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Developed for Greennovate Train the Trainer Program The True Story of Easter Island 个个个个个个个个个个个个

Story of Easter Island

May 18, 2015



An abridged version of a slide show I was presnted for in Shanghai by Gecko.
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Page 1: Story of Easter Island

Developed for Greennovate Train the Trainer Program

The True Story of Easter Island


Page 2: Story of Easter Island

Developed for Greennovate Train the Trainer Program

Easter Island复活节岛When the mystery was solved, what they found was almost like a miniature version of the way that environment and society work together in the whole

world 当谜底被揭晓时,他们发现复活节岛是整个环境和世界的的缩小版本。

Page 3: Story of Easter Island

Developed for Greennovate Train the Trainer Program

In the Beginning

起初In the Beginning


Many years ago, the island was a lush jungle, covered with many kinds of trees and plants. 很久很久以前,岛上曾经树林密布,有到处都有各种各样的树木和植物

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Arrival of the Island People

人类登陆小岛Arrival of the Island People


The island people arrived in boats from far away, and found a beautiful paradise. They set up houses and villages. They planted crops.一群玻里尼西亚人乘船从很远的地方来到这个小岛,他们很高兴能一群玻里尼西亚人乘船从很远的地方来到这个小岛,他们很高兴能找到这个美丽的天堂乐园一样的居住地。于是,他们决定在这里定找到这个美丽的天堂乐园一样的居住地。于是,他们决定在这里定居,建造房屋和村庄,并且开始种植农作物。居,建造房屋和村庄,并且开始种植农作物。

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Ideal ConditionsIdeal Conditions

理想的条件理想的条件1: The island had lots of rain 1: The island had lots of rain


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Ideal ConditionsIdeal Conditions

理想的条件理想的条件2: The soil was very good 2: The soil was very good


Ideal ConditionsIdeal Conditions

理想的条件理想的条件2: The soil was very good 2: The soil was very good


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Ideal Conditions理想的条件Their life was rich and easy. They raised families and soon filled the whole island with people. 那时候,他们的生活是快乐的、丰富多彩的。很快他们开始组建了家庭,开始繁衍生息。

The islanders cleared away some of the trees in order to build homes and grow food.复活节岛人当时砍伐了一片森林来建造房子和种植庄稼

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An Environmental Footprint on Easter Island


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Building the Statues

建造雕像They thought that having the statues would bring them prosperity.他们以为建造这些石像能给他们带来福气和幸福。

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Carving the Statues

雕刻雕像They carved them from the rock.


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Moving the Statues


To move the statues, they cut down trees, and rolled the statues on the the logslogs.然后将石像运到想要安置的地方。他们砍下了很多树木当作运输石像的辊子

Moving the Statues


To move the statues, they cut down trees, and rolled the statues on the the logslogs.然后将石像运到想要安置的地方。他们砍下了很多树木当作运输石像的辊子

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Since there was a lot of food and resources, the population grew rapidly.


Since there was a lot of food and resources, the population grew rapidly.


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The Turning Point

转折点The Turning Point


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What Do Trees Do?


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Trees have hundreds of kilometers of roots that hold the tree to the ground and keep the soil in place.树木有着几百个长长的根,是这些根使树木能生长在地上并坚固土壤。

The forest soil is important because it contains lots of nutrients that the trees need.森林里的土壤很重要,因为这些土壤里包含着很多树木生长所需的营养

What Do Trees Do?


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This humid air attracts rain. This is why it rains a lot in the forest and never rains in the desert.这种潮湿的空气会吸引雨水。这也就是为什么森林里总是下雨,而在沙漠里却从不下雨的原因

Trees attract rain

Soil in the forests holds a lot of water, and the shade from the trees keep the forests cool, so the air in the forests is humid.森林中的土壤保持着很多的水分,树木形成的阴影使得森林很凉快。因此,森林的空气始终保持湿润

What Do Trees Do?


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What Do Trees Do?


Page 18: Story of Easter Island

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What Do Trees Do?树木有什么作用呢?

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The Turning Point

转折点The rain stopped coming so often.


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The Turning PointThe Turning Point

转折点转折点The rivers started to get smaller. The rivers started to get smaller.


The Turning PointThe Turning Point

转折点转折点The rivers started to get smaller. The rivers started to get smaller.


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The Turning PointThe Turning Point

转折点转折点The crops stopped growing as well as The crops stopped growing as well as before before


The Turning PointThe Turning Point

转折点转折点The crops stopped growing as well as The crops stopped growing as well as before before


Page 22: Story of Easter Island

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The Turning Point


They saw less prosperity. So they thought they needed They saw less prosperity. So they thought they needed more statues.more statues.


The Turning Point


They saw less prosperity. So they thought they needed They saw less prosperity. So they thought they needed more statues.more statues.


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They raced to cut down the trees to build more statues to get more prosperity. And that’s when they cut down the last tree.


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The Collapse of Easter Island


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The Collapse of Easter Island

复活节岛最终崩溃了The crops died and resources became scarce.


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And with no boats no one could leave!


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The Collapse of Easter Island


With nothing left, the island people threw down With nothing left, the island people threw down each other’s statues, till there was nothing left. each other’s statues, till there was nothing left.


The Collapse of Easter Island


With nothing left, the island people threw down With nothing left, the island people threw down each other’s statues, till there was nothing left. each other’s statues, till there was nothing left.


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Two Islands

两个岛屿Easter Island

复活节岛Our Island


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What was wrong with their thinking?


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Where our prosperity comes from?


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总结Easter Island gives us an example of what can happen if we ignore the size of our own environmental footprint

复活节岛告诉我们,破坏环境会造成怎样严重的后果The real source of our prosperity is not in the things we make or buy. It comes from the systems in the environment that support our lives.
