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Strategic Planning Portfolio

Apr 05, 2018



Janet Wang
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  • 8/2/2019 Strategic Planning Portfolio


    Janet Wang Strategic Planning Portfolio

    J a n e t W a n g415 . 937 . 4288

    [email protected]

  • 8/2/2019 Strategic Planning Portfolio


    a b o u t t h e b o o kThis is a compilation of work from my time at Miami Ad School. Everything enclosed is the result of a team ofminds.My teammates tell me that my strongest contribution is my ability to funnel complex and seemingly discrepant information into simple chunks, and highlight the significant points. Enclosed are four case studies which exemplify this approach to problem solving.

    t a b l e o f c o n t e n t sm y f i r s t t i m e oner e l i v e t h e g o o d t i m e s fourk e e p i n g i d e a s a l i v e sevens h e l t e r tena b o u t m e twelve

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    c h a l l e n g ePrevent teen tobacco use.i n s i g h t The first cigarette is disgusting, and the experience, uncomfortable.s t r a t e g yEncourage teens to be frank about the awkwardnessof their first cigarette experience so they will choose to not do it again.

    m y f i r s t t i m e

    Account Planners: Janet Wang & Isabella MartinezCopywriter: Sheska Ocasia

    Art Director: Michelle Wallace


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    twoFirst time smoking does NOT have to lead to habitual smoking

    o p p o r t u n i t y It takes more than 3-4 cigarettes to feelout of control over continued smoking. whyquit.comFirst time smoking does not equal habitualsmoking.

    c o n t e x tCurrent and past campaigns focus on death,

    aging, and weakness.If you smokeYou will die.You will get old.You are a victim.Death. Teens feel immortal. The concept of death

    is difficult to grasp.Aging. Teens interpret getting old as growing up

    and maturing, which is attractive. Weakness. Teens are likely to take this as a

    challenge to their pride and respond with defiance to prove they are stronger than tobacco.

    The more students were exposed to anti-smokingmessages, the more inclined they were to

    c h a l l e n g e Tobacco use is the leading preventable

    cause of disease, disability and death inthe U.S.Every year

    More than 400,000 people die from tobacco use.

    Each day3,450 kids try their first cigarette.850 kids become new regular, daily smokers.

    Tobacco use is almost always establishedduring adolescencePrevent teen tobacco use.

    t a r g e t Who are current anti-smoking campaigns

    failing to affect?1, 2 Puff. I already tried a cigarette once

    or twice, but Im not a habitual user. +

    DO NOT. Ever the defiant personality, tell me NOT to do something and Ill do it.+

    Senior Status. Im a high school senior. Research shows I am especially susceptible to tobacco use.

    +Influencer Effect. I have younger siblings and friends who look up to me.


    Defiant high school senior who has tried 1or 2 cigarettes

    i n s i g h t The first cigarette

    One usually very much dislikes his firstcigarette. Taste for cigarettes must beacquired slowly The Psychology ofEveryday Living

    The first cigarette is disgusting, and theexperience, uncomfortable.

    s t r a t e g yWhen you prohibit an a ction, it becomesmore attractive. But if an action is anoption, it becomes less desirable.

    +First cigarette experience is gross andawkward.Encourage teens to be frank about theawkwardness of their first cigaretteexperience so they will choose to not do itagain.

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    i n t e r a c t i v e p r i n t a d

    s p o t i f y / m u s i c s i t e a d

    Audio - Monologuedescribing theuneasy and


    nature of a first timeexperience.

    c r e a t I v e s t r a t e g yMy First Time Many first time experiencesdo not live up to their hype. In fact, most firsttime experiences are awkward anduncomfortable.

    y o u t u b e & h u l u a d

    t w i t t e r

    Collections of individualteens speaking about theawkwardness of their firstcigarette experiences.


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    c h a l l e n g eProtect and grow Netflixs subscriber base in 2012.i n s i g h t If life were a movie, age reflects the number of roles weve played, lines weve said, and plots weve experienced.

    s t r a t e g yConvince our target to retire with Netflix and relive the good times.

    r e l i v e t h e g o o d t i m e s

    Account Planners: Janet Wang & James StevensCopywriter: Sheska Ocasia

    Art Director: Kira Wehby

  • 8/2/2019 Strategic Planning Portfolio


    Only 18% of Netflix users are age 55+five

    s t r a t e g yConvince our audience to retire with Netflix

    and relive the good times.

    i n s i g h t Movies and T.V. shows are a collectivevisual documentation of our lives: Real,imagined, and available for replay.If life were a movie, age reflects thenumber of roles weve played, lines wevesaid, and plots weve experienced.

    o p p o r t u n i t yNetflix Users:17% Under 2448% 25-4443% 35-5418% 55+Only 18% of Netflixs users are age 55+. Big Market. 30% of the population is 55+, and this will only increase.

    An American turns 50 every 7 secs. (AARP) 45% of the population will be 55+ by 2015 (US Census).

    With Money. Households headed by adults 55-64 have a median net worth of 15 times that reported for adults under 35 (JWT).Likely to Adopt. Adults 55-63 use the internet on a regular basis. In fact, 70% of them are online right now.

    37% of moviegoers are 55+.

    t a r g e t At or Near Retirement. Age 55 to 65

    +Relatively Tech-Savvy. Have a smart phone and/or comfortable with email and internet surfing

    +Have Free Time.

    =Digital Retiree

    b r a n d s t r e n g t h sWhy would Netflix be a good match for thisaudience?Largest Content Library

    To serve the digital retiree who is in search ofmovies that span from youth to retirement,

    being the leader in content breadth and depthis a massive advantage.

    Easy to UseNetflix is recognized for its user interfaceexperience. This is an easy adoption forsomeone who is comfortable with, but notspecialized in, using current technology.

    c h a l l e n g e Public perception of Netflix was tainted byan attempted division of the companysDVD & streaming business segments,coupled with a price increase. Restore Netflixs brand reputation and

    share price, and thus market cap, to itsinitial pre-crash levels.Protect and grow Netflixs subscriber basein 2012.

    Advertising tocurrent or lapsedcustomers is notan efficient use ofNetflixsmarketing $

    c o n t e x tOnly 4% of Subscribers leftdue to this incidentSatisfaction of current customers is still highMost recent Q4 financials show thatNetflix has alreadyRegained most of itsU.S. customers.Netflix should take this opportunity to grow a new

    user base.But who?...

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    p r i n t a d sAge 55+ are three times more likelythan the general public to read printnewspapers. (

    c r e a t I v e s t r a t e g yRelive the Good Times Encourage at home moviewatching by reminding our targetof the movies from their past thatreflect the breadth and depth oftheir memories and experiences.

    Movies and theexperience of moviewatching frommoments in yourpast: rememberingthat first date anddrive-ins with yourfriends.

    k i n d l e a d37% of Kindleusers are age 55+(

    d i r e c t m a i l e rIn the form of a vintage microphone that opensto a cozy living room movie watching setting.Strong preference among age 55+ for printedmail. (


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  • 8/2/2019 Strategic Planning Portfolio


    eightIt Takes Failure to Succeed

    o p p o r t u n i t y No one talks about the many times Steve Jobsfailed before he succeeded.Entrepreneurs are victims of constant selfdoubt because they compare their behind thescenes selves to everyone elses center stage

    performance.They need to be reminded that it takes failure tosucceed.

    c h a l l e n g eSmall businesses are a significant componentof the U.S. economy. More than half of U.S. sales and over half ofprivate sector jobs are attributable to smallbusinesses.Small businesses face several challenges: sales from the economic recession, larger, and more distributed competitors

    Access to limited fundingIntegrating new technologies, systems, andpracticesHelp small businesses become morecompetitive. Help them pursue best practices, definemetrics, and pull in more customers.

    c o n t e x tWhat are small businesses struggling with?Sales? Consumer Confidence Index hasrisen. Consumer Conference BoardFunding? Access to credit ranks at thebottom of concerns..50% say theydo not want a loan. NationalFederation of Independent Business(NFIB)Competition with big business? Small business confidence rises

    for the fourth consecutive month NFIBHowever90% of small enterprises fail within the first twoyears of operation. SBAA frequent cause of bankruptcy isundercapitalization. This is often a result of poorplanning rather than economic conditions Small Business The Art of the Start

    The struggle is in the start Getting through the first few years, building the base for a business that will last.

    i n s i g h t The Journey of the new entrepreneurEUREKA! Moment

    You feel like God, drunk on the belief thatyou have solved the worlds biggestproblem. The emotional high andadrenaline rush obstructs your ability tothink critically.

    Fairytale BeginsYou decide to go for itin the context of a society that idolizes theentrepreneur and elevates him to celebritystatus: Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, andDonald Trump.

    Reality HitsFew, if any, entrepreneurs know whattheyre doing the first time. What it takes tobuild a business is a complete contrast tocoming up with the idea.

    Behind every great entrepreneur was a greatfailure.s t r a t e g y

    Remove the taboo of failure and give

    entrepreneurs the confidence to continuetaking risks.

    t a r g e t Some say that entrepreneurs are born, not

    made that their DNA pre-disposes them tocertain traitsNovelty Seeking

    Accomplishment Driven The Nascent EntrepreneurConfident

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    Interactive Community -Partner with the SmallBusiness Bureau (SBA), analready establishedresource and community,to improve resources fornew entrepreneurs. Asmany new entrepreneursbegin their business ideasonline, we will focus on site,

    c r e a t I v e s t r a t e g yKeeping Ideas Alive Connect new entrepreneurs

    with seasoned entrepreneurs. Encourageentrepreneurs to find refuge in each other.

    c h a t t I n gwe incorporate a chatting

    function that fostersentrepreneur-to-entrepreneur

    conversations andsupport. Discussions canrange from questions tofinding resources.

    b l o g p a r t n e r s h i p sFeature blog posts by

    successful entrepreneurs who

    have an established online blogand following, such as GuyKawasaki and Seth Godin.

    c o f f e e s l e e v e

    In Their Offices - Reach theNascent Entrepreneur in his/heroffice, the coffee shop.


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  • 8/2/2019 Strategic Planning Portfolio


    Buy-One-Give-One Modeleleven

    c h a l l e n g e More and more consumers are interested insustainable living for the planet and its people.

    The hotel industry has been slow to addressthis trend.

    The International Hotel Group needs a flagshipgreen brand. Develop a brand with the potential to changethe worlds lodging landscape and launchthousands of hotels worldwide.

    c o n t e x tGreen TravelersWhile guests appreciate the importance ofconserving energy and resources, they feelconflicted about paying for a hotel that requiressuch sacrifices.Self-Centered Consciousness:

    care about the environment, but careMORE about personal comfort.

    54% of green travelers indicate that confusingterminology is a factor in making it difficult tofind environmentally friendly travel optionsUnderstanding Their Impact:

    do not understand HOW their money ishelping the environment.

    i n s i g h t What is fundamental for one person is a

    luxury for another.In the context of the hospitality industry

    o p p o r t u n i t y 72% of green travelers are willing to pay somelevel of price premium.Who does quality & social impact well?

    The Buy-One-Give-One business model hassuccessfully achieved both business returns andsocial impact.Companies such as Toms Shoes have seendramatic growth in a short period. Sold one million shoes within first 4 years

    Spread by word of mouth and strategicpartnerships.

    Key components of success:High-End and High Quality Product

    $40-$80 shoes. Consumers buy becausethey like the product itself, regardless of thesocial impact factor.

    Clear Consumer Impact With every pair purchased, TOMS gives apair of new shoes to a child in need. Noconfusing jargon.

    t a r g e t Who values luxury quality and social

    impact?Practice what he/she preaches.

    actively made lifestyle changes.+

    Self-made, mid-income.+

    Live well, quality oriented.+

    Travel for work & pleasure. 2 to 3 times per year and travelled to 2+countries.

    +Interested in sustainability.

    Environmental, social, etc. & solving big

    world problems.=

    High-End Hippie

    s t r a t e g yStay-One-House-One Model:Look & feel of a high-end hotel, eco-friendlyelements of competing green hotels, and thecompetitive advantage of a clear and visibleconsumer impact.

    c r e a t I v e s t r a t e g yShelter - Everyone has the right to shelter,

    whether in the form of a home, retreat, orrefuge. Our hotel provides shelter to our guestsand empowers them to provide shelter toothers. 1.5 billion people in the world are homeless.Partner with a pre-existing organization, likeShelter the World, to operate the Stay-One-House-One Model: Whether our guest is in California for a businesstrip or Brazil for vacation, he/she will directlybenefit the homeless community in thatneighborhood.

    Other Partnerships:

    Airlines (Virgin)Socially active celebrities (Leonardo

    DiCaprio, Angelina Jolie, etc.)Social MediaEventsMobile Applications

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    a b o u t m eI am attracted to big problems. This is why I:

    Studied mathematics and economics Worked as an economicconsultant Went to Kenya Engaged in thetechnology startup space

    These activities involve creative problem solving. However inspired Iwas by these experiences, however effective the solutions, they havelacked an artistic component of creativity that I find equally stimulating.

    The intersection of commerce and art, effectiveness and beauty, is my

    best fit.

    Learn theories people havecreated to explain systemsExamine how big businesses and capitalism workSee how micro-enterprise is trying to solve povertyFollow a mission to solve aproblem via product orbusiness idea

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    s e e m e o n l i n


    Founding Team MemberrippleQ. Social Venture Technology Start-up11. 2010 to 4. 2011Strategy. Performed market competitiveanalysis and compiled educational kit forinternal, investor, and client use.Brainstorm Moderation. Led discussions anddrafting of product feature value propositionsfor use in business strategy, sales, andcustomer development.Consumer Journey. Created use cases forsoftware product testing and drafted detailedproduct FAQs.Worked with Creatives. Collaborated withengineers and customer development managerto develop and test product to customerspecifications.Behavio r. Helped develop the companyproduct - behavior management software usinggame mechanics.Operations. Established enterprise as aBenefit Corporation. Managed financial, legal,and human resource activities.

    Senior Economic ConsultantDeloitte Tax LLP. Global Transfer Pricing12. 2007 to 5. 2010Brand & Intellectual Property Valuation.Managed an intellectual property migration forone of the largest U.S. multinational companiesin the hospitality industry as the sole staffperson on a multi-partner engagement,assessing brand lifecycle and value, conductingresearch, client interviews, economic andfinancial analyses, and drafting qualitativesupport for analyses. Project resulted in follow-up engagement.Macro Trend Analysi s. Executed economicdownturn analysis for $2 billion revenue client inthe computer and information technology

    industry, analyzing profitability, and managingtwo-person India-based team in performingcomparable company analyses to identifyeconomic trends. Client Relations. Directed client relationship assole staff member of a senior level tax teamand managed team of two to completeinternational tax restructuring for major client insemiconductor industry. Project resulted inavoidance of $1 million penalty.

    i n s e a r c h o fOpportunities to use my love for absorbing andsynthesizing seemingly discrepant informationin order to create experiences that inspire socialbehavior.

    c o n t a c t m e415 . 937. 4288

    [email protected]

    m o r e a b o u t m eOrigami & Collage Arts PractitionerDancer. Performance & Competitive

    since Age 5Yoga & Meditation EnthusiastVegetarian

    Strategy & Operations ConsultantCommunity Action for Rural Development.Kenyan organization engaged in micro-

    enterprise bee-keeping initiative.6. 2007 to 9. 2007Interviews. Visited 40+ farmers on the back ofa dirt bike.Mediation. Drafted and implementedagreements between community organization,farmers, and honey suppliers.Moderation. Led strategy discussions withnon-profit managers.Immersion. Lived with a host family andparticipated in community activities. Learned

    basic Swahili.

    Introduction to Communication DesignExtended EducationCalifornia College of the ArtsSummer 2011

    Account Planning Boot CampMiami Ad School1. 2012 to 3. 2012

    Top Dog, First in Class

    B.A. Mathematics/EconomicsMinor in International StudiesUniversity of California at San Diego9. 2003 to 6. 2007UCSD Provosts HonorsErnest C. Mort Leadership Award

    Associate Producer of ContentSocial Capital Markets.6. 2010 to 10. 2010 & 5. 2011 to 9. 2011Large-scale Impact. Helped produce aninternational social enterprise conference thatdrew 1,300+ social entrepreneurs, venturecapital investors, university professors, and

    foundations from 40+ countries. Attendeesincluded representatives from the Bill & MelindaGates Foundation, Acumen Fund, JP Morgan,

    McKinsey & Company, and Stanford University.

    Right & Left Brain. Created internal processesfor content development, balancingbrainstorming and ideation with operation andexecution.

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