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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 © 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for: Albuquerque International Sunport 2200 Sunport Boulevard SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 2447700 SWPPP Contact: City of Albuquerque Aviation Department Christopher Albrecht Environmental Manager P.O. Box 9948 Albuquerque, NM 87119 Fax: (505) 2447793 SWPPP Preparation Date: September 18, 2015 Prepared By: 6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200 Albuquerque, NM 87110 CDM Smith Project No.: 36361108320 

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Pollution Prevention Plan ... 4.3.1 Quarterly Visual Stormwater Assessment ... Appendix A Pollution Prevention Team Members

Mar 27, 2018



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Page 1: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Pollution Prevention Plan ... 4.3.1 Quarterly Visual Stormwater Assessment ... Appendix A Pollution Prevention Team Members

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for: 

Albuquerque International Sunport 

2200 Sunport Boulevard SE 

Albuquerque, NM 87106 

(505) 244‐7700 

SWPPP Contact: 

City of Albuquerque Aviation Department 

Christopher Albrecht 

Environmental Manager 

P.O. Box 9948 

Albuquerque, NM 87119 

Fax: (505) 244‐7793 

SWPPP Preparation Date: 

September 18, 2015 

Prepared By: 

6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200 Albuquerque, NM 87110 CDM Smith Project No.: 36361‐108320 

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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

i © 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 

Contents Overview of SWPPP Development and Availability .................................................................... 1 

Section 1: Facility Description and Contact Information ............................................................. 5 

1.1 FacilityInformation.................................................................................................................................................51.2 DischargeInformation............................................................................................................................................51.3 ContactInformation/ResponsibleParties......................................................................................................61.4 StormwaterPollutionPreventionTeam(PPT)............................................................................................71.5 ActivitiesattheFacility..........................................................................................................................................71.6 GeneralLocationMap.............................................................................................................................................81.7 SiteMaps......................................................................................................................................................................8

Section 2: Potential Pollutant Sources ...................................................................................... 11 

2.1 IndustrialActivityandAssociatedPollutants............................................................................................112.2 SpillsandLeaks......................................................................................................................................................112.3 Non‐StormwaterDischargesDocumentation............................................................................................142.4 SaltStorage...............................................................................................................................................................152.5 SamplingDataSummary....................................................................................................................................15

Section 3: Stormwater Control Measures ................................................................................. 17 

3.1 MinimizeExposure...............................................................................................................................................173.2 GoodHousekeeping..............................................................................................................................................183.3 MaintenanceofControlMeasures..................................................................................................................183.4 SpillPreventionandResponse.........................................................................................................................183.5 ErosionandSedimentControls.......................................................................................................................193.6 ManagementofRunoff........................................................................................................................................203.7 SaltStoragePilesorPilesContainingSalt...................................................................................................203.8 MSGPSector‐SpecificNon‐NumericEffluentLimits...............................................................................203.9 EmployeeTraining................................................................................................................................................213.10 Non‐StormwaterDischarges.............................................................................................................................213.11 Waste,GarbageandFloatableDebris............................................................................................................223.12 DustGenerationandVehicleTrackingofIndustrialMaterials...........................................................22

Section 4: Schedules and Procedures ........................................................................................ 23 

4.1 SchedulesandProceduresPertainingtoControlMeasures................................................................234.2 SchedulesandProceduresPertainingtoInspections............................................................................23

4.2.1 RoutineFacilityInspections..................................................................................................................234.2.2 MonthlyDeicingInspections.................................................................................................................25

4.3 SchedulesandProceduresPertainingtoMonitoring.............................................................................254.3.1 QuarterlyVisualStormwaterAssessment.......................................................................................254.3.2 BenchmarkMonitoring...........................................................................................................................274.3.3 ELGMonitoring...........................................................................................................................................274.3.4 State‐orTribal‐SpecificMonitoring...................................................................................................27

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4.3.5 ImpairedWatersMonitoring...............................................................................................................274.3.6 SubstantiallyIdenticalOutfallException.........................................................................................28

4.4 SchedulesandProceduresPertainingtoCorrectiveAction................................................................294.5 SchedulesandProceduresPertainingtoAnnualReports....................................................................30

Section 5: Documentation to Support Eligibility Considerations under Other Federal Laws ...... 33 

5.1 DocumentationRegardingEndangeredSpecies.......................................................................................335.2 DocumentationRegardingHistoricProperties........................................................................................335.3 DocumentationRegardingNEPAReview(ifapplicable)......................................................................33

Section 6: SWPPP Certification ................................................................................................. 35 

6.1 Person(s)ResponsibleforSWPPPPreparation........................................................................................356.2 SWPPPCertification–AviationDepartment..............................................................................................356.3 SWPPPCertification–Operators....................................................................................................................36

Section 7: SWPPP Modifications ............................................................................................... 37 

SWPPP Appendices ................................................................................................................... 39 

AppendixA PollutionPreventionTeamMembersAppendixB Multi‐SectorGeneralPermit2015AppendixC Figures


AppendixD ListofTenantSpecificPotentialPollutantsAppendixE EvaluationofNon‐StormwaterDischargesAppendixF BestManagementPracticesandSummaryofTenant‐SpecificBMPsAppendixG TrainingRecordsAppendixH EndangeredandThreatenedSpeciesScreeningMemorandumAppendixI HistoricPropertiesPreservationScreeningMemorandumAppendixJ CopyoftheNoticeofIntentandAcknowledgementLetterAppendixK DocumentationofMaintenancetoControlMeasuresAppendixL DocumentationofCorrectiveActionTakenAppendixM Reports

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SWPPP Appendices AppendixA PollutionPreventionTeamMembers

AppendixB Multi‐SectorGeneralPermit2015

AppendixC Figures










AppendixD ListofTenantSpecificPotentialPollutants

AppendixE EvaluationofNon‐StormwaterDischarges

AppendixF BestManagementPractices


AppendixG TrainingRecords

AppendixH EndangeredandThreatenedSpeciesScreeningMemorandum

AppendixI HistoricPropertiesPreservationScreeningMemorandum


AppendixJ CopyoftheNoticeofIntentandAcknowledgementLetter

AppendixK DocumentationofMaintenancetoControlMeasures

AppendixL DocumentationofCorrectiveActionTaken

AppendixM Reports


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

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© 2015 CDM Smith All Rights Reserved    APP H2 ‐ ESA Criterion Eligibility 2015 


To:  Christopher Albrecht, Environmental Manager Albuquerque Aviation Department 


From:  Sarah C. Tuite, P.E. 


Date:  July 13, 2015 


Subject:  Update to Albuquerque International Sunport and Double Eagle II Airport Documentation of Eligibility with respect to Endangered Species for Coverage under the Multi‐Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities (MSGP 2015)  


UsingthemethodologyoutlinedinAppendixEofMSGP2015,bothairportshavebeendeterminedeligibleforcoverageunderCriterionCrelatedtoendangeredspeciesprotection.Theendangeredspeciesdatacollectedandtheassessmentofthepotentialeffectsofairportdischargesaredescribedinthismemorandum. TheinformationisformattedinaccordancewiththerequirementsofMSGP2015,AppendixE. Thisinformationmayalsobehelpfultotenants(operators)atthetwoairportsthatintendtofileNOIsandclaimforeligibilityunderCriterionBofMSGP2015,AppendixE.


Step One: Determine if the Eligibility Requirements of Criterion B, D, or E Can Be Met 


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Step Two: Determine the Extent of Your Action Area 

TheActionArea,asdefinedintheMSGP2015,includes“allareastobeaffecteddirectlyorindirectlybythefederalactionandnotmerelytheimmediateareainvolvedintheaction,includingareasbeyondthefootprintofthefacilitythatarelikelytobeaffectedbystormwaterdischarges,discharge‐relatedactivities,andallowablenon‐stormwaterdischarges.” Assuch,AppendixEdirectstheevaluatortoconsiderareasbeyondthefootprintofthefacilityincludingdownstreamareasthatmaybeimpactedbydischargesofpollutants.




GeographicInformationSystem(GIS)mappingsystemwasutilizedtocreatetheActionAreas.ThefirststepwastodownloadthecountywideparcelboundariesshapefilefromtheCityofAlbuquerqueGISwebsite( ).‐information‐systems‐dataTheattributestableintheparcelboundariesshapefilewasusedtolocateallparcelsassociatedwitheachairport.TheparcelsweremergedinGIStocreateoneshapefile.

Thenextstepwastodeterminewhichsubwatershedswereassociatedwitheachairport.Thehydrographygeodatabase(geodatabase)fortheAlbuquerqueNewMexicoareawasdownloadedfromtheUnitedStatesGeologicalSurvey(USGS)NationalMapViewerwebsitebasedonthetwoairportsshapefiles( ).The’mergedshapefilelocationwithinthegeodatabase.GISwasthenusedtocreateshapefilesoftheActionAreaatthe12‐digithydrologicunitcode(HUC)sixth‐levelsubwatershedforeachairport.ThesesubwatershedshapefileswereusedtoperformStep3.


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Table 1 Airport Subwatersheds for Generation of Action Area 

Airport Name  HUC12 Number  Subwatershed Name  Square Miles 

Albuquerque International Sunport Airport 130202030304  City of Albuquerque  59 

130202030203  Lower Tijeras Arroyo  43 

Double Eagle II Airport 130202030108  City of Paradise Hills‐Rio Grande  47 

130202030303  West Mesa Airport‐Rio Grande  58 


Step Three: Determine if Listed Threatened or Endangered Species and Critical Habitat are Present in the Action Area. 

TheU.S.Fish&WildlifeService(FWS)maintainsanonlinemappingtoolInformation,PlanningandConsultationSystem(IPaC)( ),usedtocreateareaspecificlistingsof


Table 2 Threatened or Endangered Species listed for Action Areas

Common Name  Scientific Name Species Group 

Listing Status 

Mexican spotted owl  Strix occidentalis lucida  birds  T 

New Mexico meadow jumping mouse  Zapus hudsonius luteus  mammals  E 

Rio Grande silvery minnow  Hybognathus amarus  fishes  E 

Southwest Willow flycatcher  Empidonax traillii extimus  birds  E 

Sprague's Pipit  Anthus spragueii  birds  C 

Yellow‐Billed Cuckoo  Coccyzus americanus  birds  T 

C – Candidate, E – Endangered, T – Threatened 

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Table 3 Critical habitats listed as within the Action Areas 

Species Habitat  Critical Habitat Type 

Yellow‐Billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus)  Proposed 

Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus)  Final designated 



AspreviouslyindicatedinpastMSGPreportsnoneofthethreatenedorendangeredspeciesarelikelytooccurontheestablishedABQorDEIIproperties. However,twoendangeredspecies,theRioGrandesilveryminnowandthesouthwestwillowflycatcherareknownorlikelytobepresent,atleastseasonally,attheRioGrande,receivingwatersforairportstormwaterdischarges.

Step Four: Determine If Your Industrial Facility’s Discharges Or Discharge‐Related Activities Are Likely To Adversely Affect Listed Threatened Or Endangered Species Or Designated Critical Habitat And Any Measures That Must Be Implemented To Avoid Adverse Effects 


Albuquerque International Sunport Airport 


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Double Eagle II Airport 





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cc: ABQandDEIIAirportOperators

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Attachment 1 Include a map and a written description of the action area of your facility, as required in Step 2. You may choose to include the map that is generated from the FWS’ on-line mapping tool IPaC (the Information, Planning, and Consultation System) located at

The written description of your action area that accompanies your action area map must explain your rationale for the extant of the action area drawn on your map. For example, your action area written description may look something like this:

The action area for the (name of your facility)’s stormwater discharges extends downstream from the outfall(s) in (name of receiving waterbody) (# of meters/feet/kilometers/miles). The downstream limit of the action area reflects the approximate distance at which the discharge waters and any pollutants would be expected to cause potential adverse effects to listed species and/or critical habitat because (insert rationale). The action area does/does not extend to the (name of receiving waterbody)’s confluence with (name of confluence waterbody) because (insert rationale).

Note that you action area written description will be highly site-specific, depending on the expected effects of your facility’s dishcarges and discharge-related activities, receiving waterbody characteristics, etc.

Criterion C Eligibility Form Page 10 of 11

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Attachment 2 List or attach the listed species and critical habitat in your action area on this sheet, as required in Step 3. You must include a list for applicable listed NMFS and FWS species and critical habitat. If there are listed species and/or critical habitat for only one Service, you must include a statement confirming there are no listed species and/or critical habitat for the other Service. For FWS species, include the full printout from your IPaC query. Note: If your Official Species List from the USFWS indicated no species or critical habitat were present in your action area, include the full consultation tracking code at the top of your Official Species List in your NOI submittal in the question “Provide a brief summary of the basis for the criterion selected in Appendix E.” If an Official Species List was not available on IPaC, list the contact date and name of the Service staff with whom you corresponded to identify the existence of any USFWS species or critical habitat present in your action area.

Criterion C Eligibility Form Page 11 of 11

See attached Official Species List for Albuquerque International Sunport

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United States Department of the InteriorFISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE

New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office2105 OSUNA ROAD NE

ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87113PHONE: (505)346-2525 FAX: (505)346-2542


Consultation Code: 02ENNM00-2015-SLI-0382 June 26, 2015Event Code: 02ENNM00-2015-E-00484Project Name: Albuquerque International Sunport Airport SWPPP

Subject: List of threatened and endangered species that may occur in your proposed projectlocation, and/or may be affected by your proposed project

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for your recent request for information on federally listed species and importantwildlife habitats that may occur in your project area. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service(Service) has responsibility for certain species of New Mexico wildlife under the EndangeredSpecies Act (ESA) of 1973 as amended (16 USC 1531 et seq.), the Migratory Bird Treaty Act(MBTA) as amended (16 USC 701-715), and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act(BGEPA) as amended (16 USC 668-668c). We are providing the following guidance to assistyou in determining which federally imperiled species may or may not occur within your projectarea and to recommend some conservation measures that can be included in your project design.


Attached is a list of endangered, threatened, and proposed species that may occur in your projectarea. Your project area may not necessarily include all or any of these species. Under the ESA,it is the responsibility of the Federal action agency or its designated representative to determineif a proposed action "may affect" endangered, threatened, or proposed species, or designatedcritical habitat, and if so, to consult with the Service further. Similarly, it is the responsibility ofthe Federal action agency or project proponent, not the Service, to make "no effect"determinations. If you determine that your proposed action will have "no effect" on threatenedor endangered species or their respective critical habitat, you do not need to seek concurrencewith the Service. Nevertheless, it is a violation of Federal law to harm or harass anyfederally-listed threatened or endangered fish or wildlife species without the appropriate permit.

If you determine that your proposed action may affect federally-listed species, consultation withthe Service will be necessary. Through the consultation process, we will analyze information

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contained in a biological assessment that you provide. If your proposed action is associated withFederal funding or permitting, consultation will occur with the Federal agency under section7(a)(2) of the ESA. Otherwise, an incidental take permit pursuant to section 10(a)(1)(B) of theESA (also known as a habitat conservation plan) is necessary to harm or harass federally listedthreatened or endangered fish or wildlife species. In either case, there is no mechanism forauthorizing incidental take "after-the-fact." For more information regarding formal consultationand HCPs, please see the Service's Consultation Handbook and Habitat Conservation Plans

The scope of federally listed species compliance not only includes direct effects, but also anyinterrelated or interdependent project activities (e.g., equipment staging areas, offsite borrowmaterial areas, or utility relocations) and any indirect or cumulative effects that may occur in theaction area. The action area includes all areas to be affected, not merely the immediate areainvolved in the action. Large projects may have effects outside the immediate area to speciesnot listed here that should be addressed. If your action area has suitable habitat for any of theattached species, we recommend that species-specific surveys be conducted during theflowering season for plants and at the appropriate time for wildlife to evaluate any possibleproject-related impacts.

Candidate Species and Other Sensitive Species

A list of candidate and other sensitive species in your area is also attached. Candidate speciesand other sensitive species are species that have no legal protection under the ESA, although werecommend that candidate and other sensitive species be included in your surveys andconsidered for planning purposes. The Service monitors the status of these species. If significantdeclines occur, these species could potentially be listed. Therefore, actions that may contributeto their decline should be avoided.

Lists of sensitive species including State-listed endangered and threatened species are compiledby New Mexico state agencies. These lists, along with species information, can be found at thefollowing websites:

Biota Information System of New Mexico (BISON-M):

New Mexico State Forestry. The New Mexico Endangered Plant Program:

New Mexico Rare Plant Technical Council, New Mexico Rare Plants:

Natural Heritage New Mexico, online species database:


Under Executive Orders 11988 and 11990, Federal agencies are required to minimize thedestruction, loss, or degradation of wetlands and floodplains, and preserve and enhance theirnatural and beneficial values. These habitats should be conserved through avoidance, ormitigated to ensure that there would be no net loss of wetlands function and value.


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We encourage you to use the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps in conjunction withground-truthing to identify wetlands occurring in your project area. The Service's NWI programwebsite, integrates digital map data with otherresource information. We also recommend you contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers forpermitting requirements under section 404 of the Clean Water Act if your proposed action couldimpact floodplains or wetlands.


The MBTA prohibits the taking of migratory birds, nests, and eggs, except as permitted by theService's Migratory Bird Office. To minimize the likelihood of adverse impacts to migratorybirds, we recommend construction activities occur outside the general bird nesting season fromMarch through August, or that areas proposed for construction during the nesting season besurveyed, and when occupied, avoided until the young have fledged.

We recommend review of Birds of Conservation Concern at to fully evaluate theeffects to the birds at your site. This list identifies birds that are potentially threatened bydisturbance and construction.


The bald eagle ( ) was delisted under the ESA on August 9, 2007. BothHaliaeetus leucocephalusthe bald eagle and golden eagle ( ) are still protected under the MBTA andAquila chrysaetosBGEPA. The BGEPA affords both eagles protection in addition to that provided by the MBTA,in particular, by making it unlawful to "disturb" eagles. Under the BGEPA, the Service mayissue limited permits to incidentally "take" eagles (e.g., injury, interfering with normal breeding,feeding, or sheltering behavior nest abandonment). For information on bald and golden eaglemanagement guidelines, we recommend you review information provided

On our web site, we have includedconservation measures that can minimize impacts to federally listed and other sensitive species.These include measures for communication towers, power line safety for raptors, road andhighway improvements, spring developments and livestock watering facilities, wastewaterfacilities, and trenching operations.

We also suggest you contact the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, and the NewMexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department, Forestry Division forinformation regarding State fish, wildlife, and plants.

Thank you for your concern for endangered and threatened species and New Mexico's wildlifehabitats. We appreciate your efforts to identify and avoid impacts to listed and sensitive speciesin your project area. For further consultation on your proposed activity, please call505-346-2525 or email [email protected] and reference your Service Consultation TrackingNumber.



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Official Species ListProvided by:

New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office



(505) 346-2525

Consultation Code: 02ENNM00-2015-SLI-0382Event Code: 02ENNM00-2015-E-00484


Project Name: Albuquerque International Sunport Airport SWPPPProject Description: This project is updating the Albuquerque International Sunport AirportSWPPP. Located in Albuquerque New Mexico. This information is needed late June to early July tomeet EPA submittal deadlines. This information is needed to submit to EPA to meet Step 3 ofAppendix E of the MSGP.

Please Note: The FWS office may have modified the Project Name and/or Project Description, so itmay be different from what was submitted in your previous request. If the Consultation Codematches, the FWS considers this to be the same project. Contact the office in the 'Provided by'section of your previous Official Species list if you have any questions or concerns.

United States Department of InteriorFish and Wildlife Service

Project name: Albuquerque International Sunport Airport SWPPP

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Project Location Map:

Project Coordinates: The coordinates are too numerous to display here.

Project Counties: Bernalillo, NM

United States Department of InteriorFish and Wildlife Service

Project name: Albuquerque International Sunport Airport SWPPP

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Endangered Species Act Species List

There are a total of 6 threatened, endangered, or candidate species on your species list. Species on this list should be

considered in an effects analysis for your project and could include species that exist in another geographic area. For

example, certain fish may appear on the species list because a project could affect downstream species. Critical habitats

listed under the Has Critical Habitat column may or may not lie within your project area. See the Critical habitatswithin your project area section further below for critical habitat that lies within your project. Please contact the

designated FWS office if you have questions.

Birds Status Has Critical Habitat Condition(s)

Mexican Spotted owl (Strixoccidentalis lucida) Population: Entire

Threatened Final designated

Southwestern Willow flycatcher

(Empidonax traillii extimus) Population: Entire

Endangered Final designated

Sprague's Pipit (Anthus spragueii) Candidate

Yellow-Billed Cuckoo (Coccyzusamericanus) Population: Western U.S. DPS

Threatened Proposed


Rio Grande silvery minnow

(Hybognathus amarus) Population: Entire, except where listed as an

experimental population

Endangered Final designated


New Mexico meadow jumping mouse

(Zapus hudsonius luteus)Endangered Proposed

United States Department of InteriorFish and Wildlife Service

Project name: Albuquerque International Sunport Airport SWPPP

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Critical habitats that lie within your project area

The following critical habitats lie fully or partially within your project area.

Birds Critical Habitat Type

Yellow-Billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Population: Western U.S. DPS



Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathusamarus) Population: Entire, except where listed as an

experimental population

Final designated

United States Department of InteriorFish and Wildlife Service

Project name: Albuquerque International Sunport Airport SWPPP

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Attachment 1 Include a map and a written description of the action area of your facility, as required in Step 2. You may choose to include the map that is generated from the FWS’ on-line mapping tool IPaC (the Information, Planning, and Consultation System) located at

The written description of your action area that accompanies your action area map must explain your rationale for the extant of the action area drawn on your map. For example, your action area written description may look something like this:

The action area for the (name of your facility)’s stormwater discharges extends downstream from the outfall(s) in (name of receiving waterbody) (# of meters/feet/kilometers/miles). The downstream limit of the action area reflects the approximate distance at which the discharge waters and any pollutants would be expected to cause potential adverse effects to listed species and/or critical habitat because (insert rationale). The action area does/does not extend to the (name of receiving waterbody)’s confluence with (name of confluence waterbody) because (insert rationale).

Note that you action area written description will be highly site-specific, depending on the expected effects of your facility’s dishcarges and discharge-related activities, receiving waterbody characteristics, etc.

Criterion C Eligibility Form Page 10 of 11

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Attachment 2 List or attach the listed species and critical habitat in your action area on this sheet, as required in Step 3. You must include a list for applicable listed NMFS and FWS species and critical habitat. If there are listed species and/or critical habitat for only one Service, you must include a statement confirming there are no listed species and/or critical habitat for the other Service. For FWS species, include the full printout from your IPaC query. Note: If your Official Species List from the USFWS indicated no species or critical habitat were present in your action area, include the full consultation tracking code at the top of your Official Species List in your NOI submittal in the question “Provide a brief summary of the basis for the criterion selected in Appendix E.” If an Official Species List was not available on IPaC, list the contact date and name of the Service staff with whom you corresponded to identify the existence of any USFWS species or critical habitat present in your action area.

Criterion C Eligibility Form Page 11 of 11

See attached Official Species List for Double Eagle II Airport

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United States Department of the InteriorFISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE

New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office2105 OSUNA ROAD NE

ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87113PHONE: (505)346-2525 FAX: (505)346-2542


Consultation Code: 02ENNM00-2015-SLI-0379 June 25, 2015Event Code: 02ENNM00-2015-E-00481Project Name: Double Eagle II Airport SWPPP

Subject: List of threatened and endangered species that may occur in your proposed projectlocation, and/or may be affected by your proposed project

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for your recent request for information on federally listed species and importantwildlife habitats that may occur in your project area. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service(Service) has responsibility for certain species of New Mexico wildlife under the EndangeredSpecies Act (ESA) of 1973 as amended (16 USC 1531 et seq.), the Migratory Bird Treaty Act(MBTA) as amended (16 USC 701-715), and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act(BGEPA) as amended (16 USC 668-668c). We are providing the following guidance to assistyou in determining which federally imperiled species may or may not occur within your projectarea and to recommend some conservation measures that can be included in your project design.


Attached is a list of endangered, threatened, and proposed species that may occur in your projectarea. Your project area may not necessarily include all or any of these species. Under the ESA,it is the responsibility of the Federal action agency or its designated representative to determineif a proposed action "may affect" endangered, threatened, or proposed species, or designatedcritical habitat, and if so, to consult with the Service further. Similarly, it is the responsibility ofthe Federal action agency or project proponent, not the Service, to make "no effect"determinations. If you determine that your proposed action will have "no effect" on threatenedor endangered species or their respective critical habitat, you do not need to seek concurrencewith the Service. Nevertheless, it is a violation of Federal law to harm or harass anyfederally-listed threatened or endangered fish or wildlife species without the appropriate permit.

If you determine that your proposed action may affect federally-listed species, consultation withthe Service will be necessary. Through the consultation process, we will analyze information

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contained in a biological assessment that you provide. If your proposed action is associated withFederal funding or permitting, consultation will occur with the Federal agency under section7(a)(2) of the ESA. Otherwise, an incidental take permit pursuant to section 10(a)(1)(B) of theESA (also known as a habitat conservation plan) is necessary to harm or harass federally listedthreatened or endangered fish or wildlife species. In either case, there is no mechanism forauthorizing incidental take "after-the-fact." For more information regarding formal consultationand HCPs, please see the Service's Consultation Handbook and Habitat Conservation Plans

The scope of federally listed species compliance not only includes direct effects, but also anyinterrelated or interdependent project activities (e.g., equipment staging areas, offsite borrowmaterial areas, or utility relocations) and any indirect or cumulative effects that may occur in theaction area. The action area includes all areas to be affected, not merely the immediate areainvolved in the action. Large projects may have effects outside the immediate area to speciesnot listed here that should be addressed. If your action area has suitable habitat for any of theattached species, we recommend that species-specific surveys be conducted during theflowering season for plants and at the appropriate time for wildlife to evaluate any possibleproject-related impacts.

Candidate Species and Other Sensitive Species

A list of candidate and other sensitive species in your area is also attached. Candidate speciesand other sensitive species are species that have no legal protection under the ESA, although werecommend that candidate and other sensitive species be included in your surveys andconsidered for planning purposes. The Service monitors the status of these species. If significantdeclines occur, these species could potentially be listed. Therefore, actions that may contributeto their decline should be avoided.

Lists of sensitive species including State-listed endangered and threatened species are compiledby New Mexico state agencies. These lists, along with species information, can be found at thefollowing websites:

Biota Information System of New Mexico (BISON-M):

New Mexico State Forestry. The New Mexico Endangered Plant Program:

New Mexico Rare Plant Technical Council, New Mexico Rare Plants:

Natural Heritage New Mexico, online species database:


Under Executive Orders 11988 and 11990, Federal agencies are required to minimize thedestruction, loss, or degradation of wetlands and floodplains, and preserve and enhance theirnatural and beneficial values. These habitats should be conserved through avoidance, ormitigated to ensure that there would be no net loss of wetlands function and value.


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We encourage you to use the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps in conjunction withground-truthing to identify wetlands occurring in your project area. The Service's NWI programwebsite, integrates digital map data with otherresource information. We also recommend you contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers forpermitting requirements under section 404 of the Clean Water Act if your proposed action couldimpact floodplains or wetlands.


The MBTA prohibits the taking of migratory birds, nests, and eggs, except as permitted by theService's Migratory Bird Office. To minimize the likelihood of adverse impacts to migratorybirds, we recommend construction activities occur outside the general bird nesting season fromMarch through August, or that areas proposed for construction during the nesting season besurveyed, and when occupied, avoided until the young have fledged.

We recommend review of Birds of Conservation Concern at to fully evaluate theeffects to the birds at your site. This list identifies birds that are potentially threatened bydisturbance and construction.


The bald eagle ( ) was delisted under the ESA on August 9, 2007. BothHaliaeetus leucocephalusthe bald eagle and golden eagle ( ) are still protected under the MBTA andAquila chrysaetosBGEPA. The BGEPA affords both eagles protection in addition to that provided by the MBTA,in particular, by making it unlawful to "disturb" eagles. Under the BGEPA, the Service mayissue limited permits to incidentally "take" eagles (e.g., injury, interfering with normal breeding,feeding, or sheltering behavior nest abandonment). For information on bald and golden eaglemanagement guidelines, we recommend you review information provided

On our web site, we have includedconservation measures that can minimize impacts to federally listed and other sensitive species.These include measures for communication towers, power line safety for raptors, road andhighway improvements, spring developments and livestock watering facilities, wastewaterfacilities, and trenching operations.

We also suggest you contact the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, and the NewMexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department, Forestry Division forinformation regarding State fish, wildlife, and plants.

Thank you for your concern for endangered and threatened species and New Mexico's wildlifehabitats. We appreciate your efforts to identify and avoid impacts to listed and sensitive speciesin your project area. For further consultation on your proposed activity, please call505-346-2525 or email [email protected] and reference your Service Consultation TrackingNumber.



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Official Species ListProvided by:

New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office



(505) 346-2525

Consultation Code: 02ENNM00-2015-SLI-0379Event Code: 02ENNM00-2015-E-00481


Project Name: Double Eagle II Airport SWPPPProject Description: This project is updating the Double Eagle II Airport SWPPP. Located inAlbuquerque New Mexico. This information is needed late June to early July to meet EPA submittaldeadlines. This information is needed to submit to EPA to meet Step 3 of Appendix E of the MSGP.

Please Note: The FWS office may have modified the Project Name and/or Project Description, so itmay be different from what was submitted in your previous request. If the Consultation Codematches, the FWS considers this to be the same project. Contact the office in the 'Provided by'section of your previous Official Species list if you have any questions or concerns.

United States Department of InteriorFish and Wildlife Service

Project name: Double Eagle II Airport SWPPP

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Project Location Map:

Project Coordinates: The coordinates are too numerous to display here.

Project Counties: Bernalillo, NM

United States Department of InteriorFish and Wildlife Service

Project name: Double Eagle II Airport SWPPP

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Endangered Species Act Species List

There are a total of 6 threatened, endangered, or candidate species on your species list. Species on this list should be

considered in an effects analysis for your project and could include species that exist in another geographic area. For

example, certain fish may appear on the species list because a project could affect downstream species. Critical habitats

listed under the Has Critical Habitat column may or may not lie within your project area. See the Critical habitatswithin your project area section further below for critical habitat that lies within your project. Please contact the

designated FWS office if you have questions.

Birds Status Has Critical Habitat Condition(s)

Mexican Spotted owl (Strixoccidentalis lucida) Population: Entire

Threatened Final designated

Southwestern Willow flycatcher

(Empidonax traillii extimus) Population: Entire

Endangered Final designated

Sprague's Pipit (Anthus spragueii) Candidate

Yellow-Billed Cuckoo (Coccyzusamericanus) Population: Western U.S. DPS

Threatened Proposed


Rio Grande silvery minnow

(Hybognathus amarus) Population: Entire, except where listed as an

experimental population

Endangered Final designated


New Mexico meadow jumping mouse

(Zapus hudsonius luteus)Endangered Proposed

United States Department of InteriorFish and Wildlife Service

Project name: Double Eagle II Airport SWPPP

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Critical habitats that lie within your project area

The following critical habitats lie fully or partially within your project area.

Birds Critical Habitat Type

Yellow-Billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Population: Western U.S. DPS



Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathusamarus) Population: Entire, except where listed as an

experimental population

Final designated

United States Department of InteriorFish and Wildlife Service

Project name: Double Eagle II Airport SWPPP

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Tuite, Sarah






Orndorff, Adam <[email protected]>

Thursday, July 30, 2015 9:30 AM

Tuite, Sarah

COMPLETE - Criterion C Eligibility Form Forwarded to the Services, City of Albuquerque

Aviation Department, Albuquerque International Sunport and Double Eagle II Airport,

New Mexico

This email is in response to the Criterion C Eligibility Forms (Forms) submitted to U.S. EPA as part of the industrial

stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) requirements. The Forms submitted for both Albuquerque

International Sunport and Double Eagle II Airport was complete and forwarded to the Services (FWS and NMFS) for

review on 7/17/2015. You may submit the NOI for permit coverage if no response is received by 8/15/2015.

I’m really sorry for not responding earlier! Please let me know if you have any questions.

Adam Orndorff | Environmental Scientist Direct: 703.385.2130 | Fax: 703.385.6007

[email protected]

Tetra Tech | Complex World, Clear Solutions10306 Eaton Place, Suite 340 | Fairfax, VA 22030-2201 |

PLEASE NOTE: This message, including any attachments, may include privileged, confidential and/or inside information. Any distribution or use of this communication by anyone other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 



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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


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©2015 CDM Smith Inc. All Rights Reserved 


To:  Christopher Albrecht, Environmental Manager 

From:  Sarah C. Tuite 

Date:  July 13, 2015 

Subject:  Albuquerque International Sunport Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Eligibility Screening for the National Historic Preservation Act  


Step One: Are you an existing facility that is reapplying for certification under the 2015 MSGP? 




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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


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Page 1 of 14

2015 NPDES Multi-Sector General Permit For Stormwater Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity (MSGP) Forms

United States Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, DC 20460

Note: This is a "smart form"; as you fill out the form, additional questions willl appear that you will need to answer.

Permit Information

1. What action would you like to take? *

File a New Notice of Intent Form

Submission of this Notice of Intent (NOI) constitutes notice that the operator identified in the Facility Operator Information section of this form requests authorization to discharge pursuant to the NPDES Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) permit number identified in the Permit Information section of this form. Submission of this NOI also constitutes notice that the operator identified in the Facility Operator Information section of this form meets the eligibility conditions of Part 1.1 of the MSGP for the facility identified in the Facility Information section of this form. To obtain authorization, you must submit a complete and accurate NOI form. Discharges are not authorized if your NOI is incomplete or inaccurate or if you were never eligible for permit coverage.

Operator Name (Organization Name) *

City of Albuquerque Aviation Department

Operator Name as Noted by the NOI Preparer

City of Albuquerque Aviation Department

2. Select the state/territory where your facility is located *


3. Is your facility located on Indian Country lands? *

Yes No

4. Are you requesting coverage as a "federal operator" as defined in Appendix A? * Yes No

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Page 2 of 14

5. Are you a new discharger or a new source as defined in Appendix A? * Yes No

5a. Have stormwater discharges from your facility been covered previously under an NPDES permit? * Yes No

5aa. Provide your most current NPDES ID (i.e., permit tracking number) if you had coverage under EPA's MSGP 2008 or the NPDES permit number if you had coverage under an EPA individual permit *


6. Do you directly discharge to any of the waters of the U.S. that are designated by the state or tribal authority under its antidegradation policy as a Tier 3 water (Outstanding Natural Resource Water) (See Appendix L)? Your project will be considered to discharge to a Tier 3 water if the first water of the US to which you discharge is identified by a state, tribe, or EPA as a Tier 3 water. For discharges that enter a storm sewer system prior to discharge, the first water of the US to which you discharge is the waterbody that receives the stormwater discharge from the storm sewer system. *

Yes No

7. Does your facility directly discharge to a Federal CERCLA site listed in Appendix P? For the purposes of this permit, a permittee discharges to a Federal CERCLA site if the discharge flows directly into the site through its own conveyance, or through a conveyance owned by others, such as a municipal separate storm sewer system. *

Yes No

8. Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) been prepared in advance of filing this NOI, as required? * Yes No

9. By indicating “Yes”, I confirm that I understand that the MSGP only authorizes the allowable stormwater discharges in Part 1.1.2 and the allowable non-stormwater discharges in Part 1.1.3. Any discharges not expressly authorized under the MSGP are not covered by the MSGP and they cannot become authorized by disclosure to EPA and/or a state via this Notice of Intent to be covered by the permit or by any other means (e.g., in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan or during an inspection). If any discharges requiring NPDES permit coverage other than the allowable stormwater and non-stormwater discharges listed in Parts 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 will be discharged, they must be covered under another NPDES permit. *

Yes No

10. Master Permit Number


A: Facility Operator Information

1. Operator Name (Organization Name) *

City of Albuquerque Aviation Department

2. Street *

2200 Sunport Blvd SE

3. Supplemental Address

P.O. Box 9948

4. City *


5. State *


6. Zip Code *


7. Facility County or Similar Govt. Subdivision *


8. Phone (10-digits, No dashes) * 9. Extension 10. E-Mail *

Operator point of contact information

11. First Name *


12. Middle Initial


13. Last Name *


14. Professional Title *

Director of Aviation

B: Facility Information

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Page 3 of 14

1. Facility Name *

Albuquerque International Sunport Facility address same as facility operator address

2. Street/Location *

2200 Sunport Blvd SE

3. Supplemental Address

P.O. Box 9948

4. City *


5. State *


6. Zip Code *


7. Facility County or Similar Govt. Subdivision *


Latitude/Longitude for the facility:


8. Latitude (Decimal Degrees) *

35.049099 -

9. Longitude (Decimal Degrees) *


10. Latitude/Longitude Data Source *


11. Horizontal Reference Datum


12. What is the ownership type of the facility *


13. Estimated area of industrial activity at your facility exposed to stormwater (to the nearest quarter acre) *


Identify the applicable sector and subsector of your primary industrial activity (See Appendix D) that best represents the products produced or services rendered for which your facility is primarily engaged, as defined in the MSGP, and the 4-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code or 2-letter Activity Code:

15. Sector *


16. Primary SIC Code *

4581: Airports, Flying Fields, & Services

17. Subsector

S1: Air Transportation Facilities

18. Identify the applicable sectors(s) of any co-located industrial activity for which you are requesting permit coverage.



Subsector *

P1: Local and Highway Passenger Transportation Delete Sector



Subsector *

P1: Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals Delete Sector



Subsector *

AB1: Industrial and Commercial Machinery, Except Computer and Office Equipment (see Sector Delete Sector

Add Sector

21. Do you anticipate using more than 100,000 gallons of glycol-based deicing/anti-icing chemicals and/or 100 tons or more of urea on an annual basis. (Note, if you are an airport tenant and are not responsible for outfall monitoring, answer No). *

Yes No

22. Is your facility presently inactive and unstaffed? *

Yes No

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C: Discharge Information

3. Identify if the following Effluent Limitation Guideline(s) apply to any of your discharges

40 CFR Part/Subpart: Part 449 Eligible Discharges: Runoff containing urea from airfield pavement deicing at existing and new primary airports with 1,000 or more annual non-propeller aircraft departures

Affected MSGP Sector: S New Source Date: 6/15/2012 Does your facility have any discharges subject to this effluent limitation guideline? *

Yes No


4. List all of the stormwater outfalls from your facility. Each outfall must be identified by a unique 3-digit ID (e.g., 001, 002) or a 4-digit ID. Also provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees for each outfall.

A. Outfall ID *

N17 +

B. Latitude (Decimal Degrees) *

35.053028 -

C. Longitude (Decimal Degrees) *

106.619164 Lookup Receiving Waters Information(This button will prepopulate the receiving water information associated with your outfall on your form. You may edit the information that is returned if you believe it is incorrect)

Delete Outfall

If for any reason the Lookup Receiving Water Information button does not prepopulate your form with receiving waters information, you must manually enter the information on your form.

Outfall Section

1. Provide the name of the first water of the U.S that receives stormwater directly from the outfall and/or from the MS4 that the outfall discharges to. (You may edit the name of the water of the U.S. that was returned if incorrect.) *

South Diversion Channel

2. Is the receiving water listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and in need of a TMDL? *

Yes No

3. Has a TMDL been completed for this receiving waterbody? *

Yes No


4. List all of the stormwater outfalls from your facility. Each outfall must be identified by a unique 3-digit ID (e.g., 001, 002) or a 4-digit ID. Also provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees for each outfall.

A. Outfall ID *

SP1 +

B. Latitude (Decimal Degrees) *

35.047443 -

C. Longitude (Decimal Degrees) *

106.624714 Lookup Receiving Waters Information(This button will prepopulate the receiving water information associated with your outfall on your form. You may edit the information that is returned if you believe it is incorrect)

Delete Outfall

D. Substantially Identical to Any Outfalls Listed Above? *

Yes No

If for any reason the Lookup Receiving Water Information button does not prepopulate your form with receiving waters information, you must manually enter the information on your form.

Outfall Section

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1. Provide the name of the first water of the U.S that receives stormwater directly from the outfall and/or from the MS4 that the outfall discharges to. (You may edit the name of the water of the U.S. that was returned if incorrect.) *

South Diversion Channel

2. Is the receiving water listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and in need of a TMDL? *

Yes No

3. Has a TMDL been completed for this receiving waterbody? *

Yes No


4. List all of the stormwater outfalls from your facility. Each outfall must be identified by a unique 3-digit ID (e.g., 001, 002) or a 4-digit ID. Also provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees for each outfall.

A. Outfall ID *

SP2 +

B. Latitude (Decimal Degrees) *

35.046168 -

C. Longitude (Decimal Degrees) *

106.629847 Lookup Receiving Waters Information(This button will prepopulate the receiving water information associated with your outfall on your form. You may edit the information that is returned if you believe it is incorrect)

Delete Outfall

D. Substantially Identical to Any Outfalls Listed Above? *

Yes No

If for any reason the Lookup Receiving Water Information button does not prepopulate your form with receiving waters information, you must manually enter the information on your form.

Outfall Section

1. Provide the name of the first water of the U.S that receives stormwater directly from the outfall and/or from the MS4 that the outfall discharges to. (You may edit the name of the water of the U.S. that was returned if incorrect.) *

South Diversion Channel

2. Is the receiving water listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and in need of a TMDL? *

Yes No

3. Has a TMDL been completed for this receiving waterbody? *

Yes No


4. List all of the stormwater outfalls from your facility. Each outfall must be identified by a unique 3-digit ID (e.g., 001, 002) or a 4-digit ID. Also provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees for each outfall.

A. Outfall ID *

08W +

B. Latitude (Decimal Degrees) *

35.044017 -

C. Longitude (Decimal Degrees) *

106.627449 Lookup Receiving Waters Information(This button will prepopulate the receiving water information associated with your outfall on your form. You may edit the information that is returned if you believe it is incorrect)

Delete Outfall

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Page 6 of 14

D. Substantially Identical to Any Outfalls Listed Above? *

Yes No

If for any reason the Lookup Receiving Water Information button does not prepopulate your form with receiving waters information, you must manually enter the information on your form.

Outfall Section

1. Provide the name of the first water of the U.S that receives stormwater directly from the outfall and/or from the MS4 that the outfall discharges to. (You may edit the name of the water of the U.S. that was returned if incorrect.) *

South Diversion Channel

2. Is the receiving water listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and in need of a TMDL? *

Yes No

3. Has a TMDL been completed for this receiving waterbody? *

Yes No


4. List all of the stormwater outfalls from your facility. Each outfall must be identified by a unique 3-digit ID (e.g., 001, 002) or a 4-digit ID. Also provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees for each outfall.

A. Outfall ID *


B. Latitude (Decimal Degrees) *

35.043930 -

C. Longitude (Decimal Degrees) *

106.627861 Lookup Receiving Waters Information(This button will prepopulate the receiving water information associated with your outfall on your form. You may edit the information that is returned if you believe it is incorrect)

Delete Outfall

D. Substantially Identical to Any Outfalls Listed Above? *

Yes No

If for any reason the Lookup Receiving Water Information button does not prepopulate your form with receiving waters information, you must manually enter the information on your form.

Outfall Section

1. Provide the name of the first water of the U.S that receives stormwater directly from the outfall and/or from the MS4 that the outfall discharges to. (You may edit the name of the water of the U.S. that was returned if incorrect.) *

South Diversion Channel

2. Is the receiving water listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and in need of a TMDL? *

Yes No

3. Has a TMDL been completed for this receiving waterbody? *

Yes No


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4. List all of the stormwater outfalls from your facility. Each outfall must be identified by a unique 3-digit ID (e.g., 001, 002) or a 4-digit ID. Also provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees for each outfall.

A. Outfall ID *


B. Latitude (Decimal Degrees) *

35.043904 -

C. Longitude (Decimal Degrees) *

106.628237 Lookup Receiving Waters Information(This button will prepopulate the receiving water information associated with your outfall on your form. You may edit the information that is returned if you believe it is incorrect)

Delete Outfall

D. Substantially Identical to Any Outfalls Listed Above? *

Yes No

E. Substantially identical to outfall ID *


If for any reason the Lookup Receiving Water Information button does not prepopulate your form with receiving waters information, you must manually enter the information on your form.

Outfall Section

1. Provide the name of the first water of the U.S that receives stormwater directly from the outfall and/or from the MS4 that the outfall discharges to. (You may edit the name of the water of the U.S. that was returned if incorrect.) *

South Diversion Channel

2. Is the receiving water listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and in need of a TMDL? *

Yes No

3. Has a TMDL been completed for this receiving waterbody? *

Yes No


4. List all of the stormwater outfalls from your facility. Each outfall must be identified by a unique 3-digit ID (e.g., 001, 002) or a 4-digit ID. Also provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees for each outfall.

A. Outfall ID *


B. Latitude (Decimal Degrees) *

35.039149 -

C. Longitude (Decimal Degrees) *

106.634706 Lookup Receiving Waters Information(This button will prepopulate the receiving water information associated with your outfall on your form. You may edit the information that is returned if you believe it is incorrect)

Delete Outfall

D. Substantially Identical to Any Outfalls Listed Above? *

Yes No

If for any reason the Lookup Receiving Water Information button does not prepopulate your form with receiving waters information, you must manually enter the information on your form.

Outfall Section

1. Provide the name of the first water of the U.S that receives stormwater directly from the outfall and/or from the MS4 that the outfall discharges to. (You may edit the name of the water of the U.S. that was returned if incorrect.) *

South Diversion Channel

2. Is the receiving water listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and in need of a TMDL? *

Yes No

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3. Has a TMDL been completed for this receiving waterbody? *

Yes No


4. List all of the stormwater outfalls from your facility. Each outfall must be identified by a unique 3-digit ID (e.g., 001, 002) or a 4-digit ID. Also provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees for each outfall.

A. Outfall ID *

W3W +

B. Latitude (Decimal Degrees) *

35.020903 -

C. Longitude (Decimal Degrees) *

106.628646 Lookup Receiving Waters Information(This button will prepopulate the receiving water information associated with your outfall on your form. You may edit the information that is returned if you believe it is incorrect)

Delete Outfall

D. Substantially Identical to Any Outfalls Listed Above? *

Yes No

If for any reason the Lookup Receiving Water Information button does not prepopulate your form with receiving waters information, you must manually enter the information on your form.

Outfall Section

1. Provide the name of the first water of the U.S that receives stormwater directly from the outfall and/or from the MS4 that the outfall discharges to. (You may edit the name of the water of the U.S. that was returned if incorrect.) *

Tijeras Arroyo

2. Is the receiving water listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and in need of a TMDL? *

Yes No

3. Has a TMDL been completed for this receiving waterbody? *

Yes No


4. List all of the stormwater outfalls from your facility. Each outfall must be identified by a unique 3-digit ID (e.g., 001, 002) or a 4-digit ID. Also provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees for each outfall.

A. Outfall ID *

35A +

B. Latitude (Decimal Degrees) *

35.026610 -

C. Longitude (Decimal Degrees) *

106.614109 Lookup Receiving Waters Information(This button will prepopulate the receiving water information associated with your outfall on your form. You may edit the information that is returned if you believe it is incorrect)

Delete Outfall

D. Substantially Identical to Any Outfalls Listed Above? *

Yes No

E. Substantially identical to outfall ID *


If for any reason the Lookup Receiving Water Information button does not prepopulate your form with receiving waters information, you must manually enter the information on your form.

Outfall Section

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1. Provide the name of the first water of the U.S that receives stormwater directly from the outfall and/or from the MS4 that the outfall discharges to. (You may edit the name of the water of the U.S. that was returned if incorrect.) *

Tijeras Arroyo

2. Is the receiving water listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and in need of a TMDL? *

Yes No

3. Has a TMDL been completed for this receiving waterbody? *

Yes No


4. List all of the stormwater outfalls from your facility. Each outfall must be identified by a unique 3-digit ID (e.g., 001, 002) or a 4-digit ID. Also provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees for each outfall.

A. Outfall ID *

35B +

B. Latitude (Decimal Degrees) *

35.026580 -

C. Longitude (Decimal Degrees) *

106.613355 Lookup Receiving Waters Information(This button will prepopulate the receiving water information associated with your outfall on your form. You may edit the information that is returned if you believe it is incorrect)

Delete Outfall

D. Substantially Identical to Any Outfalls Listed Above? *

Yes No

E. Substantially identical to outfall ID *


If for any reason the Lookup Receiving Water Information button does not prepopulate your form with receiving waters information, you must manually enter the information on your form.

Outfall Section

1. Provide the name of the first water of the U.S that receives stormwater directly from the outfall and/or from the MS4 that the outfall discharges to. (You may edit the name of the water of the U.S. that was returned if incorrect.) *

Tijeras Arroyo

2. Is the receiving water listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and in need of a TMDL? *

Yes No

3. Has a TMDL been completed for this receiving waterbody? *

Yes No


4. List all of the stormwater outfalls from your facility. Each outfall must be identified by a unique 3-digit ID (e.g., 001, 002) or a 4-digit ID. Also provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees for each outfall.

A. Outfall ID *

35C +

B. Latitude (Decimal Degrees) *

35.026793 -

C. Longitude (Decimal Degrees) *

106.612830 Lookup Receiving Waters Information(This button will prepopulate the receiving water information associated with your outfall on your form. You may edit the information that is returned if you believe it is incorrect)

Delete Outfall

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D. Substantially Identical to Any Outfalls Listed Above? *

Yes No

E. Substantially identical to outfall ID *


If for any reason the Lookup Receiving Water Information button does not prepopulate your form with receiving waters information, you must manually enter the information on your form.

Outfall Section

1. Provide the name of the first water of the U.S that receives stormwater directly from the outfall and/or from the MS4 that the outfall discharges to. (You may edit the name of the water of the U.S. that was returned if incorrect.) *

Tijeras Arroyo

2. Is the receiving water listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and in need of a TMDL? *

Yes No

3. Has a TMDL been completed for this receiving waterbody? *

Yes No


4. List all of the stormwater outfalls from your facility. Each outfall must be identified by a unique 3-digit ID (e.g., 001, 002) or a 4-digit ID. Also provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees for each outfall.

A. Outfall ID *

W3S +

B. Latitude (Decimal Degrees) *

35.015046 -

C. Longitude (Decimal Degrees) *

106.616772 Lookup Receiving Waters Information(This button will prepopulate the receiving water information associated with your outfall on your form. You may edit the information that is returned if you believe it is incorrect)

Delete Outfall

D. Substantially Identical to Any Outfalls Listed Above? *

Yes No

E. Substantially identical to outfall ID *


If for any reason the Lookup Receiving Water Information button does not prepopulate your form with receiving waters information, you must manually enter the information on your form.

Outfall Section

1. Provide the name of the first water of the U.S that receives stormwater directly from the outfall and/or from the MS4 that the outfall discharges to. (You may edit the name of the water of the U.S. that was returned if incorrect.) *

Tijeras Arroyo

2. Is the receiving water listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and in need of a TMDL? *

Yes No

3. Has a TMDL been completed for this receiving waterbody? *

Yes No


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4. List all of the stormwater outfalls from your facility. Each outfall must be identified by a unique 3-digit ID (e.g., 001, 002) or a 4-digit ID. Also provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees for each outfall.

A. Outfall ID *

S35A +

B. Latitude (Decimal Degrees) *

35.031202 -

C. Longitude (Decimal Degrees) *

106.610926 Lookup Receiving Waters Information(This button will prepopulate the receiving water information associated with your outfall on your form. You may edit the information that is returned if you believe it is incorrect)

Delete Outfall

D. Substantially Identical to Any Outfalls Listed Above? *

Yes No

E. Substantially identical to outfall ID *


If for any reason the Lookup Receiving Water Information button does not prepopulate your form with receiving waters information, you must manually enter the information on your form.

Outfall Section

1. Provide the name of the first water of the U.S that receives stormwater directly from the outfall and/or from the MS4 that the outfall discharges to. (You may edit the name of the water of the U.S. that was returned if incorrect.) *

Tijeras Arroyo

2. Is the receiving water listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and in need of a TMDL? *

Yes No

3. Has a TMDL been completed for this receiving waterbody? *

Yes No


4. List all of the stormwater outfalls from your facility. Each outfall must be identified by a unique 3-digit ID (e.g., 001, 002) or a 4-digit ID. Also provide the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees for each outfall.

A. Outfall ID *

S35B +

B. Latitude (Decimal Degrees) *

35.031208 -

C. Longitude (Decimal Degrees) *

106.610919 Lookup Receiving Waters Information(This button will prepopulate the receiving water information associated with your outfall on your form. You may edit the information that is returned if you believe it is incorrect)

Delete Outfall

D. Substantially Identical to Any Outfalls Listed Above? *

Yes No

E. Substantially identical to outfall ID *


If for any reason the Lookup Receiving Water Information button does not prepopulate your form with receiving waters information, you must manually enter the information on your form.

Outfall Section

1. Provide the name of the first water of the U.S that receives stormwater directly from the outfall and/or from the MS4 that the outfall discharges to. (You may edit the name of the water of the U.S. that was returned if incorrect.) *

Tijeras Arroyo

2. Is the receiving water listed as impaired on the 303(d) list and in need of a TMDL? *

Yes No

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3. Has a TMDL been completed for this receiving waterbody? *

Yes No

Add Another Outfall

Provide the following information about your outfall latitude longitude.

5. Latitude/Longitude Data Source *


6. Horizontal Reference Datum


7. Does your facility discharge into a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)? *

Yes No

7a. Provide the name of the MS4 Operator *

ABQ Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority

8. Do you discharge to any of the waters of the U.S. that are designated by the state or tribal authority under its antidegradation policy as a Tier 2 (or Tier 2.5) water (water quality exceeds levels necessary to support propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and recreation in and on the water) (See Appendix L)? *

Yes No

D: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Information

SWPPP Contact Information

1. First Name *


2. Middle Initial


3. Last Name *


4. Professional Title *

Environmental Manager

5. Phone (10-digits, No dashes) * 6. Extension 7. E-Mail *

8. Your current SWPPP or certain information from your SWPPP must be made available through one of the following two options. Select one of the options and provide the required information. *

Note: You are not required to post any confidential business information (CBI) or restricted information (as defined in Appendix A) (such information may be redacted), but you must clearly identify those portions of the SWPPP that are being withheld from public access.

Option 1: Maintain a Current Copy of your SWPPP on an Internet page (Universal Resource Locator or URL).

Provide the web address URL *

Option 2: Provide the following information from your SWPPP.

E: Endangered Species Protection

1. Using the instructions in Appendix E of the MSGP, under which endangered species criterion listed in Part are you eligible for coverage under this permit? *

Criterion C – Discharges and discharge-related activities are not likely to adversely affect listed species and critical habitat

2. Provide a brief summary of the basis for the criterion selected in Appendix E (e.g., communication with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or National Marine Fisheries Service to determine no species in action area; implementation of controls approved by EPA and the Services). *

Not eligible for Criteria B, D, or E. Listed threatened and endangered species and critical habitats in the action area were determined. Direct impacts to habitat are unlikely because habitat for identified endangered

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species is not present. Activities at the airport will not impact habitat. Adverse effects to receiving waters are considered remote.

a. What federally-listed species or federally-designated critical habitat are located in your “action area." *

Mexican spotted oil, New Mexico meadow jumping mouse, Rio Grande silvery minnow, Southwest Willow flycatcher, Sprague's Pipit, Yellow Billed Cuckoo

b. Using the Criterion C Eligibility Form, check which of the following is applicable to your facility and answer any corresponding questions. *

I submitted my completed Criterion C Eligibility Form to EPA at least 30 days prior to submitting this NOI and agree to implement any controls that were determined by EPA to be necessary to ensure that my discharges and/or discharge-related activities will have no likely adverse affects on listed species and critical habitat.

Date your Criterion C Eligibility Form was sent to EPA (in DD/MM/YYYY format) *

17 Jul 2015

Describe any EPA-approved controls and/or management practices you will implement to ensure your discharges will not have likely adverse affects on listed species and critical habitat *

Minimize exposure, good housekeeping, maintenance of control measures, spill prevention and response, erosion and sediment controls, management of runoff, employee training, waste garbage, and floatable debris

I submitted my completed Criterion C Eligibility Form to EPA at least 30 days prior to submitting this NOI and have not been notified of any additional controls necessary to ensure no likely adverse affects on listed species and critical habitat.

F: Historic Preservation

1. If your facility is not located in Indian country lands, is your facility located on a property of religious or cultural significance to an Indian tribe? *

Yes No

2. Using the instructions in Appendix F of the MSGP, under which historic properties preservation criterion listed in Part are you eligible for coverage under this permit *

Criterion A - No subsurface stormwater controls

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Certification Information

I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. 40 CFR 122.22(d)

Certifier E-Mail * Form Action *


Page 77: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Pollution Prevention Plan ... 4.3.1 Quarterly Visual Stormwater Assessment ... Appendix A Pollution Prevention Team Members


Tuite, Sarah






Hinde, James D.

Monday, August 17, 2015 3:59 PM

Albrecht, Christopher P.; Tuite, Sarah

FW: EPA Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) Notice of Intent (NOI) Submitted to EPA

for 30-Day Review - Albuquerque International Sunport, NPDES ID: NMR053023 SubmittedNewNOIReceipt.pdf

J A M E S D . H I N D E , C . M .



2200 Sunport Blvd | PO Box 9948 | Albuquerque, New Mexico 87119 |

Fax: 505-244-7750

| | | Facebook | Twitter

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 3:58 PM To: Hinde, James D.

Cc: Albrecht, Christopher P.

Subject: EPA Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) Notice of Intent (NOI) Submitted to EPA for 30-Day Review - Albuquerque International Sunport, NPDES ID: NMR053023


NeT Submission ID: MSGP-702

Your Notice of Intent (NOI) requesting coverage for Albuquerque International Sunport, 2200 Sunport Blvd SE

P.O. Box 9948 Albuquerque NM 87106, under EPA's Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) has been certified

and submitted to the EPA for review. The NPDES ID for this NOI is NMR053023. Your coverage under the

MSGP begins at the conclusion of the 30-day waiting period, unless otherwise notified that your coverage has

been delayed or denied. You will receive an email informing you once your coverage under the MSGP is active

with a copy of the certified NOI attached.

For a copy of the form you submitted, please go to the History tab within NeT, which is accessible from, and click on the View Receipt button for NeT Submission ID MSGP-702.

For guidance about this process, please visit:

eNOI-System-for-EPAs-MultiSector-General-Permit.cfm. For more information about the MSGP, including a

copy of the permit, please visit:

Permit-MSGP.cfm. If you have specific questions, please contact [email protected]; [email protected];

Page 78: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Pollution Prevention Plan ... 4.3.1 Quarterly Visual Stormwater Assessment ... Appendix A Pollution Prevention Team Members


[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected].

To access a history of your submissions, go to MyCDX within EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) and click

on the Submission History tab. To see details about this submission, click on the Search tab within My

Submissions, enter the following Submission ID value: _51246dae-ccfa-481c-8461-d4ab19167159, and click


This is an automated response; please do not reply to this email.

Page 79: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Pollution Prevention Plan ... 4.3.1 Quarterly Visual Stormwater Assessment ... Appendix A Pollution Prevention Team Members

City of Albuquerque Aviation DepartmentStorm Water Pollution Prevention

2015 MSGP Notices of Intent

9/23/2015 2:58 PM




County City State STATUS

Aero Charter & Transport dba Aeroylynx

Aero Charter & Transport dba Aeroylynx

NMR053029 August 19, 2015 September 19, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Authorized

Aerowestern Aerowestern NMR053179 September 2, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Waiting

Aircraft Service International Incorporated

ASIG Sunport Fuel Facility NMR053040 August 21, 2015 September 20, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Authorized

Alaska AirlinesAlaska Airlines Albuquerque

NMR053138 September 1, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Waiting

Albuquerque Police Department

APD Air Support Unit Double Eagle II Airport

NMR053041 August 21, 2015 September 20, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Authorized

American AirlinesUS Airways

EnvoyAmeriflight Ameriflight Albuquerque NMR053206 September 7, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Waiting

Atlantic Aviation Atlantic Aviation NMR053031 August 20, 2015 September 19, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM AuthorizedBernalillo County Sheriff

Air SupportBernalillo County Sheriff

Air SupportNMR053253 September 23, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Waiting

Bode Aviation (Sunport) Bode Aviation (Sunport) NMR053037 August 21, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM WaitingBode Aero Services

(Double Eagle II Airport)Bode Aero Services

(Double Eagle II Airport)NMR053056 August 26, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Waiting

Boutique Air, Inc. Boutique Air, Inc. NMR053036 August 20, 2015 September 19, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM AuthorizedCity of Albuquerque Double Eagle II Airport NMR053025 August 18, 2015 September 17, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Authorized

Albuquerque International Sunport

Airfield MaintenanceLandside OperationsTerminal Operations

Cutter Aviation Albuquerque Inc.

Cutter Aviation Albuquerque Inc.

NMR053058 August 26, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Waiting

Delta AirlinesDelta Global Services

DeMar Machine DeMar Machine NMR053038 August 21, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM WaitingEclipse Aerospace, Inc. Eclipse Aerospace, Inc. NMR053116 August 31, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Waiting

Federal Express FedEx Express -ABQR NMR053213 September 8, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Waiting

eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM AuthorizedDelta Air Lines, Inc. NMR053039 August 21, 2015 September 20, 2015

American Airlines ABQ Sunport


City of Albuquerque NMR0530263 August 17, 2015 September 16, 2015 eNOI

eNOIAugust 20, 2015 NM Waiting

Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Authorized

Bernalillo Albuquerque

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City of Albuquerque Aviation DepartmentStorm Water Pollution Prevention

2015 MSGP Notices of Intent

9/23/2015 2:58 PM




County City State STATUS

Jet BlueJet Blue - Albuquerque

AirportNMR053109 August 31, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Waiting

Main Event Transportation

Main Event Transportation Provisions

BuildingNMR053034 August 20, 2015 September 20, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Authorized

Matheson Flight Extenders

Matheson Flight Extenders Albuquerque

NMR053188 September 3, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Waiting

Kevothermal, LLC Kevothermal, LLC NMR053055 August 26, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM WaitingPHI Air Medical PHI Air Medical NMR053139 September 1, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Waiting

Primeflight (United Airlines)

Prime Flight Aviation Services

NMR053207 September 8, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Waiting

Southwest Airlines Co. Southwest Airlines

Co. ABQNMR053136 September 1, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Waiting

South Aero, Inc Albuquerque Sunport NMR053051 August 25, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM WaitingSP Plus Transportation SP Plus Transportation NMR053030 August 20, 2015 September 19, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM AuthorizedSwissport Fueling, Inc. ABQ NMR053140 September 1, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Waiting

United Parcel ServiceUPS- Albuquerque

GatewayNMR053242 September 14, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM Waiting

Vertical Limit Helicopters Email reminder sent 9/2/15

10 Tanker Air Carrier 10 Tanker Air Carrier NMR053142 September 1, 2015 eNOI Bernalillo Albuquerque NM WaitingAdvantage Rent A Car Advantage Rent A Car N/A


City of Albuquerque Parks and Recreation N/AEnterprise


Hertz corporation Hertz Rent A car N/A

National Weather Service NWS Weather Forecast

Office, Albuquerque N/A

Not Regulated under MSGP

Avis/Budget Rental Car N/A Not Regulated under MSGP

Not Regulated under MSGP

NOI for MSGP coverage has not been submitted

EAN N/A Not Regulated under MSGP

Not Regulated under MSGP

Not Regulated under MSGP

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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 



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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


Page 84: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Pollution Prevention Plan ... 4.3.1 Quarterly Visual Stormwater Assessment ... Appendix A Pollution Prevention Team Members

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


Page 85: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Pollution Prevention Plan ... 4.3.1 Quarterly Visual Stormwater Assessment ... Appendix A Pollution Prevention Team Members

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


Page 86: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Pollution Prevention Plan ... 4.3.1 Quarterly Visual Stormwater Assessment ... Appendix A Pollution Prevention Team Members

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


Page 87: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Pollution Prevention Plan ... 4.3.1 Quarterly Visual Stormwater Assessment ... Appendix A Pollution Prevention Team Members

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


Page 88: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Pollution Prevention Plan ... 4.3.1 Quarterly Visual Stormwater Assessment ... Appendix A Pollution Prevention Team Members

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


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DOCUMENTATION (BMPs 1, 3, 5, 6, 7) BMP

Facility Inspections and Maintenance Documentation

1.24 YES NO

5.21 YES NO










Other Documentation



1.01 1.02 YES NO

1.03 YES NO

1.04 YES NO

1.05 YES NO

1.23 YES NO



Industrial and Maintenance Activities

1.06 2.05 YES NO

2.01 YES NO

1.14 YES NO

2.06 YES NO

4.02 YES NO

5.12 YES NO

Contractor SWPPP Education (1.21)

Maintenance performed indoors or under storm resistant cover

Comply w/ record keeping & reporting rqt's of MSGP

Retain waste generation and disposal documentation

Responded to previous year's Compliance Letter

Activities inspected for non-stormwater discharges

Material inventory limited



Signs posted near outdoor hose bibs listing use restrictions

If not, is the building with the hose bib City-owned?

Waste management training (5.19)

Designated areas for temp. tanker/materials truck parking

Parts cleaning & degreasing performed indoors or under cover

Exposure to run-on & run-off minimized

Performed away from storm drains or drains covered

Fuel spill response training (6.06)

If you have an SPCC plan, is the plan up to date?

Exposed areas clean and orderly

Oil, grease, solvents, batteries, etc. recycled

Biodegradable or less hazardous products used where possible

Loading/unloading under cover and in contained area




Annual employee training conducted (1.19)

Representative(s) attended annual CABQ stormwater training (1.21)

Stormwater training for employees (1.20)



Apr-Jun Oct-DecJul-SeptJan-Mar

Rev. 10/15/2010c:\cdmxm\chivingtonbuckjk\d2230513\Sunport Quarterly Insp Form.xls Page 1 of 3

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Waste and Material Storage Areas

Haz materials indoors and away from exit doors or under storm-resistant cover

1.07, 5.01 5.13 YES NO

Secondary containment provided and adequately sized 5.01 YES NO

Stored and handled in paved areas 5.01 YES NO

Clearly labeled and stored containers 5.04 YES NO

Exposure to run-on & run-off minimized 5.20 YES NO

Liquids dispensed from upright drums w/ hand pump 5.02, 5.14 YES NO

MSDS available 5.21 YES NO

SPILLS (BMPs 1, 5)

Spill Response Plan posted and revised annually 1.09 YES NO

Spill kits located where spills are probable to occur 1.10 YES NO

Spill kits stocked with appropriate materials 1.10 YES NO

Spill(s) or staining observed 1.11 YES NO

Drip pans/spill mats/booms used 1.12 YES NO

Collected spill materials properly disposed 1.13 YES NO

Material storage area signs posted listing materials stored 5.03 YES NO


Only use fluids approved for discharge to the sewer 5.10 YES NO

Waste spill and/or leak observed 5.09 YES NO

Proper disposal of lavatory waste 5.11 YES NOPerform water truck flushing ops in designated area and discharge to sanitary sewer

5.12 YES NO


Used batteries properly stored or recycled in 30 days 5.05 YES NO

Used oil containers and filters properly recycled 5.06 YES NO

Bone yards eliminated 5.07 YES NO

Waste and unusable material disposed of properly 5.08 YES NO

Garbage collection area properly maintained 5.09 YES NO

Dumpster drains equipped with plugs 5.09 YES NO

Dumpster lids closed 5.09 YES NO


Vehicle fueling station fitted with "no topping off" signs 6.01 YES NO

Fueling tanks fitted with monitoring and alarm equipment 6.02 YES NO

Fueling tanks fitted with breakaway hose connections 6.02 YES NO

Accidental releases blocked from reaching storm drains 6.03 YES NO

Equipment fueled in designated areas 6.03 YES NO

Spill kits maintained on mobile refuelers 6.03 YES NO

Aircraft fuel samples properly collected and properly disposed 6.04 YES NO






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Building Maintenance

Grounds maintenance waste disposed of properly 7.01

Interior floor cleaning water properly disposed 7.03

Fire fighting foam deluge system tested and maintained, if applicable 7.02

Landscape Maintenance

Landscaping waste properly disposed 7.01

Exterior ground surfaces cleaned properly 7.03

Grounds/landscaping design considerations 7.04

Storm drains labeled 7.10

Use of pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer minimized 7.11

Landscaping provided for erosion control 7.14


Does tenant perform aircraft deicing? 8.0

Is Airfield Maintenance contact after each deicing event? 8.1

Deicing done in properly designed & designated areas 8.2, 8.5

FAA deicing recommendations followed 8.4

Proper quantities of deicing fluid used 8.6

Monthly quantities of deicing fluids tracked and reported 8.5


As-built drawings maintained (1.8) 1.20

Designed for pollution prevention (1.9) 1.21

Construction plans reviewed for illicit connections (1.18) 1.21

Stormwater controls used during construction (7.5) 1.22


Stormwater control devices maintained (e.g., hay bales, basins) 6.05

Catch basins clean and maintained 7.06

Storage and wash areas maintained 3.02, 4.01

Erosion control landscaped areas are maintained 7.14







Under CoverAway from

DrainsSized 2nd








Store the following? (4.01) InsideOUTSIDE Other / Comment



Note: Remind tenant to inform CABQ of monthly deicing fluid usage. Have them send this information to Chris Albrecht of CABQ and Sarah Tuite of CDM.


Wash the following? (3.01)

I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designated to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information contained therein. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information contained is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

Dry-WashWET-WASH Other / Comment

Outside in Permitted Area











































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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Albuquerque International Sunport September 2015 

© 2015 CDM Smith  All Rights Reserved 


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6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200

Albuquerque, NM 87110

tel: 505 243-3200

fax: 505 243-2700

© 2015 CDM Smith All Rights Reserved

June 3, 2015

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Office of Water, Water Permits Division

Room 7420, ATTN: MSGP Reports

1201Constitution Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C. 20004

Subject: Multi-Sector General Permit Annual Report for Albuquerque International Sunport

(NPDES Tracking No. NMR05GC75), Albuquerque, New Mexico

CDM Smith Project No.: 36361-108320-INSPECT.LBR

Dear Sir or Madam:

On behalf of the City of Albuquerque Aviation Department (Aviation), CDM Smith Inc. (CDM

Smith) herein submits the annual report for the Albuquerque International Sunport (ABQ) as

required by the Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with

Industrial Activity (MSGP). The 2015 annual report was completed following a Comprehensive

Site Compliance Evaluation (CSCE) performed at the airport from April 20 through May 1, 2015.

This annual report is being submitted within the 45 day reporting limit.

The annual report included herein is comprehensive of the results of annual inspections

performed at Aviation facilities and tenant (leaseholder) operations. Each tenant that was

inspected as part of the CSCE and their associated NPDES tracking numbers are listed in Table 1.

New facilities that began discharging stormwater after September 29, 2013 have not submitted a

Notice of Intent (NOI) or a Notice of No Exposure. These entities are covered under the EPA

memorandum, “Extension of No Action Assurance for the NPDES Stormwater Multi-Sector

General Permit for Industrial Activities”, dated September 30, 2014. Additionally, some tenants

had begun discharging stormwater before September 29, 2013, but, for various reasons, did not

submit a NOI before submission closure. Aviation has notified tenants of the eNOI training that

will be conducted after the final permit is issued. During CSCE inspections, tenants were also

asked to begin internal discussions to determine who will submit and verify the NOI for their

facility. The enclosed annual report is intended to meet the reporting requirements of Aviation

and all tenants who have submitted an NOI for MSGP coverage of their Albuquerque operations.

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Office of Water, Water Permits Division

June 3, 2015

Page 2

© 2015 CDM Smith All Rights Reserved c:\cdmxm\tuitesc\d2174046\epa letter abq 20150521.docx

Table 1 – NPDES Tracking Numbers – Albuquerque International Sunport

Tenant / Operation Tracking Number Tenant / Operation Tracking Number

City of Albuquerque Aviation


Airfield Maintenance

Landside Operations

Terminal Operations

Parks and General Services


EAN Holdings No Action Assurance

Eclipse Aerospace NMR05GF42

Federal Express NMR05GY09

Hertz NMR05GB14

Jet Blue Airlines NMR05HT47

10 Tanker Air Carrier No Action Assurance Kevothermal Insulation NMR05HR94

Advantage Rent-A-Car No Submission Main Event Transportation NMR05HU52

AeroLynx NMR05HS90 Matheson Flight Extenders No Submission

Aircraft Services International

Group NMR05GC12 National Weather Service NMR05GC07

American Airlines NMR05GC24 New Mexico Airlines NMR05GC11

American Eagle Airlines No Action Assurance Payless Rental Car No Submission

Ameriflight No Action Assurance PrimeFlight NMR05HI73

Atlantic Aviation NMR08H00 South Aero NMR05GC36

Avis/Budget Group NMR05GG27

NMR05GG28 Southwest Airlines NMR05GC34

Bode Aviation Inc. (Sunport) No Submission Standard Parking No Submission

Boutique Air No Action Assurance Swissport Fueling Services NMR05HU75

Cutter Aviation NMR05GB16 United Airlines NMR05GC85

Delta Airlines NMR05GD99 United Parcel Service NMR05GM68

DAL Global Services No Submission US Postal Service NMR05HT65

DeMar Machine NMR05HR87 USAirways NMR05GB83

Please contact CDM Smith at (505) 243-3200 or Christopher Albrecht, Environmental

Manager, City of Albuquerque Aviation Department at with any questions or concerns

regarding this correspondence or the enclosed stormwater annual report.


Sarah C. Tuite, P.E. Paul A. Karas, C.P.G., CHMM

Project Manager Vice President, Client Service Leader

CDM Smith Inc. CDM Smith Inc.

Attachment - 2015 ABQ Annual Report

cc: Christopher Albrecht, City of Albuquerque Aviation Department


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Page 107: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Pollution Prevention Plan ... 4.3.1 Quarterly Visual Stormwater Assessment ... Appendix A Pollution Prevention Team Members

6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200

Albuquerque, NM 87110

tel: 505 243-3200

fax: 505 243-2700

© 2014 CDM Smith All Rights Reserved

May 8, 2014

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Office of Water, Water Permits Division

Room 7420, ATTN: MSGP Reports

1201Constitution Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C. 20004

Subject: Multi-Sector General Permit Annual Report for Albuquerque International Sunport

(NPDES Tracking No. NMR05GC75), Albuquerque, New Mexico

CDM Smith Project No.: 36361-103070-INSPECT.LBR

Dear Sir or Madam:

On behalf of the City of Albuquerque Aviation Department (Aviation), CDM Smith Inc. (CDM

Smith) herein submits the annual report for the Albuquerque International Sunport (ABQ) as

required by the Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with

Industrial Activity (MSGP). The 2014 annual report was completed following a Comprehensive

Site Compliance Evaluation (CSCE) performed at the airport from March 17 through March 27,

2014. This annual report is being submitted within the 45 day reporting limit.

The annual report included herein is comprehensive of the results of annual inspections

performed at Aviation facilities and tenant (leaseholder) operations. Each tenant listed in Table 1

was inspected as part of the CSCE; however, not all tenants have submitted a Notice of Intent

(NOI) or Notice of No Exposure. Further, of those tenants that have submitted an NOI, not all have

provided their NPDES tracking number to Aviation, or submitted NOIs were not retrievable in the

EPA’s NPDES online tracking system. NPDES tracking numbers for the airport (submitted by

Aviation) and available tracking numbers for tenants of the airport are listed in Table 1. The

enclosed annual report is intended to meet the reporting requirements of Aviation and all tenants

who have submitted an NOI for MSGP coverage of their Albuquerque operations.

Table 1 – NPDES Tracking Numbers – Albuquerque International Sunport

Tenant / Operation Tracking Number Tenant / Operation Tracking Number

City of Albuquerque Aviation


Airfield Maintenance

Landside Operations

Terminal Operations

Parks and General Services


Federal Express NMR05GY09

Hertz NMR05GB14

Jet Blue Airlines n/a

Kevothermal Insulation NMR05HR94

Main Event Transportation NMR05HU52

Page 108: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Pollution Prevention Plan ... 4.3.1 Quarterly Visual Stormwater Assessment ... Appendix A Pollution Prevention Team Members

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Office of Water, Water Permits Division

May 8, 2014

Page 2

© 2014 CDM Smith All Rights Reservedp:\36361 cabq aviation dept\103070 2014 env on-call\03 reports and studies\01 environmental reports\02 epa annual reports\abq 2014 annual report\final\epa letter abq 20140508.docx

Table 1 – NPDES Tracking Numbers – Albuquerque International Sunport

Tenant / Operation Tracking Number Tenant / Operation Tracking Number

10 Tanker Air Carrier n/a Matheson Flight Extenders n/a

Advantage Rent-A-Car n/a National Weather Service NMR05GC07

AeroLynx NMR05HS90 New Mexico Airlines NMR05GC11

Aircraft Services International

Group NMR05GC12 Payless Rental Car n/a

American Airlines NMR05GC24 PrimeFlight NMR05HI73

American Eagle Airlines n/a Sandia National Laboratories /


Atlantic Aviation NMR08H00 South Aero NMR05GC36

Avis/Budget Group NMR05GG27

NMR05GG28 Southwest Airlines NMR05GC34

Bode Aviation Inc. (Sunport) n/a Standard Parking n/a

Cutter Aviation NMR05GB16 Swissport Fueling Services NMR05HU75

Delta Airlines NMR05GD99 United Airlines NMR05GC85

DAL Global Services n/a United Parcel Service NMR05GM68

DeMar Machine NMR05HR87 US Postal Service NMR05HT65

EAN Holdings n/a USAirways NMR05GB83

Eclipse Aerospace NMR05GF42

Please contact CDM Smith at (505) 243-3200 or Christopher Albrecht, Environmental Manager,

City of Albuquerque Aviation Department at with any questions or concerns regarding this

correspondence or the enclosed stormwater annual report.


Sarah C. Tuite, P.E. Paul A. Karas, C.P.G., CHMM

Project Manager Associate

CDM Smith Inc. CDM Smith Inc.

Attachment - 2014 ABQ Annual Report

cc: Christopher Albrecht, City of Albuquerque Aviation Department


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NPDES Permit Tracking No.:

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Annual Reporting Form A. GENERAL INFORMATION

1. Facility Name: A L B U Q U E R Q U E I N T E R N A T I O N A L S U N P O R T

2. NPDES Permit Tracking No.: N M R 0 5 G C 7 5

3. Facility Physical Address:


2 2 0 0 S U N P O R T B L V D S E


A L B U Q U E R Q U E c. State: N M d. Zip Code: 8 7 1 0 6 -

4. Lead Inspectors Name: M I C H A E L A R E M P K O W S K I Title: C D M S M I T H E N G I N E E R

Additional Inspectors Name(s): G R E G O R Y L A R S O N P E C D M S M I T H E N G I N E E R

Additional Inspectors Name(s): C H R I S T O P H E R A L B R E C H T C A B Q E N V . M A N A G E R

Additional Inspectors Name(s):

5. Contact Person: C H R I S T O P H E R A L B R E C H T Title: E N V . M A N A G E R

Phone: E-mail:

6. Inspection Date: 0 3 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 4 t h r o u g h 0 3 / 2 7 / 2 0 1 4


1. As part of this comprehensive site inspection, did you inspect all potential pollutant sources, including areas where industrial activity may beexposed to stormwater?


If NO, describe why not:

NOTE: Complete Section C of this form for each industrial activity area inspected and included in your SWPPP or as newly identified in B.2 or B.3 below where pollutants may be exposed to stormwater.

2. Did this inspection identify any stormwater or non-stormwater outfalls not previously identified in your SWPPP? YES NO

If YES, for each location, describe the sources of those stormwater and non-stormwater discharges and any associated control measures in place:

3. Did this inspection identify any sources of stormwater or non-stormwater discharges not previously identified in your SWPPP? YES NO

If YES, describe these sources of stormwater or non-stormwater pollutants expected to be present in these discharges, and any control measures in place:

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NPDES Permit Tracking No.:

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4. Did you review stormwater monitoring data as part of this inspection to identify potential pollutant hot spots? YES NO NA, no monitoring performed

If YES, summarize the findings of that review and describe any additional inspection activities resulting from this review:

Stormwater monitoring reports for 2013 indicate the following potential pollutant areas which were all observed during the comprehensive inspections:

• Drainage Basin SP-1

• Drainage Basin SP-2

• Drainage Basin CRN (Outfalls CRN-E and CRN-W)

During the CSCE, each drainage basin listed above was inspected for potential pollutant sources. The following facilities/areas were inspected for potential pollutant sources in each respective drainage basin:

• Drainage Basin SP-1: United States Postal Service Facility; Southwest Airlines and Delta Global Services ground vehicle andequipment maintenance areas; Aviation Department wash rack, glycol dispensing facility, Main Event Transportation, and AviationDepartment triturator facility.

• Drainage Basin SP-2: Aviation Department Terminal Operations, Landside Operations, and Airfield Maintenance Operations; andall airline gate operations.

• Drainage Basin CRN: Rental car facilities.

No apparent leaks or spills of petroleum products were observed during the inspection. Monthly deicing inspections were conducted in December of 2013 and February 2014. Recovery of available deicing fluid is conducted promptly by Airfield Maintenance during and/or immediately after each dry weather deicing event. No other releases of glycol were observed.

5. Describe any evidence of pollutants entering the drainage system or discharging to surface waters, and the condition of and around outfalls,including flow dissipation measures to prevent scouring:

Each of the outfalls at ABQ have energy dissipation structures such as riprap, gabions, or crushed concrete. The discovery of an additional outfall at the location of outfall CRN was made during the July 2013 dry weather inspection. Subsequently, the original outfall was renamed CRN-E and the additional outfall was named CRN-W. Outfall W3W, the concrete energy dissipation structure, was found damaged during the 2013 dry weather inspection. A request to repair the structure was made by the City of Albuquerque Aviation Department following the inspection. Outfall W3S was determined to be substantially identical to W3W and will continue to be monitored in place of outfall W3W.

6. Have you taken or do you plan to take any corrective actions, as specified in Part 3 of the permit, since your last annual report submission (orsince you received authorization to discharge under this permit if this is your first annual report), including any corrective actions identified as aresult of this annual comprehensive site inspection?


If YES, how many conditions requiring review for correction action as specified in Parts 3.1 and 3.2 were addressed by these corrective actions?

0 1

As part of the Comprehensive Site Compliance Evaluation process, each airport tenant and operation receives a letter of compliance or a letter summarizing their non-compliance issues. Each tenant receiving a letter of non-compliance is required to submit written documentation within 30 days of receipt of the letter describing the actions taken to correct any areas of non-compliance. The corrective action items listed in Section D are the major items that were identified during the annual comprehensive inspections.

NOTE: Complete the attached Corrective Action Form (Section D) for each condition identified, including any conditions identified as a result of this comprehensive stormwater inspection.

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Complete one block for each industrial activity area where pollutants may be exposed to stormwater. Copy this page for additional industrial activity areas.

In reviewing each area, you should consider:

• Industrial materials, residue, or trash that may have or could come into contact with stormwater;

• Leaks or spills from industrial equipment, drums, tanks, and other containers;

• Offsite tracking of industrial or waste materials from areas of no exposure to exposed areas; and

• Tracking or blowing of raw, final, or waste materials from areas of no exposure to exposed areas.


1. Brief Description:

The Terminal/Tarmac area is the large paved area near the gates and runway where passenger aircraft are loaded, unloaded, maintained, and parked for short periods of time. There are large storm drains to catch stormwater runoff during storm events. In the Terminal/Tarmac area near the gates, commercial aircraft are fueled, minor aircraft maintenance is conducted, outdoor handling and storage of material takes place, and solid wastes are handled. During winter months aircraft deicing is performed in the Terminal/Tarmac area at a minimum of 50 feet away from any storm drain.

Potential pollutants associated with fueling activities include: Avgas, Jet-A fuel, unleaded gasoline, and diesel fuel.

Potential pollutants associated with maintenance include: engine oil, hydraulic fluid, coolant, Skydrol (aircraft hydraulic fluid), battery acid, brake fluid, solvents, antifreeze, paint, transmission fluid, WD 40, and grease.

Potential pollutants associated with deicing/anti-icing include: Type I and Type IV deicing fluid, urea, and potassium acetate.

Potential pollutants associated with waste handling and disposal include: solid waste and used maintenance fluids.

Potential pollutants associated with lavatory service include: sanitary waste and aircraft bluewater.

2. Are any control measures in need of maintenance or repair? YES NO

3. Have any control measures failed and require replacement? YES NO

4. Are any additional/revised control measures necessary in this area? YES NO

If YES to any of these three questions, provide a description of the problem: (Any necessary corrective actions should be described on the attached Corrective Action Form)


1. Brief Description:

The Fixed-Base Operators area is to the west of the airfield. The activities conducted in this area include: vehicle, equipment, and small aircraft fueling; fuel storage in tanks and fueling vehicles; aircraft, ground vehicle, and equipment maintenance; occasional aircraft deicing/anti-icing; aircraft, ground vehicle, and equipment washing; outdoor handling and storage of materials; waste handling and disposal; and equipment cleaning and degreasing.

Potential pollutants associated with fueling include: Avgas, Jet-A fuel, unleaded gasoline, and diesel fuel.

Potential pollutants associated with maintenance include: engine oil, hydraulic fluid, coolant, degreasers, Skydrol (aircraft hydraulic fluid), battery acid, solvents, paints, and grease.

Potential pollutants associated with deicing/anti-icing include: Type I and Type IV deicing fluid and potassium acetate.

Potential pollutants associated with washing include: washwater, soaps, detergents, grease, and oil.

Potential pollutants associated with outdoor handling and storage of materials include: fuels, lubricants, and waste oils.

Potential pollutants associated with waste handling and disposal include: solid waste and used maintenance fluids.

Potential pollutants associated with building and ground maintenance include: paint, fire suppressant, ice melting agents, and sludge from oil water separators.

Potential pollutants associated with equipment cleaning and degreasing include: degreasing solvents, oil, and grease.

2. Are any control measures in need of maintenance or repair? YES NO

3. Have any control measures failed and require replacement? YES NO

4. Are any additional/revised control measures necessary in this area? YES NO

If YES to any of these three questions, provide a description of the problem: (Any necessary corrective actions should be described on the attached Corrective Action Form)

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1. Brief Description:

The Car Rental Facility is a consolidated facility located at the west edge of the airport. The activities that occur in this area include: vehicle fueling, washing, and maintenance; outdoor handling and storage of materials; waste handling and disposal; and equipment cleaning and degreasing.

Potential pollutants associated with fueling/fuel storage include: unleaded gasoline and diesel fuel.

Potential pollutants associated with maintenance include: engine oil, hydraulic fluid, coolant, degreasers, windshield wiper fluid, battery acid, and grease.

Potential pollutants associated with washing include: washwater, soaps, detergents, grease, and oil.

Potential pollutants associated with outdoor handling and storage of materials include: fuels, lubricants, and waste oils.

Potential pollutants associated with waste handling and disposal include: solid waste and used maintenance fluids.

Potential pollutants associated with equipment cleaning and degreasing include: solvents, oil, and grease.

2. Are any control measures in need of maintenance or repair? YES NO

3. Have any control measures failed and require replacement? YES NO

4. Are any additional/revised BMPs necessary in this area? YES NO

If YES to any of these three questions, provide a description of the problem: (Any necessary corrective actions should be described on the attached Corrective Action Form)

NOTE: Copy this page and attach additional pages as necessary


1. Brief Description:

The miscellaneous areas are located around the airport, mostly to the west. Activities performed in the miscellaneous areas include: vehicle fueling, maintenance, and washing; triturator facility; outdoor handling and storage of materials; waste handling and disposal; buildings and ground maintenance; and equipment cleaning and degreasing.

Potential pollutants associated with fueling include: unleaded gasoline and diesel gasoline.

Potential pollutants associated with maintenance include: engine oil, hydraulic fluid, coolant, degreasers, Skydrol (aircraft hydraulic fluid), battery acid, paint, dyes, and grease.

Potential pollutants associated with washing include: washwater, soaps, detergents, grease, and oil.

Potential pollutants associated with outdoor handling and storage of materials include: fuels, lubricants, and waste oils.

Potential pollutants associated with waste handling and disposal include: solid waste, used oil, used hydraulic fluid, and used coolant.

Potential pollutants associated with buildings and ground maintenance include: urea, sand, paints, fertilizer, pesticides, and potassium acetate.

Potential pollutants associated with equipment cleaning and degreasing include: degreasing solvents, oil, and grease.

2. Are any control measures in need of maintenance or repair? YES NO

3. Have any control measures failed and require replacement? YES NO

4. Are any additional/revised BMPs necessary in this area? YES NO

If YES to any of these three questions, provide a description of the problem: (Any necessary corrective actions should be described on the attached Corrective Action Form)


Complete this page for each specific condition requiring a corrective action or a review determining that no corrective action is needed. Copy this page for additional corrective actions or reviews.

Include both corrective actions that have been initiated or completed since the last annual report, and future corrective actions needed to address problems identified in this comprehensive stormwater inspection. Include an update on any outstanding corrective actions that had not been completed at the time of your previous annual report.

1. Corrective Action # 0 1 of 0 1 for this reporting period.

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2. Is this corrective action:

An update on a corrective action from a previous annual report; or

A new corrective action?

3. Identify the condition(s) triggering the need for this review:

Unauthorized release or discharge

Numeric effluent limitation exceedance

Control measures inadequate to meet applicable water quality standards

Control measures inadequate to meet non-numeric effluent limitations

Control measures not properly operated or maintained

Change in facility operations necessitated change in control measures

Average benchmark value exceedance

Other (describe): ________________________________

4. Briefly describe the nature of the problem identified:

During periods of high use, washwater from pre-washing and the entrance side of the car wash at the Avis/Budget Production rental car facility flows toward the storm drain.

5. Date problemidentified:

0 3 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 3

6. How problem was identified:

Comprehensive site inspection

Quarterly visual assessment

Routine facility inspection

Benchmark monitoring

Notification by EPA or State or local authorities

Other (describe): ________________________________

7. Description of corrective action(s) taken or to be taken to eliminate or further investigate the problem (e.g., describe modifications or repairs to controlmeasures, analyses to be conducted, etc.) or if no modifications are needed, basis for that determination:

Avis/Budget Production has plans to install a containment dike to prevent washwater from entering the storm drain in 2014. Until the containment dike is installed, tenants will continue to be trained in best management practices for vehicle washing and limit pre-wash activities.

8. Did/will this corrective action require modification of your SWPPP? YES NO

9. Date corrective action initiated: 0 5 / 0 1 / 2 0 1 4

10.Date correction action completed: / / or expected to be completed:

1 2 / 3 1 / 2 0 1 4

11. If corrective action not yet completed, provide the status of corrective action at the time of the comprehensive site inspection and describe anyremaining steps (including timeframes associated with each step) necessary to complete corrective action:

This issue will be a continuous operations issue until the facility has installed the containment dike as proposed by Avis/Budget management, anticipated to be within the next year. To address some of the immediate issues, Avis/Budget will follow best management practices associated with vehicle washing and limit pre-wash activities.


1. Compliance Certification

Do you certify that your annual inspection has met the requirements of Part 4.2 of the permit, and that, based upon the results of this inspection, to the best of your knowledge, you are in compliance with the permit? YES NO

If NO, summarize why you are not in compliance with the permit:

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6000 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 200 

Albuquerque, NM 87110 

tel:  505 243‐3200 

fax:  505 243‐2700

© 2012 CDM Smith All Rights Reserved 

May 31, 2013 

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water, Water Permits Division Room 7420, ATTN: MSGP Reports 1201Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20004 

Subject:  Multi‐Sector General Permit Annual Report for Albuquerque International Sunport (NPDES Tracking No. NMR05GC75), Albuquerque, New Mexico CDM Smith Project No.: 36361‐96866‐INSPECT.LBR 

Dear Sir or Madam: 

On behalf of the City of Albuquerque Aviation Department (Aviation), CDM Smith Inc. (CDM Smith) herein submits the annual report for the Albuquerque International Sunport (ABQ) as required by the Multi‐Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity (MSGP). The 2013 annual report was completed following a Comprehensive Site Compliance Evaluation (CSCE) performed at the airport from March 18 through March 28 2013.  Due to the high volume of facility inspections performed at ABQ and the Double Eagle II Airport (DEII), the compilation of results and completion of this annual report required greater than 45 days. 

The annual report included herein is comprehensive of the results of annual inspections performed at Aviation facilities and tenant (leaseholder) operations. Each tenant listed in Table 1 was inspected as part of the CSCE although not all tenants meet the definition of industrial facilities subject to the permit requirements of the MSGP.  Not all tenants have submitted a Notice of Intent (NOI) or Notice of No Exposure and of those tenants that have submitted an NOI, not all have provided their NPDES tracking number to Aviation, or submitted NOIs were not retrievable in the EPA’s NPDES online tracking system. NPDES tracking numbers for the airport (submitted by Aviation) and available tracking numbers for tenants of the airport are listed in Table 1. The enclosed annual report is intended to meet the reporting requirements of Aviation and all tenants who have submitted an NOI for MSGP coverage of their Albuquerque operations under Sector S – Air Transportation. 

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water, Water Permits Division May 31, 2013 Page 2 

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Table 1 – NPDES Tracking Numbers – Albuquerque International Sunport 

Tenant / Operation  Tracking Number  Tenant / Operation  Tracking Number 

City of Albuquerque Aviation Department 

Airfield Maintenance Landside Operations Terminal Operations Parks and General Services 


Frontier Airlines  n/a 

Hertz  NMR05GB14 

Main Event Transportation  n/a 

Matheson Flight Extenders   n/a 

Nanopore Insulation  NMR05HR94 

Advantage Rent‐A‐Car  n/a  National Weather Service  NMR05GC07 

AeroLynx  NMR05HS90  New Mexico Airlines  NMR05GC11 

Airline Services International Group 

NMR05GC12  Payless Rental Car  n/a 

American Airlines  NMR05GC24  PrimeFlight  NMR05HI73 

American Eagle Airlines  n/a Sandia National Laboratories / FAA AANC 


Atlantic Aviation  NMR08H00  South Aero  NMR05GC36 

Avis/Budget Group NMR05GG27 NMR05GG28 

Southwest Airlines  NMR05GC34 

Bode Aviation Inc. (Sunport)  n/a  Standard Parking  n/a 

Cutter Aviation  NMR05GB16  Swissport Fueling Services  n/a 

Delta Airlines  NMR05GD99  Thrifty Car Rental  NMR05GD41 

DAL Global Services  n/a  United Airlines  NMR05GC85 

DeMar Machine  NMR05HR87  United Parcel Service  NMR05GM68 

EAN Holdings  n/a  US Postal Service  NMR05HT65 

Eclipse Aerospace  NMR05GF42  USAirways  NMR05GB83 

Federal Express  NMR05GY09

Note: n/a – Either tenant has not submitted a NOI or the tracking number was not available.

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water, Water Permits Division May 31, 2013 Page 3 

© 2013 CDM Smith All Rights Reserved\\abqsvr01\projects\36361 cabq aviation dept\96866 2013 env on‐call\03 reports and studies\05 environmental reports\02 epa annual reports\abq\final\epa letter abq 20130529.docx 

Please contact CDM Smith at (505) 243‐3200 or Christopher Albrecht, Environmental Manager, City of Albuquerque Aviation Department at  with any questions or concerns regarding this correspondence or the enclosed stormwater annual report.  


Sarah C. Tuite, P.E.  Paul A. Karas, C.P.G., CHMM Project Manager  Associate CDM Smith Inc.  CDM Smith Inc. 

Attachment ‐ ABQ Annual Report 

cc:  Christopher Albrecht, Aviation Department   File 

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NPDES Permit Tracking No.:

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Annual Reporting Form A. GENERAL INFORMATION

1. Facility Name: A L B U Q U E R Q U E I N T E R N A T I O N A L S U N P O R T

2. NPDES Permit Tracking No.: N M R 0 5 G C 7 5

3. Facility Physical Address:


2 2 0 0 S U N P O R T B L V D S E


A L B U Q U E R Q U E c. State: N M d. Zip Code: 8 7 1 0 6 -

4. Lead Inspectors Name: G R E G O R Y L A R S O N P E Title: C D M S M I T H E N G I N E E R

Additional Inspectors Name(s): R O C H E L L E J I M C D M S M I T H E N G I N E E R

Additional Inspectors Name(s): C D M S M I T H E N G I N E E R

Additional Inspectors Name(s): C H R I S T O P H E R A L B R E C H T C A B Q E N V . M A N A G E R

5. Contact Person: C H R I S T O P H E R A L B R E C H T Title: E N V . M A N A G E R

Phone: E-mail:

6. Inspection Date: 0 3 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 3 t h r o u g h 0 3 / 2 8 / 2 0 1 3


1. As part of this comprehensive site inspection, did you inspect all potential pollutant sources, including areas where industrial activity may beexposed to stormwater?


If NO, describe why not:

NOTE: Complete Section C of this form for each industrial activity area inspected and included in your SWPPP or as newly identified in B.2 or B.3 below where pollutants may be exposed to stormwater.

2. Did this inspection identify any stormwater or non-stormwater outfalls not previously identified in your SWPPP? YES NO

If YES, for each location, describe the sources of those stormwater and non-stormwater discharges and any associated control measures in place:

3. Did this inspection identify any sources of stormwater or non-stormwater discharges not previously identified in your SWPPP? YES NO

If YES, describe these sources of stormwater or non-stormwater pollutants expected to be present in these discharges, and any control measures in place:

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4. Did you review stormwater monitoring data as part of this inspection to identify potential pollutant hot spots? YES NO NA, no monitoring performed

If YES, summarize the findings of that review and describe any additional inspection activities resulting from this review:

Stormwater monitoring reports for 2012 indicate the following potential pollutant areas which were all observed during the comprehensive inspections:

• Drainage Basin SP-1

• Drainage Basin SP-2

• Drainage Basin CRN

During the CSCE, each drainage basin listed above was inspected for potential pollutant sources. The following facilities/areas were inspected for potential pollutant sources in each respective drainage basin:

• Drainage Basin SP-1: United States Postal Service Facility; Southwest Airlines ground vehicle and equipment maintenance areas;Aviation Department wash rack, glycol dispensing facility, Main Event Transportation, and Aviation Department triturator facility.

• Drainage Basin SP-2: Aviation Department Terminal Operations, Landside Operations, and Airfield Maintenance Operations; andall airline gate operations.

• Drainage Basin CRN: Rental car facilities.

In drainage basin SP-1, an oil leak was observed; however, oil did not enter the storm drain. Monthly deicing inspections were conducted in December of 2012 and March 2013. Recovery of available deicing fluid is conducted promptly by Airfield Maintenance during and/or immediately after each deicing event. No other releases of glycol were observed.

5. Describe any evidence of pollutants entering the drainage system or discharging to surface waters, and the condition of and around outfalls,including flow dissipation measures to prevent scouring:

Each of the outfalls at ABQ have energy dissipation structures such as riprap, gabions, or crushed concrete.

6. Have you taken or do you plan to take any corrective actions, as specified in Part 3 of the permit, since your last annual report submission (orsince you received authorization to discharge under this permit if this is your first annual report), including any corrective actions identified as aresult of this annual comprehensive site inspection?


If YES, how many conditions requiring review for correction action as specified in Parts 3.1 and 3.2 were addressed by these corrective actions?

0 2

As part of the Comprehensive Site Compliance Evaluation process, each airport tenant and operation receives a letter of compliance or a letter summarizing their non-compliance issues. Each tenant receiving a letter of non-compliance is required to submit written documentation within 30 days of receipt of the letter describing the actions taken to correct any areas of non-compliance. The corrective action items listed in Section D are the major items that were identified during the annual comprehensive inspections.

NOTE: Complete the attached Corrective Action Form (Section D) for each condition identified, including any conditions identified as a result of this comprehensive stormwater inspection.

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Complete one block for each industrial activity area where pollutants may be exposed to stormwater. Copy this page for additional industrial activity areas.

In reviewing each area, you should consider: Industrial materials, residue, or trash that may have or could come into contact with stormwater; Leaks or spills from industrial equipment, drums, tanks, and other containers; Offsite tracking of industrial or waste materials from areas of no exposure to exposed areas; and Tracking or blowing of raw, final, or waste materials from areas of no exposure to exposed areas.


1. Brief Description:

The Terminal/Tarmac area is the large paved area near the gates and runway where passenger aircraft are loaded, unloaded, maintained, and parked for short periods of time. There are large storm drains to catch stormwater runoff during storm events. In the Terminal/Tarmac area near the gates, commercial aircraft are fueled, minor aircraft maintenance is conducted, outdoor handling and storage of material takes place, and solid wastes are handled. During winter months aircraft deicing is performed in the Terminal/Tarmac area at a minimum of 50 feet away from any storm drain.

Potential pollutants associated with fueling activities include: Avgas, Jet-A fuel, unleaded gasoline, and diesel fuel.

Potential pollutants associated with maintenance include: engine oil, hydraulic fluid, coolant, Skydrol (aircraft hydraulic fluid), battery acid, brake fluid, solvents, antifreeze, paint, transmission fluid, WD 40, and grease.

Potential pollutants associated with deicing/anti-icing include: Type I and Type IV deicing fluid and potassium acetate.

Potential pollutants associated with waste handling and disposal include: solid waste and used maintenance fluids.

Potential pollutants associated with lavatory service include: sanitary waste and aircraft bluewater.

2. Are any control measures in need of maintenance or repair? YES NO

3. Have any control measures failed and require replacement? YES NO

4. Are any additional/revised control measures necessary in this area? YES NO

If YES to any of these three questions, provide a description of the problem: (Any necessary corrective actions should be described on the attached Corrective Action Form)


1. Brief Description:

The Fixed-Base Operators area is to the west of the airfield. The activities conducted in this area include: vehicle, equipment, and small aircraft fueling; fuel storage in tanks and fueling vehicles; aircraft, ground vehicle, and equipment maintenance; occasional aircraft deicing/anti-icing; aircraft, ground vehicle, and equipment washing; outdoor handling and storage of materials; waste handling and disposal; and equipment cleaning and degreasing.

Potential pollutants associated with fueling include: Avgas, Jet-A fuel, unleaded gasoline, and diesel fuel.

Potential pollutants associated with maintenance include: engine oil, hydraulic fluid, coolant, degreasers, Skydrol (aircraft hydraulic fluid), battery acid, solvents, paints, and grease.

Potential pollutants associated with deicing/anti-icing include: Type I and Type IV deicing fluid and potassium acetate.

Potential pollutants associated with washing include: washwater, soaps, detergents, grease, and oil.

Potential pollutants associated with outdoor handling and storage of materials include: fuels, lubricants, and waste oils.

Potential pollutants associated with waste handling and disposal include: solid waste and used maintenance fluids.

Potential pollutants associated with building and ground maintenance include: paint, fire suppressant, ice melting agents, and sludge from oil water separators.

Potential pollutants associated with equipment cleaning and degreasing include: degreasing solvents, oil, and grease.

2. Are any control measures in need of maintenance or repair? YES NO

3. Have any control measures failed and require replacement? YES NO

4. Are any additional/revised control measures necessary in this area? YES NO

If YES to any of these three questions, provide a description of the problem: (Any necessary corrective actions should be described on the attached Corrective Action Form)

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1. Brief Description:

The Car Rental Facility is a consolidated facility located at the west edge of the airport. The activities that occur in this area include: vehicle fueling, washing, and maintenance; outdoor handling and storage of materials; waste handling and disposal; and equipment cleaning and degreasing.

Potential pollutants associated with fueling/fuel storage include: unleaded gasoline and diesel fuel.

Potential pollutants associated with maintenance include: engine oil, hydraulic fluid, coolant, degreasers, windshield wiper fluid, battery acid, and grease.

Potential pollutants associated with washing include: washwater, soaps, detergents, grease, and oil.

Potential pollutants associated with outdoor handling and storage of materials include: fuels, lubricants, and waste oils.

Potential pollutants associated with waste handling and disposal include: solid waste and used maintenance fluids.

Potential pollutants associated with equipment cleaning and degreasing include: solvents, oil, and grease.

2. Are any control measures in need of maintenance or repair? YES NO

3. Have any control measures failed and require replacement? YES NO

4. Are any additional/revised BMPs necessary in this area? YES NO

If YES to any of these three questions, provide a description of the problem: (Any necessary corrective actions should be described on the attached Corrective Action Form)

NOTE: Copy this page and attach additional pages as necessary


1. Brief Description:

The miscellaneous areas are located around the airport, mostly to the west. Activities performed in the miscellaneous areas include: vehicle fueling, maintenance, and washing; triturator facility; outdoor handling and storage of materials; waste handling and disposal; buildings and ground maintenance; and equipment cleaning and degreasing.

Potential pollutants associated with fueling include: unleaded gasoline and diesel gasoline.

Potential pollutants associated with maintenance include: engine oil, hydraulic fluid, coolant, degreasers, Skydrol (aircraft hydraulic fluid), battery acid, paint, dyes, and grease.

Potential pollutants associated with washing include: washwater, soaps, detergents, grease, and oil.

Potential pollutants associated with outdoor handling and storage of materials include: fuels, lubricants, and waste oils.

Potential pollutants associated with waste handling and disposal include: solid waste, used oil, used hydraulic fluid, and used coolant.

Potential pollutants associated with buildings and ground maintenance include: urea, sand, paints, fertilizer, pesticides, and potassium acetate.

Potential pollutants associated with equipment cleaning and degreasing include: degreasing solvents, oil, and grease.

2. Are any control measures in need of maintenance or repair? YES NO

3. Have any control measures failed and require replacement? YES NO

4. Are any additional/revised BMPs necessary in this area? YES NO

If YES to any of these three questions, provide a description of the problem: (Any necessary corrective actions should be described on the attached Corrective Action Form)


Complete this page for each specific condition requiring a corrective action or a review determining that no corrective action is needed. Copy this page for additional corrective actions or reviews.

Include both corrective actions that have been initiated or completed since the last annual report, and future corrective actions needed to address problems identified in this comprehensive stormwater inspection. Include an update on any outstanding corrective actions that had not been completed at the time of your previous annual report.

1. Corrective Action #

0 1 of 0 3 for this reporting period.

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2. Is this corrective action:

An update on a corrective action from a previous annual report; or

A new corrective action?

3. Identify the condition(s) triggering the need for this review:

Unauthorized release or discharge

Numeric effluent limitation exceedance

Control measures inadequate to meet applicable water quality standards

Control measures inadequate to meet non-numeric effluent limitations

Control measures not properly operated or maintained

Change in facility operations necessitated change in control measures

Average benchmark value exceedance

Other (describe): ________________________________

4. Briefly describe the nature of the problem identified:

During periods of high use, washwater from the entrance side of the car wash at EAN Holdings rental car facility flows toward a storm drain.

5. Date problem identified:

1 1 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 1

6. How problem was identified:

Comprehensive site inspection

Quarterly visual assessment

Routine facility inspection

Benchmark monitoring

Notification by EPA or State or local authorities

Other (describe): ________________________________

7. Description of corrective action(s) taken or to be taken to eliminate or further investigate the problem (e.g., describe modifications or repairs to controlmeasures, analyses to be conducted, etc.) or if no modifications are needed, basis for that determination:

EAN Holdings installed a containment dike to prevent washwater from entering the storm drain.

8. Did/will this corrective action require modification of your SWPPP? YES NO

9. Date corrective action initiated: 0 7 / 1 6 / 2 0 1 2

10.Date correction actioncompleted:

0 9 / 2 1 / 2 0 1 2 or expected to be completed:

/ /

11. If corrective action not yet completed, provide the status of corrective action at the time of the comprehensive site inspection and describe anyremaining steps (including timeframes associated with each step) necessary to complete corrective action:

1. Corrective Action #

0 2 of 0 3 for this reporting period.

2. Is this corrective action:

An update on a corrective action from a previous annual report; or

A new corrective action?

3. Identify the condition(s) triggering the need for this review:

Unauthorized release or discharge

Numeric effluent limitation exceedance

Control measures inadequate to meet applicable water quality standards

Control measures inadequate to meet non-numeric effluent limitations

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Control measures not properly operated or maintained

Change in facility operations necessitated change in control measures

Average benchmark value exceedance

Other (describe): ________________________________

4. Briefly describe the nature of the problem identified:

Evidence of dried lavatory fluid/debris was observed outside of the triturator structure during the inspection. Since the issue was first identified, the Aviation Department has made upgrades to the facilities mechanical and piping components. However, some tenants are not using the triturator in accordance with the facility’s Best Management Practices and operating procedures.

5. Date problem identified:

0 3 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 1

6. How problem was identified:

Comprehensive site inspection

Quarterly visual assessment

Routine facility inspection

Benchmark monitoring

Notification by EPA or State or local authorities

Other (describe): ________________________________

7. Description of corrective action(s) taken or to be taken to eliminate or further investigate the problem (e.g., describe modifications or repairs to controlmeasures, analyses to be conducted, etc.) or if no modifications are needed, basis for that determination:

Tenants will continue to be trained on the appropriate operations of the triturator facility.

The Aviation Department is currently redesigning the west airport facilities which includes the triturator. The improvements will be made as part of a large construction project in the near future.

8. Did/will this corrective action require modification of your SWPPP? YES NO

9. Date corrective action initiated: 0 7 / 0 6 / 2 0 1 2

10.Date correction actioncompleted:

/ / or expected to be completed:

1 2 / 3 1 / 2 0 1 4

11. If corrective action not yet completed, provide the status of corrective action at the time of the comprehensive site inspection and describe anyremaining steps (including timeframes associated with each step) necessary to complete corrective action:

This issue will be a continuous operations issue until the facility is relocated as part of the airport master plan, anticipated to be within the next several years. To address some of the immediate issues, Aviation Terminal Operations recently re-routed the triturator roof drain gutter directly to the storm drain inlet to prevent ponding and contact with dried lavatory fluid/debris.

1. Corrective Action #

0 3 of 0 3 for this reporting period.

2. Is this corrective action:

An update on a corrective action from a previous annual report; or

A new corrective action?

3. Identify the condition(s) triggering the need for this review:

Unauthorized release or discharge

Numeric effluent limitation exceedance

Control measures inadequate to meet applicable water quality standards

Control measures inadequate to meet non-numeric effluent limitations

Control measures not properly operated or maintained

Change in facility operations necessitated change in control measures

Average benchmark value exceedance

Other (describe): ________________________________

4. Briefly describe the nature of the problem identified:

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