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October 2011 Newsletter Keeping you in the know Inside This Issue: Automotive Art News Football Announcement Game On! Honda Motorbike Donation Stewart Industrial Happenings Celebrity Corner Birthday Greetings Kicks n’ Giggles Customer Service Basics Body Language Scholarship Winners ...and more Stewart’s Auto Sales is a family operated business in the true sense of “family operated”. The company, founded in 1938 by Lionel Arthur Stewart, father of Richard Stewart started operating as Stewart’s Auto Supplies and Repairs, evolving to Stewart’s Auto Sales between 1952-57. We are proud to celebrate 73 years of opertaion. We look forward to many more years with you, our SAS family. stewart industrial - clark awards CONGRATULATIONS TO STEWART INDUSTRIAL STAFF ON SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF FACTORY TRAINING FROM CLARK MATERIAL COMPANY. Mr. James Lechler proudly congratulates 9 Stewart Industrial technicians on awards of Certificates of Achievement on completing factory training from Clark Material Company. The Regional Manager for Clark, Mr. Guido Fratta stated that “It was a nice surprise to work with the Stewart organization. The mission, values and family culture are the same as Clark’s. Clark Material Handling Company is proud to have Stewart Industrial as a dealer”. Clark Material Company was established in 1917 and has a reputation of being a progressive manufacturing company continuously seeking to improve products, expand service and provide value to customers with safety as a top priority. A culture of safety every day is an important part of their culture. Sincere congratulations to: Staff Sales Satisfaction Kind Hearts Homes of Hope How to Learn from Your Mistakes Budgeting for Christmas Moulton Davis Donald Franklin Patrick Thompson Wilfred Smith David Mills Glenroy Welch Jason Greenwood Michael Rollyford Henry James Back row, left to right: DonalD franklin; DaviD Mills; glenroy welch front row, left to right: henry JaMes; wilfreD sMith; Patrick thoMPson; Moulton Davis; Jason greenwooD; Michael rollyforD CELEBRATING 73 YEARS

Stewart's Automotive Group October 2011 Staff Newsletter

Mar 07, 2016



Stewart's Automotive Group October 2011 Staff Newsletter
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: Stewart's Automotive Group October 2011 Staff Newsletter

O c t o b e r 2 0 1 1

NewsletterKeeping you in the know

Inside This Issue:

Automotive Art News•Football Announcement•Game On!•Honda Motorbike Donation•Stewart Industrial Happenings•Celebrity Corner•Birthday Greetings•Kicks n’ Giggles•Customer Service Basics•Body Language•Scholarship Winners•

...and more

Stewart’s Auto Sales is afamily operated business inthe true sense of “familyoperated”. The company,founded in 1938 by LionelArthur Stewart, father ofRichard Stewart started

operating as Stewart’s AutoSupplies and Repairs, evolving to Stewart’s Auto Sales between1952-57. We are proud to celebrate 73 years of opertaion. Welook forward to many more years with you, our SAS family.

stewart industrial- clark awards


Mr. James Lechler proudlycongratulates 9 Stewart Industrialtechnicians on awards of

Certif icates of Achievement oncompleting factory training from Clark Material Company. The Regional Manager for Clark, Mr. Guido Fratta stated that “It was a nicesurprise to work with the Stewart organization. The mission, values and familyculture are the same as Clark’s.Clark Material Handling Company is proud to have Stewart Industrial as adealer”.Clark Material Company was established in 1917 and has a reputation of being aprogressive manufacturing company continuously seeking to improve products,expand service and provide value to customers with safety as a top priority. Aculture of safety every day is an important part of their culture.

Sincere congratulations to:


Sales Satisfaction

Kind Hearts Homes ofHope

How to Learn from YourMistakes

Budgeting for Christmas

Moulton Davis•Donald Franklin•Patrick Thompson•Wilfred Smith•David Mills•

Glenroy Welch•Jason Greenwood•Michael Rollyford•Henry James•

Back row, left to right:

DonalD franklin; DaviD Mills; glenroy welch

front row, left to right:

henry JaMes; wilfreD sMith; Patrick thoMPson; Moulton

Davis; Jason greenwooD; Michael rollyforD


Page 2: Stewart's Automotive Group October 2011 Staff Newsletter

Stewart’s Automotive GroupPage 2 October 2011

Honda Motorbike Donations

stewart’s auto sales and chinaharbour engineering companyjoined hands with the Police andpresented the spring hill Policestation in Portland with twohonda motorcyles in an effort toimprove their mobility.


Kind Hearts Homes of Hopekind heart’s ltd., the brainchild of

the grand children of richard andDiana stewart, is a family based, non-profit organization is dedicated tohelping the less fortunate. fueled bythe desire to help people in a moretangible way than just donating tocharitable endeavouurs, homes ofhope was born. homes of hope, akind hearts division, is designed tobuild basic housing forunderprivileged and suffering familiesin Jamaica. so far two such projectshave been undertaken under theexpert leadership of youth with aMission (ywaM), where four houseswere built and furnished.

two houses were built in 2010 andhanded over to grateful recipients inst. James.

kind hearts is working with foodfor the Poor to build and furnish abasic school in one of Jamaica'srural communities (location to bedecided after further consultationwith food for the Poor). the aim isto construct a sturdy woodenbuilding including a small kitchen,sanitation facilities and teachers’office. it is hoped that if thefinancial situation allows for it, toinclude a small playground.

in order to successfully completethis project kind hearts need to raise atotal of us$ 32,500. us$ 30,000 ofwhich will pay for building materialsand furnishings; with an additionalus$ 2,500 needed to build a safeplayground. kind hearts is thereforeopen and receptive to receiving

donations for this project and can becontacted at

kind hearts thanks aMchaM fortheir J$200,000 donation towardsthis ambitious project.

aMchaM handing over donationto the kind hearts team.

from l-r: DsP wayne cameron; supt. noel christie; commissionowen ellington; Minister Daryl vaz, M.P. for the constituency; Mrs.J. stewart-lechler and Mrs. Diana stewart; Mr. Qi wu yang, chinaharbour engineering co’s Deputy Manager for Jamaica; Mrs. J.armond of china harbour engineering co.

automotive art staff member Miss Mignot

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Stewart’s Automotive Group October 2011 Page 3

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will even forget what you did, butpeople will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

Happy BirthdayStewart's Auto SalesMitsubishi Division

Juliet a ward-Brown november 3lynval g. llewellyn november 3ranford a. spaulding november 5kevin a. williams november 6shawn cousins november 7Dwayne P. grant november 10espie J. Daley november 11easton o. shaw november 13kirk f. Martin november 16levi v. lee november 20rifton a. kelly november 22DeJeane s. leahong november 22Dane Phillips november 28

Stewart Industrial

kevin cato november 1Michael rollyford november 3glenroy welch november 5Melissa Daley november 10craig Brown november 24theresa garwood-gibson

December 5henry James December 6kayde walker December 7latoya campbell December 12Damion lewin December 12earl Delgado December 18

Stewart's Auto SalesSuzuki Division

Marjorie y. Borough november 3Brinelle o. Demns november 4thomas channer november 5sophia P. Bentley november 8alrick Daley november 13andrew c. Bailey november 26robert a. samuels november 27robert gregory november 29hyacinth williams november 30earl n. watt December 2christopher callen December 7tarzan n. Morris December 8andrew l. Johnson December 28kasheme a. valentine December 30

Stewart Motors

Patrick a. garrell november 1craig J. campbell november 6cecille a. scott november 8homer gilzene november 9simone M. harris november 17Denise g. fletcher november 30Dwayne nathan December 19

Silver Star Motors

vivette D. McPherson november 27kadian s. hunter December 11

Budget Rent A Car

Mathurin k. elliott november 14andrew a. fowler november 15cleon h. Mcadam november 21Maurice a. hosang november 29Devon a. Bogle December 21roderick watson December 30

Automotive Art

ray campbell november 17Zena stewart-Pinnock november 22clive rowe november 30robert gayle December 4lisa chang-gong December 4Marlon walker December 7oral rowe December 9andrea chen December 14rainford satchell December 15Maxine reid December 16norine Davis December 28

Please let us know if we have missedyour birthday. send your informationto Mrs. Marjorie Borough [email protected]

Do you know how tobudget for christmas?here are some tips:

1. Make a List - andCheck it Twice

Make a list of all yourfamily and friends whohave been good girls and

boys. once you decide whois deserving of a gift from you, determine how much moneyyou can realistically afford to spend. then, designate a setportion of the total amount for each person on your list.

2. Avoid Overspending

Don't fall prey to holiday guilt. not only will overspendingbreak your budget, but you'll also set unrealisticexpectations. in other words, your friends and family willbegin to expect lavish gifts from you every christmas. nextchristmas, when you're still paying off your credit card billsfrom this holiday, your dad may wonder why he received a

luxurious watch from you last year, and all he got this yearwas a measly pair of socks prominently marked "irregular."

3. Pay in Cold, Hard Cash

one way to force yourself to stick to your holiday budget isto pay for all your gifts with cash. simply withdraw theamount that you can afford to spend on your holiday gifts.when that money is gone, christmas shopping time is over.

4. Don't Buy Presents for Yourself

when you're out shopping for friends and relatives, you'rebound to come across some glorious item that youabsolutely must have. however, remind yourself that this isthe season for giving, not receiving. if that doesn't consoleyou, you could always call one of your other procrastinatingfamily members and tell him to add the item to yourchristmas wish-list.

enjoy the holidays! remember, we don’t want to start thenew year in debt.

Budgeting for Christmas

Page 4: Stewart's Automotive Group October 2011 Staff Newsletter

Stewart’s Automotive GroupPage 4 October 2011

“Practice without improvement is meaningless.” -

Learning from our Mistakesthere’s no easy answer

on how to learnfrom yourmistakes thatwill work every

time, thoughchapters have been

written about it in classicbooks like the road lesstraveled, andopportunities to addressthe topic have been missedin others, like the fouragreements. however,

there are some strategies you can use to learn from yourmistakes that will work in various situations most of thetime. when you’re trying to learn from your mistakes,consider the following:

Reframe Your Mistakesfirst, use reframing to stop thinking of your mistakes asfailures. they can be more accurately described asopportunities for learning—people generally learn morefrom mistakes than they learn from successes. with eachmistake, you can learn valuable information that can beused for future success.

Be Forgivingnext, maintain perspective and don’t take mistakes tooseriously. Blaming others for our mistakes can be a defensemechanism for those who are harsh with ourselves when wemess up—we stay in denial because we can’t take our ownharsh self-condemnation. Be forgiving. Just changing youroutlook on this can make it less threatening to recognizewhen you’re responsible or partially responsible for things

going other than you’d planned. and that makes you moreable to learn from your mistakes.

See What You Can Changerather than thinking of who is more responsible for asituation—you or another person—look at the situation as awhole in terms of what you can change. if you view takingresponsibility through the lens of personal control—whatcan you change next time, what do you have control over?—makes it an empowering experience to learn from yourmistakes.

Look Beyondlook at other sides of the same situation. how do differentpeople in the situation feel. how might things have gonedifferently if you’d made different choices? look at thesituation in different ways. Play with it. and see what youcan learn for next time.

Ask Questionsask for impartial opinions. have a few trusted friends whowill tell you the truth, and who can see things from bothsides, and ask them what they see. sometimes we’re tooclose to a situation to make sense of it at first, but anobserver who isn’t so emotionally attached, and who candeliver their opinion with love and tact, is what we need tohelp us learn from our mistakes.

Pat Yourself On The Backcongratulate yourself for whatever growth you’ve gainedfrom dealing with each difficult situation you encounter andeach mistake you make. remember that these things addvalue to life as much as the more pleasant experiences weall value. and be glad that you always have the opportunityto learn from your mistakes in one way or another.

this time i’ll learn from my


koMatsu D65 BullDoZer solD to recreationholDings

in the picture to the left is a 22ton komatsu hydraulicexcavator recently delivered to china harbour as theyundertake major work projects across the island. the workequipment on an excavator is similar to a human arm,enabling an operator to manoevure the machine just like amoving arm. this fully fitted model is capable of lifting andgrabbing large objects suchs as rocks, as well as dozing soiland leveling theground.

china harbour will beusing this komatsu in

major infrastructure projects across the island, including thechristiana bypass road.

James lechler, general Manager of stewart idustrial said thatthis equipment is ideally suited for the varying and challengingterrain of the Jamaican countryside and should assist chinaharbour in meeting their deadlines.

koMatsu excavator

stewart industrial happenings

Page 5: Stewart's Automotive Group October 2011 Staff Newsletter

Stewart’s Automotive Group October 2011 Page 5


“Work is not man’s punishment. It is his reward and his strength and his pleasure.” - George Sands

Body language, a non-verbal communication, says what youcan’t or don’t want to say verbally. whether we realize it ornot, we are always on a broadcast frequency by means ofour body language so we need to be aware of these,particularly the negative ones as people seem to notice thesequicker than the positive ones.

examples of negative body language that we need to beaware of as AWARENESS IS THE KEY TO CHANGE.

NO EYE CONTACT. we need to maintain eye contactwith whomever we are talking to as this suggests that wehave nothing to hide. it could also communicate disinterestand lack of respect.STARING. when we stare at someone it can beinterpreted as impertinence or plain rudeness.NARROWING OUR EYES. if we do this whilemaintaining eye contact, it can be interpreted as anger ordisagreement. it also tends to give a scowling, frowningexpression to our face.BLANK STARES. suggests disinterest.INCREASING YOUR RATE OF BLINKING.communicates nervousness.“CUTTING” OUR EYES. sign of great disrespect.FAKING A SMILE. suggests deception. fake this onlyfor photos and others can “read” fake when they see it.instead give a genuine, warm smile. (see Positive bodylanguage)WRINKLING OUR BROWS. communicatesdisagreement, suspicion.STROKING YOUR FACE OR CHIN WHILELOOKING AT SOMEONE. suggests “i’m judging you”.can also indicate deception. STANDING TOO CLOSE.  Makes other people feeldiscomfort.LEANING AWAY FROM PERSON/PEOPLE WITHWHOM WE ARE MEETING OR CONVERSING. signof being bored and or disinterested.FOLDING OUR ARMS. can express resistance to what isbeing said. let us keep our arms open and at our sides.RESTING HANDS ON HIPS OR BEHIND THEHEAD.  can communicate defiance and or a sign ofsuperiority or bigheadedness. we should use these gesturesonly in presence of close friends.FINGER POINTING. accusatory;confrontational.POUNDING FIST IN HANDS AND/OR MAKING AFIST. suggests anger, rage and or impatience.FIDGETTING.  can suggest nervousness; lack of interest;unpreparedness.

FOOT AND FINGER TAPPING.  suggests impatience;boredom and or stress. CHECKING TIME OR INSPECTING FINGER NAILS,HANDS, CLOTHES OR BODY PARTS. suggestsboredom; disinterest, discomfort or nervousness. we allneed to pay attention to the person(s) we are meeting orwith whom we are conversing.SCRATCHING ANY PART OF THE BODY,INCLUDING HAIR.  sometimes we do itch andautomatically scratch. if possible we should excuseourselves and scratch in private.SLOVENLY POSTURE. suggests lethargy and weariness.WEAK HANDSHAKE. commonly called a limp handand suggests disinterest and or insincerity.SWAYING BACK AND FORTH. not interested;impatient; nervousness.FOOT DRAGGING. also described as the “reluctantwalk”. usually means disinterest or “don’t care” attitude.HOLDING OBJECTS IN FRONT OF YOUR BODY. acoffee cup, notebook, handbag, etc. held in front of our bodymay indicate shyness and resistance and that we are hidingbehind these objects to separate ourselves from others.instead of carrying objects in front of us, let us carry themat our sides wherever possible.GRINDING TEETH. suggests anger; rage.CALLING SOMEONE BY “PSST”.  this is a no! no!no”


a smile costs us NOTHING and is perhaps the mustdisarming language available to us. it can break downbarriers; cool hostile feelings and while it is genuine and nota fake smile, it should be used appropriately and often.

Maintain a relaxed and professional posture with good eyecontact.

an entire book can be written on body language but thoselisted here should point us in the right direction.

note should be made that in some parts of the world,particularly the non-western world, body languagesometimes differs from our norms so if we are travelling toasia or the Middle east as examples, we should educateourselves regarding their customs.

compiled by Marjorie Borough July, 2011.

“I speak 2 languages, Body and English”  - Author – Mae West

Page 6: Stewart's Automotive Group October 2011 Staff Newsletter

Stewart’s Automotive GroupPage 6 October 2011

easton cunningham, a customsofficer stationed in Portlandexpressed satisfaction with his firstsuzuki and had no hesitation indeciding on purchasing a grandvitara in July, 2010.interamericana tradingcorporation (itc), Barbados, theregional suzuki distributor,through its dealership network,has undertaken an on-line surveyprogramme to improve suzuki’s“after-sales satisfaction” and Mr.cunningham’s name was randomlychosen in a recent drawing.

stewart’s auto sales wishes toassure its many customers of itscontinued bench mark high qualityof sales and after sales service,supporting their motto of we service what we sell!

“Integrity has no need of rules.” - Albert Camus

l-r anDrew chin, sales rePresentative; Duncan stewart,Director; easton cunninghaM, suZuki custoMer anD JacQuelinestewart-lechler, stewart’s Director

Suzuki   ITC   Award



the suzuki division of thestewart’s automotive groupwill be moving from itsorchard road home to its newlocation at 51 south camproad come January, 2012.

in making the donation, thestewart’s directors highlightedtheir continued corporatecommitment to education andincreased employmentopportunities and aredelighted to be associated withthe Private sector organizationof Jamaica’s two yearprogramme focusing on someof the root causes of youthunemployment and violence inJamaica.“our parents, Diana andrichard stewart haveinculcated in us the need ‘togive back’ to Jamaica and weare happy to step up by way ofthis cash donation as well as acommitment to mentorshipand volunteerism. we plan onrolling out a programme to ourentire staff so that we canincrease the number of ourmentors and volunteers”.

“we strongly encourage other companies and individuals to participate in this well needed initiative” thestewart’s directors urged.

from left to right - Duncan stewart and Jacqueline stewart-lechler,Directors of the stewart automotive group exchange pleasantries withJoseph Matalon, President PsoJ and chair of the yute core executive andsandra glasgow, ceo, PsoJ at the handing over stewart’s $8.6millioncheque on friday, 15 July in the suzuki showroom at orchard road.

Page 7: Stewart's Automotive Group October 2011 Staff Newsletter

Stewart’s Automotive GroupPage 7 October 2011

“Honesty is the f irst chapter in the book of Wisdom.” - Thomas Jefferson


sam walton, founder of walmart said “there is only oneboss. the custoMer. and he can fire everybody in thecompany from the chairman down, simply by spending hismoney somewhere else”.Due to more communication channels, customerexpectations are higher and unless they are satisfied theymay and do take their business elsewhere.a small percentage, maybe 3-5% vocalizes their concerns. ifdissatisfied, they tend at the next opportunity, to take theirbusiness elsewhere and they share their bad experience witha large number of people. it costs up to 15 times more toacquire a new customer than to retain an existing one.surveys show that it takes ten good experiences to make upfor one bad one and the cost of bringing in new customers ishigh. we certainly want the new ones but we need to retainthe existing ones to broaden our base. also, remember thatwe may not be given the opportunity of being of service tothat customer after the bad experience, diminishing ourchances of making up for the bad one.

GOALan a+ standard of customer satisfaction whereby every staffmember is a company ambassador, expressing our corevalues in order to build loyalty and satisfaction, resulting inhigh customer retention and subsequent productendorsement.“loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’tsimply recommend you; they insist that their friends dobusiness with you” – author chip Bell, founder chip Bellgroup.

HOWProvide value by consistently delighting customers withexceptional value and service. (every contact we have with acustomer influences whether or not they will come back. wehave to be great every time or we will lose them) - author -kevin stirtz exceptional service is the opportunity to set the grouPapart from the competition – always give people more thanthey expect. customers expect more than just the product orservice that is offered – they want to be treated well. theyare looking for attentiveness; helpfulness; knowledge;understanding; tact; sensitivity and guidance – all leading toexceptional service and satisfaction.we all need to view our relationship with the customer as apartnership and to let the customer feel and know that theyare the most significant part of the business by therecognition and quality of service that we give. there is noplace for - ”you are a number and i will process you” or “wedon’t care” attitude. instead, it has to be a “we care; you areimportant to us and we will always deliver exceptionalservice” and to deliver these both verbally and non-verbally.recognize that what can be learned from a customer’scomplaint is an opportunity to create greater customersatisfaction. (i won’t complain, i just won’t come back) –Brown and williamson tobacco ad.

STEPSensure that every staff recognizes and accepts that customerservice is not a department, it is everyone’s job.treat all as viPs with incredible, awesome service everyday, with every transaction. in other words, be consistentlyconsistent – “first time, every time”.know customers and their preferences. it is understood thatthis is not always possible but if we have a consistentlyexcellent standard, customers will be happy.Deliver on our customer service promises – remember weclaim that our group is the yardstick by which othersmeasure themselves - we service what we sell and put valueon the road.Deliver an experience that they cannot find elsewhere –make it unforgettably excellent. Make it easy and a delightfor customers to deal with us.

OPERATING PROCEDUREDo not make assumptions about a customer. Do not judgethem by dress, behaviour, etc. Please remember we areprofessionals and are required to give extraordinary serviceto all regardless of their dress or attitude. this can bechallenging at times but we cannot allow someone’s badbehavior to influence what we know is required of us asprofessionals to give awesome service “first time and everytime”sMile, sMile, sMile genuinely and talk with a smile inyour voice.give immediate attention, with eye contact and greet themwith a sMile. if you are on a call, politely ask caller toexcuse you while you politely acknowledge customerassuring that you will be with them in the shortest period.ensure customer’s comfort by politely seating him/her.if it is not possible to terminate the call with the customeron the phone ask that customer to hold a minute while youget someone else to deal the newcomer. if the phone call waspersonal, terminate immediately.if another customer comes in while dealing with the first onepolitely signal to the newcomer that you will soon be withthem and go back to the first customer.inform newcomer of action being taken.attitude, attitude, attitude – this is emphasized as it takesonly a few seconds to make a “first” impression and in thefirst 7 seconds a customer is making decisions about you andthe company. watch tone of voice – how you say it and how you sound.Be positive, courteous and enthusiastic with a smile in yourvoice to convey “i am glad to see you” and mean it.remember that genuine enthusiasm is contagious andcustomers will recognize if we are being genuine or your non-verbal communication, i.e. body language.ensure it is genuinely saying “welcome, i am happy to seeyou”. customers understand when we are merely“mouthing” words without meaning them.


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Stewart’s Automotive Group October 2011 Page 8

Automotive Art News

“In the area of human life the honours and rewards fall to those who show the good qualities in action” - Aristotle

automotive art has appointed animportant new member of staff forthe position of retail Manager at ourflag ship location, 22 old hope road,effective october 3rd, 2011. wewelcome Mr. Paul forte to our team!Mr. forte comes to us with manyyears of experience in sales andMarketing in the automotiveindustry and brings with him awealth of knowledge andunderstanding of Personnel andProject Management, customerservice relations, financial controlsand sales and service. we wish himevery success in his new placement!During our transition Miss nicolaMignott, retail Manager, Portmore;Michael Blake, supervisor, 22 oldhope road and tyrone white,inventory supervisor, hanover streetwere the primary persons whoplayed an important role in thesupport system of the operation.

of special mention is Miss Mignott who joined the company in 1996 as a cashier and who over the years hasshown such keen interest in learning the business that it earned her promotions throughout the company tosupervisor and then to retail store Manager, Portmore. her loyalty, dedication and caring personality do notgo unnoticed and we commend her for all her efforts and energy while holding the position of temporary retailstore Manager at 22 old hope road. we extend our appreciation to Miss Mignott, Mr. Blake and Mr. whyte for the diligent work involved and

determination to have the store continue to succeed in the absence of its leader. on behalf of the Directors,Management and all automotive art staff we offer our gratitude for their commitment! well done!we also welcome new team members, Jorge Portillo - inventory supervisor; kevin cooke – inventory clerk andMiss tamara atkinson - senior customer service representative.

training course held recently at automotive art. top row l-r:kevin cooke, Paul forte, anita Dacosta. Bottom row l-r:tamara atkinson, Jorge Portillo


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Stewart’s Automotive Group October 2011 Page 9

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle

the new 2012 suzukiswift is an evolution in a proud line ofsuzuki sports cars which had itsgenesis in the popular suzuki gti.

suzuki has not only maintained itsreputation for making reliable fueleconomy cars over the years, but hasnow gone beyond the original Dna bycreating a vehicle that transcends theoriginal concept of the tinysubcompact to a spacious, fast,technologically enhanced vehicle thatwill compete with an edge in theaggressive small car market.

Putting this new model 1.4l swift inthe forefront are features in terms ofcreature comforts and technology,coupled with a 5 star safetyawarD; attractive cabin layout withbacklit instrument panel andattractive cabin layout with morelegroom than the previous model.

new innovations in the deluxe modelinclude the keyless push start ignition,16 inch alloy wheels, previously onlyavailable in the sport model, tect forimpact safety, lumbar support bucketseats, kB14B 1.4l vvt engine, six (6)airbags and 4wheel disc brakes forenhanced safety. the vehicle also hasthe usual power features of powersteering, powered side mirrors, centraldoor locking, powered windows; foglamps, state of the art single cD tunerwith fingertip controls on the steeringcolumn; usB port with a six speakersystem; telescopic steering wheel andhalogen headlamps.

additionally there are safety featuresincluding anti-lock braking system;immobilizer; isofix child tetheranchor and a built-in ladder frame.the economy model offers dualairbags, 4 speakers wheel covers andis not equipped with fog lamps.fuel economy has been achieved by asmaller displacement.

the suzuki swift is supported by 3years warranty and 3 years freereact roadside assistance.Priced at an affordable $2,303,505(economy model) and$2,414,000(deluxe model) this is definitely theone to beat.


But how do I do it?find and circle all of the old tvshows that are hidden in the grid.the remaining letters spell anadditional show.

aliceBen caseyBeverlyhillBillieschiPscannoncaPtainkangarooDoBie gillisDonna reeDDr. kilDareeMergencyfliPPerflying nunfugitivegoMer PylegooD tiMesgreen acresgreen hornethowDy DooDyi sPyironsiDeJetsonskoJak

l.a. lawlassielove BoatMaD aBout youMauDeMeDical centerMiaMi viceMoD sQuaDMoonlightingMurPhy BrownoDD couPlePeyton PlacerawhiDerifleManrin tin tinsoaPst. elsewheretaxithree'scoMPanywaltons

Old TV Shows Word Search

to solve, seenext issue

here are the results to the fruit wordsearch featured in the last edition ofour newsletter.

Kicks n’ Giggles

1. My husband and i divorcedover religious differences. hethought he was god and i didn't.2. i don't suffer from insanity; ienjoy every minute of it.3. i used to have a handle on life,but it broke. 4. Don't take life too seriously; noone gets out alive. 5. you're just jealous because thevoices only talk to me 6. Beauty is in the eye of the beer

holder. 7. earth is the insane asylum forthe universe. 8. i'm not a complete idiot --some parts are just missing. 9. out of my mind. Back in fiveminutes. 10. god must love stupid people;he made so many. 11. ever stop to think, and forgetto start again?

eleven lines to Make you sMile

Game On!

Page 10: Stewart's Automotive Group October 2011 Staff Newsletter


the richard and Diana stewartfoundation congratulates thefollowing scholarship winners givenon the basis of seven children ofemployees for one year with the abilityand who have achieved high academic

performance and behaviouralstandards.

these scholarships cover tuition,uniforms, books, lunch andtransportation subsidy.

scholarship winners and Parents.

ashley Phillips and fatherDeryk Phillips

tyreke garrell andfather Patrickgarrel

novalyn Jackson anddaughter christinastephenson

alliyah robinson andfather andrerobinson

amber Jhae hosang andfather Maurice hosang

Michanie Blakeandfather Michael Blake

teams from the group, comprising of stewart’s auto sales –

suzuki, Mitsubishi and honda Bikes; stewart Motors –

BMw; Budget rent-a-car; silver star Motors – Mercedes-

Benz; automotive art and the stewart industrial Division

comprising of ac Delco batteries, cummins engines and

generators, Bobcat, JcB, Bomag, komatsu, etc. recently

competed in 6 a side competition in august, with suzuki

emerging as the champions.

Matches, played at the nwc field, Mona were

enthusiastically supported by staff of all the group’s many

divisions. trophies were handed out by company directors,

Mrs. Diana stewart, Mrs. Jacqueline stewart-lechler and

Duncan stewart for the Most valuable Player – andrew

Daley; Most Disciplined Player – leon Davis with the

championship trophy going to suzuki.

trophy presentation made by Mrs. Diana stewart. l-r nigelffrench, steven scudder, thomas channer, andrew Bailey,leon Davis, gregory Burris, andrew henry, Dwayne hyatt,gary Peryer

Football Competition

Mr richard andMrs Dianastewart

Jose nunez and son Josenunez

O c t o b e r 2 0 1 1

NewsletterKeeping you in the know
