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Stormwater Management with Pervious Concrete Pavement · 2009-12-15 · Pervious Concrete Pavement Description Pervious concrete pavement is a permeable pave-ment, often with an underlying

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    Pervious Concrete Pavement

    ■ DescriptionPervious concrete pavement is a permeable pave-ment, often with an underlying stone reservoir, thatcaptures rainfall and stores runoff before it infiltratesinto the subsoil. This pervious surface replaces tradi-tional pavement, allowing stormwater to infiltratedirectly, permitting a naturally occurring form of watertreatment. Pervious concrete consists of speciallyformulated mixtures of hydraulic cementitious mate-rials, uniform open graded coarse aggregate such asASTM C-33 #8 or #89 (3⁄8 inch) (10 mm), #67 ( 3⁄4 inch)(19 mm), to #5 or #56 (1 inch) (25 mm), and water.When properly designed and installed, perviousconcrete has a high percentage of void space (15% ormore) which can accommodate stormwater from anysignificant storm event (see Figure 1).

    ■ Application The ideal application for pervious concrete pavementis around buildings (walkways, courtyards, etc.) andparking areas, as well as low-volume roadways. Per-vious concrete pavement may also have some applica-tion on highways, where it could be used in shoulderand median construction for stormwater runoff miti-gation. There may also be application for its use as asurface material to reduce hydroplaning, splash andspray, and mitigate tire-pavement noise.

    Regional Applicability Pervious concrete pavement can be applied in mostregions of the country, but the practice has uniquechallenges in cold climates. Design of the systemshould ensure that washout from adjacent (soil) areasis not allowed to drain onto the pervious concretesurfaces. Care should be taken with regard to sandbeing applied to the pavement surface for deicing, asthe sand may become lodged into the surface of thematerial.This difficulty does not imply that it is impos-sible to use pervious concrete pavement in coldclimates. Anecdotal evidence suggests that snow-covered pervious concrete pavement may actuallyclear more quickly than impervious surfaces, reducingthe need for snow plowing. Additionally, melted snowwill drain through the pervious concrete pavementrather than ponding and refreezing as is commonwith traditional impervious pavements.This may mini-mize the need to apply deicing materials to thepervious concrete pavement.

    Another concern in cold climates is that infiltratingrunoff below the pavement may cause frost heave,although design modifications that provide for an

    Stormwater Management with Pervious Concrete Pavement ■■■■

    ©2006 American Concrete Pavement Association

    Pervious concrete surface




    Figure 1.Typical cross-section of pervious concrete pavement.On level subgrades, stormwater storage is provided in thepervious concrete surface layer (15% to 25% voids), thesubbase (20% to 40% voids), and above the surface to theheight of the curb (100% voids). Source: Tennis, et al, 2004,adapted from Paine 1990.

  • adequate base layer can reduce this risk. Perviouspavement has been used successfully in Norway(Stenmark, 1995), incorporating design features toreduce frost heave. Successful longer term installa-tions of pervious concrete pavements in regions ofcold weather have also been documented in NorthAmerica (NRMCA, 2004).


    Ultra-urban areas are densely developed urban areasin which pervious and naturally draining surface areais reduced. Pervious concrete pavements are a goodoption in these areas because they allow for additionaluse of land by eliminating the need for stormwaterretention systems.


    Stormwater hot spots are areas where land use oractivities generate highly contaminated runoff, withconcentrations of pollutants in excess of those typi-cally found in stormwater. These areas may includecommercial nurseries, auto recycle facilities, fuelingstations, storage areas, industrial rooftops, marinas,outdoor container storage of liquids, outdoor loading/unloading facilities, public works storage areas, haz-ardous materials generators (if containers are exposedto rainfall), vehicle service and maintenance areas, andvehicle and equipment washing/ steam cleaning facil-ities. Pervious concrete pavement should not be usedas an infiltration practice on stormwater hot spots dueto the potential for ground water contamination.


    A stormwater retrofit is a stormwater managementpractice (usually structural) put into place after devel-opment has occurred, to improve water quality,protect downstream channels, reduce flooding, ormeet other specific objectives. The best application ofpervious concrete pavement for retrofits may be onindividual projects where a parking lot or low-volumeroad is being reconstructed.


    Pervious concrete pavement can help to reduce theincreased temperature commonly associated withimpervious cover. Stormwater ponding on or aroundthe surface of conventional pavement is subsequently

    heated by the sun and hot pavement surface. Byallowing rainfall to rapidly infiltrate, pervious concretepavement eliminates this problem, helping to mitigatethe potential for “thermal shock” events caused byheated stormwater flowing into nearby streams andestuaries.

    ■ Siting and Design Considerations

    Siting Considerations Pervious concrete pavement has the same sitingconsiderations as other infiltration practices (see Infil-tration Trench fact sheet). The site needs to meet thefollowing criteria:


    Porous concretelayer (thicknessdeterminedby design)


    Filter fabricand geotextile

    Undisturbed soil

    Filter coarse(as required bysoil condition)

    Figure 2. Pervious concrete pavement systems should bedesigned incorporating various aspects of the infiltrationbasin shown here and is dependent on soil permeability.

    • When pervious concrete pavement systems aredesigned with a stone reservoir, the reservoirshould be of sufficient depth to accommodatestormwater storage for the designed storm event.

    • Design options include installation of wells ordrainage channels through the subgrade and/orunderground storage chambers for below surfacestorage of stormwater.

    • If used to treat off-site runoff, pervious concretepavement should incorporate pretreatment, aswith all structural management practices.

  • • Pervious concrete pavement should be sited atleast 3 feet above the seasonally high groundwater table, and at least 100 feet away fromdrinking water wells.

    Design Considerations Some basic features should be incorporated into allpervious concrete pavement practices. These designfeatures can be divided into five basic categories:pretreatment, treatment, conveyance, maintenancereduction, and landscaping.

    1. Pretreatment. In pervious concrete pavementdesigns, the pavement itself acts as pretreatmentto the stone reservoir below. Because the sur-face serves this purpose, periodic maintenance ofthe surface is an important factor in optimal per-formance.

    2. Treatment. The stone reservoir directly below thepavement surface should be sized to attenuatestorm flows for the storm event to be treated.Typically, pervious concrete pavement is sized totreat a small event, such as a water quality storm(i.e., the storm that will be treated for pollutantremoval), which can range from 0.5 to 1.5 inches.As in infiltration trenches, water can be storedonly in the void spaces of the stone reservoir.

    3. Conveyance. Water is conveyed to the stonereservoir through the surface of the pavementand infiltrates into the ground through thebottom of this stone reservoir. A geosyntheticliner should be placed below the stone reservoirto prevent preferential flow paths and to main-tain a flat bottom. Designs also may incorporatesome method to convey larger volumes ofstormwater runoff to the storm drain system,such as the inclusion of drain pipes below thepavement, diverting stormwater flow to supple-mentary catchment areas for potential reuse, orother innovative devices.

    4. Maintenance Reduction. One nonstructuralcomponent that can help ensure proper mainte-nance of pervious concrete pavement is the useof a carefully worded maintenance agreementthat provides specific guidance, including how to

    conduct routine maintenance. Ideally, signsshould be posted on the site identifying perviousconcrete pavement areas. Maintenance is typi-cally vacuuming (preferred) or pressure washingthe surface at least annually based on site specificconditions.

    5. Landscaping. For pervious concrete pavement,the most important landscaping feature is a fullystabilized upland drainage. Reducing sedimentloads entering the pavement can help preventclogging.

    Design Variations SLOPING SURFACES

    When the surface is not level, the depth of the pave-ment and subbase must be designed to meet thedesired runoff goals, or more complex options forhandling water flow may be used. Pervious concretepavements have been placed successfully on slopesup to 16%. In these cases, trenches have been dugacross the slope, lined with 6-mil visqueen, and filledwith rock (see Figure 3). Pipes extending from thetrenches carry water traveling down the paved slope


    Pervious concreteOptional rock base


    Pipe –optional

    Pipe – optional


    Figure 3. Elevation and plan view drawings of sloped installa-tion. For sloped pavements, storage capacity calculationsmust consider depth of pavement, infiltration rate of subbase,and desired runoff goals. Source: Tennis, et al, 2004.

  • out to the adjacent hillside. Use of soil filter fabric isalso recommended to prevent wash out of the sub-grade. (Tennis et al, 2004).


    In cold climates, the base of the stone reservoir shouldbe below the frost line. This modification will help toreduce the risk of frost heave.


    While more suitable for well-draining soils (minimumpercolation rate of 0.5 inch per hour), perviousconcrete pavement can be utilized in poorly drainingsoils, provided special design considerations arefollowed (see Figure 4), (Tennis, et al, 2004).

    ■ LimitationsUnderstanding installation procedures and innova-tions in pervious concrete mixtures and placementtechniques has made this a very viable option forstormwater management. Installation proceduresdiffer from conventional concrete pavement.However,when the methods are recognized and proper proce-dures followed, very successful installations have beendocumented. Care should be taken to pre-qualifysuppliers and installers for pervious concrete pave-ment systems. Guidance on applications, specifica-tions and installation techniques are continuallyevolving and being published (ACI Committee 522-R06, 2006, NRMCA Pervious Contractor CertificationManual, 2006).











    Figure 4. Example cross-sections of alternative designs for usein poorly draining soils. (a) rock filled trench under pavement;(b) rock trench along pavement edge; (c) V-trench; (d) rockfilled trench extending beyond pavement; (e) sand under-drain; and (f ) sand underdrain with rock trench. Source:Tennis et al, 2004; adapted from Thelen et al 1972 and VirginiaState Water Control Board 1979, Urban Best ManagementPractices Handbook.

  • ■ Maintenance ConsiderationsPervious concrete pavement requires specific mainte-nance compared with other practices. In addition toowners not being aware of pervious pavement on asite, not performing these maintenance activities isthe chief reason for failure of this practice.When main-tenance requirements are realized by the owners, thelongevity of this pavement option is very viable.Typical requirements are shown in Table 1.

    ■ Effectiveness Pervious concrete pavement can be used to substan-tially reduce the volume of runoff, to provide groundwater recharge and to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. Some data suggest that pervious pave-ment systems can be responsible for as much as 70 to80 percent of annual rainfall going toward groundwater recharge. This data will vary depending ondesign characteristics and underlying soils.

    Studies conducted on long-term pollutant removalhave shown that pervious concrete pavement is veryeffective in removal of pollutant load (Dierkes, Holte,Geiger, 1999), in some cases demonstrating greaterthan 80% efficacy in pollutant removal (Rushton,2001).

    ■ References Dierkes, C.; Holte, A.; and Geiger, W. F. , Heavy MetalRetention Within a Porous Pavement Structure, EighthInternational Conference on Urban Storm Drainage,Sydney, Australia,1999.

    National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Pervious Concrete, Silver Spring,Maryland, 2004.


    Table 1. Typical maintenance activities for pervious concrete pavement (Source: WMI, 1997)

    Activity Schedule

    • Avoid sealing or repaving with impervious materials. N/A

    • Ensure that paving area is clean of debris.• Ensure that paving dewaters between storms.• Ensure that the area is clean of sediments.

    As needed

    • Mow upland and adjacent areas, and seed bare areas.• Vacuum/sweep to keep the surface free of sediment. As needed

    • Inspect the surface for deterioration or spalling. Annually

    Paine, J. E., Stormwater Design Guide, Portland CementPervious Concrete, Florida Concrete and Products Asso-ciation, Orlando, Florida, 1990.

    Rushton, B., Infiltration Opportunities in Parking-LotDesign Reduce Runoff and Pollution, Southwest FloridaWater Management District, Brooksville, Florida, 2001.

    Schueler, T., Controlling Urban Runoff: A PracticalManual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs, Metro-politan Washington Council of Governments, Wash-ington, D.C., 1987.

    Stenmark, C., An Alternative Road Construction forStormwater Management, Water Science and Tech-nology, 32(1):79–84, 1995.

    Tennis, P. D.; Leming, M. L.; and Akers, D. J., PerviousConcrete Pavements, Portland Cement Association,Skokie, Illinois, 2004.

    Watershed Management Institute (WMI), Operation,Maintenance, and Management of Stormwater Manage-ment Systems, Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protec-tion Agency, Office of Water, Washington, D.C., 1997.

    ■ Additional Resources American Concrete Institute (ACI), Pervious Concrete(522R-06), Farmington Hills, Michigan, 2006.

    Center for Watershed Protection (CWP), StormwaterBMP Design Supplement for Cold Climates, Prepared forU.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office ofWetlands, Oceans and Watersheds, Washington, DC, bythe Center for Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, Mary-land, 1997.

  • This publication is intended SOLELY for use by PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL who are competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of the informationprovided herein, and who will accept total responsibility for the application of this information. The American Concrete Pavement Association DISCLAIMS any andall RESPONSIBILITY and LIABILITY for the accuracy of and the application of the information contained in this publication to the full extent permitted by law.

    American Concrete Pavement Association5420 Old Orchard Rd., Suite A100Skokie, IL 60077-1059(847)

    National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA),Text Reference for Pervious Concrete Contractor Certifi-cation, NRMCA Publication #2PPCRT, Silver Spring,Maryland, 2006.


    Center for Watershed Protection (CWP), Better SiteDesign: A Handbook for Changing Development Rules inYour Community, Center for Watershed Protection, Elli-cott City, Maryland, 1998.



    4" Mountable curb7" Uniform concrete


    2% Slope

    Prepared subgrade

    7" Porous concrete

    Concretewheel stop

    24" Drainablestone baseOrganic topsoil

    (12" thick)

    Bioretention area(18" deep min.)

    Section E–ENO SCALE

    3" Topsoil,seed and


    4" Mountable curb2% Slope

    7" Uniform concrete7" Porousconcrete

    22'7'2' 24"

    Prepared subgradeGeofabric textile(as required)


    6" Perforated pipe

    3' Masonry wall PLANTING BED


    Section F–FNO SCALE

    8" Drainable stone base 8" Drainable stone base

    24" 14' 14'24" 24" 24"76'

    4" Integralmountable curb

    4" Integralmountable curb

    7" Porousconcrete

    7" Porousconcrete

    6" Straight faceintegral curb

    6" Straight faceintegral curb

    3" Topsoilseed and


    Section G–GNO SCALE

    Figure 5. Illustrations from the Lost Peninsula Marina project in Erie Township, Michigan.