore te fermes – jane teresia e faktoreve dhe ceshtjeve qe duhen mbajtur parasysh dhe zgjidhur per te realizuar – Rritje te qendrueshme dhe efikasitet ekonomik ne prodhimin blegtoral

Zhvillimi i sistemit te fermave te vogla, ne te shumten e rasteve eshte pasoje e veprimeve qe mbeshteten ne njohurite, pervojen, nevojen dhe perpjekjet e fermerve per zgjidhje me efekte sa me te shpejta, pa vleresuar efektet afat mesme dhe/ose afat gjata. Ne jo pak raste, kjo zgjidhje eshte kerkuar tek zvendesimi i kafsheve te racave lokale me kafshe te racave exotike. E zbatuar kjo ne fermat e zonave kodrinore e malore te vendit, ne te shumten e rasteve ka deshtuar.

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(ii) drejtime te ndryshme aktiviteti alternativ ekonomik – agroturizem, etnoturizem, grumbullues bimesh medicinale tej,.

c. Mbeshtetje te komunitetit te fermeve qe mbareshtojne kafshe te racave lokale per zhvillimin e infrastrukturave te nevojshme per menaxhimin e fondit gjenetik autokton:

(i) ndertimin e fuksionimin e sistemit te matrikullimit dhe te kontrollit funksional te kafsheve

(ii) hartimin e planeve dhe programeve racore per prodhimin dhe perdorimin e riprodhueseve

(iii) nxitjen dhe krijimin e grupit te fermeve qe do te perbejne berthamen e shoqates se races qe, ne periudha afat mesme, do te zhvilloje pergjegjesite per menaxhimin e fondit gjenetik autokton.

d. Zhvillimi i sistemit te Sherbimit Keshillimor per transferimin e njohurive per menaxhimin e resuresve gjenetike shtazore te fermes dhe edukimin e sensibilizimin e komuniteteve per vlerat ekonomike, gjenetike, etnokulturore dhe te tradites qe kane dhe transmetojne nga njeri brez ne tjetrin, keto resurse.

e. Zhvillim i sistemit te Sherbimit Veterinar per monitorimin e epizootive dhe shendetesimin e kafshve

f. Perpunimi i politikave mbeshtetese financiare per fermeret qe zhvillojne ferma ne kushtet e sistemeve agrotradicionale.

g. Nxitje dhe mbeshtetje per inisiativat komunitare per zhvillimin e sistemeve te integruar agro-silvo-pastoral.

Mesime nga e kaluara Nevojat per rritjen e prodhimeve blegtorale kane kushtezuar zhvillim e sistemeve te prodhimit qe mbeshteten ne shfrytezimin e kapaciteteve prodhuese te kafsheve gjenetikisht te permiresuar. Sistemet e perqendruara dhe te specializuara te prodhimit por edhe nevojat per rritje te prodhimeve ne fermat me inpute te mesme, kane rritur peshen e ketyre kafshve dhe kane penalizuar kafshet e racave locale. Rezultati – humbje/zvogelim i diversitetit biologjik ne kafshet e fermes. Zhvillimet politiko-ekonomike ne 15 vjetet e fundit kane ndikuar ne shfaqen e fenomeneve qe ndikojne negativisht ne perdorimin e qendrueshem dhe ne ruajtjen e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes. Ne kundershim me tendencen aktuale botrore qe karakterizohet nga rritja e perqendrimit te prodhimit, si rrjedhoje e reformes mbi pronesine e tokes ne Shqiperi, u rrit ndieshem pesha e fermave te vogla familjare. Kjo zvogoloi mundesite per perdorim efektiv, te qendrueshem dhe konkurues te kafsheve te fermes. Mungesat ne kuadin ligjor, pamjaftueshmeria institucionale dhe ne kapacitetet e nevojshme per menaxhimin e qendrueshem te mjedisit kane shkaktuar efekte negative ne perdorimin dhe ruajtjen e diversitetit ne kafshet e fermes. Niveli i ulet i bashkepunimit ne komunitetin e fermerve ngushton ne menyre esencial mundesite per zbatimin e progameve racore dhe per ruajtjen e zhvillimin eburimeve gjenetike shtazore. Mungesat dhe/ose pamjaftueshmeria ne trajtimin teknik e shkencor te problemeve qe duhet te zgjidheshin per specie dhe/ose raca te ndyshme ne kafshet e fermes, kane ndikuar ne rritjen e erozionit gjenetik dhe rrezikun per zhdukje te tyre. Kapacitete e pamjaftueshme dhe, shpesh here te mungura, per grumbullimin, perpunimin dhe marketimin e prodhimeve kane ulur ndieshem vleren ekonomike te prodhimeve te realizuara ne fermat shqiptare.

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Nder veshtiresite kryesore qe ndesh aktualisht prodhimi blegtoral eshte mungesa e zinxhirit ushqimore - prodhim ne ferme - perpunim – marketim - konsumator. Kjo veshtiresi ka shfaqe dhe karakteristika te ndryshme ne vartesi te: (i) sistemit te prodhimit, (ii) madhesise dhe vendndodhjes se fermes (iii) llojit te prodhimit – qumesht, mish, lesh Zgjidhjet e ketij kompleksi problemesh qe, ne analize te fundit realizojne vleresimin ne terma financiar te perdorimit te burimeve gjenetike shtazore dhe plotesimin e nevojave ushqimore te popullates me produkte ushqimore me origjine lokale, eshte nje nder sfidat e medha qe duhet te perballen ne plotesim te objektives per realizimin e nje perdorimi sa me efektiv te ketyre burimeve.

Reflektim per te ardhmen Situata aktuale ne ekonomine blegtorale, e cila dominohet nga prodhimi ne fermat e vogla familjare, e ballafaquar me trendin e zhvillimeve ne nivel lokal, rajonal e global dhe me kerkesat e shprehura ne dokumenta nderkombetare ( ne vecanti Konventa mbi Biodiversitetin, Politika e Perbashket e EU per Agrikulturen (CAP) – Programi per Agro-mjedisin etj.) kerkojne qe ne te ardhmen afat mesme e afate gjate, per prodhimin blegtoral dhe fondin gjenetik ne kafshet e fermes te punohet me objektiva te qarta realizimi i te cilave te mundesoje: a. Rritjen e prodhimeve blegtorale per plotesimin e nevojave ushqimore te popullates b. Rritjen e prodhimeve foragjere per te mbeshtetur cdo rritje te synuar te kapaciteteve prodhuese ne

kafshet e fermes c. Ristrukturim te sistemit te prodhimit :

(i) rritje e peshes se fermave komerciale qe e realizojne prodhimin ne sisteme me inpute te larta dhe te mesme

(ii) mbeshtetje per zhvillimin e sistemit agrotradicional te prodhimit d. Rritje te efektivitetit ekonomik ne perdorimin e inputeve nepermjet rritjes se rendimenteve dhe

uljes se kostos e. Nxitje te intergimit midis industrise perpunuese dhe fermerve dhe zhvillim i traditave per

prodhimin e produkteve lokale f. Zhvillim te kapaciteteve per pervetesim dhe zbatimin e teknologjive te reja g. Perpunim te politikave qeveritare dhe legjislacionit ne perputhje me nevojat per :

(i) Zhvillimin e infrastrukturave per administrimin e fondit gjenetik ne kafshet e fermes ( Shoqatat e races me motivim te qarte teknim e ekonomik, Zyrat per Librat gjenealogjik, Dbazen etj..)

(ii) Permiresimin e cilesise se produkteve (iii) Organizimin dhe zhvillimin e tregut te materialit racor (iv) Nxitjen e kerkesave per prodhime alternative dhe bio

h. Perafrimin e politikave per zhvillimin e bujqesise me kerkesat dhe standartet e EU: (i) Plotesim i kushteve dhe realizim i standarteve per mbrojtjen e mjedisit (EEC/2078/92-

agri-environmental regulation) (ii) Ruajtje dhe perdorim i qendrueshem i resurseve gjenetike shtazore, si pjese e

biodiversitetit k. Mbeshtetje per zhvillimin e kapaciteteve te kerkimit shkencor dhe transferimit te teknologjive

Zhvillimet e priteshme ne ekonomine bujqesore ne Shqiperi eshte e keshillueshme te planifikohen duke marr ne konsiderat eksperincen e realizuar ne zbatimin e CAP-EU, referuar objektivave kryesore te saj , te kushtezuara nga artikulli 39 i Marreveshjes se Romes (1956):

(i) Rritja e prodhimeve bujqesore neperrmjet modernizimit te fermes (ii) Realizim i standarteve te jetes ne komunitetin e femerve ne nivele te njejta me ato te

komuniteteve qe ushtrojne aktivitete te tjera (iii) Sigurimin e nevojave ushqimore te popullates me cmime te pranueshme

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Zhvillimi i strukturave qe do te sigurojne monitorimin e cilesise dhe sigurise ushqimore dhe, per rrjedhoje qe do te nxisin edhe investimet per krijimin e kushteve per te realizuar prodhime lokale ne perputhje me standartet e EU per cilesine e sigurine ushqimore, eshte nje tjeter sfide e madhe, qe duhet te perballet. Zgjidhja e saj do te krijoje kushte me te favorshem konkurence, si per prodhimet qe realizohen ne fermat komerciale ashtu edhe per prodhimet e fermave me inpute te mesme dhe ato me inpute te vogla ose qe prodhojne ne kushtet e sistemeve agrotradicionale. 1.5.5 Rruge te mundeshme per rritjen e efektivitetit ne perdorimin dhe ruajtjen e diversitetit gjenetik ne kafshet e fermes Politikat qe mund te perpunohen me objektiv qendrueshmerine ekonomike ne perdorimin e diversitetit ne kafshet e fermes si dhe suksesi ne perpjekjet per ruajtjen dhe zhvillimin e ketij diversiteti , ne cdo rast kane si test kryesor efikasitetin ekonomik te ketij diversiteti. Realizimi i ketij efikasiteti kerkon nderhyrje te njekoheshme ne dy drejtime : (i) ne zhvillim e sistemeve te prodhimit dhe (ii) ne administrimin e fondit gjenetik ne kafshet e fermes. Zhvillimi i sistemeve te prodhimit kerkon perpunimin e politikave dhe realizimin e investimeve, nepermjet te cilave do te mundesohet: 1. Zhvillimi qendrueshem i sistemit te fermave komerciale qe mbeshteten ne sisteme prodhimi me inpute te larta dhe te mesme. Realizimi i ketij zhvillimi kerkon mobilizimin e fondeve te konsiderueshme financiare. Nderkohe, ne kushte e tregut te lire, keto investime kane nevoje te madhe per mbrojte, vecanrisht nga konkurenca e pandershme, qe mund te provokohet nga importet e produkteve ushqimore me origjine shtazore. 2. Zhvillim i qendrueshem i sistemit te fermave qe mbeshteten ne sistemin agrotradicional te prodhimit Ne Shqiperi ka tradita te hershme ne administrimin e fermave qe e mbeshtetin prodhimin kryesisht ne perdorimin e burimeve lokal , kafshet te racave lokale, floren spontave te livadheve, kullotave dhe pyjeve etj dhe qe perdorin teknika tradicionale ne mbareshtimin e kafsheve dhe shfrytezimin e kapaciteteve mjedisore. Nevojat per perdorim efikas dhe te qendrueshem te diversitetit mjedisor biologjik dhe detyrimi per realizimin e nje zhvillimi te qendrueshem te ketij diversiteti, nxjerr ne pah perparesite e ketij sistemi prodhimi. Lidhjet e forta ndervepruese, pozitive, midis sistemit agrotradicional qe mbeshtetet ne sistemin me inpute dhe outpute te ulta dhe biodiversitetit, jane te qarta. Nga ana tjeter, prodhimet lokale qe realizohen ne ferma te ketij sistemi, kane nivel shume te ulet te konkurences. Kerkesat e tregut per to jane gjithmon prezente. Potencialisht, me keto produkte mund te formohet edhe lista e podhimeve shqiptare me origjine shtazore te mundeshme per export.

3. Zhvillim i sistemit te fermave bio Administrimi i fondit gjenetik ne kafshet e fermes, kerkon realizimin e nderhyrjeve nepermjet te cilat do te behet i mundur:

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1. Zbatimi i programeve gjenetiko-racore per racat exotike, te cilet do te mundesojne ruajtjen dhe, mundesisht edhe zhvillimin e kapaciteteve gjenetike te eksportuara. 2. Zbatimin e programeve per ruajtjen dhe zhvillimin e racave/ekotipeve/popullatave autoktone, lokale ne ruminatet e vegjel, derra, gjedh , shpende etj. 1.5.6 Vleresim i gjendjes se kapaciteteve kombetare per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin ekonomik te qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes Kapacitetet kombetare nuk jane te mjaftueshme per te zgjidhur te gjithe problemet dhe per te plotesuar te gjithe kerkesat qe lidhen me ruajtjen, perdorimin dhe zhvillimin e qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes. Ne termat kryesore, situata aktuale ne prodhimin blegtoral ne Shqiperi eshte larg kerkesave dhe standarteve te EU. Klasa politike, administrata publike, sektori privat, komuniteti i fermerve, organizat jofitimprurese etj mund dhe duhet te luajne nje rol me te madh ne zhvillim dhe realizimin e politikave te pershtateshme kombetare, nepermjet te cilave te mundesohet - Intensifikim i qendrueshem i prodhimit dhe perdorim me efektiv i resurseve shtazore ne perputhje me vecorite, karakteristikat dhe mundesite potenciale te rajoneve te ndryshme te Shqiperise Perdorimi dhe intensifikimi i qendrueshem i prodhimit blegtoral dhe resurseve gjenetike nuk jane ceshtje te konkurences midis praktikave moderne dhe tradicionale, te favorizimit te racave egzotike ne kurriz te ruajtjes dhe zhvillimit te qendrueshem te resurseve gjenetike autoktone, te kundervenies midis sistemeve tradicionale te prodhimit, vecanerisht ne zonat malore dhe sistemeve me inpute te larta e te mesme. Zgjidhjet e problemeve qe kushtezojne perdorimin ekonomik te qendrueshem dhe, se bashku me te, do te realizojne edhe objektivat per ruajtjen dhe zhvillimin e qendrueshem te biodiversitetit ne kafshet e fermes, jane pjese e zgjidhjeve qe do te sigurojne harmonizimin e sistemeve te ndryshem te prodhimit dhe bashkeekzistencen funksionale te tyre. Shqiperia e ka ratifikuar “Konventen per Biodiversitetin“ (CBD). Ajo njeh dhe pranon te gjithe dokumenta e tjere nderkombetar si “Protokollin e Kartagjenes per Biosferen“ , Konferencen e Parisit COP2 (1995) dhe COP 3 “Ruajtja dhe perdorimi i qendrueshem i diversitetit biologjik bujqesor”, Marrveshjen per Bujqesine (AoA), ne kuader te Organizates per Tregetine e Lire (WTO) etj. Ne plotesimi te detyrimeve qe rrjedhin nga keto dokumenta, ne Shqiperi jane bere perpjekje per perpunimin e legjislacionit aktual dhe perafrimin i tij me legjislacionin e EU. Ne termat kryesore kuadri ligjor i sotem ju jep pergjigje disa prej kerkesave me te rendesishme legjislative qe duhet te konsiderohen ne procesin e hartimit te politikave per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin e qendrueshem te diversitetit biologjik ne kafshet e fermes. Megjithe kete, eshte e domosdoshme zhvillimi i metejshen i tij, si ne termat kryesore ligjore ashtu edhe ne nivelin e akteve nenligjore dhe rregulloreve perkatese. Ministria e Bujqesise, Ushqimit dhe Mbrojtjes se Konsumatorit (MBUMK) eshte autoriteti kombetar per administrimin e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes. Per realizimin e kesaj pergjegjesie MBUMK, me mbeshtetjen e FAO-se, ka ngritur Rrjetin Kombetar per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin e qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes. Ky rrjet drejtohet nga Koordinatori Kombetar per Burimet Gjenetike Shtazore te Fermes. Rrjeti eshte i shtrire ne te

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gjithe vendin. Secili prej 12 koordinatorve rajonal operon ne terren nepermjet aktivizimit te nenrrjetit te kordinatoreve lokal. Cdo njeri prej ketyre koordinatorve lokal zhvillon aktivitetin e tij nepermjet aktivizimit te rrjetit lokal qe perbehet nga specialiste te prodhimit blegtoral, te sherbimit keshillimor, veterinere, operatore te insiminimit artificial dhe fermere. Rrjeti Kombetar per Ruajtjen dhe perdorimin e qendrueshem te BGJSHF Ne mbeshtetje te MBUMK, ne nivel qarku veprojne Drejtorite Rajonale te Bujqesise (DRBUMK), strukturat e Sherbimit Keshillimor dhe Sherbimit Publik Veterinar te shtrira deri ne nivelin e njesive me te vogla te qeverisjes vendore, Instituti i Sigurise Ushqimore dhe Veterinarise(ISUV), Qendrat e Transferimit te Teknologjive Bujqesore (QTTB) Fushe Kruje dhe Korce. Shkollat e mesme me profil bujqesor, Universiteti Bujqesor i Tiranes dhe Universiteti Bujqesor i Korces jane institucionet arsimore publike ku pergatiten specialiste e prodhimit blegtoral. Ne zbatim te reformes per kerkimin shkencor, detyrat dhe problematiken shkencore qe realizonte Instituti i Kerkimeve Zooteknike, tashme duhet te realizohet nga grupet e kerkimit shkencor prane Departamenteve te Prodhimit Shtazor ne Universitetin Bujqesor te Tiranes dhe te Korces. Institucione jo publike, kryesisht Shoqata jo fitimprurese si Shoqata Kombetare e Fermerve (LEA), Shoqata Kombetare e Operatorve te AI (BOFAK), Shoqata Kombetare per Ruajtjen dhe Perdorimin e Burimeve Gjenetike Shtazore ALBAGENE, Shoqata e Fermerve te Bagetive te Imta (SHFBI), Shoqata ALBANOR, HPI, RASP, Shoqata e Bujqesise Organike (SHBO) etj .. jane aktore aktiv ne trajtimin e problemeve te ruajtjes dhe perdorimit te qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes Megjithe perpjekjet e bera per zhvillimin e kapaciteteve humane dhe ato te infrastruktures laboratorike te nevojshme per realizimin e detyrave qe lidhen me kerkesat aktuale per zhvillimin e kapaciteteve kombetar per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin ekonomik te qendrueshem te diversitetit biologjik ne kafshet e fermes, rezultatet konkrete jane larg mundesive dhe objektivave. Kjo eshte pasoje e veprimit te nje seri faktoresh , nder te cilet mund te renditen:

Koordinatori kombetar

Koordinator Rajonal

(Pika fokale rajonale)

Koordinator Rajonal

(Pika fokale rajonale)

Koordinator Rajonal

(Pika fokale rajonale)

Koordinator lokal

Koordinator lokal Koordinator lokal Koordinator lokal

Fermer Fermer Fermer

12 koordinatore rajonal

4 – 6 koordinatore local/rajon

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(i) Mungesa e nje Strategjie te plote dhe Programi Veprim Kombetar ne te cilen duhet te percaktohen prioritetet ne politikat zhvilluese, kerkimin shkencor, zhvillimin e metodologjive dhe kapaciteteve ne infrastrukture ne fushen e ruajtjes, zhvillimit dhe perdorimit te qendrueshem te biodiversitetit, ne pergjithsi dhe diversitetit biologjik ne kafshet e fermes, ne vecanti

(ii) Niveli i ulet i kooperimit nderministror-Ministri e Bujqesise, Ushqimit e Mbrojtjes se Konsumatorit, Ministri e Mjedisit , Pyjeve dhe Menaxhimit te Ujrave , Ministri e Arsimit dhe Shkences. Jane te paqarta dhe pothuajse inekzistente mardheniet midis specialisteve te prodhimit blegtoral, Rrjetit Kombetar per Burimet Gjenetike Shtazore te Fermes dhe specialisteve te mjedisit. Shprehje e plote e kesaj marrdhenie pothuajse te munguar, eshte vendi shume i parendesishem qe i kushtohet ruajtes dhe perdorimit te biodiversitetit ne kafshet e fermes ne “Strategjine Kombetare dhe Planin e Veprimit per Biodiversitetin”

(iii) Pamjaftueshmeria ne mbeshtetjen dhe kooperimin midis insitucioneve publike dhe organizatave jopublike

(iv) Niveli i ulte i motivimit te specialiste te prodhimit blegtoral dhe kerkimit shkencor me pasoja largimin e tyre nga profesioni ose emigrimin jashte vendit

(v) Mbeshtetja e pamjaftueshme per zhvillimin kapilar te Sherbimit Keshillimor (vi) Niveli i ulet i njohurive te fermerve dhe perpjekjet e pamjaftueshme te tyre per te

fituar njohuri te reja. (vii) Niveli i pamjaftueshem ne zhvillimin e kooperimit dhe bashkpunimit nderkombetar

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Kapitull II

Objektiva dhe Prioritetet Kombetare per Konservimin dhe Perdorimin e BGJSHF

Prioritetet kombetare qe duhet te mbahen parasysh gjate hartimit te politikave per ruajtjen e diversitetit gjenetik ne kafshet e fermes dhe perdorimin e qendrueshem te tij, duhet te listohen ne funksion te realizimit te dy objektivave te pergjithshme:

• Perdorimit te qendrueshem te BGJSHF me vlera te larta gjenetiko-racore te shprehura ne tregues te larte prodhimtarie dhe aftesi konkuruese ne treg

• Promovimit, perdorimit dhe zhvillimit te racave autoktone, ekotipeve, popullateve lokale dhe kryqezimeve te tyre me raca exotike te pershtatura ne kushtet e fermave shqiptare dhe ruajtjes e zhvillimit te praktikave blegtorale tradicionale.

Keto prioritete duhet te jene te lidhura ngushte me termat kryesore te references qe ju perkasin dy planeve ne te cilat zhvillohet Strategjia per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin ekonomik te qendrueshem te BGJSHF: � Mbeshtetje per zhvillimin e sistemeve te prodhimit me nivele te ulta inputesh– sistemi i fermave familjare dhe sistemit te fermave agrotradicionale, te cilet bazohen ne perdorimin kryesisht te kafshve te racave lokale �Nxitje per zhvillimin e sistemeve intensive te prodhimit, te bazuara ne perdorimin e racave exotike dhe gjenetikisht te permiresuara Mbeshtetur ne analizen e situates aktuale, nevojave dhe trendit te zhvillimit te prodhimit blegtoral, kapaciteteve dhe mundesive kombetare per zhvillim afat mesm e afat gjate, etj. prioritetet kombetare, nder me te rendesishmit, per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te Shqiperise, mund te listohen: 2.1 Parandalimi i fenomentit te mosperdorimit te tokes bujqesore Lenia e tokes djerr, braktisja e fermave dhe cvendosja e popullates nga zonat rurale ne ato urbane ose emigrimi jashte vendit eshte nje nder fenomenet me pasoja te forta negative ne zhvillimin e prodhimit blegtoral. Ne keto kushte eshte e domosdoshme te perpunohet e te zbatohen politika te cilat te parandalojne kete fenomen duke ju krijuar kushte dhe mundesi per

… “Speciet e domestikuara dhe te kultivuara” jane nje komponente e rendesishme e diversitetit biologjik…..cdo pjesemarres i kontraktuar , ne perputghj me kushtet dhe mundesite e tij, duhet te zhvilloje strategji, plane dhe programe per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin e qendrueshem te diversitetit biologjik”… Conventa per Diversitetin Biologjik , Artikulli 2; 6a.

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jetes me te mire komuniteteve ne zonat rurale. Te rinjte duhet te ndihmohen e mbeshteten nepermjet zhvillimit te mekanizmave qe do te mundesojne rritjen e interesit te tyre per te jetuar ne fshat. 2.2 Perpunim i programeve per rritjen e prodhimeve dhe plotesimin e vazhdueshem te nevojave per ushqime Ne krahasim me madhesine e popullates dhe nevojave te saj per ushqime me origjine shtazore, kapacitetet prodhuese te Shqiperise nuk jane te pamjaftueshme. Perdorimi jo efektiv dhe jo i plote i ketyre kapaciteteve bene qe nje pjese e konsiderueshme e ketyre nevojave te plotesohet nga importi. Ne keto kushte eshte e nevojshme te perpunohen strategji dhe te hartohen programe qe do te mundesojne rritje te prodhimeve vendase dhe plotesim te vazhdueshem te nevojave ushqimore te popullates. 2.3 Zhvillimin i teknologjive mbi bazen e parimit te bashkejeteses efektive “mjedis – kafshe” Mbareshtimi i kafshve duhet te behet neprmjet zbatimit te teknikave te rritjes dhe teknologjive te prodhimit te cilat duhet te sigurojne ruajtje te qendrueshme te natyres, te minimizojne efektet negative ne mjedis dhe te ndihmojne ne zhvillimin harmonik te ekosistemeve agrare. 2.4 Krijimi dhe rritja e kapaciteteve per ruajtjen e biodiversitetit ne ferme. Eshte e nevojshme te perpunohen politika qeveritare te cilat te nxisin dhe te mbeshtetin aksione per ruajtjen e biodiversitetit ne kafshet e fermes nepermjet zbatimit te metodave per ruajtjen in-situ, ex-situ dhe ex-situ in vivo. Mbeshtetja e programeve gjenetike per pasurimin e fondit gjenetik aktual me hibribe, raca dhe linja te reja nepermjet aktivizimit te resurseve aktuale biologjike, humane dhe shkencore, formulimi i procedurave te njehsuara per vleresimin e shkalles se erozionit gjenetik dhe nivelit te kanosjes per t’u zhdukur, hartimi i kritereve kryesore per monitorimin e racave, ngritja e bankes gjenetike per fondin gjenetik autokton, zhvillimi i mekanizmave per monitorimin e problemeve qe lidhen me futjen dhe perdorimin e OMGJ-ve, jane te nevojshme te konsiderohen. 2.5 Mbeshtetje per zbatimin e njohurive, teknikave dhe tekonologjive te kohes Per rritjen e efektivitetin ne perdorimin e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes eshte e domosdoshme te punohet per rritjen e nivelit profesional ne trajtimin dhe zgjidhjen e problemeve te fermes. Eshte e domosdoshme te ngrihet dhe te funksionoj nje sistem i njehsuar informacioni tekniko – ekonomik. Hartimi dhe zbatimi i progameve racore, skemave te seleksionimit dhe perdorimit te riprodhueseve duhet te realizohet ne perputhje me karakteristikat dhe kufizimet e sistemit te prodhimit qe perdoret ne ferme. Krijimi i kushteve per aktivizimin e burimeve njerzore profesionale, specialistve te prodhimit shtazor dhe sherbimit zooteknik, eshte e nevojshme per arritjen e suksesit ne keto programe.

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2.6 Mbeshtetje per realizimin e vleres se shtuar ne prodhimet blegtorale Eshte i domosdoshem zhvillimi i politikave mbeshtetese per krijim e infrastrukturave te nevojshme per realizimin e vleres se shtuar ne prodhimet blegtorale. Vecanrisht e domdososhme eshte kjo nevoje per fermat me inpute te mesme dhe te vogla, fermat qe zbatojne sistemet agrotradicionale te prodhimit, fermat qe mbareshtojne tufa te bagetive te imta ne zonat malore etj. Aktivizimi i fondeve buxhetore per ndertimin e infrastruktures rrugore, nxitja e bashkepunimit midis fermerve per krijimin e kooperativa te grumbullimin, perpunimit dhe marketimit te prodhimeve te fermes, mbeshtetja per investimeve ne krijimin dhe zhvillimin e rrjetit te qendrave me kapacitete te vogla dhe te mesme perpunimi, ngritja e tregjeve dhe forcimi i rolit te Inspektoriateve per cilesine e sigurine ushqimore te produkteve lokale dhe te importit, me origjine shtazore, jane aksione prioritate qe do te mundesojne realizimin e vleres se shtuar ne prodhimet blegtorale. 2.7 Mbeshtetje per zhvillimin e infrastruktures Eshte e domosdoshme te hartohen politika dhe te ndermerren veprime ne kuadin institucional, organizativ, administrativ dhe operacional per zgjidhjen e problemeve qe lidhen me identifikimin dhe matrikullimin e kafshve, kontrollin funksional te prodhimtarise, mbajtjen e librave te races, aktivizimin efektiv te Shoqatave te races. Shqiperia eshte antare e ICAR dhe merr pjese ne aktivitetet dhe shkemben informacion me INERBULL. Zbatimi i standarteve te ketyre organizatave ne zhvillim e infrastruktuarve pergjegjese per prodhimin dhe administrimin e informacion eshte kusht i domosdoshem per realizimin e objektiva kombetar per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin e qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike shatzore te fermes. 2.8 Mbeshtetje per zhvillimin e kapaciteteve te kerkimit shkencor Per studimin dhe pervetesimin e arritjeve bashkekohore ne fushen e ruajtjes, administrimit dhe perdorimit ekonomik te qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes eshte i nevojshme zhvillimi i vazhdueshem i kapaciteteve te kerkimit shkencor. Aktualisht eshte e domosdodhme te finalizohet reforma shkencore e nisur. Mbeshtetja per zhvillimin e kapaciteteve ne kerkimin shkencore, qe po organizohet prane universiteteve, duhet te trajtohet ne terma afat mesme dhe afta gjata zhvillimi, me objektiiv qe ky kerkim te mundesoje zgjidhjen e problemeve qe lidhen me (i) optimizimin e programeve racore, (ii) studimin e genomes ne racat/ekotipet/popullatat lokale te kafshve te femes, (iii) vleresimin e distancave gjenetike misid racave, (iv) perpunimin e metodave te cryo konservimit, (v) bioteknologjise molekulare , (vi) gjenetikes sasior etj. 2.9 Mbeshtetje per zhvillimin e kapaciteteve humane per administrimin e BGJSHF Programet per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin ekonomik te qendrueshem te BGJSHF jane aktivitete, qe ne nje pjese te madhe te tyre realizohen ne ferme. Trajinimi i fermeve per te rritur njohurite dhe kapacitetet e tyre per zbatimin e ketyre programeve, zhvillimi i kurrikulave ne arsimin e mesme profesional me profil bujqesore, perhapja e njohurive ne gjenetiken e kafshve dhe administrimin e BGJSHF, krijimi i kushteve dhe mbeshtetja per realizimin e sherbimeve qe ofron teknologjia e informacion etj., jane drejtime prioritare qe do te mundesojne zhvillimin e vazhdueshem te kapaciteteve humane per administrimin e BGJSHF.

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2.10 Zhvillim i legjislacionit Perpunimi legjislaciont aktual eshte nevoje qe rrjedh nga plotesimi i kerkesave te parashikuara ne kuader te MSA. Perafrimi i legjislaciont shqiptar me ate te EU, ne te gjitha nivelet e tij do te krijoje mundesi reale per zbatimin e standarteve te EU ne ruajtjen dhe administrimin e BGJSHF. Eshte e nevojshme qe te percaktohen qarte, ne kuadrin legjislativ, deri ne nivelin e rregulloreve, aksionet dhe veprimet qe duhet te kryhen si ato te subvencionimit te fermerve qe mbareshtojne kafshe te racave/popullatave te shpallura ne rrezik per tu zhdukur, pjesemarrjes dhe mases se aktivizimit te fondeve publike per zgjidhjen e problemeve te ndryshem te administrimit te fondit gjenetik si matrikullimi i kafsheve, sistemi i kontrollit funksional etj. 2.11 Institucionalizimi bashkepunimit Bashkepunimi midis kerkimit shkencor, arsimit dhe sherbimit keshillimor, nga njera ane dhe ketyre strukturave me komunitetin e fermerve, grupet dhe shoqatate e tyre, nga ana tjeter, duhet te jete pjese e aksione prioritare. Per realizimin e ketij prioriteti jane te nevojshme hartimi i politikave dhe zhvillimi i mekanizmave qe te bejne te interesuar cdo njeren prej paleve. Shume i rendesishem eshte zhvillimi i bashkepunimit midis institucioneve te ndryshme te administrates publike qe kane pergjegjesi per zbatimin e Strategjive te hartuara ne perputhje me kerkesat e Konventes se Biodiveritetit por qe operojne si struktura ose ne funksion te plotesimit te detyrave te Ministrive te ndryshem si MBUMK, MMPAU etj. 2.12 Zhvillim institucional Krijimi, prane Ministrit te Bujqesise, Ushqimit dhe Mbrojtjes se Konsumatorit, i Komitetit Kombetar Keshillues per Ruajtjen dhe Administrimin e Biodiversitetit ne Kafshet e Fermes. Ngritja e Agjensise Kombetare per Ruajtjen dhe Administrimin e Biodiversitetit ne Kafshet e Fermes. Angazhimi per ngritjen e ketyre institucione publike eshte, ne te njejten kohe edhe plotesim i rekomadimeve dhe standarteve institucionale qe rekomandon FAO ne dokumentin “Strategjia Globale per Ruajtjen dhe Administrimin e Burimeve Gjenetike Shtazore te Fermes” Ne Raportin e paraqitur ne Interlaken Konference, Zvicer, Shtator 2007, vecanrisht per vendet ne zhvillimin qe nuk i kane te krijuara dhe/ose te konsoliduara strukturat per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin e qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes, FAO rekomandon si te nevojshme, angazhimin e qeverive perkatese per ngritjen dhe mbeshtetjen e ketyre strukturave publike. Ne mbeshtetje te punes se Koordinatori Kombetar per Burimet Gjenetike Shtazore te Fermes eshte e domosdoshme te ngihet dhe te funksionoje Pika Folake Kombetar per Burimet Gjenetike Shtazore te Fermes si nje Agjensi Kombetare. Per zbatimin e pergjegjesive dhe detyrave te saj, kjo Agjensi duhet te aktivizoje Rrjetin Kombetar per ruajtjen dhe administrimin e BGJSHF. Komiteti Kombetar Keshillues eshte nje insiticion ne te cilen duhet te marrin pjese perfaqesues te institucioneve te ndryshem publike , arsimore e akademike, te grupeve te ndryshem te interesit, shoqateve te fermerve e investitoreve ne fushen e prodhimit blegtoral etj. Ai do te jete institucion kryesor keshillues per zhvilim e politikave ne fushen e ruajtjes dhe administrimit te BGJSHF.

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2.13 Mbeshtetje per zhvillim te bashkepunimit dhe kooperimit nderkombetar Pjesmarrja ne organizata dhe forume te ndryshme nderkombetare, shkembimi i informacionit teknik e shkencore midis institucioneve homologole, pergatitja dhe kualifikimi shkencor e profesional i specialisteve dhe kerkuesve shqiptar ne universitet dhe prane stafeve akademike te huaja, pjesemarrja ne progamet nderkombetar te kerkimit dhe projektet per zhvillim, zhvillimi i bashkepunimit crossborder mbeshtetur ne ngjashemrine, eksistencen e mardhenieve funksionale midis agro ekosistemeve, racave te njejta dhe/ose te aferta ne kafshet e fermes etj.. jane mundesi me efekte te medha pozitive ne rritjen e kapaciteteve per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin e qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes. Shqiperia eshte antare ne disa organizatave qe veprojne ne fushen e BGJSHF: FEZ – EAAP -Feradata Europiane e Zooteknise FAO - Organizata Botrore e Bujqesise e Ushqimit ICAR - Komiteti Nderkombetar per Rekordet ne Kafshe SAVE - Fondacioni per Ruajtjen e Varieteteve Bujqesore ne Europe ERFP - Pika Fokale Rajonale Europiane per BGJSHF Shqiperia krahas 179 vendeve te tjera te botes, ka marr pjese ne Progamin e FAO “Strategjia Globale per Menaxhimin e Burimeve Gjenetike Shtazore te Fermes”. Ne kuader te ketij programi, ka hartuar dhe pergatitur Raportin e Pare te vendit “Per gjendjen e Burimeve Gjenetike Shtazore te Fermes”. Ne plotesim te rekomandimeve te FAO-se dhe me mbeshtetjen e saj, ne Shqiperi jane duke u realizuar zhvillimet e para te rendesishme per krijim dhe zhvillim e kapaciteteve kombetare per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin e qendrueshem te BGJSHF. Bashkepunimi me organizamat e tjere nderkombetar, si EAAP, ERFP, SAVE etj dhe mbeshtetja qe ato kane dhene, jane faktore ne zhvillimin e ketyre kapaciteteve.

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Kapitulli III

Plani Kombetar i Veprimit (PKV) per ruajtjen dhe pe rdorimin e qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes

Veprimit duhet te zhvillohet ne dy drejtime kryesore: 1. Administrimi, zhvillimi dhe perdorimi ekonomik i qendrueshem i racave exotike dhe krqezimeve te avancuara te tyre 2. Ruajtja, zhvillimi dhe perdorimi ekonomik i qendrueshem i racave/ekotipve/popullatave lokale. Nevojat dhe problematikat qe duhet te trajtohet per keto dy grupe te medha te fondit gjenetik ne kafshet e fermes, jane te dallueshme. Megjithe kete, ne disa prej tyre, nderhyrjet dhe planet e veprimit jane te njejte. Nder keto, si me te rendesishme renditet:

Prioritetet Strategjike te Planit per Veprim Fusha e Pare: Karakterizimi, inventarizimi dhe monitorimi i trendit dhe rreziku per zhdukje Veprimet duhet te realizojne nje rezultat te qendrueshem, frutedhenes dhe efektiv ne klasifikimin e burimeve gjenetike shtazore dhe te vleresojne trendin dhe nivelin e rrezikut per zhdukje Fusha e dyte:Perdorim dhe zhvillim i qendrueshem Aksionet duhet te sigurojne qendrueshmeri ne sistemet e prodhimit, duke u fokusuar ne sigurine ushqimore dhe zhvillimin rural Fusha e trete: Ruajtja Aksionet duhet te perqendrohen ne realizimin e hapa te nevojshem per ruajtjen e diversiteit gjenetik dhe integritetit te tij, per te siguruar perfitimet e priteshme per brezin aktual dhe gjeneratat e ardheshme Fusha e katert: Politikat, institucionet dhe zhvillimi i kapaciteteve Aksionet duhet te adresohen drejt per drejt ne ceshtjet kyc te praktikave zbatuese nepermjet zhvillimit koherent dhe sinergjik te institucioneve te nevojshme dhe kapaciteteve

FAO Raporti i Konferences Teknike Nderkombetare per Burimet Gjenetike shtazore per Ushqim dhe Bujqesine,

Zvicer, 3- 7 shtator 2007

Plani Kombetar i Veprimit (PKV) per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes eshte dokumenti kryesor ne te cilin jane te listuara teresia e veprimeve teknike, shkencore, ekonomike e legjislative, te nevojshme per realizimin e objektivit madhor:

Ruajtjen dhe zhvillimin e biodiversitetit ne kafshet e fermes dhe

perdorimin ekonomik te qendrueshem te tij.

Zbatimi i Planit te Veprimit eshte nje proces kompleks qe kerkon pjesemarrjen e fermerve, grupeve e shoqatave te tyre, institucioneve publike, politikeberesve, staffeve akademike dhe teknicienve, si dhe te gjithe grupeve te tjera te interesit. Ne perputhje me rekomandimet e FAO-se, prioritetet strategjike qe ajo ka percaktuar ne “Planin Global te Veprimit per Ruajtjen dhe Administrimin e BGJSHF” dhe duke patur parasysh karakteristikat, kushtet dhe situaten ne te cilen ndodhen BGJSHF ne Shqiperi (Raporti i Pare i vendit per burimet gjenetike shtazore te fermes), Plani Kombetar i

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Programi Kombetar per ngritjen dhe zhvillimin e qendrueshem te Sistemit te Identifikim – Matrikullimit te kafshve (SIM) Programi Kombetar per ngritja dhe zhvillimin e qendrueshem te Sistemit te Kontrollit Funksional te Prodhimtarise se kafshve (SKFP) Ngritja e ketyre dy sistemeve eshte nder objektivat madhor te Planit Kombetar te Veprimit. Ato duhet te jene objekt i dy Programeve Kombetare me terma zhvillimi afategjate. Realizimi i tyre kerkon mobilizimin gjithperfshire te institucione publike vendimarrese dhe ekzekutive, staffeve akademike, shkencore dhe administrates publike deri ne nivelet me te ulta lokale, Qendrave te Transferimit te Teknologjive Bujqesore, Sherbimeve publike te Keshillimit dhe Veterinar, specialisteve te prodhimit blegtoral, Organizatave jofitimprurese, shoqatave te fermerve e prodhuese te produkteve blegtorale, fermerve dhe grupeve te tjera te interesit. PKV per racat exotike dhe kryqezimet e avancura te tyre, ne termat kryesore te tij duhet te realizoje:

• Zhvillimin e Programeve racore me objektiva ruajten dhe permiresimin e cilesive gjenetike te racave exotike dhe kryqezimeve te avancuara te tyre dhe zvogelimin e efektit te bashkeveprimit “genotip x mjedis”

• Ngritjen e Strukturave per kontrollin dhe monitorimin e materialit biolgjik • Zhvillimin e Rrjetit te Insiminit artificial • Krijimin e Autoritetit Kombetar per certifikimin e riprodhueseve qe perdoren per nderzim

natyror. • Zhvillimin e kapaciteteve te Qendrave te Transferimit te Teknologjive Bujqesore dhe

Sherbimit Keshillimor per mbeshtetjen e komplekse, qendrave te prodhimit dhe fermave me inpute te larta ne procesin e pervetesimit dhe zbatimit te teknologjive bashkekohore.

• Zhvillimin e politikave mbeshtetese dhe krijimin e zhvillimin e kapaciteteve kombetar per kontrollin e cilesise dhe sigurise ushqimore per ushqimet me origjine shtazore lokale dhe te importit.

• Nxitjen e interesit te tregut financiar dhe hartimin e politikave mbeshtetese per zhvillimin e sistemit te kreditimit per investime ne prodhimin blegtoral.

Ne Planin Kombetar te Veprimit per Ruajtjen dhe Perdorimin Ekonomik te Qendrueshem te biodiversitit ne fondin gjenetik autokton ne kafshet e fermes, nder veprime e para qe parashikohet te realizohen mund te konsiderohen: Aksioni i pare

• Identifikimi i specieve, racave dhe popullatave te kafsheve autoktone te vendit • Realizimi i censusit per vleresimin e madhesise se popullatave, trendit te

zhvillimit, shtrirjes gjeografike, numrit te fermave dhe madhesia e tyre, drejtimit te prodhimit dhe sistemit i prodhimit

• Vleresimi i shkalles se rrezikut per tu zhdukur Aksioni i dyte

• Listim i racave/popullatave lokale qe, ne perputhje me standartet e miratuara nga FAO, shpallen “Popullata ne rrezik zhdukje”

• Vleresimi i kushteve dhe faktoreve qe ndikojne ne renien e interesit te fermereve per mbareshtimin e racave /popullatave lokale te kafshve te shpallura ne rrezik zhdukje.

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Aksioni i trete Planifikimi dhe realizimi i veprimeve urgjente dhe hartimi i programeve per nderhyrje te qendrueshme Per hartimin e PKV per fondin gjenetik autokton ne kafshet e fermes, ne perputhje me Metodologjine e perpunuar nga FAO, eshte ndjekur organigrama e meposhteme

Organigrame per hartimin e Planit Kombetar te Veprimit per Ruajtjen dhe Perdorimin e

qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike autoktone ne kafshet e fermes Ne perputhje me kete organigrame, eshte ndertuar Matrica e Veprimeve, ne te cilen jepen termat kryesore te programeve e projekteve qe parashikohen per tu realizuar.

Racat lokale

Identifikimi, katalogimi ndertimi i bazes kombetar te te dhenave

Popullata ne rrezik zhdukje

Popullata te kercenuara Raca komerciale

Karakterizimi gjenetik i kafshve dhe produkteve

te tyre

Identifikimi i mundesive per prodhimin dhe

tregtimin e produkteve

Nxitja e programeve per ruajtjen In-situ nepermjet perdorimit ekonomik te


Konservimi In-situ & Ex-situ in vivo Vleresimi gjenetik

Konservimi Ex-situ in vitro

Kontrolli funksional Regjistrimi i te dhenave

Konservimi Ex-situ in vitro

Konservimi In-situ & Ex-situ in vivo

Karakterizimi gjenetik i kafshve dhe

produkteve te tyre

Programe te permiresimit gjenetik

Zhvillimi i skemave racore ne grupe

Ruajtja e germoplazmes

Rekordi i performancave Perdorimi komercial

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Matrica e Veprimeve per zbatimin e Strategjise Kombetare per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin eeonomik te qendrueshme te BGJSHF

Programi / projekti Veprime Objektiva Afati I. Identifikimi, karakterizimi, katalogimi, vleresimi trendit dhe shkalles se rrezikut ne popullatat e kafshve te racve lokale

Hartim i metodologjise per realizimin e censusit kombetar. Trajinimi dhe organizimi i ekspeditave. Perpunimi informacion. Perditesim periodik i infomacionit.

Vleresim i gjendjes se popullatave lokale, trendit te zhvillimit numerik te tyre dhe shkalles se rreziku nga veprimi i erozionit gjenetik ose faktorve ekonomik e social

1 vit

Cdo 5 vjete II. Ndertimi bazes kombetare te te dhenave Ngritja e strukturave dhe infrastrukturave

te nevojshme. Zhvillimi i kapaciteteve Hard e Soft. Krijimii dbazes dhe perditesimi i saj Integrimi i dbazes kombetare me sistemin e informacion nderkombetar DAD-IS, EFABIS etj.

Unifikim i informacionit me kerkesat dhe standartet nderkombetare Krijim i mundesive per konsultim ne kohe reale dhe on-line me te dhenat pershkruese te BGJSHF autoktone te Shqiperise

2- 3 vjete


III. Zhvillim i metodave te konservimit te burimeve gjenetike shtazore lokale

1. Ruajtja Ex-situ in vivo

2. Ngritja e Cryo bankes gjenetike kombetare per ruajtjen e qelizave somatike te fondit gjenetik autokton ne kafshte efermes

Ngritja e Bankes gjenetike per ruajtjen Ex-situ in vivo: Perzgjedhja e kafsheve te specieve , racave dhe/ose popullatave te deklarura ne nivel kritik per tu zhdukur per krijim e tufave koleksion Krijimi i kapaciteve administruese dhe strehuese dhe per mbareshtimin e tufave koleksion ne ish SBI-Korce Hartimi i metodikes per marrjen e kampioneve te qelizave somatike. Percaktimi i kritereve per perzgjedhjen e kafshve nga do te merren mostrat e qelizave sommatike Krijimi dhe trajinimi i grupve per grumbullimin e mostrave ne tufat e kafshve Organizimi dhe realizimi i ekspeditave per grumbullimine mostrave

Ruajtje e fondit gjenetik ne rrezik zhdukje Krijimi bankes gjenetike kombetar per demostrim dhe promovimin e diversitetit gjenetik Krijimi i fondit te sigurise per pasurine gjenetike aktuale. Trashegimi i pasurise gjenetike brezave te ardheshme

2- 3 vjete


1- 2 vjete

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3. Zhvillimi i kapaciteteve dhe realizimi i projekteve per ruajtjen In-situ

Projekte per specie/ raca /ekotipe dhe/ose popullata aktualisht te shpallura ne rrezik zhdukje – shih ≠ 1.

Trajtimi i mostrave ne azot te lengshem dhe depozitimi perfundimtar i tyre Ndretimi protokollit dhe bazes se te dhenave per mostrat e depozituara Hartimi dhe miratimi i legjislacionit per ngritjen dhe administrimin e Cryo bankes gjenetike me qeliza somatike Listimi i racave/ekotipeve/popullatave lokale ne rrezik zhdukje Identifikimi i mundesive, vleresimi i nevojave dhe percaktimi i fermave target qe do te perfshihen ne projektin per ruajtjen in-situ Hartimi i progamit gjenentik dhe te menxhimit te kafshve ne perputhje me keresat e metodes per ruajtjen in-situ Organizimi dhe realizimi i veprimeve per zbatimin ne ferme te progamit per ruajtjen in-situ

Ruajtje nepermjet perdorimit te fondit gjenetik autokton

1- 5 vjete


IV. Perafrim i legjislacionit me legjislacionin e EU dhe kerkesat e dokumentave te ndryshem nderkombetar

Analiza e legjislacionit aktuale. Percaktimi i nevoja, problematikave dhe fushave ku duhet te nderhyhet ne legjislacion Draftimi i legjislacionit Hartimi i kuadrit nenligjor dhe rregullues

Perafrim i legjslacionit shqiptare me ate nderkombetar dhe te EU ne vecanti. Realizim i kerkesave te MSA

1-4 vjete


V. Zhvillimi i bashkepunimit nderkombetar, rajonal dhe crosborder 1. Zhvillimi i projektit te bashkepunimin midis vendeve te Europes qendrore e Juglindore per delen e races Cigaja 2. Zhvillim i projektit per rritjen e kapaciteteve te ”Rrjetit ballkanik te racave te rralla ne kafshet e fermes” 3. Zhvillim i projektit ” Vleresimi gjendjes se gjedhit lokal Bracyorous ” ne vendet e Ballkanit

Pjesemarrje ne aktivitete nderkombtare Hartimi i projekteve per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin e qendrueshem te racave autoktone qe mbareshtohen ne zonat kufitare Realizimi i progamve dhe planeve te punes ne perputhje me projektet rajonale ku Shqiperia merr pjese aktualisht

Zhvillimi i kapaciteteve kombetare per menaxhimin e burimeve gjenetike shtazore autoktone

1-5 vjete


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VI. Zhvillim i kapaciteteve te Rrjetit Kombetar per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin ekonomik te qendrueshem te BGJSHF

Perpunim i literaturese dhe hartimi i moduleve trainuese Organizimi dhe zhvillimi i workshop per tranimin e antarve te rrjetit

Pervetesimi i njohurive per trajimin praktik te problemeve per ruajtjen dhe administzrimin eBGJSGF

1- 3 vjete

VII. Rritje e ndergjegjesimit te komuniteteve per vlerat e BGJSHF, promovim i tyre dhe prodhimeve lokale

Organizimi dhe zhvillimi i fushatave sensibilizuese dhe informuese Organizim i aktiviteteve shkencore, konkurseve dhe panaireve

Krijim i kultures per vleresimin e pasurise gjenetike ne kafshet e fermes


VIII. Mbeshtetje per zhvillim dhe promovim te agro-sistemeve tradicionale

Krijimi i modelit te fermes qe realizon prodhimin mbi bazen e agro sistemit tradicional Ndjekje dhe monitorim i zbatimit te modelit ne kushtet e fermave konkrete ne dy rajone malore te vedit Organizim dhe zhvillim i aktiviteteve promovuese dhe demostruese te modelit

Perdorim ekonomik i qendrueshem i burimeve gjenetike shtazore Harmonizimi i veprimit te faktorve qe ndikojne ne ruajtjen e mjedisit dhe biodiversitetit.

3-5 vjete

IX. Zhvillimi i eko dhe agroturizmit me baze sistemin e fermave familjare qe mbareshtojne kafshe te racave lokale

Identifikimi i kapaciteteve per zhvillimin e eko dhe agroturizmit ne disa rajone te vendit. Perzgjedhja e nje rajoni pilot Hartimi i programit per zhvillimin e e eko-agroturizmit mbeshtetur ne krijimin e rrjetit te fermave qe do te bashkepunojne per realizimin e tij Realizimi i progarmit Promovimi i arritjeve

Perdorim ekonomik i qendrueshem i burimeve gjenentike shatzore te fermes

5- 8 vjete

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Matrica e Planit Kombetar te Veprimit per ruajtjen in-situ

Projekti Fermat/vendi zbatimit Objektivat Koha 1. Ruajtja In-situ e dhise se ekotipit “Velipoja” 15 fermere, 500-600 krere. Fshatrat Mali

Kolaj, Cas, Baks-Rrjoll,-komuna Velipoje dhe Mali i Gjymit ne komunen e Dajci

Ruajtje dhe perdorim i qendrueshem ekonomik

2 vjete

2. Ruajtja In-situ e dhise se ekotipit “Lara e Kallmeti” dhe perdorimi i saj si faktore nxites per zhvillim ekonomik te qendrueshem te fermes

7 fermere ne komunen e Kallmetit, dhe 3 fermere ne fshatin Troshan te komunes Blinisht. Programi do te aplikohet ne nje populacion prej rreth 650-700 krere dhi

Ruajtje dhe perdorim i qendrueshem ekonomik

2 vjete

3. Ruajtja In-situ e dhise se ekotipit “Dhija e Maskurise”

6 fermere ne komunen e Rashbullit , fshatrat Maskuri, Bozanxhie dhe Rromanat i Siperm. 100-120 kafshe

Rritje e numrit te krereve 4 vjete

4. Mbeshtetje per zhvillimin ekonomik te qendrueshem te fermave qe mbareshtojne delen e race “Shkodrane”

40 fermere ne komunen e Oblikes, fshatrat Muriqan , Ana e Malit

Zhvillim i qendrueshem i fermave 4 vjete

5. Ruajtja In-situ e deles se races “Lara e Polisit”

4 ferma ne komunen e Shushices dhe 5 ferma ne Qukes. 200-250 krere ne berthamat racore.

Rritje e e popullates: 1500-2000krere

4 vjete

6. Ruajtja In-situ e dhise se ekotipit “Capore e Mokrres”

3 fermere, 250-300 krere. Fshatri Kalivac Ruajtje dhe perdorimin ekonomik i qendrueshem

4 vjete

7. Ruajtja In-situ dhe perdorimi i qendrueshem i deles se vendit – faktor per zhvillimin e fermes ne rrethin e Skraparit

8 ferma ne komunat Qender, Potom dhe Gjerbes. 850-900 krere ne berthamat racore.

Rritje e e popullates: 2500-3000 krere

4 vjete

8. Perdorimi ekonomik i qendrueshem i dhise se vendit, factor per zhvillim ekonomik te fermes ne zonen e Frasherit

14 ferma ne 5 fshatra te zones se Frasherit. 4000 krere ne tufa me 100-450 krere.

Rritje e e popullates se dhive 60-70%. Krijim i tregut per produktet lokale. Shtim i te ardhura te fermes me rreth 50 %. Perdorim efektiv i mjedisit

4 vjete

9. Ruajtja In-situ e gjedhit lokal Iliric Dwarf Catlle ”Lopa Gurgucke”

2 ferma ne Sinanj dhe Dhemblan. 80-90 krere lope.

Rritje e popullates se gjedhit Iliric Dwarf Cattle 80-100%.

4 vjete

10. Ruajtja In-situ dhe perdorimi i qendrueshem i ekotipit “Dhija e Matit”

20 ferma, 2500-30000 krere dhi. Fshatrat e komunes se Klosit

Ruajtje dhe permiresim i treguesve te prodhimtarise.

3 vjete

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11. Ruajtja In-situ e gjedhit lokal Iliric Dwarf Catlle ”Lopa e Lekbibajt”

25 fermere ne 3 fshatra te komunes Lekbibaj, 350- 400 krere ne berthame racore

Rritje e numrit te kreereve , rritje e te ardhurave

4 vjete

12. Ruajtja In-situ e gjedhit lokal “Lopa e Prespes”

Fshati Liqenas, Gorice, 350- 400 krere Rritje e numrit te kreereve , rritje e te ardhurave

3 vjete

13. Ruajtja In-situ e dhise se ekotipit “Capore e Dragobise”

10 ferma ne fshatrat Kerrnaj, Kolej, Sopot, Bujan, Valbone dhe Dragobi. 3000-3200 kafshe.

Rritje e numrit te krereve, rritje e prodhimit dhe perpunimit. Rritje e te ardhurave.

4 vjete

14. Ruajtja In-situ e dhise se ekotipit “Dhija e Zeze e Dukatit” si komponente per nxitjen e turizmit

10-15 ferma ne zonen e ekositemit Dukat-Karaburun. 1500-2000 dhi.

Rritje e numrit te krereve, rritje e prodhimit me rreth 35-40 % dhe perpunimit te qumeshtit ne mases 80 %. Zhvillimin i turizmit. Rritje e te ardhurave.

4 vjete

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Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer’s Protection Center for Agriculture Technology Transfer FUSHË KRUJË



Tirana, Albania 2007

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Table of contents Albania and its Agriculture 1.1 The Geographical Position of Albania and its relief 49 1.2 General economic overview 50 1.3 Agricultural economy overview 51 Chapter I Status Farm Animal Genetic Resources 1.1 Production systems and their relations with the biological diversity 55 1.2 State of biological diversity in farm animals 58 1.3 Information and knowing FAnGR 63 1.4 FAnGR conservation programs 63 1.4.1 Programs for biodiversity protection of farm animals 63 1.5 The state of FAnGR Use 66 1.5.1 Legal framework 66 1.5.2 Use of FAnGR 67 1.5.3 Alternatives that should be taken into account in FAnGR in situ conservation program.


1.5.4 Difficulties for efficient FAnGR use 71 1.5.5 Possible ways to increase the efficiency of use, conservation and protection of genetic diversity in farm animals


1.5.6 Assessment of national capacities for FAnGR conservation and sustainable use.


Chapter II National Objectives and Priorities for FAnGR Conservation and Use

2.1 Prevention of phenomenon of disusing the agricultural land 79 2.2 Elaboration of programs for the growth of production and to meet food needs of population


2.3 Development of technologies on the basis of the principle of the efficient co existence “environment- animal”


2.4 Capacity building and development for the conservation of biodiversity in farm. 79 2.5 Support for applying contemporary knowledge, techniques and technologies 79 2.6 Support for the realization of added value for animal products 80 2.7 Support for the development of infrastructure 80 2.8 Support for the development of scientific research capacities 80 2.9 Support for the development of human capacities for FAnGR management. 80 2.10 Legislation development 81 2.11 Institutionalization of Collaboration 82 2.12 Institutional development 82 2.13 Support for the development of International Collaboration 83 Chapter III National Action Plan for FAnGR conservation and sustainable use Strategie’s priorities 84 Matrice of NAP for implementation of National Strategy. 87 Matrice of NAP for In-situ conservation 91 Referenca 92

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Albania and its Agriculture 1. Albania and its agricultural sector in the Overall Economy Albania lies on South Eastern Europe Country ( Balkan Peninsula ) Surface 28748 km2 Human Population – 3 455 000 inhabitants; Density 120 inhabitants / km2 1.1 The Geographical Position of Albania and its relief Geographical Latitude and Longitude

Degree Village District

Northern 42 39’ Vermosh Malsia Madhe Southern 39 38’ Konispol Sarande Eastern 21 40 Vernik Devoll Western 19 16’ Sazan Vlore Border Length( / in km ) Total Land Sea River Lake Total Length 1094 657 316 48 73

Main Rivers River Length in Albanian Territory Area Average altitude ( /in km ) ( /in km2 ) ( /in m ) Drini 285 14173 97.1 Semani 281 5649 863 Vjosa 272 6706 855 Shkumbini 181 2444 753 Mati 115 2441 746 Erzeni 109 760 435

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Main lakes Lake Area Altitude above sea level Maximum depth ( / in km2 ) ( / in m ) ( / in m )

Natural lakes Shkodra 368 5 9 Ohrid 362 695 287 Prespa 285 853 35 Butrinti 16 0 21 Lake Area Altitude above sea level Maximum depth ( / in km2 ) ( / in m ) ( / in m )

Artificial Lakes Fierza 72 295 128 Vau i Dejes 25 74 52 Uleza 13 129 61 Komani 13 170 96 Number of main mountains (Height above 2000m) 13 Administrative Division ( number ) Prefectures 12; Districts 36; Cities 74 Villages 2962 1.2 General economic overview At the beginning of the nineties, enormous transformations took place in the Albanian economy as a result of the collapse of the centralized economic system and its

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replacement by a free market economy based on private ownership. During the period of 1990 – 92s, these transformations were followed by a large decline of the GDP. From 1993 to 95s the national economy was revived. Nevertheless, the rhythms of its development were of an economy characterized by a large process of restructuring and radical reforms. After 1995s, the macro-economic indicators decreased. The collapse of the pyramid financial schemes at the end of 1996s and total anarchy that followed it during 1997’s were very powerful efforts in economic development of Albania. Impacts of those efforts were in total and had great consequences in agricultural economy also. The macro-economic situation in Albania began to change after 2000,s. Main economic indicators were improved. The process of the reforms, despite of big problems accompanied, was characterized by positive trends with measurable effects. In this process, reforms and developments in Albania have directly affected the economic development rhythms. Albanian economy mainly continues to be an economy with characteristics of an agriculture country. The changes occurred during the years 1992-2006 showed this feature of Albanian economy. (Tab. 1)

Description Years 1992 1995 1998 2001 2006

Industry 32.1 12.5 13.8 11.7 11,8 Agriculture 42.5 54.6 31.2 28.1 21 Construction 6.6 9.6 4.3 6.1 7,8 Transport 3.3 3.4 7.6 9.9 10,1 Commerce ( hot+rest ) - - 20.8 21.3 22,4 Services 15.6 19.8 25.9 26.7 26,9

*Source: INSTAT, 2006

The decline in specific weight of agriculture in the GDP structure was an expectable phenomenon. Nevertheless, it is to be emphasized that the decline in the global terms is not a characteristics of rhythms of agricultural production development itself. So, average annual growth of agriculture during the last 5 years is estimated to be 3-3.5 %. Nevertheless, the growth of agricultural sector is below the national average and at the same time it is far from real possibilities. Factors having affected the succession of agricultural economy:

• Uncertainties regarding land ownership • Existence of very small farm with very

fragmented and small pieces of land • Low level of crediting activities in the

agricultural sector • Many small producers , not supported and not

able to compete in the local and regional markets

• Low level of the used technologies • Poor transport infrastructure • Insufficiency of the irrigating and draining

systems • Shortages of agricultural machineries and its

high cost • Electricity and the other uncertain energy


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1.3 Agricultural economy overview The most important sector of agriculture is the livestock. It realizes about 60 % of the annual income of the general agricultural production. Cattle, sheep, goat, swine and poultry are the most important species of livestock The total land in Albania amounts to 2 875 000 ha. The agriculture land fund accounts for 699 000 ha or 24 % of the total area, 36 % forestry, 15 % pastures and 24 % others. About 43.3 % of this area is situated in lowland, 34 % in the hilly zone and about 22.7 % in the mountainous zone. Only 50 % of this area is used as arable land and it represents a real and stable fund for the development of the agriculture. The other part situated higher than 300 m above sea level, is very fragmented, with very few potential capacities for irrigation, salted and under the permanent threatening of erosion. More than 47 % of the land is located higher than 600 m above sea level. In general, these areas are very poor and infertile. With respect to the area of agricultural land for each habitant, Albania is ranked as the last in the region (about 2200 m2 / habitant). On the other hand, based on the fact that only 450 000 ha land can really be cultivated (which corresponds with the de-facto cultivated area during last decade) the ratio even becomes worse at only 1400 m2

/ habitant. The total area of pastures is estimated at 415 900 ha with a pastoral capacity of 1.522 million heads. Only about 5.5 % of total area of pastures is restituted to ex-owners. About 60 % of pastures are owned by the state, which are administered by local power body and the rest, which are chiefly summer pastures are managed by General Directorate of Forestry and Pasture ( DPPK). Pastoral capacity is unable to fulfill the pastoral requirements of livestock, which has considerably grown in number during the years of the economic transition. A part of livestock needs for feed provided by forest areas through harvesting the green mass from certain kinds of trees. Tab. 2 Pasture surface, structure and capacity (2001)


Surface ( ha )

Pasture Capacity (converted to 000 heads of small

ruminants) Total Summer Winter Total Summer Winter

State pasture 152,1 116,2 35,8 646,8 498,6 148,2 Communal pasture 244,2 165,1 79,1 821,0 526.0 276,9 Private pasture 23,3 13,2 10,1 86,4 54.0 38,4 Total 419,6 294,5 125,1 153,5 107.8 463,5

Actually, the fertile lands, which are situated in the Western Lowland of Albania, in a high percentage, are not cultivated due to: (i) the high emigration rate of human population from these regions; (ii) the lack of supporting financial policies; (iii) the lack of necessary infrastructure for processing and marketing products.

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Pasture management is in the process of decentralization. The core of this process is the transfer of pastoral ownership from state to local government bodies as well as taking on responsibility for pasture management from local government units. In this way, the purpose is:

• To interrupt the phenomenon of pasture degradation and ensure development of pastures through the participation of rural communities in their protection, improvement and sustainable management • To increase the income of rural communities from the management of this natural resource

Disintegration of the centralized economics and privatization carried out at the beginning of ‘90s of last century had as a result, the separation in the small parts of agricultural economy. Small family farms by about 1-1.5 ha agricultural land are the predominant shape of organizing this economy. A small number of medium and large sized farms are coming out In 2006,s compared to 2000,s number of small family farms decreased by about 6.8 % There are clear trends of increasing surface of land/farm. The investments for setting up the commercial farms of meat production from bovine, swine and poultry are increasing, especially in the Western Lowland of Albania. The market of selling and hiring the agricultural land is being rapidly developed. The average annual growth of number of medium sized farms specialized to meat production is by about 3-3.5 % The characteristic of the agricultural households in Albania is the domination of the family labor. About 90 % of the farms satisfy their job needs from their family. Only about 1.9 % of farms satisfy their job needs from hired workers. The agricultural household in Albania, averagely, consists of about 4.8 persons. During the years 1996-2006 the average numbers of the family members and the rural population generally decreased in the whole country. The rural zone is dominated by families of 3-5 members, which represent 56 % of the total number of the families or 47.5 % of the rural population. About 1/3-th of rural population live in the mountainous area. The rural population is still dominated by young people. About 26 % of the rural population is less than 15 years old, 67.8 % is between 15 and 65 years old and only 8.6 % is older than 65 years. The agricultural farm is the main source of employment opportunities of

Factors affecting the agricultural development • Existence of small farms with very fragmented and smal pieces of land. • Many small producers, not supported and not able to complete in the local markets • Poor transport infrastructures • Low level of crediting activities in the agricultural sector. Actual trends • Decreasing the number of small farms • Increasing the medium and height input commercial farms. • Increasing the land market.

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population in rural areas of country. So, 73 % of the working force is employed in agriculture, 6 % in agro-industrial activities and 3 % in other jobs. Whilst, it is to be emphasized that the category of 16-30 years old has very little connections with the agricultural farms. Only 50 % of the young people work on farm. The educational level of active population in rural area is low. The statistical data of 2003,s showed that about 51 of farmers had 8 year level of education and about 34 % had finished the high or highest school. Only about 38 % had the agricultural professional education. Albanian agricultural products are destined to the domestic market. The exports are very limited and only a small number of products such as: vegetables, fruits, eggs etc. are exported. The Domestic production doesn’t achieve to meet food needs of population. Even, in the cases where the domestic products are enough, those are competed by the imported products. In response to the conditions arisen by the global economy and free market in the agricultural production, there are the trends for the traditional agriculture development chiefly supported upon the use of the autochthonous plant and animal genetic resources and the agro-traditional systems of production.

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Status Farm Animal Genetic Resources

1.1 Production systems and their relations with the biological diversity FAnGR status and development, conservation and sustainable economic use of their genetic diversity, in particular, and agro-biodiversity, in general, depend on many factors, which interact between them: Such are: ways, techniques and technologies, which are used for the economic use of animals, species, different breeds and populations; demands of consumers; ecological, socio- economic, historical, traditional, cultural possibilities and constraints. All these factors interact and show their effects being part of production system that is used in farm. Meanwhile, production system that may be used in a certain farm depends on the structure of animal species which are managed in this farm. Over 95- 98 % of farms manage more than one species in Albania. About 25-30 % of farms manage two species. Farms, which manage three, four and more species are more frequently. This situation is as a result of the fact that small family farms prevail in Albania. Species, which are chiefly managed are: Cattle, small ruminants (ovine, caprine), swine and poultry. Three production system are applied in Albania Low input production system ( extensive ) It is more frequent system in Albania. This situation is conditioned by the predominance of small family farms, where, the majority of them are characterized by the management of a few different kinds of species, small number of animals per species and the main purpose of production is- to meet food needs of family. Characteristic of this system is the management of local breeds especially, sheep, goats and poultry. In the cases where this system is applied in the cultivated breeds, bovine and swine, yields have been low and no in accordance with the genetic capacities of animals Under the condition of small family farm, extensive production system for the management of cattle, pig and poultry is almost applied at the same way, independently on region where the farm is situated. This system is divided into three sub systems in the case of small ruminants. Features of this system affected size of flock. Medium input production system ( semi intensive ) This system was characteristic under the condition of the centralized economy, especially state farms and agricultural cooperatives. This system is actually applied in 12 % of farms which manage cattle, 30% of pig farms, 20 % poultry farms, 5 % sheep farms, 15 % of turkey farms. Characteristics of this system are investments for housing, feeding and veterinary service to animals as well as attaining knowledge concerning techniques and technologies of production. The Need for the development of farm as the economic unit that has also to produce to the market has conditioned the arising of trends for applying this production system.

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Farms, which are in the process of applying this system are mainly situated in rural areas near urban zones The main trend of this system is the use of imported breeds of animals or crossing them on local breeds Low input production system This system is actually applied in the industrial complexes of egg production and meat production from poultry and pigs. Commercial farms for meat production from fattening calves, pigs and turkey mainly apply this system Production system used to the different species of farm animals are as follows: Cattle – about 90-95 % of family farms manage cows in Albania. In dependence on farm size, number of cows/aries from one to two heads. There is a trend of increase of number of farms that manage 5-10 cows, especially in the Western Lowland and Korca Region

of Albania. There is a very limited number of farms that manage over 50 cows. Production system that is used in the farms depends on number of cows chiefly. As a consequence,

low and medium input production systems are prevalent in the management of cows. Independently on this fact, in all cases, the cows belong to the cultivated breeds and / or their advanced crossbreds. Only, in the remote mountainous regions, there are farms that manage the unimproved cattle. High input production system is chiefly applied in the farms that manage the imported cows of Holstein Friesian, Simmental breeds, etc.

Low input production system is characterized by constraints: • Difficulty to set up and put in function of an organized

system of milk collection and processing as well as other animal products. Farm size, characteristic of this system and the lack of infrastructure create great difficulties for collecting and processing of the whole quantity of milk produced by small farms and/or flocks (herds) of animals which are kept in mountainous pastures

• Because of small sizes of farms, it is very difficult to efficiently use animal genetic fund, as autochthonous one and imported breeds and/or their crossbreds to produce qualitative products according to the defined standards. The genetic capacity of the imported breeds is not properly used due to the inappropriate ways of feeding and management of animals

• The interest of AI application as the only way of producing the high breeding value progenies is not the same to all the farmers. Many farmers prefer natural matching. A part of farmers does not know AI advantages, as a result, only 35 % of cows are artificially inseminated

• In general, farms of this system produce all kinds of inputs needed to animals

• Very low price of milk especially during the summertime is a limited factor

Medium input production system is characterized by: • More stabilized farms. Management and feeding of

animals are good. AI technique is used and there is present the technology of mechanical milking. Many farms own cool tanks and are comprised in the schemes of milk collecting and processing

• Farms, which manage the fattening animals are sure in the succession of the producing cycles. Meat produced is much demanded in market.

High input production system is characterized by: • The most efficient use of productive capacities of

animals/poultry of the improved breeds. This system preliminarily requires considerable investments. There are the limited opportunities to the development of this system in Albania. Under the conditions of the global market economy, products provided by this system are threatened by the competition

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Small Ruminants – sheep and goat. Farms, which manage small ruminants are prevalent in Albania. Low input production system is prevalent in these farms. Dependence on flock size, the farms that manage small ruminants apply different variants of this system: (i) Migratory system. It is traditionally practiced and will also continue to play an important role in the future to flocks of no less than 50-100 heads of small ruminants. This system is characteristic to the management of small ruminant populations in the Northeastern and South regions of Albania ( Prefectures- Kukes, Diber, Malesi e Madhe, Gjirokaster, Sarande, etc.) The breeds used are chiefly autochthonous ones. Flocks are moved from villages towards mountainous pasture and vice versa. Small flocks are organized in large flocks. The flocks are led by shepherds of villages and moved to short distances, in summertime, in order to graze on alpine pastures. The flocks are gone back to village at the end of autumn season and kept during all the period of winter. During the lambing and kidding campaigns, animals are fed with hay and small intake of concentrated feed. During the springtime, animals are grazed around village. This system positively affects on the preservation and development of cultural tradition, agro-ecosystem and tourism. (ii)System of grazing around village. It is mainly practiced to goat (90 % of cases) and partly to sheep ( about 20-35%). Animals are kept in pasture on day. Animals are milked at home at the morning and evening. A very small intake of hey and concentrated feed is used as a supplement one month before and after lambing and kidding. The future of system is important to the environment protection and obtaining income from farmers. Both above variants of low input production system, animals are chiefly kept grazing spontaneous vegetative mass. Flocks graze in areas where chemical fertilizers are not used and no contaminated by pesticides. In general, lambs and kids are not kept separated by ewes and goats. There is no special treatment to them. They are weaned at the age of 70-80 days, which is also the age of selling to be slaughtered. The only certain market of sale is local one, which prefers lambs/kids traditionally produced, which are distinguished to their high qualities and taste Swine About 30 % of family farms manage 1-2 pigs, which are slaughtered at the beginning of winter season. Low input production system is prevalent in these farms –

(iii) Family system. This system is only applied to family farms consisted of 2-3 goats and 2-3 ewes. Animals are kept on farm during all the day. They are fed with the remains of family and feeds produced in farm. Animal products produced in farm serve to meet family needs.

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family farm variant. Animals are kept on day around farm, using as feed remains of farm and concentrated feed produced in farm or bought in market. Efficiency of this system is disputable, but for the social and economic reasons will continue to exist in the future. Farms that manage 5 – 10 sows or fattening pigs, which actually constitute 8-9 % of all farms in Albania, apply medium input production system. The trend is the implementation of high input production system in these farms. Pigs of improved breeds and / or the imported hybrids are in general managed, in family and commercial farms to meat production. Pigs of autochthonous breeds are used in few farms, mainly in Velipoja area and mountainous areas of Mirdita and Tropoja districts. Poultry In Albania, 90 % of farms raise poultry for egg and meat productions to meet family needs. About 15 % of farms manage turkey. These farms are characterized by low input production system. Poultries are housed in the simple cages build in farm. They are kept in farm on day and remains of farm are their food. Maize is used in very small intake as concentrated feed produced in farm or bought in market. A lot of poultries are crossings of the imported breeds on local ones. Autochthonous poultry breeds are managed in the remote mountainous areas. Turkey is managed in the herds no less than 20-30 heads. Medium input production system is prevalent High input production system is applied to the industrial enterprises for egg and broiler productions. Actually, the investments carried out in this production system are the most efficient in Albania. Technologies of production applied in these companies enable to realize products according to EU standards. 1.2 State of biological diversity in farm animals Geo-climatic conditions in Albania have favored the development of the bioclimatic ecosystems that are characterized by a high biological diversity. The evolutionary processes have occurred in these ecosystems through centuries, which have created a very rich autochthonous genetic fund of small ruminants. Until the middle of last century this fund was the main source of animals that populated farms in Albania. During the years 1940-’50 Albania constituted the most isolated ecosystem of genetic diversity in Europe. This situation was as a consequence of action of a few factors, among of them the most important are:

• Socio economic development in Albania, in general, and in rural areas, in particular, was low. As a consequence, Albanian peasant was indifferent to the results of the genetic and selecting works. The genetically improved breeds did not draw their attention and also Albanian farm, in that time, didn’t meet the minimum requests for the management of those breeds.

• Lack of infrastructure and the sharpen mountainous terrain had highly minimized phenomena of migration and emigration of livestock populations, affecting on the development of niches and genetic diversity of livestock populations with the distinguishable morpho-biological and genetic characteristics.

The implementation of policies for the development of the centralized economy, in the second half of the last century, directly affected the shaking of the genetic balance, in the autochthonous genetic fund. The genetic fund underwent the essential transformations in the whole main species such as: bovine, porcine, ovine and equidae. During that period,

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almost 100 % of local cattle population was crossed with the imported breeds, about 80-85 % of local ovine population were subjected to crossing with the cultivated breeds such as: Tsigaya, Merino etc. Local pig was replaced from the exotic breeds, such as: Large White, Duroc, Landrac, Hempshire and Chinese breeds –Meinshan and Sinxhin. In that period, Albania was ranked at the second position on the world to the number of the imported breeds/ habitant. Local small ruminant populations and perhaps cattle, porcine and poultry ones, which were in the remote mountainous areas, were saved from crossings or replacing with the exotic breeds. The only species which was not submitted to the process of genetic transformation was caprine. The caprine species, under the conditions of the centralized economy was not object of genetic improvement programs by crossing on exotic breeds. As a consequence, nowadays, caprine population should be considered as autochthonous population, that is developed at the level of populations called primary As a consequence, identification (earmarking and registration), production and use of reproducers, movement of animals, exchange of genetic stocks among herds ( flocks ), keeping under check of genetic erosion were impossible to be carried out. Secondly, the massive movement of rural human population towards urban areas negatively affected the development of livestock production. A lot of villages were almost emptied. As a consequence, livestock activity was ceased. Thirdly, lack of infrastructure for collecting, processing and marketing products has highly influenced the decline of the economic concern of farmers. They are oriented to other alternative activities to provide income for living. As a consequence of action of above mentioned factors, actually in Albania, the genetic fund of farm animals is characterized by a high level of mixing the autochthonous, local genes with the imported exotic ones. Nevertheless, the attempts done for inventorying genetic fund and assessments carried out according to the procedures recommended by FAO make possible the presentation of a general picture of FAnGR state

Political and socio economic transformations occurred at ’90,s and until now, have been accompanied by the coming out and acting a range of the threatening factors to the autochthonous genetic fund. Among of them, the main ones are: Firstly, the privatization in village was accompanied by the destruction of all state structures, of system that was charged to manage livestock sector.

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Cattle Cattle population amounts to 680 000 heads of which 425 000 are cows. 58 326 heads are the imported pure bred animals. Black and White and Jersey crossbreds represent the major part of the whole dairy cattle population, 43 and 39 % respectively. Category Cattle classified by origin and the assessment of the numeric trend of population

Number Name Breed/local population 4 At risk of extinction 4 Lopa e Prespes s, Illiric Dwarf Cattle” Lekbibaj”S “Gurgucke”i Bushas

More spread Others Exotic breed 11 More spread 3 Black and White (Holstein)s, Jersey d Simmental i Others 8 Norwegian Red Cattle i, Tarantaise i Oberiental d Limusin *

Charolaise* White Blue Belgium * Marchigiana * Piemontese * Brawn i

i- increase; s – stable ; d – decrease ; * = there are only semen for cow AI These two breeds and their crossbreds provide about 84 % of the total milk production in the country. The average milk yield /lactation is about 2100 kg. In the lowland of Albania, farms of medium and high input production system, milk yield amounts to 4 500 – 6500 kg and 3 000 – 4 000 kg/lactation respectively. Meantime there is an increase of population of dual purpose breeds due to increase of farmers’ demands to manage Simmental, NRF ( Norwegian Red Friesian ). Need of market to fresh meat from cattle has led to the increase of crossings of beef breeds such as: Limousin, Charolaise, White Blue Belgium, Piemontese, etc. on dairy cattle ones. Small Ruminants Farms that manage small ruminants are situated in the hilly and mountainous areas of Albania. Traditional production system is prevalent in these regions, which based on the explotation of (i) the summer and winter pastures, (ii) low forests, (iii) considerable surfaces of the non -cultivated agricultural land. Use of concentrated feed and hay produced by farm itself, or bought in market is relatively limited: 30-50 days/year in hilly areas and 90-120 days/year in mountainous areas only during the winter season.

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Category Ovine classified by origin and the assessment of the numeric trend of population Number Name

Breed/local population 7 At risk of extinction 3 Shkodrane d, Syska e Matit d , Lara e Polisit d

More spread 4 Rude s , Bardhoke i , Bace s , Rrecke d , Others Exotic breed 10 More spread 2 Tsigays d, Merino d Balushka s Il de France i Chios i Awasi s Others 4 Crossbreds of Il de France i, Chiose i Merino d and Tsigay s i- increase; s – stable ; d – decrease ; Category Caprine classified by origin and the assessment of the numeric trend of

population Number Name

Ecotype/local population 11 At risk of extinction 9 Capore e Dragobise s, Velipoja d , Lara e Kallmetit d , Capore e

Mokrres d , E Zeza e Dukatit s , Dhija e Bulacit z , Dhija e Maskurise z , E Kuqe e Matit s , Dhija e Smokthines z , Liqenasi s

More spread 1 Muzhake s Others 1 Dhija Komune z Exotic breed 2 More spread 2 Alpine i , Saaen s Others i- increase; s – stable ; d – decrease ; In the North Eastern part of Albania ( Districts- Kukes and Dibra ) as well as on the south and South Eastern parts ( Districts – Vlora, Gjirokastra, Korca dhe Elbasan ) migration of animals is practiced in two directions: migration to the summer and winter meadows within the habitant area ( commune or district ) and migration in distance – outside the habitant areas – in other districts and regions. Average yields of animals to the whole population are: Ewe: milk 40 kg/lactation; wool 3kg; daily gain /lamb 200-250 gr Goat: milk 90 kg/lactation; daily gain/kid 150-200gr

Swine The development of pig production is relatively low. Actual increase of consumers’ demands to flesh pork has affected the increase of farmer concern to produce meat no only for family but also market. Meantime, until now experience has evidenced the

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necessity of enlarging the technical knowledge of farmers. Pig management means profits but at the same time a delicate undertaking. Under the condition of householder, average pork yield is estimated by about 0.9- 1 ton / sow. It is a low indicator compared to genetic capacities of breeds used in this system of production. There is an increase of investments to set up high input production system farms. In these farms, pork production is based on the implementation of the most advanced technologies and the management of breeds and hybrids of high genetic capacities Category Caprine classified by origin and the assessment of the numeric trend of

population Number Name

Ecotype/local population 3 At risk of extinction 3 I bardhi turigjate d, Pullalliu i Shkodres d , Derri me vathed More spread Others Exotic breed 7 More spread 2 E Bardhe e Madhe s , Kahyb i Others 5 Landrac d, Pietrien d , Belgium landrac d , Hampshire d, Duroc d i- increase; s – stable ; d – decrease ; Besides the above species, breeds, ecotypes and populations, there are smaller other ones but information is not enough Higher percentage of Equidae populations consists of crossbreds between exotic and local breeds. Ass and male are local populations almost spread in the whole hilly and mountainous areas Poultry, which are managed in small family farms are not estimated in relating to the genetic structure of populations. Their populations are a mixture of local breeds and their crossings on the imported breeds. Industrial complexes manage lines and hybrids imported. The importation of genetically improved breeds and the application of genetic improvement programs of local breeds through crossing with exotic breeds, declining the interest of farmers to manage local breeds due to their low production capacities are factors that have strongly affected and continue to act the decline of biodiversity of FAnGR. On the other hand, this biodiversity is risked by acting factors related to the

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increased urbanization of land. Negative consequences of this urbanization in the agricultural ecosystems directly affect the reduction of the biological diversity of farm animals. 1.3 Information and knowing FAnGR Information on number of animals, number and size of farms, production systems, animal yields etc. is part of the statistical yearbook published by the Directorate of Statistics in Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer’s Protection ( MAFCP). Methods of surveying based on sampling and the data provided by the different administrative ways of Regional Directorates of Agriculture, Food and Consumer’s Protection. Information issued by the Institute of Statistics is another source that serves to estimate the state and trends of FAnGR development. Animal Earmarking and recording data in Ana-graphic Book is a process which is being carried out. There is no a National Data Base in Albania. There are files of data on breeds / ecotypes / local population. As the data recorded in these files are not product of a work organized and accomplished according to the unified methodologies, it often happens that the different data is reported to the same breed/ecotype/population. The describing information to local breeds in Albania is included in DAD-IS (Domestic Animal Diversity Information System) of FAO FAnGR inventory, establishment of system for data collection and Herd book, setting up and functioning national database and comprising in the international network of FAnGR data are urgent needs. Methods and methodologies need to be unified referring to FAO and ICAR recommendations in order to set up a system, which will provide complete and reliable information. It firstly requires the solution of question of animal earmarking and investments for establishing milk recording system according to features of cattle, ovine, caprine, swine, and poultry species In compliance with the demands of Law “For identification and Registration of Animals and livestock farms” this solution should be realized as a public service, with participation and contribution of farmers. In implementation of Law “For Livestock Management”, the development of methods and methodologies for monitoring biodiversity of FAnGR is a legal obligation of MAFCP. 1.4 FAnGR conservation programs In the Convention “For Biological Diversity” (Rio de Janerio, June 1992) the biodiversity in farm animals, is determined as one of the main components of global biodiversity. This Convention signed by Albania, as a participating country in Rio de Janerios World Summit, was ratified by Assembly of Albania on January 5-th, 1994. As a consequence, Albania took on responsibilities derived from requests of this Convention. 1.4.1 Programs for biodiversity protection of farm animals Programs for AnGR conservation – autochthonous breeds/ ecotypes, populations in Albania have begun to be drafted and applied after 2006,s. Specialists of Livestock Research Institute, Tirana University of Agriculture and NGO that operate in the field of

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conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity are involved in this activity. In the framework of these programs, all the necessary steps for conservation of breeds/ecotypes/populations at risk of extinction are anticipated to be carried out such as: inventory, assessment of FAnGR state and categorization according to risk rate of extinction, necessary measures and means of conservation. Some of these steps are being accomplished. These programs have been funded by different international donors as GEF/UNDP, USAID etc. MAFCP and Ministry of Education and Science In Albanian Legislation, according to the Law “For Livestock Management” the Government is responsible to take measures for the protection of autochthonous breeds, which are at risk of extinction. According to the Law, MAFCP is obliged to draft the sub legal framework and regulations according to which must be worked to compiling and applying the programs for the conservation of biodiversity in farm animals In- situ Conservation Programs for in-situ conservation of autochthonous breeds/ecotypes/ populations stated at risk of extinction have begun to be applied to several species: Buffalo: The whole population of 134 heads is included in program. For this species, the Government has approved a special grant, which is used for the subsidization of farmers Cattle: autochthonous breeds : (i) “Lopa e Prespes”- about 159-200 cows are included in program (ii) Illiric Dwarf Cattle “Lopa e Lekbibaj”- about 300-350 cows are included in program. Ewe: “Shkodrane” breed – about 350-400 ewes are included in program Goat: “Capore e Mokrres” ecotype – about 400-450 goats were included in program “ E Zeza e Dukatit” ecotype – about 300-350 goats were included in program

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Ex-situ Conservation No any cryo-conservation program has been applied in Albania. Nevertheless, it should be stressed that there are necessary minimum capacities for the development of this conservation biotechnology of autochthonous FAnGR, which are at risk of extinction. In the frame of program for extending AI in cattle using frozen liquid nitrogen semen, these capacities are established. We can say that the method of cryo conservation is only applied to cattle, as frozen semen. All of cattle breeds- Black and white, Holstein, Jersey, NRF, Charolais, Tarantease, Limousin, which are actually managed in Albania are comprised in this program of conservation. Local cattle breeds/populations haven’t been comprised in this program because of their identification has been carried out more recently. A program is compiled to them. There is no any of ex-situ conservation programs to other species.

The Convention on Biodiversity - Rio de Janeiro, June 1992

Primary aims of Biodiversity Convention : Biodiversity conservation Sustainable use of biological resources Fair and equal division of a profit, that is the result of use of genetic resources The convention is predicted to obligate each oh the members to fulfill the following conditions: • To establish the National Strategy or plan of action , as well as programmes for conservation and

sustainable use of biodiversity • To integrate within the limits of its possibilities, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in

relevant sectors, or over-sector plans, programmes and politic • Identification and monitoring the condition of biodiversity and processes or activities which has a very

negative influence • Building up and development of In-situ and Ex-situ conservation programmes • An access to a genetic resources • An access to a biotechnology and its transfer • Exhange of information • Technical and scientific cooperation in the field of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity • Use of biotechnology and equal division of the profit deriving from it. The Convention on Biodiversity has pointed out a significance of agrodiversity in providing following conditions: • Conservation of the genetic diversity for food production and other agricultural production. • Development of better and higher level of sustainability in system of production on all levels of

intensity. • Sustainable was of use of all available biological resources • Ecological and social services of agro-ecosystems, protection of nature, land and it’s health,

circulation of water in the nature, better air quality , and so on.

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1.5 The state of FAnGR Use 1.5.1. Legal farmwork Albania as a signing country of “Convention of Biodiversity” and “Protocol of Cartagena for Biosphere” has made attempts to draft an adequate legal framework of fulfilling all of its obligations deriving from these international documents. Amongst the legal acts, we may rank:

a) Law No. 7627 date 21.10.2002 “For Zoo-technical Service” The main purpose of this law is to support the process of organizing and managing zoo- technical service as well as to define its main duties and functions.

b) Law No. 8409 date 25.09.1998 “ Pure bred Reproducers and breeding stocks of

Livestock” The main objective of this law is to support the activities in the field of genetic improvement of farm animal

c) Law No. 8702 date 01.12.2000 “For identification and Registration of Animal

and Livestock Farms” The main objectives of this law are: (i) to monitor animal movement by using earmark (ii) to establish a national farm book (iii) to set up a complete system for the accurate and rapid exchange and consultancy of information. (iv) to establish an efficient collaboration

FAO Global Strategy for Managmet of Farming Animal Genetic Resources.

Basic elements of the Strategy : (i) Identification of FAnGR (ii) Description (iii) Development (iv) Sustainable use (v) Monitoring and Control (vi) Conservation (vii) Personnel training (viii) Improvement of International Cooperation The asignments of the Startegy

• To support forming and developing of a national infrastructure for managment of FAnGR • To promote better understanding and rising the level of awareness about FAnGR significance • To stimulate all interested sides to join in realizing programmes of protection • To provide harmonizing between a Global Strategy and Convention on Biodiversity • To provide bilateral treaties and development of policy • To give a necessary support to every country interested in creating and using their own Strategies • To provide development and use of FAnGR adopted to local conditions • To support keeping of FAnGR in a National and Global Gene Banks • To promote development of a key technologies for a profitability improvement of the strategies • To provide better training and build necessary capacities • To supervise and make reports on a global state of FAnGR

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between the responsible public institutions and farmers, owners of animals and livestock farms.

d) Law No. 9308 date 04.11.2004 “For Veterinary Service and Inspectors” This law regulates the processes of organizing, functioning and funding Veterinary Public Service and Inspectors. The responsibilities and duties of veterinary body are defined in this law. The main objectives of this law are: (i) protection and recovering animal health, protection of animals from infectious diseases, (ii) upgrading procedures of monitoring, identifying, diagnosing, preventing and treatment of diseases at farm animals (iii) protection of consumer (iv)applying sanitary and veterinary measures to animal products, pastures and water to livestock.

e) Law No. 9876 date 21.10.2005 “ For Livestock Management” The main objectives of this law are: (i) FAnGR conservation and protection (ii) growth of livestock production and improvement of animal products’ quality (ii) FAnGR diversity protection The goal of this legislative process has been harmonizing and approaching Albanian Legislation to EU one 1.5.2 FAnGR Use Livestock production takes about 50 % of agricultural production in Albania. Nevertheless, needs of human population for animal products are not met. Although Albania is a country of high potentials for the livestock development, the rhythms of this development are far from human needs. As a consequence, the main demand of consumer is to meet food needs in quantity. So, due to the lack of domestic animal products in market, the imported animal products of poor quality take place in market. Independently on, it is to be stressed the fact that there is actually a class of consumers which has high demands to the quality and safety of animal products. The demands of consumer affect decision making and the process of livestock production development. These are key factors, which are stimulating the increase of interest of farmer for the management of autochthonous breeds in order to come out in market with local products. Demands of people to fresh meat and milk, especially to consumer in urban zones, have stimulated the realization of investments in farms of medium and high input production system. It has influenced on the increase of imports for animals of exotic breeds. Albania is a country which is distinguished to the high geo-climatic diversity. In a distance of no more than 150 km from East to West, the relief is very different. Lowland of Albania is very favorable to the development of the Agriculture. Medium and high input production system farms are prevalent. Exotic breeds especially, of bovine, swine and poultry species are also prevalent in this area. In hilly and mountainous areas of Albania, low input production system family farms are prevalent. The majority of Albanian local breeds, especially small ruminants are managed in these areas. Introduction of exotic breeds has been economically and technically inefficient.

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During the second half of last century, policies for the development of livestock production in Albania were mainly supported on the importation of genetically improved breeds. In that period, breeding programs had as objectives, the replacement of local breeds with the imported exotic ones by extending more and more of crossings exotic breeds on local breeds. As a consequence, almost all of local cattle population was crossed with Black and White, Jersey, etc. A large number of state farms managed the imported cows of exotic breeds. In Lowland, sheep populations were subjected crossings with merino breed up to absorption. Different types of Tsygai breed were crossed on local sheep in hilly areas. A large number of meat purpose breeds such us Texel, Sufolk,, German White head, Merino of Dagestan etc. were imported in order to apply schemes of crossing for increase of meat production. Local pig was almost extinguished. One was replaced by the different exotic breeds and hybrids Importation of exotic breeds was as a result of decisions drawn by government. Those decisions was drawn without considering, no any cases, scientific arguments such us, interaction genotype & environment. As a consequence, a lot of the imported breeds were not adapted to Albania’s conditions. Albania as one of countries with the highest percentage of the imported exotic breeds per capita, it is at the same time, country of the greatest number of exotic breeds extinguished. Different species and breeds are managed in the Albanian farm. Choice of species and breeds depends on farm size, way of organizing, production system and economic objective. As a summery, farm animals and their products in Albania are: Cattle : milk, meat, manure, leather Cattle produce about 84 % of total milk production and 52% of total meat production in Albania. The imported breeds and their advanced crossbreds are prevalent. Holstein- Friesian breed and its crossbreds are prevalent in lowland of Albania. Jersey breed and its crossbreds are prevalent in the hilly and mountainous areas of the country. The actual trend is increase of beef demands. There is an increase of the imports for dual purpose breeds, especially, Simmental as well as crossings with beef breeds. Cattle breeding improvement is mainly supported on the use of bulls selected by pedigree index. The imported semen is the main source of genetic improvement. There are no programs for bull production by progeny test scheme. Animal products produced by householders are used to meet family needs. Their marketing is only carried out from family farms situated near urban areas. The conditions of marketing are far from the required standards. Units of milk collection and processing have been mainly set up in lowland of country. System of organizing farmers in associations doesn’t function. Swine : meat, skin, manure Pig production takes about 10 % of total meat production. Pork production from family farms, which manage 1-2 fattening pigs or 1-2 sows, is mainly used to meet family needs. Pigs are sold in market as live animals. Commercial farms are the main producers of pork destined to market. Investments for setting up pig commercial farms are small. Breeding stock is imported. There is a center, which produces breeding stock, serving as multiplier of the imported genetic material.

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Ovine: milk, meat, wool, skin, manure Ewes produce about 8 % of total milk production in Albania. Nevertheless, actually, the main trend is the management of ovine in order to produce meat. Consumer is very interested to lamb. Milk is an economically profitable product for farms situated near urban areas and that may be included in the scheme of milk collection and processing. In mountainous areas, interest of farmers for milk production is low. In many cases, farmers don’t milk ewes for a long time. Their interest is to raise fattening lambs, because the marketing is possible independently on distance from market and difficulties of transportation. There is no interest to wool. There are very limited possibilities for wool processing, under the family conditions. There is no wool market due to the lack of the units of processing. Manure is chiefly used for fertilizing pastures. Local breeds are situated in the North of Albania. Other part of population is crossbreds of Merino and Tsygai breeds. Actually, there is an increasing interest of farmers to crossing their ewes with breeds specialized to meat production. There are no breeding improvement programs in ovine. Reproducers are produced by farmers supported on their experience. Natural matching is carried out under the check of farmers. Rams are circulated among flocks. Caprine: milk, meat, skin, manure Goat milk production takes about 8% of the total milk production in Albania. Small ruminants produce approximately 31 % of total meat production in Albania. Although milk yields are low, goat management is a preference of farmers in hilly and mountainous areas. This animal is very resistant to poor conditions of management and feeding. Goat is preferred from farms of low income. Milk is used to produce by products: cheese curdle cheese, butter, etc. to meet food needs of families. Kids are sold to meat. There are high demands to meat, especially from elite consumers. About 99 % of goat population is made up of autochthonous genetic fund. Breeding programs are not applied. Flock replacement is carried out by farmer, himself, supported on his experience. Poultry : egg, meat Poultries, are almost raised in the whole family farms in a small number of heads, chiefly to produce eggs and meat to meet food needs of family. Investments for egg and meat productions supported on high input production system have begun. Breeding stock is imported. Turkey, goose duck: Meat, egg Turkey, goose duck are managed in householders, in a small number of heads. The greatest number of family farms that manage turkey to meat, is concentrated in Lezha and Fier districts. These are crossbreds of imported breeds on locale ones. Buffalo: draught, milk, meat Buffalo is actually managed in Elbasan and Lushnja Districts. There is a low interest to them. Buffalo is classified as species at risk of extinction. Buffalo will continue to exist if in-situ conservation program are funded Equidae: draught It is used on the whole family farms.

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1.5.3 Alternatives that should be taken into account in FAnGR in situ conservation program. The predomination of family farms in Albanian agriculture is a consequence of two factors:

(i) political and economic development, in general and coming into force of Law No.7501, in particular.

(ii) Relatively limited fund of natural resources Although, after second world war, the centralized agricultural economy was chiefly supported on big state’s farms and agricultural cooperatives, the role of family farm as one of the main sources for providing with food family needs, continued to be efficient. Historically and in the future the fragmentation of agricultural production has had and will have the direct impacts in the livestock production. In the sharpen hilly and mountainous areas of the country, organizing and functioning of medium sized farms in order to apply medium/high input production system is very difficult, because of piecing land. Under these conditions, the development of the mixed family farms, which provide income not only from agricultural production but also livestock one, managing cattle or small ruminants to meat production in semi intensive production systems supported on the utilization of pastures and spontaneous vegetative mass of forests is the most efficient way. Organizing farmers for collecting and marketing their animal products is one of the main factors affecting the succession of production development. Under the conditions of family farms in mountainous areas, organizing farms is very important. These forms of organization create favorable conditions not only to efficient and sustainable use of autochthonous AnGR but also the conservation and development of their genetic diversity. Organization of production in small family farms in mountainous areas in service of the agro-tourism development is another alternative that has begun to be applied. Apart from the positive effects on income increase, this alternative will also have positive impacts on the conservation and sustainable economic use of autochthonous FAnGR. Compilation and implementation of policies in order to support this kind of activity should be considered as prior action. Stimulation and renewal of traditional methods for milk, meat, wool processing as well as production of local products make possible the increase of income. Such products are attractive to consumers, especially elite one. These products are not threatened by the competition of commercial and imported ones. Meantime, such products can only be provided by local breeds managed under the conditions of traditional agro systems. Therefore, the support for developing such products is at the same time also the realization of efficient scenario for autochthonous FAnGR conservation and use. The support for the development of bio farms is another alternative enables to successfully apply the programs for autochthonous FAnGR conservation and use.

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Actually, there are few such farms in Albania. These bio farms have evidenced the priority of local breeds compared to exotic breeds. There are strong constraints to use inputs, especially feed and zoo veterinarian treatment. So, animals are kept under poor conditions of management. At the same time, it is required that animals be resistant to different diseases and achieve good performance in production and reproduction. These demands are accomplished by autochthonous breeds. 1.5.4 Difficulties for efficient FAnGR use Albania as a Member of World Trade Organization (WTO) is facing with New Millennium challenges in agriculture and livestock production. Increasing globalization, liberalization of world trade accompanied by the competition in the international and national markets demand the multidimensional treatments of questions for the development of agriculture and livestock. It is very important that demands of market and its dynamics of development, as key factors affecting this development be treated through: (i) interconnecting achievements realized by studies and scientific generalizations in researches for global, regional, national, economic development, (ii) treating the most efficient methods and production systems, (iii) developing policies and elaborating methods that will ensure the efficient and sustainable economic use of FAnGR, (iv) studying offers and dynamics of consumer’s demands to medium term periods and estimating the trends of demands to long term periods, (v) food quality and safety To cope with challenges of development, under the conditions of the global free market economy, the actual situation needs to be analyzed and all of the main factors affecting it, should be listed and taken into consideration for long and medium term developments. It enables to define routs and identify methods and tools that have to be used to achieve these developments. Actual characteristic of agriculture development in Albania is coexistence of two trends:

(a) investments for the construction of commercial farms supported on medium and high production systems

(b) development, generally chaotic and non supported on the clear policies and strategies of family farms, which use low input or agro traditional production systems

These difficulties encountered in the way of development should be taken into consideration for the elaboration of necessary policies and coped with to realize sustainable economic use of FAnGR. Under the conditions of free market and the lack of customs fiscal barriers for the importation of animal foodstuffs, the development of commercial farms requires the compilation of the supporting policies and setting up an efficient system of checking and food safety. Breeding stock, which is used in these farms, is chiefly imported. These are high breeding value animals. Actual trend is the monopolization of international breeding stock market from a more and more small number of companies. Under these conditions, the impacts caused by the phenomenon of monopolization should be taken into account

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in the process of commercial farms’ development in Albania. The national breeding policies which will support sustainable use of exotic genetic fund should be developed in order to prevent factors with negative effects on medium and long term developments. The prevention of risk of extinction and/or genetic erosion in these breeds through compiling and applying the breeding programs, is one of the ways of increasing the efficiency of investments in importing breeding stocks and the development of commercial farms in Albania. Framing of animals of the improved breeds is an actual trend in householders. This trend is especially stressed in small family farms situated in lowland of Albania. Meantime, in many cases, farmers are not consulted with experts of field before carrying out an investment. The efficiency of pure bred animals under the conditions of small family farms is possible only in the case where farmers are able to obtain and apply technologies for management and feeding according to the requests of high genetic capacity animals. On the contrary, misuse of genetic fund causes the negative consequences in the succession of farms. No any case, animals of local breeds should be replaced by imported ones, if there are no necessary capacities and knowledge for animal management from farmer. Small family farm development, in many cases, is a result of actions supported on knowledge, experience, needs and attempts of farmers to rapid solutions, without estimating medium and/ or long term impacts. In many cases, this solution has been found in the replacement of local breed animals by exotic ones. In hilly and mountainous areas, this way of finding solution has failed. Development of these farms as a result of the most efficient use of FAnGR requires taking into consideration and solving problems related to:

a. Organizing farm not only to produce food products in order to meet family needs but also the most efficient use of all sources of farm: (i) the optimal use of the producing capacities for feed base to animals, (ii) optimal use of biodiversity, spontaneous flora sources, pastures, meadows and forests, (iii) optimal use of labor in family.

b. Cooperation among farmers aims at organizing them in groups according to: (i) different directions of production- milk production and processing, meat

production and marketing(live animals), wool production and processing, etc.

(ii) alternative economic activities – agro tourism, ethno-tourism, gatherers of medicine plants, etc.

Rhythms of the economic globalization, liberalization of international trade and competition, increase of human population demands to animal products, scientific research and elaboration of methods for the development of production systems, food quality and safety, the attempts added to FAnGR conservation, development and sustainable use –are, on the whole, factors and issues that should be taken into consideration and solved in order to provide - Sustainable use and the economic efficiency of livestock production.

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c. Support for community of farmers that manage animals of local breeds for the development of necessary infrastructure for autochthonous FAnGR management:

(i) establishing and functioning identification (earmarking and registration) and milk recording systems

(ii) compiling plans and breeding programs for producing and using reproducers.

(iii)promoting and establishing groups of farmers, which will constitute the nucleus of breed associations that at medium term period will be responsible for autochthonous FAnGR management

d) Veterinary Service System Development for monitoring epizootic situation and health of animals

e) Elaboration of the supporting financial policies to farmers who develop farms under the conditions of agro traditional production system

f) Stimulating and supporting for the communitarian initiatives for the development of the integrated agro-silvo-pastoral systems

Lessons from the past Needs to increase animal productions have conditioned the development of production systems supported on the exploitation of genetic capacities of animals. Medium and high input production systems, where exotic breeds are managed, have punished local breeds. The result is : - loss/decrease of biological diversity of farm animals. During the last 15 years, political and economic developments have influenced the appearance of phenomena that negatively affect FAnGR conservation and sustainable use. In the opposition of actual trend characterized by the increase of the centralized production all over the world, as a consequence of reform on ownership of land, number of family farms substantially increased in Albania. It limited opportunities for the efficient, sustainable and competing use of farm animals The inadequate legal framework, insufficiency of the institutional capacities for the sustainable environment management have brought about the negative impacts on the diversity conservation and use in farm animals No enough collaboration with farmers have essentially limited the possibility for the implementation of the breeding programs and AnGR conservation and development. Lack and/or insufficiency of the technical and scientific treatments of issues that would be solved to the different species and/or breeds of animals, have affected the increase of the genetic erosion and the risk of extinction. Lack and/or no enough capacities for collecting, processing and marketing animal products have highly reduced the economic value of animal products produced by Albanian farms.

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One of the main difficulties actually encountered by livestock production is the lack of food chain- production – processing – marketing - consumer. There are different shapes and characteristics of the difficulties shown by this chain, which depends on; (i) production system, (ii) farm size and location, (iii) kind of product- milk, meat, wool

Reflection on the future Actual situation in livestock sector, which is dominated by small family farms’ production is facing with the trend of developments at local, regional and global level the international documents (especially, Convention of Biodiversity, EU Common Agriculture Policy ( CAP ) – Agro biodiversity Program etc.) demand that for livestock production and AnGR management it should be worked according to the clear objectives for medium and long term periods. The fulfillment of these objectives will make possible:

a. Increase of livestock production in order to meet food needs of human population b. Increase of forage production to support and exploit the producing capacities of farm

animals c. Restructuring of production system:

(i) increase of specific weight of commercial farms with medium and high input production systems (ii) support for the development of agro traditional production systems

d. Increase of economic efficiency of input use, by increasing yields and the reduction of the costs.

e. Stimulation of the integrating processes between the processing industry and farms as well as the development of traditions for the production of local animal products

f. Development of capacities for the attainment and implementation of new technologies g. Elaboration of governmental policies and legislation in according to :

(i) The development of infrastructure for FAnGR management ( breeders’ associations with a strong economic and technical motivation, herd book offices, data base etc.)

(ii) Upgrading in the quality of products (iii) Organization and development of breeding stock market (iv) Promotion of demands for alternative and bio products

h. Approaching policies for agriculture development to demands and standards of EU (i) Respecting conditions and standards for environment protection (

EC/2078/92-agri-environmental regulation) (ii) FAnGR conservation and sustainable use, as part of biodiversity

k) Support for development of capacities for scientific research and technology transfer The expected developments in Albanian agriculture should be advisably planned, taking into consideration experience obtained by the CAP-EU implementation referred to its main objectives, conditioned by Article 39 of Roma Agreement (1956):

(i) Growth of agricultural production by modernizing farm (ii) Meeting living standards in community of farmers at the same level to other

ones, which exert other activities. (iii) Food security for the population at acceptable prices

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Solutions found for this range of problems, which make possible the financial estimation of FAnGR use and met needs of peoples with animal products, constitute one of the greatest challenges to cope with the fulfillment of goal: the efficient and sustainable use of FAnGR Development of structures, which will provide the monitoring of food quality and safety and promote investments for establishing conditions to produce local animal products according to EU standards on food quality and safety, is a great other challenge that should be coped with. Its solution will create more favorable conditions for competition not only for products produced by commercial farms but also those produced by farms of medium input production system as well as low input production system farms, which produce under the conditions of agro traditional systems. 1.5.5 Possible ways to increase the efficiency of use, conservation and protection of genetic diversity in farm animals Policies that can be elaborated with objective: economic sustainability in the use of diversity in farm animals as well as the success in attempts for conservation and development of this diversity, in any case, have as main test the economic efficiency of this diversity. The simultaneous intervention in two directions is required to reach efficiency: (i) development of production systems and (ii) FAnGR management Development of production systems requires the elaboration of policies and realization of investments, which will make possible:

1. Sustainable development of commercial farms that are supported on medium and high input production systems

Considerable financial funds need to make possible this development. Meantime, under the conditions of free market, these investments must be defended by dishonest competition that may be provoked by the imports of animal products

2. Sustainable development of farms that are supported on agro traditional production system.

In Albania, there is an early tradition in the management of farms, where their producing activity is chiefly supported on the use of local sources, local breed animals, spontaneous flora of meadows, pastures, forests and etc., as well as traditional techniques are used for animal management and exploitation of environmental capacities. Need for efficient and sustainable use of biological environmental diversity and the obligation to provide a sustainable development of this diversity bring in light the priority of this system. Positive strong interaction between agro traditional system, supported on low input and output production system, and biodiversity are clear. On the other hand, local products produced in farms of this system are easily competed. Demands of market to them are always present. Potentially, these products may form the list of Albanian animal products, which may be exported

3. Development of bio farm system FAnGR management requires the realization of necessary interventions, in order to make

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1. The implementation of genetic improvement programs for exotic breeds, which will make possible the conservation and development of the exported genetic capacities

2. The implementation of programs for the conservation and development of autochthonous and local breeds/ecotypes/populations of small ruminants, swine, bovine, poultry etc.

1.5.6 Assessment of national capacities for FAnGR conservation and sustainable use. National capacities are not enough to solve all questions and to meet demands related to FAnGR conservation, use and sustainable development. In main terms, the present situation of livestock production in Albania is far from demands and standards of EU. Political class, public administration, private sector, community of farmers, NGO-s etc. can and should play an important role in the development and realization of adequate national policies in order to make possible – sustainable intensification of production and more efficient use of FAnGR in according to features, characteristics and opportunities of different regions of Albania. The Sustainable use and intensification of livestock production and genetic resources are not a question of competition between modern and traditional practices, nor do they favor exotic over autochthonous FAnGR conservation and sustainable use as well as the confrontation between traditional production systems especially in mountainous areas and medium and high input production systems. Solution of problems that condition the sustainable economic use, which will fulfill objectives for conservation and sustainable development of biodiversity in farm animals are part of solutions that will provide the harmonization of different production systems and their functional coexistence Albania has ratified “Convention of Biodiversity”(CBD). Albania recognizes and accepts all of other international documents as “Protocol of Chartagena on Biosphere”, Paris Conference” COP2 (1995) andCOP3 “Conservation and sustainable use of ago biologic diversity”, Agreement for Agriculture (AoA) in the framework of Free Trade Organization (WTO), etc. To fulfill obligations derived from these documents, Albania has made attempts for amending actual legislation and approaching it to EU legislation. In main terms, actual legal framework gives answer to some of the most important legislative demands that should be taken into consideration in the process of compiling policies for conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in farm animals. Nevertheless, further development is necessary, not only in main legal terms but also sub legal acts and the appropriate regulations. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer’s Protection (MAFCP) is national authority for FAnGR management. To fulfill this responsibility, MAFCP has set up National Network for FAnGR conservation and sustainable use. This Network is led by National Coordinator of FAnGR. Network lies on the whole country. Each of 12 regional coordinators operates in field by activating sub network of local coordinator consisted of specialists of livestock, extension service, veterinarians, AI technicians, and farmers.

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At region level, there are Regional Directorates of Agriculture, Food and Consumer’s Protection, Extension Service and Public Veterinary Service structures, laid up to the level of the smallest units of local governing, Food Security and Veterinary Institute, Centers for Agricultural Technology Transfer-Fush Kruje, and Korce, which act and support MAFCP High agriculture schools, Tirana University of Agriculture and Korca University of Agriculture are the public educational institutions where, specialists of livestock are prepared. In implementation of reform for scientific research, the scientific duties and issues carried out from Livestock Research Institute, it should be already carried out by groups of scientific research at the Departments of Animal Production- Tirana University of Agriculture and Korca University of Agriculture. Non governmental institutions, chiefly non profitable associations such as: National Breeders’ Association (LEA), National Association of AI Operators, National Association for FAnGR Conservation and Use( ALBAGENE ),Small Ruminants’ Breeders’ Association (SHFBI), Associations ALBANOR, HPI, RASP, Organic Agriculture Association (SHBO) etc. are active actors in the treatment of issues for FAnGR conservation and sustainable use.

National Network for FAnGR Conservation and Sustainable Use Although human and laboratory infrastructure capacities are relatively enough to fulfill duties derived from the need for the development of national capacities for conservation and sustainable economic use of biological diversity in farm animals, the concrete results are far from these possibilities. This discordance is a consequence of acting a range of factors, such us:

(i) Lack of Strategy and National Action Plan where, the priorities on scientific research in the field of biodiversity conservation and

National Coordinator

Regional Coordinator

( regional focal )

Regional Coordinator

( regional focal )

Regional Coordinator

( regional focal )

Local Coordinator Local Coordinator

Local Coordinator

Local Coordinator

Farmer Farmer


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development, in general, and biodiversity in farm animals, in particular should be defined

(ii) Low level of cooperation among ministries: MAFCP, Ministry of Environment, forestry and water management, Ministry of Education and Science. Relationships amongst animal husbandry specialists, National Network for FAnGR and specialists of environment are unclear and almost non existent. Significant expression of relationships almost missed, is the place taken by the issue “ Bio diversity conservation and use in farm animals” in National Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity”

(iii) No enough support and cooperation between public and non public institutions.

(iv) Low level of motivation of animal husbandry specialists and scientific researchers, who have given up from their professions or gone to abroad.

(v) No enough support for the development of extension service network (vi) No enough knowledge and no attempts of farmers to attain new

knowledge (vii) Low level of international cooperation

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Chapter II

National Objectives and Priorities for FAnGR Conservation and Use National Priorities that should be taken into account in the compilation of policies for conservation and sustainable use of genetic diversity in farm animals need to be listed to fulfill two general objectives:

• Sustainable use of FAnGR characterized by high breeding values demonstrated in high yields and the competing ability in market

• Promotion, use and development of autochthonous breeds, ecotype, local populations and crossing with exotic breeds adapted to conditions of Albanian farms as well as the conservation and development of traditional practices in livestock.

These priorities should be closely related to main terms of reference belonging to directions to the development of Strategy for conservation and sustainable economic use of FAnGR

� Support for the development of low input production system – family farm system and agro traditional farm system, which are chiefly based on animals of local breeds

� Promotion for the development of high input production system based mainly upon the use of exotic breeds

The most important national priorities for FAnGR conservation and sustainable use can be ranked, supported upon the analyze of actual situation, needs and trends for the development of livestock production, national capacities and possibilities for medium and long term development etc.

2.1 Prevention of phenomenon of disusing the agricultural land The uncultivated land, abandonment of farms and moving population from rural areas to urban areas or going abroad are phenomena bringing about negative consequences in livestock production development. Under these conditions, the elaboration and implementation of policies to prevent these phenomena are necessary, creating conditions and opportunities for the increase of living standards of communities in rural areas. Young people should be helped and supported by developing mechanisms, which would make possible increase of their interest to live in village.

“Domesticated and cultivated species are an important component of biological diversity…., each Contracting Party shall, in accordance with its particular conditions and capability, develop strategies, plans of programmes for conservations and sustainable use of biological diversity”

Convetion of Bioligical Diversity, arcicle 2; 6a

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2.2 Elaboration of programs for the growth of production and to meet food needs of population

The producing capacities of Albania compared to human population size and needs for animal products are not enough. Ineffective and incomplete use of these capacities brings about that a considerable part of needs is met by the import. Under these conditions, the elaboration of strategies and compilation of programs, which will make possible the increase of domestic production and meeting food needs of population are necessary.

2.3 Development of technologies on the basis of the principle of the efficient co existence “environment- animal”

Management of animals should be made by applying the techniques of raising animals and technologies of production, which must provide sustainable protection of nature, to minimize the negative effects in environment and help in the harmonic development of agricultural ecosystems.

2.4 Capacity building and development for the conservation of biodiversity in farm.

Government policies should be elaborated in order to promote and support the activities for biodiversity protection in farm animals by applying in-situ, ex-situ and ex-situ in vivo conservation methods. Support of genetic improvement programs for enriching actual genetic fund with new hybrids, breeds and lines by activating the actual biological, human and scientific resources, formulation of the unified procedures for the assessment of genetic erosion level and populations at risk of extinction, compilation of criteria for monitoring breeds, setting up gene bank for autochthonous genetic resources, development of mechanisms for monitoring problems related to entrance and use of genetically modified organisms (GMO) are to be taken into consideration 2.5 Support for applying contemporary knowledge, techniques and technologies To increase efficiency of FAnGR use is necessary to work for increase of professional level for the treatment and solution of farm questions. The unified tech - economic system needs to be set up and functioned. Compilation and implementation of breeding programs, schemes of selection and use of reproducers should be carried out according to characteristics and constraints of production system used in farm. Creation of conditions for activating the human professional resources, specialists of livestock production, and zoo-technical service is necessary to achieve success in these programs.

2.6 Support for the realization of added value for animal products Development of policies that support the establishment of the whole infrastructure for the realization of added value of animal products is necessary. It especially needs to farms of low and medium input production system, farms, which apply agro traditional production systems, farms of mountainous areas, which manage small ruminants, etc.

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Activation of budget for the construction of road infrastructure, stimulation and cooperation amongst farmers to set up cooperatives of collecting, processing and marketing of farm products, the support for investments to establish and develop the network of small and medium size units of processing, setting up markets and strengthening role of Inspectors for food quality and security of local and the imported animal products are the preprimary activities, which will make possible the realization of added value of animal products. 2.7 Support for the development of infrastructure Compilation of policies and undertaking of actions in the institutional, organizational, administrative and operational framework for the solution of problems related to identification and earmarking of animals, milk recording, herd book and efficient activation of breeders’ associations. Albania is Member of ICAR and takes part in the activities and exchanges information with INTERBULL. Implementation of standards of these organizations for the development of infrastructure responsible for the production and administration of information is necessary condition for the fulfillment of national objectives for FAnGR conservation and sustainable use 2.8 Support for the development of scientific research capacities Study and appropriating contemporary achievements in the field of FAnGR conservation, management and sustainable use require the continuous development of scientific research capacities. Actually, the scientific reform commenced, need to be finalized. The Support for the development of the scientific research capacities, which is being organized at universities, should be treated as a medium and long term development with objective that scientific research enables the solution of problems related to: (i) optimization of breeding programs, study of genome in local breeds/ecotypes/populations of farm animals, (iii) estimation of genetic distances between breeds, (iv) elaborating cryo conservation methods (v) molecular biotechnology, (vi) quantitative genetics. 2.9 Support for the development of human capacities for FAnGR management. Programs for FAnGR conservation and sustainable economic use are activities that are chiefly carried out at the farm. Training of farmers for increase of knowledge and their capacities for the implementation of these programs, development of curriculums at professional high school- agricultural profile, divulgation of knowledge in the field of genetics of animals and FAnGR management, creation of conditions and support for carrying out services offered by the technology of information etc, are priory lines enable the continuous development of human capacities for FAnGR management. 2.10 Legislation development Amendment of actual legislation is a need derived from the completion of demands anticipated in the Agreement of Stabilization and Association (ASA). Approaching

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Albanian legislation to EU one, at all its levels, will create real possibility for the implementation of EU standards for FAnGR conservation and management. In the legislative framework, up to at the level of regulations, is necessary to clearly define the action that should be carried out not only for the subsidization of farmers, who manage animals of breeds/population stated at risk of extinction, allocation of public funds for the solution of different issues of AnGR management such as: animal earmarking, milk recording system, etc. 2.11 Institutionalization of Collaboration Collaboration between scientific research, education and extension service on one hand, and these structures with community of farmers, their groups and associations on the other hand, should be part of priory actions. Compilation of policies and development of mechanisms to make interested each of parties are necessary to accomplish this priority. It is of importance, collaboration of different institutions of public administration with one another, responsible for the implementation of strategies drafted according to the requests of Convention of Biodiversity but operating as structures or in function of the accomplishment of duties of different ministries such as: MAFCP, MEFWP etc. 2.12 Institutional development Establishing, at MAFCP, of National Advisory Committee for Biodiversity Protection and Management of Farm Animals. Establishing of National Agency for Biodiversity Protection and Management in Farm Animals. The Commitment for setting up these public institutions is at the same time the fulfillment of the institutional recommendations and standards recommended by FAO Document “Global Strategy for FAnGR Conservation and Management” Report submitted to Interlaken Conference, Switzerland, September 2007, especially to developing countries, which have not established and/or consolidated structures for FAnGR conservation and sustainable use, FAO recommends as necessary, the engagement of governments to set up and support these public structures. To support the work of National Coordinator of FAnGR is necessary to set up and function National Focal Point of FAnGR as a National Agency. In implementation of its responsibilities and duties, this agency should activate National Network for FAnGR conservation and management National Advisory Committee is an institution which should consist of representatives of different public, educational and academic institutions, different groups of interest, associations of farmers and investors in the field of livestock production. It should be an advisory institution for the development of policies in the field of FAnGR conservation and management

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2.13 Support for the development of International Collaboration Participation in the different international organizations and forums, exchange of the technical and scientific information between homologue institutions, professional and scientific preparation and qualification of Albanian specialists and researchers at the foreign universities and academic staffs, participation in the international programs for research and development, development of cross border collaboration supported on similarity, existence of functional relations amongst similar agro ecosystems, breeds and /or close to farm animals etc., are possibilities with very positive impacts on the development of capacities for FAnGR conservation and sustainable use. Albania is member in a few organizations acting in the field of FAnGR: FEZ – EAAP – European Zoo technical Federation FAO – Food and Agriculture Federation ICAR – International Committee for animal records Save - Foundation for the conservation of Agricultural Varieties in Europe ERFP - European Regional Focal Point for FAnGR Albania along side 179 other countries of the world has taken part in FAO program “Global Strategy for FAnGR management”. In the framework of this program, the first Country Report “State of FAnGR” was compiled. To fulfill FAO recommendations, Albania is carrying out first important steps for National capacity building and development for FAnGR conservation and sustainable use. Collaboration with other international organizations such as: EAAP, ERFP, Save etj, and the support given by them have played an important role in the development of these capacities.

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Chapter III

National Action Plan for FAnGR conservation and sustainable use National Action Plan should be developed in two the main directions:

1. Management, development and sustainable economic use of exotic breeds and their advanced crossbreds

2. Conservation, development and sustainable economic use of local breeds/ecotypes/populations

Needs and issues that should be treated for two large groups of FAnGR are distinguishable. Nevertheless, intervention and action plans, in some of them are similar. Amongst of them the most important are: National Program for Setting up and Sustainable development of Identification (earmarking and registration) System (I&RS) National Program for Setting up and Sustainable development of Milk Recording System

Strategic Action Plan priorities First scope: Characterization, inventory and monitoring trend and risk of extinction Actions should reach a sustainable, fruitful and efficient result in FAnGR classifications and the assessment of trend and the rate of risk of extinction Second scope: Sustainable use and development Actions should provide sustainability in production system, focusing on food safety and rural development Third scope: Conservation Action should be concentrated on carrying out necessary steps for conservation and integration of genetic diversity in order to provide the expected benefits to actual generation and future generations. Forth scope: Policies, institutions and development of capacities Actions should be addressed to key issues of the applying practices by the coherent and synergic development of necessary institutions and capacities FAO Report International Technical Conference for AnGR Switzerland, 3-7 September 2007

National Action Plan for FAnGR conservation and use is the main document where, on the whole, necessary technical, scientific, economic and legislative actions for fulfillment of goal : Biodiversity conservation, development and sustainable use at farm animals are listed Action Plan implementation is a complex process that requires the participation of farmers, their groups and associations, public institutions, policy makers, academic staffs, technicians, as well as all of other interested groups. In accordance with FAO recommendations, its strategic priorities defined in “Global Action Plan for FAnGR conservation and management” and taking into account characteristics, conditions and FAnGR state in Albania ( First Country Report ) ,

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Setting up these systems is one of the most important objectives of National Action Plan. Those should be object of two National Programs with long term development. To accomplish these programs, the mobilization of public institutions of decision making and executive ones, academic, scientific staffs and public administration staffs up to the lowest local levels, Centers for Agricultural Technology Transfer, public extension and Veterinarian services, animal husbandry specialists, non profitable organizations, breeders’ associations, farmers and other groups of interest. National Action Plan for exotic breeds and their advanced crossbreds, in its main terms, should realize:

• Development of breeding programs according to objectives, conservation and genetic improvement of traits of exotic breeds and their advanced crossbreds and the reduction of effects of interaction “genotype x environment”

• Setting up structures for checking and monitoring breeding stocks • Development of AI network • Establishing of National Authority for the certification of reproducers, which are

used for natural matching • Development of capacities for : the Centers of Agricultural Technology Transfer

and Extension Service, livestock production units, high input farms in the process of appropriating and applying contemporary technologies

• Implementation of the supporting policies for national capacity building and development for the check of quality and security of local and imported animal products.

• Stimulation of financial market interest and compiling of policies in order to support the development of credit system for investments in livestock production

First actions anticipated to be carried out in the frame of National Action Plan for FAnGR conservation and sustainable use are: First action

• Identification of autochthonous species, breeds, and populations in the country • Accomplishment of census for the estimation of sizes of populations, trend of

development, geographic extension, number of farms and their sizes, purpose of production and system of production

• Assessment of the rate at risk of extinction Second action

• List of local breeds/populations that according to standards approved by FAO, are stated “populations at risk of extinction”

• Estimation of conditions and factors affecting the decline of farmers’ interests for the management of local breeds/ populations of animals declared at risk of extinction.

Third action Planning and carrying out urgent actions and compiling of programs for sustainable intervention.

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To draft National Action Plan for FAnGR, the following organigrama is compiled in according to FAO methodology Matrix of actions, which shows the main terms of programs and projects anticipated to be fulfilled was designed according to this organigramme

Local breeds

Identification, cataloging, Data Base construction

Population Endangered

Commercial breeds

Population at risk of extinction

Conservation Ex-situ in vitro

Conservimi Ex-situ in vitro

Milk and data recording

Conservation In –situ& Ex-situ

in vivo

Conservation In –situ& Ex-situ

in vivo

Genetic Evaluation

Genetic characterization of

animals and products

Genetic characterization of

animals and products

Breeding Improvement


Identification of possibilities for production and

marketing products

Development of breeding scheme in


Germ plasma conservation

Promotion programs for

In-situ Conservation

through sustainable

economic use

Performance records

Commercial use

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Actions for the implementation of National Strategy for FAnGR Conservation and sustainable economic use Program/project Action Objectives Period

I. Identification, characterization, cataloging, trend estimation and the rate of risk at autochthonous breeds and populations

Compiling of methodology for carrying out national census. Training and organizing expeditions, Data processing periodic adjournment of information

Assessment of status of local populations, the trends of numeric development and rate of risk of extinction due to genetic erosion or socio-economic factors

1 year Every 5 years

II. National Data Base Construction Setting up necessary structure and infrastructure Software and Hardware capacity development Data base establishment and adjournment Integration of national data base into international information system DAD-IS, EFABIS etc.

Unifying of information according to international requests and standards Creation of possibility for consulting in due time and on line with morphologic data for autochthonous FAnGR in Albania

2-3 years continuously

III. Development of autochthonous FAnGR conservation methods

1. Ex-situ in vivo 2. Setting up of national Cryo bank for somatic cells conservation of autochthonous FAnGR

Establishing of Gene Bank for Ex-situ in vivo : Selection of animals, species, breeds and/or populations stated at risk of extinction Establishing of the administering and housing capacities for the management of flocks “collection” at ex-Small Ruminant Station – Korca district Compiling of methodology for somatic cell sampling. Definition of criteria for animal selection destined to sampling Setting up and training of groups for sampling at flocks. Organizing and carrying out expeditions for sample collection.

Conservation of FAnGR at risk of extinction Establishing of national gene bank for demonstration and promotion of genetic diversity Establishing of security fund for actual genetic wealth Inheriting genetic wealth to the future generation

2-3 years continuously 1-2 years

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Development of capacities and accomplishment of In-situ conservation projects Projects for species/breeds/ecotypes and /or population actually declared at risk of extinction -see ≠

Treatment of samples in nitrogen liquid and their final storage Establishing of protocol and data base to the stored samples Draft and approval of legislation to set up and manage of somatic cell Cryo bank Listing of local breeds/ecotypes/populations at risk of extinction Identification of possibilities, estimation of needs and identification of target farms that will be comprised in in-situ conservation project Compiling of genetic improvement program and management of animals according to the demands of in-situ conservation method Organizing and carrying out actions for the implementation of in situ conservation program at farm

Conservation by using autochthonous genetic fund

1-5 years continuously

IV. Approaching legislation to EU legislation and the demands of different international documents

Analyze of actual legislation Assessment of needs, issues, and fields, where the amendment of legislation is required Drafting of legislation Drafting of the regulatory and sub legal framework

Approaching Albanian legislation to international one and EU legislation , in particular Realization of requests of ASA

1-4 years continuously

V. Development of international, regional and cross border collaboration 1. Development of project for collaboration between countries of Central and eastern south Europe for sheep “Tsygai” 2. Development of project for increase of capacities of “Balkan network for rare animals of farm Development of project “Assessment of status of local cattle ‘Bracyorous” in Balkan countries

Participation in international activities Drafting of projects for conservation and sustainable use of autochthonous breeds that are managed in border areas Fulfillment of programs and work plan according to regional projects where Albania takes actually part.

Development of national capacities for FAnGR management

1-5 years continuously

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VI. Development of National Network capacities for FAnGR conservation and sustainable economic use

Study of bibliography and compiling of the training modules Organizing and carrying out workshops for training members of network

Attainment of knowledge for practical training concerning FAnGR conservation and management

1-3 years

VII. Awareness of communities for FAnGR values , promotion of FAnGR and their local products

Organizing of awareness campaigns and the informing ones Organizing of scientific activities, competitions and exhibitions

Upgrading cultural level for evaluation of this genetic wealth at farm animals


VIII. Support for the development and promotion of traditional agro systems

Establishing of the model of farm that produces based on traditional agro system Monitoring of model implementation under the concrete conditions in two mountainous areas of country. Organizing and carrying out the promoting and demonstrating activities of the model

FAnGR sustainable economic use Harmonization of actions of factors affecting the protection of environment and biodiversity

3-5 years

IX. Development of eco and agro tourism based on family farms that manage local breed animals

Identification of capacities for the development of eco and agro tourism in some regions of country. Choice of a pilot region Compiling of program for the development of eco and agro tourism based on the establishment of network of farms that will collaborate for accomplishing it. Realization of program Promotion of achievements

FAnGR sustainable economic use

5-8 years

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Matrix of National Action Plan for In-situ conservation

Project Farms/in field Objectives period 1. In situ conservation of ecotype “Velipoja” 15 farmers, 500-600 heads. Villages:

Mali,Kolaj, Cas, Baks-Rrjoll-kommuna Velipoje and Mali i Gjymit at Dajc kommune

Conservation and sustainable economic use

2 years

2. In situ conservation of goat ecotype “Lara e Kallmetit and use of this ecotype as the promoting factor for the sustainable economic use of farm

7 farmers of Kallmet Komune and 3 farmers in village Toshan –Blinisht commune. Program will be applied in a population of 650-700 goats

Conservation and sustainable economic use

2 years

3. In situ conservation of goat ecotype”Dhija e Maskurise”

6 farmers at Rashbull Commune, villages: Maskuri, Bozanxhie and Rrumanat i Siperm Population 100-120 heads

Increase of heads Economic sustainable use

4 years

4. Support for sustainable economic use of farms that manage sheep “Shkodrane”

40 farmers at Oblic Commune, villages: Muriqan, Ana e Malit”

Conservation and sustainable economic use

4 years

5. In situ conservation of sheep “Lara e Policit” 4 farmers at Shushica Commune and 5 farms in Qukes. 200-250 heads (breeding nucleus)

Increase of population size: 1500-2000 heads

4 years

6. In situ conservation of goat ecotype ”Capore e Mokrres”

3 farmers, 250-300 heads. Village Kalivac Conservation and sustainable economic use

4 years

7. In situ conservation and sustainable use of commune sheep- factor for development of farms in Skrapar District

8 farms at communes Qender, Potom and Gjerbes. 850-900 heads in breeding nucleus

Increase of population size: 2500-3000 heads

4 years

8. Sustainable economic use of Commune goat factor for development of farms in frasher area

14 farms at 5 villages of Frasher area 4000 heads, flocks of 100-450 heads

Increase of goat population size by 60-70%. Creation of market for animal products. Increase of farmers’ income by about 50%. Efficient use of environment

4 years

9. In situ conservation of local cattle”Illiric Dwarf Cattle “Lopa Gurgucke”

2 farms in Sinanaj and Dhemblan. 80-90 cows Increase of Illiric Dwarf cattle population size by 80-100 %

4 years

10. In situ conservation and sustainable use of goat ecotype “Mati”

20 farms, 2500-3000 goats at villages of Klos Commune

Maintenance and improvement of productive performance

3 years

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11. In situ conservation of local cattle”Illiric Dwarf Cattle “Lopa e lekbibajt:”

25 farmers at 3 villages of Lekbibaj Commune” 350-400 heads (breeding nucleus)

Increase of heads, increase of income 4 years

12. In situ conservation of local cattle “ Lopa e Prespes”

Liqenas village, Gorice, 350-400 heads Increase of heads, increase of income 3 years

13. In situ conservation of goat ecotype “Capore e Dragobise”

10 farms at villages: Kerrnaj, Kolej, Sopot, Bujan, Valbone and Dragobi 3000-3200 heads

Increase of goat population size, Increase of production and processing products Increase of income

4 years

14. In situ conservation of goat ecotype “Black of Dukati” and sustainable use as a important componet for development of agro tourizm

10-15 farms at the area of Dukat-Karaburun ecosystem. 1500-2000 goats

Increase of goat population size by 35-40 % and milk processing by 80%. Development of tourism. Increase of income

4 years

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References 1. Beka , I. 2006 “The challenges of sustainable tourism – Natural wealth and genetic resources Experience from North Albania” ERFP Symposium, Tirana 2. Cezari, A.. Doko,A., Sula, F., Kume, K. 2007 “Politika te Ministrise se Bujqesise, Ushqimit dhe Mbrojtjes se Komsumatorit per menaxhimin e burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes” Simposim Racat autoktone dhe produktet tradicionale, Kukes 3. Drago KOMPAN, 2006 “Regulation on conservation of farm animal genetic resources in Slovenia” ERFP Symposium, 2006, Tirana 4. Doko A. Kume, K. 2006 “Ruajta e diversitetit gjenetik dhe perpunimi i politikave per perdorimin ekonomik te qendrueshem te racave lokale te kafshve te fermes ne Shqiperi “, ERFP Symposium, Tirana 5. Georgoudis, A; Ligda,Ch., Danou. E. and Houmbi, S 2002.Report presented in the 8-th ERFP of FAnGR, 30-31 August, Cairo 6. Georgoudis, A; Ligda,Ch 2004 “The implementation and use of database for the conservation and management of Animal Genetic Resources” International Symposium, Albania 7. Groeneveld, E; Yordanova, L and Hiempstra, S 2002. “An adaptable management support system for National Gene Banks”. 7-th WCGALP, Montpelier, France 8. Grunenfelder; Hans-Peter 2004 “ Conservation of farm animal genetic resources in Europe” International Symposium, Albania, 9. Kume, K 2003 “ The state of Albania’s Animal Genetic Resources” Report, Slovenia 10. Kume, K. Papa, L. Tahiri, F. 2006 Gjendja dhe prioritet per ruajtjen dhe perdorimin e qendrueshem te burimeve gjenetike shtazore te fermes ne Shqiperi, EAAP meeting, Antalia, Turqi 11. Kume, K., Papa L. 2006 In-situ Conservation Program of “Prespa Cattle” Example of the collaboration between Public Institutions, NGO-s and Donors. ERFP Symposium , Tirana 12. Kume, K., Tahiri, F . 2006 “Termat e references dhe prioritete ne hartimin e Strategjise Kombetare per Ruajtjej dhe perdorimin e Qendrueshem te Burimeve gjenetike shtazore te Ferme. EAD, National Symposium Tirana . 13. Oldenbroek, J.K (ed) 1999. “Gene banks and conservation of animal genetic resources” 14. Oldenbroek, J. K. 2007 Utilization and Conservation of farm animal genetic resources , 15. Oliver, L, Bodo, I. and Simon, D. L.1994 “Current developments in the conservation of domestic animal diversity in Europe” Proc. Of the 5-th WCGALP, Guelph, Canada 16.“Options and strategies for the conservation of FAnGR” AGROPOLIS, Montpellier, France7-10 November 2005 17.“Romanian Strategy for a sustainable management of FAnGR” Ministry of Agriculture Forestry Waters and Environment 18. Report of the International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture” FAO, Interlake, Switzerland, 3-7 September 2007 19. INSTAT- Albania “Statistical Annual Year Book” 2002 20.Ministry of Agriculture and Food-Albania- “Annual report 2006 21.Stojanovic,S. Milosevic, S. “Autochtonous breeds of deomestic animal in Serbia and Montenegro” ,2003 22. The State of farm animal genetic resources in Slovenia, December 2003 23. The First Country Report on the State of Albanian Farms Genetic Resources, 2002 23. Tahiraj, N. 2003 Burimet gjenetike shtazore ne Shqiperi, Tirane 24. Strategjia dhe Plani Kombetar i Veprimit per Biodiversitetin, 1999