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STM32: Peripherals Emanuele Valeavalea/courses/HLEE503/CM/4_Interrupts.pdfEmanuele ALEVA - [email protected] 10 Reset and clock control (RCC) System clock (SYSCLK) selection (three di

Jan 28, 2021



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  • STM32: Peripherals

    Emanuele [email protected]


    November 28, 2019

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    STM32 System Architecture

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    STM32 System Architecture

    S0: I-bus: This bus connects the Instruction bus of theCortex-M4 core to the BusMatrix. This bus is used by the coreto fetch instructions. The targets of this bus are the internalFlash memory, the SRAM and the Core Cupled Memory(CCM) RAM.

    S1: D-bus: This bus connects the DCode bus of theCortex-M4 core to the BusMatrix. The targets of this bus arethe internal Flash memory, the SRAM and the CCM RAM.

    S2: S-bus: This bus connects the system bus of theCortex-M4 core to the BusMatrix. This bus is used to accessdata located in the peripheral or SRAM area. The targets ofthis bus are the SRAM, the AHB to APB1/APB2 bridges, theAHB IO port and the ADC.

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    STM32 System Architecture

    S3, S4: DMA-bus: This bus connects the AHB masterinterface of the DMA to the BusMatrix which manages theaccess of di�erent Masters to Flash, SRAM and peripherals.

    The DMA (Direct Memory Access) is a peripheral thattransfer data between peripherals and memories withoutinvolving the CPU.

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Memory map

    Peripherals are memory mapped

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Memory map

    General purpose input/output

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Memory map

    Reset and clock control (RCC)

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Memory map

    External Interrupt

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Memory map

    The SRAM represents only a "tiny" part of the memorymapping!

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Reset and clock control (RCC)

    System clock (SYSCLK) selection (three di�erent clocksources):I HSI 8 MHZ RC oscillator clockI HSE oscillator clockI PLL clock

    RCC registers allow to enable the use of a particular peripheralI When the peripheral clock is not active, the peripheral register

    values may not be readable by software and the returned value

    is always 0x0.


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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]



    Programs are executed sequentially (one instruction after theother). But a computer that can only execute a prede�nedprogram is not very usefulI We need to introduce the possibility to interact with the

    external world

    The interaction is obtained introducing the concept ofinterrupt

    Interrupts are external (or internal) events that modify theexecution �ow of the program

    Many examples that we use every day:I TouchscreenI KeyboardI Temperature controlI ...

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]



    Interrupts are associated to special events

    When these events occur, the CPU stops executing its mainprogram and starts executing a speci�c Interrupt ServiceRoutine (ISR) associated to the speci�c interrupt

    When the ISR terminates its execution, the main program isresumed from where it was left

    Interrupt Service Routines are quite similar to functions, butthey also have big di�erences:I They are always associated to a speci�c interrupt. Each

    interrupt has its own ISR.I They are executed only if the associated interrupt occurs.I The addresses of all the ISRs are stored inside the Interrupt

    Vector Table

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]



    They can be synchronous or asynchronous:I Synchronous interrupt: it is triggered by the software.

    Example: illegal instruction, division by 0.I Asynchronous interrupt: it is triggered by an external event.

    For this reason, it can interrupt the execution of the codewithout waiting that the current instruction ends its execution.Example: external reset, push-button.

    They can be maskable or unmaskable:I Maskable interrupts: they can be enabled/disabled by

    software.I Unmaskable interrupts: they cannot be disabled by software.

    Example: external reset, system failure.

    Each interrupt has a priority level: if a high priority interruptis triggered while the ISR of a low priority interrupt is beingexecuted, this stops its execution and the higher priority ISR isexecuted.

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Managing peripherals

    Peripherals can be managed resorting to two strategies:I InterruptI Polling

    In the interrupt approach the CPU waits for the peripheral tosend an interrupt and notify that something happened

    In the polling approach, the CPU continuously checks ifsomething new happened on the peripheral (massive usage ofloops)

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Polling VS InterruptINTERRUPT POLLING

    BasicDevice notify CPU

    that it needs CPU attention.

    CPU constantly checksdevice status whether

    it needs CPU's attention.

    MechanismAn interrupt is a

    hardware mechanism.Polling is a Protocol.

    ServicingInterrupt handler

    services the Device.CPU services the device.

    IndicationInterrupt-request lineindicates that deviceneeds servicing.

    Comand-ready bit indicatesthe device needs servicing.

    CPUCPU is disturbed only

    when a device needs servicing,which saves CPU cycles.

    CPU has to wait and check whether adevice needs servicing whichwastes lots of CPU cycles.

    OccurrenceAn interrupt canoccur at any time.

    CPU polls the devicesat regular interval.


    Interrupt becomes ine�cientwhen devices keep

    on interrupting the CPUrepeatedly.

    Polling becomes ine�cientwhen CPU rarely �nds adevice ready for service.

    ExampleLet the bell ring

    then open the door tocheck who has come.

    Constantly keep on openingthe door to check whether

    anybody has come.

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Example: Using user button on STM32 in polling

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Example: Using user button on STM32 in polling

    Once the button activated, the CPU has to verify periodicallywhether the button was pressed or not.I Create a function which reads the state of the GPIO port input

    data register (GPIO_IDR)I Invoke the function periodicallyI if you �nd a speci�c value, then it means that the button was

    pressed and a speci�c action can be performed (e.g., you canswitch on/o� a led)

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Interrupts scheme

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]



    Nested vectored interrupt controller (NVIC) main featuresI 74 maskable interrupt channelsI A programmable priority level of 0-15 for each interrupt. A

    higher level corresponds to a lower priority, so level 0 is thehighest interrupt priority

    I Low-latency exception and interrupt handling

    The NVIC and the processor core interface are closely coupledI this enables low latency interrupt processing and e�cient

    processing of late arriving interrupts.

    All interrupts including the core exceptions are managed by theNVIC.

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Interrupt Vector Table

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]



    Extended interrupts and events controller (EXTI)

    Manages the external and internal asynchronousevents/interrupts and generates the event request to theCPU/Interrupt Controller and a wake-up request to the PowerManager.

    An interrupt could be left pending;I for external interrupts, a status register indicates the source of

    the interrupt;I for internal interrupts, the pending status is assured by the

    generating peripheral, thus no need for a speci�c �ag.

    Each input line can be masked independently.

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    External and internal interrupt/event line mapping

    36 interrupt/event lines areavailable: 8 lines are internal(including the reserved ones); theremaining 28 lines are external.

    The GPIOs are connected to the 16external interrupt/event lines in thefollowing manner:

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Con�guring Interrupts

    For the external interrupt lines the interrupt line should becon�gured and enabled.I This is done by enabling the interrupt request by writing a "1"

    to the corresponding bit in the interrupt mask register(IMR).

    When the external interrupt line receives a signal, an interruptrequest is generated and the corresponding pending bit is alsoset.

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Con�guring Interrupts

    In practice, to con�gure a line as interrupt source, use thefollowing procedure:I Con�gure the system controller to manage the external

    interrupt line connection to the GPIOsI Con�gure the corresponding mask bit in the EXTI_IMR

    register.I Con�gure the Trigger Selection bits of the Interrupt line

    (EXTI_RTSR and EXTI_FTSR).I Write the Interrupt Service Routine.I Clear the pending request.

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    External and internal interrupt/event line mapping

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    External and internal interrupt/event line mapping

    Enable SYSCFG clock

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    External and internal interrupt/event line mapping

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Con�guring Interrupts

    Con�gure the corresponding mask bit in the EXTI_IMRregister:

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Con�guring Interrupts

    Con�gure the Rising Trigger Selection bits of the Interruptline (EXTI_RTSR)

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Con�guring Interrupts

    Con�gure the Falling Trigger Selection bits of the Interruptline (EXTI_FTSR)

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Con�guring Interrupts

    Write theInterruptService Routine(Vector Table)

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Con�guring Interrupts

    Con�gure the NVIC Interrupt set enable register (NVIC_ISER)to activate the interrupt

    This will "wake up" (interrupt) the processor, asking it toserve the request

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Con�guring Interrupts

    Find the Name of the Interrupt service routine (ISR)

    Write your ISR with the same name to perform an action.

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  • Emanuele VALEA - [email protected]


    Con�guring Interrupts

    Clear the pending request.

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