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STONE PELTERS DETAINED UNDER PSA AS ON 14/11/2010. SNO. Name Age Prof. Date of arrest Detention details Dt.of Execution Place of Lodgment. FIR No. Involvement 1. Parvaiz Ahmad Sheikh @ Pinti Kaloo S/O Gh Mohd R/O Tawheed Gunj Baramulla 31 Working as Drug Peddler 14/02/10 DMB/PSA/ 43 dated 17/02/10 18/02/10 DJ Udhampur, FIR No. 32/2010, 34/10, u/s 148, 149, 336, 332, 341 RPC P/S Bala Subject alongwith his associates resorted to stone pelting in order to enforce4 strike call given by separates organizations. Also turned violent alongwith other associates and attacked police personnel deployed law and order duties, resulting injuries to some of them. Besides damage to public property as well as Govt. property. 2. Nasir Ahmad Khan S/O Gh. Ahmad R/O Barthana Srinagar 28 Pvt Salesmen 05/03/10 DMS/PSA/ 86/2010 dated 15/03/10 20/03/10 C.J. Kotbalwal 22/2010 u/s 307, 336 RPC P/S Parimpora. Stone pelter / affiliated with Muslim League a constituent of APHC (G). Secessionist elements are making all efforts to disturb the public peace by observing strikes / shutdowns by motivating youth to resort stone pelting. Subject with his associates pelted stones at Police Gypsy which was extensive damages. 3. Irshad Ahmad Bhat @ Tanveer s/o Gh.Mohd r/o Kalamdanpora 28 - 27/04/10 DMS/PSA/ 2010 Dated 24/04/10 30/04/10 D,J Kathua 48/08,44/09 P/S MR-Gunj. Associated of Secessionist elements affiliated with APHC (G) who motivated the subject to organize attacks upon police
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arrestDetention details

Dt.of Execution

Place of Lodgment.

FIR No. Involvement

1. Parvaiz Ahmad Sheikh @ Pinti Kaloo S/O Gh Mohd R/O Tawheed Gunj Baramulla

31 Working asDrug Peddler

14/02/10 DMB/PSA/43 dated 17/02/10

18/02/10 DJ Udhampur,

FIR No. 32/2010, 34/10, u/s 148, 149, 336, 332, 341 RPC P/S Bala

Subject alongwith his associates resorted to stone pelting in order to enforce4 strike call given by separates organizations. Also turned violent alongwith other associates and attacked police personnel deployed law and order duties, resulting injuries to some of them. Besides damage to public property as well as Govt. property.

2. Nasir Ahmad Khan S/O Gh. Ahmad R/O Barthana Srinagar

28 Pvt Salesmen

05/03/10 DMS/PSA/86/2010 dated 15/03/10

20/03/10 C.J.Kotbalwal

22/2010 u/s 307, 336 RPC P/S Parimpora.

Stone pelter / affiliated with Muslim League a constituent of APHC (G). Secessionist elements are making all efforts to disturb the public peace by observing strikes / shutdowns by motivating youth to resort stone pelting. Subject with his associates pelted stones at Police Gypsy which was extensive damages.

3. Irshad Ahmad Bhat @ Tanveer s/o Gh.Mohd r/o Kalamdanpora Srinagar.

28 - 27/04/10 DMS/PSA/2010 Dated 24/04/10

30/04/10 D,J Kathua 48/08,44/09 P/S MR-Gunj.

Associated of Secessionist elements affiliated with APHC (G) who motivated the subject to organize attacks upon police /security forces by resorting stone pelting in down town Srinagar to disrupt the public order.

4. Firdous Ahmad Shah s/o Noor Mohd r/o Koker Masjid Malarata Srinagar

37 Labourer 30/05/10 DMS/PSA/14/2010 dated 11/06/10

14/06/10 C.J.Kotbalwal

44/09 u/s 148,336,427,307,325 RPC P/S M,R Gung

Stone. Pelter/ re-active of JKLF during 2008 subject provoked / instigated youth to proceed Uri and raised anti national slogans. Presently subject at the behest of secessionist elements incited youth to resort stone pelting in various parts of Srinagar city

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which brought the normal life to stand still.

5. Ab Latief Lone S/O Gh Mohd R/O Ratbugh Baramulla.

27 - 02/06/10 DMB/PSA/115 dated 15/06/10

20/06/10 D.J.Udhampur

167/10 U/S 307,336,141,427, RPC P/S Sopore (2) 166/10 U/S 307, 336, 332 , 427 RPC P/S Sopore3) 170/10 u/s 307,147,332,427,148 RPC (4) 156/07 U/S 147,148341,427,336 RPC of P/S Sopore

on 13/04/2010 subject with his associates with lathies / stones attacked upon CRPF post near Iqbal market Sopore with a result a score of CRPF personnel got injured besides disruption of public peace in the town.

6. Mudasir Ahmad Ganai s/o Mohd Mukhtiyar r/o Krankshivna Mohalla Jadeed Sopore.

24 09/05/10 DMB-112/10/ PSADated 09/06/10

18/06/10 D.Jail Kupwara.

167/10 u/s 307, 336, 427, 141 RPC2) 173/10 3) 166/10 U/S 307, 336, 332 , 427 RPC P/S Sopore

Subject alongwith his other associates pelted stones upon police / nafri deployed at Hatishah Sopore resulting injuries to jawans , besides lobbed a home made petrol bomb upon the CRPF personnel deployed at Market Sopore and also attacked with stones.

7. Fayaz Ahmad Dar s/o Gh. Qadir r/o Ningli Sopore

24 Tailor 17/06/10 DMB-116/10/PSADated 15/06/10

20/06/10 D.Jail Udhampur

166/10,167/10,156/10,170/10 P/S Sopore

Subject has instigating /Provoking the youth for pelting stones and to take out the violent mob for disruption of public peace and to wage war against security /integrity of India.

8. Mohd Skinder Chat s/o Khursheed Ahmad r/o Chatpora Pulwama.

24 Bakery Shop

06/07/10 DMP/PSA/29/10 dated 07/07/10

08/07/10 D.J.Kathua 287/10 u/s 148 , 336, 353, 427 RPC P/S Pulwama2) 288/10 u/s 148, 336, 332 RPC P/S Pulwama 3) 294/10 i/s 148, 336, 332 RPC P/S Pulwama

Subject is involved in fulfilling the aspirations separatists / APHC leaders particularly APHC (G ) Group and forcing the general public particularly traders/ transporters to follow each and every call of separatist leaders besides subject is involved in leading unruly mob and is acting as a propaganda list against the law and order machinery and is disrupting the peaceful atmosphere of the state

9. Farooq Ahmad Mir s/o Gh. Mohd r/o Parimpora Srinagar

47 Redaban 04/07/10 DMS/PSA/31/10 dated 09/07/10

11/07/10 S.J Hiranagar

159/10 u/s 148, 149, 336, 341, 353, 427, 307, 435, 120-B RPC P/S Parimpora

Stone pelter. Subject with his associates pelter stones on SFs at Shakargah Hokersar who were deployed there for

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duty. Besides on every available opportunity subject resort to stone pelting and force the shopkeepers to close their shops, stop the movement of traffic resulting in complete shut down in Parimpora area.

10. Asif Ali Qazi s/o Ali Mohd r/o Tulwari, Gojwara, Nowhatta Srinagar

22 Ready-Made cloth garments

05/07/10 DMS/PSA/30/10 dated 09/07/10

11/07/10 S.J Hiranagar

69/07 u/s 147, 148, 336 P/S Nowhatta, 2) 05/08 u/s 307, 148 336, 353, 332 RPC P/S Nowhatta, 3) 37/10 u/s 148, 149, 153, 341, 336, 427, 120-B RPC P/S Nowhatta

Stone pelter /anti social element indulged in stone pelting incidents. Subject along-with his associates organized a group of stone pelters under the name of “ Tehreek-e-Islami ” of which subject is a staunch / active member, remaining his role in stone pelting incidents has been established inorder to disrupt the public peace.

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11. Ghulam Geelani Najar S/O Ghulam Qadir Najar R/O Shirpora Anantnag.

24 Cable Oprator

29/06/10 DMA/PSA/08/2010 dated 15/07/10

20/07/10 D.Jail. Kathua.

176/09U/S 147,148,336,332,427,353 RPC P/S Anantnag.02) 272/09 U/S 147,148,149 336,332,427,353 RPC P/S Anantnag.03) 262/2010 U/S ,148,149 336,307,332,427,435 RPC P/S Anantnag

During Land row agitation in 2008 subject provoked/ instigated people to hold demonstrations in order to disturb peace and tranquility and raised anti-national and pro-militancy slogans in District Anantnag .Now again in 2010 subject provoked/instigated people who damaged public as well as private property and resorted to stone pelting on Govt.establishments.Besides Subject is also a close associate of Qazi Yasir Ahmad and is ring commander of stone pelters.

12. Mudasir Ahmad Sheikh @ Mudda S/O Gh Nabi R/O Mohalla Mir Sahib Bramulla

27 09/04/10 DMB/PSA/94/2010 dated


14/04/10 D.Jail Udhampur

141/09 U/S 307,435,147,148,149,323,332 RPC P/S Bla.

Drug peddler,/motivated youth for pelting stones on S/F's/Police.

13. Mohd Altaf Ganai @ Jaba Sahab s/o Gh Qadir r/o Nagam Chadoora Budgam

39 Shopkeeper

15/07/10 DMB/PSA/184/2010 dated 17/07/10

19/07/10 C.J. Kotbalwal

8/10 u/s 13 ULA Act P/S Chadoora 82/10 u/s 13 ULA Act P/S Chadoora 83/10 u/s 147 RPC, 13 ULA Act P/S Chari Sharief 162/95 u/s 2/3 TADA P/S hergari

Activist of APHC (M), Re-cycled LTM of HM of 1994 currently played vital role in organizing demonstrations processions at the behest of sessionists elements which disturbed the normal functioning of public order.

14. Farooq Ahmad Bhat @ Mujahid s/o Gh Ahmad r/o Krimshore Khansahib Budgam

24 Shop Keeper

18/07/10 DMB/PSA 187/2010 dated 21/07/10

22/07/10 C.J. Kotbalwal

260/10 u/s 147, 148, 149, 236, 352, 427, 341, RPC P/S Budgam

Stone pelter, activist of APHC / Anti social element. Played vital role in stone pelting incidents and responsible for organizing anti national protests and instigated to youth to disturb law and order while resorting to stone pelting.

15. Mehraj Ud-Din Lone s/o Gh.Mohd Lone r/o Noorbagh Srinagar.

22 Pashmeen Paking

23/06/10 DM-Sgr/PSA/ 44/2010 dated 22/07/10

27/07/10 C.J. Kotbalwal

83/10 u/s 147,148,149,307,427,382,511,436/511 P/S Safakadal.2) 84 u/s 147,148,427,336,379 RPC P/S Safakadal.

Stone pelter/anti-national. Subject at the behest Separatists elements hell bent to disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the state. The subject with his associates also snatched two gas guns

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from police post Noorbagh.16. Mohd Yasin

Ganai s/o Ab.Gani r/o GalwanporaBudgam

30 Tailor 29/07/10 DMBud-193 dated 01/08/10

05/08/10 D.J.Kathua 300/10 u/s 147,148,149,336,427,341 RPC P/S Budgam

Stone Pelter. Stanch member of Tehreek Hurriyat lead by APHC (G) at the behest of secessionist element. Instigating the youth of Humhama and Budgam to indulge in stone pelting.

17. Mohd Yousuf Khan s/o Gh.Mohd Khan r/o Humhama Budgam.

37 Contractor 29/07/10 DMBud-192 dated 01/08/10

05/08/10 S.J.Hiranagar

253/10 u/s261/10281/10289/10299/10302/10 u/s 147,148,149,336,332,427,341,307 RPC P/S Budgam

Stone pelter. Instigating the youth of Humhama and Budgam to indulge in stone pelting on the behest of APHC(G). The rioters under his command caused damage to Govt/other public property at Ompora Budgam.

18. Mohd Younis Bhat s/o Haji Gh.Nabi r/o Beeerwa Budgam.

35 20/07/10 DMBud-190/ dated 22/07/10

25/07/10 C.J.Srinagar. Stone pelter/ Anti-national element lead/instigating the youth of Beerwa to indulge in stone pelting also forced the shopkeepers to close the shops and transporters to suspend the movement of public transport on the roads.

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19. Bashir Ahmad Sheikh @ Pepsi s/o Ghulam Mohd r/o Zaina Kote Srinagar.

41 Business 04/08/10 PSA/DMS/53 dated 05/08/10.

09/08/10 D.J.Rajouri 161/10 u/s 147,148,149,336,427,332,353,307,395,120-B P/S Parimpora.

Subject is a released militant of JKLF. Played a vital role in organizing on unlawful assembly which on 30/06/10 appeared near Zainakote area, resorted to heavy stone pelting and use of force by other means. The riotous mob took away a police vehicle and attempted to set on fire.

20. Bilal Ahmad Sheikh @ Sahab s/o late Mohd Yousuf r/o Athwajan Srinagar.

24 Driver 04/08/10 PSA/DMS/54 dated 05/08/2010.

09/08/10 D.J.Rajouri 65/10 u/s 336,341,148,307 RPC P/S Panthachowk.

Subject is a notorious anti social element of the area. 0n 31/07/2010 subject with others an unruly mob appeared at Zewan crossing and resorted to stone pelting with the result damaged the vehicles, blocked the national highway.

21. Mohd Rafiq Matoo s/o Gh.Hassan r/o Pathpora Kawdara Srinagar.

24 22/07/10 DMS/PSA/59 dated 07/08/10

10/08/10 D,J.Kupwara 70/10 u/s 307,364,392,148,149,336 RPC P/S M.R.Gunj.

Stone pelter.Took part in anti social activities and indulging in stone pelting which disturbed the maintenance of public order and affected the movement of Traffic/education/supply of essential commodities was stopped.

22. Gh.Nabi Gojri s/o Gh.Rasool r/o Hatishah Sopore Baramulla.

35 Cook 13/06/10 DM-Bla-123 dated 12/08/10

19/08/10 D.J.Udr 170/10 u/s 148,149,336,307,427 RPC P/S Sopore2) 172/10 u/s 148,149,336,307,427 RPC P/S Sopore3) 173/10 u/s 148,149,336,307,427 RPC P/S Sopore

Stone Pelter . Subject with his associate’s pelted stones upon the security forces/police personnel resulting in the injuries of many security forces/police personnel who were deployed in connection with law and order duty.

23. Mohd Shafi Phaloo S/O Habibullah R/O Takiyabal Sopore.

23 Green grocer

17/08/10 DMB/PSA/125 dated 12/08/10

19/08/10 D.J.Udh. 170/10 u/s 148,149,336,307,427 RPC P/S Sopore2) 172/10 u/s 148,149,336,307,427 RPC P/S Sopore3) 173/10 u/s 148,149,336,307,427 RPC P/S Sopore

Subject a well known stone pelter/Trouble maker, instigated youth of Sopore and persuaded tyouth to actupon calls given by Hurriyat resulted disruption of peace in town Sopore and injuries to security personnel deployed for law & order.

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24. Irshad Ahmad Bhat S/O Abdul Ahad Bhat R/o Katpora Yaripora Kulgam.

31 Business 19/08/10 DMK/PSA/13/2010 dated 23/08/10

27/08/10 D.Jail Kathua.

177/010 u/s 372,121,121-A,124-A,147,148,336,427,341 RPC P/S Kulgam.

During recent 92010) agitation subject was found involved in provoking /instigating people especially youth to carry out anti-national processions in order to disrupt maintance of peace and public order. While leading protestors subject pelted stones on SFs/ Police and damaged public property, besides is involved in looting a gas shop at Tarigam belong- ing to one Mohd Amin Sheikh r/o Tarigam

25. Ali Mohd Dar S/o Gh. Rasool Dar R/o Zoolwa Chadoora Budgam

52 Gardner 14/09/10 DMB/PSA196/10 dated 18/09/10

09/09/10 Kotbalwal 132/2010 U/S 148,149,332,336,427 RPC P/s Chadoora 2) 133/2010 U/S 148,149,336,427 RPC P/S Chadoora

Affitaited with APHC (G). He is indulging in stone pelting and is responsible organizing anti-national protests by instigating the youths of Chadoora and in its adjoining areas to create law and order problem

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26. Mehrajud-din Bhat S/O Gh Mohd R/O Watergam Baramulla.

30 Mechanic 09/08/10 DMB/PSA/122 dated 12/08/10

19/08/10 Distt. J. Udhamour

(1) 17/10 U/S 307,141,336,342,427 RPC P/S Sopore. (2) 35/10 U/S 147,353,336,427,451 RPC P/S Sopore. (3) 9/10 u/s 147,148,336,427,323 RPC P/S Dangawacha (4) 308/10 307,147,148,336,427 RPC P/S Sopore (5) 52/10 u/s 307 147,148,336,427, RPC P/S Kralgund

Subject is having affinity towards militancy and antinational activities. As per B.G, his elder brother was affiliated with JKLF, later killed during encounter in 1994 besides subject leaded a violent procession of stone pelters, resulted disruption of public peace.

27. Mohd Ashraf Dar s/o Abdul Rehman r/o Wagar Budgam

28 Labour 22/09/10 DMB/PSA/200/10 dated 25/09/10

28/09/10 C.J.Kbl. 403/ 2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 188, 427, 336 RPC P/S Budgam

405/2010 u/s 148, 149, 188, 336, 307, 435, , 332 RPC, P/S Budgam

407/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 307, 336, 427, 188, 436, 511 RPC P/S Budgam

408/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 207, 427, 1`88, 435, 332 RPC P/S Budgam

Stone pelter/close associate of Syed Imtiyaz Hyder of APHC Geelani (G) and always instigated the youth of Humhama, Ompora, and Budgam to create law & order problem. On 13/09/2010 on the call “UNO Chaloo” given by separatists and there upon Govt. imposed curfew to protect life & property of people, subject at the behest of Imtiyaz Hyder defied the curfew order with intention to provoke people to come out in streets to cause riots..

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28. Mohd Ashraf Thokar s/o Abdul Razak r/o Thokarpora Budgam

35 Mason 22/09/10 DMB/PSA/201/10 dated 25/09/10

28/09/10 C.J.Kbl. 403/ 2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 188, 427, 336 RPC P/S Budgam

405/2010 u/s 148, 149, 188, 336, 307, 435, , 332 RPC, P/S Budgam

407/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 307, 336, 427, 188, 436, 511 RPC P/S Budgam

408/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 207, 427, 1`88, 435, 332 RPC P/S Budgam

Stone pelter/close associate of Syed Imtiyaz Hyder of APHC Geelani (G) and always instigated the youth of Humhama, Ompora, and Budgam to create law & order problem. On 13/09/2010 on the call “UNO Chaloo” given by separatists and there upon Govt. imposed curfew to protect life & property of people, subject at the behest of Imtiyaz Hyder defied the curfew order with intention to provoke people to come out in streets to cause riots..

29. Gh Mohd Bhat s/o Mehda Bhat r/o Ichgam Budgam

30 Pvt.Emp .Jamkash

22/09/10 DMB/PSA/202/10 dated 25/09/10

28/09/10 C.J.Kbl. 403/ 2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 188, 427, 336 RPC P/S Budgam 405/2010 u/s 148, 149, 188, 336, 307, 435, , 332 RPC, P/S Budgam 406/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 307, 336, 427, 188, 436, 511 RPC P/S Budgam 408/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 207, 427, 1`88, 435, 332 RPC P/S Budgam

Stone pelter/close associate of Syed Imtiyaz Hyder of APHC Geelani (G) and always instigated the youth of Humhama, Ompora, and Budgam to create law & order problem. On 13/09/2010 on the call “UNO Chaloo” given by separatists and there upon Govt. imposed curfew to protect life & property of people, subject at the behest of Imtiyaz Hyder defied the curfew order with intention to provoke people to come out in streets to cause riots..

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30. Farooq Ahmad Dar s/o Abdul Aziz Dar r/o Dardpora Budgam

22 Auto Driver

22/09/10 DMB/PSA/203/10 dated 25/09/10

28/09/10 C.J.Kbl. 403/ 2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 188, 427, 336 RPC P/S Budgam

405/2010 u/s 148, 149, 188, 336, 307, 435, , 332 RPC, P/S Budgam

406/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 307, 336, 427, 188, 436, 511 RPC P/S Budgam 408/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 207, 427, 1`88, 435, 332 RPC P/S Budgam

Stone pelter/close associate of Syed Imtiyaz Hyder of APHC Geelani (G) and always instigated the youth of Humhama, Ompora, and Budgam to create law & order problem. On 13/09/2010 on the call “UNO Chaloo” given by separatists and there upon Govt. imposed curfew to protect life & property of people, subject at the behest of Imtiyaz Hyder defied the curfew order with intention to provoke people to come out in streets to cause riots. Involved in setting ablaze old Police Post Humhama. .

31. Arif Ahmad Mir s/o Gh Ahmad r/o Soibug Budgam

23 Shawal Bafi

22/09/10 DMB/PSA/205/10 dated 25/09/10

28/09/10 C.J.Kbl. 405/2010 u/s 148, 149, 188, 336, 307, 435, , 332 RPC, P/S Budgam

406/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 307, 336, 427, 188, 436, 511 RPC P/S Budgam

408/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 207, 427, 1`88, 435, 332 RPC P/S Budgam

Stone pelter/close associate of Syed Imtiyaz Hyder of APHC Geelani (G) and always instigated the youth of Humhama, Ompora, and Budgam to create law & order problem. On 13/09/2010 on the call “UNO Chaloo” given by separatists and there upon Govt. imposed curfew to protect life & property of people, subject at the behest of Imtiyaz Hyder defied the curfew order with intention to provoke people to come out in streets to cause riots. Involved in setting ablaze the old Police Post Humhama

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32. Feroz Ahmad Khan s/o Mohd Shaban r/o Pathanpora Budgam

35 Carpenter 22/09/10 DMB/PSA/20610 dated 25/09/10

28/09/10 C.J.Kbl. 403/ 2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 188, 427, 336 RPC P/S Budgam

405/2010 u/s 148, 149, 188, 336, 307, 435, , 332 RPC, P/S Budgam

407/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 307, 336, 427, 188, 436, 511 RPC P/S Budgam

408/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 207, 427, 1`88, 435, 332 RPC P/S Budgam

Stone pelter/close associate of Syed Imtiyaz Hyder of APHC Geelani (G) and always instigated the youth of Humhama, Ompora, and Budgam to create law & order problem. On 13/09/2010 on the call “UNO Chaloo” given by separatists and there upon Govt. imposed curfew to protect life & property of people, subject at the behest of Imtiyaz Hyder defied the curfew order with intention to provoke people to come out in streets to cause riots. Involved in setting ablaze the old Police Post Humhama

33. Showkat Ahmad Malik s/o Abdul Gani r/o Check Mohalla Soibug Budgam

23 Shawal Bafi

22/09/10 DMB/PSA/207/10 dated 25/09/10

28/09/10 C.J.Kbl. 405/2010 u/s 148, 149, 188, 336, 307, 435, , 332 RPC, P/S Budgam

406/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 307, 336, 427, 188, 436, 511 RPC P/S Budgam

408/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 207, 427, 1`88, 435, 332 RPC P/S Budgam

Stone pelter/close associate of Syed Imtiyaz Hyder of APHC Geelani (G) and always instigated the youth of Humhama, Ompora, and Budgam to create law & order problem. On 13/09/2010 on the call “UNO Chaloo” given by separatists and there upon Govt. imposed curfew to protect life & property of people, subject at the behest of Imtiyaz Hyder defied the curfew order with intention to provoke people to come out in streets to cause riots. Involved in setting ablaze the old Police Post Humhama

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34. Ab Rehman Rather s/o Mohd Ramzan r/o Dardpora Budgam

30 Carpenter 22/09/10 DMB/PSA/208/10 dated 25/09/10

28/09/10 C.J.Kbl. 405/2010 u/s 148, 149, 188, 336, 307, 435, , 332 RPC, P/S Budgam

406/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 307, 336, 427, 188, 436, 511 RPC P/S Budgam

408/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 207, 427, 1`88, 435, 332 RPC P/S Budgam

Stone pelter/close associate of Syed Imtiyaz Hyder of APHC Geelani (G) and always instigated the youth of Humhama, Ompora, and Budgam to create law & order problem. On 13/09/2010 on the call “UNO Chaloo” given by separatists and there upon Govt. imposed curfew to protect life & property of people, subject at the behest of Imtiyaz Hyder defied the curfew order with intention to provoke people to come out in streets to cause riots. Involved in setting ablaze the old Police Post Humhama

35. Javed Ahmad Kandoo s/o Habib Ullah Kandoo r/o Anchor Soura Srinagar

30 Carpet Weaver

21/09/10 DMS/PSA /78/2010 dt. 25/09/2010

30/09/10 C.J.Kbl 80/2010 u/s 147/148, 307, 332,353 RPC P/S Soura

87/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 307, 436, 393, 427 RPC P/S Soura

Stone pelter / anti social element / Subject has formed a group of like minded youth to resort stone pelting upon SFs. Sujbect pelted upon stones police/ SFs at SKIMS Soura in which one CRPF personnel got injured. Subject attacked ancestrial house of Late Sheikh Mohd Abdullah at Soura.

36. Bilal Ahmad Malla s/o Gh Mohi ud Din r/o Anchar Mohalla Srinagar

20 Carpet Weaver

21/09/10 DMS/PSA /77/2010 dt. 25/09/10

30/09/10 C.J.Kbl 80/2010 u/s 147/148, 307, 332,353 RPC P/S Soura

87/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 307, 436, 393, 427 RPC P/S Soura

Stone pelter / affiliated with APHC (G). Involved in all most all stone pelting incidents took place at Soura Srinagar. Sujbect pelted upon stones police/ SFs at SKIMS Soura in which one CRPF personnel got injured. Subject with un rully mob attacked ancesstrial house of Late Sheikh Mohd Abdullah at Soura.

37. Gh Hassan War s/o Abdul Samad r/o Taploo Mohalla Anchar Sringar

35 Casual Labour (SKIMS)

21/09/10 DMS/PSA /76/2010 dt. 25/09/2010

30/09/10 C.J.Kbl 80/2010 u/s 147/148, 307, 332,353 RPC P/S Soura

87/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 307, 436, 393, 427 RPC P/S Soura

Stone pelter / anti social element / Subject has formed a group of like minded youth to resort stone pelting upon SFs. Sujbect pelted upon stones police/ SFs at SKIMS Soura in which one CRPF personnel got injured.

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38. Hilal Ahmad Taploo s/o Gh Mohd r/o Taploo Mohalla Anchar Soura Srinagar

22 Carpet Weaver

21/09/10 DMS/PSA /80/2010 dt. 25/09/2010

30/09/10 C.J.Kbl 80/2010 u/s 147/148, 307, 332,353 RPC P/S Soura

87/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 307, 436, 393, 427 RPC P/S Soura

Stone pelter / anti social element / Subject has formed a group of like minded youth to resort stone pelting upon SFs. Sujbect pelted upon stones police/ SFs at SKIMS Soura in which one CRPF personnel got injured. Subject attacked ancestrial house of Late Sheikh Mohd Abdullah at Soura.

39. Mushtaq Ahmad Bhat s/o Gh Mohd r/o Tantraypora Palhallan Pattan Baramulla

32 Govt. Employe in Irrgiation Department

19/09/10 DMB/PSA /136/2010 dt. 17/09/2010

20/09/10 D.J. Udh. 71/2010,73/2010 &78/2010 u/s 148, 149, 336, 341, 332, 427 RPC of P/S Kreeri

Anti national element, his activities in Pattan Kreeri remained anti social and nefarious, provoked instigated , motivated youth to indulge in stone pelting upon SFs/ Police resulted disruption of public pace.

40. Irshad Ahmad Zarger Code Pupa Kandru S/O Late Ab. Khaliq R/O Chattabal Srinagar

35 Bakery shop

12/02/10 DMS/PSA/80/09 dated 24/02/10

26/02/10 D.J.Kathua 9/10 u/s 13 ULA Act, 121-A RPC P/S Karan Nagar

22/03 u/s 7/25 AA P/S Baramulla

Ex-PTM of Al-Jihad of 2003. Presently Chairman of J&K Youth Org. Motivated youth to indulge in stone pelting in Sgr. City. The J&K Youth Org. has been formed with the aim to collect all the released militants a one plate farm and to raise the sentiments of youngsters and instigate by the way of pelting stones upon Police/Sfs and general public in order to create breech of peace. Close associate of Al-jihad Comdr. Pir Fuji (Code Name)

41. Saboor Ahmad Khan S/O Ab Rashid R/O Rangwar near Jamia Masjid Baramulla

26 - 29/03/10 DMB/PSA/98 dated 13/04/10

14/04/10 D.J.Udhampur

61/09 U/S 332 RPC P/S Baramulla

Ex-PTM of HM in 2003 and remained under detention. Started to lure the youth towards in menace besides motivated them indulged in stone pelting incidents.

42. Muzaffar Ahmad Yatoo s/o Mohd Yousuf r/o Kanimazar, Nowkadal Srinagar

39 Carpet Weaver

05/07/10 DMS/PSA/35/2010 dated 10/07/10

18/07/010 S.J.Hiranagar

159/2010 u/s 148, 149, 336, 341, 353, 427, 307, 335, 120-B RPC P/S Parimpora

Re-cycled/ Ex-PTM of HM/ Al-umer and was arrested with huge recovery on 26/06/2001. Stone pelter/ anti social element/ After release joined Awami Action Committee.

43. Manzoor Ahmad Wani s/oAbdul Ahad r/o Nadirgund

44 Welder 15/07/10 DMB/PSA/ 189/2010 dated 22/07/10

24/07/10 C.J. Kotbalwal

261/10 u/s 147, 148, 336, 352 RPC P/S Budgam253/10 u/s 147,148,

Stone pelter/ anti social element, played vital role in organizing in stone pelting incidents in Budgam area and

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Peerbagh Budgam

336, 332, 427 RPC P/S Budgam279/10 u/s 149, 336, 427, 307 RPC P/S Budgam

is responsible in organizing anti national demonstration Earlier arrested in 1991 for being PTM of HM outfit with recovery and was released after 2 years from Kotbalwal Jail .

44. Bilal Ahmad Kaloo s/o Ali Mohd r/o Hamhama Budgam.

38 Shopkeer 29/07/10 DMBud-194 dated 01/08/10

05/08/10 D.J.Kathua 253/10 u/s261/10281/10289/10299/10302/10 u/s 147,148,149,336,332,427,341,307 RPC P/S Budgam.

Ex-PTM of Al-Jahad. Stone pelter/Anti-social Element. Instigating the youth of Humhama and Budgam to indulge in stone pelting.

45. Manzoor Ahmad Khan S/O Gh. Hassan Khna R/O Akilimir Khanyar Srinagar

30 Lather Job 09/03/10 DMS/PSA/83/09 dated8/03/10

10/03/10 Kathaua. 84/09 u/s 188 RPC 13 ULA P Act P/S Khanyar

Stone Pelter, affiliated with APHC (G), Previously remained as LTM of HM outfit& was arrested with recovery. After release joined Tehreek Hurriyat and led anti national demonstrations and supported youth to resort stone pelting upon police / SFs.

46. Mohd Iqbal Banday S/O Gh Mohd R/O Mohalla Jamia A/P Sangri Baramulla.

27 Painter 20/02/10 DMB/PSA/53/2010 dated 12/03/10

16/03/10 Udhampur 44/2010 U/S 148,336,149,332,427 RPC Baramulla2) 268/09 u/s 307,324, RPCP/S Bla 3) 254/09 U/S 13 ULA 153 RPC P/S Bla.

Anti social/anti national element besides remained as LTM of Al Jehad. Habitual stone pelter instigated youth of Baramulla to indulge stone pelting and disturb the public peace in the area .

47. Fayaz Ahmad Bhat @ Kandroo s/o Mohd Subhan r/o Krimshore Khansahib Budgam

27 Imam 15/07/10 DMB/PSA 188/2010 dated 21/07/10

22/07/10 Kotbalwal 260/10 u/s 147, 148, 149, 236, 352, 427, 341, RPC P/S Budgam

Stone pelter / affiliated with Tehreek e- Hurriyat, previously subject has remained LTM of TUM outfit in the year 1996 at present he is known anti social element and played vital role in stone pelting incidents. He responsible in organizing anti national protests and instigated the youth disturb the maintenance of public order.

48. Mushtaq Ahmad Sheikh s/o Gh.Mohi-ud-din r/o

19 Conductor 09/04/10 DMS/05/10Dated 20/04/10

28/06/10 C.JKotbalwal

22/09 u/s 148,149,336,353,332,427,RPC118/09 U/S

Involved in disturbance the public order in Srinagar city particularly in Nowhatta Area stone pelting upon police/SFs

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Syedpora Nowhatta Srinagar.

307,148,149,336,352,332,427,RPC.27/10 u/s 307,148,149,336,353,RPC all P/S Nowhatta.

resulting create problem in whole city.

49. Ishfaq Ahmeed Bhat s/o Mohd Ramzan r/o Khusi Gurpora Raniawari Sgr

20 Driver 17/06/10. DMS/PSA/20/2010 dated 24/06/10

27/06/10 Kotbalwal 34/10 u/s 148,149,341,436 RPC P/S Rainawari

10/2010 u/s 148, 149, 336, 427, 436 RPC P/S Rainawari

Stone pelter/ On 01/02/2010 subject with his associates appeared in Rainawari Chowk and attacked police/ CRPF personnel deployed there for law and order duty and resorted to stone pelting damaging number of vehicles belonging one to SKIMS Soura.

50. Shareek Lateef Bhat s/o Lateef Ahmad Bhat r/o Mustafabad Srinagar

20 Besiness of Kashmiri Arts

12/07/10 DMS/PSA/47 dated 24/07/10

27/07/10 D.Jail Kathua.

159/10 u/s 147,148,149,336,341,353,427,307,335,120-B RPC P/S Pariumpora

Stone Pelter, anti-social element at the behest of anti social elements subject has formed a group of like minded anti social element who habitually resorted to stone pelting in Safakadal area.

51. Mohd Irfan Pampori Code Sameer s/o Ali Mohd Pampori r/o Malik Sahab Safakadal Srinagar.

21 Salesman 19/07/10 DMS/PSA/44/10 dated 22/07/10

27/07/10 98/10 u/s 147, 148,336,188 RPC P/S Safakadal.2) 99/10 u/s 307,336,148,332,353 P/S Safakadal.

Stone pelter/ anti-national element. Subject has framed a group in down town Srinagar city which lead the violent protest on every strick call given by APHC (G) Etc

52. Manzoor Ahmad Nath s/o Mohd Shafi r/o Khanabal Anantnag

20 Student 18/09/10 DMA/PSA/ 15 dt. 28/09/2010

30/09/10 C.J. Kbl 346/2010 u/s 148, 149, 336, 188, 436 RPC P/S Anantnag355/70 u/s 148, 149, 336, 188, 436 RPC P/S Anantnag

Subject during 2008 landrow agitation. Provoked institgated people to take out processions hold demonstrations resulting disruption of public peace. In 2010 agitation subject during curfew relexation led a big procession who set ablaze Police Guard Room at Shivala Mandir Temple situated at K.P. Road Anantnag besides raised anti Indian slogans.

53. Manzoor Ahmad Taploo s/o Gh Nabi r/o Taploo Mohalla Anchar

23 Student 21/09/10 DMS/PSA /71/2010 dt. 25/09/2010

30/09/10 C.J.Kbl 80/2010 u/s 147/148, 307, 332,353 RPC P/S Soura

Stone pelter / anti social element / Subject has formed a group of like minded youth to resort stone pelting upon

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Srinagar 87/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 307, 436, 393, 427 RPC P/S Soura

SFs. Sujbect pelted upon stones police/ SFs at SKIMS Soura in which one CRPF personnel got injured.

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54. ImtiyazAhmad Teploo S/o Gh. Ud din R/O Tiploo Mohalla Anchar Soura Srinagar

22 Engaged in Kashmiri Arts

28/09/2010 DMS/PSA/72/2010 dated 25/9/2010

30/9/2010 Kotbalwal 72/10 U/S 147,148,149,307,427 RPC2)58/07 U/S 457,380 RPC P/S Soura.

Stone pelter / anti social element / Subject has formed a group of like minded youth to resort stone pelting upon SFs. Sujbect pelted upon stones police/ SFs at SKIMS Soura in which one CRPF personnel got injured.

55. Imtiyaz Ahmad Taploo s/o Gh Mohd r/o Taploo Mohalla Anchar Srinagar

20 Student 21/09/10 DMS/ PSA/ 70/2010 dated 25/09/2010

30/09/2010 C.J.Kbl 80/2010 u/s 147/148, 307, 332,353 RPC P/S Soura

87/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 307, 436, 393, 427 RPC P/S Soura

Stone pelter / affiliated with APHC (G). Involved in all most all stone pelting incidents took place at Soura Srinagar. Sujbect pelted upon stones police/ SFs at SKIMS Soura in which one CRPF personnel got injured.

56. Burhan Bashir Bagaw S/o Lt. Bashir Ahmad R/o Islamyarbal Zainakadal Sgr.

20 Student 21/07/10 DMS/PSA49/2010 dated 24/7/10

26/09/10 D.J.Rajouri 159/10 S/S 148.149, 336,341,353,427,307,435,120-BRPC P/S Parimpora.76/210 P/S M.R.Gunj47/10 P/S Khanyar.

Stone pelter/ Anti social element. On 26/06/2010 and 30/06/10 subject with his associates was leading an un ruly mob on the call given by separatists and forced shopkeepers to closed their business establishments and resorted to stone pelting on police/ SF,s resulting injuries to some police/security forces persons and damaged above vehicles at Za inakadal.

57. Qazi Yasir Ahmad S/oLate Dr. Qazi Nissar R/o Anantnag

25 PG student/Moulvi

10/07/10 DMA/PSA6/10 dated 09/07/10

10/07/10 Kotbalwal 300/08 U/S 147.148,3367,427,353.451 RPC P/S Anantnag2)245/10 U/S 147.148,3367,427,353 RPC P/S Anantn ag3)246/10 U/S 147.148.427 RPC P/S Anantnag.

Subject provoked the General people of Anantnag to protest and hold demonstration against Govt and organizing processions/leaded stone pelters also raised anti Indian slogans etc.

58. Mohd Maqbool Sheikh S/o Wali Mohd R/o Chewa Kalan Pulwama

22 - 14/09/10 DMB/PSA/199/10 dated 18/9/10

19/09/10 Kotbalwal 132/2010 U/S 148,149,332,336,427 RPC P/S Chadoora2)133/10 U/S 148,149,336,427 RPC P/S Chadoora

Subject is habitual stone pelter and is close associate of Ali Mohd Dar S/o Gh. Rasool R/o Zoolwa Chadoora, who has links with APHC (G), He is involved in provoking/instigating and organizing processions for pelting stoned on S/F’s/police

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in order to disrupt law and order situation in town chadoora and damaged to property and injuries to law enforceing agencies.

59. Naseer Ahmad Sheikh S/o Bashir Ahmad R/o Chewa Kalan Pulwama

22 Ex-SPO in Police

14/09/10 DMB/PSA/197/10 dated 18/09/10

19/09/10 Kotbalwal 132/2010 U/S 148,149,332,336,427 RPC P/S Chadoora2)133/10 U/S 148,149,336,427 RPC P/S Chadoora

Subject is habitual stone pelter and is close associate of Ali Mohd Dar S/o Gh. Rasool R/o Zoolwa Chadoora, who has links with APHC (G), He is involved in provoking/instigating and organizing processions for pelting stoned on S/F’s/police in order to disrupt law and order situation in town chadoora and damaged to property and injuries to law enforceing agencies.

60. Mohd Maqbool Bhat S/o Gh. Mohd Bhat R/o Chewa Kalan Pulwama

23 Domestic work

14/09/10 DMB/PSA/198/10 dated 18/09/10

19/09/10 Kotbalwal 132/2010 U/S 148,149,332,336,427 RPC P/S Chadoora2)133/10 U/S 148,149,336,427 RPC P/S Chadoora

Subject is habitual stone pelter and is close associate of Ali Mohd Dar S/o Gh. Rasool R/o Zoolwa Chadoora, who has links with APHC (G), He is involved in provoking/instigating and organizing processions for pelting stoned on S/F’s/police in order to disrupt law and order situation in town chadoora and damaged to property and injuries to law enforceing agencies.

61. Mohd Akram Najar S/o Ab. Gaffar R/o Bacherwari Kralgund Handwara

44 25/08/2010 DMK/PSA/18/2010 dated 08/10/2010

11/10/10 Kotbalwal 52/10 U/S 148,149,307,336,121-A RPC P/S Kralgund.

At the behest of APHC leaders, subject often leades processions instigation people to raised slogans other associated, created serious law and order problem by way of stoking to stone pelting on police/SF also raised slogans like Ham Kha Chahatay Azadi.

62. Zafar Iqbal Padder S/o Mohd Yousuf Padder R/o Nunwani Padderpora Shangus Anantnag.

30 Fisheries Deptt.

29/09/10 DMA/PSA/16/2010 dated 09/10/2010

13/10/109 Kathua 90/2010 U/S 147/148/149,336 RPC 2) 95/010 U/S 147,148,149,336,427,379 RPC P/S Achabal Anantnag.

During 2008 subject took advantage of the situation over the controversial issue of land with SASB and instigation/provoked people to go for indefinite strickes and hold demonstrations for

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destruction of public/Govt property. On 02/08/2010 and 18/08/2010 he along with other miscreants led a big procession, who pelted stones on Sf,s/police and private vehicles, besides eaised antinational slogans demaged traffic booth constructed by R&B deptt at main chowk Achabal Adda Anantnag.

63. Farooq Ahmad Dar S/o Manzoor Ahmad Dar R/o manloo Shopian

20 Labourer 08/10/10 DMSpn/PSA/17/010 dated 09/10/2010

10/10/2010 Kathua 396/2010 U/S435,332,149,148,447-A,336,427,188 RPC 2)424/2010 U/S 148,149,336,427,323,152 RPC P/S ShopianS

Subject developed contact with Mufti Wajid R/o Baba Mohalla Shopian and Shakeel Ahmad R/o Manihal (Distt. Presedent APHC) Geelani, Who motivated him to wook under the banners of APHC(G). On 15/09/2010 and 08/10/2010 subjecr alongh-with associates led strong demonstration against Govt. of J&K State and also resorted to stone pelting upon S/F, Police.

64. Sheeraz Ahmad Mir S/o Abdul Majid R/o New colony Bon.Mohalla Shopian

25 Tailor 08/10/10 DMSpn/PSA/19/010 dated 09/10/2010

10/10/2010 Kathua 396/2010 U/S435,332,149,148,447-A,336,427,188 RPC 2)424/2010 U/S 148,149,336,427,323,152 RPC P/S ShopianS

One APHC (G) Disatt presedent in Shopian motivated to the subject to work for APHC (G) banner. He is involved in arranging public gathering and stages public demonatration and lead them against tranquility & peace in Shopian area, besides instigated/provoked people especially youths of shopian twon to carry out demonatration and resort to pelting upon Govt, property and restricted vehicles traffic aderected blockaders on the main roads in twon Shopian.

65. Mufti Wajid Yaqoob S/o Mufti Mohammad Yaqoob R/o baba Mohalla Shopian

27 Emplyee in J&K Bank

08/10/2010 DMSpn/PSA/16/010 dated 09/10/2010

10/10/2010 Kathua 396/2010 U/S435,332,149,148,447-A,336,427,188 RPC 2)424/2010 U/S 148,149,336,427,323,

Subject have a tendency towards Anti-social and anti-national activities. In recent agitation subject instigation/provoked general

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152 RPC P/S ShopianS public especially youth of shopian twon to carry out demonatration and resort to pelting upon Govt, property and restricted vehicles traffic aderected blockaders on the main rosds, besides subject is close associates of Hurriyat leaders/Instigation who are involved in number criminal cases.

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66. Sayar Ahmad Dar S/o Abdul Gani Dar R/o Nildoora Shopian

22 Shopkeeper

08/10/2010 DMSpn/PSA/18/010 dated 09/10/2010

10/10/2010 Kathua 396/2010 U/S435,332,149,148,447-A,336,427,188 RPC 2)424/2010 U/S 148,149,336,427,323,152 RPC P/S ShopianS

Subject has remained in close associate with Mufti Wajid R/o Baba Mohalla Shopian and |Distt presedent of APHC(G) namely Shakeel Ahmad R/o Manihal, Who motivated him to work under the banner of Syed Ali Shah Geelani. On 09/2010 and 08/10/2010 subject along-with associates led a big demonstration and started stone pelting on S/F/police deployed near D>C office Shopian causing demage to Govt/pravite property and injuries to police persons.S

67. Fazil Hamid Khanyari S/o Ab. Hamid R/o Kawdara Srinagar

19 Salesman in medical shop

29/09/2010 DMS/PSA/85/10 dated.08/09/10

13/10/2010 KotbalwaL 92/2010 U/S 336,148,152 RPC2) 91/2010 U/S 148,336,152,427 RPC P/S M>R.Gunj

Stone pelter/anti social element. Subject with his associate pelted stones upon SF/Police/CRPF post of Safakadal with an attempt to injuri/kill them. On 04/09/2010 subject with his associats resorted to having stone pelting upon SF/ at Bhorikadal.

68. Ubaid Shafi Ganie S/o Mohd Shafi r/o Jaldagri Mohalla Nowhatta Srinagar.

20 Salesman in footwear Shop

29/09/2010 DMS/PSA/84/10 dated.08/09/10

13/10/2010 KotbalwaL 92/2010 U/S 336,148,152 RPC2) 91/2010 U/S 148,336,152,427 RPC P/S M>R.Gunj

Stone pelter/anti social element. Subject with his associate while leading unruly mob at Safakadal resorted to heaving stones pelting upon CRPF bunkers and damaged some vehicls plying in the road.

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69. Gh. Mohi ud din Mir S/o Sarfaraz Mir R/o dardpora Kralpora Kupwara.

45 Farmer 05/10/2010 DMK/PSA-14/10 dated 1/10/10

07/10/10 Kotbalwal 93/10 U/S 307,148,149,341,336,427,153-A RPC P/S Trehgam.

Dreaded and staunch worker of JKLF leaded an unlawfukl assembally in Bazar Kralpora and instigated and provoked Genl. youth and there after pelted stones upon S/F,s/Police resulted injuries to S/f and disruption public peace.

70. Javid Ahmad Malla S/O Ab. Rahim, R/oGohal Tengpora Pattan.

22 17/08/2010 DMB/PSA/138/10 dated 17/09/2010

09/10/10 Srinagar 71/2010 U/S 148,149,336,341,427 RPC 2)73/2010 U/S 148,149,336,341,332,436,307 RPC P/S Kreeri.

A staunch anti social anti-national element cose associate of Tehsil president of Hurriyatie, Particiapated in stons and attacked on SF,s/Police resulting injuries to S/F,s men and disruption of public peace.

71. Asif Nisar Zargar S/o Late Nisar Ahmad R/o Saraf Kadal Srinagar

Student 18/09/10 DMS/PSA/86/2010 dated 08/10/10

13/10/10 Kupwara 92/2010 U/S 148,336,152 RPC P/S M>R. Gunj2)91/10 U/S 307,341,336,427,147,148 RPC P/S M.R.Gunj.

Stone pelter/Anti social element. The subject with his associates is involved in stone pelting upon Sf in an attempt to injuir/kill them. On 04/09/2010 he again with his associates resorted to heavy stone pelting up on S/F at Bhori Kadal chowk.

72. Bashir Ahmed Wani s/o Abdul Khaliq r/o Muqam Shah Wali Kupwara

45 Farmer 21/09/10 DMK/PSA/ 21 dat. 09/10/2010

22/10/10 Kotbalwal 86/10 u/s 149 336, 436, 353, 427, RPC 123/10124/10156/10P/S Kupwara

Stone pelter instigated motivating and provoking the youth to indulge in stone pelting incidents, besides to protest against Union of India.

73. Reyaz Ahmed Bhat s/o Abdul Ahad Bhat r/o Malik Sahib Safakadal Srinagar

26 Wood carving

29/09/10 DMS/PSA/87/2010 dated 11/10/10

13/10/10 D.J. Kupwara 114/2010 u/s 307, 147, 148,149,188,336,427 RPC P/S Safakadal 107/2010 P/S Safakadal

Stone pelter / anti Social elements on 03/08/2010. Subject resorted to heavy stone pelting upon SF

74. Adil Ahmed Misger s/o Siraj ud Din r/o Ganai Mohalla Nowhatta, Srinagra

21 Business 09/06/2008 DMS/PSA/20/09/2010 dated 11/06/2009

18/10/20 D.K.Kupwara 57/08 u/s 148, 149, 336, 304 RPC

58/08 u/s 148, 149, 353, 332, 336, 427 RPC

59/08 u/s 148, 149, 353, 336, 427 RPC

Stone pelter. Subject with his associates resorted stone pelting in Jamia Masjid area which created disturbance in the adjoining area,

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66/08 u/s 148, 149, 353, 336, 427 RPC,

69/07 u/s 307, 148, 149, 353, 336, 427 RPC,

70/08 u/s 148, 149, 353, 336, 427 RPC

72/ot 148, 149, 353, 332, 427 RPC.

74/08 u/s 307, 148, 149, 353, 332, 336, 427 RPC

75/08 u/s 148, 149, 353, 332, 336, 427 RPC

75. Umar Gulzar Wani s/o Ghulam Mohd r/o Kalai Doori, Naidkadal Srinagar

22 Student of BA-II Year

05/10/10 DMS/PSA/95/2010 dated 22/10/2010

22/10/2010 C.J.Kotbalwal

57/2010 u/s 148, 149, 336, 341, 427, 188 RPC P/S Khanyar

Stone pelter. On 20/08/2010 sunject with his associates resorted to stone pelting upon Police/SFs at Khalifapora, Khanyar and damaged some vehicles plying on the road.

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76. Mukhtiar Ahmed Lone s/o Noor Mohd r/o Lone Mohalla Chanpora Srinagar

22 Hawker 12/10/2010 DMS/PSA/89/2010 dated 15/10/2010

23/10/2010 C.J.Kotbalwal

164/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 336, 332, 307 RPC P/S Sadder

167/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 336, 427, 435 P/S Sadder

Stone pelter/anti social element. Subject was leading an unruly mob at Chanpora and resorted to heavy stone pelting upon Police/SFs with his associated resulting in blockade of traffic.

77. Mohd Iqbal Mufti s/o Nazir Ahmed r/o Syed Wari Khanyar Srinagar

24 Copper Smith

05/10/2010 DMS/PSA/93/2010 dated 19/10/2010

22/10/2010 C.J.Kotbalwal

57/2010 u/s 148, 149, 336, 341, 427, 188 RPC P/S Khanyar

Stone peleter. On 20/08/2010 subject wih his associates resorted to heavy stone pelting upon Police/SFs at Khalifapora, Khanyar and damaged some vehicles plying on the road.

78. Zakir Maqbool Khan s/o Mohd Maqbool r/o Pamposh Colony Chanpora Srinagar

21 Student of BA

12/10/2010 DMS/PSA/90/2010 dated 15/10/2010

22/10/2010 D.J.Udhampur

164/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 336, 332, 307 RPC P/S Sadder

167/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 336, 427, 435 P/S Sadder

Stone pelter/anti social element. Subject was leading an unruly mob at Chanpora Srinagar and resorted to heavy stone pelting upon Police/SFs with his associated resulting in blockade of traffic.

79. Adil Nazir Bhat s/o Nazir Ahmed r/o Pamposh Colony Chanpora Srinagar

21 Mechanic 12/10/2010 DMS/PSA/92/2010 dated 15/10/2010

23/10/2010 D.J.Kathua 164/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 336, 332, 307 RPC P/S Sadder

167/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 336, 427, 435 P/S Sadder

Stone pelter/anti social element. Subject was leading an unruly mob at Chanpora Srinagar and resorted to heavy stone pelting upon Police/SFs with his associated resulting in blockade of traffic.

80. Javed Ahmed Baba s/o Late Bashir Ahmed r/o Batapora Chanpora Srinagar

28 Gold Smith 12/10/2010 DMS/PSA/91/2010 dated 15/10/2010

24/10/2010 D.J.Rajouri 164/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 336, 332, 307 RPC P/S Sadder

167/2010 u/s 147, 148, 149, 336, 427, 435 P/S Sadder

Stone pelter/anti social element. Subject was leading an unruly mob at Chanpora Srinagar and resorted to heavy stone pelting upon Police/SFs with his associated resulting in blockade of traffic.

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81. Asif Mushtaq Baba s/o Mushtaq Ahedm r/o Panthachowk Srinagar


B.A. Ist year Student

19/10/2010 DMS/PSA/96/2010 dated 21/10/2010

25/10/2010 C.J.Kotbalwal 65/2010 u/s 342, 336, 307, 148, 427, RPC P/S Pantoachowk

Stone pelter/anti social element. On 19/10/2010 subject with his associated pelter stone upon Police/SF at Panthachowk.

82. Bashir Ahmad Wani S/o Ab. Khaliq R/o Ander Hama Drugmulla Kupwara

45 Farmer 21/09/10 DMK/PSA/21/10 Dated.9/10/10

22/10/2010 C.J.Kotbalwal 86,123,124 and 156/10 U/S 148,436,427,36,353,332 P/S Kupwara.

Instigated motivating and p[rovoking Genl. youth to indulge in stone pelting incidents, besides to protests against union of Indian

83. Shabir Ahmed Ganai s/o Ghulam Mohi-ud-din r/o Zainakote Srinagar.

20 Labourer 08/07/10 DMS/PSA-64 dated 12/08/10

18/08/10 Kotbalwal 189/10 u/s 147,148,149,336,341,427,307,435 RPC 7/25 IAA P/S Parimpora

Affiliated with (G) on motivation of one Zaffar Habib Join APHC (G) to carry forward their programme and resort violence in the state. He used to brainwash young youth to attack security forces and destroy the public property.